the independent press (abbeville c.h., s.c.).(abbeville...

. .^ TT^M .TV .. ... . *. » r " *. W' . ... rr-» r-v . rrr. >" .rj- i * * 't* ' ' * ? . «V . " ^W'^SSmBSBSSSSaSB^SSSSSSSSS^S^SSSS^SSSSSSSS.^ if l^l jj§ jp jr~ Jp 'rp^ J ^^>r- A>^[ J> |K>C \4 < t:|S®% - 33SVOTED TO MTEHATOSB, THE AITFS, SCXBSCK, AGRICULTURE, MEWS, POLITICS, &«., &Q. : ~ ' TERMS.ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM,] "Let it bo Instilled into tho Hearts of your Children that the i.Ibcrty of tho Press is tho Palladium of all your Rights.".Junius. [PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. . VOLUME 2.NO. 21. J ABBEVILLE C. II., SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1854. . WHOLE NUMBER 73. . - . .* Btj :v -1'.lL'-.-L _g.1-"-"" > "J -L-J I mmmmm-tui mm. m -r-r-. POETRY. . c Tho Printer -^gppondoth. [ In Masons when our funds arc low j, Subscribers arc provoking slow, t And now supplies keep up the flow j Of dimes departing rapidly. ,5 But wc shall sec a sadder sight, 11 When o*jr uvsh pour in from morn 'till night, n \_,ommanaing every sixpence bright, v> ° To bo forked over speedily. "Our bonds nnd duo bills are arrayed.n Each soal and signature displayed.u The holders vow they must be paid "With threats of "Law and Chancery." t-, Then to despair, we're almost driven. v Thore'fl precious little use in livin' ' When our last copper's rudely riven From hands that held it lovinglv. l! tl liut larger yet these dues shall grow t] "When interest's added on below, j] Length'ning our chin a foot or so, |( "While gazing at them hopelessly. Tis so, that scarce have we begun 1 j.o plena lor tunc upon ft dun, Jy Before there conies some other one Demanding moat ferociously. The prospect darkens. On ye brave, c Who would our very bftcon save ! C "Waive, Patrons! all your pretexts waive ! tl Aud pay tlic printer cheerfully. n Ah! it would yield us pleasure sweet, 11 A few delinquents now to meet, | Asking of us a clear receipt For papera taken regularly 1 MISCELLANEOUS. Speech of Hon. T. C. Ferrin. Tujt following abstract of the remarks of v Mr. Perrin, made at tlio rcccnt Railroad c. meeting at Edgefield, wo copy froui the el Ad vertiser : gi Every age is characterized by some leading eveut.some guiding sentiment. Ours Pc is emphatically an age of railroads. These great channels of intercommunication are now regarded as tile hand-maids of trade 'u and commerce, of civilization and refine- 'r< ment, and the necessities of all civilized countries demand them. The great idea of this.age of practical science is lo improve ex the channels of trade furnished by nature, nnu 10 invent oiners mat may rival and 11V even surpass those of nature herself. In giving growth to different commodities in ^' different countries, and thereby creating a necessity for trade and commerce, nature U1 herself prompts man to this exercise of his inventive powers. Some countries, and some States of this °* Union, are greatly distinguished by the vast P( improvements they have uiade upon the *? natural channels of intercommunication.. Look to New York. See her beautiful 1" streams.her magnificent rivers.her broad HM, I IT.. 1-- til lUILCS; XUUIU 13 U1C yiU.lL 11UUSOII, WlUl US waters deep and calm as a lake, capable of r.( bearing upon hor brbad bosom the finest models of steamship navigation. There too ' upon her borders are the noble waters of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, suited to the best inland navigation. Yet, not content with these great natural channels of trade, . the euergetic people of that State have ,u carved out new and magnificent ones.. They have constructed a canal 300 miles in tli length, from Albany to Buffalo, which has ra been and is now doing an immense business, ol The canal freights last year amounted to »*o $3,000,000. They have constructed also a 0< railroad on the banks of this canal, along er its whole length, from Albany to Buffalo; tl and this too is paying handsomely. And e? strange as it may seem, they have built an- Si other railroad, running from New York city »'< nr.roBS the whole State to Dunkirk and But- It folo, oil Lake Erie, actually rivalling these 10 othe'rgreai channels of trade. In addition ti to this, Sew,York has an immense number w of railroads running in and through every tl part' of the State. 11 '^Cbia enterprising people have made these n ox£ea$ive railroad improvements at a cost of'jridt ksa than $76,000,000. But has it lc been done without profit? One couid scarce- 0 ly believe the statement, if ho could hear a the tremendous results of these railroads in y Newiro$£ Thoy have made^i®* chief city T th^ emporium of these Utrfted State*. llcr ,r vessels and other craft noW bfjar ense p commerce to every scapoit^tfliro on the globe. Hef capitalists direct nearly every h enterprise of magnificence on this, whole la Gfintmcht. NoW York has been rising nrwl 5r rising/rivalling evon Livcrpool and ^London I in .tbeir commerce, and will, in time, prob- ir ably surpasft them. And the people of the II whole gftate have been rendered prosperous, cl conteiri^ an£ hippy in" the highest degree, g hot, us, for a moment, turn to South Car- y oliiift, nucl observe the contrast. Look at a Charleston; hot streets almost deserted; v licr"hotels almost abandoned; her merchants o looMncr to the North for their fields of op- e oration. The tale ia briefly told. Charles* n ton, compared with York, lias do/io u litUd for the construction oT railroads tofeor v limits. <v One roadlead* into her city, Hitd 1 >ther Northern State,)with :i genial and deightful climate, tin; lands of the Stale are (ccoiiie impoverished ami worn. Unifies mil washes upon our hill-sides, like wrinkles ipon the lace, il^nolo age and decay. Our >eople, in a half-lethargic state, view this ad picture before their ores, with scarcely ,ny cft'orts worthy of their generous cliarcter. to retrieve the fortunes nrnstn'riiv 11 "I #. l -/" V if the State. We are doing nothing, liter-. lly nothing, to fertilize, beautify ami enrich ur native land, whilst others, by tin ir ener-1 ;ie.s :it:<I liberal outlay of capital, are grad- lally carrying oil' our wealth. Thcso things are not uttered by \v:.y ofj pproao'i to ot.r gloiluiis little Slate, to j .hich 110 one is more devotedly attached lian myself, but to awaken if possible her igh-tninded people to a just seme of their rue induce them to throw aside lie fatal lethargy which has so impeded licit* prosperity, and to show themselves in !ie manly energy which s j naturally beings to them. Let us be satisfied of one fact. I:i this regressive' country ot ours, no h'tato can he j i rent nil'1 prosperous witiiuut railroads.. i< "heseare now inseparable i'rotn the lull <.!«»-, ] elopment of the resources ot" any country. < tailroads got up improvements of nearly '! very description. Tliey cherish the me- hanical arts. They beget improvement in t lie lands of a country. They introduce < lanurcs of various kind*, and all improved < lethods of agriculture. It has been esti- | lalcd, from correct data, gathered in coun- « ics where railroads have hoo'a huiit, that 1 long the line of railroads lands have gen- : rally doubled in value, and the instances t re numerous where they have been trebled I ud even quadrupled. Hut do ik>1 suppose that these works can f ? achieved without great labor and expense, c o great good, no magnificent enterprise, c in ever be effected without extraordinary c forts, and large outlay of means. A nig- i irdly grasp of the purse, and a timid spirit a adventure will utterly destroy the pros- t ;cts of any undertaking requiring large I cans and liberal efforts. 1 )o not believe c at you can build a railroad of any macrni- v do without you uro willing to subscribe I' :ely anil to u<e the most active energy.. l ut why may you not do what others have I o >nc? Take encouragement from the noble li amplcs furnished l>v citizens of other li atesand other countries. They have not s :sifated to engage in the most stupendous n irks, under the heaviest outlay of means, ti ie Hudson River Railroad, running upon v e hanks of tl 10 river for 114 miles,] nvards of ten millions of dollars, at an av- C age cost per mile of £70,IS'. Tlio Erie i ail road, 3G0 miles in length, cost upwards a thirty-three millions of dollars, at a cost ;r iniic of 871,209. In England the cost , is been still heavier. The railroad from h iverjiool to London cost *200,833 per | ile; the Great-Western Railway cost s 284,000 per mile; audit will bo found ], int tin? average of the leading rail- l ads in England has not been less than ( 220,383 per mile. Yet in all the roads (, jovenamed, in ibis country and in Eng- ], nd, the stockholders have realized more t inn the legal rates of interest upon the a- j, omit of their subscription, to say nothing 'the immense incidental advantages result- 0 g from these roads. 1 At. tho Molllh nil ! l'lllllJ 1/.C-1! ili.Mi.rll » icy will compare favorably in point of <lu- I bility ami speed with the railroads in any 1 her country. The South Carolina Rail- t ad, in all 248 miles ir. length, cost §7,- a )0,0l)0, or about. 828,038 per mile. Kev- 1: al things, however, conspired to increase .i io expense. In the first place, it was au i was the pioneer road in outh Carolina. The art of constructing 1 >ads was then very imperfectly known.. c was first made on short piles; but experi- t ice soon taught the necessity of laying the 1 inhere on earth. Again, it was first built s ithflat iron; this soon was abandoned, and le flanere iron adopted: but soon n<rain / 10T iron was manufactured, and its supe- } ority <|t once suggested its use. ; Tho Georgia Central Road, 301 miles in 1 ngth, cost, about $3,465,000, or about $18,- > 00 per mile. The Georgia Railroad cost > bout $10,000 per milo. The Macon and > Western Railroad al>out &12,000 per mile, i he Groom illo and Columbia Railroad, 101 I liles in length, cost #2,220,000, at a cost i cr mile of $13,414. 1 When others lmvo dona so much at so } nouv nrul lmvn /Iftrirml 1 »r»nnlila pa ( irgc, how can you hesitate to engage freely i your enterprise with heart and purso ?. on must be satisfied that the best way to riprovo your country is to build railroads. " you desire your legion to thrive, and your bildren to settle around you when they row up, improve your country. Enrich our lands ; beautify your houses, gardens nd fields; multiply your comforts and coneniencej; opeu up to your children a field f aolion in which they can become iutollient, happy and prosperous, and they will ot desert the homes of their fathers to sqek ncertain fortunes in distant lands. S6o 'hat has beeft done /or.: ypur neighboring 'owns and Districts! iL6ok at Nowbcrrv. jiurens, Abbeville, Pickens.jSflT blessed ! rith railroad" facilities; ^hicli greatly 1 icreased' their prosperity,'and are rendering lieir people cheerful, contented" mid hippy. J Vhero stands Ixlgcflcld ? Shoplifts pot ft "j w * '*>f4i> *m. railroad she cati call her own. Her people arc standing still, while all others arc mov ing ahead. You arc, gentlemen,behind 1 he in which we live. A lew years n^o \\v uf Abbevillo, in going to Columbia, had U |>ass through your District by stage. Aftci :i iiara any s journey, over rough road, the first night we abided in your village; w< then consumed part of two days to reael Columbia. You still triulgo along in tbt old-fashioned slow way; while we quietly Lake our b:va!:fast at home, at the usual hour, jump upon the cars, and are bom [deasiuitly to Columbia on the wings o steam,time enoughlo got our dimn'r at r convenient hour; in time to transact om business and rot inn home the next day U. 'inner, if we choose. Are you willing It tllow your neighbor.) to continue to etijov Lhe.-c advantag-:; over you i 'l'he truth is, the Uoad from Ninety-Si^ >r New Market to Aiken ought and will I.h l»r,i!t. Tills side of Saluda needs .a direc railroad communication with Charleston. Abbeville. Kd-'pflehl :md \ iideis:..!. It;*. Lrictmake not 1«.--s> than C'>,OtjO hah*s <,! otlon. Why coiiijK'l all thi.% and other produce, destined to Charleston,"to go thr'." Columbia, when it can ito direct, saving a' east miles' liut if the I»Iuo Kidgc llailroal be b::ilt. there will bi! an itujfcrnive necessity 1< »r this road. The immense jnantity ft' Western produce, intended for Jharleston and for tranrhipment to foreign .<>] <«, will not suffer the delay and hazard>f the road hy Columbia. It is unreasonable that it should, when nature lias afforded i more direct and safe route, over this ?ee,ion of country, from Ninety-Six or Nettfarket to Aiken. Will you permit the T»lue llidgo lioad to ailThen down goes Charleston, the chief ily of your State, in the prospe rity of which very citizen of the State is deeply interest<1. This is indeed a great enternriso. nffent- ng favorably every part of South Cnrolimi, ukI it- is tho duty and interest of every one o favor it, ami to urge it on to completion >y every legitimate means. It is almost crtain that the road will be built. Indeed rlio dares to say that it will not b<? built, 'rom tho nport of the able gentleman at lie head of that "enterprise, whoso high liaractcr for integrity and worth secures for lis report the fullest credit, five and a lalf millions of dollars have already been ubscribed to that grand undertaking, while Liucli of tho road is already under conract, and the contractors are steadily at rork. The road cannot, fail; and hence lie connection between the Greenville and .'olinnbia Railroad at Ninety-Six or New larkot, with the South Carolina Railroad t or near Aiken, must and will be made. A i...1.. 'i ' 'i .l-niiiL'.iiiv;, u:un, iiic iiicl uiac 11113 rauoad should be built, shall it be built in conunction with the Greenville and Columbia iailroad 3 AVIiy not 3 Much has been aid in depredation of this latter road. It tars many detractors who know little of its rue condition. Ft is unnecessary at this itnc ai:d place to <*0 minutely into the hisory and condition ofthat road. This much lowever may be said in sincerity and in ruth : [lis a good of the safest the State, forty thousand passengers hnvng been carried over it tho last year and not no injured. It, is, moreover, doing a good uisiiicss, and running in uood time; and as o iU location, it. is the best that could have >eon selected, except as to about three uiles. Tho main injuries to the road by lie large freshet of August were caused by gin-house and pine tree striking tho piericad of the bridge. This may never occur gain. The bridge is abovo high-water nark, and not at all likely to he carried oil", iince that freshet much of the whole road las been re-constructed, and is now in exellent repair. The expenses of keeping up he road about Broafl and Saluda rivers will lereaftcr be little more than will be nccosary along tho line generally. This lload is again made the subject of -ensure on account of its curvatures. All t<imit, tliat straight roads are preferable, yet ill know they aro impracticable. All roads catling from low-grounds to the mountains vill be curving. There is no other possible vny of overcoming grades. But it is a great nibt:ike to suppose that roads having curves iro not good and safe roads, and remarkable for speed. There are no roads among is more filled with curves than the groat Hudson liiver liail-Way : yet where is there i finer road than this, whether in point of lurability, speed, or safety? Away thon ,vith the idea that the curves in the Grcendlle & Columbia Railroad deteriorate it. ,'al ue. It is again said that the finances of this Company are in an unpvosperous condition : hat a large debt overhangs (lie Company, md thattho Stock is only worth CO cents in he dollar. The road with its equiprnonb nay bo fairly estimated at&J,UU0,000. The 1p,bt of tho Company amounts to $800,0Q0 L'he most of this is already funded, and the rest will sJ0on be. What ajfc tho means now A meeting the iulcrest on this debt, of paying tho.oxpenscs of tho road, and of declaring dividends on the capital of the Company ? Ift a report made in July last to the Stockholders of tlio Company it is set forth tlmt the income of the rood foe the present year, Will reach at least $300,000. Oik naif of this amount will be absorbed in ex penscs, leaving $150,000 as net profit# :Sfc*. ... ~ Take out 0,000 for interest on funded debt, there will remain §91,000 for divi: dends, which will be 7 per cent, interest 011 the ontiro capital of the Company, with bal) anco of §2.017 59. r This report lists been subjected to the i scrutiny of the Stockholders, among whom 1 are many shrewd, practical men, alive to t their own interest and that of the Compa! ny. That the Stock ol the Company is worth only CO cents in the dollar is nothing j strange or unusual. It is the fate of ail raiiroad Stocks, till the roads are liriuly estnu: lished, an<l yield handsome profits. Consult the history of the railroads in thl i Stale i ami in Cieorgia, indeed, of the whole coim. try. Von will iind that, in ll>e beginning, their Stocks were all low, s. lling often for ; uot more than uO or 40 cents i:i the dollar, j,-Shrewd men took the advantage of this reijdiiction, and made largo fortunes. They who wish to buy Stock of the Greenville S: ' Columbia Railroad at GO cents to the dol' lar had hotter do so at once. In a short time it will be out of their power. Unless all reasonable calculations arc battled, not many years will elapse before it will be at par and probably above par. The road has 1 passed through its severe ordeal. Its di'.liifrldlii'H nr.-. ni'nlfv well "77, 1 ".v 1«V ..uinul j hour is just before ami it is fair to .suppose that our dawn is near at hand, when all will be bright before us, ami 110 tongue will be needed to tell of our prosperity. These romarks have been inado with no view of lauding the Greenville <k Columbia Railroad, but io meet objections which one I of your Committee has suggested lo me since j my ju rival in this village. That roau needs J now 110 commendation. Tt stands for itself. Let the rcllccting look, and judge for theiuI selves. The sum of the matter is, that ndvanta-i ges are now offered to you for building a railroad, which you are not likely again soon to have. To construct this lload will take ijut it>>» iiiuu ?ow,vuu. uy raising ^i>u, 000 of private subscriptions, the Company otters to Luild tlio road for you : to take you 'as stockholders, with all the privileges and rights belonging to them, itli exemption from all future assessment, and willi the full assurance of dividends from the year after your subscription. Can you build a railroad yourselves? Where is (ho money to come from ? And how much better off would you be than the Stockholders ia the Greenville & Columbia Railroad ? You would lind that your Stock, too, for a number of years, would not exceed GO cents in the dollar, and years might roll around before your Company could declare dividends, livery new Company has its orI deal to lJaSS. which thoir seem gloomy, and tliuir dilliculties hard to surmount. You could not expect toescape this ordeal. Judge then, for yourselves whether or not it will he to your interest to build your ltond in conjunction with the Greenville 6c Columbia Railroad. At all events build the road. It will bring you immense benefits. If it I takes another direction, your losses will bo great. If Edgefield does not bring a rail\ road to her, she will tjo to the railroad. Rival towns will soon make their appearj ance, and your village must fall into decay and ruin. liefore closing his remarks Mr. Pcrrin begged to express his thanks to tho ladies for the interest they v.cro biking iu this noble enterprise. When generous deeds and liberal contributions were called for, they were I generally the first to respond. They had done so in tho dark hours of our revolutionj nry history, and by their smiles of encour1 ngeiueut, had aided materially iu carrying out many of the magnificent enterprises of our country. For his part, he was willing to leave tho contributions to this road entirely to them, being well assured, that tho road would be brought to a speedy and happy Mr. Pcrrin sat down amid the applause of his delighted audience. Every 0110 was convinced by his persuasions. It is confidently hoped by the friends of tho enterprise which this meeting was intended to promote, that his words were as "seed sown in good ground," to bring forth at au early day thirty, forty, ayo, a hundred fold. - As souii as Mr. P. had taken his seat and a stirring piece had been executed by the spirited "Edgefield Brass Band," Judge Butler was called out and greeted by his old constituency in a manner that must have been truly gratifying to him. lie arose in response, and for a half-hour fixed tho atten- lion and aroused the feelings of every list-1 enerby one of those off-hand harangues for which he was in his younger days so justly celebrated. Many gleams of the old fire were still perecptiblo. «. , Gen. Bonharn was also called for and re. spoiuled briefly, feelingly and pertinently. Many thanks are due the members of the "Brass Band,u for tho animating music with which they enlivened the occasion. And much credit bolon^* to Messrs Covar & Good. man for the admirable style in which;the dinnor was prepared. i Great good feeling prevailed throughout i the day, and, although only tweilty»«ix thout sand dollars of additional Stock were taken J at tho tirao, the effect produced upon the - general tnind was of n kind to keep thef ball » in motion. No little has been subscribed ? * since tlic tiny ut' the meeting, and much inoro is fai.Iil'ully promised. Altogether, tliero is enough to make lis look forward with t'onfidenco to the early building cf a road "from some point on tli<; Groonvilb tfc Columbia Railroad to Aiken, via Edyrfield ('. //." An Irish Duel. The following purports to be contributed by a " G'orkomu'nto the London Sporting Magazine: And now my third duel.the last I .sawin Cork.remains to be told. L would I could induce myself to pa ovur; but if it were only as a lesson to young men, especially military men, 1 cannot forego the benefit 1 may, perhaps, caus? to some whose circumstances may be similar. Would i hud written this some ycarj hue!*, whe:: I first was honored with ponuis.:': ^n to take a place amongst tho contiibutois to thi* spor i « t . iu'sj jieuouicai; 11 nn.«m nave cnm'lil tlio eye of oho or other of two noble follows, brothers-in-law ami brother oiticcr?, in the * * * and one of whom fell by I he hand of tlio oilier, ami it might have pvcvvuled a catastrophe which brought misery into the hearths of many a happy home. But 1 proceed :. Lieutenants Herbert ami Welsh buih refilled in Cork, one (Welsh) hail-pay i:i the army, the other (Herbert) in the navy ; they were dear, nay bosom friends: not a dny passcd that they did not meet orsp^ml the day one wiih the other. Tlio following wn* ~ f o tlic cause of this unhappy <;narrel, as well as I can recollect; and I ;mi sure tliero are some alive now iu Cork who will recollect this unfortunate circumstance, and can testify to the truth of my narrative. At the time I speak of, it was the custom for young gentlemen to walk in tho evenings on tho Grand Parade and South Mall, in Cork, with peculiar dresses.large hats, high shirt collars, carried to an extravagant size ; iu fact, caricatures of the then fashions. Lieutenant Welsh invited his friend I lerbert and wife to take tea on a certain evening, and that after tu.i tliov ivr.nU h«. -J , their wives, go out to sec the " dandies." It was stated nt tho ti;r.e, by those v.-ho knew the cause of the quarrel, that Lieuteuant W. said, " Be with us nt seven o'clock, and after that we will go out; now miud, llcr1 bort, we will not wait for you after seven." However, seven o'clock came, and they waited until eight o'clock, when finding Herbert and his wife did not arrive, they took tea, and left about half past eight. At nine, Lieutenant Herbert and his lady arrived, and were informed that Lieutenant W. and his lady had taken their tea and gone Tt «vnQ tl.a <!...» *r.._ II »»cw vnu 1UIUUI LUUb U|;U(1 Xttirboi l's suggestion, her husband immediately proceeded in search of his friend to demand satisfaction..Would, for the sako of human nature, I could believe otherwise ; but I do believe that the fatal business was caused by the imprudence of tho lady. Herbert sent home his wife, went immediately and purchased a whip, and meeting his friend Welsh and wife in Gillin's fruit shop on the Grand Parade, proceeded to lay on tho horsewhip. Welsh, being the more powerful of the two, wrenched i-lio whip from his antagonist, and laid on him soundly. I was passing at tho time.saw the whole transaction, tho exchange of cards, &c., and never ceased enquiry until I was acquainted with tho time and place for the arrangement of tho difference. The next day, at two o'clock, in tho spot selected.a field on tho Borecnmana road. b'.' .ween tho lilackrock and Passage roads; it was a painful circumstance to notice that Lieutenant Herbert's house was in view of the spot selected for the duel, and still more extraordinary and more painful tho fact that Mrs. II. viewed the fatal scene from her bedroom window. There was 110 time lost after tho parties took tho grouuid; the pistols wero loaded, and each was handed tho deadly weapon. Lieutenant Welsh said, before he was placed, 441 have no cause of quarrel with my friend except his horse-whipping mo; but as lie supposed my absence from homo, when ho niw iin Ht'u, nil uiauii, iiiiu unu tated, to him, which I hero solemnly deny, I will not tiro at him." Horbcrt, who was a bravo man, but who suffered from a bad wound in tho head, received in battle, which, when ho was excited, caused him to act more hke a madman than one incarcerated in a lunatic asylum, swore out a tremendous oath that" he caiuc there for satisfaction, and that nothing but blood would satisfy him." 1 must confess my feelings at. the time were the excess of nervousness and horror at tho oath and sentiment; I trembled from head to foot. In reference i_ xi / 1: T .Ci I lo uie siaio 01 my lueiuigs, i uiusii thought " coming cvonia cast their shadows before." The seconds finding it useless to interfere, calculated that Welsh's firing in the air would satisfy his opponent, hut in this they were mistaken. The words "" wero given quickly; Herbert took deadly aim at -his antagonist who fired in the air. But WeMi was untouched. An endeavor was then ipade^ to arrange - matters, but wholly in vain." Welsh. «»h willing to do anything that was honorsfetej but Lis opponent's obstinacy was npt to be overcome It was awful; I us© Uty£ word "awful" because he more than once Bwore fearfully, and only a few moments tietoro his death, by his tv -jggM^ Maker, using the name of his lledoemer, ' that Iio would pink bis man." 1 never saw.I never v/ould wish to seo .such an expression of hopeless misery as tfoat depicted on Lieutenant Welsh's countenance, on hearing the words used by his former friend. 1 le spoke aloud nearly as follows: " Let God witness I stand hero to dofend my lifo against a madman.and t will do so." Again were the loaded pistols placed iu their hands; scconds retired, and again " present.lire" was cjuiekly spoken. 15oth shot i V cri» ns nnr> l>nf tli.i /tmil.l j be said to curl upward from the weapons' mouth, Herbert fell on his back on" the groitud, a eoipse. Nut a .sign of life was , visible, his was instant death. I nu'.'J. coufesa I was not prepared for t!ii.i fatal termination, and if we were to judge of the conduct of the lookers-on, neither \v :ro they ; a pai.iu seemed to take posses'si.m of all present, and 1 found myself, with about fifty others, literally running away from the scene. On getting to the Igatj of the field, I looked back, and what a scene did I witness; there was the dead body, with Lieut. Welsh over it on his knees, his iinml inside the waiitcoat of his former I riviiivl, striving lo timl tiio beat of a pulse ho silenccd forever. In vain his second strove to loud him away; ho still hoped against hope; calling to !"i.-i dear friend Herbert to answer him and relieve liiin from the bias ting thought that he was his murderer. I saw at the time I>r. Sharp riding by the road on his well-known crcam-colored nag, and knowing the doctor intimathly, 1 called to him to come into the field, as I believed a person was killed in a duel. He dismounted and came to the dead man, and on his looking at him, at once pronounced lii'vi extinct; lie requested Welsh to leave the place to avoid an arrest, which he roluctantlv comnlied with, when the doctor said. " Let mo sec, where did lio hit him?" ami turning the body round 011 the sido, lie found where iho ball had entered, between the fourth and fifth ribs; he then laid the body on his hack, and actually passed his cano through tlio, hody from sido to side, and with (lio utmost uneonenrn, exclaimed, "Why, here is daylight enough let in to kill a giant." At the following assizes Lieut. AVclsh surrendered to take his trial; thero was 110 prosecution.tho duel was considered fair; I was present when ho was placed in the dock, only to he discharged; hut tho load of fifty years was added to the appearanco and gait of as fine a young man as I ever saw 011 tho day of the fatal duel. Making AuquiiHolks with a Gimblet. .uy injy, vmai jiro you aoing wun mat gi tablet J" T t0 a flaxen-haired urchin, who was luboiiring away \Vuu «n his might at a piece of board before him ; " trying to" mnke an augur hole," was the reply, without raising his eyes. Precisely the business of at least tw» 'turds of tho world.this luaki"#" augur holes with a giniblet . Here is A*> who has just escaped from tho cWA."s desk behind the counter. He sports bis moustaobios, bis imperial, carries a rattan, drinks champaign, talks big about tho profits of bankiug or shaving notes. Ho thinks ho is really a great man ; but every body around him sees " ho is only making augur holes with a gimblet." Mr. B. may be put down as a distinguished proicssor 01 we giuiuiou ,.jua waaaiarmer. llis father left him A farm, fr^e from incumbrance.but liu wouldn't bo content, speculation in corn aud flour erase Ixjfore him; fortunes v.ero rondo in a twinkling, so bo sold out, bought largely, dreamt of Ino riches of Astor and of more work. Hut at last tho bubble burst. The Ifish wouldn't stay starved; prices foil : and now Mr. 15. has found out M that it is dificult to make augur holes with a gimblet." Miss C. is a nico pretty girl, and migbfc bo very useful too, for she has iMolJjgeuco.;; ' but she must be the ton, goe££li(> plays, lounges on sofas, keeps her DOd-tlll noon, imagines that she is a belle, disdains labour, forgets, or tries to, that her father is a mechanic ; and all for what ? why Bhe iB trying to work herself up into the beliof "that an augur hole can be made with a girablet." .A little boy caino to his nianfl8^toi|i6 gniny afternoon, as he returned frSttjtogwrool, aud said, "Mamma may I go'}3^acwri the street with a Jittlo girl that goes to our school?" She replied, "No iny son, it rains.'1 lie said, ' Why, ma, I must go." " Well,-then," said his mother, "go, if you must." ' «- " ' On his return, she asked if jU»o Jittlo girl w;is a favorite of his. * He said, "O, no ; she treats mo very ill, worse than any other scholar in school." " Then why do 3*ou wish to go with her V1 He said. " You havo taucrhfc me that wo must <lo good to thorn that deapitefully use ; ua, and sho had a chair to take homo, and -I did not know of any other wAj^to do her a kindness so T thought I would' carry it for Iter, and that would be rewarding good > fpreTil.".8. S. Advocate. ' Ladies who'have a disposition'to punish their hn&ban'ils, should bear in mind that a little sunshine will ro«Jt an jcfcfe miwli s/.f.non linn n rfvnlftr tutri1i^g«UA>.1 < r ,**^ "fji' * ' *' * # -.*v AfSfS,'. 'V'*# £.*. '9u

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if l^l jj§ jp jr~ Jp'rp^ J ^^>r- A>^[ J> |K>C \4 <t:|S®%- 33SVOTED TO MTEHATOSB, THE AITFS, SCXBSCK, AGRICULTURE, MEWS, POLITICS, &«., &Q. :


TERMS.ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM,] "Let it bo Instilled into tho Hearts of your Children that the i.Ibcrty of tho Press is tho Palladium of all your Rights.".Junius. [PAYABLE IN ADVANCE.


. -

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Tho Printer -^gppondoth. [In Masons when our funds arc low j,Subscribers arc provoking slow, tAnd now supplies keep up the flow jOf dimes departing rapidly. ,5

But wc shall sec a sadder sight, 11When o*jr uvsh pour in from morn 'till night, n

\_,ommanaing every sixpence bright, v> °

To bo forked over speedily."Our bonds nnd duo bills are arrayed.nEach soal and signature displayed.uThe holders vow they must be paid"With threats of "Law and Chancery." t-,

Then to despair, we're almost driven.vThore'fl precious little use in livin' '

When our last copper's rudely rivenFrom hands that held it lovinglv. l!

tlliut larger yet these dues shall growt]"When interest's added on below, j]Length'ning our chin a foot or so, |(

"While gazing at them hopelessly.Tis so, that scarce have we begun 1j.o plena lor tunc upon ft dun, JyBefore there conies some other one

Demanding moat ferociously.The prospect darkens. On ye brave, cWho would our very bftcon save ! C"Waive, Patrons! all your pretexts waive ! tlAud pay tlic printer cheerfully. n

Ah! it would yield us pleasure sweet,11A few delinquents now to meet, |Asking of us a clear receiptFor papera taken regularly 1

MISCELLANEOUS.Speech of Hon. T. C. Ferrin.Tujt following abstract of the remarks of v

Mr. Perrin, made at tlio rcccnt Railroad c.

meeting at Edgefield, wo copy froui the elAdvertiser : gi

Every age is characterized by some leadingeveut.some guiding sentiment. Ours Pcis emphatically an age of railroads. Thesegreat channels of intercommunication arenow regarded as tile hand-maids of trade 'uand commerce, of civilization and refine- 'r<ment, and the necessities of all civilizedcountries demand them. The great idea ofthis.age of practical science is lo improve ex

the channels of trade furnished by nature,nnu 10 invent oiners mat may rival and 11V

even surpass those of nature herself. Ingiving growth to different commodities in ^'different countries, and thereby creating a

necessity for trade and commerce, nature U1herself prompts man to this exercise of hisinventive powers.Some countries, and some States of this °*

Union, are greatly distinguished by the vast P(improvements they have uiade upon the *?natural channels of intercommunication..Look to New York. See her beautiful 1"streams.her magnificent rivers.her broad

HM, I IT.. 1-- tillUILCS; XUUIU 13 U1C yiU.lL 11UUSOII, WlUl US

waters deep and calm as a lake, capable of r.(bearing upon hor brbad bosom the finestmodels of steamship navigation. There too '

upon her borders are the noble waters ofLake Erie and Lake Ontario, suited to thebest inland navigation. Yet, not contentwith these great natural channels of trade, .

the euergetic people of that State have ,u

carved out new and magnificent ones..

They have constructed a canal 300 miles in tlilength, from Albany to Buffalo, which has ra

been and is now doing an immense business, olThe canal freights last year amounted to »*o

$3,000,000. They have constructed also a 0<railroad on the banks of this canal, along erits whole length, from Albany to Buffalo; tland this too is paying handsomely. And e?

strange as it may seem, they have built an- Siother railroad, running from New York city »'<nr.roBS the whole State to Dunkirk and But- Itfolo, oil Lake Erie, actually rivalling these 10othe'rgreai channels of trade. In addition tito this, Sew,York has an immense number wof railroads running in and through every tlpart' of the State. 11

'^Cbia enterprising people have made these n

ox£ea$ive railroad improvements at a costof'jridt ksa than $76,000,000. But has it lcbeen done without profit? One couid scarce- 0

ly believe the statement, if ho could hear a

the tremendous results of these railroads in yNewiro$£ Thoy have made^i®* chief city Tth^ emporium of these Utrfted State*. llcr ,r

vessels and other craft noW bfjar ense pcommerce to every scapoit^tfliro on theglobe. Hef capitalists direct nearly every henterprise of magnificence on this, whole laGfintmcht. NoW York has been rising nrwl 5r

rising/rivalling evon Livcrpool and ^London Iin .tbeir commerce, and will, in time, prob- irably surpasft them. And the people of the IIwhole gftate have been rendered prosperous, clconteiri^ an£ hippy in" the highest degree, g

hot, us, for a moment, turn to South Car- yoliiift, nucl observe the contrast. Look at a

Charleston; hot streets almost deserted; vlicr"hotels almost abandoned; her merchants o

looMncr to the North for their fields of op- eoration. The tale ia briefly told. Charles* n

ton, compared with York, lias do/io ulitUd for the construction oT railroads tofeor v

limits.<vOne roadlead* into her city, Hitd 1

>ther Northern State,)with :i genial and deightfulclimate, tin; lands of the Stale are(ccoiiie impoverished ami worn. Unifiesmil washes upon our hill-sides, like wrinklesipon the lace, il^nolo age and decay. Our>eople, in a half-lethargic state, view thisad picture before their ores, with scarcely,ny cft'orts worthy of their generous retrieve the fortunes nrnstn'riiv 11

"I#. l -/"Vif the State. We are doing nothing, liter-.lly nothing, to fertilize, beautify ami enrichur native land, whilst others, by tin ir ener-1;ie.s :it:<I liberal outlay of capital, are grad-lally carrying oil' our wealth.Thcso things are not uttered by \v:.y ofj

pproao'i to ot.r gloiluiis little Slate, to j.hich 110 one is more devotedly attachedlian myself, but to awaken if possible herigh-tninded people to a just seme of theirrue induce them to throw asidelie fatal lethargy which has so impededlicit* prosperity, and to show themselves in!ie manly energy which s j naturally beingsto them.Let us be satisfied of one fact. I:i this

regressive' country ot ours, no h'tato can he j irent nil'1 prosperous witiiuut railroads.. i<

"heseare now inseparable i'rotn the lull <.!«»-, ]elopment of the resources ot" any country. <tailroads got up improvements of nearly '!very description. Tliey cherish the me-hanical arts. They beget improvement in tlie lands of a country. They introduce <

lanurcs of various kind*, and all improved <lethods of agriculture. It has been esti- |lalcd, from correct data, gathered in coun- «

ics where railroads have hoo'a huiit, that 1long the line of railroads lands have gen- :

rally doubled in value, and the instances tre numerous where they have been trebled Iud even quadrupled.Hut do ik>1 suppose that these works can f

? achieved without great labor and expense, co great good, no magnificent enterprise, cin ever be effected without extraordinary c

forts, and large outlay of means. A nig- iirdly grasp of the purse, and a timid spirit aadventure will utterly destroy the pros- t

;cts of any undertaking requiring large Icans and liberal efforts. 1 )o not believe cat you can build a railroad of any macrni- v

do without you uro willing to subscribe I':ely anil to u<e the most active energy.. lut why may you not do what others have I o>nc? Take encouragement from the noble liamplcs furnished l>v citizens of other liatesand other countries. They have not s:sifated to engage in the most stupendous n

irks, under the heaviest outlay of means, tiie Hudson River Railroad, running upon ve hanks of tl 10 river for 114 miles,]nvards of ten millions of dollars, at an av- Cage cost per mile of £70,IS'. Tlio Erie iail road, 3G0 miles in length, cost upwards a

thirty-three millions of dollars, at a cost;r iniic of 871,209. In England the cost ,

is been still heavier. The railroad from hiverjiool to London cost *200,833 per |ile; the Great-Western Railway cost s284,000 per mile; audit will bo found ],int tin? average of the leading rail- lads in England has not been less than (220,383 per mile. Yet in all the roads (,jovenamed, in ibis country and in Eng- ],nd, the stockholders have realized more tinn the legal rates of interest upon the a- j,omit of their subscription, to say nothing'the immense incidental advantages result- 0

g from these roads. 1At. tho Molllh nil ! l'lllllJ 1/.C-1! ili.Mi.rll »

icy will compare favorably in point of <lu- Ibility ami speed with the railroads in any 1her country. The South Carolina Rail- tad, in all 248 miles ir. length, cost §7,- a

)0,0l)0, or about. 828,038 per mile. Kev- 1:al things, however, conspired to increase .i

io expense. In the first place, it was au i was the pioneer road inouth Carolina. The art of constructing 1>ads was then very imperfectly known.. cwas first made on short piles; but experi- t

ice soon taught the necessity of laying the 1inhere on earth. Again, it was first built sithflat iron; this soon was abandoned, andle flanere iron adopted: but soon n<rain /

10T iron was manufactured, and its supe- }

ority <|t once suggested its use. ;Tho Georgia Central Road, 301 miles in 1ngth, cost, about $3,465,000, or about $18,- >

00 per mile. The Georgia Railroad cost >

bout $10,000 per milo. The Macon and >

Western Railroad al>out &12,000 per mile, i

he Groom illo and Columbia Railroad, 101 Ililes in length, cost #2,220,000, at a cost icr mile of $13,414. 1When others lmvo dona so much at so }

nouv r» nrul lmvn /Iftrirml 1 »r»nnlila pa (

irgc, how can you hesitate to engage freelyi your enterprise with heart and purso ?.on must be satisfied that the best way toriprovo your country is to build railroads."

you desire your legion to thrive, and yourbildren to settle around you when theyrow up, improve your country. Enrichour lands ; beautify your houses, gardensnd fields; multiply your comforts and coneniencej;opeu up to your children a fieldf aolion in which they can become iutollient,happy and prosperous, and they willot desert the homes of their fathers to sqekncertain fortunes in distant lands. S6o'hat has beeft done /or.: ypur neighboring'owns and Districts! iL6ok at Nowbcrrv.jiurens, Abbeville, Pickens.jSflT blessed !rith railroad" facilities; ^hicli greatly 1icreased' their prosperity,'and are renderinglieir people cheerful, contented" mid hippy. JVhero stands Ixlgcflcld ? Shoplifts pot ft "j

w *

'*>f4i> *m.

railroad she cati call her own. Her peoplearc standing still, while all others arc moving ahead. You arc, gentlemen,behind 1 in which we live. A lew years n^o \\vuf Abbevillo, in going to Columbia, had U|>ass through your District by stage. Aftci:i iiara any s journey, over rough road, thefirst night we abided in your village; w<then consumed part of two days to reaelColumbia. You still triulgo along in tbtold-fashioned slow way; while we quietlyLake our b:va!:fast at home, at the usualhour, jump upon the cars, and are bom[deasiuitly to Columbia on the wings osteam,time enoughlo got our dimn'r at rconvenient hour; in time to transact ombusiness and rot inn home the next day U.'inner, if we choose. Are you willing Ittllow your neighbor.) to continue to etijovLhe.-c advantag-:; over you i

'l'he truth is, the Uoad from Ninety-Si^>r New Market to Aiken ought and will I.hl»r,i!t. Tills side of Saluda needs .a direcrailroad communication with Charleston.Abbeville. Kd-'pflehl :md \ iideis:..!. It;*.Lrictmake not 1«.--s> than C'>,OtjO hah*s <,!otlon. Why coiiijK'l all thi.% and otherproduce, destined to Charleston,"to go thr'."Columbia, when it can ito direct, saving a'east miles' liut if the I»Iuo Kidgcllailroal be b::ilt. there will bi! an itujfcrnivenecessity 1< »r this road. The immensejnantity ft' Western produce, intended forJharleston and for tranrhipment to foreign.<>] <«, will not suffer the delay and hazard>fthe road hy Columbia. It is unreasonablethat it should, when nature lias affordedi more direct and safe route, over this ?ee,ionof country, from Ninety-Six or Nettfarketto Aiken.

Will you permit the T»lue llidgo lioad toailThen down goes Charleston, the chiefily of your State, in the prospe rity of whichvery citizen of the State is deeply interest<1.This is indeed a great enternriso. nffent-ng favorably every part of South Cnrolimi,ukI it- is tho duty and interest of every oneo favor it, ami to urge it on to completion>y every legitimate means. It is almostcrtain that the road will be built. Indeedrlio dares to say that it will not b<? built,'rom tho nport of the able gentleman atlie head of that "enterprise, whoso highliaractcr for integrity and worth secures forlis report the fullest credit, five and alalf millions of dollars have already beenubscribed to that grand undertaking, whileLiucli of tho road is already under conract,and the contractors are steadily atrork. The road cannot, fail; and hencelie connection between the Greenville and.'olinnbia Railroad at Ninety-Six or Newlarkot, with the South Carolina Railroadt or near Aiken, must and will be made.

A i...1.. 'i ' 'i.l-niiiL'.iiiv;, u:un, iiic iiicl uiac 11113 rauoadshould be built, shall it be built in conunctionwith the Greenville and Columbia

iailroad 3 AVIiy not 3 Much has beenaid in depredation of this latter road. Ittars many detractors who know little of itsrue condition. Ft is unnecessary at thisitnc ai:d place to <*0 minutely into the hisoryand condition ofthat road. This muchlowever may be said in sincerity and inruth : [lis a good of the safestthe State, forty thousand passengers hnvngbeen carried over it tho last year and not

no injured. It, is, moreover, doing a gooduisiiicss, and running in uood time; and aso iU location, it. is the best that could have>eon selected, except as to about threeuiles. Tho main injuries to the road bylie large freshet of August were caused bygin-house and pine tree striking tho piericadof the bridge. This may never occurgain. The bridge is abovo high-waternark, and not at all likely to he carried oil",iince that freshet much of the whole roadlas been re-constructed, and is now in exellentrepair. The expenses of keeping uphe road about Broafl and Saluda rivers willlereaftcr be little more than will be nccosaryalong tho line generally.This lload is again made the subject of

-ensure on account of its curvatures. Allt<imit, tliat straight roads are preferable, yetill know they aro impracticable. All roadscatling from low-grounds to the mountainsvill be curving. There is no other possiblevny of overcoming grades. But it is a greatnibt:ike to suppose that roads having curvesiro not good and safe roads, and remarkablefor speed. There are no roads amongis more filled with curves than the groatHudson liiver liail-Way : yet where is therei finer road than this, whether in point oflurability, speed, or safety? Away thon,vith the idea that the curves in the Grcendlle& Columbia Railroad deteriorate it.,'al ue.

It is again said that the finances of thisCompany are in an unpvosperous condition :hat a large debt overhangs (lie Company,md thattho Stock is only worth CO cents inhe dollar. The road with its equiprnonbnay bo fairly estimated at&J,UU0,000. The1p,bt of tho Company amounts to $800,0Q0L'he most of this is already funded, and therest will sJ0on be. What ajfc tho means nowA meeting the iulcrest on this debt, of payingtho.oxpenscs of tho road, and of declaringdividends on the capital of the Company? Ift a report made in July last to theStockholders of tlio Company it is set forthtlmt the income of the rood foe the presentyear, Will reach at least $300,000. Oiknaif of this amount will be absorbed in ex

penscs, leaving $150,000 as net profit#

:Sfc*. ... ~

Take out 0,000 for interest on fundeddebt, there will remain §91,000 for divi:dends, which will be 7 per cent, interest 011the ontiro capital of the Company, with bal)anco of §2.017 59.

r This report lists been subjected to thei scrutiny of the Stockholders, among whom1 are many shrewd, practical men, alive tot their own interest and that of the Compa!ny.

That the Stock ol the Company is worthonly CO cents in the dollar is nothing

j strange or unusual. It is the fate of ail raiiroadStocks, till the roads are liriuly estnu:lished, an<l yield handsome profits. Consultthe history of the railroads in thl i Stale

i ami in Cieorgia, indeed, of the whole coim.try. Von will iind that, in ll>e beginning,their Stocks were all low, s. lling often for; uot more than uO or 40 cents i:i the dollar,j,-Shrewd men took the advantage of this reijdiiction,and made largo fortunes. Theywho wish to buy Stock of the Greenville S:' Columbia Railroad at GO cents to the dol'lar had hotter do so at once. In a shorttime it will be out of their power. Unlessall reasonable calculations arc battled, notmany years will elapse before it will be atpar and probably above par. The road has

1 passed through its severe ordeal. Its di'.liifrldlii'Hnr.-. ni'nlfv well "77,1".v 1«V ..uinul

j hour is just before ami it is fair to.suppose that our dawn is near at hand, whenall will be bright before us, ami 110 tonguewill be needed to tell of our prosperity.These romarks have been inado with noview of lauding the Greenville <k ColumbiaRailroad, but io meet objections which one

I of your Committee has suggested lo me sincej my ju rival in this village. That roau needsJ now 110 commendation. Tt stands for itself.Let the rcllccting look, and judge for theiuIselves.The sum of the matter is, that ndvanta-i

ges are now offered to you for building a

railroad, which you are not likely again soonto have. To construct this lload will takeijut it>>» iiiuu ?ow,vuu. uy raising ^i>u,000 of private subscriptions, the Companyotters to Luild tlio road for you : to take you'as stockholders, with all the privileges andrights belonging to them, itli exemptionfrom all future assessment, and willi the fullassurance of dividends from the yearafter your subscription.

Can you build a railroad yourselves?Where is (ho money to come from ? Andhow much better off would you be than theStockholders ia the Greenville & ColumbiaRailroad ? You would lind that your Stock,too, for a number of years, would not exceedGO cents in the dollar, and years might rollaround before your Company could declaredividends, livery new Company has its orIdeal to lJaSS. which thoirseem gloomy, and tliuir dilliculties hardto surmount. You could not expect toescapethis ordeal.Judge then, for yourselves whether or not

it will he to your interest to build your ltondin conjunction with the Greenville 6c ColumbiaRailroad. At all events build the road.It will bring you immense benefits. If it

I takes another direction, your losses will bogreat. If Edgefield does not bring a rail\road to her, she will tjo to the railroad.Rival towns will soon make their appearjance, and your village must fall into decayand ruin.

liefore closing his remarks Mr. Pcrrin beggedto express his thanks to tho ladies forthe interest they v.cro biking iu this nobleenterprise. When generous deeds and liberalcontributions were called for, they were

I generally the first to respond. They haddone so in tho dark hours of our revolutionjnry history, and by their smiles of encour1ngeiueut, had aided materially iu carryingout many of the magnificent enterprises ofour country. For his part, he was willingto leave tho contributions to this road entirelyto them, being well assured, that tho roadwould be brought to a speedy and happy

Mr. Pcrrin sat down amid the applause ofhis delighted audience. Every 0110 was convincedby his persuasions. It is confidentlyhoped by the friends of tho enterprisewhich this meeting was intended to promote,that his words were as "seed sown ingood ground," to bring forth at au earlyday thirty, forty, ayo, a hundred fold.- As souii as Mr. P. had taken his seat anda stirring piece had been executed by thespirited "Edgefield Brass Band," Judge Butlerwas called out and greeted by his old constituencyin a manner that must have beentruly gratifying to him. lie arose in response,and for a half-hour fixed tho atten-lion and aroused the feelings of every list-1enerby one of those off-hand harangues forwhich he was in his younger days so justlycelebrated. Many gleams of the old firewere still perecptiblo. «.

, Gen. Bonharn was also called for and re.spoiuled briefly, feelingly and pertinently.Many thanks are due the members of the

"Brass Band,u for tho animating music withwhich they enlivened the occasion. Andmuch credit bolon^* to Messrs Covar& for the admirable style in which;thedinnor was prepared.

i Great good feeling prevailed throughouti the day, and, although only tweilty»«ix thoutsand dollars of additional Stock were takenJ at tho tirao, the effect produced upon the- general tnind was of n kind to keep thef ball» in motion. No little has been subscribed



since tlic tiny ut' the meeting, and muchinoro is fai.Iil'ully promised. Altogether,tliero is enough to make lis look forward witht'onfidenco to the early building cf a road"from some point on tli<; Groonvilb tfc ColumbiaRailroad to Aiken, via Edyrfield('. //."

An Irish Duel.The following purports to be contributed

by a " G'orkomu'nto the London SportingMagazine:And now my third duel.the last I .sawinCork.remains to be told. L would I

could induce myself to pa ovur; but ifit were only as a lesson to young men, especiallymilitary men, 1 cannot forego thebenefit 1 may, perhaps, caus? to some whosecircumstances may be similar. Would ihud written this some ycarj hue!*, whe:: Ifirst was honored with ponuis.:': ^n to take a

place amongst tho contiibutois to thi* spori « t .

iu'sj jieuouicai; 11 nn.«m nave cnm'lil tlioeye of oho or other of two noble follows,brothers-in-law ami brother oiticcr?, in the* * * and one ofwhom fell by I he handof tlio oilier, ami it might have pvcvvuled a

catastrophe which brought misery into thehearths of many a happy home. But 1 proceed:.

Lieutenants Herbert ami Welsh buih refilledin Cork, one (Welsh) hail-pay i:i thearmy, the other (Herbert) in the navy ; theywere dear, nay bosom friends: not a dnypasscd that they did not meet orsp^ml theday one wiih the other. Tlio following wn*

~f otlic cause of this unhappy <;narrel, as well

as I can recollect; and I ;mi sure tliero aresome alive now iu Cork who will recollectthis unfortunate circumstance, and can testifyto the truth of my narrative.

At the time I speak of, it was the customfor young gentlemen to walk in tho eveningson tho Grand Parade and South Mall, inCork, with peculiar dresses.large hats, highshirt collars, carried to an extravagant size ;iu fact, caricatures of the then fashions. LieutenantWelsh invited his friend I lerbert andwife to take tea on a certain evening, andthat after tu.i tliov ivr.nU h«.

-J ,their wives, go out to sec the " dandies." Itwas stated nt tho ti;r.e, by those v.-ho knewthe cause of the quarrel, that LieuteuantW. said, " Be with us nt seven o'clock, andafter that we will go out; now miud, llcr1bort, we will not wait for you after seven."

However, seven o'clock came, and theywaited until eight o'clock, when findingHerbert and his wife did not arrive, they tooktea, and left about half past eight. At nine,Lieutenant Herbert and his lady arrived,and were informed that Lieutenant W.and his lady had taken their tea and goneTt «vnQ tl.a <!...» *r.._ II

»»cw vnu 1UIUUI LUUb U|;U(1 Xttirboil's suggestion, her husband immediatelyproceeded in search of his friend to demandsatisfaction..Would, for the sako of humannature, I could believe otherwise ; but I dobelieve that the fatal business was causedby the imprudence of tho lady.

Herbert sent home his wife, went immediatelyand purchased a whip, and meetinghis friend Welsh and wife in Gillin's fruitshop on the Grand Parade, proceeded tolay on tho horsewhip. Welsh, being themore powerful of the two, wrenched i-lio

whip from his antagonist, and laid on himsoundly. I was passing at tho time.sawthe whole transaction, tho exchange of cards,&c., and never ceased enquiry until I wasacquainted with tho time and place for thearrangement of tho difference.The next day, at two o'clock, in tho spot

selected.a field on tho Borecnmana road.b'.' .ween tho lilackrock and Passage roads;it was a painful circumstance to notice thatLieutenant Herbert's house was in view ofthe spot selected for the duel, and still moreextraordinary and more painful tho fact thatMrs. II. viewed the fatal scene from her bedroomwindow.

There was 110 time lost after tho partiestook tho grouuid; the pistols wero loaded,and each was handed tho deadly weapon.Lieutenant Welsh said, before he was placed,441 have no cause of quarrel with my friendexcept his horse-whipping mo; but as liesupposed my absence from homo, when honiw iin Ht'u, nil uiauii, iiiiu unu

tated, to him, which I hero solemnly deny,I will not tiro at him."

Horbcrt, who was a bravo man, but whosuffered from a bad wound in tho head, receivedin battle, which, when ho was excited,caused him to act more hke a madman thanone incarcerated in a lunatic asylum, sworeout a tremendous oath that" he caiuc therefor satisfaction, and that nothing but bloodwould satisfy him." 1 must confess my feelingsat. the time were the excess of nervousnessand horror at tho oath and sentiment;I trembled from head to foot. In referencei_ xi / 1: T .Ci Ilo uie siaio 01 my lueiuigs, i uiusii

thought " coming cvonia cast their shadowsbefore."The seconds finding it useless to interfere,

calculated that Welsh's firing in the airwould satisfy his opponent, hut in this theywere mistaken. The words ""wero given quickly; Herbert took deadlyaim at -his antagonist who fired in the air.But WeMi was untouched. An endeavorwas then ipade^ to arrange - matters, butwholly in vain." Welsh. «»h willing to doanything that was honorsfetej but Lis opponent'sobstinacy was npt to be overcomeIt was awful; I us© Uty£ word "awful" becausehe more than once Bwore fearfully, andonly a few moments tietoro his death, by his

tv -jggM^Maker, using the name of his lledoemer,' that Iio would pink bis man."1 never saw.I never v/ould wish to seo

.such an expression of hopeless misery astfoat depicted on Lieutenant Welsh's countenance,on hearing the words used by hisformer friend.

1 le spoke aloud nearly as follows: " LetGod witness I stand hero to dofend my lifoagainst a madman.and t will do so."

Again were the loaded pistols placed iutheir hands; scconds retired, and again" present.lire" was cjuiekly spoken. 15othshot i V cri» ns nnr> l>nf tli.i /tmil.l

j be said to curl upward from the weapons'mouth, Herbert fell on his back on" thegroitud, a eoipse. Nut a .sign of life was

, visible, his was instant death.I nu'.'J. coufesa I was not prepared for t!ii.i

fatal termination, and if we were to judgeof the conduct of the lookers-on, neither\v :ro they ; a pai.iu seemed to take posses'si.mof all present, and 1 found myself,with about fifty others, literally runningaway from the scene. On getting to theIgatj of the field, I looked back, and what ascene did I witness; there was the deadbody, with Lieut. Welsh over it on his knees,his iinml inside the waiitcoat of his formerI riviiivl, striving lo timl tiio beat of a pulseho silenccd forever. In vain his second stroveto loud him away; ho still hoped againsthope; calling to !"i.-i dear friend Herbert toanswer him and relieve liiin from the biasting thought that he was his murderer.

I saw at the time I>r. Sharp riding bythe road on his well-known crcam-colorednag, and knowing the doctor intimathly, 1called to him to come into the field, as I believeda person was killed in a duel. Hedismounted and came to the dead man, andon his looking at him, at once pronouncedlii'vi extinct; lie requested Welsh to leavethe place to avoid an arrest, which he roluctantlvcomnlied with, when the doctor said." Let mo sec, where did lio hit him?" amiturning the body round 011 the sido, lie foundwhere iho ball had entered, between thefourth and fifth ribs; he then laid the bodyon his hack, and actually passed his cano

through tlio, hody from sido to side, andwith (lio utmost uneonenrn, exclaimed,"Why, here is daylight enough let in to killa giant."

At the following assizes Lieut. AVclsh surrenderedto take his trial; thero was 110

prosecution.tho duel was considered fair;I was present when ho was placed in thedock, only to he discharged; hut tho loadof fifty years was added to the appearancoand gait of as fine a young man as I ever saw011 tho day of the fatal duel.Making AuquiiHolks with a injy, vmai jiro you aoing wun mat

gitablet J" T t0 a flaxen-haired urchin,who was luboiiring away \Vuu «n his mightat a piece of board before him ; " trying to"mnke an augur hole," was the reply, withoutraising his eyes.

Precisely the business of at least tw» 'turdsof tho world.this luaki"#" augur holeswith a giniblet .

Here is A*> who has just escaped from thocWA."s desk behind the counter. He sportsbis moustaobios, bis imperial, carries a rattan,drinks champaign, talks big about tho profitsof bankiug or shaving notes. Ho thinksho is really a great man ; but every bodyaround him sees " ho is only making augurholes with a gimblet."

Mr. B. may be put down as a distinguishedproicssor 01 we giuiuiou ,.jua waaaiarmer.llis father left him A farm, fr^e from incumbrance.butliu wouldn't bo content, speculationin corn aud flour erase Ixjfore him;fortunes v.ero rondo in a twinkling, so bosold out, bought largely, dreamt of Ino richesof Astor and of more work.Hut at last tho bubble burst. The Ifishwouldn't stay starved; prices foil : and nowMr. 15. has found out M that it is dificult tomake augur holes with a gimblet."

Miss C. is a nico pretty girl, and migbfcbo very useful too, for she has iMolJjgeuco.;; '

but she must be the ton, goe££li(> plays,lounges on sofas, keeps her DOd-tlll noon,imagines that she is a belle, disdains labour,forgets, or tries to, that her father is a mechanic; and all for what ? why Bhe iB tryingto work herself up into the beliof "that an

augur hole can be made with a girablet.".A little boy caino to

his nianfl8^toi|i6 gniny afternoon, as he returnedfrSttjtogwrool, aud said, "Mammamay I go'}3^acwri the street with a Jittlogirl that goes to our school?"

She replied, "No iny son, it rains.'1lie said, ' Why, ma, I must go."" Well,-then," said his mother, "go, if

you must." '«-


On his return, she asked if jU»o Jittlo girlw;is a favorite of his. *

He said, "O, no ; she treats mo very ill,worse than any other scholar in school."

" Then why do 3*ou wish to go with her V1He said. " You havo taucrhfc me that wo

must <lo good to thorn that deapitefully use ;

ua, and sho had a chair to take homo, and-I did not know of any other wAj^to do hera kindness so T thought I would' carry itfor Iter, and that would be rewarding good >

fpreTil.".8. S. Advocate. '

Ladies who'have a disposition'to punishtheir hn&ban'ils, should bear in mind that a

little sunshine will ro«Jt an jcfcfemiwli s/.f.non linn n rfvnlftr tutri1i^g«UA>.1 <

r ,**^ "fji' *

'*' * # -.*v AfSfS,'. 'V'*# £.*. '9u