the importance of the vessel - astrology university · the south node of the moon reveals...

The Importance of the Vessel Mark Jones M.A. Psych Synth Dip.

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The Importance of the Vessel

Mark Jones M.A. Psych Synth

“You have to understand that every culture worthy of the word culture has always practiced human-making, I think without exception. And there’s a lot of ceremonies and things that contribute to that making of humans, but why does it continue to happen?Not because there’s anything wrong with anybody. That’s the macabre wisdom...” Stephen Jenkinson

Human Making

“the birth-chart..(is).. the life-chord of the individual being and destiny it symbolizes..... The true Name of the individual being. It realizes that most human beings are only living in parts of themselves, living fragmentary, incomplete and sadly unfulfilled lives. The wholeness that they essentially are, as complete Individuals, is there – potential, archetypal, but expressed or manifested only in bits...”

Dane Rudhyar –Astrology of Personality

The deep self (Pluto) manifests the dual nature of desire: both the desire to separate via individual expression (manifesting through the Moon, or conditioned self) and the desire to return to source (Neptune). The South Node of the Moon reveals information about the past nature of the conditioned self (selves) and the North Node the direction of potential evolution.

Neptune – the light of consciousness – the light shining through the film

The film itself is comprised of -Uranus – the Memory of all eventsPluto – the emotional identification with those memories

Personal planets, Moon – the projection of the Uranus/Pluto level as personal experience

We are just as likely to repress or remain unconscious of our creativity, power and inner beauty, in short our true potential (Higher Unconscious)

As we are to repress our shame, anger or inner pain (Lower Unconscious)

Assagioli saw this awareness as flexible; it could expand to potentially include all of the Egg (a state of satori or realisation of complete awareness) or it can be very small, completely identified with a minute area of awareness immediately around the ego (the experience of feeling stuck, or victimized by life).

The individual energy field participates of the infinite field of consciousness which contains all of life. So the individual participates in the knowing field through the membrane of these permeable boundaries. Much as many amphibians, such as frogs, breathe through their skin - so the individual psyche breathes through the collective field.

Jung saw the collective unconscious as the repository of the archetypes: the psychic realm where humans on both an individual and collective level find their ‘fit’ amongst the many core templates of human experience. This becomes a way of understanding astrological influence through the archetypes of the zodiac.

Neptune and the Collective Field

As the last archetype of the Zodiac Pisces, Neptune and the 12th house represent developmentally a symbol of the collective conscious and unconscious of humanity.

The unconscious... Commands not only all the subliminal psychic contents, all that has been forgotten and overlooked, but also the wisdom and experience of uncounted centuries...The unconscious is continually active, creating from its material combinations that serve the needs of the future. The unconscious, therefore, can also be an unequalled guide for man. From Two Essays on Analytical Psychology

The South Node of Neptune is in Aquarius

The North Node is in Leo

At Approx 11 degrees

The Complexity of the Relationship Between Two People Is Revealed

Temporary Autonomous Zone

Short-Term Counselling Modelused with Astrology

Works best with right timing – a clear advantage with astrology.Danger is a loss of focus – descending into just a chat which then muddies the impact of the reading.Then if it goes well can it go deep enough? What of it then goes too deep?Can mentoring be a model rather than therapist? Adult orientated work with what is present.Importance of Supervision and C.P.D. Staying interested – staying alive!

The Innocence of the Child

Donald Winnicott the child psychiatrist author of The Maturational Process and the Facilitating Environment

Winnicott defined maturity as the capacity to handle paradox. The Innocence of the Child must be maintained even as the childhood itself dies and transforms in the act of initiation that leads to human-making.Reality. Truth itself, transforms people. By nature this is new to them and therefore the basis of anxiety.

Transference is an especially energised form of Projection that

brings the early material of infancy to the forefront.

Counter-transference is the way that powerful early childhood feelings evoke

a response in the counsellor

The client may show you how they are feeling –by making you feel that way. That is not always easy to understand or negotiate!

Traps for the Counselling Astrologer

Rescuer ModeNarcissism – you are the best astrologer I have ever worked with…Becoming judgemental/Righteous AngerSeductionSelf-consciousness – who am I too…?Inner Lack or DeficiencyFear of incompetence leading to incompetence

What if the Client is…Blaming you…Scared of you…In love with you…CombativeUndermining of you…Constantly flattering you…Clearly supressing any one of the above

Counselling Skills for Astrologers Program

The program will introduce in-depth summary of many major figures of psychology including Rogers, Maslow, Perls, Freud, Jung and Assagioli as well as contemporary figures such as Almaas founder of the Diamond Approach. Their work will be explored as to what it can offer the counselling astrologer.

The program will offer multiple examples of client work, both in a one off reading and in post-reading counselling follow-up work. This will include client’s charts and Mark’s responses to questions.The program will offer analysis of multiple approaches to certain issues – as well as encouraging the development of the unique style of each individual consulting astrologer.

The Importance of the Personal EssenceAn inherent part of us in the world – but it is not of the world. A timelessness that is now.This is the unconditioned nature – the purity within us. True nature is inviolate and yet completely adaptive to what is needed in the Field.

The Adaptive or False Self“When the mother’s adaptation is not good enough at the start the infant might be expected to die physically… but in practice the infant lives, but lives falsely… the infant gets seduced into a compliance, and a compliant False Self reacts to environmental demands and the infant seems to except them. Through this False Self the infant builds up a false set of relationships, and by means of introjections even attains a show of being real, so that the child may grow up to be just like mother…” Donald Winnicott.

Your False Self is not your bad self, your clever or inherently deceitful self, the self that God does not like or you should not like. Actually your False Self is quite good and necessary as far as it goes. It just does not go far enough and it often poses and thus substitutes for the real thing. That is its only problem… Various false selves (temporary costumes) are necessary to get us all started… If a person keeps growing, his or her various false selves usually die in exposure to greater light.” Richard Rohr.

Supplement to A Course In Miracles

“Who, then, is the therapist, and who is the patient? In the end, everyone is both. He who needs healing must heal. Physician, heal thyself.Each patient who comes to therapist offers him a chance to heal himself. He is therefore his therapist. And every therapist must learn to heal from each patient who comes to him. He thus becomes his patient. God does not know of separation…”