the importance of engaging with stakeholders importance of engaging with stakeholders ... what do...

The Importance of Engaging The Importance of Engaging with Stakeholders with Stakeholders Rachel Jones, Act on Energy Stakeholder Workshop 16 May 2012 - Sofia, Bulgaria

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The Importance of Engaging The Importance of Engaging with Stakeholderswith Stakeholders

Rachel Jones, Act on Energy

Stakeholder Workshop

16 May 2012 - Sofia, Bulgaria

It is the process by which an organisation involves

people who may be affected by the decisions it makes

or can influence the implementation of its decisions

What is stakeholder Engagement?

‘People or small groups with the power to respond to, negotiate with,

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and change the strategic future of the organisation’ (Eden and Ackermann 1998)

Stakeholders are not just members of communities or non-governmental organisations. They are those individuals, groups of individuals or organisations that affect and/or could be affected by an organisation’s activities, products or services and associated performance with regard to the issues to be addressed by the engagement. (AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard 2011)

The Why, Who and What

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Source :AA100 Stakeholder Engagement standard 2011

Why should we engage and involve stakeholders?

� Lets just develop a SEAP and then tell stakeholders about it

� What will engaging with political decision makers actually achieve?

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� Do I really need to engage with local government staff or key partners?

�What can the wider community really do to help me?

The Purpose ( Why)

� Firstly, what do you want to achieve and will stakeholder engagement support this

� Develop a new project/strategy/action plan

� Improve existing project/strategy/action

� Operational changes to organisation

� Others?

The Scope ( What)

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The Scope ( What)

� Determine the subject areas, organisational parts you need to reach, the geographical

area, and timescales

� How much can really change

� Is it appropriate?

� Risk

� Context – what's been done before, area characteristics, political/cultural issues

� Others?

The Who

Identifying who should be Involved:

• Who is directly responsible for the decisions on the issues?

• Who is influential in the area, community and/or organisation?

• Who will be affected by any decisions on the issue (individuals and organisations)?

• Who runs organisations with relevant interests?

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• Who runs organisations with relevant interests?

• Who is influential on this issue?

• Who can obstruct a decision if not involved?

• Who has been involved in this issue in the past?

• Who has not been involved, but should have been?

The Stakeholder

We also need to understand each stakeholder or stakeholder groups and consider:


Existing relationships

Dependence (are they funded by the organisation)


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Type (government, civil society, consumer)

Cultural context

Scale of operation

Capacity to engage (language barriers, IT literacy, disability)



Knowledge of the issues associated with the purpose

Other key issues to consider when identifying potential StakeholderGroups are:

• Who decides who is involved?

• Resisting pressure on numbers.

• Marginalising “Usual suspects”.

The Stakeholder

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• Marginalising “Usual suspects”.

• Opponents.

• Hard to Reach Groups.

• Everyone does not have to be involved in everything.

• Campaigning organisations.

• What’s In It for Them (WIIFT)?

Practical session – mapping stakeholders

Working in your table groups - Case study

You are members of The Worcestershire Partnership Environment Group (WPEG) which

acts as Worcestershire's environmental voice in the county and the region. Membership of

WPEG is drawn from a broad range of knowledge and experience in the environmental field

and includes representatives from the public, private and voluntary sectors. You want to

raise the profile of the group across the county and want to engage with stakeholders that

can help address your core priorities which are:

Climate Change Biodiversity Water

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Meet their needs Key player

Least important Show consideration

Task 1 – list the potential stakeholders that

WPEG should engage with (10 minutes)

Task 2 – Map the stakeholders on to the

Influence/Interest Grid In



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Interest of stakeholders

WPEG List of Key Stakeholders

� Local Government

� Senior staff (chief exec, heads of departments)

� Front line staff

� Other Groups

� Health groups

� Economic groups

� Politicians

� Those with environmental responsibilities

� others

� University

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� University

� Schools

� General Public

� Non interested

� interested

� Community Groups (transition)

� NGO’s

� Landowners

� Energy Suppliers

� Developers

Practical session – mapping stakeholders

Working in your table groups - Case study

You are members of The Worcestershire Partnership Environment Group (WPEG) which

acts as Worcestershire's environmental voice in the county and the region. Membership of

WPEG is drawn from a broad range of knowledge and experience in the environmental field

and includes representatives from the public, private and voluntary sectors. You want to

raise the profile of the group across the county and want to engage with stakeholders that

can help address your core priorities which are:

Climate Change Biodiversity Water

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Meet their needs Key player

Least important Show consideration

Task 1 – list the potential stakeholders that

WPEG should engage with (10 minutes)

Task 2 – Map the stakeholders on to the Influence/Interest Grid



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Interest of stakeholders

Stakeholder Prioritisation Continued

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WPEG Actual Results

Keep them happy Get them involved

Local authority officers (Director-level)

Major developers and consultants

Shenstone Group

Members (general)

Lobby groups

Government departments

Energy companies (big six)


Local Enterprise Partnerships

Worcestershire Partnership Board

District Local Strategic Partnerships

Place Shaping Group

University of Worcester

Members (Cabinet or lead)

Health and Wellbeing Group

Minimum effort Keep them up to date




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Minimum effort Keep them up to date

Public (general)

Parish Councils


Adjoining Local Nature Partnerships

Public (interested)

Local authority officers (junior)

Transition groups

I n t e r e s t


