the importance of client discovery

by Vanessa Turke & Jennifer Hols The Importance of Client Discovery

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Page 1: The Importance of Client Discovery

by Vanessa Turke & Jennifer Hols

The Importance of Client Discovery

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So, you've decided to build a website...

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Common pitfalls of Web development projects?

1. Undefined Requirements (SCOPE CREEP)3. Assumptions/Misunderstandings4. BUDGET!!!

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Web Project PITFALLSWhat pitfalls have YOU come across???

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Client: "Build ________, please. We want it fast, on time and on (or below) budget, please".

Dev Shop: "OK. We can do that."  Client & Dev Shop: "Now what...?"

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Do you want a car, or a lawnmower?

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Working with Submitted Requirements:

1)  Do initial review2)  Gather information to provides context on users3)  Create provisional user model4)  Review requirements in detail & mark those with unclear user value5)  Review marked requirements with team and investigate conflicts6)  Prioritize any changes that will be recommended to be made

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Mind-reading in 10 easy steps:

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Maintaining Balance:

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Tell me a STORY.

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As a [user role], I want to [goal], so I can [reason].

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Making Up-Front Contracts

WHAT IS IT?• A UFC is a mechanism by which you and the client

(or anyone really) agree before a meeting, change order, additional work, etc. - EXACTLY what will be covered and how it will be executed. 

 THE RESULTS: • No mutual "mystification" • Make sure there is a clear understanding on both

sides, in writing....benefits both parties• REITERATE and RECONFIRM at every stage of the

project• Up-front contracts act as a detailed history for the

project, and minimize misunderstandings

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If you've followed all these steps, then how do you define project success?

- Was the Discovery helpful?- DO A FORMAL FOLLOW-UP!- Happy Client- Happy Agency- Positive feedback from client and users - Repeat Business- Referrals

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• Ongoing Support & Maintenance • Training• Consulting• Additional Phases

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