the impact of social media on a company’s growth

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    Mmoire de recherche applique

    The impact of social media on a companys growth


    Msc Digital Marketing & E-Business

    Niculescu Amalia

    Septembre 2013

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    Abstract........................................................................................................................................... 3

    Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 4

    I. From content creation to consumer engagement.......................................................................... 7

    I.I. Content manufacturing...................................................................................................... 7

    I.II Channel usage................................................................................................................. 13

    II. Creating trust............................................................................................................................ 15

    III. Effectively measuring social media impact............................................................................. 18

    Conclusion..................................................................................................................................... 22

    Bibliography.................................................................................................................................. 23

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    The emergence of businesses on social media has opened a new area of marketing that is just

    as multi-faceted as traditional print media. Currently we outline the factors involved in

    creating successful content and how different types of social media platforms demand

    different methods of creating said content. Secondly we explore the importance of trust in the

    success of social media marketing as well as the effect of word of mouth both online and

    offline. And finally we discuss the difficulty in measuring return on investment when using

    digital marketing and some aspects of the analytics that lead to a more accurate approximation

    of value and success.

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    Social sharing through networks started playing a role in the lives of people a few decades

    ago. At first it was used as a social tool inside a community of peers, for example through the

    intranet of a company. Emails would be exchanged in this closed network creating new bonds

    between people, and strengthening existing ones.

    Today this behaviour has not only evolved, it has transformed the lives of people. The whole

    world uses social sharing in its many current forms. This has expanded to the extent that,

    today, were as saturated the more we are bombarded with content.

    As the concept and usage of online social platform expanded, companies too evolved into

    realising that this type of platform is not only for user-to-user interactions, it is another way of

    reaching consumers, and have since started to invest in this new marketing tool.

    Thus, a new way of digitally interacting and selling to consumers has started to change the

    way businesses present themselves and interact with the outside world. But does this new

    form of marketing really work? Can companies reach and engage customers on social media

    platforms with success? And can this attention to social media inside of a company create

    value for it, real financial value?

    What is the impact of giving attention to social media marketing on a companys financial


    The current paper will be exploring how a minimum budget implementation strategy of social

    media tools and channels inside of a growing, small company has changed the way products

    are sold and the value of the company itself. The paper will focus on my perspective of the

    implementation, changes, challenges, and results obtained utilising this approach to


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    When my internship started in January 2014 the company I started working for, the World

    Association of Chefs Societies (Worldchefs) was an old association with a start-up mind-set. I

    did not have someone to teach me the trade, and I was mostly left to my own devices,

    learning on the go. Worldchefs had two Facebook groups, four Facebook pages and one

    Twitter account. These had been created by the community, instead of by the company itself.

    At present, the World Association is composed of more than 100 countries and more than 100

    active committees members: Women in Worldchefs, Worldchefs Without Borders, Young

    Chefs, and so on. These committees created the Facebook pages and groups, as well as being

    solely in charge of creating or publishing interesting content for chefs from all around the

    world. With such a heavily user-generated environment my task when starting out seemed

    less daunting, but still challenging. Chefs have very little spare time and are not trained in

    using social media (some having only basic computer skills). The age group of those posting

    on the channels is 40+ and they are generally do not have higher education, so often curating

    content, deleting content and keeping Facebook pages from looking like a mess, and deleting

    bad pictures became a fixture of my job.

    At the time of my arrival, Twitter did not even exist yet for Worldchefs. After implementing

    the platform for them, I quickly began tweeting and made the number of followers grow

    exponentially. Soon all of the content I was publishing was in line with the image that I had

    started creating for the company; all of the pages (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) had an

    editorial line or a marketing plan attached to it. The goal was to create a unified theme for the

    company that was easily recognisable as the Worldchefs brand. The task took me the better

    part of 6 months to put in place.

    In time I had managed to take full control over the launch, timing, and delivery of not only the

    type of campaigns that were implemented but also o the type of content that the focus of the

    campaigns would be on. My strategy was generally to make the entire editorial line sound

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    young, and fresh, in order to attract a younger audience; one which would be more prone to

    using social media, but also to responding to such campaigns.

    From the relegated role of posting on the website and social media accounts, managing

    mostly a database of old articles about outdated events, Worldchefs grew into having an

    entirely new social media and online oriented package to offer advertisers and thus new

    contracts were signed. While Worldchefs primarymarketing tool before my arrival was the

    triannual magazine and an emailing database without any analytics attached to it, today we

    have stretched out resources into Facebook analytics, Twitter reporting tools, using Bitly

    links, Mailchimp and focusing on marketing campaigns mostly online, and very little in the

    physical magazine. This move from print to digitalfrom traditional marketing to social

    media marketingcame into existence because money, even though a small amount, was

    invested in this department. Due to these initial successes, and ease of implementation, I now

    even have a colleague working with me. It has to be said that these changes are also due to the

    organic aspect of the business world, where this type of marketing is slowly becoming the

    norm, forcing even small companies to adopt and adapt to this new form of communication.

    Traditional sponsors working with Worldchefs from the beginning did not have in their initial

    contracts which were signed 2 years ago anything mentioned about social media, but now

    they are demanding from us that we share their content or republish their Facebook posts on

    our networks. This is an example of how demand for a service can be ignored or hidden, but

    is immediately revealed once the correct tools of implementation are made available.

    The focus of the following chapters will be to provide an analysis of how this growth in

    content subscribers came to be, what type of techniques actually work, and predictions of

    what the future holds.

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    We are constantly bombarded with offers. As long as you have an email address that you have

    disclosed while creating a random account on a website you are being sent daily at least ten

    emails detailing offers you cannot refuse.

    The competition for consumer attention across media outlets is intense,

    especially on social media platforms. Consumers, in turn, are overwhelmed by

    the proliferation of online content, and it seems clear that marketers will not

    succeed without engineering this content for their audience1

    As such it is crucial for companies to explore the way they create content and

    manufacture text, the content curation of a marketing campaign is of the highest importance;

    as is the channel used to express the message.


    In the past few months I have been receiving a large amount of emails with emojis,

    both in the subject line and in the main text of the email. From Ryanair I have received emails

    with the plane emoji, from Asos with the bag emoji. This way of interacting with

    customers is quite new and certainly very interesting. First off it is visual, when I open my

    emails I have text and texture but have no images, these emojis are the first to pop out.

    Usually they are coloured and bright and make me want to click on the email. This may seem

    quite surprising at first as it does not seem to be a very professional way of presenting

    yourself as a serious company, but the way it is implemented is being viewed very favourably

    and seems to be having the desired effect: more attention to the content.

    1Lee Dokyun, Kartik Hosanagar, Harikesh S. Nair, The Effects of Social Media Marketing Content onConsumer Engagement: Evidence From Facebook, Working Papers of Stanford Business School, N187, p. 35,

    May 2014

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    This is proof of the type of reinvention that a marketing manager has to apply to

    his/her trade. Working in a constantly fluctuating business means that everything is in

    transition and evolution.

    In order to illustrate ways of promoting social content online, I have chosen to display

    a few genuine Facebook posts from our main companysFacebook page, WorldchefsWorld

    Association of Chefs Societies, in order to analyse what practices have the most success (i.e.

    receive more views, likes, clicks, and shares)

    For the following examples I have taken into account in this description of the variety

    of emotional, philanthropic, and informative advertising content attributes2and the way they

    affect engagement.


    Lee Dokyun, Kartik Hosanagar, Harikesh S. Nair, The Effects of Social Media Marketing Content onConsumer Engagement: Evidence From Facebook, Working Papers of Stanford Business School, N187, p. 2,

    May 2014

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    Figure 1. Example of Facebook post with information on price

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    Figure 2. Figure 3

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    importance of the type of information that is present in the post will dramatically influence

    how it is perceived. The second post being focused on a philantropic cause, depicting strong

    images and language produces an entirely different effect than the previous post containing

    only neutral information.

    Attractive to a number of followers is the posts on Billy Gallaghers book. Billy Gallagher is

    a very known chef in the industry and a mentor for young chefs. All posts pertaining to him

    have attracted a large following. As seen in Figure 2, the post has 933 views. This illustrates

    that consumers are active as posters or contributors or passive as lurkers or consumers of

    content4and only a minority of web users are active contributors5. This has not lowered

    the number of clicks and although from the outside the interaction seems low this is not the


    Figure 3 is a post about a Worldchefs organised international competition. This event always

    attracting a large number of likes and views, it is followed worldwide and organised in a

    similar fashion to the Bocuse dOr. Thepost itself is not selling anything, it is purely offering

    information, but nonetheless has 1870 views and 16 likes. Finally, Figure 5 is a post that is

    sponsored (i.e. we hired in order to display the information on our network). One of our

    advertisers, Elle&Vire has given us material for posting. The content attached to it is an

    instructional video. No prices are presented or discussed, nor is the websites where the

    product in the video is sold. The reaction to this particular post is quite good, having received

    943 views and 10 likes.

    One of the details I have noticed through the various campaigns is that the image or video

    attached to content can make it or break it. For example, I can post the same post as in Figure


    Heinon Kristina, Consumer activity in social media : Managerial approaches to consumers social mediabehaviour,Journal of Consumer Behaviour, N 10, p. 3565Ibid., p. 363

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    3 and get a tenth of the reaction because I have not attached a picture to it. Video content is

    also highly appreciated; although, while posting on Youtube is a great idea, it is best to load

    the video on Facebook when posting on the channel because it receives a lot more shares (this

    is due to Facebook promoting natively posted video content that receives shares more than it

    does for links that are posted in the same manner but hosted separately).

    Such aspects of social media are much unknown to the average social media user, as they

    occur in the background, but they are nonetheless present components of the user experience,

    one which needs to be accounted for by a media manager in order to achieve the desired

    results, and for a campaign to be successful.


    Thus far I have provided a brief explanation of Facebook usage and the general

    practices used to create successful content for posts, illustrating how a few simple factors can

    have significant effects of the outcome of a campaign. Now the focus of attention will be

    shifted to Twitter and Instagram, two other channels used quite often in tandem with

    Facebook, each aimed at slightly different audiences and with different effects.

    If on Facebook the use of hashtags is not very developed, although available and

    recommended, on Twitter and Instagram the situation is quite different.

    Figure 6 Follower growth over a year and a half since my arrival in the company

    Here above in Figure 6 is the detailed account of the growth of Worldchefs accounts on

    Twitter and Instagram over the span of one year. They depict a general trend for an increase

    in followers over time, on both platforms.

    Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15

    Twitter followers 824 850 875 908 959 1001 1015 1053 1084 1156 1199 1204Instagram followers 258 289 312 354 387 401 418 530

    Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15

    Twitter followers 1221 1240 1271 1317 1337 1378

    Instagram followers 545 582 619 665 684 714

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    On Facebook the general practice is to post a maximum one or two posts per day. In

    general this is duplicated by the number of pages, as we have six, so Facebook posts can take

    a few hours to put in motion and verify. On Twitter and Instagram the situation is quite

    different. Ive started creating posts on Twitter (before my arrival at Worldchefs all posts

    were Facebook integrations on Twitter) and have realised quite quickly that hashtagging

    events is crucial to the success of a tweet, but also that you can tweet up to twenty times per

    day without issues. This implies that, unlike Facebook, Twitter can be used as a service to

    update and notify followers of new events and information as it is coming in.

    Facebook is a community oriented network, when groups are involved, a display case

    for a company, when it comes to the official page. Twitter is more of a news oriented, short

    message, fast paced environment where content is telegrammed towards consumers.

    Instagram is the largest growing community online today and the fact that we are a company

    dealing with food can make us taste makers for Instagram foodies.

    In general it is amazing to post directly at events and be present there, because it

    garners a lot of attention from other users. Additionally, following an event we get a huge

    influx of new followers, as can be seen by observing the increase in followers in February and

    March 2015 following the Bocuse dOr, which took place at the end of January 2015.

    On Instagram regular posts with food oriented hashtags get a lot of attention and

    creating a brand look is also one of the priorities we have. Instagram posts are also unlimited

    per day. As good practice, we try to post five times per week but we post a lot more during

    events we participate in. We also make it a habit of using a repost app to post sponsored

    images, but have to be very careful to not post too many of them, as they can have a negative

    effect on followers (e.g. they are viewed as spam).

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    Although Worldchefs is not a company like Amazon where products are rated and reviewed,

    user generated content is still an important part of the way the association functions.

    For us there is the user generated content that gets published, creating a bond between chefs

    worldwide sharing experiences, events, competitions and activities (see Figure 7). This comes

    in the form of people giving articles to be posted online and spread throughout our social


    Figure 7. An example of an article written by a chef for publication.

    We also have a set of services catering to culinary schools and chefs. We offer online

    certification for chefs that have the necessary experience but do not want to go back to school.

    It serves as the only international certification for chefs that is entirely online. Our certified

    chefs communicate their positive attitudes () to new prospective customers both online

    and offline6and the number of chefs applying to become certified generally increases after a

    big culinary gathering. This is where trust becomes a key factor in our sales. Our campaigns

    on this subject are mainly quotes from certified chefs relating their experience with the system

    6Hoffman L. Donna, Can you measure the ROI of your Social Media Marketing?, MIT Sloan Management

    Review, Fall 2010, p. 46

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    and their success in finding the job of their dreams (see Figure 8). This reinforces the reality

    that trust, encouraged by social media, significantly affects intention to buy7.

    Figure 8. Publicity used online for promoting Worldchefs certification.

    Another argument for going forward with the purchase of the certification is the

    usefulness, which we do well to highlight on our website:

    7Hajli Nick, A study of the impact of social media on consumers,International Journal of Market Research,

    Vol. 56, Issue 3, p. 400

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    Figure 9. Graphic from the Worldchefs website depicting the attributes of getting certified.

    [P]erceived usefulness is the other construct of the research that significantly affects

    intention to buy. When participants experience high levels of system quality or information

    quality, they are more likely to buy8.

    And finally the arguments are obvious when entering the newly build page for the program

    [h]ence, improving the quality of websites enhances perceived usefulness in their



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    Figure 10. Theoretical model depicting the relationship between Trust, Social media,

    Intention to buy, and Perceived usefulness.


    Detailing how social media is useful and engaging does not directly help in

    understanding its monetary value for a company. For a traditional marketing campaign you

    would buy space in a magazines or even banners on websites and see how much the ad or

    editorial would help you sell. But in the case of the channels of marketing described above

    success cannot be measures simply in terms of sales.

    Forget traditional ROI. Instead of calculating the return on the

    companys investment managers should assess consumer motivations to use

    social media and measure the social media investments customers as they

    engage with the marketers brands10

    In Worldchefscase the relationship we have developed with Elle&Vire was sparked

    by the companys interest in the Asian market.In the grand scheme of things a tweet posted

    by Worldchefs account for Elle&Vire does not mean much but it is steadily establishing a

    new public (i.e. potential consumer base) for the company outside our usual Western borders.

    As such it is part of a bigger campaign that Elle&Vire has started as retweets from us, which

    also cover their presence at big Asian events like Food&Hotel Asia in Singapore.

    Often I am asked how much a tweet costs or what is the value of a Facebook post.

    This is a hard answer to give. I can quantify it by using a Facebook tool that tells me: if reach

    is 40000 than post should cost x euros, but does that include Facebook post creation? I think

    not. There are many hidden aspects of generating social media content that makes it hard to

    10Hoffman L. Donna, Can you measure the ROI of your Social Media Marketing?,MIT Sloan Management

    Review, Fall 2010, p. 41

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    quantify not only the gain from such a campaign, but also the costs of constructing and

    implementing it. One post of 140 characters on Twitter can take me up to 15 minutes to write,

    I have multiple such posts per day. Although in general the consensus would be that work

    involved in creating short messages is less laborious than writing long articles it is not the

    reality. If I have ten posts to create in one day with images that are attractive and messages

    that are appealing it can take me half of the day; not to speak of the analytics involved in any

    post or the decision making following analytics in order to create better posts/content/images.

    It is my belief, based on what I have learned and experienced during academia and on

    the job, that social media is a necessary tool for creating relationships and even if part of the

    job is quantifying it, in the end only the number of followers will tell you if the technique you

    implemented is working.

    While managers certainly need hard numbers to know whether their

    investments are paying off, they represent a narrow Show me the return

    focus rooted in a traditional mainstream media. First, it is oriented to the

    short term (Show me how my companys tweets will improve sales next

    quarter). Developing meaningful relationships with customers takes time

    because online relationships involve interactive conversations. And some

    managers still do not fully appreciate that they are entering a brave new

    world of relationships with customers11

    This gradual relationship with customers and the attention given to the detailed

    interaction can make or break a community. If too many posts sell things on a Facebook page,

    if the content is too dark or the images too low resolution, eventually followers will leave.

    11Hoffman L. Donna, Can you measure the ROI of your Social Media Marketing?,MIT Sloan Management

    Review, Fall 2010, p. 42

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    We should also take into consideration that Worldchefs is a busy community with a

    goal and a very specific audience. If a cab company like Chauffeur Priv doesnt have more

    than 100.000 likes on Facebook its bad because it is a general use company and so the public

    is everybody. If Worldchefs has 10.000 it is exactly that number of chefs, a specific type of

    public that is only interested in chef things. This is why advertisers and sponsors work with

    us, because we offer clear channels to their intended consumers.

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    In the end measuring this relationship through ROI or likes or shares or views or

    hearts or any other way is limited. There is no quantifiable way of stating using Facebook

    will increase your business by this much. The only thing that works is putting in motion a

    good campaign with clear objectives, following it, changing whatever doesnt work, involving

    people (interactive posts where you ask Facebook followers to tell you if they like your

    mascot with or without a moustache work like a charm), and following up on the analytics.

    Le calcul du ROI des actions sur les rseaux sociaux reste ce jour un

    exercice difficile, car il suppose de transformer en donnes quantitatives des

    interactions ou des conversations entre les individus. On peut recommander

    aux entreprises davoir une dmarche classique, reposant tout dabord sur la

    dfinition dobjectifs ralisables et quantifiables, avant de developper une

    stratgie sur les rseaux sociaux.12

    Eventually your social media channels will grow, and it will still be cheaper

    than traditional marketing campaigns where publicity spaces needed to be bought.

    12Balagu Christine, David Fayon, Facebook, Twitter et les autres..., Pearson, 2012, France, p. 176

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    Balagu Christine, David Fayon, Facebook, Twitter et les autres..., Pearson, 2012, France

    Hajli Nick, A study of the impact of social media on consumers, International Journal of

    Market Research,Vol. 56, Issue 3

    Heinon Kristina, Consumer activity in social media : Managerial approaches to consumers

    social media behaviour,Journal of Consumer Behaviour, N 10

    Hoffman L. Donna, Can you measure the ROI of your Social Media Marketing?,MIT Sloan

    Management Review, Fall 2010

    Balagu Christine, David Fayon, Facebook, Twitter et les autres..., Pearson, 2012, France

    Lee Dokyun, Kartik Hosanagar, Harikesh S. Nair, The Effects of Social Media Marketing

    Content on Consumer Engagement: Evidence From Facebook, Working Papers of Stanford

    Business School, N187, May 2014