the ict professional: the nigerian viewpoint


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The ICT or IT industry in Nigeria. The pros and cons...


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About the Author

Nwachukwu A. Nnaemeka is a graduate of diploma and B.Sc in Computer

Engineering from the University Of Benin. He has been in the Information

technology industry for 8 yrs now, had a sound basic training in

hardware/software systems management and later gained a Comptia A+, Comptia

N+, and MCSE certification. He is an all-time IT professional who has

worked professionally in so many areas such as network systems management and

administration, programming for web applications, multimedia and computer

graphics, and system maintenance.

Contacts: [email protected], 08030938271…

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR…………………………………………………………………………….2





PROJECT MANAGEMENT……………………………………………………………………….16

INFORMATION SYSTEMS AUDITING……………………………………………………….17


WEB CONTENT DEVELOPMENT……………………………………………………………..21

COMPUTER DATABASES…………………………………………………………………………25



LIST OF ICT CERTIFICATIONS…….……………………………………………………………32

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ICT. Quite an “unpleasant” profession. Leaves no room for you to unwind, always on the go

writing exams and getting certifications, bothers little or not at all about your loved ones,

creates a monster within yourself, alienates you from the world of socialization. Although it is

not as harsh as advertised, but your attitude towards it might create the same effect. The most

important question everyone has to ask himself before bargaining with this jealous mistress is,

“Do I really have to do this?” This question is very necessary because the moment you start off,

it will only amount to foolhardy to disembark. Depending on the scope of your business turf or

empire you might find yourself in scenarios whereby you still earn while you are sleeping. It is

of utmost importance for you to start off with brands you are affectionate with. Naturally in any

area other than ICT, one specializes in a field that is most friendly to him. At times you work

long hours without break, researching becomes enmeshed in your gene because newer cases

must be understood first before resolution sets in, sheets of paper with scribbled writings litter

your environment, your storage media becomes something to die for because at that stage it

might be equated with the price of gold, life becomes boring when your partner finds you

reading a help tip or article on Google on your mobile while you are on your first date. Ouch!!!

That hurts, but it’s not your fault, you can’t help it

because you have issues to resolve. Always prepare to

share your quality time with requests begging to be

attended to. These are all constructs of money making.

When the benjamins start rolling in you become

compelled to make more and even geek the more. Like

they say, money is the root of all evil but this one is a

necessary evil….Just Kidding!!! Welcome to the world

FIG. 1.0 System Analysts at training

of the geeks. Survival in this field got married to humility because at times you have to give up

some of your dignity by trading it with some item of value such as identifying yourself with

people that have some experience in the field, no matter how or where you met them, and also

no matter what they do, knowledge is knowledge. It does not discriminate who gets it, the

most important thing is so quickly gain what you can at that moment. Some practical

experiences you are looking for lies on their hands, you are like that Hollywood adventurer

trying to pluck diamonds secured by pythons, but you have to make the python understand you

just want to look at the diamonds and nothing more…. That is to say that if you don’t apply

some sense you’ll end up paying them heavily for the exposure you are getting. This implies

that you have to bring something to the table, life is always like that, it’s a gamble. You have to

bring yourself down to the level of working with them even at the expense of ladies you admire

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perceiving you as a mere apprentice. You can equally spend some money learning some

courses at some training schools which is very good, but it gets to a point whereby it amounts

to a waste of financial resources because great amount of the time all you need is a solid

foundation, from there you can expand your

horizon because you’ve gotten a firsthand

idea of how the industry feels like. Watch it,

to be seen but not to be heard. Always be

that junkie voraciously in search of

knowledge, you don’t have to disclose all

you know to people you tap from their

knowledge, it is a survival strategy. The

world of Information and Communications

Technology is an aggressively progressive

and dynamic one. It’s ever growing, ever


advancing. This sector of the world’s economy has yielded massive revenues for countries and

has provided millions of employment opportunities for the world’s citizenry. Matter of factly,

ICT, which happens to be an offshoot of Computer Science/Engineering is presently been

considered as an independent field of study amongst some advanced overseas universities. An

area of human endeavor which has one of the highest numbers of fields and sub-fields (if not

the highest) compared to other areas. Like stated above, the growth witnessed in this area has

been sporadic and revolutionary suggesting its ability of absorbing members of the unemployed

cadre. Expertise in any area of ICT can make one a budding entrepreneur overnight most

especially in a country like Nigeria where it’s a known fact that many were called but few were

chosen. There are lots of people scattered everywhere with certifications but with little or no

experience. Most of these “professionals” go after certifications which happen to harbor a large

crowd of individuals scampering to get the same job thereby reducing the likelihood of them

eventually securing a job slot. The deal here is that recruiters will now decipher a way of cutting

down on this misty crowd by insisting on possession of some years working experience and also

affirm that the said individual is well grounded in what his job stands for. The secret still

remains that whether you are in possession of the most common certification in Nigeria, the

fact that you remain a celebrity in what you do means that your hair will be pulled from east to

west, north to south. As legend made it to be, ours is a country that worships any qualification

in paper, but when it comes to hiring IT professionals, the rules change. Much as they would

want you to have a certification, they will value it the more if you have more experience than

having paper certifications. Most Firms, companies and establishments have little or no

interest in hiring specialists/experts in each field or sub-field of ICT except for some wealthy

multinational organizations that demand skilled experts in each area to fast track the rate of

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cash inflow. Some of them would rather employ that Mr. Know-It-All to cut down on costs

incurred from Human Resources. Only consultancy firms who specialize in a particular field or

area recruit qualified people in that area. Nigeria currently is not an ICT-charged environment

which gives room for exploitation, development and innovation. If I were you I would be

working towards taking the nation by surprise in way of introducing an ICT brand they’ve not

had the privilege or the intuition to create. So much money in the game but it all depends on

your evaluation of your capability, your astuteness, your decision making instincts, sense of

perception, foresight and determination. It’s a wise man’s game, not a strong man’s game. First

and foremost in the world of ICT, is the recurring factor of experience. No matter how you got

it, this seems to be the item of bargain wherever you are seeking to be employed except in

situations where you are not contending with a formidable opponent. The celebrated ICT

expert happens to be the one ditching job offers and accepting the ones that interest him.

These are all clauses or constructs of experience. The substance there is the experience, the

certificate there is just to back up what you’ve had experience in. Like I’ve stated above, it all

depends on your wisdom and your evaluation of what you can do and how much what you

have can fetch you.

Under listed are the various fields and sub-fields that constitute the ICT Industry in Nigeria with

an x-ray stating the pros and cons of each.

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This is an area that defines the technology behind linking of computers and computing devices

such as printers, scanners, IP cameras (Video over IP implementation), and related devices for

the purposes of information/data exchange. A computer network is a mystery on its own. The

capabilities of well implemented networks can stun you, the user when you have exploited all

the features it has to offer. Networks can make effective use of information, no sharing of files

through flash drives which might populate network malicious programs. A simple active

directory-based shared folder can facilitate data transmission from Russia to Nigeria for the fact

that the network remains closed, private and particular to the owners. An expert can run an

operating systems setup of over 200 systems by simply activating the RIS (Remote Installation

Service) feature in his Windows Server to automate the installation process rather than visiting

the workstations individually. Doesn’t that sound like magic? E-mail and chatting facility can be

implemented on the network too, so the need for calling or going to meet your colleagues for

interaction is totally unnecessary. Very good network planning makes your work run smoothly

with little or no user intervention. It is a known fact that in developed countries people don’t

use to visit banks anymore because computer networking automation has made everything

easy and all transactions you need can be done on you computers or mobile devices. A worker

can open the tray of the CDROM drive of his co-worker who might be miles away from him

through the concept of RDC (Remote Desktop Connection) and you can connect to your servers

if you are an expert from anywhere in the world through VPN on your system or mobile device

and make any changes, create group policies, shut systems down, in fact you can do anything.

All you have to do is visualize it and it happens. Networks are just about anything. If I have a

problem with someone, I can deal

with the person by visiting my

program compilers, develop a logic

bomb malicious code, log in

remotely into your system, try

finding means of going around

authentication ( of which there are

many), then give myself permissions

of a shared resource on the system,

then transmit the program, since it’s


a logic bomb, it has a payload and a trigger, the payload decides the damage to be done, and

the trigger initiates the damage on the scheduled date. Or I can simply log into your system

remotely when you are off your desk, use your mailing client to send spam mails, at least

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something to discredit you, and log off immediately. This is known as a DOS (Denial Of Service)

attack in security terms. With networks, meetings are held without the participants physically

been in the meeting venue. With networks, I can shut your system down, deny you from

accessing any program on your desktop, give you a disk usage quota, give you a time-frame to

work with, give you internet usage rights whenever I want, do all sorts of things to you, just by

defining and deploying a group policy that will affect your user account and any other user that

falls within your situation. With networks, your data can immediately be posted on the

database server, team work done harmoniously and devices like printers, scanners, etc. shared


There are so many organizations in Nigeria who operate vast enterprise network setup that

might span from continent to continent or still within the country. This area demands enough

experience for individuals who desire to earn higher positions in those establishments or for

individuals who desire to be identified with Consultancy, but for a beginner, all that is required

of you is some ideas, some knowledge and a little skill that will bring you up to speed when you

get employed.

The Major Players in this area are CISCO


WIRELESS trains CWNA & CWNP professionals

and some minor players in Network and

Networking devices certification like companies

that train individuals on some LINUX

distributions proficiency.

For expert field engineers who install, manage,

and maintain vast WAN setups, the choice


certifications are from the stables of CISCO SYSTEMS, which has a hierarchical certification

structure, whereby the entry level or associate level certification is the CCNA (Cisco Certified

Network Associate), and the professional level is the CCNP, then the highest level or the expert

level is the CCIE which has three options or specialties, Routing and Switching, Wireless and

VOIP (Voice Over IP).For CCNA, skill, ingenuity and professionalism is highly needed in this area

because of the competition synonymous with it. Then for an individual that possesses the

CCNP or the CCIE certification, all roads lead to Rome, because there are fewer people with the

knowledge, skill and expertise. It is a known fact that CCIE happens to be the hardest

certification in history. These experts are most of the time contracted from companies that

offer consultancy services in the area. Consultants in all of the three certifications must have

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sound working experience, expertise and skilled personnel for them to remain in this high-rated

contest. Then for professional Network Administrators who plan, implement and manage an

organization’s network, its users, resources on the network, create users with clearance levels,

deny and assign permissions to users, groups or departments, make network policies, manage

servers like MS Exchange messaging servers, ISA, SharePoint, MsSQL, resolve all the Domain

mumbo jumbo, delegate duties and deploy domain controllers, enable remote login, classify

users, their machines and their respective departments etc…….the perfect certification comes

from the stables of MICROSOFT CORP., whereby you earn certifications like MCSE (the old one,

with 7 modules) or MCITP( the new one with Server 2008).

There is a slight misconception surrounding MCSE and MCITP, I still advise people that have the

advantage of studying MCSE to do so and upgrade to MCITP

because MCSE Certification has more modules than MCITP

Certification but operates on a lower server, MS Server 2003,

MCITP was given birth to when the complexity in systems and

networks administration grew whereby the Server level was

upgraded to 2008 and individuals now specialize in areas

rather than knowing it all, and all the areas of MCITP currently

are so vast that it will take time for an individual to

comprehend all, that brought the need for specialization.


Having any of these certifications is a very good industry advantage and having experience too

is a great plus, Consultancy in this area demands strict professionalism and experience

depending on the complexity of the project at hand. For starters, all that is needed is ingenuity,

innovative ability and prudence. Companies demand for dedicated network administrators to

constantly manage the network framework, information security, and flow of information

within the organisation.

Then, there are other minute certifications in this area which make very fast money for

individuals that earned exposure in them like the area of LINUX operating systems whereby it is

a known fact that LINUX Servers are the best web-server implementations and highly secured

kernel base ( O.S. core), any man with an RHCE certification is a big boy without knowing it, Red

Hat is a variant or a distribution of LINUX which happens to equally have competitors like

UBUNTU, FEDORA, openSUSE, DEBIAN and other hundreds of distributions. Certifications that

emanate from LINUX can make one a hunted employee in Nigeria because in the area of

networking, the most secured and efficient web servers run on LINUX, and the most secured

networks at times use LINUX as a front-end server or firewall because of its hash secured

cryptographic base.

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This area defines the ways, means and strategy used in maintenance, troubleshooting,

management, upgrading, and administration of the software and hardware components of

computers and computing devices. This area is quite complex in nature because of the variety

of computers and computing devices. Skilled experts & professionals get to work with

computers of differing brands, sizes, characteristics and a wide range of computing devices like

printers, scanners, cameras etc…. which equally has variety as a result of different



Experience plays a serious vital role here because as cases roll in, you bank on your previous

experiences to trash them, at times hardware devices behave extraordinarily, as if they were

not manufactured by we humans, the common reasons that has been identified for a particular

problem might not solve the problem on some other devices, at this point you might work with

theory because things you’ve not done before or had experience in, the theory behind it tells

you what to do immediately. This is why one will never cease to stop reading and researching.

The moment you become so good in this area, jobs start flying in from Jerusalem and Jericho

because you will be the only visible expert that knows the crux of ailments that ravage

hardware machines. Hard drives crash, but for an expert data can still be recovered even in

severe conditions. Yes, when you know how to use command prompts very well mapped out

with safe mode, you can give them a run for their money. Just like I learnt recently how to view

and extract those files with Linux after using windows command utilities to recover them with a

friend and a colleague I recently worked with. There seems to be solutions for every problem if

you know how, you can beat viruses at their own game by laying in wait for them with your

system processes dialogue box, disable them, use good search mechanism to scout for them (

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you can use Google desktop or windows 7 search tool, or normal search on Win XP defining

size, date, and other parameters, or use the attribute command on DOS prompt to locate them,

anyone that applies to you), find the file they attached themselves to, they are normally smart

but not so smart, hahahahaha, We are smarter!!! These alien creatures think they can just

come attach themselves to a file I created with WinWord, and then form an executable of it,

that is an .exe extension if you know what I mean and then self run. I caught it, it was located in

the System32 folder under windows, within the C:\ root. It was Raila Odinga!!!! A Kenyan

politician turned computer virus. Hahahahaha.

System failure during startup can go to hell if you can be able to use a recovery or start up disk,

to replace the missing file stalling start-up. Like in the past, we used to do little tricks like use a

3.5 inch floppy to copy NTLDR file from the windows folder and delete it from windows, then

reboot the system only to see the POST message, “NTLDR MISSING”, hahahaha simply put in

the diskette and restart the system, it boots from the diskette immediately and restores your

system. These days you can make USB start-up disks if you know how. If you are an expert, no

one’s data gets lost. Your data integrity is assured.

After making up your experience you can proceed with work

easily, it becomes so good, it gets done as quickly as possible.

It feels good!!

The big ones here are COMPTIA, who have certification

courses tailored for the various levels of the

hardware/software field. Certifications like COMPTIA A+

which has a major focus on computers and computing



like the aforementioned ones forms the foundation for one to advance to other levels like

getting certified in complex machines like Giant IBM Servers and mighty dot matrix printers

which A+ covers the miniature ones.

Companies, most especially consultants, are the largest recruiters of COMPTIA experts because

most other companies other than consultants prefer outsourcing, which is referring most of

their trouble to consultants rather than employing individuals because the machines in

question can’t be replaced by a single individual in the event of mishandling or


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Proficiency in operating systems knowledge like UNIX and Solaris can fetch very good income

for individuals in Nigeria, because most companies presently use UNIX as the operating system

core for their high-end database server racks such as the IBM-AIX operating systems which runs

on monster IBM Server racks. UNIX is quite an old operating system which gave windows its

command structure and gave LINUX its O.S. Kernel. Solaris is an O.S. coming from the stables of

SUN Microsystems, the same vendors of JAVA, it is fast gaining ground in Nigeria but Windows

still overshadows it overwhelmingly.

Consultancy in this area soars because hundreds of cases abound each day as a result of the

numerous causes of system failure, if not power surges, it might be mechanical, or firmware

corruption, or program incompatibility…. There are hundreds of cases.

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Oops!!! This is one complicated field which ought to be carefully disambiguated. A programmer

is different from a software developer. DEAL??? Nigerians don’t love programmers but love

software developers. DEAL??? Here is the deal, if you ever want to be successful in Nigeria

becoming a programmer; I really mean the geeks that run codes like nuts might be a step in the

wrong direction. What Nigerians and Nigerian companies want is someone that can quickly

develop and deploy fast smooth applications that will solve their problems immediately; they

are never patient for that programmer that has to write hundreds of pages of codes to achieve

their objective. Not that a software developer is not a programmer but theirs is controlled. In

fact, I assure anybody that reads this article and ventures into software development of

becoming a millionaire overnight here in Nigeria because application software is of the highest

demand by companies, firms, institutes, industries, organizations, government agencies and

establishment here in Nigeria. Programming and

software development is for anybody because of its

platform independence in that all spheres of human

endeavor needs programs to automate processes. In the

medical field, special applications are been used to

monitor and view the health condition of a patient, in

the military, it’s been used to guide surface to air missile

and often times used to calculate the velocity and 3D

pathway of a counter missile that is been sent to

neutralize enemy missile, in the crime and investigations

department, application programs are used to test and

measure the hormone levels that induce deception and

misinformation by suspects, used in microcontrollers

extensively to achieve a common goal such as biometric

authentication modules like iris, thumbprint, & DNA

scanners which allow or deny individuals in the event of

accessing protected materials or objects.


In the petroleum engineering field, they are used to monitor the flow of crude and pressure in

pipes, in the structural and civil engineering area they are used for making computer aided

designs of structures like buildings, bridges, stadia, airports, etc…., they are still adversely used

by individuals with harmful intent to write malicious codes for harmful purposes. As you can

see from this minor analogy how a software developer or programmer can never go hungry.

But in Nigeria, as once stated above, the job gets done by software developers who rather than

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coding use specialized utility tools and equally use applications to develop applications. That is

quite a ridiculous matrix.

The big people in the software development industry happen to be Microsoft and JAVA. But

what is the problem with Microsoft? They seem to be everywhere!!! Well, Oki Doki, never

mind. Microsoft has had an age-long history with programming and software development,

been the pioneers of the most successful operating systems both client and network, the

company appears to be a force to reckon with in this field. Having developed an O.S. the first

time for the old IBM ALTAIR system which was as a result of assuming a responsibility that

wasn’t theirs because as of then, they never had the idea of what to do, they just took a swoop

by claiming they have an O.S. for the new machine, and when they got the contract to program

it, they knew they were in tight corner which made them to work so hard to produce one.

That’s how a success story starts. There are a host of programming languages which work on

their platform that can deploy fast and swift applications like C, C++, Visual Basic, and C# (C

Sharp). The .NET framework which was exhibited and launched some years ago became the

programming platform of the next generation for Microsoft. It supports a host of languages

aforementioned, and still supports codes from other platforms like JAVA, JavaScript, etc.

Microsoft is a monopolistic organisation; they always want to dominate any area they are

found in. They’ve been sued many times in the past by so many firms and software giant’s JAVA

for been anti-competitive, that is hiding source codes for no other vendor to build upon or

modify, they are always after making their money. Since they were paying the makers of

JavaScript for using their scripting base, the JavaScript, they were so unhappy that after the

impasse they developed a strong and

more robust programming language

with its scripting base, the c# script,

which in fact annulled or reduced the

effect of the JavaScript, which they

Microsoft publicly declared anyone

can use any scripting technology he

wants be it JavaScript, VBScript,

script# or C# script on their .NET

framework. That was a pinch of salt

for JavaScript developers. JAVA is a

strongly typed compiled

programming language developed by

SUN Microsystems and JavaScript

is a lightweight interpreted FIG. 4.1 COMPUTER SOFTWARE

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programming language developed originally by NETSCAPE. It was formally called LiveScript. The

two languages are not the same in any way.

Microsoft has certifications like MCSD (Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer) which

encompasses software development on windows with customized tools like Visual Studio which

can compile codes that is synonymous with Microsoft. Microsoft has lots of certifications.

Then Sun Java has certifications like SCJP (Sun Certified Java Programmer) which is primarily

based on their sole certification JAVA programming language. JAVA is a code intensive

programming language; it’s not a programming language for kids (although none was meant for

child’s play). It is used for large scale design projects which must need a team that will have to

collaborate to achieve their common goal. Nigeria doesn’t present a friendly turf for this variant

because all they need is people who can develop apps for them, not programmers that will

have to work extensively for months and years to come up with something. Although software

developers must have some proficiency in coding and program writing, but this knowledge will

be to enhance their skill in the final development of applications. Java has development tools

like NETBEANS which is an IDE powerfully enhanced which can create a host of applications

ranging from application software to web content development. JAVA is platform independent.

©Microsoft Visual Studio development tool is platform dependent that is it can only deploy

applications that can be used on windows only. The trouble in Nigeria presently is the undying

quest for skilled software developers. This area is an area that is paramount and of high

demand in the history of ICT in Nigeria. If you are a very good software developer in Nigeria, all

you need do is relax, meet the necessary people and count your millions.

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This is a general area that can’t be associated with ICT only. In fact, the origin of this course of

study can be traced to every other field of human endeavor because project management

surfaces in everything you do. Just as projects are been developed in each area and managed

same goes for ICT whereby projects are carried out on a daily basis, and where large projects

abound, development teams has to prepare disaster containment plans which can be directly

compared to risk management. Risk management can be an integral part of project

management or can be considered independently if the project is massive in scale.

Here in Nigeria and abroad, project management remains one of the highest paying ICT career

and its training is nearly or almost unavailable in Nigeria. Upon getting this certification,

companies will not hesitate to hire you because of the near unavailability of skilled individuals.

There is a body abroad in charge of granting certifications to qualified individuals and its name

is PMI (Project Management Institute), and they award you certification in project management

such as PMP.


The certificate assures its holders of employment opportunities from organizations and

institutions that handle large quantities of ICT projects. Skill and intuitive ability is highly

needed here to make a mouth-watering project come true. The risks involved are been

immediately assessed and ascertained. Therefore project managers are at the top of their


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Information Systems Auditing

This is a brand newbie in the market. This is the area that

has to do with auditing of Information Systems which

happens to be a routine carried out for the purposes of

ascertaining the quality assurance level obtainable in

organizations with a scalable IT department. It tends to

find out the preparedness of a firm in meeting with all the

necessary requirements it needs in other to float a

business. Most companies in Nigeria appoint Info Sys.

Auditors to help audit their IT departments in other to

unmask loopholes and inconsistencies existing within

these networks, and some other third-party Institution

created for quality assurance by the Govt. still go around

and audit IT departments of companies.

The only visible player in this area is a company that goes by the name ISACA which certifies

individuals in CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor). The course and the exams are very

user-friendly. Experts will only have not much detailed knowledge on all sectors of information

and communications technology. They will cut across all sectors and fields for the purposes of

the audit.

Work terrain includes close observation of the state of things. Always inquisitive trying to see

mistakes, been able to conduct some psychological manipulation while on the job. Sweep all

areas and leave no stones unturned. Create large quantities of paper work, deduct from your

observations, stay long hours trying to make links between information you were given orally

and the ones in hard copy.

Finally submit your findings with the verdict boldly made by you. But watch it. Don’t take

someone’s job because you are trying to get relevance, here in Nigeria anything goes. They

might use tools on you. Figure it out!!!

There are centres in the country where you can get materials and training for this newbie. Just

go get it!!!

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The field of security in Information Technology is a very wide and broad one. This area of ICT is

one of the most crucial because it has to do with loss of some valuables be it money or

information. That is the more reason why individuals that professionalize in this area are been

paid handsomely for their expertise and experience. “Aha, Aha, our eyes hath seen it”, Hahaha,

that’s what these guinea pigs you’ll be trying to prevent from poking into your network will say

after they have searched fervently and found your secretly hidden SSID in your wireless

network which you set not to broadcast.

The fact is that once you are a security

expert protecting a company’s valuable

assets, you will be dealing with people

that seem to come from a different

planet, all they want to do is exploit that

vulnerability in your network and

subsequently cause harm. Maybe it

makes them feel better or because they

might earn from their effort. It is like a

cat-dog affair whereby you fix, they

damage. It continues like that, they don’t

get tired so far that company is


relevant and makes very good revenue. At a point it will look like you the professional is quite

unprofessional because after implementing all the numerous strategies you are conversant

with and beating your chest confidently saying “ Yes, I finally dealt with these people from

Mars”, they might still find a re-route or a backdoor to further continue their damage. In

hacking methodology, the routine is find vulnerabilities, exploit them, hide tracks and expand

access. I bet you anyone working with this means is bound to succeed if you don’t have any

formidable means of checking him. Here in Nigeria, so many companies, banks and

organizations have been under serious attack from these cold blooded individuals, not because

Nigerians are the best of hackers, but because Nigerians are the best when it comes to crime no

matter the version of crime. If it is a criminal act, look very well, a Nigerian signature must be

there. Nigerians were recently adjudged to be one of the best in code breaking and acts related

to coding not because that they are so intelligent but because they don’t see things the normal

way again, they see it the criminal way. The DOD (Department Of Defense), which according to

some people and also going by my own opinion remains the most secure network in the whole

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world, but Alas! One cool dude from U.K hacked it sometime two years back, he was extradited

from U.K. to U.S. to answer for the offense, and in U.S. he was charged, found guilty and

convicted. If someone was able to hack the DOD successfully, which might be an act of war if it

was found that he is been sponsored by another country, because DOD servers have

information bothering on the defense strategy of United States, then which other

establishment is above a successful hack. Hmmm! This is very hard to swallow. I can see that.

That is why the defender of any network must equally be the bad guy, which is the hacker

himself too.

Information and Network Security are two broad interwoven terms that form the bulk of the

security certification. They closely complement each other because of their strong relationship.

You must protect the network and information flowing through that network. For one to

penetrate your network is not still a formidable reason that he will be able to get information

from that network. The information available might be unusable, encrypted (scrambled with

codes) or secured through biometric means.

Network security has to do with protection of

an establishment’s network by means of

implementing various technologies that

prevent intrusion, scanning or reconnaissance,

and the others by means of using technologies

like advanced firewalls, malicious

code/program detectors (because a dissident

might use one of the malicious programs like

Trojans, worms , logic bombs, zombies or

viruses to penetrate, which is an automated process), good network encryption to beat

protocol analyzers that assemble data in transit, good authentication mechanism with

encrypted password technology.

Information Security has to do with the means information residing on information systems are

secured and protected from malicious individuals that got access into these information

systems. So many technologies are implemented like user rights policy, encryption with a good

hashing mechanism, certification authority, biometrics authentication like fingerprints

authentication, DNA check and iris scanners.

You must think and behave like a hacker before you can protect your company. The best way to

catch a lying thief is if you’ve been there and done that just like him. It is a known fact that in

the world of hacking the white hat hacker represents the nice guy (defending), and the black

hat hacker represents the mean guy (attacking). These black hat hackers are well paid by some

individuals and companies to cause harm on other rival companies’ network in order to cause a

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disruption in their activities so as to benefit them. I’m talking about people that don’t sleep

until their damage gets confirmed.

Presently in Nigeria, there is a high demand for security professionals, not just certificate-

bearing security professionals but experienced people. One can gather his own experience if he

decides to be prudent, that is if he knows how he can represent real life imagery by gathering

fewer equipment and devices he can afford and represent a complex scenario. It is a real-time

experience. In this way you can marry theory and the little experience you gathered together to

predict or know what a complex scenario will yield to.

There are so many authorities in charge of certifying security experts and so many security

certifications one can get hold of in other to boost his expertise in the field. For starters a

course from the stables of COMPTIA like COMPTIA SECURITY + is quite a prerequisite for going

into other advanced security certifications. COMPTIA SECURITY + is a very good course that

exposes one into the rudiments of Information and Network Security. Other courses are

Microsoft Security that comes bundled in certifications like MCSE and MCITP but can still be

written alone. Some good security courses come bundled in CISCO certifications. Then the big

ones in security are courses like Ethical Hacking and CISSP (Certified Information Systems

Security Professional) from International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium,

the last requires 2-3 years experience as a security professional. Security is a good money

spinner in Nigeria.

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Wow!!! This is one big area that has a great bond with programming, applications

development, multimedia and database technologies. It is one of the biggest money spinners in

the country. This field is so versatile and wide that not one single individual can specialize in all

the areas. Professionals are always sought for on a regular basis because there is so much

information to be managed and updated regularly on web servers. As dynamic as a company is,

so is the information the company deals with. So many things can be done on websites starting

from information acquisition, blogging, social networking, purchases, net meeting, and

resources surfing and downloads, in fact, the list is inexhaustible. In this age all businesses are

marketed electronically, goods sold and returns made, there can’t be any other means than to

represent these in a format accessible by whomever that will have interest in them. That is how

the idea of websites came into reality.

Websites are applications that showcase

contents of an information system in a way that

anybody can be able to view and access such

information from anywhere. A website may include

text, images, sounds and other content, and may be

interactive. It can be accessed from anywhere

through the logical connection of these

information systems by a term referred to as the

internet which is maintained and regulated by so

many bodies like the ISOC (Internet Society), the

W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) IESG

(Internet Engineering Steering Group), the IERG

(Internet Engineering Research Group), the

ICANN (Internet Corporation for assigned Names and Numbers). The later been the body that

gives out domain names and live IP addresses to individuals and companies that want to

register their sites and services on the internet. That is where the concept of web hosting

comes in, whereby before you can go on the internet after developing your site, you must pay

for a slot on the internet from this organization which will provide you with a valid public or live

IP address and endorse your domain name (e.g. to operate with. So with

these, you can host your web servers on your machines and link them to the internet for people

across the world to be able to access it.

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Web content development is a broad term which contains other sub terms like web design,

web programming, web graphics design, web authoring, database engineering, content

development etc.

First of all in the job of web content development, there are experts that specialize in producing

the skeletal form of the site, that is designing the way contents will be placed on the web

pages, HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), xHTML (Extended Hypertext Markup Language),

XML (Extensible Markup Language) form the background platform on which other codes are

built on top of. Rather than using ghostly HTML tables and tags, CSS (Cascaded Style Sheets)

and XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) is extensively used these days to determine the way

contents of a website are positioned. These CSS or XSL codes are embedded on HTML, xHTML

or XML. After this skeletal system has been developed, the contents is been worked on, other

experts will design graphics, images, or other multimedia like macromedia flash which is used

to animate web pages and add some level of dynamism to the site. In the graphics

development, professionals use so many tools like Core Photopaint, Adobe Photoshop, Ulead

Photo Express, Roxio Photo Suite, and Illustrator, macromedia flash designer, Maya Graphics

and Animation and other tools and utilities to develop cutting-edge graphics for sites. These

graphics form part of the liveliness experienced in recent dynamic web pages unlike the ghostly

static pages HTML used to exhibit in the past.

Then from there, other contents like texts,

adverts, links, and the like are added. Scripting is

another way of adding dynamism to web pages.

It makes the web pages have this crisp and

dynamic look and feel that is so appealing to the

eyes. This is where much of the coding and

programming comes in. In fact, it is the real deal.

There are two types of scripting platforms,

client-side scripting and server-side scripting.

Client-server scripting which resides on the site

and directly interacts with the end-user of the site; this tends to add good flexibility of the site

while a visitor is using it. They are mostly Java Scripts, Jscripts, Action Scripts, VBScripts, and

AJAX (Advanced JavaScript). They are mostly used to automate processes on sites like JavaScript

will make sure a site user fills all the required forms on the site before submitting if not it will

not submit and prompts the user to complete it and AJAX will take away that time overhead it

will take a clicked link to open by quickly dashing into the servers, fetching your information

and returning it back. These scripts are written by professionals in script writing who know

when and where it is necessary to apply it during a site development.

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Server-side scripting makes up the other better and bigger part of web page dynamism. This is

where web programming rests its oars with code writing expertise and professionalism at its

peak. These technologies are implemented by servers which store data and feed the end-user

by means of high powered scripts which automates the process. They are the real deal. The

level of dynamism they bring to fore is so crisp and real that you’ll feel you can touch it. With

smooth scrolling tabs, light-shaded and clear pop-ups, strong database engine that stores and

manages user data effectively, neatly organized way of presenting information, and little time

overhead in getting what you want. An example of a sophisticated site that contains all of these

features remains the popular social networking site “FACEBOOK” which has so much dynamism,

robust database structure and effective data representation. There are so many programming

languages that can be used to implement server-side scripting, languages like PHP (Personal

Home Page), ASP & ASPX (Active Server Pages from Microsoft), and JSP (Java Server Pages),

ColdFusion, PERL, PYTHON, CGI (Common Gateway Interface), C #. All these languages are used

in combination with one another, but all can’t be implemented at the same time. Then comes

the databases where technologies like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and APACHE web server come into

play. These database engines are used to store the data for these websites which those server-

side scripting work with. A simple analogy is the AMP trilogy, AMP stands for “APACHE, MySQL

and PHP” where PHP is the middle man who brings requests and passes it unto APACHE who in

turn goes into the store “MySQL” to fetch the data needed by the user. It’s like an electronic

sales outlet whereby the customer sends his order to the salesman who in turn passes the

order to the inventory people that will go into the store to bring the product ordered. Here the

customer is the site user, the salesman is the PHP language, the inventory guy is APACHE, and

then the store is MySQL. Wow!!! What a moonlight tale. Sites can be developed depending on

what one wants, targeted audience and the available technologies to be used. A site can

contain a maze of codes, scripts, multimedia, and all sorts of enhancements which makes it

practically impossible for one person to develop a standard site project. The wireframe

development is the starting point whereby experts look at what the demand at hand is and

decide on the best technology to use to design the skeletal image of the site, whereby they’ll

will torn between using XHTML or XML coupled with either CSS or XSL, then the graphics

developers start working on the graphics elements of the site, the images, videos, animations

and the rest, after which script and content writers start developing scripts and contents of the

individual pages, then dynamism will be added by server side scripting which will be done by

experts in that area. Then for a more data intensive site, for instance sites that have an

electronic sales and inventory system, products overview and advertisement, secured payment

infrastructure, provision for research work submission from individuals, and all that crap will

require very good robust server side scripting with either PHP, ASP or ASPX, JSP, PERL, and the

rest of them with either MySQL or PostgreSQL database. At the end a single site will be

containing so many programs, elements and scripts.

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After all the designing, the next thing to do is the deployment which will have to do with

making yourself a host or getting some third-party hosting firm to help you out. Hosting has to

do with registering and making the site available on the internet for users. If you can’t host it

yourself then you’ll have to meet those third-party people who already have hosting rights or

have been registered by ICANN and other internet societies to do it for you for a particular

annual fee which is payable every year. There are so many cheap site hosting companies in

Nigeria. All you have to do is make proper inquiry.

In Nigeria, there is a great demand for skilled web content developers who can design, deploy

and manage a site. The jobs come by the day and it pays handsomely all the time because of so

much expertise required of individuals in that area. Less sophisticated sites can be developed

by single individuals where as the more complex ones are done by a team. All you have to do is

become very good in a part but you’ll try and be able to develop a normal site, get yourself a

team that you will work with all the time, then you are good to go.

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Computer Databases

A database is a logical storeroom resident on a system or systems which can store large

volumes and quantities of an organization’s data or information. This area is quite complex but

not so confusing because it’s solely on its own. Not many coinages to confuse one. It’s strictly a

data storage affair. Have you wondered how an organisation manages the information of its

employees, its products both sold and unsold, the designs, information on all sorts of data. A

database can be a very huge and massively confusing affair if you, the database administrator

(DBA) has huge data to manage. As a company or an establishment expands, the data they

manage increases too. Maybe the increase will be astronomical or gradual depending on the

rate of development within the company. It is of utmost importance that database

administrators be positioned at strategic points of the establishment’s business to contain and

manage data at those points.


Harold Percival 26262 S. Howards Mill Rd Westminster CA92683 Jerry Appel 32323 S. River Lane Rd Santa Ana CA92705 Adrian Hansen 232 Glenwood Court Anaheim CA92640 John Baker 2222 Lafayette St Garden GroveCA92643 Michael Pens 77730 S. New Era Rd Irvine CA92715 Bob Michimoto 25252 S. Kelmsley Dr Stanton CA92610 Linda Smith 444 S.E. Seventh St Costa Mesa CA92635 Robert Funnell 2424 Sheri Court Anaheim CA92640 Bill Checkal 9595 Curry Dr Stanton CA92610 Jed Style 3535 Randall St Santa Ana CA9270


Basically the work terrain bothers about building up a database structure for an establishment

with the latest technologies available, some actually programme databases, that is create their

own custom made database designs other than the ones that are available today in the markets

like MySQL, MsSQL, and Oracle. After the design, they build the database. These databases are

of the form known as relational database management systems (RDBMS). They are relational in

the sense that in the past data objects don’t possess dynamism, that is been linked with one

another, they are static in the sense that once data has been entered, they remain as they

were, before you can get information you must be specific about the location of the data, this

brings up the concept of flat files where data is entered on static pages that don’t possess any

link with other tables, information entered on these flat files can only be retrieved from them it

doesn’t refer you if it finds out that the data you are looking for is somewhere, that is it is not

relational. But relational databases are dynamic, whenever a data object value changes it

immediately and automatically updates itself within the database; the whole entire database

adjusts itself.

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SQL (Structured Query Language) is the industry standard language used to query DBMS

(Database Management Systems). It arranges data in tables that define a particular event. It has

a similar structure or syntax like a normal programming language. Generic SQL is used to query

all databases generally except that for most database engines especially ORACLE have a slight

modification of the generic SQL to suit their own implementation.

MySQL is a very good database system which is best implemented with web applications and its

very good as a stand-alone RDBMS.

MsSQL from Microsoft is a very good and robust database engine, it is used everywhere, most

especially within Windows environment or Microsoft networks, alongside with servers like ISA,

Exchange, SharePoint, RAS and the rest.

ORACLE is a platform independent

scalable and excellent RDBMS, it is

the most preferred and the best

so far. It can be deployed on any

platform, whether Microsoft

windows, Linux, or UNIX. It works

very well. These days, the ORACLE

co-operation prefers Linux

operating systems, which is much

more secure and robust.


Database experts are most of the time on-site. That is they are mostly employed to manage the

databases they work on, it is not much of a field job where you will do work remotely for an

establishment and get back to them. But experts can be contracted to design a database for a

company depending on their needs, but the database builder will manage the database and has

to be conversant with the design before he can proceed. Building a database is populating the

database, which is adding data to it.

Here in Nigeria, their always exists the need for experienced database experts, there are three areas of database specialization;

Systems DBAs (also referred to as Physical DBAs, Operations DBAs or Production Support DBAs)

focus on the physical aspects of database administration such as DBMS installation,

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configuration, patching, upgrades, backups, restores, refreshes, performance optimization, and

maintenance and disaster recovery.

Development DBAs focus on the logical and development aspects of database administration

such as data model design and maintenance, DDL (data definition language) generation, SQL

writing and tuning, coding stored procedures, collaborating with developers to help choose the

most appropriate DBMS feature/functionality and other pre-production activities.

Application DBAs usually found in organizations that have purchased 3rd party application

software such as ERP (enterprise resource planning) and CRM (customer relationship

management) systems. Examples of such application software include Oracle Applications,

Siebel and PeopleSoft (both now part of Oracle Corp.) and SAP. Application DBAs straddle the

fence between the DBMS and the application software and are responsible for ensuring that

the application is fully optimized for the database and vice versa. They usually manage all the

application components that interact with the database and carry out activities such as

application installation and patching, application upgrades, database cloning, building and

running data cleanup routines, data load process management, etc.

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Computer Graphics, Animation and Multimedia.

This is a branch of programming which better be left alone because of its broad scope. It is the

latest area of ICT to get into the top money spinners of this generation. Graphics has to do with

representing images, videos or animations (moving images or multimedia). It is a known fact

that images on the screen can be represented by knowing the various colour identities that

make up each pixel value that constitutes such an image. Everything you see on your computer

monitor screen, your pictures, videos, writings, just about anything are made of pixels which

are tiny dots that line up on your monitor screen. Try and use the magnifier application bundled

with your windows O.S. to see what I mean, you can go to Start Button on your Taskbar, point

to All Programs, then Accessories, then Ease of Access, click on Magnifier. Then use it to zoom

your own picture on your monitor screen, zoom it to a greater percentage until dots like

squares appear and the image appears distorted. These dots you are presently viewing on your

screen make up the various colors that constitute your picture. Your picture is composed of

these dots, and these dots or squares are known as pixels. Each of these pixels (Picture

Elements) has a color number or a color identity, which can either be in RGB format or any

other colour convention. The RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) format from kindergarten lessons can

be mixed to get any colour one wants. You can get all sorts of colors when you mix the three

colors in varying degrees of intensity. So if for instance, the monitor and graphics specification

supports 24-bit colour mode, then each of the three colors are 8 bits each, when you do the

math, i.e. for 8-bits red, you can get up to 28 = 256 values of red in varying degrees, if other

colors in the RGB triplet is varied in the same way, then we will be getting 256 reds, 256 greens,

and 256 blues, which when mixed together we will be getting 16,000,000 colors which is

displayable by our monitor. If we all know the various values of the RGB triplet that make up

the pixels in our picture (because each pixel has 3 phosphors for the RGB triplet), then we will

be able to produce that same picture or image of ours by feeding the information to the frame

buffer of our graphics controller without getting the picture or copying it to the system. Are you

feeling me!!! This is the basics of graphics and animation programming. Designers have to know

the various color identities that constitute what the image they want to render before doing

mapping or drawing it on the screen. This analogy also goes for video and animation. A video

which you created with your cam-coder can be viewed on the screen without copying it to the

system by creating the various elements in the video, the background, and the people by pixel

transformations like multiplication, rotation and translation of the pixels. Video are sometimes

called moving pictures, of course they are, because for Obi to be static on the computer screen

means that all the colour identities that constitute his image are stationary in the frame buffer

memory locations. If you want him to move, the color identities in the frame buffer starts

changing location within that same frame buffer. This is the idea behind animation and videos.

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The audio is later rendered. So from this basic analogy, you will be able to deduce that a very

good graphics artist can fake a video where you are been blackmailed for what you never did or

got involved in. That sounds inconveniencing!!! I get it. But it is not as easy as it seems, great

animation products like the popular Tom and Jerry were done by lots of people, if not

hundreds. It is so tedious that not one single person can achieve all. The person might go down

with nervous breakdown while not meeting up to 10% of the work. All hands must be on deck

for the work to flow. This still applies to Game development, whether computer games or

console games, Gaming has got its fair share of the graphics mumbo jumbo. Computer games

are user-defined stories that have a structural and logical pattern of flow. It first of all has a

storyline that can be modified by the player through decision points in the game where the

player either concludes the original storyline or modifies it depending on how he wants it. All

possible occurrences to be encountered while playing a game has been provided for. For

instance if you were meant to kill an

Army General in the game and you were

not able to do that, the next option has

been set if you didn’t achieve that

objective, that is you will die by getting

killed by the Army general. So from this,

we understood that games are a tree,

storyboard, or flowchart of options and

decision points which if this doesn’t

happen, then that will happen. This is a

very serious issue!!! It is never an easy



There are lots of people involved day to day in the business of computer animation and

Graphics. It is quite lucrative but challenging. You have to work long hours and you must fine

tune your design before you come up with a working one. The process of fine tuning is

continuous and it takes long periods.

Presently in Nigeria, there exists the need for developers of Graphics and Animation. Many

organizations presently use graphics and animation for their product advertisement because it

is more appealing and attractive to the eyes. They make their impact at first sight.

There isn’t much need for games development in a country like Nigeria because the ones made

by experts abroad always get cracked whenever they find their way to Nigeria. Basically any

person or individual that creates games here in Nigeria will not find it so income-friendly

because the original masterpieces of expert games made from abroad always get pirated and

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sold at a cheaper price. And going by the way I feel, it will take some serious level of ingenuity

to beat the quality of games brought from abroad.

So, I really do believe that animation sounds

more lucrative than games in Nigeria, unless

the games are not meant for the audience

that plays console games like PlayStation or

computer games played on the PC.

Some other form of graphics are done by

editing and modification of existing graphics

like already made pictures and videos, where

tools are used to enhance, distort, or

recreate multimedia objects. This is quite a

lucrative sub-field because the ingenuity

FIG. 9.1 Images like this can be used to deceive

displayed can still fetch huge revenues for an individual. There are Consultancy firms that

employ people very good in multimedia editing. Pictures get transformed, enhanced and

recreated like cutting people out from an original image and placing them in different

backgrounds, changing the colour and design patterns of their clothing, creating other effects

like including natural occurrences like rain or fog to make it more real and convincing. Tools like

Adobe Photoshop, Ulead Photo Express, Roxio Photo Suite, Corel Photo Paint and the rest of

them are used immensely for image editing. Videos can be manipulated in so many ways like

cutting and merging segments of videos, enhancing it and improving sound, using graphics

programming to fake a scene within the video.

In fact multimedia is very wide if you start looking at all it entails, audio files can be converted

from one form to the other, combined in some way, re-edit them, create so many effects like

surround, voice conversion which still takes us into the world of sound engineering where

studio engineers use special applications and other higher applications to make decent sound.

This is still a fast growing money spinner as so many entertainment studios are springing up

from all corners in the country and looking for qualified.

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Ours is a world of opportunities. So much energy to create and make very good inventions.

Most especially now the country is in need of experts that stayed behind, not the ones that

absconded. We should try and see where we fit into the world of ICT and creativity, the world

of endless possibilities and unending income and revenue. Help generate revenue for our

country. Create a very strong ICT environment for posterity to sustain. Solve crime and other

related puzzle with modern ICT techniques, create e-classrooms for lectures to easily flow,

make our own national citizens database.

In fact our destiny is in our hands.!!!!

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3Com Master of Network Science(MNS)

Ascend Ascend Certified Technical Expert (ACTE)

Adobe Adobe Certified Expert (ACE)

Adobe Certified Training Provider (ACTP)

Adaptec Adaptec Certified Engineer

American Society for Quality Software Quality Engineer

Association For Project Management Certificated Project Manager (CPM)

Association of Web Professionals (AWP)

Certified Web Designer (CWD)

Certified Web Manager (CWM)

Certified Web Technician (CWT)

Baan Company

Baan ERP Certification

Baan IV Certification

Baan Supply Chains Solutions (SCS) Certification


Certified Banyan Specialist (CBS)

Certified Banyan Expert (CBE)

Certified Banyan Instructor (CBI) Certified Developer

BICSI Registered Communications Distribution Designer


Building Industry Consulting Service


Registered Communications Distribution Designer


Cabletron Systems

Cabletron Specialist (CS)

Cabletron Systems Engineer (CSE)

Spectrum Engineer (SE)

Spectrum Solutions Engineer (SSE)

Callware Technologies Certified Network Telephony Engineer (CNTE))

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Canadian Information Processing Society

(CIPS) Information Systems Professional of Canada (ISP)

Centura Software/Gupta Centura DBA Certification

Centura Developer Certification

Chauncey Group Associate Technology Specialist

Certified Technical Trainer (CTT)

Check Point Software

Check Point Certified Network Traffic Engineer (CCAE)

Check Point Certified Security Administrator (CCSA)

Check Point Certified Security Engineer (CCSE)

Check Point Certified Quality of Service Engineerr (CCQE)

Cisco Systems

Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)

Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP)

Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) - ISP Dial

Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) - Routing and


Cisco Certified Design Associate (CCDA)

Cisco Certified Design Professional (CCDP)

Certified Cisco Systems Instructor (CCSI)

Cisco Learning Partner Connection


Citrix Certified Administrator (CCA)

Citrix Certified Enterprise Administrator (CCEA)

Citrix Certified Instructor (CCI)

CIW Certified Internet Webmaster

CNX Consortium Certified Network Expert (CNX)

Cognos, Inc. Cognos Certified Professional Program (CCPP)


Compaq Associate Accredited Systems Engineer

(Associate ASE)

Compaq Accredited Systems Engineer(ASE)

Compaq Master Accredited Systems Engineer (Master


Accredited Compaq Technician Program (ACT)

CompTIA -

Computing Technology Industry Association A+ Service Technician Certification

Certified Document Imaging Architech (CDIA)

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Find Training Resources for CompTIA

Computer Associates International

Certified Unicenter Engineer (CUE)

Certified Opal Developer (COD)

Certified Unicenter Administrator (CUA)

Certified Professional Desktop Specialist (CACP-Desktop


Certified Professional Help Desk Specialist (CACP-Help

Desk Specialist)

Certified Professional Network Specialist (CACP-Network


Certified Professional Security Specialist (CACP Security


Certified Professional Storage Specialist (CACP Storage


Computer Telephony Institute, Inc. Computer Telephony Engineer (CTE)

Corel Corporation

Corel Certified Proficient User

Corel Certified Expert User

Corel Certified Instructor (CCI)

CyberTech Institute, Inc. CyberTech Certified (various applications)

CyberTech Linux Certification

Dialogic CT Professional/Solutions Developer

Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) DIGITAL-Certified

Digital Metrics Digital Metrics Certified Linux Administrator

Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRI)

Associate Business Continuity Planner (ABCP)

Certified Business Continuity Planner (CBCP)

Master Business Continuity Planner (MBCP)

DSDM Secretariat Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)

Enterprise Certified Corp.

Enterprise Certified Administrator

Enterprise Certified Architek

Enterprise Certified Professional

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FileNET FileNET Certified Professional (FCP)

FORE Systems FORE Systems LAN Certified Engineer

FORE Systems WAN Certified Engineer

Gartner Institute Gartner Certified Associate in Project Management

Global Knowledge TCP/IP Network Analyst Certification

HelpDesk 2000

Certified Field Support Technician (CFST)

Certified Help Desk Director (CHDD)

Certified Help Desk Manager (CHDM)

Certified Help Desk Professional (CHDP)

Help Desk 2000 Certified Instructor

Hewlett Packard

HP Certified IT Professional - HP-UX System


HP Certified IT Professional - MPE/iX System


HP Certified IT Professional - OpenView Network


HP Certified IT Professional - OpenView Unix Server &

Applications Management

HP Certified IT Professional - OpenView Unix/NT


HP Certified IT Professional - OpenView Windows NT

Server & Applications Management

HP OpenView Certified Consultant

HP STAR - Certified Cluster Installer (CLU)

HP STAR - NetServer Technology Professional (NTP)

HP STAR - Digital Workplace Professional (DWP)

HP STAR - Information Storage Professional (ISP)

HP STAR - Network Connectivity Professional (NCP)

HyCurve Inc.

HyCurve Administration Specialist

HyCurve Applications Specialist

HyCurve Security Specialist

HyCurve Web Design Specialist

IBM Corporation

AIX Professional Certification

Object Technology Certifications

Professional Certification Program

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iGeneration Certified Professional Program All Internet Certifications

Information Systems Audit and Control

Association Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)

Informix Software, Inc. Informix Certified Professional

Inprise Corporation Certified Inprise Consultant (CIC)

Certified Inprise Instructor

Institute for Certification of Computing


Associate Computing Professional (ACP)

Certified Computing Professional (CCP)

Institute for Configuration Management(ICM) Configuration Management II Certification (CMII)

Institute for Interconnecting & Packaging

Electronic Circuits (IPC) IPC PWB Designer

Intel Corporation

Intel Certified Integration Specialist

Intel Certified Solutions Consultant

Intel Training Center Locator

International Function Point Users Group

(IFPUG) Certified Function Point Specialist (CFPS)

International Information Systems Security

Certification Consortium

Certified Information Systems Security Professional


International Programmers Guild (IPG) Certified Programmer

International Society of Certified Electronics

Technicians (ISCET) Certified Electronics Technician (CET)

International Webmasters Association

IWA Certified Web (CWP)

IWA Certified Corporate Webmaster (CCW)

IWA Certified Web Developer (CWD)

Learning Tree International Learning Tree Int. Certifications (various)

Legato Systems (acquired Vinca)

Legato Certified Administrator (LCA)

Legato Certified Operator (LCO)

Legato Certified Specialist (LCS)

Linux Professional Institute Linux Professional Institute Certified Level 1 (LPIC1)

Linux Professional Institute Certified Level 2 (LPIC2)

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Linux Professional Institute Certified Level 3 (LPIC3)


Certified Lotus Professional (CLP)

Certified Lotus Specialist (CLS)

Certified Lotus End-User Instructor (CLEI)

Certified Lotus Instructor (CLI)

Lucent InterNetworking Systems (was Ascend

Communications Inc)

Lucent Certified Solutions Expert (LCSE)

Lucent Certified Technical Expert (LCTE) - ATM

Lucent Certified Technical Expert (LCTE) - Frame Relay

Lucent Certified Technical Expert (LCTE) - Remote Access

Lucent Certified Technical Expert (LCTE) - VPRN

Marimba Certified Castanet Developer

MERANT Merant Certified Professional in PVCS

Mercury Interactive Certified Product Specialist (CPS)

Certified Product Instructor (CPI)


Microsoft Training & Services

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)

Microsoft Certified Professional + Internet (MCP+I)

Microsoft Certified Professional + Site Builder (MCP+SB)

Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD)

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE)

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer + Internet (MCSE+I)

Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA)

Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT)

Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) Certification

Find Microsoft Training and Testing Centers

Motorola ISG Certifications

National Association of Communications

Systems Engineers (NACSE) Network Certifications

Network Associates, Inc. Certified Network Expert (CNX)

Newbridge Networks

Newbridge Remote Access Specialist

Newbridge Wise for Broadband Network Administrator

Newbridge Wise for Broadband WAN

Newbridge Wise for Narrowband Network Administrator

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Newbridge Wise for Narrowband WAN

Newbridge Wise for Switched Routing

Nortel Networks

Nortel Networks Certified Design Expert (NNCDE)

Nortel Networks Certified Design Specialist (NNCDS)

Nortel Networks Certified Network Architect (NNCNA)

Nortel Networks Certified Support Expert (NNCSE)

Nortel Networks Certified Support Specialist (NNCSS)


Certified Internet Professional (CIP)

Certified Novell Administrator (CNA)

Certified Novell Engineer (CNE)

Certified Novell Instructor (CNI)

Certified Novell Salesperson (CNS)

Master CNE (MCNE)

Master CNI (MCNI)

Novell Education Authorized Training Locator


Oracle Certified Enterprise Developer - Oracle Internet


Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) - Application


Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) - Database Operator


Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) - DBA (Oracle 8 or


Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) - Financial Apps


Oracle Certified Solution Developer - Jdeveloper


WAN Applications Certified Expert (WAN A.C.E.)

FrameSaver Certification

Hotwire Certification

ParcPlace-Digitalk Certified Smalltalk Developer (CSD)

Certified Senior Smalltalk Developer (CSSD)

PC DOCS, Inc. Certified DOCS Professional


PeopleSoft Business Analyst Pro

PeopleSoft Database Administrator Pro

PeopleSoft Programmer/Analyst Pro

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PeopleSoft Project Lead Pro

PeopleSoft Quality Assurance Pro

PeopleSoft System Administrator Pro

PeopleSoft System Architect Pro

PeopleSoft Technical Pro

Pine Mountain Group, Inc.

Certified NetAnalyst - Architect

Certified NetAnalyst - Cross Technology

Certified NetAnalyst - Internet

Project Management Institute(PMI) Project Management Professional

Quality Assurance Institute(QAI)

Certified Qualty Analsyt (CQA)

Certified SPICE Assessor

Certified Software Test Engineer (CSTE)

Red Hat Software

Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE)

Red Hat Certified Engineer II (RHCEII)

Red Hat Certified Examiner (RHCX)

Rockwell Software Training Certification


Linux Certified Professional (LCP)

Linux/GNU Certified Administrator (LCA)

Linux/GNU Certified Engineer (LCE)

Linux/GNU Certified Trainer

Master Linux/GNU Certified Engineer (MLCE)

Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) SCO Advanced System Engineer (ACE)

SCO Certified UNIX System Administrator (CUSA)

SAP Partner Academy SAP Certified Application Consultant

SAP Certified Technical Consultant

SAS Institute Inc.

SAS Certified Professional - Application Development

SAS Certified Professional - Business Intelligence

SAS Certified Professional - Data Management V6

SAS Certified Professional V6

Shiva Shiva Certified Professional

Siebel Systems Siebel Certified Consultant

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Siebel Certified Instructor

Silicon Graphics Certified IRIX System Administrator

Software Publishers Association (SPA) Certified Software Manager (CSM)

Solomon Software

Solomon Certified Trainer

Solomon IV Certified Application Developer (SCAD)

Solomon IV Certified Systems Engineer (SCSE)

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform

Sun Certified Developer for the Java Platform

Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java 2 Platform

Sun Certified System Administrator for Solaris, Part 1 & 2

Sun Certified Network Administrator for Solaris

Sun Educational Services Training Centers


Sybase Certified Professional Program

Sybase Certification Exams

Sybase Certification Exam Information

Sybase Certified Adaptive Server Administrator

Sybase Certified SQL Anywhere

Certified PowerBuilder Developer 7.0

Certified PowerBuilder Developer 6.0

Sybase Certified Professional Program Study Guidelines

Symantec Corp ACT! Certified Consultant(ACC)


Sysoft Certified Advanced Webmaster & EBusiness


Sysoft Certified Internet Developer

Sysoft Certified Webmaster & E-Commerce Architect

Texas Instruments Certified Composer Professional (CCP)

Tivoli Systems, Inc.

Tivoli Certified Consultant

Tivoli Certified Enterprise Consultant

Tivoli Certified Instructor

Tivoli Certified Solutions Expert

Vinca Vinca Certified Engineer (VCE)

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Xplor Electronic Document & Printing Professional (EDPP)

Xylan Alcatel Certified Switch Expert (ACSE)

Alcatel Certified Switch Specialist (ACSS)