the i lsiij14lei i family lkihunl rollor ouri nut per...

pw iiI I i ii 1 I SpecialSaleI ll Paperr r The greatest bargains in wall paper that has ever been offered to the public You can paper a room side wall ceiling and border to match for the small sum of only 65 cents Nice plain floraldesigns that others are selling at G cents per roll we will sell you at only 112c per single rollor 3 cents per double roll all new and beautiful designs Also nice hand ¬ some designs at Sc 10 1Sc 20c and up to 300 per single roll all kinds all prices to suit the people New panel effects ingrain designs in cornice and every conceivable color and qppliue borders to match All colors in burlaps Also handsome wood effects in Japanese fibre all colors The very latest designs in all new papers We also carry a full line I i of Beadings Room Moulding Picture Frames Window Shades Canvas Tacks and Building and I Roofing papers Cill and see our nice line ofsam ¬ s < pIes and be convinced that we will treat you right M and give you the best values for the money 1 t 1CCL1319 Cor Third and Kentucky Ave t r t N I 1 j H IF jl 1 V vA r COAL f l a REDUCED I I- t rt We quote the following prices for July and August fdeliveries ml t i < r tiRender Prime Lump = 11 k I if Render Nut = IOc 1 t + Central Coal Iron Co Inc i Both Phones 370 J D Qibbs Mgr d Little Journeys At Little Cost i To the scenic landshort trips from Denver and 1 Colorado Springs into the mountainsmade in a l f day and at slight expense that i is one of the 4enjoyable pastimes of Colorado yADenver has at leiut a dozen such trip that are worthwhile = for Greeleyc JJ youf Manitou through the Garden of tho Gods and to North and South Cheyenne Canons t i 4 You may also go beyond the state to Salt Lake City and Ogden 1 1Special for all theta trip to summer visitors rJ Tho trip to Colorado I U alto a pleasure Quick convenient service r via Rock Island System Two onenight trains daily from Chicago one two nights train Through daily trains from St Louie and Kansas City and through dally sleeping car service from Memphis P g hapf H L AgentV 7 38 E 4th St CINCINNATI OHIO PIM Mud ma IIuitr Ud Colorado boohlcl with tat ol boUl sad boudicr Kouiot and dtibof xcunloo ratw i Nam Addra w NOT VAXCKV Who Van led oho Injunction In Coun ty Itiuul Mutter r Mtv Will Vance states that It was toot he who Intended taking out an Injunction ju the county road affair day before yesterday and that he knows nothing about any Injunction In tliecase It appears It was another one of the bidders who employed an attor ¬ I artar Mr Yancey IIOEI dOne consldrable r I 1 work for the county and says he is on the best of terms with It and wants to remain so Alt Kcnewed Hut One Tho rcnuwut of market House II censes for tho ensuing six month a has hoot completed and It Is learn- ed that all the butchers and mar keters renewed except one Mr Stev Munard Kach asUed for the satin bench he or she has had The nqv licenses are for six months has Mr Thomas Hall returns d from Cerulean Springs I 1 BI SMITH LEAVES THE WE V f RtI BARK to Former Paducah Hanker Sells Out At Louisville I Ire In Succeeded by T L Jefferson Who I limiftlit n MK IUockI of Stock HI I liUMAJNS Ifi LOUtSVlLLK I W D Smith formerly president of the Globe thank and Trust com ¬ pang here Is no longer l president of the Western National bank nt Louis- ville ¬ The Courier Journal of yester ¬ day says Thomas L Jefferson was elected president of the western National bank at a meeting of the directors yesterday afternoon and Si n Hart was elected cashier to succeed Mr Jefferson In that capacity William 11 Smith resigned as president hay ¬ ing sold n large blobk of stock to Mr Bart and ho also retires from the directorate lie will bo actively associated with u new enterprise Tho changes take effect next Mon- day Mr Smiths resignation was vol ¬ untary as he had been considering going Into another enterprise for sometime said Mr Jefferson last night There was no dissension of any kind In the lank Mr Smith will retain n portion of his holdings The only exchange of stock was the sale to Mr Hart by Mr Smltli I was elected president by the board qf di- rectors ¬ and Mr hart was elected cushier to take effect next Monday t Mr Jefferson Is one of the best known business men In Louisville and has been connected with local financial Institutions for a number of years He was a director of the old bank of IoulsvlllQ and has been on the directorate of the Southern Na- tional ¬ bank and the Louisville Trust company He Is one of the directors of the United Staled Trust company Ills first active official connection IastOctober ern National bank ns cashier The amount of stock purchased from Mr Smith by Mr Hart was not utnclally made public but It was rp ported upon authority apparently good that It was = 40000 worth It was also reported that Mr Smith was preparing to start a new savings Institution here Mr Smith came to Louisville last fall anti entered the Western National bank Ho Is con ¬ nected with a large number of banks In Kentucky and Tennessee and has recently been Interested In the or- ganization ¬ of big Institutions In Memphis and Atlanta When asked what his pinna were last night Mr Smith said that the deal for his leaving the bank had not been entirely settled but added If I leae the lank I will be as ¬ sociated with n new enterprise which Is not yet ready to be made public I earl make no statement about It at the present time I will remain In Louisville 11OTII 81OHS t Clnlin u Victory III the Fulton To liiicco Case Fost9rUrea today was compromised upon the payment of one cent by defendants nnd onehalf of the costs compro- mise agreement being entered says the Fulton Leuder rile suit was brought for 100 damages original- ly and the settlement of the matter by compromise for one cent Is con ¬ sidered by the defendants and many of the farmers roil a victory while Fields Uroa claim that getting n Judgment for 1 coat sustains their part of the contention Many farm ers are of course very much dlssat lefled with till compromise and de ¬ sired the suit prosecuted to the end but the settlement made line given pretty general satisfaction Cheerfully n JUcomiutiidod for Illieuiimtltmi 0 a Hlgbee Danville 111 writes Dec 2 1901 About two years ago I was laid up for four months with rheumatism i tried Ballarda Snow Liniment one bottle cured mo I can cheerfully recommend It to all suffering from like atlllctlon 25c COc 1- I Sold by Alvey List Paducah Ky e I IFo R aU bowel troubles i try SLERTHS BLACK- BERRY 5 CORDIALAND GlN I 5 t QER Phone 208 A tab aaacxxx cxxxxx 14 LI I BUSINESSvcAoN FRtJs Clip UiU notice and preeouttorMod t- oDKAUGUQN S PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEQB Paducah IKentttcky all it0 iituadvas- s LOWS Olt lSIIJ14LEI I and rerelye l booklet containing almost inn ml epellnl wonU tIplnlnlbll that wo ulrfl AIWO lKIHUNL IInlIhllnlOKt at1AIullal words In oho booklet nooklutaontahu > I tPluIHp nlll IB ezptaitiodInMnktetget 1e cnntA rue youill ourI DISCOUNT Clip from Paducah Sun SOOIETYI l tContlnopd frpm htd Wage Cat hey John Hoers Frank Long Ovey Wheeler Waller Watts Rupert Robertson Leo lang Vale McDullolRI J > MHN Scott and Mlsn fripliens fluters tallied ut Ciiliii Todays Cairo Uullofln says One of the most pleasant affairs ever given at The Magnolias the home of Mayor George Parsons and the srene of ninny a brilliant social function wAs tint given last night by Miss niancho Parsons In honor of Misses Marjorlo Scott and Luclle Crlppens of Iadtunh The young Indies of tint party were the guests of Miss Parsons at a Coclock luncheon and later the young men arrived and the evening was pleasantly spent In liuneitiK Those present were The Misses Edith Idaho and Trace Sutherland Lora Lee Myrtle Tiechmiin Frances Farrow Madge Zimmerman Jose ¬ phine Winter and Nell Staunion ot 81 Louis Messrs Leo Kleb liar ¬ rig Hchutce Walter Pretorlous louls Cohen Ollbert Casey Harry Meeker Hlchard Kenfro Phillip Fitzgerald Frank Thornton Charles ailhofer and Stuart Dnrlow of St Joseph Mich IrUId Jrs Krli liiyiiiV inure Pot ills AnllJi iClttr Mr and Mrs Joseph I L Friedman entertained with u dance Thursday evening lit Walface park In honor of heir niece Miss Anita Keller Jusi returned from school The affair was u most pleasant one as all given by this exceptional host and hostess Those who assisted In receiving tIe guests qgrq Misses Anita Keller Allcnne Baker of St Louis Miss Wisdom of Texas Mr and Mrs J L Friedman Mr and Mrs Julio W Keller Mr Louis lilcke Clay KIdd and Leo Keller- EVhlIllNC8 t OIrill WKKK- Kiihjinkiullllliiinii Wednesday evening nt 830 oclock Miss Nellie Kubanks of this city and Mr Clarence M Hlllman of Two Harbors Ulna were married at the home of the brides motherI I Mrs J D Eubanks at Drolld wnyflla ceremony was per ¬ formed by Rev John S Cheek of the First Baptist church Miss Laura Hoffman of Kvana villo and Mr William F teed of this city were the only attendants Mrs Hlllman In a very attractive and pretty young woman while the groom Is a valued attache of the Duluth and Iron ridge railroad The cquplo will make their home In Tvp Harbors III tllllnlllICIIIIJI Tho inarrlag of Miss Maggie Mnrklmili and Mr Edward Knight of this city tools place Monday Tho couple are well known OrvniIirfiiikliii Miss Dim ti rciu and Mr LL M Frnnklln popular young people of Median Icuhurg olopcd to Matropolls I Wednesday morning where they were married ItnbbTlKmilisoil Miss EIdle Uabb of Paducah and Mr Ford E Thompson of Qulncy litwenllo Metropolis 111 Wednes ¬ duty and were married 7 A ntuou lireluittlt Invitations have been Issued by tho Misses Coleman for a dance nt Wallace Park Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Clmmplaln of Jack ¬ sonville Fla and Miss McKlnnoy OUR PRICES WILL SAVE YOU MONEY Before you buy see U9JBo ¬ graving free Eye Se8 J wry a 8pllcal Ce Yellow ront3U roadway J IA KONItTLK- AlewelerandOptlclau J 1 HEu REEHE Means oC Kentucky Coal gives the most hea end makes no clinkers Family lump well screened p Large egg per bushel J arge ixut per bushel ra Nut per bushel r I PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR COAL UNITED STATES GAS COAL IticorpofiituU Both Phones 254 < f Office Foot of Oh of Cad If I Ky Miss Llnnle hello Tucker of Lou ¬ isville Is hit guest of Mr sod Mrs J E Williamson on North Filth street KtlinsJoii of lliv LlinllN The move to extend the l Urn lot its l Iy indorsed generally by people throughout the business part of the city The extension of limits will be to Include territory between First Seventh Monroftanil UVashlngJon streets Thn tire limits now so to Fifth and thu now extension ill add two blocks towards the woof end on the present limits We Carry Everything Thatoinhe found In any uptodate drug store The time hns conic to buy mullein We have all kind AUl1110U l reel tired sad worn out come in and we ran hx you up with iotueRood toulc We Lava i all nleI sdveitlteil III a till II If you want toilet articles ptrfunerjr fnce pow tier skill creams sops bruilitr etc Me hove n complete ktuck If you have any private tees fits of 11uW thing I ID the drug store line Well try t r jiletis- eyouSMITHNAGEL AT DRUG STOREi Fourth and Hroatlway u = i 1 CHEAPCOAL I Iii July and August we can fill your coat house with heat Screened Lump Ilc Screened Nut t lOc Per bushel Tits Is special price by mines for SIXTY DAYS ONLY Take advantage of it and phone us your order Coal must be put in house before last day of Augu- stNOBLE4YEISER Phones 29- 4TEETH I TEETH TEETHI D rs Stamper Bros up4ddsletodh l utd heat wok at Ieion blc puce Olflct 3O9 BrpMdvvay OLD PH3NE 423 t Iteport of the Condit 11 Globe Bank Comp of tndjicali Ken At the Close ot Uuslnesa J e I 1G wnurvs lranft Altd diBcuiinjL 125807436 Stocks fluid bonds f 7323000 Overdrafts CU05I 1700000Fnrnlture Dolits In suit 11U38S3 Cash find due from hanks 83381 IS Total M4S221 H- KD I P NOIUU President City NationPaducah Hlxtyflfth Rcmlannuiil statement of Hi dumb I Ky ul oho close of business on the Lounu nud discounts Itesourms 974C4G7 2 pr cent bonds 20000000 Uonds other than U R 6878000l- lankliiK hniise I 5000 Oft Other real estate 1CCOilOl Cash and exchange 1C31G297 Total H177SU094 SurphUndiv UndivI UIIIDello DeposTott Tomn A dividend of 6 per cout waa this tiny doc It of tho shareholders OFKI elm 8 II HUGHES President JOS L I JAR C UTTEUIJACK Cashier 0 E 1 I u WE PAY ESPECIAL A Marne I Our Paducah Sa Fourth JeKer lluslnees men and v their nccouut where they wll prompt i teoui treatment In Ylted to wlva ol- ioAmericanGerman I M 11 rY y I Established 1872 j Capital Surplus 1336009 Dej Gee C Thompson Vrea I OF DIRECT TJ VIce Geo Rock 1 Uradehaw Attorney J L V Kolb ol Kolb RteVholesale Paditcah Water COi Coo C Thompson paid on Time This branches of u tanking Thu Buliiiu ti I Jut t Uuxy Constantinople July corn ¬ ell of ministers has resolved to be ¬ gin preparation for tho dispatch of available warships to the en ¬ trance of the nosphorus and for the t CnptuSurph I uildIllq TottN Capita Hurplu Indlvl De 1101- 11Clrruln manu I- Tnpw c tens ive work city of and all others buuK sonable accommodation are BOARD Atkins Presldeal Whole ciCcmnionwcalth cry DuDoIs Co Whole 1reilde Interest mourn ITho all mounting IIII Kayak od for tin hint were- jectlons tirument c t

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Post on 18-Oct-2020




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Page 1: The I lSIIJ14LEI I Family lKIHUNL rollor ourI Nut per · 4 You may also go beyond the state to Salt Lake City and Ogden 11Special for

pwiiII i




The greatest bargains in wall paper that has everbeen offered to the public You can paper a roomside wall ceiling and border to match for the smallsum of only 65 cents Nice plain floraldesigns thatothers are selling at G cents per roll we will sell youat only 112c per single rollor 3 cents per doubleroll all new and beautiful designs Also nice hand ¬

some designs at Sc 10 1Sc 20c and up to 300 persingle roll all kinds all prices to suit the peopleNew panel effects ingrain designs in cornice andevery conceivable color and qppliue borders tomatch All colors in burlaps Also handsome woodeffects in Japanese fibre all colors The very latestdesigns in all new papers We also carry a full line

Ii of Beadings Room Moulding Picture FramesWindow Shades Canvas Tacks and Building andIRoofing papers Cill and see our nice line ofsam ¬

s < pIes and be convinced that we will treat you rightM and give you the best values for the money


t 1CCL1319Cor Third and Kentucky Ave

t r





jl 1 V vA r




We quote the followingprices for July and August

fdeliveriesml t


<rtiRender Prime Lump = 11k

I if Render Nut = IOc1


Central Coal Iron Co Inci Both Phones 370 J D Qibbs Mgr


Little JourneysAt Little Cost

i To the scenic landshort trips from Denver and1 Colorado Springs into the mountainsmade in a

lf day and at slight expense that iis one of the4enjoyable pastimes of ColoradoyADenver has at leiut a dozen such trip that are worthwhile = forGreeleycJJyoufManitou through the Garden of tho Gods and to North and South

Cheyenne Canonsti

4 You may also go beyond the state to Salt Lake City and Ogden11Special for all theta trip to summer visitors

rJ Tho trip to Colorado IU alto a pleasure Quick convenient service

r via Rock Island System Two onenight trains daily from Chicagoone two nights train Through daily trains from St Louie and KansasCity and through dally sleeping car service from Memphis

P g hapfH L AgentV7 38 E 4th St CINCINNATI OHIO

PIM Mud ma IIuitr Ud Colorado boohlcl with tat olboUl sad boudicr Kouiot and dtibof xcunloo ratw

i Nam



Who Van led oho Injunction In County Itiuul Mutter


Mtv Will Vance states that It wastoot he who Intended taking out anInjunction ju the county road affairday before yesterday and that heknows nothing about any InjunctionIn tliecase

It appears It was another one ofthe bidders who employed an attor ¬

I artarMr Yancey IIOEI dOne consldrabler



work for the county and says he ison the best of terms with It andwants to remain so

Alt Kcnewed Hut OneTho rcnuwut of market House II

censes for tho ensuing six montha

has hoot completed and It Is learn-ed that all the butchers and marketers renewed except one Mr StevMunard Kach asUed for the satinbench he or she has had The nqvlicenses are for six months

hasMr Thomas Hall returns dfrom Cerulean Springs





Former Paducah Hanker Sells

Out At Louisville


Ire In Succeeded by T L JeffersonWhoI limiftlit n MK IUockI

of Stock


W D Smith formerly presidentof the Globe thank and Trust com ¬

pang here Is no longerl president ofthe Western National bank nt Louis-ville


The Courier Journal of yester¬

day saysThomas L Jefferson was elected

president of the western Nationalbank at a meeting of the directorsyesterday afternoon and Si n Hartwas elected cashier to succeed MrJefferson In that capacity William11 Smith resigned as president hay ¬

ing sold n large blobk of stock toMr Bart and ho also retires fromthe directorate lie will bo activelyassociated with u new enterpriseTho changes take effect next Mon-day

Mr Smiths resignation was vol ¬

untary as he had been consideringgoing Into another enterprise forsometime said Mr Jefferson lastnight There was no dissension ofany kind In the lank Mr Smithwill retain n portion of his holdingsThe only exchange of stock was thesale to Mr Hart by Mr Smltli I waselected president by the board qf di-


and Mr hart was electedcushier to take effect next Monday t

Mr Jefferson Is one of the bestknown business men In Louisvilleand has been connected with localfinancial Institutions for a number ofyears He was a director of the oldbank of IoulsvlllQ and has been onthe directorate of the Southern Na-


bank and the Louisville Trustcompany He Is one of the directorsof the United Staled Trust companyIlls first active official connection

IastOctoberern National bank ns cashier

The amount of stock purchasedfrom Mr Smith by Mr Hart was notutnclally made public but It was rpported upon authority apparentlygood that It was = 40000 worth Itwas also reported that Mr Smithwas preparing to start a new savingsInstitution here Mr Smith came toLouisville last fall anti entered theWestern National bank Ho Is con ¬

nected with a large number of banksIn Kentucky and Tennessee and hasrecently been Interested In the or-ganization


of big Institutions InMemphis and Atlanta

When asked what his pinna werelast night Mr Smith said that thedeal for his leaving the bank had notbeen entirely settled but added

If I leae the lank I will be as ¬

sociated with n new enterprisewhich Is not yet ready to be madepublic I earl make no statementabout It at the present time I willremain In Louisville


Clnlin u Victory III the Fulton Toliiicco Case

Fost9rUreatoday was compromised upon thepayment of one cent by defendantsnnd onehalf of the costs compro-mise agreement being entered saysthe Fulton Leuder rile suit wasbrought for 100 damages original-ly and the settlement of the matterby compromise for one cent Is con ¬

sidered by the defendants and manyof the farmers roil a victory whileFields Uroa claim that getting nJudgment for 1 coat sustains theirpart of the contention Many farmers are of course very much dlssatlefled with till compromise and de ¬

sired the suit prosecuted to the endbut the settlement made line givenpretty general satisfaction

Cheerfully nJUcomiutiidod forIllieuiimtltmi

0 a Hlgbee Danville 111 writesDec 2 1901 About two years agoI was laid up for four months withrheumatism i tried Ballarda SnowLiniment one bottle cured mo I

can cheerfully recommend It to allsuffering from like atlllctlon

25c COc 1-II Sold by Alvey List Paducah



IFo R aU bowel troublesi try SLERTHS BLACK-


tab aaacxxx cxxxxx

14 LI


FRtJsClip UiU notice and preeouttorMod t-oDKAUGUQN S


Paducah IKentttckyall it0 iituadvas-


and rerelyel booklet containing almost inn mlepellnl wonU tIplnlnlbll that wo ulrfl AIWOlKIHUNLIInlIhllnlOKt at1AIullal words In oho booklet

nooklutaontahu >

ItPluIHpnlll IB ezptaitiodInMnktetget 1e cnntA rueyouillourIDISCOUNTClip from Paducah Sun

SOOIETYIltContlnopd frpm htd Wage

Cat hey John Hoers Frank LongOvey Wheeler Waller Watts RupertRobertson Leo lang Vale


MHN Scott and Mlsn fripliens fluterstallied ut Ciiliii

Todays Cairo Uullofln saysOne of the most pleasant affairs

ever given at The Magnolias thehome of Mayor George Parsons andthe srene of ninny a brilliant socialfunction wAs tint given last nightby Miss niancho Parsons In honor ofMisses Marjorlo Scott and LuclleCrlppens of Iadtunh

The young Indies of tint partywere the guests of Miss Parsons at aCoclock luncheon and later theyoung men arrived and the eveningwas pleasantly spent In liuneitiKThose present were The MissesEdith Idaho and Trace SutherlandLora Lee Myrtle Tiechmiin FrancesFarrow Madge Zimmerman Jose ¬

phine Winter and Nell Staunion ot81 Louis Messrs Leo Kleb liar ¬

rig Hchutce Walter Pretorlous loulsCohen Ollbert Casey Harry MeekerHlchard Kenfro Phillip FitzgeraldFrank Thornton Charles ailhoferand Stuart Dnrlow of St JosephMich

IrUId Jrs Krli liiyiiiV inure Potills AnllJi iClttr

Mr and Mrs Joseph IL Friedmanentertained with u dance Thursdayevening lit Walface park In honor ofheir niece Miss Anita Keller Jusi

returned from school The affairwas u most pleasant one as all givenby this exceptional host and hostess

Those who assisted In receivingtIe guests qgrq Misses Anita KellerAllcnne Baker of St Louis MissWisdom of Texas Mr and Mrs JL Friedman Mr and Mrs Julio W

Keller Mr Louis lilcke Clay KIddand Leo Keller-


OIrill WKKK-

KiihjinkiullllliiiniiWednesday evening nt 830 oclock

Miss Nellie Kubanks of this cityand Mr Clarence M Hlllman ofTwo Harbors Ulna were marriedat the home of the brides motherI IMrs J D Eubanks atDrolld wnyflla ceremony was per ¬

formed by Rev John S Cheek ofthe First Baptist church

Miss Laura Hoffman of Kvanavillo and Mr William F teed ofthis city were the only attendants

Mrs Hlllman In a very attractiveand pretty young woman while thegroom Is a valued attache of theDuluth and Iron ridge railroadThe cquplo will make their home In

Tvp Harbors

III tllllnlllICIIIIJITho inarrlag of Miss Maggie

Mnrklmili and Mr Edward Knightof this city tools place MondayTho couple are well known

OrvniIirfiiikliiiMiss Dim ti rciu and Mr LL M

Frnnklln popular young people ofMedian Icuhurg olopcd to Matropolls I

Wednesday morning where theywere married

ItnbbTlKmilisoilMiss EIdle Uabb of Paducah and

Mr Ford E Thompson of Qulncylitwenllo Metropolis 111 Wednes ¬

duty and were married7A ntuou lireluittltInvitations have been Issued by

tho Misses Coleman for a dance ntWallace Park Wednesday evening inhonor of Miss Clmmplaln of Jack ¬

sonville Fla and Miss McKlnnoy


Before you buy see U9JBo ¬

graving freeEye Se8 J wry a 8pllcal Ce

Yellow ront3U roadwayJ IA KONItTLK-



HEu REEHEMeans oC Kentucky Coal gives the most hea

end makes no clinkers

Family lump well screened pLarge egg per bushelJarge ixut per bushel ra

Nut per bushel rI



Both Phones 254 <f Office Foot of Oh

of Cad If IKy

Miss Llnnle hello Tucker of Lou ¬

isville Is hit guest of Mr sod MrsJ E Williamson on North Filthstreet

KtlinsJoii of lliv LlinllNThe move to extend the lUrn lot

its lIy indorsed generally by peoplethroughout the business part of thecity The extension of limits will beto Include territory between FirstSeventh Monroftanil UVashlngJonstreets Thn tire limits now so toFifth and thu now extension illadd two blocks towards the woofend on the present limits

We CarryEverythingThatoinhe found In any uptodatedrug store The time hns conic tobuy mullein We have all kindAUl1110Ul reel tired sad worn outcome in and we ran hx you up withiotueRood toulc We Lava iall nleIsdveitlteil III a till II If you wanttoilet articles ptrfunerjr fnce powtier skill creams sops bruilitretc Me hove n complete ktuck Ifyou have any private tees fits of11uWthing IID the drug store line Welltry t r jiletis-


DRUG STOREiFourth and Hroatlway

u =i


Iii July and August we canfill your coat house with heat

Screened Lump IlcScreened Nutt lOc

Per bushelTits Is special price by minesfor SIXTY DAYS ONLYTake advantage of it andphone us your order Coalmust be put in house beforelast day of Augu-

stNOBLE4YEISERPhones 29-




D rs Stamper Brosup4ddsletodhl

utd heat wok at Ieion blc puceOlflct 3O9 BrpMdvvay



Iteport of the Condit1 1

Globe BankComp

of tndjicali Ken

At the Close ot Uuslnesa Je

I 1G wnurvslranft Altd diBcuiinjL 125807436Stocks fluid bonds f 7323000Overdrafts CU05I

1700000FnrnltureDolits In suit 11U38S3Cash find due from

hanks 83381 IS

Total M4S221 H-

KD IP NOIUU President

City NationPaducah

Hlxtyflfth Rcmlannuiil statement of Hidumb IKy ul oho close of business on the

Lounu nud discountsItesourms

974C4G72 pr cent bonds 20000000Uonds other than U R 6878000l-lankliiK hniise I 5000 Oft

Other real estate 1CCOilOlCash and exchange 1C31G297

Total H177SU094






A dividend of 6 per cout waa this tiny docIt of tho shareholders




MarneI Our

Paducah SaFourth JeKer

lluslnees men and v

their nccouut where they wllprompt i

teoui treatment In Ylted towlva ol-

ioAmericanGermanI M 11 rY

y IEstablished 1872 j

Capital Surplus 1336009 DejGee C Thompson Vrea I


TJ VIce Geo Rock1 Uradehaw Attorney J

L V Kolb ol Kolb

RteVholesalePaditcah Water COi Coo C Thompson

paid on Time Thisbranches of u tanking

Thu Buliiiu ti IJutt UuxyConstantinople July corn ¬

ell of ministers has resolved to be ¬

gin preparation for tho dispatch ofavailable warships to the en ¬

trance of the nosphorus and for the





CapitaHurpluIndlvlDe 1101-




Tnpw ctens ive

workcity of


all othersbuuK

sonable accommodationare


Atkins Presldeal WholeciCcmnionwcalth

cry DuDoIs Co Whole

1reildeInterest mourn



mountingIIII Kayak

od for tinhint were-jectlonstirument

