the hybrid tank

The Hybrid “Tank” “Definition of Hybrid: A combining of different elements, a mixture” We recently discussed the Regular Hybrid SP TR & Hybrid SP RD , Hybrid “Annihilator” and now we are introducing the Hybrid “Tank”. A combination of the regular Hybrid with SpellCaster stats with an emphasis on SPELLPOWERS and high Defense. As discussed in the SpellCaster Guide, the regular stats work on SpellCasters troops too so we should concentrate on spellpower, as that is a stat used by all spellcasters, and that is the stat in Buff or DE-buff to make a difference. BUT, this set has an emphasis on high defense, Attack Debuff and spellpower. It is a preset that comes from the Guide ‘Attacking with Horsed Troops” and works well with Horsed Troops in most circumstances. As there are 6 important stats in place we should all know 6 by heart. And the 7 th too. 1) Defense 2) Attack 3) Range 4) Life 5) Combatspeed 6) Accuracy 7) Spellpower

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Page 1: The Hybrid Tank

The Hybrid “Tank”

“Definition of Hybrid: A combining of different elements, a mixture”

We recently discussed the Regular Hybrid SP TR & Hybrid SP RD , Hybrid “Annihilator” and

now we are introducing the Hybrid “Tank”.

A combination of the regular Hybrid with SpellCaster stats with an emphasis on

SPELLPOWERS and high Defense.

As discussed in the SpellCaster Guide, the regular stats work on SpellCasters troops too so

we should concentrate on spellpower, as that is a stat used by all spellcasters, and that is the

stat in Buff or DE-buff to make a difference. BUT, this set has an emphasis on high defense,

Attack Debuff and spellpower. It is a preset that comes from the Guide ‘Attacking with

Horsed Troops” and works well with Horsed Troops in most circumstances.

As there are 6 important stats in place we should all know 6 by heart. And the 7th too.

1) Defense

2) Attack

3) Range

4) Life

5) Combatspeed

6) Accuracy

7) Spellpower

Page 2: The Hybrid Tank

The Stats Of this Preset:

As you can see High Defense with reasonable Attack Debuff + High Combat


You can tweak the Attack debuff stats by switching the Defense Hero out for a

Attack Debuff Hero, Obtaining higher Attack debuff stats.

Page 3: The Hybrid Tank

Cards Used In Preset :

If you don’t have certain cards , use as close as possible, or tweak to your

own needs or liking. With higher cards or similar.

Page 4: The Hybrid Tank

Alternative Swaps :

If you don’t have certain cards then above are some considerations, but don’t

forget that the preset depends on SpellPower as well. You need to keep a

reasonable & substantial amount of SpellPower especially in BUFF but also


The Shield Sorcerer put their shield at the beginning of the Troop Priority List.

Therefore this shield must be destroyed ( or cap of 30b must be reached)

This gives an additional layer of protection to the Hybrid Tank

*This example will become clear in of the Battle Reports below

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Battle Reports:

Next the TR’s Used

Page 6: The Hybrid Tank

Even more clear below

Page 7: The Hybrid Tank

Here is the example of the Cap of 30 billion reached of the Shield Sorcerers

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Next Example ,

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Battle Reports:

Page 10: The Hybrid Tank

Again the shields protect from 12 Billion damage.

Next Hybrid Tank TR Variations..

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Variation 1 Higher Cards + Higher


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Page 13: The Hybrid Tank

Variation 1 Higher Cards + very High


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So this is Basically how you use this multifunctional Hybrid “Tank” TR.

For best results you will need the RARE troops & Souls. Combined with the trainable

Spellcasters you can do very well in this advanced Hybrid “Tank”

So to Conclude,

You can tweak this TR, You can Tweak the Troops to adapt to your needs

Keep defense stats minimal at 20k ( or higher)

Add combat speed minimal 4k but higher if possible

Add life if possible, Life debuff too when you are able to add it.

Use accuracy as high as possible, it will make you kill more troops effectively

Use accuracy DEBUFF when you have it.

Use SPELLPOWER + SPELLPOWER debuff, as much as you can without compromising

the TR

Add as much attack debuff as you can

Do NOT MIX siegewalls with Shield Sorcerers, use 1 or the other.

Even with Lower TR items you can come close the obtainable goals.

Sacrifice Hussars + Souls Or

Sacrifice HCav + Shield Sorcerers

By sending these kind of troops as in examples, you can still go everyway with the

Presets you have available, aka switch to different Hybrid Presets you have.

The more Spellcasters you can use, the better it is. The best number for Shield

Sorcerers is 350k. But you have seen 100k does well too! But it is really a minimum.

The Best number for Soul Stealers is 70k, as a rare troop this is not always possible,

but 20k as a bare minimum does very well too.

Pairing Soulstealers with Shield Sorcerers is a very effective lethal combo.

Remember, do not always use the same presets, mix your attacks especially in

prolonged battles, as you will become predictable and your defender will adapt


Page 16: The Hybrid Tank

It will also work with just Horsed Troops + Siegewalls Or Shield Sorcerers. If

you need a fast result, it is basically a normal Tank , enhanced with


The Other Guides are Here:

Spellcaster guide

: Sharing is knowledge, and a lot of players are not sharing. Yes it

gives you and edge, or advantage, but it leaves also many people clueless. The

objective of these tutorials, is to teach, learn, educate players so ALL players have

a better under understanding of the game. The more players participate, the

better the overall experience is for all players. More attacking and defending

means “lively” domains full of activity.

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