the hundred years’ war. what was it? a series of wars between 2 royal families (valois x anjou/...

The Hundred Years’ War

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The Hundred Years’ War

What was it?• a series of wars between 2 royal families

• (Valois x Anjou/ Plantagenet)

• French x English

• 1337 – 1453

• fight over the control of various pieces of land in France


Where can we find the roots of this conflict?

1) 1066 – William the Conqueror

(Norman Duke, a vassal of the French King)

2) Henry II married Eleanor of Aquitaine (12c)

- got a big region in France

- their sons:Richard the Lionheart

John the Lackland (lost land)

1) 1328 – Charles IV (Valois) dies

candidates: Philip VI (Valois) x Edward III

4) Flanders – a rich region under French control

Dynastic conflict

• 1328 – Charles IV (son of Philip IV) died

died wihout an heir

there were 2 candidates – see the family tree

struggle over the throne startes

(1337 Philip confiscates Aquitaine)

Lex Salica

Family tree (Valois)

Flanders as a reson for conflict

• industrial center of north-western Europe

• extremely wealthy – cloth manufacture

• imported fleece/ wool from England

• England depended upon this trade exchange

• France wated to control the region (Flemish counts were vassals of French king)

• triangular trade

• Battle of Sluys 1337 – English naval victory

The War Breaks Out• Battle of Sluys 1337

• Battle of Crecy 1346 (John of Luxembourg)

• Battle of Poitiers 1356 (French king captive)

• Black Death, rebellions in both countries

(1350s Jacquerie, 1381 Pasants' Revolt)

• Battle of Agincourt 1415 (Treaty of Troyes, Henry V married Catherine – French princess and their son is crowned king of E. and F. (Charles VII – dauphin was disowned)

Weapons and tactics

• longbow (English/ Welsh longbow)

• crossbow

• pikes

• swords, maces, etc.

• heavy cavalry (France)

• light infantry (England)

• avoiding pitch battle (England)

• use of terrain (England)

Black Death

• see separate presentation

Joan of Arc

• she had a vision, God told her to go and tell the king

• she led the French to victory

• raising of the siege of Orleans

• dauphin Charles crowned French king as Charles VII

• 1431 – burned at stake

• 1435 – end of civil war (Burgundians)

Final phase of the war

• English still held Aquitaine and Normandy

• 1453 – Battle of Castillon

• final victory of the French

• England lost all its holdings in France

• no treaty, just cease fire

What were the results of the war?

• study the last section of the text (6.3)

and fill in the chart