the home newspaper of grosse pointe and the four...

Lalo Berhoz Ftanck Chabner MUST GET FULL-YEAR PLATES For Job PnntIng of the better kus& call Groue POinte PrIntIng Co, 15121 KerC"hevaI Lenox 1162. The ch Idren of the Trombly school will 'ho d a ~ea for the r parents and fr ends on the last day of summer school August 19 at"2 0 clock Enter .. tamment ,\111 nclude a spec1al verSIon of Snow \Vhlte attcl The Seven Dwarfs, a 1 01'1g V>lth several other se" techo"'~ pt"ese,.,ted b t~e d"awatl,. c 1 b under the superv ~lOn of 1IJ ary Rey. nolds pia) ground dIrector Mary Louth and Jack e Gosser Will act as hostesses fa~d all th.. chtldrert cord ally lllVlte you to atlepd ' 1:," 11,,111111111 111111111111 Ii WE PRINT IT AS WE GEl IT WITHOUT rEAR OR FAVOR - ADVERTISING HAS NO RELATION TO I ! OUR POLICY Ii =~:m-m~~~'.'~II!lllllimllllllll By Mall $2 00 per year Smgle Copies 5 Cents Maire Playground 1 2 James Barrett vlOltmst "\\111be the ,"OlO1<;t01 tl e program to be presented by the DetrOIt CIVIC Orchestra under the auspIces of the Warhs Progress AdmllllstratlOn on "'-ugust 19 at 8 15 p m on the HIgh school campus Grosse Pomte boule, al d and FIshel load, conducted by Valter Poole The program follows Overture The Roman Carnival Symphony m D Mmor a Lento Allegro non Troppo b Allegretto c Allegro non Troppo INTERMISSION 3 Symphollle Espagnole James B1tl ett a Allegro non Trappo b Andante c Rondo - Allegro 4 Espana Rapsody Grosse Pointe Park BUILDING REPORT No New Estimated Bldgs Add'ns EstImated Total £01' 1938 BUIldtngs Cost & AlteratIons Cost .Month Januarv 2 $19 065 00 1 $100000 $.30 %5 00 rebrudry 2 2q 8"6 00 2&87( W March 5 5022800 2 1700 00 5192800 Aprtl 6 6181600 8 586600 6768200 May 10 10548400 3 146000 106 944 00 June 4 3948600 3948600 July 10 11529800 4 237,00 106 944 00 TOTALS 1-1 38 to 6 30 38 29 $43025000 18 $1240100 $44265100 Typical American Gill The Naval Reserve Band WIll pr~e sent a concert at the Grosse Pomte Park Waterfront Park Sunday after 1100n August 21 at 3 p m All mUS1Clovers of the Park should attend th1s dellghtful concert and enjoy the thrllhng musIc of thiS famous band whlch IS a pleasant treat Thts group of mUSICIansare very much 111 demand and we are mdeed fortunate lO havmg thts talented group of mUSICIanshere to entertatn Sunday As a culmination of their summer Apro'X mate1y 200000 motonsts 111. playground program the chIldren of \Vayne County must obtam 1938 green MaIre school Will enterta n the r par hcense plates before September 1 If ents and ffiends at a comic fashlOn they v.ish to cant nue operation of theIr show and tea The date for the blg cars The first half }ear ",,,bIte lIcense event 1S the afternoon of August 191 plates e"{pre at m dl11ght '\ugust 31 and MonSieur DIcky \\ est WIll announce Ho}t E Morns dlrector of the Secre" the Maire ModIste PresentatlOn of tary of State s offices In thiS dIStfict FashlOnable Clothes and he has as I Vvarns that the last few days WIll find :.embled a large collect on of new and large cro", cis a all bra lch off ces wholly d fferent outfits There wlll be fun for all( and Genevieve JanuzzI playground dIrector and all the MaIre chtldren tnvlte you to come ---------------------------------- Rare MUliil:alTreat _Trombly Playground for Park Residents. Sunday Afternoon Meet Miss Frances Donelon "ho h~s been cposen as the HTYPlcal AmerIcan elfl" follow ng a nahan \\ Ide pon on L a ten most te::.utIfuI and popular a1 ~~'Sts'and ~1otographers' models. She IS shown relaxmg on the sallds at Atlallllc city. - - Detroit Civic Orchestra Presen ts Deligh tiul Program August 18th ~~".! .. ~~um~um:um1tm:m! I! i i!! II!II - ~ Savery Families Annual Ii Park's ~ooks I Reunion August 21 i Auchted Annually I The AssoclatlOn of the Savery fam I n A report has been CIrculated lItes WIll hold ltS annual reunIon 011 .ii recently that the books of Graue a Sunday August 21st at the home of I ,,: POInte Park have not been aud~ it 'd"r and Mrs Lloyd DeWitt Sm th U tted durlng the past ten years ii o~ Grand MaraiS boulevard Grosse n ThiS statement has no founda.. H Pomte TheIr Interest m genealogy I it bon The books are audited an" U has been msplre4 by dIrect descent H nua and a copy of the audit IS I from the Brewster Warren Cook an<1 n on f .,.t aU times at the Munl" Hopkms famllie.s qf Mayflower 011g111 it clpal EL. ..t ng The Savery famlhes m~rated from n E'ttdently such rumors are eu'.. New England settlmg 111 Dexter and q eulated wIth the Idea of castIng a _ Washtenaw countles In the early days it! reflectIon UpO"1 the IntegrIty of Ii of 11 ch gan purchaslng lands from i: the offiCIals of thIS munlc!pahty :: the go\er'1ment v, ere ex::.mple.:; of :: aI"d i!lhould be entJrely dis-re ~ lOdustry forethought a d good man ii ga"ded H agement lh~~~~=t:mmrttt~u:tzuu~mm ------- McNALLY He 1S scheduled to address the Re ptllbhcan Women s League on August 2q on the subject of CommuUlsm and 1~ that address h{~ wlll expose those elf! ce holders who are connected With t-hat great eVIl MOONLIGHT AUGUST 24 The second anrl\ual moonhght !>pon sored by the Loy~ Club composed of employees of Leod D Case Secretary , (Of State WIll be beld aboard the Str Put m Bay \Vedn esday evel1111gAug- ust 24 The boat wlll leave from the foot of First stn~et at 8 30 0 clock MUSICfor danc1l1efWIll be prOVided by I Dave Diamond a bd hIS orchestra and a splendid floor SI~OWWillbe offered I Felix FrllllifeoisNow Offe!is New Service The most comJ)lete 'geauty serV1ce 1U DetrOlt IS now avaIlable at the FelIx FranCOIS Beau} Ealon In the Punch and Judy Th~;,tre bUIldmg, mcludmg .:;uch popular l)11novahons as aIr cool- mg health :tr .ftssages for circulatIOn, stlmulat on a td reducmg under the skllled hands of Madame Mane a member of t 'he \flchlgan Society of Massage and PhysIO Therapy He IS also Ipleased to announced the ! eturn of <\deile Burgin one of hIS pop Leach's ular beaut c lns who has been vaca ,tlOnlng m So rth Amenca DID YOU KNOW- Alger Post News WIth waV'es some three or four feet hIgh the task was rather d1fflcult Upon bnng ng the youth t~he sur .. face Clark strapped on the rescue belt and mflate d it by squeezmg lt to fur 1 Jsh buoyamcy to the di oWning bo) It \'1, as t'hen only a matter of towmg the boy tOl safety and the use of res p1ratory measures Mr Me GUlre's Lyf Boy IS a great boon to mank nd and we are told that he was wformed August 8th that a patent had been granted and there ts httle as to the success of thIS ,new. lOve htlOn ------ ---------~- ., Verdonckt ... DeBacker .B:amelt N, McNally H;- Wec'tding BUi!lY Week in His Call'll1paign for Congress New Pupils Urged to Enroll in Two Weeks Thrilling: Rescue With Paterl.ted Life-Belt In:vented By Pointer Have your FIlms printed at Drug St01"~ The Seven Seas' are the North At lanhc South Atlantic North PaCIfic South PaCIfic IndIan Archr and Ant arctIc Oceans? M ss DeBacker of Balfour road and AleXIS Verdonckt. a member of the Grosse Pomte Pa~ pol ce department The 1 !st week ",as a busy one m the Vvere marned at St John s Berchl'1a 1 can pa b"J11 of James "J \tc\ally for chulch loist Satarday worn ng \t I COP e \ c rcg <;; of ma lY of "orne 400 tr e'1ds in attendal ce 1 b tr e Is and sunporte"s e was called A receptlOn , held Saturdav ee u}'on t') address se, eral meet ngs of mng at the Be gian BuslOessmens As 10r g all.<!atlOns "ho v.ere deSirous (If sociatlOn hall where ever) one had a leanng hIS platIorm expla ned At all dehghtful even,;lng \\lth food and re of these meetl1gs he met w th enthusl freshments m abundance ashc .. pport for hIS candidacy and They left e lrly Sunday mornlllg for llatforlID Northern M1chgan \\ here they are spendmg thE'!r honeymoon On tl eir return tney Wl I take up resldence at the Maryla nd Court apartments Raymond Garemmck 15 years old of 3930 Neff road owes hiS 1fe to a newly patented lIfe belt mv onted by Clar ence V McGu re of 16!>l30 Village Lane City of Grosse pomte On Wednesday A fgust 10 Gare mmck was sWlmmmg at the Clty of Grosse Pomte park ;In rather rough water when he was s elzed With cramps and began smklng liTe called for help and Mr Hugh Clark l a member of the staff of hfeguards aM the park Immed ately went to the re KU,e HIgh school pupIls recently commg to Grosse Pomte from other school dIstncts are urged by Charles LeaVItt aSSIstant hIgh school prmclpal to com plete enrollment arrangements durmg: the commg two weeks These arrange ments may be made at the h1gh schad! office 11 Grosse Pemte boulevard cot" ner of FIsher road, on Mondays to FrIdays from 8 00 a m to 4 00 p in and on Saturday from 9 00 a m to 12 -00noon startmg Monday August 22 Pupils takmg advantage of thls op portuntty for early enrollment Will bewt efit from more mdlvtdual attentIon than can be gtven dunng the rush of the opentng days of school Mr LeaVItt has arranged to be at hIS offIce regularly dunng thiS two week per10d as an accommodation to those who WIll be benefitted by these arrangements There wlll be a ball game Fnday eve n 1 ng at N etghborhood Club between two po'l4t teams to determme best 10 players So ball players report not I clter than 6 P m Delegates to Wayne County CouncIl were the reCIpIents of a grand recep tlon Monday even10g after the meetmg at a bIrthday party given by Gust Lam merdmg who stlll contends he has not rea.ched hIS thIrties Have you been to the club rooms to:! enjoy the cool temperature these ho t evenings Better come over you 11 fim<1a lot of comrades ther~ to greet ;rou Next regular meetmg on Monday No 66 69 500 135 Y.s 3D3 197 First Baptismal Ceremony I!Ield at Night t "I baptIze the~ my brother. " and a moment later IJJoward McGee became the first man e,er to be baptIzed. In open aIr exerCIses held under floodlIg.llts 'Fl e 'novel bapiIs'tll chmaxed a reVIval conducted near Gamesvllle, Oa, under the direction of thIrty three If ear old Re,erend CE Vaugnu, WilO IS saId to have gIven :up a Dl'ospermg furmture busmess SIX years ago tiP convert souls A. crowd of 500 persons watched the ceremomes. Park Sewer Project Carri-.s by a 4 tc;> 1 Majority at Polls SIX hundred thirty five voters of Grosse Pomte Park turned out to ex press thelr e<plnlOn on the proposed new sewer project at the polls Monday The proposal carned by a vote of 500 to 135 The offICials WIll hasten all actIVIties to get the project under way as soon as possll)'1e so that property owners can benefit from ItS use at as early a date as pOSSIble The voting by precmcts was as f01 lows Jacqueline Fox Returns from Canadian! Vacation Alger House Museum Is Staging a Special Loaned Art Exhibit ]acquelme Fox poptv1ar owner of the ]acquehne Beauty Slalon 1101 Lake POinte avenue returlJed early th1s week from a vacatIOn 2l"ttOng the tall pmes of Northern Canadf New permanent styles for fall very attractive creatlO~ are now avaIlable at thIS splendid beauty salon whIch s conve111ently located and mamiams reasonable pncl1. IT'S GETTING PRETTY GOOD -- I Precluct No 1 When a bunch of fellows have to PreclUct No 2 wake up a hard workmg hnotype oper ator at four 0 clock 111 the morntng to find out If a candldate for Governor has to fil~ nommatmg petitlons THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSE POINTE AND THE FOUR TEE NTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT L B OLDHAM PublIsher GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN THURSr A' i AUGUST 18 1938 ----------------------------------------'-- Lifeguard towing droWning person by haIr-carry after attachIng inflatIng McGuJre's Lyf-Boy around the chest of the vtctlm New!Library Branch To Be Included In Junior High School III 'I 'I' IIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillt THE GROSSE POINTE I PRINTING CO. Pubh.hor> Ii PHONE LENOX 1162 I III II 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 VOL 12-No 52 Local Youth Scores as Talented Artist A pubhc hbrary branch to furmsh posed location agamst the standards badly needed hbrary faclhtles Ior of the Amencan LIbrary ASSOCIation Grosse Pomte Park IS to be mcluded and WIth the Judgments of 'Other ex- In the proposed new .1unlOT hlgh school perts In hbrary plannmg and feel that It was announced by the Board of the proposed location 15 exoellent We Education today Actmg in response I dre especIally glad that a finanCIal sav- to frequently expressed requests from I mg tS pOSSIble, In VIew of the other reSidents of the western portlon of the bUIldmg needs In the school dtstrtct" school dlstnct the school board de cided to take advantage of the prob The mam portlon of the pubbc 111 able locatlon of the proposed Juntor rary accordmg to the preltmmary hIgh school which IS hIghly central to plans WIll have an area of about 6J tncorporate a large branch library to d feet by 74 feet ThiS space Will In take the place of the crowded an In dude the portlon assIgned for children adequate quarters tn the Grosse Pomte Park Mumclpal buddIng If the Board 5 and Juvemle uses apart from school plans are real1zed the pubhc hbrary actlvitles which wlll be handled by the wlll be on the northwest corner of the school hbrary upstaIrs and WIll also proposed site at the corner of Somer I nclude the workroom a small office set and Kercheval ThiS wlll place the chargIng desk card catalogs vertIcal hbrary at a POInt very acceSSIble to files and the large adult readmg space the general publlc tn the Park and io In It WIllalso mclude the entrance lobby a portlon of the bmldmg WithIn a few Through uttltzatlon of what would feet o£ the Kercheval Avenue sldewalk otherWise be wasted space m a dead PI k d t b D k ad end corndor a small stock room Will ans wor e ou y ernc n G b ht t t A Ith open directly mto the hbrary An ad am er, arc I ec s 111 co opera 1 nw th h 1 d t t 11 f r a jommg class room 10 the Juntor high e sc 00 a mmls ra Ion ca a I t t f th .treet dl school has been placed so that outSIde lepara e en rance rom e b tl t th 1b Th 11be of school hours tt can be used y the rec y 111 0 e I rary ere W1 d 11 1b f td t the ,ltbrar y for story hour purposes an a sma 1 rary or su en s on other meetm s second floor ThiS w1l1 make tt pos g &lble to devote the pubhc library en The Grosse Pomte Board of Educa tlrely to public uses and at the same hon has made apphcatlOn to the P W time Qbtam the substanttal econonlles A for an outrIght grant of $39510000 10 or1gmal constructIOn cost heatmg The proposed bUl1dmg whIch would be and Jamtonal serVIce that Will result financed by thiS SU!tland by local rev from havmg the library m the same enues, would mclude the costs of the burldmg Dr E R ¥anKleeck super I erectlOn and eqUtppmg of the pubhc intendent of schools saId I hbrary , Charles A Parcells preSident The hbrary staff whiCh has made a of the school board saId today I Honorable Prenhss M B row n careful study over a penod of years of I the residentlal addresses of the book Umted States Senator and Honorable b t th d ff tb I. Louts C Rabaut, Congressman for thiS orrowers a e 1 eren ranc es conSIders that thIS IS almost an Ideal I dlstnct, have been gtvmg the Board locatl-On for the much needed branch' mvaluable assistance WIth ltS P W A MISS Florence Severs head of the pub apphcahon Mr Parcells sa d llC lIbrary staff for the school dIstrtct sald today when mtervIewed by the Grosse F0111teReView •We are dehghted at the prospect and know that the patrons 10 the Park area Will be equally pleased she added "'Ve have checked carefully the pro An exhib tlon of 40 new palntl11gs by Detro tart s '" has d.tely ope ec to public VIew 1!1 the loan exhlbItion gal 1enes of Russell A Alger House t~e Grosse POl11te branch of the DetrOit Inshtute of Arts located at 32 Lake Shore road The exh1bltIon wh ch to gether WIth the rooms contalnl11g the permanent Itahan Renaissance coHec hon ts open free to the publtc every -day but Monday from 1 unttl 5 p m and Sunday ""rou 2 unt1 6 p m wlJ1 remam until September 18 Those who follow the work of DetrOit artIsts 10 the annual Mlchlgan artists ~;m=;ummm~~~llllllllllnH show the constantly changmg exhlbI H W' G ft tlon at the. ArtIsts Market and the .: arnlng to rosse - student shows at the Arts and Crafts ili Pointe Residents Ii will find the present offering an oc Joe Leach the eleven year old son of :;; it the famous drugglst at CharlevOIX and i,'l' -H I caS10n for congratulatton to the exhlbl Auto thIeves are actIve In the A tors Those who encounter m thiS show Lakepomte avenues ISa talented young •• ~ artIst and hIS chalk talks are m great i Grosse POInte area. We cannot ii the work of these artists for the first demand at the summer recreahonal .: too strongly urge every auto :: tIme Will be mtngued to watch theIr eenters i owner to remove keys from the -If development In the future The great L t Fd ft h I,,: : car, and lock garage doors as a maJonty of the pamtmgs are lent by as r1 ay a eruoon e gave one of hIS chalk talks at the Defer school protect1ve measure Several auto .. ft the artlsts themselves and have been and It was hIghly approved of by the mobiles have been stolen recently I carefully selected from theIr studtos to i i when owners have neglected to represent the most SignIficant of theIr youth of the vlclmty who attended the talk remove theIr car keys recent work Five canvases m the ex A fh D F P "'he pol,ce departments cf tho :: hIbItIon have returned m the last few s a guest 0 te etrolt ree ress I u h I 1fh lk b var,ous v.llage. a.k the co -opera- ,", days from New York where they were e 1as given severa 0 t ese ta s e f I F P "on of Ihe e.t.zons ,n cop,ng -th ii mcluded tn the ThIrd Annual Exhlbl ore young groups at t le ree ress L 00£ n: Fresh Air Camps meetmg WIth very ~ the situation Your co operation •• twn of Amencar!') Art at Rockefeller ,1, Wlil reduce th,. form of 'h,overy Ii,. Center These had been chosen to enthus1astIc receptions Thls young , L d fi I h I i:' con.,derably 'Iio: stand for the best m contemporary arttst IS e mte y on t e road to suc cess MIchIgan art 111 a national exhlbltton I ________________ ..;_::_I!_n_l_ll_U_I-_II_II_r_,I_IM __ :*;~:~S",j>~~",j>.ll __ ll_llUllllll___ The VISItor wIll be struck not on1pr T 1 . F' SI by the rIch dIverSIty of style whlC'h rave In all' ty e these 14 artists have developed but by the equally varied chOIce of subjlject matter and the remarkably mdlvuflual mood 111 whIch each IS concetved DetrOIt artists have travelled 'WUdely for their themes There are landpcapes of New England Greece Hungal"Y and France as well as of Mlchlgau t each of them dlffermg as much 111CO! cephon and mterpretatlon as In the subject matter Itself There are portraIts and figure studIes flower pieces at! d themes drawn from the ballet Others have been msplred by the sea am:l the genre of our darp eXIstence as well as by the never fallmg subject of SltllJhfe (Continued on Page Four) Life Saving Device Demonstrated Sitting pretty In the ricksha Is Zoe Dell Lantis, model for the 1939 Golden Gaie Inteu"d 0 rI ei pes f an d t:en I'ranc ::: 0, CdIi' as Ruth Peterson, l:!,llCU "'1 e-l:G:::> on hezt J, t.,}res 'ter for a spm aro~d TreasuJe bland, site of tile world'. faU' of tho West. I I I I I _~_*_",,_J ~

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  • Lalo




    For Job PnntIng of the better kus&call Groue POinte PrIntIng Co, 15121KerC"hevaI Lenox 1162.

    The ch Idren of the Trombly schoolwill 'ho d a ~ea for the r parents andfr ends on the last day of summerschool August 19 at"2 0 clock Enter ..tamment ,\111 nclude a spec1al verSIonof Snow \Vhlte attcl The SevenDwarfs, a101'1g V>lth several other se"techo"'~ pt"ese,.,ted b t~e d"awatl,. c1 bunder the superv ~lOn of 1IJ ary Rey.nolds pia) ground dIrector

    Mary Louth and Jack e Gosser Willact as hostesses fa~d all th.. chtldrertcord ally lllVlte you to atlepd



    ! OUR POLICYIi=~:m-m~~~'.'~II!lllllimllllllll

    By Mall $2 00 per year Smgle Copies 5 Cents

    Maire Playground


    James Barrett vlOltmst "\\111be the ,"OlO1pon

    sored by the Loy~ Club composed ofemployees of Leod D Case Secretary,

    (Of State WIll be beld aboard the StrPut m Bay \Vedn esday evel1111gAug-ust 24 The boat wlll leave from thefoot of First stn~et at 8 30 0 clockMUSICfor danc1l1efWIll be prOVided by IDave Diamond a bd hIS orchestra anda splendid floor SI~OWWill be offered IFelix FrllllifeoisNow

    Offe!is New ServiceThe most comJ)lete 'geauty serV1ce 1U

    DetrOlt IS now avaIlable at the FelIxFranCOIS Beau} Ealon In the Punchand Judy Th~;,tre bUIldmg, mcludmg.:;uch popular l)11novahons as aIr cool-mg health :tr .ftssages for circulatIOn,stlmulat on a td reducmg under theskllled hands of Madame Mane amember of t 'he \flchlgan Society ofMassage and PhysIO Therapy

    He IS also Ipleased to announced the! eturn of

    Raymond Garemmck 15 years old of3930 Neff road owes hiS 1fe to a newlypatented lIfe belt mv onted by Clarence V McGu re of 16!>l30 Village LaneCity of Grosse pomte

    On Wednesday A fgust 10 Garemmck was sWlmmmg at the Clty ofGrosse Pomte park ;In rather roughwater when he was s elzed With crampsand began smklng liTe called for helpand Mr Hugh Clarkl a member of thestaff of hfeguards aM the park Immedately went to the re KU,e

    HIgh school pupIls recently commgto Grosse Pomte from other schooldIstncts are urged by Charles LeaVIttaSSIstant hIgh school prmclpal to complete enrollment arrangements durmg:the commg two weeks These arrangements may be made at the h1gh schad!office 11 Grosse Pemte boulevard cot"ner of FIsher road, on Mondays toFrIdays from 8 00 a m to 4 00 p inand on Saturday from 9 00 a m to12 -00noon startmg Monday August 22

    Pupils takmg advantage of thls opportuntty for early enrollment Will bewtefit from more mdlvtdual attentIon thancan be gtven dunng the rush of theopentng days of school

    Mr LeaVItt has arranged to be athIS offIce regularly dunng thiS twoweek per10d as an accommodation tothose who WIll be benefitted by thesearrangements

    There wlll be a ball game Fnday even1ng at Netghborhood Club betweentwo po'l4t teams to determme best 10players So ball players report not Iclter than 6 P m

    Delegates to Wayne County CouncIlwere the reCIpIents of a grand receptlon Monday even10g after the meetmgat a bIrthday party given by Gust Lammerdmg who stlll contends he has notrea.ched hIS thIrties

    Have you been to the club roomsto:! enjoy the cool temperature theseho t evenings Better come over you 11fim 1

    Majority at Polls

    SIX hundred thirty five voters ofGrosse Pomte Park turned out to express thelr e Ii

    PHONE LENOX 1162 IIII II 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111

    VOL 12-No 52

    Local Youth Scoresas Talented Artist

    A pubhc hbrary branch to furmsh posed location agamst the standardsbadly needed hbrary faclhtles Ior of the Amencan LIbrary ASSOCIationGrosse Pomte Park IS to be mcluded and WIth the Judgments of 'Other ex-In the proposed new .1unlOT hlgh school perts In hbrary plannmg and feel thatIt was announced by the Board of the proposed location 15 exoellent WeEducation today Actmg in response Idre especIally glad that a finanCIal sav-to frequently expressed requests from I mg tS pOSSIble, In VIew of the otherreSidents of the western portlon of the bUIldmg needs In the school dtstrtct"school dlstnct the school board decided to take advantage of the prob The mam portlon of the pubbc 111able locatlon of the proposed Juntor rary accordmg to the preltmmaryhIgh school which IS hIghly central to plans WIll have an area of about 6Jtncorporate a large branch library to

    d feet by 74 feet ThiS space Will Intake the place of the crowded an Indude the portlon assIgned for childrenadequate quarters tn the Grosse Pomte

    Park Mumclpal buddIng If the Board 5 and Juvemle uses apart from schoolplans are real1zed the pubhc hbrary actlvitles which wlll be handled by thewlll be on the northwest corner of the school hbrary upstaIrs and WIll alsoproposed site at the corner of Somer I nclude the workroom a small officeset and Kercheval ThiS wlll place the chargIng desk card catalogs vertIcalhbrary at a POInt very acceSSIble to files and the large adult readmg spacethe general publlc tn the Park andio In It WIllalso mclude the entrance lobbya portlon of the bmldmg WithIn a few Through uttltzatlon of what wouldfeet o£ the Kercheval Avenue sldewalk otherWise be wasted space m a dead

    PI k d t b D k a d end corndor a small stock room Willans wor e ou y ernc nG b h t t t A Ith open directly mto the hbrary An adam er, arc I ec s 111 co opera 1 n wth h 1 d t t 11 f r a jommg class room 10 the Juntor highe sc 00 a mmls ra Ion ca a I

    t t f th .treet dl school has been placed so that outSIdelepara e en rance rom e btl t th 1b Th 11be of school hours tt can be used y therec y 111 0 e I rary ere W1 d

    11 1b f t d t the ,ltbrary for story hour purposes ana sma 1 rary or s u en s on other meetm ssecond floor ThiS w1l1 make tt pos g&lble to devote the pubhc library en The Grosse Pomte Board of Educatlrely to public uses and at the same hon has made apphcatlOn to the P Wtime Qbtam the substanttal econonlles A for an outrIght grant of $3951000010 or1gmal constructIOn cost heatmg The proposed bUl1dmg whIch would beand Jamtonal serVIce that Will result financed by thiS SU!tland by local revfrom havmg the library m the same enues, would mclude the costs of theburldmg Dr E R ¥anKleeck super I erectlOn and eqUtppmg of the pubhcintendent of schools saId Ihbrary , Charles A Parcells preSident

    The hbrary staff whiCh has made a of the school board saId todayI Honorable Prenhss M B row n

    careful study over a penod of years of Ithe residentlal addresses of the book Umted States Senator and Honorableb t th d ff t b I. Louts C Rabaut, Congressman for thiSorrowers a e 1 eren ranc esconSIders that thIS IS almost an Ideal I dlstnct, have been gtvmg the Boardlocatl-On for the much needed branch' mvaluable assistance WIth ltS P W AMISS Florence Severs head of the pub apphcahon Mr Parcells sa dllC lIbrary staff for the school dIstrtctsald today when mtervIewed by theGrosse F0111teReView

    •We are dehghted at the prospectand know that the patrons 10 the Parkarea Will be equally pleased she added"'Ve have checked carefully the pro

    An exhib tlon of 40 new palntl11gs byDetro tart s '" has d.tely ope ec topublic VIew 1!1 the loan exhlbItion gal1enes of Russell A Alger House t~eGrosse POl11te branch of the DetrOitInshtute of Arts located at 32 LakeShore road The exh1bltIon wh ch together WIth the rooms contalnl11g thepermanent Itahan Renaissance coHechon ts open free to the publtc every-day but Monday from 1 unttl 5 p mand Sunday ""rou 2 unt1 6 p m wlJ1remam until September 18

    Those who follow the work of DetrOitartIsts 10 the annual Mlchlgan artists

    ~;m=;ummm~~~llllllllllnH show the constantly changmg exhlbIH W' G ft tlon at the. ArtIsts Market and the.: arnlng to rosse - student shows at the Arts and Craftsili Pointe Residents Ii will find the present offering an ocJoe Leach the eleven year old son of :;; it

    the famous drugglst at CharlevOIX and i,'l' -H I caS10n for congratulatton to the exhlblAuto thIeves are actIve In the A tors Those who encounter m thiS showLakepomte avenues ISa talented young •• ~

    artIst and hIS chalk talks are m great i Grosse POInte area. We cannot ii the work of these artists for the firstdemand at the summer recreahonal .: too strongly urge every auto :: tIme Will be mtngued to watch theIreenters i owner to remove keys from the -If development In the future The great

    L t F d ft hI,,:

    : car, and lock garage doors as a maJonty of the pamtmgs are lent byas r1 ay a eruoon e gave oneof hIS chalk talks at the Defer school protect1ve measure Several auto .. ft the artlsts themselves and have beenand It was hIghly approved of by the mobiles have been stolen recently Icarefully selected from theIr studtos to

    ii when owners have neglected to represent the most SignIficant of theIryouth of the vlclmty who attended the •

    talk remove theIr car keys • recent work Five canvases m the ex

    A f h D F P "'he pol,ce departments cf tho :: hIbItIon have returned m the last fews a guest 0 t e etrolt ree ress I uh I 1 f h lk b var,ous v.llage. a.k the co-opera- ,", days from New York where they weree 1as given severa 0 t ese ta s ef I F P "on of Ihe e.t.zons ,n cop,ng -th ii mcluded tn the ThIrd Annual Exhlblore young groups at t le ree ress L 00£ n:Fresh Air Camps meetmg WIth very ~ the situation Your co operation •• twn of Amencar!') Art at Rockefeller

    ,1, Wlil reduce th,. form of 'h,overy Ii,. Center These had been chosen toenthus1astIc receptions Thls young , Ld fi I h I

    i:' con.,derably 'Iio: stand for the best m contemporaryarttst IS e mte y on t e road to success • MIchIgan art 111 a national exhlbltton I________________ ..;_::_I!_n_l_ll_U_I-_II_II_r_,I_IM__ :*;~:~S",j>~~",j>.ll__ll_llUllllll___ The VISItor wIll be struck not on1pr

    T 1. F' S I by the rIch dIverSIty of style whlC'hrave In all' ty e these 14 artists have developed but bythe equally varied chOIce of subjljectmatter and the remarkably mdlvuflualmood 111 whIch each IS concetved

    DetrOIt artists have travelled 'WUdelyfor their themes There are landpcapesof New England Greece Hungal"Y andFrance as well as of Mlchlgaut eachof them dlffermg as much 111CO! cephonand mterpretatlon as In the subjectmatter Itself There are portraIts andfigure studIes flower pieces at! d themesdrawn from the ballet Others havebeen msplred by the sea am:l the genreof our darp eXIstence as well as by thenever fallmg subject of SltllJhfe

    (Continued on Page Four)

    Life Saving Device Demonstrated

    Sitting pretty In the ricksha Is Zoe Dell Lantis, model for the 1939Golden Gaie Inteu"d 0 r I ei pes f an d t:en I'ranc :::0, CdIi' as RuthPeterson, l:!,llCU "'1 e-l:G:::> on hezt J, t.,}res 'ter for a spm aro~d TreasuJebland, site of tile world'. faU' of tho West.





    I_~_*_",,_J ~

  • Thursday, August 18, 1938



    I'll ... , 135137'13 E; Jaffer ...

    and e"jo,





    Bohemian BEER





    15005 K.rchual at Waybuno3 Barber. t~ Setve YO\l

    Xervae Hair Treatments


    Repraduct!Qul of 61'\. N1"IUt",.. m••10 order-AD) Ity!. or pet"lod

    Rttpalr. and Re&ni.hlng , Specialty

    tor second, and Ruth Ogden, thIrd Theblue rIbbon for the younger girls wuwon by HeIdI Flannery, second by Bar-bara Rebl1lard, and thltd, BeverleyWarmmgton Winners of tht begin-ners group, Includmg walkmg and trot-'1mg, were Peggy Burden, BarbaraOgden, and Beverly Bryant In themusIcal chalrs, Dorothea Townsend,Betty Proctor and Janet McKenZlIrode off WIth the honors

    Rldmg IS one of the favorlte tamppastimes the eight horses bemg In useas much as pOSSIble Campers areespeCIally enthusiastlc about eartymornmg, breakfast and supper rides

    Gondolas, ba1comes and puppet showsmarked July SO al Venellan Nlghl Heldon the waterfront, a. puppet show ofFlno-echio WIth the puppets made andoperated by the girls themselves \Vasgiven by members of Pme Ledge U11JtThen three boats decorated With leavesand poled by gondohers appeared andstopped under a balcony !hade from thehie guard tower Here Ellen Hooper

    (Conllnued on Page Three)

    The Best for Pancake and Spread.

    You Tried the Rest-N-ow Buy the BestBrIng your container • 1409Maryland

    Superior Beauty ServicfPopular Perm.neb .t Popular PnceeFeatunng Famous Machlnele•• W... e.Newest F.lhlol)' Finest MethodtCombinIng QuaUt, With Low Pnces.

    KORTE BEAUTY SHOPPE14940 MACK al Wayhurn NI 7171

    Re. Niagara 36244638 Ai,e, Rd.



    thIS trIp are experIenced canoeIstsAmong camp ViSItors thIS week \Va~

    Mrs Frank Couzens a member of thecamp council board The next VHittmgday wlll be Sunday July 31 from 2to 5 p In

    Last Day For Registration


    To. the Qualified Electdrs of the Cityof GrGsse Pointe, Wayne Co.,Mich.

    Vl!ednesday, August, 24th

    YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that regis-tration of qualified electors in the City of GrossePomte will be held every day at the City Clerk'soffice, 17150 Maumee Ave., from 9:00 a. m. until,4:30 p. m. (Saturdays, 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon), up00 and including

    If .you have not voted during the past two (2) years you are reoquired to re-register, under the Permanent Registration Act •

    Nlm YORK-It took Ross McKeeof the New YorkDally News 35 mlnutes to ClIMb to tl1.etop of the 700 foot Trylon on tlle grounds of the NewYork World's Fair 1939 Once up he S

  • 1


    Page TlIre.-

    Mt. Olive Lutheran

    r~Two little victims of the recent devastating tornado in Texas, whe

    \'4ere made orphans when theIr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Rutledgeof Clyde, Texas, were kIlled by the VIOlentstorm The famIly was driVingtheir ear to a neig1'lbofl;. g ~ Olm cellar "het" caught by the wmd kIllIngthe parents and hurlmg the chlldren a quarter of a 11'1.11eaway mto a4ltch filled WIth water

    The LIttle Whlte Church Aroundthe Corner Radnor a\ enue (Lmcolnroad) at Mack a>enue F ESternpastor

    Sunday school at 9 30 a mDIVine serv ces at 10 45 a mA cordlal welcome awaits )OU at Mt


    Girl Scout Camp News(Contmued from Page Two)

    sang 0 Sale MlO accompamed by thegIrls m the boats

    Pets of the camp are five week oldrabblts Found on a nelghbonng farmand half drowned from a cloudburstone of the tmy thmgs was broughtback to hfe by Mtss Berlllce Wlegoldwaterfront head, who practiced mlnIature artifiCIal resplratron on the rabbttThe WmdJammer umt has adopted thewatfs each tent takmg one for a mascot At present the bunmes are bemgfed every three hours wlth milk from a

    Pspoon, and the gIrlS are determmed to

    et750 raise them to full grown rabblts676 Sunday July 3"1 marked the openmg

    5171 of the thJrd penod for Camp Metamorag~I \\lth over 100 ne~pers armmgAugust 8

    Pet Eight girls and three cou 1selors from832 ---

    666 Tornaao Made Them Orphans624520423406250125000




    If you have not registered during the past two (2) years, you arerequired to re.register.

    If you are not registered, of if you have moved from the addressat which you resided when registering, you are required to registeror have your registration transfered.

    For your convenience, the office of the Township Clerk will beopen from 8:00 a. m., to 8:00 p. m., on August 24th, 1938.

    Registration may be made with the Village Clerk in the Villagein which you live, prior to August 24th, 1938.

    Registering and transferring of registration at the office of theTownship Clerk in the Municipal Building at Maryland and EastJefferson Avenues in the Village of Grosse Pointe Park will continueevery day from 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m., (Saturdays, 9:00 a. m. to1:00 p. m.) up to and including August 24th, 1938.

    To the Qualified Electors of GrossePointe Township, Michigan.

    'Mmd" Will be the subject of theLesson Sermon lU aU Christlan SClencechUl ches throughout the world on August 21

    The Golden Text (J oh 36 5) 15 Behold~ God IS mighty and desptseth notany he 15 mighty In strength and WISdem'

    Among the BIble cItatIons 15 thiSpassage (Rom 11 33) 0 the deptb ofthe fiches both of the Wisdom andknowledge of God I how unsearchableare hIS Judgments and hiS ways pastfindIng out 1

    Correlatlve passages to be read f"OMthe ChnstIan SCIence textbook Selence and Health WIth Key to the SCriP


    OaksM111erMIdgetsRedsEaglesArrowsl11dlans ..WaspPlratesLIOns

    Christian Science




    L!!.t!J!!l!il!l.!l.!!...'-l]!l!l,;!.l!l.!!J!l!!I.!.I.!!1!....!J.!1!ll!.l!!J.!Jjll!ll!.l!J.!!.l!.l!!l!.I.!U!1!!l!l.!!.!l.!~!J.!.!ti!Ll!l!.!.!l II 1~U!J!l.!J~!.l! @.!!...!l.!tl!l!!.JB~ll!l!!.l!l!ll!l!!l.!l!!.l!.I.!!l.!l.!!l.!J.!1riiTiliiliTiiliTiiTiliiljlli!iIif!iJiiTiiil iiiiliililiifiTiilifiiTiTiiTiTiiTiTiifiliiTiiJiiiiliiliTIiliTiillilliiiliiliiTiitilifiTiiliTiiTiTiiTiTiiJi'lilTliliTiiTifiifiliiTiifiiTiIiifiliiliTiiliTiiIiliiliTii

    ~ ~


    PLAY -OFF SERIESNatlonal League

    W L PetFour Aces 2 0 1000TrOjans 2 0 1000Yanks I I 500Samts 1 1 500Nottmgham 0 2 000Red Seal 0 2 000

    Games Thursday August 18TrOjans vs Samts at MalreFour Aces vS Yanks at Trombly

    AmerIcan LeagueWL

    C Y 0 2 0Holy Name 1 1Royal Aces 1 1Grosse Pomte 1 1DeVan I IOrtolf 0 2

    Games Thursday~ August 18Grosse POInte vs DeVan at DeferRoyal Aces vs Holy Name at Defer

    SenIor Hard BanW L T P

    4 0 I 942-083 2 I 72 I 3 72 3 I 5I 3 I 3o 6 0 0

    Hard BallWLIS 513 611 105 136 16

    MIdlet Hard BanWL16 36 3

    12 710 99 127 10I 3I 7o 4

    FeAtherweIght Soft BallW L Pet84664

    12 7 62411 7 605875283 12 198

    Grosse Pointe tures" by Mary Baker Eddy, mc1ude I Camp Metamora, Detro}t GIrl ScoutII

    the followmg (p 275) Dwme meta camp returned to camp Saturday AugIJSoftba League pbYS1CS as revealed to spmtual uncler lust 6 from a four day canoe tnp on the

    standmg shows clearly that allIS Mmd I Au Sable RIver Durmg the tnp wh chand that Mm..d 15 God ommpotence started on Wednesday from Gray11l1g,ommpresence ornmSClence -that 1S all the four canoe loads covered over 55power all presence all SCience Hence mIles on the flyer The first nIght out,all IS In reahty the mamfestatlOn of the gIrls encountered a severe had'l\,1md storm al d were forced to take refuge

    In a nearby cabIll Cont1numg the nextmorn ng and paddling thetr own ca-noes the group took the raptds 10 theriver without a mishap

    The canoe sts showed themselveschefs as well planmng and cookmgthe r own meals On the last day, re-turnmg to GraylIng the party made anexcurSlO11 to the HartWick Pmes stateforest returnmg from there to thecamp

    Travel seems to be the rage at Meta-mora thIS penod Deep \Voods andPme Ledg~ Units are sendmg some ofthe girlS on gypsy tnps, startmg Mon-day and Thursday Travehng In thecamp stat on wagon the girls plan togo mto Canada, other than that thedestmattons are unknown

    Campers staYll1g at camp have founda new cuhnary thrrll M embers of twoof the older units have bu It their ownbeanholes and have cooked and sel;'vedthelr own beanhole beans The g rahave been besetged wIth requests for111VltatlOllsand the expenment 15 a de-c ded success

    Books was the theme tlSed at the campfire Saturday mght held atthe SIde of the mam lodge Each umtpicked one of Its fai-onte books anddramahzed a cutting of It before theother umts Interests of a Wide var etywere shown from Wmme the Pooh toCaptams Courageous Other books used

    (ContInued on Page Four)




    ~ =E iii5 it!== IIiIi= 1=. You must be registered in the Precinct in which you reside in

    order to vote at the Primary Election to be held on September 13th,

    11938.~ CARL SCHWEIKART,III TOWNSHIP CLERK,I Grosse Pointe Township. •E!!J!l.!!l!il!l!l!!IJI.l!!l!l!!lIJ!!1!I!!l!1!!J!l!!I!i!!.I!I.!!J.!i!!l.'!1!!1!l!U!L!U!I.!!l!l!lliill!l!l!U!I!!.l!illl!l!!1!l.!!l!lli!l!.L!!.J!1!!.l!J.!-l!J.! Ii 1!.l!.l.!tl!!Jj~!.l!l!!..I!1.!!l!l.!ll!llU!l!U!l!!l!l!U!;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.I"~~~~~~U~



    DevansC Y 0*Royal AcesOrtolf Verbrugge*Lauretta TavernGrosse PbmteShamrocksFour Aces

    *Tle Game

    Neighborhood ClubActivities

    Messiah LutheranSoutheast corner of Kercheval and

    Lakewood avenues A H A Loeberpastor, 1434 Lakewood avenue Tetephone Lenox 2121

    'The Lord s Cry Over Jerusalemwlll be the subject to be treated lU thesermon next Sunday August 21 Theservice w111 begm at 10 a m TheSunday School WIll meet at 9 0 clock

    Read the breezy paragraphs of MaryJane Stoetzel for InterestIng ell!el!tsmPOIl'lte Revlew~ 15121 Kercheval Ave


    GraceHoly NameSamtsParamountTrogensAnnts FursVlklngs

    Results of games play~d August 9Annts Furs 4, Trogens 0VIkmgs 0, St Ambrose H N 9Grace 6, Samts 0Results of games played August 10Devans 5, Royal Aces 2Lauretta Tavern 4 Shamrocks 0Ortolf.Verbrugge 4 Four Aces 2St Ambrose C Y a 7 I Grosse

    PaIUte 1Results of games played August 14Trogens 9 Paramount 2Grace 5 St Ambrose H N 4Saints 2, Vtkmgs 1

    Tuesday LeagueW L Pet3 I 7502166722500123331233330000o 4 000

    Wed.llesclay LUlue4 I3 I3 22 22 22 32 3o 4


    Leach DrugsLakepointe at Charlevoix

    TV. 2-3333

    (24-Hour Service)

    Bring in your film before 3o'clock; back the next day at3 o'clock


    Borden'sBulk and Brick

    Ice Cream

    Call us for alarm clock de-liveries, We set the clockand deliver when you wantto serve it.


    Feathers of Indigo BuntmgFeathers of the mUlgo huntmg

    look brown under a m!croscopebut when the bIrd tiles 10 the hghtthey look blue

    Retam Chum on AntIquesCaltfo"ma OW"1ers of a"ltlques who

    sell them wIthout knowledge of theIrreal worth I etam a claIm underthe law for tl'ree vears


    of the

    "No Job too Srlall

    'JA ...udBC'" cotrrnrt Oel1l11e1'

    ResJdence-130S BuckinghamTUsedo 2-1717

    Better Kind


    Cooper BrOSe

    10400 MACK AVENUE

    Lenox 5885

    HabIts of BearsSeveral kInds of bears are noted

    for theIr habIt of sleepmg duringthe wmter The KodIak bear usesa cave In whlch to spend the Wln.ter months KodIak bears havebrown fur and sometImes are called"Alas~a brown bears 'They are thelar.... ... ",..,..1., the bear fl"'111Iy.

    LADIES' YOU ARE INVITEDto a free demonstratIon of the 1"1ngroller reducing machme You Will 1:)eunder no obligatIons We also featurecahlnet baths With alcohol rub for $100


    Grosse Pointe Printing Co.Publishers of

    The Grosse Pointe Review15121 Kercheval Ave. LEnox 1162

    Job Printing

    fillitl "1111iIlllltll litlllitllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllillillit,lillitllitlll:alllllllill1I:ll:llitl •• '1l,1l1l1l1lllllll11illlllitlllitlllitllllll:lIl,1l111llilllllllllll:llitllitl;lllIIPlill1l"111ll111ll11l1ll1l1ll111=11it1l1l1IIl1il1l1il1llmllllll.I:tIlIllIlllmlllllll :tI1I:=lllll'l=llr

    p#tl#tl#tl=====#tl==#tl#tl#tl#tl#tl#tltmtmtmtmtm======m::1=11I1=1 11=111=111=111=111=11=111=I 11=1Il:l 1l:1Il:1Il:l Il:l 1l:1'l:1Il:11l:1I111l111I1111111I:tl1l:tlill

    Jakimec Beauty SalonLENOX 9230

    999 Beaconsfield at Jefferson


    rsday, August IS, 1935

    riety of WIllows m Wyomingmm, has more kInds of wl1..han any other state, varymgtralhng plants an mch or two

    -.s 30 feet in heIght

    Coiffure Creations

    Electlic Motor RellaJrDUNCAN &: McNICOL14'Z7 CharleYoIx at Wayb'dl'l1

    Nllhts. SUIl. ,.Hobda,..

    TR 2-_


    Ladles' Haircutting - New Stylet

    OUI'hair styles are fashionable and pcpu-lar-yet inexpensive Styles created WithInc1IVlduahtyand persollahty.

    ( RUSSELL;Curtain Cleanersj 14727 Kercheval at AshlandI LEnos 8275rncibvidual ExclUSIve Work on

    Curtains and Drapes1_ _---J



    New BIcycle, at Low Pncesed Rehullt 8tqcle. Painted like 1\8'W

    Lawlunowel', SbarpeJled:rcsse Poillte Motor A Bike ShopC VerDrugl'he 1423 Lake,:oon"b9478 PIck up and Deb",. 11 d•• wed






    ~5cIb 21clSc1b 1St


    Ib 6Cl~

    eo. 10clb. 2Scfor




    24-0% 39c~cake







    344 Rlv;"d Blvd.15229 Kerch ..... 1 A.......

    M ....... y 9340





    17315 Mack AvenueNIagara 0054

    1522%E. Jefferson AveMU 9057


    Sanka Coffee lb. 33c• canTREESWEET PUREOrange Juice 3 12-oz. 25c• can.EMBASSY SALAD

    DRESSING qt. 21c• • lOr




    GINGER SNAPS 3 lb. 25C\ }


    V. !h 29c•••




    FREE DELIVERY17037 Kercheval Ave. 18117 A..... 1UtPhones: Nt 6500-6501 NIagara 0167

    20788 Mack Ave, Loehmoor


    1l1lAilAIVlS • .'1:. 15cFOR QUICK BISCUITSIIISQUiCK • • ';\;~ .. 27cKROGER S EAT)e;10RE.OLEO •• • Ib 11c




    tall 6c JACK FROST, POWDERED ORcaD Brown Sugar • 2

    Fresh Dressed BroilersSKINLESS

    BACON • • Ib 29c VIENNAS

    Fresh Lake Erie Perch




    Pork Loin RoastGolden Ripe BANANASGOLDEN BANTAM


    PEAS • 2 ~~17c MelonsElberta Freestone Peaches •




    thIckened Add salt,, onIon, or until done Cool Cover each cake Avocado Frutt Salad IncludespImento and potatoes and reheat Let WIth Vamlla. Butter ICIng 2 avocadosstand over hot water for ten mmutes The foIlowlng menu 1S a delectable 4 sltces of pmeappleIf pOSSIble before servmg Serves SIX combmahon that WIll wm you countless 1 cup cherrIes

    To prepare Peach Supreme use admIrers among the vegetable advo Scrape the avocado out wlt}\3 cups canned peaches cates melon ball scooper, makmg smal11 banana Celery Tomato Nut Roll DIce the pmeapple and cut cherrl12 marshmallows Potato ChIps halves MIX together and senre:% cup coffee cream Avocado Frmt Salad crISp lettuce lel}ves Top wtth daDIce the peaches shee the banana I Gmgerbread and Whlpped Cream mayonnal5'e \

    and cut the s!tces mto halves and cut Iced Coffee Gmgerbread IS a de11clous 6ldmarshmallows In eIghts WhIp coffee Celery Tomato Nut RoIl IS made by onte made by usingcream and fold In frult usmg 2 cups sdted Swansdown cak~ t

    A good rec1pe for vanIlla cup cakes 1 tablespoon salt (scant) 2 teaspoons Calumet bakmg pow~IS 1 tablespoon grated omon r.i teaspoon soda

    12 3 cups Sifted Swandown cake flour 2 tablespoons melted butter 2 teaspoons gtnger1% teaspoons Calumet bakmg powder 1 tablespoon grated cheese 1 teaspoon CInnamon1 3 butter or other shortenmg 2 eggs, well beaten % teaspoon salt1 cup sugar 1}4 cup bread crumbs 1-3 cup butter or other shortenm«2 eggs, well beaten 1:% cup stramed tomatoes }/z cup sugar% cup mIlk r.l C1Jpchopped nut meats 1 egg, wen beaten1 teaspoon Parke DaVIS Vantlla Ex 1 cup celery, cut fine 2 3 cup mol/sses

    tract CombIne saIt, onIon, butter cheese ~ cup sour mllk or buttermtIk51ft flour once measure, add bakmg bread crumbs, nut meats and celery I Slit flour once, measure, add baku

    powder and s1ft togetqer three hmes Add combmatlon to tomato Jutce MIX powder soda, spIces and salt, and sCream butter thoroughly, add sugar together WIth the beaten eggs Shape together three ttmes Cream but~gradually, and cream together untt! mto a loaf and bake In a well-greased thoroughly add !lugar gradually, a1hght and fluffy Add eggs, then flout' bakmg tlU Serve wtth Parsley Sauce cream together until hght and :f!~:Halternately wlth mllk, a small amount Parsley Sauce 15made by meltmg two Add egg and molasses, then flour,! aat a tIme Beat after each addlt10n tablespoons butter In sauce pan and ternately" Ith mIlk, a smatI amountunbl smooth Add flavormg Pour blendmg wtth two tablespoons flour a tIme Beat after each addttIon ~nmto greased cup cake pans 1ilbng them Add one cup of mIlk, one tablespoon ~mooth Bake m a greased pan, 8x!about two-thirds full Bake In moder. lemon JUIce, and two tablespoons of ibchesl In moderate oven (350 dtgreate oven (375 degrees F) 20 mmutes, chopped parsley .F) 50 mmutes or untIl done

    The Pointe Pantry

    "Jai.Alai," Ball Game,Ilt1vals the Bull Fight

    I'JaI-alaIl ' better known as j peIota" (meanIng ball lD SpanIsh), l4a game somewhat SImIlar to handball, WhIChongmated m the BasqueprovInces of France and Spam Inparts of Spam, It Tlvals bull fights InpopularIty, says a wrIter In the DetrOlt News OrIgmally Upelota ' wasplayed WIth hand, naked or gloved,or WIth a stlck, but now a gauntlet, called a Uces•tus' or Hcmstera" IS used Thisbasket, a Basque inventIon firstused at Ascam, France, revolutIonIzed the game by Increasmg the propellmg power of the players and thecarrymg force of the ban

    The game may be played eIthermdoors or outdoors and reqUIres acement comt, 200 feet long and 65feet wl'de, wIth at least two walls36 feet!nllh Four walls may beused There are usually four play-ers and the profeSSIonals aremen who hMcvedone lIttle else SInceboyhood. The ball IS of soM rub-ber J small Hd \\pelghs about fourounces !)luring play, the ball ISbounded ffS1n wall to HcestuS" andmust be k,pt in mohon. The gam.eIS very ~~r In the Basque prov-inces, :;pam, Cuba and South Amer-Ica Aceol'dlng to the AmerIcanaEncyclopepla, HIt IS elalmed for tlusgame that It requIres a better eye,more speed, actIVIty and surer con-trol over every muscle of the bodythan any other sport U


    0rilrImI 61ass Bottles "alDableIt has been commonly acknowl

    edged that glass bottles, shortlyafter theIr lDvenhon, wer\!" HworththeIr weIght tn bold U But an ItemIn the AmerIcan Magazme mdicatesthat these transparent contaInerswere valued much more hIghly thanthe yellow metal In old Egypt,where a prIce of $3 500 000 was setand paId on one glass bottle OrIgI.nally made only by master crafts-men and used In the packagIng cdrare ..attars and cosmetlcs, glass.ware reqUIred 40 centUrIes of studyand refinement to reach Its present superIorIty and mexpenSIvenessThe common foodstuff bottles onour shelves today are more perfectby far than the crude bottles oflong ago-yet they cost us practI-cally nothmg I

    Ancestry of Cameo in DoubtThe earhest ancestry of the

    cameo WIll always be a matter ofconJecture accordmg to CYrIl Davenport of the British museum whosebook, j Cameos," IS the Illurmnatlngresult of extenslve study and research But for really skIlled workwe need not go farther back than tothe EgyptIan scarabs, WhICh wereseals WIth the backs cllt mto thesemblance of the sacred beetle Theoutlme of the scarab cameo perSIst-ed for a long tIme.

    st Glles Cathedral HistoricSt GIles cathedral, standIng on

    the hne of the j Royal MIle '-thatmedIeval street WhICh leads fromcastle to palace 171 EdInburgh-hasbeen the scene of many Importantevents In the past of the ScottIshcapital The walls have echoed thethundermg'S of John Knox, the re-(ermer, and It was here, accordIngto tradItIon, that one Jenny Geddes,In 1637, flung a stool at the Dean ofEdInburgh as a protest against IhtIDtroduct "'1'" J