the history of vampiers

HE THE HISTORY OF VAMPIERS Ever wondered how the vampire myth started? When the term vampire came around? How certain beliefs about vampires stemmed from folkloric superstitions? And how the vampire has progressed in legend, lore and reality over the centuries From the beginning of time legends of vampires have existed on this place we call earth. The interesting distinguishing mark of vampire is that unlike other, ” MONSTERS”, the vampires has its roots in nearly every part of the world.From ancient Greece to modern day, the vampires has been eternally preying on our imagination forcing us to ask ourself whether those things we dismiss as miths are just that… more. The history of vampire begins in ancient Persia, where a vase was discovered depicting a man stuggling with a huge creature which is trying to suck his blood. Then in Babylonian myth a diety known for drinking the blood of babies, “Lilitu” or “Lilith”, was discovered. She was reputedly the first wife of Adam according to old Hebrew texts removed from the old testament and left her husband due to his sexual ineptitude, becoming the queen of Devil and Evil spirits. In China during the 6 th century BC, traces of ,”LIVING DEAD”,revenants as they are known, were also found.

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HE THE HISTORY OF VAMPIERSEver wondered how the vampire myth started? When the term vampire came around? How certain beliefs about vampires stemmed from folkloric superstitions? And how the vampire has progressed in legend, lore and reality over the centuries

From the beginning of time legends of vampires have existed on this place we call earth. The interesting distinguishing mark of vampire is that unlike other, ” MONSTERS”, the vampires has its roots in nearly every part of the world.From ancient Greece to modern day, the vampires has been eternally preying on our imagination forcing us to ask ourself whether those things we dismiss as miths are just that… more.

The history of vampire begins in ancient Persia, where a vase was discovered depicting a man stuggling with a huge creature which is trying to suck his blood. Then in Babylonian myth a diety known for drinking the blood of babies, “Lilitu” or “Lilith”, was discovered. She was reputedly the first wife of Adam according to old Hebrew texts removed from the old testament and left her husband due to his sexual ineptitude, becoming the queen of Devil and Evil spirits. In China during the 6th century BC, traces of ,”LIVING DEAD”,revenants as they are known, were also found. The legends continued throughout all the world including India, Malasiya, Polynesia and the lands of the Aztecs and Eskimos. According to the Aztecs the offering of a young victims blood to the Gods ensured the fertilization of the Earth. But truly vampires are originates from European civilization, ancient Greece to begin with. There are numoures bloodthirsty Goddesses in both Roman and Greek mythology known as Lamiae, Empusae and striges. These names eventually evolved into the general terms for Witches, Demons and Vampiers.But these vampires , though they do drink blood were only Goddesses…..”Living Dead”, but disembodied divinities capable of taking on human appearences so that they might seduce their victims. As time passed on,the Christianity grew in popularity the redemptive value of blood became apparently. Holy communion,which includes drinking wine symbolizing Christ’s blood and bread symbolizing His Flesh was at

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times taken quiet literally.Some people confusing pagan beliefs with transubstantiation(actually presence of Christ’s blood and flesh during communion)took part in feasting on human flesh and human blood. During the 11th century, witches and doctors alike prescribed virgin blood to cure all illnesses. Also during this time, some corpse found intact all over Europe began a huge vampire scare. The belief came about that people who died without a chance to receive last rites or those who had commited suicide or had been excommunicated were destined to return to the Earth as revenants.Various accounts of discovery of vampires can be read in books such as THE DIABOLICAL DICTIONARY by Bishop Cahors, the courtries trifling by Walter map and the history of England written of William of Newburgh. The phenomenon of Vampirism continued through the Renaissaance era only sporadicly but again grew to epidemic proportions in 14th century mainly in central European regions of Prussia, Silesia and Bohemia. The bubonic plague was thought to be the work of vampires and panic of infection led people to bury their dead without completely verifying that they were truly deceased. It was thenno wonder that so many encounters of vampires rising from their graves during this time were noted. A person buried alive would try to claw his way out of the graveand would discovered covered in blood from the wounds he had inflicted upon himself by doing so. This of course would label him as a vampire. In the mid


century Vampirism again reared his head most notably in trial of Frenchman Gilles de rias. The former member of joan of arc’s guard and Ersthwhile Marshal of France, he retired to his lands in Southwest France devoted to his quest of finding the secret of the “Philosophers’ Stone” in blood.He killed about 200 to 300 children by way of horrifying torture in order to use their blood in his experiment.Later in 19th century, Joris karl Huysomns portrayed him as an authentic vampire in his novel La- was.Also during this time, another historical figure became associated with vampirism.His name was Vald Tepes Dracula the prince of wallachia, an ancient kingdom which is the part of Romania.His double name of

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Tepes(meaning “impaler”) and Dracula ( after his father Dracula meaning devil or dragon…. The “a”added on to mean son of….)suited him quiet appropriately. Both a national hero for liberating his lands form the ottoman invaders and bloodthirsty tyrant who ordered thousands of people impaled for his pleasure, it is no wonder that his name became synonimus with the vampire legend.Four centuries later, Bram Stoker would write the infamous novel the Dracula, which would forever give us the sterotype of the classic vampier.

Vampirism, though never completely vanished dwindled slightly from the 15th through 17th centuries. In 1611, however in the superstitious land of Hungary, Countess Erzsebet Bathory

(Elizabeth Bathory and the “ blood countess”) began the legend afresh. She was accused of kidnapping and torturing young girls to death and then bathing in and drinking their bloods.She believed that this would preserve her youth and looks. But how did she come to this conclusion? Well, apparently she was a wife of Count who was always away from war. Becoming bored with her lifestyle, she began to study black magic which led to her horrible endeavour. When large number of women became missing, Bathory’s cousin led a detachment of soldiers and policeman to capture her. She spared execusion because of her royal ties, but was locked up in tower room for the rest of her life with the doors and windows shut. Her accomplices though were all executed. This event in history gave rise to numourse rumourse of vampirismand inspired many writers unto today. Also, this coupled with poverty and illiterate population of the times led to an explosion of vampire and werewolf of superstitions in southerm and eastern European. The belief that,”Vrykolakas” (Slavic for werewolves) would die and become vampire in the hereafter tied the two mythes together quite conveniently. The word ‘vampier’, until now unknown became used as a term for a very first time in 1726 following thousands of reports of vampirism due to the plague.

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It was first coined in German,’vanpir’ in report of one case of vampirism. This evolved into,”vampire” in 1732. This was the beginning of the end for the vampire as we know it……

The 18th century. The age of enlightenment as it was also known set out to destroy superstition, scholars, doctors, philosopher and the member of church all cast doubt on the accomplishment of the devils and his minions. A Frech Benedictine Monk known as Don Calmet published a huge tract which he claimed put the controversy of vampires to rest. But the leged of the vampire true to its nature refused to die. Categorizing and the stereotyping the vampire only provoked superstition. People specially those of the “ back countries” became weary of those who has bushy eyebrows drawn together or hair on the back of their palms. To detect vampires, they employed virgins who would ride virgin horses( either completely white or completely black) through the lenth of the a cemetery and the horses would rear at the tomb of the vampire. The rumour began to spread that some people born of a union between vampire and mortal could spot vampires. Interment of suspected vampiers was done with special precautions such as driving a nail into the forehead of the corpse smearing the body with pig’s fat or placing a clove of garlic in its mouth. These were the only methods used to prevent the suspected vampire fron rising. The such events diminished as the industrial evolution began to change the European life and in this age of rationalism, the legends of vampires and other creatures of the ethernal world began to all but die……well, that was the theory in any case.

Reality had other plans. The Romanticism at the end of the 18th century tried to recapture emotion and nostalgia lost in enlightment and industrial revolution. With this, gothic novel has its rebirth Johann won Geothe wrote his novel THE BRIDE OF CORINTH preceded by Gottfried August BUERGER’S LENORE. These stories as well as other poems of vampires of the 19th centuries by Keats, Coleridge and Baudelaire included an element previously unknown to vampire lore in traditional sense. This was the element of seduction, the bringing of pleasure of death. Then came the infamous THE VAMPYRE by John William Polidori and CARMILLA by Sheridan Lefanu. VARNEY THE VAMPYRE written in 1847 by Prest and Rymer became the longest novel ever written on the subjects of vampires. Fantasy and horrer in great demand but during the mid 19th century, the popularity dwindled once again due its repetitive nature. But this did no last long, reappearing again in the Victorian era. It is truly ironic that in a century where all things decadent and unsavory were and supposed to be repressed, the legend of the vampire reached the peak. Perhaps viewed as an escape by many the vampire appeared onstage in novel, in poetry and in prose. The hypocrisy of society was in such a state that writing horrific stories was quite permissible as long as morality triumphed in the end. It wsa in this time that Bram Stoker wrote his legendary novel DRACULA. Though he had never himself been to Transylvania, the setting of the story nor truly studied as a professional

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writer the success of his novel was phenomenal and it would forever define are views of vampire……

With the 20th century came a wonderful invention called the motion picture. It was with this that vampiers and other movie monsters showed their faces on the big screen. The first vampire movie ever made 1922’s NOSFERTAU:EINE SYMPHONIE DES GRAUNES. This German movie directed by F.W.MUMAU starred Max Schreck in the title role. The vampire in this case

took on the semblance of the creature in folklore……hairy palms, large bats like ears and so on. Then came a series of vampire movies from the US with Bela Lugosi as the notorious Dracula. The vampires was givan fangs to bite with and an air of seduction. Afterwards, Christofer Lee joined England’s Hammer productions in comprising the next picture of Dracula…..he was given the dark hair, a long black opera cloak and glowing red eyes. From here on the numourse other vampire movies was made, some based on original screenplays, some on historical novels, some even comedies. As technology evolved in film industry and special effects developed more and more, so did the horrific look of vampire. In 1987’s THE LOST BOYS, the vampires has realistic fangs, greenish red eyes and wear leather jackets to complete the look. That same year, NEAR DARK followed suit in the tough image of modern vampire. In 1992 Francis Ford Copolla made a beautiful remake of Dracula starring Garry oldman in the title role. And we can’t forget the 1994’s interview with the vampire based on Anne rices’s novel which created an explosion of popularity ig vampire genre.The auther named Anne Rices revolutionized the image of the vampire. In the vampire chronicles she portrayed her title character of lestat as having a human as tragic side to him as well as a savage nature. In her series of 5 novals, Anne Rice gace us a dark world peopled with vampires everywhere not entirely unlike our own with anti-hero Lestat in the centre. She was creating series of a new vampire novels currently

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based in the world evolving around the same characters who in the VAMPIER CHRONICLES played minor roles. In addition to her, the 80’s and 90’s included servels notable names of authors who shaped the vampire genre. The include Poppy Z. Brite,P.N. Elrod and Tanith lee. Music also gave the vampire publicity especially the late 1980’s bands like Concrete Blonde, The Cure, Type o negative and so on all wrote several songs about vampires and most had general gothic or dark sound to their style in general. From the big screen the vampire made its way to the television …… first in the popular soap-opera series of DARK SHADOWS then to Kolchak: the night of stalker and onwards to modern day shows such as FOREVER NIGHT , BUFFY THE VAMPIOER SLAYER and KINDRED: THE EMBRACED. The later series based on a roleplaying game called “vampire: the masquerade” which came out in 1992 and has been quite ever since. At the dawn of 21st century, the occult genre has grown to immense proportions. Everywhere you turn, the vampires seems to hide in shadows. There are gothic nightclubs, vampire organizations such as the ARVLFC and Translyvanian Society of Dracula roleplaying groups in practically every town on the face of the Earth and even on the internet the vampires live. There is no escaping the seduction and charm of the vampire both in folkore and reality. It is everywhere we look……there are more vampires out there than one might imagine. The vampire is truly immortal. Perhaps not in the traditional sense of the word, but it has never been completely vanished from the moment it reared its not so ugly head. From ancient Greece to modern day, the vampires continuos to bleed are imaginations dry….

HOW DOES VAMPIERS LOOK LIKE? Vampiers are dead people. Once a human dies their blood stops pumping and they go cold. Nobody heat ans your gonna have a cold vampire,but of course after they feed on blood their skin flushes until their body uses up the amount of blood in their body. Then they go cold again. They have pinkish to grey, even blue and golden eyes. All vampires have eyes that are red to some degree and they all some what thinner than they were as a human. They have a no shadow in mirror and in sunlight. They are look very mysterious.

HOW A VAMPIER TURN A HUMAN INTO VAMPIER?There are many few wats here is few: Blooding Biting and Breeding. They get bit an if vampire doesnot take all the blood an kill the person, then they become a vampire. When a human

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gets turn into a vampire they don’t feel the last answer said “UNDEAD”. There is no feeling the only things different is thaton new moons they will have erge to kill the other people.

WHY DO VAMPIERS BITE THE NECK? Vampiers bite on the neck because that’s were the bigger and “Juicier” viens. It is a easy

target area. Animals used to bite the neck. The neck is the good target because it is usually exposed and is a site where there is much blood traffic. However aside from this there is no really important reason to go for the throat.


STORY OF NEWZELANDThe new wave of people driven to believe they are vampires and then choosing to attack other people violently in order to drink their blood seems to be on the rise these days and many experts are at a loss to explainthis bizarre behavior pattern.

Typically victims reports their attackers as having unusually aggressive traits and fighting them with the seeming attention of drinking their bloods. And now there is an another case, this one coming from New Zeland in which the attackers targeted an individual with the intention of drinking blood from his neck. The gruesome story is only the latest in an unexplainably growing trend. The vampire trio are accused of tearing open an unconscious man’s viens with their teeth and drinking their blood. The grim attack is perplexing to many who say there is no explanation for the level for the unexplainable violence with no seeming benefits. Why victimize an unconscious man by drinking his blood? Though they were caught up in a group frenzy at the time, one of the vampire whose name will be shielded to protect his identity says he had not hit the man but did bite himbecause he had “hit on” his “missus”. His explanation was simple:his friends already biting the man, so he went along the group.

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It’s almost unsoundingly more disturbing explanation than had they been simply under the control of a mysterious shadowy “king vampire”. Of course this thrall like behavior is classic on the vampire mythos as well. The vampire in mythology is a creature that victimizes other and no will of his own- only a desire for blood. Its exactly the behavior that seems to have played out in this particular incident. Of course as this is an ongoing investigation,it’s difficult to get an accurate picture of what really happened until all details are released . When asked if he really thought that he is a vampire, the man declared he ofcourse did not as he was standing in the sunlight during the interview.After the attacks, aggressors often disappear forever or eventually tracked down. If the aggressors are found they often seems to be slightly antisocial but normal individuals who either are working under the impressions that they are creatures of supernatural origin or are simply as dazed and confusion by their own actions and bloodlust as those who they victimized.Many critics of the vampier movement have said such actions can be simply cholked up as delusion. But can they? It seems that in the vastness of mankind’s history there have always been those who scoffed at society and embraced a darker path and often were consumed by it as it took control of their lives. Could this merely be the latest manifestation of that same motivating factor? Could today’s vampire attacks be the contemporary answer to social problems that always have and likely always will follow individuals within society?Will we see more vampier attacks such as these in the future? A great number of people who wear dark clothing and call themselves vampires are quiet sociable albeit a bit eccentric. The actions of these attackersis not representative fo the whole of their culture.


This is the story of a girl who met a vampire in the Ireland. This story began at her hometown with a whole bunch of nothing.Now she will tell her own experience of vampire with us: being stuck at one same place for years now without change of location had made me physically ill so I decided to just sell everything had go where I had longed to be for so long beloved Ireland. Though I did not have any real connection in whatever way to this country I always felt a stange emptiness whenever I came across anything Irish. Every last bit of Irish spirit ibegan to inhale desperately trying to fill up that hole in my soul. It was never enough an I was beginning to feel emptier by the day. Something ahd to change. I had told me that countless times before but never acted. Now was the time I thought, so I starting selling my belongings, closed down my bank accounts and tried to find someone to takeover my flat. I felt more caged every day and when I finally had raised enough funds and had all things in my order, that was not much keeping me there. The next day early in the morning I drove to the airport and bought a last minute ticket to Dublin. Two hours later I sat in the plane. Though I was able to stay with a couch surfer for the first week until the last things about my apartment were set,my first day in Ireland felt unexpectedly strange. Was I expecting too much of my new home?Did I idealize? Time will tell I thought. More days passed and month passed and I was establishing my new life. New flat, new job and new friends. Life felt better again but although I felt happy,something was

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still missing. Something I coughtn’t tell what it was and wished for change all over again. Ask and you shall receive they say. Be careful what you wish for they say. I never would’ve imagined that to be true in the way it would be soon. One night we all went out to that pub at the cliffs along some rocks that looked like a miniaturized Stonehenge. Sat there for hours,drinking,laughing and having a great time. When we left,daylight almost broke through again. I stopped at the Stonehenge, thinking about that new life. It finally seemed to be everything I expected it to be after all. Although I was very happy, that little something was still missing. I sat down letting my mind go blank, just enjoying the view on the top of the cliff thinking about everything and nothing. That’s when it happened. I was not paying attention, so it took me a while to notice the strange noise behind me. I turned around and she was there. I had never seen anyone like her before. She looked normal at first but there was this power. Like her pure presence would even make nature obey her. It was overwhelming. She just stood there and watched. Making neiher sound nor movement. Trying to hide the first shock, I attempting to start a conversation, “ Good morning, What bring you here so early?” Neither answer nor movement. When I looked away and smiled and then looked again movement later, she was gone. “Less beer, Sam. Not good for you”, I thought, stood up, heading home. Day had passed and I didn’t see her again, although I passed along the rocks daily hoping to solve the mystery of my early morning encounter. After all this time I began to doubt even stronger that she was real and I could feel the emptiness in my chest again. One day, all hope seemed lost, I went down just to have some private time, enjoying on the cliff again. The peace around here was the best after a long day of work. There was a certain peace in the waves and the wind. Sitting on the border to the abyss so high over the sea helped to clear the mind. I remembered the feeling when I saw her. That one beneath the shock. What was it about her that was so fascinating? In midst of my thoughts I heard a voice: “Rough day?” I turned my head and for a second I couldn’t breath, my heart stopped one beat. There she was again. I tried to make my voice sound calm and secure. I failed miserably. “Yeah, sort of”, I answered. She was as beautiful, as I remembered, although dressed differently this time. That stunning dark red dress of our first encounter had changed into genuine jeans, a black top with some Gaelic words on it and a light jacket. Plus there was one thing I hadn’t seen last time. She had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. A color like a combination of brown and golden yellow made them look like honey. After a silent moment the conversation broke easy. She just sat down next to me and we started talking. She asked about my reasons to come to Ireland, what I was up to, regular small talk really. Difference simply was, that there weren’t any uncomfortable silences. There was one other thing I noticed later in the conversation. Her voice sounded somehow very elegant, very hypnotizing, feeling like liquid silk. When I was looking down on my watch, it was nearly 7 am. “Did we really talk all night now?” I was in shock. “It appears so”, she said. I had to leave and go to work but it hurt. She was like a drug to me and I didn’t want that flash to end. In the coming days I spent almost every spare

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minute at the monument. She appeared in shorter and shorter periods and our conversations became deeper with every single talk. I felt closer to her every time and it felt like that “something” I was missing was finally found. It was in the morning after talking all night yet again when she suddenly moved closer and leaned on my shoulder like she was freezing. Quite the contrary it was. She felt really hot. “Are you ok? You’re feeling a little feverish”, I asked. “No need to worry. I’m perfectly fine”, she said. She looked up and our eyes met. When I was looking deeply into her eyes the color seemed to become alive. I was just going to say something about it when she kissed me. First slowly and hesitating, then more and more passionate and demanding. Ambrosia must taste like ash, I thought before my I couldn’t think anymore. After that, it was obvious that our relationship was more then friendly. She obviously felt the same towards me, as I did towards her. Nonetheless there was still a part of her that remained mysteriously divine and untouchable.One day during a kiss her hug became more intense, uncomfortably close and I heard a silent groan escape her throat. Like from an animal. I stiffened for a second what made her loosen her grip and opening her eyes in shock. Took her a minute to say something but it was just a quick goodbye and she was gone. The next day she did appear, but she seemed very distant. It took a while until the seal broke. Her skin was pale white and always hot, she spoke like from another century and in her divine appearance there was an unexplainable strength and power. I had heard some story but I didn’t really consider them seriously. It just couldn’t be, right? Just a country side myth, right? I mean, this can not be real! But there were so many little things. It like if you know what to look for, it’s easy to put your finger on it. Many little details about the stories she told me, so many little hints and expressions made sense in a whole different way now. I tried to speak that ridiculous theory as diplomatic as I could, but still not missing the point. It made her leave instantly.Months later after daily journeys to the monument with no appearance form her I almost gave up hope again. Then the next day when I went there, she was already waiting for me. After a while of complete silence, she broke the seal and we talked about, what she was and what that meant. I figured her to a vampire but that was far beyond. She was something like a vampire goddess. The first one of a royal bloodline. Her abilities far beyond those of normal vampires plus she was able to survive in sunlight, although it weakened her when she stayed out too long.We lived along this way for a while. A fragile little human and a vampire goddess. There were some incidents with some enemies of hers but that once car accident in which I was pulled in by the fault of some drunk, I asked her to make me as she was. I begged her, told her I couldn’t take the thought of losing her. She should reject that wish for months. Until…It was a normal day until that afternoon. I was on my way to the pub when that guy ran out of the door directly towards me. Before I could move I felt a sudden hit throwing me to the ground followed by a burning in my chest. I touched the burning spot and when I looked at my hand I was dark red. Seconds later I blacked out.When I woke up, I was in a big room, all wooden, beautifully decorated, warm light glowing dimly, a luxurious painting on the wall of some hunting action with a huge villa in the background. I examined my chest again. It was bandaged thick. When I tried to stand up, I

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was forced back down by a very dominant black wall before my eyes. A while later a girl came in putting some food and a drink beside my bed. After I ate a little bit, I went back to sleep. When I woke up this time, she sat beside me. I looked at her and she smiled. God how did I love it when she smiled. It was one of these smiles which make your heart burst. She told me what happened and that it was really close for me. My answer was the repeated request to turn me, so a bullet wouldn’t stop me anymore. At least not for that long. She went silent again; I could see her thoughts racing behind her eyes. Then she started again, what this life means and that it wouldn’t be the same for me as it is for her, because I was just turned and not pureblood. Some of her abilities would be “copied”, others will just develop themselves. Furthermore I wouldn’t be able to see my friends and family again. Or at least for some time until I learned how to control myself. I told her I could live with all that, as long as I did not have to leave her side ever again. She said nothing. I could see her eyes turning black before she leaned down, pressing her lips against my neck. It felt like a kiss first, until that sudden electric shock and a piercing pain. I wanted to scream, but was unable to even breath. When she looked down to my face I was paralyzed in pain, hardly able to move. She bit her wrist and held it down. I could see the blood gushing out of it and instinctively I tried to reach out for it. She held her arm down and her wrist onto my mouth. Her blood tasted like liquid fire. I managed to hold on to her arm and pressed it closer to my lips. That taste was indescribable. It started to burn from the center of my body until I felt like I was on fire, although it didn’t hurt. I could feel a tingly feeling on my chest, the room suddenly seemed to be enlightened, I felt a sudden strength building up in my body. When I let go and looked at her, she still was in ecstasy. Then she looked down at me and said “Well, how do you feel?” I couldn’t answer at first. I licked of the rest of the blood around my mouth and stood up. “Alive, finally”. This time getting up was easy. With nothing holding me back. It took me a while to gain control over my new abilities, but she was a brilliant teacher. Every time, when I was disappointed because I couldn’t do something I tried to, she just said “You’re doing great. You learn very fast. Let’s just keep working.” After a while I had almost complete control and challenged her more and more until we were almost even.Life from then on was like a dream. Although I was just a higher level vampire who could go out in sunlight, which was like she predicted, we lead the clan to many battles over the coming years. I was finally accepted a part of the clan and as their general.After a battle with a new clan raging on our lands we had lost a great many of our fellow vampires and were forced to leave Ireland. She couldn’t bare the thought of leaving her land, but if we hadn’t left, all those who were loyal to us would’ve been slaughtered for nothing. So we got on her ship, and traveled to the mainland. After a while in France and some time in Italy we traveled to Switzerland and ended up back in Zurich which we are enjoying at this time in all its glory, living just as luxurious as before, just accustomed to the present age. Carefully avoiding suspicions.Here I was after all these years back in Zurich. The town being almost the same, but me? Well, I have changed from an insignificant maggot into a god among insects.

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Werewolves and vampires traditionally hate each other.They have been rivals forever and lamia think of werewolves as lower class. But actually lot of them are gentle. They only hunt to eat. Werewolves are not the person who turn into werewolves. They are werewolves who sometime look like a person. Werewolves are the only second to vampires in term of popularity. Perhaps like vampires, belief in human that turn into wild predatory animals exits in all major world cultures. Many psychologists attribute this to the natural animals instinct that residue in the psyche of the men, an instinct that existed since the dawn of mankind. They hate vampires and want to rid the world for these demons. They always appear under a full moon, turn into vicious wolves and seek vampires to kill them. According to Vampire Diaries author, L.J. Smith, a werewolf’s bite is fatal for a vampire. The connection between werewolves and vampires, which had also been discussed in adapted TV series, is that each of those creatures are somehow connected to the sun or the moon. Werewolves only turn under a full moon and they don’t have a choice about it, whereas vampires can only come out at night and are crippled but the sun.


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1.They are immortal.

2.They choose their victims specifically often with intent.

3. They are famous for their dark charm and seduction technique.


1.They are undead.

2.They are nocturnal.

3.They rely on drinking blood for their survival.


1.They are hot blooded with animal instinct.

2.They are not afraid of sunlight.

3.Some species of lycanthrope can transform at will.

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1.They carry a curse.

2.Most if governed by the phase of moon.

3.They are bestial by nature.

WHAT IS THE TRUE STORY BEHIND VAMPIERS? Vampire. The word conjures up images of suave, handsome, or strikingly beautiful creatures, such as is depicted in Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. Those of you who are fans of her books are quite familiar with the arrogant and sexy Lestat.One of the most famous vampires of all time is, of course, Count Dracula. The brain child of Bram Stoker who based his immortal monster on a Hungarian ruler know as Vlad Tepes, also know as Vlad Dracul-a, which when translated means "son of the dragon", a nicknamed that was well earned, for the count was a blood thirsty and ruthless ruler. He was also known as Vlad the Impaler due to his habit of impaling people on very sharp stakes and letting them suffer until they died a horrible and extremely painful death. The legends of vampires were around long before Stoker wrote his book. From very early times there have been reports and tales of vampires, or vampyr, which means, when roughly translated, "blood drinker". In nature there are all kinds of vampires. Mosquitoes, tick, fleas, bedbugs, and a species of bat that drinks blood, named most aptly the vampire bat. But, what about the vampires of legend? Do they exist? There are some well documented accounts that indicate they do. There was the case of Arnold Paole. It was reported that Arnold was bitten by a vampire while he was serving as a soldier in his country's army. When he returned home from service he became a farmer. One day while cutting hay Paole had an accident which killed him. A few days later, people started dying from loss of blood. The people started saying there was a vampire in their midst. There were several eye-witness reports that said they had seen Arnold walking around after his death. His eye were glassy and his teeth had grown long and sharp. The locals went to dig up Paole's body, and when the had unearthed the corpse, there was no decay and there was fresh blood on the lips and a bloom of color in the cheeks. Arnold looked as fresh as the day he had died. The locals pounded a stake through the vampire's heart and heard the vampire screech in agony. Then they cut off the head and burned the body. The deaths stopped.

VAMPIER’S TYPE:1.Mortal Vampires

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Since the beginning of time, there have always existed mortals whom have had an obsession with blood drinking for whatever reasons. Some portray themselves as real vampires, some use blood drinking as an excitement or as a sexual enhancement. Some may even be from a particular disease which often causes insanity. This disease is often referred to as "Renfield's Syndrome" which is also as you guessed, a character from Dracula who is a Zoophagous, meaning a "life-eater."Mortal blood drinking is quite a big occurrence now. There has become quite a big community for this sort of thing. Most blood drinkers advertise for blood donors while some purchase the blood from blood banks. Blood bank purchasing is only allowed in some states however and as an added benefit, the blood is thoroughly tested to ensure safety from any sort of known impurities.

2.Immortal Vampires a.k.a. Homo Wampyrus

Immortal Blood Drinkers is a rather large classification because not all receive the dark gift the same. There are roughly around thirty-six different recorded types well documented. I will be listing the four most common however which is also more then the rest all added together.

3.Homo Wampyrus Chiroptera

These vampires are the rarest of the vampires because they are the "bat" vampires. They are largely found Africa, New Zealand and South America. Most of there population are concentrated in China and India.These vampires appear to be very human other then a slightly pointy pair of ears and sometimes with a lantern jaw. They socially mix well with humans but hate to be around crowds. These are the most sensitive to sunlight, they experience blisters and pain after some time in the sun. They are the only vampires capable of the shape shifting feature and can even change into vampire bats. They are able to do this by certain factors such as racial origin, length of time as a vampire and even the right food.

4.Homo Wampyrus DracoThis is the most well known of the types. Made famous by Bram Stroker, they are more like Counts. They are well documented world wide. They are everywhere with the majority in places like North America, Britain and Western Europe.They are extremely human in appearance except for their retractable canine teeth in their upper jaws that are hardly noticeable. They have medium to poor tolerance to sunlight and

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will perish in a couple of hours of direct sunlight. They are very social with humans and often take jobs as night watchmen and club bouncers.They often gain there blood through willing donors who think that they are mortal blood drinkers. Some do pleasure in taking blood by force due to the fear factor and the release of adrenaline. It is these vicious vampires that have made movies like "The Lost Boys," "Blade 1 and Blade 2," and many others. They have also put into the heads of humans that it is "cool" to be a vampire.

5.Homo Wampyrus NosferatuThey are often referred to as the "deformed" vampires. They were given their name after the 1922 movie "Nosferatu." They are less common then the Wampyrus Draco but are surprisingly numerous.Their change into a vampire is not an easy one. The individuals' immune system has fought the virus and the virus is forced to mutate in order to survive. The end result is a twisted and disfigured vampire. Usually it is a high domed head that is bald with a visible network of livid veins; the face is long, thin, drawn, has deep creases; has sunken eyes; the ears are large and pointy or membranous; nose is upwards and revealing the nostrils; the hands have long tapered fingers often with an extra joint with sharp, discolored nails; stands with a hunch because to straighten their back causes extreme pain to their twisted spines and can cause a slipped disc or worse. All of these abnormalities are the reason why they are so anti-social with both humans and vampires a like.They obtain blood through stealth from sleeping humans, small children or even from farm animals. They are everywhere with large concentrations in Africa, South Africa, The Caribbean and Japan. It has been speculated that the Puerto Rican Chupacabras, Goat Suckers, are excessively deformed Nosferatu vampires.They are moderately sensitive to sunlight and can tolerate it for hours at a time on a dull day. They can perform certain shape changes but they vary from case to case.

6.Homo Wampyrus SauriaThey are often known as the "reptile" and or "lizard" vampire. They get these names because they possess teeth that are all sharply pointed and resemble those of large lizards.They are the most social of the four main types and are able to withstand extended periods of sunlight or indefinitely with the aid of sunglasses and sunscreen. With the exception of their teeth they are very human in appearance. They tend to be very outgoing and are often business men who have amassed a great deal of wealth through their long lifetime. However they are extremely susceptible to depression and most commonly the victims of suicide.They are rare in Europe but are common in North America, Central America, South America and Australia with a great concentration in China, Japan and certain parts of the former USSR.

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Due to their extreme social abilities, you might think that they are the most considerate feeders, wrong. They are the most brutal of all. They will often rip large pieces of flesh from the victim, usually from the thigh, upper arm or throat. They will devour the flesh and drink the blood from the gaping wound until the victim perishes. This rarely happens now. They take more often to buying blood or obtaining it from willing donors whom are cut with razors rather then teeth.


The phenomena we call vampires has existed across the world in a variety of cultures for a millennia. They have appeared in many shapes, but they always have the same connection – Blood. They are practically the definition of fear, an evil entity crawling into your house, at night, to feed on you as you sleep.The concept of the vampire started in Mesopotamia though in it’s early forms it was attributed to demons before revenants. The mythology has evolved for thousands of years and continues today.This article will delve into that evolution throughout the world and history. The purpose of this article is to get a glimpse at how diverse the global mythology and history. The concept of the vampire started in Mesopotamia though in it’s early forms it was attributed to demons before revenants. of vampires is. It will get into the different and strange incarnations from all over the world then…


I felt that it was important to talk about the fact that some individuals that think themselves to be a vampire may actually have a serious medical condition that is in need of treatment.Now let it be known that I personally don’t believe in the existence of blood thirsty vampires that come into your room at night to such your blood. I believe they are just myths and a from of escapism for troubled individuals. When I was around eleven I was a big fan of Blade and what not, so I did a little research on vampires and the like. To my surprise I found several sites in which individuals claimed to be immortal, eternally beautiful, vampires. More or less the creatures depicted in the Dracula novel.


Death is a difficult thing to deal with, especially someone I loved. The pain I suffered was terrible, It even affected my grades. I did what I could to escape, but it was hopeless. I tried to shut everything out, but to no avail.

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That was four years ago. It may seem like a petty sob story, but it played a vital role in my current search for truth.Lets move on to two years later, after I saw the death of a beloved member. It was nearing the end of 2009. That’s where I kept a detail of events. it started in the morning, I woke up, unable to move, or open my eyes, most of my senses, dulled. Most, but not all, as I heard two words, that sparked a confusion in my…

HOW VAMPIERS STORIES STARTED?Transylvania never existed, however Romania does. They are famous for soccer and Vlad the Impaler. How did the stories start? It wasn’t with Vlad Dracul. Many people in that region began to tell tales of people that would not decay in their graves while others would die. Thinking that people rose from the dead because they didn’t decay, they thought they stalked people in the night killing. After so many people had died – people started digging up graves to see if zombies “vampyres” were the primary suspects.Of course people back in the day didn’t know about the stages of death and didn’t know that some people decayed slower than others so rumors started – nails, hair, and skin pallor all fresh as if they just went to sleep. Vice versa, medicine wasn’t high…


Vampires are real just as the birds, fish, and humans are real.Vampires are not born from the bowels of Hell. They were put here, with a purpose, when God put all other creatures.There are two strains of original Vampires… those that have been touched by God and those that have been corrupted by the race he chose to make in his image. Human beings have a quirky way of corrupting most things around them; nature, weather, each other, animals, and plant life.To preserve life, the longer-living ones that aren’t tainted by human bondage have gone into hiding. You’ll never find them.The strange killings in Mexico and South Central America are not the workings of a strange animal but of unchecked, unbridled killing by those vampires that are enslaved by the human…

HOW TO KILL A VAMPIER? So you want to know how to kill a vampire. Hopefully this is you being pro-active just in case you run into a vampire one day that needs killing. Otherwise this likely means that there is a vampire outside of your door and this is your last ditch attempt to survive and or keep your soul. If this is the case, you're probably screwed, but I'll try to help you out anyway.

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How to Kill a Vampire with SunlightBy far the easiest way to kill a vampire is via direct sunlight. Even before the first vampire became a vampire, he was cursed to forever have to hide from the sun. Any skin of a vampire that comes in contact with direct sunlight will be severely burned.There is a certain vampire book series popular with today's youth that insists that vampires can, in fact, be in direct sunlight. Rather than burn, their skin supposedly sparkles. While I don't want to burst anyone's dreamy fantasies, this is simply not true. Vampires burn in sunlight. Always have, always will.I say that sunlight is the easiest way to kill a vampire because all you have to do is get them in direct sunlight for about 10 seconds or so. Actually getting one into direct sunlight is not so easy. This is where being smart helps. If you can somehow trick or trap a vampire in a place where they will eventually be exposed to direct sunlight, you're golden. The problem with this plan is that vampires are very fast, very strong, and generally very smart. They aren't going to simply let you stick them in a place where they don't want to be and stay there.The nice part about sunlight is that it shows up daily. If you can survive through the night and make it somewhere where you can see the sun, you're probably safe. The problem is this usually means you have to be outside prior to the sun rising, which pretty much just makes you a prime target for a hungry vampire. Still, if you can wait out the night until morning, find the brightest path to safety and move quickly.

How to Kill a Vampire with a Wooden StakeStill a classic, the wooden stake remains one of the best tools to use for vampire killing. Really, all a wooden stake is is a piece of wood with one edge sharp enough to pierce human flesh. Or inhuman flesh in this case.If you think of monsters in terms of sports, vampires are those great offensive players who can always score, but are pretty crappy defenders. Sure, their speed and strength give them a big advantage, but the truth about vampires is they are too used to overpowering their opponent with their offensive capabilities that very few have spent much time learning to defend themselves.Knowing this, the key to killing a vampire using a wooden stake is to strike first. Yes, that means playing offense against the offensive powerhouse, but in this game of life and death, you only need to score once.

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Okay, enough with the sports analogy, but the lesson remains the same: a vampire will let its guard down fairly easily. You should attack quickly and without hesitation. A vampire can heal from most injuries, but a wooden stake through the heart is not one of them. Though they heal quickly, their skin and bones are just as fragile as any humans, so the key to killing them is to make it so they can't heal. Which brings us to...

How to Kill a Vampire with SilverAgain, the curse of silver begins before the first vampire became a vampire, when the goddess Artemis (Greek mythology) cursed the first vampire so that his skin burned when it touched silver. Using silver is a bit like a blend between sunlight and a wooden stake. It doesn't work as well as either of those two options, but it has advantages of its own. First of all, unlike sunlight, silver is highly portable. You can carry an item of solid silver (make sure it's real, solid silver please) with you easily. Secondly, it won't kill a vampire to stab it in the heart with silver (as it would using a wooden stake), but it will slow down the healing process, which can be very helpful.In order to actually kill a vampire using silver, you'd probably need a lot of it. Silver is more helpful as a slowing or trapping agent. Vampires, despite their strength, cannot break a chain of silver, even if they tried. If you could somehow manage to handcuff a vampire to a tree, say, using silver handcuffs, all you would have to do is wait until the sun rose the next day and you would have yourself a fried vampire. Of course, how you would actually manage to accomplish this task is another story.

How to Kill a Vampire with FireAt first, fire seems like an easy fix to your vampire problems, but there is a problem. Yes, it will burn vampires, just like it burns humans, but unlike sunlight and silver, it's only through natural means that a vampire will burn by fire. What I mean is, the reason sunlight and silver burn a vampire and cause its healing process to slow dramatically is because vampires are inherently cursed by these two elements. While fire can burn just as well as sunlight or silver, it does nothing to slow the healing process of the vampire, because vampires are not cursed with a weakness to fire.If you're going to use fire to kill a vampire, you're going to need to have a big fire and have the vampire stuck in it for a long time. Probably, say, an hour to be safe, though about a half hour will usually do the trick. This is because the vampire heals as it burns. The hotter the fire, the faster it burns, but you're still basically trying to beat the speed of the vampire's healing process. Should the vampire be mostly burnt but then escape the fire, it can still survive.

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This is another situation where tying a vampire down with silver to immobilize it would be very handy, if you could manage it.

How to Kill a Vampire by Tearing Its Head OffIf you're like me, you've probably never tried to literally tear anyone's head off, except perhaps in some sort of video game. And that doesn't count. Tearing a vampire's head off is not as easy as it might sound. Though their bones and flesh is as fragile as ours, they have strong neck muscles which make it a difficult task to achieve. If you're really intent on removing a vampire's head, there are two good ways to do it. The first option is to use a silver knife and cut off the head. This will still likely be a bit of a chore, but the silver will stop the healing process and slowly wear down the muscles strength, so with enough patience and time, this will work. The second option is to have another vampire tear the head off of your vampire of choice. Vampires are built strong enough to tear each others' heads off fairly easily, though it's highly looked down upon for a vampire to kill another vampire, so convincing one to do this for you is not going to be easy.In most cases, you would still want to burn the head and the body separately to prevent the vampire from healing.

How to Kill a Vampire using Vampire DiseaseThe final method on our list of how to kill a vampire might be a bit of a misnomer. This perhaps would fit better in a section called "How Vampires Can Die" rather than "How To Kill A Vampire", but I'm including it in this section anyway. The term "Vampire Disease" is tricky because it can refer to two different conditions. Most of the time, when someone talks about "Vampire Disease", they are referring to Porphyric Hemophilia, which is the disease that, when introduced to the human bloodstream, will eventually turn that human into a vampire. Porphyric Hemophilia is caused by a bacteria carried in all vampires, which can be transferred to a human via blood or saliva. The other "Vampire Disease" refers to the condition known as "Sangue Debolezza", which translates to "blood weakness" in Italian. No one really knows what it is or how it is spread, but it's the only known disease that can kill a vampire. Sangue Debolezza is extremely rare and its origin is unknown, so the chances of somehow being able to inflict this disease on a vampire would be extremely difficult. However, seeing as there are only a handful of ways a vampire can die, I figured I would include it.

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How To Kill a Vampire - SynopsisWrapping it up, I hope you feel confident by now that you would be successful in killing a vampire, if need be. When considering how to kill a vampire, feel free to blend any of the above suggestions together. They all work if done right. And if done wrong, well, chances are you'll be dead.