the heart of england forest - chief executive

Chief Executive Appointment brief March 2016

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Chief Executive Appointment brief March 2016

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We have a fantastic opportunity for you to join the Heart of England Forest at a pivotal stage of its development.

As founder of the Heart of England Forest, Felix Dennis set out on a journey to create a huge joined up woodland of 30,000 acres in size right in the heart of England – a refuge from the modern world where people and nature can flourish. It will take decades, in fact we have a 65 year business plan, but the result will transform the lives of millions for centuries to come.

As our first Chief Executive you will lead the charity through its transition to a high profile charitable organisation playing an integral role in changing the landscape of the Midlands forever and the lives of the people that live within the area.

Planting tomorrow’s great native woodland has already started. The forest currently consists of 500 acres of mature woodland and over 3,200 acres of new planting.

Our aim is to purchase enough land to plant 300 acres of new woodland each year and our future plans include the development of the forest as a visitor destination with woodland walks, nature trails, recreational pursuits and a visitor’s hub housing an educational and arts centre.

We are seeking an individual who will bring the necessary drive and ambition to realise the vision of a thriving, sustainable forest, right in the heart of England, for the benefit of this and future generations. We have a small forestry team who manage the land and our all-important tree planting and have also made a start in beginning to build a supporter base with a marketing and communications team who work alongside our developing corporate partnerships resource.

As Chief Executive you will provide inspirational leadership and strategic direction to the Trust. You will care passionately about the natural environment, with a love of trees and woods, and have the ability to communicate a clear vision for the charity to all audiences.

If our vision inspires you to want to lead us then apply today.

Jon Snow

Be part of an incredible vision

Welcome from

our Chairman ...

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The Heart of England Forest is an exciting and ambitious charity established in 2003. We want to help reverse centuries of woodland decline and plant one of the largest forests in England.

Our LocationLocated in the Midlands, the Heart of England Forest was purposely conceived to be an accessible refuge and resource for the densely populated urban areas that surround it.

Birmingham, Coventry, Warwick, Worcester and Stratford upon Avon are all under 30 miles away from the forest. With over 5.6 million people living in the Midlands, the Heart of England Forest can already offer something incredibly valuable to the region.

The forest will stretch across South Warwickshire and Worcestershire, from the present day borders of Shakespeare’s Forest of Arden to the edge of the Vale of Evesham. It’s a beautiful and very special part of the world, and we are proud to be adding to its rich history by creating an incredible legacy for the landscape, wildlife and environment.

About Us

“The forest will be a perfectly positioned lung for the West Midlands”

- Jon Snow, Chairman

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“Whosoever plants a tree, winks at immortality.”

- Felix Dennis, Founder

Concerned at the lack of native broadleaf trees in England, our founder, Felix Dennis, planted his first small wood in 1995. Subsequently he conceived the idea of establishing a large native forest and founded the Heart of England Forest in 2003 to fulfill his mission.

Sadly, Felix passed away in 2014 but on his wishes and under the leadership of our Chairman, Jon Snow, we are working towards shaping a vital and visionary charity with an exciting and sustainable future.

Our mission remains true to that of our founder’s vision; to create a connected 30,000 acre native broadleaf forest.

Vision, Values & The FuturePlanting tomorrow’s great native woodland has already started.

• We have planted an amazing 1.3 million trees so far, that’s 10% of the way towards our final goal.

• The forest currently consists of 500 acres of mature woodland and over 3,200 acres of new planting.

We are passionate about creating an incredible gift for the landscape, wildlife and environment, but people and communities are a vital part of our values:

• Creation

• Protection

• Restoration

• Education

• Inspiration

Our future plans include the development of the forest as a visitor destination with woodland walks, nature trails and recreational pursuits but for now our energy and focus is centered around getting people to the forest to enjoy and experience it for themselves.


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Financial Position

The Heart of England Forest Project was the ‘umbrella’ formed to join efforts of the Heart of England Forest Charity (HOEF) and those personal efforts of the publisher and poet Felix Dennis. During his lifetime Felix worked in partnership with the Charity to commence the planting of a significant number of trees – to lay the foundation of the Heart of England Forest.

Up to the date of Felix Dennis’ death, the Charity was relatively small and the main contributor to its finances was from his personal donations. In addition HOEF had received from Felix Dennis sufficient funds to acquire some land ownership. Felix named in his Will HOEF as the residuary beneficiary of his Estate. Accordingly, the vast bulk of his personal wealth will pass to the Charity.

Because the bequest to the Charity was as a ‘residual beneficiary’ the majority of the income generated has been Estate applied, in the first instance, to reduce the liabilities of the Estate and to settle the bequests of the pecuniary legatees. Since Felix’s death in June 2014 the Executors have been settling borrowings, liabilities, and tax liabilities in order to free-up assets (land and surplus cash) for distribution to HOEF to meet its charitable objects. HOEF will receive the residual income from the businesses once the Estate has been settled. The current level of income generated by the business assets for the Estate is in excess of £6,000,000 but the amount currently available to HOEF is estimated at circa £1,000,000.

As the Executors continue to unwind the Estate of Felix Dennis they, together with Trustees of the HOEF, have been preparing the assets, including land, forestry and investments, for investing with the HOEF. This process will continue to take time to ensure that any estate liabilities are duly cancelled. The unencumbered assets are being moved to HOEF, in accordance with the wishes of Felix. It is important to prepare the HOEF for the task of managing its increasing wealth in accord with its charitable objectives and the rules of good governance: this is indeed the reason for the appointment of a CEO.

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Financial Position

The process includes establishing clear structures to distinguish between the charitable activities, related (but not charitable) trading activities, and non-charity business activities. The charitable activities: those activities directly relating to the planting and preservation of a large native forest in the Heart of England are as follows:

• Planting woodland

• Maintaining woodland

• Creating access and amenities for the appreciation of the woodland

• Raising funds for the above activities

• Building a support base for the above activities

The Trustees have reviewed the activities that are to be performed by it to deliver these objects and separate those activities that, although relevant, do not directly deliver the charitable objects. There is a general presumption against commercial trading by charities and therefore HOEF will ensure that any commercial trading activities are undertaken through trading subsidiaries.

HOEF will only trade to promote a particular charitable purpose and to act in the public interest. During the period of transfer of the assets from the Felix Dennis Estate to the Charity the Trustees are establishing clear governance structures to maintain separation between charitable trading and commercial trading.

The Charity has already separated its ‘direct relevant’ trading companies (Dorsington Farms Limited, Silva Development Limited). These companies will need to keep a proportion of their profits and cash balances to continue trading.

The Trustees continue to consider the level of investment risk that is held in the business activities and ‘non – farming/land related’ trading companies. Currently income is generated from trading activities, brands and intellectual properties. It is the intention of the Trustees to create a lower risk income generating investment fund and have this held directly by the Charity.

It will be important for the Charity to build other sources of income to supplement the investment income (which will primarily be required for land purchase). Currently, the tree-planting ‘grant’ income (managed by the trading company Dorsington Farms) is included as income but this cannot be guaranteed as a reliable long-term source. The Charity have already started work on establishing strong partnerships with local and national corporates and with major and individual donors through marketing, awareness and fundraising channels. This income will be a necessary and important long term source of funds for the Charity as well as helping establish and grow a supporter and volunteer base.

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Organisation Chart

Forestry & Planting Operations, Events & Supporter Care

Marketing Communications

& Fundraising Finance & Support


Board of Trustees

CEO(to be appointed)

Farming Other Trading


HOEF Trading

Land Aquisition & Development

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The Heart of England Forest (HOEF) was the vision of Felix Dennis, an entrepreneur and owner of Dennis Publishing. He founded the charity and purchased the first land that began the process of building a Forest.

The organisation is currently in transition from what was Felix’s personal planting project to one of a high profile established organisation with a substantial legacy. We are seeking an individual who will bring the necessary drive and ambition to realise the vision of a thriving, sustainable forest, right in the heart of England, for the benefit of this and future generations.

Initially, this will be agreeing the strategy and business plan for the Forest; working with the Trustees to ensure a sound financial basis of the charity; setting up appropriate Governance structures and furthering positive relationships with key stakeholders including the local community, supporters, corporate partners, potential major donors, the Media and the broader community. Skills in Communication, Publicity, and Regulation are likely to be crucial at this point as the CEO will be the very public face of, and advocate for, the Forest.

As the organisation, and the Forest, grows, the CEO will also be responsible for the operational running of the Charity – recruiting and leading the team that will turn the vision into reality; taking responsibility for the financial

probity of the Charity, reporting to the Charity Commission, and for the management and development of the forest with the appropriate infrastructure and resources to establish a thriving forest and community activities.

Whilst the CEO will need to take an overview of operational matters, and ensure that plans are on track, the core of the role will be to determine the strategy and to inspire and lead the various stakeholders critical to its delivery. To deliver a sustainable and thriving forest integrated into its communities, the CEO will have the skills to communicate clearly and effectively to a variety of different audiences. Public speaking, working with the media and through social channels, inspiring both staff and volunteers and the ability to build strong and sound relationships across the board will be key success factors. Proven change management skills will be needed in interacting with a wide variety of stakeholders who will each believe that their vision of the Forest is the “right” one: from the volunteers who give their time and feel a connection with the forest; Ministers responsible for Policy; donors who will have many other charitable opportunities; conservationists, the Media; and the Charity’s own staff. Managing the transition to an established Charity with a respected “brand” and strong funding stream will be a key challenge in the next three years.

Role: CEO

Reports To: Board of Trustees

Location: Warwickshire

Salary: circa £80,000 p.a

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Key Responsibilities/Duties:

The mission of the Charity can be summarised as “the plantation, re-plantation, conservation and establishment of trees for the benefit of the public, together with the education of the public by the promulgation of knowledge and the appreciation of trees”

Strategy and Governance

• Agreeing the Strategic priorities with the Board of Trustees, developing and publishing a strategy and vision for HOEF

• Developing a business plan and budget for the implementation of the Strategy

• Ensuring that all Governance reflects the Charity Commission best practice, including annual returns and reporting

• Setting out clear processes for decision making and financial procedures


• Inspiring, leading and building relationships at all levels within the organisation

• Successfully managing the change process to an established charitable organisation with a considerable legacy to protect

• Demonstrating a strong personal commitment to, and knowledge of, the business of the charity – the natural environment, and to the importance of woodland habitats and forestry – through social media, traditional media and speaking engagements

• Leading the HOEF team, acting as a role model for the staff members, articulating the Vision and building strong relationships with the team

• Leading the senior leadership team of the business, and delegating where appropriate


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Fundraising and Communications

• Building relationships with local communities to ensure that the benefits of the Forest are understood and that the Charity works in partnership with local communities

• Creating a strategy for publicity, including online presence and personal speaking / lecturing engagements, media engagement

• Establishing strong relationships to ensure that the Forest is built and funded in the most appropriate ways, and supported by key stakeholders

• Seeking to raise funds as detailed in the Strategy and working closely with the marketing, communications and fundraising team

Finance and Management

• Operating the HOEF budget and presenting key financial decisions to the Trustees

• Devising an organisational structure and recruiting appropriate individuals into HOEF

• Ensuring that policies and practices within the organisation demonstrate good practice and are robust and professional

• Working with investment advisors and trading entities

• Building strong relationships with the Board of Trustees

Stewardship and Sustainability

• Demonstrating a commitment to the vision of the Charity, considering the principles of sustainability in all decisions

• Acting as a responsible steward in using the resources of the Charity to promote the aims of HOEF, building a strong income stream and acting with integrity

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It is essential that the CEO cares passionately about the natural environment, with a love of trees, forestry and woodland creation, and can communicate the HOEF vision to all audiences and supporter groups.

With excellent communication skills and business acumen this individual will have the ability to successfully influence and engage in meaningful dialogue with other like-minded organisations and partnerships and will also need to communicate well with supporters, the media and corporate business partners and build effective and significant relationships for the benefit of the organisation.

This is a challenging role that will require a variety of skills and competencies, especially in change management.

Suggested Skills/Qualifications:

• Proven experience in a leadership role demonstrating strong change management experience

• Charity leadership experience – able to inspire and persuade others

• Commercial acumen within the charity sector

• Gravitas, passion for the cause, high emotional intelligence

• Strategic thinking and implementation; ideas and creativity

• Excellent verbal and written communication skills, comfortable in front of varied audiences

• Strong analytically, with experience of managing budgets, investments and financial matters

• Demonstrated commitment to sustainability, the natural environment and education and community groups

• Friendly, engaging and professional

• Management expertise – leading teams, working with other professionals

• Ability to work with Trustees/ Non Executives and build strong professional relationships with professional affiliates.

These key skills will enable the CEO to:

• Communicate the vision and ambition of the Charity, and what it stands for, to a wide variety of external audiences as well as within the organisation itself

• Have a personal presence and the ability to represent the Trust with authority and gravitas to a range of key audiences

• Excellent management skills to provide clear direction whilst at the same time inspiring and motivating colleagues to achieve more than they thought possible

• Provide inspirational leadership to inspire confidence with Trustees and other key stakeholders

• Have a strong strategic focus combined with the ability to deliver realistic plans and targets

• Possess a good understanding for the long term legacy which the Charity is providing for future generations


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To apply, please forward a comprehensive CV together with a supporting statement (maximum two pages of A4). Please provide evidence of your suitability against the criteria in the Person Specification in your statement and explain why you are interested in the position.

You should give the names, positions, organisations and telephone contact numbers of two referees, relevant to this role. References will only be taken once your express permission has been granted.

Finally please ensure that you have included mobile, work and home telephone numbers, as well as any dates when you will not be available or might have difficulty with the recruitment timetable.

Applications should be made via the Prospectus website at:

Applications can also be posted to:

Sarah Hill


20-22 Stukeley Street

London WC2B 5LR

Recruitment Timetable

Published closing date: 10th April 2016

Preliminary interviews with Prospectus: 19 -27 April 2016

Panel interviews with HoEF: 11 May 2016

Final Panel interviews with HoEF: 18 May 2016

These dates may be subject to change and candidates will be advised in advance should this happen.

If you wish to have an informal discussion about the opportunity, have any queries on any aspect of the appointment process, or need additional information please contact our retained advisors Sara Livesey or Stella Pedersen at Prospectus on 020 7691 1920, or e-mail:

[email protected]

[email protected]

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