the hawaiian star....raiumid 1 kkms kvkiiv actkrnimin t n iim--a mom i ii kxcki't mun1iay. in...

raiuMiD 1 KKMS KVKIIV ACTKRNIMIN T n iim-- a MOM i II KXCKI'T MUN1IAY. IN AIM AM I VOL. 111. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 1S94 NO. 59 The Hawaiian Star. V HtMMi .! EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY BY THE HAWAIIAN STAR NEWSPA- PER ASSOCIATION, Ltd. MtTEtTS JijllN'STllNK, - - - KIMTOK. KmiSCIIIPTION HATffl. P.t Year In A'lvunc'. - tx.W Pei Month In Advnnee, - .7 (orlk-n- , iwr Vmr In Ailvance. - - 12.00 AliVEHTISINO kaTkh: Unto Im IrMUMBt and nvnlarndvortlslDR on otrtalnad "i ii'" publication oiiicc. X'uSUUI. pNMpI lasSStiOa all nt BOM I"' ilellvereil at I lie lltudniw Ottlef BSjfBft 10 n. in. Till,'., Sun ttml MiMtn. s ri si' r Daj'. la U l ii. tn. p.m. a.i. ".m. Mon ... :'4 n.4 11 M l 10 a M l Tups... l:J,L,"'," h mi s.s.'.m'ni Wed ... I H U, 5 AO A Ai 8 10 Thur... A 7 2i it 2 i' A Al 4 21 p.m. Frl. 2. 2 2U n.40 R.1A A AO, A AO Pets Snt .... .Ii 2 AO IMS A 4'.' t-- Kim :W 4 10 :i 4 lit .20 1 - "i A Al1 fl 27 New moon September Win, at Tili p. in. Time wnlrtlt Blows at lb., wmtliMfBMf Honolulu time, which in the same as I2h , Om.. Us. of Greenwich time. For every l"1 feet of distance of the ob- server (from the Custom House) allow one second for transmission of sound, or A seeonnN to a statute tulle. MK1 KORO LOGICAL RECORD. i the i.ovcrninent Survey, Published Kvery Monday. AKOM. THIW. I p P 4 un. in .too ;un 7 t Kl 0.02 fiO A NK 4 .Mon i; mos i9,W tilt HI HS 6 NE 4 Tue.'iH '"" WW tl Si U.O'. 00 4 NE W'd 11" P. 7 " 71 SI II. (Hi U 4 Thu tOl 80.00 W T 81 ij imi ;ii !M si;-- Frl ..s 82 0 67 7A NK fl ttV.0il Mi ii ii7 Mi NK Barometer corrected for temperature Mid elevation but not for latitude. M. MAIL SKKVICK, Steamships will leave for and arrive from Kan Francisco on the following dates, ti the close of 1SU4 : Ahhive at H'n'ulu Leave Honolulu for from San F'ciauo San Francihcoor ou Vancouver Vancouver. Oh or About On or .A6out China ...Sept 4 Warrimoo Sept ! A .. It.. ... Sep l Australia Sent 15 Warrinioo seul Monowai Beet 20 iviariposa. - Arawa Oi l ucramc. ....Oct 2 Aiihtraha ..Oct 1H An.lruli'ii Oct 0 ( ity of rekin ...Oct y Araw a ..Oct 2a Alameda ..Oct 18 Monowai ..Oct 25 Warrimoo.--- . ....Nov 1 Australia.. Mav ;i Australia. ...Nov 10 Mi it... .Nov 18 .Mariposa. ....Nov 1A Alameda Nov n Peru Nov 19 Warrimoo Nov 2 Arawa Dee 1 Oceanic ... ..Dec 1 Australia. Dec Australia.. lii'r Monowai. Dee 11 Mariposa.. Dec HO China .... lee HI Arawa Dec all I Hiir, Australia. Dec SB Warrimoo iw 1 IK' J.. Oaelle Feb Hi China Jan 22 l'eru .Mur Oceanic Feb tit QaeUo - Anr2 China April 2 UAHU RAILWAY & LAND CO.'S TIME TABLE, From and Alter June 18U3 IIIAISS TO KWA MILL. U. B. A.U. P.M. P.M. P.M. Leave Honolulu 8:46 1:45 4:35 6:iu Leave Pearl Lily BiN 2:3U 6:10 Arrive Kwa Mill 9:67 2:57 6:38 TO HONOLULU. c. B. a. A.M. A.M. P.M. I'.M. Leave Kwa Mill 8:31 10:43 3:43 6:42 Leave Pearl City. 8:66 11:16 4:16 6:10 Arrive Honolulu .7:3(1 11:65 Ml 8:45 A Saturday'! only. C .Sunday's excepted. H Daily D HatUrOAy'l excepted BOUT. ii.'.... C, M. LOOKS, P. J. LOWKBY LEWERS & COOKE, Lumuek, Builders' Hardware, doors, sash, blinds, paints, oils, glass, wall paper, matting, corrugated iron, lime, cement, etc. BISMARK FEED and LIVERY STABLES, WAILUKU. MAUI. WILLIAM COOONESS, Prop. Carriages to meet every steamer at Kahului and Maaluea Hay. Horses for Haleakala or any part of the island, at reasonable prices. V. GOODNESS, 376tf Proprietor. REMOVAL HUSTACE & CO liuve moved to Morgan's Auction Room for a hh'-- time. We are Mill Helling Departure Bay Coal, CHARCOAL, ALGEKOHA and KINDLING WOOD hi any quantity. Both TeUphonM 414. B64tf For Fine Printing Try the "8tr'M Electric Works. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. THE HAWAIIAN STAR. OF THE REPUBLIC OF HAWAII. Kxkcutive Council. . H. Hole. PfWMkpl nf the Heimbllc of llnw.ll. . v. Hatch, Mlnlttcrfl forl Affnirs. I. A. Klntf, Minister of (lie Interior. . Mi DaJ&Oll, Minister of Flnftnee. A. O. Hmith, Allorni'y-ili'ni'rnl- . AivitMitv Coca oil. tV. ('. Wilder. Clialrnmn of the Advisory Ooonell of the Keimblieof Hmvsll t ecll itrowu. E. I). Tonney, John Nott, 0, Holle, iohfl Kim. W. F. Allen, lauies F. Morgan, Henry Waterhonse, I. A. McCanillesM, A. Yonnn, I. 1'. Mendonca, II. It. Smith. lolm Fmtueluth. i'. T. HodKers, secretary Kxecutlve and Ad- visory Councils. SUPRFMK CdL'KT. Hon. A. F. Judd, Chief Juntlce. ilon. It. F. Bickerton, Firnt Anaoclate Justice. Hon. W. K. Frear, Second Associate Justice. Henrv Miiith. Chief Clerk. .'..iu.' hucas, First Ueputv Clerk. 0. F. Fetersou, Second Deputy Cierk, J. Walter Jones, Stenonrapher. CiKCUIT JUUflKg. First Circuit : H. E. Cooper, W. A. Whitintf, oaliu. Second Circuit : Maui, J- - W. Kalua. Thirdand FourthClrcuii's: Hawaii S.L.Austin. Flfili Circuit: Kauai, J. Hardv. t)fllce9 and Court-riKi- in Judiciary HulldlnB, Klntt S.reet. Sitting in Honolulu: First Monday In Fehruary, May. Auutist and November. Depahtmrnt ok ArFAiita. fflee In Kieeutive Hulldlng, King Street FranciH M. HhIcIi, Minister ot Foreign Affairs lieo. 0 Potter, Chief Clerk. .1. W. (Jlrvin, Lionel Hart, Clerks. Dk.'AHTMF.NT tiV Til K I NT KltlOll. Offlce in Executive BolUUllfft King Street J. A. King, Minister of the Interior. Chief Clerk, JotM A. Hassinger. Assistant Clerks, James H. Boyd, M. K. Keohokalule, tins Hose, Stephen Maha ulu, (ieorge C. Uoss, Kdward S. Boyd. L niErs or Buheavh, Depahtmknt or iNTEItlOH. Surveor-tienera- l, W. U. Alexander. Supt. PQblto Works, W. E. Howell. Supt. Water Work1, Andrew Brown. Inspector Electric LIkIiU, John ( asuidy. Keglstrar of Conveyances, T. O. Thrum. DepQty Heglstrar of Conveyances, It. W. Andtewi Road Supervisor, Honolulu, W. H. Chief Engineer Fire Dept., J. EL Hunt. Supt. Insane Asylum. Dr. Geo, Herhert. BUHEAIT Or AGUICULTUKB. president J. A. King. Minister of the Interior. Members: W. ti. Irwin, A. Jaeger, A. Her- - hert and John Ena. Commissioner of Agriculture and ex officio Secretary of the Board: Joseph Mursdeu. Depahtment or Finance. Minister of Finance, S. M. Damon. Auditor-tienera- l, H. Laws. Kegisirar of Accounts, W. i. Ashley. Colleclor-tjener- of Customs, J. B. Castle. Tax Assessor, Oahu, Jonathan tttlftW Deputy Assensor, W. i . Weedon. Fostmaster-Ueuera- l, J. M. Oat. Customs Buiieau. Ottite, Custom House, Esplanade, Kort St. Colieetor-tieuera- l, J. B. Castle. r, F. B. McStocker. liar l n- Master, Capiat u A. Fuller. Fort surve or, M. N. Sanders, storokoeiwr, Ueo. C. Stratemeyer. Depahtment or Attuhnky-Ueneha- l. Uinee In Executive Building, King St. Aitorney-tieueru- l, V'. O. Smith. Deputy Alloruey-tienera- l, A. O. M. Hohert boii. Clerk, J. M. Kea. Marshal. K. (J. Hitchcock. Clerk to Marshal, H. M. Dow. Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Brown. Jailor Oahu Prison, James A. Low. Fridou 1'ti j mi i, in. Dr. c. b. Cooper Boakd or Immigkahon. Ulrlce, Department of Interior, Judiciary Building, King Street. President, J.A.King. Members of the Board of Immigration: J. B. Atherton, Jaa. B. Castle, A. 8. Cleghorn, James U. Spencer, Mark P. Hobmson. Secretary, Wray Taylor. Boahu or Health. Office in grounds of Judiciary Building corner of Mililani and Queen streets. Members: Dr. Day, Dr. Wood, Dr. Andrews, J. T. Waterhouse, Jr., John Ena, Tbeudure F. Lansing and Attorney-tienera- l Smith. President, Hon. W. O. Smith. Secretary, t 'has. Wilcox. Executive, Officer, C. B. Heyuolds. Agent Board of Health. J. D. McVeigh. Inspector and Manager of Oarbage Service, L. L. Lal'ierre. Inspector, ti. W. C. Jones. Port PhyBiehtn, Dr. U. 1. Myers. Dispensary, Dr. Henry W. Howard. Leper Settlement, Dr. H. K. Oliver. Boahu or Education. Office, .ludiclary Building, King Street. President, W. it. Castle. Clerk, J. F. Scott. Inspector of SchooU, A. T. Atkinson. Boahu uk Chown Land Commissioned. J. A. King, Minister of the Interior; W. O. Hinlth, Attorney-tiener- and C. P. laukea. Office la Judiciary Building. District Couitr. Police Station Building, Merchant Street. Antonio Perry, Magistrate. James Thompson, Clerk. PortTorriCE Bureau. Postmaster tieneral. J. Mort Oat. Secretary, W. O. Atwater. Hup't Postal Savings Bank, E. II. Wodehouse. Money Order Deparimt-nt- F. B. Out. tieneral lellvery, I.. T. Keiiake. Keglstry Department, O. L. Desha. Clerks: J.D.Holt, K. A. Dexter, S. L. , F. B. Angus, J. H. Nul, Henry Kaia J elm Hiram, K. Narlu, J . T. Klguereda. THE ELITE ICECREAM PARLORS Candj Factory. O Cake Bakery. FINE l HOT IOE CREAMS, V X COFFEE CAKES, CAHDIFS Tf, CHOCDLATE I8LAND CURIOS. Our EltHbliHhment is the Kine.t Ke.ort in tha Cftv. Call and .ee us. Open till II p. m. CASTLE & COOKE, LIFE AND FIRE Insurance Agents. -- AUKXTS KIIR- - Life Insurance Co. OF BOSTON. 7ETNA FIRE INSURANCE CO. OK HARTFORD, CONN Castle & Cooke, IMPORTERS, Hardware and Commission Merchants, General Merchandise, Agricultural Implements and Plantation Supplies. This Space is Reserved for the Epitable Life Assnrance Society of tk United States. BRUCE & A, J, CARTWRIGHT, General Managers for the Hawaiian Islands. PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. 75 cents Per Month. $2 Per Quarter, Subscriptions Payable Strictly In Advance, Hawaiian Gazette Co. Hard Times Mean Close Prices to . Hoasekecpers. If you are in need of any New or Secoml-IIaiu- l FURNITURE, RUGS, STOVES, BBWINQ MACHINES, Etc. call at the FURNITURE & COMMISSION HOUSE CHAS. HUSTACE, Lincoln Block, Kino Stkkkt, Uetwevn Fort ami Alakua HU. OEALKR IN Groceries and Provisions. Freih California Roll Butter and Island Butter always on hand. Fresh Goods received by every Steamer from San Franeiseo. ty Batiks-actio- Quahantsid. jf For Sale. (Corner lot at I'unahnulill hy 20tfeet. Hon-- . parlor, dim. In room, tin. h (1 rooms, hatli room hot and cold wat. etc. h.L m ml cHrnuKo lniiw etr. Tho sfoundi are well laid out in fruit am (rnamt-nta- l (fere. For puiLleulai'-- .uldresx A. H., this ofllee. 300 tf COU SOLID tvTBD SODA WATER WORIS CUMI'ANY, L.TI). Esfilnnnile, rnrner Allen nml Fort streets. HOLLISTER iL CO.. Agents 1'. (). Box -- 117. el, (, hone -- li' LEWIS & CO. I.M pom Kits Naval BuppttWi Wlndrule iiihI Uct,. Ienk'r in tlrocerii'M, l'mi isions, vir Ul Fort Btn Honolulu, H. I. M. PHILLIPS & GO. Wholesale Iiiijk rt;rn and Jobbere oi AMERICAN & EUROPEAN DRY GQ3DS. Corner Fort and Qtti to St., Honolulu. H7tf J. ALFRED MAGOON, ATTORNEY anil COUNSKI.OH AT I. AW. Ofllee, 41' MtTi biuit BUwt, Honotnln, H. I. J. M. MONSARRAT. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Cartwright Illoi-k- , Murrhant St., Honolulu, M. II. L0HK1DK, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, BKLL TKLBPBONK Ul, rWAll Onler Promntly Attended to. Mtf H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Fort Street, Honolulu, M.S. OKI NBA I'M & CO. Limited. HONOLULU, 11. I. ComniiHKion MorelinntB nn! Importer! of General Merchandise. San FraniTeo Offlce. 215 Front St. C. B. RIFLE Y. ARTHUR REYNOLDS, ArchiteotSt Orrit K New Safe Iiepon Htiildjug. Honolulu. B. I. T'lans, Siiecitlcathnis und Superlntendt-ni- given for every description of Building. fliK't'fnnruHy remtMlelt'd nti'l enlarged. Dpslgns for IiccorHtions. Maps or Meehaniea) Drawing,, Tracing and B lueprintlng. frDrawingB for Hooks or Newspaper llhis. t rat ion Old Kona Coitee POK SALK AT J. T. WATERHOUSE'S QnwiH Street Stores 398tf BISHOP & CO., Kstabllslinl In UM BANKERS. HONOLULU, Hawaiian Isi.amis. DRAW EXCHANGE ON THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO, AND THEIR AOKN'TH IN New York, Chicago, Boston, Paris, MESSRS. I M, BOTMILO & SONS, LONDON, KU A NK K HT- - I K MA IN. The C'oinmereial Danking Co. of Svdnov, N. S. W. Tht' Bank of New Zealand, Ain'klnnd, nml its branches in Uhi'istvhurch, DuinMlin and Wellington. The P. ink..! Brittoh Colombia, Vi.toria, itn! its brandies. VsnoouTer. tnaslmi), Vvesl mtttislsr. H. 0 , and I'ortluud, t lregnn. The zoresand Madeira Islaiiits. Btookbotn, BwsjdMi Tho (.'harU-re- Bank of India, An-- i ulin am' t inii i. Tin; Hongkong nml Bhanghsi. China aiP1 Yi'kohiumi, Hii'go ami Nagnsiki, Japuii And transaoi (MosnJ Ban) lug Bustnei C, 8REWER & COn IIP Queen St., HoBOlBln, H. I,, AGENTS FOR HAwailan Agricultural '4., Onontsu Bufrar Co., Uononu s,ii;ar Co., Wal luku Sunar Co WslhfC Sonar Co.. Malit-- BUrar Co.. Hiilt'itkala Iai"r. Co.. Kapapala Ranch. nautara' LlnaSan Erancfaoo Packets. Cbaa. Brewer ft On,! Line of Boston Packets. AentN Boston Board of Underwriters, Agents Philadelphia Board of tjuder writerB. List uk OKFirsas : P. C. JOXKS rtSSlllSlll tiKit. II. ItollKHTHON MnnniT E. F. BisBor Ttms. and Bsey, Cou W. K. Al.l.K.v Auditor 0. M. Cooke t H. Watkhhiii se. . Dlrwtors L. Carter ) WILDER & CO. iKstablinticd in 187a.) Estate S, G, WILDER W. C, WILDER, IMKMTSM and Dkalkks in Lumber and Coal Building Materials SUCH AS DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, Builders' Hardware, Paints, Oil, Glass. WALL PAPER, ETC. Cor. Fort and Queen Streets, HONOLULU, H. I. The SUN Outshines All Mutual TeUphons 814, Cherry Pectoral HAS NO EQUAL Kelt TUP liATin I KK OF Colds, Coughs, Influenza, and SORE THROAT. It win relieve the most dis- tressing counh, OSSM th ln-- a tn e d nieni-- I I CHERRY 1 I Inane, the ph lixrsen e irni , uid Indure slfep. For (lie cure of Croup, Whoop-iiii- : Ouilgh, Sore Throat. And nil the pulmonary troubles to which the rouag are so liable, there is no other remedy so effective as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HIGHEST AWARDS AT THE World's Great Expositions. Martehy Dr. .I.e. Ayer r !.nwrtl.Mftiii.,U.H.A. rJT"hw:tri' Of ehSSJI Inilt.itl.inn The nam--A- n lirrrr l'wtoral U prominent on tlx1 writpjjer. untl - blown In tin- kUi. of each f mir beftl HOLLISTER DRU& CO. WHOLESALE AGENTS. For Sale! s 110 lioitsi; Engine and Boiler For particular Enquire at WOOMLAWN DAIKV, or lo IC. . mi l iM.mii 418tf The Steamship WAIMAIMALO will run regularly between this port ami Waialu, Waianae, Kb waihapaf, Uokuteta, K awanui and Kttiki on the bland of Oahu. Fo? freiglit, ato.( apply to tin Captain. M. DA VIES, BifCCer, Steredore and Wrecker. a and oontraoti on all kinds of work. Inquire at Office of J. B, Walker, over Bpreckela' Haul;. 885-t-f, FOR SALK SMOOTH in large or CAYENNE PINEAPPLE SUCKERS"'"' H 11 c k c th are grown in Florida and produce the finest fruit in the world. Correnpond ' ORLANDO GRAPE & FRUIT CO,, Orlando, Florida. Club Stables Co. s. F. GRAHAM, Uasaoss, Liver?, M aid Sale Stables. Port Street, Between Hotel and Rcretania. BoTB Tklki'iionks No. 477. OONMEOTED WITH HACK STAND i'or. KinK ainl Bethel Sts. BOTH TBLBPHONB8 NO. 03. JAS. F. MORGAN. No. 45 Queen Street, Auctioneer and Slock Broker. Special attention given to the handling of Real Estate' Stocks. Bonds Metropolitan Meat Co. 8i KING STREET, Wholesale & Retail Butchers Navy Contractors. J. WALLER, Manacr. Hawaiian Wine Co., Frank BgOWlf, Mint. 38 nnd M Merchant St., Honolulu, II. I. The Republic being secured, wo now prepared to sell at -- Annexation Prices TIIK HKKT OF Will?!, Ales and Spirlls, At wholesale. No goods sold at retail, tf BURROWS OF A MAN MOLE. HHerlaM tdng lo Oaleli a iw iiips I rom sun 1 rMiirl.i d, Soarre lA miles from Sun PraneiTo, half hidden in Th' foliiic "f mrronndiim Besiltflg tisfhind the flr Noarttad rldgsa mm rook eHMymm of giim TamalpHi". are the few arattrrefl ranch hnui-K- which, wit h fba UbkpiHotu m)ooii orxiailtnte tba tittle villgM of Larkapar, Tbs road raaa alaag the hottoin of the Canyon, glggoal MddaO liv the nverhatiuitiK rnlwiHKl in i s, till it merges Into a mere cattle trail. ThU wild A s if to prove Ih von. I -- halow of a anyoii isknowti hwjilly Ilnltinion-iutr- (onbt thai the win never sets qq tier I m l'or live years at leant, a vouched for hy ftienss empire, Great lli itnin recently eatab-aetu- al snaifl hiiinaii nude, in ;,.),, .) ., lir,.t,., t .rtt over ti - Salomon la- the Ktill wntrheanf thei.iKht. I.aa Mlently Un,K which afa located near the equator liiirrownl and del ed in lie rich brown . in t be rm Inc ocean. sahI of N. w wmnea earth until the sides of the canyon are liter- - Bm1 ,,f A nsl ralla, ii.e lar-e- at ally honeveoniiHl with his tunnels and J001 cavern. His work is earrtt-- on al wars hy ''da "r'' called CrlstoTal, ReDDti night, either bv the light .f the moooof ty N'( ' ' ' Arsacldi R,OaaV dalcanai. Ban tsabel, hotseal aid Ion- ian the will wiplike flicker of a rn-- i tern Tbeiw eavet. mount up into the Then in Rlso cofes smalt hiindml. always near t he roots of a tn e, Wands, and tha tin gnu forma a 4e9 aOH fully 15feit in circumference ami in slmut i0 miles lnic and contain- - Ufi fieen Tin. iiiifii-- hoh.M nn r.r-fw- ii tmimi aronml with biig mdwuud pole. around which dead ferns ami urasM are tarisssd and at the Union. laAavaaa Othmt and smaller botes or caves under the rofii of ni..' Ml WOOdl an unfencei, hut III lt d in with loos. earl h and heaps of dead brush. Thee, too, contain the mystic rr". M u hvh t he I'fiiu For live long years this man gopher has been digging and Uiiling. Sometimee work- - log for several days continuously, at other time only appearing at long Intervals, no- body has ever ween him at work, and what he hopes to find aobod knows, for no one baHwatclml him or listene) to hi mid- night mnttsrlnga A visit to the scene of these mysterious holea was made hy an Kaminer t, It waaa hard trip through the dense chaparral and closely growing trei- -. Hnndred of tha filled in excavations wars visible, of all shapes nnd sizes aud in every position. Near one on the freshly dug earth footprints were visible, hy another an old sieve was found, molded with age and ex- posure. Polea stripped of hark and masses of dead brush were t en piled around the remains of former excavations. Henry Collins, a resident, of Sauaalito and a keen pottsman, has explored the gulch thoroughly and has often pondered over the meaning of the holen, of whowe ex- istence he will testify to. Kobody kttOWa where the mysterious delver comes from or where he goes when his night's toil is over. Few have seen him come or go, ami those that have described him as a wrinkled, bent aud weather beaten old man, with long white hair and licard. It is hard to And the exact local ion of these places s one stumbled on them by accident, for though they cover avast amount of terri- tory they are hidden by the dense vegeta- tion. Only a few days ago his light was seen wandering about the bill, The labor and expense consequent to re- move such tons of earth alone and single handed, as he has done, and the care and precision with which t he pi les are set around the freshly dug holes, with the cross always in the bottom, all done in the damp- ness and darkness of night, suggest that there Is some treasure worth hunting for. About six yean ago a man driven crazy with cancer on the brain wandered into the mountainous region around TamalpaiF., and his body was finally found by campers, who had lost their way, lying in the roots of a large redwood tree. He had come from I.odl, and Coroner Kden maintains he was poor, but more that one man tells a story of his wandering in there with 186,000; which be must have buried, or it may yet be lying in aotno rotting sack or scattered in careless profusion amid t lie rankly grow- ing heritage. This may, then, be the secret of the hu- man gopher's strange work, but the ques- tion still remains unanswered, why the OrOSSf' San Francisco Kxaininer. gplastsvhood and Longevity. It Is said often and sadlytbat matrimony Isn't as popular as It used to be. This Is Of OOUrse tO be deplored, but In order to show the poaaible silver lining to this dark cloud the following Instances of singl bl sednSSS are submit ed: Mtss Bllaa Work of Henrietta, X. Y., s to oolebrate her one hundredth birt very soon. Heudered BOmswhat gar- rulous by l his proud event, she has at last given out the secret of her longevity. She says i hat it is beoause she never drank tea or cotlee. and, alsive all, she never got married. Miss w.u k is for her nephew, and she scorns to keep a serv- ant. She has done a big day's work e . ry day for 1") years and expects lo do a good many more. Her brother lived to be 101 years old, but Miss Work thinks he might have lived many years longer if he had only abstained from coffee and marriage. As if this were not convincing enough, there is the case of Folly Thompson, who departed this life not long ago at the age of 107. She was the oldest Kuglish subject of Qneen Victoria, having celebrated her one hundred and seventh birthday last June. On that occasion she received congratu latory letters from the queen, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of York. In spite of her great age Polly was a hale aud hearty old lady up to a short time before her death. She never married. Longevity is not held out in these stories as an inducement to neglect matrimony, but as a possible compensation to those who are otherwise engaged. New York Sun. Autttrallitu Cedar. The most valuable tree produced iu New South Wales Is the no called red drela SUatralis, which owes its common name to the sweet smell of Its wood. It is much lighter in weight than mahoHuy, al though it lears considerable to chat wood aud is used for the same pur- - poses that is, for cabinet work and furiii- ture iu geneaal and for the lltllngs of build ings where the oosl la not too great. Where it Is kept dry it is very durable. Natural ly of a turns to a deeper and richer color with age, and some trevt have a beautiful grain. In The Agncultur al Gazette, published at Sydney Intonating particulars are given iu regard to the ea tabUehmont of forest preeei es la this tim ber, ami it is grutifyinu to learn that even in thin new country exlemdve plantations of young cedar are bstng made every year and are flourishing tlnrly. Hatiquet of I'wrU t uderlakers. Thu traditioual annual banquet of the ''sour herring," so called, came off on All Saints' day. I' was numerously attended by ihe fraternity ot the undertaker assist- ant and derives its mime from the fact that when the custom was Ilrst established and these assistants were only called "por- ters" they assembled once a year for a so- cial eiitertaiument, the time coinciding with aiftal nf the sour herrings in the Paris markets. The festival wan MMOOOdod by a lull, al which, as a matter of course, the fair partners were treated to "bier" and offered floral tributei In the shape of boo QUete and wreethi tmertean itegister. Lang " l,et me see, "said Hrown lo. Tones, "isu't this Jones that we w ere just talking about relative of yours ' A distaut relative," said Jones. "Very dittantr" "I should think so He's the oldest of 13 children, and I'm the youngtwt." Youth's t'omnaninn iu his Kkklesloxousai, M gives a polysyllabic wonl which couula 77 syllables and letters THEY ARE ('ANN! HALS JprtB'lUa, housekeeper comparatively Aristophanes, JOHN BULL'S NEW RAVAGE WARD 5 OP THE SOLOVON ISLANDS. fcnr- Thfir Tlttagas Wars fltntleJI iiow-aaaff- y Raa4 Banting i t ga PepnUM h. it onr WTtsslaterast lagOrlgta al Mm Graapfs Naaaai Inn 10,000 win are mllea, raaaatlras sre JUatass and Papuan 90 r"" n'"1 pPooaDI atwul the uorst England .trtoil. und.r her wing, .. verfV fneiid'.v s'i'i:nl. t in. Si t, do. not take to It with any great show of nnd a warship c sta- tioned iiinnii.; t ie ,l,iiids to convince the uei"a" uiwwb'ipwwhihh anniDaia inep, hIi,1"11'' are very good earing Uow ii hd t icli , e r true phcro of nese lies in ruling over their dark skinned brot here. In subduing the BekMBOn inlanders and pulling a st up to heircannibalist ic propen eJtteSi however. England has rendered the world an Undoubted SSrvloa. for hitherto the unfortunate mariner who was cast upon the shores of these islands was invariably killed and eaten. The natives formerly jst-- l bone pointed spears him! hows and ar- i M a ontt or thm eouMov tsLjurao. sows in lighting, but many of them are now armed with gUUl They have large war OnnOOg Wtth tall prows and sterns, which rise In the form of wooden pillars and are adorned with most picturesque and alah orate carvings. The men and women wear no clothing but a loin band and at Rubiana, one ca their principal lOWtte, they worship a idol formed of an upright block of W4d which bears the Ukenj M of a human face and has inlaid rings tot eyes nnd earn. In war they are Inveterate head hunters, and their victims It Is said that at the time Alvtnlo de Mendana dis- covered the Islands in IWT the native looked upon cannibalism ns such n matter of course that the chief of San Isabel sent the Spanish navigator pari of the of a boy, just as he would have offered half of a bullock, and was much offended when Men- dana ordered the present buried. I'm II very recently the crews of traders and w haters did not dare land on the is- - lauds, owing to the t reachery ai d murder- ous propeii" ii ies of t he natives, and allowed but few canoes to conic alongside the ship at one time. Che chiefs wi re pel milted to come on in. .ud a- - iniu li nr t lie s;lke of he- - curing them ss hostages In the event of hostilities a- - to ti.. t honor o long as they behaveil themselves. The bulwarks were also protected to a c nsiderable height by bstninock tunings iii onler to preclude a sudden hoarding of the vcsei by the tslandera but in spite of these pre cautions a number of ship- have fallen into the bands of tbs oanntbaia. and thetr oj were mgrdered and devoured. Although a few missionaries am now hard at work anion;.' the Islanders, there are still many places where a small party of w hite men would lose their heads in short order If the natives Were convinced that their fat would remain a mystery Since t he British gunboat Uapid baa helled a number of n o ie village, how- ever, and claimed a life for a life every time a white man was murdered the lilsndega have con 11 tied themselves to amusements that were less provocative ol grate and canister and an aftermath of shot and shell. Not long ago a trader named Duval was murdered in Mott bay, emoug the southern, islands of the group. Shortly after the oom mission of the crims the Hapid steam- ed into the bay, cleared for action and then BSUt word to the chief of the island where the murder occurred that if the slayer of Mr. Duval were nol delivered aboard the ship in two hours the village would be plowed wilh shells and sowed with a num- ber of choice varieties of grape and canla-te- The chief had sitbsr experleut d s spool men of this method of British cultivation or had heard all about how 1 wadoue, for he caught t he murderer Inatanter, tum- bled into a war canoe with him and with breathless haste paddled him to the Hapid. The accused man confessed his crime, and the next morning he was taken a&borc un- der guard of a strong force of murines and sailors and shot in he presence of several hundred of his fronds and fellow head hunters. Such ISSSOUO as the IhivaLcaae are rapidly convincing the islanders that killing and sating a white man is such an e luxury that It is quite out of date. There in something of a romance connect- ed w ith the naming of the islands. Meiidaua gave theui the they now bear "to thu end that the Spaniard, supposing them to DO thoss tales whence Solomon fetched gold to adorn the temple of Jerusalem, might be more dt-- i run to go ainl inhabit the same.' Mend, ma's eolouiutt ion scheme faiid, how- ever, for a hen he set out to tiud tueui agaiu he was unable to do so, und they were lost sight of until t urteret rediscovered them exactly aceiitury later and formed a French ettlesnSaVl ou San t'hrUtovul, which waa Dually anandooad on aoeouat of the uu- - tamable (erts-it- of the natives. The inlands are of volcanic origiu, and they (tnssess one at live crater. The gold that Mendana endeavored to use as a bait to lure colonists to the group was all iu his mind, ami naturallv none of it has ever been found on the islands. The laud is gen- erally fertile, ) ieldiug brcadd uit, coctta-nut- yainsaml ,iK" n., and niay also la cultivated for cotton aud sugar l.rntlr, hut i Milling. Verisopht Well, after all, 1 believed the less one known the happier one Is. Genevieve That is a comfortable philos- ophy You must he very happy. Forget Me Not. Mir Knew Jack. Sweetie- - Jack lohl me last uiuht he loved me, aud then he kissed me. Vetlie- - Ah: He usually kisses the girls without telling ihem that - Detroit Fr Press.

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T n iim-- a MOM i IIKXCKI'T MUN1IAY.



The Hawaiian Star.V HtMMi .! EVERY AFTERNOON




MtTEtTS JijllN'STllNK, - - - KIMTOK.


P.t Year In A'lvunc'. - tx.W

Pei Month In Advnnee, - .7

(orlk-n- , iwr Vmr In Ailvance. - - 12.00

AliVEHTISINO kaTkh:Unto Im IrMUMBt and nvnlarndvortlslDR on otrtalnad "i ii'" publication oiiicc.X'uSUUI. pNMpI lasSStiOa all

nt BOM I"' ilellvereil at I lie lltudniwOttlef BSjfBft 10 n. in.

Till,'., Sun ttml MiMtn.

s ri si' rDaj'. la U lii. tn. p.m. a.i. ".m.

Mon . . . :'4 n.4 11 M l 10 a M l

Tups... l:J,L,"'," h mi s.s.'.m'niWed ... I H U, 5 AO A Ai 8 10

Thur... A 7 2i it 2 i' A Al 4 21

p.m. 2. 2 2U n.40 R.1A A AO, A AO

PetsSnt .... .Ii 2 AO IMS A 4'.' t--

Kim :W 4 10 :i 4 lit .20 1 - "i A Al1 fl 27

New moon September Win, at Tili p. in.Time wnlrtlt Blows at lb., wmtliMfBMf

Honolulu time, which in the same as I2h , Om..Us. of Greenwich time.

For every l"1 feet of distance of the ob-

server (from the Custom House) allow onesecond for transmission of sound, or A seeonnNto a statute tulle.


i the i.ovcrninent Survey, PublishedKvery Monday.



un. in .too ;un 7 t Kl 0.02 fiO A NK 4

.Mon i; mos i9,W tilt HI HS 6 NE 4

Tue.'iH '"" WW tl Si U.O'. 00 4 NEW'd 11" P. 7 " 71 SI II. (Hi U 4Thu tOl 80.00 W T 81 ij imi ;ii !M si;--

Frl ..s 82 0 67 7A NK flttV.0il Mi ii ii7 Mi NK

Barometer corrected for temperature Midelevation but not for latitude.


Steamships will leave for and arrive fromKan Francisco on the following dates, ti theclose of 1SU4 :

Ahhive at H'n'ulu Leave Honolulu forfrom San F'ciauo San Francihcoor

ou Vancouver Vancouver.Oh or About On or .A6out

China ...Sept 4 Warrimoo Sept !A .. It.. ... Sep l Australia Sent 15

Warrinioo seul Monowai Beet 20iviariposa. - Arawa Oi l

ucramc. ....Oct 2 Aiihtraha ..Oct 1H

An.lruli'ii Oct 0 ( ity of rekin ...Oct y

A raw a ..Oct 2a Alameda ..Oct 18

Monowai ..Oct 25 Warrimoo.--- . ....Nov 1

Australia.. Mav ;i Australia. ...Nov 10Mi it... .Nov 18 .Mariposa. ....Nov 1A

Alameda Nov n Peru Nov 19

Warrimoo Nov 2 Arawa Dee 1

Oceanic ... ..Dec 1 Australia. DecAustralia.. lii'r Monowai. Dee 11

Mariposa.. Dec HO China .... lee HI

Arawa Dec all I Hiir,

Australia. Dec SB Warrimoo iw 1

IK' J.. Oaelle Feb Hi

China Jan 22 l'eru .MurOceanic Feb tit QaeUo - Anr2China April 2


TIME TABLE,From and Alter June 18U3


U. B.

A.U. P.M. P.M. P.M.Leave Honolulu 8:46 1:45 4:35 6:iuLeave Pearl Lily BiN 2:3U 6:10

Arrive Kwa Mill 9:67 2:57 6:38


A.M. A.M. P.M. I'.M.

Leave Kwa Mill 8:31 10:43 3:43 6:42

Leave Pearl City. 8:66 11:16 4:16 6:10

Arrive Honolulu .7:3(1 11:65 Ml 8:45

A Saturday'! only. C .Sunday's excepted.H Daily D HatUrOAy'l excepted

BOUT. ii.'.... C, M. LOOKS, P. J. LOWKBY

LEWERS & COOKE,Lumuek, Builders' Hardware,

doors, sash, blinds,paints, oils, glass,

wall paper, matting,corrugated iron,

lime, cement, etc.



Carriages to meet every steamer atKahului and Maaluea Hay.

Horses for Haleakala or any partof the island, at reasonable prices.

V. GOODNESS,376tf Proprietor.


HUSTACE & COliuve moved to

Morgan's Auction Roomfor a hh'-- time. We are Mill Helling

Departure Bay Coal,CHARCOAL,


KINDLING WOODhi any quantity.

Both TeUphonM 414. B64tf

ForFine PrintingTry the "8tr'MElectric Works.





Kxkcutive Council.. H. Hole. PfWMkpl nf the Heimbllc of

llnw.ll. .

v. Hatch, Mlnlttcrfl forl Affnirs.I. A. Klntf, Minister of (lie Interior.

. Mi DaJ&Oll, Minister of Flnftnee.A. O. Hmith, Allorni'y-ili'ni'rnl- .

AivitMitv Coca oil.

tV. ('. Wilder. Clialrnmn of the AdvisoryOoonell of the Keimblieof Hmvsllt ecll itrowu. E. I). Tonney,John Nott, 0, Holle,iohfl Kim. W. F. Allen,lauies F. Morgan, Henry Waterhonse,I. A. McCanillesM, A. Yonnn,I. 1'. Mendonca, II. It. Smith.lolm Fmtueluth.i'. T. HodKers, secretary Kxecutlve and Ad-

visory Councils.


Hon. A. F. Judd, Chief Juntlce.ilon. It. F. Bickerton, Firnt Anaoclate Justice.Hon. W. K. Frear, Second Associate Justice.Henrv Miiith. Chief Clerk.

.'..iu.' hucas, First Ueputv Clerk.0. F. Fetersou, Second Deputy Cierk,J. Walter Jones, Stenonrapher.


First Circuit : H. E. Cooper, W. A. Whitintf,oaliu.

Second Circuit : Maui, J- - W. Kalua.Thirdand FourthClrcuii's: Hawaii S.L.Austin.Flfili Circuit: Kauai, J. Hardv.

t)fllce9 and Court-riKi- in JudiciaryHulldlnB, Klntt S.reet. Sitting in Honolulu:First Monday In Fehruary, May. Auutist andNovember.

Depahtmrnt ok ArFAiita.

fflee In Kieeutive Hulldlng, King StreetFranciH M. HhIcIi, Minister ot Foreign Affairslieo. 0 Potter, Chief Clerk..1. W. (Jlrvin, Lionel Hart, Clerks.

Dk.'AHTMF.NT tiV Til K I NT KltlOll.

Offlce in Executive BolUUllfft King StreetJ. A. King, Minister of the Interior.Chief Clerk, JotM A. Hassinger.Assistant Clerks, James H. Boyd, M. K.

Keohokalule, tins Hose, Stephen Mahaulu, (ieorge C. Uoss, Kdward S. Boyd.

L niErs or Buheavh, Depahtmknt oriNTEItlOH.

Surveor-tienera- l, W. U. Alexander.Supt. PQblto Works, W. E. Howell.Supt. Water Work1, Andrew Brown.Inspector Electric LIkIiU, John ( asuidy.Keglstrar of Conveyances, T. O. Thrum.DepQty Heglstrar of Conveyances, It. W.

AndtewiRoad Supervisor, Honolulu, W. H.

Chief Engineer Fire Dept., J. EL Hunt.Supt. Insane Asylum. Dr. Geo, Herhert.


president J. A. King. Ministerof the Interior.

Members: W. ti. Irwin, A. Jaeger, A. Her- -

hert and John Ena.Commissioner of Agriculture and ex officio

Secretary of the Board: Joseph Mursdeu.

Depahtment or Finance.

Minister of Finance, S. M. Damon.Auditor-tienera- l, H. Laws.Kegisirar of Accounts, W. i. Ashley.Colleclor-tjener- of Customs, J. B. Castle.Tax Assessor, Oahu, Jonathan tttlftW

Deputy Assensor, W. i . Weedon.Fostmaster-Ueuera- l, J. M. Oat.

Customs Buiieau.

Ottite, Custom House, Esplanade, Kort St.Colieetor-tieuera- l, J. B. Castle.

r, F. B. McStocker.liar l n- Master, Capiat u A. Fuller.Fort surve or, M. N. Sanders,storokoeiwr, Ueo. C. Stratemeyer.

Depahtment or Attuhnky-Ueneha- l.

Uinee In Executive Building, King St.Aitorney-tieueru- l, V'. O. Smith.Deputy Alloruey-tienera- l, A. O. M. Hohert

boii.Clerk, J. M. Kea.Marshal. K. (J. Hitchcock.Clerk to Marshal, H. M. Dow.Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Brown.Jailor Oahu Prison, James A. Low.Fridou 1'ti j mi i, in. Dr. c. b. Cooper

Boakd or Immigkahon.

Ulrlce, Department of Interior, JudiciaryBuilding, King Street.

President, J.A.King.Members of the Board of Immigration:

J. B. Atherton, Jaa. B. Castle, A. 8.Cleghorn, James U. Spencer, Mark P.Hobmson.

Secretary, Wray Taylor.

Boahu or Health.Office in grounds of Judiciary Building

corner of Mililani and Queen streets.Members: Dr. Day, Dr. Wood, Dr. Andrews,

J. T. Waterhouse, Jr., John Ena, TbeudureF. Lansing and Attorney-tienera- l Smith.President, Hon. W. O. Smith.Secretary, t 'has. Wilcox.

Executive, Officer, C. B. Heyuolds.Agent Board of Health. J. D. McVeigh.Inspector and Manager of Oarbage Service,

L. L. Lal'ierre.Inspector, ti. W. C. Jones.Port PhyBiehtn, Dr. U. 1. Myers.Dispensary, Dr. Henry W. Howard.Leper Settlement, Dr. H. K. Oliver.

Boahu or Education.Office, .ludiclary Building, King Street.

President, W. it. Castle.Clerk, J. F. Scott.Inspector of SchooU, A. T. Atkinson.

Boahu uk Chown Land Commissioned.J. A. King, Minister of the Interior; W. O.

Hinlth, Attorney-tiener- and C. P. laukea.Office la Judiciary Building.

District Couitr.Police Station Building, Merchant Street.Antonio Perry, Magistrate.James Thompson, Clerk.

PortTorriCE Bureau.

Postmaster tieneral. J. Mort Oat.Secretary, W. O. Atwater.Hup't Postal Savings Bank, E. II. Wodehouse.Money Order Deparimt-nt- F. B. Out.tieneral lellvery, I.. T. Keiiake.Keglstry Department, O. L. Desha.Clerks: J.D.Holt, K. A. Dexter, S. L. ,

F. B. Angus, J. H. Nul, Henry KaiaJelm Hiram, K. Narlu, J . T. Klguereda.



Candj Factory. O Cake Bakery.



I8LAND CURIOS.Our EltHbliHhment is the Kine.t Ke.ort in tha

Cftv. Call and .ee us. Open till II p. m.


Insurance Agents.


Life Insurance Co.OF BOSTON.




Castle & Cooke,


General Merchandise,


This Spaceis

Reservedfor the

Epitable Life Assnrance Society

of tk United States.


General Managers for the Hawaiian





75 cents Per Month.

$2 Per Quarter,


Hawaiian Gazette Co.

Hard Times Mean Close Prices to

. Hoasekecpers.

If you are in need of any New orSecoml-IIaiu- l FURNITURE, RUGS,



CHAS. HUSTACE,Lincoln Block, Kino Stkkkt,

Uetwevn Fort ami Alakua HU.OEALKR IN

Groceries and Provisions.

Freih California Roll Butter and IslandButter always on hand.

Fresh Goods received by every Steamerfrom San Franeiseo.

ty Batiks-actio- Quahantsid. jf

For Sale.(Corner lot at I'unahnulill hy 20tfeet. Hon-- .

parlor, dim. In room, tin.h (1 rooms, hatli room hot and cold wat.etc. h.L m ml cHrnuKo lniiw etr.

Tho sfoundi are well laid out in fruit am(rnamt-nta- l (fere.

For puiLleulai'-- .uldresx A. H., this ofllee.300 tf



Esfilnnnile, rnrner Allen nml Fort streets.

HOLLISTER iL CO.. Agents1'. (). Box --117. el, (, hone -- li'

LEWIS & CO.I.M pom Kits

Naval BuppttWi Wlndrule iiihI Uct,.Ienk'r in tlrocerii'M, l'mi isions, vir

Ul Fort Btn Honolulu, H. I.

M. PHILLIPS & GO.Wholesale Iiiijk rt;rn and Jobbere oi


Corner Fort and Qtti to St., Honolulu.H7tf



Ofllee, 41' MtTi biuit BUwt,

Honotnln, H. I.



Cartwright Illoi-k- , Murrhant St., Honolulu,



rWAll Onler Promntly Attended to.Mtf



Fort Street, Honolulu,

M.S. OKI NBA I'M & CO.Limited.


ComniiHKion MorelinntB nn! Importer!of General Merchandise.

San FraniTeo Offlce. 215 Front St.



ArchiteotStOrrit K New Safe Iiepon Htiildjug.

Honolulu. B. I.

T'lans, Siiecitlcathnis und Superlntendt-ni-given for every description of Building.

fliK't'fnnruHy remtMlelt'd nti'lenlarged.

Dpslgns for IiccorHtions.Maps or Meehaniea) Drawing,, Tracing and

B lueprintlng.frDrawingB for Hooks or Newspaper llhis.

t rat ion

Old Kona CoiteePOK SALK AT

J. T. WATERHOUSE'SQnwiH Street Stores


BISHOP & CO.,Kstabllslinl In UM

BANKERS.HONOLULU, Hawaiian Isi.amis.



New York, Chicago, Boston, Paris,MESSRS. I M, BOTMILO & SONS, LONDON,

KU A NK K HT- - I K M A IN.The C'oinmereial Danking Co. of Svdnov,

N. S. W.Tht' Bank of New Zealand, Ain'klnnd, nml

its branches in Uhi'istvhurch, DuinMlinand Wellington.

The P. ink..! Brittoh Colombia, Vi.toria, itn!its brandies. VsnoouTer. tnaslmi), Vveslmtttislsr. H. 0 , and I'ortluud, t lregnn.

The zoresand Madeira Islaiiits.Btookbotn, BwsjdMiTho (.'harU-re- Bank of India, An-- i ulin am'

t inii i.Tin; Hongkong nml Bhanghsi. China aiP1

Yi'kohiumi, Hii'go ami Nagnsiki, JapuiiAnd transaoi (MosnJ Ban) lug Bustnei


Queen St., HoBOlBln, H. I,,


HAwailan Agricultural '4., OnontsuBufrar Co., Uononu s,ii;ar Co., Walluku Sunar Co WslhfC Sonar Co..Malit-- BUrar Co.. Hiilt'itkala Iai"r.Co.. Kapapala Ranch.

nautara' LlnaSan Erancfaoo Packets.Cbaa. Brewer ft On,! Line of Boston

Packets.AentN Boston Board of Underwriters,Agents Philadelphia Board of tjuder


List uk OKFirsas :

P. C. JOXKS rtSSlllSllltiKit. II. ItollKHTHON MnnniTE. F. BisBor Ttms. and Bsey,Cou W. K. Al.l.K.v Auditor0. M. Cooke tH. Watkhhiii se. . Dlrwtors

L. Carter )

WILDER & CO.iKstablinticd in 187a.)


IMKMTSM and Dkalkks in

Lumber and Coal

Building MaterialsSUCH AS


Builders' Hardware,Paints, Oil, Glass.


Cor. Fort and Queen Streets,



Mutual TeUphons 814,

Cherry PectoralHAS NO EQUAL

Kelt TUP liATin I KK OF

Colds, Coughs,Influenza, and

SORE THROAT.It win relieve

the most dis-tressing counh,

OSSM th ln--

a tn e d nieni--

I I CHERRY 1 IInane,the ph

lixrsene irni ,

uid Indureslfep.

For (lie cure ofCroup, Whoop-iiii- :

Ouilgh, SoreThroat. And nil

the pulmonary troubles to which the rouagare so liable, there is no other remedy soeffective as

Ayer's Cherry PectoralHIGHEST AWARDS AT THE

World's Great Expositions.

Martehy Dr. .I.e. Ayer r !.nwrtl.Mftiii.,U.H.A.

rJT"hw:tri' Of ehSSJI Inilt.itl.inn The nam--A-n lirrrr l'wtoral U prominent on

tlx1 writpjjer. untl - blown In tin- kUi. of eachf mir beftl



For Sale!s

110 lioitsi;

Engine and Boiler

For particular Enquire atWOOMLAWN DAIKV,

or lo IC. . mi l iM.mii418tf

The Steamship

WAIMAIMALOwill run regularly between this portami Waialu, Waianae, Kb waihapaf,Uokuteta, K awanui and Kttiki on thebland of Oahu. Fo? freiglit, ato.( applyto tin Captain.

M. DAVIES,BifCCer, Steredore and Wrecker. a

and oontraoti on all kinds ofwork.

Inquire at Office of J. B, Walker, overBpreckela' Haul;. 885-t-f,


CAYENNEPINEAPPLESUCKERS"'"'H 11 c k c thare grown in Florida and produce thefinest fruit in the world. Correnpond


Orlando, Florida.

Club Stables Co.s. F. GRAHAM, Uasaoss,

Liver?, M aid Sale Stables.

Port Street, Between Hoteland Rcretania.


i'or. KinK ainl Bethel Sts.


JAS. F. MORGAN.No. 45 Queen Street,

Auctioneer and Slock Broker.

Special attention given to thehandling of

Real Estate' Stocks. Bonds

Metropolitan Meat Co.


Wholesale & Retail Butchers

Navy Contractors.J. WALLER, Manacr.

Hawaiian Wine Co.,Frank BgOWlf, Mint.

38 nnd M Merchant St., Honolulu, II. I.

The Republic being secured, wonow prepared to sell at

-- Annexation PricesTIIK HKKT OF

Will?!,Ales andSpirlls,At wholesale. No goods sold at retail,



HHerlaM tdng lo Oaleli a iw iiipsI rom sun 1 rMiirl.i d,

Soarre lA miles from Sun PraneiTo, halfhidden in Th' foliiic "f mrronndiimBesiltflg tisfhind the flr Noarttad rldgsa mmrook eHMymm of giim TamalpHi". are thefew arattrrefl ranch hnui-K- which, wit hfba UbkpiHotu m)ooii orxiailtnte tba tittlevillgM of Larkapar, Tbs road raaa alaagthe hottoin of the Canyon, glggoal MddaOliv the nverhatiuitiK rnlwiHKl in i s, till itmerges Into a mere cattle trail. ThU wild A s if to prove Ih von. I -- halow of aanyoii isknowti hwjilly Ilnltinion-iutr- (onbt thai the win never sets qq tier I m

l'or live years at leant, a vouched for hy ftienss empire, Great lli itnin recently eatab-aetu- al

snaifl hiiinaii nude, in ;,.),, .) ., lir,.t,., t .rtt over ti - Salomon la-

the Ktill wntrheanf thei.iKht. I.aa Mlently Un,K which afa located near the equatorliiirrownl and del ed in lie rich brown .

in t be rm Inc ocean. sahI of N. w wmneaearth until the sides of the canyon are liter- -Bm1 ,,f A nsl ralla, ii.e lar-e- atally honeveoniiHl with his tunnels and J001

cavern. His work is earrtt-- on al wars hy ''da "r'' called CrlstoTal, ReDDtinight, either bv the light .f the moooof ty N'( ' ' ' Arsacldi R,OaaV

dalcanai. Ban tsabel, hotseal aid Ion-

ianthe will wiplike flicker of a rn-- i

tern Tbeiw eavet. mount up into the Then in Rlso cofes smalthiindml. always near t he roots of a tn e, Wands, and tha tin gnu forma a 4e9aOH fully 15feit in circumference ami in slmut i0 miles lnic and contain--

Ufi fieen Tin. iiiifii-- hoh.M nn r.r-fw- iitmimi aronml with biig mdwuud pole.around which dead ferns ami urasM aretarisssd and at the Union. laAavaaa Othmtand smaller botes or caves under the rofiiof ni..' Ml WOOdl an unfencei, hut III lt din with loos. earl h and heaps of dead brush.Thee, too, contain the mystic rr". Mu hvh t he I'fiiu

For live long years this man gopher hasbeen digging and Uiiling. Sometimee work- -

log for several days continuously, at othertime only appearing at long Intervals, no-body has ever ween him at work, and whathe hopes to find aobod knows, for no onebaHwatclml him or listene) to hi mid-night mnttsrlnga

A visit to the scene of these mysteriousholea was made hy an Kaminer t,

It waaa hard trip through thedense chaparral and closely growing trei- -.Hnndred of tha filled in excavations warsvisible, of all shapes nnd sizes aud in everyposition. Near one on the freshly dug earthfootprints were visible, hy another an oldsieve was found, molded with age and ex-posure. Polea stripped of hark and massesof dead brush were t en piled around theremains of former excavations.

Henry Collins, a resident, of Sauaalitoand a keen pottsman, has explored thegulch thoroughly and has often ponderedover the meaning of the holen, of whowe ex-istence he will testify to. Kobody kttOWawhere the mysterious delver comes from orwhere he goes when his night's toil is over.Few have seen him come or go, ami thosethat have described him as a wrinkled,bent aud weather beaten old man, withlong white hair and licard. It is hard toAnd the exact local ion of these places s

one stumbled on them by accident, forthough they cover avast amount of terri-tory they are hidden by the dense vegeta-tion. Only a few days ago his light wasseen wandering about the bill,

The labor and expense consequent to re-move such tons of earth alone and singlehanded, as he has done, and the care andprecision with which t he pi les are setaround the freshly dug holes, with the crossalways in the bottom, all done in the damp-ness and darkness of night, suggest thatthere Is some treasure worth hunting for.

About six yean ago a man driven crazywith cancer on the brain wandered into themountainous region around TamalpaiF., andhis body was finally found by campers, whohad lost their way, lying in the roots of alarge redwood tree. He had come fromI.odl, and Coroner Kden maintains he waspoor, but more that one man tells a storyof his wandering in there with 186,000;which be must have buried, or it may yetbe lying in aotno rotting sack or scatteredin careless profusion amid t lie rankly grow-ing heritage.

This may, then, be the secret of the hu-man gopher's strange work, but the ques-tion still remains unanswered, why theOrOSSf' San Francisco Kxaininer.

gplastsvhood and Longevity.It Is said often and sadlytbat matrimony

Isn't as popular as It used to be. This IsOf OOUrse tO be deplored, but In order toshow the poaaible silver lining to this darkcloud the following Instances of singlbl sednSSS are submit ed:

Mtss Bllaa Work of Henrietta, X. Y.,s to oolebrate her one hundredth birtvery soon. Heudered BOmswhat gar-

rulous by l his proud event, she has at lastgiven out the secret of her longevity. Shesays i hat it is beoause she never drank teaor cotlee. and, alsive all, she nevergot married. Miss w.u k is forher nephew, and she scorns to keep a serv-ant. She has done a big day's work e . ryday for 1") years and expects lo do a goodmany more. Her brother lived to be 101

years old, but Miss Work thinks he mighthave lived many years longer if he had onlyabstained from coffee and marriage.

As if this were not convincing enough,there is the case of Folly Thompson, whodeparted this life not long ago at the age of107. She was the oldest Kuglish subject ofQneen Victoria, having celebrated her onehundred and seventh birthday last June.On that occasion she received congratulatory letters from the queen, the Prince ofWales and the Duchess of York. In spite ofher great age Polly was a hale aud heartyold lady up to a short timebefore her death. She never married.

Longevity is not held out in these storiesas an inducement to neglect matrimony,but as a possible compensation to thosewho are otherwise engaged. New YorkSun.

Autttrallitu Cedar.The most valuable tree produced iu New

South Wales Is the no called red SUatralis, which owes its commonname to the sweet smell of Its wood. It ismuch lighter in weight than mahoHuy, although it lears considerable resciublai.eeto chat wood aud is used for the same pur- -

poses that is, for cabinet work and furiii-ture iu geneaal and for the lltllngs of buildings where the oosl la not too great. Whereit Is kept dry it is very durable. Naturally of a turns to a deeperand richer color with age, and some trevthave a beautiful grain. In The Agncultural Gazette, published at Sydney Intonatingparticulars are given iu regard to the eatabUehmont of forest preeei es la this timber, ami it is grutifyinu to learn that evenin thin new country exlemdve plantationsof young cedar are bstng made every yearand are flourishing tlnrly.

Hatiquet of I'wrU t uderlakers.Thu traditioual annual banquet of the

''sour herring," so called, came off on AllSaints' day. I' was numerously attendedby ihe fraternity ot the undertaker assist-ant and derives its mime from the factthat when the custom was Ilrst establishedand these assistants were only called "por-ters" they assembled once a year for a so-

cial eiitertaiument, the time coincidingwith aiftal nf the sour herrings in theParis markets. The festival wan MMOOOdodby a lull, al which, as a matter of course,the fair partners were treated to "bier" andoffered floral tributei In the shape of booQUete and wreethi tmertean itegister.

Lang "l,et me see, "said Hrown lo. Tones, "isu't

this Jones that we w ere just talking aboutrelative of yours' A distaut relative," said Jones."Very dittantr""I should think so He's the oldest of

13 children, and I'm the youngtwt."Youth's t'omnaninn

iu his Kkklesloxousai, M

gives a polysyllabic wonl which couula77 syllables and letters








fcnr- Thfir Tlttagas Wars fltntleJI iiow-aaaff- y

Raa4 Banting i t ga PepnUM

h. it onr WTtsslaterast lagOrlgta al Mm

Graapfs Naaaai

Inn 10,000 win are mllea,raaaatlras sre JUatass and Papuan 90

r"" n'"1 pPooaDI atwul the uorstEngland .trtoil. und.r her wing, ..

verfVfneiid'.v s'i'i:nl. t in. Si t, do.not take to It with any great show of

nnd a warship c sta-tioned iiinnii.; t ie ,l,iiids to convince theuei"a" uiwwb'ipwwhihh anniDaia inep,hIi,1"11'' are very good earingUow ii hd t icli , e r true phcro ofnese lies in ruling over their dark skinnedbrot here.

In subduing the BekMBOn inlanders andpulling a st up to heircannibalist ic propeneJtteSi however. England has rendered theworld an Undoubted SSrvloa. for hithertothe unfortunate mariner who was cast uponthe shores of these islands was invariablykilled and eaten. The natives formerlyjst-- l bone pointed spears him! hows and ar-

i Ma ontt or thm eouMov tsLjurao.

sows in lighting, but many of them are nowarmed with gUUl They have large warOnnOOg Wtth tall prows and sterns, whichrise In the form of wooden pillars and areadorned with most picturesque and alahorate carvings.

The men and women wear no clothingbut a loin band and at Rubiana, one catheir principal lOWtte, they worship a

idol formed of an upright block ofW4d which bears the Ukenj M of a humanface and has inlaid rings tot eyes nnd earn.In war they are Inveterate head hunters,and their victims It Is saidthat at the time Alvtnlo de Mendana dis-covered the Islands in IWT the nativelooked upon cannibalism ns such n matterof course that the chief of San Isabel sentthe Spanish navigator pari of the of aboy, just as he would have offered half of abullock, and was much offended when Men-dana ordered the present buried.

I'm II very recently the crews of tradersand w haters did not dare land on the is--lauds, owing to the t reachery ai d murder-ous propeii" ii ies of t he natives, and allowedbut few canoes to conic alongside the shipat one time. Che chiefs wi re pel milted tocome on in. .ud a- - iniu li nr t lie s;lke of he- -

curing them ss hostages In the event ofhostilities a- - to ti.. t honor o long asthey behaveil themselves. The bulwarkswere also protected to a c nsiderableheight by bstninock tunings iii onler topreclude a sudden hoarding of the vcseiby the tslandera but in spite of these precautions a number of ship- have fallen intothe bands of tbs oanntbaia. and thetr ojwere mgrdered and devoured. Although afew missionaries am now hard at workanion;.' the Islanders, there are still manyplaces where a small party of w hite menwould lose their heads in short order If thenatives Were convinced that their fatwould remain a mystery

Since t he British gunboat Uapid baahelled a number of n o ie village, how-

ever, and claimed a life for a life every timea white man was murdered the lilsndegahave con 11 tied themselves to amusementsthat were less provocative ol grate andcanister and an aftermath of shot and shell.Not long ago a trader named Duval wasmurdered in Mott bay, emoug the southern,islands of the group. Shortly after theoom mission of the crims the Hapid steam-ed into the bay, cleared for action and thenBSUt word to the chief of the island wherethe murder occurred that if the slayer ofMr. Duval were nol delivered aboard theship in two hours the village would beplowed wilh shells and sowed with a num-ber of choice varieties of grape and canla-te-

The chief had sitbsr experleut d s spoolmen of this method of British cultivationor had heard all about how 1 wadoue,for he caught t he murderer Inatanter, tum-bled into a war canoe with him and withbreathless haste paddled him to the Hapid.The accused man confessed his crime, andthe next morning he was taken a&borc un-der guard of a strong force of murines andsailors and shot in he presence of severalhundred of his fronds and fellow headhunters. Such ISSSOUO as the IhivaLcaaeare rapidly convincing the islanders thatkilling and sating a white man is such an

e luxury that It is quite out ofdate.

There in something of a romance connect-ed w ith the naming of the islands. Meiidauagave theui the they now bear "to thuend that the Spaniard, supposing them toDO thoss tales whence Solomon fetched goldto adorn the temple of Jerusalem, might bemore dt-- i run to go ainl inhabit the same.'Mend, ma's eolouiutt ion scheme faiid, how-ever, for a hen he set out to tiud tueui agaiuhe was unable to do so, und they were lostsight of until t urteret rediscovered themexactly aceiitury later and formed a French

ettlesnSaVl ou San t'hrUtovul, which waaDually anandooad on aoeouat of the uu- -

tamable (erts-it- of the natives.The inlands are of volcanic origiu, and

they (tnssess one at live crater. The goldthat Mendana endeavored to use as a baitto lure colonists to the group was all iu hismind, ami naturallv none of it has everbeen found on the islands. The laud is gen-erally fertile, ) ieldiug brcadd uit, coctta-nut-

yainsaml ,iK" n., and niayalso la cultivated for cotton aud sugar

l.rntlr, hut i Milling.Verisopht Well, after all, 1 believed the

less one known the happier one Is.Genevieve That is a comfortable philos-

ophy You must he very happy. ForgetMe Not.

Mir Knew Jack.Sweetie- - Jack lohl me last uiuht he loved

me, aud then he kissed me.Vetlie- - Ah: He usually kisses the girls

without telling ihem that - Detroit FrPress.


The Hawaiian Star.





uiTiiiu .ihiinstosk, - - BDtTOBi


ot Your In Advance, - St.oo

tvt Month In Advance. - M

fWHtttUt ter Year In Ailvwu1, - I2.0t


khich lor transient and roiromradverUeliMican be obwluiHl at the publication utnce.roeoiire prompt insertion all adv. rtlae-meu-

mn' I'H delivered nt the Bustnesei.tttce before to a. iu.






Result of a Great


Eatat Filial.


Chinese Surrounded



iirk In In IteettlUSO In On PS

(anal 1 til- Kunr Mall Btte I

Rfsdamui AsAlnal I m lis B4UR

Items nf tntseeatiBte. Bta,

I.ovdov. Bept. 17. A dispatch fromSeoul, dato.l yeaterday, says that duringtin' evening of Thursday last a .Iiipanusi'oolomn from Pung San made a recon.nalsaance in force, drawing the Are oftbe Cbl nose forts ami ascertaining ac-

curately their position. Friday nigblall the Japaneae forces were in positionfor a combined atttack. The generalcolumn was threatening tbe Cblneaeleft flank.

Tin1 battle opened Saturday morningnt daybreak itii a direct cannonadeupon the Chinese works, and this lire..a- - continniM without sation until(he alt rnuun.

Tin. .'hiiit'.-t- - tifffiisi's rmffertMl exceedJapanese

great EW ti e tnipH, both ( hine-- e aiiiiJepeaege, Kk every advantage poeeibleui hlielter, nhieh artlivorks on one tideand the nature of the ground theother afforded The flank attaoki uponthe Chinese poet iid not developmaterial advantage during the day,although the .lapanee iranuM muiii- in

at tocolumns of

simultaneously and engagedgrowing


Japanese attack rear, becamepaniostricken and were cut down and

tinSo well wan Japanese attack

that 'hineee wereat every and eventually

sought safety iu flight.Defending the en trench men t were

some of Viceroy I.i Hung ( hang's pickedChinese troops, drilled hy KnropeausThese loldien made a determined standto the and were down to man.The Tung San columns, swarming overthe damaged defenses Chinesefront, completed tin rout of the ChineseBad the Whole of the hitter's positionwas captured hy troops of theMikado.

Half an hour after t he early morningattack commenced,

position i I'ing in thehands of the troops.

CHI -- i m:. m.h

Muunit uf .1 ;t VItoithai 11 iiunu Ohaag ' Dapoudi

I.onijon, Sept, 1H. A dispatch froml'ing Yang, Korea. every addsLo the character of thedefeat. The total Chinese are now

to be over 17,000 killed ( woundedThe Chinese prisoners

not wounded numbered 14,600, it is

probable the number will he increasedthe next few days by prisoners arebfing brought in by Jap.anese cavalry. Besides General TenFonk Wal, Commander in of theManrlmrin Army, who only surrendered

ben badly wounded, Japanesecaptured Generals Tee Paok Woi,ink Wei, Xayu Kow ling and Sei KinLbii practically all the Chineee staff.The Cuinese prisoners are to bo sent toJapan in batches 1,000 on Japanese

Immense quantities of rilles and storesare slucked in t lit public squares atYanc'. The Chinetie prisoners ure fairly

trail treated.Ping Yang in bstmj IMfotlcd in tlio

bed u l that a number of Important CM-Hf- M

sAsSTa in hidinp there undertire ptuaectkrn ot friendly Korean. Tbs J

mill ci( the town an' badly itasttsrad bji

tin. nnnonadiinj "i ths Jsps, bot thecity itself is only llrghtly dsSSSfsd. TbsKorauit littvt' been Informed thai II

thsv shelter to or emnoe In trafflo

iiii (be Cblneie they will bs idmtnsr.lljf witii iy process, of martial laWi

At Toklo oontinttoni srtlller salutesarc being Bred in OBlebralrCffl of tlio

victory of tin' Japaneee Army.Only thlrtj Japaneee w i re killed mm

170 wounded, Including ileeen Japanese

aii Immsnte amount of prorialoos,arms, ammunition and other stores, in

addition to hundreds of flagi "era cap.

tun J by Ihe Japanese.ii la hoped tii efetory may aaren a a

I) mis for peace negotiations. Inquiriesof tlio Jananeee leoatlma here conflrnttin- - reporta ol tin1 elotory nt Ping Vang,

N'kw YoMti September in. A specialdtapntoh Iron Shanghai a: PleJdMarshal Oouni Yagamale, commandingtin' forces, in Koran, la manning with16,000 Japaneee troope on afaokden from

the aouthweati Tbe treaaure capturedat Ping Yang to ;t,lHK),tllitl.


aaaclN i ngaeail i in. I'liin- -

aae Worstad.

NDOX, Sept W. The Chinese North

em Squadron, under Admiral Ting, hasengaged the Japaneee squadron at theYalu river. The Chinese had seven

troop transports under eolivoy. When

the Japaneee squadron came withinranu'e the Chen Yuen fired the first shot,Which returned and Chen Y ueneras soon hotly engaged with two lar:eJapanese cruisers.

Tlie other Japanese vessels got intothe positions they desired and the fighl

became general. For six hours!the battle was Waged furiously, the deepboom of the great riiiis commingling!with the sham renorts of the riiies.

the on sides were 111

engaged lor the whole six hours.The splendid ember Chili Yuen

a prominent part the engagementuntil one of the Japanese vessels ,j.charged a torpedo at her. The misselsped well t. mi its tube and struck theChili Yuen fairly. When it exploded it

Was apparent that it done greatdamage, for the Chili Yuen began almostimmed ately to settle. The crew, how-

ever, stuck to their guns and delivered

sunn' effective shots before the vesselThe belled cruiser Kiang Yuen

met a similar fate, being struek w ith a

torpedo and sinking shortly afterward.Many of the crew of both vessels Srenl

down while standing at dose quarters,Only a tew on board were saved, and itis reported 000 offleOH menwere by the foundering of thetwo vessels.

Alter the Yuen (not Chin Yuen)and the Kiang Yuen had gone down thecruisers Yang Wei and Chan Y ung runaground while maneuvering for position.They were helpless and atire was poured into them from the bigguns of the Japanese, Some of the Jap-a-

se a ar ahips devoted themselves fora lime to the transports, which had nottime to get out ol range.

It is believed several the transportswere BUllk, including one from whichthe troops had not been landed. It liestimated that the total t hlneao loss m

killed and wounded is 1500, It is re--!ported that ihe Japanese lost 1000 killedand wounded.

The Lliim'se claim thai lltroeliips wvrv l)M.

There were fourtcingly irora me tire, duwcm nineteen Japaneae vedoubtf il it '.Ii l.tsves on either side were! llt Yalu river.




( 'hineee nniBit cnat'iJ in

The Japanese olaim none of theirvessels, were lost,

UniLed States Minister Denby ti p trtS

live Chineee and three Japanese vesselsreported ss destroyed and Minister Dunureports from Tokio that the ( hineeearmy totally annihilated al Ping

ang, Korea.

position. Firing was continued in-- 1 ,n aitkai. law.tervals throughout the night.

Meantime two Hanking ls sBr Take Aetloa r.,r

Japam lee drew a oordon around the Obi n"",t--

nese troops and at ."o'clock in the morn- - Waniiim.ton, Sept. 19, The Mileslug the Japaneae attack was delivered Planting and Manufacturing Company

an admirable ol Louisiana in Plantingprecision. and ot' sugar cane, this after-Th- e

Chinesf, utt-rl- unsuspicious of a ' ' applied to Judge in thefrom the

bayoneted by hundreds.the

directed tinpoint

la-- cut a

of the


the strongly de-

fended Vang, wasJapanese



BgJTS hourcrushing Chinese

saidand prisoners.

whoConstantly the


w theWei








was the






that anddrowned








District Supreme Court for a mandamusagainst the Secretary of the Treasuryand Commissioner of Internal Revenueto compel them to continue the inspec-

tion of sugar plantations required by theMc Kinley sugar bounty law.

The petitions state that an inspectionof their plant had refused hy heTreasure officials on the ground that thelateh enacted tariff law annulled andrescinded (he granting ot a bounty tolUgar producers. That the tariff actdoes so operate the petitioners deny.



Work Dent IIHO-IO- ll jo'livirv llliillir till,, ill,.Panama eanal. A eorps of engineers isexpected to arrive soon newFrench steamer, and preliminary oper-ations will he bagWI in OOtObCr, hut ex-

tensive work on eauuotbe until the season,afblob begins lleeemher.

Mil lo litew Beptembar The

net cash iu the Treasury at the close ofbusiness m day was lM,0Ma854i ofwhich represented the foldreserve.

The in the Hartley trial at Heuothe woman guilty of murder in

the second decree and recommendedher to the the court. Thelowest sentence under law

line,neoaior roiey, wnom accuueo oihaving cruelly wronged her.

The DugS of Orleans says he w ill i is k

his lo ad to return to France, ami if isfortunate In securing the throne, he willrisk Ins bead rather than be driven out.


, nisputih Beeeleta at the fnpaaaaifcegatlea

The f Mowing dtapntoh erse maleeit tlio Japaneea legation in this oltj

by tlio ataripoea from Bait Krandeco to-

day.Man I'raNi isi o, Sept. 18th,

Japaneea ttroops. attacked a Cblneaestronghold "ti September 15th, ntPhyong Yayo in tin' proelncn of PingVang. Korea, ami after a eeeeto battle acomplete victor was won the J

.tin-- . siio, cvcloiic


iii'sr, iney taking possession ol 1 nigYang next morning, Mure than 80,0001i hlunan wern kllledi erounded anil caplured, among the latter being Generaliso. a eery large amount of proels"(us ami arma was oapturedi The loanto tin' Japaneee wan si killed andw ounded,


lri' I Masi i mi, 'l tiim VI


i lit


BoppoeetfiNkw York, Bept, 19. Sohedulei of

LiharlesT, VYebaterdi lto.( pnbHabeia, ofwhich linn Batuuel CJfmeba (MarkTwain) is :i partner i wen Bind toidayTin- - Hi in inaili' an assinniiienr April IK

to Bnlnl ridge Colby. The schedulesshow llabilltlee of $194,191, nomtnal

tn f r.'.'.tiiT: actual asts guv,101,

less $W,OO0 hypothecated to the DottedStates National Hank, leaving actualaaaeta $54,194, There mors thanNO creditors.

Governor McK in!

peka OUtobW 3d.Democrats of Utal

Nearly vessels both "






will apeak at To.

nominated J.I.. Rnwllfll for Congress.

The women oi Colorado vote for theAral time in the Doming State election.

of War Steve Klkins willhe a candidate lor Senator (mm WestVirginia.

Both the old parties will make n ill'--termlned effort to rapture West Virginiathis fall.

Mr. Morton, It is now conceded, willbe nominated for Governor by New Y'ork


inventor K. Wilson of West Vir- -mect T. It. Heed

on the stump in that State.Colonel Breckinridge is hesitating,

now that Ashland refuses to send htmto Congress, w hether to enter the licldas a lecturer or the pulpit as a preacher.

Chauncey M. Depew returned homeon the American liner New Mrlicpew asked his politicalposition. He laughed and declined tocommit himself to uuvtliin

New Y'ork Popullats have nominatedCharles it. Matbevrs of Buffalo forOovernor, I!. I. Uewlson tor LieutenantGovernor and Thaddeus B. WakemnnJudge for the Court of Appeals.

Mr. lieid of Maine has received invita-tions to speak in every Slate wherethere is an active Rupublienn organisetion, lie will make his Aral ipeeohabout September '.''nil in New

The revolt iu the Republican party of

Nebraska, led by 1'.. Rosewater, againstthe head of the State ticket, Thomas J.

ijors, opens its campaign this week,Mr. Rosewater will 'stump the Staleagainst Majors.

Unless the situation changes the Republican New York Stale ticket willread like this: i'or Governor, Levi P,Mortonj 4outenantGovernor, FrancisHendricks j Judge of tbe Court of Appeals, Albert s. Height

The Central Committee of the NewYork County Democracy has adoptedresolutions applauding the efforts ofPreside it Cleveland and ChairmanWilson to secure tariff reform and con-

demning the action of Senator Hill.

The Breckinridge element in the Con-- ;

gressional Contest in Kentucky has i?- -

sued a manifesto of a sensations!character, charging ail sorts of tric keryto the opposing side. There a predic-

tion that blood may flow- - at the primaries.

The Democrat party of Nevada lasdeclared fairly and squarely in favor ot

Govern men ownership of the railroadswhich are Indebted to the Government,advocating the foreclosure of the mort-gages they tall due, and opposing the!Beilly Funding Dill.

Returns from 14 towns in Maine giveCleaves (Rep,) 87,047, Johnston (Dem.)j','V.Mi:h Kjssey (People's) 9,4fi6, Daleman(Pop.) 1,858, Republican plurality, 88,- -

UH4. This is an increase of 1,880 inCleaves' vote over and a decreasein Johnston's of 2o,7.v,

Bolters from the Democratic partymet at Carson, Ncv., Friday and nomi-nated a ticket in opposition to the regu- -

tar Democratic ticket uojiiuated on the19th Inst. The nominations were allmad i acclamation, ami the platformwas adopted unauimous,ly.

Iii an Intarrlaw at London .Mr. Wil-

son of Waal decidedly italtxlthai PreaidanI Cleveland luul no tbougblof igsln being a candidate for t lie Praaidenoy. Reed anil lloKlnley were, in

Judge UoConiM directed that Seora. I hi opinion, candidate for t lie Repub-tar- y

OarUala reqaiyed to ahow panae I Uom nomination, bal he thought theon October fill why iiiunilamus should Ke,iihliian parly would prohahly seleetnot issue. la tariff . onsen alive like Allison.

nil PAMAH4 i Av.ti.. "The issue of the Campaign,''says Senator llavis of Minneaota, "if

Prelletlury m the OlUb aoon to I ,,e oonaplououj failure of theOeaaaaeaee. eiatir party to administer the affaire ' f

I'.vnam a (Coloinhia). 10 There the Government in diplomurv. Influ. of

with a

the exeavationsundertaken dry


Trea-u- r.

AMiiNuToN, 18.



mercy of

the is ten


by pa





Y'ork.was regarding







finance, In everything, The Democraticpart) will he on the defensive througl -out the campaign, endeavoring to ju.ti- -

fyHe acta, ihe Republican party ba,'its record and will siaml upon that.''

The Independent American party helda meeting a Chicago last week aminominated a ticket, adopted a platformami formerly entered the campaign.Over 500 men and women were present,A series of resolutions hy A. Winters,declaring for the protection of theAmerican Constitution, the gng thepublic school and the complete Heparietion Ot church and Slate w as adopted.

Two men were killed and a score ofpeople injured half of them fatally, in it

cyclone at Charleston, Mo., Sept. lSihduring which a train was Mown fromII,.. Ir,.c I; WT Km Ik. I

met, the wind lilted Iheline of coaches and landed them a dis-tance of twenty feel from ihe track, al-

most turning them over Those whowere not hurt suriou ly had to freeiliemsi Ives und rescue others lesa forlunate.



Employment II miicl.My a young man a It h a go si. general hu

asm ea silence, s rapid ami excele-n- i

can toop book, irrite Inn Penoe, i jvr-ti-end furhtsti typeB-tite- wlthaet extra

barge, and will perform eio hind ol man.til labor even If offered at low teagea,

Addreai II. I. A., "taa OfAca, us-im



GonsoiiriatedSoda Water luaorks

Co., Ltd.




SICK HEADACHE,Disordered Liver, etc.Thry Act Uht Mapic on the Vital OreansKefiulatine the Secretions, restoring Inn,;lot! fPpU'sion, brinfjinu bark the KcvRiltre of Appetite, and arousmR with lb.

KOSEBUDOF HEALTH the whole phyK..of tlic human fr.imc. These Fact!

are ailmitie by thousands, in all tlaaies Dl

Society. Largest Sale in Ihe World.

flowed with a Tarti-les- ii Solobla Coating.

Ol all druggists. Price M cants a Box,V... n.nni I'snal St.



Wholesale Agents.


Llllto May Ui ntlvy

Born a GeniusDisease Threatens to

Short a Noble CareerBut Hood's Sartaparllla Restoreo

Cood Health.LUIa May BaatlayU ti iMampUibed el.u-tioni-

mill notaml Inra qmksrol only f yearsof aye. hli). is llm uiily .'liilil tiMnjierunctt lecUam bufcin. tat pubtlo. Bar laoltu, howtrar,diii nut uempt tor from an attack at n iihranoot tin. blood. Her own vroroj beai tilltlie story:"C. I. KoodftOa, LowoU, Maaa.i

" i teartlly Join wtta tin' many thousands thatare rei'iniimt'iiillnn lloiui's s.irsuiarllla. I liautoaa troubkxl from infancy ith aaawrlaa, Intbe bead. I was ..iii.. in l. avi. M lmol upuntin. dootor'll.n.,' to ha

Iviimy lift

It 1)1,.,, i,!,i.i.i '

Continued to Crow Worse.I w as persuaded Anally hy tu try Hood'garaaparllla. Ito ot on bottle acted ef- -

Hood'sCurestoetlvely upon tin- blood ami I began to Improve.Alter ths use of ihrcu bottles tliu uatherhineeascil ami I an of my former trouble. Ipweiny life sad win always remain a true Mendto Hood s Barsspaiilla." Lilue May Dkkt-my-.

stieii.y vine, Indiana. Oet ROOD'S

Hood's Pills art easily, yet promptly audelticleatly, on the liver ulnl bowels. 25e.

Hoiiion Drug Uumpgny.Wholesale AkoiiIn.







ne xt 10 Peal Ot9ce,Honolulu

Office, upstairs,Suitable tor lawye

Dwelling liuusr,First elas repair,per month.

Hi' tboUtfbl was



Damon Block.StOpar month.

PunchbowlBeautiful vein

Dwelling house, Punchbowl hill.Almost new, Large oool rooms in tbeheat of condition. Unsurpassed view.Stable ami eko, lOiper niontb.

Dwelling house, T.iliha street,gtebls sto, good on eoooeejlof tbe breese from nuuaan valley, t'Mper monl b.

Dwelling house, Likeiike streetmlnuws walk iroin post ogtoe, A ouaa.

fortable oottaga for a small family. $igper iiionib.

Two stores, KuUAnU street audKttkui lane, 2 stories snob. Wo ierniontb.

Several small cottages in the rearof tlie nlsive meiltioue.1 stores. f(j I., spjpar munlb.

Vacant lot, off port street, a shortdistenos above Bereianla. suitable forareotina two suiull eoitaiss. Alon,; i,.um

will li (ion ol lliis lot on iiasouublc t.vius.sVil'-- tf


Honolulu, August 1, lS)f..C (JSTOMERDram Siri

In reply to yours oftOth till, we would" say that Wtnave all the ffondi ton ar.k (or.In most of the cases the pricesyou quote ate our regular prices,iint 011 some ol the items outprices are lower than von men-tion, and we shall ot course giveyou lite benefit of the reduced

tiles.Razortj and Strops

We are glad you have decidedIn try our new "set blade" razors,and pateill iwillg strops, as intin- country ever man has to dohis own shaving and as shavingbecomes a pleasure with these"tools" we know you will have alarge demand tor them. In d

to Lawn SprinklersWe will say that we have sent aeery Simple one, which cannotivcar out or gel out of order, theirice vou see is low, and theivill tin oood work.

T3 i x tt - ... .jrui;tt.ei i.uiveb e senttit vou order in line an excellent quality mat,

and will say that we have latelyreceived a line assortment so canfurnish anything in this line from15 cents lo $4.00 each. Yet, wehave the Clauss KniY68,have sold them lor a year, eitherin sets or single bread knives.Our stock of Butcher andHunting Knives is also com-plete,

Soap A s vou did not savhow many bars von wished to the100 lbs., are sending one caseeach 42 50 '10 and 70 bars to100 lbs. We carry a heavy stockof this article and, as vou willnoi ice, it is a first grade Laun-dry Soap, and we have nut it inat a very low figure.

We regret that you irot "nip-ped" on thai ' bargain" inFence Wire and note thatin luture you will come to usand get a first class article. Wethought when you told us of your"buy" that before it had been upluii"; you would see you had a"sell."

Inclosing Ictus say that wehave a large and varied stockol Hardware, Ship Chandlery,1 amis oils, andwhen tilling jour ordersalways charge lowest prices.

Truly Yours

E. 0. Hall & Son,Limited,






We have had a !ari;e COJ8IQNMENT made to us of


large and small size.

Our instructions are to sell thesegood at cost, which we will dolong they last. These MA TS

this are of but


' . .i I T : N

must be sold to make room for ourregular stock.

It has been reported that thereis a case ofliver lluke in Honolulusuggests to advisability of lookinginto the question oiFIL TE R EDW. ITER- No easier or moresatisfactory FILTERER WBJ

ever made than the old reliable

STONE WATER FILTER.It should be in every house andoffice they not only filter thewater but cool it.


is another thing withinthe reach of all. If you want a

good REFRIG ERA TOT theEDD 1 ' is the one to buy. Thesame thing applies to the G E. 1

7 CE CR F. IM FR E EZ ERSThese freezers are worth every centwe ask for them.

We have received many newguous uy reeeiil airivuis iniuiinour stock complete in every de- -


REMEMBER we sell

either, and 7'A, 7 RL OIL at 1 1.90 per casewill





delivered at your door (J. O. JJ.CASTLE A COOKE.


UIAMS BROS.Successors to C. E. Williams.


Have just received per bark C. D. Bryantand have on hand a full line of


Pianos, etc.A Variety of BEDROOM, DINING ROOM and PARLOR


A fine line ol BABY CARRIAGES, single and double.

A large assortment of Plain and Fancy MATTING, RUGS andMATS.

PIANOS FOR SALE OR HIRE The Hcmnic & Long Pianosare the best lor tnis country. The) have been in use herelor the last fifteen years and give perfect satisfaction.

CHAIRS TO RENT. Odorless Live Geese FEATHERS,HAIR, EUREKA and EXCELSIOR always on hand; alsoFurniture Coverings. First class UPHOLSTERING done.Mattresses made over, Furniture repaired. Goods orderedIroin Catalogue at lowest prices.

MONUMENTS AND HEAD STONES lurnished to order.Samples can be seen on application.

Orders Iroin the othei Islands promptly and faithfully attendedto, and all goods carefully packed.

609 and 611 King St., adjoining the Arlington Hotel.Tc U phones Mutual 76; Bell 179.


This Tour-ist knowshow to en-

joy life. Hetakes it easyand drinksNAPA


Clear, bright and sparkling is thisKing of Mineral Waters.

For Sale by



Agents for the

NOTCheap and Doubtful

BUTPure and Reliable




402, 404HA VI





Of the Latest Patterns.

Bird CagesFor Canaries and Parrots a Large

Vacuum OilersFor All Kinds of Machinery. Feed oil of

any density, automatically, by visible drops, rapidlyor slowly as may be required. Will feed from onedrop in ten minutes to a steady stream of oil. Oilingby hand wastes enough oil to pay for all necessaryoilers in a short time.


Safe Deposit I


ON HAND FOR SALEShanes Hawaiian Agricultural ( o. Slock.

" Kuhukii Plantation stock." Hawaiian Huoar Company Stock." Ewa Plantation " "" Peoples Ice Stock.


Ewn Plantation 1st uiorgagu (7 per eent)Bonds.

Hawaiian Bonds boughtanil Sold.BctCUre your viilmihlt's hy tak-

ing a box in the Safe Deposit Vaults.THE HAWAIIAN SAKE DEPOSIT

AND ."lO.lue Fort Stkket, Honolulu.

loll If

rule DADCD f on tn m k. cI nio rBrCn OAKK'S Advertisingtgenoy, t4 and lift Mcrelnuit'H Exchange. MmFrancisco, Oaii coiuraeo, for adver- -

K fnrlt ,






Corner Hotel anil Nuuanu Streets.


Wines I BrandiesOyster Cocktails a Specialty.

E. N. REQUA,Itil'tf Manager.

BEAYER SALOON.Fort Stieet. - Opposite Wilder & Co.

H. J. NOLTK, Prop'r.Klrt-Clns- s Lunebef nerved with Tea, Coffee

Koda Watel Ginger .Me or Alilk.

!"Smolters' Requisites a Specialty.


PHAETON,:: & BUUGIES:Enameled duck top, cloth lined $15Leather top, cloth lined, - - 40

HACKS:Enameled duck top, cloth lined 16

SURREYS:Canopy trimmed, deep scallop fringe, 14

The Hawaiian Carriage Mfg Co,



Tfiic COflTflACl run iHirr.s oivi.xTO HOLM! hit.

Tin- App1ttlOfl of Ilr. M i iii TfMlEfVprot Trip Ofttt

BlIttM! ltMrt.

The II mnl of lit all h met nt I) o'clockforWedneeda; afternoon, President w. o.

Hlnilli ill tilt chair. Those presentwen: Ins. My, Wmnl. Kincrsnti andl.aidhi.v, and Messrs. WatSfhOUSe Knn

ami Lackland.Minutes Of last meetinjr were then

rend and approved.Tin' flrsi utter brought to the atten-- i

inn of the Board wan the tenderi forbeef rattle for the Leper settlement.Two tendera were receive.!. One from

inthe Parker estate, on BOO ll. cattle$'J-- head. The other from Baleskalarancli, Hi Pi Baldwin, was for onttleof the same weight, but nt $11 nn.l of

tfiejeed. It wns unanimously decidedto accept the latter bi.l, ami wnr.l tothat effeot was transmitted to Mr.Baldwin by the atfatner Hawaii, leav-

ing the same afternoon,The report from the drag committee

was read. The showed liolllsterDrag Company! bid to be 1545.14 lowerthan thai of the Hobroti Drug Company,in acoord therewith the contract fordrugs was let to the lirst named firm.

A report from the committee ofleprosy recommended that the Hoardof Health proceed at once to Collect

from any and all parts of the world all ofavailable information upon the diseaseand institute a cries .if experiments inthe hope oi lUCces! "r ui .learning snme-tbin-

of I he habits of leprosy. All in-

formation accrued under these experi-ments, as well as the method! adoptedby any leper specialist in or coming fntothe country, must be the property utand under the supervision of the JloanIof Health,

Tlie following im the report received :

HOKOUJLO, Sept. t(, 1894.Hon. W. Smith, I'reHiileiit Hoard

of Health. Sir: The ( 'oniniitteeon Lep-rosy bes (pave to present (lie followingrecommendal ions regarding the treat-ment ol leprosy in future by the Boardot Health.

Kirst Your Committee believe:? thatall experiments having in view t he re-lict' or cure of leprosy should be eon- -duoted Under direct supervision of theHoard of Health, and that the Hoardshould have full knowledge of the com-position and mode of sdministration ofall remedies used in sueh experiments!

Second Your Committee recommendsthat the Board i without necessary delay,inmitute a series of experiments for theamelioration or cure ol leprosy. ThatBUCh experiments be conducted in athorough, systematic and scientific manner, under tin; direct ion of qualifiedphysicians; and that they ve continuedas theie is Leprosy in the HawaiianIslands.

Third That full, continuous and ac-

curate notes ot all cases treated be pre-served by In1 Hoard.

Fourth That the Hoard appoint aCommission on Leprosy to take fullcharge of the experiments, and record?ol the cai treated ; to ri.iieeta.Hl pre- - i

serve all uii- un it- hum .iipresent bi liusse.-sio- of the Hoard ..

well as all that can be obtained fromother countries on the subject; to enterinto correspondence with all otherCountries in which leprosy provnilH ;

and to take such other steps as may bedeemed advisable or useful in obtainingadditional knowledge of the symptoms.progress, manner of communication amitreatment of leprosy,

(Signed) 0. H. Wood,.1. Etra,

Committee on Leprosy.This report Damn up with the subject

of Kranl'!lK I'1 Laidlaw a permit to ex-

periment at Kalihi, The report was notfavorable to Ir. Laidlaw's reiiUest, andwas adopt d by the Board.

President Smith introduced the sub-

ject of requiring physicians in the employ of the Bnaid of Health to makeannual n ports ot certain subjects com-

ing up in their wurk so lh it thefrub r iity might hs e the benefit of he rexperiences, experiments and observa-tions. He thought these things shouldbe Hied away for future InformationsThe President also suggested the expt d- -

iency of an i.nuual conference of physi-

cians.Dr. Emerson thought if it was

the work of the mediialfraternit to a fo us for mutual henet tit would he better, pirhaps, to organizea medical society. After some favor-

able discussion, however, the subjectwas postponed for luture consideration.

An application from Dr. H. V. Mur-

ray of New York for a license to prac-

tice medicine in the Hawaiian Inlandswhs read. Dr. Murray was a physicianon the C. A. S S. Wariimoo.

A letter from )r. Hugus of Ohio,who bus been invited to accept theposition of Government physician onMolokai, declining that offer, was read.

A letter from Dr. J. K. Smith of Ko-lo-

Kauai, resigning the position ofGovernment phyaioian at that placewas read and lile.l.

Dr. A. MourllS was then given theplace at Molokai.

Letters were read from Sheriff Williamsof Hllo, who is also agent of the Hoard ofHealth, if u strict quarantineshould be maintained in the fuses ofscarlatina which has appeared in thatquarter. The physloians oi the Hoarddoubted that the disease was reallyBcarletitia, bui it that were the case noeffort! should la- spared to stamp it out.The persons atte.'te.l hy scarlet tevershould i.e stnei Iv oiiaranlined and theolothes ol such thoroughly fumigated,

The suggestion was made thai SheriffWilliams be renin red to call ilie physi- -ctatis ot ihctlistrifi together lor examinatitm of ami eonsuitat ion ujmhi theomhm reported ftud Mubult their findingto the Board 'l Health. hup--tion wa adopted s The dUoretlon of theHih) phyiiolftni will be that diieaaemust not be loarlftl lever or must bequarantined. Dr. Wood was author aedto instruct Sheiilf Williams acconhtigly,on behalf ol t he lioui d.

h l, i'e II.. Uu.MaH snool-ln.- l 1.,.'

several eases ot German ineasles hadappeared in Kawalahao Seminary onKiiiL' street. The disease is not dai'iL'er- -ous and no alarm need tie entartainadon 11s account.

The question erf the physician at WaUluka boarding the John Sniith from thisporta lea weeki ago at Kahulai andthe Captain re using to paying tlieCharge!, as he had cleared OOU Ilono- -

ni ii came up. To avoid sueh an errorin future, Henry English, pilot, wasmade Health ollicer and agent of theBoard at Kahului,

Mr. (tarlta oi the Japan seeask.-- pe mission to exhume and cre- -pjtttttba body of Udxuuii, a Japanese

juhje. t who wm kilted In South K i.n,Hanaii.on 8rd ol Bentrniber by011 hii axe 111 ilie liHi.da of oneI n llida.

Tliv linnr ' .1 1 ti nt n cremationnnht impair evidence agttnsl themurderei the matter should be referredto the A tt"nicy-- i ioiieral, Which wasdone,

At ftWtbe Hoard adjourned.

LATKaT n n w mrattto.The bicycle may soon be Introduced

service in the army.Nine per cent, of Niagara's (low is

now diverted through canals.The political testament of the late

Oomte de Paris will soon he published.A serious labor riot is in progress

among the miners at Motherwell, Scot-lau-

Prince Bismarck lately received alarge deputation of admirers from Stolp,

Pomernnia and Poeen,

Kniperor William highly praise! hisarmy, while criticising the maneuver!

the Seventeenth Army Corps.

Humors are circulated in London thattiii- Government proposes to coin a

British silver dollar for Eastern trade.The Kmpress of Germany has return-

ed to the new palace at Potsdam fromKonlgeburg and other places in thenorth-eas- t.

It is stated at Paris that the Pope hasintimated that he will not receive M.Zola, when the latter goes to Koinenext month.

The captured train robbers, LincolnOverfleld and Charles Abrams, are In!

jail at Memphis, Mo., waiting the actionthe (Iran. I Jury.

Prominent Hebrew residents of NewYork are preparing for the erection of abronie statue to the memory of the lateJesse Seliginan. the banker and philan-thropist.

Freid.din von Holbein, thelnst livingdescendant of the famous painter poornn.l nViTi'tiit, has i ailinitteil us aninmate into tlie poorbOUSS at AiisniK.Bohemig.

I resilient l'etxnto nan omoiauy .leineilthe report circulated by the newkgenoy that Admiral Da dams an.lother officers have been shot in theFortress Santa Cruz.

A man in Cedar county. Iowa, husbeen Importing wolfskins from Canadaand collecting the bounty paid byIowa. When he bought seventy-fiv- e atonee ttie County Auditors tunilile.l. inj? with Wilson and Ins OUrlng by F, H. Wagner, on behalf of himself

The President of in honor 'be afternoon, and it is learned Un,l others, f. r a license t I erect a brew-o- fday, has pardoned all "'tit they too are loath to talk of the t.,-- llt m 0, coat to approach

the political prisoners in tlie national matter. l()0,(X)0.This pardon covers the Americans I To day. Detective Larson was Mr, Brown said the Council! had no

connected with the Monpiito uprising, 'n to investigate the matter, but so far authority to grajit licenses. Thethe recent election in Arkansas an ll" fl"""1 "" olued tha Ptatol ,hooter' MlnUterof the Interior bad that matter

amendment to the Constitution was "8 Nap and WUson were Been ln handi ,, motion the petition wasadopted, abolishing special elections an.luulh irizing the Governor to vacan-cic-

in itnv Statu, roiintv or fcnwtiahindoubt the itatomenta of the Chinaman0)ipas it Houiitls so reniarkablv fish v.

1h prt'panntr to tt)rfc Maiiaas-- i ., r . , . rhe fellow tells the Htorv in two or

car into forirnevaiiee.s ".,eivniK, , : or three different ways, To the tietec-reeeiv-

at t In atter s hawK It. .... . ... , .. . ... .

evea ina r ranee aesign u maon(teener. anO t ha I lie lleel in to iiism'sMadagaacar,

After the evidence for the prosecutionof the Debs case at Chicago was in, thedefense rested their case on the evi-

dence now This was in the natureof a surprise, and arguments will beginon the 25th inst.

At OttUmwa, 111., Phoebe Irwin, aspinster of tifty-flve- , has brought a

breach of promise suit for a large sumagainst Rev. Christopher Lazenburg, asuperannuated Methodist ministereighty years of age.

General Francisco de Bourbon, wholast week issued a manifesto claimingheritage to the house of France, will hekept under military arrest for tw--

months at Madrid as punishment forissuing tlie manifesto. j

Stormy Jordan of Ottumwa, Iowa,the notorious saloon man, once lmnienaely wealthy, has spent all bismoney lighting 1 iwa's Prohibition law.His place was closed recently becausehe could not pay the license.

From September 8th tolllb there were nine:y-tw- o cases ofcholer. in St. Petersburg an.l fitlydeaths from tlie disease. In Warsawd iring lh same time there were thirty- -five cases and fourteen deal lis

I is announced from Panama that a

now steamship line, vessels to be builtin Bng'and and to sail under the Mex-

ican Hag, is to established betweenPanama and San Francisco, to connectw"" t,le teliauntepec Hallway,

During tlie hist year the German armycounted 11,010 recruits more ilKj

ranks than the law of August 3, 18U3

regarding the new peace-foolin- g calledfor. This excess was mainly duo to thegreater number uf one-yea- r volunteers.

The plague which desolate Hong-

kong has made its appearance at Ainoy,some fifty casts have been detected. Itis supposed to have been taken there byvictims traveled from Hongkongoverlau.1 to escape the medical author-ities.

.1. V. Btaengele, a civil engineer, shotand killel Mrs. Mabel Colvin on thestreet and then blew out his own brainsat Portland, Oregon, lately. Mrs.Col v iu's people are among t he we ilthieslin New England and she was well known,,, Boston

Advices from Bogota 117 thai HobKui'i has from the Presidency

r the Senate and hash succeededby Crespo. A correspon-h-n- in Mana-

gua. Nicaragua, sends word that theliisi.op . f ffioaragua has heeu appointeda geneei in the army.

The military c. 111 1 of Inquiry atOlympbia, Wash.. Bnds that CompanyG (if Spokane was guilty of mutinousconduct last July .luring the slril.e and

" c"urt re..muends the disbandntant f the oouipany, It is reoom

' mended that Captain Stearns, in pi l

mtttlnu bis company to be stoned, bedischaiged.

M A 1:1.111.

BOMtBH BoOOWAN In North T.Alameda county, Cai., Sen

teinher 12. 1884, by llev. Dr. Coyleof Uaklaud, K. N. Holiues of I 111.,

to Mary Mclioveun.

Sweden is tired of Nui w ay ai d talks oi

war or separation







VOLLKYS on kimi STRRKt UKAltDn V two MRU,

sinikpi, rintntA ami m i. HarassAll i . hy llioite III


Shortly after a o'clock We Inesdayafternoon, a group of men wer- Standing on King street in front ofstoic, having just left Cunha's sal. on.Kx .Marshal C. H. Wilson and JumpsBoyd, Agent of Government Lands,formed the center of fie group nnwere talking in a heated inaiinpr of aroot nt horse trade. Both men had beendrinking.

Finally Boyd became somewhat ex-


and intimated that Wilson, thenotorious, was a rascal, whereupon thelatter struck at the former with his fist.Boyd dexterously avoided the blow andBetted Wilson around the body, but notwishing an altercation desisted fromthrowing the offender down.

The conversation continued untilBoyd had had his say, when he took it;his hack and drove away.

Then came the singular part of thestory. At 0:10 Wilson turned downKing toward Nuiianu, and just beforereaching Young Nap's store It is allegedthat two shots were fired in the imme- -

dial vicinity, ami the whistle of bulletswere heard around the corner of the inburnt square.

Young Xnp. the Chinese tobacconist,"nd Wilson seem to be the only partieswho wire present at the time.The former tells a very fishy story andand Wilson will not talk. It is not be-

lieved that either knows very muchabout it and outside evidence is impos-

sible to procure.Young Nap says that he was sitting in

trout ot Ins store anu saw- Hson ap- -(J a a SIU,,UI1 two loud re

ports of a pistol were heard.Wilson Stopped instantly, nn.l an

quickly the sound of bullets whiNiling,v WHM ,liri JK. HilVH tha, saj(1 to

Wilson, "Charlie, did you hear that?"Wilson replied, Yet.: where did itcome frmn'r" The Chinaman goes on tostate that Wilson approaehed him andwarned bim to say nothing about thematter.

In the meanwhile two newspapermen up. These had been imbib--

oy ine ueiecnve, nut nomine; waseduced to throw any light upon the

v t lie ni 'i 'i i i s in sen in-

Uom fche dIreotlon 0f Alhworthi bar- -

her shop on the other side of the street.To others he has said that the reportswere distinctively to the rear of hisown shop.

Wilson will not talk, an.l it is notknown what he thinks. If he believessome one has tried to take his life,there is evidently a deep desire on hispart to keep the subject oniet. And ifhe thinks some one w.-.- s merelv shoot- -ing cats in the back yard, he does not ofseem disposed to reveal his opinion.

The detective b lievcs that the entirestory is overdrawn and was probablydue to imagination. Hedoubta the claim made thai shots werefired, and even if such was the case hediscredits the opinion so freely ex- -

pressed that Mr. Wilson was the markman's target,

'The question is, "If any one at all,who shot at Mr. Wilson?"


The Hawaii took seven lepers toMolokal yesterday.

Dr. Rodger! di.i not go Willi theRegistration Hoard this trip.

The Mariposa Mill leave for theColonies at b o'clock this p. m.

There w ill he a nubile concert on ther,o ,,f iha Ravaliiui Rnul H,i

evening.Augustus Paul, an old colored man,

died at the Queen'i Hospital Wednesdayevening.

The contract for the new pumpingplant will not he given out until afterOctober 1st-

W. Wolters und C. J. Mcfarthy havo j

the Criterion Saloon for thesum of 110,000

The liiennud of the i.l.

of the Board of Health I now arilbto.It it a very instructive pumphclut.


The Society for the Prevention ofCruelty tu Annuals will meet ut theY. M. Cs A. thin evening at 7:;.u o'olooki

The Hawaiian Republican Club willmeet iit the American League hall thisevening for the purpose of electing


Major and Mis. Kyle, of San Fran-cisco, arrived this morning on theM. uiposa .11 iniitf. for Australia, andw ill conduct u meeting in the SalvationArmy Ilarracks, corner of King ami

street 1 at 0 o'clock this afternoon.

John Leavitt, a l.arber and a religiousfanatic, attempted to walk on theat I'ort 1 owiibcud, and is doing so

areiy escaped drowning. After threetrial-- eaeli liuie being rescued by

Install leis, he was taken in hand byChief of l'olice Wilkes and sent to thel mint .1 .il.

It is a bum . r ot general invertatl. namong politicians in Washington thatPresident Cleveland is getting rich varyrapidly, It is said, indeed, that he is

now worth neatly I." 0 UU0, some of itin i in real estate, some in stocks andtin- r. st iii corporation holdings. N. Y.gun,

Cerro I'ascn and Port C.isina, Peru,have been taken by the rebels. TheGovernment is actively preparing anexpedition ior their recapture.

1MB. Hawaiian siak THURSi.rtv SEPTEMBER 27 1S04.


aiix tiles mil. iii Batesbara InMM M i.nst Week.

GALFsnrRo (III.), Sept. 10. Fift mthousand people yelled tbettieleeflhoarse this afternoon when the greattrotting queen, Alix.bcat the world'record by coming under the wire ill2:0:i'.,.



jiils. called



The start was made in splendid styleAllx came as regularly and steady as

lock-wor- with head down and her It.

short pointed ears twitching nervously,When she Started up the homo Itretob

there, was the greatest Biottoment,Some started to yell but were suppressed, ns Alix was moving downwithout apparent effort. Thus farthere had not been a false step, a wab-

ble of any kind. She seemed to fairlyto get away from the horse that

came thnn leiing just behind. As shethe wire many men glanced at

their wat. lies ami said: ".She w ill notmake it.

The hist few rods sho again seemed to

increase tier marvelous spceil. anil asshe darted under the wire the shoulwent up from thousand... 'She! done

she's done it."The cheering was prolonged, and it

was some time before Williams couldquiet the crowd so as to make himselfheard. He then announced "Youhave witnessed the fastest heat ever rHotted hv any trotter on the globe. The1Hist quarter was made In (::)() j, the half I.

1:111). the three .punters in 1::JJ, and -

the mile in 8i08f."3.





Mr. KimiM'tutii Akf. ievaral Qaeatloaa.if OoaiBBIttee Tit

MeetKM .

'in, Eseontive and Advisory Sounelli,m.t in lmsiii.8 session at :i

o'olook thi afternoon, President W. t !.

Wilder in tlie chair, Those prtwere: Ministers Hatch, King,Damon, Smith, and t'ouucilmeli Drown, onBna, Waterhouse, Allen. .Smith, Men

donca, Bmiuelttth and Itolte.Minutes ot last meeting w ere rend and

approved.The secretary read a petition slffned

referred to the Interior Denartment.Mr. Damon read the weekly financial

statement.Mr. Ilrown, for the Judiciary Coin- -

mittee reported favorably upon the ap-

plication of John F. Colbum forance of salary due him for serv I. esduring the late revolution, and Introduoed a spe.-ia- hill to that effect whichpassed its lirst reading.

For the same committee. Mr. ltrown aintroduced a supplement hill to replacethe net to promote the objoots ofBishop's museum.

On motion of Mr. Smith the supple-ment hill was deferred to he consideredwith tlie bill.

For the same committee Mr. Ilrownreported, recommending the restoration

civil rights to Vincent Fernando! andPeter Quinn, as per previous applica-tions Hotb reports were adopted.

Mr. Brown introduced an Act givingtlie Minister of the Interior the power of

granting amendments to charters,articles of association or coporation.Passed lirst reading.

Mr. Bmmeluth asked the Minister ofi

Foreign Affairs what had b. come of hisquestions, asked some wi eks ago,

.lapan.-s- Immigration,Mr. Hatch asked for further tune.Mr. inn:, lm arose and said that

there was a matter in the Minister ofinterior's Office which In deaiied tomention. Does Allen's new build-

ing come wit hin the requirements of the'Session laws of 18081

Minister King replied that Mr. UnwellIliad reported the matter favorably, TheSuperintendent f Public Works wasabsent, hut when he relumed the building would he rcmcaeured if desired.

Mr. Bmmeluth then assailed tiio In-

terior Department for permitting theconstruction of the little building of Mr.

Ilruns nenr the old ice house on Foitstreet, charging that the same was inviolation of the law. He askedif the personei of the Labor Commissionhail 1hlii deci'luil noon. If 110L he oiir- -

poted iulrodiiein an ainendnieiit.Minister refilled that the Com-

mission was Dot y. t tilled.Mr. F.inmehith then Biked if there

"l Iru,n ,n UH rP" tint Mr.

IhurHlou had heeu to Ku- -rope fur the purpose of negotiating forlaborers. Mr. Hatch replied that Mr.

Thurston had been tent to Kurope withInstructions to plot-lir- and ship lalsirersto the Hawaiian Islands.

Mr. Bmmeluth introduced a billamending the Labor Commission bill.

the word "shall" to "may,"to make it required that a mechanicand planter may be appointed, etc., in

place rrf ahall be, Passed first reading. I

Mr. Damon presented a bill of 1054.14for printing the Constitution. Allowed

The Act relating lo boo el i n s p:i- -

second reading.he act relating to BMotioBS an.1 .

I..KI...I Ml , Ol It. I ...... . II I.,,"' " "ion third reading, and was read hv s.-


lion.. ma. section w .s lead.Mr. Allen olfcired an amendiin nl to

follow the word 'expended to read isfollows: "Excepting only sotial. e

.expenses for conveving peisons to pel-

ling places on election dnv. On a,,i hma Mr M. i i.

inent was adoptedNo. 2 of Section I came up. Mr.

All..,. hmmI ,,.H,rii,u o ndedi

hy Mr. D, M Smith, and so ordered.Tllla item related lo campaign demon'strations.

At i80 the Councils went into lv- -SOUlIVS Session.

Persons having baggage in the siLoul! Lodging lb .Us. must call forsame by Thursday noon or the sain,will be to d at ion .ion.


snblleM t siM - i f( iMRfiHIin,

WvsilINOTnx -- eii.iiib r 10. - TheAmerican Protective Tariff League,Which lins its lipad.puii ti ra nt New'Tcrk, is with the Hepubli- -

can 'ongressionnl Campnign Com- -mittee, mid they are cnlciilnting that thelb n o of Repreesntatlves of the Kiftv- -

fourth Congress will contain lfg licpubmil I lemocrnts ami .1 Ponulists or

Fuslunlita, The remaining thirty-nifl- c

districts nr.. considered doubtful. Onthe Pacille const this estimate contem-plates a change only in California.Washington Ifl expected to return twoRepublicans. Oregon has already de-o- ld

d. mi far as that Slate is e.incerned.Nevada w ill probobly continue a Popu- - MIi' bin California, which nowsen-i- tin, ,. Republicans and four Dam- -Oct - counted Upon to return fiveH..p.i.i,"ans and possibly one I 'enmorat

.tin. .t her district is considered doubltil. This estimate is regarded as verv

rvativeand not ai all influencedby perceniae of gains in IfOORteki tions in Vermont and M due.

&ii.tini Qeneeet. to

'I Hawaiian Band,-unde- the lead inup i Professor Berger, will i"i..' u

I"1 ooMerl iiiio evening at TtSO ofck, at t he Hawaiian Hotel. Follow

ii tii. program t.i be rendered t insam i.

Ovcrtur. MftiiHftiiii'lIn". . AiibiTorn.-i "See rlosrer '.

U.lllillHOllMr. Chas Kreuter

Pantasla "Musk Making Olpslejs" Elkmberg I

Selecllo.i "Lohengrin" (by re--nMt) . agner

I'XHT II.Medl "MttBic I llevieiv".

. HeviereTrombone Solo -- Sweet M rie".

.MooreMr. L Arnaud.

Fantasia "Moeqolto Dance".Bllenberg

Walti "The Paradise of thePacific" .Berger

"Hawaii Ponoi."

i tu Come,Word was received by mail a.

from i.n official source that the I'. S. S.

Philadelphia, with Admiral Beardsleeboard, will arrive at Honolulu in to

October, comtog as soon as her repairsare completed. She will probably lestationed her...

THAT .mm i, i i the exhilarating sense of renewedhealth and strength upd internal cleanli-

ness, Which follows the use of Syrup offigs, is unknown to the few who havenot progressed beyond the old time medi-

cines and the cheap substitutes st me-tii-

offered hut never accepted by thewell Informed)


The Kaala left at noon for theWest side.

The S. I'. Alhn. Thompson commander, was cleared y for SanFrancisco hy c. Brewer ft k,

The S. S, Mariposa, Hay ward com.mander, lefl Ban Francisco Thursday,September 80th at 4 p. m., with :io cabin

id 31 steerage passengers for this port.80 through cabin passengers. Had apleasant voyage down and reachedHonolulu mis day at ! a. m.


A Kill V I,.

From Ban Francisco, per Australia,Sei.l Mrs V 11 Aldrich, Louis ltel- -

aud wife. John Cowos, Miss KDaglelsh, W R Datley, E P Perry, W M

Perrv, A Qerberding, Mrs W M Uiffard,Mrt M l Hicks. A I II Mallei:, Mis K

Johnson, T.I King. Clifton Mityue Jr,Lloul James Mitchell ni d wile, I A

Nannery, Mis- - Qeuevieve Nunnery, Miss 'Miss llin Moil Smith

Mi - May Mutt-Smit- B C Macfarlsne,Bev II W p. ck. Richard Scott, ti NilShinier, wife and two children, I.

ampbell. W W Ferris, W N Hires an.lwit.. Mortimer Snow nn.l wife. MissVirginia Stevens, Miss Helen Stevens.Jean Weiner, Geo J Willey, and J4steerage.

From Kauai, per stmt Jamee Ma-

ine. Sept 87 Wm Blaisdell, Wm Bassle,and on deck.

bi r.MtTKb.a San per S ' Allen, t

.1 Stoneuiao, F..1 HIM xer, l. lIsiwugh, D, H Luidlaw Will", illitl- Boston,

AltltlV Al.v

BtnwDATi Bepl VttSttnr Jmes Maee, lVtcmoti, innu

Kiiiai.S S Mariposa, I lay wind, from Sat)


The tension! of the Hoard of Registra-tion in Honolulu will he suspended from

' dneaday, September 20th to Satur-day. September '.'Uth inclusive and willhe renamed on Monday, October 1st.

The Hoard will sit at Kuneohe onWednesday from II a. in.; to 0 p. ID,

at Qaupjjaon Tburaday from 11 u. m, to2 p. 111; t Kahuku Plantation 011 Thurs-day ir. in in m p. in.: at Planta-tion on Friday from I to 8 p, mi mid atKwa Court House on Saturday from Hi

11. 111. to p. in.C. T. 111)1)1 Kits.HENBY c. MBYBB8.1.. 1). KELUPIO.

Board of Begietration, Island of Oahu.00-- 8t


Diatriol of Komi. of Oahu,

r a v i. ......n..i3that a penalty of ten (Hh cent, must'.,ba added to all PERSONAL TAXES remauling due and unpaid alter Ihe :tuih

day of Sepleniliei as provided for III', .Section 2, Act 81 ol the 18th of April,IHU:t. viz:

"If anv Personal T.txes due ithat is toHfty Poll Tax, Road Tax and School Tax),"lm" remain unp .i alter the .iutn .layof September, ten per cent, of suchtaxes shall be a.liled hy the Assessorand shall he C llaOted as a part of suchtaxes.

JONATHAN SHAW,AssesSOf 1st Division

ApprovedS. M. ilainon.

Minister of Finance461 It

MlE MaeHfla e .I home a. in.Ms W, i . ii.. i hi 'lit

from lb Si a n to dayT. .1. King, of the California Iced

Company, has returned.Mrs. W. 11. Atdrloh arrived by the

Maiip-is- from CaliforniaW. N. Hires and wife, the Hires' Hoot

Beer man, arrived in the Islands to day.Rev, ii. w. Peck, late secretary of the

V. If, ('. A., returned to the Islands to-


Dr. Laldlawand wife, late of Bpreck- -

elsville, left hy the Allen for theStat.- -.

Miss Mott Smith. Myra and May

Milt Suith returned home by theu iposa.

Uenevieve Nunnery is with the I'aileyCompany, but May Nunnery and MissOssein on did not aptntn- -

Major Philip Ky ... wife nn.l th e"otiildten, of tin- Solvation Army, aiepassengers for Sydney by the Mnriposa.

Mr. F. .1 Btonetnai , lat of Bum on8- mi. in oi. attorne.s leftday by the 8. G. Ah. ii lor his home0 illfornfa,Lieutenant Jainea Mitchell and wifethe s. Army, arrived by the Ma.-i- -,

posa I. -- day ami will spen s." nil weekst be tslai ds.

Board of Examiners

,m ' ,:''" Board of Examiner! t..rSpeciaJ Kilits o( ritlaefjehlp will sit tKabeohe necl Wedtu l. : IIhuuIii mnlKahuku. Thn radar i Rwa nanlaHm.rridayt Kwa'Cunrl House, Haturday,


lui-r- tt

Teachers' Examination.

An examination for teachers' primarycertificate! will he held at the SchoolHouse, Llhue, Kauai, commencing at 8

in. sharp, on Friday, October 5 andSaturday, October o. All uncertifi-cated teachers on the Island are reipiired

be present.ALATAL' T. ATKINSON,Inspector-Gener- of .Schools.

40! I at

Amendment to Regulation I ofRules and Regulations for Ad-

min later i ng Oatha and HoldingElections.

The description of the nth Precinct ofthe 'Jnd District (Island of Hawaii) isamended so as to read:

"From the boundary between SouthBona and Kau to the westerly liound- -

iry of Punaluu."SANFOHD II. DOLL,


FRANCIS M. HATCH.Minister of Foreign Affaire.

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

S. M. DAMON,Minister of Fin anOS

WILLIAM (). SMITHAttorney General.

Honolulu, September --'4, 1MI4.

l40U-- :St

Water Notice.

H.lNol.l t.r. II. I,, Sept. 14th, 1HU4.

An engine will be at work at ThomasS.piare pumping iUlO the mains from

to in o'clock a. in., and 4 to ti o'clockp. ni.. until further notice, to supplywater to the residents living on theslope of Punchbowl lull.

ANDKI'.W HKOWNSupt, of Honolulu Water Works.

4'i- -lf


Owing to the drought and scarcity ofwater, the residents above Judd streetare requested to collect what water they

... - .i...i.i M u.limy itniiiii- tin iioiint-iioi'- i 1111 iu:o. .

tore n o cluck a. m.

ANDREW BROWN,Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Honolulu, 11. I., July 90, iKU4.

4i:-i- f


Holders of water privileges, OT thosipaying water rates, are hereby notitledthat the hours fur irrigation purposesare from 7 to 8 o'clock a. 111. un.l 5 tu 0

o'clock p. ui.A. HBOWN,

Supt. Honolulu Water Works.Approved: J. A. KINO.

Minister of the Interior.Office Honolulu Water Works.

Honolulu, May 85, 1S94.8S7-t- f

D. IIaward Hitchcock

Hal resumed his instruction in draw-in-

and painting at his classroom, Hotel St.

Classes every Wednesday and Satui-da- v

from 8 a. m. to 12 111.

Those desirii g to enter should mukeearly application.Itli 1 w


RBPAIRINOand only such, take your time-

piece to

H. F. WlCllMAN,We do good work only. Cheap

work must necessarily lie poorwork; If you value your timepieceat all, take it where it will be treated well, repaired well, anil give theUtnUMt satisfaction.

Complicated work our specialty ;

watches detnagniti.eil : key winderschatiged to stem winders; chargesas moderate as good work will per-

mit. II. F WICHMAN,4S4tl st 7 Fort Street


NK UIKlC'lCkYor 1. .mii


Star Agent. Bllo,

OKOKOK HONS,Stab Agent, Wmluku

D. HOWARD Hitchcockmi Kercbanl si


Fort St.


CECIL imoWN2 t Merchant St.


WILLIAM Kosiki: atKanhiiinanuii St


Fort Ht, OppOSUe C'luli Sluliln..


6M rorl st.


Hotel St.J. HOPP ),

74 Klnu St.


Fort St . OpH.slte I'aiitli.sai Stables.



BISHOP A . "Firemen'. Fund. London mid ClloU'

CASTLB A COOK K.Aetna. Alliance, New laigland Mutual L



Ml Fort St.

KhSl A U K A NT'S.

CHAS. UN I)Excelsior, Buuanu st.


ICKRCHANT8J Sluiw, Proprietor.

PACIFICK. fl. F. Wolters, Malinger

HOY A I.. Haw kins. Manager.

OOMMBBCIALI. Kleiuuie. Manager.

PANTHEONJim Dodd, Prop.


bifirmary MM King st,


F. J KRTJOER,Fort St.. corner Merchant.


I.t'l'K,jot; Mei-- St.


Per schooner Transit 88 head oftine young mules, IH head of largeFrench Norman and American broodmares, also two span of carriage horses,and one very line black jack, all to hesold at very reasonable prices. Partiesdesiring to purchase will .hi well to havea look at this stock.


M7 tf Pantheon Btabli , lonoluln


HltADyUAKTKK.S A. IT. V.fCentral Committee.

Honolulu, 3bpt. 20, 1894.)To Tin; Island Clubs, ObBBTIMO:

An island convention to nomi-nate a legislative ticket and putforth a platform of principles is hereby called to be held at Honolulu at2 o'clock p. m..

SATURDAY, OCT. 13,at the headquarters,


Following is the membershipapportionment:

Club No. I (formerly ist district1,5 delegates; Club No. 2 'formerly2nd district), 4 delegates; Club No..3 formerly 3rd district, 6 delegates;Club No. 4 (formerly 4th district).5 delegates; Club No. 5 (formerly5th district), 4 delegates; Club No.6 (formerly 6th district), 2 delegates;Clubs Nos. 7a and 7b (formerly 71I1district), 1 delegate each; ClubsNos. Sa and 8b (formerly 8th dis-

trict), 1 delegate each. Total, 30.These Organization! will now be

known by numbers, the districtlines having been changed.I he club officers in Honolulu will

call primaries for the evening ofThursday, October 4th, and theofficers of the outside clubs forSaturday, October 6th. Voters atprimaries should be only personsregistered for the approaching elec-tion and who are affiliated with theAmerican Union I'artv.

JAMBS A. KBNNBDY,Theo. I'. Sevekin, Chairman



the Tear Round


MM FOOT STKKETHth Tlaphnnaa. no. 'M-r- f

Mm mmtkfrH 'nnilt ril! nt miff at

IInllit?r it ( 'uinjHinj's and jlUptH tki ffHtitck . O. Ii. IK jtiii. $tg09 unitciyurrttf holder lately arriit.

l VI'I'I t --as - I I I .

X ii i;osoiiiyUP i DM

KARMAwill Is- gum


miDAI K1 i:m;. tBPT, it.Leoture will oorirmrm at w p. m.

481 H,

S. S. Co.

Bleotloti uf offloeasrli.

The nntiiiii meetiiig for the parpoeasleeting oflloetfl .f th CbMptay

.nil in- beM in tiii. Ctoeapany'i .. mi.7:3ti thiH Thtirr.lay tvesjlng, All

tii.'iiiU-ri- Hre rf.Upnle.l to I... ri rnt.JOBM K1DW i:i.l,

Oiptilg t 'ofllNIHIl.liuX.m m

House and LotFOB BALE.

i ne House is new and t he lot is a verydesirable one. .V by feet, J alf ablock Iioiii tram cai

Mouse contains I bed room., pmior,dicing room, ssalna r. OSS, kltehefl andservant's bouse. Arte-ia- wat. r. frti ttrees of UlfferMi kinds ate on the place.

Terms reasonable. Apply to- lino 1' III ix ;jis



Saturday, Sept. 29.will be presented for the tii- -t time a

grand scenic production of the



of mrefiillv t tii pi;iMTH un- -def thf burton il tlirectioii r


Doon opra at 7UK), curuUn rite atb prompt. II. x pi. in will open ut theotlitt of L.J LiVB-- y tor the opening1. 1. h t on Mom lav, Stpt. I ai It u. nt.MS 7


ilo not always run theeasiest as the last races

when a 4 lh.AMBLBH t l.Kl it IWA1

with SVefytbing til sij;ht .

You can get RAMBLERSfrom lhs. to 35 lbs.Scale weight thoroughlyguaranteed.

Till: RAN BLEB 4 1.1 itstarts next Saturday,$2 50 a week drawingstwice a month.RAMBLES AGENCY,

107 King street.456 w

Valuably IiforaatiOD to Housukccpers

The reputation as a good house1 eeptidepends ott. 11 on 11. g a . up ut linecotlee. Now do not tall lo live w ith pureground Ouflea a little ol til'sVIENNA COFFEE FLAVOR,patented January 4ih, is-j-

Anyhow iry 11 01 ... and yon are suretu net a cup ot di lu 1011 ci whicheven the most fuftltuluUI vvnl cni.y.Some believe that pure ctfe.- - alone willnave tne Uesited result, this Bavinis to coffee ebal se. s uUig is to meat;It imparls richmvas, ,inipruvt 1 the taste,mattes it nourishing ami wlwlesomeihelps digestion, and gives It a splendidColor, an, I what Is nut lo hes tves one thud Cuffee,

'ibis iiiisui passe, tlavor is tniiile frombeat California Ptes, 11 bas nuililng inOoinmou wiih chicory or any uiumial. ollt-- sllhstliule.

N. HKFllAM,Qanseal Agent, Hawaiian I lands.

Mutual Telephone SI4, Bethel St.1411 -1- 1110.

Estate of F, S. Pratt. Dect ased

ili'i' of Snle ol

REAL ESTATEii to hii Ordttf Of the lluiirattlf

Hinr y K. Qoopf , B0OHd Judg of Uw( in nil t 'ourl uf thf ftnl in tiii,

Ol Hawaii, 111 tin in;. u. t theMlltt 'f 1"'. I'niii, dOti tdj iiunleami Mlt-Mt- Ofl lit 10th ilay nt U$0(nbi 1HU4, the UOdttnttWlMd, a t iu- -

inhnifrittf upoiottd for that ...-- . uytutiil tirttci ot Mnid CifCtlil Jmig", will Hi 11

nl public auction, to tin- bighlMl DtddeTiifilaiii ir, il tettau ut th' ttaul I . S.i'ralt, tlcabii, detu'i iIumI a ti Homo:

The ju tin- - - at Waikiki, Uuouittiu,Oahu, iii the lullouiii detnlH,rectirtle! in the HaMaiian Utfftifttrj of( niivejalH en. iz: DMrd ffUlO K. 11.Allen io ?r Pmit, ilaied June 6, lt,rworth 1 in llimk ;;7, puKti 'JVJ andDeed frotn 11. (iilt'r. tu 1 . S. Tialt, dateUlUrob BO, is. reoonted Ui Book M,oa;'f 8M KM.

The H.ile will take plftDt nt the frontdooff of the Juiiu i. try buUdini Hono-lulu, at noon on I'Uvtdaji the '.tih dayOl Oel.dH-r- . lW. DttMH priee. J;5,0U0.

t'aith in V. feCUoidColQ. tSaleuhji t lo i olilii niatMii hy the tald t

ourl. LifOdfl at txpeijHe of

For further infnruiHtinn uf lhsundwiljtnod at the Judiclarj BoUdlog,in Honolulu.

Dated BoBOlttllli Septeinher 1MM.HKNfiY oMIT!,

45'J If t oiiiiuttsHi uitr.

Clothes Builders.'it in mo- - a i nnrtM,

Hotel Blrcet.Are now prepared to btlttd suit.-- , for anynixed man. from 15. ml up smallcan la lilted al reduced figures.

I'leauiiiK. repairing and dyeing, ispin of bsjsiaess.

liiveuaa call and sat,S. UK' XKU,

Mating) r,4IM- -I Ul





A ftH ronpl. CtttlM It IVrnll'ir I'rnp- - asMtlM t outwit a NiMaPI rniptit A oonRVWIpRPM KM BttfVtMMi n Itftn ntitl the

byirt n ( nliimn Stur.v.

It was in the office of the clerk of the overcourts. He lind Just plan k eri down i

dollar for 11 mavrinne lui iise, und n reporter ndnil

WM about tu add bin to the lit a "oneIn ore unfortunate, weary of iimle life, rash-

ly importunate, IDtM in for BUMrttad

strife." bttt then bespoke:"Say. friend, t wish you WOUkl leave that

out Of tin paper."The ubjcctor to BfWUpftptf notoriety was nil

n pleasant spoken voting fellow, and he

emit muni argument atively:"Now, I'm 11 DeWtpApet man myelf. and I'lu

I know how you're fixed. Yon'rewnt htftto jcet the new, and naturally want to ur' t withall of it. Btll If vm'il keep 'hat item out notof the paper tot N bOttffl I'll give you ft

Mory worth printing." i rwA mere two line item against perhaps a

OOltlttUll Here was an inducement that nonewspaper man could resist, and the re theporteT WH not proof aalnst temptation.Still h'MMis wis enough to stipulate thatthe story ihoUhl lM given at once. 1

" ell. fou bi re our IUUDMMUI random infrom the regis-ur,- said the young Hene-dir- t

about to Ve, "and we've had quite a fewlittle romance. Bhfl bclomrs to one of thebeet families hi that country, where herfather le quite a small mactiatr. wentdown there ubout three jreen ana and etert- - ored a pAper. I dM pretty well and am pro't-ahl- A

a well tlxed timmcially as she Is; but.unfortunately, the old man and I couldn'thitch. Before I knew what a thartnimidftUghtef he hail 1 trod on his politicaltoes pretty sharply, and believer fofffKVe

me. The old huly. too, didn't like nte. olpartly befteuee 1 free e uewootner end notrelftted to any of the local aristocracy, into inwhich she wanted her daughter to marry.

"Still Bella liked me, and you know WbffO

you have the girl and the dog on JTOUf side aa fellow can stand a gocwl deal of snubbing.All went along very well for awhile. 1 theproposed and was accepted, but when Icame tO IpMUl to the old man about it hefired me out bodily, or threatened to do so,and ordered me never to show tny face in tlyhis house again. Knowing the old manand having due regard for my face. I neverdid, but managed to meet Delia on the sly,although the old folks watched her prettyclosely.

"Finally they decided to remove her fromthe contamination of my neighborhood,probably 00 the theory that separation is a w

cure for such cases. Accordingly they cameto Washington for a uiotit ti Or SO, possiblyin hopes that some of these city swellsmight out me out. But Delia managed todrop me a note telling me about it, so I fol-


then). They've been here about aweek, stopping with friends I couldn't Andout where until the other day. I huntedthrough nil the hotel and haunted thestreets in hopes of seeing them, when finally1 remembered that strangers in the eit 0always go to the capitol about the firstthing.

"Then 1 took up my station in the rotun-da every day, staying all day hug. Thewatchman evident ly considered ine a newcrank in town, but finally tin y came theold man, the old lady and Delia I pulledmy hat down over my eye and hid behinda newspaper until they had passed, andthen I heard them inquiring the way to thedome. When they got pretty well up thestairs, I followed, and at the top, you know.It was pretty dark, so by keeping on the op-

posite side I managed to escape the oldcouple's eyes.

"They were busy studying out the 'Apolheosis of Washington,' while Bella HTM leaniug against the wall looking tired andhomesick. I waited around fur a chanceto speak tolier. but the old man kept herat hi elbow, and I had about made up mymind that 1 won hi have to knock him downwhen en lde struck me,

"Von know how sound travels over thate;cu so that people on opposite sides of the

circle can talk to each other in whispers. 1

had been there before and knew all aboutit, so I stood just across from Delia andftpoke her name. She jumped a if she hadbeen shot.

"'Where are you. WilK'' she exclaimed,recoguiziug my voice at once. She had beenthinking of me, she told me afterward.

"'Hush.' said I. Tin just opposite you.Talk to the wall, and 1 can hear all youaay.'

"And maybe we didn't talk. It (teemeda bit uncanny to be talking to a stone walland having your best girl answer back,ometning like the oldatory of Pyramui

and Thiebei only they talk through thewall. Weil, she told me where she wastoppingt and that it would be

me to try to see her nearer, as she meWatched all the time.

"Just then the dd man chimed in andasked her to whom she wa talking. Shemud onlv to her-el- l. As there wa no onewithin iiu feet of her, he had to believe it.

"Well, that made me mad and also gaveme auotber idea. Chad been Looking upthe district marriage lawe and round thatOne could get a license almost for the ask-

log, There was no time to Ijc toet, J nekedDelia if she would marry me at once,whether t he old folks were billing or not,and she said she would if the could gelaway. Then we OOokfd up a scheme. I w asto get the licence and engage a minister, as

have just done. Tomorrow niuht theyare going to a concert or somel hiug, andBella is to net sick and go home wit h hercousin about i o'clock. (July before goinghome she w ill step into the botlMOt a minis-ter, where we will be married.

"Now, you easily see that the publicationof the fact that have taken out a licensewould spoil all our plans, and if you w illkeep it out you shall be one of the wil uessesat the wedding and kiss the bride it the iswilling."

Of course the reporteragreed to this, andthe item WM accordingly squelched for thetime being. Dut while it seems a pity tospoil such u pretty liti le romance, it cannotconfidently be aid that "they were mar-lie-

and lived happily ever after."The reporter was on hand at the appoint-

ed time und place, but neither bride norgroom prospective appeared. Whether theold folks got wind ol t heir Intention andremoved the young lad , or whether somelittle part of the plans unseamed, can onlyhe conjectured. Certainly the license is st HI

on the hooks, but no minister hits el certi-fied that he performed the eeremony, andhh this fact lias not been established itwould be rather rough on the yoiiug peopleto give their names. Washington Vont.

Merry, but Not Wise,

The saying of Charles II, the king who,according to the severe yet just epitaphwritten upon him by tho Karl of Rfrnfialter.

Never said a foolish thiufcAnd iRwr did a wise one,

are so many as to show us plainly why heahonld be ho beloved even by those whocould not approve bin actions, lie was amerry monarch, and he was "good com-

pany.'Jli i an iii. hr.atiu iinl lit- w ti.i

widely known U M01d Bowlaf," tlit;iiaiueof an ill favored borat in tin n.yal stnblt--

One lay a young laily ut court was in Uvr

upari maud itnpug a latlrloaJ Ijallutl ealltd"Old Kowley, ttn- Kiug," when I'harleknookad at uw dour.

"WIki in it ;" nli.' eall-d- .

"Ull Itowly hlmaatf. madum," be returned jjuoii natun dly.

He ctiuld eonvi-- a reproof with wit andjjeutlt-ness- . W in l'tlili hioo1 before biiuwith bin but on. the king took off bis own.

"Friend I harles." aaid tbeyuaker, "whydoM thou B04 t't 00 thy baif"

TU the cwrtrftpi ol tula ptnea," wtiuliadthe kuu. "that uei-- abort one paraoaHhoubl be oovarad at a time.'' - YouthCompanion.

In a railway station i" Iowa Is the following plomrd over tllS eluck: "Tlds Is aclock; it running! It laCbtcsoUttoih i

rlK'tU every iluy at lUo'elock. Now,icvp your inotitUt uuut."


Manner of 1 llbi and ttie tpoed Mode t.jr

Mtgreeeffy BindNearly all the native Atmrican nnimer

make mlgratoti Journeyi outhwarathe approach of winter. A few of the

varieties such M the -- wallow family, leaveearly as the hitter pari of August. At

M the young bird- are able to leaveneet, much time le rmI on the wing

thoce birds thai have the fall Journal tomake, and when the breeding time le well

thev bunch IntotWOpe, having a bolt-la- y

time feaetlng on the new crop of seedsenjoying the Hue weather. Children

grown up, no houetfaold cares, t be youngrejotctag In the neeol their detel 'plug ,

they frisk and llutter, scour the sur-rounding' country, but lM one sees themleave.

Singularly enough, the warblers makethese journeys in the night. I hat dOWy

now u n we I nome and voracious pet, theln11hh itMtmw. is not initiatory, so furusai.tumn lourneysperMin nmnmigiai urn.

v trern unnorh-- to t In, a -- trange cli-

mate to t hem, and bavenol learned to leavethe approach of winter, Whether or

they are an lueeettroroua bled in theirnative Isle, the) certalnl could not be oth

m i ban urai ivomus here in the winter.The) are hardy, pngnarioui and eggreeetve

Well typifying the peculiar character ofBriton.pu..le to the scientist is to solve the

problem of where he energy can come fromluetatn the tut tndttnreof force Involetdmany occasions of bird Might. That a

diminutive bit of stomach, charged with aseeds us fuel, dioiild generate a fOTCetO

cleave the air, continuously beating theImkIv forward at a rapid rate for hour andOOMttmea days, stems incredible. No land

wa: r looornoi ion can compete with it.goosdewaa ordttok may start from I.aln

rador, and sooner than an express traincould do the dletan le many reach the ever-glades of I'h.rida. And this is probablynone on leee than the equivalent of iiaif apeck of corn. We understuuil the physics

their motion, we can grasp both themathematics and the mechanic! Involved

tin wing movement, but bow i nencesary energy is conserved is a matter thatimpl confronts our researches with deftnee.One vereed in ornithology ebonld know

kind of biM In it flight anil walk, aswell H if in hand. Kach family of bird"has a wing strike peculiar to its cleanBuaaarde and t be familiar chit ken hawks

in circles with the wingsand still much of the time. The crowfects a peculiar swagger in its walk. Aquail ana pheecnnl cannot sustain a long(light. lw U have a light bounding move-ment, as it much lighter than the air.Nearly all small birds fly by jerks, and ofcourse rise and fall, and these also bop

hen on the gt ( und. Woodpeckers openand close their wings when they fly, theline being t seri s of rising and fallingcurves. Larks Walk. The kilhleer Is arunm r, and when not on the nest is never

rest. The humming bird has a wingfttroks almost as rapid as that of some In--

eels, but this cannot be much prolonged.The grain and crass eaters are the speediestand sustain the longest- flights. lilttls ofprey all have a wide base of brain, large

nnhativeness ami dest rUCtlVeuess, andvery few are the kinds that de-struction, I'ittsburg Dispatch.

Photographic)If h finished platiimin photographic

print, (ibluined by colli dovfloptneut onplatlnotjpo papCfj DO placed in an ordinaryuranium lotting bath, tin- blaok color oftba image i ubXA to aoquln h brownishviolet (ODS Whiohi however, even in tbsoass of a prolonged art ion of the bath, doesnot ofaangs into the well known Bartolosaired tone.

AooorUing to Dr. StrakiL-h- , in The PhotoElnndsohao, ths latter may bs produoed byby the following tlnipl llietltoil: To 1,000C Oi of the developing solution which in

used Cot platinotype paper with coldfrom UK) to 'Jxtc. c.and in some

eases even more, of a 4 per tent solution ofperch loride of marcury in to be milled. Theplatinotype i printed sufficient ly deepwhen ii i developed in snob a bath, and t heprints scquirs in It a brown tone. Afterilxitu them a usual in hydroohlorio addand ufter being thoroughly washed, theyan placed in a uranium toning bath com-

posed of alto e. c. water, ft grams urauiinunitrate, 1 gram fenicyanide and 80 gramiglacial acetic acid. In this bath the printsWill attain at lhi a line sepia tone, andthis will gradually become more and morsreddish i nttl il at lasl (he Bartolosai red willbe acquired

1 i bf u IM t utn.

A well known gantlaman (old me that,tin raonrranoB of a droam oattaad aim togive up bis boainau for a yaar nnd travelabroad. The dream waa not ho horrible,but itKuibcMi to make a complete nerroaiwreck ol tlx- man to whom it i'atlie. liewm in the habit of dreaming that a ruffianwith a drawn knife waa obaalnghim about,t ryinK htm. It recurred aboutonce a week, with home Variation, and, tryWhat be would, he was Unable to part wit h

bis vision of the assassin.finally be arranged bis buaineaa and left

for Europe, where he spent a yaar, it wastoward tile end ot bis visit hat he met anold German woman tow hum be related bisstory. She had an old remedy tooffer, phe told bimlbeiiexl time the dreamoccurred to eeine the would be assassin amibe would never appear anain. The Pftta-burg-

tiled this, lb- saw and BftUght thofellow's band, and it seemed to dissolvewhile he held it. From that day to thisthe vision has never haunted him. Kx- -


The Moral Bflteet iii lotaaaThe followiuu bit of experience wuh elic-

ited from a mother who had been compli-mented on ber daughter! graceful carriage;"I tried everuhinu dumbbells, calisthen-ics, braces not hing did bar any good untiltiually the happy idea occurred to me totest the moral effect of clothes. 1 gave bervery pretty frocks, di carded the looseblouse waist altogether and bad everythinglitted with the greatest care. Audit reallywrought a miracle. lake every true wom-

an, she loves piel y oiot lies, and she huolitook A pride to the tit ami appearance ofher fro( ks, while I spate! 110 pains in show-ing ber bow the nicest looking dress mAlI iptite spoiled if worn by a dowdy, roundabouldered peraon. Certainly the preaotlption has worked woadara, and I do not beUare if 1 moderate my tactics now that 1

have won my oaae thai I will Bud that l

have fostered an undue love of apparel."San Kraucisco Argonaut.

A posibumous anecdote of the immortalTarturiu ia related by The (jaulois. Itwas in the gunroom, and Tartariu, afterregaling his audience wit h various t hrillingtales of bis exploits aud adventures in thechase, deanrtbad the following horrific experience: l lie ut tier any, he said, in afearful Dowetorm, I found myaeli it bouta gun or any weapon face to face wit h hrwolves.' " ell, what did youdo:-- "Well,I simply .stared at them, with my bands inmy pockets, and whistled." "Do you meanto say they didn t attack your' "Ibeycouldn't; they were iu a cage.'1 In I'rufcsr.-o- r

Jarner case the conditions were re-

versed. London g1om.

The i raneo-Praael- U ur.Puling the warf ttll,

T1MXK) Prencfa ami 1,000,000 Oermans tookthe Held. Ol' the former, 4t.000 were killedin hatUoi aftfOOOUted of wound-- , t6000dledof hicknei-- . lhl.nOti were in varioiiH a

and 44ti,(tiNi were taken nrlsooafSiOf the tiermaiiH, lH.TH'J were killed in ac-tion, 10,rioIied of their wound-- , U.'.'V.tolbiekm-Ks- , h;,UM) were dUalded. The jiriiou-er- s

taken ly the Eretieh were very lew inaomher. (n Oil, OSiiOOX) French ami I88.THGermans were killed or disabled, o loss !

the world ot U7,T&1 men. St. lotn.s QlobsOemocrat.

A SSfTantof a London nat nralihl w honeooUsotioo oontalned one ol the few extantOeifeot egge oi the extinct SMOj unk,

Uropued and hmke tht e whileebovriutf it to it risltor,


M Hem.Not lattrel wreathed bv I'ame's uncertain hand.

Nor grsal w in a meaeUfCd by the world"false SCalSSi

But on that greater battlefield, where MnndThe marshaled hosts of right and wrong nees

fallsTho ono I praise!

Hot be nhess eolei among ibr beas throngin blatant vainly glorious name noate,

rtat In the mnnk of lire" golden songlie tl t Ikes for me t 'on tent's soft, tender notei

The one 1 laud! AllKt be who on ibr trariidi day afar

Berets like a sodden tun e Its biasing light,P. it he SrhflSS lite Ughl Is the pOUtFStaf

ur s mpat h in stormy BM and nlhtThe one I tfUSt

Not he v boss rnotlees falttt the ti kie houmtr Urns oooslgn la duel a sraysMe doom,

nut one whose truth 'nntil death part1 beaeiflowers,

Which hi eternity Mutll ever blnoniThe one I love!

- Amy Seville Wolff.

Blgk Ideate,Welcome each high Ideal! it win liftYour nttl to pun i, brighter pheres than this.Where oerking ears reiene not and all is blis,Weiion-- earn hops thai IhfoQgh the black

cloud driftBscknni Von onward, upward from rArth'ssodFar from the crowd of ranhrs aud their

cries,geallntt the etarr) ladder of the skiesAnd wrapped Inuie magnifioenoe of Oodl

Heeil bnt the in its of thOSS who, money wise.fall yon an Idle dreamer, for their iroMWill pie.- - away erh n Ufes brief tuns i dona,While the brlghl ore that in the tuney liesPure, aodeflled, unpurchased mid unsoldMiall live n- - lone as starlight or as sun.

Thece swei - of mutter on the pnlate pull;AH He li - ura-- s - the w ise prople-- MidiRarth'i ehotoeel fruit- - all blossom but to fade.The rare-- ! wlUM one day w ill turn to gall;Beloved lips a ill crumble into clay,And Ufa elaspsd hands most pari la cruel

deathtYet. b. the dreamer's dream i not a hreatliWrottgfai of the ml ml, 'twill nevef I'ass away.Sternal as the mountain, it v. ill live.Great, arottdrous as t he ocean and as deep --

a rainbow arch quelling the eraves from strife.To the tired SOOJ the balm Of PSSCC 'twill give,Reel alt r toil and after joyunee lleeO,Ilhuninatinn the shore of lite.

Watcotni each blffh Idesll tn it- - liulitAll itoxtoui plitnti that gfow within Hip breai-- t

Will witlicr, nii'l, liko luroii on ti i

Bonl Mar thai rt- -' refnlgenl on tlm niubt.Ami virtue-- ' liNnnnJioHpifiit iili liciivcnlydow,TrauxiMn-n- m- - n irlcum of unici Uyt,Ami. like lover' UpS h llpof lover kissed.Ht m is Uutc tin- lii1in prlmeral Aln know.

Like tw itt'rint; btrdi iweet fsiielM tome nl fro,BiYiging by orytta BtrMiwotir"ar o'er Uv i.illf, csrMMid by foldeti btnimtiWlmt wot the rll aitmnd Of when we knowThai paaon and aim Iniarailnablfl ofowoThat rich and radiant oltme th IriiJ of

d rem ti..Beaton Trantoripv

Ttie Little MUllonatra.My little danghter climbed upon my kneeAmi Ntiii, With nn air of BTCal instury:

"I've a set ret tn tell you. papaBut must whisper it dose in yourenr.And don't yon peak of It, npa dear.

For there".-- nobody knovi . hut inauinia.

41 am very richl Very rich Indeed)I have or more money than shall need!

1 counted tny money today-Twenty new pennies nil of them mins,And one little silver tiwv cnlh-'- dime

Thai ifol from my fl rand pupa Cray.

T have Fourteen nlcketn and one thrre crnt,tvs silver quarters, though one of them!Ami, papa dear, SOntethlnB Still lelter

TlireL' ' s httfl dollars, not one of them old!And, whisper one beautiful piece of sold

Thai Dame in niy uncle TOttra letter.

Then she clasped her small bauds, laughedmerry and clear,

Put her soft, roy lip- - down close to my ear(Oh, w lovely the fsir curly head!):

"Am I not very rich? Now. answer me true.Am not richer far richer-th- an you?

WhispST pupa.' she artlessly said.

Innketl at her hu e, m younn ami so fair:I thought of her lite untouched by can?.

And I said. With a happy siuh.As my lips touched KofU) her waltifigeanYou sre ezoeediogly rich my daughter dear!Ten thousand times richer than i'"

Young People

The Incurable Kurt,TalnM likely SS a awkward cliap

Like I am, big an stupid,'L'd ever go round

A dandy kid like Cupid;Bui, major, darn my ugly tnuif,

done it once far certain,An ef lies a hundred years

Thet'iinu'll keep on huriin.1 iu- er know'd a womane waye

Tell one day little Kilty,lb r that's the hanker'tt only nl,

t unic dov, a from Timber CityAn Itoppin at our barding lnuse

began her puny tlirtlu,I gaeea w Kb all the boya around.

An ma, that's doggoned certain.

Them eyea ut hem ahined like tin-

That peckies night all over.An both tier checks wuz purticr thau

Two met biers red with clover.Ati when aha talked -- good Lordy met

Why eant a man taku warntnfit Boomed to me like at) the aongi

The bird ilnga In the mornin

drlttked it in an wanted more.All she, I gla ss Ulithhlklll,

WOI tickled half to death to seaA thirsty man

An let me have It every day.From June clear to October,

T ii woe drank an eraay wild.An she thought I a tt sober.

At lost I ii) an told u r btraightThat WOI fairly dyiu

Per love v her, an, dera my htKita,she just broke down

An told me it wuz all in fun.That she U only tlirlln

Ah ef I live a hundred yearsThe thing'll keep on hurtin.

- W. .1. bn nipt on.

M'hat Not To tusc.ponl loee oouraget spirit brave'arr W ith yuii to lite grave.

Don't lOea time ti. vatn distress;Work, not worry brtun aueeeaa

Dont lose hope: who lata her atragOqm forlornly all Uw way,

Don ii e patience, eatae whal ill;Patl nor ofttluwa out runs skill.

Don't lost lailnefs; every hoarMOOOM lor voa hi. me happ) tlower.

Though 1h- - foiled your deareel iiaa,0obt lone faith in Ood and man.

Paaalwsj strangeA ehegitnal rhange tti some aaesaa range.

Hut 'ti aot atrange to me.For It turns ni thoagbt toohanges wrougbt

Mol-- wonderful to see.How does it obanee that ignorance

la homely slrla may m

Converted la the prettier onesTo bweet simplicity!

War.Hrutul alike in ileetl Htid word,

With ealloua heart and hand of strife,How tike a Aend may BJUUt he made,t'lyiiik' the foul and monttroiih iradu

Whosa ha r treat neld la honuui life,Vhn "Icklelt the recktiik' BWOtdl

WhlttUtie SiihMetlctl itu .t.

MOh!'' hhe exclaimed a hhe euterett tiepolice station iu a stute d jrcat anxiety.'you will help me, won't your"

The oliicer iu chaiv BSSttfOd her that hewould if it was in his power.

"I have just met with a Kreat lon," ahecontinued.

"What WM itf""Diamonds. had just Ouishod rehear

wil 0 hen"'Aro you an act ri'ss'-'-

"Ves.""Ami lost your diamond-!-- ""Yet,""Kxcusr DjUL ma'ain, but you're tn tno

wronu place. This it police headnuartern.It Isn't any new-pap- odice " Wabhiutf-to-


aanaslosj the iiahy.Visitor (picking up uftl (. So thin is the

babji - Itf BlOSS his lit I le tnolMe wouUhw!Koneel Watoh me polto unt's rlhsl

The l'p to Date liaby Mot In r, wiil youkindly inform me whether the dcploratdecondition of thin person a due to perma- -

nsnt domontla or spaeoiodlc ami Intormlt1Usui inanity v

I His. Hawaiian SI AM, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 37, tfVv




Nhati.y KttffMltMd "f Mhi lot. Olve me

trial ilNl l OOBTlMMU

No. 44 King Street.Miitiml Totophonfl 1'. ). Hot in


Capital, - - $6,000,000Assets, - - $9,000,000

BstinS OSWI Sppolnli-'- nf flit' nl)i

UOttttsny 'v, SN lli NSdy tO ittSOl Inuruiu'i'K ill Hit' hiwi- -l r.lit'f ol iiu'Iiihiiii

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Commercial Saloon.HARRY KtSHHB, Mgr.

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Tb. Duly Spotting House in Town.

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always on draught,two n'isi-'- s for 25 cents.

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Pacific Brass Foundry


STEAM COCKS, and iill other nttln;for pipe on hand.

Honolulu Steam Rice Mill,

Freeh milled Etloe or sale in Quantities to anit

J. A. HOPPER, Prop'r.inrt it teat. Honolnln

nnouim iron works.

Stkam Kmhnks, BUOAB Mills, Hoilkks,

Coolehh, Ikon, BRASS and LeadC'ahtixoh.

Machinery of Every Description 'MadeOrder. Particular attention paid to BhipsBlaOaainithlng, Jd work ut Kboi t

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FANCY GOODSof all descriptions.

Fort Street StoreNo. lO.

(in addition to ths lakobop



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Oriental, 1'latle, anil otlLr lares, mwhite, cream ami black,

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The Ji nncM Milh r "Equipoiat waistPrima Donna and P, u. Curiietii,faillt' Hlack Hoiw.

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From Hilo to the Volcano--3-0 Miles

Passengers are Conveyed in Carriages,Over SPLENDID

way throughMACADAMIZED Road, running most of the

Dense Tropical Forest ride aloneworth the trip.



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stop over privileges, etc.Corner Fort and Merchant RtreetH. Mutual Telephone, 610

SUBSCRIBEpaper ever published in

Try it for three months.

dollar. American money

dollar youFOR The Starwill give it you. One

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quarter, advauce,







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the Hawaiian Islands.

will cost you just a


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now agitates the public

exclusion the tariff and

payments are all

but the

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common, ordinary

naturally expect to get a

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Fancy Figured DimitiesAnd Figured MttllifM



New Jet and Silk Passimenterie Trimmings.




anO Islands lor the Krajewski Patent Sugar Cane Crush-

er, are now prepared to receive orders for the same, to bedelivered in tunc for the next crop.

This machine, which has been invented but a lew years, hasbeen adopted by a great number ol cane sugar manufacturers,especially in Cuba, where was first put to trial and where it

: "

by I'm

ana tiny


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Hi- -' iihI'H.


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ol Itof iiiilhcrH."Tl.ln of Intanlsi, 'will l

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Iff WClIlsTltl



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CHALLIESA!l anl Silk Btripfcd, in Ughl nnd


Iinmensc AMDZtDlf 111

GOODSBtripcw Plaids,

ill-r 'vr: f'?SK;



75-c- ,7 KING STREET

became extremely Nearly one-thir-d of the whole sugarcrop made in Cuba is being made with the assistance of thesecrushers. These crushers have proved a great success in

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These crushers when attached to increasecapacity by from 50 to 100 cent; improve extraction;

regulate of the mill. three of these machinesin further particulars enquire at


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ntifl AcimI.In Arutpall


noOK IbrtiM inMninldlFret

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v CirWE



alsoand Louisiana,

any cane mill willits per willwill feed We

the For the

andand Soil andand stud

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ki t fn in tie r'flfctern Ktteri ami Furopehwimi. All oidflu tuuii.tu t

cuy tree ur rkarge,Icleuboue No. 91Ihlund orders whetted, batifeluitiou aiiurmjttt-d-