the hashemite kingdom of jordan, an arab country located in the levant, south-west asia, where a...


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Page 1: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the
Page 2: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the
Page 3: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

• The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the Arabian Peninsula. Have a common border with Syria from the north, West Bank - occupied Palestine and Israel from the West, Iraq to the east and Saudi Arabia from the south and south-east. It also overlooks the Gulf of Aqaba in the south-west. Jordan was named to the proportion of the Jordan River Imraly its western border. Jordan is a country that combines cultures and customs and even dialects of the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula is remarkable. Nor any natural boundaries separating Jordan from its Arab neighbors but to the Jordan River which is the northern limit of the separation of the western borders with Palestine. The rest of the border is an extension of the Syrian Desert in the north and east and the desert's influence in the south and Wadi Araba to the south west ..

Page 4: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

Jordan's long history of standing has archaeological evidence side by Jordan's long history of standing has archaeological evidence side by side to this day, castles, forts, towers, theaters, palaces and shrines of side to this day, castles, forts, towers, theaters, palaces and shrines of prophets and shrines of companions of the martyrs died in the battles prophets and shrines of companions of the martyrs died in the battles of the Islamic conquest.? In 1946 won the Hashemite Kingdom of of the Islamic conquest.? In 1946 won the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan gained independence from Britain, King Abdullah Bin Al Jordan gained independence from Britain, King Abdullah Bin Al Hussein, the first king yet that was the Prince of Jordan on the east Hussein, the first king yet that was the Prince of Jordan on the east since 1921. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a constitutional since 1921. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a constitutional monarchy with representative government. King exercises his monarchy with representative government. King exercises his executive authority through the Prime Minister and Council of executive authority through the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, which at the same time, is responsible to the elected Council Ministers, which at the same time, is responsible to the elected Council of Representatives, together with the elders of the house (the Senate), of Representatives, together with the elders of the house (the Senate), constitute the legislative authority of the state. In addition to the constitute the legislative authority of the state. In addition to the judiciary independent of the government which represents the judiciary independent of the government which represents the executive powerexecutive power

Page 5: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

Due naming Jordan Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for the following reasons:

 KingdomKingdom::Because the system of government where the royal

JordanJordan: Named relative to the

Jordan River

Hashemite:Named after the Bani Hashem, because of their origin, the kings of Jordan Hashem, great-grandfather of

the Prophet Muhammad

Origin of name

Page 6: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

• Settled in Jordan, many people set up at home to civilizations, and Jordan's history is full of a lot of them where there were the kingdoms of the Ammonites and the Edomites and Moabites, and then Nabatean Arabs in the south, and occupied the Hyksos, the Egyptians, Assyrians, Greece and the Persians and the Romans of this land that was the Islamic conquest in the mid-seventh century AD And stands in the Jordan Archaeological evidence side by side to this day of castles and forts and towers, theaters, palaces, shrines and tombs of the prophets companions martyrs died in the battles of the Islamic conquest witness to the history of this land ..

Page 7: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

Great Arab Revolt

• As for contemporary history, has entered Jordan forces of the Arab Revolt (1950 - 1921) led by Sharif Hussein ibn Ali of Mecca, accompanied by the national leader Odeh Abu Tayeh In 1921, Prince Abdullah I ibn Hussein, the establishment of the Emirate of Transjordan, and in the wake of the Second World War on 25 May 1946 Britain recognized Jordan as an independent state while maintaining the treaty governing relations between Jordan and Britain, was named today on Independence Day. Annexed the West Bank after the occupation of Palestine in 1948 was declared officially unity between the two banks in April 24th, 1950 under the name Jordan. In 1988, announced that King Hussein Bin Ali, the disengagement in the West Bank were excluded from the West Bank Deputies of the House of Representatives ...

Page 8: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

• Since the actual independence of Jordan in 1946, Jordan has spent most of his time under the rule of King Hussein bin Talal, the grandson of King Abdullah I and the father of current King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein has continued to rule from 1953 to 1999, King Hussein has ruled the country at the age of 17 or eighteen calendar Hijri lunar. witnessed the 1951 killing of his grandfather in the Al-Aqsa Mosque

Page 9: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

• The regime in Jordan is a constitutional monarchy, and take into account in forming a government representing the various directions. King chairs the throne of the Kingdom, who also serves as the supreme commander of the armed forces. The king exercises his executive authority through the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Council of Ministers is accountable to the elected Council of Representatives, which is to the Senate by the legislative arm of government. This arm works independently

Page 10: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

Jordanian authorities

* Maritime AuthorityMaritime Authority * The power of the ExecutiveThe power of the Executive

* LegislativeLegislative * The power of judicialThe power of judicial

Page 11: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

• Arabs constitute the majority of the Arabs constitute the majority of the population, with diversified assets population, with diversified assets and the Jordanian people, some of and the Jordanian people, some of which belong to different regions of which belong to different regions of the Levant and the Arabian the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula. Some Jordanians back Peninsula. Some Jordanians back their origins to Palestine, also their origins to Palestine, also includes Jordan's camps for includes Jordan's camps for Palestinian refugees exiled from Palestinian refugees exiled from their homeland since the War of their homeland since the War of 1948 and 1967, while located in 1948 and 1967, while located in Jordan, other ethnic groups of Jordan, other ethnic groups of Circassians, Chechens and Circassians, Chechens and Armenians, but the majority Arabs Armenians, but the majority Arabs like the rest of the Arab origins were, like the rest of the Arab origins were, and the wombs of Arab tribes and the wombs of Arab tribes certainly onecertainly one

Page 12: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

Kingdom's population in selected years

Year PopulationThousand people

Page 13: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the
Page 14: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

• Kingdom's economy depends mainly on the services sector, trade, tourism, and to some of the extractive industries such as fertilizers, medicines Jordan is not poor in natural resources. A large proportion of Jordanian expatriates in the Diaspora, Jordan, one of the first Arab countries in the field of computer and found in Jordan bus assembly plant and factories, electrical and there are small aircraft manufacturing plant. There are phosphate mines in the south of the kingdom, making Jordan the third largest source of this metal in the world. Potash, salt, natural gas and limestone are the most important other minerals extracted.

Page 15: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the
Page 16: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

There are three airports receiving commercial flights, two of them in Amman, Aqaba and the third air carrier j is in Jordan Royal Jordanian

There is also the port of Aqaba is Jordan's only sea.

        Jordan has the longest common border with the West Bank, there are two border crossings between Jordan and Palestine in the mix Nissan (Sheikh Hussein Bridge) in the north and in the Wadi Araba in the south. There is also the Allenby Bridge crossing (or the Allenby Bridge) between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the West Bank, which is the only crossing house banks of the River Jordan, which did not close over the years, and watched every day from Jordan and the Palestinian National Authority and Israel.

The road network fairly good, concentrated around the capital Amman in the north and west of the kingdom. There is a major land-line linking the north and its south Jordan, is almost a four-lane along the distance. There is also a highway stretches east to reach the Iraqi border (Ruweished) and the Saudi border (age). There is a railway line back to the days of Ottoman rule, cut Jordan from north to south. Renovated and focus on the line Amman - Damascus for passengers and goods, Amman, Aqaba and line of merchandise only ...

Page 17: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

Tourism in Jordan• Jordan enjoys the benefits and

components of geographical, historical and natural make him a tourist country in all seasons and meet most of the goals sought by tourists. Where there are religious sites, archaeological sites, resorts and Almcati and natural springs, forests, deserts and beaches.

Page 18: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the
Page 19: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

Reserves in Jordan, many of themReserves in Jordan, many of them::

Protected Vainun

Protected natural wilderness

Vitelline Zana Protected and the Blue Oasis

Page 20: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

Types of tourism in Jordan

** Cultural tourism.** Cultural tourism.

** Curative tourism.** Curative tourism.

** Religious tourism.** Religious tourism.

** Sports tourism.** Sports tourism.

** Winter tourism.** Winter tourism.

** Summer tourism.** Summer tourism.

Page 21: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

• ** Join the Arab army in all the battles almost since the fateful Arab war of 1948 through Bhrba 1967 ** Join the Arab army in all the battles almost since the fateful Arab war of 1948 through Bhrba 1967 and the battle of dignity and the end of the war in October 1973. At the moment is the Arab army of the and the battle of dignity and the end of the war in October 1973. At the moment is the Arab army of the most organized armies of the region and training, and includes the Jordan Armed Forces organized as most organized armies of the region and training, and includes the Jordan Armed Forces organized as follows:follows:

• Alsnov Home:- Ground forces.- Royal Air Force.- Force the Royal Navy.

• Weapons of attribution:- The Royal Artillery.- Royal air defense field.- Royal Corps of Engineers.- Royal Force Wireless.- E-war.

• Services:- Royal Maintenance Corps.- Supply and Transport Royal.- Royal Medical Services.- Royal Military Police

Page 22: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the


• Arab tradition in the region, you will find in Jordan, as the habits of generosity and good treatment for the guest, and treatment between persons, and others will not find a lot of difference between Jordan and other Arab countries, which distinguishes Jordan is the homogeneity and the merger between culture, the culture of the country Surrounding it, such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Palestine and Syria.

Page 23: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

• Of the most popular food famous and popular in Jordan (mansaf), which is a feast essential at weddings and Alotrah, as it is a symbol of holding assets for many Jordanians, especially since he is eating this meal using the hand., The mansaf popular

dish in Jordan.

Page 24: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the
Page 25: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

• Arabic : is the official language, English is used widely, the French language taught in some private schools. Minorities such as Circassians, Armenians, Chechens and Kurds are using their languages in your surroundings.

Jordanian dialect: There is the tone of excellence every region of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for other regions. As similar to the tone of the people of the north (the villages of Irbid, Ajloun, Jerash, will, Ramtha) to form a distinctive tone relatively distant from the Bedouin dialect in spite of the existence of common terminology and similar expressions. While the advantage of the south and east of the Jordan is close to the Bedouin, but at the same time distinct and different from dialects spoken in the Gulf states. The Amman-Zarqa and her family will be well placed for a hybrid tone of Levantine dialects and advanced by the close on the tone of the people of Jerusalem, as the gain of 50% of the population of these cities are

of Palestinian origin.

Page 26: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

• Jordan is one of more Arab countries in Asia, attention to youth and sport in general, and this is reflected in the number of parks and sports facilities for young people including: Al-Hussein Sports Hussein Gardens in Amman, the city of El-Hassan Youth in Irbid and the City of Prince Mohammed of young people in blue, which has affected positively on the posts Jordan in the Arab and regional championships and many international and particularly at the level of football and basketball, which have received considerable interest and demand by the Jordanian youth. As well as martial arts, swimming, tennis, handball, equestrian games are popular with young people in this country passionately. Also contributed to the Higher Council for Youth to the development of the capacity of young people from all aspects of life through the dissemination of youth centers in different governorates of the Kingdom.

Page 27: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an Arab country located in the Levant, South-West Asia, where a south-eastern part of the Levant, and north to the

National public holidays in National public holidays in JordanJordan

- Birthday of the Prophet.- Birthday of the Prophet.- Labor Day May 1.- Labor Day May 1.- Day Holiday Birthdays 25 - Day Holiday Birthdays 25 December.December.- Eid al-Adha.- Eid al-Adha.- Eid al-Fitr.- Eid al-Fitr.- Islamic New Year.- Islamic New Year.- New Year's Day.- New Year's Day.- Anniversary Flowers.- Anniversary Flowers.- New Year 1 / 1.- New Year 1 / 1.- Independence Day on May 25.- Independence Day on May 25.