the harvester july 2015

handbook. It was a very special time where our love for Jesus Christ blossomed and we came to realize that missionary work is in our blood! Our home is in Orem, Utah. President Gubler is a retired seminary and institute teacher and administrator for 34 years. Sister Gubler has been a homemaker and Mom to a wonderful posterity. We have been married for 39 blissful years. Our family consists of eight children. They have all been married in the temple and are raising righteous families to the Lord. We have 28 grandchildren. We love spending time with our family and look forward to spending eternity with them. There is no other calling we would rather have than serving our Heavenly Father on a mission during this time of hastening. How blessed we all are to be here in England together making a difference. Warm greetings to the wonderful missionaries of the England London South Mission! We are so happy to be called to serve in this incredible mission with all of you. We love missionaries and serving the Lord full- time. We have recently returned from serving a mission in the Germany Frankfurt Mission. We had an amazing experience there and learned so many things. While there we served with the Young Single Adults and developed a close relationship with those wonderful youth. We were also privileged to serve as managers in the mission office helping with the finances, apartments, and cars. Another opportunity we had was to serve as the Zone Leaders for the Senior couples. We were privileged to work with some of the most strong, valiant missionaries who were dedicating all their efforts to serving the Lord. We are sure that we will find that same strength and dedication in the England London South Mission. With all our hearts we look forward to working together with you. Before leaving for our mission to Germany, we were so fortunate to serve at the Provo MTC for five years as branch president and executive secretary. We developed a great love for young missionaries, and enjoyed helping them develop their faith in Christ. We came to deeply love Preach My Gospel and realize how vital it is to be 100% obedient to the missionary President’s Letter - Greetings MAY BAPTISMS: Bristol 2 Crawley 2 Maidstone 3 Plymouth 3 Poole 4 Portsmouth 3 Reading 4 Staines 2 Wandsworth 4 Total 27 ELSM The Harvester JULY 2015 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 7 GOAL PROGRESS FOR 2015 733 —— 650— 585— 520— 445— 390— 325— 260— 195— 130— 65— 0— 139 Baptismal Dates : Raising Our Vision I would like to start off by having you ponder a question: Do I hesitate to extend dates anywhere? What I mean by this is: Do you invite people to be baptized when you meet them on the street? When we set this goal right at the start with our friends they will understand the vision and expectations we have for them. This hastens the work. As we extend dates more quickly we can see how com- mitted they are. Why wait to give them something to work towards? If we want to baptize on a regular basis we need to understand these princi- ples we will have to always extend dates. There should never be a time of hesitation unless the Spirit directs otherwise. When we hasten this pro- cess we will see growth in our area in many aspects. We will have more committed friends to teach and we will see the increase in baptismal dates and ultimately the progression of our friends to be baptized. If they don't accept the invitation we will then know their concerns so that we can address it much earlier, instead of waiting for the fourth or fifth lesson to find out the concerns that they may have. I know this allows us to better teach to their needs. By increasing our faith and extending baptismal dates always we begin to “gather out the wheat from among the tares” (D&C 86:7). When we do this, we will have double digit baptismal dates in each of our areas. I know this is possible as we trust in the Lord. I have seen the difference it makes in our missionary work. By extending baptismal dates we will better teach to people’s needs and when we do this on the street, we will have more successful street les- sons and be able to hasten of the work (D&C 88:73). Elders and Sisters the time is now!!! As we extend dates to everyone, the Father's work will hasten. I have seen this to be true as we have implemented it in our zone. I know if we do these things we will see great success as a mission. I leave you this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. -Love, Elder Camadeco

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Page 1: The harvester july 2015

handbook. It was a very special time

where our love for Jesus Christ

blossomed and we came to realize that missionary work is in our blood!

Our home is in Orem, Utah.

President Gubler is a retired seminary and

institute teacher and

administrator for 34 years. Sister Gubler

has been a

homemaker and Mom to a wonderful


We have been

married for 39

blissful years. Our

family consists of eight children. They

have all been

married in the temple and are

raising righteous

families to the Lord. We have 28

grandchildren. We love spending

time with our family and look forward to spending eternity with them.

There is no other calling we

would rather have than serving our Heavenly Father on a mission during

this time of hastening. How blessed

we all are to be here in England

together making a difference.

Warm greetings to the wonderful

missionaries of the England London

South Mission! We are so happy to be called to serve in this incredible

mission with all of you. We love

missionaries and serving the Lord full-


We have recently returned

from serving a

mission in the Germany Frankfurt

Mission. We had an

amazing experience

there and learned so

many things. While

there we served with the Young Single

Adults and

developed a close relationship with

those wonderful

youth. We were also privileged to serve as

managers in the mission office helping

with the finances, apartments, and cars. Another opportunity we had was

to serve as the Zone Leaders for the

Senior couples. We were privileged to work with some of the most strong,

valiant missionaries who were

dedicating all their efforts to serving

the Lord. We are sure that we will

find that same strength and dedication

in the England London South Mission.

With all our hearts we look forward to working together with you.

Before leaving for our mission to

Germany, we were so fortunate to serve

at the Provo MTC for five years as branch president and executive

secretary. We developed a great love

for young missionaries, and enjoyed helping them develop their faith in

Christ. We came to deeply love Preach

My Gospel and realize how vital it is to

be 100% obedient to the missionary

President’s Letter - Greetings


B A P T I S M S :

Bristol 2

Crawley 2

Maidstone 3

Plymouth 3

Poole 4

Portsmouth 3

Reading 4

Staines 2

Wandsworth 4

Total 27


The Harvester J U L Y 2 0 1 5 V O L U M E 3 , I S S U E 7



F O R 2015

7 3 3——

6 5 0— —

5 8 5— —

5 2 0— —

4 4 5— —

3 9 0— —

3 2 5— —

2 6 0— —

1 9 5— —

1 3 0— —

6 5— —

0— —


Baptismal Dates : Raising Our Vision I would like to start off by having you ponder a question: Do I

hesitate to extend dates anywhere?

What I mean by this is: Do you invite people to be baptized when you meet

them on the street? When we set this

goal right at the start with our friends they will understand the vision and

expectations we have for them. This

hastens the work. As we extend dates

more quickly we can see how com-

mitted they are. Why wait to give

them something to work towards? If we want to baptize on a regular basis

we need to understand these princi-

ples we will have to always extend dates. There should never be a time of

hesitation unless the Spirit directs

otherwise. When we hasten this pro-

cess we will see growth in our area in many aspects. We will have more

committed friends to teach and we

will see the increase in baptismal dates and ultimately the progression

of our friends to be baptized. If they

don't accept the invitation we will then know their concerns so that we

can address it much earlier, instead of

waiting for the fourth or fifth lesson to

find out the concerns that they may

have. I know this allows us to better

teach to their needs. By increasing our faith and extending baptismal dates

always we begin to “gather out the

wheat from among the tares” (D&C 86:7). When we do this, we will have

double digit baptismal dates in each

of our areas. I know this is possible as

we trust in the Lord. I have seen the difference it makes in our missionary

work. By extending baptismal dates

we will better teach to people’s needs and when we do this on the street, we

will have more successful street les-

sons and be able to hasten of the work (D&C 88:73). Elders and Sisters

the time is now!!! As we extend dates

to everyone, the Father ' s work will

hasten. I have seen this to be true as

we have implemented it in our zone. I

know if we do these things we will see great success as a mission. I leave

you this in the name of Jesus Christ,


-Love, Elder Camadeco

Page 2: The harvester july 2015

P A G E 2

New Beginnings


This is an exciting time to be a missionary in the Eng-

land London South Mission! We are rejoicing over a

very successful 3 years with President Millar and the

relationships we have made with him, and we are

likewise rejoicing over the opportunity to know one of

the Lord’s choice disciples; President Ronald Gubler.

With a new mission president coming we each get to

start fresh. Some of us have reputations: lazy or hard-

working, exactly obedient or apostate, faithful at all

times or only on exchanges. No matter what it is, we

can make a new name for ourselves. We have the

opportunity to be the missionary we dream of being.

This change of leadership does not mean the revela-

tion ceases. “the mysteries of God shall be unfolded

unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in

these times as in times of old, and as well in times of

old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the

Lord is one eternal round” (1 Nephi 10:19). President

Gubler will teach and train differently than President

Millar, and that is exactly how it should be. He will

receive the guidance and inspiration needed to take

the mission where it needs to go. “Support your

[Mission President’s] righteous actions; do not criticize

him to other missionaries or members”. If we hear

about any missionary breaking this critical rule, they

will be corrected sharply and asked to repent of apos-

tasy. "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the

kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:3). As we stay humble

and listen to the guidance from President Gubler, we

are promised the Kingdom of Heaven.

“Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my reins and

my heart.” (Psalm 26:2). The Lord is always testing us,

always helping us become better, and always pushing

us to become perfect even as He is. Now is the time to

prove to the Lord and ourselves that we are true disci-

ples, let us start anew. May we continue to pray for

President and Sister Gubler.

We love you.

Elder Wolfgramm and Elder Bos

The Assistants to the President:

Elder Bos


Elder Wolfgramm

Bristol Goal 2014 YTD

Bath 15 13 1

Downend 15 4 0

Southmead 12 5 2

Taunton 12 10 4

Washford 5 - 0

Trowbridge 6 1 0

Wells Road 7 4 1

WSM 1 6 3 1

WSM 2 8 1 2

Total: 86 41 11

Crawley Goal 2014 YTD

Brighton 24 14 2

Crawley 12 14 6

Eastbourne 12 7 3

E’Grinstead 5 3 1

Epsom 15 13 1

Hay. Heath 15 11 1

Worthing 6 2 2

Total: 89 64 16

Maidstone Goal 2014 YTD

Hastings 10 7 3

Maidstone 8 5 0

Orpington 10 11 2

Selsdon 12 10 7

Tunbridge 7 1 1

Welling 24 23 4

Total: 71 57 17

Plymouth Goal 2014 YTD

Bideford 12 0 0

Exeter 12 4 5

Helston 5 1 3

Newton A. 12 8 1

Paignton 6 4 0

Plymouth 12 4 2

Redruth 7 2 0

St. Austell 12 1 1

Total: 78 24 12

Poole Goal 2014

Bournemouth 10 5

Christchurch 10 4

Guernsey 10 2

Jersey 8 6

Poole 10 5

Salisbury 10 2

Weymouth 12 3

Yeovil 4 1

Total: 74 28

Effective Language Learning Learning Chinese as a native English speaker

has been challenging but extremely rewarding. These are a

few suggestions and practices that have helped me and can

certainly be applied to you if you have been called to learn English as a second language.

The Lord declared, "Every man shall hear the fullness

of the gospel in his own tongue, and in his own language, through those who are ordained unto this power" (D&C

90:11). Following the points of see, commit, and action

will result in ability coupled with the power of the Spirit to become fluent in English.

First, you need to see the vision of what you want to do.

Your vision includes the personal reasons of why you are putting the effort into learning English and what it means

to you. When your vision becomes more personalized and

meaningful, then you will gain greater determination and enjoyment in mastering the English language.

Second, your commitment is measured by your effort

exerted over a period of time. There is no substitute for practice, which takes time! Additional time includes 7am-

8am, lunch & dinner hours, 9:30pm-10:30pm which should

be used for studying English. If you are serious about

mastering English, don't skip your daily Language study. The third point is action through your faith. Reading in

English is essential because you are able to see how vocab-

ulary words are used in context and you become more familiarized with grammar principles. General Conference

talks and Ensign articles are an easy read and the vocabu-

lary found in them are not just limited to Gospel terms. Reading is essential and will increase your vocabulary

index and comprehension

Listening, listening, listening is the key to improve your listening comprehension. Gospel Library allows you to

listen to General Conference talks and Ensign articles.

Speak your missionary language. There is no substitute! Speak to your companion and everyone. You can tell your-

self that you are learning and it is alright if you make mis-

takes. By this, you will qualify yourself for the divine help of Jesus Christ through the Gift of Tongues.

I bear you my testimony that the Gift of Tongues is real

and if you seek Heavenly Father's help in your attempt to learn English, he will bless you with this spiritual gift. I

say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

-Elder Greer

Page 3: The harvester july 2015

P A G E 3 V O L U M E 3 , I S S U E 6

YTD 2014

3 5

2 4

2 2

3 6

2 5

4 2

0 3

2 1

28 18

Portsmouth Goal 2014 YTD

Chichester 10 6 0

Hamble River 6 4 1

Isle. of Wight 12 6 2

Portsmouth 24 21 4

Southampton 16 8 3

Winchester 12 6 2

Total: 80 51 12

Reading Goal 2014 YTD

Basingstoke 12 2 3

Bracknell 12 3 5

Farnborough 5 0 3

Newbury 8 5 2

Oxford 1st 5 4 2

Oxford 2nd 5 2 1

Reading 6 0 5

Woodley 10 9 1

Total: 63 25 22

Staines Goal 2014 YTD

Addlestone 12 5 1

Aldershot 10 5 2

Guildford 10 2 2

H. Wycombe 10 5 2

Kingston 7 3 0

Slough 12 3 0

Staines 21 17 3

Total: 82 40 10

Wandsworth Goal 2014 YTD

Catford 15 5 1

Clapham C. 12 5 2

Crystal Palace 7 2 3

Kennington 35 23 7

Mitcham 12 7 1

Peckham 24 16 6

Wandsworth 5 3 1

Total: 110 61 21

Imagine that you are at a Zone Conference. A missionary with a special assignment from the Mission President comes up to you and sud-denly starts asking questions like "What diffi-culties are you facing right now on your mis-sion?" and "What are the biggest challenges keeping you from reaching your full poten-tial?" Think how you would feel. Would you be inclined to just naturally be open with them? Now imagine another scenario. A missionary comes up to you and wants your opinion about what the biggest challenges are that missionaries in the mission are facing. If encouraged, you would probably be willing to go into much more detail. The funny thing? You would probably end up with the same challenge, your challenge, just in much more detail than before. We tend to reflect upon our experiences, and so when asked a gener-alised question we tend to talk about our own challenge. The first difficulty in teaching to needs is helping others open up. "Good questions will help you understand interests, concerns, or questions that others have." (PMG, Pg. 184).

We can ask questions about things that per-tain to the people we meet. For example "What do you think are the biggest challenges facing families in this modern world?" or "What do you think are the biggest challenges facing people here in London?" It is amazing what can happen. People will often start to talk in great detail, and occasionally directly start talking about how this challenge affects them personally. This is the perfect time to teach doctrine to their deepest desires. If someone tells you that their grandma just died, would you teach them about the great apostasy? I hope not! Everyone we meet has unique concerns and challenges, so every lesson we teach should be unique as well! What's good for one person may not work for another. If somebody's craving a big slice of pizza, and you give them some corn, would they come back to you next time they're hungry? Probably not! Lehi described his experience with the gospel as "desirable above all other fruit." (1 Ne 8:12) Elders and Sisters, we need to give the people we meet the food that their desperately craving! As

we genuinely listen with love and ask intelli-gent inspired questions, we'll know exactly how to make and deliver their perfect pizza! Now, a few tips. We often talk of inspired questions, but then forget D&C 9:8 "Study it out in your mind and then ask me if it is right!" The spirit of inspiration works best as you first use the gift of intelligence that God has given you to try to think about what questions will be effective. It’s important to try different questions to see what works. Ask about a group they would identify with (young peo-ple, families, British), use follow-up questions and nourish this practise with faith, diligence and patience (Alma 32:41). Remember slight change in wording makes a big difference in types of responses. I know that this will greatly improve the quali-ty of your lessons. You will feel less robotic, bring the spirit more powerfully, and be more efficient in turning street lessons into new investigators.

-Elder Moore

Teaching Doctrine to Meet Needs

I Love It When A Plan Comes Together! Imagine you just sat down to teach your inves-tigator. You had no plans prepared. You and

your companion are both lost and end up teach-

ing a very confusing lesson. After the lesson your investigator calls you to tell you that they

don't want to meet anymore. What did you do

wrong? If you fail to plan then you plan to fail! But if we succeed to plan then we plan to suc-


We hope that as you read this that you will be

able to understand the why and how of effec-

tive daily and weekly planning. To start off we first have to have goals as “goals reflect the

desires of our hearts and our vision of what we

can accomplish.” (PMG, pg 146) When we set goals and THEN make plans, it is an act of

faith and will “take our hopes and transform

them into action”(PMG pg 146). We then need to “do everything within our power to achieve

our goals” (PMG pg 146).

This will help us to create a plan to achieve our

goals and to plan effectively. As we learn from “The Acts of the Apostles”, there would be no

“Acts” unless there were “The Plans of the

Apostles”. The Apostles had a plan; therefore, they were able to act effectively. We have to

have effective plans to be successful and

achieve our goals. We have the Planning Guidelines in the beginning of our planners to

help us with that. As we use them every night

we will be able to plan effectively for God's children that we are blessed to work with.

We have Weekly Planning to prepare us in advance. We need to read every point all the

way through. In so doing we will be fully

prepared to have success and doing the Lord's work the way He has planned it to be. Remem-

ber the “ultimate measure of success is not in achieving goals alone but in the service you

render and the progress of others” (PMG pg.


Elders and Sisters, we know as you are able to

apply the tools and guidance we have been given through our Planning Guidelines and

Weekly Planning points that you will be able to

“bring much good among Heavenly Father's children” and you will see more “progression

toward baptism and covenant making, and

lasting conversion!” We know this is the Lord's work and as we do it His way, we will

be successful under His direction. We say this

in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

-Elder Lloyd and Elder Bradshaw

Page 4: The harvester july 2015

If you have any miracle stories that you

would like to see published in the next

Harvester, you can send them in to the

mission office via email!

England London South Mission Office

The London Temple

West Park Road

Newchapel, Surrey RH7 6NB

Phone: 01342 833 916

E-mail: [email protected]

Elders Fa’aoso and Probst reported their experience with James (pictured below) at the Visitors’ Centre as follows:

“The time we had with James at the temple was very special! It

helped him out so much! He was very nervous about coming because he didn't know what to expect. But the Sisters were able to really hit it out of

the park with him! They taught about modern prophets really well which

helped James understand the need for modern prophets. James believed that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph

Smith is a prophet but he had some concerns about President Monson. It

really helped him see all of the pictures of the First Presidency and the Quorum of Twelve and to be able to listen to their testimony of Jesus

Christ. That really helped him see how much they truly love this gospel

and Jesus Christ. James also loved the fact that he could be sealed in the temple as a

family for all time and eternity. He knows that if he keeps on this gospel

path he may be sealed to his family to live with them forever. We then came to the Christus statue! That’s where James felt the

Spirit the most. When the audio spoke of Christ’s Atonement and how we

need to follow him, James told us he would do everything he could to follow the Saviour.

James has now been baptized and confirmed. On June 14th, he re-

ceived the Aaronic Priesthood and he will bless the sacrament next week on June 21st. The Visitors’ Centre was a great experience for all of us and

we are grateful for the Spirit we were able to feel to help James continue

on this righteous path.”

We are grateful to Elders Fa’aoso and Probst and to all of you for allowing us to help invite your friends to come unto Christ. For other

recent experiences in the Centre and to see how you can help your friends

progress, please see our blog, “Heaven and Earth,” at

Scheduled VC firesides in July include: Sunday, 5th July, 6:00 p.m. – “How Rare a Possession” – Russell

Ball, President Staines Stake, will bear testimony of the Book of Mormon and discuss his acquisition of a 1st edition of the Book of Mormon from

the press of E.B. Grandin in Palmyra. The book is believed to be the first

ever copy of the Book of Mormon to reach the shores of the U.K. Sunday, 19th July, 6:00 p.m. – “My Heart is Singing” – Elder and

Sister Cummings, Senior Missionaries at the London Temple Visitors’

Centre, will bear testimony of the joy of service in the Lord’s kingdom. The Cummings, who have served so well, will complete their mission

here in August.

Come to the Centre! Partake of the Spirit! Report Your Experience

London Temple Visitors’ Centre - CPR

P A G E 4