the h a complete catalogue of people's wants on this...wanted—competent girl for gen-eral...

SATURDAY EVENING, DECE^IBEK 21. 1901. THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. H A Complete Catalogue of the People's Wants on This Page Today QQ HELP WANTED-FEMALE Continued. FULL LINE CHRISTMAS CAKES. YE OLDE TV.ME BAKERIE. 722 Nicollet ay. I WOMAN'S BAKING CO., 1200 3d ay_S WANTED—COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. Call at 2001 Aldrich ay S. WANTED—WOMAN, ABOUT 40, SOBER, IN- dustrlous, good plain cook, for family of four. For particulars, write 451 E 2d Bt, Wlnona, Minn. __ GIRL WANTED—FOR COOKING AND housework; family three; nice place; good pay. Call flat 9, 131 E 14th at, corner Ste- vens. Stocker. ] AN INCOME OF $5 TO $15 WEEKLY CAN be earned by any person able to write, to copy letters at home and return to us. We pay by the thousand. The Wagner's Supply Co., St. Paul, Minn. ' WANTED—AT ONCE, WAIST AND SKIRT hands. Henuepin Flats. ai. j A COMPETENT COOK FOR SMALL FAM- ily; age, experience, references required. Ad- dress Look Box 417, Ada, 'Minn. ANTED— EXPERIENCED DINING-ROOM sLL aS once, Call at sO3_7th st S._ AT ONCE, MEN AND WOMEN TO MAKB $6 to $18 a week in spare time— can vasslng. The work is elevating and refining; any one who can read anil write can do it and earn money from the start. 11. A. Gripp, German artist, Tyrone, Pa, Pleasa write and I send for work at once. \u25a0 WANTED—OIRL ABOUT 16 YEARS TO AS- 6ist la light general housework; work easy; man preferred. 3122 17th ay S. \u25a0 WANTED— GIRL FOR GENERAL WORK in hotel; one that can wait on table at noon time. Sixth. Avenue Hotel, corner 6th a.v S and Washington. PERFUMES for Christmas trade; best line in city. A. D. Thompson Drug Co., 3d st, Ist ay S. CLASS INSTRUCTION IN DRAFTING AND draping 1 given evenings for two weeks fol- lowing Christmas by experienced ladies' tai- lor; make appointments immediately. For terms apply 622 Medical block. STEADY HOME WORK FOR LADIES; THE work is pleasant and will easily pay $12 weekly; experience unnecessary. Send self- addressed stamped envelop to Aurora Mfg. Co., St. Paul, Minn. WANTED-GOOD WOMAN OOOK. APPLY 1319 2d ux S. \u25a0 EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 1015 Sth st_SE : WANTED—COMPETENT "GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. 334 4th st NE. flat 2. " WANTED—DISHWASHER AND WOMAN TO scrub. Niagara Cafe. 32 oth st S. 33 HORSES, CARRIAGES-SALE THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's -Qc socks, 10c; 7"'C night robes, 50e. 100 USEFUL TOOL CHESTS, $1.00 TO $25. W. K. Morison, 247 Nicollet ay. WIDMAYER & P REND ERG ASTT~4I4 3D ST S,; horses, harness, wagons, buggies, sleighs, robes, blankets, etc., bought, sold. Largest line in city constantly on hand. Telephone, Main 2702 J3. SPECIAL SALE OF $I.Horse Blankets—sl.6o. American Tent and Awning Co., 125 Ist ay N. THE NATIONAL OIL REPORTER SAYS good things about the United States Oil Co. See page 29, issue of Dec. 12. BROWN " & DICKBY, MIDWAY HORSE Market, St. Paul, Minn., have constantly on hand all classes of horses. Logging horses a specialty, and driving horses. If you want a horse of any kind, give us a call. "" HORSES, HORSES, HORSES. Barrett & Zimmerman, Midway, St. Paul, Minn., have constantly on hand from 800 to 1,000 head of all grades of horses; part time given If desired. The finest lot of heavy log- ging horses ever brought Into the northwest I can be seen at their stables. 31 HELP WANTED-MALE Continued. WANTED— HUSTLING SALESMAN TO travel In Minnesota for coming year for well- established house. Jesse H. Smith, 37 Con- gress st, Detroit, Mich. DETECTIVES— LOCALITY; GOOD salary; experience unnecessary., Interna- tlonal Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. WANTED—EVERYWHERE, HUSTLERS~TO tack signs, distribute -circulars, Bamples, etc. No canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. GENUINE ELECTRIC MOTOR; RUNS LIKE an engine; size 4x4x5-ineh; complete, with battery, $1.25. Novelty Electric Co., 920 2Sth ay 9. :-'-i: -' A TED -MAN CAPABLE OF TAKING charge of the mechanical end of a country printing office. Must be a good compositor and able to take care of the ordinary run of job work. Address, until Sunday, $053, Jour- nal ,:,,•>. CIVIL SERVICE GOVERNMENT POSl- tious. 9,889 * appointments made* last year; probably 10,000 this year. Only common school education required for examination. Catalogue of information free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C. WANTED— MEN TO WORK IN shipping department, at once. Barnard-Cope Mfg. Co., 4th st and 2d ay NE. ESTABLISHED HOUSE DESIRES THREE straight, wideawake specialty salesmen; good line, territory and terms. Address 8074, Jour- nal. WANTED -CLASS STENOGRAPH- «r; must write well, furnish reference and have a. year or two experience. 5127, Journal. WANTED—AT LEAST 15 STENOGRAPH - ors and bookkeepers <-v.v secure positions readily by writing Expert National Agency, St. Paul, Minn. ___ WANTED— .V YOUNG MAIN WHO 11A graduated from high school, who wants to learn the land business. Reply fully, 8129, Journal. WANTED—A CAPABLE ASSISTANT In credit department. Application should give particulars fully. 8130, Journal. THE TEXAS GEYSER Oil* CO. OFFERS A splendid investment on Page 17. WANTED -AT LAMOURR, N. D., A BAR- ber, at once. R. W. Campfleld. WANTED-COMPETENT" MAN FOR HARD- ware store; must be a good bookkeeper; state age, experience, references, nationality and salary wanted. Address 8000, Journal. DAY AND EVENING classes at the Eclectic Business College, 4">_ Wash, ay S, Minneapolis. Graduates assisted In securing position's, GOVERNMENT POSITIONS— THOUSANDS of appointments to be made. Examinations Boon in every state. Circular 143, giving full particulars, Bent free. Write for It to-day to "National' Correspondence Institute, Washing- ton. D. C. SALESMEN CAN MAKE \SU\ INCOME; IS years iv connection with any other line with- out risk or cash investment. Hull, 154 E 23d m, New York City. WANTED—SAMPLE DISTRIBUTORS 10 manage business; either sex; good pay. En- close stamp. Sr. Clair Remedy Co., South Bend, Ind. ENERGETIC SALESMAN—SCHOOL BUP- country work; $100 salary and com- inisßions. X 0. Evans &• Co., Chicago, 111. YOUNG MAX, 20 TO -'.". TO "SELL OFFICE specialties on liberal commission; permanent position if successful; state education and previous employment. W. M. Uean & Co., ivuluth, Minn. SALESMEN TO SELL OUR GOODS TO general stores, clothiers, druggists and gro- wers; fine side lines; big profits; catalogue free. Modtl Mfg. Co., box L, South Bend, Ind. WANTED—TWO , HlX- lsts. used to light work. Also an apprentice h'jy. MS Ist ay S. MECHANICS QUALIFIED FOR ADVANCE- ment Our free booklet, "'Are Your Hands Tied?", tells how thousands have doubled or largely increased their earning capacity through our 6pare time instruction by mail. Write to the International Correspondence Schools, box 1663, Scranton, Pa., or call day or evening. Minneapolis office, Guaranty Loan building. 1)RlTo CLERK. AT ONCE, FOR country town. Give particulars, salary ex- pected. G. H. Haywood. Campbell, Minn. WANTED-AN ASSISTANT ENGINEER. Ciiv experience, age and references. 7527, Journal. RELIABLE CLEVELAND HOUSE WANTS bright man as traveling salesman; general store trade; energy, business ability and salesmanship will .nrake position permanent. Box 52. Cleveland. Ohio. WANTED—CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTORS; $6 i per I,(XJO. Parisian Chemical Co., Newport, Ky. WANTED—A CUSTOM SHIRT SALESMAN'; man with experience preferred. Address 8101; Journal. WANTED^-GOOD MEN TCTPLACE A GOOD selling household article in stores. Byard '\u25a0 Mfg. Co., 313 Hennepin ay, Minneapolis. TRUSTWORTHY PERSON'S (EITHER SEX) ! to do office work at 'home; no canvassing; many make $10 to $15 weekly; particulars, . etc., A. T. Little, Fail-port, N. Y. | LO\VN Funke's, Lyon's and Allegrettl chocolates. Thompson Drug Co., Ist ay S, 3d St. [ SI<r\VEEKLY7 >EMALE,~COPY- ing letters at home; send application. Peo- ple's Supply House, Chicago. - CLEAR LOTS EXCHANGED FOR BUILD- ing material, carpenter labor, plastering, stone or brick work, heating oi* plumbing. Inquire of George C. Andrews, 1212 Guaranty Loan. BOY TO RUN PLAIN MILLING MACHINE; steady Job. Globe Iron Works Co. AT "once, men AND Women to make $6 to $18 a week in spare time—no can- vassing. The wo»k is elevating and refining; any one "who can read and write can do it and earn money from, the start. H. A. Gripp, German artist, Tyrone, Pa. Please <write and send for work at once. WANTED—A GOOD PENMAN; PREFERRED with some Dllling experience. Address 8120, Journal. - WANTED— TRAVELING MEN, ABLE to leave city and work In Minnesota; $18 weekly to start and all expenses; good route. Address^ Manager, 300 Caxton bldg, Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED YEARLY CO\~ tract. Hustling, experienced, responsible salesmen only apply. References and expe- rience required. New England Jewelry Co., lowa City, lowa. YOUNG MAN, ABOUT 18 YEARS OLD, OR elderly man, to da office work for the winter. John J. Carroll, 41 Phoenix. 32 HELP WANTED-FEMALE THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENt! Men's 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 50c. $1 BARNEY AND BERRY, SKATES AT 75c.-*« W. K. Morison, 247 Nicollet ay. PLEASANT AND PAYING EMPLOYMENT is easily obtained by graduates of the Min- nesota School of Business, 54 3d st S. LADIES HAVING TROUBLES TO~CALLTbR write Dr. Bly, 27 4th st S. New book, 25c. YOUNG WOMAN, FOR THOROUGH PREP- aration for office work or business, go to the Archibald college, Lake st, corner Stevens. FIRST-CLASS SCANDINAVIAN GIRL FOR general housework: 2831 3d st N. GIRL WANTED—FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Call 935 14th ay S. WANTED^ A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. filti 6th ay SE. TEACHERS WANTED FOR GRADES AND high schools, for work beginning after the holidays. The Hazard Teachers' Agency, 732 Boston block. \u2666 yi \u2666 "• \u2666 -^^x^^^x^x^ \u2666• TOUR HUSBAND KNOWS BARNA- \u25a0\u2666> •\u2666\u25a0 BY'S GOODS are the best obtainable. \u2666\u25a0 \u2666- \u25a0\u2666 t ........;. WANTED—A GOOD COOK AND CHAMBER- maid at once. 922 6th ay S. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE- wcrk; no washing. Inquire 2617 16th ay S. WANTED—GIRLS TO WORK* ON MANGLE"; also a starcher. Co-operative Laundry, 523 Ist ay S. YOU CAN EARN BOARD AND ATTEND Brown's Business College, Faribault, Minn., or take a thorough "home study" course, graduate and be assisted to good position. DRESSMAKERS" SEAMSTRESSES AND apprentices, fit yourselves to fill our posi- tions as cutters or in families ait $1.50 to $2.50 per day. We teach you to cut, baste and complete a garment for yourself or your pa- tron while learning to use the square, the only method recognized by a tailor or those practical In gurment cut. Cuts latest and most graceful curves, being a direct improve- ment over all others In use. We guarantee positions to all taking a course. French- American Tailoring Institute, 407 Nicollet ay. Phone. Main 2417 L 2.__ . WANTED—COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eial housework; must be good cook and waitress; good wages; references required. Call at once at 180t> Park ay. second floor. IT IS NEAR THE HOLIDAYS, BUT THE Northwestern Dress Cutting School are still enrolling dressmakers and apprentices in their school, paying $1 per day to appren- tices while learning the entire art of dress- making ' and ladles' tailoring, in all its branches; the only school this bide of New \u25a0York where one can advance to the highest art of dressmaking; situations furnished from $9 to $30 per week; write or call now. North- western Dress Cutting School. 728 Hennepin. _lme. Bu Cttane. proprietor. ONE LAND OR HACK; ONE ROCK- away; these carriages are in fine shape and for sale cheap, on time. W. C. Buchanan, 113 E Lake st. FANCY SPEEDING CUTTER, USED ONLY three times and a beauty, for sale cheap. Call 2200 Grand S, city. GOOD CUTTER, BUGGY AND SURREY FOR sale very cheap. Call 1519 Sd av"S. FOR SALE—NO. i~FRESH~MILCH COWI Will sell cheap. Call at 1828 2d_st NE. FOR SALE—CHEAP; OR WILL TRADE FOR anything I can use, nearly new Hamilton speeding cutter;, cost $125.. Address S. G. Thompson, Albert Lea, Minn. POITSALE—SHETLAND PONY, BAY STAL- llon, 42 inches high, registered. Can be driven single or double; is thoroughly broken and a fine traveler. A perfect beauty; 4 years old. Louis Fleckenstein, Faribault, Minn- Central Market Harness Co—New and second- hand harnesses, collars. Repairing, lowest prices; whips, all rawhide, 50c. 625 2d ay N. PORTLAND CUTTER, "GOOD AS NEWT cheap. May be seen at 2606 Ist ay S. LIVERY STABLE, STEVENS AVJ BE- tween 16th and 17th, with Qdrick house, for $3,500, part trades. Nickels & Smith, 311 Nic- ollet. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 TWO-SEAT CUTTER IN FINE SHAPE, with pole and shafts; cost $125; will sell for £30. 12 E Grant st. . BAY GELDING HORSE, 8 YEARS OLD, Bangor-buggy, $40 harness, robes, blankets, halter and whips; outfit cost $450; will sell for it '00; party leaving city. Palace Stables, & E i ; rant st. - NEW CUNNINGHAM AND LANDAU, RUB- ber tired; will sell at a sacrifice. 12 E Grant. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED 40 HEAD OF 1,400 to 1,800-pound draft horses that are right out of work; prices reasonable. Frost & Co., 12 2d at N. FOR SALE—GOOD WORK TEAM, WEIGHT 2,400 pounds and sound; also one sound horse, weight I.HOO pounds. 2024 4th st N. COACH HORSES AND DRIVERS. L. A. Legg has just arrived on the Barrett & Zimmerman's Midway Horse Market with a tew coach horses and speedy drivers. FINE MATCHED CARRIAGE TEAM OF chestnuts, weight 2,300, city broke, 7 and 8 years old; will make a fine coach team and are good high actors; can road a good gait. 616 E 17th at. . 1,300-POUND SOUND FARM MARE, HOX- est and gentle, $60, 7 years old; one pair of small horses, weight 1,700 pounds, young and true, $35; will Bell separate or trade for some- thing to match my (big mare; cutter and good open bu-ggy, $16. 2025 Jackson st NE, up- stai.r3. 34 HORSES, CARRIAGES—W'T'D tiii^T^lT^ujuW^^a^'al^lbal^em'ent\ Men's L'Oc socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 50c. APPROPRIATE Christmas Gifts at reasonable prices. W. K. Morison & Co., 247 Nicollet. NfED^TO~BUY~A~FAST~HORSE~>OR~A driver; dark color; trot or pace; weight about 1,060 lbs; don't care if horse is marked low, but must show a 2:30 clip; will pay good fair price in cash; none but honest, responsible dealers need apply. No. 7512, Journal. HORSES BOARDED; BEST Or <"ARErREF~ erences given; timothy and clover hay for sale. H. L. Bartholomew, 'Diamond Lake, Portland ay and 58th st. Postofflce substation No. 9, \u25a0city. WANTED—SHETLAND PONY AND CART. State price wanted to 8011, Journal. WANTED—A GOOD DRIVING HORSE IN exchange for clear lot, and also 4-niontlis-old collie pups for sale. 1614 4th st SE. WANTED—HEAVY TEAMS FOR WORK IN the woods. Apply 8 Ist st S. WANTED— TIRE FARM WAGON; two-seated buggy, pair heavy harnesses, sin- gle buggy, harness; all must t»e in good con- iitlon, cheap for cash. A., 5.,925 Ist ay N. 35 INSTRUCTION THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 50c. CHAFING DISHES, 25 STYLES, $2?75~T0 :Ll W._K._Morison & Co., 247 Nicolleit ay. SPANISH INSTRUCTION by native teacher. Terms reasonable. Address 4224, Journal: GREGG SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRIT- ing; join our new day class, beginning Jan. 6; a rate of $7 per month given those who enter on above date; thorough, individual instruc- tion; students assisted to positions. Gregg School, 310 and 321 Kasota building. PERFUMES for Christmas trade; best line in ;lty. A. P. Thompson Drug Co., 3d st, Ist ay S. 36^J^NS^AND CHATTELS THE^"?LY^I6TTH' VBXRG^ Men's 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 50c. TEA and Coffee Pots, Baking Dishes. Prices right. W. K. Morison Co., 247 Nicollet ay. LOANS MADE ON SAME DAY AS APPI7i~ CATION ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES, WAGONS, FIXTURES, ETC., THE GOODS TO REMAiN IN YOUR UN- DISTURBED POSSESSION. OUR OFFICES ARE SO ARRANGED THAT YOU CAN BE WAITED ON QUICKLY AND PRIVATELY. AND NO ONE BUT OURSELVES NEED KNOW OF OUR TRANSACTIONS. OUR PLAN 13 THE CHEAPEST, BEST AND MOST PRIVATE IN THE CITY. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. MINNEAPOLIS LOAN CO., 601-602 GLOBE BUILDING, 22 4TH ST S. Open Wed. and Sat. evenings until 9 p. m. LOANS MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS] furs in storage and warehouse receipts, at one-half the usual rates. Monthly install- ment Loan Co., 825 Guaranty Loan. ,„.. / ,' 44 U PERSONAL Continued. . DR. VAN DAMME, PRIVATE DISEASES and irregularities of women. Room 608 Northwestern block, 322 Hennepin. Home, with skilled nurse. Consultation free. - ; FULL LINE CHRISTMAS CAKES " YE OLDE TYME BAKERIE ' ' . 722 Nicollet ay. WOMAN'S MAKING CO I 1200 3d ay S ' THE TEXAS GEYSER OIL. CO. OFFERS A splendid investment on Page 17. VITALITY LOW, DEBILITATED OR EX^ hausted, cured by Dr. Kline's Invigorating ; Tonic. I Preen $1 trial bottle upon description, 1 of case. Dr. Kline's Institute, 931 Arch st Philadelphia. Founded 1871. <§> XMAS SUGGESTIONS: Barnaby's ties, <?> 1 <\u2666"> gloves, or smoking Jackets. ' ' <«> <S>»»«x^x»«^>^<S \u2666 * •\u25a0••• jx^s>^xg^>^ \u25a0 MORPHINE, OPIUM, LAUDANUM"; CO- caine habit myself cured; will inform of . harmless permanent home cure. Mrs. Bald- win, box 1212. Chicago. DR. WYATT, LOCATED 16 YEAR 3A.T 230 " Hennepin ay, has had 31) years of wonderful success in curing men and women of all ccx- ual, kidney, blood and wasting diseases. Visit \u25a0 him or write him free and get aured. LADIES, " CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PSN- nyroyal Pills are the best: safe, reliable; take . no other; rsend 4c stamp for particulars. "Re- : lief for Ladies" in letter by return mail at , druggists. Chlchester Chem. Co.. Phlla.. Pa. j MRS. BOND, " MONTHLY REGULATOR . which has never failed; longest cases relieved \u25a0 in two to five days; no danger; has had 1C years' experience in using it. By mail or office, $2. Advice free. All letters address Mrs. E. Bond, 306 6th st S. Office hours 10 i a. m. until Bp. m. Minneapolis, Minn. ' ANNA~M.~GRISWOLD,~4I7 MEDICAL BLKT Chiropody, manicuring, electrolysis for re- moving superfluous hair, moles, -warts and birthmarks. Shampooing, face and scalp massage. : j CHIUSTMAS~"VIOLINS~AT~ ROSE & SAV- IER'S. MET. MUSIC CO., 41 6TH ST S. \ KIDNEY, BLADDER AND URINAR~Y troubles cured; trial free. C. H. Rowan 4000 Drexel boulevard. Chicago, 111. LADIES, TRY MY MONTHLY REMEDY. Sa-mple free. Vitorg Company. Chicago. AMIABLE, ATTRACTIVE WIDOW7~CHfLD^ less, possessing beautiful home and $25,000, sadly needs husband's advice and compan- ionship. "Constance," room D, 404 Vine, st Cincinnati, Ohio. , ' $88 «8S8S»«885888K«88 888388SB8SS<%&8!8!K 82*2 ] *ii Best Xinas Dinner at the Guaranty fS «2 Loan Restaurant. 12:80-3 and 5-8 p m *2 8888 88888888888888888888 Waag^gMßSlßßßß Finest Perfumes and Funke'H, Lowney's and Allegretti Bonbons. A. D. Thompson Drug Co. SEND NO FOR A LIMITED TIME we will send you free a large size package of German Catarrh Cure, free, which will surely \u25a0cure you of that ha/wking. spitting, dropping in the throat, foul breath, etc.; same sent with the understanding jou to pay for same after 30 days' treatment if entirely satisfied. \u25a0 Address Mfr. German Catarrh Cur©, 300 Cen- tral ay, Minneapolis. HAIR l WORK—ALL KINDS OF' HAIR I chains and hair work made after order, of j your own hair. Send one 2-cent stamp and I will send you the samples of ir. - hair j work. Write to-day to Mrs. Hana Marks, j j 1623_5th_et_ S, Minneapolis, Minn. "MY LADY'3"^ TOILET IS INCOMPLETE without Hygeia Skin Food. Feeds tissues of face and bust, removing wrinkles. Clears j skin of all blemishes. $1 per jar, postpaid. I Hygeia Toilet ,Co., 22 Union block, St Paul, Minn. LOWNEY'S. Funke's, 'I>on"s and Aliegretti chocolates. Tbomneon Drug Co.. Ist ay S.?»d st. 45 PATENT ATTORNEYS THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's 20c Socks, 10c; Tor- Night Robes, 60c. $1 BARNEY AND BERRY SKATESAT W. K. Morlson, 247 Nicollet ay. - -\u0084 WILLIAMSON & MERCHANT (JAMES F. Williamson and Frank D. Merchant), patent ( attorneys and solicitors; main office, No. 929- --935 Guaranty Loan building, Minneapolis, Minn.; branch office, room 52, McGill build- ing. Washington. D. C. , REAL ESTATE—FOR SAL* 4.7 IMPROVED THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's 20c Socks, 10c; 75c Night Robes, 50c. 100 USEFUL. TOOL CHESTS, $£00~TO $25. W. K. Morlson, 247 Nicollet ay. \u25a0 W. A. BARNES & CO., 300-302 NICOLLET jay, issue a rental bulletin every Monday. | Call or send for out New Real Eestate Hats. GERMS AND SEDIMENT IN CITY WATER" removed by Eclipse Filters: 310 3d ay S. ! ABSTRACTS 10 cts. per number. Hennepin | Co. Abstract Co.. Albert Phelps, Courthouse. j DbN'T~BE~AN~6UTSID~ER7~SA 7YS~AN~IN- ' ; slder, regarding United States Fuel Oil stock. See advertisements. DAVIDC. bell"investment CO., \ No. 11l S Fourth St. $1,550—N0. 2820 Clinton ay; 7-room house; j also barn; east front lot, 42x129; city water and walk. $1,700— Nos. 3422 and 8424 Grand ay; two houses of . five rooms each; monthly rental of $20; east front lot, 45x129; city water in yard. $3,500 —No. 2022 Portland ay; 9-room house; also good barn; city water and sewer connection; fine east-front lot, 48x123. $850—No. 1618 Queen ay N; 8-room house; lot, 40x128; half cash. . Call for Our Catalogue of Bargains. ON ANY OF THE ABOVE., ! Will pay taxes due Jan. 1. 1901. ! i $3,500 FOR A BRICK HOUSE AND LIVERY j stable, on Stevens ay, between 16th and 17th ! sis. Would take part . trade. Nickels & Smith, 311 Nicollet ay. _ ' - THORPE BROS., y'\u25a0\u25a0'':' Andrus Building. for SALE. CHEAP— -. > No. 2937 Bloomlngton ay; 10 rooms. Owner wishes to leave city. Will sell for $2,100; i $1,300 cash; assume mortgage for $800. House. 8527 13th ay S; 5 rooms: lot, 25x128; ; chicken-house. \u25a0 ' 3(3 LOANS AND CHATTELS Continued. RICE LOANS on all kinds of personal prop- erty; charges reasonable. 606 Globe blag. THE TEXAS GEYSER OIL CO. "OFFERS~A splendid investment on Page 17. " PAWNBROKERS—ReIiabIe, reasonable; con- fidential. Harris & Goldstein, 239 Ist ay S. MONEY TO LOAN. i ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES. WAGONS, ETC., ON SHORT NOTICE, AT \u25a0 CHEAPEST RATES IN THE CITY. EASY . WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS STRICTEST PRIVACY GUARANTEED. 1 CALL ON THE OLD HOME COMPANY; ESTABLISHED TWENTY YEARS. MIN- NESOTA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. 306 BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING, COR- , NER OF IST AY S AND 4TH ST. i CUFF_L, 506 GUARANTY BUILDING, HAS money to give away for notes on furniture, pianos or good security. Easy monthly pay- -1 meuts. 37 LOST \ AND FOUND THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's 20c socks. 10c; 75c night robes, 60c. $1 BARNEY AND BERRY-SKATES AT We I W. K. Morten, 247 Nlcollet_ay. THE TEXAS GEYSER OIL CO. OFFERS A j splendid investment on Page 17. \u25a0 i CHRISTMAS VIOLINS AT ROSE & BAY- I IBR'S. MET. MUSIC CO., 41 liTH ST S. LOST— SCOTCH PLAID SHAWL NEAR end of 2d st car line, Doc. 20. Return to 425 Contra! ay; $5 reward. FOUND— SPECTACLES, FRIDAY AF- j ternoon, in front of Journal building. Owner call at counter, prove property and pay for ad. ; LOST—A MEXICAN LEATHER PURSE, one that hangs from belt, containing $8.50. Finder please return to 1308 7th st SB and receive reward. \u25a0 LOWNEY'S, Funke's, Lyon's and Allegretti chocolates. Thompson Drug Co., Ist ay S, 3d st. Best Xmao Dinner at the Guaranty f'i \ Best Xmas Dinner at the Guaranty "2 Loan Restaurant, 12:30-3 and 5-8 p. m. 8g '\u25a0 f.'. 88S8888i-BgS-SBSBB-8 _BS3BSBBgBBB)BSSSS2SB S3. POCKETBOOK, BETWEEN 19TH and 11th ays on sth st S. this morning;; $7 and meal ticket. Return Hotel Ireland, 1819 ,>th at S. 39 ~~~~^SSiS^ZIIZZZ THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's 20e Socks, 10c; 75c Night Robes. 60c. 100 USEFUL TOOL CHESTS, $-.00 TO $25. W. K. Morison. 247 i Nicollet'av. ELITE BATH PARLORS. 626 HENNEPIN I ay; porcelain tubs, massage, cabinet and medicated baths; experienced lady attendant. LADIES HAVING TROUBLES TO CALL OR write Dr. Bly, 27 4th st S. New book, 25c. W. H. McCONNELL, profession7a.l nurse, is at home, 1012 Nicollet ay, after a long absence. Very __t of medical refer- ences. -'•-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 LADIES, $500 REWARD FOR A CASE OF obstinate suppression, any cause, my monthly regulator fails to relieve; mail; harmless vegetable, safe, sure; how long suppressed. Dr. Jackson, R. Co., R 846, 167 Dearborn, j Chicago. ; OH HO, WEAK MEN, OUR IMPROVED i Vacuum Developer guaranteed cheapest, best on earth for sexual weakness, stricture, losses, varlcocele, enlarges shrunken organs. Particulars sealed. The World's Cure Co., Denver, Col. \u25a0• \u25a0 CANCER CURED AT HOME BY INTERNAL treatment; no knife, plaster or pain. Book and testimonials mailed free. Cancer Instl- tute, 121 W 42d st. New York. \u25a0 \u25a0 ' LADIES— HARMLESS REMEDY FOR delayed or suppressed period cannot fall. Trial free. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. 41 mYnnet^ni^pro^erty THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's 20c Socks, 10c; 75c Night Robes, 50c APPROPRIATE Christmas Gifts at reasonable prices. W. K. Mortson & Co., 247 Nicollet. IF INTERESTED IN LAKE MINNETONKA property, buy now; don't wait until spring; prices are stiffening and it will bo sure to rise in the near future. We carry the largest list of lake realty and can suit any taste and purse. " JAEGER & TORELLE, 310 Bank of Commerce. <$>$xSx*-<sx*^<«> <•>. . JAEGER & TORELLE. .. ..;> §. 310 Bank of Commerce. '. \u0084.•<§> ! <•> $300 for one of the choicest lots at & •\u2666• Meadville Park; fine shore is at a pre-. <&. <,\u2666> niium in this addition, and prospective <>•> i<^> buyers cannot afford to delay securing <\u2666> <j> desirable cottage sites ;'..;-; <& <$> SPRING PARK—Seven of the 'best •\u2666> <§> shore lots on the main lake for only <§> j <\u2666> $1,200, or can sell five of them for <§> ! <*> $1,000, or three for $600. It is unneces-' <f> <|> sary to say that this is a bargain <§» <\u2666> which will remain on the market but <\u2666> i <\u2666> a short while longer. <\u2666> | ® BELLEVUE—HoteI St. Louis; fine & I <$> lots with commanding view .on only <\u2666> ] <ih public street leading- to the lake be- <§>. <\u2666> tween Deephaven and the hotel. <?> | 42 NOTICB •';;; THIS PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's ZOo Socks, 10c; 75c Night Robes, 50c CHAFING DISHES, 25 .'STYLE37~S277S~~TO , $15.75. V.'. K. Morison &_Co_.__47_Nlcolleit ay. THE TEXAS GEYSER OIL CO. OFFERS A splendid investment on Page 17. MUSIC BOXES AT ROSE~& SXVIER'ST" MET. MUSIC CO.. 41' 6TH ST S. i *Ji For tasty dressers, nothing equals *)£ ' *Ji Barnaby'B Haberdashery. •£1 jliOWNEY'S, Filnke's, Lyon's and Allegrettl I chocolates. Thompson Drug Co., Ist ay S, 3d st. jNOTICE—MONDAY AND TUESDAY WE will offer entire stock new and unclaimed pic- tures at reduced prices to sell them quick. 20 per cent off on framing pictures' after Christmas. Zesbaugh, 11 sth st S. 8283 88S88S53Ss8S£S8S88S88 88S8S8888i8£S88888 8888 £2 Best Xmas Dinner at the Guaranty *2 li Loan Restaurant, 12:30-3 and 5-8 p. m. gj gSBB 88888888888888888888 Bii!IS3SSiSgBBSSBBBSBS BSSB 44 - PERSONAL THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's Socks, 10c; 76c Night' Robes, 50c. TEA and Coffee Pots, Baking Dishes. Prices right. W. K. Morison & Co., 247 Nlcollet ay. DR. B. SHEPARD, SPECIALIST; DISEASES lof women; office, 407 Nicollet. Telephone, : M 659 32; residence. South 433 J2. Office hours, 111 a. m. to 5 p. m. Dr. B. Shopard. I WANTED—EVERY MAN AND WOMAN I having kidney and bladder troubles to send I their address for sure cure to 6507, Journal... !TELEPHONE OR TELEGRAPH NAGEL* 1 the florist, for flowers for funerals, weddings and parties. Orders from out of town will j have special attention. 818 Nicollet ay. ' SHAMPOOING, HAIRDRESSING AND MAN. | ieuring. All kinds of hair goods. Miss Ol- i sen. West Hotel Hair Store. : I DANCING CLASSES MONDAY AND ! Thursday; children, Saturday at 2; buck wing ' and private by appointment. Holcomb's ! Academy. 43 4th st S. ' ..- \u25a0 !T. H. b'LY, M. D., SPECIALIST IN ALL I diseases of women; all irregularities correct- ed; private home for women before and dur- ing confinement: new book, 25e, all you need to know. Office, 27 4th st S, third floor. FEMALE DISEASES CURED. : i Irregular and suppressed menstruation cured i quickly; 40 years' experience; good home for patients. Dr. Wheeler, Globe bid., Minneapolis. EXAMINATION FREE. HAIR AND SCALP REMEDIES! : ~~ Dandruff, falling hair or itching and ecze- ! matous scalp and growing baldness ceases the | day their use has begun. Send stamp, for ' particulars or 50c for trial course. O. K. Chance, 680 Syndicate Arcade, Minneapolis, j Minn. \u2666 |WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF I fine furs for Christmas gifts, such as boas, ' ! cluster scarfs, muffs, etc. The quality of our ' workmanship is unsurpassed and our goods are just as represented. Also a large stock of fine fur-lined gentlemen's coats, very light weight, suitable for walking or driving A. REINER, I CUSTOM FURRIER,' 15 »th «t S. Open evenings. 'Phones: M. 2729-J3, Twin City, 1835. , THE NEXT PURCHASE—LET IT BE UNIT- ed States Fuel Oil- stcck. See ad-vertts«ments. RELIABLE AND CONFIDENTIAL DETEC~ . tive work, in all its branches, for private in- dividuals and corporations, by the McNulty Detective Agency, 208 and 210 Kasota block, Minneapolis. \u25a0 ... \u25a0-\u0084.... HAVE~RUGG MAKE YOUR XMAS PHOTOST Now at 329 Central ay: up-to-date studio; all negatives back for 20 years. HAIR GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES, DOLL wigs, ladies' and gentlemen's treatment; ladies' shampooing, 25c: face massaging, manicuring, children's haircutting...; Mme. De Leo's, room 455, Syndicate Arcade. % Take ele- vator. \u25a0 \u25a0 _ . MUSIC! MERRY CHRISTMAS!. LAST.OP- portunity on our special great Christmas offer. Fifty private lessons, piano-vocal, for $5. Call immediately. Minneapolis School of Music, 64 12th st.S. Andreas Rohrie, director. DR. LINDA~BURFTeLD'""PERRY,~SUQGE.<3- tive Therapeutics. 412-413 Globe building. 'Phone, main.33sl Jl. Treats all nervous dia- eases, men women and children. , $I,ooo—House, 3409 Cedar ay; 7 rooms; lot, 43i4@128. $—House, 3540 11th ay 9: B rooms; city vaterjn yard; lot ! _G3xl27 1 _ Easy terms. WE HAYE ~TWO~CASH~CUSTOMERS~FOR good modern houses in southwestern part of the city, inside of 27th st. Has any one such bouses to sell cheap? C. C. Taylor, 78 7th st S ?SS2B2.!2SS!B!2SSSSS2SS?JSS!£SBS2SSSS?:*2i2i?2J2SS?2 || GOOD INVESTMENT. t*i £* 601-603 EIGHTH AY N; BRICK •»1 •o \u25a0 . \u0084 - «o ?8 DWELLINGS; ALL MODERN; PRES- % £§ ENT RENTAL, $47.50. •' - * . . PRICE, $4,760. || & ANOTHER: FINE HOUSE, S3 ?2 i ?2 \u25a0 \u25a0 $ « ROOMS, -STEAM '. HEAT, OPEN ftj X PLUMBING, LOT 55 BY 132; CLOSE «2 *i TO UNIVERSITY; COMPLETELY ?& K-. , . - \u25a0\u25a0 , « & FURNISHED FOR ROOMERS; AC- S2 •o 5# §£ TUAL VALUE $10,000; IT ALL GOES %l \u25a0 ' \u25a0 : *2 §| FOR $6,600. ' S2 3S' ; :-.••\u25a0 \u25a0 •}; Si / $4,000 6 PER CENT MORTGAGE ** & " ......... S2 % FOR SALE ON IMPROVED RESI- S8 & ** $ DENCE PROPERTY, WORTH $9,000, g f2 IN BEST PART OF NORTH MINNE- h ; 8 apolis. '. :'. £8 •|\u25a0'•;!\u25a0 '\u25a0 = \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0 ••' »j ! *2 GEORGE ODLUM. S2 j& ' PHOENIX BUILDING. *2 S2 82 •o , »o ?k*S^?S^^^BBSB^^B^?SS2S2«?BSSSS?^ $3,OOO—FINE RESIDENCE, ON LAKE ST^ near Lake Calhounr nine rooms; all modern: open plumbing; hardwood finish; in excellent condition. This Is a gem and a great bar- gain. City Realty Co., 205 Boston block. | NEW- MODERN HOUSES AND VACANT property southeast; $18,000 investment, pays 8 per cent, half cash; $20,000 makes first pay- ment on flat building- paying 11 per cent; $6,500, improved farm near Faribault. Inquire Gould, 407 Phoenix' building. -'' \u25a0\u25a0 _\u25a0 FOR SALE—FINE EAST FRONT LOT, FRE- mont ay N near 30th; one on Emerson, east front, walk, water, sewer, trees, - $325; price goes up after January; fine east front lot, Perm ay N near 22d, $175 until January: wild lands and farms, 'Minnesota and Dakotas; if you have real estate anywhere, send descrip- tion and price;-I have cash buyers for bar- gains. A. D. Eads, 410 Guaranty building. MAKE US AN OFFER. The owner of the following property desireg to close out all of his Minneapolis property. No.. 406 W.26th st; 9 rooms; barn; lot 33x150. No. 3838 Grand ay; 9 , rooms; arranged for two families: barn. ' , 1821-3 2d ay S; 8-room dwelling-house and a, two-story brick store building. -..! . . THORPE BROS., Andrus Building. I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Continued. THE WILLARD ORCHARD CO. IS PLANT- ing a 2,000-acre orchard of apples, peaches and pears, in Arkanaas, which is better than California because near markets. You can secure an interest in this for $3 a month. Call or write. 29 sth st S. for RELIABLE ABSTRACTS. call ON the Title Insurance and Trust Co. STETSON GUITARS AT ROSE & SAVIER'S. MET. MUSIC CO.. 41 6TH ST S. 8888 N8888&888&*g&!3 «»S^SSBSSBBBS^SBBBgBBBB ! LAUDERDALE & CO., J. " ' 355 Temple Court. Sg *2 W. H. & F. W. Lauderdale, J. R. Sloane. Si % Real Estate, Rentals, Loans, Insurance. X % Watch this Advt. for snaps and in- \u2666„' vestments. ; Jg $1,900— Good house; large barn and % 88 sheds; on 11th ay S, near Franklin. 1% %i $3,3oo—Large brick house, modern; lot 8, % 50x150; east front; Ist ay 45, near'fg Ei loth st. .. . «S % $1,875—7-room house, modern but heat; $ ?g east front; rents for $17; 9th ay S, 8g Jg near Franklin. ... »g 82 $490— good lots, on 22d st, near f;i S 25th ay S. \u25a0 \ -\u25a0- -- . -go Si $275 each for lota on 21st ay N, near Zi S. sth st. .. g^ 888$ gSgj^SggSBBBBgSSBSSBSSasSBg3gBSBSBgBSg 8888 PERFUMES for Christmas trade; best line In city. A. D. Thompson Drug Co., 3d st, Ist ay S. <s><s^s><e><s><e><*><e><s><^^ <?> IF HE appreciates quality, his Xmas *> <«> gift should come from Barnaby's. <$> WHY PAYRENT OR INTEREST WHEN THE) Home Co-operative Company, a copartner- ship, will furnish you mo >ey to pay off your | mortgage or buy a home In any locality and jgive you 16 years and 8 months to pay it back at $3.35 per month without Interest? Inves- tigate our plan.. Beardsley & Heldt, district managers, 256 Temple Court, Minneapolis, and 803 Chamber of Commerce, St. Paul. THE TEXAS GEYSER OIL CO. OFFERS A splendid Investment on Page 17. UNIMPROVED THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's 20c Socks, 10c; 75c Night Robes, 50e» APPROPRIATE Christmas Gifts at reasonable prices. W. K. Morlson & Co., 247 Nicollet. WALRATH REALTY CO., 609 PHOENIX. $290—Lot, Elliott, 26th st, sewer water, walk. $1,000 —Large east-front corner, Sunnyeide. $I,loo—Snap; 149 feet, near Hennepin-27th. $1,000, $1,100, $I,Boo—Great bargains; Blais- ' dell's addition. $1,000, $1,200, $1,500, beautiful lots, Elliott-nth. : $700, $800, $1,200— of the Isles. Hummers. <S> \u25a0 <«> \u25a0\u2666> LARGE 46-FOOT LOT, LYN- <\u25ba> <\u2666> dale ay S, between 28th and 29th sts; <|> <a> lies well above grade; sidewalk; elec- <•> <f>. trie line passes property; west front; <$> <?> good location for residence or small <\u2666> <$> .business; lot 8, 'block 2, Chamberlain's <•> \*> Addition. <\u2666> i <§> - ; W. D. WASHBURN, JR., <§> <§> 300 Guaranty building. <\u2666> 82 88oTO&S8S&i£g8S8S38 ?2S*S2SSSSSSSSS2S£?SSgBB K2 PROSPECT PARK, LINDEN HILLS, 82 Meeker Island, Menage's 4th and sth, ?i Jewett's. 1 We have largest list, low 82 !Si prices, make easy terms. NICKELS *2 88 & SMITH, 311 Nicollet ay. 92 I 8J8S588aig*88S8!S8S88S8888a8SS8888888888888S88S $300 EACH— GREAT BARGAIN: TWO LOTSi ! corner 19th ay NE and Monroe, 55x165 each: j water In street. Will furnish money to : build. C. G. Lester, Century building. j FOR SALE OR TRADE—A CHOICE BUILD"| ing lot on the corner of Aldrich and 36th ays N: will take piano or .horse and buggy. Cyrus A. Campbell, 533 Guaranty (building-. DAVID C. 'BELL INVESTMENT CO., - No. 11l 4th st S. $75— One block from Minnehaha car line, south of 35th st; size 40x160; $20 cash, balance $5 per month. —Stevens ay, near 35th st; east front lot, 42x130; city -water. $525 Kenwood, on Sheridan ay, just off boulevard; southeast. front lot, 50x150; city water, stone walk and gas; lies' fine. . . ' . 1 Emerson ay N, between 14th and 16th ay, size 47x154; sewer, water, stone walk and gas. Call for our Catalogue of Bargains. : On any of the above Will pay taxes due Jan. 1,1901. AQ FARM LANDS THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's 20c Socks, 10c; 75c Night (Robes, 50c. . CHAFING~DISHES~2S~STYE.ESrS2.7S TO $15.75. W. K. Morison & Co., 247 Nicollet ay. 2.600 ACRES, BEGINNING FIVE MILES from Altkin, $4 per aero; $1 per acre down. Becher M.Hungerford, Aitkln, Minn. A SPLENDID 500-ACRE TRACT, $7 PER acre; easy terms. This tract is unexcelled for fruit, farming or grazing. A bargain. H. T. Sutton, Aitkin. Minn. i IT WILL TAKE DOLLARS TO BUY WHAT I dimes will now— are talking about United I States Fuel Oil Co.'s stock at 10 cent* per share. See advertisements. --" :'-.' FOR SALE—ID~EAL~STOCK: RANCH, WEST- I era North Dakota, 12 miles from Missouri river; 480 acres; creek running thruogh place; \u25a0water in Dakota is gold; good frame four- room house, barn, well and pump; four cows, i pony, saddle, fine steel range; four miles from postofflce. Chance of a lifetime. $1,000. J. Neff, 83 Royals ton ay N. THE TEXAS~GEYSER OIL CO. OFFERS A splendid investment on Page 17. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, FOR FARM or wild land, equity in down-town house and I lot; best in city for flat building. 7960, j Journal. \u25a0 , IMPROVED FARMS IN NORTH DAKOTA, ! grain farms, stock farms and .ranches, farms for general agricultural purposes; any size and any part of the state; 'bargains in wild lands Investors or homeeeekers; send par- ticulars of what you want and. Information will be sent. 8. F. Sherman^, Tower City, N. P. \u25a0.-...- .. FARM LANDS— SALE, OR EXCHANGE for small house in this city, a choice SO acres of splendid land in Polk county, Wisconsin; no sand or swamp, but all \u25a0good clay soil and hardwood timber, close to store and cream- ery, near the new town on the new railroad; has nice lake <|fcor». Cyrus A. Campbell, 533 Guaranty building. WISCONSIN—37O ACRES, PEPIN COUNTY, 100 acres cultivated, balance meadow, near St. Paul; price low. F. J. Percival, 1003 Guaran- ty 'building. MINNESOTA— LAKE COUNTY, 1,200 ! acres, $5 to $15 per acre; Polk county, '820; I acres, $5 to $16; Norman county, 1,100 acres, { $9 to $13; Becker county, 1,400 acres, $4 to $9; i South Dakota, Brown county, 400 acres, $4 t6 $8; Campbell county, quarter, $600; Edmunds i county, two quarters, $600; Klngsbury county, 650 acres, $13 to $20; North Dakota, lands in \ Walsh, Grand. Forks, Kidder, Dicker. Rich- I land, Sargent counties, cheap. F. J. Percival, I 1006 Guaranty building. | A FARM AS A GIFT—FEW HUNDRED | dollars invested now will secure 240-acre stock \ | farm on Otter Tail river, In the beautiful park region, western Minnesota; 2,000 cords j of wood cat this winter will pay for land-; > i new buildings and stock. Write immediately ' to Lake Park Land C 0.,.419.\u0084419 Phoenix. Minne- ; apolis. \u25a0\u25a0 .\u25a0 : BEST YET—I6O-ACRE FARM; FRAME ! i house; 75 acres under cultivation; nice mead- '\u25a0 ow; timber; all fenced. Price, $10 per acre. ! ! Small payment down; balance on time. M. 1 S. Rutherford, Princeton, Minn. i ! EIQHTY-ACRU FARM—SPLENDID clay , | soil; house, 20x28; addition,. 15x20; good . ! barn, granary, well; some . apple trees. This j farm is located among thrifty German farm- I ere. M. S. Rutherford, Princeton, Mian. LOWNEY'S. Funke's, Lyon's and Allegrettl chocolates. Thompson Drug Co., Ist ay S, 3d st. j <\u2666\u25a0 OUR STOCK IS MORE COMPLETE <\u2666> 1 <<> this year than ever before. Barnaby. <£> ; j $TSO PER . ACRE, 8,000 . ACRES, MILLS ; I Lacs county. ' ! $4 per acre. 1,000 acres', Carlton county. . ; $4 per acre, 2,000 acres, Aitkln county. .:.;\u25a0" : We have a new list of bargains, just out. ! Write : for one. ' I MINNEAPOLIS REALTY CO., 209 Bank of Commerce. ' " ; \u25a0 FARMS FOR sale. . 115 acres, near Lake Harriet; good land. Six-room house; large barn, etc. ' W. H. Perrott. 511 New York Life building. FINE IMPROVED FARM, WRIGHT COUN- i ty, 4 miles from Buffalo; 360 acres; finest soil; ; good improvements; only $30 an acre; one- , half cash and 5 per cent interest; obtain same on trade all around $50 an acre; will i sell low; Investigate. M. P. Hobart, Phoenix building. - '- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 , $26 ONLY AN ACRE, IMPROVED FARM OF \u25a0 300 acres; Austin, Minn.; cut five tons of hay , to the acre; good improvements'; chance In a lifetime. Hobart, Phoenix building. SNAPSr-160 ACRES IN SOUTHERN minne- sota, 2% miles from railroad station, 7 miles \u25a0 from three good towns; well and windmill; good house, large barn, fenced in 40 acres; lots; nice maple grove about the noun"; own- er non-resident; just put . this farm :on the : market to' sell quick. :- 160 acres I adjoining Ashby, Minn.; Just outside incorporation; all good plow land; no better coil In state; ele- gant buildings: $6,000 buys this fine farm; $3,500' cash, - balance easy terms. .' 160-acre i farm fire miles, north of Lisbon, N. D.; ell good land; 75 acres under plow; worth $3,000: $1,600 takes this land; it must be soli quick. Davis & Lowry, 817 Phoenix building REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Continued. MINNESOTA, WISCONSIN, KANSAS AND Wisconsin farms and lands, which we can sell or trade and save you money. 1100 Lumber Exchange. -^ 50 ESTATE—EXCHANGE THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's 20c Socks, 10c; 75c Night Robes, 50&. TEA and Coffee Pots, Baking Dishes. Prices right. W. K. Morlson & Co., 247 Nicollet ay. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR IM- proved or wild farm lands, 40 acres tested and proven zinc and lead land, adjoining largest producing mines in Missouri. Address 7969, Journal. CASH AND FINE LOTS, WELL LOCATED, for improved city property.: Also fine 200- --acre Improved stock farm, near Glen wood, for residence; eighth ward preferred. Dartt, 807 Phoenix. TO EXCHANGE—GOOD HOUSE AND LOT for vacant lot, close In, for storage purposes. No objection to old building on lot. Address postofflce box 421, city. SITUATIONS WANTED 51 MALE THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's 20c Sock., 10c; 75c Night Robes, 50c. $1 BARNEY AND BERRY SKATES AT 75c. W. K. Morison, 247 Nicollet ay. WANTED— POSITION lAN EXPERT- enced bookkeeper, stenographer and type- writer, references and testimonials furnished; satisfaction guaranteed. Address C. A Pettis Falrchlld, Wis. . SITUATION WANTED—BY GOOD ALL- around baker and cook. A. H. Shrigby, Mon- tevideo, Minn. WANTED—BY A MAN WHO HAS BEEN IN retail furniture business, a position as trav- eling salesman for furniture house or general merchandise. Address 7994, Journal. SITUATION WANTED— BY MIDDLE-AGED man, acquainted with managing help. Will work reasonable for few months; clerking, timekeeper or stock man. Address 7896, Jour- nal. A THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED OFFICE man; neat, speedy and correct, desires em- ployment. 7783, Journal. . . EXPERIENCED SPECIALTY SALESMAN open for an engagement for 1902. Highest references. W. M. French. 255 Hennepln ay. A BOY, AGED 19, WANTS WORK FOR THE whole winter. S. A. H., 830 9th ay S. \u25a0 co : FEMALE THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 60c. 100 USEFUL TOOL CHE-STS7~SI7(Xf f O $25. W. K. Morison. 247 Nicollet ay. A RELIABLE YOUNG LADY, WITHOUT home, must have work; office work, copying, writing, collecting or attending telephone. Ad- dress 8084, Journal. . - WANTED—BY A MIDDLE-AGED PROTEST- ant New England woman, a position as man- aging housekeeper for widower or private in- stitution. Best references. Address Mrs. A. R.. 912 State st, Springfield, Mass. 53 '"storage THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men'e 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 50c. APPROPRIATE Christmas Gifts at reasonable prices. W. K. Morison & Co,, 247 Nicollet. THE BOYD TRANSFER AND FUEL CO. has unequaled facilities for moving and stor- ing household goods; packing for storage and shipment by experienced men. Office, 46 South 3d at. Telephone, Main 656, both exchanges. FIREPROOF STORAGE— Clean Rooms. REALTY CO., 106 Ist ay N. Tel. Main 2062-J. 56~^^orm^sa^7^c7^~ THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 50c. CHAFING DISHES7~2S~STYLES,~ $2.75 ~TO ; $15.75. W. K. Morison & Co.. 247 Ntcolle-t ay. STORM SASH •••• ! •••••O*« VERY CHEAP NORTHWESTERN SASH AND DOOR CO., 113 Ist ay N. Phone, Main 1426 Jl. 57 EXCHANGE-MISCELLANEOUS THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's 20c Bocks, 10c; 75c night robes, 50c. TEA and Coffee Pots, Baking Dishes. Prices ! right. W. K._Morison :& Co., 247 Nicollet ay. j OLD GOLD and silver, bought or exchanged for jewelry. S. Swanson, jeweler, 120 3d st _S. "MUSIC ROLLS, AT ROSE & SAVIER'S.""" MET. MUSIC CO., 41 6TH ST S. 4 XMASSUGGESTIONS: Barnaby's ties, <j> | <$> gloves, or smoking jackets. <«> i «s><S>^<s><s><^><«><3><Sxe><S>^>^^ LOWNEY'S, Funke's, Lyon'a and Allegrettl i chocolates. Thompson Drug Co., Ist ay S, 3d st. 5g WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE BUY diamonds or trade for new; we pay | cash for old gold or make into new jewelry. Jacobs Jewelry Co., 41 Washington ay S. CASH PAID for all kinds of household goods. Don't sell before getting estimates from th« Town Market, 25-27 sth st S. Tel. 1993. - THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT, j Men's 20c socks. 10c; 75c night robes, 50c. \u25a0> ?1 BARNEY AND BERRY SKATES AT 76c. \ W. K. Morison, 247 iNlcollet v. CAR LOADS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS made up for Pacific coast points, making a big saving in freight; parties moving to the coast should not fall to consult us. The Boyd Transfer Co., 46 3d st S. ' : __ BOOKS, ALL KINDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. Goodyear Book Co., 319 Hennepln ay. \u25a0' THREE TIMES BETTER THAN THE BEST are correct figures. United States Fuel Oil company passing other companies lor fast field work. See advertisements. < THE TEXAS GEYSER OIL CO. OFFERS A splendid investment on Page 17. BEFORE SELLING OR EXCHANGING your 2d-haud household goods, see j Peter Keith, 115 6th st S t and get estimates. Tel. 3217-L2. : '" CASH FOR PAPER BOOKS, school books and libraries at Adair'a, 20 Washington ay S. PERFUMES for Christmas trade; beat line In city. A. D. Thompson Drug Co., 3d st, Ist ay S. <«> YOUR HUSBAND KNOWS BARNA- <8> <\u2666> BY'S GOODS are the best obtainable. <$> WANTED— PAY 60 CENTS APIECE for two bright kittens, 6 weeks old. \u0084 Maltese preferred. Candidates will be examined at room 218 Journal building, between 3 p. m. and 5 p. m., Tuesday, Deo. 24, and at no other time. 59 WOOD AND COAL THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 50c. 100 USEFUL TOOL CHESTS, $1.00 TO $25. W. K. Morison, 247 Nicollet ay. \u25a0-. ... WOOD AND COAL—Best quality; prompt at- tention, lowest prices. Braden Trans, and Fuel CO., 237 Hen., main 2076 Li, and 1535 E Lake. » The Journal's Daily Puzzle FIND THE! SPORTSMAN. ! 59_^__WjOOErAND^COAX^^^^ Continued. MAPLE, $6.25; OAK, $5.25; LIGNITE, $3.75; gang, ?1.7o; mixed, $2.25. H. B. Woodward, 110 Washington ay X. Tel. 2117-Ll. FOUR-FOOT MAPLE W06b~5615 PER cord. 405 4th st N. Tel. 1928-J2. 60 WANTED TO RBHT THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's_2oc socks, lOe: TJc night robes, 50c. APPROPRIATE""Christina's Gifts at reasonable | prices. W. K. Morlaon & Co., 24" Mcollet. | YOUNG COUPLE WANT TWCTWARM FUR- nished or unfurnished rooms, with board. Must be with private family, with no other boarders, and within 14th st. Address, giving price and particulars, 7709, Journal. •« HAVE YOU PROPERTY TO RENT? «r I kJ~ 1 make a specialty of renting and •£ I•« taking cars of all kinda of property, •£ *J2 managing estates, etc. I can save you •£ »Ji money. Walter L. Badger, 217 New •£ Vs York Life building. «5 PERFUMES for Christmas trade; beat line in city. A. D. Thompson Drug Cc.M st, Ist ay S. MAN Aft D \VI PK, NO CHILDREN, WOULD like small, modern, \u25a0well-furnished house or flat for winter. Excellent tare would be given same. Must reasonable. 805S, Journal. one~6r~two rooms for gentlemenT wife and boy, near Henneptn and 16th st cr between that and 5-th st. 8054, Journal. WANTED—THREE 6r~~f6ull UXFUR- nlahed rooms, or small house or part of I house, cheap, in any part of city. Address I 8099, Journal. I wanted"—f"or~sin tgle~gentleman, in I neighborhood of Loring park, a nicely fur- ; nished, modern room. 8082, Journal. Ql WANTED—REAL ESTATE THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. .\U>2Ts_2oc^ socks, 10c; 7oc night robes, 60c. CHAFING" DISHES^~2S~STYLES, 12.73 TO flfi.7s. W. K. Morlaon ft Co., 247 Xicollet ay. WANTED— I3,OOO W~|MX)O~HOUSE HERE in exchange for 40 acres perfect land, with $2,000 house on It, adjoining towi of 2,600 people, 40 miles from Minneapolis. This farm ! hae a cash value of $4,000. , Wanted—'Listing of good farm land In Min- nesota in tracts of 1,000 or more acres. Quick inspection and report if price is right. Wanted —For cash, houses, $800 to $1,500, well rented, constant call by cash buyers. Wanted—Lots or acres at bargain price In good location; will pay cash. Marsh & Bart- lett, 324 Hennepin. WANT TO BUY MODERN HOUSE, EIGHTH or eleventh ward, for cash. Send descrip- tion and lowest price. 8024, Journal. WANTED—GOOD FARMS FOR CLEAR CITY property; improved and paying: 10 per cent; will assume mortgage on farm if necessary. George B. Dartt, 807 Phoenix building. -. WANT LANDS IN CASS, CROW 8 O Wing or Itasca counties for two large Q g> lots, Lyndale ay, between Lake st and p $ 29th st; frontage, 86 feet; adjoins large 0 O stone building, corner Lake and Lyn- o Q dale; good locality, flats or small © O store*; lots 9 and 10, block 9, Excel- 8 O sior addition. W. D. Washburn, 300 8 $ Guaranty building. 3 ESTATES ECONOMICALLY AND JUDl- clously managed. H. E. Ladd, Andi-ua build- ing, Minneapolis, Minn. LOWNEY'S, Funke's, Lyon's and Allegrettl chocolates. Thompson Drug Co., Ist ay S. 3d st. 53 MINES AND MINING , THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 60c. TEA and Coffee Pots, Baking Dishes. Prices right. W. K. Morison & Co., 247 Nicollet ay. ASKING FOR DIMES TO CARRY ON NEC- essary development work and putting dollar* in your pocket for each share you hold in the United States Fuel Oil company. See advertisements. :\u25a0 .., GOLD MINE— 2 CENTS PER SHARE; DRlV- ing great drainage tunnel; will cut 25 mines. References, engineer's reports and mineral free. Lansford F. Butler, C 907-17, Denver. THIS IS THE LAST SIXIEAGLES AD YOU will ever see at 25c. Price goes from 25c to 60c in two days. Get your money in the mails 'by Christmas or', you will be too late. Six Eagles Alining Company, Loan and Trust \u25a0building. 54 DETECTIVE BUREAU THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT. Men's 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 600. HOY'S DETIECTfVE~BUREAU—ALL BUSl- ne»s strictly confidential; expert service only. Very best references. 514-615 Phoenix build- ing. Both phones. g5 THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT— Men's 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes/60c SI BARNEY AND BERRY SKATES AT 76c W. K. 247 Xlcollet ay. \u25a0 - SAFES, BOILERS AND HEAVY MACHIN- ery moved; household goods moved and stored' or packed for shipment by expert packers. Boyd Transfer and Fuel C0..-46 34 st S. Telephone Main 656, both companies. THE M. P. D. delivers packages In the city. 10c; St. Paul. 15c. 15 7th st 8. Tel. 1526-I .< CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE - Furniture moved, stored, packed, shipped. best facilities; largest and finest transfer vans. Office, 200 Nlc. Tel. 1203: res, tel. 2234-L DETECTIVE AGENCIES^ THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT— Men's 20c socks; 10c; 76c night robes, 50c. BAXTER'S Detective Agcy. Legitimate detec- tive work only; expert shadowing. 615 Tem.Ct. 57MACHINERY AND ENGINES THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT— Men's 200 socks, 10c; night robes, 50c Iron-working and wood-workino Machinery—Largest stook in the northwest. Northern Machinery Co.. 217 3d at S. Mpls. gg^^^^^E^SlON^^^^^ THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT— Men's 20c socks. 10c; 75c night robes. 60a, " R. B. HOSTETLER. PENSION ATTORNEY, Room 807, Boston blook. Minneapolis. Minn. 74 PURRIBRS ~~~ THE ' PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT— Men's 20c socks. 10c; 75c night robes, 60c. FUR TANNER—FURS DRESSED IN FlßST- clasa order. H. M. Taubert. 625 Bryant ay N. UNREDEEMED fur coats and overcoats half price. Wm^Welsmann. 224 Washington ay S. A REINER, CUSTOM FURRIER, SEAL- skins and fine furs to order; beat quality, moderate prices; also a fine line of gentle- men's fur-lined coats, handsome, durable ana light weight, beet in < the city. 16 9«il st S. Telephone. Main 2729 J3. Twia CiUr. 183* I •\u25a0 \u25a0 _ I. I . .^ I . ..I. \u25a0

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Page 1: THE H A Complete Catalogue of People's Wants on This...WANTED—COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN-eral housework. Call at 2001 Aldrich ay S. WANTED—WOMAN, ABOUT40, SOBER, IN-dustrlous, good


A Complete Catalogue of the People's Wants on This Page TodayQQ HELP WANTED-FEMALE


YE OLDE TV.ME BAKERIE.722 Nicollet ay. I

WOMAN'S BAKING CO.,1200 3d ay_S

WANTED—COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN-eral housework. Call at 2001 Aldrich ay S.WANTED—WOMAN, ABOUT 40, SOBER, IN-dustrlous, good plain cook, for family offour. For particulars, write 451 E 2d Bt,Wlnona, Minn. __GIRL WANTED—FOR COOKING ANDhousework; family three; nice place; goodpay. Call flat 9, 131 E 14th at, corner Ste-vens. Stocker. ]AN INCOME OF $5 TO $15 WEEKLY CANbe earned by any person able to write, tocopy letters at home and return to us. Wepay by the thousand. The Wagner's SupplyCo., St. Paul, Minn. '

WANTED—AT ONCE, WAIST AND SKIRThands. Henuepin Flats. ai. jA COMPETENT COOK FOR SMALL FAM-ily; age, experience, references required. Ad-dress Look Box 417, Ada, 'Minn.

ANTED—EXPERIENCED DINING-ROOMsLLaS once, Call at sO3_7th st S._AT ONCE, MEN AND WOMEN TO MAKB$6 to $18 a week in spare time— canvasslng. The work is elevating and refining;any one who can read anil write can do itand earn money from the start. 11. A. Gripp,German artist, Tyrone, Pa, Pleasa write and Isend for work at once. \u25a0

WANTED—OIRL ABOUT 16 YEARS TO AS-6ist la light general housework; work easy;

man preferred. 3122 17th ay S. \u25a0

WANTED— GIRL FOR GENERAL WORKin hotel; one that can wait on table at noontime. Sixth. Avenue Hotel, corner 6th a.v Sand Washington.PERFUMES for Christmas trade; best line incity. A. D. Thompson Drug Co., 3d st, Ist ay S.CLASS INSTRUCTION IN DRAFTING ANDdraping 1 given evenings for two weeks fol-lowing Christmas by experienced ladies' tai-lor; make appointments immediately. Forterms apply 622 Medical block.STEADY HOME WORK FOR LADIES; THEwork is pleasant and will easily pay $12weekly; experience unnecessary. Send self-addressed stamped envelop to Aurora Mfg.Co., St. Paul, Minn.WANTED-GOOD WOMAN OOOK. APPLY1319 2d ux S. \u25a0

EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERALhousework. 1015 Sth st_SE :WANTED—COMPETENT "GIRL FOR GEN-eral housework. 334 4th st NE. flat 2. "

WANTED—DISHWASHER AND WOMAN TOscrub. Niagara Cafe. 32 oth st S.

33 HORSES, CARRIAGES-SALETHE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's -Qc socks, 10c; 7"'C night robes, 50e.100 USEFUL TOOL CHESTS, $1.00 TO $25.W. K. Morison, 247 Nicollet ay.

WIDMAYER & P RENDERGASTT~4I4 3D STS,; horses, harness, wagons, buggies, sleighs,robes, blankets, etc., bought, sold. Largestline in city constantly on hand. Telephone,Main 2702 J3.

SPECIAL SALE OF$I.Horse Blankets—sl.6o.

American Tent and Awning Co.,125 Ist ay N.

THE NATIONAL OIL REPORTER SAYSgood things about the United States Oil Co.See page 29, issue of Dec. 12.BROWN

" & DICKBY, MIDWAY HORSEMarket, St. Paul, Minn., have constantly onhand all classes of horses. Logging horsesa specialty, and driving horses. If you wanta horse of any kind, give us a call.

"" HORSES, HORSES, HORSES.Barrett & Zimmerman, Midway, St. Paul,

Minn., have constantly on hand from 800 to1,000 head of all grades of horses; part timegiven If desired. The finest lot of heavy log-ging horses ever brought Into the northwest

I can be seen at their stables.


WANTED— HUSTLING SALESMAN TOtravel In Minnesota for coming year for well-established house. Jesse H. Smith, 37 Con-gress st, Detroit, Mich.DETECTIVES— LOCALITY; GOODsalary; experience unnecessary., Interna-tlonal Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis.WANTED—EVERYWHERE, HUSTLERS~TOtack signs, distribute -circulars, Bamples, etc.No canvassing; good pay. Sun AdvertisingBureau, Chicago.

GENUINE ELECTRIC MOTOR; RUNS LIKEan engine; size 4x4x5-ineh; complete, withbattery, $1.25. Novelty Electric Co., 920 2Sthay 9. :-'-i: -'

A TED -MAN CAPABLE OF TAKINGcharge of the mechanical end of a countryprinting office. Must be a good compositorand able to take care of the ordinary run ofjob work. Address, until Sunday, $053, Jour-nal ,:,,•>.CIVIL SERVICE GOVERNMENT POSl-tious. 9,889 * appointments made* last year;probably 10,000 this year. Only commonschool education required for examination.Catalogue of information free. ColumbianCorrespondence College, Washington, D. C.WANTED— MEN TO WORK INshipping department, at once. Barnard-CopeMfg. Co., 4th st and 2d ay NE.ESTABLISHED HOUSE DESIRES THREEstraight, wideawake specialty salesmen; goodline, territory and terms. Address 8074, Jour-nal.WANTED — -CLASS STENOGRAPH-«r; must write well, furnish reference andhave a. year or two experience. 5127, Journal.WANTED—AT LEAST 15 STENOGRAPH -ors and bookkeepers <-v.v secure positionsreadily by writing Expert National Agency,St. Paul, Minn. ___WANTED—.V YOUNG MAIN WHO 11Agraduated from high school, who wants tolearn the land business. Reply fully, 8129,Journal.WANTED—A CAPABLE ASSISTANT Incredit department. Application should giveparticulars fully. 8130, Journal.THE TEXAS GEYSER Oil*CO. OFFERS Asplendid investment on Page 17.WANTED -AT LAMOURR, N. D., A BAR-ber, at once. R. W. Campfleld.

WANTED-COMPETENT" MAN FOR HARD-ware store; must be a good bookkeeper; stateage, experience, references, nationality andsalary wanted. Address 8000, Journal.DAY AND EVENING classes at the EclecticBusiness College, 4">_ Wash, ay S, Minneapolis.Graduates assisted In securing position's,GOVERNMENT POSITIONS— THOUSANDSof appointments to be made. ExaminationsBoon in every state. Circular 143, giving fullparticulars, Bent free. Write for It to-day to"National' Correspondence Institute, Washing-ton. D. C.SALESMEN CAN MAKE \SU\ INCOME; ISyears iv connection with any other line with-out risk or cash investment. Hull, 154 E 23dm, New York City.

WANTED—SAMPLE DISTRIBUTORS 10manage business; either sex; good pay. En-close stamp. Sr. Clair Remedy Co., SouthBend, Ind.ENERGETIC SALESMAN—SCHOOL BUP-

country work; $100 salary and com-inisßions. X 0. Evans &• Co., Chicago, 111.YOUNG MAX, 20 TO -'.". TO"SELL OFFICEspecialties on liberal commission; permanentposition if successful; state education andprevious employment. W. M. Uean & Co.,ivuluth, Minn.SALESMEN TO SELL OUR GOODS TOgeneral stores, clothiers, druggists and gro-wers; fine side lines; big profits; cataloguefree. Modtl Mfg. Co., box L, South Bend,Ind.WANTED—TWO , HlX-lsts. used to light work. Also an apprenticeh'jy. MS Ist ay S.MECHANICS QUALIFIED FOR ADVANCE-ment Our free booklet, "'Are Your HandsTied?", tells how thousands have doubled orlargely increased their earning capacitythrough our 6pare time instruction by mail.Write to the International CorrespondenceSchools, box 1663, Scranton, Pa., or call dayor evening. Minneapolis office, GuarantyLoan building.

1)RlTo CLERK. AT ONCE, FORcountry town. Give particulars, salary ex-pected. G. H. Haywood. Campbell, Minn.WANTED-AN ASSISTANT ENGINEER.Ciiv experience, age and references. 7527,Journal.RELIABLE CLEVELAND HOUSE WANTSbright man as traveling salesman; generalstore trade; energy, business ability andsalesmanship will .nrake position permanent.Box 52. Cleveland. Ohio.WANTED—CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTORS; $6 iper I,(XJO. Parisian Chemical Co., Newport,Ky.WANTED—A CUSTOM SHIRT SALESMAN';man with experience preferred. Address8101; Journal.WANTED^-GOOD MEN TCTPLACE A GOODselling household article in stores. Byard '\u25a0

Mfg. Co., 313 Hennepin ay, Minneapolis.TRUSTWORTHY PERSON'S (EITHER SEX) !to do office work at 'home; no canvassing;many make $10 to $15 weekly; particulars, .etc., A. T. Little, Fail-port, N. Y. |LO\VN Funke's, Lyon's and Allegrettlchocolates. Thompson Drug Co., Ist ay S, 3d St. [SI<r\VEEKLY7 >EMALE,~COPY-ing letters at home; send application. Peo-ple's Supply House, Chicago. -CLEAR LOTS EXCHANGED FOR BUILD-ing material, carpenter labor, plastering,stone or brick work, heating oi*plumbing.Inquire of George C. Andrews, 1212 GuarantyLoan.BOY TO RUN PLAIN MILLING MACHINE;steady Job. Globe Iron Works Co.AT"once, men ANDWomen to make$6 to $18 a week in spare time—no can-vassing. The wo»k is elevating and refining;any one "who can read and write can do itand earn money from, the start. H. A. Gripp,German artist, Tyrone, Pa. Please <write andsend for work at once.WANTED—A GOOD PENMAN; PREFERREDwith some Dllling experience. Address 8120,Journal. -WANTED— TRAVELING MEN, ABLEto leave city and work In Minnesota; $18weekly to start and all expenses; good route.Address^ Manager, 300 Caxton bldg, Chicago.SALESMEN WANTED —YEARLY CO\~tract. Hustling, experienced, responsiblesalesmen only apply. References and expe-rience required. New England Jewelry Co.,lowa City, lowa.YOUNG MAN, ABOUT 18 YEARS OLD, ORelderly man, to da office work for the winter.John J. Carroll, 41 Phoenix.

32 HELP WANTED-FEMALETHE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENt!Men's 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 50c.$1 BARNEY AND BERRY, SKATES AT 75c.-*«W. K. Morison, 247 Nicollet ay.

PLEASANT AND PAYING EMPLOYMENTis easily obtained by graduates of the Min-nesota School of Business, 54 3d st S.LADIES HAVING TROUBLES TO~CALLTbRwrite Dr. Bly, 27 4th st S. New book, 25c.YOUNG WOMAN, FOR THOROUGH PREP-aration for office work or business, go to theArchibald college, Lake st, corner Stevens.FIRST-CLASS SCANDINAVIAN GIRL FORgeneral housework: 2831 3d st N.GIRL WANTED—FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work. Call 935 14th ay S.WANTED^ A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN-eral housework. filti 6th ay SE.TEACHERS WANTED FOR GRADES ANDhigh schools, for work beginning after theholidays. The Hazard Teachers' Agency, 732Boston block.

\u2666 yi \u2666 • "• \u2666 -^^x^^^x^x^\u2666• TOUR HUSBAND KNOWS BARNA- \u25a0\u2666>

•\u2666\u25a0 BY'S GOODS are the best obtainable. \u2666\u25a0• \u2666- • • \u25a0\u2666 t ........;.

WANTED—A GOOD COOK AND CHAMBER-maid at once. 922 6th ay S.GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE-wcrk; no washing. Inquire 2617 16th ay S.WANTED—GIRLS TO WORK*ON MANGLE";also a starcher. Co-operative Laundry, 523Ist ay S.YOU CAN EARN BOARD AND ATTENDBrown's Business College, Faribault, Minn.,or take a thorough "home study" course,graduate and be assisted to good position.DRESSMAKERS" SEAMSTRESSES ANDapprentices, fit yourselves to fill our posi-tions as cutters or in families ait $1.50 to $2.50per day. We teach you to cut, baste andcomplete a garment for yourself or your pa-tron while learning to use the square, theonly method recognized by a tailor or thosepractical In gurment cut. Cuts latest andmost graceful curves, being a direct improve-ment over all others In use. We guaranteepositions to all taking a course. French-American Tailoring Institute, 407 Nicollet ay.

Phone. Main 2417 L2.__ .WANTED—COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN-eial housework; must be good cook andwaitress; good wages; references required.Call at once at 180t> Park ay. second floor.IT IS NEAR THE HOLIDAYS, BUT THENorthwestern Dress Cutting School are stillenrolling dressmakers and apprentices intheir school, • paying $1 per day to appren-tices while learning the entire art of dress-making ' and ladles' tailoring, in all itsbranches; the only school this bide of New\u25a0York where one can advance to the highestart of dressmaking; situations furnished from$9 to $30 per week; write or call now. North-western Dress Cutting School. 728 Hennepin._lme. Bu Cttane. proprietor.

ONE LAND OR HACK; ONE ROCK-away; these carriages are in fine shape andfor sale cheap, on time. W. C. Buchanan,113 E Lake st.FANCY SPEEDING CUTTER, USED ONLYthree times and a beauty, for sale cheap.Call 2200 Grand S, city.GOOD CUTTER, BUGGY AND SURREY FORsale very cheap. Call 1519 Sd av"S.FOR SALE—NO. i~FRESH~MILCH COWIWill sell cheap. Call at 1828 2d_st NE.FOR SALE—CHEAP; OR WILL TRADE FORanything I can use, nearly new Hamiltonspeeding cutter;, cost $125.. Address S. G.Thompson, Albert Lea, Minn.POITSALE—SHETLAND PONY, BAY STAL-llon, 42 inches high, registered. Can bedriven single or double; is thoroughly brokenand a fine traveler. A perfect beauty; 4 yearsold. Louis Fleckenstein, Faribault, Minn-Central Market Harness Co—New and second-hand harnesses, collars. Repairing, lowestprices; whips, all rawhide, 50c. 625 2d ay N.PORTLAND CUTTER, "GOOD AS NEWTcheap. May be seen at 2606 Ist ay S.LIVERY STABLE, STEVENS AVJ BE-tween 16th and 17th, with Qdrick house, for$3,500, part trades. Nickels & Smith, 311 Nic-ollet. \u25a0 \u25a0

\u25a0 \u25a0 •TWO-SEAT CUTTER IN FINE SHAPE,with pole and shafts; cost $125; will sell for£30. 12 E Grant st. .BAY GELDING HORSE, 8 YEARS OLD,Bangor-buggy, $40 harness, robes, blankets,halter and whips; outfit cost $450; will sellfor it '00; party leaving city. Palace Stables,& E i

;rant st. -NEW CUNNINGHAM AND LANDAU, RUB-ber tired; will sell at a sacrifice. 12 E Grant.WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED 40 HEAD OF1,400 to 1,800-pound draft horses that are rightout of work; prices reasonable. Frost & Co.,12 2d at N.FOR SALE—GOOD WORK TEAM, WEIGHT2,400 pounds and sound; also one sound horse,weight I.HOO pounds. 2024 4th st N.

COACH HORSES AND DRIVERS.L. A. Legg has just arrived on the Barrett

& Zimmerman's Midway Horse Market with atew coach horses and speedy drivers.FINE MATCHED CARRIAGE TEAM OFchestnuts, weight 2,300, city broke, 7 and 8years old; will make a fine coach team andare good high actors; can road a good gait.616 E 17th at. .1,300-POUND SOUND FARM MARE, HOX-est and gentle, $60, 7 years old; one pair ofsmall horses, weight 1,700 pounds, young andtrue, $35; will Bell separate or trade for some-thing to match my (big mare; cutter and goodopen bu-ggy, $16. 2025 Jackson st NE, up-stai.r3.

34 HORSES, CARRIAGES—W'T'Dtiii^T^lT^ujuW^^a^'al^lbal^em'ent\Men's L'Oc socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 50c.APPROPRIATE Christmas Gifts at reasonableprices. W. K. Morison & Co., 247 Nicollet.

NfED^TO~BUY~A~FAST~HORSE~>OR~Adriver; dark color; trot or pace; weight about1,060 lbs; don't care if horse is marked low,but must show a 2:30 clip; will pay good fairprice in cash; none but honest, responsibledealers need apply. No. 7512, Journal.HORSES BOARDED; BEST Or <"ARErREF~erences given; timothy and clover hay forsale. H. L. Bartholomew, 'Diamond Lake,Portland ay and 58th st. Postofflce substationNo. 9, \u25a0city.

WANTED—SHETLAND PONY AND CART.State price wanted to 8011, Journal.WANTED—A GOOD DRIVING HORSE INexchange for clear lot, and also 4-niontlis-oldcollie pups for sale. 1614 4th st SE.WANTED—HEAVY TEAMS FOR WORK INthe woods. Apply 8 Ist st S.WANTED— TIRE FARM WAGON;two-seated buggy, pair heavy harnesses, sin-gle buggy, harness; all must t»e in good con-iitlon, cheap for cash. A., 5.,925 Ist ay N.

35 INSTRUCTIONTHE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 50c.CHAFING DISHES, 25 STYLES, $2?75~T0

:LlW._K._Morison & Co., 247 Nicolleit ay.

SPANISH INSTRUCTION by native teacher.Terms reasonable. Address 4224, Journal:GREGG SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRIT-ing; join our new day class, beginning Jan. 6;a rate of $7 per month given those who enteron above date; thorough, individual instruc-tion; students assisted to positions. GreggSchool, 310 and 321 Kasota building.

PERFUMES for Christmas trade; best line in;lty. A. P. Thompson Drug Co., 3d st, Ist ay S.

36^J^NS^AND CHATTELSTHE^"?LY^I6TTH'VBXRG^Men's 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 50c.TEA and Coffee Pots, Baking Dishes. Pricesright. W. K. Morison Co., 247 Nicollet ay.


Open Wed. and Sat. evenings until 9 p. m.LOANS MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS]furs in storage and warehouse receipts, atone-half the usual rates. Monthly install-ment Loan Co., 825 Guaranty Loan. ,„.. / ,'

44 U PERSONALContinued. .

DR. VAN DAMME, PRIVATE DISEASESand irregularities of women. Room 608Northwestern block, 322 Hennepin. Home,with skilled nurse. Consultation free. -


' . 722 Nicollet ay. •WOMAN'S MAKING CO

I 1200 3d ay S '

THE TEXAS GEYSER OIL. CO. OFFERS Asplendid investment on Page 17.VITALITY LOW, DEBILITATED OR EX^hausted, cured by Dr. Kline's Invigorating

; Tonic. I Preen $1 trial bottle upon description,1 of case. Dr. Kline's Institute, 931 Arch stPhiladelphia. Founded 1871.

<§> XMAS SUGGESTIONS: Barnaby's ties, <?>1 <\u2666"> gloves, or smoking Jackets. ' ' <«><S>»»«x^x»«^>^<S \u2666 • * • •\u25a0••• jx^s>^xg^>^\u25a0 MORPHINE, OPIUM, LAUDANUM"; CO-

caine habit myself cured; will inform of. harmless permanent home cure. Mrs. Bald-win, box 1212. Chicago.DR. WYATT, LOCATED 16 YEAR 3A.T 230

" Hennepin ay, has had 31) years of wonderfulsuccess in curing men and women of all ccx-

• ual, kidney, blood and wasting diseases. Visit\u25a0 him or write him free and get aured.

LADIES, "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PSN-• nyroyal Pills are the best: safe, reliable; take. no other; rsend 4c stamp for particulars. "Re-: lief for Ladies" in letter by return mail at, druggists. Chlchester Chem. Co.. Phlla.. Pa. j

MRS. BOND, " MONTHLY REGULATOR. which has never failed; longest cases relieved\u25a0 in two to five days; no danger; has had 1Cyears' experience in using it. By mail oroffice, $2. Advice free. All letters address

Mrs. E. Bond, 306 6th st S. Office hours 10i a. m. until Bp. m. Minneapolis, Minn. '

ANNA~M.~GRISWOLD,~4I7 MEDICAL BLKTChiropody, manicuring, electrolysis for re-moving superfluous hair, moles, -warts andbirthmarks. Shampooing, face and scalpmassage.

: j CHIUSTMAS~"VIOLINS~AT~ ROSE & SAV-IER'S. MET. MUSIC CO., 41 6TH ST S. \KIDNEY, BLADDER AND URINAR~Ytroubles cured; trial free. C. H. Rowan 4000Drexel boulevard. Chicago, 111.LADIES, TRY MY MONTHLY REMEDY.Sa-mple free. Vitorg Company. Chicago.AMIABLE,ATTRACTIVE WIDOW7~CHfLD^less, possessing beautiful home and $25,000,sadly needs husband's advice and compan-ionship. "Constance," room D, 404 Vine, stCincinnati, Ohio. , '$88 «8S8S»«885888K«88 888388SB8SS<%&8!8!K 82*2

] *ii Best Xinas Dinner at the Guaranty fS«2 Loan Restaurant. 12:80-3 and 5-8 p m *28888 88888888888888888888 Waag^gMßSlßßßßFinest Perfumes and Funke'H, Lowney's andAllegretti Bonbons. A. D. Thompson Drug Co.SEND NO FOR A LIMITED TIMEwe will send you free a large size package ofGerman Catarrh Cure, free, which will surely\u25a0cure you of that ha/wking. spitting, droppingin the throat, foul breath, etc.; same sentwith the understanding jou to pay for sameafter 30 days' treatment if entirely satisfied.

\u25a0 Address Mfr. German Catarrh Cur©, 300 Cen-tral ay, Minneapolis.HAIR l WORK—ALL KINDS OF' HAIR

I chains and hair work made after order, ofjyour own hair. Send one 2-cent stamp andI will send you the samples of ir. - hair jwork. Write to-day to Mrs. Hana Marks, j

j 1623_5th_et_ S, Minneapolis, Minn."MY LADY'3"^ TOILET IS INCOMPLETEwithout Hygeia Skin Food. Feeds tissues offace and bust, removing wrinkles. Clears jskin of all blemishes. $1 per jar, postpaid. IHygeia Toilet ,Co., 22 Union block, St Paul,Minn.LOWNEY'S. Funke's, 'I>on"s and Aliegrettichocolates. Tbomneon Drug Co.. Ist ay S.?»d st.

45 PATENT ATTORNEYSTHE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's 20c Socks, 10c; Tor- Night Robes, 60c.$1 BARNEY AND BERRY SKATESATW. K. Morlson, 247 Nicollet ay. - -\u0084WILLIAMSON & MERCHANT (JAMES F.Williamson and Frank D. Merchant), patent

( attorneys and solicitors; main office, No. 929---935 Guaranty Loan building, Minneapolis,Minn.; branch office, room 52, McGill build-ing. Washington. D. C. ,


4.7 IMPROVEDTHE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's 20c Socks, 10c; 75c Night Robes, 50c.100 USEFUL. TOOL CHESTS, $£00~TO $25.W. K. Morlson, 247 Nicollet ay. \u25a0

W. A. BARNES & CO., 300-302 NICOLLETjay, issue a rental bulletin every Monday.| Call or send for out New Real Eestate Hats.

GERMS AND SEDIMENT IN CITY WATER"removed by Eclipse Filters: 310 3d ay S.

! ABSTRACTS 10 cts. per number. Hennepin| Co. Abstract Co.. Albert Phelps, Courthouse. jDbN'T~BE~AN~6UTSID~ER7~SA 7YS~AN~IN- '; slder, regarding United States Fuel Oil stock.See advertisements.

DAVIDC. bell"investment CO., \No. 11l S Fourth St.

$1,550—N0. 2820 Clinton ay; 7-room house; jalso barn; east front lot, 42x129; citywater and walk.

$1,700— Nos. 3422 and 8424 Grand ay; twohouses of . five rooms each; monthlyrental of $20; east front lot, 45x129; citywater in yard.

$3,500 —No. 2022 Portland ay; 9-room house;also good barn; city water and sewerconnection; fine east-front lot, 48x123.

$850—No. 1618 Queen ay N; 8-room house; lot,40x128; half cash.. Call for Our Catalogue of Bargains.

ON ANY OF THE ABOVE.,! Will pay taxes due Jan. 1. 1901. !

i $3,500 FOR A BRICK HOUSE AND LIVERYj stable, on Stevens ay, between 16th and 17th! sis. Would take part . trade. Nickels &

Smith, 311 Nicollet ay. _ ' -THORPE BROS.,

y'\u25a0\u25a0'':' Andrus Building.for SALE. CHEAP— :£ -. >No. 2937 Bloomlngton ay; 10 rooms. Ownerwishes to leave city. Will sell for $2,100;

i $1,300 cash; assume mortgage for $800.House. 8527 13th ay S; 5 rooms: lot, 25x128;

; chicken-house. \u25a0 '


RICE LOANS on all kinds of personal prop-erty; charges reasonable. 606 Globe blag.THE TEXAS GEYSER OIL CO. "OFFERS~Asplendid investment on Page 17. "

PAWNBROKERS—ReIiabIe, reasonable; con-fidential. Harris & Goldstein, 239 Ist ay S.




money to give away for notes on furniture,pianos or good security. Easy monthly pay-

-1 meuts.

37 LOST \ AND FOUNDTHE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's 20c socks. 10c; 75c night robes, 60c.$1 BARNEY AND BERRY-SKATES AT We

IW. K. Morten, 247 Nlcollet_ay.THE TEXAS GEYSER OIL CO. OFFERS Ajsplendid investment on Page 17.

\u25a0 i CHRISTMAS VIOLINS AT ROSE & BAY-I IBR'S. MET. MUSIC CO., 41 liTH ST S.LOST— SCOTCH PLAID SHAWL NEARend of 2d st car line, Doc. 20. Return to 425Contra! ay; $5 reward.FOUND— SPECTACLES, FRIDAY AF- jternoon, in front of Journal building. Ownercall at counter, prove property and pay for ad.

; LOST—A MEXICAN LEATHER PURSE,one that hangs from belt, containing $8.50.Finder please return to 1308 7th st SB andreceive reward. \u25a0

LOWNEY'S, Funke's, Lyon's and Allegrettichocolates. Thompson Drug Co., Ist ay S, 3d st.

Best Xmao Dinner at the Guaranty f'i \Best Xmas Dinner at the Guaranty "2Loan Restaurant, 12:30-3 and 5-8 p. m. 8g '\u25a0


and 11th ays on sth st S. this morning;; $7and meal ticket. Return Hotel Ireland, 1819,>th at S.

39 ~~~~^SSiS^ZIIZZZTHE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's 20e Socks, 10c; 75c Night Robes. 60c.100 USEFUL TOOL CHESTS, $-.00 TO $25.W. K. Morison. 247 iNicollet'av.ELITE BATH PARLORS. 626 HENNEPIN Iay; porcelain tubs, massage, cabinet andmedicated baths; experienced lady attendant.LADIES HAVING TROUBLES TO CALL ORwrite Dr. Bly, 27 4th st S. New book, 25c.W. H. McCONNELL, profession7a.lnurse, is at home, 1012 Nicollet ay, after along absence. Very __t of medical refer-ences. • • -'•-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

LADIES, $500 REWARD FOR A CASE OFobstinate suppression, any cause, my monthlyregulator fails to relieve; mail; harmlessvegetable, safe, sure; how long suppressed.Dr. Jackson, R. Co., R 846, 167 Dearborn, jChicago. ;

OH HO, WEAK MEN, OUR IMPROVED iVacuum Developer guaranteed cheapest, beston earth for sexual weakness, stricture,losses, varlcocele, enlarges shrunken organs.Particulars sealed. The World's Cure Co.,Denver, Col. \u25a0• \u25a0

CANCER CURED AT HOME BY INTERNALtreatment; no knife, plaster or pain. Bookand testimonials mailed free. Cancer Instl-tute, 121 W 42d st. New York. \u25a0

\u25a0 '

LADIES— HARMLESS REMEDY FORdelayed or suppressed period cannot fall. Trialfree. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis.

41 mYnnet^ni^pro^ertyTHE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's 20c Socks, 10c; 75c Night Robes, 50cAPPROPRIATE Christmas Gifts at reasonableprices. W. K. Mortson & Co., 247 Nicollet.IF INTERESTED IN LAKE MINNETONKAproperty, buy now; don't wait until spring;prices are stiffening and it will bo sure to risein the near future. We carry the largest listof lake realty and can suit any taste andpurse. "

JAEGER & TORELLE,310 Bank of Commerce.

<$>$xSx*-<sx*^<«><•>. . JAEGER & TORELLE. .. ..;>

§. 310 Bank of Commerce. '. • \u0084.•<§> !<•> $300 for one of the choicest lots at &•\u2666• Meadville Park; fine shore is at a pre-. <&.<,\u2666> niium in this addition, and prospective <>•>i<^> buyers cannot afford to delay securing <\u2666><j> desirable cottage sites ;'..;-; <&<$> SPRING PARK—Seven of the 'best •\u2666><§> shore lots on the main lake for only <§> j<\u2666> $1,200, or can sell five of them for <§> !<*> $1,000, or three for $600. It is unneces-' <f><|> sary to say that this is a bargain <§»

<\u2666> which will remain on the market but <\u2666> i<\u2666> a short while longer. <\u2666> |® BELLEVUE—HoteI St. Louis; fine &

I <$> lots with commanding view .on only <\u2666> ]<ih public street leading- to the lake be- <§>.<\u2666> tween Deephaven and the hotel. <?> |

42 NOTICB •';;;THIS PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's ZOo Socks, 10c; 75c Night Robes, 50cCHAFING DISHES, 25 .'STYLE37~S277S~~TO

, $15.75. V.'. K. Morison &_Co_.__47_Nlcolleit ay.

THE TEXAS GEYSER OIL CO. OFFERS Asplendid investment on Page 17.


i *Ji For tasty dressers, nothing equals *)£' *Ji Barnaby'B Haberdashery. •£1

jliOWNEY'S, Filnke's, Lyon's and AllegrettlIchocolates. Thompson Drug Co., Ist ay S, 3d st.jNOTICE—MONDAY AND TUESDAY WEwill offer entire stock new and unclaimed pic-tures at reduced prices to sell them quick.20 per cent off on framing pictures' afterChristmas. Zesbaugh, 11 sth st S.

8283 88S88S53Ss8S£S8S88S88 88S8S8888i8£S88888 8888£2 Best Xmas Dinner at the Guaranty *2li Loan Restaurant, 12:30-3 and 5-8 p. m. gjgSBB 88888888888888888888 Bii!IS3SSiSgBBSSBBBSBS BSSB

44 - PERSONALTHE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's Socks, 10c; 76c Night'Robes, 50c.TEA and Coffee Pots, Baking Dishes. Pricesright. W. K. Morison & Co., 247 Nlcollet ay.

DR. B. SHEPARD, SPECIALIST; DISEASESlof women; office, 407 Nicollet. Telephone,: M 659 32; residence. South 433 J2. Office hours,111 a. m. to 5 p. m. Dr. B. Shopard.

I WANTED—EVERY MAN AND WOMANI having kidney and bladder troubles to sendI their address for sure cure to 6507, Journal...!TELEPHONE OR TELEGRAPH NAGEL*1 the florist, for flowers for funerals, weddingsand parties. Orders from out of town will

jhave special attention. 818 Nicollet ay.

' SHAMPOOING, HAIRDRESSING AND MAN.| ieuring. All kinds of hair goods. Miss Ol-i sen. West Hotel Hair Store. :I DANCING CLASSES — MONDAY AND! Thursday; children, Saturday at 2; buck wing

' and private by appointment. Holcomb's! Academy. 43 4th st S. ' ..- \u25a0

!T. H. b'LY, M. D., SPECIALIST IN ALLI diseases of women; all irregularities correct-ed; private home for women before and dur-ing confinement: new book, 25e, all you needto know. Office, 27 4th st S, third floor.

FEMALE DISEASES CURED. : iIrregular and suppressed menstruation cured

i quickly; 40 years' experience; good home forpatients. Dr. Wheeler, Globe bid., Minneapolis.


Dandruff, falling hair or itching and ecze-! matous scalp and growing baldness ceases the| day their use has begun. Send stamp, for

' particulars or 50c for trial course. O. K.Chance, 680 Syndicate Arcade, Minneapolis,

j Minn. \u2666

|WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OFI fine furs for Christmas gifts, such as boas,

' ! cluster scarfs, muffs, etc. The quality of our

' workmanship is unsurpassed and our goodsare just as represented. Also a large stockof fine fur-lined gentlemen's coats, very lightweight, suitable for walking or driving

A. REINER, I CUSTOM FURRIER,'15 »th «t S. Open evenings.

'Phones: M. 2729-J3, Twin City, 1835., THE NEXT PURCHASE—LET IT BE UNIT-

ed States Fuel Oil-stcck. See ad-vertts«ments. •RELIABLE AND CONFIDENTIAL DETEC~. tive work, in all its branches, for private in-dividuals and corporations, by the McNultyDetective Agency, 208 and 210 Kasota block,Minneapolis. \u25a0 ... \u25a0-\u0084....

HAVE~RUGG MAKE YOUR XMAS PHOTOSTNow at 329 Central ay: up-to-date studio;

all negatives back for 20 years.

HAIR GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES, DOLLwigs, ladies' and gentlemen's treatment;ladies' shampooing, 25c: face massaging,

• manicuring, children's haircutting...; Mme. DeLeo's, room 455, Syndicate Arcade. % Take ele-vator. \u25a0 \u25a0 _ .MUSIC! MERRY CHRISTMAS!. LAST.OP-portunity on our special great Christmas offer.Fifty private lessons, piano-vocal, for $5.Call immediately. Minneapolis School ofMusic, 64 12th st.S. Andreas Rohrie, director.DR. LINDA~BURFTeLD'""PERRY,~SUQGE.<3-tive Therapeutics. 412-413 Globe building.'Phone, main.33sl Jl. Treats all nervous dia-eases, men women and children. „ ,

$I,ooo—House, 3409 Cedar ay; 7 rooms; lot,43i4@128.$—House, 3540 11th ay 9: B rooms; cityvaterjn yard; lot!_G3xl27 1

_ Easy terms.WE HAYE~TWO~CASH~CUSTOMERS~FORgood modern houses in southwestern part ofthe city, inside of 27th st. Has any one suchbouses to sell cheap? C. C. Taylor, 78 7th st S


£* 601-603 EIGHTH AY N; BRICK •»1•o \u25a0 . \u0084 - «o?8 DWELLINGS; ALLMODERN; PRES- %£§ ENT RENTAL, $47.50. j£•' - *f£ . . PRICE, $4,760. ||& ANOTHER: FINE HOUSE, S3 ?2 i?2 \u25a0

\u25a0 $« ROOMS, -STEAM '. HEAT, OPEN ftj


*i TO UNIVERSITY; COMPLETELY ?&K-. , . - \u25a0\u25a0 , «& FURNISHED FOR ROOMERS; AC- S2•o 5#§£ TUAL VALUE $10,000; IT ALL GOES %l

\u25a0 ' \u25a0 : *2§| FOR $6,600. ' S23S' ; :-.••\u25a0 \u25a0 •};Si / $4,000 6 PER CENT MORTGAGE **& " ......... S2% FOR SALE ON IMPROVED RESI- S8& **$ DENCE PROPERTY, WORTH $9,000, gf2 IN BEST PART OF NORTH MINNE- h ;

8 apolis. '. :'. £8•|\u25a0'•;!\u25a0 '\u25a0 = • \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0 ••' »j !*2 GEORGE ODLUM. • S2j& '

PHOENIX BUILDING. *2S2 82•o , »o

?k*S^?S^^^BBSB^^B^?SS2S2«?BSSSS?^$3,OOO—FINE RESIDENCE, ON LAKE ST^near Lake Calhounr nine rooms; all modern:open plumbing; hardwood finish; in excellentcondition. This Is a gem and a great bar-gain. City Realty Co., 205 Boston block.

| NEW- MODERN HOUSES AND VACANTproperty southeast; $18,000 investment, pays8 per cent, half cash; $20,000 makes first pay-ment on flat building- paying 11 per cent;$6,500, improved farm near Faribault. InquireGould, 407 Phoenix' building. -'' \u25a0\u25a0 _\u25a0FOR SALE—FINE EAST FRONT LOT, FRE-mont ay N near 30th; one on Emerson, eastfront, walk, water, sewer, trees, - $325; pricegoes up after January; fine east front lot,Perm ay N near 22d, $175 until January: wildlands and farms, 'Minnesota and Dakotas; ifyou have real estate anywhere, send descrip-tion and price;-I have cash buyers for bar-gains. A. D. Eads, 410 Guaranty building.

MAKE US AN OFFER.The owner of the following property desireg

to close out all of his Minneapolis property.No.. 406 W.26th st; 9 rooms; barn; lot 33x150.No. 3838 Grand ay; 9 , rooms; arranged for

two families: barn. ' ,1821-3 2d ay S; 8-room dwelling-house and a,

two-story brick store building. -..!. . THORPE BROS.,Andrus Building. I


THE WILLARD ORCHARD CO. IS PLANT-ing a 2,000-acre orchard of apples, peachesand pears, in Arkanaas, which is better thanCalifornia because near markets. You cansecure an interest in this for $3 a month.Call or write. 29 sth st S.for RELIABLE ABSTRACTS. call ONthe Title Insurance and Trust Co.STETSON GUITARS ATROSE & SAVIER'S.

MET. MUSIC CO.. 41 6TH ST S.8888 N8888&888&*g&!3 «»S^SSBSSBBBS^SBBBgBBBB !8« LAUDERDALE & CO., J.8« " ' 355 Temple Court. Sg*2 W. H. & F. W. Lauderdale, J. R. Sloane. Si% Real Estate, Rentals, Loans, Insurance. X% Watch this Advt. for snaps and in- z»\u2666„' vestments. ; Jg?« $1,900— Good house; large barn and %88 sheds; on 11th ay S, near Franklin. 1%%i $3,3oo—Large brick house, modern; lot 8,% • 50x150; east front; Ist ay 45, near'fgEi loth st. .. . «S% $1,875—7-room house, modern but heat; $?g east front; rents for $17; 9th ay S, 8gJg near Franklin. ... »g82 $490— good lots, on 22d st, near f;iS 25th ay S. \u25a0 \ -\u25a0- -- . -goSi $275 each for lota on 21st ay N, near ZiS. sth st. .. g^888$ gSgj^SggSBBBBgSSBSSBSSasSBg3gBSBSBgBSg 8888PERFUMES for Christmas trade; best line Incity. A. D. Thompson Drug Co., 3d st, Ist ay S.<s><s^s><e><s><e><*><e><s><^^<?> IF HE appreciates quality, his Xmas *><«> gift should come from Barnaby's. <$>

WHY PAYRENT OR INTEREST WHEN THE)Home Co-operative Company, a copartner-ship, will furnish you mo >ey to pay off your

| mortgage or buy a home In any locality andjgive you 16 years and 8 months to pay it backat $3.35 per month without Interest? Inves-tigate our plan.. Beardsley & Heldt, districtmanagers, 256 Temple Court, Minneapolis, and803 Chamber of Commerce, St. Paul.THE TEXAS GEYSER OIL CO. OFFERS Asplendid Investment on Page 17.

4£ UNIMPROVEDTHE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's 20c Socks, 10c; 75c Night Robes, 50e»APPROPRIATE Christmas Gifts at reasonableprices. W. K. Morlson & Co., 247 Nicollet.WALRATH REALTY CO., 609 PHOENIX.$290—Lot, Elliott, 26th st, sewer water, walk.$1,000 —Large east-front corner, Sunnyeide.$I,loo—Snap; 149 feet, near Hennepin-27th.$1,000, $1,100, • $I,Boo—Great bargains; Blais-' dell's addition.

$1,000, $1,200, $1,500, beautiful lots, Elliott-nth. :$700, $800, $1,200— of the Isles. Hummers.

<S> \u25a0 <«>\u25a0\u2666> LARGE 46-FOOT LOT, LYN- <\u25ba><\u2666> dale ay S, between 28th and 29th sts; <|><a> lies well above grade; sidewalk; elec- <•><f>. trie line passes property; west front; <$><?> good location for residence or small <\u2666><$> .business; lot 8, 'block 2, Chamberlain's <•>\*> Addition. <\u2666> i

<§> - ; W. D. WASHBURN, JR., <§><§> 300 Guaranty building. <\u2666>

82 88oTO&S8S&i£g8S8S38 ?2S*S2SSSSSSSSS2S£?SSgBBK2 PROSPECT PARK, LINDEN HILLS, 82*« Meeker Island, Menage's 4th and sth, f£?i Jewett's. 1 We have largest list, low 82

!Si prices, make easy terms. NICKELS *288 & SMITH, 311 Nicollet ay. 92I 8J8S588aig*88S8!S8S88S8888a8SS8888888888888S88S$300 EACH—GREAT BARGAIN: TWO LOTSi

! corner 19th ay NE and Monroe, 55x165 each:j water In street. Will furnish money to: build. C. G. Lester, Century building.j FOR SALE OR TRADE—A CHOICE BUILD"|ing lot on the corner of Aldrich and 36th aysN: will take piano or .horse and buggy. CyrusA. Campbell, 533 Guaranty (building-.

DAVID C. 'BELL INVESTMENT CO.,- • No. 11l 4th st S.$75— One block from Minnehaha car line, south

of 35th st; size 40x160; $20 cash, balance$5 per month.

—Stevens ay, near 35th st; east front lot,42x130; city -water.

$525 — Kenwood, on Sheridan ay, just offboulevard; southeast. front lot, 50x150;city water, stone walk and gas; lies'fine. . . ' . 1Emerson ay N, between 14th and 16thay, size 47x154; sewer, water, stone walkand gas.

Call for our Catalogue of Bargains.: On any of the above

Will pay taxes due Jan. 1,1901.


THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's 20c Socks, 10c; 75c Night (Robes, 50c.

. CHAFING~DISHES~2S~STYE.ESrS2.7S TO$15.75. W. K. Morison & Co., 247 Nicollet ay.

2.600 ACRES, BEGINNING FIVE MILESfrom Altkin, $4 per aero; $1 per acre down.Becher M.Hungerford, Aitkln, Minn.A SPLENDID 500-ACRE TRACT, $7 PERacre; easy terms. This tract is unexcelledfor fruit, farming or grazing. A bargain.H. T. Sutton, Aitkin. Minn.

i IT WILL TAKE DOLLARS TO BUY WHATI dimes will now— are talking about UnitedI States Fuel Oil Co.'s stock at 10 cent* pershare. See advertisements. --" :'-.'FOR SALE—ID~EAL~STOCK: RANCH, WEST-

I era North Dakota, 12 miles from Missouririver; 480 acres; creek running thruogh place;\u25a0water in Dakota is gold; good frame four-room house, barn, well and pump; four cows,

i pony, saddle, fine steel range; four milesfrom postofflce. Chance of a lifetime. $1,000.J. Neff, 83 Royals ton ay N.

THE TEXAS~GEYSER OIL CO. OFFERS Asplendid investment on Page 17.FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, FOR FARMor wild land, equity in down-town house and

I lot; best in city for flat building. 7960,j Journal. \u25a0

,IMPROVED FARMS IN NORTH DAKOTA, !grain farms, stock farms and .ranches, farmsfor general agricultural purposes; any sizeand any part of the state; 'bargains in wildlands Investors or homeeeekers; send par-ticulars of what you want and. Informationwill be sent. 8. F. Sherman^, Tower City,N. P. \u25a0.-...- ..FARM LANDS— SALE, OR EXCHANGEfor small house in this city, a choice SO acresof splendid land in Polk county, Wisconsin;no sand or swamp, but all \u25a0good clay soil andhardwood timber, close to store and cream-ery, near the new town on the new railroad;has nice lake <|fcor». Cyrus A. Campbell, 533Guaranty building.

WISCONSIN—37O ACRES, PEPIN COUNTY,100 acres cultivated, balance meadow, near St.Paul; price low. F. J. Percival, 1003 Guaran-ty 'building.MINNESOTA— LAKE COUNTY, 1,200

! acres, $5 to $15 per acre; Polk county, '820;I acres, $5 to $16; Norman county, 1,100 acres,{ $9 to $13; Becker county, 1,400 acres, $4 to $9;i South Dakota, Brown county, 400 acres, $4 t6

$8; Campbell county, quarter, $600; Edmunds icounty, two quarters, $600; Klngsbury county,650 acres, $13 to $20; North Dakota, lands in

\ Walsh, Grand. Forks, Kidder, Dicker. Rich-I land, Sargent counties, cheap. F. J. Percival,I 1006 Guaranty building.

| A FARM AS A GIFT—FEW HUNDRED| dollars invested now will secure 240-acre stock \| farm on Otter Tail river, In the beautifulpark region, western Minnesota; 2,000 cords

j of wood cat this winter will pay for land-;> i new buildings and stock. Write immediately

' to Lake Park Land C0.,.419.\u0084419 Phoenix. Minne-; apolis. \u25a0\u25a0 .\u25a0 • •: BEST YET—I6O-ACRE FARM; FRAME! i house; 75 acres under cultivation; nice mead-

'\u25a0 ow; timber; all fenced. Price, $10 per acre.! ! Small payment down; balance on time. M.1

S. Rutherford, Princeton, Minn.i ! EIQHTY-ACRU FARM—SPLENDID clay, | soil; house, 20x28; addition,. 15x20; good. ! barn, granary, well; some . apple trees. This

j farm is located among thrifty German farm-I ere. M. S. Rutherford, Princeton, Mian.

LOWNEY'S. Funke's, Lyon's and Allegrettlchocolates. Thompson Drug Co., Ist ay S, 3d st.

j <\u2666\u25a0 OUR STOCK IS MORE COMPLETE <\u2666>1 <<> this year than ever before. Barnaby. <£>

; j $TSO PER . ACRE, 8,000 . ACRES, MILLS; I Lacs county. '! $4 per acre. 1,000 acres', Carlton county. .; $4 per acre, 2,000 acres, Aitkln county. .:.;\u25a0"

: We have a new list of bargains, just out.! Write : for one. 'I MINNEAPOLIS REALTY CO.,

209 Bank of Commerce.' " ; \u25a0 FARMS FOR sale. .

115 acres, near Lake Harriet; good land.Six-room house; large barn, etc.

' W. H. Perrott. 511 New York Life building.FINE IMPROVED FARM, WRIGHT COUN-

i ty, 4 miles from Buffalo; 360 acres; finest soil;; good improvements; only $30 an acre; one-, half cash and 5 per cent interest; obtain

same on trade all around $50 an acre; willi sell low; Investigate. M. P. Hobart, Phoenix

building. - '- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

, $26 ONLY AN ACRE, IMPROVED FARM OF\u25a0 300 acres; Austin, Minn.; cut five tons of hay, to the acre; good improvements'; chance In a

lifetime. Hobart, Phoenix building.SNAPSr-160 ACRES IN SOUTHERN minne-

sota, 2% miles from railroad station, 7 miles\u25a0 from three good towns; well and windmill;

good house, large barn, fenced in 40 acres;lots; nice maple grove about the noun"; own-er non-resident; just put . this farm :on the

: market • to' sell quick. :- 160 acres I adjoiningAshby, Minn.; Just outside incorporation; allgood plow land; no better coil In state; ele-

• gant buildings: $6,000 buys this fine farm;$3,500' cash, - balance easy terms. .' 160-acre

i farm fire miles, north of Lisbon, N. D.; ellgood land; 75 acres under plow; worth $3,000:$1,600 takes this land; it must be soli quick.Davis & Lowry, 817 Phoenix building


MINNESOTA, WISCONSIN, KANSAS ANDWisconsin farms and lands, which we can sellor trade and save you money. 1100 LumberExchange.

-^50 ESTATE—EXCHANGETHE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's 20c Socks, 10c; 75c Night Robes, 50&.TEA and Coffee Pots, Baking Dishes. Pricesright. W. K. Morlson & Co., 247 Nicollet ay.

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR IM-proved or wild farm lands, 40 acres tested andproven zinc and lead land, adjoining largestproducing mines in Missouri. Address 7969,Journal.CASH AND FINE LOTS, WELL LOCATED,for improved city property.: Also fine 200---acre Improved stock farm, near Glen wood, forresidence; eighth ward preferred. Dartt, 807Phoenix.TO EXCHANGE—GOOD HOUSE AND LOTfor vacant lot, close In, for storage purposes.No objection to old building on lot. Addresspostofflce box 421, city.



THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's 20c Sock., 10c; 75c Night Robes, 50c.$1 BARNEY AND BERRY SKATES AT 75c.W. K. Morison, 247 Nicollet ay.

WANTED— POSITION lAN EXPERT-enced bookkeeper, stenographer and type-writer, references and testimonials furnished;satisfaction guaranteed. Address C. A PettisFalrchlld, Wis. .SITUATION WANTED—BY GOOD ALL-around baker and cook. A. H. Shrigby, Mon-tevideo, Minn.WANTED—BY A MAN WHO HAS BEEN INretail furniture business, a position as trav-eling salesman for furniture house or generalmerchandise. Address 7994, Journal.SITUATION WANTED—BY MIDDLE-AGEDman, acquainted with managing help. Willwork reasonable for few months; clerking,timekeeper or stock man. Address 7896, Jour-nal.A THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED OFFICEman; neat, speedy and correct, desires em-ployment. 7783, Journal. • . . •EXPERIENCED SPECIALTY SALESMANopen for an engagement for 1902. Highestreferences. W. M. French. 255 Hennepln ay.

A BOY, AGED 19, WANTS WORK FOR THEwhole winter. S. A. H., 830 9th ay S. \u25a0


THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 60c.100 USEFUL TOOL CHE-STS7~SI7(Xf fO $25.W. K. Morison. 247 Nicollet ay.

A RELIABLE YOUNG LADY, WITHOUThome, must have work; office work, copying,writing, collecting or attending telephone. Ad-dress 8084, Journal. . -WANTED—BY A MIDDLE-AGED PROTEST-ant New England woman, a position as man-aging housekeeper for widower or private in-stitution. Best references. Address Mrs.A. R.. 912 State st, Springfield, Mass.

53 '"storageTHE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men'e 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 50c.APPROPRIATE Christmas Gifts at reasonableprices. W. K. Morison & Co,, 247 Nicollet.THE BOYD TRANSFER AND FUEL CO.has unequaled facilities for moving and stor-ing household goods; packing for storage andshipment by experienced men. Office, 46 South3d at. Telephone, Main 656, both exchanges.

FIREPROOF STORAGE— Clean Rooms.REALTY CO., 106 Ist ay N. Tel. Main 2062-J.

56~^^orm^sa^7^c7^~THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 50c.CHAFING DISHES7~2S~STYLES,~ $2.75 ~TO ;$15.75. W. K. Morison & Co.. 247 Ntcolle-t ay.


113 Ist ay N. Phone, Main 1426 Jl.

57 EXCHANGE-MISCELLANEOUSTHE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's 20c Bocks, 10c; 75c night robes, 50c.TEA and Coffee Pots, Baking Dishes. Prices !right. W. K._Morison :& Co., 247 Nicollet ay. jOLD GOLD and silver, bought or exchangedfor jewelry. S. Swanson, jeweler, 120 3d st _S."MUSIC ROLLS, AT ROSE & SAVIER'S."""


4 XMASSUGGESTIONS: Barnaby's ties, <j> |<$> gloves, or smoking jackets. <«> i

«s><S>^<s><s><^><«><3><Sxe><S>^>^^LOWNEY'S, Funke's, Lyon'a and Allegrettl ichocolates. Thompson Drug Co., Ist ay S, 3d st.

5g WANTED MISCELLANEOUSWE BUY diamonds or trade for new; we pay |cash for old gold or make into new jewelry.Jacobs Jewelry Co., 41 Washington ay S.CASH PAID for all kinds of household goods.Don't sell before getting estimates from th«Town Market, 25-27 sth st S. Tel. 1993. -THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT, jMen's 20c socks. 10c; 75c night robes, 50c. \u25a0>

?1 BARNEY AND BERRY SKATES AT 76c. \W. K. Morison, 247 iNlcollet v. •CAR LOADS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODSmade up for Pacific coast points, making abig saving in freight; parties moving to thecoast should not fall to consult us. The BoydTransfer Co., 46 3d st S. ' : __BOOKS, ALL KINDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD.Goodyear Book Co., 319 Hennepln ay. \u25a0'

THREE TIMES BETTER THAN THE BESTare correct figures. United States Fuel Oilcompany passing other companies lor fastfield work. See advertisements. <THE TEXAS GEYSER OIL CO. OFFERS Asplendid investment on Page 17.BEFORE SELLING OR EXCHANGINGyour 2d-haud household goods, see jPeterKeith, 115 6th st St and get estimates. Tel.3217-L2. : '"CASH FOR PAPER BOOKS, school books andlibraries at Adair'a, 20 Washington ay S.PERFUMES for Christmas trade; beat line Incity. A. D. Thompson Drug Co., 3d st, Ist ay S.

<«> YOUR HUSBAND KNOWS BARNA- <8><\u2666> BY'S GOODS are the best obtainable. <$>

WANTED— PAY 60 CENTS APIECEfor two bright kittens, 6 weeks old. \u0084 Maltesepreferred. Candidates will be examined atroom 218 Journal building, between 3 p. m.and 5 p. m., Tuesday, Deo. 24, and at noother time.

59 WOOD AND COALTHE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 50c.100 USEFUL TOOL CHESTS, $1.00 TO $25.W. K. Morison, 247 Nicollet ay. \u25a0-. ...WOOD AND COAL—Best quality; prompt at-tention, lowest prices. Braden Trans, and FuelCO., 237 Hen., main 2076 Li, and 1535 E Lake. »

The Journal's Daily Puzzle


! 59_^__WjOOErAND^COAX^^^^Continued.

MAPLE, $6.25; OAK, $5.25; LIGNITE, $3.75;gang, ?1.7o; mixed, $2.25. H. B. Woodward,110 Washington ay X. Tel. 2117-Ll.FOUR-FOOT MAPLE W06b~5615 PERcord. 405 4th st N. Tel. 1928-J2.

60 WANTED TO RBHTTHE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's_2oc socks, lOe: TJc night robes, 50c.APPROPRIATE""Christina's Gifts at reasonable

| prices. W. K. Morlaon & Co., 24" Mcollet.| YOUNG COUPLE WANT TWCTWARM FUR-nished or unfurnished rooms, with board.Must be with private family, with no otherboarders, and within 14th st. Address, givingprice and particulars, 7709, Journal.

•« HAVE YOU PROPERTY TO RENT? «rI kJ~ 1 make a specialty of renting and •£I•« taking cars of all kinda of property, •£*J2 managing estates, etc. I can save you •£»Ji money. Walter L. Badger, 217 New •£

Vs York Life building. «5

PERFUMES for Christmas trade; beat line incity. A. D. Thompson Drug Cc.M st, Ist ay S.

MAN AftD \VIPK, NO CHILDREN, WOULDlike small, modern, \u25a0well-furnished house orflat for winter. Excellent tare would begiven same. Must b« reasonable. 805S, rooms for gentlemenTwife and boy, near Henneptn and 16th st crbetween that and 5-th st. 8054, Journal.WANTED—THREE 6r~~f6ull UXFUR-nlahed rooms, or small house or part of

I house, cheap, in any part of city. AddressI 8099, Journal.I wanted"—f"or~sintgle~gentleman, inI neighborhood of Loring park, a nicely fur-; nished, modern room. 8082, Journal.

Ql WANTED—REAL ESTATETHE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT..\U>2Ts_2oc^ socks, 10c; 7oc night robes, 60c.CHAFING" DISHES^~2S~STYLES, 12.73 TOflfi.7s. W. K. Morlaon ft Co., 247 Xicollet ay.

WANTED—I3,OOO W~|MX)O~HOUSE HEREin exchange for 40 acres perfect land, with$2,000 house on It, adjoining towi of 2,600people, 40 miles from Minneapolis. This farm

! hae a cash value of $4,000., Wanted—'Listing of good farm land In Min-nesota in tracts of 1,000 or more acres. Quickinspection and report if price is right.

Wanted —For cash, houses, $800 to $1,500,well rented, constant call by cash buyers.

Wanted—Lots or acres at bargain price Ingood location; will pay cash. Marsh & Bart-lett, 324 Hennepin.

WANT TO BUY MODERN HOUSE, EIGHTHor eleventh ward, for cash. Send descrip-tion and lowest price. 8024, Journal.WANTED—GOOD FARMS FOR CLEAR CITYproperty; improved and paying: 10 per cent;will assume mortgage on farm if necessary.George B. Dartt, 807 Phoenix building. -.

WANT LANDS IN CASS, CROW 8O Wing or Itasca counties for two large Qg> lots, Lyndale ay, between Lake st and p$ 29th st; frontage, 86 feet; adjoins large 0O • stone building, corner Lake and Lyn- oQ dale; good locality, flats or small ©O store*; lots 9 and 10, block 9, Excel- 8O sior addition. W. D. Washburn, 300 8$ Guaranty building. 3

ESTATES ECONOMICALLY AND JUDl-clously managed. H. E. Ladd, Andi-ua build-ing, Minneapolis, Minn.LOWNEY'S, Funke's, Lyon's and Allegrettlchocolates. Thompson Drug Co., Ist ay S. 3d st.


THE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 60c.TEA and Coffee Pots, Baking Dishes. Pricesright. W. K. Morison & Co., 247 Nicollet ay.

ASKING FOR DIMES TO CARRY ON NEC-essary development work and putting dollar*in your pocket for each share you hold inthe United States Fuel Oil company. Seeadvertisements. :\u25a0 ..,GOLD MINE—2 CENTS PER SHARE; DRlV-ing great drainage tunnel; will cut 25 mines.References, engineer's reports and mineralfree. Lansford F. Butler, C907-17, Denver.THIS IS THE LAST SIXIEAGLES AD YOUwill ever see at 25c. Price goes from 25c to60c in two days. Get your money in themails 'by Christmas or', you will be too late.Six Eagles AliningCompany, Loan and Trust


54 DETECTIVE BUREAUTHE PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT.Men's 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes, 600.HOY'S DETIECTfVE~BUREAU—ALL BUSl-ne»s strictly confidential; expert service only.Very best references. 514-615 Phoenix build-ing. Both phones.


Men's 20c socks, 10c; 75c night robes/60cSI BARNEY AND BERRY SKATES AT76cW. K. 247 Xlcollet ay. \u25a0 -SAFES, BOILERS AND HEAVY MACHIN-ery moved; household goods moved andstored' or packed for shipment by expertpackers. Boyd Transfer and Fuel C0..-46 34st S. Telephone Main 656, both companies.

THE M. P. D. delivers packages In the city.10c; St. Paul. 15c. 15 7th st 8. Tel. 1526-I .<

CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE -Furniture moved, stored, packed, facilities; largest and finest transfervans. Office, 200 Nlc. Tel. 1203: res, tel. 2234-L


Men's 20c socks; 10c; 76c night robes, 50c.

BAXTER'S Detective Agcy. Legitimate detec-tive work only; expert shadowing. 615 Tem.Ct.


Men's 200 socks, 10c; night robes, 50cIron-working and wood-workinoMachinery—Largest stook in the northwest.Northern Machinery Co.. 217 3d at S. Mpls.


Men's 20c socks. 10c; 75c night robes. 60a,


Room 807, Boston blook. Minneapolis. Minn.


THE 'PLYMOUTH BARGAIN BASEMENT—Men's 20c socks. 10c; 75c night robes, 60c.

FUR TANNER—FURS DRESSED IN FlßST-clasa order. H. M. Taubert. 625 Bryant ay N.

UNREDEEMED fur coats and overcoats halfprice. Wm^Welsmann. 224 Washington ay S.A REINER, CUSTOM FURRIER, SEAL-skins and fine furs to order; beat quality,moderate prices; also a fine line of gentle-men's fur-lined coats, handsome, durable analight weight, beet in < the city. 16 9«il st S.Telephone. Main 2729 J3. Twia CiUr. 183*

I•\u25a0 \u25a0 _ I. I . .^ I . ..I. \u25a0