the guide to saf

Mind Body Emotions Spirit The Guide to SAF® Online What it is & How to Use it Interpretations & Remedies To incorporate with SAF® Chain Work Includes Sample Reports Mass-Energy Imbalance * Juices * Stress Up-Links * SAF Up-Links * Metabolic Triples * Mood (Bach Flowers) Operative Charts * Acu-Track Meridians * Ages * Emotion Hazards * Allergens Delete Drugs * Healer’s Rescue * Homeopathy * Herbs * Colors * Millennium Detox * Amino Acids * Herbs Environmentals * Essential Oils * Business Pro * Modality Sorter * Metagenics Let Life Energy Research take care of the administration and the paperwork, so you can concentrate on your clients and your own self awareness work.

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Page 1: The Guide to SAF

1“This SAF system will blow your mind!” Louise Hay, Hay House Books



The Guide toSAF® Online

What it is & How to Use it

Interpretations & RemediesTo incorporate with SAF® Chain Work

Includes Sample Reports



























ers)Operative Charts * Acu-Track Meridians * Ages * Emotion Hazards * AllergensD

































Environmentals * Essential Oils * Business Pro * Modality Sorter * Metagenics

Let Life Energy Research take care of the administration and thepaperwork, so you can concentrate on

your clients and your own self awareness work.

Page 2: The Guide to SAF

2“This SAF system will blow your mind!” Louise Hay, Hay House Books

The Guide to SAF® ONLINE

What it is & How to Use it

Interpretations and Remedies to incorporate with SAF® Chain Workincludes Sample Reports

Written and compiled by Kathy M Scogna, Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.

SAF®Online is a service for SAF Practitioners and Coaches. It can be accessed at:

SAF® Online has detailed onscreen instructions, but sometimes seeing it in print makes the learningcurve easier.

Notice to the Reader: This work reflects the research of Joseph R. Scogna, Jr. It is not a medical manualnor should it be used to diagnose disease or to prescribe drugs. The information is presented here forSAF® Practitioners and Coaches, so that they can help their clients make informed decisions about theirown health. Remember, our health, wellness and lifestyle choices are and have always been our own re-sponsibility. The reader is urged to evaluate his or her health status and if disease, poor health, or illnessis present, he or she is urged to seek a health practitioner.

Please use Mozilla Firefox. With changing internet and computer technology, we are continually makingupgrades behind the scenes and have found Internet Explorer and Google Chrome to be less than perfect.If you encounter an issue with the website or SAF® Online, please let us know so we can correct it.Thank you!

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What is SAF® Online? Where does it come from? 4

9 Easy Steps for SAF® Online Use – Chain Data Collection and Interpretation 5

Take a Tour and Video 6Special Features for Practitioners and Coaches: Generate Reports, Ages of Traumas 6

Understanding the Bar Graphs and Single Items 6

Select Interpretations and Remedies 6

SAF® Operative Words and Stress Up-Links, with Ages of events 6SAF® Operative Words and SAF® Up-links, with Ages of events 7Acu-track (acupuncture meridians) 7Alchem-184 (single formula homeopathics) 7Amino Acids 7Antidote1 7BusinessPro 8Chinese Herbs/Medicine (5 groups) Bland, Chilly, Hot, Mildly Chilly, Warm 8Color Coordinator 8Culinary Herbs 8Delete Drugs 8Emotion Hazards 9Environmentals (distracting energies) 9Essential Oils 9Healer's Rescue 9Herbal Treatment (Teas) (master herbalist) 10Herb CR08 10Herbs Scan 46 10Juice 10Mass Energy Imbalance 10Metabolic Triples 10Metagenics Master File (company products) 11Millennium Detox (sensitivities and allergies) 11Modality Sorter 11Mood (flower essences and homeopathics) 11Problems Worries Upsets 11Remedy Blue 82 (compound homeopathic formulas) 12Remedy Orange (sensitivities and allergies) 12Remedy Red Expanded (glandulars with amino acids) 12Run Escape 12Vita Coordinator 13

List of Companion Books & Training Courses 13

Sample Reports (1-4) 14-17

Words from Happy Clients—What Practitioners say back cover

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What is SAF® Online? Where does it come from?

SAF® Online is a fast and cost effective way for Practitioners and Coaches to

Handle SAF® chain paperwork

Cut down on your research time, especially with difficult symptoms and cases

Help your clients increase their vibration level, their consciousness. Help clients achievetheir goals on body, mind and spirit levels with chain work.

Choose Interpretations and Remedies for your clients.

Give a boost to your business.

History: The SAF® Online presents an almost overwhelming number of options in Interpreta-tions and Remedy selection. These interpretations were written by Joseph R. Scogna, Jr, andprogrammed by two young men while in high school – geniuses – who have since had stellarcareers with Microsoft and HP. In the past, SAF® practitioners purchased the 5 or 10 programspertinent to their practices. We are again fortunate to have an outstanding programmer to updatethe old Apple IIe programs – updated and infinitely more readable!

We have included dozens of these programs in SAF® Online. No one is expected to utilize oreven understand all of them! You may find 5 or more you work with on a consistence basis.What an acupuncturist finds useful will differ from a health or nutrition coach, a naturopath, anherbalist, a massage therapist, a chiropractor, an energy psychologist or a light therapist.

Remember, the point of SAF® work is to help your clients find resolutions to issues and pat-terns in their life; to increase vibrational level or consciousness, or to find a remedy or pinpointan allergy. You are assisting in this process. Your client doesn’t want to be bogged down withtoo much information any more than you do! It is hoped that you will experiment with these In-terpretations and Remedies and find what works best for you in your practice. See Sample Re-ports, pages 14-17.

SAF® Online works seamlessly with the online Stress 120, SAF-120 and the Q-24 Question-naires. All questionnaires are free of charge and will create a chain. Infrared scanning is avail-able and allows another way to create a chain. (read: SAF Technology and Infrared Scans)

The SAF® Online service is here for you, the busy practitioner. With this service, practitio-ners and coaches can get right to the business of deciphering the chains of their clients, findremedies and help with lifestyle changes.

Do you have a difficult case with confusing symptoms? Just need a new view? You are in theright spot!

Now, let’s get started!

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9 EASY Steps for SAF® ONLINEChain Data Collection and Interpretations

How SAF® ONLINE can be used by and for You1. Open an SAF® Online account with LOGIN (your email address) and PASSWORD. If

you forget your password, click link for another to be sent to you. Once you get the newone, reset to a password you will remember.

2. Once you are in your account, create a file for yourself and note your CLIENT KEY.3. Click on Questionnaires, complete a questionnaire. (Stress 120 for emotional symptoms;

SAF 120 for physical symptoms; Q-24 for variety and a faster process. The Question-naires and INFRARED scanning will create a chain (Infrared device is required fopr thisoption).

4. After completing the Questionnaire, use your own client key, click SUBMIT and alldata will go to your own file for yourself. You’ll receive an email that a client “has com-pleted a questionnaire”. All the chain data is now available.

5. Go back to your SAF® Online account; find the client file (your own). Click the chainyou want to work with and it is displayed, with Lead, Core, Anchor and special up-links,if any.

6. On the screen, SELECT INTERPRETATION will allow you to choose a single Inter-pretation.

7. On the screen, click INSTRUCTIONS for how to use that one Interpretation. Refer alsoto this THE GUIDE TO SAF® ONLINE.

8. On the screen, click GENERATE REPORT will allow you to choose several Interpreta-tions at once. This Report will be downloaded to your computer, can be saved in yourcomputer files, or printed for your hard copy files.

9. Refer to the INSTRUCTIONS or this THE GUIDE TO SAF® ONLINE for informationon each Interpretation and Remedy.

How SAF® ONLINE can be used by you for Clients and Patients1. Open an SAF® Online account with LOGIN (your email address) and PASSWORD. If

you forget your password, click link for another to be sent to you. Once you get the newone, reset to a password you will remember.

2. Once you are in your account, create a file for each client and note the CLIENT KEY.Let your client know their own CLIENT KEY so all the SAF® data will be sent to yourfile for that client.

3. Instruct your client to complete a questionnaire (Stress 120 for emotional symptoms;SAF® 120 for physical symptoms; Q-24 for variety and a faster process. Note that Q-24allows both SAF® and Stress Up-links). Questionnaires and INFRARED scanning, willcreate a chain (infrared device is required for this option).

4. Instruct your client to SUBMIT their CLIENT KEY at the completion of a Question-naire, which will allow all data to go to your file for that client. You will receive anemail that “a client has completed a questionnaire”. All the chain data is now available.

5. Go to your SAF® Online account, Select the client, Click the chain you want to work

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with and it is displayed, with Lead, Core, Anchor and special up-links, if any.6. On the screen, SELECT INTERPRETATION will allow for a single interpretation.7. On the screen, click INSTRUCTIONS for how to use that one Interpretation. Refer also

to this THE GUIDE TO SAF® ONLINE.8. GENERATE REPORT allows you to choose several Interpretations at once. This Re-

port will be downloaded to your computer, can be saved in your computer files, printedfor your hard copy files, or emailed to your client.

9. Refer to the INSTRUCTIONS or this THE GUIDE TO SAF® ONLINE for informationon each Interpretation and Remedy.

Take a TourKeep this GUIDE booklet handy for questions, or onscreen, you will find Take a Tour and aVideo if you need more help.

Special Features for Practitioners & Coaches

Instructions – On screen, below the title of Interpretation, click the button for instructions tothe practitioner regarding that Interpretation. Refer also to this GUIDE.

Special Up-Links - withholds and depression will appear below the lead, core, anchor.

Generate Report - choose several Interpretations and Remedy categories at one time.

Age of Traumas/Events - located in the first column (left) on the Operative Words Chart

Manual Input – Add a Chain: Chains can be typed in manually from remote sources.

Understanding the Bar Graphs and Single Items

Bar-graph Format: The top bar graph item reflects the lead of the chain, the effect or the re-sult. The middle items relate to the core; and the bottom bar graphs to the anchor or cause. Youmay choose the top and the bottom for balance, or just the top for clarity and relief.

Two Line Group Format: one line is shaded. Top line reflects the lead; bottom line relates tothe anchor. Choose one or more from each group for balance.

List of Items Format: Compare these items to the complaint in the homeopathic style, andchoose which best fits the client’s issues.

Select Interpretations and Remedies

SAF® Stress Operative Words 1-6, with Ages (See Sample Report page 14) This Op-erative Chart is used for emotional release work as presented in SAF® Training Course mate-rial. Find age of traumas and events (only appears when the complete birth date of the client isgiven) and the emotion words to discuss for the resolution of patterns.

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Stress Up-Links These are syndromes, as presented in SAF® Simplified; SAF® Train-ing, Level 1 Course material. Note: the Q-24 will present both Stress and SAF® Up-Links.

SAF® Operative Words 1-6, with Ages (Level 2 Training, See Sample Report page15) Use this evaluation for SAF®-120 Questionnaires for physical symptoms. Find the presentdisturbance and what in the past may have caused it. The age is found in the first column.

SAF® Up-Links These are syndromes as presented in SAF® Simplified and SAF®Training, Level 2 Course material. Note: the Q-24 will present both Stress and SAF® Up-Links. See Reports page 16, 17.

Acu-Track (bar graph format) includes the acupuncture meridians that require evalua-tion in order to bring about balance for the client. Use these items as professionally trainedalong with acupressure / acupuncture charts.

Combinations of SAF® organs and glands in the chain reveal pressure (buildup of stuck en-ergy) and space (energy flows too quickly), and thus SAF® aligns Western medicine with East-ern philosophies and medicine (TCM and TAM). On the bar graphed list, the pressurized me-ridians are located at the top of the list, while those lacking pressure can be found at the bottom.

Refer to SAF® Modality Sorter, SAF® Simplified and SAF® Level 2 Training.

Alchem-184 (list of items) contains single formula Homeopathic remedies, with Com-mon and Latin names. Once the chain has revealed the items, cross-verify with symptom list-ings in a homeopathic text as trained.

Companion books for reference: Homeopathic Self Appraisal Index (all remedies listed) andHomeopathy Revisited are excellent resources; SAF® Level 2 Training.

Amino Acids interpretation (bar graph format) is used to find nutritional deficienciesand for a mental assist in SAF® work. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein; the DNAin the protein structure of organs and glands contain the recordings of lifetime events. In thiscapacity of emotional release work, SAF® uses amino acids to assist the client in clarifyingmental images. Use Remedy Red glandulars for locating images and amino acids to sharpen theimages.

Companion reference book: Amino Acids - A Nutritional Guide, and SAF® Level 2 Training.

Antidote-1 is used when the SAFent has been running many chains, or participating inso many different health methods and desperately seeking remedies to help retrieve mental im-ages and memories, that sometimes this needs to be calmed down.

Refer to: SAF® Modality Sorter.

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BusinessPro (bar graph format) is especially helpful in today's troubled times. This In-terpretation is NOT for executives only because we all participate in the business of life. Wemirror our personal issues and symptoms in the workplace and "bring our work home" - busi-ness and personal life are often synonymous. Are you in a stress management position at work?Do you know anyone with business troubles?

Bar graph format: top items relate to the lead, the result; the middle items to the core; and thebottom bar graphs to the anchor or cause. All items are important, however, address the topitems with the longest bar graph first; ask your client, "What does ____ mean to you?"

Chinese Herbs (5 Groups) (bar graph format) will be easily understood by thoseschooled in TCM, TAM, or Ayurvedic medicinal approaches, along with SAF, where helpingthe client find balance is the key. Where there is yin/yang balance, there is harmony and health.The names may have changed, as these herbs found their way West in British homeopathic andherbal formulations, and as trade has opened further with China. Chinese herbals generally sug-gest if the body is cold, heat it with Hot or Warm herbs; if the body is hot, cool it with Chilly orMildly Chilly herbs. Some herbs have more subtle natures, such as the Bland items.

Let these 5 Interpretations find the best balance! Based on the metabolic doubles in the chain,herbs from the proper group will appear – Hot; Warm, Chilly, Mildly Chilly, or Bland.

Order through Chinese Herbs Direct.

Color Coordinator, (bar graph format) with its 24 different hues is especially helpfulfor light therapists, Feng shui, jewelry, mental imaging and meditation, and other techniquesthat utilize color for balance. These are not the "chakra" colors but instead follow the preceptsof Eastern 5 Element Theory. There is not one stock color that will bring about balance for eve-ryone, every time. In SAF® we understand this - each of us is unique and each chain is a reflec-tion of our uniqueness.

Use pairs of colors to achieve balance and harmony in the chain and with the client.

Culinary Herbs, when cut fresh from the garden or purchased locally, the stronger theirintrinsic value. These can be used as part of the daily juicing, cooking or raw food routine. TwoLine group format. Choose one or several from each group for the best effect.

Each of these suggestions is client-specific (chain-specific) for that personal touch. With SAF®release work, you are addressing the stressed organs and glands and with these herbs are help-ing to harmonize the energy of the client and increase the vibration level.

Delete Drugs (bar graph format) is used when drug materials (antibiotics, stimulants,narcotics, OTCs, hormones, regulators, etc) are interfering with processing. There may be pow-erful residues in the body that are creating new symptoms and reactions, electrical charges, dis-tortion of memory images, hallucinations, or no confidence that energy of the major complaint

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has been rectified. A detoxification is needed.

Consider: Millennium Detox Interpretation. Consult: SAF® Modality Sorter, SAF® Simplified,The Threat of the Poison Reign, Level 2 Training.

Emotion Hazards (bar graph format) is particularly good for addictions counseling, thenew energy medicine, EFT, bio-energetic healers, myofascial and emotional release. The big-gest obstacle to awareness is often the unseen and unrecognized patterns of behavior, self-defeating thoughts. Here you'll find what hazards may trip up the client and trigger reactions.These are client-specific, based on the numbers in the chain. All items are important, however,address the items with the longest bar graphs first; ask your client, "What does ____ mean toyou?"

This interpretation can open the case! How does SAF® do this? The problem situation was al-ways within the client: with SAF® techniques, the answer can be found there, too.

Environmentals (bar graph format) appears on SAF® sorters when various energies inthe environment of the SAFent may cause a distraction or electrical interaction with chains be-ing worked. The SAFent must determine the significance of the items and further processingwill serve to de-sensitize the electrical energies in the environment.

To understand how such energies relate to the human system and cause symptoms and reac-tions, refer to: The Promethion, The Threat of the Poison Reign, The Origins of Genetic Behav-ior, and SAF® Simplified.

Consider also Millennium Detox Interpretation. Level 2 Training.

Essential Oils appear in the Two Line group format. Choose one or more from eachgroup listed for a custom blend. Create client-specific body creams, give unique raindrop-typemassages, or make bath salts. Using SAF® Online will give you a clear advantage your clientswill like - helping with both emotional release and chain balancing.

We recommend Amrita Essential Oils: high quality and an excellent value.

Healer's Rescue-1 (list of items) can be used for all those who "touch" clients in theirline of work (massage therapists, energy workers, chiropractors), however it is also appropriatefor those who practice "distance healing". SAF® has not forgotten about our healers!

Used when electrical energy from others seems to be interfering with the therapist's own en-ergy. The healer must determine the significance of the items. Further SAF® processing(making connections to the past and the major complaint) will serve to de-sensitize the electri-cal energies and frequencies of these items.

Consult: SAF® Simplified. Continue with chain work to prioritize issues in life and learn to

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spot when interfering energies of another have entered the personal space.

Herbal Treatment (Teas) (bar graph format) is for serious herbalists and naturopaths,those skilled in herbal science. The medicinal effects presented are calculated from the up-linksin the SAF® chain and will best help to bring about balance. Cross-reference the items withsymptomatology in herbal texts; create tinctures, capsules, hydrotherapy uses, teas, and com-presses, etc. as trained in your profession.

Herb CR08 (bar graph format) presents herbal items based on the combinations ofnumbers (the organs and glands) in the chain. Follow the bar graph and add those herbs daily insupplements, juicing, cooking or raw food routines to help bring about balance to the chain andthe client.

Herb Scan 46 (bar graph format) lists common herbal items that can be used as tinc-tures, in capsule form, as a tea or for bath soaking. These special herbs are generated by the up-links in the chain; the stressed organs and glands are trying to communicate a problem to yourclient. Those herbs with the longest bar graphs are suggested first.

Juice (bar graph format) omits the guesswork when recommending specific juices forjuice devotees, clients or store customers. Based on the stressed organs and glands in the chain,the juice items with the longest bar graphs would be used first, either by themselves, or added toa green (alkaline) smoothie - a fresh idea sure to revitalize your life or your business. For healthfood stores, juice bars and personal juicing.

Use either an emulsifier-type juicer to include the fiber or an extractor-type, which separates thejuice from the fiber. Both are used commercially.

Mass Energy Imbalance (bar graph format) appears because organ/gland combinationsin the chain suggest an assist with achieving balance in life is needed. The SAFent must deter-mine the significance of the items. Continuing with SAF® mental processing and making con-nections to the past and the major complaint will serve to de-sensitize the electrical energies andfrequencies of these items.

Consult: SAF® Modality Sorter, SAF® Simplified, The Promethion and Project Isis: The Fun-damentals of Human Electricity. SAF® Level 2 Training.

Metabolic TriplesCommunication exists within the chain as organ and gland systems balance negative and posi-tive states (needs and abundances). The metabolic triples display the triple point function ofelectroplasmic entities and the manifestation of the third dimension, as explained in SAF®Level 2 Training. Essential for SAF® 120 Questionnaires for physical symptoms.

Consult: The Promethion; Origins of Genetic Behavior; SAF® Level 2 Training TIP (TheMetabolic Triple)

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Metagenics Master File (list of items) contains products sold by Metagenics and practi-tioners only can order these through that company. The items are derived from the chain combi-nations of stressed organs and glands plus emotional issues. Cross-reference items to sympto-matology and major complaint.

Millennium Detox (list of items) displays items with frequencies to which the SAFentmay be reactive and sensitive (salt, crystals, cleaning soaps, viruses, ELFs, polluted water, etc).The SAFent must determine the significance of the items. SAF® processing, making connec-tions to the past and the major complaint, will serve to de-sensitize the electrical energies andfrequencies of these items.

Consider also: Remedy Orange Interpretation.

Refer to: The Threat of the Poison Reign, Remedy Orange, and Formula Z, SAF® Level 2Training.

Modality Sorter (bar graph format) provides more direction on the chain. Its 69 sugges-tions are helpful ideas for the SAF® client to follow in daily life (acupressure, writing, miner-als, stretching, yoga, chiropractic, sound therapy, dental repair, and take a walk).

All are important to the chain, however, address those with the longest bar graph first: "Whatdoes ____________mean to you?" or "Have you tried ____ lately?"

Read: SAF® Modality Sorter for details.

Mood (bar graph format) items consist of flower essences (many are Bach formulas)and homeopathic remedies readily available at local health food and other stores.

For the greatest effect in SAF® chain and energetic balancing, we use the pairs of essencesshown by the longest bar graphs. These can be consumed as single remedies under the tongue,alternating remedies morning and night, or depositing drops of several remedies in a glass ofwater and sipping throughout the day.

SAF® takes the guesswork out of selecting these items for the client.

Read: SAF® KEY and Reference Guide (2009), Organs and Glands: Connections and Breaks,and the SAF® TIPs in the SAF® Training Manual.

Problems, Worries, Upsets (bar graph format) is used when there are troubles and dis-tracting situations around the SAFent making it extremely difficult to accomplish anything -with chains or in life. The problems have enough electrical charge that the magnetic influence isdisrupted. (car, money, being yelled at, family, being wrong, etc.)

The SAFent must determine the significance of each item. SAF® emotional release work, men-

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tal processing, and making connections to the past and to the major complaint will serve to de-sensitize the electrical energies and frequencies of these items.

Consult: SAF® Simplified and continue with chain work to learn to prioritize issues.SAF® Level 1 Training.

Remedy Blue 82 (list of items) contains homeopathic combination remedies (light po-larizers). Symptoms are listed for each item number – compare to client’s symptoms, their com-plaint and the chain; recommend the appropriate items.

Remedy Blue is used for correcting symptoms in a homeopathic manner and for SAF® mentalassists - in both cases, the products turn down the volume or turn off the mental image picturesaltogether, which in time allows the client to confront images and mental situations better.

Consult: SAF® Modality Sorter. Companion books: Homeopathy Revisited, Homeopathy Self-Appraisal Index, Probiotic Remedy Guide to cross-reference symptoms. SAF® Level 2 Train-ing.

Remedy Orange (bar graph format) contains suggestions of antigens to which the clientis reactive or sensitive. Energies and electrical frequencies are building up to a fever pitch. Theclient with allergies cannot control buildups of mass and energy patterns on certain wavelengthsand frequencies. The person may be creating situations within his own mind and spirit that aretoo much to cope with at present. The SAFent must determine the significance of the items.SAF® processing, making connections to the past and the major complaint, will serve to de-sensitize the electrical energies and frequencies of these items.

Companion books: Remedy Orange to cross-reference the symptomatology presented. Refer to:SAF® Modality Sorter, Millennium Detox Interpretation, SAF® Level 2 Training.

Remedy Red Expanded (Two Line group format) is necessary when the client cannotsee mental image pictures (memories), or even find them. The organs and glands as taught bySAF® contain the entire history of the traumatic situations and all genetic material of incidentsthat have occurred in the past. Glands are light based (sun-generated) so use of glandular prepa-rations and light polarization techniques are possible for expanding the energy in and aroundthe gland and thus freeing up the images. Refer to: Interview with Joe Scogna, 1982

Companion books: SAF® Modality Sorter, SAF® Simplified, Homeopathy Revisited, andAmino Acids - a Nutritional Guide. SAF® Level 2 Training.

Run Escape(bar graph format) is useful when the client has reached the end of his orher rope! At some point, client's ability to survive well has been quashed or torn asunder by cir-cumstances. When escape is not an option, when the client needs to be energized and validated,Run Escape will help to bring forth the essential balance.

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The SAFent must determine the significance of each item. Ask the client: “What does _____mean to you?”

Mental processing and SAF® techniques will serve to de-sensitize the electrical energies andfrequencies of these items. Consult: SAF® Modality Sorter, SAF® Simplified, SAF® Level 1Training.

Vita-Coordinator(bar graph format) presents a coordinated list of vitamins, mineralsand other health related items, based on components of stressed organs and glands plus emo-tional issues in the chain.

Nutritional, elemental items are depleted from the body through stress, disease, age and im-proper diet. There may be deficiencies (space) or a build up of toxicities (pressure), both ofwhich hinder health and energy. We must have the right kind of nutrition and energy to electrifythe system so that mental imagery will turn on and be brought forth to be worked upon. This in-terpretation lists the ratios and combinations of certain minerals to address, based on ortho-molecular work, hair analysis and other research and nutritional protocols.

Refer to: SAF® Modality Sorter, The Promethion; The Threat of the Poison Reign, SAF®Level 2 Training.

List of Companion Books and Training CoursesThe following Books and Courses were mentioned in this Guide; each will further ex-

plain or enhance the particular Interpretation or Remedy.Purchase on the website:, as e-Books through Amazon,

or contact the home office: [email protected]

Amino Acids, a Nutritional Guide Formula Z Homeopathic Self Appraisal Index Homeopathy Revisited (also an e-Book, Amazon) Interview with Joe Scogna (also an e-Book, Amazon) Juices Modality Sorter Probiotic Remedy Guide Project Isis: The Fundamentals of Human Electricity Remedy Orange SAF® Simplified SAF Technology and Infrared Scans The Origins of Genetic Behavior The Promethion: A Comprehensive Study of the Principles of Life Energy The Threat of the Poison Reign: A Treatise on Electromagnetic Pollution SAF ® Level 1 Training

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SAF ® Level 2 Training Words from Happy Clients!(This what you want!)

What Practitioners say about SAF®

Learn to utilize interpretations & the chain:

SAF Operative WordsAge of Traumas and EventsStress Up-LinksSAF Up-LinksWithhold Up-LinksDepression Up-LinksAcu-Track (Acupuncture Meridians)Amino AcidsAntidote1Business ProChinese Medicine (Bland; Chilly; Hot; MildlyChilly; Warm)Color CoordinatorCulinary HerbsDelete DrugsEmotion HazardsEnvironmentalsEssential OilsHealer’s RescueHerbal Treatment (Tease)Herb CR08Herbs Scan 46JuiceMass Energy ImbalanceMetabolic TriplesMetagenicsMillennium DetoxModality SorterMood (flower essences and homeopathics)Problems, Worries, UpsetsRemedy Blue 82Remedy OrangeRemedy Red ExpandedRun EscapeVita Coordinator

“Holy Cow! I just finished an SAF sessionand I feel about 10,000 pounds lighter! Thankyou!”

“I have a lot more energy since I've stoppedseeing my situation as such a burden.”

“I am now much more aware that my lifetimepatterns have been in the genetic pooling. I’mexcited that the chains have been broken -these were long-term issues through genera-tions! :)

“Through chain work, as I prioritize and bal-ance things in life differently, I find I havemore balance within myself.”

“I never realized how defensive I was andhow I magnetized so many people into my lifethat were emotional pollutants for me. Aftermy SAF® session, I see them without beingdefensive, and now I'll just withdraw fromthem. Thanks!”

“SAF® Online is dynamite! It offers a quantumleap into the facets of the chain, a must for everypractitioner. Saves hours of time, gets to the coreimmediately to resolve traumas and emotional pat-terns.” —Jim Manegold

“People on the SAF® program are understandingand realizing their own potential. It has helped myclients (1) to be more aware of how their thoughtsare affecting their health, (2) to understand howthe environment and other people affect them, and(3) to see new opportunities and new ways to cre-ate happier lives for themselves.”

–Zenea Richler, Academy of Bio-Energetics

“It’s amazing to see clients realize WHY theyhave a certain situation in their life, whether it isanger, thyroid or rejection issues. The SAF®Online service is awesome! I can suggest Essen-tial Oils and, with the Modality Sorter if exercise,acupuncture, or yoga is needed for that chain.Working with the withholds has been the mostdramatic and rewarding for releasing energy!” --Paulline Caraher

“SAF® is a great addition to any healing practiceor business. Awareness is the key to lasting healthand well-being. Change your mind and you changeyour life!” –Michelle Harrison, MD