the guide and i

Tina Marie’s Poetry©

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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Tina Marie’s Poetry©


I stopped to hear this bird today

what was he trying so hard to say

his music struck my very soul

I understood that was his goal

I listened closely at what I heard

from this impressive stunning bird

the sounds he used were so intense

as he just stood there on the fence

I had to take a closer look

and as he sang I softly took

the time to place him on my arm

as we both stood there on the farm

We gazed into the fields you see

of this vast land’s infinity

and felt the winds of Nature’s churn

that pressed against our every turn

The singing stopped to my surprise

The farms floor dropped before my eyes

I found myself behind this wall

that turned itself into a ball The bird flew quickly towards the space

where this big ball spun at its pace

and turned himself into a light

that stood above this ball so bright

The light allowed for me to see

the Earth right there in front of me

I felt some comfort fused with pride

as I could see what was inside


A world where nature was intense

Where Earth’s perfection was immense

Inhabitants that walked these lands

abided by Earth’s great demands

The creatures there both big and small

were harmless in this great big ball

They stood beside the humans there

were free to roam round everywhere

They grazed and played among the Earth

so energized and full of mirth

I looked back up into the light

that let me see this world’s delight

and asked if I could walk around

this perfect place where I was bound

The light grew dim, as did the view

I started passing right on through

The force that kept me in my space

just vanished from this pleasant place

The singing bird that turned to light

was now within my piercing sight

he flew with me through new frontiers

that proved to be before my years

“What is this place my feathered friend?”

“Why am I here and on you depend?

What happened to the days I know

where they refuse to let us grow

where those who in the name of greed

have taken all our precious seed?”

He spread his wings so wide apart

and placed his right one on my heart

and said these words I understood

I knew from then on that I would


remember them forever more

they told me what we had in store

“The human heart has lost its place

in humans who, refuse the space

of Nature’s right upon your land

to feed the world at God’s command

They took the seeds from Mother Earth

placed there by God upon its birth

which fed the hungry and the live

and kept them healthy and alive

And as it’s written it shall be

the just will earn eternity

the wicked ones and all their worth

will be cut off of Planet Earth

For those who sin below the sky

without remorse for those who cry

shall soon receive what they have earned

and the Earth they’ve harmed they soon will yearn”

I stopped a moment to take a look

as I approached this crystal brook

I crossed its bridge so I could see

its water that astonished me

I saw some signs of life below

of creatures moving to and fro

fishes of the strangest kind

the type you’d think you’d never find

They swam with grace as they moved on

to other parts and soon were gone

I moved on closer to the brook

where I bent over as I took

some crystal water in my hand

and drank it to my hearts demand


I felt it nourish every cell

It made me feel so very well

I turned to look unto the bird

that bathed himself without a word

beside a space where water ran

where this fresh water brook began

“Tell me bird, I need to know

how water here can nourish so

It leaves a sense of health inside

no other water can provide”

The bird looked up and said to me

“You’ve drank the water now you see…

where you are from they’ve found a way

to take the things God made to stay

The seeds, the water, sun and air

are vital things that God sent there

They take and take without remorse

they’ve driven Earth way off its course

They’ve found a way to steal the Sun

from Planet Earth and everyone

And when they make their final blow

Towards all the things that make Earth grow

A vicious process will ensue

for all those on the Earth with you”

I left the brook to walk through fields

that had such stunning fruitful yields

The soil where all these foods were grown

were rich in nutrients all its own

I thought how back there on my land

the growth of food is in the hand

of those who like to change the seeds


regardless of all life forms needs

They challenge science day by day

turned predators and Earth their prey

Too blind to see what they have done

to Planet Earth and everyone

How is it man’s allowed himself

to wreck the Earth in search of wealth

till all is ruined in the name

of their own selfish greedy game

It’s sad to see how man has changed

creating laws that are deranged

that lack the use of common sense

and harm the Earth at our expense

I took a moment to reflect

and pay this world its due respect

I now would speak to those I’d seen

among those wondrous plains of green

By then someone approached my side

The bird had now become my guide

We walked towards those who picked the trees

and ate the fruit then saved the seeds

They then would place them in the ground

where other seeds lay that were found

“I wish you all the finest day

and wish that all those seeds you lay

will keep producing when they should

the finest fruits that this Earth could”

The Guide was humble, nice and meek

His presence one that all should seek


good mannered, honest, patient, kind

these things back home you just can’t find

Qualities my guide did own

were not a gift to him alone

The ones I saw that lay their seed

had qualities as his indeed

The peace and comfort of this place

was written there upon their face

They had no faults that one could see

they thrived with generosity

“We receiveth all the good you bring

May Earth rejoice and pheasants sing

You brought with you the keeper who

will learn to heal the Earth with you

Upon his journey ahead in time

he must not leave you far behind

for you will be his main defense

from those who honor false pretense

who fail to recognize the needs

that Earth provides within its seeds”

The Guide just listened till the one

who instructed him was almost done

He knelt right there upon the floor

as the one who spoke would start

Once more…


“Earth’s water, soil, skies and lands

are in the keeper and in your hands

You must prevent what’s going on

before what’s left of Earth is gone

Right then and there I understood

I was to go back when I could

to change the future of the seeds

along with all the wicked deeds

“Behold,” I said to their surprise

“Who runs that whole huge enterprise?

I know not where I’ll be nor stand

nor what I’ll say nor do on land

The day that I from here depart

I will not know just how to start”

Before I finished what was said

all life forms there just raised their heads

They stared at what appeared to be

the sky transformed into a sea

The forms of life that filled the sky

were sealife now there way up high

I saw how whales could freely roam

in that huge priceless endless home

A sound was heard among the waves

It echoed as if from the seas deep caves

I could hear a voice down fell a scroll

the voice read what would be my role:

“Precious child of my creations

of which I’ve placed on firm foundations

to live in peace and share the worth

of all the goodness of the Earth


I’ve sent for you so you could see

just how the Earth’s supposed to be

How Earth possessed and shared its wealth

abundance thrived and so did health

Life forms roamed and had it all

upon this gracious abundant ball

Today you’ve witnessed and must comply

go back to Earth and testify

of all that you have seen and done

the world must know what’s soon to come

May all that’s good by their own hand

redeem the Earth and all Earth’s land

For those resisting to abide

by placing all that’s good aside

shall crave the home they’ve known since birth

and lose their place on Planet Earth”

I’d seen the berries and the bees

The earthworms and the living trees

Marvelous birds and butterflies

brought graciousness throughout the skies

I saw the brooks, the hills and streams

A place you see throughout your dreams

I felt the peace and love inside

that this here place did well provide

There was no greed, no claims nor strife

to disturb that cycle we call life

This place belongs to beast and man

to work with Earth as best they can


This wondrous chance for me to see

the Earth right there in front of me

rejoicing in its very own

true luxuries that it has grown

have opened up a place inside

my inner being I now can’t hide

I’m grateful to have seen myself

the grace of God through Earth’s vast wealth

and share this vision close at hand

through our creators great command

He walked me through the fields of grain

to show me all we must regain

so Mother Nature may provide

the Earth with what she needs to thrive

The seas above turned back to sky

The time had come to say goodbye

And count my blessings one by one

for now my journey had begun

The Guide and I would soon appear

back on the Earth I loved so dear

We both would be back on the farm

that stunning bird upon my arm

The bird would follow me that day

and join me as I knelt to pray

We now would let the whole world know

the things they need to just let go

To find the path that leads to life

they need not live by sin nor strife

They need not struggle on their own

just share the things they all have grown


For that great deed of giving brings

more than the wealth of all Earth’s kings

And if they live by this command

and learn to grow their food on land

they need not worry who to please

nor need they worry bout disease

For if their will to learn is great

the things they’ve lacked God will create

Strength and knowledge will ensue

for all of those who follow through

and with the tools they will possess

they’ll fix the worlds uncalled for mess

I learned to preach what I was told

to all the Earth, the young and old

The rich the poor, the proud and meek

I preached and preached till I was weak

But all along I did provide

the singing bird who was my Guide

He sang his songs and sealed the fate

of all the ones that would relate

We worked together hand in hand

we spread the word throughout the land

As others gathered all around

they learned to till and sow the ground

They thanked our Father for the day

that he had sent us on our way

to bring back hope across the land

through Man’s own Godly given Hand