the great old ones and i ching 1

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Post on 29-Oct-2015




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Old Ones


  • From Y'hna-uth'yg, Lama of Leng. The main Old Ones and the I-Ching. Here are eight hexagrams with names of Old Ones next to them. This system was used by the SWS back in the 60s and 70s and some of us use it still. True to Lovecraft words about "this is unrelated to anything known," even though we are using hexagrams known to Taoism, the use of these hexagrams and how we used them is not connected to or related to any known system of mysticism.







    Cthulhu Nyogtha

  • Note that each of these 8 hexagrams are the only hexagrams that are mirror reflections: the bottom trigram, mirrored, is the same as the top trigram. Meanings: Nyarlathotep, hexagram 61 in I-Ching: voidness, emptiness, a great eye, a penetrator of minds, a messenger, one whose messengering pulls related beings together (Soul and Messenger, HPL). It also means smashing and destroying (like entropy) and sorcery. It also means Inner Truth. Nyarlathotep is the Soul and Messenger of all the Old Ones. Yog-Sothoth, hexgram 1 in I-Ching: heaven, great force and creative power, connected to time. Also means many round things (globes), multitudes of these globes. Yog-Sothoth is the Gate itself. Azathoth, hexagram 2 in I-Ching, the hidden, the opposite of Yog-Sothoth. Azathoth is a primaeval chaos - whose Soul is still Nyarlathotep. Daoloth, hexagram 30 in I-Ching, means the Tao, time and the ability to construct appearances or forms in many ways. A veil of many illusions, a veil net or mesh that ensnares but which gives sight. A prism with many facets. It also means powerful change. Daoloth rends the veils of illusion. These three Old Ones always seemed to be more Outer than any of the others. Cthugha, hexagram 27 in I-Ching, a great flame which devours, connected to psychokinesis. Cthugha would be fire, not just fire that a person can make lighting a match. Ithaqua, hexagram 62 in I-Ching, a bird and flight in the winds and stormy conditions in the atmosphere. Astral projection and astral travel. Ithaqua would be air (not just our atmosphere).

  • Cthulhu, hexagram 29 in I-Ching, water as an elemental, a deep ocean abyuss. There is a city there under the ocean with an underwater courtyard or market, a great city with a high road and little roads and a temple. Cthulhu is water, but not H2O. Nyogtha, hexagram 28 in I-Ching, something excessively large which moves underground. It "should not be." It is connected to coffins, eating the dead, ghouls, graveyards, etc. Nyogtha is earth, but not the ground we walk on. Shub-Niggurath's hexagram (not one of the 8 main ones) is hexagram 48, something which moves below the ground connected to Nyogtha, but has more connections to the world of plants than to Nyogtha. connected to, or dwelling in pits in the earth. It is dry, yet wet, tree-like and woody, dangerous, very influential, inexhaustible, pregnant, working ceaselessly and incessantly. It is naturalistic and necessary. Represents both eggs and sperm and sexual union in nature. Also shows a bright magical fluid of unlimited quantity connected to the moon (kundalini imagery). Most of the other creatures mentioned, like Tsathoggua or Abhoth, are more like ancient beings that may or may not have visited the earth. They are quite different. Hastur is not an Old One and HPL was against using it in mythos stories and clearly stated that to Derleth. Derleth did not use it until HPL was dead. The person with the yellow robe in "Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath" is a priest to Nyarlathotep, who we meet later in the story. The Mi-Go also worship Nyarlathotep. Confusion over this comes from Lin Carter. Lovecraft was clear. The moon-beasts in "Dream Quest" clearly worship Nyarlathotep.

    It's just not a Cthulhu Mythos entity. It's a shepherd god [Ambrose Bierce], a force of stagnation and stasis [Robert Chambers] the enemy of Cthulhu [Derleth], the enemy of all the old ones hinted by saying those that wear the Yellow Sign are enemies of the Old Ones [HPL]. Ha-Set-Ur - was SET (as in the Sethian Heresy, a group of Christians that considered Jesus to be an incarnation of Set) in a Jesus-form [Tierney] - the tyrant deity that tries to be the only deity.

  • Hastur was also written of extensively by Marion Zimmer Bradley, who did NOT WRITE CTHULHU MYTHOS, Hastur is a nice deity. In Derleth, it's the enemy of Cthulhu.

    We also have hexagrams for other entities that were used, but they have since been copyrighted by their creators. These are mentioned, however, in the document about EOD, SWS and mythos names, with some clearly quoted words from Lovecraft on where he stood and what his intentions were. There is also mention of systems we used in the "Aklo Tablets." The magic worked, though we understand clearly that Lovecraft was a materialist. It worked because we were using a real tradition, a real system, and applying the names of the Old Ones where they fit amongst ourselves. Lovecraft did say he borrowed ideas from such places and people:

    Emphasis ours: From (Lovecraft's) Selected Letters IV: p 386-7: " to those artificial names of unearthly places and gods and persons and entities - there are different ways of coining them. To a large extent they are designed to suggest - either closely or remotely - certain names in actual history or folklore which have weird of sinister associations connected with them. Thus "Yuggoth" has a sort of Arabic or Hebraic cast, to suggest certain words passed down from antiquity in the magical formulae contained in Moorish and Jewish manuscripts. Other synthetic names like 'Nug" and "Yeb" suggest that dark and mysterious tone of Tartar or Thibetan folklore. Thus when I cite the name of some wholly non-human thing supposed to be mentioned in the Necronomicon, I try to have the foundation of the word absolutely unearthly and alien, yet give it an outwardly Arabic aspect to account for the transmitting influence of the mad Arab. Typical Necronomicon names are Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth, Shub-Niggurath, etc." (Thanks D. Harms for HPL's quote)

    Emphasis ours: Also In Supernatural Horror in Literature, at the end of chapter VI, Lovecraft discusses the "till recently quite hidden" weird literature of the Jews, giving this description: "Cabbalism itself, so prominent during the Middle Ages, is a system of philosophy explaining the universe as emanations of the Deity, and involving the existence of strange spiritual realms and beings

  • apart from the visible world, of which dark glimpses may be obtained through certain secret incantations. Its ritual is bound up with mystical interpretations of the Old Testament, and attributes an esoteric significance to each letter of the Hebrew alphabet--a circumstance which has imparted to Hebrew letters a sort of spectral glamour and potency in the popular literature of magic." This may not be correct regarding the Kaballa, but this is what Lovecraft thought. (Thanks D. Clore for HPL quote).

    In "The Haunter of the Dark, " Lovecraft practically told us that Nyarlathotep is identical to Sri Kala Chakra or Mahakala when he wrote Trilocana ("three lobed eye"!; Professor Price came to the same conclusion in Crypt of Cthulhu #2 when he wrote of the Lama of Leng and just who that Lama was. It has absolutely nothing to do with the King in Yellow of Robert Chambers or Hastur. It's pure Nyarlathotep stuff. Yellow-Hat Lamas are the most numerous group of Lamas throughout Tibet and Tatar areas. They are called yellow hats. The images, mental or otherwise, of Shiva and other well-known deities are not quite the same as those that Tibetans and Tatar Lamaists have of this Voidness. Nyarlathotep is not Satan, however some Western readers had nothing else they knew to remotely relate this too. This is the system we use at the Monastery in Leng. To recap and also show more:

    Septenary System - using the Kabala as a guide so you can envirion the Tree:

    0 is the Nameless Mist HPL wrote of in letters. Ain Soph

    1 and 2. Nyarlathotep would be the entire pre Light phase: (Kether, Binah). It is the Soul and Messenger of all the Old Ones.

    3. Shub-Niggurath would be the Hochmah as a kind of Kundalini Principle which also creates diversity, miscegenation, and chaos (like entropy). So that's 1, 2, and 3, Sephiroth. Or Nyarlathotep as 1. Kether and 2. Binah; and Shub-Niggurath as 3. Hochmah.

  • 4. Yog-Sothoth we used as Chesed (or Hesed) 5. Azathoth we used as Geburah 6. Daoloth we used as Tipereth 7. Cthugha we used as Netzah 8. Ithaqua we used as Hod 9. Cthulhu we used as Yesod 10. Nyogtha we used as Malkuth

    Ubbo-Sathla would be the Demiurge or Bahu, the Cosmic Egg.


    How one may use the Cthulhu Mythos in the Pentamychos or Dharmic system if one goes by the above method for the Septenary system. Envision a pentacle. Facing the pentacle:

    Nyarlathotep rules the entire thing (like the Asat/Sat, Non-Being and Being combined as One). Top right point: Atlach-Nacha or Na-Ran Top left point: Xada-hgla or Ka-Ran or Ob-Ran Bottom right point: Fthaggua or Aphoom Zhah Bottom left point Zhar or Zarr Bottom point: Othuum or Ythogtha or Bug Shash

    The X section of the pentacle between the two top points, where the "heart" would be (Daoloth if superimposed) would have Yibb-Tstll as we used it, the Black (Blood of) Yibb-Tstll, - but this Old One has undergone drastic changes by the creator of it, Brian Lumley. (Note that Yibb-Tstll and Bug-Shash are copyright by Brian Lumley and he does not want to share his Old Ones like the other writers do.)

    Another way is this, used by other occult lodges that relate to the Mythos. Again, facing the pentacle:

    Azathoth is Asat Nyarlathotep is Sat ruling the five.

    Top right point: Yog-Sothoth Top left point: Cthugha Bottom right point: Nyogtha

  • Bottom left point: Ithaqua Bottom point: Cthulhu

    The X section is Daoloth, same as above. Tao or Daath, either/or.

    Or use this method, we used this too, sometimes:

    Nyarlathotep as The One Darkness ruling the Star.

    Top right point: Yog-Sothoth Top left point: Azathoth Bottom Right point: Cthugha Bottom Left Point: Ithaqua Bottom point: Nyogtha In the Cosmos: Cthulhu, their High Priest who can see them dimly!

    The X section is Daoloth, same as above. Tao or Daath, either/or.
