the gray hawk...with the virus news, we thought it best to practice social distancing. notice –...

The Gray Hawk NEWSLETTER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA RETIREES ASSOCIATION Volume XXIII Issue 9 (6 pages) May 2020 Programming Notes Since our program year was unexpectedly and abruptly derailed this spring by the coronavirus pandemic, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their attendance at our programs this year. We had a stellar lineup of interesting and engaging programs, good informational sessions, and a really gratifying response for the UI Food Bank donation table that we hosted beginning at our November UI Benefits program. Most importantly, I want to express my sincere thanks to my excellent program committee that worked with me this year. Each member really took the lead and made contacts, arranged program dates and venues, and coordinated all the details. I really just showed up and made the introductions. Thank you to Alice Atkinson, Lucy Choisser, Lucille Heitmann, and Nancy Williams. It has been a privilege to work with you all this year. Regarding fall programs, UIRA leadership is monitoring state decisions to relax social distancing efforts and size limitations on large gatherings, and we will be slowly moving ahead if and when it looks like we will be able to host in-person programs. We have a number of programs that were on the calendar this spring that could be worked into our calendar for next year, but safety and health of our membership is of utmost importance as we consider planning programs for next year. Sam Cochran UIRA President-Elect and chair of the program committee UIRA Scholarship Recipients University of Iowa students Kaitlyn Reth and Cory Specht are the recipients of UIRA Scholarships for the coming year. Kaitlyn is a fourth-year double major in Business Analytics and Information Sciences and Marketing from Manchester, Iowa. Cory is a fourth-year Human Physiology Major from Guttenberg, Iowa. Congratulations to these deserving students! The UIRA endowed scholarship fund through the Center for Advancement allows us to award two $1000 scholarships each year to deserving UI students. My Curbside; Linda Muston; Iowa 1 st place

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Page 1: The Gray Hawk...With the virus news, we thought it best to practice social distancing. Notice – The Gray Hawk Writers have been meeting fortnightly since April 1999. We read aloud



Programming Notes

Since our program year was unexpectedly and abruptly derailed this spring by the coronavirus pandemic, Iwould like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their attendance at our programs this year. We had a stellar lineup of interesting and engaging programs, good informational sessions, and a really gratifying response for the UI Food Bank donation table that we hosted beginning at our November UI Benefits program. Most importantly, I want to express my sincere thanks to my excellent program committee that worked with me this year. Each member really took the lead and made contacts, arranged program dates and venues, and coordinated all the details. I really just showed up and made the introductions. 😉 Thank you to Alice Atkinson, Lucy Choisser, Lucille Heitmann, and Nancy Williams. It has been a privilege to work with you all this year.

Regarding fall programs, UIRA leadership is monitoringstate decisions to relax social distancing efforts and size limitationson large gatherings, and we will be slowly moving ahead if and whenit looks like we will be able to host in-person programs. We have anumber of programs that were on the calendar this spring that couldbe worked into our calendar for next year, but safety and health ofour membership is of utmost importance as we consider planningprograms for next year.

Sam CochranUIRA President-Elect and chair of the program committee

UIRA Scholarship Recipients

University of Iowa students Kaitlyn Reth and Cory Specht are therecipients of UIRA Scholarships for the coming year. Kaitlyn is a fourth-year double major in Business Analytics and Information Sciences and Marketing from Manchester, Iowa. Cory is a fourth-year Human Physiology Major from Guttenberg, Iowa. Congratulations to these deserving students! The UIRA endowed scholarship fund through the Center for Advancement allows us to award two $1000 scholarships each year to deserving UI students.

My Curbside; Linda Muston; Iowa 1st place

Page 2: The Gray Hawk...With the virus news, we thought it best to practice social distancing. Notice – The Gray Hawk Writers have been meeting fortnightly since April 1999. We read aloud

The Gray Hawk, May 2020, Page 2

UIRA Service Award Winners

Each year, the UIRA receives nominations for two awards: community service and University of Iowa service. The requirements are that nominees must be retired for at least two years and show evidence of outstanding service since retirement. The nomination committee that solicited, reviewed, and selected these winners was Rick Walton (chair), Billie Townsend, and Lucille Heitman.

The two award recipients for 2020 more than fulfill these requirements. The University Service Award goes to Nancy R. Hauserman. The Community Service Award goes to David Martin.

Nancy R. Hauserman, UIRA University Service Award

Since her retirement in 2013, Nancy has contributed tothe University and to her profession in substantiveways. She has continued her engagement, serving asco-chair for the search for the UI Ombudsman in 2018.She also mediates for University Faculty DisputeResolution, as well as serving as a mentor for womenbusiness students in the Tippie College of Business.Nancy hosts students and faculty and staff in theWomen in Business group in her home. She mentorsan undergraduate woman business student each year. In recognition of her teaching and dedication to studyabroad, the Nancy Hauserman Global Scholarship wasfounded upon her retirement. Former students gavegenerously such that the scholarship endowmentprovides resources to as many as 20 deserving studentsper year to study abroad. This outpouring of support is a superb testament to her effectiveness as a teacher and mentor as well as professional and personal impact on her current and former students.

Nancy continues to be an involved and gifted teacher. She participates in the Tippie study-abroad programs in Italy and Hong Kong. While abroad, she recruits new students to the University. Nancy serves on the Tippie International Task Force to determine the overseas offerings of the College. Nancy’s dedication to the Tippie College is demonstrated by her stepping in to teach business law classes for a colleague who had a family crises.She also regularly presents guest lectures on sexual harassment and participates in academic conferences at the College.

Nancy dedicates considerable effort and energy to various organizations that benefit women and retirees. Notable are presidency of the UIRA, her work on the Board of the Iowa Women’s Foundation and co-founding and serving on the Board of TRAIL (Tools and Resources for Active Independent Living).

Nancy’s enthusiasm, effectiveness, and dedication serve as a genuine inspiration to many others. This has translated into important service to many persons and organizations, both within and outside our university. In 2017 she was presented with the University of Iowa Distinguished Alumni Award.

A Perfectly Balanced Couple; Nancy Hauserman; USA 3rd place

Page 3: The Gray Hawk...With the virus news, we thought it best to practice social distancing. Notice – The Gray Hawk Writers have been meeting fortnightly since April 1999. We read aloud

The Gray Hawk, May 2020, Page 3

David Martin, UIRA Community Service Award

David retired in 2014 while serving as the Interim Associate University Librarian and Head of the Main Library Learning Commons. Prior to that position, he served as Head Librarian of the Marvin Pomerantz Business Library. His character, professional experience, intelligence, wit, and dedication carried him on; these qualities were applied to his involvement in many community service activities.

He has been instrumental in leading the Unitarian Universalist Society, beginning well before retirement and continuing since. David chaired the Stewardship Committee. In this role, and with his skill as a humorist, the capital funds were pledged for the new Unitarian Universalist Society church and facilities. In addition, he co-chaired the Racial Justice team and is currently co-chairing the Ministerial Search Committee, a responsibility entrusted to only the most effective, thoughtful, and committed leaders. Although this has involved considerabletime, David continues to maintain other volunteer activities.

He has been chair the board of the Iowa City Foreign Relations Council for six years. This Council constitutes a vibrant presence in our community by hosting regular community forums featuring experts on global issues, international affairs, and US foreign policy. He is currently tasked with finding a new Executive Director for theCouncil.

David is busy with other community involvements as well. He volunteers at the Iowa City Library’s Book End used bookstore. He serves as the secretary of his condominium association, tutors at Southeast Junior High School, and co-leads the Spanish Club at the Senior Center.

David’s personality, experience, perseverance, and commitment are exemplary and abundant. He involves himself in a variety of community projects and activities. He is well deserving of this service award.

UIRA 2020 Photo Contest Winners

One of the highlights of the annual business meeting and luncheon is seeing some of the photos taken by UIRA members. Because we did not have that annual meeting this year, you can see the winners in this and the June issues of the Gray Hawk.

Hills Bank & Trust again was the prizesponsor. Penni Ryan coordinated the contest,and Larry Mendenhall and Tim Schoon werethe photo judges. Here are the winners for thethree categories – Iowa, USA, and international-- and a few of the photos. All of the photoswill be on the UIRA Shutterfly site

International:#1 Canadian Rockies – John Donelson#2 Two Lovers – Bev Robalino#3 Irish Stags – Alliene Schrimper Honorable Mention: Gray Wolf – JohnMoyers Canadian Rockies; John Donelson; International 1st place

Page 4: The Gray Hawk...With the virus news, we thought it best to practice social distancing. Notice – The Gray Hawk Writers have been meeting fortnightly since April 1999. We read aloud

The Gray Hawk, May 2020, Page 4

USA:#1 Roseate Spoonbills – John Moyers#2 Nature’s Best – Diana Cox#3 Perfectly Balanced Couples – Nancy HausermanHonorable Mention: Outer Banks – John Donelson

Iowa:#1 My Curbside – Linda Muston#2 Blending Colors, Workshop – Grace Tully#3 Blaze in Snow – Diana HarrisHonorable Mention: Winter Arrives – John Donelson

Welcome New UIRA Members, May 2020

David Hamilton English LaRae J. Rudin College of Public Health Steven Rudin Spouse

Membership renewals will be sent in June rather than the usual May. If your membership needs to be renewed, you will get email from UIRA.

Blending Colors, Workshop; Grace Tully; Iowa 2nd place

Nature's Best; Diana Cox; USA 2nd place

Page 5: The Gray Hawk...With the virus news, we thought it best to practice social distancing. Notice – The Gray Hawk Writers have been meeting fortnightly since April 1999. We read aloud

The Gray Hawk, May 2020, Page 5

May Greetings from the UIRA President

I told my wife this week that I'm glad that we are retired and can afford to stay home and shelter in place. I see my kids still going to work, trying to home-school and keep their families safe andwell. Like many of you, my heart aches for those folks who are out of work and are struggling to pay the bills and feed themselves and their families. Food insecurity was a big problem before this pandemic and now, like the virus, it has grown exponentially. I encourage all of you to give generously to organizations that focus on food insecurity.

Even though we've put a hold on UIRA programs and activities until fall, UIRA business is still going on as we close out the academic year. Winners of the 2020 photo contest are listed in this issue. A huge “thank you” to Penni Ryan for again coordinating the contest and to Hills Bank for their continued support. The Awards Committee has chosen our 2020 Service Award Winners. Congratulations to Nancy Hauserman and David Martin! Thank you to Chair Rick Walton and committee members Lucille Heitman and Billie Townsend for their good work.

I also want to thank the nominating committee for their incredible work. Chair Warren Boe, Alice Atkinson, Sue Otto, Larry Wilson, Nancy Hauserman, and Mike Barron have successfullycompleted their work for the year and we will be announcing our new officers and board members in the June issue.

In other news, the One Day for Iowa fundraising Campaign which included a push to increase the UIRA endowed scholarship fund, was postponed due to COVID-19. And the Big Ten Retirees Association Conference which we were hosting in August has been cancelled.

And finally, if your membership expires on June 30, you'll be receiving a reminder email and membership form in early June. Dues are $10 a year/$25 for three years. We're still not up and running with NEON so you'll have to continue to send checks.

Stay safe and well.


UIRA Special Interest Groups

Notice --The Gray Hawk Steppers are discontinuing walks until further notice. With the virus news, we thought it best to practice social distancing.

Notice – The Gray Hawk Writers have been meeting fortnightly since April 1999. We read aloud what we have written, encourage one another, and offer friendly critique. In 2014 we published an anthology, Yesterdays.Our storytelling and writing styles are quite diverse; there are many pathways that can be followed when writing. Visit us as a guest; you may decide you would like to join the group. Everyone has a story to tell. Emailthe new chair of the group Doug Paul at D [email protected]

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The Gray Hawk, May 2020, Page 6

BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2019-2020 (year term on board expires)

Emil Rinderspacher President (2021)[email protected]

Sam Cochran President-elect (2022)[email protected]

Diane Martin Secretary (2020)Kris Canfield Treasurer (interim)Sue Otto Past President (2020)Diana Harris The Gray Hawk Editor (2021)Phil Klein Webmaster (ex-officio)Benny Hawkins Director (2020)Billie Townsend Director (2020)Richard Saunders Director (2021)Charles Dayton Director (2022)Lois Lembke Director (2022)Deb Cobb EFC representative (ex-officio)Stephen Vlastos EFC representative (ex-officio)

The UIRA Board of Directors monthly meetings have been suspended because of COVID-19.

Roseate Spoonbills; John Moyers; USA 1st place