the good thief


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Post on 28-Nov-2014



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Page 1: The Good Thief

The Good Thief


Page 2: The Good Thief

How Did I Decorate My

Cover?I decorated my cover with a hand because…In the story the main character Ren is handless for as long as he canremember.

I decorated my cover with a picture of a man and boy because…It is the picture on the cover of the real book and it depicts Ren and

hisadopted father, Ben walking together hand in hand.

I decorated my cover with a picture of a gravestone because…The men that adopt Ren are thieves and one of the main things they

steal areprized possessions of the dead.

Page 3: The Good Thief

This picture depicts an orphanage. An all Boys orphanage is where the Main Character Ren has lived for the 12 years. Then one lucky day a man by the name of Benjamin came to the orphanage and claimed Ren as his long lost brother.

The rocks depicted here were called Wishing Rocks back at the orphanage where Ren used to live. The Wishing Rocks were flat, round, gray rocks that had a white stripe down the middle of the rock. The boys that lived in the orphanage used to collect all kinds of rocks and when a boy found one of these rocks they were said to be good for one wish.

The Orphanage

The Wishing Rocks

Page 4: The Good Thief

This is a picture of what I pictured the town of North Umbrage to look like. North Umbrage is the town where Ren, Benjamin and Tom live with a landlady named Mrs. Sands. In this town they make a living by digging up graves and giving the dead bodies to one of the doctors at the hospital near by for scientific research.

North Umbrage

In the house where they are staying Ren discovers that Mrs. Sand’s brother lives on the roof because he is a “midget” and he doesn’t want the world to make fun of him. But every night he comes down the chimney to eat the dinner that Mrs. Sands makes for him and in return he makes her wooden toys. Ren discovers this wooden horse and decides to steal it.

Wooden Horse

Page 5: The Good Thief

One night while Ren, Tom and Benjamin were digging up the graves to give to the hospital, they dug up a man that wasn’t really dead. His name was Dolly and he was buried alive because everyone thought he was dead. Ren and Dolly became good friends so Tom and Benjamin decided they could let Dolly stay with them.

Ever since Ren and Dolly first met they became best friends. They each made each other a better person. Ren helped Dolly out with his problem of liking to hurt people and Dolly protected Ren from the “bad guys”.

The Graveyard

Best Friends

Page 6: The Good Thief

This horse carriage represents the wild chase that happened in the middle of the night between the “bad guys” and Ren, Dolly, Benjamin and Tom. The “bad guys” chased them because the ruler of North Umbrage, Mr.McGinty wanted to see Ren.

Ren could always distinguish the “bad guys” because they all wore these tall black hats.

Horse Chase

Men in the Top Hats

Page 7: The Good Thief

In the end the “bad guys” capture Ren, Benjamin and Tom. They are hurt, weaponless and helpless. The “bad guys” bring them to Mr.McGinty. After a careful inspection he decides to let Benjamin and Tom go free but he keeps Ren and shoves him in a closet where he will be kept imprisoned until further notice.

During his time imprisoned in the little closet, Ren comes across a locket and the face in the locket becomes someone very important to him.


The Locket

Page 8: The Good Thief

What happens to Ren?What does Mr.McGinty want with him?Who’s picture is in the locket?Did Benjamin and Tom forget about


All these questions and more can be answeredIn the book The Good Thief by, Hannah Tinti

Scrapbook By, Madeline Rose Prachar