the good news - 2017 newsletter.pdf · high school...

Search Committee pg. 2 Mens Shelter pg. 2 United Thank Offering pg. 2 Calendars pg. 3 Did you Know pg. 4 Mens Breakfast pg. 4 Zeller Scholarship pg. 4 CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR GRADUATES HIGH SCHOOL Kailey Elder, daughter of Tommie and Sonyia Elder, graduated from Matoaca High School with distinguished honor roll, National Honor Society, 4 year varsity girls soccer starter, first team all conference. She will be attending East Carolina University. Russell Gates, son of Andy and Missy Gates, graduated from Colonial Heights High School. He will be attending Radford University. Thomas Hunter, son of Jim and Glenda Hunter, graduated from Kenston Forest High School. He will be attending University of Tennessee in Knoxville. Tom Pollard, grandson of Beth and Bud Pollard, graduated from Trinity Episcopal School. He will be attending University of Virginia. Sallie Louise Chappell, granddaughter of Larry and Betty Ann Tucker , graduated from Kenston Forest and Southside Virginia Community College with an associates degree in gen- eral education. She will be attending Christopher Newport University as a third year student. COLLEGE Alexandra Cole, daughter of Mary Beth Bristow, graduated from Southside Regional School of Professional Nursing in May 2017. Buddy Donnelly, son of Jim and Jill Donnelly, graduated from VCU in December 2016 with a Master in Health and Movement Sciences. He is the Director of Sports Performance for the VCU Womens Basketball team. Bethany Lambert graduated from Saint Leo University in Florida with a Bachelor of Science in psychology. Matthew Little, son of Tom and Marigene Little, graduated from University of Tennessee-Knoxville in May 2017 with a Master of Music in Music Performance. Lauren Rene Tucker, granddaughter of Larry and Betty Ann Tucker, graduated with honors from Longwood University with a Bachelor of Science degree in management. Tyler Simmons, husband of Elizabeth Chappell Simmons, granddaughter of Larry and Betty Ann Tucker, received a Bachelor of Arts degree in history with a minor in war, society and leadership from Virginia Tech and commissioned as an ensign in the US Navy . JUNE, JULY AUGUST 2017 FROM OUR INTERIM Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ: If you have attended our Celtic Service, you are familiar with celebrating Holy Communion from the wooden holy table at the top of the chancel steps. I would like to give the entire congregation the opportunity to experience this more informal way of sharing Holy Communion this summer. For all Sundays starting in July and lasting through Labor Day weekend, we will celebrate Holy Communion in this way. Without the choir in the chancel, without acolytes, and with the lower numbers of people in the pews during the summertime, the use of the altar places the service ministers at such a distance from the congregation that we lose the feeling of being a community gathered around the Lords Table;a term which refers equally to the altar or to the holy table. While The Book of Common Prayer makes no distinction between the use of an altar or of a holy table, there is a different theological sense conveyed by the two different practices, which is important for us to consider. An altar is where a sacrifice is offered by a priest on behalf of the people; this Old Testament understanding is continued today in the Roman Catholic Churchs interpretation of Communion. A table is where a meal is shared by a gathered community; this New Testament understanding is continued today in the Protestant Churches interpretation of Communion. As Episcopalians, living in the tension between Roman Catholic and Protestant theologies, it is good for us to be able to experience Holy Communion in both ways. Once the bread and wine have been consecrated on the holy table, the bread will be distributed from the center aisle, with the wine available in a chalice to one side and in an intinction cup to the other; go to whichever side you prefer. As usual, Communion will be brought to anyone in the pews who wishes. Flowers, for the summer, will be placed prominently on the floor in front of the holy table. After Labor Day, when the choir and acolytes return, we will go back to using the altar. Yours in Christ The Good News Beginning Sunday, June 4 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist 9:00 a.m. Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Sunday, June 4 we will celebrate Pentecost. There will be a baptism at the 10:00 a.m. service.

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Page 1: The Good News - 2017 Newsletter.pdf · HIGH SCHOOL Kailey Elder, daughter of Tommie and Sonyia Elder, graduated from ... graduated from

Search Committee pg. 2

Men’s Shelter pg. 2

United Thank Offering pg. 2

Calendars pg. 3

Did you Know pg. 4

Men’s Breakfast pg. 4

Zeller Scholarship pg. 4



Kailey Elder, daughter of Tommie and Sonyia Elder, graduated from Matoaca High School with distinguished honor roll, National Honor Society, 4 year varsity girls soccer starter, first team all conference. She will be attending East Carolina University.

Russell Gates, son of Andy and Missy Gates, graduated from Colonial Heights High School. He will be attending Radford University.

Thomas Hunter, son of Jim and Glenda Hunter, graduated from Kenston Forest High School. He will be attending University of Tennessee in Knoxville.

Tom Pollard, grandson of Beth and Bud Pollard, graduated from Tr inity Episcopal School. He will be attending University of Virginia.

Sallie Louise Chappell, granddaughter of Larry and Betty Ann Tucker, graduated from Kenston Forest and Southside Virginia Community College with an associates degree in gen-eral education. She will be attending Christopher Newport University as a third year student.


Alexandra Cole, daughter of Mary Beth Bristow, graduated from Southside Regional School of Professional Nursing in May 2017.

Buddy Donnelly, son of Jim and Jill Donnelly, graduated from VCU in December 2016 with a Master in Health and Movement Sciences. He is the Director of Sports Performance for the VCU Women’s Basketball team.

Bethany Lambert graduated from Saint Leo University in Flor ida with a Bachelor of Science in psychology.

Matthew Little, son of Tom and Marigene Little, graduated from University of Tennessee-Knoxville in May 2017 with a Master of Music in Music Performance.

Lauren Rene Tucker, granddaughter of Larry and Betty Ann Tucker, graduated with honors from Longwood University with a Bachelor of Science degree in management.

Tyler Simmons, husband of Elizabeth Chappell Simmons, granddaughter of Larry and Betty Ann Tucker, r eceived a Bachelor of Ar ts degree in history with a minor in war ,

society and leadership from Virginia Tech and commissioned as an ensign in the US Navy.

J U N E , J U L Y


2 0 1 7


Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

If you have attended our Celtic Service, you are familiar with celebrating Holy Communion from the wooden holy table at the top of the chancel steps. I would like to give the entire congregation the opportunity to experience this more informal way of sharing Holy Communion this summer. For all Sundays starting in July and lasting through Labor Day weekend, we will celebrate Holy Communion in this way. Without the choir in the chancel, without acolytes, and with the lower numbers of people in the pews during the summertime, the use of the altar places the service ministers at such a distance from the congregation that we lose the feeling of being a community gathered around “the Lord’s Table;” a term which refers equally to the altar or to the holy table.

While The Book of Common Prayer makes no distinction between the use of an altar or of a holy table, there is a different theological sense conveyed by the two different practices, which is important for us to consider. An altar is where a sacrifice is offered by a priest on behalf of the people; this Old Testament understanding is continued today in the Roman Catholic Church’s interpretation of Communion. A table is where a meal is shared by a gathered community; this New Testament understanding is continued today in the Protestant Churches’ interpretation of Communion. As Episcopalians, living in the tension between Roman Catholic and Protestant theologies, it is good for us to be able to experience Holy Communion in both ways.

Once the bread and wine have been consecrated on the holy table, the bread will be distributed from the center aisle, with the wine available in a chalice to one side and in an intinction cup to the other; go to whichever side you prefer. As usual, Communion will be brought to anyone in the pews who wishes. Flowers, for the summer, will be placed prominently on the floor in front of the holy table. After Labor Day, when the choir and acolytes return, we will go back to using the altar.

Yours in Christ

The Good News

Beginning Sunday, June 4

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist

9:00 a.m. Bible Study

10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist

Sunday, June 4 we will celebrate Pentecost. There will be a baptism at the 10:00 a.m. service.

Page 2: The Good News - 2017 Newsletter.pdf · HIGH SCHOOL Kailey Elder, daughter of Tommie and Sonyia Elder, graduated from ... graduated from

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Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, Godparents: Do you know a special child who would enjoy going to Camp Chanco for summer camp? Reservations are currently be-ing taken for children 8-18. Visit Flyers with session info are on the hall table at the entrance to Lackey Hall.

UTO BOXES TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN JUNE UTO boxes will be distributed in

June. The in gathering of boxes

will be in the fall. United Thank

Offering (UTO) is a ministry of the Episcopal Church for the

mission of the whole church. Through United Thank Offering,

men, women and children nurture the habit of giving daily thanks

to God. These prayers of thanksgiving start when we recognize

and name our many daily blessings. Those who participate in

UTO discover that thankfulness leads to generosity. United

Thank Offering is entrusted to promote thank offerings, to re-

ceive the offerings and to distribute the UTO monies to support

mission and ministry throughout the Episcopal Church and in

invited Provinces of the Anglican Communion in the developing

world. For more information, contact Gina Mead at 433-7850 or

[email protected].


Currently we are receiving your responses to the parish survey which was distributed Sunday, May 21. We are hoping to be able to tally the results of your responses by mid June. At that time we will be able to complete the development of the Parish Profile which is crucial in searching for rector candidates. If for some reason you have not received a copy of a survey, please contact the church office for a hard copy or if you would like to fill it out on line, please go to


Late Summer/Fall 2016 —Winter ———Spring 2017————–-Summer 2017———–—--Fall 2017 —-—— Winter 2018

Diocesan Consultation

Celebration David Teschner

Interim Rector Bill Queen, Jr.

Search Committee formed

Church Profile Written

Active Search Candidate recommenda-tions

Call New Rector

Self -Assessment

We are



The flower calendar is filled for 2017! Many thanks to everyone who so generously gives to the flower ministry, and to the talented ladies who create the beautiful arrangements for the altar each week. A few people have asked me

when your checks should be sent in - Christ and Grace pays our florist monthly, so if you send a check during the month of your dedication it will be a great help for the church's cash flow. Of course, you can also write a check as soon as you sign up. The cost is $51, and your check should be made payable to Christ and Grace, with 'memorial flowers' in the memo line. If you have any questions, please contact Lee Adams at 243-3302 or [email protected].


Christ & Grace parishioners graciously prepare and serve dinners to the men who reside in the Salvation Army Men’s Shelter on Commerce Street in Petersburg on the 3rd and 4th Wednesday nights of each month. No one has signed up to provide dinner on August 23rd. If you will be able to cover that night, please contact Martha Burton at (804) 731-1672. It involves taking dinner for around 15-20 men to the shelter at 6:00 PM. The number of residents varies, so you call a day or two before to get a count. You may carry the food in disposable containers and leave it there, or you may set up a buffet and serve them. There is funding in the Outreach budget to assist you in defraying the costs. If you have questions or need additional information, call Martha Burton 731-1672.


I am going to be on vacation for the next two weeks. I am looking forward to visiting the Brill family in Missouri for the first week and then returning home for some down time and with grandchildren. My first grandchild Andrew, will be graduating from high school on June 11. Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago you all were congratulating me on my first grand-child? Yikes! Time does have a way of flying by.

I will also begin a 4 week series of classes on Sustaining Mindfulness with Dr. Barbara Morgan. I truly am looking forward to this. It seems everyday I am struck by the fact that busyness consumes all of us — old, young and those in between. I truly want to seek ways to be more attentive to moments and in moments rather than just moving on to the next moment. And hopefully, I will be able to share (by example, of course) what I learn!

Hope your summer is beginning well and will be filled with joy! Will see you when I return!


We wish our friend and Music Director Thom Guthrie farewell as he departs to play music to God’s glory in another part of the diocese. Thom has accepted a call to be Organist at the combined parishes of Hungars Church, Bridgetown and Christ Church, Eastville, both on the Virginia Eastern Shore, where Thom will be moving. We have greatly appreciated Thom’s musical gifts and choir leadership at Christ and Grace since October 2013. Please plan to stay after the 10:00 am service on June 25th, Thom’s last day with us, for an opportunity to say goodbye to him at a Farewell Reception in his honor.

Page 3: The Good News - 2017 Newsletter.pdf · HIGH SCHOOL Kailey Elder, daughter of Tommie and Sonyia Elder, graduated from ... graduated from

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

6:00 pm Potluck

3 5 pm Search

Committee Mtg.

7 pm AA Mtg.

4 5

6 8:00 am HE

9:00 Bible Study

10:00 HE

7 8 9 10

7 pm AA Mtg.

11 12

13 8:00 am HE

9:00 Bible Study

10:00 MP/HE

14 5 15 10:30 HE

Ladies Home

16 Newsletter

Articles Due 17 5 pm Search

Committee Mtg.

7 pm AA Mtg.

18 19 8:00 am Men’s


20 8:00 am HE

9:00 Bible Study

10:00 HE

21 22 23 24

7 pm AA Mtg.

25 26

27 8:00 am HE

9:00 Bible Study

10:00 MP/HE

28 29 30 31

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 8:00 am HE

9:00 Bible Study

10:00 HE

3 4 Office Closed 5 6:00 p.m. Potluck

6 5 pm Search

Committee Mtg.

7 pm AA Mtg.

7 8

9 8:00 am HE

9:00 Bible Study

10:00 MP/HE


11 12 13

7 pm AA Mtg.

14 15

16 8:00 am HE

9:00 Bible Study

10:00 HE

17 18 19 20 5 pm Search

Committee Mtg.

7 pm AA Mtg.

21 22 8 am Men’s Breakfast

23 8:00 am MP

9:00 Bible Study

10:00 MP

24 25 26 27

7 pm AA Mtg.

28 29

30 8:00 am HE

9:00 Bible Study 10:00 HE


Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 5 pm Search

Committee Mtg.

7 pm Choir

7 pm AA Mtg.

2 3 10:00 am

Baptism Prep.

1:00 pm Memorial

Svc. John Bower

4 8:00 am HE

9:00 Bible Study

10:00 HE/Baptism

5 6 7 6 pm Potluck

8 7 pm Choir

7 pm AA Mtg.

9 10

11 8:00 am HE

9:00 Bible Study

10:00 MP/HE

12 13 14 3 pm Garden

Club Meeting 15 5 pm Search

Committee Mtg.

7 pm AA Mtg.

16 17

18 8:00 am HE

9:00 Bible Study

10:00 HE


6:30 pm Vestry Mtg.

20 10:30 HE

Ladies Home

6:30 Child Ed.Mtg

21 22

7 pm AA Mtg.

23 24 8:00 am

Men’s Breakfast

25 8:00 am HE

9:00 Bible Study

10:00 MP/HE

26 27 28 29

7 pm AA Mtg.


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Christ and Grace Church

1545 South Sycamore St.

Petersburg, VA 23805

Address Services Requested



The Rev. Bill Queen, Jr., Interim Rector

Claire Brill, Lay Assistant

Thomas W. D. Guthrie, Music Director

Jill Donnelly, Parish Secretary

Marwee Walsh, Kitchen Coordinator

Contact the Church

Phone: 804-733-7202

Fax: 804-861-1521

Web site:

Office Hours

Monday—Thursday, 9 - 1 p.m.

Friday, 9:00 - 12:00 p.m.

The Church News is published monthly, Sept.—June.

Deadline is the 15th of each month.

P A G E 5

The ECW Ladies Tea raised $2,000 for its outreach missions. This could not have been accomplished without the continued support of the Christ & Grace congregation, as well as our families, friends and surrounding communities. Congratulations for a job well done by so many.

Phillip Thomas DiStanislao IV was born May 20 to Thomas and Elizabeth DiStanislao. Congratulations to them and proud

grandparents, Phil and Gini DiStanislao.


This year’s recipient of the Bette and Alan Zeller Scholarship of Christ and Grace Church is Anaisha Ramzey, who ranks second in her class of 243 at Petersburg High School. Anaisha plans to study political science at Old Dominion University as the first step toward becoming an attorney and ultimately a judge. David Teschner established the Zeller Scholarship in 2014 in memory of his mother and stepfather. The scholarship is awarded each year in May to a qualified senior at Petersburg High School who has been accepted to a tw-or four-year educa-tional institution or technical school or to last year’s recipient of the student meets the stated criteria. The year’s scholarship is worth $750.00.

RETURN YOUR BABY BOTTLES filled with $$$ blessings for the Pregnancy Support Center of the Tri-Cities on Father’s Day, June 18. Thank you!!!






During summer Sundays, June 4 - August 27, at 9:00 a.m., we will have a Bible Study to discuss the readings for that Sunday’s service.


Our regular Tuesday evening and Thursday morning Bible study classes will discontinue during the summer months.


Saturdays, June 24, July 22, August 19

The men of the church will meet at 8 a.m. in Lackey Hall. All men are invited.