the good life january/february 2013


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Live “The Good Life,” where family, community, and health come first! This bi-monthly magazine from Nature’s Fare Markets features topics covering the full spectrum of natural health and wellness with educational articles, recipes, current news, exclusive product listings, and more. Live Well. Live Organic. Live The Good Life.


Page 1: The Good Life January/February 2013


L I F E January/February 2013

The Magazine of

Nature’s Fare Markets

Live well. Live organic.

Is OrganIc really Better fOr yOu?

6Why We DOn’t eat What We “shOulD” Be eatIng

14heart health

18the facts

On fur


uN-dIET— tHE —

get healthy WIthOut the crazy

faD DIets

Page 2: The Good Life January/February 2013




16 gOOD Feature 4 the Un-Diet Get Healthy Without the Crazy Fad Diets

gOOD to our Planet 21 the Facts on Fur

gOOD Health 6 going Organic series: Part two Is Organic Really Better for You? Interpreting the Results of Nay-Saying Studies

9 You Can Get Off the Blood Sugar Roller Coaster By: Natural Factors

17 Get Your Daily Essentials By: Genuine Health

18 Heart Health What You Need to Know About Heart Disease

19 Recipe: Quinoa Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

gOOD Nutrition 12 Are You Really Eating Healthy?

14 Why We Don’t Eat What We “Should” Be Eating By: Lisa Kilgour, rhn





JanuaryFlyer Sale (starts)

January 3 Thursday All Stores

LECtURE SERIES: Karlene Karst

January 16 Wednesday VernonJanuary 17 Thursday Kamloops

Flyer Sale (starts)

January 17 Thursday All Stores

LECtURE SERIES: Dr. Frank Silva

January 29 Tuesday Langley

Flyer Sale (starts)

January 31 Thursday All Stores

*Dates subject to change. See store or online for event details.

FebruaryFlyer Sale (starts)

February 14 Thursday All Stores


February 18 Monday Kelowna

February 19 Tuesday Vernon

February 20 Wednesday KamloopsFebruary 21 Thursday Langley

Flyer Sale (starts)

February 28 Thursday All Stores

*Dates subject to change. See store or online for event details.

© 2013 nature’s fare Markets. the materials in this magazine are suggestions only. nature’s fare Markets does not guarantee results.

January/February 2013

gOOD Fitness 16 Meet Your Fitness Goals with Post-Activity Nutrition By: Rhonda Catt

In every issue 3 Noteworthy Notions

22 NEW! Shopping Guide: Cardiovascular Care

23 Staff Profile

23 Nature’s Fare Update

2 | January/February 2013

Page 3: The Good Life January/February 2013


Noteworthy Notions SupplementS

HealtH & beauty

newS newS



for thousands of years, eastern medicine’s most trusted method of preventative health has been a daily dose of Japanese red reishi mushroom extract. Discover why Mikei is the #1 red reishi product that helps to increase energy, reduce stress, and support the immune system. Mikei uses the highest quality red reishi strain that is organically grown to maturity, hot water processed, and concentrated to a potent 17:1 extract. this meticulous cultivation and extraction process ensures you get the most effective product that works with just one capsule a day.


With Weleda Wild rose prod-ucts, your skin is revitalized and nourished with the antioxidants and essential fatty acids found in organic rosehip seed oil – all to counter the first signs of aging. With preserved elasticity and vi-tality, your skin is smooth, supple and luminous while your senses are harmonized with the delicate fragrance of fresh organic roses.


from haida gwaii to Juan de fuca, Bc, wild seafood is procured directly from eco-friendly, sustainable fisheries. the company supports hook and line and trap fisheries, two of the most ocean friendly fishing methods, and recog-nized for producing the finest quality wild seafood available. to ensure fresh-ness, wild fish remains frozen all the way to market. this unique process means that you can expect a mouth watering, premium quality product – every time.

PROP 37 – Californians Vote No to GMO Labelling

the final results of Prop 37 saw a 53% major-ity vote no against the right to Know cam-paign. the outcome was very close and like-

ly the result of the forty five million dollars that was invested by corporate giants like nestle, Monsanto, and Pepsico in an effort to crush the movement. considering that the grassroots campaign for

“yes” spent five times less than that, it is impressive that the results were as close as they were. While disappointed with the defeat, supporters and lobbyers for gMO labelling feel that the movement against gMO foods is stronger than ever and grassroots efforts will continue to gain support for the right to Know campaign. a recent breakthrough in san Juan county is proof that gMOs can be outlawed if enough concerned citizens demand it. the Washington state county was able to ban the growth and cultivation of any genetically modified organism, including any genetically modified animals, through the use of legislation known as Initiative Measure no. 2012–4. this type of legislation is unprec-edented and extremely promising for the future of food.

$14,100 Raised by Nature’s Fare for InspireHealth, integrative cancer care centre

nature’s fare raised $14,100 during “live Inspired,” a month-long health and wellness promotion and fundraiser held at all nature’s fare stores during the month of October to support the expansion of integra-tive cancer care in British columbia. Members of the public were invited to stop by nature’s fare and pick up a selection of natural foods and supplements recom-mended by doctors and nutritionists from Inspirehealth. nature’s fare and Inspirehealth’s medical doctors also presented a cancer prevention webinar about simple and inexpensive things the public can do to support their own health. “live Inspired” helped to raise public awareness of the overwhelming evidence of nutrition’s role in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

the good life the Magazine of nature’s fare Markets | 3

Page 4: The Good Life January/February 2013

GOOD Feature

The Un-DietGet Healthy Without the Crazy Fad Diets

It’s January – that month of the year in which Canadians make all sorts of well in-tended promises to themselves about what they will achieve going forward. After the holidays, many people resolve to lose the weight that they have gained over the past year, made worse by the fantastic turkey dinners, the delicious festive desserts, and the temptation of more than one luscious libation during the holidays. There are a number of diets one could try in an effort to lose those extra pounds such as the juice diet, the low carb diet, the scavenger diet, the three day diet, the chicken soup diet, the Hollywood diet, and yes, there is even the chocolate diet. Now, these diets may work for a few days – maybe even a few weeks, but most likely, as soon as the diet ends, somehow those pesky pounds find their way back to their old stomping grounds – the hips, thighs, midsection, and rear end.

This year, instead of choosing low fat, why not choose a different lifestyle? Drastic diets are unrealistic and difficult to main-tain in the long term. Instead, making small but important changes to everyday routines is the best way to achieve lasting, notice-able, weight loss.

Processed FoodsOne of the most effective ways to lose weight and to maintain a healthy weight is to avoid processed and pre-made foods. Often, people believe that foods like carbohydrates, meat, and dairy are the evil culprits behind weight gain, when in fact these foods provide essential nutrients that make up a healthy diet. Instead of choos-ing a grain fed or organic steak for dinner, some people may think that a frozen “diet” meal would be more effective for main-taining weight. In fact, that reduced-fat processed dinner contains a whole whack of extra ingredients that can actually contrib-ute to weight gain and poor health. A six ounce steak does contain fat, but it also contains protein, which helps sustain the feeling of fullness which in turn will reduce the chance of snacking later in the night. Additionally, it doesn’t have the excessive amounts of sodium, artificial preservatives, and thickeners which are often added to those reduced calorie pre-made meals to replace the flavour and texture of fat.

Plan Weekday MealsStarting from scratch is the best way to con-trol calories and ensure that meals contain high amounts of necessary nutrients. One of the main arguments for processed meals is that they save time, however it is possible to create nutritious homemade meals in a

short period of time if you plan in advance. A great way to save time during the week is to plan all weekday meals ahead of time on the weekend and do all the shopping before Monday rolls around. As the week progresses, it becomes more difficult to make it to the grocery store and so often people will just pull a frozen meal out of the freezer instead of stopping at a store to grab something fresh. Buying all the groceries for the week on the weekends will ensure that the fridge is well stocked with all of the necessary ingredients for healthy, nutritious meals. A great calorie and money saver is to make a little extra dinner to take the next day as lunch. Not only does it save a few dol-lars each day, but it guarantees that the ingredients are wholesome too.

Remember to Eat Breakfast Once again, time is the reason why most people do not eat a healthy breakfast, instead opting for something pre-made and processed, or even choose not to eat at all. People who eat breakfast each morning have

a lower body

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mass index and perform better during the day than those who do not eat anything. Breakfast provides you with energy for the rest of the day and can reduce the amount of snacking that takes place throughout the afternoon and evening. Breakfast meals do not have to be fancy – in fact the simpler, the better. Try having a bowl of whole grain cereal with a few spoonfuls of yogurt and some fresh fruit – it can make a big differ-ence towards achieving weight loss goals.

Liquid CaloriesLiquid calories are some of the most dangerous because they go down easy and do not have any impact on appetite. Pop, artificially flavoured fruit juices, flavoured coffee beverages and the like, are high in sugar and contain many empty calories. They do not have any nutritional value that contributes to a feeling of fullness. Instead of artificially flavoured fruit juices, look for juices that have a high content of real fruit juice. Yet, still limit the amount that is consumed. Pop should be avoided at all costs; however, there are sodas on the market now that are sweetened with stevia, a plant-based sugar substitute that doesn’t contain any calories. That being said, beware of “sugar-free” and “zero-calorie” beverages. Mass market sugar-free, low-calorie beverages are most likely sweetened with aspartame or sucralose, both which can contribute to adverse health effects and can do more damage than a few extra calories will. Xylitol, Erythritol, and stevia are all safe plant based sugar substitutes that are excellent alternatives to aspar-tame or sucralose.

try this, Avoid thatThe best way to maintain a healthy diet and a healthy weight is to choose nutritionally dense foods. Opting for foods that are high

in fibre, protein, vitamins, and minerals will help to reduce the total amount of food that is consumed in a day. Substituting produce for sugary snacks or

chips will result in a more sustained feeling of

fullness because of the high

create a routine that can reduce the urge to snack and overeat. First, establish a cut-off time at night for snacking. A good time is around eight o’ clock. After this time the kitchen is off limits. Second, keep the kitch-en stocked with healthy foods. Eliminate any products that may create temptation and instead keep the shelves full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. To curb a sugar craving, try frozen yogurt or tea with honey. Third, keep an eye on portion size. It may be helpful to use smaller plates and bowls to control the amount of food being consumed. Finally, watch how many “extras” are added on to a meal. Things like sauces, dips, and toppings may seem harmless but can contribute to a lot of extra calories.

Losing the extra pounds and maintain-ing a healthy weight shouldn’t be about fad dieting or restricting oneself to only drinking prune juice for three days. It should be about committing to a lifestyle that supplies the body with the nutrients it needs to be energetic, productive, and satisfied. Diets do not provide long term stability – only a dedication to overall health will fulfil this January’s New Year’s weight loss resolutions.

amount of fibre found in fruits and vegeta-bles. Additionally, produce is low in calo-ries and fat whereas most snack foods are high in fat, calories, and sodium. Whole grains will also create a feeling of fullness and will provide long periods of sustained energy. In contrast, white flour, white sugar, and other refined carbohydrates cause blood sugar to spike, leaving behind sugar cravings and an increased appetite.

Beware of items claiming to be low-fat or low-sugar. As previously discussed, sugar is often replaced with chemicals that can cause significant harm to the body if con-sumed regularly. Items touting a low-fat label may contain a variety of other high impact, refined carbohydrates that are in-cluded as a substitute for the fat. Any prod-uct containing hydrogenated oils should be avoided completely. These oils are where trans fats come from, which contributes to high cholesterol and heart disease. It may seem strange for a healthy diet to include fat, however fats are essential to good health and our bodies can not operate without them. In fact, it has been proven that a diet high in healthy fats can actually help maintain healthy body weight. The key is to use good fats that will contribute to overall wellbeing like olive oil, flax oil, fish oil, coconut oil, and hemp oil. A great place to start is by making your own salad dressing at home using these oils. Not only will this eliminate the use of less nutritious vegetable oils used in store bought dress-ings, but it will also give the salad a boost of heart healthy omega 3 fatty acids. These oils can be used in a variety of different cooking indications, however, with the exception of coconut oil, they should be exposed to minimal heat to ensure that the nutrients remain intact.

Healthy HabitsLosing weight and keeping it off is primarily about discipline. Implementing a few good habits will

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Page 6: The Good Life January/February 2013

GOOD Health

Type “organic versus conventional” into a Google browser and a variety of definitive headlines will appear claiming there is no difference in nutritional content between organically grown food and conventionally grown food. A number of respected institu-tions have published their findings of stud-ies that determine there is no nutritional difference between the two. This raises the question of what exactly the studies were examining and if the results were clearly communicated to the public.

A recent study performed by Crystal Smith-Spangler of Stanford University

claimed that “there isn’t much difference between organic and conventional foods, if you’re an adult and making a decision based solely on your health.” The problem with this statement is that there is noth-ing to qualify the findings. The outcome of the study asserts that organic and con-ventional foods are similar nutritiously. However, it does not expand on how that conclusion was formed. This is the case for a variety of similar studies. Very few actu-ally take information from human trials; instead, most of the data is compiled from a number of different sources and then tested for relationships. Furthermore,

the studies are focused on the level of contaminants in the food itself, not on the impact of those contaminants on the human body. This is possibly because it would be very difficult to conduct a study on humans due to the likelihood of con-tamination during the trial period. Even if a study was conducted on human subjects

– with one group eating only organic, and one group eating only conventional – it is likely that the results would be inter-preted as random variation rather than as concrete evidence.

Continuing to read through the Stanford

— going Organic series: Part two —

Is Organic Really Better for You?

Interpreting the Results of Nay-Saying Studies

6 | January/February 2013

Page 7: The Good Life January/February 2013

study produced this piece of information: there is “strong evidence that organi-cally grown foods are significantly more nutritious than conventional foods. Consumption of organic foods may reduce exposure to pesticide residues and anti-biotic-resistant bacteria.” So even though the study determined that organic foods are more nutritious because they do not expose the body to chemicals found in fertilizers and pesticides, the headline still claims there are no nutritional benefit to eating organic. How can this be? One of the reasons is because it is a benefit that is based on contamination, or lack thereof for organic foods, which some would argue is a nutritional benefit, but that most studies categorize as a benefit outside the realm of the analysis. There are studies that show that young children with higher levels of pesticide residue in their urine were more likely to have attention deficit hyperactiv-ity disorder. There is also evidence that the chemicals in pesticides are linked to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases,

however, this type of information has not been taken into account in the studies as-sessing the benefits of organic foods.

There are more reasons to buy organic than just personal health. Organic farming treats the land and its animals with respect. It produces significantly less pollution and is far more sustainable. There are a number of standards that organic farmers must adhere to in order to ensure certification including: waste water management, crop rotation, and animal welfare standards. By contrast, conventional farmers are faced with very few regulations concerning their production or the environment.

Although there are various studies claim-ing there is no difference between organic and conventional foods, the discerning observer has only to do a little bit of research of their own to realize that the so-called results of these studies should be taken with a grain of salt – pesticide free sea salt that is.

Feeling Sick,Tired, Forgetful or Stressed?Immune 7 is a potent solution!

Builds optimal immune funtionAnti-viral, anti fungal, anti-bacterialRecharges adrenal glands and hormonesProtective e�ect on liverPowerful antioxidantsPrebiotic action for intestinal healthCompatible with all treatments

immune 7

Immune 7 is a potent formulation of six carefully chosen medicinal mushrooms with the addition of Nutricol, a powerful proprietary blend of active antioxidant compounds from grape and green tea, recognized for immune and in�ammation modulating activity.

Immuno-modulators are substances that bring balance to either quiet or activate the immune system, as needed. Each mushroom carries its own unique signature that impresses its distinctive healing properties on the immune system. The synergy of Immune 7 makes it a powerful adjunct to all treatment for conditions or diseases.

Problems with the immune system comes in two varieties:

Underactive: Slow-healing response, increased susceptibility to infections and dis-ease processes.

Overactive: Prone to allergies and autoimmune reactions, where the immune system is over stimulated and mistakenly attacks the body.

Immune 7 is one of the most comprehensive immuno-modulating

formulas of its kind available. It is a complementary immune

enhancing mushroom therapy at its best!

Medicinal Mushroom Therapy ® Learn more at

the good life the Magazine of nature’s fare Markets | 7

Page 8: The Good Life January/February 2013

Made exclusively from plant-based whole food ingredients, just one serving of Vega One

provides all the complete foundational nutrition your body needs to build your day

on. Great tasting with absolutely no preservatives, added sugar, or artificial flavors or

colors, Vega One is also dairy, soy and gluten free. Now available in French Vanilla.

Everything you need, nothing you don’t.






Same as 3.2 slices of whole wheat bread


Same as 2.7 eggs


Same as 2.3 servings of salmon

Same as 1 yogurt cup (100g)


Same as 3 servings of vegetables

Same as 2.7 cups of blueberries







All the essentials.All-in-one.



Developed by Brendan Brazier, Thrive Forward is a FREE, personalized online guide to help transform your health through plant-based nutrition.

Page 9: The Good Life January/February 2013

GOOD Health

BlOOD sugar rOller cOaster

yOu can get Off the


PGX® Daily by Natural Factors controls and balances blood sugar levels, lowers the glycemic index of meals by up to 50%, supports healthy weight loss for life, promotes satiety and reduces food cravings, and lowers cholesterol and triglycer-ide levels. It contains no stimulants and helps with normalizing and stabilizing blood sugar, lowering insulin secretion, improving insulin sensitivity, burning body fat, and improving regularity.

WellBetX PGX® Plus Mulber-ry by Natural Factors combats after-meal blood sugar spiking, lowers “bad” cholesterol and increases “good” cholesterol, lowers triglycerides, encour-ages weight loss and improves appetite control, blocks carbo-hydrate absorption, and helps to normalize blood glucose levels. It is an excellent source of dietary fibre and support for healthy weight loss.

SlimStyles® PGX® Ultra Ma-trix Plus Soothe Digest by Natural Factors has the same great PgX Daily formula plus an additional 50 mg of PgX and 20 mg of soothe Digest. soothe Digest combines fennel, anise, and caraway to ease fibre digestion. It relaxes the smooth muscles of the gI, reducing painful spasms and bloating, and expelling excessive gas.

What if… you could feel good about eating again? Can you imagine a compound that safely balances blood sugar levels, reduces insulin resistance, and promotes weight loss? PGX, a novel functional fibre complex developed using the proprietary EnviroSimplex® process, can safely help people balance their blood sugar levels and lose weight.

Research indicates that people who gain weight often spend much of their day on a

“blood sugar roller coaster”, leaving them tired or irritable and leading to unhealthy food cravings. Eating the wrong foods magnifies the problem, but the underly-ing cause is insulin resistance, a condition where insulin is released after meals but the body fails to respond appropriately. Insulin resistance is one of the root causes of obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

PGX (PolyGlycopleX®) is a proprietary complex of naturally-occurring, water-soluble polysaccharides (fibres) and is the result of intensive clinical and laboratory research at leading Canadian universities in collaboration with the Canadian Center for Functional Medicine. Research has shown that taking PGX with food slows gastric emptying and can reduce a meal’s glycemic index, contributing to healthy blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity.

PGX also helps control appetite by pro-viding a feeling of satiety (fullness). The PGX’s Ultra Matrix Softgel is a unique delivery system in which PGX granules are suspended in a matrix of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) derived from purified coconut oil. Although the primary health benefits come from the PGX itself, the thermogenic effect of the MCTs increases metabolism, helping to burn more calories each day. When ingested, it responds to the acidic environment of the stomach, where it starts to disperse and becomes viscous. The dispersal substantially increases the

volumetric potential of PGX, for a level of viscosity three to five times greater than other highly-soluble fibres.

PGX has been extensively tested and the results can give you confidence that PGX can help you to achieve better health. PGX is the only nutritional ingredient proven to promote healthy blood sugar manage-ment by slowing digestion, reducing the glycemic index of your meals, and helping you get off the blood sugar roller coaster. PGX Daily can help you lose weight safely and steadily.

Made exclusively from plant-based whole food ingredients, just one serving of Vega One

provides all the complete foundational nutrition your body needs to build your day

on. Great tasting with absolutely no preservatives, added sugar, or artificial flavors or

colors, Vega One is also dairy, soy and gluten free. Now available in French Vanilla.

Everything you need, nothing you don’t.






Same as 3.2 slices of whole wheat bread


Same as 2.7 eggs


Same as 2.3 servings of salmon

Same as 1 yogurt cup (100g)


Same as 3 servings of vegetables

Same as 2.7 cups of blueberries







All the essentials.All-in-one.



Developed by Brendan Brazier, Thrive Forward is a FREE, personalized online guide to help transform your health through plant-based nutrition.

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Page 10: The Good Life January/February 2013

© 2012 New Chapter Canada, Inc.

The First Natural Health Products Company to Be

Non-GMO Project Verified

New Chapter’s mission is to deliver the wisdom of Nature every day—from our whole-food complexed multivitamins to our wildly pure whole fish oil. We seek out superior ingredients that meet our high standards for purity and ethical sourcing. New Chapter’s intention is to produce environmentally friendly and socially responsible products that nourish body and soul with the intelligence of pure whole foods and herbs while also sustaining our planet—the source of healing.

Promote healthy living with Nature’s whole-food complexed multivitamins and vital Omega fatty acids.

MakingHealthy Choices

New Yearfor the

Caution: Please read the label and follow directions. These products may pose risks and not be suitable for everyone.

NEW One Daily Multis for Men & Women 40+The ideal multivitamins combine carefully selected whole-food complexed vitamins, minerals, and herbs that work together to promote health and condition-specific benefits, not just address nutrient deficiencies. Whole-food complexing is a process of fermentation. The vitamins, minerals, and herbs in our multis are fermented with beneficial probiotics in a matrix of organic fruits and vegetables (no live probiotics are in these products). Fermenting whole foods with “good bacteria” to enrich them is a practice that goes back thousands of years. A fermented, whole-food complexed multivitamin is a dynamic network of food-based nutrients.

Delivering the Wisdom of Nature

Page 11: The Good Life January/February 2013

Overfishing is the greatest threat our oceans face today. One step we can each take to help solve the problem of overfishing is to choose seafood products carefully. Ocean Wise is the Vancouver Aquarium national seafood sustainability program that helps you choose ocean-friendly seafood. Look for the Ocean Wise symbol on menus and products for the Vancouver Aquarium’s assurance of an ocean-friendly choice. Learn more at

Is your seafood Ocean Wise™


Wholemega® Whole Fish Oil100% Wild Alaskan Salmon oil delivers 17 Omega fatty acids plus natural Vitamin D3 and Astaxanthin. Wholemega helps support cognitive health and brain function. Wholemega makes it easy to get your Omegas from fish, including DHA and EPA. Two softgels per day (two gram daily dose) for a week equals the Omegas of three 100-gram servings per week of Wild Alaskan Salmon.

Making a difference... for a healthier you, a healthier ocean.The Only Fish Oil Approved by Ocean Wise™

New Chapter is proud that Wholemega is the first and only fish oil approved by Ocean Wise. Wholemega is 100% sustainably caught Wild Alaskan Salmon. Sustainability is the law in Alaska, where the well-managed fisheries are seen as a worldwide model of ocean stewardship.

Not One Extra Fish Is Caught for Wholemega®

Instead, Wholemega Whole Fish Oil is sourced from the valuable unused trimmings of Wild Salmon already caught for food consumption. The salmon fillets go to restaurants and fine retailers, and the nutrient-rich trim is pressed to deliver an extra-virgin oil brimming with fresh salmon’s broad-spectrum Omegas.

Learn more at

© 2012 New Chapter Canada, Inc.

The First Natural Health Products Company to Be

Non-GMO Project Verified

New Chapter’s mission is to deliver the wisdom of Nature every day—from our whole-food complexed multivitamins to our wildly pure whole fish oil. We seek out superior ingredients that meet our high standards for purity and ethical sourcing. New Chapter’s intention is to produce environmentally friendly and socially responsible products that nourish body and soul with the intelligence of pure whole foods and herbs while also sustaining our planet—the source of healing.

Promote healthy living with Nature’s whole-food complexed multivitamins and vital Omega fatty acids.

MakingHealthy Choices

New Yearfor the

Caution: Please read the label and follow directions. These products may pose risks and not be suitable for everyone.

NEW One Daily Multis for Men & Women 40+The ideal multivitamins combine carefully selected whole-food complexed vitamins, minerals, and herbs that work together to promote health and condition-specific benefits, not just address nutrient deficiencies. Whole-food complexing is a process of fermentation. The vitamins, minerals, and herbs in our multis are fermented with beneficial probiotics in a matrix of organic fruits and vegetables (no live probiotics are in these products). Fermenting whole foods with “good bacteria” to enrich them is a practice that goes back thousands of years. A fermented, whole-food complexed multivitamin is a dynamic network of food-based nutrients.

Delivering the Wisdom of Nature

Page 12: The Good Life January/February 2013



25% ReducedSodium

Calcium Enriched

GOOD Nutrition

Know Your LabelsProduct labels are required on most pre-pared food products, including bread, cereal, canned items, and frozen foods. Producers have the option of including labels on fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, and fish, however it is not mandatory. Nutrition panels that show the amount of calories, key nutrients, and percentage daily value intakes are required on most items, with the exception of products containing only one ingredient, such as coffee or tea.

What Makes Up a Label?Nutritional Facts Panel: This portion of the label contains information about the caloric content of the product and the quantities of some essential nutrients, like fat, sodium, carbohydrates, and sugars. The nutritional facts panel also contains infor-mation regarding the percent daily value intakes. The percent daily value (%DV) is the amount of the nutrient contained in the food as a percentage of the daily recommended intake, based on a 2,000 calorie diet. The nutritional facts panel also contains one more key piece of informa-tion – the serving size. In many cases, those products that look like they would only contain one serving, like bottled juices, actually have two or more. Serving size is very important to consider when looking at the nutritional facts panel. If the number

of calories is very high based on the serving size, the item should probably be avoided.

Ingredient List: The ingredient list is required to be on all products that contain more than one ingredient. Ingredients are listed in order of concentration by weight, so the first item in the ingredient list is most prevalent in the product. The fewer ingredi-ents a product has the better. Avoid products with hard to pronounce or unrecognizable ingredients. Finally, keep watch for disguised forms of sugar like maltodextrin, high fructose corn syrup, corn sweetener, treacle, or saccharose. You don’t have to compromise on flavour to eat healthy. Choose items containing sea salt instead of salt or sodium. Look for products with unrefined sugars or more natural sugars like cane sugar, molas-ses, maple syrup, or stevia. Healthy fats to

eat include olive oil, coconut oil, hemp oil, and flax oil.

Nutrition Claims: Products often have claims like “low fat” or “low sugar.” These are nutri-tion claims and are based on

the ingredient profile. Although regulated, these types of claims can

be subjective, so it’s best to always check the nutritional facts panel to determine just how low or high a certain nutrient actually is.

Health Claims: These are similar to nutri-tion claims but instead make assertions

Are You Really Eating Healthy?

about potential health benefits, like “calcium enriched” or “source of fibre.” Like nutrition claims, health claims can be subjective so, again, it’s always best to consult the nutritional facts panel.

Understanding Percent Daily ValueThe percent daily value of a nutrient is based on the amount of the nutrient in the product relative to the amount that Health Canada recommends for wellbeing. The values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet and also depend on age, activity level, and gender. If a nutrient makes up 5% or less of the daily value, the product is con-sidered to be low in that nutrient. If the nutrient makes up between 10% and 19% of the daily value it is considered to be a good source and if the daily value is 20% or more, the product is considered to be an excellent source.

What to Check Forread the Nutrition Facts Panel and watch for these clues to find healthier food choicesSugar 15 grams or less of sugar per servingCholesterol 300 mg or less of cholesterol per day from all food sourcesSodium 2,400 mg or less per day from all food sources and less than 300 mg per servingFibre 25 grams to 30 grams per day of fibre and at least 3 grams per servingCalcium 1,000 mg of calcium per day, paired with vitamin D and vitamin K for proper absorption

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Page 13: The Good Life January/February 2013

One? Two? More? You’re not alone.

How many colds or flu do get each year? YOU • 1.800.663.4163

Let’s face it – no one has time to get sick. This season, when it comes to your immune health, don’t just cross your fingers and hope for the best. Do all you can to avoid colds and flu. Eat healthy, get your rest, and take Ester-C every day.

The common cold attacks the average adult two to four times per year. Stress, diet, and lifestyle can all affect your immune system, which makes it difficult to fight off the germs and viruses you are exposed to every day.

Vitamin C may be the best-known of all the essential micro nutrients. It is a potent antioxidant that helps protect cells from the daily damage caused by pollutants, stress, and aging. It helps reduce inflammation, promotes healing, and is essential for skin and eye health, but vitamin C is best known for its power to prevent and reduce cold and flu symptoms.

The most common form of supplemental vitamin C is ascorbic acid. As its name suggests, it is acidic, and at higher doses can lead to stomach upset, erosion of tooth enamel, and poor absorption in some people.

Ester-C® is a unique, patented form of vitamin C and the only form with active vitamin C metabolites that enhance cellular absorption and retention. It has been clinically proven in human studies to remain in the white blood cells of the immune system for up to 24 hours, providing around-the-clock immune support. Thanks to the presence of calcium, the neutral pH helps protect you from the stomach upset that can accompany other vitamin C products.

Ester-C® 600 mg

Ester-C® Supreme

Ester-C® Chewables 500 mg

• 24-hour immune support

• Gentle on the stomach

• Enhanced with antioxidant bioflavonoids from citrus fruits

• Advanced immune support

• Contains berry bioflavonoids, quercetin, and immune-boosting polysaccharides

• Citrus-free

• Three delicious all-natural flavours

• Great for children or adults

Ester-C®… Nothing Else Works Like It.

Page 14: The Good Life January/February 2013

GOOD Nutrition

Choosing what to eat each day can be stressful, mindboggling…or enjoyable. Overall, our daily diet is made up from a collection of decisions, and I feel that to get to the core of our dietary dilemmas we need to look at what drives these decisions. My hypothesis is that our state of mind when we are choosing what to eat drives what we choose to eat. Let me give you some examples:

Scenario 1: You come home from work and you’re STARVING! You could eat almost anything that’s put in front of you. You’re craving a fast hit of sugar or carbs, and you want it now. Your energy is low and the prospect of spending the next hour

These blood sugar issues lead to weight gain, low or fluctuating energy, sugar/carb crav-ings, and a lack of motivation. They affect our life every day and are the driving factor behind poor food choices.

Balancing your blood sugar is surprisingly easy and it allows you to make better deci-sions with your diet. Imagine having one hour or more to make a meal when you feel hungry! If you had this time, what would you make? That big healthy meal sounds more appealing now, doesn’t it?

The first step towards finding balance is to look at how food makes you feel. How do you feel immediately after eating? How about after one hour? How long can you go before you feel like you’re “starving”?

Balanced energy, weight-loss, and a healthy diet are all within reach with just a few small changes. Starting today, stop think-ing about what you “should” be doing, and look at how your current diet is affecting your decisions.

Why We DOn’t eat What

We “shOulD” Be eatIng by lisa Kilgour, rhn

LISA KILGOUR is a registered holistic nutritionist. she provides one-on-one consultations and teaches workshops in the Okanagan. to find out the underlying cause of your symptoms, or to find the diet that helps you feel your best, visit

Blood Sugar Quiz

1 Do you feel like scenario 1 at least one time per week?

2 Is hunger immediate? Do you need to eat relatively quickly (within the next hour) after you start to feel hungry?

3 Do you have energy dips throughout the day?

4 Do you crave sugar, carbs, or sug-ary drinks throughout the day?

5 Do you carry food with you all the time just in case you suddenly feel hungry?

If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these questions then your blood sugar isn’t balanced.

chopping, cooking, and waiting for dinner is very unappealing. So…what do you do? Make a big healthy meal, or just grab some chocolate from the cupboard? Perhaps you just pick up something quick for dinner on your way home?

Scenario 2: You come home from work and you’re feeling a bit hungry. You feel like you could eat in the next hour or two. Your energy is pretty good and you would really like to eat a big pile of vegetables (yes, this scenario is possible). You look in the fridge and put together a gorgeous coconut milk curry full of veggies and chickpeas, served over brown rice. The process is enjoyable and is ready in about 40 minutes.

What is the difference between Scenario 1 and 2? You might say #2 is almost impos-sible, or only happens once in a blue moon…or only happens for super-healthy people who don’t eat anything close to a “normal diet”. What if I said you’re dead wrong?

What if the difference between Scenario 1 and 2 is simply the difference between an imbalance in blood sugar and balanced blood sugar? What if Scenario 2 was pos-sible for everyone with only a few small changes to your diet?

We tend to think of blood sugar issues only in relation to Type II Diabetes or Hypoglycemia, but the fact is many of us are dealing with mild-to-moderate blood sugar issues every day. These are imbalanc-es we feel, but don’t turn up on blood tests.

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Achieve More!

Imagine for a moment being able to increase your cognitive ability and the positive impact that would have on your life. With CerebrumTM by Renew Life, you can! CerebrumTM contains Cereboost, a specific and unique extract of American Ginseng that has been clinically proven to increase cognitive performance by 10%. CerebrumTM also contains the brain boosting essential fat ty acid DHA, derived from fish oil. The first of its kind, CerebrumTM is arevolutionary product that will;

Increase cognitive performance

Improve working memory capacity

Increase attention accuracy

Enhance working memory speed






CEREBRUMwith Cereboost


CerebrumTM will increase your cognitive performance by 10% for a 6 hour period after taking it.

Page 16: The Good Life January/February 2013






GOOD Fitness

RHONDA CAtt specializes in athletic conditioning at the professional level, as well as for the weekend athlete. rhonda encourages clients to be life-fit rather than gym-fit. she is one of the co-owners of Excel Fitness, Vernon’s premier training facility.

POst-actIVIty nutrItIOn

Meet yOur fItness gOals WIth

by rhonda catt

Post-activity nutrition is receiving more attention lately and is becoming more well understood. Chocolate milk and protein shakes may be all the rage right now for recovery but how much do you really know about why post-activity nutrition is so im-portant? Additionally, how can you decide what is right for you?

Think about your fitness goals. Are you achieving them? Are you paying as much or more attention to your nutrition than

FOR MORE INFORMAtION check out, or

you are to your activity? The same effort that you put into intense sport or physical activity needs to be put into nutrition. The less you know about proper nutrition and nutrition timing, the less able you are to achieve your goals – that’s when the frus-tration sets in.

During strenuous activity we are break-ing down tissue in the hopes of becoming stronger and fitter. How well you build that tissue back up after activity depends on how well you recover, which has a lot to do with how you time your nutrition.

If you properly address your post-activity nutrition, you benefit from reduced soreness, decrease in body fat, increase in lean muscle tissue, better immune function, and more.

If you have heard of the nutrition timing “Window of Opportunity”, you know there is a recommended optimal time to replen-ish after strenuous activity. Activity breaks down tissue. After the activity, we want to stop that breakdown and put our body into recovery mode as soon as possible. The


Recovery Accelerator by Vega ad-dresses all six key elements of post-workout recovery, including muscle glycogen replenishment, muscle tissue repair and protein synthesis, hormonal support, soft-tissue repair, immune function, inflammation-reduction and rehydration. It helps to replenish energy and electrolytes, reduce inflammation, muscle and joint pain, support immune system function and protein synthesis, and reduce recovery time between training

Performance Protein by Vega is a complete multi-source, alkaline-forming, plant-based protein blend, featuring 5,500mg of Bcaas and 5,000mg of glutamine per serving, Vega sport Performance Protein is formulated to improve strength and exercise per-formance, repair and build muscles, and reduce recov-ery time between training

Recover RightCertified Precision Nutritionist, Dina Mostat’s, recovery tips

Find the right form of post-activity nutrition for you. It is important, as immediately following exercise, muscles are primed to accept nutrients that can stimulate muscle repair, muscle growth, and muscle strength.

take in carbohydrates and protein as soon as the physical activity ends. how much depends on the demands of train-ing and body weight. Doing this correctly will help prepare your body for the next bout of exercise.

try a form of liquid nutrition that con-tains rapidly digesting carbohydrates. It is better than having a whole food meal immediately following a workout. Whole foods digests too slowly for the nutrients to be available right away.

Refuel only when necessary. casual exercise like a walk with the dog doesn’t require a recovery drink! save your work-out drink for higher intensity exercise such as weight or interval training lasting 45 minutes or longer.

sooner you can ingest post-activity fuel, the quicker your body can start to recover and is better able to absorb nutrients. Yet, as time passes, that window of opportunity gets smaller and the body starts taking in less nutrients – which means inadequate recov-ery, and ultimately leading to loss of goals. The Post-Activity Window of Opportunity is a maximum of two hours immediately fol-lowing activity. If you are someone who is highly active but doesn’t refuel within this time-frame you are going to find that you struggle in achieving your goals.

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Page 17: The Good Life January/February 2013

GOOD Health

Are you looking for a simple way to get your daily essentials? Perhaps you feel that walk-ing into the supplement section at your fa-vourite store is a little overwhelming. Start with this: three essential supplements that will you help achieve a lean, well nourished, healthy body. Research proves it. Think of them as your “daily essentials”.

1. High Quality Multi-Vitamin/Mineral Supplement: Even the conservative experts now agree that taking a daily multi makes good sense. Remember that not all products are created equally, and some are more effective than others. Read the labels, and learn the pros and cons of the selected ingredients. Calcium citrate, for example, is better absorbed into the body than calcium carbonate is, and multi-vitamins in powder form are also better absorbed

than hard tablets are. New advances in fermentation can organically bind essen-tial minerals into proteinates, a form that is more readily absorbed because the body recognizes it as food. As with all things, the quality of ingredients will impact the price of the product.

2. Phytonutrients: Research proves that naturally occurring plant nutrients work synergistically with vitamins and minerals to provide protection against illness. Functional foods with a variety of coloured herbs, land and sea vegeta-bles, and whole food extracts can act as a supplement to a healthy diet of green, orange-yellow, red, and purple foods. Look for a product that also includes bacterial cultures for added immune system and gastrointestinal support.

3. Fish Oil: Over 30 years of research proves that fish oil is valuable in preventing and treating such varied conditions as car-diovascular disease, skin and inflammatory disorders, emotional disorders, and PMS. Modern diets typically lack the important Omega-3 fatty acids (specifically EPA and DHA) found in fish oil. Look for wild source anchovies, mackerel, and sardines as they contribute the highest concentra-tions of key ingredients. To ensure that the product does not contain toxins or heavy metals, determine if it has been processed according to the strict European Union (EU) guidelines. Research indicates that intestinal delivery of the oil can enhance absorption up to three times over standard capsules, so look for products that release the oil directly to the small intestine. As an added bonus, these new capsules eliminate the discomfort of a fishy after-taste.

While none of these supplements are sub-stitutes for a healthy diet and lifestyle or the appropriate advice of a healthcare pro-vider, they can help provide an essential daily program and become your guardians of good health.

get yOur

DaIly essentIals


multi+ complete by Genuine Health provides you with all of your daily vitamin and mineral requirements with no artificial fillers or ingredients. contains a complete range of essential vitamins and minerals.

greens+ by Genuine Health helps you boost your nutritional intake, energy and vitality. Just one serving daily provides a synergistic blend of over 23 plant-based essential nutrients.

greens+ O by Genuine Health kept the founda-tion of the award winning, research proven greens+ formula, but has removed the al-lergens. greens+ O is 100% Vegan, wheat free, gluten free, soy free, and dairy free.

03mega by Genuine Health Omega-3 fatty acids are integral to our health and well being – and are an im-portant component of every cell in our body. research has proven that Omega-3 from wild fish oils, like those in o3mega provide the best source of ePa and Dha for a healthier heart, brain, skin, mood, joints and more.

FOR MORE INFORMAtION about how genuine health can help you reach your personal best, visit:

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Page 18: The Good Life January/February 2013

GOOD Health

What Is Heart Disease?Heart disease, sometimes called cardiovas-cular disease, is not just the result of one ailment affecting the body’s most important muscle. It can consist of a number of differ-ent issues that disrupt the vital pumping action that sends blood from the heart to other key organs. Although there are differ-ent forms of heart disease, each variety has a negative effect on the structure and function of the heart. Some examples of the differ-ent types of heart disease are valvular heart disease, heart muscle disease (also known as cardiomyopathy), coronary artery disease, and arrhythmias.

Who Does Heart Disease Affect?Nine in ten Canadians have at least one risk factor for heart disease. Canadian women are highest at risk for heart disease; in fact, it is the number one cause of death for women in Canada. Elderly women, post menopausal women, or females with diabetes have the highest risk of contract-ing some form of heart disease. Symptoms tend to present themselves differently in females than males, which is one of the reasons why so many women do not get treatment. Heart disease will show itself in women as shortness of breath, lower back or jaw pain, nausea, and vomiting.

Obesity is the leading cause of coronary heart disease as it raises blood pressure and cholesterol. Those who are obese often have a weakened heart and plaque that has formed on artery walls as a result of high cholesterol. In combination, these two fac-tors are a key cause of heart disease because the weakened heart muscle is not able to push blood through the blocked arteries.

Diabetics are more likely to contract a form of heart disease because diabetes can cause thickening of the blood vessel lining, a condition knows as artherosclerosis. Additionally, diabetes hinders blood flow to the extremities and makes it more diffi-cult for the heart to pump blood to organs such as the kidneys.

Smokers are at higher risk of contracting heart disease because nicotine acts as a vasoconstrictor and narrows the blood vessels, making it more difficult for blood to pass through. Additionally, smokers are at risk of contracting artherosclerosis and arterial ruptures, which can result in aneurysms or cardiac arrest.

Finally, the elderly are at risk of contract-ing heart disease due to the weakening of the heart muscle that comes with age.

Heart HealthWhat You Need to Know About Heart Disease

1 Don’t Smoke or Use tobacco When it comes to heart disease, no amount of smoking or tobacco use is safe. Quitting smoking drastically reduces the risk of con-tracting heart disease in just the first year, and even those who have smoked for very long periods of time will start to reap the benefits immediately after quitting.

2 Get Enough Exercise try to fit thirty minutes of exercise into your day as often as possible. the more intense the exercise, the greater the benefits, however, every bit helps. lower intensity exercise can be something as small as taking the stairs, doing housework, or walk-ing the dog. Besides controlling weight, exercise reduces the chance of developing risk factors like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes.

3 Eat a Heart Healthy Diet Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and protein into your daily diet. avoid saturated and trans fats whenever possible as these lead to high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Include heart healthy fats like omega 3, 6, and 9 found in fish oil, flax oil, and hemp oil. supplement with vitamin D, coenzyme Q10, magnesium, and niacin. It’s also important to only drink alcohol in moderation.

PREVENtION What You Need to Do to Avoid Heart Disease

Individuals over the age of sixty five are more likely to have at least one of the risk factors for heart disease.

Where is Heart Disease Most Prevalent?The various forms of heart disease are common throughout the world and to-gether are responsible for 30% of deaths globally. Worldwide, heart disease causes the highest number of deaths annually. In the United States it is the number one killer of Americans, and in Canada heart disease is the leading cause of death for women. Although deaths associated with heart disease are declining in higher income countries, the number of deaths related to the disease is increasing in middle and low income nations.

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Page 19: The Good Life January/February 2013

IngredientsCaramelized Onions

4 organic sweet potatoes

1 cup quinoa

2 cups vegetable broth

1 tbsp butter or substitute like earth Balance

1 tbsp olive oil

1 small organic onion, diced

2 cups organic kale, broken into 1" pieces

½ cup toasted slivered almonds

½ cup organic dried cranberries

salt and pepper to taste

QuInOa stuffeD sWeet POtatOes



& P


: ww






DirectionsPlace sweet potatoes on a baking sheet and bake at 350° for 1 hour or until fork tender.

Prepare the filling while the sweet potatoes are baking. Cook the quinoa in the vegetable broth. Check the package for cooking time. Sauté the onion in butter and olive oil until soft. Add kale, almonds, and cranberries to the onion and continue sautéing for approximately 3 minutes or until the kale is soft. Add the cooked quinoa to the onion mixture. Stir to combine.

Remove the cooked sweet potatoes from the oven and cut them in half lengthwise. Scoop out a small amount of flesh from each half of the sweet potato and mix into the quinoa filling. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Fill the sweet potato halves with the filling and serve.

Serves: 4

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n Thinning hair?


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Page 21: The Good Life January/February 2013

GOOD to Our Planet

The Facts on Fur

Each year over two million animals are killed for their fur. Most are trapped using painful leg hold, conibear, or snare traps. These traps cause an immense amount of pain and are responsible for the animals breaking teeth and bones in an effort to become free. Leg traps are legal in all Canadian provinces and territories, and conibear and snare traps are still widely used by trappers. Leg traps hold the animal in a vice grip for many days until the victim dies from a lack of water, food, or loss of blood. A conibear trap clamps onto a part of the animal’s body and causes excruciat-ing pain. Snare traps use a wire loop that encircles a part of the animal’s body and tightens as the animal struggles. All of these traps cause an extremely prolonged and incredibly painful death. Often, these traps catch unintended victims, including household pets, birds, and endangered animals. Trapping is not an industry that supports many individuals; in fact, on average, trappers only earn $500 per year trapping animals. In addition, while many believe that trapping is an important part of Aboriginal culture, only 2% of Canada’s Aboriginal

population are involved in fur trapping. The fur

industry is harmful to the environment not only because

it targets innocent creatures, but also because the chemicals used to process the fur are harmful to delicate ecosystems. Acid, hydrogen peroxide, chromates, for-maldehyde, bleaches, and an array of dyes are all used to process the fur before it is ready for sale.

Over 700,000 Canadian wolves, coyotes, bobcats, lynx, otters, and beavers are killed in traps each year. In addition, over one million foxes and mink are gassed or anally electrocuted each year on fur farms. The fur from these animals doesn’t only go towards making fur coats. Fur trimmed clothing, toys, and novelty gifts are often the main recipients of animal fur.

The fur trade isn’t only inhumane and sadistic to wild animals. Each year, about

two million dogs and cats are killed to make fur lined gloves, hats, jackets, toys, and novelty gifts. These animals are kept in cold, unsanitary conditions, and in some documented cases, dogs have been skinned alive. The United States and the United Kingdom have banned the import of dog and cat fur, however it remains legal in Canada to import and sell these types of products. It is also not mandatory for the type of fur to be labelled on the product. Yet, when items are labelled, they don’t necessarily tell the truth. Often, dog fur is labelled as “Asian wolf fur” and cat fur is labelled as “rabbit.” Sometimes, the fur is trimmed and dyed to resemble faux fur, so that even a discerning consumer will find it difficult to determine the difference.

The best way to avoid supporting such a cruel and brutal industry is to avoid all fur and fur trim.

FOR MORE INFORMAtION on the fur industry go to:, or FURfree on facebook

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Page 22: The Good Life January/February 2013

February is Heart Month, so take a minute while shopping to consider cardiovascular care. The best

supplements to maintain a healthy heart are fish oils, plant sterols, niacin, psyllium fibre, red yeast

rice, green tea extract, and coenzyme Q10. These supplements will help to keep blood pressure low and

will work with prescription statins to keep LDL cholesterol at a safe level. Plant sterols combined with

statins can lower LDL cholesterol by 20%. Additionally, niacin can increase good (HDL) cholesterol

by 15% to 30%. Coenzyme Q10 is helpful for reducing heart muscle damage and reducing muscle pains

that can occur while on prescription medication for heart disease. Before taking any supplements with

prescription drugs be sure to check with a physician to determine any counter indications.

carDIOVascular care SHOPPING GUIDE


23 4


1 ALCAR by AOR alcar is n-acetyl-l-carnitine, which is an acetylated form of l-carnitine, a naturally occurring derivative of the amino acid lysine. alcar readily crosses the blood-brain barrier and is an antioxidant for the maintenance of good health.

2 Magnesium Bisglycinate Plus by New Roots Magnesium is one of the most impor-tant minerals in the body, but an esti-mated 75% of americans are magne-sium deficient. Magnesium plays a key role in over 300 enzymatic reactions, including supporting cardiovascular, bone, muscle, energy, and neurotrans-mitter processes. the magnesium bis-glycinate combination enables efficient absorption, the glycinate allowing the magnesium to transfer easily across the intestinal wall. Increased absorp-tion means more usable magnesium for your body’s needs.

3 Fish Oil by Carlson fish Oil provides the important poly-unsaturated omega 3’s, ePa and Dha, which aid our well being by promot-ing cardiovascular health. for those individuals who do not eat an oily fish diet, carlson offers a variety of fish oil products in liquids that are very tasty. all fish oil products are regularly tested using aOac international protocols for potency and purity by an independent fDa registered laboratory.

4 Inno-Q-Nol by Inno-Vite Inno-Q-nol, or coQ10 ubiquinol, is the active antioxidant form of coQ10 and body ready for cellular energy pro-duction no need for conversion in the body. Both ubiquinol and ubiquinone are forms of coQ10 that are necessary for the production of cellular energy and life sustaining qualities. Biochemi-cally, ubiquinone must be converted by the body to the active ubiquinol form in order to start working ef-fectively as a potent antioxidant and cellular nutrient.

5 Red Yeast Rice by Inno-Vite red yeast rice has long been used for cholesterol reduction by practitioners of traditional Medicine since it is the natural source of statins that work by inhibiting the activity of a key enzyme in the biological pathway that creates cholesterol. red yeast rice is just as effective as synthetic pharmaceuti-cal statins, but at a much lower dose. Due to the lower dose needed and its natural form, side-effects common to synthetic statins are seldom seen with red yeast rice.

6 High Potency Alpha Lipoic Acid by Organika the ultimate antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid helps neutralize fat and water soluble free radicals. It is an important antioxidant and chelating agent that is beneficial for neurological function, diabetes, macular degeneration and slowing the effects of aging. take it with Vitamin c and e to make them more effective.


22 | January/February 2013

Page 23: The Good Life January/February 2013

Garret Wowchuk


staff PrOfIleWHat IS yOur rOLe at Nature’S Fare?

Produce Manager, KelownaWHat IS yOur FaVOurIte Part OF WOrkINg

FOr Nature’S Fare?

The people I work with are world class, and this is a company that truly cares – what a rarity!WHat are yOur FaVOurIte FOOdS FrOM

tHe aPPLe bIStrO? Southwest egg muffin, and tabbouleh salad

WHat are yOur FaVOurIte VIt/SuPS FrOM Nature’S Fare?

Reishi mushrooms, Recovery by Purica, and hemp oil.WHat dOeS OrgaNIC MeaN tO yOu?

Real food, real people, no poison.

CertificationWe are a certified “climate smart” business.



congratulations to our Kamloops store! this november, they received the Kamloops Daily news “2012 reader’s choice” award for “Best health food store.”

Apple Bistrolook for our delicious new seasonal offerings this winter:

Italian seafood stew

Mediterranean cauliflower couscous

Moroccan chickpea salad

White chocolate fig Mousse cake

ContributionsWe are very proud of our contributions to the community.

• Wehavedonatedover$26,000totheSPCA,Children’sWish foundation, salvation army, food Bank, WWf, and more in the past year.

• OurSave-a-BagCampaignhasraised$17,682.77forthefood Bank and $6,664.31 for the sierra club as of the end of november 2012.

• ThanktoyoueveryonewhomadeadonationtotheFoodBank during our Winter Wellness event held at all nature’s fare locations during november and December.

WHat MakeS yOu SMILe? God’s Grace, nature, and the amazing staff I work with at Nature’s Fare.PreteNd tHIS IS aN aWard SPeeCH; WHO WOuLd yOu LIke tO gIVe a

SHOut Out tO aNd WHy? My Dad, as he has always been my best friend. IF tHIS Were aN aWard, WHat dO yOu deSerVe aN aWard FOr aNd

WHy? For being the luckiest guy: being employed with Nature’s Fare has been a blessing in my life and I can’t imagine doing anything else.WHat are yOur greateSt PerSONaL aCHIeVeMeNtS? I have had to find my own way to treat my Tourette’s syndrome. I just bought my first home, and I am still in love with my high school sweetheart. tHe ONCe PIeCe OF adVICe yOu WOuLd gIVe tO tHe WOrLd?

Love each other, smile and for goodness sakes, eat well!


New Shopping Bagslook for the fun nature’s fare Markets shopping bags in stores now! new reusable bags plus an all-new insulated bag featuring a zip closure are available. these sturdy, all-purpose bags contain recycled mate-rial, are BPa free, and are machine washable (just air dry). they are also recyclable where facilities exist.

Movemberthings got a little hairy this november at nature’s fare Markets! staff at each of our six locations and our head office were happy to participate in Movember by either growing a mous-tache or sporting a faux lip sweater on our special event day on november 15, 2012 to help raise awareness of men’s health issues and prostate cancer. check out the pictures on our facebook page!

Kelowna ExpansionOur Kelowna store is expanding to serve you better. We are scheduled to open the new section by the end of february 2013 with more apple Bistro seating, and larger Vitamins & supplements, fresh foods, and grocery areas. the store is still open throughout the renovations. Please call Kyle hosker, KelownaStoreManager,at250.762.8636ifyouhaveanyques-tions or concerns.

Contestcongratulations to cheryle stevenson, winner of our grand prize draw at the West coast Women’s show. she won a $250 shopping spree for nature’s fare Markets.

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Page 24: The Good Life January/February 2013

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kamloops 5 – 1350 Summit Drive 250.314.9560

kelowna 120 – 1876 Cooper Road 250.762.8636

Langley 120 – 19880 Langley ByPass 778.278.1300

Penticton 104 – 2210 Main Street 250.492.7763

Vernon 104 – 3400 30th Avenue 250.260.1117

West kelowna 104 – 3480 Carrington Road 250.707.3935

Mail Order 1.800.406.6646

Lowest Price guarantee We will beat any local competitor’s advertised price on vitamins & supplements by 10%!

5% discount days* Senior’s days (60+): Wednesday & Thursday | Family & Student day: Sunday

*On regular priced merchandise. Days may vary depending on store.



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