the golden moth

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  • 7/31/2019 The Golden Moth


    The Golden Moth

    Josue Salazar

  • 7/31/2019 The Golden Moth



    There was once was a boy who was new born.The mother of the boy carrying him with abrown basket. The mother was wearing a hood

    on her head.All of a sudden, a group of men appeared out ofno where. They were all wearing blue hoods.Except for one man. He was wearing a blackmask and a black robe and hood. Well if it isntMary carrying her first born child.

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    Mary, my dear, why run off like that without

    giving me a little reward. Stay away from my

    son. What has he ever done to you?GIVE METHE CHILD! said the man. Then the woman ran


    She found a hiding spot to not find her. Shefinally saw a river. She prayed to god that the

    baby would be a good boy and would have a

    great future.But then she saw an alligator. So she thought

    twice about putting her newborn in the river.

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    So she tried to find another place to put thebaby.

    Then she found something that looked a lot likea tunnel. Then she heard the man say, Theportal has opened, remember boys, the chief isin the real world. If Mary is in there, the chief

    will totally catch her.Mary got a metal pole she found and picked itup.

    Then without warning, she smashed the poleinto the mans face. Then she ran as fast as shecan into the portal.

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    But then one of the men with a blue hoodtripped Mary over and fell down in a puddle.

    She cut herself with a sharp stick. She got upand hit every body with a pole. She got thebasket and got up.

    but then she got stabbed in the arm by the manin the black mask. GIVE ME THE CHILD OR ELSEYOU DIE!Id rather die than give you the baby.Havent you ever got a kid? How would you feel

    if I tried to take your kid? Think about that!Iwill give you anything for that baby. GIVE ITNOW!

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    There was a cliff right behind Mary.

    As quickly as she can, she darted to where the

    portal was. She saw the man with the mask andthe man said, GIVE IT NOW! You dont want meto do, THIS! The man tightened his fist andsomething awful was happening. Mary was

    starting to choke. She was trying to reach theman but there was absolutely no hope. Marywould be dead within the second.

    She felt so drowsy, shecouldnt

    move at all.Then Mary closed her eyes and stoppedbreathing.

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    man ran off.

    but right after the man left with the baby, Marybegan to breath again.

    She got up and started to run after the man.

    GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY BABY YOU PERVERT!Yelled out Mary. She took out a sword and slashed

    it on the mans arm.

    The masked man was screaming in pain. He was inso much pain that he let go of the baby.


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    Mary took the baby and ran into the portal.

    She entered an elevator which went high speed

    up to the top.When the elevator door opened, she saw it. Thereal world. No aliens, no space ships that turn

    into human, nothing that looked abnormal.It was a calm neighborhood with a lot of houses.

    Right next to the town homes, was anorphanage.

    She heard other people coming through thetunnel

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    But it was just six ladies carrying a basket.

    And to Mary's surprise there was also babies.

    She also noticed that the ladies were headingalso to the orphanage. So Mary started to follow

    them to where theyre going.

    All the ladies did not take long to leave thebabies in the front door.

    But Mary wanted a little time with her baby.

    You be a good boy now, okay? She said withtears in her eyes

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    Dont worry, no bad man is around here to get

    you. You are going to have many friends when

    you grow up. Youll go to school. No one is going

    to bully you.

    Then Marys hand started sparkling. And glitter

    started coming out of her hands and fallingdown to the baby.

    But Mary was not just any normal person, she is

    a good witch. There, you are going places, Jeff.Jeff is the name of the baby.

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    Mary went back into the tunnel. She went down

    while in the elevator

    Mary went back to the village she was in. Butthen she met someone.

    It was the man with the mask. Youre taking

    your final breath Mary. What Mary didntnotice is that she was near the cliff.

    SAY GOODBYE MARY! And the man pushed

    Mary out of the cliff.

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    Hey Jeffery, wake up. Cmon man wake up. Youwant me to call you by your short name? Ill takethat as a yes. Jeff, dude wake up.

    Jeff Link was just an ordinary boy in Colorado. Thatis all he knows at first.

    But what he doesnt know is that he has otherthings that he cant imagine.

    Dude, were late for school. WAKE UP! Then Jeffopened his eyes to find that his friend Ace was ontop of him.

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    Get off man. Said Jeff. He looked at his roomfor a moment, something didnt feel right. Uh

    dude, wheres my flat screen TV? And Wheresmy video games? Dude, what is going on?

    Well dude, I really dont know what on earth isgoing on, but Ms. Lockmen said to take a shower

    and get ready to go down stairs for breakfast.

    Jake got out of the shower to change clothesand all that usual stuff.

    He went downstairs to ask a very important toMs. Lockmen.

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    Would you like to tell me where the hell is my

    stuff? Said Jeffery.

    Well I didnt get them. Said Ms. Lockmen. Arial

    Lockmen was an old lady at the age at about

    forty years old. Well, not that old. When she was

    eight years old she literally survived a planecrash.

    We know where all your stuff is. Said three

    creepy girls wearing black dresses, blackmakeup. Every sentence they say, they all say it

    at the same time. Pretty creepy.

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    Well, where are they? Said Jeff. We cannottell you. Said one of them. Come now Vivian,

    Violet, Victoria, tell him where they are.Vivian, Violet, and Victoria are the three creepysisters.

    Theyre in the attic, Said Vivian On the topright corner next to the window, Said Violet.We shouldve told you. Said Victoria. Weresorry They all said at the same time.

    There Jeff, problem solved. Now go to the atticand get your video games and your TV.

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    Jeff went up to the attic and met another one of his


    Hey Jeffery, how ya doing? Said one boy in oneroom. Hey Jeff my man, top o the morning. Said

    another boy. Yo Jeff, hous e doing. Said another

    kid. Hey Jeff. Jeff stopped for a second and turnedback. Uh, kid, what did you just say? Said Jeff

    really befuddled. I dont even know you, and you

    know that my name is Jeff.

    Well first of all, Ive heard your name before, and


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    Listen man I didnt mean to offend you, kay? I was

    just asking.Get out. Said the boy But-GET OUT

    NOW OR BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU BOY,BAD THINGS! Yelled out the boy. What a turd.I


    Said Jeff. You might not want to say that in front of

    everybody, a little too embarrassing if you ask me.

    Whispered Jeff. Fine, have it your way. Now if you

    please, get the fu- I mean the he- HECK! Heck is what

    I meant okay? Okay. By the way, my name is DanielRobert. Well thats all I have to say, now leave,


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    Well man, uh see ya later? Hey wait a minute,

    is that a lazer tag trophy on that shelf?

    Trophy? What trophy do you speak of. Oh andIm gonna say this very clearly now. GET OUT!

    Okay man. You dont have to be a douche

    about it.Jeff left the terrorizing room which Jeff himself

    calls it, the terrorizing room of terror.

    HEY, HEY OVER HERE! Said a boy in skinnyjeans and wearing a cap.

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    Your name is Jeffery Link, huh? Well it is apleasure to meet you.

    Listen kid I dont have time to talk to anybodyright now.

    Fine with me. You have your business, and I

    have mine.Okay fine tell me, just make it quick, kay?

    Okay, here goes, I know that you are going tothe attic to get two of your things. So, I want youto get a big key. Then, go to the basement andopen a safe. Then you will find a surprise.

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    Okay Ill try to find the key. And Jeff went

    upstairs to the attic.

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    HeyJeff! Said Daniel.

    I dont have time right now, jeesh! Oh, wait a

    minute, its the turd that yelled at me for no

    apparent reason.

    Okay okay, I was a little selfish, and I dont

    actually apologize, instead of doing that, why

    dont I help you by getting your stuff in the

    attic. Said Daniel. Okay fine, follow me.

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    Jeff and Daniel went up the attic.

    But by the look of the stairs, the orphan house

    was made at about well well, the world willnever know.

    Man, even though Ive been here for thirteen

    years, I still think these stairs are creepy. SaidJeff. Both Daniel and Jeff saw upstairs that hadall the broken wood, and old Christmasornaments, and a bunch of other stuff.

    It seemed as if Jeff had a fear of the attic. He feltas if he was about to chicken out.

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    Well, lets go. Said Daniel.

    Every step Jeff took, the stairs made a creakingsound. He felt as if the stairs were about to

    break off and Jeff falls into what kids call, the

    third dimension.

    Wait, only my game system is here, wheres my


    Maybeits somewhere else. Like, I dont know

    uh your room?

    Okay,Ill just tell Vivian, Violet, and Victoria.

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    Who? Questioned Daniel.

    You know, the creepy V sisters. Vivian, Violet,

    Victoria. My god, do you know anything?Hey dude, I just came here two weeks ago. Idont really know a lot of stuff here.

    Okay, fine sorry, lets just go to where the Vsisters are.

    Oh, the TV? Said Violet. We kinda did a favorfor you. Said Vivian. So we put the TV back in

    your room. Said Victoria.Sorry? Said Violet.

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    Okay, next time just tell me ifyoure ever goingto get any of my stuff, kay?

    Fine, just try not to, ya know, be mean to us.Said Victoria.

    I wasn't trying to be mean to you! Gosh, its like

    you over exaggerate for everything.Just forget it, we gotta go. Said Vivian. Violetstared at Jeff and stuck out the middle finger at

    him. Douchebag. Said Violet.Ya know, even though I do not know them, Idont really like them. Said Daniel.

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    Well, I gotta get ready for school. Said Jeff.

    Actually were not going to school today. We

    are going to well I don know where in theworld were going. Said Ace.

    Finally, a day when we get to get off school, a

    day when Ms. Lockmen finally agrees with us.Said Jeff.

    Well I was kinda thought that maybe wecould you know, ditch school. Said Ace.


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    Dont be silly man, does anybody really care

    that kids these days are ditching school.

    Well, you shouldnt have said that out loud.

    Said Jeff.


    Oh because the V sisters are right behind you

    and they heard everything you just said.

    Oh, were not telling, that is just- Said Vivian.

    Kid stuff. They all said at the same time.

    Wow,youre right, that is creepy. Said Daniel.

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    So, how are we going to ditch school. Said Jeff

    Shh dont say it too loud. Somebody might

    hear us.

    Daniel said he was going back upstairs to his

    room a.k.a the terrorizing room of terror. Jeff

    followed him.

    But there was one thing, he wasnt going to his


    Hey, I thought you were going to your room.

    Said Jeff

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    Oh yeah, I lied. Im actually going to get

    something from the attic.

    Getwhat? Said Jeff.

    Youll see.

    Daniel came out of the attic carrying a big key.So, Said Daniel.

    Why dont we open that safe that boy was

    talking about.

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    Well, I dont really care about what that that

    kid said. Think hes crazy. Hey, no wonder he was

    left here in the orphanage.

    You think Imcrazy? Jeff turned around to find

    that the kid he was just talking about was right

    behind him.

    The kid ran downstairs.

    Nice going. Said Daniel.

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    Oh god, why does the trouble always come to


    Well you should blame yourself because first,

    you insulted an eight year, then you just made a

    ten second speech about well, I wasnt

    listening at all at what you were saying because

    to me, everybodys speech is a piece of crap.

    You should like, say sorry to the kid or

    something. I would say it, but the thing is, Inever told anyone that word before.

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    It just feels weird. Like the last time I said sorry

    to my mom, I was like four years old and-Okay, how in the world is this helping me in any

    way? interrupted Jeff.

    Well since you told me that, Im not apologizingto that kid. But, I am going to check that safe.

    Jeff went downstairs to get a glass of milk first.

    Then he went to the basement. He made surehe had the big key. Jeff thought about what he

    said to the boy behind his back.

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    Then he forgot about the boy and began

    thinking about what was in the metal safe.

    Apparently since the boy was eight years old,

    the safe was actually a box. What a fail Said

    Jeff. He threw away the key and opened the box.

    In the box he found a note that was pink onboth side.

    Wow, so hes gay. Said Jeff.

    He picked up the note and read it in it mind.

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    The note said, Dont go to sleep when you see

    a bright light outside the WiNdOw.

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    You know, forget all this, just say that the kid is,

    you know crazy or something. Said Ace

    This reminds me of one of those movies that

    have those creepy kids, or something. But were

    not here to talk about my dumb stuff or


    I dont even feel bad about insulting that kid,he actually is creepy. Like the triplets.

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    So anyway, I just remembered wanna ditch

    school? Said Ace.

    Dude, stop making this all about you. Said Jeff.

    Fine, Im going outside. Ive been in here for

    the last ten hours.

    Ace went downstairs and got on his bike Hey,

    wait one second, Ace always goes straight ahead

    not to the right. Said Jeff.

    Jeff also went downstairs to get his helmet and

    went to his bike.

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    Jeff saw the boy again, the kid stared at him

    back. This time instead of having a jolly face, his

    eyelids were all grayish color. His teeth wereyellow, he wasnt wearing his hat, he was in a

    frown face, and there was feeling inside Jeff, it

    was like, oh my god hes gonna kill me.Then came Ms. Lockmen.

    Jimmy, please tell me whats making you all

    sad?Icant tell you.

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    At least give me a clue? Said Ms. Lockmen.

    Fine it was Jeff.Hey, I didnt do anything. Anyway, Im gonna go

    outside, so see you later.

    Jeff got on his bike started heading straight towhere Ace was going.

    After twenty minutes of trying to Ace, Jeff was

    exhausted.Jeff had a feeling that he was getting close to


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    There was one disadvantage about Jeff trying to

    find Ace, his jeans got stuck on the wheels.

    Oh you have got to be kidding me.

    Jeff tried to crawl, but he tried to find something

    sharp, and he did.

    He was finally free from his bike. The petal of his

    bike fell off. And so did the wheels.

    How in the world did that- never mind.Two hours already passed and Jeff was still

    trying to find where Ace was.

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    But at last he found him next to a huge tunnel.

    Hey dude, how are doing?

    Moth! Screamed Jeff. I got you now, moth.


    Dude, you want me to not hurt a-

    Jeff stopped for a second and looked at themoth. It was all golden and it was shining.

    Ive never seen that kind of moth before.

    Where did you find it? Said JeffOh, I found it over there.

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    Ace pointed to where the tunnel was.

    Hey, wanna go in there?Sure why uh not?

    Jeff and Ace walked forward to the tunnel.

    Wait,dont we have school today?Actually, to tell the truth dude, I lied, its

    actually Saturday.

    Dont worry, Ill kill you later. Said Jeff.Hey, the moth is going into the tunnel.

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    But Jeff kept thinking about that kid named

    Jimmy. He still felt bad, that he made a jolly boy

    into an eight year old who looks like demon.

    Hey, look over there. It looks like an

    elevator. Lets go in then. Said Ace.

    But Jeff had a weird feeling that he was being

    followed. But he just entered the tunnel.

    Hey, well would you look at that, a note, hmm,

    it looks like it was made in the 80s. Said Ace

    Well, open it. Said Jeff.

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    Here, let me read it. Said Ace.

    To my beloved child,If you are reading this right now, Im either alive, or

    I am just a bunch of bones (Which means Im dead).

    About five minutes ago, I left you at the Hawkrod

    Orphanage, I would tell you a family secret but I

    have a fear that this letter will fall in the wrong

    hands because there is a lot of personal things

    which is kind of what I just said, well if your name isJeffery Link, the person who is writing this letter is

    your own mother.

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    Mary LinkAce and Jeff froze.

    Jeffs skin was turning pale white. Daniel saw

    tears in Jeffs eyes.Dude, are you crying?

    Jeff took the note and looked at the note.


    Then something made Jeff flashback something.

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    He heard,

    Leave him alone

    And,Stay away from my baby youpervert!

    Yourgoing places,Jeff

    No!Then Jeff stared at Ace.

    Lets go Ace.

    Dude, are you sure you want to go in there, youknow, this could be a trick.

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    Dude, my mom wrote this letter, I want to

    know what happened to her. I want to know

    what happened to her, check if shes still alive.

    Cmon lets just look whatever is inside. If its a

    trick... Then Ill give you twenty bucks.

    Hey guys. Said a voice

    Daniel, and the V sisters? What are you guys

    doing here?

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    I was just about to ask you the same question.Said Violet

    Well,arent we going inside? Said Daniel

    Sure, lets go in. Said Ace.

    They all got in the elevator. It was getting a littlecrowded. Jeff could tell it was crowded becauseVivian was gasping for breath.

    Guys, can we get out of here? Im Closter phobic.Said Vivian

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    Its not even that crowded at all. Anyway, how dowe make this elevator work?

    While Ace and the others were complaining, themoth that Ace and Jeff saw before came inside theelevator.

    It went inside a little hole. Then the door began to


    Whats going- While Ace was about finish hissentence, the elevator went high speed all the way

    up.They got higher, and higher, and higher until thecouldnt take the air pressure anymore.

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    ARRRRGGGGHHHH! My ears are about to

    explode! Screamed Daniel.

    It was getting a bit darker outside by looking

    outside the elevator window. Vivian was getting

    freaked out even more.

    IM DYING! Screamed Jeff. Daniel was hitting

    the window hard.

    Jeff couldnt take it anymore, he was close to

    breaking the elevator door.

    But then the air pressure went back to normal.

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    Finally, its all over. The elevator door flew

    open.All they saw was pitch blackness.

    Good thing I got this match. Said Daniel.

    Jeff saw a stick and picked it up.Daniel got his match and lit it on the stick. There

    was just a little bit of light coming from the fire.

    What is this place? Said Violet.Right then the moth came out of the little hole.

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    And the second that moth got out of the

    elevator, the elevator closed shut.What is this place? Said Victoria.

    Wait! Said Daniel. Look, a note.

    Anotherone? Said Ace.Daniel picked up the not and read it whilewhispering.

    To whoever is reading this note,Please enter into our world but be warned, we are all trying to find a criminalwho is a cannibal,, or in other words, he eats people.

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    Like I said, do come in, but be carful when you are next to the high cliff.



    P.S. Welcome to Planet Venus.

    Daniel Dropped the note with his eyes wideopen. Dude,were in Venus. I I think we are.

    Jeff was being even more confused by theminute.

    What in the world is going on? Does that meanthat we arent in Earth?

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    Okay, lets just calm down and think about thisfor awhile. This is just a dream, and if it isnt,

    then this is just an illusion that all of us can see.Jeff picked up the note.

    Hey, whos Michelle? And what is she saying

    about a cliff and a man? Said Jeff.Uh guys? I think theres some man staring atus. Said Ace.

    The man was getting closer and closer.But this man was not just a man, he was themasked man.

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    RUN! Screamed Daniel.

    Wait! The suns coming up.! Said Ace

    Whocares? Said the V sisters.

    All of them was running as fast as they can. ButJeff tripped over and fell down.

    His head was hit pretty hard and fell offconscious.

    Hmm lets see whats in his wallet, yes yes, age

    thirteen, yeah and- oh this seems interesting.Jeffery Christopher Link eh?

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    Then the man dragged Jeff in a bag.

    Ohh, my head, whe where am- Jeff didnt

    finish his sentence because he went back offconscious.

    Okay. Were all here, lets- wait wheres Jeff?Has anyone seen Jeff? Said Ace.

    What happened to him? Said Vivian

    Are you kidding me? I get a new friend, andthey die. Eh, who cares, I didnt really enjoyhim. Said Daniel

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    WAKE UP! WAKE UP YOU IDIOT! Said the man inthe mask.

    uhh uhh wha- where am I? who- who are you?Thats none of your business. Now get up.

    Jeff got up all lightheaded.

    I know your mom, yes, yes I did. And you knowwhat? Se was a huge pain. Also, you know what Idid to her? I killed her!

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    Y- you killed my mom? You-youre crazy! Jeff

    tightened his fist and punched the man right in

    the face.


    Jeff kept on running and running until he

    couldnt take it anymore with the running.

    but luckily he found his friends on the way .

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    Dude!yourealive? Said Ace.

    We have to get out of here now. This place isdangerous. We have to get back in the elevator

    so we can get the heck out of here.

    What are we waiting for? I wanna get outahere! Said Ace.

    Everybody ran to the elevator.

    Okay, how do we work this thing? Is there anybuttons or something?

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    Themoth! Said Daniel

    What about the moth? Said Jeff.

    Remember that moth that went inside that

    hole right there? Well, all we have to do is find

    the moth, and then we can go back home.

    But that could take weeks! How are we going

    find a little moth in this huge place? Said Ace.

    Well, uh okay! I got it, Me, Ace, and Daniel are

    going on the other side, and Vivian, Violet, and

    Victoria will go the other way

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    Okay, whoever finds the moth first, can get one

    hundred dollars.

    Okay lets go. Said Ace.

    Jeff wondered what kind of trouble he will get

    into when he gets back to his real world. But his

    real problem was the man in the mask. He keptthinking questions that he wanted answered.

    Why did the man kill his mom? Why did he want

    to get Jeff? For Jeff, it remained a mystery.

    Hey the sun came up. Wait a second.

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    This doesnt look like Venus at all. This isntVenus. Said Daniel

    It Looks like Earth. Said Jeff.Why does this look sodeserted? Said Daniel

    Jeff stared all around to find something that

    doesnt look like a plain grassland. And then hefound a town from afar. Cmon guys, we got tofind that moth.

    Wait, what ifits dead already? Said Daniel.

    Actually, that moth is invincible. I tried to squishit, but the shell was too hard. Said Ace.

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    Oh, okay. Well, lets go to that town right there.

    Hm, I wonder how the V sisters are doing.

    Said Ace.

    Well, well find out when we find them. Said


    What the? Whats in my pocket? Said Jeff.How did this get in there? Its a note.

    Well, what are you waiting for? Read it. Said

    Ace. Jeff ripped out the envelope, unfolded thepiece of paper and began to read the note.

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    Hello Jeff, I have noticed that you have entered

    an elevator that takes you to Venus. Yes, I know

    that this place is nothing like the Venus. Well,science is wrong, Venus has a healthy oxygen,

    and there is people living here. Now you may

    have noticed that there is a man with a mask.STAY AWAY FROM HIM! HE WANTS TO KILL YOU!

    Okay, you might not want to believe this, but if

    you want to get out of here, you need a moth to

    make the elevator work. It will not die. The moth

    has a golden shell that makes it invincible.

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    By the way, my name is Pincho, I am the queens

    assistant, you know, queen Michelle. Well, since

    thats all I have to say, I hope I can see you inperson.


    PinchoP.S. there is a town here, meet me there and try

    to find me.

    Hm, it says that this person named Pincho

    wants to meet us where the town is. Said Jeff.

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    Wait, we all know this stuff. Why do we need to

    hear this again? Said Daniel.

    Jeff looked at the town. Well it didnt look like atown at all. It looked a lot like a city.

    Then Jeff saw a river not far away. But the water

    didnt look blue, it looked all purple and black.Whats wrong with this water? Said Daniel.

    Well guys, lets just go meet this Pincho kid.

    Jeff and the others began to walk forward to

    where the town was.

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    Why do the birds have one eye? Said Daniel.

    This feels so weird, my mom lived in Venus,

    were in Venus, and were going to a town in

    Venus. Wait a minute, what about my dad?

    What ever happened to my dad?

    Well, maybe Pincho might know about that.Said Ace.

    The boys were curious of Pincho.

    How did he look like? Where did he come from?

    Why did he want to talk to Jeff?

    f f

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    Then, after half an hour, they made it to thetown.

    Jeff looked at the buildings, the houses, and thepeople. Everybody looked normal. Until Jeff sawa man taking out his head and a boy taking outhis hand and saying Fetch! To a dog that can

    grow its own tongue.Where the heck is Pincho? He should be hereby now.

    Wait a minute. Said Daniel. I feel a littleweird. I feel like I want to fly.

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    Guys, I feel like I want to run. Said Daniel.

    Daniel began to run faster and faster. Until he

    flew up in the air. Then he turned into atornado.

    Then the tornado got even faster.

    Then bursting out of the wind was an eagle.

    Uh, Where is Daniel? Said Ace.

    I think that is Daniel. Said Jeff But why an

    eagle? Why not a wolf, or an alligator?

    The eagle opened his mouth and breathed fire.

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    Then the eagle went back to Daniel while he was

    flying down.

    That was awesome! Said Daniel.

    Well done boys. Said a voice.

    Who are you? Said Daniel

    I am Pincho.

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    Man, how long will it take to find that moth, orwhatever that thing is. Said Victoria.

    Would you please just shut up for a second?

    Said Vivian.No, no both of you guys should really stay quietor Im just going to find this moth by myself.Said Violet.

    Okay, sorry. Im just so irritated that we cant bein the comfort of our home or an orphanage.

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    Hey, look over there! It looks like a mansion.

    Said Vivian.

    Hey, that mansion is as big as Violets butt.Said Victoria.

    Shutup! Said Violet

    You shut up!

    AAARRRGGGHHH! Would you stop bothering


    BOTH OF YOU JUST STOP! Lets just go to the

    mansion without fighting. Said Vivian.

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    THE MOTH! THE MOTH! Screamed Violet.

    Dont just stand there, get it! Said Vivian.

    Finally, Victoria caught the moth. But something

    didnt seem right about it.

    Victoria squished the moth and it turned intodust or sand, whatever it turned into.

    Then the sand turned into a slip of paper.

    There was a code in the piece of paper~!@#$%^&*(){}

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    What are these, curse words or something?

    Well forget about this, lets just go to themansion.

    They began walking to the mansion, but on their

    way they saw a board in the middle of the

    grassland. It looked like, some sort of map.

    Welcome to Enly. Population: 647.


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    Bongy forest


    Abandoned factory

    Well, it doesnt say anything about the mansion

    or anything. It just things that are in this place.Said Violet.

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    Vivian picked up the little piece of paper lookedat the code.

    Yep,its useless.

    You know, we shouldve got a taxi or

    something. Said Victoria.It only took twenty minutes. Youre so lazy.Said Violet. They made it to the mansion right

    when the day hit noon.Right when theyre about to enter, there was apole that was blocking the doorway.

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    Then a Television that was just next to the poleturned on with a lady that had glasses and red

    clothing.Did you come for an appointment ma'am?Said the lady.

    Im just thirteen. I dont need an appointment.Said Vivian.

    Im sorry maam, you need an appointment inorder to meet the Queen. And besides, you

    must be eighteen or older to have anappointment.

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    You know, never mind woman. Well just go

    somewhere else.

    Okay girls, were gonna have to find another

    way to get in that mansion. But first I want to

    give that lady some revenge for not letting us in

    the mansion.

    I hate it when Victoria wants to do revenge.

    They always turn out wrong. Said Vivian.

    Why not use the back door? Said Violet.

    Oh, well why didnt you tell us?

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    Forget that question, lets go. Said Vivian.

    You have got to be kidding me, their guards?

    Victoria, this isnt the 1500s. people usuallysay security. Said Violet.

    Vivian got her shoe and saw a window. She gother best aim and threw her shoe at the window.

    A terrifying shattered scared the securities. All of

    them went to the broken window to examinewhat made it break.

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    What the heck? A shoe? Said one of the men.

    Cmon, we only got a few seconds. Said


    While the girls were speed walking, Vivian didnt

    notice the wetfloor sign and slipped.

    One of the men noticed Vivian on the floor

    trying to get up.

    Gether! Said one of them.

    Cmon, get up Vivian, we have to get out of

    here now. Said Victoria.

    Fi ll Vi i d h h bi

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    Finally, Vivian got up and ran to the where a bigdoor was in. it was locked. But the girls found

    another door that was a bathroom. But theyentered it anyway.

    I know I saw three of them. Said one of themen.

    Okay men, lets get out of here.

    Okay, I think were clear now. Lets go. SaidVivian.

    Wait,its a key. Maybe its the key to open thatbig door. Said Violet

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    Well, lets try it then. Said Victoria.

    The girls grabbed the key and went to where the

    big door was.

    The key fit in and the door actually opened.

    What they found was a lady sitting in a desk

    talking to someone on the phone.

    So did you tell him how you feel about him?

    Really I cant believe- oh wait one second Tina,

    okay how did you get here? What do want,

    money? Said the lady.

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    Who are you? Said Vivian.

    Oh,Im Michelle, you know, the Queen. What?

    A nineteen year old cant be Queen?


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    So,yourePincho? Said Daniel.

    Well, I am other things, then again, maybe not.

    No, Im just kidding, yes I am Pincho. My real

    name is Patrick, Im called Pincho because ofthis.

    Jeffs eyes opened wide open when Pinchos

    hand turned from a normal hand to a giant crabclaw.

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    Awesome! Said Daniel.

    Ace, Jeff, and Daniel began talking about how

    they got here and talking about a moth.

    Hm, yes, yes I see what you mean. So you are

    trying to find a moth and you want to get out of

    Venus. Well Im sorry to say that I cant help


    Cmon dude, can you at least help us for just a

    little while? Maybe just twenty minutes? SaidJeff.

    Fine I will join you for just a little while

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    Fine, I will join you, for just a little while.

    Jeffalso asked a question about Daniel turning into

    an eagle.Idont know how that happened. Said Pincho.

    Well that was just weird. Said Ace.

    What the? Hey Ace, why do you look like Daniel?Said Jeff.

    Wait, does that mean I can turn into anybody? Imlike the master of disguise. Said Ace.

    Jeff thought that if Ace can turn into anyone, andDaniel can turn into an eagle, then who knows whathe can turn into.

    h d ? d ff

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    Say, what can I do? Said Jeff.

    Well, lets find out then. Said Pincho.

    Jeff waited and waited until something mighthappen.

    It seems that you dont have any powers. Said

    Ace.Sorry Jeff. said Pincho.

    Jeff looked down at the floor while he was

    hearing street performers.Then he looked at the sun and saw trees andbranches.

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    Hey Pincho, whats that place over there? Said


    Oh, that place over there is Shanky city. Its

    scary at night, but at day time its like a normal

    city as all.

    Isnt there anyone over there that can help us

    finding the moth. Said Jeff.

    Well, there is one person. His name is Pincho

    did the come close to his mouth so he canwhisper the name of the person.

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    The Hidden. Whispered Pincho.

    Everybody that was in the town stopped to look

    at Jeff, Daniel, Ace, and Pincho.

    Why do you call him the Him the Hidden? Said


    Pincho started to explain everything about the


    Wellfirst of all, it

    isnta he or a she. Second ofall, it is called the Hidden because he doesnt

    have a name, age, a body, or any organs.

    Ok t ll h t fi d hi i

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    Okay now can you tell us where to find him in

    that city? When Jeff turned around. He saw

    that Pincho was gone.Well he was no help, he just ditched us. Said


    Cmon, lets go. Said Jeff.

    Night time was getting close. So Daniel got his


    Wait Jeff, are we really trusting this guy? Heactually ditched us. Said Ace.

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    Wh t th h k d i h ? S id

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    What the heck are you doing here? SaidDaniel.

    Okay fine, I knew that you guys would neverfind Hidden, so I decided to spy on you guys. Butapparently, you guys caught me red handed.

    Pincho took out seven bracelets and gave threeof them to each of the boys.

    These are bracelets from my dad before hedied. He told me to give them to any person

    who is nice to me. And since you guys didnt likemade a cruel joke of me, here.

    Jeff Daniel and Ace each put on the bracelet

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    Jeff, Daniel and Ace each put on the bracelet.

    I am deciding to join you guys, just in case you

    do anything wrong.

    Well it looks like we got a new member of our

    journey. Said Ace.

    Jeff and his friends are ready to take off on their

    new quest to find Hidden. Even though they are

    just going a few miles away, they might not

    survive treacherous forest. Will they survive?We have to make it before night falls. Said Ace.

    A ll ki d f h hidd i h

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    Actually, we kind of have to see hidden at night.

    Hes only awake at night.

    After ten minutes, they made it to Shanky city. It

    looked all abandoned in there. So many litter,

    rats, and stores that are out of business.

    So, where is he? Said Jeff.

    Hes right in there. Dont worry, Ill come with

    you guys.

    Um hey Hidden its me, Pincho.

    Hidden does not know name at all Said a

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    Hidden does not know name at all. Said a


    Cmon, we dont have time for this. SaidPincho.

    Fine what do you want? Candy, drugs, apple

    juice?Moth. Said Pincho

    Are you talking about the Golden Moth? The

    living creature that has lived for over twentythousand years?

    Y S id A

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    Yes. Said Ace.

    Okay, let me tell you the story of the Golden


    Long ago at the year of 1800 B.C, a mother was

    giving birth to a baby boy. But the only problem

    was, the baby was dying. Finally, the mothergave birth to a healthy boy.

    Then, one year later, the baby got sick. As the

    parents tried to heal him, the other villagerstried also. Even the king and queen.

    Then the king thought of something brilliant

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    Then, the king thought of something brilliant.He told his wife to go to the tree that was next

    to the palace. There was a huge nest of moths.All of them had just laid their eggs. Then, thequeen saw a big egg. It was nothing she hadseen before. She looked at it for almost an hour.

    Until she remembered something. The baby. Shedarted to where the baby lived, but it was toolate.

    The baby had passed away. It was all the queensfault. She went back to the tree to look at theegg.

    All the moths had hatched Going next to there

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    All the moths had hatched. Going next to there


    Then the queen saw a twinkling piece of dust. Itsomehow got bigger and bigger.

    It was actually a moth. It flew to where the

    family with the baby that died. A shining lightblew out of the house. The queen quickly went

    inside the house to find that a one year old baby

    was sitting on the mothers lap. The moth hadbrought the baby back to life.

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    So, you girls came here to ask a question, didntyou? Said Michelle.

    Well yeah, but not in a harsh way. Said Vivian.

    Well, I might be able to help you. Now tell meyour names.

    Im Vivian, and these two girls are my sisters,

    Violet and Victoria.

    Now we need your help. Said Violet.

    d d d l

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    A day ago my sisters and I entered an elevator

    that took us here to Venus. So, do you know

    anything about a Golden Moth?

    Ah yes, the Golden Moth. I know about that.

    Well, we need to find it. Do you know where it

    is? Said Vivian.

    Sure I do. Its in the um hmmm uh I

    dont know where is the moth.

    Wow, I dont know why you were elected the

    Queen of Venus. Said Violet.

    I prefer to be called the president of Venus

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    I prefer to be called the president of Venus.

    Said Michelle.

    And FYI, if youre not going to be nice to me,

    you can just get out of here from that door, or

    from the window.

    Victoria looked around the room and saw avideo game system next to a plasma television.

    So you play racing games?

    Uh, sure I play NASCAR racing all the time.

    Said Michelle.

    I l h hi I hi

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    I also have this game. I am a master at this

    game. I think that you do know where the moth

    is. You just wont tell us because youre tooselfish to. Said Victoria.

    Okay fine, I do know where it is. Said Michelle.

    If I win in this game, you tell us where to find

    the moth. But if you win, I give you my uh

    well, since you are the president of Venus and

    you can get anything you want, you just win.

    Youre on. Said Michelle.

    Michelle turned on the TV, and the video game

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    Michelle turned on the TV, and the video gamesystem, and started playing.

    Cmon Victoria. Said Vivian.The game was about to start, and Victoria waspumped up to win.

    On your mark, get set, GO! Said the man inthe video game.

    Michelle was on the lead so far and Victoria wasright behind her.

    Victoria began to drift her car and passedMichelle already.

    Oh you little Said Michelle

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    Oh you little Said Michelle.

    So far there was one more lap to finish the

    game. Victoria was almost there until Michellealso drifted and was making the lead.

    Victoria admit it, she lost the game. But right at

    that moment, Michelle sneezed and lost controlof her car.

    Michelles car went backwards and Victoria

    came in the lead.She passed the finish line and won first place.

    Oh ! S id Mi h ll

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    Ohcmon! Said Michelle.

    Now tell us how to find the Golden Moth. Said


    Okay fine its under this mansion. Said


    Well, thanks for the help and see you later.

    Said Violet.

    Oh, and one more thing. Dont go alone. Said


    S h i t t i th ?

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    So, how are we going to get in the sewers?

    Said Vivian.

    Well, we should maybe wait for the boys.

    Maybe they might know what to do. Said


    Youre right. Said Violet.

    They just stood there waiting for five minutes.

    Until Vivian noticed something strange. A hole.

    Then Vivian's eyes began to glow.

    Cool! Said Vivian Then she saw fur on her

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    Cool! Said Vivian. Then she saw fur on her

    arm. Then on her leg. She was growing a big

    nose.Instead of her staying standing, she began to


    And before she noticed, she turned into a tiger.She went to where Violet and Victoria.

    Why is there a tiger right in front of us? Said


    Run! Yelled Violet

    Wait a minute wheres Vivian?

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    Wait a minute, where sVivian?

    Are you saying that the tiger ate our sister?

    Said Violet.

    Actually,its me. Said the tiger.

    Vivian? Said Victoria.

    I dont know whats going on. Then the tiger

    turned back into Vivian.

    Uh, V-V-Violet, wh-what is that? Said Victoria.

    They saw a little girl walking around. And they

    also saw Violets hand glowing.

    What are you doing?

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    What are you doing?


    It was a ghost. Violets eyes went wide as she

    saw the girl flying with no legs, but a tail.

    Didnt you call me? Said the girl.

    No we didnt. Said Violet.

    Well then why is your hand glowing then? You

    do know that you can call us?

    What do you mean us? Said Violet.

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    The spirits of course. Said the girl.

    My name is Emily. I want to know more aboutyou.

    Whoa! Said a voice behind the girls. It was the

    boys.Is that a ghost? Said Ace.


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    Who are they? Said Emily Theyre ourfriends. Said Vivian.

    Well, I dont like them. Tell them to leave

    please. I dont want to see them.Hey Violet, your hands are glowing. Said Ace.

    Ah yes, the spirit hands. You can bring spirits toVenus and take them back to heaven or hell.Said Pincho.

    Who are you? Said Violet.

    My name is Pincho The presidents assistant

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    My name is Pincho. The presidents assistant.

    Butyoure only thirteen. Said Vivian.

    So? Said Pincho.

    The Golden Moth is in the sewers of the

    mansion. Said Jeff.

    One problem, we dont know how to get in


    Well I saw a hole there. Said Vivian.

    Lets go. Said Jeff.

    Th t th h l i kl

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    They ran to the hole quickly.

    Jeff finally caught up to the hole. He tried to goin but the problem was. It was like a circular

    invisible hole. he jumped up and down up and

    down but nothing worked.

    Jeff just gave up. And left.

    So did it work? said Ace.

    But Jeff just passed by themHey dude, whatswrong?

    Jeff kept walking and walking until he turned

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    Jeff kept walking and walking until he turned

    back and pushed Ace to the floor.

    THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! Yelled Jeff.

    How is it my fault? Said Ace.



    MY MOM! Said Jeff.

    what did I ever did to your mom?

    Idont know. Maybe that guy in the mask was

    your dad who killed my mom.

    Just get out here and get out of my life

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    Just get out here and get out of my life.

    Dude, I didnt do-


    Ace just gave up talking. He went away. Jeff

    didnt know where. He lost his best friends. He

    lost everything. All in a few days.

    Two days had passed ever since the argument

    with Jeff and Ace. And they never saw each

    other again.

    Jeff was just sitting next to the mansion It was a

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    Jeff was just sitting next to the mansion. It was agood thing that Pincho asked Michelle for them

    to stay at the mansion.So Jeff admitted it. He was going to stay in adifferent planet forever.

    You know, we can all try to find Ace. He mightbe dead. Said Daniel.

    Thats good. Said Jeff.

    No, not good. What if he was murdered? Whatif he got kidnapped? What if he is about to sendyou an apology letter?

    I d t k h t i i t h t hi

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    I dont know what is going to happen to him.And I dont care.

    You know these bracelets? Pincho said you givethese to someone who is nice to you, orwhatever.

    Like I said, I dont care. Said Jeff.Well, screw you. Said Daniel.

    Daniel went back to Pincho and the girls. They

    didnt know what to say. So they just went backto the mansion.

    Then Michelle came next to Jeff.

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    Youre just like my daughter. There was a

    silence. The only thing Jeff can hear is the windblowing through his skin.

    My daughter is an assassin. Shes just alwaysout there getting those people who try to rob usor something. I always tell her she can otherthings. But she just stays in her room, trackingdown those guys, or aliens.

    That is nice to know? Wait,Aliens?Theres aliens here? Said Jeff.

    Yeah, of course there is. This is Venus. You see

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    Yeah, of course there is. This is Venus. You see

    many things here.

    Michelle was about to leave until she gave Jeff aslip of paper. It read:


    You should go save him.

    Then Jeff looked up at Michelle.

    So, what are you going to do? Stay here and act

    like a loser? Or, go save your friend?

    Jeff stood up and went to the mansion.

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    Jeff stood up and went to the mansion.

    Later on, he looked at Pincho and the girls.

    Lets go kick some ass.


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    Hey Daniel, cmon. Jeff is going to save Ace!Vivian said to Daniel.

    Jeff was waiting outside for the others. He was

    waiting with Emily. Jeff kept telling Violet to takeEmily back into the dead land from where shecame from.

    Michelle went up to Jeff and gave her a present.

    Its just something because you have nopowers. Said Michelle.

    Jeff opened his present and he was quite

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    Jeff opened his present and he was quite

    shocked at what he saw. What he was looking at

    was a bag of ten pieces of bullets and a gun.

    Agun? Said Jeff as she saw Michelle laughing.

    Everybody in Venus has a gun. Its not even a


    Jeff looked down at the gun. The label read:

    Venus Patrol Gun


    Pull the trigger. Michelle said.

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    Jeff aimed the gun upward to the sky. He slowly

    pulled the trigger. BAM! The gun let out a loudexploding sound. Pincho saw a little blue sphere

    of energy coming out of the bullet.

    Then the bullet exploded while on air and itdissolved.

    Jeff thought of something. He looked at the slip

    of paper Michelle gave him.Wait a minute.

    Violet, bring in Emily.

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    Violet tightened her fist, and then again came

    light ofViolets hand.Emily appeared in the air.

    What do you want? She said.

    Go through that hole next to the mansion andtell me what you see.

    Emily went to the pipe.

    All I see is buttons. She said. Pincho knew what

    Jeff is about to do.

    Then Pincho said, Type in these symbols:

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    yp y~!@#$%^&*(){}.

    Emily typed in the symbols.Suddenly, a secret door opened on the floor.

    It was the sewer of Michelle Mansion.

    Jeff began to sweat. It was time for his battlewith the man in the black mask.

    Jeff closed his eyes and began to flash back. Allhe heard was:

    Stayaway from him.

    Lets go boys. We have to see how Ariel isd i

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    The flashback was finished.Ms. Lockmen is teamed up with that man inblack mask.

    Daniel looked at Jeff with confusion.

    Enough with the talking. Lets get a move on.Pincho said.

    Everybody listened to what Pincho said. Sooner

    than three seconds, they were already in themansion sewer.

    It was already ten minutes before it was night.

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    Jeff knew that mice and mutants were going to

    appear. So he got out his gun. Jeffs hands weretrembling.

    He kept on walking and walking until he tripped

    over something hard.He got up and saw a man. A dead man. All

    decayed. His skin looked all soggy and old.

    SHIT! Jeff screamed.For some reason Daniel kept on going.

    Hey you guys! Look at this.! It looks like we f h

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    cant go anymore further.

    How do you know. Said Vivian.We need a key. Or a huge paperclip. SaidDaniel.

    Everybody was standing there just thinking howtheyre going to get passed that door without akey.

    Jeff was still freaked out that he just saw a dead

    man. He kept staring at his eyes, all wide openand blue.

    Just as they were about to give up, they heard

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    footsteps. It kept coming closer and closer.

    Jeff got out his gun again.He had the trigger ready, the door opened. And

    Jeff was happy to see an old friend of his.

    Hey guys. Said the voice.

    Ace? Is that you? Pincho said.

    The boy came closer. And of course it was Ace.

    Hey Jeff, come over here. Said Ace.

    Jeff came closer to Ace.

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    Got something to say to me?

    Jeff sighed and said, Alright, fine. Im sorry.

    Ace smiled. Then laughed.

    Apology accepted.

    Then they shook hands. And were friends once



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    Jeff walked on in the tunnel. Thinking about hisday that turned from a boring orphanage to

    great havoc.

    Damn. Said Victoria.Its too dark. Does any body have a lighter?

    But right when Vivian tried to say something,

    hands grabbed to her mouth and pulled heraway from the group.

    Right after that, a group of men with blue hoods

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    came and took Daniel and Pincho. But not Ace.

    Jeffs bracelet started glowing. It made wordsthat said GOOD WITCH. Then Aces bracelet also

    said GOOD WITCH.

    What does that even mean? Said Ace.

    Jeffs eyes started turning purple, blue, green,

    black, then gray.

    Mom, help me. Mommy please, please help me.

    Mommy, I love you.

    Jeff saw a little girl that looked like Emily. She

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    was being tortured, getting stabbed, and being

    choked to death. By her mother and father. Andher father was wearing a black mask.

    Emilys dad. Hes the one who killed my mom.Violet! Bring in Emily.

    That is exactly what Violet did. Once again herhands started to glow many colors. Then cameout Emily from the dead.

    Emily, did you die because your mom and dadstabbed, choked, and sucked your soul?

    How did you know that?

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    What is your dadsname? Said Jeff.

    Hedoesnt have one.Aces mouth opened. All the boys were


    why did your mom and dad kill you?

    They were hungry. They always eat people.

    Their minds were going out of control and they

    tried to kill me. First they sucked my souls. Andthen they ate me alive.

    Jeff got freaked out when Emily said that last

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    sentence. They actually ate a little girl that was

    just five years old.Now that I told you, you have to die. Said


    Why? Said Victoria.Because daddy said if I tell any one, I have to

    kill them. She said while taking out a solid knife.

    After this, Im going to Scare Valley.Emily flew to Ace and tried to stab him.

    Jeff didnt notice, but the dark tunnel was

    di h t

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    surrounding ghosts.

    Emily, dont do this. Said Jeff. He pulled outthe gun that Michelle gave him.

    Jeff, thats not gonna WHOA! Victoria

    screamed out as ghost hands were grabbing herto exactly where Vivian, Pincho and Daniel were


    Jeff aimed his gun right at Emily. Then he pulledthe trigger. He missed.

    But then, a black hole came and screamed out,

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    HEY THERE JEFF! Remember me!

    Jeff was horrified at the face that he saw. It wasall melted, one eye was missing. But the

    creature put on the black mask. And it was him.

    he got out of the black hole with a metal bat.The he disappeared.

    I think hes Violet said with a halt. She was

    hit in the head real hard.Your turn Ace!

    Ace tried to escape but instead of getting hiti h b h f ll hi h d

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    with a bat, he fell on his head.

    Tell my uh Ace said while being draggedinto a dark area.

    It looked like Jeff was on his own.

    It was either his imagination or for real, but Jeffwasnt in the sewer anymore. He was on theroof of the mansion.

    Jeff was just standing there looking at a, wolf

    coyote bear with fangs? He couldnt tell by theawful appearance.

    It growled at Jeff. It was coming closer. Jeffdidnt have to learn from anybody dont move a

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    didn t have to learn from anybody, don t move amuscle.

    The beast was turning to something. It wasturning into the man with the black mask, butwhat Emily said, he was Hidden.

    Hidden didnt say a word to Jeff, he was juststaring at him with the Im going to kill you look.Which was the kind of look Jeff was going toexpect from him.

    Rememberme? Those were the only words hesaid.

    Your mother was annoying as hell and I believe

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    youre the same thing.

    Dont talk about her like that. Said Jeff also

    with the Im going to kill you expression.

    Wind was blowing rapidly, and Jeff knew that he

    was dead meat. But he still wanted to fight him.The one who killed his mother. It would be good

    to live. But it would also be good to die, so that

    Jeff could see his mother, looking at her andsaying, I love you mom.

    But Jeff had to get real. he was going to kill

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    Hidden. And nobody is going to stop him.


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    If thats what you want, eh? Said Hidden. Ijust have to say one more thing before you die. Idont know if your mother is dead or not, I justpushed her off the cliff.

    But theres a one out of like, a million chanceyou can survive that. Said Jeff.

    No, you dont understand, your mom is what

    the people call, Good witches. And apparentlyyou know what that means.

    But the special things about these people arethat they have a ninety five percent chance that

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    that, they have a ninety five percent chance thatthey will survive a major injury, they do get

    babies but they dont have to suffer birth, and ofcourse, theyre harmless people.

    Jeff was thinking of the bracelets. Those were to

    reveal if a person came from a Good Witchfamily.

    When your mom and I were kids, we used to befriends.

    We were at a store Buying candy. Until thestore caught on fire.

    There was no escape out of the store. But Maryfound an exit I was going to follow her until my

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    found an exit. I was going to follow her until myleg was stuck on a pile of bricks and wood. Andshe just left me there. My face burned up. I was

    just accepting that I was dead. A brick hit me inthe head. Hidden looked down at the floor.

    I woke up, I couldnt remember any thing. Thedoctor said I was in a coma for ten years. I wasalready fifteen.

    Twenty years passed and I found out that thatyou were born. So I gathered my brothers to getMary. I was so hungry.

    Thats right, I ate my daughter, but I didnt do

    cause I had ta Hidden said

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    cause I had ta. Hidden said.

    So why did you? Jeff said.My wife was a cannibal. She wanted to devour

    her when she turned five, but she needed my

    help. And the first time I ate, it changed mefrom that time. Thats why I tried to get you. But

    I was too late. There was so much anger in me

    that I pushed her out of the mountain.

    Jeff saw Hidden getting closer to him.

    Now its your turn to die! Hidden took out a

    k if B t h t i t t b J ff H

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    knife. But he wasnt going to stab Jeff. He

    stabbed himself!Truth is, I was dead two years ago. But I came

    back from the dead thanks to my brothers and

    Ariel. But now, Im dying again. Now that Imdying, youre dying with me. He grabbed Jeff by

    the neck. Jeff tried to breath and escape from

    him. But all he saw was blur all over him. And all

    he heard was, Die Jeff, die

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    Is he dead?

    Shut up youll wake him up.

    Hes not waking up hes dead.

    Ifhe is dead then why is he breathing?

    Okay, now hes waking up.

    Where am I? said Jeff.

    Hey I know that kid. I was gonna kill him untilmy dad came.

    E-Emily? What are you doing here?

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    Youre in Limbo. said a boy with a boy with a

    pair of jeans.

    Am I dead? said Jeff.

    No, youre not dead, or alive. Dont you know

    what Limbo is? Cause if you dont, then yourean idiot.

    I know what Limbo is, Im just a little dizzy.

    What just happened? And how am I supposed toget out ofhere?

    Wedont know what happened. said a Britishkid with baggy clothing and with gray eyes But

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    kid with baggy clothing, and with gray eyes. But

    it looks like you just came out of the ceiling andfell down head first and these idiots thought youwere dead. Which is impossible because youcant die in this filthy room. Jeff thought this kid

    were one of those people who are smart, andpoise. He hated those people.

    Jeff noticed many things of Limbo. It lookedliked Daniels horrible room, and it looked like acandy store. A very old candy store.

    Jeff saw a sign that read:

    Mr Von ons cream cand store

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    Mr. Vonvons creamy candy store

    The sweetest store ever!

    Jeff remembered Hiddens story about his mom.

    He remembered that the candy store was on

    fire.Is this an abandoned candy store?

    Yeah, but theres no candy. Said Emily.

    Jeff remembered what answer he wanted.

    How can I get out ofhere?

    The only way to get out is to kill the king of

    Limbo. said the British kid.

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    Limbo. said the British kid.

    Whos the king of Limbo?Hidden.


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    Any way where did Hidden Jeff sentencecame to a sudden end when he was sucked back

    to life.

    But it didnt look like he is back to life, the placeJeff is in looks all gloomy with lava volcanos.

    Miss me Jeff? said a man behind him. He

    turned around. Of course it was Hidden. Butwith his mask off.

    He looked even more creepy than before.

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    But Jeffdidnt care. He was ready.

    It was time


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    This time, theres no fooling around. No morestories, no flashbacks, and no crying. You dienow. said Jeff.

    But Hidden disappeared. Jeff had no clue wherehe was. He could be behind him, and hecouldnt even know.

    Then he heard weird footsteps. Clack clack

    clack. the weird sound got louder, louder, andlouder.

    He heard breathing next to his right ear. And he


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    ssssstop yourr crrrying you idiooota.hissed thevoice.

    STOP! screamed the voice. And jumped out

    Hidden.he was choking Jeff by shaking him and

    punching him. But not a drop of tear went out of

    Jeffs eyes. His face was turning red, purple, andgreen.

    He saw a knife lying on the floor inches awayfrom him. Which was close enough for him grab.

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    from him. Which was close enough for him grab.

    he tried to reach while Hidden wasnt looking.He stretched out his legs and reached for theknife.

    he only reached the tip of the handle. He slid

    the hand close to him. He finally got a hold of it.He grabbed it and stabbed Hidden on his knees.

    AHH! You little bastard!

    Jeff took out his gun from his pocket. Aiming atHidden.

    Ill shoot you! I really will!

    Now Jeff arent you feeling a little tired?

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    Now Jeff, aren t you feeling a little tired?

    Right when Hidden said those words, Jeff wasknocked out on the floor.

    Hidden grabbed Jeffs gun and aimed at Jeff.

    Lets finish it.

    But out of no where came a tiger jumping atHidden. Then the tiger turned into Vivian. Shepunched Hidden, slapped him, and kicked him inthe you know where. After, Ace, Daniel, Pincho,Violet, and Victoria grabbed Hidden and trappedhim in a door.

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    Hey man. said Jeff. I had this crazy dream last

    i h

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    What was it? said Ace.

    We were in an elevator that was taking us to

    Venus, and we met a guy named Pincho. Also, I

    started fighting a man in a mask who wanted tokill me.

    Thatwasnt a dream dude. said Daniel.

    Uh, how did I wake up?

    I just injected you with this wake up shot.

    W k b f V id

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    Wakes you up before you can say Venus. said a

    man with jeans, and looked like he was in highschool.

    So do we have the moth? said Jeff.

    Vivian held out her hand and revealed ashimmering bug that was twinkling like glitter.

    So, you ready to go home? said Daniel.

    Jeff was running up to the elevator with the bug.

    W ll h id J ff

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    Well, here we go guys. said Jeff.

    Hey. Said Pincho behind him. He held out hishand and Jeff did a hand shake.

    Thanks for being a big help. Keep your bracelet

    tight.Michelle came up to Jeff and hugged him.

    Thanks for helping us bring our planet back to

    life, come back and visit Venus whenever youwant.

    Your mom must be very proud.

    Thanks said Jeff

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    Thanks. said Jeff.

    He went up to the elevator with his friends withhim.

    We could stay. said Daniel.

    After what happened today, I dont think so.said Jeff. He put in the moth in the secret hole

    and waved there goodbyes to Pincho and

    Michelle.The door closed


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    Well,thats that. said Daniel.Ace was seeing space. It looked so amazing.

    But Jeff was just waiting to get back to Earth,

    which was ten more minutes.Jeff saw the goback button that he never saw

    before. He wouldnt dare press it because he

    knew that the button would take him back toVenus.

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