the future simple

The fundamentals of English grammar The Future Simple Te Урок у 5 класі Вчитель англійської мови Радомська Т.О.

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The fundamentals of English grammar

The Future Simple Tense

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We use the Future Simple Tense

• to make predictions about the future (робити передбачення)

E.g. I think it will rain soon.

• for instant decisions that we make at the time of speaking (миттєве рішення)

E.g. - Let’s have a picnic.

- Great idea! I shall buy the drinks and snacks.

The Future Simple Tense(Майбутній простий час)

WILL – допоміжне дієслово




will + V

will + not + V =won’t + V

Will + підмет+V

She will go to the zoo.

She will not go to the zoo.

Will she go to the zoo?

The Future Simple Tense(Майбутній простий час)

The Future Simple Tense вживається з такими обставинами:

•tomorrow – завтра

•in a year – через рік

•in two days – через два дня

•next week – наступного тижняmonthyearhoursummerautumnwinterspring

I will go to school in a year.

She will read this book tomorrow.

They will watch TV in two days.

We will visit this place next week.


Питальні слова

Допоміжне дієслово

Підмет Основне дієслово

Nick will play football next summer.

Who will play football next summer?

When will you go to school?Why will he study English?

Exercises with the Future Simple Tense(Вправи)

Read and say that your friend will do the same.

E.g. My brother will help his mother in the evening.

Ann will help her mother in the evening, too.•Next Sunday the children will go to the Zoo.•We shall jump in the Physical Training

lesson.•My sister will have supper at 7 o’clock.•Pupils will sing in the Music lesson.•My uncle will come in the evening.•On Sunday we shall go to the forest.

Exercises with the Future Simple Tense (Вправи)

Make the sentences negative.•He will take this book from the library tomorrow.

•They will come to school on time tomorrow.

•Mary will eat apples next week.

He won’t take this book from the library tomorrow.

They won’t come to school on time tomorrow.

Mary won’t eat apples next week.

Exercises with the Future Simple Tense(Вправи)

Say that the person in brackets won’t do the same.

E.g. Jack will get the book in the library. (I)

I will not (won’t) get the book in the library.• 1. Jane will come to see you after supper. (Bill)• 2. It will rain in the evening. (It)• 3. Alice will go shopping before dinner. (We)• 4. Helen will put her white dress for this party. (You)• 5. Mary will sing at the concert. (Children)• 6. Ann’s parent’s will buy a new TV set . (Jack’s parents)• 7. I shall play tennis after dinner. (Mary)

Exercises with the Future Simple Tense (Вправи)

Put the questions to the words in bold.

He will take this book from the library tomorrow.

•They will come to school on time tomorrow.

•Mary will eat apples next week.

Where will he take this book tomorrow?

Where will they come tomorrow?

What will Mary eat next week?When will Mary eat apples?

Who will eat apples next week?

What will he take from the library tomorrow?

What will you be in the future?

a housewife an office worker

a student a vet

a tourist a baker

a computer programmer an artist

a postman a shop assistant

an engineer a musician

a doctor a butcher

a dentist a policeman

a farmer a fire officer a driver a cook a teacher a mechanic a hairdresser a customs officer

Make up a dialogue as in the example:

- Look! Let’s go to a New Year’s party. - Good idea! I will watch a fairy tale. - And I will dance around the New Year Tree.

“All My Loving” • Listen to the song “All My Loving” and insert the missing words.

• Close your eyes and _____ you Tomorrow _____ youRemember ______ trueAnd then while I'm away_____ home every dayAnd _____ all my loving to you

_______ that I'm kissingThe lips I am missingAnd hope that _______ trueAnd then while I'm away_____ home every dayAnd _____ all my loving to you

All my loving _______ to youAll my loving, darling _____ true.

Check the task

• Close your eyes and I'll kiss youTomorrow I'll miss youRemember I'll always be trueAnd then while I'm awayI'll write home every dayAnd I'll send all my loving to you

I'll pretend that I'm kissingThe lips I am missingAnd hope that my dreams will come trueAnd then while I'm awayI'll write home every dayAnd I'll send all my loving to you

All my loving I will send to youAll my loving, darling I'll be true