the frisco employes' magazine november 1927title: the frisco employes' magazine november...

Page 54 November, 1927 . TRANSPORTATION QFIELD, MO. one who succeeded In getting a shot. and brought down ihree. The ruundhouse garage" has an un- famlllar looking motor vehlcle. In Its stalls recently-an Oakland sedan. Upon Inqulry, we learn that C. A. Bowers, locomotive carpenter. 1s Its tober 1 and 2. No passenger trains in from the North for over 84 hours. When service was restored, we had trains of Saturday and Sunday, also Missou~l Paclflc. Katy and Kansas Clty Southern passenger trains detouring over our Ilnes. Thos. E. Keatlng, agent at South Greenfleld, and Mlss Kathryn Trendle were united ln marriage at Fulton. Kansas, September 28. Mr. and Mrs. Keating are spending .their honeymoon In Jacksonvllle, Fla., and wlll be at home in South Greenfleld after No- EULA STRATTON, Reporter Now that I we're havlne radio "bugs' of blg gamc really have Ins the no01 Vacatlons the air Is gettlng crlsp and these lovely fall days, the , as well as the hunters ?, are busy again and we a lIve1~ conversation dur- lord and master. J. R. Stratton, machlnlst apprentlce. who has been servlng the last slx months of hls apprentkeshlp at Mo- nett, completed same on October 14, and Immedlately departed for his home in Springfleld. We hope he recelves a qulck bid for his services as a flnished mechanlc. I I I hour. have actually stopped. wan spent her's in Tulsa, eckert visited at Falls Clty, Florence Bo and Helen Dt Nebraska Maude Mo vember 1. Mlss Selma Hoffman, telephone su- pervisor, visited our offlce September 16. #rehouse attended the ex- Tulsa and was fortunate ,e there the same day as gh. 3owman spent a recent lth her folks in Kansas Carlotta Lane vlslted In brought back best wlshes llne Tisdal-Matthews, for- st In thls oflice. line Danzero enjoyed qulte trip to Birmingham and iicago and varlous points vlsiting frlends and rela- enough to t Col. Llndber Carmen I week-end w City, whlle Joplln and 1 from Jacque merly a typl Mlss Ange! an extenslve thence to C1 In Michigan, tlves. Ellis Dullr I TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT ( R. B. Butler of Memphls was here between tralns. Sentember 24. Our deepest 'syGpathy 1s extended to Mlss Mayme Conroy. P. B. X. opera- tor at Kansas City. in the loss of her sister. Mrs. C. M. Riscoe. who passed away October 12. Beside her slster. I I SPRINGFIELD, MO. 0. L. OUSLEY. Reporter Messrs. Brennan, Linster and WI1- liamson attended the annual meeting of the T. B: T. sectlon of the American Railway Association in Washlngton, D. C.. October 4, 5 and 6. Thls department extends sympathy to G. F. Llnster, asslstant superlntend- ent of telegraph, whose mother, Mrs. J. A. Llnster, died at hls home at 606 South Florence Street, October 14. Mrs. Linster was 68 years old and had re- sided wlth her son here for about 15 years. Clinton P. Bucco vlslted thls offlce lost month. He 1s now employed in the Ford factory at Detroit. and was formerly a aanc llneman in thls de- she -leaves two small sons, husband; parents and several brothers to mourn her loss. OLIVER'S GANG. PLEASANTON, KANS. I, tracer clerk in thls de- as another chubby little ouse-Betty Lorine. "Yes, )me Baby!' and we wel- the Frlsco family. Club Is sure lots of fun- fun just vlslt "The Dog- e Club" from this offlce. :h musk. Some of these nlght condescend to glve L radlo. LOCOMOTIVE DEPT. JIONETT, MO. EDWARD BROWN, Reporter Thls gang 1s progressing nlcely now, as we are out of the water and every- one 1s glad of It. We have recelved a new Sheffleld motor car and we are using It to help set these black dlamond poles. E. V. Roblnson, lineman, has been ofl the last month account of sickness. Charles Mahoney has purchased a new Ford coupe. We have part of our light and wa- ter plant lnstalled and are now walt- ing on a generator which we should recelve soon. We have a three and one-half horsepower engine and it takes only a few minutes to pump 100 pounds of air. Sam and Arthur Lurrey, linemen, spent Sunday, October 9, at their home in Northview. 310. but for real grell Ukelelt Oh. boy! suc nlghts we r a concert vla - MON ETT r MARGUERI'I We recent roundhouse, enxlnea, whl tral dlvlsion class on the C. E. Cumr Davis Wheel endlng Octot Effective I ment lnaugu thon" runs sion, whereb are hauled ! Monett and englnes. So successhlly. partment. - - Wm. Spratley, divlsion llneman, Ok- lahoma Clty. is In the Frisco hospital a t St. Louis. He 1s belng relieved by ?E FROSSARD. Reporter E. C. Holt. W. 0. Copeland, floatlng gang llne- man, Is off duty account of slckness. Miss M. B. Demlng, accountant, spent a few days vislting in Kansas Clty last month. Miss Marcella Walterhouse has been em~lo~ed as StenoaraDher in thls de- ly set up at the Monett a group of flve 1306 class ch were sent to the cen- I for rellef of the 1280 Fort Smlth sub. nlns, representatlve of the Company. spent the week )er 15 a t Monett. 3ctober 15. the manage- rated a system of "mara- on the old Kansas dlvl- y flrst-class frelght tralns between the terminals of Wichita wlthout changlng far this has worked very partment to fill the vacancy caused by the resignatlon of Mlss Jessie Horni- dy, who is now employed by an 011 company In Tulsa. Ray T. Soper, personal record clerk. spent a few days this month vlsitlng at the home of hls parents in Louis- vllle, Ky. R. C. Yancey relleved Divislon Llne- man F. Clugey at Jonesboro, who was off several days this month account of sickness. Lineman and Mrs. V. E. Robinson are vlsitlng relatives In Sapulpa. Okla. No accldents thls month. WOODALL'S GANG-ROGERS, ARK. E. L. BRAY, Reporter We have just completed the largest job of our estimate, havlng flnlshed the work through the Rogers yards October 3. Our transfer cable now extends one and one-half mlles south of Rogers. R. C. Yancy has been rellevlng the divlsion llneman at Jonesboro. He re- turned October 6. Clarence Coleman. lineman. has moved to Roners. account of convenl- TJ W. Cruise, chlef clerk, together Ir. Cummlns and several other shotgun operators, hopefully !d on a wild game hunt one b wlth the wlllful lntent of ;eln.g a leglon of squlrrels. The rnimals suffercd no damage to of, as Mr. Cummins 1s the only -.-. A. wlth N expert departe evenlnl massac little s speak P. B. X. OFFICE, FT. SCOTT, KANS. MISS ALICE HOGAN, Reporter Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Sullivan are spendlna thelr vacation wlth thelr YOUR HOSPITAL PRESCRIPTIONS daughter In St. Louis and vlsitlng rela- tives and friends in other polnts in ence durlng our stay here. H. Z. Woodall. foreman, bld us fare- well September 30 and departed for his home In Dallas, Texas, where he will snend a two-weeks' vacatlon. He PRICHARD-BLATCHLEY DRUG COMPANY I the East. Mrs. Edith Austin, who 1s in Call- fornia, wrltes she is enjoying herself immensely. Enroute to Los Angeles, she stopped off In Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mrs. Austln expects to return about November 1. All agents and operators on the Kan- sas City subdivlslon have been at- tendlng book of rules meetlngs con- ducted here by asslstant superlntend- The Rnxall Store Cor. Maln &Wall Phone 170 FT. SCOTT, KANS. is belng relieved by Paul Coleman, re- lief foreman for the Western Union Telegraph Company In thls dlstrlct. Two llnemen and two groundmen were called to Rudy September 29 ac- KANSAS UTILITIES CO. OFFICIAL FRISCO WATCH ents. J. F. Lee received word September 26 of the death of his grandmother at Sprague, Mo. Mr. Lee was unable to attend the funeral as the roads just north of town were impassable on ac- count of the recent hard rains. Speaklng of ralns, Fort Scott experl- enced some real flood trouble on Oc- "The Gas and Electrlc Store" PRIGIDAIRES WASHERS GAS RANGE8 Ft. Scott. Kans. INSPECTORS Dllworth Jewelry Co Jasper, Als. ..... Farmer-Cannon Jewelry Co Blrmlngham. Ah. Flnley, R. W ChaUee, Mo. Graves, A., Co Memphl T~M. Gahlenbeck Jewelry Co ................. Pensacola. Fla, Haltom, G. W ............................... Ft. Worth, Texaa Standard Jewelry Co ..................... Muskwee, Okls. I visit w~th CLOTHING AND SHOES Go Ro HUGHES Your ~laarge Account 12 South Main Ft. Scott, Ksn. Greatly Appreciated z

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Page 1: The Frisco Employes' Magazine November 1927Title: The Frisco Employes' Magazine November 1927 Created Date: 6/2/2005 6:30:22 PM

Page 54 November, 1927


one who succeeded In get t ing a shot. and brought down ihree.

The ruundhouse garage" has a n un- famlllar looking motor vehlcle. In Its stal ls recently-an Oakland sedan. Upon Inqulry, we learn tha t C. A. Bowers, locomotive carpenter. 1s I ts

tober 1 and 2. No passenger t ra ins in from the North for over 84 hours. When service was restored, we had t ra ins of Saturday and Sunday, also Mis sou~ l Paclflc. Ka ty and Kansas Clty Southern passenger t ra ins detouring over our Ilnes.

Thos. E. Keatlng, agen t a t South Greenfleld, and Mlss Kathryn Trendle were united ln marriage a t Fulton. Kansas, September 28. Mr. and Mrs. Keat ing a r e spending .their honeymoon In Jacksonvllle, Fla., and wlll be a t home in South Greenfleld af ter No-


Now t h a t I we're havlne radio "bugs' of blg gamc really have I n s t he no01


the air Is ge t t lng crlsp and these lovely fall days, t he , a s well a s the hunters

?, a r e busy again and we a l I v e 1 ~ conversation dur-

lord and master. J. R. Stratton, machlnlst apprentlce.

who has been servlng the las t s lx months of hls apprentkeshlp a t Mo- nett, completed same on October 14, and Immedlately departed for his home in Springfleld. W e hope he recelves a qulck bid for his services a s a flnished mechanlc.


I hour. have actually stopped.

wan spent her's in Tulsa, eckert visited a t Fal l s Clty,

Florence Bo and Helen Dt Nebraska

Maude Mo

vember 1. Mlss Selma Hoffman, telephone su-

pervisor, visited our offlce September 16.

#rehouse attended the ex- Tulsa and was fortunate ,e there the same day a s gh. 3owman spent a recent l th her folks in Kansas Carlotta Lane vlslted In

brought back best wlshes llne Tisdal-Matthews, for- s t In th ls oflice. line Danzero enjoyed qulte

t r ip to Birmingham and i icago and varlous points vlsiting frlends and rela-

enough to t Col. Llndber

Carmen I week-end w City, whlle Joplln and 1 from Jacque merly a typl

Mlss Ange! a n extenslve thence to C1 In Michigan, tlves.

Ellis Dullr

I TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT ( R. B. Butler of Memphls was here between tralns. Sentember 24.

Our deepest 'syGpathy 1s extended t o Mlss Mayme Conroy. P. B. X. opera- tor a t Kansas City. in t he loss of her sister. Mrs. C. M. Riscoe. who passed away October 12. Beside her slster.



0. L. OUSLEY. Reporter

Messrs. Brennan, Linster and WI1- liamson attended the annual meeting of t he T. B: T. sectlon of the American Railway Association in Washlngton, D. C.. October 4, 5 and 6.

Thls department extends sympathy to G. F. Llnster, asslstant superlntend- en t of telegraph, whose mother, Mrs. J. A. Llnster, died a t hls home a t 606 South Florence Street, October 14. Mrs. Linster was 68 years old and had re- sided wl th her son here for about 15 years.

Clinton P. Bucco vlslted thls offlce lost month. H e 1s now employed in t he Ford factory a t Detroit. and was formerly a a a n c llneman in t h l s de-

she -leaves two small sons, husband; parents and several brothers t o mourn her loss.

OLIVER'S GANG. PLEASANTON, KANS. I, t racer clerk in thls de-

as another chubby l i t t le ouse-Betty Lorine. "Yes, )me Baby!' and we wel-

the Frlsco family. Club Is sure lots of fun- fun just vlslt "The Dog-

e Club" from this offlce. :h musk. Some of these nlght condescend to glve L radlo.



Thls g a n g 1s progressing nlcely now, a s we a re out of the water and every- one 1s glad of It.

We have recelved a new Sheffleld motor ca r and we a r e using I t to help s e t these black dlamond poles.

E. V. Roblnson, lineman, has been ofl t he las t month account of sickness.

Charles Mahoney has purchased a new Ford coupe.

W e have par t of our l ight and wa- ter plant lnstalled and a r e now walt- ing on a generator which we should recelve soon. W e have a three and one-half horsepower engine and it takes only a f ew minutes to pump 100 pounds of air.

Sam and Arthur Lurrey , linemen, spent Sunday, October 9, a t their home in Northview. 310.

but for real grell Ukelelt Oh. boy! suc nlghts we r a concert vla -

M O N E T T r


W e recent roundhouse, enxlnea, whl t r a l dlvlsion class on the

C. E. Cumr Davis Wheel endlng Octot

Effective I ment lnaugu thon" runs sion, whereb a re hauled ! Monett and englnes. So successhlly.

partment. - - Wm. Spratley, divlsion llneman, Ok-

lahoma Clty. i s In the Frisco hospital a t St. Louis. He 1s belng relieved by

? E FROSSARD. Reporter E. C. Holt. W. 0. Copeland, floatlng gang llne-

man, Is off duty account of slckness. Miss M. B. Demlng, accountant, spent

a few days visl t ing in Kansas Clty las t month.

Miss Marcella Walterhouse has been e m ~ l o ~ e d a s StenoaraDher in thls de-

ly se t up a t the Monett a group of flve 1306 class ch were sent to the cen- I for rellef of the 1280 For t Smlth sub. nlns, representatlve of t he Company. spent t he week

)er 15 a t Monett. 3ctober 15. t he manage- rated a system of "mara- on the old Kansas dlvl- y flrst-class frelght t ra lns between the terminals of Wichita wlthout changlng f a r this has worked very

partment to fill t h e vacancy caused by the resignatlon of Mlss Jessie Horni- dy, who is now employed by a n 011 company In Tulsa.

Ray T. Soper, personal record clerk. spent a few days th is month vlsi t lng a t the home of h ls parents in Louis- vllle, Ky.

R. C. Yancey relleved Divislon Llne- man F. Clugey a t Jonesboro, who was off several days this month account of sickness.

Lineman and Mrs. V. E. Robinson a r e vlsi t lng relatives In Sapulpa. Okla.

No accldents th ls month.


E. L. BRAY, Reporter

We have just completed the largest job of our estimate, havlng flnlshed the work through the Rogers yards October 3. Our transfer cable now extends one and one-half mlles south of Rogers.

R. C. Yancy has been rellevlng the divlsion llneman a t Jonesboro. H e re- turned October 6.

Clarence Coleman. lineman. has moved t o Roners. account of convenl-

TJ W. Cruise, chlef clerk, together Ir. Cummlns and several other

shotgun operators, hopefully !d on a wild game hunt one b wlth the wlllful lntent of ;eln.g a leglon of squlrrels. The rnimals suffercd no damage to of, a s Mr. Cummins 1s the only

-.-. A.

wlth N expert departe evenlnl massac little s speak



Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Sullivan a r e spendlna thelr vacation wlth thelr

YOUR HOSPITAL PRESCRIPTIONS daughter In St. Louis and vlsi t lng rela- tives and friends in other polnts in

~ ~ ~

ence dur lng our s t ay here. H. Z. Woodall. foreman, bld u s fare-

well September 30 and departed for his home In Dallas, Texas, where he will snend a two-weeks' vacatlon. He


Mrs. Edi th Austin, who 1s i n Call- fornia, wr l tes she is enjoying herself immensely. Enroute to Los Angeles, she stopped off In Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mrs. Austln expects to re turn about November 1.

All agents and operators on the Kan- s a s City subdivlslon have been a t - tendlng book of rules meetlngs con- ducted here by asslstant superlntend-

The Rnxall Store Cor. Maln & W a l l Phone 170


is belng relieved by Paul Coleman, re- lief foreman for the Western Union Telegraph Company In thls dlstrlct.

Two llnemen and two groundmen were called to Rudy September 29 ac-

KANSAS UTILITIES CO. OFFICIAL FRISCO WATCH ents. J. F. Lee received word September

26 of the death of his grandmother a t Sprague, Mo. Mr. Lee was unable t o attend the funeral a s t he roads just north of town were impassable on ac- count of the recent hard rains.

Speaklng of ralns, F o r t Scott experl- enced some real flood trouble on Oc-

"The Gas and Electrlc Store"


Ft. Scott. Kans.

INSPECTORS Dllworth Jewelry Co Jasper, Als.

..... Farmer-Cannon Jewelry Co Blrmlngham. Ah. Flnley, R. W ChaUee, Mo. Graves, A., Co Memphl T~M. Gahlenbeck Jewelry Co ................. Pensacola. Fla, Haltom, G. W ............................... Ft. Worth, Texaa Standard Jewelry Co ..................... Muskwee, Okls. I visit w~th CLOTHING AND SHOES

Go Ro HUGHES Your ~laarge Account 12 South Main Ft. S c o t t , Ksn. Greatly Appreciated z

Page 2: The Frisco Employes' Magazine November 1927Title: The Frisco Employes' Magazine November 1927 Created Date: 6/2/2005 6:30:22 PM

Page 55 Noe

t bf a cyclone s t r ik ing t h e l i t t le Five spans of telegraph line

torn down by the storm. 3 recelved visit. during the month

Mr. Bert Sawyer, general fore- for the Western Union Telegraph

,any. Chief Lineman Parre t t , Dlvi- Lineman L. C. Gelling and E. W. s of the floating gang.


coun we a re glad, because we were tired of walklng.

Howard Worthy, lineman, Is away on a two-weeks' vacation.

Our cooks, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Eher- man. a r e on a 30 day vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J . R. Corbett a r e relieving them.

We lack only seventy miles of hav- ing this estimate finished, but we don't have to wonder where we go from here. a s we have unloaded material for the job from Holly Springs to Memphis. I t looks a s If this g a n g is going to s tay In the Sunny South for some time. I t is a good place to work dur ing the winter.

No accidents th is month.

keeps ca r dlstrlbutor, Bolllng, quite busy supplying coal cars. We ~ n d e r - stand t h a t some day he Is going to build a coal car factory of h is own and then ail his worries wlll be over.

city. were

I Wc Irom

1 man, Corn] sion

I Jone!





T h 1 the



Miss Ella Thrasher enlertained re- cently, the g i r l s of the superlntend- ent's office a t a handkerchlei shower in honor of Mlss Maurine Mahan, who was leaving for Okmulgee. hflss X a - han cams to Sapulpa from Okmulgee and had been working in the superin- tendent's offlce since las t February.

Miss Lois Flanagan has returned from a n extended tour throughout the West, having stopped off a t Salt Lake City, Los Angeles. Hollywood and the Grand Canyon. We a re enjoylng ac- counts of her wonderful tr ip and tempted to take Horace Greeley's ad -


is gang moved back to Madill on first el October. Now working to Hugo. We a re having plenty

tin to celebrate the flrst few days ztober, so far. 3undman Gordan Davis traded his

roadster for a Hudson touring. lernan N. H. Harlinson and wife : the last days of September vis-

friends in Troy, Okla. They re- having a good time.

leman D. A. Standridge and fam- notored to Sprlngfleld, Mo., from lore, Okla., September 20. They

accompanied by Divislon Line- Wise's wife and famlly, Mrs. Wlse ng friends and relatives In



spenl iting port

Llr ily r Ardn were

vice. F r a n k Campbell, timekeeper, ha s

been discharged from the Frisco Em- ployes Hospital a t St. Louls, and Is convalescing a t his home. He ex- Dects to return to work the earlv n art

R. E . LEACH, Reporter

W. J . Bu811. operator, has returned to work a f t e r a prolonged illness.

Dispatcher Olson, of Hugo, was a man visit! Sprin


gfleld. lemen Lynn McKinney. D. A. lridge and Groundman Thos. Wil- vere called to help Assistant Divi- Lineman Wise on s torm work near

visi tor in our office recently. - r

6f November. W. K. Bartleson, rodman, has also

been confined a t the Frlsco Employes Hospital St. Louis. Mr. Bartleson sends his greetings by Mr. Campbell and advises he expects to be back soon.

Aaron Morgan accompanied the American Legion of Creek County to the Muskogee Veterans' Hospital and while there visited Leslie Snyder. The las t report of Mr. Snyder's condition is t ha t he is ge t t ing a long flne, belng well taken care of and has prospects fo r a quick recovery. Xrs. Snyder re- sides in Muskogee where she can visl t him dailv. Mr. Snvdcr will be remem-

J . E. Turriff, conductor -of Madlll, has returned to work af ter spending some time in the Sherman h o s ~ i t a l . 1 son T

slon Dalla

Llr Spral lahor hosDl

J . X. Watterson, conductor of Sher- man, Is on the sick list.

H. R. Horne. agent a t Garnett. who .s, October 2. leman E. C. Holt is relieving Bill .ley, dlvlslon lineman out of Ok- na Clty. Mr. Spratley went to the tal in St. Louis. leman J. E. Coats returned to th is Irom the floating gang. October 9.

underwent a n opeFation in the St. Louis hospital, is a t home, but will be unable to re turn to work for some time.

Robert Collett, fuel agen t St. Loui:i. was in our office last week looking a f t e r the company fuel si tuation and also attended the fuel meeting held in the Y. M. C. A. building. Good a t - tendance was reported.

Account insufficient room in super- intendent's office Miss Justice, our statistician, has moved her desk iu

accidents this month.

DONAHUE'S GANG, JONESBORO, ARK. bered a s one of -the most congenial

clerks In the office and all a r e Interest- J . E. NUSSBAUM, Reporter ed in his early recovery.

Xiss Mabel Spence recently spent a few days In Pt . Smith.

John Summers, of Springfleld, has re- lieved Mitchell Tucker a s secretary tn the superintendent, Mr. Tucker having resiRned to accept a position with the Gypsy 011 Company, TuIsa.

Miss Regina James has returned to Springfleld af ter doing relief work In the superintendent's office. Miss James was formerly employed in the divislon engineer's oflice a t Springfleld.

Miss Helen Louise Hood and Kings-

our office. W e a re glad to have yo.. with us Ferba.

,Miss Oma Adams motored to Henry- Hello Gangsf We a r e still in the

land of the Iivlng, though It has been a long tlme slnce we were In print.

George Grfffin reported back fo r work af ter a l ingering illness of two months a t his home in Peirce City. Mo.

Lineman Alvls Cruise made a flylng trlp to Dixon, Mo., and we expect to hear some surprising news.

The boys were not Interested In the world's serles this year, the results of which did not turn out satisfactory to some of them and quite a contrast to the heavyweight prize flght.

Lineman R. C. Yancey was ac t ing a s dlvislon lineman here f o r a few weeks the flrst par t of the month account Llneman Clugey off with bad eyes.

Those of us who stayed In the camp Bunday, October 9 s aw Jack Dempsey when he passed through Jonesboro on the Sunnyland, enroute to Kansas City.

We a re Installing underground ca- ble through the yards a t Jonesboro. I t will greatly improve the appearance around the passenger depot.

e t t a recently. Guy Couch, Floyd, Texas, nephew of

C. H. Bolling, c a r distributor. Is ri messenger boy in the Sapulpa relay office.

E x t r a Dispatcher Knight Is worklng in Oklahoma Citv in alace of Disr~atch- e r Dunn, who i s on 'his vacation.

Now tha t coal loading in the Henry- e t t a field is ge t t ing quite heavy i r



Secured by

First Mortgages



This g a n g is progressing nlcely with the work. We expect to move to Car- bon Hill wlthin a few days. .

Nathan Garrett , lineman, has re- cently been transferred here from Foreman Ollver's gang.

Harry Smith, lineman, has trans- ferred to Oliver's g a n g in Kansas.

Joe Cox, groundman, has reported back to work af ter having been away for some tlme on account of a n opera- tion for appendlcltls. We a r e glad to have Joe back wi th us again.

John Henry, groundman, has been off duty for a week account of sick- ness. We wish him a speedy recovery

Our new motor car has arrived and

A savlngs, usable a s needed, yet enjoying all the accumulative earnlng power of a Axed investment.

Savings plan originated one hundred years ago, with fundamentals unchanged today, granted exemption from payment of income tax by U. S. Government.

DALLAS, TEXAS I Address ..............................................................

W. M. Whitenton Active President

Kirby Building ......." SF" I

~ - - -- - - -

Send m e your plan without obligation.

.................................................................................. Name

Page 3: The Frisco Employes' Magazine November 1927Title: The Frisco Employes' Magazine November 1927 Created Date: 6/2/2005 6:30:22 PM


PENSACOLA. FLORIDA Speelallslng In the Manulrcture and Raatrnent of the following Forest Products


on M. 8. B. & P. R. R. Your Inqulrlea Sollclted-Cost Eetirnates Gladly Furnished

; Cable Addrac: *'PENCREO" Shipments: Rall or Water



I We have the moat complete line of Hardware in West Florida I I PENSACOLA HARDWARE CO. I

1 21 E. Garden St. Pensacola, Fla. I

Heavy Hauling, Moving, Packing, Storing

Bingham Transfer & Storage Co. BAGGAGE T R A N S F E R R E D

Phone 641 39 E. Chaae St.



Pensacola, Florida


Headquarters for I Friseo Visitors

I McKenzie Oerting & Co. Marine Supplies-Hardware

603 S. Palafox St. Pensacola, Fla.

Official AMBULANCE 8sn lc r tor Frl8co


27 E. Wrioht Street Phone 31

Now Is the Time to Begin

Electric Ranges of kll Kinds and Prices at Our Display




GULF BOWER CO. Phone 2010

YOUR BANK Provides a safe. lace for your


Supplies a receipt for every pay- ment made, (your cancelled check).

Furnishes you up-to-date informa- tion so that you may draw

. wise conclusions for yourself.

A c o m p a n y w h e r e t h e word "Trust" means what it says.

FIRST BANK & TRUST CO. Garden and Palafox Streets


' 3tL9.A. WITAL AND SURPWS 31m000.

Page 4: The Frisco Employes' Magazine November 1927Title: The Frisco Employes' Magazine November 1927 Created Date: 6/2/2005 6:30:22 PM

November, 1927

ley E. Bostock, both of Sapulpa. were marrled a t Tulsa September 3, the Rev. Mr. Zenbr. formerly of Sapulpa, per- formlna tho ceremonv. Onlv a few


OKLAHOMA C I T Y What Made His (

Hair Grow' frlends-of the couple were present. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Hood and is aui te well known


L. W. Prlce attended the t lme card meeting In Springfield, September 22 .

J. D. Rogers, chief clerk, is back a t work a f t e r spending wha t he calls a "real vacatlon." H e and his family spent a few days visl t lng relatives a t Shreveport, La.. and he attended the World Series a t Pit tsburgh.

C. V. Benander, formerly ra te clerk In Mr. Conley's oRice, resigned Septem- ber 26. H e Is connected wlth the Uni- versal Car Loading L Distributing Company and Is golng to be a good cus- tomer of ou r s by lett ing the Frlsco handle some of the i r frelght. Both passenger and freight departments wish Mr. Benander much success in his new line of work. The position vacat- ed by hlm was fllled by W. W. Box.

C. 0. Jackson of Fo r t Worth, a form- e r employe of the Frisco, was a n Okla- homa Citv vlsitor September 29.

Mrs. J. L. Douqlas spent a f ew days thls month vlsiting nt Tulsa.

M. G. Bufflngton played the violin in t he Symphony Orchestra a t a con- cert given a t the Shrlne Temple rc- cently.

L. W. Price accompanied the Scot- t lsh Rl te Masons' speclal car enroute to Washlngton, D. C., to St. Louls, Octo- her 1 4

among having forem; is a g and a groom is the tock. I a t Say a t Tu 106 Sc

: -Frlsco employes, h e r fa ther : been In the service a s engine an for the l a s t sixteen years. She :raduate of Sapulpa High School business college a t Tulsa. The , recently returned from Florida, son of Mr. and Xrs. F r a n k Bos-

and Is popular In musical circles I u l ~ a He is emnloved bv a bank

Read His Letter for the Answer

"TWO years ago I was bald all over the top of w head. "I felt ashamed

for people to see my head. 1 tried differ- ent preparationa. but they did no good. I remained bald, until 1 used liotalko.

Isa, where the 'couple reside nl buth Jackson street.


MARY JENKINS, Reporter "New halr came almost immediat- e : ~ and kept on growing. lnaahort 1 timo I had a splen- did hcad of hair. ' which hmbeenper- feet ever sinca- and no return of the baldnese.''

The errors house Ls hols succes out 0 month ror 11

pennant for the leas t number of graced the wall of t h e f re ight

for the month of September. Thls dlng the pennant two months in d o n or a-record of three months f the past eight. Record th ls was 4,302 shipments to each e r -

lade. We a re justly proud of ,eight house force. Ia freight office Is t he possessor r new F a n Fold machines. These

This verified statement ia by Mr. H.A. Wild. 80 Is but oneof the hig Icqion of users of Kotnlko who voluntnril~ attest it hlw etonned falling hslr. elimln-

our fr Tula

of IOU ated dandruff or aidcd ne;-luxuriant bairgmwth. KOTALKO is old by busy druggists everywhere. machi nes were s e t up and golng wlth-

ny delay in work and no over- o u t a] tlme 1

Mlsa FREE Trial Box put in. I Goldie Workman. tonnage clerk, ly spent ten days In E l Paso. vlsltmc: her sister. Mrs. H. E.

--- --. Mrs. R. 0. Hopklns spent October 1 4

a t Dallas v is l t lnr her slster and also attended the Texas State fair.

R. C. Mllls, general agent, recently spent several days in Chlcago attend- Inq the Natlonal Safetv Congress. H e returned enthused with the work and in Posseslon of much valuable Informa- tion gleaned dur lng hls stay.

Albert Swlndell, accountant met "the d r l " whlle he was on hls vacatlon In Colorado, and soon af ter she became hlr bride.

James Barklow comblned hls vaca- tion and honeymoon.

E. J. Slmpson, of Neosho, we under- stand, has been asslcned to the place. Mr. Slmpson was In Oklahoma Clty holdlns varlous posltions fo r a number of years.

Mrs. Vlrglnla Jackson, when she has her vacatlon. expects to v ls l t her daunhter, Irene, a t Fresno. Callfornln. where Irene holds a posltlon In the Llbrary.

James Moss, our assistant cashler, looks very sporty drlvlng hls new Nash car. L . t < ~


recent Tex.. Prestc Prestc


To prove the etficacy of 'Kotalko. for I M ~ s . women's and children's halr. the producers are giving Pmof Boxes. Use coonon or writo. to KOTAL CO., A-71 5 , Station L, New York Please send me FREE Proof Box of KOTALKO

)n. Njss Workman and M ~ S . m made a day's t r i p t o Mexico. f M. Bash, wnrehouse foreman, a few days in Kansas City, Mo., sr 16, at tending to personal busl-

spent Octobl ness.

Mls1 has g opera1

Alle the pl Morga ance I Glad

Ruf sport1

Oeo has a shlp, I the A ed a r one I a l t ho

Buf ed hlr m i n ~ t

Art1 vacatl spent aroun ulano

............................................. Name.. I Marguerite Hefren, utl l i ty clerk. one to St. Louls, Mo., to have an tlon on the nasal bone. .n Lewls, 0. S. and D. clerk, 1s roud fa ther of a new baby. J ack rn Lewis, who made hls appear- ~t the Lewls home September 13. to see ou r Frfsco 'iamlly grow. us L. Kerns, counter clerk, fs ng a new Chrysler "4" coach. rge D. Kyger, diverslon clerk, rrlved home, v la His Majesty's 3cythla. from hls tr lp abroad wlth merlcan Leglon. George acqulr- nustache whlle abroad as he s a y s s not fully dressed In France ut one

Address .............................................

ord - -~ ros s , t icket checker visit- 1 grandfather, W, F. Harr ls , Bir- lam, recently. hur F. Mlller cashler took hls ion the week 'of 0ctode.r 16. H e hls tlme a t home dolng odd jobs

d tho house and t ry lng out on the some new sheet muslc which he

'ed recently from New York. wrlter vislted Mr. and Mrs. Fred

'o~l!fi, Mo.. recentlv. Mr. Lee Is a :cher for the Frisco.

feceh The

Lee, .I dlspal

Is A. MACK and 0. R. TUCKER, Reporters

R. L. Beckwith. chlef i n s ~ e c t o r . w a s the southwestern d l ~ f s l ~ n kepresenta- tlve a t the International Safe ty Con- press which convened at Chlcago In September. Mr. Reckwlth reported a


.-- 218 N. Wabash Ave. Dept. 123 Chicroo, Ill.

very enjoyable meetlng and -brought back many lnterestlng i tems of Inter- e s t for discussion a t our own accident

R. 31. McGLASSON, Reporter

We freigt a new man 1

The sa, r Fork.

expect to see our t ravel lns l t agent. F. A. Connell, rldlng In ' car before long, Notlced a salen- ooklng for Mr. Connell th ls week.

I annexatlon of Red Fork to Tul- vas celebrated recently a t Red

Red Fork has a oooulatlon of

prevention meetlnrrs. As x conse- quence. Mr. Reckwith has been grea t ly In demand du r ing the past few weeks a s a speaker on the subject of safe ty a t numerous schools and other oubllc meetings. W e hope t h a t he will be able to spread the doctrlne of s ~ f e t v where needed a s well a s glve the Fr ls - co some well-earned advertlslng.

0. R. Tucker, chlef car clerk, wi th Mrs. Tucker, spent the week-end of October 15. a t Mlami, Oklahoma. visit-

appro 0.


~ -

ximately four thou6and. H. Reld, commercial agent , was I to Ft . Smlth. Ark.. recently on nt of an accldent to hls nlece was run down by a n automobile. everely Injured. !attons a r e over and every one is e Sob and a l e r t for any additional ess t h a t they hear of, el ther ~t or nsssenger. A g rea t number dlvlduals have been commended helr Individual sollcltatlon, whlch


akcou who and s

Vac inc: t he latter's parents. R. W. Harper, chlpf clerk to tho

master mechanic, returned October 11 on th b u s h frelpl of In for tl helps

from a shor t vacatlon which was spent In Chlcago. St range t o say, he go t back wlthout belng the vlctlm of a machlne-gunners bullets.

- - I84 W. Lake St Dwt. I I -D Chicago.-Ill.

Page 5: The Frisco Employes' Magazine November 1927Title: The Frisco Employes' Magazine November 1927 Created Date: 6/2/2005 6:30:22 PM

Page 58

Mlss Inda Jenktna has accepted posi- tton a s comptometer operator In the master mechanlc's ofllce made vacant by the transfer of Miss Myrtle McCon- nell to distribution clerk.

Machinist S. M. Ferguson, West Tul- sa. haa been on a tr io to s ~ r j n ~ f l e l d . where he celebrated hls - blrihday among his old friends a t t ha t place. H e forgot to say how old he was.

Engineer Kelller on the AV. Sub. is a conflrmed ship-by-Frlsco booster. H e is now building a flve room efficiencv duplex in Enid which he i s let t ing to enainemen and he has Instructed hls contractor not to use any material In the buildlng tha t was not shipped In via Frlsco. Three cheers for engineer Keilier. He is also advertislng Frisco prosperity, a s he is bullding four ga r - ages on the back of the same lot.

We a re advised tha t on October 28, there is going to be held a t Enid s ta te meetlng of Ladles auxll iary of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. We hope to give a n account of this meetlng In the next issue.

Fireman Willtam F. Bolllng, West Tulsa yard fireman, f s still in Sherman Hospital on leave of absence account of 111 health.

Yard engineer. A. D. Jones, has pur- chased a new Whippet coupe.

Vernle Brown, roundhouse clerk, took a short vaeatlon which he spent in Kansas City.

Carman B. Crosby. is off account of Illness.

\Vest Tulsa terminal mechanical de- partment went the entire month of September with only one injury, thls in car department,

Engineer J. W. Hicks, West Tulsa. Is on leave of absence 30 days account of infected leg.

Fireman Joe Miller, has entered thc holy bonds of matrimony. Have been unable to learn the wife's maidcn name,



I Next to Frisoo Bulldlng ST. LOUIS. MO.


tee: $1.50 and Up Per Day rlc Fan ( R e e ) in Every Boom I :-Unexcelled CAFETERIA and



.ht Laundry Co. We Specialize in Family Laundry

. 1 1 Bell Ave., St. Louis


We deal in Issues of the United States Government, Railroads. Pub- He Utility and Industrial Corpora- tions with established records of



but from understanding we have they a r e l iving up to the fairy tale ending, of living happy .ever after.

Machinist Robert E . Faulds. West Tulsa, has purchased a new Studebaker coupe.

Machinist Roy Woodard, has purchas- ed a new Dodge coupe.

Boilermaker Leed Stroud, West Tui- sa. has forsaken Sanulna and is now making his home in ' thk newest addi- tion to Tulsa, namely Red Fork.

Locomotive Inaaector .\. L. Xionk. has purchased a ~ u i c k coupe.

Inspector H. R. Cole, was selected a s representative from West Tulsa to Oklahoma City accident prevention meeting.

Machinist M. E. Leve re t t , has been off account of illness.

3lachinist Chas. Retzlaff has baen to Huskogee the past month, where hc attended the Shrine Ceremonial.

Machinist F r a n k Russell, has moved lo Oakhurst. where he has s tar ted a chlckcn mnch.


PHIL. F . .\TKINSOS, Reporter

P. E. Buesne, lxxssenger agent , left Tulsa Sunday. October 9. 1927. for St. T,ouis, where he will spend his vaca- tion. Id. \V. Price, dlvision passenger agent

a t Oitlahomn City was a Tulsa visitor this week.

Tilts oftice secured the movement of the Tulsa University Football team to Chicago. October 13. 1927. This was a special car movcd via the Frisco-C. Rr A, Tulsa to Chicago, through service.

The International Petroleum Exposi- tion a t t rac ted a grea t number of peo- ple to Tulsa. The Frlsco handled in the neighborhood of twenty ext ra ca r s each wav.

The Tulsa Daily World of October 15, 1927, contained an art lcle rrlat ive to the golf prowess of P. E. Buesse. The art icle stated tha t he had fought hiw w a y to the flnals in Oalchurst County Club Golf Tournament. Not long since the wri ter mentloned the fact tha t Mr. Ruesse had joined the Club and hinted tha t i t wouldn't be long until Paul would be champion of another tournament. I t ra ther looks a s if my prophecv mis-ht come to pass.


C. P. HENSLEY, Reporter

E. H. Evans, of the office of the auditor of disbursements, spent several days in Sapulpa this month checklng force.

R. E. Pipltin, division accountant. spent several days a t various places th is month reviewing the conditions of A. C B. work.

M i ~ s ~ ' r y Pot ter Wilcox, who fo r the past nlne months has been in the employ of thls company in this de- partment, has resigned from her posi- tion a s stenographer.

W. D. Jones, shop accountant, ha s been t ry ing for the las t week to pur- chase a shot gun, in a s much a s he has one. I suppose thls one must be the kind tha t won't miss the birds.

J. C. Chenot, traveling accountant, spent several days this month In Sa- pulpa, checking bills.


OTIS R. RULE, Reporter

November, 1927

S. R. Gardner. divlsion storekeeoer. at tended the storekeepers' meet ing a t Springfleld, October 7.

E . XI. Fltegerald, traveling store- keeper, payed us a visi t October 1 4 .

411 storeroom employes a r e a busy bunch se t t i ng ready for inventory October -31

W e received n let ter from C. B. Smith, formerly employed a s division storekeeper on this diviswn, who re- signed &larch 1, 1925, to go on his farm near Pierce City, Xlisnour~, but who has recentlv sold his farm nnd has !zone into tlie grocery business a t l ~ i c i i i t a , Kansas. AU~. Snlitll sends his best re- gards to a l l his friends on the Frisco.


D. B. XlcCAIN, Reporter - -

Mrs. H. T. XVood entertained with a dinner in honor of Nr. Wood's birth- day September 25. Thc guertw includ- ed the following- from generat agent 's office: G. 4. Brundidge, gencral agent, I<. Wilhclm. R. E. Bell. I r a F. Bris- ter, and D. B. McCain.

JIrs. G. A. Brundidge is visi t ing rela- tives in Fo r t Scott, Kansas.

I r a Brister 's oldest son is convalesc- in,- f rom a n a t t ack of dygthcria. 11. E. Eel1 and Virgil Rikard a re sup-

nosed t6 bc the chamnion duck huntcrs from this office, but' we haven't seen then1 come in with overstuffed hags.


EDSA ..\. WOODEN, Reporter

Lynn C. Halloway. stenographer- clerk in yard office, is rejoicing over the arrival of a l i t t le daughtcr, to whom they have given the nnme of Veva Loraine. Lynn says he dream- ed the o ther night she was walking and tha t he soon e x ~ e c t e d to have he r out helping him check the yard.

Glenn Blnnchard and Mrs. Blanch- ard, who was formerly Mrs. Effie Smith. e m ~ l o y e d as clerk a t f re icht house; a r e visi t ing friends and rela- tives in Tuha . Glenn recently paid this office a visi t and evervone was g lad to see him in such -excellent health.

Dale A. Young, performance clerk. and XIrs. Young recently visited friends in Springfleld.

Miss Christine Vanderlord has re- turned from a pleasant visit with her parents a t Sherman, Texas.

Mrs. C. J. Quinn, wife of C. J. Quinn. operator, underwent an operation a t St. John's Hospital recently. We a r e glad to renort t ha t Xrs. Quinn is get- t ing &Ion$ nicely.

W e a r e glad to have in our midst again Messrs. Herman L. Bolen and George Kyger, who have returned from



E. a. GRAMLING, Owner and Provrielor


Mrs. Glenn V. Stone and children visited relatlves In Oklahoma City f rom October 6 to 9 Inclusive.

John Harrls, storehelper, was off duty the 13th and 14th. account a t tend- ing court.

Mrs. James Counts underwent a min- o r operation October 9, and Is reported a s doing nicely. I 1


Southeast Missourian N A E T E R BROS., Inc.

HM More Subaoribefa Than Any Otber ... Dally NewaDaDw In a Mlssourl CltY

Under 40.000