the free-energy principle : a rough guide to the brain ? k friston

The free-energy principle: a rough guide to the brain? K Friston Computational Modeling of Intelligence 11.03.04.(Fri) Summarized by Joon Shik Kim

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The free-energy principle : a rough guide to the brain ? K Friston. Computational Modeling of Intelligence 11.03.04.(Fri) Summarized by Joon Shik Kim. Sufficient Statistics. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The free-energy principle :         a  rough guide to the brain ? K  Friston

The free-energy principle: a rough guide to the brain?

K FristonComputational Modeling of Intelli-


Summarized by Joon Shik Kim

Page 2: The free-energy principle :         a  rough guide to the brain ? K  Friston

Sufficient Statistics• Quantities which are sufficient to pa-

rameterise a probability density (e.g., mean and covariance of a Gaussian density).


2( )21( )



p x e

Page 3: The free-energy principle :         a  rough guide to the brain ? K  Friston

Surprise• or self-information is the negative

log-probability of an outcome. An improbable outcome is there-fore surprising.

ln ( | )p y y

: sensory input

: action

Page 4: The free-energy principle :         a  rough guide to the brain ? K  Friston

Kullback-Leibler Divergence• Information divergence, information

gain, cross or relative entropy is a non-commutative measure of the dif -ference between two probability dis-tributions.

( )( || ) ( ) log( )KLp xD P Q p x dxq x

Page 5: The free-energy principle :         a  rough guide to the brain ? K  Friston

Conditional Density• or posterior density is the probability

distribution of causes or model pa-rameters, given some data; i.e., a probabilistic mapping from observed data to causes.

( | ) ( )( | )( )


( ) ( | ) ( )i ii

P E p E H p H

EH( )p H

( | )p H E

: evi-dence: hypothe-sis: prior: posterior

Page 6: The free-energy principle :         a  rough guide to the brain ? K  Friston

Generative Model• or forward model is a probabilistic

mapping from causes to observed consequences (data). It is usually specified in terms of the likelihood of getting some data given their causes (parameters of a model) and priors on the parameters

( | ) ( | ) ( )p w D p D w p w

Page 7: The free-energy principle :         a  rough guide to the brain ? K  Friston

Prior• The probability distribution or density

on the causes of data that encode beliefs about those causes prior to observing the data.

( )p H or ( )p w

Page 8: The free-energy principle :         a  rough guide to the brain ? K  Friston

Empirical Priors• Priors that are induced by hierarchi-

cal models; they provide constraints on the recognition density in the usual way but depend on the data.

Page 9: The free-energy principle :         a  rough guide to the brain ? K  Friston

Bayesian Surprise• A measure of salience based on the

divergence between the recognition and prior densities. It measures the information in the data that can be recognised.

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Entropy• The average surprise of outcomes

sampled from a probability distribu-tion or density. A density with low en-tropy means, on average, the out-come is relatively predictable.

( ) ln ( )S p x p x dx

Page 11: The free-energy principle :         a  rough guide to the brain ? K  Friston

Ergodic• A process is ergodic if its long term

time-average converges to its en-semble average. Ergodic processes that evolve for a long time forget their initial states.



1 1lim ( )( )


n k

f T x fdn x

Page 12: The free-energy principle :         a  rough guide to the brain ? K  Friston

Free-energy• An information theory measure that

bounds (is greater than) the surprise on sampling some data, given a gen-erative model.

( , | )F y E TS

ln ( , | ) ln ( , )q qp y q

( ( ; ) || ( | )) ln ( | )F D q p y p y m

Page 13: The free-energy principle :         a  rough guide to the brain ? K  Friston

Generalised Coordinates• of motion cover the value of a vari-

able, in its motion, acceleration, jerk and higher orders of motion. A point in generalised coordinates corre-sponds to a path or trajectory over time.

, ', '',...u u u u

Page 14: The free-energy principle :         a  rough guide to the brain ? K  Friston

Gradient Descent• An optimization scheme that finds a

minimum of a function by changing its arguments in proportion to the negative of the gradient of the func-tion at the current value.

( 1) ( ) Ew t w tw

Page 15: The free-energy principle :         a  rough guide to the brain ? K  Friston

Helmholtz Machine• Device or scheme that uses a gener-

ative model to furnish a recognition density. They learn hidden structure in data by optimising the parameters of generative models.

Page 16: The free-energy principle :         a  rough guide to the brain ? K  Friston

Stochastic• The successive states of stochastic

processes that are governed by ran-dom effects.

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Free Energy

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Dynamic Model of World and Recog-nition

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Neuronal Architecture

Page 20: The free-energy principle :         a  rough guide to the brain ? K  Friston

What is the computational role of neuromodulation?

• Previous treatments suggest that modulatory neu-rotransmitter have distinct roles; for example, ‘dopamine signals the error in reward prediction, serotonin controls the time scale of reward predic-tion, noradrenalin controls the randomness in ac-tion selection, and acetylcholine controls the speed of memory update. This contrasts with a single role in encoding precision above. Can the apparently diverse functions of these neuro-transmitters be understood in terms of one role (encoding precision) in different parts of the brain?

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Can we entertain ambiguous per-cepts?

• Although not an integral part of the free-en-ergy principle, we claim the brain uses uni-modal recognition densities to represent one thing at a time. Although, there is compelling evidence for bimodal ‘priors’ in sensorimotor learning, people usually assume the ‘recogni-tion’ density collapses to a single percept, when sensory information becomes available. The implicit challenge here is to find any elec-trophysiological or psychological evidence for multimodal recognition densities.

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Does avoiding surprise suppress salient information?

• No; a careful analysis of visual search and atten-tion suggests that: ‘only data observations which substantially affect the observer’s beliefs yield (Bayesian) surprise, irrespectively of how rare or informative in Shannon’s sense these observa-tions are.’ This is consistent with active sampling of things we recognize (to reduce free-energy). However, it remains an interesting challenge to formally relate Bayesian surprise to the free-en-ergy bound on (Shannon) surprise. A key issue here is whether saliency can be shown to depend on top-down perceptual expectations.

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Which optimisation schemes does the brain use?

• We have assumed that the brain uses a de-terministic gradient descent on free-energy to optimise action and perception. However, it might also use stochastic searches; sampling the sensorium randomly for a percept with low free-energy. Indeed, there is compelling evi-dence that our eye movements implement an optimal stochastic strategy. This raises inter-esting questions about the role of stochastic searches; from visual search to foraging, in both perception and action.