the following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · v. supervised clinical experience...

1 2014 Educator Preparation Performance Report John Brown University The following is a compilation of data reflective of the Educator Preparation Program at John Brown University Institutional Classification: Institutional Admissions Selectivity: Independent Open Enrollment Public Moderately Selective Selective Table of Contents I. Enrollment and Program Completers .................................................................................................................................................................. 2 II. Educator Preparation Programs .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3 III. Praxis Licensure Exam Pass Rates ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4 IV. Novice Teacher Survey Results ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5 V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers ...................................................................................................................................... 6 VI. Number of Teachers Prepared Annually ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 VII. Enrollment/Race Data............................................................................................................................................................................................ 8 VIII. Number of First-year Program Completers Working in Arkansas Public Schools ......................................................................................... 9 IX. Out-of-State Students............................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 X. Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 At the age of 22, John Brown becomes president of Scarritt Collegiate Institute in Neosho, Missouri. Although limited in formal education, and the youngest college president in the nation, he is recognized as a brilliant administrator and scholar. He eventually returns to his previous careers in evangelism and publishing, but he begins to dream of building a school that will encompass a threefold education of young people, focused on head, heart and hand.

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Page 1: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical



2014  Educator  Preparation  Performance  Report  

John  Brown  University              

 The following is a compilation of data reflective of the Educator Preparation Program at

John Brown University

Institutional Classification: Institutional Admissions Selectivity: n Independent ☐ Open Enrollment ☐ Public n Moderately Selective

☐ Selective Table of Contents I. Enrollment and Program Completers .................................................................................................................................................................. 2

II. Educator Preparation Programs .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3

III. Praxis Licensure Exam Pass Rates ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4

IV. Novice Teacher Survey Results ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5

V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers ...................................................................................................................................... 6

VI. Number of Teachers Prepared Annually ............................................................................................................................................................. 7

VII. Enrollment/Race Data ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 8

VIII. Number of First-year Program Completers Working in Arkansas Public Schools ......................................................................................... 9

IX. Out-of-State Students ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 9

X. Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10  

At the age of 22, John Brown becomes president of Scarritt Collegiate Institute in Neosho, Missouri. Although limited in formal education, and the youngest college president in the nation, he is recognized as a brilliant administrator and scholar. He eventually returns to his previous careers in evangelism and publishing, but he begins to dream of building a school that will encompass a threefold education of young people, focused on head, heart and hand.

Page 2: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical



2014  Educator  Preparation  Performance  Report  

John  Brown  University   I. Enrollment and Program Completers The HEA Title II Report is a national data collection for institutions and states related to teacher preparation and licensure. The table below represents data the EPPs have reported to Title II in the past three years. NOTE: Each report year contains data from the year before; i.e., the 2013 report contains 2011-2012 data.

Enrollment 2011 2012 2013 Avg

Traditional Route 181 178 199 186

Program Completers 2011 2012 2013 Avg

Traditional Route 34 51 44 43 Source: 2011, 2012, 2013 HEA Title Reports.    

Page 3: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical



2014  Educator  Preparation  Performance  Report  

John  Brown  University    

II. Educator Preparation Programs  

Initial Educator Licensure Programs

Required Credit Hours Program General Content Professional Ed Agriculture * Art * Business * Drama/Speech * Early Childhood 40 37 54 English 43 37 36 Fam. & Cons. Sci. * French * German * Mathematics 46 38 37 Middle Childhood * Music 46 58 30 Physical Education * Life Science * Physical Science * Social Studies 37 51 36 Spanish *

*program not offered by institution. Source: Data provided by JBU.

Page 4: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical



2014  Educator  Preparation  Performance  Report  

John  Brown  University      III. Praxis Licensure Exam Pass Rates

⋅ The Praxis Tests reported herein are those assessments that are required for teacher licensure in Arkansas. ⋅ Pass Rates are reflective of the numbers of students taking the test and the numbers passing the test between 9/1/12 and 8/31/13. ⋅ IHEs had the opportunity to verify the tests were taken by their students. Data include both Traditional and Non-traditional programs.

Licensure Exam Pass Rates

John Brown University

First Time Score (Test Taken Count 1) Highest Score (Total)

N Mean Score

# Passing

Percent Passing N Mean

Score #

Passing Percent Passing

9022 Early Childhood: Content Knowledge 31 183 31 100.0% 31 183 31 100.0%

9044 English LLC: Content and Analysis 12 176 11 91.7% 12 176 11 91.7%

9061 Mathematics: Content Knowledge 2 * * * 2 * * *

9114 Music: Content and Instruction 4 * * * 4 * * *

9621 Prin Learn Teach: Early Child 22 176 21 95.5% 22 176 21 95.5%

9624 Princ of Learn Teach: Grades 7-12 7 180 7 100.0% 7 180 7 100.0%

9086 Social Studies: Cont and Interp 4 * * * 5 160 5 100.0% Source: ETS Data Manager via ADE ETS Program Advisor § indicates data unavailable * indicates n < 5. Tests taken between 9/1/12 and 8/31/13.

Page 5: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical



2014  Educator  Preparation  Performance  Report  

John  Brown  University   IV. Novice Teacher Survey Results

First year teachers are requested to complete the “Novice Teacher Survey” after completion of their first full year of teaching. The survey is designed to collect information on how well they feel their teacher education preparation program prepared them to teach. The survey questions and results from Spring 2013 are indicated below. Data include both Traditional and Non-traditional programs.

Novice Teacher Survey Results

JBU State Averages

Knowledge of learner development 4.318 4.207 Content knowledge preparation 4.318 4.209 Lesson planning skills 4.500 4.258 Instructional strategies and skills 4.273 4.230 Use of instructional technology 3.545 4.019 Consideration of diversity among your students 4.136 4.291 Establishing a culture for learning 4.227 4.271 Creating an effective learning environment (classroom management) 4.227 4.140 Managing student behavior 4.000 3.898 Assessment of student learning 3.909 4.122 Communicating with families 4.091 3.940 Leadership, collaboration and professional growth 4.227 4.213 Extent that your instructors modeled best teaching practices and use of technology 3.545 3.993 Availability of resources to support instruction and research 3.545 4.077 Quality of student teaching experience 4.273 4.261 Avg. of all 15 items 4.076 4.142

Number of respondents 22 1,054 Instructions were as follows: "Please choose the number that most accurately reflects your level of preparation for each of the statement topics.” SCALE: 1. NOT AT ALL prepared 2. Inadequately prepared 3. Adequately prepared 4. Well prepared 5. VERY WELL prepared Source:  ADE  Educator  Preparation  Program  Advisor    

Page 6: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical



2014  Educator  Preparation  Performance  Report  

John  Brown  University      V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers

The following table represents Information about supervised clinical experience, also known as student teaching, during the 2011-12 academic year. This table was reproduced from the 2013 HEA Title II report.

Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers

Traditional Route

Hours required prior to Supervised Clinical Experience 190

Hours required in Supervised Clinical Experience 600

Number FTE faculty in Supervised Clinical Experience 3

Number adjunct faculty in Supervised Clinical Experience 3

Number of students in Supervised Clinical Experience 44

Source:  HEA  Title  II  Report  –  2013  


Page 7: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical



2014  Educator  Preparation  Performance  Report  

John  Brown  University      

VI. Number of Teachers Prepared Annually The number of teachers prepared in each subject area is reported each year in the HEA Title II report. These data include both Traditional and Non-traditional programs. The table below represents the average number of teachers prepared over three years (2010, 2011, 2012).

3-yr Average Number of Teachers Prepared Annually

Area John Brown U. Agriculture 0.0 Art 0.0 Business 0.0 Drama/Speech 0.0 Early Childhood 19.0 English 1.7 Family & Consumer Sciences 0.0 French 0.0 German 0.0 Mathematics 1.0 Middle Childhood 3.3 Music 0.3 Physical Education 0.0 Science 0.0 Social Studies 2.7 Spanish 0.0

Total 28.0 Source:  HEA  Title  II  Reports  –  2010,  2011,  2012  

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2014  Educator  Preparation  Performance  Report  

John  Brown  University      

VII. Enrollment/Race Data  

Each year EPPs report enrollment, race, ethnicity and gender of their students in educator preparation programs to HEA Title II. Data from the 2013 HEA Title II report is presented below. These are the number of students in each initial licensure program in 2011-12. Note that individuals can belong to one or more racial groups, so the sum of the members of each racial category may not necessarily add up to the total number of students enrolled. For purposes of Title II reporting, the definition of an enrolled student is a student who has been admitted to a teacher preparation program, but who has not yet completed the program.

 HEA  Title  II  Enrollment/Race  Data  

Program type Male Female

Total Enrollment Hispanic Indian Asian Black Islander White

Multi- Racial

John Brown University Traditional 31 168 199 8 2 3 1 0 179 5

Source: 2013 HEA Title II Report



Page 9: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical



2014  Educator  Preparation  Performance  Report  

John  Brown  University     VIII. Number of First-year Program Completers Working in Arkansas Public Schools

All 2011-2012 Arkansas EPP program completers (both Traditional and Non-traditional) were reported by the IHEs to the Arkansas Research Center. Those found as working in Arkansas public schools in 2013 are represented below.

2011-2012 Program Completers Teaching in Arkansas Public Schools During 2012-2013

Program Completers

2011-2012 Working in AR public schools

2012-2013 Percent

John Brown University 37 14 38%

Statewide 1,789 955 53%

Source: Completers supplied by IHEs. Number of teachers found in AR public schools supplied by ARC. IX. Out-of-State Students

Since some out-of-state students return to their home state to teach the table below represents program out-of-state students.

Total # from out-of-state % of Total

Enrolled in the IHE (2013-2014) 2,317 969 42%

Enrolled in the EPP (2013-2014) 162 87 54%

Program Completers (2012-2013) 49 20 41% Source: Data provided by JBU.

Page 10: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical



2014  Educator  Preparation  Performance  Report  

John  Brown  University   X. Glossary

Educator Preparation Program (EPP) – a unit authorized to prepare individuals to meet state licensure requirements. This unit may be housed within a university’s college of education, or it may be non-IHE based. Educator preparation providers are institutions and organizations that offer teacher preparation programs. Educator preparation providers can be Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) offering traditional programs (Traditional route to licensure) , IHEs offering alternative programs (Non-traditional Route to licensure), or organizations not based at IHEs offering alternative programs. Educator preparation programs are the individual programs offered within each provider.

HEA Title II (also known as Title II of the Higher Education Act of 1965) - In October 1998 Congress reauthorized the Higher

Education Act. Title II, Sections 207 and 208 reflect the efforts of States, Institutions of Higher Education (IHE), and their school district partners to improve the recruitment, preparation, and support of new teachers. The HEA Title II report includes requirements, conditions and specifications for institutions and states related to teacher preparation and licensure.

IHE – Institution of Higher Education. Also referred to as a college or university. Non-traditional Route to licensure – a graduate-level preparation program designed for individuals seeking licensure as a teacher

who did not complete an undergraduate educator preparation program but which, under the Arkansas Department of Education rules for nontraditional licensure, allows them to serve as teacher of record while enrolled in a program of study.

Pedagogy - the function or work of a teacher; teaching; the art or science of teaching; education; instructional methods. Praxis licensure exams - examinations taken by individuals entering the teaching profession as part of the licensure process that

is required by many states, including Arkansas. Passing scores are required on the appropriate pedagogy, and content-area assessments as mandated by the State Board of Education.


Page 11: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical



2014  Educator  Preparation  Performance  Report  

John  Brown  University   Glossary cont’d. Program completer - a person who has met all the requirements of a state-approved teacher preparation program. Program

completers include all those who are documented as having met such requirements. Documentation may take the form of a degree, institutional certificate, program credential, transcript or other written proof of having met the program’s requirements.

Supervised clinical experience – pre-service teaching (student teaching) or internship in a school setting that provides

candidates with extensive opportunities to develop and demonstrate competence in the professional roles for which they are preparing; completed under the guidance and supervision of licensed practicing school personnel and college or university supervisory personnel.

Traditional Route to licensure – an undergraduate program of study or graduate program of study at an institution of higher

education that prepares candidates for traditional licensure as a teacher, special education teacher, school counselor, school administrator, or other school professional.  

Page 12: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical


2015 Educator Preparation Performance Report

John Brown University

The following is a compilation of data reflective of the Educator Preparation Program at John Brown University

Institutional Classification: Institutional Admissions Selectivity:

► Independent ☐ Open Enrollment

☐ Public ► Moderately Selective ☐ Selective

☐ Highly Selective Table of Contents I. Program Areas ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

II. Enrollment and Program Completers ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3

III. Enrollment and Demographic Data ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

IV. Number of Teachers Prepared Annually by Subject Area ........................................................................................................................................................ 6

V. Number of Program Completers Employed in Arkansas Public Schools (first-year) ............................................................................................................. 7

VI. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers.............................................................................................................................................................. 8

VII. Praxis® Licensure Test Pass Rates ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9

VIII. Novice Teacher Survey Results ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

IX. Glossary .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

At the age of 22, John Brown becomes president of Scarritt Collegiate Institute in Neosho, Missouri. Although limited in formal education, and the youngest college president in the nation, he is recognized as a brilliant administrator and scholar. He eventually returns to his previous careers in evangelism and publishing, but he begins to dream of building a school that will encompass a threefold education of young people, focused on head, heart and hand.

Page 13: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical


2015 Educator Preparation Performance Report

John Brown University

I. Program Areas The following (Table 1) reflects the programs offered by the Educator Preparation Provider and the number of credit hours required.

Educator Licensure Programs - JBU

Required Credit Hours

Program General Content Professional Ed

Early Childhood 40 37 54

English 43 37 36

Mathematics 46 38 37

Music 46 58 30

Social Studies 37 51 36

Source: Data provided by JBU

Page 14: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical


2015 Educator Preparation Performance Report

John Brown University

II. Enrollment and Program Completers The Higher Education Act (HEA) Title II Report is a national data collection for institutions and states related to teacher preparation and licensure. HEA Title II Reports can be found at The table below represents data the EPPs have reported to Title II in the past three years. Table 2. Enrollment and Program Completers

JBU - Teacher

Enrollment 2012 2013 2014 Average % of State Total

Traditional Route 178 199 190 189 2.72%

State Total 6,925 7,758 6,161 6,948

Program Completers

Traditional Route 51 44 48 48 2.19%

State Total 2,104 2,116 2,350 2,190

Source: HEA Title II Reports – 2012, 2013, 2014

Page 15: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical


2015 Educator Preparation Performance Report

John Brown University

III. Enrollment and Demographic Data Each year EPPs report enrollment, race, ethnicity, and gender of students in their programs to HEA Title II. Data from the 2014 HEA Title II Report is presented below. These are the number of students in each initial licensure program in 2012-13. Table 3. Enrollment and Demographic Data

JBU Program Type

Male Female Total

Enrollment Hispanic Indian Asian Black Islander White

Multi- Racial

Traditional 27 163 190 11 1 3 0 0 169 6

Note: Individuals can belong to one or more racial groups, so the sum of the members of each racial category may not necessarily add up to the total number of students enrolled. For purposes of Title II reporting, the definition of an enrolled student is a student who has been admitted to a teacher preparation program, but who has not yet completed the program.

Source: HEA Title II Report – 2014

As a point of comparison the charts on the following page demonstrate the demographic makeup of Arkansas public school students and Arkansas public school teachers, and all Arkansas EPPS compared to this institution during 2012-2013. Figure 1. Demographic Makeup of Arkansas Public School Students – 2012-2013 Figure 2. Demographic Makeup of Arkansas Public School Teachers – 2012-2013 Figure 3. Demographic Makeup of Arkansas EPP Enrollees – 2012-2013 Figure 4. Demographic Makeup of JBU Enrollees – 2012-2013

Page 16: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical


2015 Educator Preparation Performance Report

John Brown University

Source: ADE Data Center

Source: HEA Title II Report – 2014

White 64.1%

Black 20.8%

Hispanic 10.5%

Multi-racial 1.8%

Indian 0.7%

Asian 1.5%

Islander 0.6%

Fig. 1. AR Students 12-13

White 75.91%

Black 6.96% Hispanic


Multi-racial 15.76%

Indian 0.55%

Asian 0.23%

Islander 0.02%

Fig. 2. AR Teachers 12-13

White 86.3%

Black 6.9%

Hispanic 2.7%

Multi-racial 1.6%

Indian 1.2%

Asian 1.1% Islander


Fig. 3. AR EPP Enrollment 12-13

White 88.9%

Hispanic 5.79%

Multi-racial 3.16%

Indian 0.53%

Asian 1.58%

Fig. 4. JBU Enrolled 12-19

Page 17: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical


2015 Educator Preparation Performance Report

John Brown University

IV. Number of Teachers Prepared Annually by Subject Area The number of teachers prepared in each subject area is reported each year in the HEA Title II Report. These data include both traditional and nontraditional programs. The table below represents the number of teachers prepared over three years. Table 4. Number of teachers prepared by subject area

JBU Number of Teachers Prepared

Subject Area 2012 2013 2014 3-yr Average

Agriculture 0 0 0 0.0

Art 0 0 0 0.0

Business 0 0 0 0.0

Chinese 0 0 0 0.0

Drama/Speech 0 0 0 0.0

Early Childhood 0 18 37 18.3

English 2 2 4 2.7

Family and Consumer Sciences 0 0 0 0.0

French 0 0 0 0.0

German 0 0 0 0.0

Life Science 0 0 0 0.0

Mathematics 1 1 2 1.3

Middle Childhood 4 2 0 2.0

Music 0 2 0 0.7

Physical Education 0 0 0 0.0

Physical Science 0 0 0 0.0

Social Studies 4 1 2 2.3

Spanish 0 0 0 0.0 Source: HEA Title II Reports - 2012, 2013, 2014

Note: Number prepared may not equal number of program completers due to differences in Title II reporting definitions.

Page 18: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical


2015 Educator Preparation Performance Report

John Brown University

V. Number of Program Completers Employed in Arkansas Public Schools (first-year) All 2013-2014 Arkansas EPP program completers (both traditional and nontraditional) were reported to the ADE Office of Research and Technology. Those found as employed in Arkansas public schools (APS) in 2014-2015 are represented below. Table 5. JBU Program Completers Teaching in Arkansas Public Schools During their first year Figure 5. Change in % employed, 12-13 to 14-15

JBU State

Completers 11-12 37 2,036

Employed in APS 12-13 14 1,143

% 12-13 38% 56%

Completers 13-14 29 2,324

Employed in APS 14-15 13 1,394

% 14-15 45% 60%

Change +7 +4

Source: Completers supplied by IHEs. Number of teachers found in AR public schools supplied by ADE Research and Technology.
















JBU State

% 12-13 % 14-15

Page 19: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical


2015 Educator Preparation Performance Report

John Brown University

VI. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The table below contains Information about the program’s supervised clinical experience (also known as student teaching) during the 2012-2013 academic year. This table was reproduced from the 2014 HEA Title II Report. Table 6. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers

JBU Traditional Route

Hours required prior to Supervised Clinical Experience 190

Hours required in Supervised Clinical Experience 600

Number FTE faculty in Supervised Clinical Experience 3

Number adjunct faculty in Supervised Clinical Experience 3

Number of students in Supervised Clinical Experience 30

Source: HEA Title II Report – 2014

Page 20: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical


2015 Educator Preparation Performance Report

John Brown University

VII. Praxis® Licensure Test Pass Rates The Praxis®

Tests reported herein are those assessments that are required for teacher licensure in Arkansas. EPPs with approved programs for

that particular subject area are listed beneath each test. Pass rates reflect the number of students taking each test for the first time between 9/1/13 and 8/31/14, and the numbers passing each test. Highest and lowest scores on each test are also included. IHEs had the opportunity to verify their students took the tests listed for their institution. Data include both traditional and nontraditional routes.

Table 7. Licensure Test Pass Rates

Test # Test Name N Mean Min Max # Pass % Pass State

Pass Rate

0022 Early Childhood: Content Knowledge 17 182 171 195 17 100 99

0044 English LLC: Content and Analysis 8 181 163 196 7 88 79

5061 Mathematics: Content Knowledge 1 * * * * * 76

5113 Music: Content Knowledge 0 * * * * * 78

5114 Music: Content and Instruction 0 * * * * * 57

0621 Princ of Learn Teach: Early Childhood 23 174 136 192 21 91 85

0624 Princ of Learn Teach: Grades 7-12 9 183 175 193 9 100 88

5622 Princ of Learn Teach: Grades K-6 0 * * * * * 79

0086 Social Studies: Cont and Interp 5 152 140 169 2 40 54 Source: ETS Data Manager via ADE Program Advisor * Indicates < 5 tests taken

N = number of test takers Mean = mean score Min = lowest score recorded Max = highest score recorded # Pass = number of passing scores % Pass = Pass rate percentage

Page 21: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical


2015 Educator Preparation Performance Report

John Brown University

VIII. Novice Teacher Survey Results First year teachers complete the “Novice Teacher Survey” at the end of their first full year of teaching. The survey is designed to identify how well they feel their educator preparation program prepared them for teaching. The questions and results from spring 2014 are indicated below. Data include both traditional and nontraditional programs. Table 8. Novice Teacher Survey Results

Instructions were as follows: "Please choose the number that most accurately reflects your level of preparation for each of the statement topics.”

SCALE: 1. Not at all prepared 2. Inadequately prepared 3. Adequately prepared 4. Well prepared 5. Very well prepared

Novice Teacher Survey Results JBU scores

(n=20) State Scores


Knowledge of learner development 4.20 4.14

Content knowledge preparation 3.95 4.18

Lesson planning skills 4.10 4.16

Instructional strategies and skills 3.90 4.16

Use of instructional technology 3.45 3.99

Consideration of diversity among your students 3.80 4.20

Establishing a culture for learning 4.00 4.24

Creating an effective learning environment (classroom management) 3.80 4.06

Managing student behavior 3.60 3.85

Assessment of student learning 3.80 4.03

Communicating with families 3.60 3.87

Leadership, collaboration and professional growth 3.95 4.12

Extent that your instructors modeled best teaching practices and use of technology 3.90 4.03

Availability of resources to support instruction and research 3.85 4.09

Quality of student teaching experience 4.20 4.16

Avg. of all 15 items 3.87 4.09 Source: ADE Novice Teacher Surveys - 2014

Page 22: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical


2015 Educator Preparation Performance Report

John Brown University

IX. Glossary Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) – Educator preparation providers are institutions and organizations that offer teacher

preparation programs. Educator preparation providers can be Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) offering traditional programs (traditional route to licensure), IHEs offering alternative programs (nontraditional route to licensure), or organizations not based at IHEs offering alternative programs. Educator preparation ‘programs’ are those individual tracks offered under the auspices of each provider.

HEA Title II (Title II of the Higher Education Act of 1965) - In October 1998 Congress reauthorized the Higher Education Act. Title

II, Sections 207 and 208 reflect the efforts of States, Institutions of Higher Education (IHE), and their school district partners to improve the recruitment, preparation, and support of new teachers. The HEA Title II Report includes requirements, conditions, and specifications for institutions and states related to teacher preparation and licensure.

IHE – Institution of Higher Education; college or university.

Nontraditional route to licensure – a post-baccalaureate preparation program designed for individuals seeking licensure as a

teacher whose undergraduate, or post-baccalaureate degree is not in educator preparation. Under the Arkansas Department of Education rules for nontraditional licensure, this is a program that allows them to serve as teacher of record while enrolled in a program of study.

Pedagogy - the art or science of teaching; education; instructional methods.

Praxis® licensure tests – examinations offered by ETS® taken by individuals entering the teaching profession (required by many

states, including Arkansas) as part of the licensure process. Passing scores are required on the appropriate basic skills, pedagogy, and content-area assessments as mandated by the State Board of Education.

Program completer - a person who has met all the requirements of a state-approved educator preparation program. Program

completers include all those who are documented as having met such requirements. Documentation may take the form of a degree, institutional certificate, program credential, transcript or other written proof of having met the program’s requirements.

Page 23: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical


2015 Educator Preparation Performance Report

John Brown University

Supervised clinical experience (SCE) – pre-service teaching (student teaching) or internship in a school setting that provides

candidates with extensive opportunities to develop and demonstrate competence in the professional roles for which they are preparing. This is completed under the guidance and supervision of licensed practicing school personnel and college or university supervisory personnel.

Traditional route to licensure – an undergraduate program of study or graduate program of study at an institution of higher education

that prepares candidates for licensure as a teacher, special education teacher, school counselor, school administrator, or other school professional. These programs include a supervised clinical experience (student teaching) but the students do not serve as teacher of record while enrolled in the program of study.

Page 24: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical


2016 Educator Preparation Provider Report

John Brown University

The following is a compilation of data reflective of the Educator Preparation Program at

John Brown University

Institutional Classification: Institutional Admissions Selectivity: ► Independent ☐ Open Enrollment ☐ Public ► Moderately Selective ☐ Selective

☐ Highly Selective Table of Contents I. Program Areas ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 II. Enrollment and Program Completers ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 III. Demographic Data ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 IV. Number of Teachers Prepared Annually by Subject Area ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 V. Number of Program Completers Employed in Arkansas Public Schools (first-year) ............................................................................................................. 7 VI. Praxis® Licensure Test Pass Rates .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 VII. Novice Teacher Survey Results ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 VIII. Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10

At the age of 22, John Brown becomes president of Scarritt Collegiate Institute in Neosho, Missouri. Although limited in formal education, and the youngest college president in the nation, he is recognized as a brilliant administrator and scholar. He eventually returns to his previous careers in evangelism and publishing, but he begins to dream of building a school that will encompass a threefold education of young people, focused on head, heart and hand.

Page 25: The following is a compilation of data reflective of the ... · V. Supervised Clinical Experience and Faculty Numbers The following table represents Information about supervised clinical


2016 Educator Preparation Provider Report

John Brown University

I. Program Areas The following reflects the programs offered at the EPP at the time of this posting. Current listings can be found by visiting the ADE Educator Preparation Web Page and clicking on the Approved Programs Matrix. Table 1. Programs offered

Teacher Licensure Programs

Early Childhood (P-4) English as a Second Language (K-12) Music - Vocal (K-12) Elementary Education (K-6) Guidance and Counseling (K-12) Social Studies (7-12) English / Language Arts (7-12) Mathematics (7-12) Instr. Facilitator (P-12)

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2016 Educator Preparation Provider Report

John Brown University

II. Enrollment and Program Completers The tables below represent program enrollment and program completer data the EPP has reported to Title II and to ADE. Table 2. Teacher Program Enrollment and Program Completers JBU

2013 Title II

2014 Title II

2015 Title II 2014-15 SY ‡ Average % of State


Enrollment Traditional 199 190 189 32 152.5 2.70% State 7,758 6,161 5,258 3,396 5,643 Program Completers Traditional 44 48 29 25 36.5 1.68% State 2,116 2,350 2,166 2,076 2,177 Source: HEA Title II Reports – 2013, 2014, 2015 ‡ Source: Data submitted directly to ADE (not via Title II)

Table 3. Administrators – N/A

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2016 Educator Preparation Provider Report

John Brown University

III. Demographic Data

Data submitted directly to ADE are presented below. These are the number of students in initial licensure programs in 2014-15. Table 4. Enrollment and Demographic Data

Program Type Male Female Total Enrollment Hispanic Nat.

Amer. Asian Black Islander White Multi- Racial

Traditional 3 29 32 1 0 1 1 0 28 1

Note: Individuals can belong to one or more racial groups. The sum of the members of each racial category may not necessarily add up to the total number of students enrolled. For purposes of Title II reporting, the definition of an enrolled student is a student who has been admitted to a teacher preparation program, but who has not yet completed the program. Source: Data submitted directly to ADE (not via Title II)

The charts on the following page demonstrate the demographic makeup of Arkansas public school students, Arkansas public school teachers, all Arkansas EPPS, and this EPP during 2014-2015. Figure 1. Demographic Makeup of Arkansas Public School Students Figure 2. Demographic Makeup of Arkansas Public School Teachers Figure 3. Demographic Makeup of Arkansas EPP Enrollees Figure 4. Demographic Makeup of JBU Enrollees

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2016 Educator Preparation Provider Report

John Brown University

Source: ADE Data Center Source: ADE Data Center

Source: ADE Data Center Source: Data supplied by JBU




Nat. AmerAsian Pacific


Fig. 1. Students 14-15




Nat. AmerAsian


Fig. 2. Teachers 14-15





Nat. AmerAsian


Fig. 3. EPP Enrollees 14-15

AsianBlack Hispanic



Fig. 4. JBU 14-15

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2016 Educator Preparation Provider Report

John Brown University

IV. Number of Teachers Prepared Annually by License Area The number of teachers prepared in these license areas is reported each year in the HEA Title II Report. These data include both traditional and nontraditional programs. The table below represents the number of teachers prepared by JBU over three years. Table 5. Number of teachers prepared by license area

JBU Number of Teachers Prepared

License Area 2013 Title II

2014 Title II

2015 Title II Annual Avg. State

Annual Avg. % of State Agriculture 0 0 0 0.0 22.7 0.0% Art 0 0 0 0.0 62.3 0.0% Business 0 0 0 0.0 49.0 0.0% Chinese 0 0 0 0.0 5.0 0.0% Drama/Speech 0 0 0 0.0 18.7 0.0% Earth Science 0 0 0 0.0 3.0 0.0% Elementary/Early Childhood 18 37 21 25.3 772.3 3.3% English 2 4 5 3.7 166.0 2.2% Family & Consumer Science 0 0 0 0.0 28.7 0.0% French 0 0 0 0.0 3.7 0.0% German 0 0 0 0.0 1.0 0.0% Life/Earth Science 0 0 0 0.0 46.0 0.0% Life Science 0 0 1 0.3 22.3 1.5% Mathematics 1 2 1 1.3 124.3 1.1% Middle Childhood 2 0 2 1.3 260.3 0.5% Music 2 0 0 0.7 81.0 0.8% Physical Education/Health 0 0 1 0.3 156.7 0.2% Physical/Earth Science 0 0 0 0.0 26.3 0.0% Physical Science 0 0 0 0.0 10.7 0.0% Social Studies 1 2 2 1.7 124.0 1.3% Spanish 0 0 0 0.0 24.3 0.0% Source: HEA Title II Reports - 2013, 2014, 2015

Note: Number prepared may not equal number of program completers due to differences in Title II reporting definitions.

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2016 Educator Preparation Provider Report

John Brown University

V. Number of Program Completers Employed in Arkansas Public Schools (first-year) Arkansas EPP program completers (both traditional and nontraditional) were reported to the ADE Office of Research and Technology. Those found as employed in Arkansas public schools in the following year are represented below. Table 6. JBU Program Completers Teaching in Arkansas Public Schools During their first year as a teacher. Figure 5. Change in % employed, 2014-15 to 2015-16.

JBU State

Completers 2013-14 29 2,324

Employed in APS 2014-15 13 1,394

% 2014-15 45% 60%

Completers 2014-15 25 2,176

Employed in APS 2015-16 7 1,220

% 2015-16 28% 56%

Change -17% -4%

Source: Completers supplied by EPP. Number of teachers found in AR public schools supplied by ADE Research and Technology.
















JBU State

14-15 15-16

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2016 Educator Preparation Provider Report

John Brown University

VI. Praxis® Licensure Test Pass Rates The Praxis® Tests reported herein are assessments that are required for teacher licensure in Arkansas. Pass rates reflect the number of students taking each test for the first time between 9/1/14 and 8/31/15, and the numbers passing each test. EPPs had the opportunity to verify their students took the tests listed for their institution. Data include both traditional and nontraditional routes. Table 7. Licensure Test Pass Rates

Test # Test Name N Mean # Pass % Pass State Pass Rate (%)

5022 Early Childhood: Content Knowledge 28 180.89 28 100.00 99.87

5039 English Language Arts: Content and Analysis 4 * * * 74.09

5361 English to Speakers of Other Lang 43 165.77 43 100.00 92.72

5161 Mathematics: Content Knowledge 4 * * * 33.33

5113 Music: Content Knowledge 2 * * * 78.15

5621 Principles of Learn Teach: Early Child 25 175.64 25 100.00 92.13

5624 Principles of Learn Teach: Grades 7-12 17 179.94 17 100.00 94.45

5622 Principles of Learn Teach: Grades K-6 2 * * * 85.54

5421 Professional School Counselor 10 168.00 10 100.00 97.06

5086 Social Studies: Content and Interpretation 9 158.00 6 66.67 62.87

N = number of test takers Mean = mean score # Pass = number of passing scores % Pass = pass rate percentage * = no data if N < 5

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2016 Educator Preparation Provider Report

John Brown University

VII. Novice Teacher Survey Results First-year teachers complete the “Novice Teacher Survey” in the spring at the end of their first year of teaching. The purpose of the survey is to identify novice teacher perceptions of their educator preparation experience base on the four TESS domains. The spring 2015 questions and results (related to the Framework for Teaching domains) are presented below for traditional and nontraditional programs. Table 8. Novice Teacher Survey Results

Instructions were as follows: "Please rate the following statements based on how well you feel your educator preparation provider (EPP) prepared you in each category for your first year of teaching." SCALE: 1=Not at all prepared 2=Inadequately prepared 3=Adequately prepared 4=Well prepared 5=Very well prepared

Domain Category JBU Scores (n=13)

State scores (n=1,512)

1a. Knowledge of content and pedagogy 4.31 4.17 1b. Knowledge of students 4.54 4.21 1c. Instructional outcomes 4.31 4.05 1d. Knowledge of resources 4.08 4.06 1e. Coherent instruction 4.46 4.07 1f. Student assessments 4.08 3.94 2a. Environment of respect and rapport 4.69 4.24 2b. Culture for learning 4.54 4.18 2c. Managing classroom procedures 4.15 4.03 2d. Managing student behavior 4.23 3.98 2e. Organizing physical space 4.54 4.14 3a. Communicating with students 4.38 4.17 3b. Questioning and discussion techniques 4.46 3.96 3c. Engaging students in learning 4.31 4.08 3d. Using assessment in instruction 4.08 3.94 3e. Flexibility and responsiveness 4.54 4.11 4a. Reflecting on teaching 4.31 4.20 4b. Maintaining accurate records 4.08 3.96 4c. Communicating with families 3.85 3.97 4d. Participating in professional community 4.15 4.11 4e. Growing and developing professionally 4.31 4.16 4f. Showing professionalism 4.38 4.30

Avg. of all 22 items 4.31 4.09 Source: ADE Novice Teacher Survey - Spring 2015

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2016 Educator Preparation Provider Report

John Brown University

VIII. Glossary Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) – EPPs are institutions or organizations that offer teacher preparation programs. EPPs can be

Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) offering traditional programs (traditional route to licensure), IHEs offering alternative programs (nontraditional route to licensure), or organizations not based at IHEs offering alternative programs. Educator preparation ‘programs’ are those individual tracks that prepare for specific licenses. These are offered under the auspices of each provider.

HEA Title II (Title II of the Higher Education Act of 1965) - Title II of the Higher Education Act (Sections 207 and 208) reflect the

efforts of States, IHEs, and school districts to improve the recruitment, preparation, and support of new teachers. The HEA Title II Report includes requirements, conditions, and specifications for institutions and states related to teacher preparation and licensure.

IHE – Institution of Higher Education; college or university.

Nontraditional route to licensure – a post-baccalaureate preparation program designed for individuals seeking licensure as a

teacher whose degree is not in educator preparation. Under the Arkansas Department of Education rules for nontraditional licensure, this is a program that allows them to serve as teacher of record while enrolled in a program of study.

Pedagogy - the art or science of teaching; education; instructional methods.

Praxis® licensure tests – examinations offered by ETS® taken by individuals entering the teaching profession (required by many

states, including Arkansas) as part of the licensure process. Passing scores are required on the appropriate basic skills, pedagogy, and content-area assessments as mandated by the State Board of Education.

Program completer - a person who has met all the requirements of a state-approved educator preparation program. Program

completers include all those who are documented as having met such requirements. Documentation may take the form of a degree, institutional certificate, program credential, transcript or other written proof of having met the program’s requirements.

Traditional route to licensure – an undergraduate or graduate program of study at an IHE that prepares candidates for licensure as a

teacher, special education teacher, school counselor, school administrator, or other school professional. These programs include a supervised clinical experience but the students do not serve as teacher of record while enrolled in the program of study.