the fisherman - thursday’s 2020 at st andrew’s we hope you will enjoy this...

Christmas 2020 at St Andrews We hope you will enjoy this final edition of The Fisherman - Thursday Catch in 2020. This newsletter has replaced our parish magazine at present and aims to inform and entertain you, as well as to provide another means for St Andrews community to come together whilst apart. Thank you to those who have contributed to this issue. You will see an outline of our Christmas services below and theres a full diary for the Christmas and New Year period on pages 7 & 8 of this issue. Of course things are necessarily different this year from a usual Christmas at St Andrews and our services reflect our current circumstances. For services in church, please remember that it is essential to book a place in advance via Eventbrite (or the Church Office until 23 December). For further information, please see the weekly email updates and the Church website. We look forward to worshipping together this Christmas-time, whether that is in person or virtually through Zoom and YouTube. Issue 29: 17 December 2020 The Fisherman - Thursday’s catch

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Page 1: The Fisherman - Thursday’s catch...Christmas 2020 at St Andrew’s We hope you will enjoy this final edition of The Fisherman -Thursday Catch in 2020. This newsletter has replaced

Christmas 2020 at St Andrew’s

We hope you will enjoy this final edition of The Fisherman - Thursday Catch in 2020. This newsletter has replaced our parish magazine at present and aims to inform and entertain you, as well as to provide another means for St Andrew’s community to come together whilst apart. Thank you to those who have contributed to this issue.

You will see an outline of our Christmas services below and there’s a full diary for the Christmas and New Year period on pages 7 & 8 of this issue. Of course things are necessarily different this year from a usual Christmas at St Andrew’s and our services reflect our current circumstances. For services in church, please remember that it is essential to book a place in advance via Eventbrite (or the Church Office until 23 December). For further information, please see the weekly email updates and the Church website. We look forward to worshipping together this Christmas-time, whether that is in person or virtually through Zoom and YouTube.

Issue 29: 17 December 2020

The Fisherman -

Thursday’s catch

Page 2: The Fisherman - Thursday’s catch...Christmas 2020 at St Andrew’s We hope you will enjoy this final edition of The Fisherman -Thursday Catch in 2020. This newsletter has replaced


Our family’s Christmas Crib

Nowadays, most people in this country are familiar with Christmas Cribs, and many have one at home. It was different when I was a child, and none of my friends even knew about them. Let me tell you how this came about.

In 1944 my father was one of the British servicemen who landed at St Raphael to begin the liberation of Southern France, where he was to spend the rest of the war. His regular billet

was with the Bastiani family in Aix-en-Provence, and Mme Bastiani kept in touch for the rest of her life. She sent us the crib for Christmas in about 1948 and we never felt that Christmas had begun until the crib was out.

I had always assumed it was a set, but found when I inherited it that it was already a collection. Only the stable was new when we had it – made of odd pieces of wood and card, painted, with added details made with pieces and crumbs of cork. The Santons (figures) had come from several old sets of all sorts and qualities, but all the characters were there. I had always thought there should be angels, so that was my first addition. The old shepherd was missing, and it took several holidays to Provence, and numerous visits to Santon shops before I found a shepherd – and a shepherdess – I was happy with. After all, they would be spending every Christmas with us! They were in a shop in Nice, where the owner just pointed me toward the display – until, that is, she heard the tale, which brought much improved attention.

All of the Santons, not forgetting the fishwife and other villagers traditionally included in Provence ever since Christmas was banned after the French revolution – will join us once more on Christmas morning. They are old friends now, so we’ll have company, even if it is quieter than usual.

Pauline Newbery

Are you interested in being a Trustee? The current trustees of the JA and EC Hall Trust Fund, the charity that was set up in 1962 to support St Andrew’s, are wishing to appoint a fourth trustee to oversee the management of this very generous fund. Any interested person would need some understanding of the functioning of a charity. The commitment would be 4 or 5 meetings a year during the day (currently Thursdays at 10.00am). The appointment will be for 1 year in the first instance with the possibility of reappointment up to a maximum of 3 consecutive years. If you are interested in applying for this position please provide a brief statement supporting your expression of interest, including information on your experience of trusts and your understanding of financial matters.

Expressions of interest should be sent to Ian Smith (Chairman of the JA and EC Hall Trust) at the Church Office by Thursday 14 January 2021. The Trustees welcome applications from anyone regardless of gender, age, disability, sexual orientation or ethnicity.

Page 3: The Fisherman - Thursday’s catch...Christmas 2020 at St Andrew’s We hope you will enjoy this final edition of The Fisherman -Thursday Catch in 2020. This newsletter has replaced


The Fisherman in more normal times regularly carried updates on the deliberations and work of our Parochial Church Council. As we approach the end of the year, this report from the November meeting brings us up-to-date.

Report of PCC Meeting - November 2020

The Zoom meeting began with a warm welcome from Ian. Carol’s opening prayer helped us to reflect upon issues affecting St Andrew’s in the current circumstances with particular reference to the Vacancy. As a result of Covid-19 restrictions the Annual Parochial Church Meeting took place in October. Newly elected members Nneka Williams, Jenny Tomlinson and Angela Huddart were welcomed to PCC.

There was a full agenda of 21 items including reports from the different church committees. All items were important but this report will focus on the main points that arose from discussion.

Lionel Mayoh, PCC Treasurer, received a letter from Bishop Alan of St Albans thanking St Andrew’s for all we are doing in this time of pandemic to keep things going as smoothly as possible. The Bishop reminds us to be mindful of each other’s circumstances which may have been affected by the situation.

The Curate’s Report also referred to issues arising from the pandemic. Duncan talked about the pastoral links scheme and the Telephone Link Scheme (TLC). There are currently seven TLC Volunteers and seventeen people are receiving regular calls. Fiona McLeod would like to improve the capacity but in order to do this more volunteers are needed.

Duncan, the Associate Ministers and Elisabeth our Children’s Work leader are planning our Advent and Christmas services. These will be very different this year. It was agreed our Christmas collections this year would be divided between SMART and Christian Aid.

Ian presented the Churchwarden’s Report. Again mention was made of Covid-19 with reference to the particular assessments that are in place for the Christmas services. St Andrew’s will be acquiring an Outside Broadcasting System to boost our ability to live stream services. This has become an essential means of ensuring access to services and the intention is for it to continue beyond the pandemic. Some fundraising will be needed and also some trained volunteers to man the system. Planning to celebrate the Church Centenary will resume when we have more certainty about what is possible.

Major agenda items discussed were the Finance Report presented by Lionel Mayoh and the writing of the Parish Profile. The pandemic has had repercussions for the finance because of a reduction in the income from lettings. Even so the position of the finances is steady and Lionel has been able to produce a draft budget for 2021 which is manageable.

A working party has been drafting a Parish Profile. There was a very full discussion about how this has been done and the contents of the profile. Care has been taken to include the thoughts and suggestions which came from the consultations with the congregation which took place earlier. The result will be a very informed, professional profile which gives a very clear account of our church and our hopes for the future.

Reports were received from Deanery and Diocesan Synods. Landmark resources from the Church of England have been published by the Diocese. Called ‘Living in Love and Faith’ these draw together the Bible, theology, science and history with real-stories on questions of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage. Bishop Alan hopes that use of these resources will: “lead to open, honest and gracious listening, learning and discussion.” This is a positive way forward into 2021.

The meeting ended with prayers.

Sheila Bissell

Page 4: The Fisherman - Thursday’s catch...Christmas 2020 at St Andrew’s We hope you will enjoy this final edition of The Fisherman -Thursday Catch in 2020. This newsletter has replaced


News from Nurse

Sadly, due to the Covid-19 restrictions the Parish Nurse Annual Symposium will not take place next March. However, there will be virtual communications and also the infamous “zoom”, not the same but at least we will be able to discuss topics and become involved with on line activities. It is something I always enjoy attending and we get the chance to meet currently practicing Parish Nurses, and attend seminars and a couple of days away from home.

I found last week’s news story very poignant to watch when 90-year-old Margaret Keenan was the first person in the UK to receive the Pfizer vaccination against Covid-19. An historic moment and for the nurse who administered the vaccination, matron May Parsons. Matron May explained to her patient every step of the injection with Margaret not flinching in the slightest. I found the giving of this medication against such a deadly virus, that we have endured with so many losses, a moving and significant moment in time. Those of you in the early vaccination categories will receive notification from your health service provider or GPs. Everyone else will be notified in due course, but in the new year, as you will all be aware already. Of course, it is not a quick fix and it will take time for the vaccination to be acquired, stored, distributed and given. We have to continue to follow government guidelines.

I hope you all have a pleasant time over the Christmas period. After all it is a happy occasion remembering who and what we are celebrating. Folks have said to me that recent lockdowns and social distancing have made them realise what they had pre-Covid, how much we took for granted in our lives. Ordinary things like hugging, being physically sociable, not worrying about what we touch, not seeing each other, well I don’t need to remind you!

I was bemused when my friend’s little boy of 4 had a conversation with me over video call and quite casually told me all about his Grandma and that Grandma was isolating, and Robbie, his best friend’s uncle, was shielding and finally am I allowed out…ever? I thought even at that tender age they have the words of the pandemic and are informed, which is a good thing, and that handwashing, cleaning things and social distancing are now the norm.

I am still very limited to visiting you but may under “essential visits” and after doing a risk assessment and speaking to my manager. I am always available via phone and can pick up prescriptions or shopping if you need that type of help.

If any of you shop at Amazon online, Amazon donates 0.5% of eligible purchases to Parish Nursing Ministries UK when you shop at You can select a different charity after signing in. It’s the same Amazon as we know it but with added benefit of supporting charitable organisations. This information was passed on from our administrator Judith at PNMUK in Peterborough and is safe.

God Bless and a Healthy Happy Christmas to one and all. Sandy Taylor

Parish Nurse RGN

A successful year for the annual Bike’n Hike! 2020 could have been a disastrous year with all the churches closed, but Beds & Herts Historic Churches Trust went ahead as usual and this proved to be a wise decision as their funds were increased by about £108,000 overall!

Congratulations to Annabel Rick, her Grandad Ian Smith & Uncle Nick, who rode on behalf St Andrew’s and raised £1,083 (with gift aid). Half of this donation will come to our PCC and the rest will help towards the maintenance of needy churches and chapels throughout the two counties. Very many thanks to all of our congregation & friends who contributed so generously by their sponsorship.

Pat Rogers (Church Organiser) & Alan Colley (Bedford Area Organiser).

Page 5: The Fisherman - Thursday’s catch...Christmas 2020 at St Andrew’s We hope you will enjoy this final edition of The Fisherman -Thursday Catch in 2020. This newsletter has replaced


Toddler Nativity On Monday 14 December, we held a socially-distanced toddler nativity in the Vicarage garden. We gathered in our households or bubbles around the manger and put on different angel, shepherd and magi headwear as we told the story. As shepherds we gathered some sheep from around the garden and took them to Jesus in the manger and as kings we each found a star! While telling the story we sang some slightly reworked nursery rhymes – a particular favourite was ‘The Innkeeper had a stable, ee-i-ee-i-o’ (to the tune of Old MacDonald)! It was lovely to share the nativity story with each other.

Elisabeth Sutcliffe

Fairtrade at St Andrew's

Countdown to Christmas Delivery service as normal next week – this includes bread and we'll rush any orders to you in time for Christmas. N.B. Last orders for bread by 10.00pm Sunday; phone Brenda or by email to [email protected] by midnight Sunday.

Appointments for safe personal visits to the shop available up to and including Wednesday 23 December – have the shop to yourself to find those last minute items. Phone Lynn 07897 782765 or email [email protected]

Stall outside the Church Centre this Sunday 20 December after the 10.00am service and Wednesday 23 December after the 10.30am service.

Christmas Day to New Year's Day inclusive Fairtrade at St Andrew's and Companions Bakery and all our other suppliers go into hibernation for a week!

January 2 onwards Fairtrade at St Andrew's and Companions Bakery and all our other suppliers wake up again. Delivery service resumes (including bread), shop appointments available again and we'll be running as many outdoor stalls as possible after the services on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Lynn Herron Shop Manager

Page 6: The Fisherman - Thursday’s catch...Christmas 2020 at St Andrew’s We hope you will enjoy this final edition of The Fisherman -Thursday Catch in 2020. This newsletter has replaced


The Misadventures of Cuthbert the Church Mouse

Cuthbert was very busy - after all it was nearly Christmas and there was such a lot to prepare. He was just unpacking his umpteenth box of decorations for the mousehole, whilst simultaneously making shopping lists in his head, when his cousin Chester appeared. Maybe now wasn’t the time to interrupt him, thought Chester, but Cuthbert had asked him to do it, so he gave a little squeak and said:

“Cuthbert, it’s nearly 2 o’clock and you said I was to remind you about the meeting…”

“But it can’t be that time already...I feel like I’ve only just started and I’ve got so much still to do...but I really should be at the meeting. It’s all about what’s happening at the church over Christmas and it’s important for a church mouse to be well-informed and to help wherever possible”. As he was saying this, Chester noticed that Cuthbert had pulled himself up tall, puffed out his chest and looked very serious.

“Well, I can’t be in two places at once and I do need to finish this job.” mused Cuthbert, wrinkling his brow in thought. “I know...Chester, please will you go to the meeting in my place?”

Chester gulped, “Well, if you’re sure…”

“Definitely, that’s the answer - delegation, they call it. You can go and listen and then report back to me.”

Some time later Chester returned to the mousehole, where Cuthbert made them both a mug of tea, opened a pack of Fairtrade chocolate biscuits and they both sat down for a “debrief”. Chester wasn’t entirely sure what Cuthbert meant by this, but he launched into a long explanation of everything that had been said at the meeting. Maybe it was because he’d been so busy all day, but Cuthbert could feel his eyelids closing softly as Chester’s gentle tones filled the room….

“….and so than Kelly said that there would be a live stream at the Christmas services and that maybe we could help set it up. She said we would be using your tube.”

Cuthbert came to with a start. “My tube? stream? Well, I know we have to do things differently this year, but...” He gave himself a little shake to wake up properly. “If that’s what they’ve decided, I’d better go and look in the shed” he sighed.

So it was that later that day, Cuthbert entered the Church Office, dressed in his wellies and carrying his hosepipe, and asked a bemused Kelly:

“Where do you want this stream to go then...down the centre aisle? Chester’s just attaching the other end of the hose to the tap, so we’re all ready for a practice run when you are.”

Suffice to say, explanations were given and Cuthbert is now conversant in what it means to live stream a service on YouTube...and that it doesn’t involve any water. So you won’t need to wear your wellies to church this Christmas!

Ann Ony-Mouse

Merry Christmas

from Cuthbert and Chester

Page 7: The Fisherman - Thursday’s catch...Christmas 2020 at St Andrew’s We hope you will enjoy this final edition of The Fisherman -Thursday Catch in 2020. This newsletter has replaced


Our Church Diary for the next three weeks (18 December - 7 January)

Friday 18 8.30am Morning Prayer Online via Zoom

5.00pm Evening Prayer Online via Zoom

3.00pm Zoom Tea and Talk Online via Zoom

8.00pm Compline Online via Zoom

Saturday 19 8.30am Morning Prayer Online via Zoom

5.00pm Evening Prayer Online via Zoom

Sunday 20 ADVENT 4

10.00am Parish Eucharist with Nativity In church /

YouTube live stream

11.15am Zoom Coffee & Chat Online via Zoom

6.00pm Carol Service In church /

YouTube live stream

Monday 21 8.30am Morning Prayer Online via Zoom

5.00pm Evening Prayer Online via Zoom

Tuesday 22 8.30am Morning Prayer Online via Zoom

5.00pm Evening Prayer Online via Zoom

Wednesday 23 8.30am Morning Prayer Online via Zoom

10.30am Holy Communion In church/

YouTube live stream

11.30am Zoom Coffee & Chat Online via Zoom

5.00pm Evening Prayer Online via Zoom

5.00pm Church Office closes until 4 January

Please note that the Chapel will not be open for individual private prayer

from 24 December until 4 January.

There will be no Evening Prayer until 4 January.


8.30am Morning Prayer Online on Zoom

2.00pm Crib Service Online via Zoom

4.00pm Carols and Candlelight Around the parish

11.45pm Midnight Prayers YouTube recording


8.30am Parish Eucharist In church /

YouTube live stream

10.00am All-Age Service Online via Zoom

5.00pm Evening Prayer Online via Zoom

Saturday 26 8.30am Morning Prayer Online via Zoom


10.00am Parish Eucharist In Church and

YouTube live stream

Page 8: The Fisherman - Thursday’s catch...Christmas 2020 at St Andrew’s We hope you will enjoy this final edition of The Fisherman -Thursday Catch in 2020. This newsletter has replaced


The Fisherman - Thursday’s Catch would welcome your contributions. We will be pleased to receive articles for this publication at any time, but if you are aiming for a particular week, items need to be with us by Wednesday morning prior to the publication date at the very latest (sooner is better and increases the chances of your item being fitted in!). Please email articles to [email protected] or send hard copies to the Church Office. Thank you.

As we may place publications on the church website, please ensure that any images used are copyright free and that any individuals identified in your photographs are happy for their image to appear on-line and to be shared in the email version. All articles are printed at the discretion of the Thursday Fisherman Team and represent the writers’ personal views and are not necessarily those held by the members of the fortnightly Fisherman Editorial Team. We endeavour to ensure the information is up-to-date and correct.

The next edition of The Fisherman - Thursday’s Catch will be published on Thursday 7 January 2021.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from The Fisherman team.


8.30am Morning Prayer Online via Zoom

Tuesday 29 8.30am Morning Prayer Online via Zoom

Wednesday 30 8.30am Morning Prayer Online via Zoom

10.30am Holy Communion In church

11.30am Zoom Coffee & Chat Online via Zoom

Thursday 31 8.30am Morning Prayer Online via Zoom



8.30am Morning Prayer Online via Zoom

Saturday 2 8.30am Morning Prayer Online via Zoom


10.00am Parish Eucharist In church /

YouTube live stream

11.15am Zoom Coffee & Chat Online via Zoom

6.00pm Evening Service Online via Zoom

Monday 4 8.30am Morning Prayer Online via Zoom

5.00pm Evening Prayer Online via Zoom

Tuesday 5 8.30am Morning Prayer Online via Zoom

5.00pm Evening Prayer Online via Zoom

Wednesday 6 EPIPHANY

8.30am Morning Prayer Online via Zoom

10.30am Holy Communion In church

11.30am Zoom Coffee & Chat Online via Zoom

5.00pm Evening Prayer Online via Zoom

Thursday 7 8.30am Morning Prayer Online via Zoom

5.00pm Evening Prayer Online via Zoom

For services in church, please book your place through Eventbrite or contact the Church Office on 01234

216881. Relevant links are included in the email updates sent to all on our mailing list - to be added to this

list please contact us.