the essence of mother nature

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  • 8/13/2019 The Essence of Mother Nature



    by janegano on 10:39 AM6 comments

    Thehealthy eating pyramidis anutritionguide developed by

    theHarvard School of Public Health,suggesting quantities of

    each food category that a human should eat each day. The

    healthy eating pyramid is intended to provide a superior eatingguide than the widespreadfood guide pyramidcreated by

  • 8/13/2019 The Essence of Mother Nature


  • 8/13/2019 The Essence of Mother Nature


    eaters. You dont need an expensive name-brand or designer

    vitamin.Spirulinais nature's multivitaminthat meets the

    requirements of the USP (U.S. Pharmacopeia), an organization

    that sets standards for drugs and supplements. In addition to itsbone-health benefits, theres growing evidence that getting some

    extra vitamin D can help lower the risk of colon and breast

    cancer. Aim for getting at least 800 to 1,000 IU(international

    units) of vitamin D per day; Spirulina naturally are available

    with this amount.

    Does spirulina contain antioxidants?


    Is it a probiotic food?

    You bet!
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    Is it aneutraceutical?

    That too!

    Is it loaded with phytochemicals?All kinds. It contains compounds

    likephycocyanin,polysaccharides, and sulfolipidsthat

    enhance the immune system . This superfood has the most

    remarkable concentration of functional nutrients ever known in

    any food, plant, grain or herb.

    Superfoodis used to describe food with high nutrient orphytochemical content that may confer health benefits, with few

    properties considered to be negative, such as being high in

    saturated fats or artificial ingredients, food additives or


    Spirulina is categorized as one of the superfood that contains an

    amazing source of complete protein, coming in at 43% more

    than beef. Spirulina's synthesis of sunlight converts concentratedamounts of protein more efficiently than any other living food.

    Early research documented spirulina is safe consumption by

    traditional people. When scientists discovered that spirulina

    grew so fast, yielding 20 times more protein per acre than

    soybeans, they named it afood of the future. Spirulina is the best

    vegetable protein source, with a protein content of 65% higher

    than any other natural food. Yet, an even greater value is found

    in its concentration of vitamins, minerals and other unusual


    1) Protein and amino acids
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    Water is the source of life; protein is the next source of life after

    water. The building blocks of life are protein and amino acids.

    When comparing protein sources, several criteria should be


    a) Amino acid quality

    b) Net protein utilization and usable protein

    c) Protein digestibility

    a) Amino acid quality

    Protein is composed of amino acids. Essential amino

    acidscannot be manufactured in the bodyand must be

    supplied in the diet. Non-essential amino acidsare needed too,

    but thebody can synthesizethem. Essential amino acids, plus

    sufficient nitrogen in foods, are needed to synthesize the non-

    essential amino acids. A protein is considered complete if it hasall the essential amino acids. Spirulinais just that, a complete


    The body requires amino acids in specific proportions. If a food

    is low in one or more amino acids, those amino acids are called
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    limiting amino acids, and the body cannot use all the amino

    acids completely. The most ideal proportion of amino acids is

    found in eggs. All other foods have some limiting amino acids.

    Limiting amino acids in spirulina are methionine and cystine,but it is still higher in these amino acids than grains, seeds,

    vegetables and legumes, and higher in lysine than all vegetables

    except legumes. Spirulina complements vegetable protein and

    increases the amino acid quality if eaten within several hours of
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    other foods. Over 100% of the daily essential amino acid

    requirements for a typical adult male are supplied by using only

    36 grams of spirulina, about 4 heaping tablespoons.

    b) Net protein utilization and usable protein

    In other words, the bio-avaibilityof protein is very crucial. Bio-

    avaibility represents the percentage or scale rating of just how

    much our bodies can make use of certain protein sources.

    You need to know that our bodies and digestive systems absorb

    some protein better than others and also certain sources will

    provide a higher amino acid profile.

    Feeding tests rank proteins by Net Protein Utilization (NPU)

    value, determined by amino acid quality, digestibility

    (proportion absorbed by the intestines) and biological value

    (proportion relatined by the body). Dried eggs (94) have the

    highest value, followed by milk (70-82), fish (80) and meat (67).

    Spirulina (62) is similar to grains and has a higher NPU than

    nuts (2.5).
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    By multiplying protein quantity by the NPU, we determine the

    usable protein as a percentage of the food's composition.

    Spirulina is second only to dried eggs, and higher than any of

    the common foods in the form in which they are usually


    c) Protein digestibility

    Spirulina has no cellulosein its cell walls, being composed of

    soft mucopolysaccharides. This makes it easily digested and
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    assimilated. It is 85-95% digestible. This easy digestibility is

    especially important for people suffering from intestinal

    malabsorption. Typically, many older people have difficulty

    digesting complex proteins, and are on restricted diets. Theyfind spirulina's protein is very easy to digest.

    Spirulina is effective for victims of malnutritiondiseaseslike

    kwashiorkor, where the ability of intestinal absorption has been

    damaged. Given to malnourished children, it is more effective

    than milk powders because milk's lactic acid can be difficult to


    2) Vitamins - protectors of health

    A 10 gram spirulina serving (20 tablets, or 1/3 ounce) supplies a

    rich profile of vitamins we need.

    a) Natural beta carotene (provitamin A)
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    Spirulina is the richest food in beta carotene, 10 times more

    concentrated than carrots. 10 grams provide a remarkable 23,000

    IU (14mg) of beta carotene, 460% of the U.S Daily Value (DV)

    of Vitamin A. High doses of Vitamin A may be toxic, but betacarotene in spirulina and vegetables are safe, because human

    bodies convert beta carotene to Vitamin A ONLY WHEN


    Vitamin A is important in maintaining mucous membranes and

    pigments necessary for vision. Vitamin A deficiency is one of

    the most serious malnutrition diseases in the developing world,

    leading to blindness.

    Beta carotene has therapeutic effects, including reducing serum

    cholesterol and ever present cancer risks. Over the past 12 years,

    cancer health authorities have published dozens of studies

    showing beta carotene reduces the risks of all kinds of cancers,

    including lung, throat, stomach, colon, gastrointestinal tract,

    breast and cervix.
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    Although beta carotene is best known, spirulina contains an

    antioxidant rich complex of at least10 carotenoids. These

    mixed carotenesand xanthophyllsfunction at different sites in

    the body and minerals and phytonutrients in spirulina. Thisis more effective than an isolated,synthetic beta carotene


    b) Vitamin B complex

    Spirulinais the richest source of B-12, higher than beef liver,

    chlorella or sea vegetables. B-12 is necessary for developmentof red blood cells, especially in the bone marrowand nervous

    system. Primary B-12 deficiencies, anemia and nerve

    degeneration, are getting more common in modern societies,

    because B-12 is the most difficult vitamin to get from plant

    sources, vegetarians have taken to spirulina.

    3 B vitaminsB6, B12, and folic acidhelp prevent heart

    disease. The newest independent risk factor for cardiovasculardisease is excess levels of homocysteinenot

    cholesterol. Contrary to popular belief, cholesterol does notcause heart disease. It is merely one of the many markers of the

    disease. In fact, it's quite possible to have a heart attack even if

    you have "normal" cholesterol levels.

    Scientists have discovered that vitamins B6, B9 and B12 can

    dramatically lower homocysteine levels and reducecardiovascular disease.

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    Methylation Cycle: With B6, 9 and 12 supply, Homocysteine will

    be converted to other beneficial elements in the body
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    Homocysteine is converted to Glutathione and MTHFR enzyme

    But according to research, there's a definite possibility you'll

    have a heart attack if you have high levels of homocysteine.

    What is it? Homocysteineis an amino acid derivative that's

    naturally foundin your body. Too much of it can generatefree radicalsthat increase injury to arterial walls, accelerate

    oxidationand the buildup of cholesterol in blood vessels, and

    set the stage for arterial and venous diseases, including stroke.12
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    One tablespoon provides significant quantities of:

    B1 (Thiamin): 23% DV required for nerve tissues

    B2 (Riboflavin): 23% DV needed to gain energy from

    carbohydrates and proteins

    B3 (Niacin): 7% DV needed for healthy tissue cells.

    Other B vitamins, B6, biotin, panthothenic acid, folic acid,

    inositol and Vitamin E are also present in smaller amounts.

    3) Naturally colloidal minerals

    Algae absorbs many trace elements while growing and these

    minerals are well assimilated by the human body. Its mineralcontent varies depending on where it is grown and the minerals

    in the water.
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    Iron is the most common mineral deficiency worldwide,

    especially for women, children and older people. Women onweight loss diets typically do not get enough iron, and can

    becomeanemic. Iron is essential for strong red blood cells and

    healthy immune system. Spirulina is a rich iron food, 10 times

    higher than common iron foods. 10 grams supply up to 10mg of

    iron, 55% of the Recommended Daily Value.

    The chlorophyll density of this micro-algae is excellent at

    cleansing the liver, nervous system and blood of unwanted


    The presents of the two amino acids cysteine and methionine

    help in this process of purification.
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    The chlorophyll in spirulinais incredibly similar to the

    hemoglobin in the body. It is excellent for anemiaand helps to

    build the blood.

    The presence of the blue polypeptide, phycocyaninprovides the

    blood with a richer supply of oxygen, helping it to cleanse more

    efficiently.It also forms soluble complexes with iron and other

    minerals during digestion making iron more bio-available.

    Hence, iron in spirulina is over twice as absorbable as the form

    of iron found in vegetables and most meats.

    4) Essential Fatty Acids

    Human require a dietary source of essential fatty acids (EFA).

    They promote cholesterol normalization and are precursors for

    hormones, called prostaglandins. Spirulina has 4-7% lipids, or

    fats, and most of these are EFAs. 10 grams have 225mg of EFA

    in the form of linoleic (Omega-6) and gamma-linolenic acid

    (GLA). The DV for an adult is a minimum EFA intake of 1% of

    total calories. 10 grams provide 8-14% DV, depending on sexand age group.

    GLA is the precuror to the body's prostaglandins - master

    hormones that control many functions. Dietary saturated fats

    and alcohol can cause in GLA deficiency and suppressed

    prostaglandin formation. Studies show GLA deficiency figures

    in many diseases and many health problems, so a food source of

    GLA can be important.

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    The only other known sources of dietary GLA are mother's ilk

    and oil extracts of evening primrose, black currant and borage

    seeds. Spirulina is a concentrated source of GLA, and a 10 gramserving has 135mg.

    5) Phytonutrients

    Pigments help synthesize many enzymes necessary for

    regulating the body's metabolism. Spirulina's very dark color

    comes from the natural pigments which harvest different wave

    lenghs of sunlight.a) PhycocyaninIt is the most important pigment in Spirulina, this protein

    complex is about 14% of the entire weight. A Japanese patent

    states a small dosage of phycocyanin daily maintains or

    accelerates normal control cell functions that prevents

    generation of malignancy such as cancer or inhibits its growth or


    Chinese scientists documented phycocyanin stimulates

    hematopoesis (creation of blood), emulating the hormone

    erythropoetin (EPO). EPO is produced by healthy kidneys and

    regulates bone marrow stem cell production of red blood cells.
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    Their research showed that phycocyanin regulates white blood

    cell production, even when the bone marrow stem cells are

    damaged by toxic chemicals or radiation.

    b) Chlorophyll

    The common feature of green foods is their high chlorophyll

    content. Chlorophyll is known as a cleansing and detoxifying

    phytonnutrient. Sometimes called 'green blood' because it looks

    like the hemoglobin molecule in human blood. Chlorophyll has

    a magnesium at its core, giving it a green color, and hemoglobin

    has iron, giving it a red color. Spirulina's beneficial effect on

    anemia could be bio-available iron.

    c) Carotenoids

    About half of these yellow/orange pigments in spirulina are

    carotenes: Alpha, Beta and Gamma. About half are

    xanthophylls: Myxoxanthophyll, Zeaxanthin, Cryptoxanthin,

    Echinenone, Fucoxanthin, Violaxanthin and Astaxanthin. Total

    mixed carotenoids make up 0.37% of spirulina. Although betacarotene is the best known, this mixed carotenoid complex

    functions at different sites in the body and works synergistically

    to enhance antioxidant protection.

    d) Polysaccharides

    Spirulina contains only 15-25% carbohydrate and sugar. The

    primary forms of carbohydrates are rhamnose and glycogen, twopolysaccharides which are easily absorbed by the body with

    minimum insulin intervention. Spirulina offers quick energy,

    without taxing the pancreas or precipitating hypoglycemia.

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    The polysaccharides structure in spirulina is somewhat different

    from the ones found in Ganocelium (GL). However, working

    together with Ganocelium, the polysaccharides chain

    complement each other to form a very strong barrier on cellmembranes, especially preventing from viral penetration to the

    cell that causes infections.

    e) Enzymes

    Enzymes are catalysts for chemical changes. There are

    thousands of enzymes, each catalyzing specific reactions. Dried

    spirulina contains a number of enzymes. One is Superoxide

    Dismutase (SOD), important in quenching free radicals in

    retarding aging.
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    The summarized health benefits of Spirulina:

    Assists in growth and development.

    Strengthens the immune system and eliminate virus


    Improves red blood cells life span. Indirectly level up

    the oxygen in our body.
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    Enables the body to produce new supply of red blood


    Act as a blood cleanser.

    Balances cholesterol level.

    Reduces the risks of cardiovascular diseases.

    Improves ovarian functions.

    Reduces pre-mentstrual syndrome.

    Improves gastrointestinal and digestive health.

    Enhances natural cleansing and detoxification.

    Natural weight control.

    Better antioxidant protection hence reducing cancer


    Relieves depression symptoms.