the eruv is up. rabbi emeritus joseph radinsky z’l...snif and groups will resume august 26th, 2017...

SHABBAT BULLETIN Serving the Orthodox Community of Houston for over 100 years August 5, 2017 13 Av 5777 Torah Sefer: Devarim Parasha: Vaetchanan Haſtarah: Isaiah 40:1-26 ————————————— Shabbat Kiddush in Taubenhaus Hall. Shabbat Kiddush next week: Sponsorship is greatly appreciated. Seudah Shlishit in Taubenhaus Hall. Sponsored by Ellen & Mark Buchine. Seudah Shlishit next week: Sponsorship is greatly appreciated. United Orthodox Synagogues The David & Ruth Mitzner Building 9001 Greenwillow Houston, TX 77096 713-723-3850 Rabbi Barry Gelman Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky z’l Cantor Emeritus Irving Dean President Mr. Rick Guman The Eruv is up. The greatest chessed (kindness) you can do for someone in shul is to let them pray undisturbed. Please refrain from talking during services. LOUIS AND LEAH YAFFEE BNEI AKIVA PROGRAM: Shabbat No Teen Minyan & No Groups 10:30 am: Tot Shabbat with Maya Wadler Snif and groups will resume August 26th, 2017 Rabbi Gelman will be away from August 2—August 10th. You may email him, but response me will be longer than normal. Please contact the synagogue office for urgent maers. Baruch Dayan H’emet We regret to inform you on the passing of Shirley Mucasey Mother of our member Debbie (Sheldon) Bootin May the families be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem Mazal Tov Steven Abramson and Elisa Stern on their engagement. Congratulaons to their parents Zelia Abramson (Cecil Abramson z'l) of Netanya, Israel and Louis and Gloria Stern of Detroit Michigan, and their enre families. Happy 93rd Birthday Evelyn Reichenthal

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Page 1: The Eruv is up. Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky z’l...Snif and groups will resume August 26th, 2017 Rabbi Gelman will be away from August 2—August 10th. You may email him, but response



Serving the Orthodox Community of Houston for over 100 years

August 5, 2017 13 Av 5777

Torah Sefer: Devarim Parasha: Vaetchanan Haftarah: Isaiah 40:1-26

————————————— Shabbat Kiddush in Taubenhaus Hall. Shabbat Kiddush next week: Sponsorship is greatly appreciated. Seudah Shlishit in Taubenhaus Hall. Sponsored by Ellen & Mark Buchine. Seudah Shlishit next week: Sponsorship is greatly appreciated.

United Orthodox Synagogues

The David & Ruth Mitzner Building 9001 Greenwillow Houston, TX 77096


Rabbi Barry Gelman Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky z’l

Cantor Emeritus Irving Dean President Mr. Rick Guttman

The Eruv is up.

The greatest chessed (kindness) you can do for someone in shul is to let them pray undisturbed. Please refrain from talking during services.


Shabbat No Teen Minyan & No Groups 10:30 am: Tot Shabbat with Maya Wadler Snif and groups will resume August 26th, 2017

Rabbi Gelman will be away from August 2—August 10th. You may email him, but response time will be longer than normal.

Please contact the synagogue office for urgent matters.

Baruch Dayan H’emet

We regret to inform you on the passing of Shirley Mucasey

Mother of our member Debbie (Sheldon) Bootin

May the families be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem

Mazal Tov Steven Abramson and Elisa Stern on their engagement. Congratulations to their

parents Zelia Abramson (Cecil Abramson z'l) of Netanya, Israel and Louis and Gloria Stern of Detroit Michigan, and their entire families.

Happy 93rd Birthday

Evelyn Reichenthal

Page 2: The Eruv is up. Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky z’l...Snif and groups will resume August 26th, 2017 Rabbi Gelman will be away from August 2—August 10th. You may email him, but response



Friday August 4th 6:00 am Early Shacharit 7:00 am Shacharit 7:00 pm Mincha/Maariv 7:54 pm Candle Lighting

Saturday August 5th 9:00 am Shacharit 6:30 Gideon Miller No Class by Rabbi Gelman 7:45 pm Mincha 8:15 pm Class by David Silberman 8:54 pm Havdallah Sunday August 6th 8:00 am Shacharit 7:50 pm Mincha/Maariv Monday August 7th Tu B;’Av 6:00 am Early Shacharit 6:45 am Shacharit 7:50 pm Mincha/Maariv Tuesday August 8th 6:00 Early Shacharit 7:00 am Shacharit 7:50 pm Mincha/Maariv Wednesday August 9th 6:00 am Early Shacharit 7:00 am Shacharit 7:50 pm Mincha/Maariv Thursday August 10th 6:00 am Early Shacharit 6:45 am Shacharit 7:50 pm Mincha/Maariv

Friday August 11th 6:00 am Early Shacharit 7:00 am Shacharit 7:00 pm Mincha/Maariv 7:48 pm Candle Lighting

Saturday August 12th 9:00 am Shacharit 6:25 Gideon Miller 6:40 pm Class by Rabbi Gelman 7:40 pm Mincha 8:15 pm Class by David Silberman 8:47 pm Havdallah

Shabbat: Morning Services: followed by Kiddush in Taubenhaus Hall. Sermon by Irv Rotter Massechet Shabbat: with Gideon Miller, 1 hour 15 minutes before Mincha

at the home of Barbara & Robert Levy. Shabbat Class: with Rabbi Gelman, There will be no class this Shabbat. Massechet Bava Metziah: with David Silberman, after Seudah Shlishit. ———————————————————————————————————————-

Ongoing Weekday Classes: Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel. Daf Yomi is a daily regimen of Talmud

study. The entire Talmud is completed, one day at a time, in seven and a half years. Tens of thousands of Jews worldwide study in the Daf Yomi program. The class will take place in the Library 45 minutes before Mincha, Sunday through Thursday. There will be No Class Sun—Wed this week.

Mondays 11:15 am-1:15 pm: Women’s only Israeli Dancing—Beginner thru

advanced telling the story of the Jewish People and Israel today thru Dance. Cost $6/session. Contact Rachel Weissblatt for details 713-776-9739.

Tuesdays 8:00 pm-9:00 pm: Meditation class with Ann Friedman in the UOS Library. Please go to for the class schedule.

Wednesdays 11:45 am (class 12:00 pm-12:30 pm): with Rabbi Gelman Lunch & Learn: Parshat Hashavua: A textual analysis of the weekly Torah portion. Class will be held in the UOS library, cost $6 (egg salad, tuna salad, fresh green salad and a drink) RSVP to [email protected] or online at

Summer Schedule. No class on Aug. 2, 9.

Wednesday 8:00 pm at the home of Vivian and Henry Blum. Rabbi Moshe

Traxler teaching the Ramban's Mishneh Torah.

Daily minyan is a fundamental aspect of synagogue life. Help to assure that we have a minyan each time by joining the minyan WhatsApp group. Those in the group receive periodic reminders of minyan times as well as requests to come when we are short. Come when you can. Join the group to make sure those saying kaddish and others have a minyan. Email or text your cell # to Rabbi Gelman if you wish to join and download the WhatsApp app.

Rabbi Gelman is sending out a weekly inspirational message or link thru a WhatsApp group. Please text Rabbi Gelman at 713 922 2473 indicating that you would like to join the UOSInspiration WhatsApp group. Make sure you have a WhatsApp account.

Page 3: The Eruv is up. Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky z’l...Snif and groups will resume August 26th, 2017 Rabbi Gelman will be away from August 2—August 10th. You may email him, but response


Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

1 hour 15 minutes before Mincha: Massechet Shabbat with Gideon Miller at the home of Barbara & Robert Levy. —————————————— Shabbat Class: with Rabbi Gelman 1 hour before Mincha. There will be no class this Shab-bat. —————————————— After Mincha: Massechet Bava Metziah with David Silberman. ——————————————

45 minutes Before Mincha: Daf Yomi: with Rabbi Nagel. There will be no class Sun—Wed this week. ———————

11:15 pm—1:15 pm: Israeli dance for Women. ——————— 45 minutes Before Mincha: Daf Yomi: with Rabbi Nagel. . There will be no class Sun—Wed this week. ———————

45 minutes Before Mincha: Daf Yomi: with Rabbi Nagel. There will be no class Sun—Wed this week. ——————

11:45 am(lunch) 12-12:30 pm(class) Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Gelman: Parshat Hashavua: A textual analysis of the weekly Torah portion. See page 2 for the summer schedule. —————— Wednesday 8:00 pm at the home of Vivian and Henry Blum.

Rabbi Moshe Traxler teach-ing the Ramban's Mishneh Torah. ——————— 45 minutes Before Mincha: Daf Yomi: with Rabbi Nagel.

45 minutes Before Mincha: Daf Yomi: with Rabbi Nagel. ——————

UOS Torah Classes at a Glance

UOS Committee Chairpersons

Committee Contact Email Address

Chesed Doreen Lerner [email protected]

Education - UOSGMS Nada Chandler [email protected]

Hospitality Elise Passy [email protected]

House and Grounds Neil Scheckter [email protected]

Membership Steven Abramson [email protected]

Security Harry Brown/Yair Yeudai [email protected]

Tzedakah Committee Dov Liberman [email protected]

Youth Education Robert Levy [email protected]

Welcome members, friends and guests to UOS. On behalf of the Board of Direc-tors, I invite you to engage in our com-munity and in our Shul. Please reach out to our Rabbi, me, or any of our com-mittee leaders as we work together to enrich each other and our community. Best regards Rick S Guttman

Page 4: The Eruv is up. Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky z’l...Snif and groups will resume August 26th, 2017 Rabbi Gelman will be away from August 2—August 10th. You may email him, but response


Prayer For The IDF & US Military

As we recite the prayer for members of the

Israeli Defense Force on Shabbat and Yom Tov

we keep in mind those Israeli Soldiers held in

captivity and missing in action

and those connected to our congregational

family in active IDF & US Military

Ron Arad Guy Chever Yehuda Katz

Zecharia Baumal Zvi Feldman

Zvi Boruch Altman Elad Imany

Akiva Gilad Brody Yehuda Lajcher

Azriel Oz Brody Albert Katz

Roni Buchine Reuben Morris

David Chertoff Gavriel Saitowitz

Yonaton Cytrin Jake Saitowitz

Samuel Gorme

Chessed Committee

We are currently looking for volunteers, both male & female, to help serve as Shul greeters

on Shabbat. You will welcome people to UOS as they enter the Sanctuary.

We hope to grow and be able to offer more in time, but to start we are currently able to extend these acts of chesed: 1. Friendly check-in calls – to members we haven’t seen in shul for a while, just to make sure they’re okay. 2. Hospital Visits (bikur cholim) 3. Birthday calls or visits to seniors who’re living alone or don’t have family in the area. 4. Rides to weekday shul events – for members who’d like to come to an event, or perhaps to daven or say kaddish, but don’t have a way to get there.

If you are able to help or know of someone

that needs some assistance

please contact Doreen Lerner at [email protected]

Let us plant together! I found [ready grown] carob trees in the world; as my forefathers planted these for me so I too plant these for my children. Talmud - Mas. Ta'anith 23a

Todah Rabah to the 43 people who have signed their letters of intent to provide for the future of our congregation. These people have made it possible for UOS to meet the goals established by the Legacy program, and they have done their part to plant for tomorrow. These individuals will be invited to a celebratory brunch on September 10th (invitations to follow) where they will not only be feted, but will have the opportunity to learn how to confirm their future gifts.

It is not too late to add your name to the list!

UOS is proud to be one of the community participants in the Houston Jewish Community Foundation’s Create a Legacy Program. As a participant we are planning for the future of our congregation by asking our members to make plans for a legacy gift to UOS. There are several ways this can be accomplished, but we first ask for a Letter of Intent, indicating your support. The form is available in the office. Brochures are avail-able in the foyer, and the members of this committee are anxious to speak with you; they are Nada Chandler (713-256-1030), Joe Blog (713-530-5337) and Basil Joffe (713-302-6691). Feel free to contact them for more information. The forms for the confirmation of the gifts are also now available, and an essential part of the Create A Legacy program. Again, todah rabah to those who have made their plans known!

For more information, please see our web site at

Page 5: The Eruv is up. Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky z’l...Snif and groups will resume August 26th, 2017 Rabbi Gelman will be away from August 2—August 10th. You may email him, but response


Please join us for a special Kiddush in honor of

Sonia Raizes And all of her contributions to our community

On Shabbat August 19, 2017

If you are interested in helping sponsor or to donate to a

new rose garden to be dedicated in Sonia’s honor,

please go to our website at

Page 6: The Eruv is up. Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky z’l...Snif and groups will resume August 26th, 2017 Rabbi Gelman will be away from August 2—August 10th. You may email him, but response



9001 Greenwillow

Houston, TX 77096


2017-2018 5778

During the High Holidays, we especially remember our beloved relatives and friends who are

no longer with us. It is a hallowed tradition not only to remember them in our hearts, but also

to remember them publicly. The synagogue’s Book of Remembrance allows their names to be

publicly remembered.

This Book of Remembrance is used during the Cemetery Memorial Services, which this year

will occur on Sunday, September 17, 2017, and at Yizkor during Yom Kippur, which this year

will occur on Saturday, September 30, 2017.

If you would like your departed loved ones be publicly acknowledged at these services by

having their names printed in the Book of Remembrance, please send the names to the

synagogue office NO LATER THAN Friday September 1,2017. Please list the names of the

loved ones you wish to memorialize below. You may also go to and fill out the

form under the “Contribute” tab.

A memorial tribute, enclosed is $_______ as a donation to the congregation from:

Please print name of donor(s) to be listed. _________________________________________

Print name(s) of departed loves one(s):


Page 7: The Eruv is up. Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky z’l...Snif and groups will resume August 26th, 2017 Rabbi Gelman will be away from August 2—August 10th. You may email him, but response




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Page 8: The Eruv is up. Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky z’l...Snif and groups will resume August 26th, 2017 Rabbi Gelman will be away from August 2—August 10th. You may email him, but response


Baruch Dayan H’Emet We regret to inform you on the passing of

Gerry Wadler, Wife of our member Larry Wadler

Mother of our member Michael (Freda) Wadler

Shirley Mucasey, Mother of our member Debbie (Sheldon) Bootin

Mazal Tov

Steven Abramson and Elisa Stern on their engagement. Congratulations to their parents

Zelia Abramson (Cecil Abramson z'l) of Netanya, Israel and Louis and Gloria Stern of Detroit Michigan, and their entire families.

Page 9: The Eruv is up. Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky z’l...Snif and groups will resume August 26th, 2017 Rabbi Gelman will be away from August 2—August 10th. You may email him, but response



July 2017

Breakfast-Kiddush- Seudah


Torah Fund Cont’d Rabbi Gelman's Discretionary


Sharon & Sonny Gerber Sheila & Louis Train Holly & David Davies

Pauline Katz Sari & Scott Garfinkle

Elena & Ronald Levy Doreen & Marshall Lerner

Gary Moore General Synagogue Fund Andrea Moore

Mike Moore Sally & Lenard Berkowitz Carol-Anne & Brian Schulman

Rebecca & Paul Oberman Lisa & Aaron Brown Harry Elliott Simon

Susan & Max Reichenthal Andrea & Stephen Eisenstein Marsha Wolk

Irv Rotter Beverly & Howard Feldman Bnei Akiva

Sheila & Louis Train Rhoda Seplowitz & Jonas Hafkin Tova & Pablo Geralnik

Doreen & Basil Joffe Mirit & Andrew Schneider

Torah Fund Marilyn & Ron Kammerman

Adrianne & David Berger Joy & Joseph Kaplan

Debra & Sheldon Bootin Hayley & Yair Kol Cemetery

Marisa & Harry Brown Doreen & Marshall Lerner

Ellen & Mark Buchine Naomi & Alan Malakoff

Holly & David Davies Carolyn Lynn Plessner

Sharon & Gary Endelman Susan & Max Reichenthal

Beverly & Gerald Fanarof Marilyn & Don Schlossberg

Elayne & Sloan Gordon Carol-Anne & Brian Schulman

Marilyn & Ron Kammerman David Seligman

Florence & Howard Kusnetz Carol & Jerry Silverman Prayer Books

Nava & Gideon Miller Sandi Sperling Carol-Anne & Brian Schulman

Bella & Jeff Morgan Joel Spira

Susan & Max Reichenthal Sheila & Louis Train

Irv Rotter Paula & Rabbi M. Urkowitz

Sharon & Frank Ruben

Page 10: The Eruv is up. Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky z’l...Snif and groups will resume August 26th, 2017 Rabbi Gelman will be away from August 2—August 10th. You may email him, but response



August 5,2017– September 18,2017

8/5/2017 13 Av Evelyn Vera Chimes

8/5/2017 13 Av Rudolph Isaac Goldreich

8/5/2017 13 Av Edward Sperling

8/5/2017 13 Av Sam Nowitz

8/6/2017 14 Av Daniel Moshe Sacks

8/6/2017 14 Av Samuel Gluckman

8/7/2017 15 Av Mordechai Yaakov Mitzner

8/9/2017 17 Av Ruth Alpert

8/9/2017 17 Av Max Dall

8/10/2017 18 Av Judy Siegel

8/11/2017 19 Av Eric Freedman

8/11/2017 19 Av Melvin Diner

8/11/2017 19 Av Eric Freedman

8/14/2017 22 Av Barbara Bar-ilan

8/14/2017 22 Av Rebecca Goldsmith

8/14/2017 22 Av Milton Rosenfield

8/15/2017 23 Av David Mitzner

8/15/2017 23 Av Bessie Glantzberg

8/17/2017 25 Av Fishel Wolf

8/18/2017 26 Av Brian Nitsun

8/18/2017 26 Av Esther Lachs

8/18/2017 26 Av Brenda Loewenson

8/18/2017 26 Av Abe Kaplan

8/19/2017 27 Av Patricia Passy

8/19/2017 27 Av Naomi G. Altman

8/19/2017 27 Av Celia Simon

8/20/2017 28 Av Abe (JoJo) Moore

8/20/2017 28 Av Pauline Abrahamson

8/21/2017 29 Av Pearl Opwald

8/21/2017 29 Av Eleanor Hyman

8/22/2017 30 Av Zvi Friedman

8/24/2017 2 Elul Otto Israel Plessner

8/24/2017 2 Elul Samuel Schmeidler

8/25/2017 3 Elul Rose Esther Goldberg

8/25/2017 3 Elul Abraham Joseph Gelman

8/26/2017 4 Elul Sol Waldman

8/26/2017 4 Elul Sally Waldman

8/28/2017 6 Elul Yehudah Amsalem

8/28/2017 6 Elul Elliot Wainstein

8/29/2017 7 Elul Blanche Opolion

8/31/2017 9 Elul Benjamin Kramer

8/31/2017 9 Elul Louis Rosh

8/31/2017 9 Elul Max Landman

9/1/2017 10 Elul Sam Harris

9/1/2017 10 Elul Jack Simon

9/1/2017 10 Elul Goldie Fels Leff

9/2/2017 11 Elul Louis Feigon

9/2/2017 11 Elul Moses Schneider

9/2/2017 11 Elul Manya Kerner

9/4/2017 13 Elul Shana Saitowitz

9/4/2017 13 Elul Rose Moglinsky

9/4/2017 13 Elul Abeldro Garcia

9/5/2017 14 Elul Dina Melnick

9/5/2017 14 Elul Seymour Buchine

9/6/2017 15 Elul Louis Weiss

9/7/2017 16 Elul Maurice Howard Treiman

9/7/2017 16 Elul Bernard Blieden

9/7/2017 16 Elul Adelaide Pesses Friedman

9/9/2017 18 Elul Wallace Simson

9/9/2017 18 Elul Sylvia Silverman Goren

9/11/2017 20 Elul Abraham Kramer

9/11/2017 20 Elul Irving Shapiro

9/11/2017 20 Elul Michael Sankie

9/12/2017 21 Elul Feivel Topek

9/12/2017 21 Elul Edward Levy

9/12/2017 21 Elul Sheryl Collins

9/13/2017 22 Elul Neil Berman

9/14/2017 23 Elul Muriel Weinberg

9/15/2017 24 Elul Sylvia Rosenberg Berkowitz

9/15/2017 24 Elul Sam N. Sussman

9/16/2017 25 Elul Joseph "Joe" Wolk

9/17/2017 26 Elul D. Aaron Topek

9/17/2017 26 Elul Jacob Blog

9/18/2017 27 Elul Gilda Simon

9/18/2017 27 Elul Adolph Schimmel

Page 11: The Eruv is up. Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky z’l...Snif and groups will resume August 26th, 2017 Rabbi Gelman will be away from August 2—August 10th. You may email him, but response



September 19,2017– October 19,2017

9/19/2017 28 Elul Herman Bootin

9/19/2017 28 Elul Jean Edward Junker

9/20/2017 29 Elul Joseph Steiman

9/20/2017 29 Elul Pearl Sperling

9/21/2017 1 Tishrei Miriam Saitowitz

9/21/2017 1 Tishrei Elie Nahman

9/22/2017 2 Tishrei Gloria Fallas

9/22/2017 2 Tishrei Molly Levy

9/22/2017 2 Tishrei Daniel Belinsky

9/24/2017 4 Tishrei Mary Kaplan

9/24/2017 4 Tishrei Miriam Goldman

9/24/2017 4 Tishrei Hyman Simon

9/25/2017 5 Tishrei Roslyn Joffe

9/25/2017 5 Tishrei Annette Brown

9/25/2017 5 Tishrei Ilana Sharon

9/26/2017 6 Tishrei Martin Kerner

9/26/2017 6 Tishrei Sol Weinberg

9/26/2017 6 Tishrei Morris Landman

9/27/2017 7 Tishrei Frimet Florance Moore

9/28/2017 8 Tishrei Kevin David Bloch

9/28/2017 8 Tishrei Zev Garfinkle

9/29/2017 9 Tishrei Kurt Dolina

9/29/2017 9 Tishrei Samuel Schwartz

9/30/2017 10 Tishrei Ann Green

9/30/2017 10 Tishrei Golda Dziengel

9/30/2017 10 Tishrei Schlomo Charski

9/30/2017 10 Tishrei Minna Freedman

9/30/2017 10 Tishrei Rose Schneider

9/30/2017 10 Tishrei Rivka Dziengel

9/30/2017 10 Tishrei Yehudah Freedman

9/30/2017 10 Tishrei Gittel Dziengel

9/30/2017 10 Tishrei Isadore Garsek

9/30/2017 10 Tishrei Reuven Dziengel

9/30/2017 10 Tishrei Berek Dziengel

9/30/2017 10 Tishrei Esther Dziengel

9/30/2017 10 Tishrei Chaim Urman

9/30/2017 10 Tishrei Shimon Dziengel

9/30/2017 10 Tishrei Leah Charski

10/1/2017 11 Tishrei Blanche Mueller

10/2/2017 12 Tishrei Ann Block Adelson

10/3/2017 13 Tishrei Lillian Maltz

10/3/2017 13 Tishrei Ernest Gittleman

10/4/2017 14 Tishrei Manny Simon

10/4/2017 14 Tishrei Bertha Pollak

10/4/2017 14 Tishrei Harry Freedman

10/5/2017 15 Tishrei Isaac Ashkenase

10/5/2017 15 Tishrei Shulamit Liberman

10/5/2017 15 Tishrei Joseph Melnick

10/6/2017 16 Tishrei Dora Secan

10/8/2017 18 Tishrei Jeanette Magrid

10/8/2017 18 Tishrei Bernard Shocket

10/9/2017 19 Tishrei Lillie Bier Kammerman

10/9/2017 19 Tishrei Simcha Sydney Minkowitz

10/9/2017 19 Tishrei Sara Kowenski

10/10/2017 20 Tishrei Morris Davis David Ashendorf

10/10/2017 20 Tishrei Arthur Berman

10/11/2017 21 Tishrei Jacob F. Leff

10/11/2017 21 Tishrei Ellen Rosenberg

10/11/2017 21 Tishrei Sam Raizes

10/11/2017 21 Tishrei Patricia Levy

10/12/2017 22 Tishrei Esje Blog

10/12/2017 22 Tishrei Moric Ackerman

10/12/2017 22 Tishrei Bernard Rockoff

10/12/2017 22 Tishrei Alexandar A.J. Hoffman

10/12/2017 22 Tishrei Marvin Wolk

10/15/2017 25 Tishrei Daniel Zack Pokroy

10/15/2017 25 Tishrei Joseph Fayner

10/16/2017 26 Tishrei Alan Kaplan

10/16/2017 26 Tishrei Sadie Farum

10/16/2017 26 Tishrei Bruno Frankel

10/17/2017 27 Tishrei Sandy Hoffman

10/18/2017 28 Tishrei Gordon Johnson

10/18/2017 28 Tishrei Albert Rubinsky

10/19/2017 29 Tishrei Frieda Halpin

10/19/2017 29 Tishrei Yolanda Gold

Page 12: The Eruv is up. Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky z’l...Snif and groups will resume August 26th, 2017 Rabbi Gelman will be away from August 2—August 10th. You may email him, but response


Page 13: The Eruv is up. Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky z’l...Snif and groups will resume August 26th, 2017 Rabbi Gelman will be away from August 2—August 10th. You may email him, but response


Page 14: The Eruv is up. Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky z’l...Snif and groups will resume August 26th, 2017 Rabbi Gelman will be away from August 2—August 10th. You may email him, but response


In the interest of collegiality, we want to share these community announcements with you

Dear friends, Please help us raise money to purchase patient beds for Hadassah Hospital by attending our event and inviting your friends and family members to join you. The event is open to all - members, non-members, friends, spouses – and it’s under HKA supervision. We’ll be serving delicious hors d’oeuvres, desserts, wine and coffee. Ticket prices: $36 per person - gets you 1 door prize ticket $72 per person - gets you 3 door prize tickets $108 per person - gets you 5 door prize tickets The door prize is an Amazon Echo Dot. We also have some great silent auction items. Thanks in advance for your support, Doreen Lerner - Fundraising VP, Marc Chagall Hadassah Sari Garfinkle - Fundraiser Refreshments Chair Debbie Ciner, Marilyn Kammerman, Carol Liberman – Fundraiser Refreshments Team Lydia Bilton, Auction Co-chair Marty Klashman, Invitations Nada Chandler, Advisor Andrea Eisenstein, Publicity