the end of the great war 4

05/28/22 10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War. 1 The End of the Great War Chapter 25 Pages 858-868

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Page 1: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


The End of the Great War

Chapter 25

Pages 858-868

Page 2: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.



I. The End for Germany

II. Settlement at Paris

III. A Lasting Peace???

IV. Evaluating the Peace

Page 3: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


Page 4: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


I. The End for Germany

A. The Last Offensive

B. The Kaiser Abdicates

C. Public Perception

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10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


A. The Last Offensive

• Germany hopes to win before U.S. arrives

• Second Battle of Marne stops German advance

• Too many reinforcements

Page 6: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


B. The Kaiser Abdicates

• German leadership hopes for terms with U.S.– Encouraged by 14 points– Germany still controls foreign soil– Kaiser will abdicate– Democratic Socialists will head government

• Armistice Day 11/11/18

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10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


C. Public Perception

• Versailles treaty will anger Germans– Forced to sign it– Many believed they were winning– Loss of land– Reparations

• Weimer Government will sign– Social Democrats– Catholic Center

Page 8: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


II. Settlement at Paris

A. Obstacles of the Big Four.

B. 14 points

Page 9: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


A. Obstacles of the Big Four

• Britain wanted Reparations.– David Lloyd George

• France wanted to weaken Germany.– George Clemenceau

• Italy wanted Allied promises of land.– Vittorio Orlando

• Wilson’s idealism contradicted this– “A Peace without Victors”

Page 10: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


B. The 14 Points

• Wilson hoped to achieve a lasting peace in Europe with justice and self determination.

• Points 1-5; stated no secret treaties, freedom of the seas, remove trade barriers, reduce arms and adjust colonial claims.

• Points 6-13 returned Alsace Loraine to France and offered self determination to European Nations.

• The 14th point was the League of Nations.

Page 11: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


III. A Lasting Peace???

A. League of NationsB. ColoniesC. GermanyD. The EastE. End of the

Ottoman EmpireF. The Russian


Page 12: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


A. League of Nations

• Wilson compromised with Allies to get League• U.S. Refuses League

– Republican Senate was against the League.– It was a question of U.S. sovereignty.– Could an international organization send U.S. troops

to war?

• Problems of League– Germany and U.S.S.R excluded– No Military Force and Unanimity– No U.S. ???

Page 13: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


Page 14: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


Page 15: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


B. Colonies

• Colonies are now mandates

• Mideast loved idea of self determination

• Independence encouraged– No penalties if not

achieved• 1918 Balfour


Page 16: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


C. Germany

• Germany had to pay reparations

• Germany had to accept full blame

• Germany Lost territory– Alsace and Lorraine – Polish Corridor– Divided into two separate regions

• German citizens were in shock– The Stab in the Back

Page 17: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


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10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


Page 19: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


D. The East

• Austria-Hungary was divided.– Lost land to

newly formed nations of eastern Europe.

– Also lost land to Italy.

Page 20: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


E. End of the Ottoman Empire

• Ottoman Empire was broken up.– Iraq, Lebanon, Syria,

Transjordan and Palestine all became mandates of Britain.

– Turkey was all that remained of the Ottoman Empire

• Turkey, the Young Turks and Ataturk

Page 21: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


F. Russia is seen as a threat.

• Russia was communist under Lenin.

• Russia signed the treaty of Brest Litovsk

• Lenin published secret treaties between Russia and the west– West resented Lenin and the

Bolsheviks• West sided with the White

Army in the Civil War

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10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.

22Europe 1914

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10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.

23Europe Post Versailles

Page 24: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


IV. Evaluating the Peace.

A. Criticisms

B. Lasting Failures

Page 25: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


A. Criticisms

• Was it too harsh?– Not Wilson’s Idealism– No end to Imperialism– Reparations and an angry Germany

• Was it too soft?– Punish the German’s more– Don’t let Germany rebuild– France depends on Anglo-Saxon support

Page 26: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


B. Lasting failures

• Germany is bitter and isolated– Did not accept defeat

• U.S.S.R and U.S.A. are out of League

• The League was a weak international actor

• Imperialism and Empire were not over

Page 27: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


Terms to know

• Treaty of Versailles• 14 Points• Woodrow Wilson• League of Nation• Self Determination• Alsace-Lorraine• Polish corridor• Weimer Republic

• Reparations• mandates• The Big Four• Ottoman Empire

Page 28: The End Of The Great War 4


10.5 and 10.6 : Students analyze the causes, effects and course of the First World War.


What we know…

• Germany lost, but did not accept it.

• The victors were divided along idealism vs. national interest.

• The Treaty was poorly written to keep the peace

• The League will be too ineffective to keep the peace