the effects of inoculation barley by endophytic bacteria

Список литературы 1. Борисов В. А., Литвинов С. С. Перспективы развития органического земле- делия в овощеводстве РФ / / Сб. науч. трудов Рос. академии естеств. наук. 2016. № 3. С. 98-103. 2. Тепличный практикум. Защита растений: дайджест журнала «Мир те- плиц» / / сост. А. Д. Цыдендамбаев. М. : Мир теплиц, 2013. 246 с. 3. ЗаболоцкаяА.А., ВолковМ.Ю. Разработка многоцелевого дезинфектанта «АлкоПерит» для использования в сельском хозяйстве / / Актуал. пробле- мы химии, биотехнологии и сферы услуг. 2017. С. 12-14. 4. Белошапкина О. О., Букреев Д. Д., Шкаликов В. А. Защита растений от бо- лезней. М. : Колос, 2010. 255 с. 5. Горбачев И. В., Гриценко В. В., Захваткин Ю .А. Защита растений от вре- дителей : учебник. М. : Колос, 2002. 470 с. 6. ВолковМ.Ю., ЗаболоцкаяА.А., БуяновскийЭ.К. Дезинфицирую- щее средство для аэрозольной обработки помещений «Алкоперит». Пат. № 2465013, Рос. Федерация; опубл. 6.10.2011 г. 7. Волков М. Ю. Безопасное средство «Алкоперит» для санации воздуха по- мещений и дезинфекции объектов ветеринарного надзора в присутствии жи- вотных / / Вет. врач. 2015. № 3. УДК 579.67 + 581.1 М. Darkazanli, І.С. Kiseleva Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, 620002, Russia, Yekaterinburg, St. Kuybeshiva, 48, mdarkazanli@urfu. ru THE EFFECTS OF INOCULATION BARLEY BY ENDOPHYTIC BACTERIA {METHYLOBACTERIUM SP .)* Keywords: Food security, Methylobacterium sp., Photosynthesis, Lipid Peroxidation. Food supply and security are the strongest global challenges for the modern world, tend to grow in population and produce more food than ever before. Generally, food security is linked to seed security. Good seed quality contributes to the increase of agricultural productivity and food production [1]. There are many technics to improve quality. One of them is the seed inoculation by plant growth promoting (PGP) bacteria. Some of these bacteria inhabit soil particles just in the rhizosphere, another - inside plants and seeds - endophytes. The term endophyte was first coined in 1866 by De Bary. Methylobacterium sp. are frequently encountered as endophytes and are common in soil and in plant. Methylobacterium have the capacity for methylotrophy, biofilm formation, production of cytokinin - plant hormone, quorum-sensing signals, ‘Acknowledgment: The research was supported by The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Agreement no. 02.A03.21.0006. © Darkazanli M., Kiseleva I. C., 2018

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Page 1: The effects of inoculation barley by endophytic bacteria

Список литературы1. Борисов В. А ., Литвинов С. С. Перспективы развития органического земле­

делия в овощеводстве РФ / / Сб. науч. трудов Рос. академии естеств. наук.2016. № 3. С. 98-103.

2. Тепличный практикум. Защ ита растений: дайджест журнала «Мир те­плиц» / / сост. А. Д. Цыдендамбаев. М. : Мир теплиц, 2013. 246 с.

3. З а б о ло ц ка яА .А ., В о л к о вМ .Ю . Разработка многоцелевого дезинфектанта «АлкоПерит» для использования в сельском хозяйстве / / Актуал. пробле­мы химии, биотехнологии и сферы услуг. 2017. С. 12-14.

4. Белош апкина О. О., Букреев Д. Д., Ш каликов В. А. Защита растений от бо­лезней. М. : Колос, 2010. 255 с.

5. Горбачев И. В., Гриценко В. В., Захват кин Ю .А . Защита растений от вре­дителей : учебник. М. : Колос, 2002. 470 с.

6. В о л к о вМ .Ю ., З а б о ло ц ка яА .А ., Б уя н о вск и й Э .К . Дезинфицирую­щее средство для аэрозольной обработки помещений «Алкоперит». Пат. № 2465013, Рос. Федерация; опубл. 6.10.2011 г.

7. Волков М. Ю. Безопасное средство «Алкоперит» для санации воздуха по­мещений и дезинфекции объектов ветеринарного надзора в присутствии жи­вотных / / Вет. врач. 2015. № 3.

УДК 579.67 + 581.1 М. Darkazanli, І .С . Kiseleva

Ural Federal U niversity named a fter the firs t President o f Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, 620002, Russia, Yekaterinburg, S t. Kuybeshiva, 48,

mdarkazanli@ urfu. ru


Keywords: Food security, M ethylobacterium sp., Photosynthesis, Lipid Peroxidation.

Food supply and security are the strongest global challenges for the modern world, tend to grow in population and produce more food than ever before. Generally, food security is linked to seed security. Good seed quality contributes to the increase of agricultural productivity and food production [1]. There are many technics to improve quality. One of them is the seed inoculation by plant growth promoting (PG P) bacteria. Some of these bacteria inhabit soil particles just in the rhizosphere, another - inside plants and seeds - endophytes. The term endophyte was first coined in 1866 by De Bary.

M ethylobacterium sp. are frequently encountered as endophytes and are common in soil and in plant. M ethylobacterium have the capacity for methylotrophy, biofilm formation, production of cytokinin - plant hormone, quorum-sensing signals,‘Acknowledgment: The research was supported by The M inistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Agreement no. 02.A03.21.0006.© Darkazanli M., Kiseleva I. C., 2018

Page 2: The effects of inoculation barley by endophytic bacteria

heavy metal and other stress resistance, and so on. They play im portant role in stim ulating plant growth, and inhibition of plant pathogens [2].

Heavy metals (HM ) and metalloids have become one of the major environmental concerns which pose a serious th rea t to plants, animal, and human health. In this context, endophytic bacteria could play an im portant role in understanding the HM uptake mechanism by plants and their resistance to HM [3].

In our study, we have tested M ethylobacterium sp. ability to promote plant growth and to reduce heavy-metal toxicity. The prelim inary sterilized barley seeds (by using 70% ethanol for 1 min, 2% sodium hypochlorite for 8 min, and 0.2% mercuric chloride for time 2 min) were: 1) inoculated w ith M ethylobacterium sp. culture (standard), at 7.23 log cfu /m l, prepared under sterile laboratory conditions, and 2) irrigated w ith sterile water. Seeds were germinated for 7 days on filter paper. The prim ary barley leaf was used for the evaluation of leaf photosynthesis (C 0 2 assimilation rate was recorded by LiCor 6400XT, 23 °C, PAR1500 pm ol/m 2*s); level of lipid peroxidation (LPO ) in control conditions and under heavy metal stress w ith protocol (H ealth & Packer, 1997) [4].

P hotosyn th esis Qimol C O : . m 2. s 1)6

Fig. 1. Photosynthesis (pmol C 0 2/ m / s4) in inoculated and sterile plants

O ur results have shown th a t the level of C 0 2 assimilation rate was 23 % higher in inoculated plants compared to those grown from sterile seeds. The mean value C 0 2 assimilation rate was 4.73+0.08 in inoculation plants and was 3.85+0.08 in sterilized plants. Total chlorophyll content was 1.15 m g /g in inoculated plants and0.9504 m g /g in sterilized plants. Thus we suppose th a t bacteria have stimulated the photosynthetic function in barley.

The results have also revealed th a t M ethylobacterium sp. were able to promote barley resistance to HM stress.

Page 3: The effects of inoculation barley by endophytic bacteria

Fig. 2. The rise of LPO level (%) under stress conditions (0.05M C u S 0 4, 2 hours) in inoculated and sterilized plants

The increase of the LPO level under heavy metal stress was shown in all plants, both inoculated by bacteria and sterilized compared to normal conditions but sterilized plants were stressed higher then inoculated. So PG P bacteria allow plants to resist HM impact.

Thus PGP bacteria can increase the grow th and development of the plants either indirectly by reducing the toxic effects of metals or directly by producing the phytohormones [5]. Formerly it was shown tha t most of the studied endophytes revealed resistance to multiple HM (Lodewyckx et al. 2002) and our results agree w ith those studies [6]. Another study in 2010 showed th a t the light response curves of beet showed th a t photosynthetic capacity was significantly increased in endophyte-infected plants. Promotion of photosynthetic capacity in sugar beet was due to increased chlorophyll content, leading to a consequent increased carbohydrate synthesis. It is possible tha t the increased maximum yield of photosynthesis in sugar beet was promoted by phytohormones produced by the bacteria [7].

References1. SassonA . Food security for Africa: an urgent global challenge / / Agriculture

& Food Security. 2012. Vol. 1.2. Methylobacterium-Induced Endophyte Community Changes Correspond with

Protection of Plants against Pathogen A ttack / P. Ardanov, A. Sessitsch,H. Hflggman et al. / / PLoS One. 2012. Vol. 7.

3. Kozyrovska N. Heavy M etal Resistance in Plants: A Putative Role of Endophytic Bacteria / / Toxicity of Heavy Metals to Legumes and Bioremediation. 2012. P. 203-217.

4. G a rc ia Y .J ., R odrnguez-M alaverA . J., PenalozaN . Lipid peroxidationmeasurement by thiobarbituric acid assay in ra t cerebellar slices / / Environmental Microbiology. 2005. Vol. 144. P. 127-135.

5. Beneduzi A ., Ambrosini A., Passaglia L. M . P. P lant growth-promotingrhizobacteria (PG PR ): Their potential as antagonists and biocontrolagents / / Genetics and Molecular Biology. 2012. Vol. 35. P. 1044-1051.

Page 4: The effects of inoculation barley by endophytic bacteria

6. Endophytic Bacteria, and Their Potential Application / C. Lodewyckx, J. Vangronsveld, F. Porteous et al. / / Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2002. Vol. 21. P. 583-606.

7. Shi Y., Lou K., L i C. Growth and photosynthetic efficiency promotion of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) by endophytic bacteria / / Photosynth Research. 2010. Vol. 105. P. 5-13.

У Д К 631 V .V .G leb ov

Peoples’ Friendship University o fR u ssia , 115093, Russia, Moscow, streetP odolskoe Shosse, 8/5, Faculty o fE cology




The publication was prepared with the support of the Program «5—100»

The development of chemical protection means is associated w ith scientific achievements in the field of fundamental organic chemistry in the prewar and postw ar years in the first stage of development of agro-industrial complex, chemical plant protection was associated w ith the use of organ chlorine and phosphorus- organic pesticides, which, along w ith high efficiency of protection of farmland and showed their danger to the environment [1].

In this regard, the world practice began to develop a progressive system of restrained use of chemical protection - integrated plant protection, where pesticides are intended to be used only in cases where other methods (agro technical and biological) do not reduce the risk to the economic threshold of harm [1].

The global trend of improving protection systems is aimed at the restrained use of chemical protection, which is quantitatively and qualitatively represented by a decrease in production of pesticides and an increase in investment in biological methods of plant protection in highly developed countries [2].

At the first stage of development of pesticide chemistry, for example, in the USA, the chemical method of plant protection was widely used not only in agriculture, but also in the non-agricultural sector of the economy, which used up to 40% of the to ta l amount of pesticides used in the country. At the same time, the maximum use of pesticides in America reached in 1979-519 thousand tons for the active substance, including in the agricultural sector 385 thousand tons per 1 ha of arable land (area 175 million hectares) in 1979 used 2.3 kg, in 2005-1.8 kg, in 2018 1.3 kg of pesticides for the active substance [2].

The same trend has emerged in W estern Europe. The first countries to adopt a program to reduce pesticide use (by 50%) were Sweden and Denmark (1986),