the effect of material and ground motion uncertainty on the seismic vulnerability of rc structure

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  • 7/30/2019 The Effect of Material and Ground Motion Uncertainty on the Seismic Vulnerability of RC Structure


    Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 289303

    The effect of material and ground motion uncertainty on the seismicvulnerability curves of RC structure

    Oh-Sung Kwona,, Amr Elnashaib

    aUniversity of Illinois, 205 North Mathews, Urbana, IL 61801, United StatesbMid-America Earthquake Center, University of Illinois, 205 North Mathews, Urbana, IL 61801, United States

    Received 23 September 2004; received in revised form 17 June 2005; accepted 12 July 2005

    Available online 3 October 2005


    Starting from the premise that vulnerability curves are an indispensable ingredient of earthquake loss assessment, this paper focuses on

    establishing the relative effect of strong-motion variability and random structural parameters on the ensuing vulnerability curves. Moreover,

    the effect of the selection of statistical models used to present simulation results is studied. A three story ordinary moment resisting reinforced

    concrete frame, previously shake-table tested, is used as a basis for the fragility analysis. The analytical environment and the structural model

    are verified through comparison with shaking-table test results. The selection of ground motion sets, definition of limit states, statistical

    manipulation of simulation results, and the effect of material variability are investigated. No approximations are used to reduce the sample

    size or minimize the analytical effort, in order that attention is focused on the parameters under investigation. Notwithstanding the limited

    scope of the study, the results presented indicate that the effect of randomness in material response parameters is far less significant than the

    effect of strong-motion characteristics. Therefore, the importance of scrupulous selection and scaling of strong-motion and use of appropriate

    limit states and statistical models is emphasized.

    2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Seismic vulnerability; Ground motion uncertainty; Material uncertainty; Ordinary moment resisting concrete frame

    1. Introduction

    Vulnerability curves relate strong-motion shaking sever-

    ity to the probability of reaching or exceeding a specified

    performance limit state. Strong-motionshaking severity may

    be expressed by an intensity (I), peak ground parameters

    (a, v or d) or spectral ordinates (Sa , Sv or Sd) corresponding

    to an important structural period. The number of limit states

    used varies between three and five. In this paper, three limitstates considered as the most significant are used; service-

    ability, damage control and collapse prevention.

    Vulnerability curves play a critical role in regional

    seismic risk and loss estimation as they give the probability

    of attaining a certain damage state when a structure is

    Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 217 265 5497; fax: +1 217 333 3821.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (O.-S. Kwon),

    [email protected] (A. Elnashai).

    0141-0296/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    subjected to a specified demand. Such loss estimations are

    essential for the important purposes of disaster planning and

    formulating risk reduction policies. The driving technical

    engines of a regional seismic risk and loss estimation system

    are [12]:

    Seismic hazard maps (i.e. peak ground parameters or

    spectral ordinates).

    Vulnerability functions (i.e. relationships of conditional

    probability of reaching or exceeding a performance limit

    state given the measure of earthquake shaking).

    Inventory data (i.e. numbers, location and characteristics

    of the exposed system or elements of a system).

    Integration and visualization capabilities (i.e. data

    management framework, integration or seismic risk and

    graphical projection of the results).

    The scope of this study is to present vulnerability

    curves of a reinforced concrete structure subjected to
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    290 O.-S. Kwon, A. Elnashai / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 289303

    Table 1

    Categorization of vulnerability curvea

    Category Characteristics

    Empirical vulnerability curve

    Feature Based on post-earthquake survey

    Most realistic

    Limitation Highly specific to a particular seismo-tectonic, geotechnical and built environment

    The observational data used tend to be scarce and highly clustered in the low-damage, low-ground-motion severity range

    Include errors in building damage classification

    Damage due to multiple earthquakes may be aggregated

    Sample ref. [24]

    Judgmental vulnerability curve

    Feature Based on expert opinion

    The curves can be easily made to include all the factors

    Limitation The reliability of the curves depends on the individual experience of the experts consulted

    A consideration of local structural types, typical configurations, detailing and materials inherent in

    the expert vulnerability predictions

    Sample Ref. ATC-13 [1]

    Analytical vulnerability curve

    Feature Based on damage distributions simulated from the analyses

    Reduced bias and increased reliability of the vulnerability estimate for different structures

    Limitation Substantial computational effort involved and limitations in modeling capabilities

    The choices of the analysis method, idealization, seismic hazard, and damage models influence the

    derived curves and have been seen to cause significant discrepancies in seismic risk assessments

    Sample Ref. [21,26,9]

    Hybrid vulnerability curve

    Feature Compensate for the scarcity of observational data, subjectivity of judgmental data, and modeling

    deficiencies of analytical procedures

    Modification of analytical or judgment based relationships with observational data and

    experimental results

    Limitation The consideration of multiple data sources is necessary for the correct determination of

    vulnerability curve reliability

    Sample Ref. [19]

    a Mainly excerpted from [27].

    various ground motion sets and to investigate the effects of

    material uncertainties and selected ground motion sets on

    the obtained vulnerability curves. In addition, several other

    aspects of vulnerability curve derivation are investigated

    such as the selection of ground motion duration, definition of

    limit states, selection of damping parameter, and statistical


    To establish a framework for the study, a brief review of

    vulnerability curves and the procedures used in this study are

    presented. Details of the structural and analytical models,

    alongside a brief description of the analytical platform

    and uncertainties in the analysis, are introduced and limit

    states are defined for the selected demonstration structure.Sensitivity analyses are conducted and vulnerability curves

    are derived. The results are fully investigated to identify

    trends and derive conclusions on the relative sensitivity to

    input motion and the randomness of material properties.

    2. Brief review of analytical vulnerability functions

    Vulnerability functions exhibit considerable variability

    depending on the approaches used in their derivation.

    The factors that influence the vulnerability functions are

    input ground motion sets, severity indices of ground

    motions, performance limit states, source of structural

    damage data, structural modeling method, analysis platform

    characteristics, analysis method, consideration of epistemic

    uncertainty, etc.

    Based on the sources of data, vulnerability curves may

    be sub-divided into four categories [27] as summarized in

    Table 1. A class of the curves are based on observational

    data from post-earthquake surveys (e.g. [24,27]) while

    others are based on analytical simulation (e.g. [21,26,

    9]). Empirical vulnerability curves should be inherently

    more realistic than their analytical counterparts should,

    since they are based on the observed damage of actual

    structures subjected to real strong motion. They have,

    however, limitations in general application since the curves

    are derived for a specific seismic region and a sample that

    is not necessarily similar to that sought. On the other hand,

    analytical vulnerability curves can be derived for general

    purposes, but the choice of analytical model, simulation

    method, and required computational power pose challenges

    for the development of the required relationship.

    One of the main criteria for the selection of the method

    is the availability of structural damage data; either the

    observation of post-earthquake losses or the analytical

    simulation. Observational data are realistic, but are often

    neither statistically viable nor homogeneous. The data

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    O.-S. Kwon, A. Elnashai / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 289303 291

    Fig. 1. Flow chart for the derivation of analytical vulnerability curves.

    from simulation, on the other hand, is constrained by

    computational power and reliability of analytical tools. With

    the expansion of computational power and the development

    of reliable analysis tools, the limitations in the analytical

    derivation of vulnerability curves are diminishing.

    For the analytical derivation of vulnerability curves,

    Mosalam et al. [21] used single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF)

    systems, representations of the pushover curves of infilled

    and bare frames. In HAZUS [23], the variability in seismic

    demand is provided without explicit consideration of the

    influence of the structural parameters such as damping,

    period, and yield strength level. Reinhorn et al. [26] usedconstant yield-reduction-factor inelastic spectra with the

    capacity spectrum method to evaluate inelastic response.

    The above studies used simplified methods because the

    derivation of vulnerability curves required a large amount

    of simulation. Thus, the results are approximate as these

    methods neglect the effect of higher modes, hysteretic

    damping, and limit states based on local failure.

    In this study, inelastic dynamic response-history analysis

    is adopted for the sample building using ZEUS-NL [13] as

    the analysis platform. Multi-threading techniques are used to

    deploy ZEUS-NL on large computer clusters, thus reducing

    very substantially the computational time.

    3. Procedure of vulnerability curve derivation

    Four aspects of the derivation process mainly affect

    vulnerability curves as shown in Fig. 1. These are structure,

    hazard definition, simulation method, and vulnerability

    analysis. Each component can be divided into a number

    of sub-tasks. By definition, vulnerability analysis is

    probabilistic since each of the constituent components is

    uncertain. Some of the uncertainties are inherently random

    while others are consequences of lack of the knowledge.

    In this study, only uncertainties in material properties and

    input motion are considered. Those uncertain components

    are indicated by the shaded areas in Fig. 1. The remaining

    components, such as limit state, analysis method, structural

    modeling, etc., also affect the derived vulnerability curves.

    The estimation of these uncertainties, however, inevitably

    includes subjective judgment. In this study, the latter

    variables are assumed deterministic. Hence, the derived

    vulnerability curves are conditional on the assumption thatthe input, the analysis methods, and the output from the

    analysis reflect reality.

    A structure representing an important sub-class in the

    Mid-America region is chosen; a medium rise RC frame

    structure with no seismic detailing. The ultimate strength

    of concrete and yield strength of steel are selected as

    random variables. An analytical model of the structure is

    constructed and verified through comparison with shaking

    table experiments. The limit states of the structure are

    defined based on material response and sectional behavior

    obtained from pushover analysis. The seismic hazard is

    defined by selecting several ground motion sets. Full

    combination of ground motion sets and random materialproperties are used for the simulation. Notwithstanding

    previous studies that suggested the use of a few records, the

    current investigation employs full Monte Carlo simulation

    under all earthquake records, scaled at small intervals.

    4. Selection of reference structure for simulation

    A three-story ordinary moment resisting concrete frame

    (OMRCF) is chosen for this benchmark study. It is

    appreciated that the curves developed may not be generally

    applicable to the loss estimation of all RC buildings. The

    sample structure, however, serves ideally the purposes ofthis study, since experimental results under earthquake

    loading exist for detailed verification of the analytical model.

    Moreover, it is postulated that the curves derived could be

    applicable to the sub-class of medium rise RC buildings with

    limited ductility and no seismic design provisions; this might

    be applicable to many areas in the mid-west of the USA and

    Central/Northern Europe.

    The prototype structure was originally designed for the

    purpose of an experimental study [6]. The building has three

    and four bays in EW and NS directions, respectively. The

    story height is 3.7m (12 ft) and the bay width is 5.5 m (18 ft).

    The total building height is 11 m (36 ft). It is designed for

    gravity loads since wind loads seldom govern for low-risebuildings, and is non-seismically detailed. The provisions

    of ACI 318-89 code, with Grade 40 steel [ fy = 276 MPa

    (40 ksi)] and ordinary Portland cement [ fc = 24 MPa (3.5

    ksi)], was employed. The plan and elevation layouts of the

    structure are given in Fig. 2. The analyzed frame is shaded

    in the figure. For detailed design information, reference is

    made to Bracci et al. [6].

    5. Selection of analysis method and environment

    Several analysis methods have been proposed to

    determine the seismic demand of structures subjected to

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    292 O.-S. Kwon, A. Elnashai / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 289303

    Fig. 2. Plan and elevation of prototype structure [6], (a) plan, (b) elevation.

    earthquake loading. Static pushover analysis, conventional,

    modal, or adaptive, yields the capacity and collapse

    mechanism of a structure. For seismic response assessment,

    though, a seismic demand procedure is required, where

    effective damping or equivalent ductility is accounted

    for. Such equivalence may introduce approximations in

    the analysis results. In addition, the more irregular the

    structure is and more peculiar the strong-motion records

    are, the less representative are pushover results of dynamic

    response. This limitation lends weight to the use of dynamic

    analysis which deals with the coupled demandcapacity

    problem [11], especially for an irregular structure.Since structures not designed to resist seismic loads

    usually fail in localized modes, their response is not likely to

    be well estimated by static methods. Moreover, in order to

    focus attention on other approximations in the vulnerability

    functions derivation, it was decided to deploy the most

    accurate and generally applicable method available for

    seismic demand and supply evaluation; inelastic dynamic

    response-history analysis. Use is made of the Mid-America

    Earthquake Center analysis environment ZEUS-NL [13].

    Elements capable of modeling material and geometric

    nonlinearity are available in the program. The sectional

    stressstrain state is obtained through the integration of the

    inelastic material response of the individual fibers describing

    the section. The Eulerian approach towards geometric

    nonlinearity is employed on the element level. Therefore,

    full account is taken of the spread of inelasticity along the

    member length and across the section depth as well as the

    effect of large member deformations. Since the sectional

    response is calculated at each loading step from inelasticmaterial models that account for stiffness and strength

    degradation, there is no need for sweeping assumptions

    on the momentcurvature relationships required by other

    analysis approaches. In ZEUS-NL, conventional pushover,

    adaptive pushover, Eigen analysis, and dynamic analyses are

    available and have been tested on the member and structural

    levels ([14,15,7,20,25] amongst others). Recently, ZEUS-

    NL was used to steer a full scale 3D RC frame testing

    campaign, and the a priori predictions were shown to be

    accurate and representative of the subsequently undertaken

    pseudo-dynamic tests [17,18].

    In the following section, the verification of the analysis

    model and environment through comparison with shakingtable experiments are undertaken.

    6. Verification of analytical model

    The structural model and analysis environment are ver-

    ified through comparison of response history analysis with

    shake table test by Bracci et al. [6]. In response history anal-

    ysis, damping, mass and stiffness are key parameters that

    affect the assessment result. The verification is undertaken

    in terms of structural periods and global displacement time

    histories since local stressstrain measurements are not

    available in the published literature.

    6.1. Structural period

    Columns and beams are divided into six and seven

    elements, respectively, in the numerical model. Mass is

    deposited at the beam and column connections, as shown

    in Fig. 3. Material properties are taken from the reported

    test result of the experimental model. The elastic structural

    periods from eigenvalue analysis are 0.898, 0.305, and

    0.200 s for the first, second, and third modes, respectively.

    Bracci et al. [6] conducted a snap-back test before running

    shaking table experiments to estimate the natural periodsof the 1/3 scale specimen and found that the periods, after

    conversion to full scale using similitude laws, were 0.932,

    0.307, and 0.206 s. The experimental values under small

    amplitude testing are just 3%4% longer than the analytical

    values which might have resulted from minor cracking in the

    test specimen. These values give credence to the analytical


    6.2. Displacement response history verification

    Fig. 4 depicts the comparison of the 3rd story displace-

    ments of the 1/3 scale specimen and analysis using a 1/3

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    Fig. 3. Analytical model configuration.

    scale analytical model. For the analysis, Rayleigh damp-

    ing is used for small amplitude ground excitation with

    PGA of 0.05g, in which the damping ratio was taken from

    the snap-back test, [6]. For moderate and severe ground

    motions of 0.20g and 0.30g, damping other than hysteretic

    is not included. Fig. 4(a) does not show good agreement

    whilst Fig. 4(b) and (c) show very good agreement between

    experimental and analytical results. This is attributed to thefact that at low level ground motion, it is difficult to accu-

    rately estimate the level of damping and to model initial

    cracks due to curing and experimental set-up. On the con-

    trary, at medium to high earthquake motion, the inelastic

    response from the fully cracked section mainly governs the

    behavior, thus reducing the effect of cracking and small

    amplitude damping. Good agreement in the moderate-to-

    large amplitude shaking verifies that the analytical model

    represents the experimented structure well. It is also ob-

    served that assuming the same level of damping from the low

    amplitude to the collapse level ground motion could result

    in non-conservative vulnerability curves at medium-to-highground motion intensities. In this study, it is assumed that

    there is no source of damping other than hysteretic. Thus,

    for low level ground motions, the vulnerability curves might

    be on the conservative side. Assuming no viscous damping

    may cause spurious higher mode oscillation in a structure

    without any other sources of energy dissipation. In the stud-

    ied structure, however, this is not a significant issue because,

    (a) the shaking table experiment confirmed that the numer-

    ical model is of good accuracy, (b) the height of the struc-

    ture is short, and with no irregularity, hence there is limited

    possibility for spurious modes, and (c) the inelastic concrete

    material used in the analysis shows hysteretic damping even

    under very small magnitude of vibrations, thus it damps out

    very short period spurious modes.

    The current and previous verification of the modeling

    approach and analysis platform lend weight to the confident

    use of the analytical tools to investigate the effects of

    parameter variation within the fragility analysis presented in

    this paper.

    7. Uncertainties in capacity and demand

    In the derivation of vulnerability functions, a probabilistic

    approach is adopted owing to uncertainties in the hazard

    (demand) as well as structural supply (capacity). Some of

    those uncertainties stem from factors that are inherently

    random (referred to as aleatoric uncertainty), or from lack of

    knowledge (referred to as epistemic uncertainty) [30]. In this

    paper, the effects of aleatory uncertainties from material and

    ground motion on the vulnerability curves are investigated.

    Epistemic uncertainty considerations are beyond the scope

    of this study.

    7.1. Material uncertainty

    7.1.1. Concrete strength

    Barlett and MacGregor [3] investigated the relationship

    between the strength of cast-in-place concrete and specified

    concrete strength. When concrete is 1 year old, the ratio of

    the average in-place strength to the specified strength was

    1.33 and 1.44 for short and long elements, respectively, with

    a coefficient of variation of 18.6%. The variation of strength

    throughout the structure for a given mean in-place strength

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    Fig. 4. Comparison of dynamic analysis: (a) 3rd story displacement Taft 0.05g, (b) 3rd story displacement Taft 0.20g, (c) 3rd story displacement Taft


    depends on the number of members, number of batches, and

    type of construction. In this study, it is assumed that there

    is no variability of concrete strength since the structure is

    a low-rise building of limited volume that would have been

    constructed in a relatively short period. Thus, a coefficient

    of variation of 18.6% is adopted. The specified concrete

    strength (or design strength) of the considered structure

    was 24 MPa. In-place concrete strength is assumed 1.40

    times larger than the specified strength (33.6 MPa). Normal

    distribution assumption is adopted for the concrete strength.

    7.1.2. Steel strength

    Mirza and MacGregor [22] reported results of about

    4000 tests on Grade 40 and 60 bars. The mean

    values and coefficient of variation of the yield strength

    were 337 MPa (48.8 ksi) and 10.7%, respectively. The

    probability distribution of modulus of elasticity of Grade

    40 reinforcing steel followed a normal distribution with a

    mean value 201,327 MPa (29,200 ksi) and a coefficient

    of variation of 3.3%. Due to the low level of variability

    observed, the modulus of elasticity is assumed deterministic

    (201,327 MPa) in this study. The structure was designed

    with grade 40 steel, thus the mean steel strength is assumed

    337 MPa. The steel strength is assumed to follow a normal


    7.2. Input motion uncertainty

    7.2.1. Selection of ground motion

    In this study, nine sets of ground motions are used forthe derivation of vulnerability curves. Derived vulnerability

    curves for each set are compared to gain insight into the

    effect of ground motion variation on fragility analysis.

    The first three sets of ground motions are based on the

    ratio of peak ground acceleration to peak ground velocity

    (a/v). Zhu et al. [31] discussed these three categories

    of earthquake ground motions and their engineering and

    seismological significance. The a/v ratio implicitly accounts

    for many seismo-tectonic features and site characteristics

    of earthquake ground motion records. Sawada et al. [28]

    concluded that low a/v ratios signify earthquakes with

    low predominant frequencies, broader response spectra,

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    O.-S. Kwon, A. Elnashai / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 289303 295

    Table 2

    Properties of the selected ground motions based on a/v ratio

    a/v ratio Earthquake event/Location ML Date Soil type D (km) A max (m/s2) a/v ratio (g/ms1)


    Bucharest/Romania 6.40 3/4/1977 Rock 4 1.906 0.275

    Erzincan/Turkey Unknown 3/13/1992 Stiff soil 13 3.816 0.382

    Aftershock of Montenegro/Yugoslavia 6.20 5/24/1979 Alluvium 8 1.173 0.634

    Kalamata/Greece 5.50 9/13/1986 Stiff soil 9 2.109 0.657Kocaeli/Turkey Unknown 8/17/1999 Unknown 101 3.039 0.750


    Aftershock of Friuli/Italy 6.10 9/15/1976 Soft soil 12 0.811 1.040

    Athens/Greece Unknown 9/7/1999 Unknown 24 1.088 1.090

    Umbro-Marchigiano/Italy 5.80 9/26/1997 Stiff soil 27 0.992 1.108

    Lazio Abruzzo/Italy 5.70 5/7/1984 Rock 31 0.628 1.136

    Basso Tirreno/Italy 5.60 4/15/1978 Soft soil 18 0.719 1.183


    Gulf of Corinth/Greece 4.70 11/4/1993 Stiff soil 10 0.673 1.432

    Aftershock of Montenegro/Yugoslavia 6.20 5/24/1979 Rock 32 0.667 1.526

    Aftershock of Montenegro/Yugoslavia 6.20 5/24/1979 Alluvium 16 1.709 1.564

    Aftershock of Umbro-Marchigiana/Italy 5.00 11/9/1997 Rock 2 0.412 1.902

    Friuli/Italy 6.30 5/6/1976 Rock 27 3.500 1.730

    Table 3Properties of the artificial ground motions for Memphis, TN

    EQ scenario Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3

    7.5 @ Blytheville, AR 6.5 @ Marked Tree, AR 5.5 @ Memphis, TN

    Memphis, TN (Lowlands)

    Set ID Set L-1 Set L-2 Set L-3

    PGA (g) 0.1427 0.0632 0.0958

    PGV (m/s) 0.1520 0.0576 0.0665

    PGD (m) 0.0606 0.0202 0.0138

    Memphis, TN (Uplands)

    Set ID Set U-1 Set U-2 Set U-3

    PGA (g) 0.1407 0.0676 0.1030

    PGV (m/s) 0.1290 0.0516 0.0609

    PGD (m) 0.0537 0.0178 0.0118

    longer durations and medium-to-high magnitudes, long

    epicentral distances and site periods. Conversely, high a/v

    ratios represent high predominant frequencies, narrow band

    spectra, short duration and smallmedium magnitudes, short

    epicentral distance and site periods. Ground motions were

    classified in the following ranges:

    Low: a/v < 0.8g/m s1

    Intermediate: 0.8g/m s1 a/v 1.2g/m s1

    High: 1.2g/m s1 < a/v.


    Based on the above categorization, three sets of groundmotions are selected in this study (Table 2). The average

    response spectra of selected ground motion sets (Fig. 5)

    show distinctive difference among each ground motion set.

    The remaining six sets used in this study are artificial

    ground motions. Drosos [10] generated the bedrock motion

    for the Mississippi Embayment in the New Madrid

    Seismic Zone. Equivalent linear site response analyses were

    conducted to evaluate the soil surface ground motions.

    During the site response analysis, shear wave velocity

    profiles were randomized to account for the uncertainties in

    shear wave velocity and layer thickness. Three of the sets, set

    L-1, L-2, and L-3, were generated based on a Lowlands soil

    Fig. 5. Average response spectrum of selected ground motion sets.

    profile in the Memphis area. The other three sets, set U-1,

    U-2, and U-3, were generated based on an Uplands soil

    profile in the same region. Each of the three sets of

    ground motions were based on three scenario earthquakes;

    small, medium, and large, at three epicenter distances,

    short, medium, and long. Each set contains ten ground

    motions. Table 3 shows the ground motion parameters for

    Memphis, TN.

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    7.3. Random variables sampling

    Three different ground motion sets are combined with

    different material properties. For ground motion set low,

    normal, and high a/v, ten ultimate concrete strengths, fc,

    and ten steel yield strengths, Fy , were generated and a

    full combination of material strengths are used, resultingin a total of 100 frames. The analysis results are used

    to study the effect of material properties on the structural

    response. For ground motion set L-1, L-2, and L-3, which

    are artificial ground motions based on Lowlands profile,

    50 concrete and steel strengths are generated following the

    mean and standard deviation given in Section 7.1 resulting

    in 50 different frames. For ground motion set U-1, U-2, and

    U-3 based on Uplands profile, 100 concrete and steel

    strengths are generated. From the analysis result of these

    frames, the effect of sample size is investigated.

    8. Ground motion duration and scale factors

    8.1. Ground motion duration

    The duration of the significant part of strong motion

    affects the maximum response when a structure undergoes

    inelastic deformations. There are many previous studies

    aimed at defining the duration of strong ground motion.

    Bommer and Martinez-Pereira [4] assembled 30 definitions

    of strong-motion duration suggested by previous researchers

    and divided them into four categories: bracketed, uniform,

    significant, and structural response-based definitions. Since

    the selected motions are to be scaled for vulnerability curve

    generation, the duration should be defined in a relativemanner as in the significant duration option. Trifunac

    and Brady [29] used significant duration concepts based

    on the integral of the square of acceleration, velocity and

    displacement where the duration is defined as the interval

    between the times at which 5% and 95% of the total integral

    is attained. The latter range of duration is meaningful in

    characterizing ground motions. From a structural analysis

    point of view, however, this duration may not be practical.

    For instance, if the above-mentioned interval of total

    integral is used as shown in the Fig. 6, the ground motion

    acceleration could start at very large values, which may

    apply an unrealistic pulse to the structure. Moreover, sincethe major part of ground motion energy is skewed to

    the early part of the motion, using identical margins for

    the start and the end of the duration is not a reasonable

    approach. Based on the above argument, for the current

    study, the interval between 0.5% and 95% of the integrals is


    8.2. Selection of scale factors

    The computational demand for derivation of vulnerability

    curve is very large. Analysis time for 100 frames

    (combination of 10 concrete and 10 steel strengths)

    subjected to five ground motions (e.g. intermediate a/v ratio

    ground motion set) that are scaled from PGA of 0.050 .5g

    at 0.05g interval was 121 h on a fast PC (Pentium IV

    2.65 GHz, 1 GB of RAM) at the time of the current study.

    Thus, a reasonable range of PGA levels should be selected to

    most effectively utilize the computational power, since each

    ground motion set has different spectral acceleration at thefundamental period of the structure. For example, for the

    low a/v ratio ground motion set, a PGA of 0.50g was too

    large because most structures collapsed at a PGA of 0.2g.

    Conversely, for high a/v ratio ground motion set, 0.50g

    PGA level was not large enough to derive the vulnerability

    curve for the collapse limit state. Thus, for low and high a/v

    ratios, additional selective analyses had to be performed to

    improve the resolution of the vulnerability curves.

    For the determination of the range of reasonable PGA

    scaling, the capacity spectrum method was utilized. The

    capacity curves were obtained from adaptive pushover

    analysis, and demand curves were converted from the

    elastic displacement and acceleration spectra of each groundmotion set. For accurate estimation of maximum PGA

    scaling at which the structure collapses, elastic demand

    should be decreased to consider inelasticity using effective

    damping [2,5] or ductility ratio [8]. In this analysis, however,

    rough estimation of PGA scales is undertaken using elastic

    demand spectra and inelastic capacity spectra.

    9. Limit state definition

    In ATC 40 [2] and FEMA-273 [16], four limit states are

    defined based on global behavior (interstory drift) as well

    as element deformation (plastic hinge rotation). Rossettoand Elnashai [27] used five limit states for derivation

    of vulnerability curves based on observational data while

    Chryssanthopoulos et al. [9] used only two limit states. In

    the latter studies, the global limit states are independent

    of the specific response of the structure. For example, the

    FEMA-273 [16] life safety level limit state of interstory

    drift (ISD) for non-ductile moment resisting frame is 1.00%

    regardless of gravity force levels or the details of structural

    configuration within the sub-class of structure.

    For rigorous analysis, it is necessary to define limit

    states for each individual structure, since the deformational

    capacity could be affected by many other factors such asgravity force level, irregularity, anticipated plastic hinging

    mechanism, etc. In this study, three limit states are defined

    for the prototype structure based on the first yielding

    of steel, attainment of maximum element strength, and

    maximum confined concrete strain during the adaptive

    pushover analysis. These are termed, serviceability,

    damage control, and collapse prevention, limit states,

    respectively. In this study, the local damage of individual

    structural element, such as beam, column, or beamcolumn

    joint, is not accounted for. Only interstory drift is used

    as a global measure of damage. The 1st story drift

    which corresponds to each limit state, for the prototype

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    Fig. 6. Significant duration of a ground motion.

    Fig. 7. Definition of limit states: (a) serviceability state, (b) damage control state, (c) collapse state.

    structure, is 0.57%, 1.2% and 2.3% for the selected

    three limit states, as shown in Fig. 7. In the figure, c01

    through c31 represent the bottom element of the 1st

    story columns as indicated in Fig. 3. It is assumed that

    theses limit states are also applicable to the 2nd and 3rd


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    Fig. 8. Distinction of collapse state and lognormal distribution assumption

    (ground motion normal a/v ratio, PGA = 0.40g).

    10. Simulation and vulnerability curve derivation

    The total simulation analysis of the frame using ground

    motion set low, normal, and high a/v ratio required

    456 h using a Pentium IV-2.65 GHz PC for a total

    of 23,000 response history analyses. For the analysis

    of frames using ground motion set L-1 through U-3, a

    mass-simulation environment was developed. The mass-

    simulation approach deploys 32 processes simultaneously

    on the super-computer IBM p690 at the National Center

    for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). Interstory drifts

    are retrieved from each run and used for statistical analysis.The maximum interstory drifts are assumed to follow a log-

    normal distribution. The normal distribution is avoided since

    its abscissa ranges from negative infinity to positive infinity,

    which implies that negative maximum interstory drift could


    The analysis platform used for simulation accounts for

    geometric nonlinearity as well as material inelasticity. Thus,

    when the structure is subjected to large seismic demands,

    instability under gravity loading may ensue. Since the drift

    of unstable structures depends on convergence criteria of

    the analysis tool, it is concluded that interstory drift at

    such response states should not be included in the statisticalanalysis. Thus, the structure is in the collapse state if the

    maximum interstory drift is larger than 2.3%, as discussed in

    Section 9. The value, 2.3% is applicable only to the studied

    structure, and possibly the sub-class of non-seismically

    designed medium-rise RC frames. To include the statistics

    of collapsed frames, the total probability theorem is adopted.

    The probability where a frame maximum interstory drift

    will be larger than a certain limit state is calculated as


    P(ISD > ISDLimit) = P(ISD > ISDLimit | E1) P(E1)

    + P(ISD > ISDLimit | E2) P(E2)

    Fig. 9. Derived vulnerability curves using various methods normal a/v

    ratio, limit state = ISD 0.57%.

    = P(ISD > ISDLimit | E1) P(E1)

    + 1.0 P(E2

    ) (2)

    where P(E1) and P(E2) represents the probability that the

    structure is in a stable or in a collapse state, respectively.

    As shown in Fig. 8, a lognormal distribution was assumed

    for structures with ISD < 2.3%, and the structures

    were considered to have collapsed if ISD 2.3%. This

    assumption provides conservative results. Fig. 9 shows a

    sample vulnerability curve for the 0.57% ISD limit state

    using intermediate a/v ratio ground motion sets. Without

    considering collapse state ISD, normal and lognormal

    distribution assumptions show lower probability of attaining

    the limit state at larger PGA level, which is due to the

    misleading average and coefficient of variance of unstablestructures.

    11. Effect of analysis parameters on vulnerability curves

    11.1. Effect of ground motion set

    Fig. 10 compares vulnerability curves for each limit

    state derived from nine ground motion sets. For general

    application of vulnerability curves, it is necessary to perform

    regression analysis to obtain functional forms that are

    readily programmable in loss assessment software. For the

    purpose of comparison amongst different ground motionsets, however, actual data with linear interpolation are

    plotted in order to insure that differences are not masked

    by regression smoothing. Fig. 11 shows the coefficient of

    variation of ISD from each ground motion set vs. ground

    motion level. In this figure, all response data, including

    collapse state, are used. From Figs. 10 and 11 the following

    observations are made:

    (a) Because of large discrepancies in the coefficient of

    variation of the maximum interstory drift, each ground

    motion set shows significantly different vulnerability


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    Fig. 10. Vulnerability curves for each ground motion set.

    (b) The differences between the vulnerability curves

    increase for higher damage limits.

    (c) The difference between the vulnerability curves in-

    creases with ground motion intensity until the structure

    reaches the collapse state.

    (d) The vulnerability curves do not indicate monotonic

    increase in damage prediction at large PGA levels due

    to instability of structure and statistical manipulation.

    Consequently, it is concluded that the ground motion

    sets should be selected with great care since they affect

    very significantly the outcome from the fragility analysis

    represented by vulnerability curves.

    11.2. Effect of material properties

    The effect of material properties is investigated using

    analysis results from a/v ratio ground motion sets for which

    10 concrete ultimate strengths and 10 steel yield strengths

    are combined. It is assumed that ISDmax is a function of

    ground motion sets, concrete ultimate strength, and steel

    yield strength; i.e,

    ISDmax = g(X1, X2, X3) (3)


    X1: ground motion

    X2: concrete strength

    X3: steel strength.

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    300 O.-S. Kwon, A. Elnashai / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 289303

    Fig. 11. COV ofISDmax for each ground motion set.

    Mean ISDmax can be calculated from the result of full

    simulation, thus using 100 frames, or from the simulation

    of single frame using mean material properties. Fig. 12compares the means values of ISDmax using 100 frames and

    using a single frame with mean material properties. Up to

    0.25g, the means from the two methods are almost identical.

    The difference becomes large as the ground motion intensity


    Assuming that all uncertain variables, i.e. ground motion,

    concrete, and steel properties, are statistically independent

    and as a first order approximation, the variance of ISD can

    be calculated from Eq. (4)

    Var(ISDmax) 2 + c

    22Var(X2) + c

    23Var(X3) (4)

    where is the standard deviation of the error term andci is evaluated at xi = X i . The error term represents

    the uncertainty of ground motion and has zero mean and a

    standard deviation of , hence the ground motion set adds

    uncertainty as expressed in the first term of Eq. (4). The c2and c3 values can be calculated numerically in the vicinity of

    the mean values of concrete and steel properties. Variances,

    Var(X2) and Var(X3), can be calculated from the coefficient

    of variation, COV = 0.186, and COV = 0.107, for concrete

    and steel, respectively.

    Fig. 13(a), (b), (d), and (e) show ISDmax vs. fc and

    Fy at small (0.05g) and large (0.35g) PGA levels. From

    Fig. 13(a) and (b), different ground motions exhibit differentslopes, d(ISDmax)/d fc. This is because the elastic modulus

    of concrete is affected by the ultimate strength, fc, hence,

    the structural period is also affected. As a result, the

    relationship between ISDmax and fc does not follow a clear

    trend, i.e. it is inappropriate to state that higher concrete

    strength reduces structural response since ISDmax and fcare correlated with spectral displacement, which is random

    in nature. On the contrary, the ISDmax at low PGA level

    is rarely affected by the yield strength of steel (Fig. 13(d)

    and (e)), since the elastic modulus of steel is constant

    regardless of yield strength. Fig. 13(c) and (f) show the

    contribution of concrete and steel strengths, which are the

    Fig. 12. Mean ISDmax from mean material properties and full simulation.

    second and third terms of Eq. (4), to the variance ofISDmax.

    In these figures, the first term of Eq. (4) is zero sincethe plots are developed for each ground motion, i.e. the

    input is deterministic. The contribution of concrete to the

    variance ofISDmax is generally larger than that of steel since

    the former affects stiffness, hence period and amplification


    11.3. Effect of sample size

    The analysis results of ground motion set U-1 are used

    where 100 concrete and steel properties are combined to

    assess the effect of the sample size on the variance ofISDmax. From the discussion in the previous section, it

    is reasonable to state that material variability has very

    little effect on the variability of ISDmax at low PGA

    levels. The latter observation, however, is not globally

    applicable; highly irregular systems with random spatial

    distribution of materials may cause failure mode switches.

    In such cases, material variability may exhibit more

    prominence in fragility analysis. Notwithstanding, based on

    the observations in this study, the variances of ISDmax from

    the mean frame, 10, 50, and 100 frames were compared.

    Variance of the mean frame, Var1, is calculated as in

    Eq. (5).

    Var1 =n


    (xi X i )2

    n 1(5)

    where n is the number of ground motions. If multiple frames

    are used, the variance can be calculated as below.

    Var2 =

    j n


    (xi X i )2

    j n 1(6)

    where j is the number of frames. From the assumption that

    the difference in material has little effect on the outcome of

    the result, Eq. (6) is rewritten as below.

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    Fig. 13. Effect of material strength on the maximum ISD (a) fc vs. ISDmax at 0.05g, (b) fc vs. ISDmax at 0.35g, (c) c22Var(X2) vs. PGA, (d) Fy vs. ISDmax

    at 0.05g, (e) Fy vs. ISDmax at 0.35g, (f) c23Var(X3) vs. PGA.

    Var2 =

    j n


    (xi X i )2

    j n 1=



    j(xi X i )


    j n 1

    =n 1

    n 1/j



    (xi X i )2

    n 1=

    n 1

    n 1/jVar1. (7)

    In other words, the increase in sample size considering

    material variability, which does not increase variability of

    ISDmax, reduces the variance of ISDmax considering only

    ground motion uncertainty. Fig. 14(a) shows the coefficient

    of variation from 1, 10, 50, and 100 frames vs. PGA

    level. From this figure, it is observed that the coefficientof variation does not vary much even if uncertain material

    properties are used. With the stipulation that material

    properties have little effect on ISDmax, which is true for

    low PGA levels, the correction factor in Eq. (7) is applied

    to the variance and the resulting coefficients of variation

    are compared in Fig. 14(b). The latter figure shows COV

    for the mean, 10, 50, and 100 frames that are closer

    than before. Comparison of Figs. 14 and 11 confirms that

    there is indeed an effect from material variability, but

    that such an effect is significantly smaller, verging on

    the negligible, compared to the effect of ground motion


    The above observations confirm that the variability in

    materials is much less significant than the effect of ground

    motion variation. The conclusion is verified by using SDOF

    system analysis as shown in Fig. 15 where the spectral

    displacement is plotted vs. period and ductility. The period

    range, from 0.85 to 0.95 s, corresponds to the period of

    the prototype structure with concrete ultimate strength of

    mean one standard deviation. The used range covers

    most of the possible concrete strength variation. Since steel

    yield has practically no effect on the structural period,

    the period axis represents variability in concrete only.The ultimate strength of concrete and yield strength of

    steel affect the ductility of structures for a given ground

    motion level. Since the ductility cannot be estimated without

    analysis, a ductility range from 1 to 2 is plotted for

    comparison purposes. For the three ground motion sets,

    U-1, U-2, and U-3, the mean spectral displacement is

    calculated after normalizing the ground motion to a PGA

    of 1g. Fig. 15 clearly shows that the structural response

    parameters are very significantly affected by the input

    motion set, while the effect of material variability is rather


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    302 O.-S. Kwon, A. Elnashai / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 289303

    Fig. 14. Comparison of COV with mean frame and multiple frames: (a)

    variance before applying correction factor, (b) variance after applying

    correction factor.

    12. Conclusion

    In this study, vulnerability curves of a three-story RCstructure are derived for nine sets of ground motions. The

    effects of ground motion input and material variability are

    the main focus of the study, alongside other supporting

    aspects of vulnerability curve derivation such as selection

    of representative structure, verification of analytical model

    and analysis environment, effect of explicit damping,

    scaling of ground motion sets, significant duration of

    ground motion, and limit state definition. Even though

    each of those parameters affects the derived vulnerability

    curves, many previous studies have been performed with

    simplified models and sweeping assumptions. In the current

    study, focus is placed on the most realistic vulnerability

    curve derivation through inelastic response history analysis.Conclusions are drawn in the preceding sections. Hereafter,

    some of the findings as well as comments on the methods

    adopted in this study are reiterated below:

    The concrete ultimate strength affects the structural

    response under low ground motion intensities since

    the concrete elastic modulus is related to the ultimate


    The yield strength of steel has little effect on the structural

    response at low ground motion levels.

    At high ground motion levels, material properties

    contribute to the variability in structural response, but

    Fig. 15. Response surface of spectral displacement against period and


    the resulting variability is much smaller than that due toground motion variability.

    Input motion characteristics have a most significant

    effect on vulnerability curves. Therefore, meticulous

    consideration is required when ground motions are


    The conclusions above are robust because of the verification

    of the analysis platform, the care taken in selecting the

    reference structure, the wide range of selected and scaled

    input motion and the rigor of the statistical analysis. An

    important feature of the study is the extensive simulation

    undertaken with minimum assumptions. It is noted though

    that for structures with higher levels of irregularity, andwhere material variability is spatially uncorrelated, different

    failure modes may be observed where interstory drift may

    not be an appropriate measure of the structural damage. In

    addition, since the definition of limit state and response of

    the structure under earthquake loading vary with structural

    configuration, the derived vulnerability curve in this study

    may not be generally applicable to all RC structures of

    limited ductility. The procedures and discussions in this

    study, however, provide an insight into the vulnerability

    derivation of low ductility structures.


    The paper is an outcome of the Mid-America Earthquake

    Center project DS-3: Advanced Simulation Tools. The Mid-

    America Earthquake Center is an Engineering Research

    Center funded by the National Science Foundation under

    cooperative agreement reference EEC-9701785. The authors

    are grateful to Drs. Tom Prudhomme and Cristina Beldica

    for their help in having access to the parallel processing

    facilities at the National Center for Supercomputing

    Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-


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