the early reader in quebec: individual and family characteristics

Lecteurprkcoce 475 Cohen, R. (1977). L’apprentirsage prkcoce de la lecture: a six ans est-il dkjo trop tard? Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. Cohen, R. (1 982). Plaidoyers pour les apprentissagesprkcoces: stratkgies kducatives pour la rhalisation des potentialiths humaines. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. Davidson, H.D. (1931). ‘An Experimental Study of Bright, Average and Dull Children at the Four Year Mental Level’. Genetic Psychology Monograph, 9, Delogne, R. (1973). Apprendre d lire avant sir ans. Bruxelles: Editions de I’UniversitC de Bruxelles. Durkin, D. (1966). Children Who Read Early: Two LongitudinalStudies. New York: Teachers College Press. Harkness, F. (1981). ‘Reading to Children as a Reading Readiness Activity’. Viewpoints in the Teaching and Learning, 57 (3), 3948. King, E.M. et Friesen. D.T. (1972). ‘Children who Read in Kindergarten’. The Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 18 (3), 147-61. Morrison, C., Harris, A.J. et Auerbach, 1.T. (1971). ‘The Reading Performance of Disadvantaged Early and Non-Early Readers from Grades 1 through 3’. The Journal of Educational Research, 65 (I), 23-6. Pierre, R., Giasson, J., Baillargeon, M. et Thkriault, J. (1983). ‘Acquisition de la lecture chez le lecteur prtcoce: processus d’acquisition et strategies d’intervention’. Apprentissage et Socialisation, 6 (I), 46-8. Pierre-Joly, R. (1978). Programme de developpement psycholinguistique. Rapport de recherche. Collection Etudes et Documents, no. 16-0152-01. QuCbec: Ministtre de I’education. Rondal, J.-A. (1983). L ‘interaction adulte-enfant et la construction du langage. Bruxelles: P. Mardaga. Terman, L.M. (1918). ‘An Experiment in Infant Education’. Journal of Applied Ten, F., Mayer, G. et Reichenbach, D. (1977). L’kchelle Dubois-Buyse 119-289. PSyChology, 2, 219-28. d’orthographe usuelle fransaise. Paris: OCLD. The early reader in Quebec: individual and family characteristics The goal of this study, made in the Quebec city area, was to examine early readers at the kindergarten level so as to analyse their family and personal characteristics. Thirty early readers (eighteen boys and twelve girls) from five years nine months to six years eight months were compared to thirty control group children of the same age and sex. The parents of all sixty children were met in an individual interview. The results show that 1 percent of the kindergarten population possesses reading skills. Sex does not seem to be an

Post on 03-Oct-2016




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Page 1: The early reader in Quebec: individual and family characteristics

Lecteur prkcoce 475

Cohen, R. (1977). L’apprentirsage prkcoce de la lecture: a six ans est-il dkjo trop tard? Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

Cohen, R. (1 982). Plaidoyers pour les apprentissages prkcoces: stratkgies kducatives pour la rhalisation des potentialiths humaines. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

Davidson, H.D. (1931). ‘An Experimental Study of Bright, Average and Dull Children at the Four Year Mental Level’. Genetic Psychology Monograph, 9,

Delogne, R. (1973). Apprendre d lire avant sir ans. Bruxelles: Editions de I’UniversitC de Bruxelles.

Durkin, D. (1966). Children Who Read Early: Two LongitudinalStudies. New York: Teachers College Press.

Harkness, F. (1981). ‘Reading to Children as a Reading Readiness Activity’. Viewpoints in the Teaching and Learning, 57 (3), 3948.

King, E.M. et Friesen. D.T. (1972). ‘Children who Read in Kindergarten’. The Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 18 (3), 147-61.

Morrison, C., Harris, A.J. et Auerbach, 1.T. (1971). ‘The Reading Performance of Disadvantaged Early and Non-Early Readers from Grades 1 through 3’. The Journal of Educational Research, 65 ( I ) , 23-6.

Pierre, R., Giasson, J., Baillargeon, M. et Thkriault, J. (1983). ‘Acquisition de la lecture chez le lecteur prtcoce: processus d’acquisition et strategies d’intervention’. Apprentissage et Socialisation, 6 ( I ) , 46-8.

Pierre-Joly, R. (1978). Programme de developpement psycholinguistique. Rapport de recherche. Collection Etudes et Documents, no. 16-0152-01. QuCbec: Ministtre de I’education.

Rondal, J.-A. (1983). L ‘interaction adulte-enfant et la construction du langage. Bruxelles: P. Mardaga.

Terman, L.M. (1918). ‘An Experiment in Infant Education’. Journal of Applied

Ten, F., Mayer, G. et Reichenbach, D. (1977). L’kchelle Dubois-Buyse


PSyChology, 2, 21 9-28.

d’orthographe usuelle fransaise. Paris: OCLD.

The early reader in Quebec: individual and family characteristics

The goal of this study, made in the Quebec city area, was to examine early readers at the kindergarten level so as to analyse their family and personal characteristics. Thirty early readers (eighteen boys and twelve girls) from five years nine months to six years eight months were compared to thirty control group children of the same age and sex. The parents of all sixty children were met in an individual interview. The results show that 1 percent of the kindergarten population possesses reading skills. Sex does not seem to be an

Page 2: The early reader in Quebec: individual and family characteristics

416 Giasson el al.

important variable while IQ shows a significant difference in favour of the early readers. Family variables were classified under two aspects: socio-economic status (SES) and literacy level. Results indicate that SES as measured by parents’ educational level, occupation and income, plays an important role as most of the early readers come from advantaged homes. The literacy level was measured by questions on the reading modelling provided by parents, their level of aspiration, the family educational environment, the family use of leisure time and parents’ intervention strategies on written language. Among these factors, level of aspiration and intervention strategies stand out as two key factors in the development of early reading skills.