the dragon must be joking

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  • 7/30/2019 The Dragon Must Be Joking


    Name : Intan Nurfa Amalia (20)

    Triana Apita Nugrahaeni (30)

    Subject : English (Story Action Script Assignment)

    Long time ago, there lived a girl her name was Cassandra De La Conceta and people called her

    Cassiein a dying town. What town? It was Sleepy Hollow. It was like a large graveyard, and believe it

    or not, no one would go out of home when the clock turned to 7 p.m. The people still believed about

    the myth of headless ghost that could catch them in the night. Wait, it should be Cassie story, not the

    Sleepy Hollow! Sorry. Cassie lived with her parents and she had 1 little sister, she was Penny. Cassie was

    15, and Penny was 7. At her age, she was always delivering milk from the Family Farm to her neighbors.

    One day when she was in her room

    Mommy : Cassie!

    Cassie : What, Mom?

    Mommy : Could you answer my calling on the first floor? Please down.

    Cassie : Wait a minute. Im busy with my homework.

    Mommy : Now.

    Cassie : Ugh. (Tried to leave her work)

    Penny : Mom, Cassie said

    Cassie : Could you just shut up your mouth then go playing with our cows?

    Penny : Mom!

    Mommy : Cassie!

    Cassie : Alright Im coming! (Ran out of her room and pointed her sister)

    Penny : What? (Grinned)

    Cassie : youare going todie (Stopped in front of the door and whispered)

    Cassie went down the stairs. Her mother was looked so serious.

    Cassie : Let me guess, the bad news or the good one?

    Mommy : In between. We get the new subscriber.

    Cassie : Well its good. (Took the Belgium waffle from the plate)

    Mommy : She is Ms. Gorgory.

    Cassie : Who is she? Where does she live?

    Mommy : You must be known about the Crack Avenue.

    Cassie : What? The C.A? Oh My God, why doesnt she pick the better place to live? (Puzzled)

    Mommy : Im so confuse, do we have to reject her as our subscriber?

    Cassie : Its a crime, Mom.

    Mommy : But I dont have any time to deliver the milk to her house.

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    Cassie : Thats my charge.

    Mommy : Its The Crack Avenue Cas, you know about the myth.

    Cassie : Its so ridiculous to imagine that I will die when bringing some milk.

    Mommy : Are you sure?

    Cassie : Of course!

    Penny : What happened? I heard die and die from her mouth Mom.

    Mommy : Nothing happened, Sweety. Hey look! I made the Belgium waffle for our breakfast!

    Penny : Umm..thats my favorite! Thank you Mom! (Hug her Mommy)

    Cassie : Uh-huh?

    Penny : Why are you sooo evil?

    Cassie : No, Im not! Im an angel for everyonebut you. Hahahahaha

    Mommy : Could you stop fighting?Cassie : Certainly, Your Majesty.

    24 hours later.

    Mommy : Cassie!

    Cassie : Im ready!

    Mommy : Have you checked your bike?

    Cassie : Absolutely, can I go now Mom?

    Mommy : Be careful, Cassie. Make Sure that you will be at home at 12 a.m

    Cassie : OK! Bye Mom! (Started to move her bike)

    The Crack Avenue was so dying. No wind Cassie could feel. No move. She just heard some crows flew

    over her head.

    Cassie : Oh My, please protect me, God, please hear my voice! (She shouted in her heart)

    One crow stopped flying, it glanced Cassie by its sharp eye.

    Cassie : Nooooo what is it doing? Just go! Im not a rat! Go! Go! (Whispered)

    Suddenly she seemed like hear her echo. Rat..rat..rat..rat Go..! Go..! OO..!

    Cassie : What the fish. (She thought)

    Cassie felt so afraid. Her bike moves was the only one thing she could find to heard, beside the crow.

    First she felt so regret about the idea of delivering the milk alone, the second was she hated them.

    Cassie moved faster, left the flock of crow looked at her.

    Finally she found the house. It was a big, scary house. She was doubt to make her decision.

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    Cassie : Take it or leave it? (She thought)

    She looked the heritage bell.

    Cassie : In this 2012? This bell? Come on! (She tried to push the bell)

    Nothing happened.

    Cassie : Wait, is it just a trick to kidnap me? (She looked her surround; no one appeared)

    Ms. Gorgory : You are Cassandra, arent you? (She called from the big window)

    Cassie : No, Im not. (Surprised)

    Ms.Gorgory : You are.

    Cassie : Is it a problem whether Im Cassandra or not?

    Ms. Gorgory : Just take the milk in front of this window.

    Cassie : Why? Could you open your door?Ms. Gorgory : I cant.

    Cassie : Why?

    Ms. Gorgory : Let that cat send it to me.

    Cassie : Cat? How can? (Looked around)

    There was a black cat beside the bush looked at her.

    Cassie : Can I open this big main door Madam?

    Ms. Gorgory : No. The one thing you have to do is just leave the milk, then go as fast as you can to

    your home. Its almost 12 a.m.

    Cassie : I know, its still noon, people talk about the myth of After 7 not 12.

    Cat : Miaw.

    Cassie : Whats your name?

    Cat : Miaw.

    Cassie : hahaha Im joking! Imagine that I talk to the cat!

    Ms. Gorgory : Could you feel the cold air around you? Look, there is no shine.

    Cassie : Im wearing my coat and my shawl. Ok then, make sure your Cat take it to you, Maam.

    Ms. Gorgory : I will pay in the end of the month, send it to your mother.

    Cassie : OK!

    Cassie was riding her bike as fast as she could when the cat glanced to her, Im Jack. It grinned.

    When she arrived home.

    Mommy : How could it take you so long? Were you lost? (Looked panic)

    Cassie : No, nothing happened. I just still confuse about the idea of Ms. Gorgory.

    Mommy : What? Is she so old? So scary?

    Cassie : No, she is normal. The extraordinary is why did I have to put the milk in front of the

    main door.

    Mommy : How about the house?

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    Cassie : It is (glanced her mother) normal I think. The house is big and she has a beautiful cat.

    Mommy : You are not a liar, tell me the truth.

    Cassie : Yeah! Um.. The house has the vintage style.

    Mommy : Did you find some strange thing?

    Cassie : No, just like I said it is normal, Mom. I decide the Crack Avenue is like nothing.

    Mommy : Ok then, the conclusion is: youll deliver the milk to her house twice a week.

    Cassie : Sounds good.

    Since that day, Cassie always went to the Crack Avenue twice a week with some milk in her bike

    basket. Day by day, the fear in her heart about the crow and the echo disappeared. Ms. Gorgory was

    always happy when Cassie came to her house, eventhough she couldnt meet her directly. Until one

    dayCassie : Hello, anybody home?

    Cat : Ms. Gorgory is sleeping. Just put the milk over there.

    Cassie : Youre a cat! (surprised)

    Cat : So?

    Cassie : No, it must not be your voice. Its a record, isnt it?

    Cat : Its my voice, Lady. Are you surprised?

    Cassie : Its impossible. Cassie, wake up! Wake up!

    Cat : Just wake you up.

    Cassie : Its a dream. Wait a minute, I will awake.

    Cat : Uh-huh?

    A few minutes later

    Cassie : Why am I still here?

    Cat : Because of its not a dream. Its reality.

    Cassie : Its 2012!

    Cat : What are you talking about?

    Cassie : You know, could you think logically about the idea of talking cat?

    Cat : FYI, this year is my 200th


    Cassie : You must be joking.

    Cat : The one that joke is you.

    Cassie : Cat! Wake up! Youre a cat! You are supposed to be miaw not so?. You got it?

    Cat : Im Jack, not an ordinary cat.

    Cassie : Ok Jack or whoever, could you explain what happens right now? You drive me insane.

    Cat : So ambitious. First, put the milk down.

    Cassie : Ok.

    Cat : Second, promise me not to tell somebody else about this. Even to your mommy.

    Cassie : Its easy.

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    Cat : Im Jack. Im Mr. Gorgory..

    Cassie : What?

    Cat : Let me finish my story.

    Cassie : Actually Im not 200th

    years old. I lied.

    Cat : Yeah youre right! Thats what I will tell you about!

    Cassie : Ugh.Youre so predictable.

    Cat : We were caught by the evil ghost from that castle; the Barhamas Castle. He said that he

    would sacrifice us.

    Cassie : When?

    Cat : Next week.

    Cassie : For what?

    Cat : I dont know, he said that he should be still alive.Cassie : Then you against him?

    Cat : Yes. He cursed me to be a cat and arrested my wife in our own house.

    Cassie : Its not logic. Seems likefairytale.

    Cat : Yes it is, one day I got the information from the crow that I can break the curse by

    consuming the milk continuously.

    Cassie : So sweet Do I have to believe your story?

    Cat : You have to. We need your help.

    Cassie : What for?

    Cat : To break the ghost, its not enough to break the curse. He could catch anybody else.

    Cassie : Mommy help me!

    Cat : Please..

    Cassie was stucked in a silence for a while.

    Cassie : When?

    Cat : Insyaallah tomorrow.Dont forget to bring some milk.

    Cassie : Why?

    Cat : Tonight is my time to turn back being human. The milk, they can break the ghost.

    Cassie : Whoa, congrats!

    Cat : Thankyou, Cassie.

    Cassie : Youre welcome.

    In the next day..

    Mommy : Where will you go? I guess to Ms. Gorgorys but why do you bring some milks?

    Cassie : She booked some milks, Mom.

    Mommy : Be careful, Sweety.

    Cassie : Bye, Mom!

    When she arrived in the Ms. Gorgory house

    Mr. Gorgory : Hi, Cassie.

    Cassie : Whoaits you, Mrs. Gorgory.

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    Mr. Gorgory : Yes, this is me. Lets go!

    Cassie : Wait, why didnt you break the door to safe your wife?

    Mrs. Gorgory : I did, but the result was 0.

    Cassie : Ok then. Lets go!

    Mrs. Gorgory : Be careful, you two!

    Cassie : Bye!

    Mrs. Gorgory : Ok honey!

    They reached the castle by Cassies bike. It took 20 minutes to reach the castle.

    Cassie : This way?

    Mr. Gorgory : I dont know.


    Cassie : Ah!Ghost : AH? WHAT A DORKY NAME.

    Cassie : I screamed, dont you see? I couldnt see you anyway.

    Mr. Gorgory : Me too.

    Ghost : WHO ARE YOU?

    Mr. Gorgory : Dont you remember?

    Cassie : Psst!

    Mr. Gorgory : Oh, mm, Im her friend.


    Mr. Gorgory : YEAH, AHS FRIEND. (Grinned)

    Ghost : You two are stupid. You cant see me, because Im in your back.

    Cassie and Mr. Gorgory turned their back. They saw a disgusting creature.

    Cassie : You look so


    Cassie : You must be joking. You look so disgusting.


    Cassie : Its 2012.

    Mr. Gorgory : Why are you always saying 2012?

    Cassie : I dont know.

    Ghost : WHAT?

    Cassie : Could you curse me into a PC Tablet?

    Ghost : WHATS THAT?

    Cassie : Hahahahaha even you dont know about PC Tablet!

    Ghost : I DONT CARE!

    Cassie : Take this! (opened all of the milk bottle and attack the ghost)

    Ghost : WHAAAAT? MILK?

    Cassie : Yeah! Cool huh?


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    Ghost : Aw aw aw aw aw!

    Cassie : Ew ew ew ew ew!

    The Ghost was vanishing, broken into a glitter-like.

    Mr. Gorgory : You did it Cassie!

    At the De La Costas house.

    Mommy : Where is Cassie? Its almost 4 p.m!

    Penny : I dont know Mom..

    Mommy : Oh My God.. (cried)

    Cassie and Mr. Gorgory went back to Mr. Gorgory house. Actually the curse was 100% broken. They sawMrs. Gorgory was waiting for them and waved her hand.

    Mrs. Gorgory : You did it!

    Mr. Gorgory : She did it.

    Mrs. Gorgory : Thank you, cassie.

    Cassie : Youre welcome. Hey its almost 4 p.m! I gotta go now. Bye!

    Mr. Gorgory : Be careful on your way home!

    Mrs. Gorgory : Bye cassie!

    Cassie parked her bike in the yard and ran inside her house.

    Cassie : Mom! Penny!

    Mommy : Cassie!

    Penny : Cassie!

    Cassie : Sorry for coming home late. There so many story I will tell you about. (Smiled)

    -The End-

    Moral Value:

    There always a winner in a fight, we always get the Good as the winner in Good vs Bad Just be brave than you think.

  • 7/30/2019 The Dragon Must Be Joking
