the dispatch. daily dispatch....daily dispatch. vol. lvial. richmond, va.. sunday morning, october...

DAILY DISPATCH. VOL. LVIal. RICHMOND, VA.. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31, 1880. NO. 105. THE "DISPATCH. ~~BY THE DISPATCH COMPANY. i-.iii-I*IVA*U*I*- >B APVABlB. __ rSk\iY msrATCll I. (tellvered io tii-er*. sj?1. t'.irsK**' crin ncr week, rsyable to the* ^ V ki* M»l*e*1 al t»r anr,«m ?** nv ms'wiorid"; *i-*0 tor three month.; 60e. for oue ..Tr.e'sVMl.Yt*FFRt.Y DISPATCH st 88 P-r an- m.m.m ... Bl foi *1« monilt*. 'tT.VvvVfM-Y DISPATCH si 81 l*-»T annum. 1MWjW*8f8)f»* __, *POUrjkQI KKAN, rKK'E, TKMPI.K ** B CO., 428 HBO 41> .TBEBT, ABD CARDOZm ALSOP, MOSBY k Co.. 1008 Mah* stbbbt. ni:Y goods. 4>ur lu-w-rb collrctloB* of EUROPEAN and AMERICAN FALL DRFr-W FABRIC**, Including \ ** all Md -te*t BBSMBBS* **.»(.".. coloring, snd **j_) mannfr-eturs. noa SB r_dMRR<sSR >t price* to meet Uljj lllMllBin- The.Morlineiit now presented ..-r t^s-n »urr*»***d for beauty and Tsxiety, roii'lsiing In P***1 or ii .IK-, it*.I.MAN*. ULSTERS, *nd HAVK- I . Ks, for !sdle* and cltlldreni. AN H.KGANT e "lt fce TloN OF RUGS AND nttruiiETs In all ilte*. at lowest rate*. Much money can be I -sis. The Urges! stocks south of Bea York to select from. M.AVKKIs, f0 ?.i") PER PAIR I it-eral discount to the trade and to all charitable Instill.i ITE. IA f.TIFs Willi "I ¦ lVr.YLMIYIF.NT Bl.Al h l.o-lis is All. VAK11 Ul I BRR ( l.ulll** AND i AssIMF.KI s. riaiiu to offer IBB.tar Indnee- than bb*j hears Matt of Baa York. IlujInflnUrfte !'ii11, con)Unt prSBBBSalB the war- kat,aad I ASH fay mi nt, give as an linincn.c BBS.SlSia. Ul.A-" K ( I.urti CLOAK8, 8*i TO ?'-*.">. Visitor* to tl.e rtat*-Fair will find lt to their nd-'.sk'i io sail Barty sa ( API). V.c ALSOP, MusBV .*. (*>., foi hui Bl vn. PSI! h. TEMPLES co. [oe 24-*odj -jew' EAST BBOADI 806 EAST BBOAO !! A. HOTBLEB A SUNS. lu .tool, an-l re.*cl\T:.g from first hands a full mid ti line cf DBE8S GOODS, ln.lnd1.i_ MuMli CLOTHS, PLAIDS, 8ATI NB, MATELABsK, BROCADES. FLANNEL -I II¬ IM,-, vt i v i-t>. aui mourning fabric*-*. iiini-iiiiii larg* Hoc* i W III I GOODS and s A PL ER. inch a* HtlNi.Cs. ( l.u.Uis, SH VVVI.s. Bl.ASM Ts, and UNDER FLAN- SI I.s. 1.adi'** KECKWEAR, Ladle** and Gentlemen'* I'M.I i:v\ EAR and HOBIERY. Notion* ..nd noveliles In TRIMMINGS, ! |ii,:*.....,.|iiivs||:TlM,s . ipectaltT. PABSAMENTF.RH- TRIMMING*-, BUTTONS, ..nd c I eiAiw-oi.NAMi-.NT.** In greal variety. oe '.4_ 1 MEAN BUSINESS, AND Ntl HUM¬ PH.. I .-.nt deternil.t'd le rio*.- out my cuttre stock af gii.-<ii bf Jai.iiar* 1st. i hara a largs Moah of lil'Y i.imiDs. li. ".I*, and sHoKs, i LOTHING ll \ i s and CAP**, and a. foll line Of NOTION**, Willoh inu-t lu "l.t. BS I ruMTIVKLY v*i]| dost' bruinam herc by i*t nf January. I will saraBoa a fra ... mv priors .- I...Vs- n vi> .i i:r..- worth BOc.: MIsse-' DATs al Ce. worili 75c.; e lin Din N'** ll-.**!, st he.: Ml Ss ||i .sf ji r.e.; LADIES'1 M-i.FMMD COLOBED Husk, n,r«- i-il> tor 88.: '! t K and LONG < oMIts at Bc. apiece ; IM V \ 1 s* -ll.iF.s. .| .-,,.. a ,,M|, . A poml assort m. ut "f j.MHKs' and children*.** KHOES ebeap: A lui! il,,. ,.i M1.VS IP ii .Ts ;nid silt..KS at a.p.n- l*tiliii."l Int* piiei ¦ ; 4 I.i.l KING at v.ur i.wu price* ; a i..-. iih. .. '.ami s-. vu \ s.:,,.i,mi.nm vs El, issi i. csui i:w i. vi: v-iv neap, EXTKA I sn| . I-Mt \| ro COUNTRY MKK- * HANTS, e .ll iar'y ai BALTIMORE Al< "HON-llo|***K, IC. e.i-i Rroad MneL 24-suaYViNol -i. I: 'SI V.-.-ut. ^JLUr* **.**?^ 1\ \ V l.N pule I fl CO., sun K BB0E1BS, N<>. ll 18 Mais SSWBET, HI V VS!) -I |X AM. MAKE LIBERAL ADVA**.* - ,,*. Ri.-s.ns ANT) sTui Ks ll HAND FoK SAt.l . DsTEBTMl v i, -i RITIE8 I sl"»a l.VI.TY. .¦ROUBLE ttl lunns Foi: lALEi 15000 *IOBI,0irD AK1> ALL* GHANV RAILROADf PMB CEHT. i 1MB cn BONDS, ,iu» 1880. lQjQOO KI* hMoN,)' Youai eiveb AMi i HBBAPBaEB kau.hoad 8 PEP ( I ST. * i.i BRU BOND!*, due lr*an. 10 0( Hi1 A T LA> T A AND CBAK" LOTTI MS-LIME 7 pr<:t CB.rt. IIIIII8HM1II BONDS,*,,- 1907. l_2L(X#icm °* ,:K',,MON.-*¦".1>r-1* rCMT. 88818118111 BOBTM. 5_n/JQ C I T I mw UCfi-MNO B rm cforr. bonds, MtsBn> Kl). _.() (WO VJt(J,N,A CONSOL Oi>U- PONRONDB, wla coupoui guadtibr I an ec JQQ MJAftl-'S VII.ttl KI A UUlIIt lhdCRA5.CE COMPANY STOC8... .TKiUAl'fcM UCBMOID ANO' I'l TITtsit! B4i BUfi-flft KTOCK (I'AVB IHY*)f).Nl)l SKMI-AN- _NUALLYJ. ^ i!9-6t yilK IIILIIMOKI) AKD ALLr^rVAKY BAILHOAD ( OMPANY F1K*T MORTGAGE 7'S, OUR 1»20, COUPON OR R ICG 1ST Kl! KO. We offer for-ale s limited of the soove-de- atribrtt li* 'Mir* »t%*y7.fjU .id nU-r. »t, tbe co|ii|*ny *e*8JB i ai tb* rt/bi t-', n.r pr! ce froa. time ¦** Hare witbotd uoUee. ***Ys-rts.''tn utend th* ix.u-'* a* a good sud safe se. *****% Thr t-w-is may al*o be bad fro.**t *tiy of tbe otb* j .*"H*r-_*ri tp UlC City of RIcbiuou'L N DAVENPORT A COL, a*f IT Bts^-BreM-UI, VII K4TI AM TAILORI**'. **CHNE TAILORING MODKRAlM PRICE8. JJ. 1 have now in stock A VERY COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF FALL GOoDM, which I psrpi.-e to tnslte uti In Hie REST STYLI OF CUT, TKlMMiNGS, AND WCRRMANKHIP, al a sm»r uniform proflt. NO FANCY PRICKS. gatUfactioii -n.aranteed. JOHN LATOUCHE, ie l-..>.) No. 4 Tenth titree*. /iLOTIIIXO TO ORDER. (LOTHING TO ORDFR CLOTHING Te> e>BDF.R. E. B. SPENCE A SON, K. II. FPENCE A SON, E. B. SPENCE A SON, OHS MAIN STREET, 003 MAIN STREET, 908 MAIN STREET. * 'I." i'i MING TO OBDEB. CLOTHING TO ORDER. (LOTHING TO ORDER. K. H. SPENT E S SON, F. H. SPENT fl A SON, t. I'.. -[.). sc E A SON, MERCHANT tailors, M UH HANT TAILORS, MUM HANT TAILORS. READY-MADE ( LOTHINO. READY-MADE CLOTHINO. BEADT-II IDS ( I uttiing. Ki:. SPENCE A SON, K. I!. SPENCE A SON F. B. SPENCE A SON. BUSINESS sins, BUSINESS silTs'. iii B1NE8I Bl i .- 003 MAIN STREET, DOT MAIN STREET, 903 MAIN STREET. E. H. SPENT I", fl SON, E. H. BPENCE .v. s'">, . p.. BPENCE A SON DREss h n-.. DRESS sins. DBE88 sin-. Bu Vs' CLOTHINO, isuv-.' CLOTHING, Buys* CLOTHINO, ( lill.OREN'S CLOTHINO, CHILDREN'S CLOTHINO, CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. OVERCOATS FUR MEN. OVERCOATS JOB MEN, OVER* OATS FOB MEN. OVERCOATS FOB BOYS. OVER!DATS FUR BOTS. OVER! DATs FUR P.uVS. OVER! *)VT.s EUR CHILDREN, OVERCOATS EUR CHILDREN, OVER!DATs FOB CHILDREN. E. li. SPENCE A SON, E. IL BPENCE fl SUN, E. B.SPENCE A SON. MEDICATED SHIRT'S HEDI! ATTI) SHIRTS, MEDICATED BHIBT8. E. lt. SPENCE A SON, E. p.. SPRUCE B BON, E. H. SPENCE fl suN. BOBBT NT* KW EAR, NOBBY NECKWEAR, NOBBY NEC KWEAR. 90S YIAIN STREET, RSI MAIN BTBEET, 80S MAIN STREET. SHIRTS, COLLARS, AND COFFS. SHIRTS, COLLARS, AND fUFFs. SHIRT'S, COLLARS, AND CUFFS. GLOVES. HOSIERY, Ac. GLOVES, HuslERY, AC. GLOVES, HOSIERY, SC. E. lt. BPENCE A SON, E. ll. SPENCE A SON, E. li. BPENCE 8 sos. MERCHANT TAILOR"-, MERCHANT TAILORS, MER! HANT TAILORS, l*(i3 MAIN STREET, 0(13 MAIN STREET, 808 MAIN BTBEET. oe 7 OKl't.N. 8SKIIHT *..>«. ae. EMEDIE8 FOB COUGHS, COLD8, Ac lt fOUGEBA*S PATE PECTORAL lozenges, BANCO! K's LOZENGBB (Dr. McKen.le'a foimula), Bltovv.vs BBONCHIAL TBOCBES, < IBBOLK -vi in LOZENGES, PASTILLE'S DI PARK sac vuaRATED pow DEB OF COD-LIVEB OIL WISTAR'S MAI.sAM WILD CHEESY, MRS. CARDIN ER's BAL* A*.,, HALL'S Ll Ni. HAL-AM, WINCH ESTER"** BTPOPB08PHITEB, BASTINGJ* COMPOUND BTBDP NAPTHA, EMULfMOM COD-L1VEBOIL AM) BTPOPH08PH1TBS, A BB ALL TIIE Pupil. AR REMEDIES, KO ll CUlTillS AND OOLD8, ron mi i: ut T. BOBEST8 BAKER, . l'HAHMAcisr, sasasssef ts meade a baker, Bli* east Malu slreet. t-e 31 j w ATE R-FAMINE. Disinfect your sinks mid sewor-s with 4 ARBUL ATE OF LIME, a clieap and e-eet-ual SMtRSSt._l and prophylactic I'i. veit!,. ,11*.-;..*.- Bl.-MB li 'in Iiiijj.e gases aud foul vapor*. For sale by T. BOMBI! BAKER, 1'harniaclst, (aBaaaassf to meade a baker.) oe Bl**.SSS 01B 'a t N) hui street., Va. C lOUGHS AXL) COLDS. YVe ask the attention or all who are affected ¦v-hli anv LUNG IliSKAsE.TDUGllS, COLDS AND BK4»X(T1IA1 AFFEe T IONS TO Kl LB EMULSION OP Pl RI (DD-LIVER OIL WITH HY I'lHTiei-iTnTESOf LIME AND SODA. ll., Hu- MST.Vt ai«d je-i niau, nt way of earing and colds wilton tend io pulmonary dis, ase*. .i noni i*n.-* ami h.BSj up tbe wasted and we.1-c.icd __¦ st. m. it'i |ea fie wins. Vo* *.te o*. -rfrt.-f-ti-'tK. PURCELL, L A DD * OQ. Rii-hiiioiid. Y's. .ff. e. no other a* a sab-Htutc._«e 10-eod QftfjOBAL-TilVMOL i*ROiJJIVLAO TIC AND DISINFECTANT d.ould U used In all sick rooms to eb-aiise tbe aB**rt- neut slid prevent the spread ot c.uta*<lous disease. lt* odor 1* p4ti*--.uit, and Its power In dcitroyluf t.iil -u* _*tn_* reuiirkable. Bprlukled ou a bot liovel, it reaches every spot lu Hie mom. Prepared by J. BLAIR. Dnifflat, au il corner of Broad and Ninth street-. FOR SALK (HEAP, 60*>00 tami INCH I'l sr. HOARDS, 15.000 ftH-e INCH WHITE-OAK BOARDS. 10.000 feet f VV O -1 N C ll *A H I I K-OAK BOARD.*!. FlbHER 8 WILES. itfiihHoi 190*) CarytMasL |lidtmoiid gisptrit. 31, 1880. MA- THE CIRCULATION OF THE B18PATCH 18 LARG* E THAN THE COMBINED CIRCU- LATtoN OF ALL THE OTHER DAILY NKW8 PAPERS OF THE CITY. fKntered at tb* Post-Offlee st Rlehraond. Vs.. a* Becond-rixss matter.J WEATHER REPORT. Indications. F*HiTe>-I)AY.-~F<>r the- Middle stun*., variable; wind*-, mostly easterly, sta¬ tionary or lower Barometer," followed by winds shifting to colder northwesterly, with rising barometer, cloudy or partly cloudy weather, and occasional rain. The general atmospheric conditions now indicate that on Tuesday, November 2d, the weather will he* clear or fair from the Mis¬ sissippi Valley eastward to the Atlantic. Tirr WRATBRR ykstkhdat was cloudy or rainy. At niijht it was clen*. Thkrt-omktbb TERBBROAI : 6 A. M., 5S; 9 A. M., 04; noon, 04 j 3 P. M., 07 ; 0 P. M.. H' nnc!ni_*ht. .Vi. Mean temperature, 02 1-0. lgcalT matters. Sale of the Atlantic, Mississippi and OHIO RAILROAD POMTPORRO cvriL FKHKI"- tl.e Patted] sillies Circuit Court yesterday Judge Uugbessmcred thc- follow¬ ing tlecree, which relates In lin- sale of tiie Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio railroad : It baring been maje to appear to this Court tlint tl.e Master heretofore appoint. (I to sell the mort Kithed premises, property. and, liereiofor.' cl. creed to de iola in thu! suit, has adfertiaed sam premises, property, aud francoise, in bc sold af pub- lie saetlofl nt the eoBrt-room "f tbe United States Ciicuif Court, in tbe cii-tom-housc, in tin' city of Kiihinnnd, Ya., on thc 1st day cf November, IHHti, nt 1_ o'clock. Audit having iii ti Dade to appear to this Court that snit! Master ha* failed und omit¬ ted io serve written notice on tbe Attorney- (ieneral nf the State nf Virginia and the Boaid e,f Public YVurks nf said state at lesal tiiiitty (bys before thc sale, as directed by s-,id daeiee, it now ordered by this Court, und the said Blaster ll hereby or¬ dered and directed to adjourn said sale at 12 o'clock noou on flic 1st d:iy of Novem¬ ber, issi), a! said Circuit-Court roOB, tolh." 10th dJV of February, 1881, ut 12 o'eloek noon, at said Circuit-Cmir! room. And Hie said Master i.- boret.*1 further or- d( i.d and directed io serve on ihe Attorney- General of tin; State ol Virginia, and ario on tin' Board of Public Works of said state, at least ninety days before said adjourned day of sale, written notice of said intended sale, in conformity with the twenty-ninth paragraph of Ibe decree In this cause. And the said Master i** hereby further or- dei id to tri vi- due notice "i siid adjourn- m. nt In accordance wltb tbe directions ot said di cut, and lo publish said advertisement of sale aad the adjournment thereof, directed by this dicier, in conformity with thc re- qulrementa of tbe stum;.-, of the State of virginie rotating to the sale of any work of int*nial improvement in which the state i»' u stockholder or otherwise Interested. City Committkk..The City Con serfstire Committee aud ticket-holder*, challenger*, and runnels employed for tin- day of elec¬ tion will meet at ihe City Circuit Court room to-morrow night at 7 o'clock. So met ht mi MOBS A m.rr thk Faih . Financial. Mokk Pbbmu rs..Financially thc exbibilion of 1680 ¦>'»> BO* a success, but otherwise In some departments it wat as good as any eve. held her*". Tin* mst especially true iu the Impm- department, tin* catalogue embracing some of thc tiuc«t specimens in the State. Theie was less trouble this rear ntteddinf thc matter of entering and passing upon aiticles than in former years. This may be due partly ti. the fact that there Were fewer entries, but mainly to the system adopted by the secretary, Mr. William A. UurLe, and carried out by his courteous and com¬ petent assi,lam-. Helli*,' pic.eui every day and in all parts of thc ground*, this re¬ porter bears frilling testimony to ihe cour¬ teous tieiilinent which bc always received from tue officers ami tbefaclliile* siren lum fm- obtaining desired lofornlattoo. The book's were alway- found written up so far as could '»*¦ done, and ever open for his in¬ spection, rendering his work in tin's regard comparatifely easy, sod dues but an act of Ju«tice in thu* acknowledging his obliga¬ tions. Having already poblisbcd notices of the premiums awarded n> other Richmond manufacturer* ed agricultural and horti.Til- tural implements, we print this morning the hst nf premium* awarded to Messrs. ll. M. .-initn A Co., tbe well-known manufac¬ turers on lower Mani Itreet, Ml s-i-s. Smith k <'<'. had a tine displaj "f farming Imple¬ ments on exhibition at the Fair: Best combined reaper and mower, di- piom i, Champion binder, ll. M. .-mith ~ < o. Best horse-power, diploma, Richmond* lin.nilled, H. M. Smith A Co. Best combined machine for threshing, separating, and eleaniog, diploma, H. M. Smith & Co. Best fan-mill, E. Whitman, BOB! A Co. lits: coni-slicller for power, E. YVhit- iiia ii. Sons <t Co. Best corn-shelkr for hand, E. Whitman, Son- A Co. Best mill or niHChincfor crushing corn or oth.r grnin for stock, K. YViiitman, Smis A 0>. Best sorgbum-boiler, il. M. Smitii A Co. Best odor-, H. M. Smith A Co. The premium for best reaper and self- binder wa. awarded lo ll. M. Smith A* Co, for the Champion Twine-Binder, which i- .. martel ol ingeontty. It makes a perfect bundle and never fails lo tie. Thc u«e of twini avoids thc old objection to binders usiii!,' wire. The same linn took the first premium for grain thresher, separator, and cleaner on their newly-invented Bt-ebiRood Trasher and Cleaner, which was recenlly patented by Mr. II. M. Mnith, and hus met with unqualified ap. proval wherever iiiiroduced. In our notice of lticlnnond exhibitors at our tale-Fair we inadvertently omitted to mention the highly ereditahlc display ot Carriages manufactured I.y w. c. Smith, em brad ii <: a variety from 8 six seat phaeton toa Brewster boggy, YVtieu the character of Mr. Smith's exhibits is considered he de¬ serves much credit, as the plsce allotted to currmges i> very unsuited to flue work, be- ins'* without floor or sides, thereby subject¬ ing them to injury from dust or wet wea¬ ther. Thc Society would do well to im¬ prove the present building before the next MUMMl exhibition. Mr. Smith was awarded a medal on each article and u di-.luina on his colic ellon, being the highest premium of* feted. Notwithst m.lii.z the small attendance upon the State Fair, the Hichmond mer¬ chants did a tine business during the week. A d'.ivn.tiuvii shoe-merchant made one of toe largest shipments on Friday ever made frooi nuy one boute ut any one time.via., _-I& cases. Ti-JC't FAX-SSC-U*. SOS 1871). n.ifEf Itkms..Tbe Old Dominion Club Moat*. "-J Main street near the Old Market, wilt Lc open from Monday morning until Tiiisdii/ ulght. Any luf'U rn*I inn about the election .viii be furnished there. The bar.enlloe Bertha Auden.on, Ander¬ son msster, cleared from tbe cuswm-house yesterday for Franca with a car^o compris¬ ing _!»,77<j busDels ol wheat, vsluerj st ?*i'.,7M..8. Nlatlaitea for f>etaV>er. DB SDH AND MARRIAGC-MC'CN'SKS. Sixty-five deed* were admitted to record in the clerk's office of the Henrico County Court during the month of October, and thc clerk Issued 19 marriage-licenses.8 white and ll colored. During thc month of October 180 deedi were admitted to record in Ihe clerk's office of the Cbancerr Court. The clerk of the Hustings Court Issued marriape-licen-e* during the psst month.twenty-nine white and twenty-nine colored. I'OLICE-COCBT STATISTICS). During the past month the Pollce-.Tuslice disposed of 210 criminal oses and tried 292 of violating the City Ordinances. On criminal charges 12 persons were *ent on to the Hustings Court for indictment by tho grand Jury, 34 persons were convicted of misdemeanor, and 24 were committed to jail in default of surety for their good be¬ havior. Fines collected: Citv, t4(*)5..*i0; State, f 157.50; costs, |'ial, f069.70. CCKTOR-HOU8B STATISTIC*. During the month of October eight for- elirD feeaeJa cleared from the cu*tom-house. Of I hr se, six had carports of flour, compris¬ ing 14,7*11 barrel*, valurd at $95,314, for Brtzil; one had a cargo comprlslog 29,77(1 bushel- of wheat, valued at 132,754.48, for England ; and one had a cargo of crude pe¬ troleum, compilsing 209,0S.*> gallons, valued at 81(1,722, for France. Total value of car¬ goes, H4.t800.48. IRTBBRAL-BBTBBIIB mt.U:CTION8. The internal-revenue collections for the month of October amounted to S1G9,3C0.29. The collcclior.s for the week ending yester¬ day were a* follows: Mondiy, |B.S40.ti4 Toeaday, §f>.*21*-*-I*4; \\'cdnesdav,t8.()s..y__; Thursday, 18,180.-3* Fridav, flS.lSS.lS; Batorday, 97,_S**UB.tOtst,f4-5,0S&Sl. The collections for the week previous amounted to 989,9** 51. Ff-OVRf-MSPRCIIOBB. Flour Inspected by Inspector Brittan In Richmond during the month of Deli.ber Mas aa follows: MSI barrels family, 1,891 barrell extra superfine, 290 barrel* super- fine, ISS barral* Sae, IS barrels condemned. OORORBBr*B work. Dttrlog the niotith of October Coroner Taj lot flowed tin di sd b kile* off] persoos-. 2 Wi Ite and 4 Colon (1.and held 1 inquest and 1 postmortem BXS initiation. KIKK ALARMS. The number of lire a' .inn turned in du¬ ring the month of Oetober were ll. Four ol these were from Box N >. 2. Tour fax-rrcrift ror 1*79. POLICR COORT..-The following casi-' Were disposed Of Si th'" Police Coint yes¬ terday morning by Police-Justice l>. C. Biebardson: paul Min ni and Joseph Kan ene, charged with obstructing Ibe sidewalk on Main street with their fruit aland*, were dis¬ charged with an admonition. John White and John Mill (both colored), Charged With being drunk and disorderly oh the street, were lilied c'J eaeh. Moires Jones and Fumy i bait-ley (both colored), chuged willi Bghtiog Ofl Hie strict, were tined |1 each. John Smith, charged with fighting and creating a disturbance, was Hoed |1.00 by Justice [snell. Frank White, charged with allowing twe of his cow to fin at l:irf;e in the night¬ time, was tined ?2. Jolin T. Hughes, charged with assault* Ins and beating Isaac Morris, vvas lined VIM. Charles Oarrett (colored), charged with assaulting and abusing Charlotte Garrett, Dismissed on payment of cos'-. Kilmorna Taylor and Junes Melray (holli colored), ebarged willi disorderly conduct, wurt; lined f2 each. Politics is Hrxrico..Between ISO and BOO negroes paid their poll-tax* yesterday In linnleo, and thr County Courtyard wai crowih il willi lhem all div. The contest over the office ol commis¬ sioner of the revenue for the lowe;- district will be a warm BBC Indeed, as there ar. four candidates in the tield. George Iv. Ro¬ per ls n candidate oa tin- straight-out Dem oerattc Mckee, J. \v. southward on the Re publiC'in, and J. P. Schcrmcrhorn on tin ReSdJuater ticket. ll. L. Davis ls mention' ed ss an Independenl candidate. The office iv;is linnie recant i>y ihe death ol Mr. lt. li Talley, and an election was ordered bj Judge Welltdrd, of tba Henrico Cireili CourL The full v<>te of the county is expecte. to be polled. Yolk TAX-BBCSTPT ron 1879, Tin: Wsatbrr..Yesterday was a rain' dav lure, al times it poured In torrents Al nlgbl it was clear. From Huntington last night the Obil rifer waa reported rising, lt had beet raining nen ly ill day. At Cannelion the weather was mild 801 rainy neat Iv all day. At the White Sulphur thc weather wa eloudy, wltb oecaalonal rains. At Hinton it was mild snd etoody. A gentle, steady rain fell in Lynehbui. during Ibe day. At williamson** and the head-waters o the James it WM rainy. Tin: Cu.i.kv Slatr..Bartley Csmpbell'i play, tbe Galley Blare, will be presented si the Theatre on Tuesday and Wodoeadaj arenlnga of this week. The pint of tin play is not startling in iis originality. I is tbe well-worn story ol a villain who mar Hes the heroine for her money, while sh. marries bin In * fit of pique st the mp posed faithlessness of ber true lover, ih» hero, who, for his part, does not tindee, iv her until too late. Then be is caught in I Compromising situation Wtth b»*r, and, tc .hield her, pretends to a theft, auc is setiteueed to the galleys. The deni.tie tn.-nt comes when alt the leading eharac ter* meet iu the yard of the prison, and oik Of the female convicts rOOOgBlSOS III tm villain ber absconded husband,after Which, of ooaree, Bil end. happily. Tour tax*bxcsift for 1879. GooDWIR'S Fkolmuffs..Tbe company ol comedians designated as "FroUqoea** wu open at the Theatre to-morrow evening, ant tiny are reputed to present the clevcicsi and funnle-t show to be met with. Thc northern press speak highly of *t, mid Mr. Goodwin's chsracter-iiiiiiations of Booth Lawrence Barrett, Joe JflSOrsOB, Charles Fechter, and other celebrated actors are said to lye excellent. Beserred scats at Ramo* and Moses's ant at the Theatre box-office. KaILKOAP iNSfBCTIOX..Mr. II. I). Whit comb, appointed to inspect the complete, sections of the Hichmond and Alleghauj railroad, weut up lo C-rtersville yesterday forty-six miles from Richmond, to wind point the track lias been laid down. Mr Whitcomb Inspected the completed sectior on the Allegheny division, from William son's eastward, on Friday. PIANOS or Timk on Richmond and Pk tbrsiiuru Road..The accommodation trait on thc Ki i* mon "I and Petersburg railroai will leave here hereafter ut 4:30 P. M. Tbi freight train wini passenger-car attached will leave Petersburg coming north at I P. M. Yoes tax-rkckiit ros 1879. Worx KlectionDat..We hope all oin business-men will follow the example ol those whose names are published elsewhere and de vote tho whole of Tuesday next i. work for their State and country. Pbksonal..Colonel W. S. Gilman bat accept. (I sn in vital inn to speak at the grand laa-i-uiveinig at Alexandria Monday night Nattorai. TnABxaoiriNO-DAr..The Prc- [rddent will appoint Thursday, November 25th, as a day of tbank«glving. Tbe procla- matlon will be issued in due time. Tbls is an official statement, and is made by request of a city clergyman. Your tax-rkceipt roR 1879. Work tieri lon Day. We, manufacturers, merchants, nnd busl- ness-men of the eily of Richmond, feeling the vital importance of having the Third congressional district represented lo Con¬ gress In the interest of honest and economi¬ cs! government, and believing that the elec¬ tion of George D. Wise will" contribute to tbat result, sgree that on election-day we will leave our places of business and con¬ tribute our personal aid and influence to the election of George D. Wise. R. E. Hl.SNKKNSHIP, JOSKPH lt. ANDBP.SON & CO., IL C. Grat k CO., N. M. Wilson, A. Cart, John Boob: sb, A. T. YVaddt, C. Milli. R. C. Monro-**, John K. C-PLDBBT, G. D. Harwood, J. N. Hotd, David Rriduks, W. L. Sims, VArOHAN" A* Sartat, S. A. Ellison*. Gkorof. s. Palmar, MAXWSLL T. Cl.ARKK, CBARLRB l>. Hill, M. T. Smith, John Emitits A* Soy, Y\'. J. ('KN I HY. YV. J, fARBROOOB, E. S. TCRPIR, A. I.. Ei.i.Kir, ci.av Drrwrt, S. I'.. BtfOBBS, ( RARLK8 -I. AVUKItSON, J. P. Yam r.v, TBAXTOR k l'l.I.IN.iTOV, O. K. VYBIRIOkR, William ii. Wrisiorr, Btbfbbr l't TM v, c. yv. Thora k Co., s. s. CorrssLL it c<>., K. \V, POWSRS k CO., VYaTBIXS, < OTTRRLL ft Co., IlF.l.t.i ll A I't.l-ISIIMAN', M. MlLLBIBAA A* < '<>., Lewn ii. Blair k co., A. OlTKMIIMEK, Mai ciijian BROTBRBR, Gaabrab ft Brows, Baldwin ft .Iknkins, a. h. Nott, Powana, Blair & Co., Chaki.ks P. STOKB8 & Co., (TtiMiiN ft Watkins, J. I'. Ruckus ft Co., Jambs ii. Capers, E. COOBTABT JaKRIAB ft Co., Semis ft I.IB80A, E. A. SACXDAAS. J. IL Ml IN'IHIK, LifBRor A Lriob, Ellison A Bartrt, .i. i>. Patton, C. E. Toim, KlRORCD iY CALLOWATi Alexander Drlarrt, Wast, Johnston ft < 'o., Now ft CO., Thor is Nowt,an*, R. E. .Yin om ni: it, .If'IIN ll. I ft Co., (.arlu P. Taylor ft Co., YV. Q. Dandridor, J. Ri.air, Andrew Pieeini, Jr., CHRISTIAN A WlllTK. R. P. RlCBARDSOM it Co., YVlI.l.lAM B. Tanmba it Co., T. Robbsttb Bab br, (i. it A. Baroamir, Tai.BOTT tt Si.NS. YV. ii. BwerMas. The following note ins been addressed to the Auditor of Public Accounts . .' HRADQ'RS Tullin COROBRSSIOXAL ) " Democratic i tow.ittrr, " Rhum*.NH, Va , October 80, Issi). S "Hon. john /-.*. Massey, Auditor of Public A* "'nits of Ho Stott of Virginia]: "In the int cr.^t ol fairness it is due to you to state tbat, in our discretion, wc will prosecute you civilly before tbe Gorernoi looking to your removal from ofBce, and criminally before tbe courts of tbe Com¬ monwealth, because yu bare appointed to office as colic dor of d* Minjin nt taxes in this city a man notoriously untrustworthy, and bare allowed bim to commence his services before be was 'jtuiified t<>do«.», you baring the know ledge all Ibe while of wh it Ihe ne¬ cessary qualifications ol * collector ol de* linquenl laxes ire, and seeing thal his office is ii lng performed sgalnsl law without sny endeavor to stop bim. ..1 Shall publish this notice in one or more newspapera ol this city, and I hereby caution ad person* who desire io vote on thc Sd day of November thal Bil tax-ie- c.-ipis issued i>\ William H. Bereridge ;i* collector ol delinquent taxes lortbecityol Richmond are absolutely worthless md will not entitle anv person to rote upon the same, and all Judge* "f election are bi roby cautioned io be governed nv this notice. "l'hvroN Wise, for tin* Committee." Ilend-tof liiiniliiB. Attention. Rooms STATE CONBRATATTTS "I BXECTJTIVB ' ny .i ri SB, > October 80, 1880.) ll.;.il- nf fsmlliet are ri quested to report to these rooms on Monday, Norember i**. tbe names "f all male adulta living on their .respective premises, stilting the number of white iind colored. J. Bell Btgobb. Becretary. bambi:* ami vk i.mtv. Holt of Honor at the Public Behools.. The following pupils were 00 lb* roll of honor at the public retools his! week : High School.E. Mornssette principal.. Ma Allsop, Maud Gibbons, Mattie Owens, Lena Lithgow, Minnie, Maggie Topham, -fannie Boead, Mary Swann, .lemmie Morrissett!, Emmie Walker, Hat¬ tie Wells, Willie Mathews, A. B. Mccul¬ loch, Allie Farmer, Augustus Smith, W. H. W inf ree. School No. 1.Misti Bettie L. Irvine teacher..Sallie McCrone, Jeanie .Munn, Eula Walker, Ida Brander, Cora Harrison, Eva Harrison, Bessie Hall, Annie Jones, Ettie Owens, Kiln Gibbs, John Walker. School No. |.Miss Et, Lyon teacher... Cary French, Fred. Sampson, Jamal Munn, Ros* liomin, Cora l)icker*on, Fannie Fos¬ ter, Grace II ill. Lizzie Howlett, (.'Lira Tur¬ ner, Rosa Mcculloch, ('ora BflelllOgB, s*chool No. 3.Miss Nannie Hatcnerteach¬ er..Etta Adams, Hattie M. Blankenship, Minnie Jones, Addle Leonard, Nina Smith, Carrie Wilkinson, Ida Williams, Edwin Adams, John Beach, Willie Mathews, Eru¬ ct Prlddy, Paul Walker. School No. 4. **Iis-» French teacher.. Henry Buell, Watter Freeman, Mamie Knorr, Carrie Will tum**. Fannie Slurp, Georgia McCullough, Carrie McCullough, Mary Fitzgerald, Maggie Bally, Mary Snel. lings, Miltie Walker, aud Terry Toity. l'rimarv School.Mrs. Hall teacher.. Katie MeCfl lough, Kilt Powers, Birdie Farrer, Hettie Uoolshy, Lizzie Grave*, Florence Leonard, Myrtle Lithgow, Mamie VaCghRB, (Tunic Farmer, Roy Reams, Douglas Sharp, Henry Vaden, Charlie Bourne, Willie Mitchell, Hobby Topham. JflflflirflBSf Tf-1 clerk of the II listing*. Court during the month of Uciolier re¬ corded ll deeds and issued 8 marrisge- licenses.6 white and 3 colored. Only one alsrm of Arc wa. given during the pa-t mouth, and the coroner was called up twice lo serve lo bia 0-s*BBJ cap-city. Hobbery.-¥r\ilay night ihe store of Mr. John C. Lipscomb, on Hu.- *uwl near Thirteenth street, was entered by thieve*, wbo succeeded In carry in.* off about neventy- Ave dollars* worth of dry srood*, notions, fte. An entrance was effect rd into tbe bouse by breaking one of tbe taree window¬ panes In the store front. Tbe robbery was not discovered until yesterday morning. Mayor's Court..lo tbe Mayor's Court yesterday morning.Mayor Gentry pre.!- ding.John Coleman (colored) was up charged with unlawful assault. Ile was re¬ quired to pay tbe tost* in tbe prosecution, 86.10, and In default was committed to Jail for ten days. HobsroBD's Acid Phohtuatb should be nerd wlie-n yoB are ne.-v.n* and e»unot sleep. Onb Pbicb. To ORDBR. In our Custom Department will be fonnrl nu aae-juaUed selection offcods or sll foreign fabrication, tCfether with .-in elegant Hoe or Tink Domestic*. The employment or only tl.e most skillful cutters and tailors make* a* com*ldei)t of our ability togiveperf.c: satisfaction In every way to gentle¬ men who prefer to bave their B*ar- menU made specially iBSBtaSBtrt RAAOT-M.OR. W* will suffice it to say, that In the way or Heady-Ma. lc Clo nu tits for Mi ii, Hoyt*, er Children, we will al¬ ways bs prepared tsBBatS] aavf Be- in.-ir.ii, lt ba fer lbs leesl tress, ordinary h-r*i-iess, or workltif «nii*. or ispaial* ii ri iel**. A. SAK-* A CO., 1018 Milo street. No CBADIT. » Rich * » . * I'll KS 1. NTS. * » _ * » NOW I. AN 0 (O , * » JBWAIXAAS, * * corner Main Bad T. nth nrei tr-, * * sr-- opeotBB * * New s'.ye* cl's||v( in » ( BBSS, lu itnonii l.ace-rin* .mi Bsa.reps, BassRBSBCBt aad Baaala King.-, * Getej Wat-Tit-*, * * ( hatti Isla* ami Chain*. . * xaild noun.ll lio.l . * Bracetets sad Baasfcs, * . aad a arsat rarlslf ofother * * ii.-ai.ui..! Qoode tot * * Budal and * * RBBleersary * » I'lesent-*. * l). A K. Mitts.dobi an bare Ja**rreo*leed llretr lliiril Mi.'ii'v ol'ne vv geed*, boatbt kt aiiflou for cash, wbieb they -Ber al prices to ssleatsb alt Give mein a tell. Bl IB IN' MiM> TBAT IflSSBS. TliALllimll BttOlBBBS lev.- nevill lo their store. 801 Bboad btbbbt, corner of flftfe, wbrrs tbs| wi'i Ut plssssd to iee their -nany friend* aad eas* lossers. : COU KN Hkotiimis. : TO BAfLAIB OCB PBICI * first. We oar /.oo'is n. 'arne qoxatlties.foe ca"-!), from BMBU.CturtTS, 0B.BlltS.on ;ui'l BOetlOB bouses,or wbeterer sbS wheaerer tbey are sold to our. realest adraataae. **. The BXtSBt Sf "ur t i.*liie*« an-l other Ute sllltis* redace oar expense to less mea ont half the peretataaa it costs ¦asl un-rchants t.< tell their foods, Tub Aovavtaors ok Ora Patrobb; Kn st. vv.- aarri oas of tbe mmt esteasire ttoeks BOW pfc rad In HOS State. Clurstoclt com.. Kile's' f lort lj.'n aili itoatSStle /mids, irom lin- low- c! BTadeStO Hie vi rv llin.t. N-couii. We present all tba aovettlet as they ap- pear, both in ibis aod foreign -ssrketS, t hird. \\*e warrant ali foodsas represented, aad prices ss toe as any ii. ti Iscoaalrf. BSrap.t stsy be competed. Four' ii. Ladle* .!. sii ii./ to .. ht . ¦-. ii ii or. r- for a .mis from N'.-w fork caa do io tbroagb us free af sxprs.sae.ea all * tea III aatoaatiaf lo ow rim an B-ttf-a dtseonal of Dr. pei "-ei.t. trill be allowee*. CLOAKS, DOLMAN*-. I LOA-LSv.878 I,'lireet from the iii.-iiiui'.iet.ii. r*. irom IfLBO to ibsBaesl nude, -t I) A ff. MlTTBLDOBfBR*8. ia.- carot ir \ou atti, bat ix- ran lo ass Boaonoxi riffsI awav, ta orOar to earrf i.I ii* iajarloaa .tr..- sn; on Un- nilli, au eaaety-eaters thoatd irrj V| BO* i.'ist with tin nt i: ihey wish lo keep tlielr t**th *olll|.l. _ BAAOfifoixf wniii Taara bxsi-bbb ut ih.- BBS "I' HBAOB A Ham ii*, sap.isisk Iiknii- Kim k, which wi" ipa* .lily restore lacipteal tartar I.rr*. Prlee, 8ftf coatss box. **Ha\ u l's Pa i * >-'" niM-op Dot obtka* f r.ii." ** iii it..wan - Kiiuiiiv." Th* above brass* of Roar ara lower now ia pries lBaa ths* art. ..- ( til al NV. I). BL IIB A* < o'-. 1108 e nt Main. ai.d i.iij IOU v ar's SBppif, A KB A (ii: a ST BAAATH I- alw.vs a ph .-i-iii-e, ai d roe ess have ll bi ashra M.adb *** Baai k's tt* Bein.11 in hoi.a MOO ru-vv ash. ii a.airey»tts ii. ii i*.i odor ceased bj .ii*c-«»-'l faas* sad de¬ cay. <l teeth, anil -|me<!iiy n stores ila n. i" a besBhy c..i ditiou. Price, li fl y .. nt- B I--.ttl.-. CABPBTSi CARFRfBu.Wa wou'il BrJvlM all in waut Of Cara*. '"> *!>'. Bl a ell, a* iln-y weie iiotu'tit .t saetioa, sad .*.*< offer ifstai lower tt,*n e.-i-r. All grad, saud in.' li. A E. MITTAl,nOltr kb. DA.CL. Mit. HKi.L. !"'..rt Meade,Pta-.ea May -6. 1877, wrote: "l Urlak ;os weald confer s"ti lb* [s-o()ii- ,1. ibis n in,liv io . --1.11111*11 tiiK au jK< ney line for tl.e si-L- of Tl l's i'll.I.s. Bael-W tested Chssa. Ifcaea .h*ir*..peri.>ri *, sud waut to tee them it-el I.Bead of Hu* w.irthlfst BOBSpOS.*t tl.ut.i!>' told tn Hus country.'' Em . Nt sr Dh. II. R. YValto.i, ANNAPOLIS. WO., tti'lil*: C'olden** I.IKIHOS l.iQtH) BXfRACI Of ItBttS t, *ii|*erl >r ls i 'o.l-I.lver nil or an} tlBBB * .BPOOfS* Bsed lu Wilsted Bf llopal red BSOflB-taftSB*, LAMBS who wish tu I are Uh lr |**08TRR Lac ko Kid (Roves put oil their funds br a lady SRBBfl BAM lo Messrs. I.kvy BS01BBR8, the smuts lu this div, by F0STKR, the celebrated Kid i.'ovnr are rti|i)t*«ted to call this week. Ibe .'.-.sikh Kid BlOVflfl are superl.-r lu many res-pert* io any other KM lilive* ma.le, and the patent laee-fas'eiiliif make* lt decidedly 'he most BBSBflurut.le till the most |*r- Bet Sttlfg EM 0*e-*8> As wein- the -feu ts in Ibis city for this etle'.r.ied K ni QI .ve, we COB slwayi supply our cuitoiu. rs willi auy Bas aud .¦-.lor tbey insy deilre. _ H. I llv-on A e i)., ¦ilvrrti I../ S4f»-u:». Insert ad- ve ilsemeiii. lu sll of Hie ucwspaRSS* Bf the Cult*.I Btatessr putili-h. rs'rate*, order* tell at Hie lui- patch co un I lng-roo tn will receive prompt allen- Hon. I1YTI*||. UIlYIMI.itf. f1LUTIIINUCi,EANb'U AND iiYED.- J Particular sltentlou nald io lsd.**' due artleUi of apparel, ss VEl.Vl-.T-". -Aslll-X, KIHHON*-, r-KATIIt"U.<s, 8CAHP*-. KID Ci Ho VA*", liRK-tsKS. SHAW..-, etc., s* wrll a, i iK VI I.*-MK vs and (TllliDlirN'S UAKMK.NT-4. ItvYlVK ("UR. TAlNHDYMlalso, al I.. UNNKRAN>, ecg j*a*5u3ut >*». 1888 I'raakiU) .irtst. THE DISPATrOH. TERMS OT ADVERT181NO. 4 ASH-ISTABIABLTIB ADTABCB. One sq-s-rc, oas las*. IHib. Oueiauare. iwo IsssrtlrHif. e)os sqoare, three insertions. Ono Miusre, six Insertloo*.,. . .n«.--nare, lw*i»e Inset-Hous..... cine suasre, one anonih. lt! i)n» square, rwo nxnilu. 18 i 'ne st-Hsre, three, month*.,. RS . A DOWN-TOWN MERCHANT, har- ***. Inf ps* td lever*I »l*v*f4e** -.this, >Bstur-*cd bf the afontesand .-rle* of a saRet-laK ..hiki, sud be- comiBBconvinced Hist Mas. WIB8Le)W'i*i*'.*'Tr*. INO HT KIT' was Just the artless oeedH. .irot-BreS a supply for thc ctslid. (>n reerhlag home ansi ac¬ quaint..f bl* wife with what be bad eton*, she .fe¬ ruled to hare lt admlnt*trred lo the child, as she ws* .ir-nisly In favor of llonia>e--a'by. Thal ntftil ibe cb lld passed In suffering, and the parents with¬ out strep. Ile turn "lix borne Ute dsy foilowing, tho fa'h.r found the baby still worse; and while coo- lemiiiatinf another ileeplea*, rhe mother .leppcd from tbe roou to attend to anne l< tn-stle lilllie-., and left Ihe father with Ibe chi Ul. 1 .urina her absence he a dm In I. tc red a portion of th© Soothlnft Synp to the batty, and sall nothing. That night all hands slept well, and (he little fellow awoke In th* morning bright and rupp*. The mother was delighted with the sudden and wonder¬ ful change, and a!thong!, st first off-t-.d.-T at the dc- S8B8.B! practiced upon her. has continued to sae th. syrup, anl suffering, crying bahles and re-1 leos nights have disappeared. A si.tfle trltl -f the syrup nev.r yet failed to r*li.-ve Hie .th)* and overcome. Ute prejudice* of the mother. Sold hy ali di .-.'Kilts; Ul cents a bottle. te l.Y-eodlw AITIItIV **AI.!.N BOMMY. *f*i)n all -ali-s »f Kesl E.talc maje bri ween tho lit ot *v snd last of dune the lase* for tho tin.i ut tear I nive IO aa P*ld by the inrebaser. (To .ll sula* "made between thc Isl of July snd last <>! ttic year Hie tu.ic. |.ve to Ik; mild by ihe seller. (This custom whs adopted about rt.' . ..» y.'.r, agu bv sit Ute rea! estate agent* lu Rlchiuon-., ,-tud _p- pllos t" HlcbBBQtid sad victnitv.) ATKINSON A TKMI'LE. 1 V. M., cab'jage aad IrLsh p'-intoe*. ROBRBT B. i.wk. 12 if.. oessBBfr-tdaa-TS1 sato nf » vslntij c f-rni 0*e m:;..- west of Rich¬ mond. OBOBOI 8. VASHON A 8(>V, IS P. M.. Br sd- strtet property. -IN.', K. I.Al'nUTDV. .IH.. 10 A. Yl. b'.eit'iolel'-. carpels. ehrtiBii**., Ae, V. HOLBINORB, High Om-tablc, In. A M.. fur- nit it rte. plsi.o. Ac., A 16004 HALLENGE FOB TORNADO. A . M...... "i l.v the nnrt id" the Hot-. W of Thtirsdat last. In your H..-- o. ITI.lay, thai ile- Jii'i.e- gave \»t y properly ito* C< *t place it>, ami. sir.-.Hs.'ly eu. ugh <-)>..¦. . .. i Vi,,r BBB caine ni BreOBd Lalee). Hu y fsri -.ion I nnsrey io i >rau_e Cir'. Sow, ihli I* more than I har* -teen ,-it.le io rom prebend; ami while I naturally feel some** hat hun I Hiou'ii ui-i har* awarded tie position to which I thought mv-rtf intuieil, lhere IB se atop.ti; sordoIwUh m hula-ate that the li-.anral/ie Judi-e- (lld auylhleu: bal what they thm'ght was rhitit. Howe-eer, lo pio'-e I wa* en* tlllen to that po-Tlio'i. and evin i better oin. I hereby paidieij challenge TORNADO, the Borea that rame Brat in tbe nar, lo trot aaatasi sst maie CLARA M<iKi. AN.mer any 'nt. k Milong)..g to Un* Nol. ul Vs-ot-i nioii lu the i iiiiii rv fo; Mic .mn nf ?."ino a side. All I a*k ls a t-lr .bowing and a prn- l*er and intelM*,* nt smiles! lea of the ri Very respectfulh A. H. PRRDUR. Pl' IIMOM). Ucl.r TO, IH80. w WAMlh. rANTED, A WHITE HOUSE-'-'ER- VANT. Apply a: J 11 sasl Main. -.. ,U-_lt flTANTSD, A FEMALE IKY' UER TT tn a DtTvjte I'ruiilly lu the .. ty. I)var BlMcRs age anil lin cou..ii > | ri ferr* 1. *s..i ..v.-r ihree to See scholars. Enfinb, french.and >l>t n* to Ur laugiit. Befeteae** reeinired aad slr* a very nloataBt Boro*,paving iii'Uilhlv. Ad i---* Let¬ ter lanT-i No. 7, I*A RI N I. qc 31 11»_ WANTED, BY A SETTLED LADY, a a* SEAMSTRESS. Will niakit herself srenerB!ly a-efai, v.tdr,s< t c., rare of -Otter-!, arri* r So. 7. ctr v._nc 31 3tj* WAX 1 ED, A PR A CIIC Ad MA X TO Tv work aad carry eel mr orefers oa * i's rm renr tticcltv. -.ugle iiiin pr. t< i red. I!. |. r. BOIS must be flren. Addi.w l.<ii«i-Carri, r Rt-, 7. oe'll-lf_I \!!MKU._ WANTED, A COLORED WOMAN to COOK, WARH. AND li I'M. Matt know hu* to !'*ke- gool bread. Brtnj recomBiendaHona, An.iyat 306 K.vsT vi vin BTBEET. oe SI-8.**_ \%J \ X I E D, COHPRTEN I' RALE8- yf i.aihks. pi ii-.- ..rt. nit- ra to in least i - aad Wllllngae**-. to work "Ul In- Hie rep.I in*. \|...1y I.y I. tn r, wltb refer*n< .», . atina salari i peeted, tn A. RnhKNBl'454'R _ in.. oe MU-at*_I'etershuiy. Yb. fJETANTED, 5,000 HICKORY LOOS of yy itu i.--*i ipiiiiiv toafh wblto hickory, free of _ ot., iron *>r. .i,' Mtier Imperfection*; tbe e.. lu- ii-i-.n* ..I -lu l.o.-. ir.- r >i.i ll. lo 1 _' net long. and t'loin io .4 Inches m distaeier. -i n.i en lil. K div -*i'oKi-> ot iheMS-equslltf labor* in.-n'i iiu-d Hoo.l); si/,-*, '_'M toshes I,-nu and l'_ iu i inches thick. I slso will porchusc HICBORT HY THK (OKI* .1 the -.inn- fai sb.ive menu weill qn-t,*1 * len in blocks 88 Inches SO Inches sndftdlneb s l< ug, ami BOl ie-s iliiin ll mille* iii (.'lame ir. A. Il (.oi 'DMA N. 1488 and 142. < *ry »treet, oe (i'Sii.t hatti lui Jrw 1 iii Richmond. Vav I HAVE THIS DAY REDUl ED MAXY I i,mill** ||.;\ I'M;. |.M,. ablell BISBeS tin lil -..i-r ilia.! ih. \ li.ive .vir )"'.. offered i-efnr*. Ile.-e in asnl <.; li()I>K-fURNl8IIINU i.ihiDh- bad better call aud latlsfy th mselves of ih II. II. IV \ l.l.AC K. BB 1 4<»« ll.I 'rel. I.OVI". STRATFD, AMI STOLEV. *r.v Iv IN ll", ON THE PARU o'-tO*-** 1 Mr. John Mander*.on . ¦¦-' ¦.¦> .. »**¦'« l-lk. .'.-.ill six lillie, tneri.y, a HVIIK Hell *nH!. wlih ,norl horn*, and shoal iwo year* old. fheowner alli prose property, pay cb.raes, snd io t away._oe3l«It* (9TBAYKD, on the _-j(| instant, finnie***** *' in v i'i' eornei Lombard) aie: Ki-i>ikiir____, mar Klcitmoiid Collrge, A s\|u,|. hkI) * i.U Lt f' bin !. al black, tlpiifli Tl li 'tn lirnkeii, ma bulb imi marked. A .-uiiai.i- rewsid a*lH tie l.t. I t if te i d. livery lo tli" OWuai or infor . .. an.ii? to li " e vrv. Tiie public ar. c ni'l-.i.e.i ¦gain si tra<r I us foi itu- same. QC 81-St*_i' s- Af.LEX.^ T (>ST, THURSDAY THE UStb, al tho 1- fair Hi "un a **. INK-DI VMi'N!) RINO. A r* aardof rWFATi r*IVr I DLL A tts-will he a* 1*8 .-. Stall 86. '<:d ^'arki-t. -ci nm lt KM - ?OR RENT -Y.N'f) POSSESSION AT i.Mr. Hi* Ijri'e WHO!. Rs A Ll fi UKI .> UfY HI AND. fora l.-ug niue .-reu -I--1 bj i . f. Tailor A Vo, 'n Main street -t- ¦lr.-ct.* Tenn- low to B | eriuai.ciil |. u*.|.i 'Uni U . So 1 Moid. HDltKRI ll LY RB. o- 3l-to.l4t_j('»I Ksisle A.ent. Ti'iiH KEXT. OXE OF THE NEAT- *m I rM v.ti vn i*. i ii.mi'*' i a :.* n Ka Vl.iiiKKM.V* i.NsT III * I Hi HOUSES mi ( HUI, All iruprovein. ins. i,vti, ei.rsi-./. Ac., -ic. ii m ci-jor between Ttrea'r-Bi h and I wi -it-* vii * nek*. Ten... low : t n.o.n». klteb ". *ckoki: it I' lt. l.v sr. 11-81 Rea! Ems - *u<nt. I^OK RENT, THAT ELK!.AX I' fM A NEW RTAREHOUBR eorsai -ist.---i.iii lia an-l io ace Oreel i..peed*liv .oinet' I for b *a-. >. be-i- n's*.: four Kort**, elevator. Rc. c*<i i«- nmnl for a rea»*B«blsprice. Kuhkhi h. LIMB, oe 31 -41_If. v.cnt. .*roi!A(C) PACTORY Kui: ItKNTA 1 AMt Peihsrv-KiN Al uv I. IbeffAC-JH luiiV r..rm. riv noeaptod bf K.4. Christian, r. <|., ii strut beta ea M lin sud ( arfatratta. Hint v-ry low. Apply to ItOllr-!:! li IV NI-. at (l-4t Beal falsie Aaeot. Ij^Olt RENT, THE RESIDEXI KoFdW r tu. laicJuin-* M. Talbeif. tao,. So. Uti Ki non h Mm li -lr..-!. faCiBC thc i i|iit .1 -.juare. 1 lil* house I* n> iicjuiifui order.bsimg he*.u recenOv iiK-re.. aud |is...ted thro.i/iioui. and suppllcij willi new runge Of latest |«lteru. I.r.tiolie ilOV.*, AC. I' .*-. * -iou glin. I 0ili Novrmoi-r. UKOBOE ll. CeilMH-XTER. (.c.H'COdlt_Beal K>U'e Ageat. |?Olt RENT, THAT VERY HAND-f*£ r HtiMK ANDDK-ilKAKLKOlKH 1 N. * IJ him iii Tenib street (Shater*. building), with Iiaiel- oii.e p'ate-g'as* front and nice satrance. Apply ko R. ll. (Tl Art-IS no, oc3l-3t No. I nor;.. Ten'h it--?.*_. G ;iiK RES I. THAT VEKY DESI RA i.i . Ultu R DW ELLI HO Nc. 'i.h «»i (irv Mre*S. eoatalB inf Blas rooBi*; d..ui)ie itsrlors, niiirii e i.ijiit.¦!.. .¦.klug-r»i!re; hot and cold w*ier tu bat! -room ; jud ali lu nice order. low to a g.oj tenant. Ape) to lt lt I IIAKHN A co. nc 31-31 * Vt. 1 norn) nth *treer. A,liol) I'll'slNK-- I il AM E.-flh Koli BBBT, HALS Of 8TORR \-> (i.i|J u*. Hio-.l street, corner ot Neseutn. n > ... upi. di li| Ritlrord Ute haller. KlXIUH.s HiK *ALt, lieut low._OC31-lt ^OR REXT, DWELLING So. lags. 1/ uoriTi sittli >t-»er. Wis in Ytiin ai <lJR__ "franklin -1 nets, with ten room* tresldys iel*, a nu* r -<"u ; all .¦.>>. leniences, Alt... DVAKI ITM, at louthwe*! ciuer of (ir»c*- sud foaihoa meei*, with te>t ronni-; mipia ter* vania' ronan, kltch.-n, »l«l.le, tang,. let aud BOM water, tc. Alto, DWELLtRB No. 103 w,«t fsry .trTer, i Iv.le i'lJie. six rooms, fa* aud waler, i'o-vcs.iou I ii Volrmtjer. Vi.-, |.\\ I IT IM. N... 833 north Second »(l**l. --.twireii Clay and l.etr'i street,, teven ftuiui ead kltruen. YV ill be ps lated Vi- nWTI.ITM. No. Ult- unrili S*veulh street, -ett-u or eifht r.Kisis.g.*, wa'er. Rc.; Imai >«.-l A so, HUH.I.INI, No. 808 north fifth stn Ol. v. !... \ ii.tu .(ul kl eben: large yard. ..- i\> i ...l-t _ Jilli UHs ,*, WILLIAMS^ (Hill KENT, THAT DE>lKA»LEg| DWRLLINQ No. 407 Rle *. eu I h .1 ti «*.*-- BtUt i .*..¦-. Mar.l.ll audi lav *.r.«i*. I well rune*! for b bi-rd.og-boase or mr iwo Nu Hu*.. I.enl low. Applvto ll. s..|.|M>\ TAYLOR. A ..IA

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i-.iii-I*IVA*U*I*- >B APVABlB.__ rSk\iY msrATCll I. (tellvered io tii-er*.

sj?1. t'.irsK**' crin ncr week, rsyable to the*^ V J« ki* M»l*e*1 al ?« t»r anr,«m ?** nv

ms'wiorid"; *i-*0 tor three month.; 60e. for oue

..Tr.e'sVMl.Yt*FFRt.Y DISPATCH st 88 P-r an-

m.m.m ... Bl foi *1« monilt*.'tT.VvvVfM-Y DISPATCH si 81 l*-»T annum.

1MWjW*8f8)f»* __,


428 HBO 41> .TBEBT,



1008 Mah* stbbbt.

ni:Y goods.

4>ur lu-w-rb collrctloB* of EUROPEAN and


\ ** all Md -te*t BBSMBBS* .» **.»(.".. coloring, snd

**j_) mannfr-eturs. noa SB r_dMRR<sSR >t price* to meet

Uljj lllMllBin- The.Morlineiit now presented..-r t^s-n »urr*»***d for beauty and Tsxiety,

roii'lsiing In P***1 or

ii .IK-, it*.I.MAN*. ULSTERS, *nd HAVK-

I . Ks, for !sdle* and cltlldreni.



In all ilte*. at lowest rate*. Much money can be

I -sis. The Urges! stocks

south of Bea York to select from.


f0 ?.i") PER PAIR

I it-eral discount to the trade and to all charitable


ITE. IA f.TIFs Willi "I ¦ lVr.YLMIYIF.NT

Bl.Al h l.o-lis is All. VAK11 Ul I


( l.ulll** AND i AssIMF.KI s.

riaiiu to offer IBB.tar Indnee-

than bb*j hears Matt of Baa York.

IlujInflnUrfte !'ii11, con)Unt prSBBBSalB the war-

kat,aad I ASH fay mi nt, give asan linincn.c BBS.SlSia.

Ul.A-" K ( I.urti CLOAK8, 8*i TO ?'-*.">.

Visitor* to tl.e rtat*-Fair will find lt to their'.sk'i io sail Barty sa

( API). V.c ALSOP, MusBV .*. (*>.,

foi hui Bl vn. PSI! h. TEMPLES co.

[oe 24-*odj



lu .tool, an-l re.*cl\T:.g from first hands a full midti line cf

DBE8S GOODS,ln.lnd1.i_ MuMli CLOTHS, PLAIDS, 8ATINB,MATELABsK, BROCADES. FLANNEL -I II¬IM,-, vt i v i-t>. aui mourning fabric*-*.

iiini-iiiiii larg* Hoc* i W III I GOODSand s A PL ER. inch a* HtlNi.Cs. ( l.u.Uis,SH VVVI.s. Bl.ASM Ts, and UNDER FLAN-SI I.s.1.adi'** KECKWEAR, Ladle** and Gentlemen'*

I'M.I i:v\ EAR and HOBIERY.Notion* ..nd noveliles In TRIMMINGS,

! |ii,:*.....,.|iiivs||:TlM,s . ipectaltT.PABSAMENTF.RH- TRIMMING*-, BUTTONS,

..nd c I eiAiw-oi.NAMi-.NT.** In greal variety.oe '.4_1 MEAN BUSINESS, AND Ntl HUM¬

PH..I .-.nt deternil.t'd le rio*.- out my cuttre stock af

gii.-<ii bf Jai.iiar* 1st. i hara a largs Moah oflil'Y ".I*, and sHoKs,i LOTHINGll \ i s and CAP**, and a. foll line OfNOTION**,

Willoh inu-t lu "l.t. BS I ruMTIVKLY v*i]| dost'bruinam herc by i*t nf January. I will saraBoa a

fra ... mv priors .-I...Vs- n vi> .i i:r..- worth BOc.:MIsse-' DATs al Ce. worili 75c.;e lin Din N'** ll-.**!, st he.:Ml Ss ||i .sf ji r.e.;LADIES'1 M-i.FMMD COLOBED Husk, n,r«-

i-il> tor 88.:'! t K and LONG < oMIts at Bc. apiece ;IM V \ 1 s* -ll.iF.s. .| .-,,.. a ,,M|, .

A poml assort m. ut "f j.MHKs' and children*.**KHOES ebeap:

A lui! il,,. ,.i M1.VS IP ii .Ts ;nid silt..KS at a.p.n-l*tiliii."l Int* piiei ¦ ;

4 I.i.l KING at v.ur i.wu price* ;a i..-. iih. .. '.ami s-. vu \ s.:,,.i,mi.nm vs

El, issi i. csui i:w i. vi: v-iv neap,EXTKA I sn| . I-Mt \| ro COUNTRY MKK-

* HANTS, e .ll iar'y aiBALTIMORE Al< "HON-llo|***K,

IC. e.i-i Rroad MneL<« 24-suaYViNol -i. I: 'SI V.-.-ut.

^JLUr* **.**?^1 \ \ V l.N pule I fl CO.,

sun K BB0E1BS,N<>. ll 18 Mais SSWBET,

HI V VS!) -I |X




Ri.-s.ns ANT) sTui Ks

ll HAND FoK SAt.l .

DsTEBTMl v i, -i RITIE8 I sl"»a l.VI.TY.

.¦ROUBLEttl lunns Foi: lALEi

15000 *IOBI,0irD AK1> ALL*GHANV RAILROADf PMB CEHT.i 1MBcn BONDS, ,iu» 1880.

lQjQOO KI* hMoN,)' Youai eivebAMi i HBBAPBaEB kau.hoad8 PEP ( I ST. * i.i BRU BOND!*,due lr*an.

10 0( Hi1 A T LA> T A AND CBAK"LOTTI MS-LIME 7 pr<:t CB.rt.IIIIII8HM1II BONDS,*,,- 1907.

l_2L(X#icm °* ,:K',,MON.-*¦".1>r-1*rCMT. 88818118111 BOBTM.

5_n/JQ C I T I mw UCfi-MNO Brm cforr. bonds, MtsBn>Kl).

_.() (WO VJt(J,N,A CONSOL Oi>U-PONRONDB, wla coupoui guadtibrI anec


.TKiUAl'fcM UCBMOID ANO'I'l TITtsit! B4i BUfi-flft KTOCK(I'AVB IHY*)f).Nl)l SKMI-AN-

_NUALLYJ. ^ i!9-6t




We offer for-ale s limited of the soove-de-atribrtt li* 'Mir* »t%*y7.fjU .id nU-r. »t, tbe co|ii|*ny*e*8JB iai tb* rt/bi t-', n.r pr!ce froa. time¦** Hare witbotd uoUee.

***Ys-rts.''tn utend th* ix.u-'* a* a good sud safe se.

*****%Thr t-w-is may al*o be bad fro.**t *tiy of tbe otb* j

.*"H*r-_*ri tp UlC City of RIcbiuou'LN DAVENPORT A COL,

a*f ITBts^-BreM-UI,



FALL GOoDM,which I psrpi.-e to tnslte uti In Hie


al a sm»r uniform proflt.NO FANCY PRICKS.

gatUfactioii -n.aranteed.JOHN LATOUCHE,

ie l-..>.) No. 4 Tenth titree*.









t. I'.. -[.). sc E A SON,

MERCHANT tailors,







iii B1NE8I Bl i .-



E. H. BPENCE .v. s'">,

. p.. BPENCE A SONDREss h n-..

DRESS sins.


















E. lt. BPENCE A SON,E. ll. SPENCE A SON,E. li. BPENCE 8 sos.



OKl't.N. 8SKIIHT *..>«. ae.





CUlTillS AND OOLD8,ron mi i: ut

T. BOBEST8 BAKER,. l'HAHMAcisr,sasasssef ts meade a baker,

Bli* east Malu slreet.

t-e 31 j


Disinfect your sinks mid sewor-s with

4 ARBUL ATE OF LIME,a clieap and e-eet-ual SMtRSSt._l and prophylacticI'i. veit!,. ,11*.-;..*.- Bl.-MB li 'in Iiiijj.e gases audfoul vapor*. For sale by

T. BOMBI! BAKER, 1'harniaclst,(aBaaaassf to meade a baker.)

oe Bl**.SSS 01B 'a t N) hui street., Va.

ClOUGHS AXL) COLDS.YVe ask the attention or all who are affected




ll., Hu- MST.Vt ai«d je-i niau, nt way of and colds wilton tend io pulmonary dis, ase*..i noni i*n.-* ami h.BSj up tbe wasted and we.1-c.icd__¦ st.m.

it'i |ea fie wins. Vo* *.te o*. -rfrt.-f-ti-'tK.PURCELL, LADD * OQ.Rii-hiiioiid. Y's.

.ff. e. no other a* a sab-Htutc._«e 10-eod


d.ould U used In all sick rooms to eb-aiise tbe aB**rt-

neut slid prevent the spread ot c.uta*<lous disease.

lt* odor 1* p4ti*--.uit, and Its power In dcitroyluft.iil -u* _*tn_* reuiirkable. Bprlukled ou a bot

liovel, it reaches every spot lu Hie mom.

Prepared by J. BLAIR. Dnifflat,au il corner of Broad and Ninth street-.

FOR SALK (HEAP,60*>00 tami INCH I'l sr. HOARDS,15.000 ftH-e INCH WHITE-OAK BOARDS.10.000 feet f VV O -1 N C ll *A H I I K-OAK

BOARD.*!. FlbHER 8 WILES.o« itfiihHoi 190*) CarytMasL

|lidtmoiid 31, 1880.


fKntered at tb* Post-Offlee st Rlehraond. Vs.. a*Becond-rixss matter.J

WEATHER REPORT.Indications. F*HiTe>-I)AY.-~F<>r the- Middle

stun*., variable; wind*-, mostly easterly, sta¬tionary or lower Barometer," followed bywinds shifting to colder northwesterly,with rising barometer, cloudy or partlycloudy weather, and occasional rain.The general atmospheric conditions now

indicate that on Tuesday, November 2d, theweather will he* clear or fair from the Mis¬sissippi Valley eastward to the Atlantic.

Tirr WRATBRR ykstkhdat was cloudy or

rainy. At niijht it was clen*.Thkrt-omktbb TERBBROAI : 6 A. M., 5S;

9 A. M., 04; noon, 04 j 3 P. M., 07 ; 0 P.M.. H' nnc!ni_*ht. .Vi.Mean temperature, 02 1-0.

lgcalT matters.Sale of the Atlantic, Mississippi and

OHIO RAILROAD POMTPORRO cvriL FKHKI" tl.e Patted] sillies Circuit Courtyesterday Judge Uugbessmcred thc- follow¬ing tlecree, which relates In lin- sale of tiieAtlantic, Mississippi and Ohio railroad :

It baring been maje to appear to thisCourt tlint tl.e Master heretofore appoint. (Ito sell the mort Kithed premises, property.and, liereiofor.' cl. creed to de iolain thu! suit, has adfertiaed sam premises,property, aud francoise, in bc sold af pub-lie saetlofl nt the eoBrt-room "f tbe UnitedStates Ciicuif Court, in tbe cii-tom-housc,in tin' city of Kiihinnnd, Ya., on thc 1st daycf November, IHHti, nt 1_ o'clock.Audit having iii ti Dade to appear to this

Court that snit! Master ha* failed und omit¬ted io serve written noticeon tbe Attorney-(ieneral nf the State nf Virginia and theBoaid e,f Public YVurks nf said state at

lesal tiiiitty (bys before thc sale, as directedby s-,id daeiee, it i» now ordered by thisCourt, und the said Blaster ll hereby or¬dered and directed to adjourn said sale at12 o'clock noou on flic 1st d:iy of Novem¬ber, issi), a! said Circuit-Court roOB, tolh."10th dJV of February, 1881, ut 12 o'eloeknoon, at said Circuit-Cmir! room.

And Hie said Master i.- boret.*1 further or-d( i.d and directed io serve on ihe Attorney-General of tin; State ol Virginia, and arioon tin' Board of Public Works of said state,at least ninety days before said adjournedday of sale, written notice of said intendedsale, in conformity with the twenty-ninthparagraph of Ibe decree In this cause.And the said Master i** hereby further or-

dei id to tri vi- due notice "i siid adjourn-m. nt In accordance wltb tbe directions ot saiddicut, and lo publish said advertisement ofsale aad the adjournment thereof, directedby this dicier, in conformity with thc re-

qulrementa of tbe stum;.-, of the State ofvirginie rotating to the sale of any work ofint*nial improvement in which the state i»'u stockholder or otherwise Interested.

City Committkk..The City ConserfstireCommittee aud ticket-holder*, challenger*,and runnels employed for tin- day of elec¬tion will meet at ihe City Circuit Courtroom to-morrow night at 7 o'clock.

Somethtmi MOBS A m.rr thk Faih.Financial. Mokk Pbbmu rs..Financiallythc exbibilion of 1680 ¦>'»> BO* a success, butotherwise Insomedepartments it wat as goodas any eve. held her*". Tin* mst especiallytrue iu the Impm- department, tin* catalogueembracing some of thc tiuc«t specimens inthe State.Theie was less trouble this rear ntteddinf

thc matter of entering and passing uponaiticles than in former years. This may bedue partly ti. the fact that there Were fewerentries, but mainly to the system adoptedby the secretary, Mr. William A. UurLe,and carried out by his courteous and com¬

petent assi,lam-. Helli*,' pic.eui every dayand in all parts of thc ground*, this re¬

porter bears frilling testimony to ihe cour¬

teous tieiilinent which bc always receivedfrom tue officers ami tbefaclliile* siren lumfm- obtaining desired lofornlattoo. Thebook's were alway- found written up so faras could '»*¦ done, and ever open for his in¬

spection, rendering his work in tin's regardcomparatifely easy, sod dues but an act ofJu«tice in thu* acknowledging his obliga¬tions.Having already poblisbcd notices of the

premiums awarded n> other Richmondmanufacturer* ed agricultural and horti.Til-tural implements, we print this morningthe hst nf premium* awarded to Messrs. ll.M. .-initn A Co., tbe well-known manufac¬turers on lower Mani Itreet, Ml s-i-s. Smithk <'<'. had a tine displaj "f farming Imple¬ments on exhibition at the Fair:

Best combined reaper and mower, di-piom i, Champion binder, ll. M. .-mith ~

< o.Best horse-power, diploma, Richmond*

lin.nilled, H. M. Smith A Co.Best combined machine for threshing,

separating, and eleaniog, diploma, H. M.Smith & Co.

Best fan-mill, E. Whitman, BOB! A Co.lits: coni-slicller for power, E. YVhit-

iiia ii. Sons <t Co.Best corn-shelkr for hand, E. Whitman,

Son- A Co.Best mill or niHChincfor crushing corn or

oth.r grnin for stock, K. YViiitman, SmisA 0>.

Best sorgbum-boiler, il. M. Smitii A Co.Best odor-, H. M. Smith

A Co.The premium for best reaper and self-

binder wa. awarded lo ll. M. Smith A* Co,for the Champion Twine-Binder, which i- ..

martel ol ingeontty. It makes a perfectbundle and never fails lo tie. Thc u«e oftwini avoids thc old objection to bindersusiii!,' wire. The same linn took the firstpremium for grain thresher, separator,and cleaner on their newly-inventedBt-ebiRood Trasher and Cleaner, whichwas recenlly patented by Mr. II. M.Mnith, and hus met with unqualified ap.proval wherever iiiiroduced.

In our notice of lticlnnond exhibitors atour tale-Fair we inadvertently omitted tomention the highly ereditahlc display otCarriages manufactured I.y w. c. Smith,em brad ii <: a variety from 8 six seat phaetontoa Brewster boggy, YVtieu the characterof Mr. Smith's exhibits is considered he de¬serves much credit, as the plsce allotted tocurrmges i> very unsuited to flue work, be-ins'* without floor or sides, thereby subject¬ing them to injury from dust or wet wea¬ther. Thc Society would do well to im¬prove the present building before the nextMUMMl exhibition. Mr. Smith was awardeda medal on each article and u di-.luina on hiscolic ellon, being the highest premium of*feted.

Notwithst m.lii.z the small attendanceupon the State Fair, the Hichmond mer¬chants did a tine business during the week.A d'.ivn.tiuvii shoe-merchant made one oftoe largest shipments on Friday ever madefrooi nuy one boute ut any one time.via.,_-I& cases.

Ti-JC't FAX-SSC-U*. SOS 1871).

n.ifEf Itkms..Tbe Old Dominion ClubMoat*. "-J Main street near the Old Market,wilt Lc open from Monday morning untilTiiisdii/ ulght. Any luf'U rn*I inn about theelection .viii be furnished there.The bar.enlloe Bertha Auden.on, Ander¬

son msster, cleared from tbe cuswm-houseyesterday for Franca with a car^o compris¬ing _!»,77<j busDels ol wheat, vsluerj st?*i'.,7M..8.

Nlatlaitea for f>etaV>er.DBSDH AND MARRIAGC-MC'CN'SKS.

Sixty-five deed* were admitted to recordin the clerk's office of the Henrico CountyCourt during the month of October, andthc clerk Issued 19 marriage-licenses.8white and ll colored.During thc month of October 180 deedi

were admitted to record in Ihe clerk's officeof the Cbancerr Court.The clerk of the Hustings Court Issued marriape-licen-e* during the psstmonth.twenty-nine white and twenty-ninecolored.


During the past month the Pollce-.Tuslicedisposed of 210 criminal oses and tried of violating the City Ordinances.On criminal charges 12 persons were *enton to the Hustings Court for indictment bytho grand Jury, 34 persons were convictedof misdemeanor, and 24 were committed tojail in default of surety for their good be¬havior. Fines collected: Citv, t4(*)5..*i0;State, f157.50; costs, |'ial, f069.70.

CCKTOR-HOU8B STATISTIC*.During the month of October eight for-

elirD feeaeJa cleared from the cu*tom-house.Of I hr se, six had carports of flour, compris¬ing 14,7*11 barrel*, valurd at $95,314, forBrtzil; one had a cargo comprlslog 29,77(1bushel- of wheat, valued at 132,754.48, forEngland ; and one had a cargo of crude pe¬troleum, compilsing 209,0S.*> gallons, valuedat 81(1,722, for France. Total value of car¬

goes, H4.t800.48.IRTBBRAL-BBTBBIIB mt.U:CTION8.

The internal-revenue collections for themonth of October amounted to S1G9,3C0.29.The collcclior.s for the week ending yester¬day were a* follows: Mondiy, |B.S40.ti4Toeaday, §f>.*21*-*-I*4; \\'cdnesdav,t8.()s..y__;Thursday, 18,180.-3* Fridav, flS.lSS.lS;Batorday, 97,_S**UB.tOtst,f4-5,0S&Sl. Thecollections for the week previous amountedto 989,9** 51.

Ff-OVRf-MSPRCIIOBB.Flour Inspected by Inspector Brittan In

Richmond during the month of Deli.berMas aa follows: MSI barrels family, 1,891barrell extra superfine, 290 barrel* super-fine, ISS barral* Sae, IS barrels condemned.

OORORBBr*B work.

Dttrlog the niotith of October CoronerTaj lot flowed tin di sd b kile* off] persoos-.2 Wi Ite and 4 Colon (1.and held 1 inquestand 1 postmortem BXSinitiation.


The number of lire a' .inn turned in du¬ring the month of Oetober were ll. Fourol these were from Box N >. 2.

Tour fax-rrcrift ror 1*79.

POLICR COORT..-The following casi-'

Were disposed Of Si th'" Police Coint yes¬terday morning by Police-Justice l>. C.Biebardson:paul Min ni and Joseph Kan ene, charged

with obstructing Ibe sidewalk on Mainstreet with their fruit aland*, were dis¬charged with an admonition.John White and John Mill (both colored),

Charged With being drunk and disorderlyoh the street, were lilied c'J eaeh.

Moires Jones and Fumy i bait-ley (bothcolored), chuged willi Bghtiog Ofl Hiestrict, were tined |1 each.John Smith, charged with fighting and

creating a disturbance, was Hoed |1.00 byJustice [snell.Frank White, charged with allowing twe

of his cow to fin at l:irf;e in the night¬time, was tined ?2.Jolin T. Hughes, charged with assault*

Ins and beating Isaac Morris, vvas linedVIM.

Charles Oarrett (colored), charged withassaulting and abusing Charlotte Garrett,Dismissed on payment of cos'-.

Kilmorna Taylor and Junes Melray (hollicolored), ebarged willi disorderly conduct,wurt; lined f2 each.

Politics is Hrxrico..Between ISO andBOO negroes paid their poll-tax* yesterday Inlinnleo, and thr County Courtyard waicrowih il willi lhem all div.The contest over the office ol commis¬

sioner of the revenue for the lowe;- districtwill be a warm BBC Indeed, as there ar.

four candidates in the tield. George Iv. Ro¬per ls n candidate oa tin- straight-out Demoerattc Mckee, J. \v. southward on the RepubliC'in, and J. P. Schcrmcrhorn on tinReSdJuater ticket. ll. L. Davis ls mention'ed ss an Independenl candidate. The officeiv;is linnie recant i>y ihe death ol Mr. lt. liTalley, and an election was ordered bjJudge Welltdrd, of tba Henrico CireiliCourLThe full v<>te of the county is expecte.

to be polled.Yolk TAX-BBCSTPT ron 1879,

Tin: Wsatbrr..Yesterday was a rain'dav lure, al times it poured In torrentsAl nlgbl it was clear.From Huntington last night the Obil

rifer waa reported rising, lt had beetraining nen ly ill day.At Cannelion the weather was mild 801

rainy neat Iv all day.At the White Sulphur thc weather wa

eloudy, wltb oecaalonal rains.At Hinton it was mild snd etoody.A gentle, steady rain fell in Lynehbui.

during Ibe day.At williamson** and the head-waters o

the James it WM rainy.

Tin: Cu.i.kv Slatr..Bartley Csmpbell'iplay, tbe Galley Blare, will be presented sithe Theatre on Tuesday and Wodoeadajarenlnga of this week. The pint of tinplay is not startling in iis originality. Iis tbe well-worn story ol a villain who mar

Hes the heroine for her money, while sh.marries bin In * fit of pique st the mpposed faithlessness of ber true lover, ih»hero, who, for his part, does not tindee, ivher until too late. Then be is caught in I

Compromising situation Wtth b»*r, and, tc.hield her, pretends to a theft, auc

is setiteueed to the galleys. The deni.tietn.-nt comes when alt the leading eharacter* meet iu the yard of the prison, and oik

Of the female convicts rOOOgBlSOS III tmvillain ber absconded husband,after Which,of ooaree, Bil end. happily.

Tour tax*bxcsift for 1879.

GooDWIR'S Fkolmuffs..Tbe company ol

comedians designated as "FroUqoea** wu

open at the Theatre to-morrow evening, ant

tiny are reputed to present the clevcicsiand funnle-t show to be met with. Thcnorthern press speak highly of *t, mid Mr.Goodwin's chsracter-iiiiiiations of BoothLawrence Barrett, Joe JflSOrsOB, CharlesFechter, and other celebrated actors are saidto lye excellent.Beserred scats at Ramo* and Moses's ant

at the Theatre box-office.

KaILKOAP iNSfBCTIOX..Mr. II. I). Whitcomb, appointed to inspect the complete,sections of the Hichmond and Alleghaujrailroad, weut up lo C-rtersville yesterdayforty-six miles from Richmond, to windpoint the track lias been laid down. MrWhitcomb Inspected the completed sectioron the Allegheny division, from Williamson's eastward, on Friday.

PIANOS or Timk on Richmond and Pktbrsiiuru Road..The accommodation traiton thc Ki i* mon "I and Petersburg railroaiwill leave here hereafter ut 4:30 P. M. Tbifreight train wini passenger-car attachedwill leave Petersburg coming north at IP. M.

Yoes tax-rkckiit ros 1879.

Worx KlectionDat..We hope all oin

business-men will follow the example olthose whose names are published elsewhereand de vote tho whole of Tuesday next for their State and country.

Pbksonal..Colonel W. S. Gilman bataccept. (I sn in vital inn to speak at the grandlaa-i-uiveinig at Alexandria Monday night

Nattorai. TnABxaoiriNO-DAr..The Prc-[rddent will appoint Thursday, November25th, as a day of tbank«glving. Tbe procla-matlon will be issued in due time. Tbls isan official statement, and is made by requestof a city clergyman.Your tax-rkceipt roR 1879.

Work tieri lon Day.We, manufacturers, merchants, nnd busl-

ness-men of the eily of Richmond, feelingthe vital importance of having the Thirdcongressional district represented lo Con¬gress In the interest of honest and economi¬cs! government, and believing that the elec¬tion of George D. Wise will" contribute totbat result, sgree that on election-day wewill leave our places of business and con¬tribute our personal aid and influence tothe election of George D. Wise.

R. E. Hl.SNKKNSHIP,JOSKPH lt. ANDBP.SON & CO.,IL C. Grat k CO.,N. M. Wilson,A. Cart,John Boob: sb,A. T. YVaddt,C. Milli.R. C. Monro-**,John K. C-PLDBBT,G. D. Harwood,J. N. Hotd,David Rriduks,W. L. Sims,VArOHAN" A* Sartat,S. A. Ellison*.Gkorof. s. Palmar,MAXWSLL T. Cl.ARKK,CBARLRB l>. Hill,M. T. Smith,John Emitits A* Soy,Y\'. J. ('KN I HY.YV. J, fARBROOOB,E. S. TCRPIR,A. I.. Ei.i.Kir,ci.av Drrwrt,S. I'.. BtfOBBS,( RARLK8 -I. AVUKItSON,J. P. Yam r.v,TBAXTOR k l'l.I.IN.iTOV,O. K. VYBIRIOkR,William ii. Wrisiorr,Btbfbbr l't TM v,c. yv. Thora k Co.,s. s. CorrssLL it c<>.,K. \V, POWSRS k CO.,VYaTBIXS, < OTTRRLL ft Co.,IlF.l.t.i ll A I't.l-ISIIMAN',M. MlLLBIBAA A* < '<>.,Lewn ii. Blair k co.,A. OlTKMIIMEK,Mai ciijian BROTBRBR,Gaabrab ft Brows,Baldwin ft .Iknkins,a. h. Nott,Powana, Blair & Co.,Chaki.ks P. STOKB8 & Co.,(TtiMiiN ft Watkins,J. I'. Ruckus ft Co.,Jambs ii. Capers,E. COOBTABT JaKRIAB ft Co.,Semis ft I.IB80A,E. A. SACXDAAS.J. IL Ml IN'IHIK,LifBRor A Lriob,Ellison A Bartrt,.i. i>. Patton,C. E. Toim,KlRORCD iY CALLOWATiAlexander Drlarrt,Wast, Johnston ft < 'o.,Now ft CO.,Thor is Nowt,an*,R. E. .Yinom ni: it,.If'IIN ll. I ft Co.,(.arlu P. Taylor ft Co.,YV. Q. Dandridor,J. Ri.air,Andrew Pieeini, Jr.,CHRISTIAN A WlllTK.R. P. RlCBARDSOM it Co.,YVlI.l.lAM B. Tanmba it Co.,T. Robbsttb Babbr,(i. it A. Baroamir,Tai.BOTT tt Si.NS.

YV. ii. BwerMas.The following note ins been addressed to

the Auditor of Public Accounts .

.' HRADQ'RS Tullin COROBRSSIOXAL )" Democratic i tow.ittrr,

" Rhum*.NH, Va , October 80, Issi). S"Hon. john /-.*. Massey, Auditor of Public

A* "'nits of Ho Stott of Virginia]:"In the int cr.^t ol fairness it is due to

you to state tbat, in our discretion, wc willprosecute you civilly before tbe Gorernoilooking to your removal from ofBce, and

criminally before tbe courts of tbe Com¬monwealth, because yu bare appointed tooffice as colicdor of d* Minjin nt taxes in thiscity a man notoriously untrustworthy, andbare allowed bim to commence his servicesbefore be was 'jtuiified t<>do«.», you baringthe know ledge all Ibe while of wh it Ihe ne¬cessary qualifications ol * collector ol de*linquenl laxes ire, and seeing thal his officeis ii lng performed sgalnsl law without snyendeavor to stop bim.

..1 Shall publish this notice in one or

more newspapera ol this city, and I herebycaution ad person* who desire io vote onthc Sd day of November thal Bil tax-ie-

c.-ipis issued i>\ William H. Bereridge ;i*

collector ol delinquent taxes lortbecityolRichmond are absolutely worthless md willnot entitle anv person to rote upon thesame, and all Judge* "f election are bi robycautioned io be governed nv this notice.

"l'hvroN Wise, for tin* Committee."

Ilend-tof liiiniliiB. Attention.Rooms STATE CONBRATATTTS "I

BXECTJTIVB ' ny .i ri SB, >October 80, 1880.)

ll.;.il- nf fsmlliet are ri quested to reportto these rooms on Monday, Norember i**.tbe names "f all male adulta living on their.respective premises, stilting the number ofwhite iind colored.

J. Bell Btgobb. Becretary.bambi:* ami vk i.mtv.

Holt of Honor at the Public Behools..The following pupils were 00 lb* roll ofhonor at the public retools his! week :

High School.E. Mornssette principal..Ma Allsop, Maud Gibbons, Mattie Owens,Lena Lithgow, Minnie, MaggieTopham, -fannie Boead, Mary Swann,.lemmie Morrissett!, Emmie Walker, Hat¬tie Wells, Willie Mathews, A. B. Mccul¬loch, Allie Farmer, Augustus Smith, W. H.W infree.School No. 1.Misti Bettie L. Irvine

teacher..Sallie McCrone, Jeanie .Munn,Eula Walker, Ida Brander, Cora Harrison,Eva Harrison, Bessie Hall, Annie Jones,Ettie Owens, Kiln Gibbs, John Walker.School No. |.Miss Et, Lyon teacher...

Cary French, Fred. Sampson, Jamal Munn,Ros* liomin, Cora l)icker*on, Fannie Fos¬ter, Grace II ill. Lizzie Howlett, (.'Lira Tur¬ner, Rosa Mcculloch, ('ora BflelllOgB,

s*chool No. 3.Miss Nannie Hatcnerteach¬er..Etta Adams, Hattie M. Blankenship,Minnie Jones, Addle Leonard, Nina Smith,Carrie Wilkinson, Ida Williams, EdwinAdams, John Beach, Willie Mathews, Eru¬ct Prlddy, Paul Walker.School No. 4. **Iis-» French teacher..

Henry Buell, Watter Freeman, MamieKnorr, Carrie Will tum**. Fannie Slurp,Georgia McCullough, Carrie McCullough,Mary Fitzgerald, Maggie Bally, Mary Snel.lings, Miltie Walker, aud Terry Toity.

l'rimarv School.Mrs. Hall teacher..Katie MeCfl lough, Kilt Powers, BirdieFarrer, Hettie Uoolshy, Lizzie Grave*,Florence Leonard, Myrtle Lithgow, MamieVaCghRB, (Tunic Farmer, Roy Reams,Douglas Sharp, Henry Vaden, CharlieBourne, Willie Mitchell, Hobby Topham.

JflflflirflBSf Tf-1 clerk of the II listing*.Court during the month of Uciolier re¬

corded ll deeds and issued 8 marrisge-licenses.6 white and 3 colored. Only one

alsrm of Arc wa. given during the pa-tmouth, and the coroner was called up twicelo serve lo bia 0-s*BBJ cap-city.

Hobbery.-¥r\ilay night ihe store of Mr.John C. Lipscomb, on Hu.- *uwl near

Thirteenth street, was entered by thieve*,wbo succeeded In carry in.* off about neventy-Ave dollars* worth of dry srood*, notions,fte. An entrance was effect rd into tbebouse by breaking one of tbe taree window¬panes In the store front. Tbe robbery wasnot discovered until yesterday morning.Mayor's Court..lo tbe Mayor's Court

yesterday morning.Mayor Gentry pre.!-ding.John Coleman (colored) was upcharged with unlawful assault. Ile was re¬quired to pay tbe tost* in tbe prosecution,86.10, and In default was committed to Jailfor ten days.

HobsroBD's Acid Phohtuatb should be nerdwlie-n yoB are ne.-v.n* and e»unot sleep.

Onb Pbicb.


In our Custom Department will be

fonnrl nu aae-juaUed selection offcodsor sll foreign fabrication, tCfetherwith .-in elegant Hoe or

Tink Domestic*.

The employment or only tl.e most

skillful cutters and tailors make* a*

com*ldei)t ofour ability togiveperf.c:satisfaction In every way to gentle¬

men who prefer to bave their B*ar-

menU made specially iBSBtaSBtrtRAAOT-M.OR.

W* will suffice it to say, that In the

way or Heady-Ma. lc Clo nu tits for

Mi ii, Hoyt*, er Children, we will al¬

ways bs prepared tsBBatS] aavf Be-in.-ir.ii, lt ba fer lbs leesl

tress, ordinary h-r*i-iess, or workltif«nii*. or ispaial* ii ri iel**.

A. SAK-* A CO.,1018 Milo street.


» Rich *» .

* I'll KS 1. NTS. *

» _ *

» NOW I. AN 0 (O ,*


* corner Main Bad T. nth nrei tr-, *

* sr-- opeotBB *

* New s'.ye* cl's||v( in »

( BBSS,lu itnonii l.ace-rin* .mi Bsa.reps,BassRBSBCBt aad Baaala King.-,

*Getej Wat-Tit-*, *

* ( hatti Isla* ami Chain*. .

* xaild noun.ll lio.l .

* Bracetets sad Baasfcs, *

. aad a arsat rarlslf ofother *

* ii.-ai.ui..! Qoode tot *

* Budal and *

* RBBleersary *

» I'lesent-*. *

l). A K. Mitts.dobi an bare Ja**rreo*leed llretrlliiril Mi.'ii'v ol'ne vv geed*, boatbt kt aiiflou forcash, wbieb they -Ber al prices to ssleatsb altGive mein a tell.

Bl IB IN' MiM> TBAT IflSSBS. TliALllimllBttOlBBBS lev.- nevill lo their store.801 Bboad btbbbt, corner of flftfe, wbrrs tbs|wi'i Ut plssssd to iee their -nany friend* aad eas*lossers.

: COU KN Hkotiimis. :


first. We oar /.oo'is n. 'arne qoxatlties.foeca"-!), from BMBU.CturtTS, 0B.BlltS.on ;ui'l BOetlOBbouses,or wbeterer sbS wheaerer tbey are sold toour. realest adraataae.

**. The BXtSBt Sf "ur t i.*liie*« an-l other Utesllltis* redace oar expense to less mea ont half theperetataaa it costs ¦asl un-rchants t.< tell theirfoods,

Tub Aovavtaors ok Ora Patrobb;Kn st. vv.- aarri oas of tbe mmt esteasire ttoeks

BOW pfcrad In HOS State. Clurstoclt com..

Kile's' f lort lj.'n aili itoatSStle /mids, irom lin- low-c! BTadeStO Hie vi rv llin.t.

N-couii. We present all tba aovettlet as they ap-pear, both in ibis aod foreign -ssrketS,

t hird. \\*e warrant ali foodsas represented, aadprices ss toe as any ii. ti Iscoaalrf. BSrap.t stsybe competed.Four' ii. Ladle* .!. sii ii./ to .. ht . ¦-. ii ii or. r- for

a .mis from N'.-w fork caa do io tbroagb us free afsxprs.sae.ea all * tea III aatoaatiaf lo ow riman B-ttf-a dtseonal of Dr. pei "-ei.t. trill be allowee*.

CLOAKS, DOLMAN*-. I LOA-LSv.878 I,'lireetfrom the iii.-iiiui'.iet.ii. r*. irom IfLBO to ibsBaeslnude, -t I) A ff. MlTTBLDOBfBR*8.

ia.- carotir \ou atti, bat ix- ran lo ass Boaonoxi riffsIawav, ta orOar to earrf i.I ii* iajarloaa .tr..- sn; on

Un- nilli, au eaaety-eaters thoatd irrj V| BO*i.'ist with tin nt i: ihey wish lo keep tlielr t**th*olll|.l.


BAAOfifoixf wniii Taara bxsi-bbb utih.- BBS "I' HBAOB A Ham ii*, sap.isisk Iiknii-Kim k, which wi" ipa* .lily restore lacipteal tartar

I.rr*. Prlee, 8ftf coatss box.

**Ha\ u l's Pa i * >-'" niM-op Dot obtka*f r.ii." ** iii it..wan - Kiiuiiiv." Th* above brass*of Roar ara lower now ia pries lBaa ths* art. ..-

( til al NV. I). BL IIB A* < o'-. 1108 e nt Main. ai.di.iij IOU v ar's SBppif,A KB A (ii: a ST BAAATH I- alw.vs a ph .-i-iii-e, ai d

roe ess have ll bi ashra M.adb *** Baai k's tt*Bein.11 in hoi.a MOO ru-vv ash. ii a.airey»tts

ii. ii i*.i odor ceased bj .ii*c-«»-'l faas* sad de¬cay. <l teeth, anil -|me<!iiy n stores ila n. i" a besBhyc..i ditiou. Price, li fl y .. nt- B I--.ttl.-.

CABPBTSi CARFRfBu.Wa wou'il BrJvlM all inwaut Of Cara*. '"> *!>'. Bl a ell, a* iln-y weie

iiotu'tit .t saetioa, sad .*.*< offer ifstai lower tt,*ne.-i-r. All grad, saud in.'

li. A E. MITTAl,nOltr kb.

DA.CL. Mit. HKi.L. !"'..rt Meade,Pta-.ea May-6. 1877, wrote: "l Urlak ;os weald confer s"ti lb* [s-o()ii- ,1. ibis n in,liv io . --1.11111*11tiiK au jK< ney line for tl.e si-L- of Tl l's i'll.I.s.Bael-W tested Chssa. Ifcaea .h*ir*..peri.>ri *, sudwaut to tee them it-el I.Bead of Hu* w.irthlfstBOBSpOS.*t tl.ut.i!>' told tn Hus country.''

Em . Nt sr Dh. II. R. YValto.i,ANNAPOLIS. WO., tti'lil*:

C'olden** I.IKIHOS l.iQtH) BXfRACI Of ItBttSt, *ii|*erl >r ls i 'o.l-I.lver nil or an} tlBBB * .BPOOfS*Bsed lu Wilsted Bf llopal red BSOflB-taftSB*,

LAMBSwho wish tu I are Uh lr

|**08TRR Lac ko Kid (Rovesput oil their funds br a lady SRBBfl BAM lo

Messrs. I.kvy BS01BBR8,the smuts lu this div, by

F0STKR, the celebrated Kid i.'ovnrare rti|i)t*«ted to call this week.

Ibe .'.-.sikh Kid BlOVflflare superl.-r lu many res-pert* io any other KMlilive* ma.le, and the patent laee-fas'eiiliif make*lt decidedly 'he most BBSBflurut.le till the most |*r-Bet SttlfgEM0*e-*8> As wein- the -feu ts in Ibiscity for this etle'.r.ied K ni QI .ve, we COB slwayisupply our cuitoiu. rs willi auy Bas aud .¦-.lor tbeyinsy deilre.


H. I llv-on A e i)., ¦ilvrrti I../ S4f»-u:». Insert ad-ve ilsemeiii. lu sll of Hie ucwspaRSS* Bf the Cult*.IBtatessr putili-h. rs'rate*, order* tell at Hie lui-patch coun Ilng-rootn will receive prompt allen-Hon.

I1YTI*||. UIlYIMI.itf.

f1LUTIIINUCi,EANb'U AND iiYED.-J Particular sltentlou nald io lsd.**' due artleUi

of apparel, ss VEl.Vl-.T-". -Aslll-X, KIHHON*-,r-KATIIt"U.<s, 8CAHP*-. KID Ci Ho VA*", liRK-tsKS.SHAW..-, etc., s* wrll a, i iK VI I.*-MK vs and(TllliDlirN'S UAKMK.NT-4. ItvYlVK ("UR.TAlNHDYMlalso, al I.. UNNKRAN>,ecg j*a*5u3ut >*». 1888 I'raakiU) .irtst.


4 ASH-ISTABIABLTIB ADTABCB.One sq-s-rc, oas las*. IHib.Oueiauare. iwo IsssrtlrHif.e)os sqoare, three insertions.Ono Miusre, six Insertloo*.,.. .n«.--nare, lw*i»e Inset-Hous.....cine suasre, one anonih. lt!i)n» square, rwo nxnilu. 18i 'ne st-Hsre, three, month*.,. RS .

A DOWN-TOWN MERCHANT, har-***. Inf ps* td lever*I »l*v*f4e** -.this, >Bstur-*cd bfthe afontesand .-rle* of a saRet-laK ..hiki, sud be-comiBBconvinced Hist Mas. WIB8Le)W'i*i*'.*'Tr*.INO HT KIT' was Just the artless oeedH. .irot-BreSa supply for thc ctslid. (>n reerhlag home ansi ac¬quaint..f bl* wife with what be bad eton*, she .fe¬ruled to hare lt admlnt*trred lo the child, as shews* .ir-nisly In favor of llonia>e--a'by. Thal ntftilibe cb lld passed In suffering, and the parents with¬out strep. Ile turn "lix borne Ute dsy foilowing, thofa'h.r found the baby still worse; and while coo-lemiiiatinf another ileeplea*, rhe mother.leppcd from tbe roou to attend to anne l< tn-stlelilllie-., and left Ihe father with Ibe chi Ul. 1 .urinaher absence he adm In I. tcred a portion of th©Soothlnft Synp to the batty, and sall nothing.That night all hands slept well, and (he little fellowawoke In th* morning bright and rupp*. Themother was delighted with the sudden and wonder¬ful change, and a!thong!, st first off-t-.d.-T at the dc-S8B8.B! practiced upon her. has continued to saeth. syrup, anl suffering, crying bahles and re-1leosnights have disappeared. A si.tfle trltl -f thesyrup nev.r yet failed to r*li.-ve Hie .th)* andovercome. Ute prejudice* of the mother. Sold hy alidi .-.'Kilts; Ul cents a bottle. te l.Y-eodlw


*f*i)n all -ali-s »f Kesl E.talc maje briween tholit ot *v snd last of dune the lase* for thotin.i ut tear Inive IO aa P*ld by the inrebaser. (To.ll sula* "made between thc Isl of July snd last <>!ttic year Hie tu.ic. |.ve to Ik; mild by ihe seller.(This custom whs adopted about rt.' . ..» y.'.r, agu

bv sit Ute rea! estate agent* lu Rlchiuon-., ,-tud _p-pllos t" HlcbBBQtid sad victnitv.)

ATKINSON A TKMI'LE. 1 V. M., cab'jage aadIrLsh p'-intoe*.

ROBRBT B. i.wk. 12 if.. oessBBfr-tdaa-TS1 satonf » vslntij c f-rni 0*e m:;..- west of Rich¬mond.

OBOBOI 8. VASHON A 8(>V, IS P. M.. Br sd-strtet property.

-IN.', K. I.Al'nUTDV. .IH.. 10 A. Yl. b'.eit''-. carpels. ehrtiBii**., Ae,

V. HOLBINORB, High Om-tablc, In. A M.. fur-nit it rte. plsi.o. Ac.,


M...... "i l.v the nnrt id" the Hot-.W of Thtirsdat last. In your H..-- o. ITI.lay,

thai ile- Jii'i.e- gave \»t y properly ito* C< *t place it>, ami. sir.-.Hs.'ly eu. ugh <-)>..¦. . .. i Vi,,rBBB caine ni BreOBd Lalee). Hu y fsri -.ion I nnsreyio i >rau_e Cir'. Sow, ihli I* more than I har* -teen,-it.le io rom prebend; ami while I naturally feelsome** hat hun I Hiou'ii ui-i har* awardedtie position to which I thought mv-rtf intuieil,lhere IB se atop.ti; sordoIwUh m hula-ate thatthe li-.anral/ie Judi-e- (lld auylhleu: bal what theythm'ght was rhitit. Howe-eer, lo pio'-e I wa* en*tlllen to that po-Tlio'i. and evin i better oin. Ihereby paidieij challenge TORNADO, the Boreathat rame Brat in tbe nar, lo trot aaatasi sst maieCLARA M<iKi. AN.mer any 'nt. k Milong)..g to Un*Nol. ul Vs-ot-i nioii lu the i iiiiii rv fo; Mic .mn nf?."ino a side. All I a*k ls a t-lr .bowing and a prn-l*er and intelM*,* nt smiles!lea of the ri

Very respectfulh A. H. PRRDUR.Pl' IIMOM). Ucl.r TO, IH80.


rANTED, A WHITE HOUSE-'-'ER-VANT. Apply a: J 11 sasl Main. -.. ,U-_lt

flTANTSD, A FEMALE IKY' UERTT tn a DtTvjte I'ruiilly lu the .. ty. I)var BlMcRs

age anil lin cou..ii > | ri ferr* 1. *s..i ..v.-r ihreeto See scholars. Enfinb, french.and >l>t n* to Urlaugiit. Befeteae** reeinired aad slr* avery nloataBt Boro*,paving iii'Uilhlv. Ad i---* Let¬ter lanT-i No. 7, I*ARI N I.qc 31 11»_WANTED, BY A SETTLED LADY,

a a* SEAMSTRESS. Will niakitherself srenerB!ly a-efai, v.tdr,s< t c., rare of-Otter-!, arri* r So. 7. ctrv._nc 31 3tj*

WAX 1 ED, A PR ACIIC Ad MA X TOTv work aad carry eel mr orefers oa * i's rm renr

tticcltv. -.ugle iiiin pr. t< i red. I!. |. r. BOIS mustbe flren. Addi.w l.<ii«i-Carri, r Rt-, 7.oe'll-lf_I \!!MKU._WANTED, A COLORED WOMAN to

COOK, WARH. AND li I'M. Matt knowhu* to !'*ke- gool bread. Brtnj recomBiendaHona,An.iyat 306 K.vsT vi vin BTBEET.oe SI-8.**_\%J \ X I E D, COHPRTEN I' RALE8-yf i.aihks. pi ii-.- ..rt. nit- ra to in least i - aad

Wllllngae**-. to work "Ul In- Hie rep.I in*. \|...1y I.yI. tn r, wltb refer*n< .», . atina salari i peeted, tn

A. RnhKNBl'454'R _ in..oe MU-at*_I'etershuiy. Yb.

fJETANTED, 5,000 HICKORY LOOS ofyy itu i.--*i ipiiiiiv toafh wblto hickory, free of

_ ot., iron *>r. .i,' Mtier Imperfection*; tbe ii-i-.n* ..I -lu l.o.-. ir.- r >i.i ll. lo 1 _' net long.and t'loin *» io .4 Inches m distaeier.

-i n.i en lil. K div -*i'oKi-> ot iheMS-equslltflabor* in.-n'i iiu-d Hoo.l); si/,-*, '_'M toshes I,-nu andl'_ iu i inches thick.

I slso will porchusc HICBORT HY THK (OKI*.1 the -.inn- fai sb.ive menu weill qn-t,*1 * len inblocks 88 Inches SO Inches sndftdlneb s l< ug, amiBOl ie-s iliiin ll mille* iii (.'lame ir.

A. Il (.oi 'DMA N.1488 and 142. < *ry »treet,

oe (i'Sii.t hatti lui Jrw 1 iii Richmond. VavI HAVE THIS DAY REDUl ED MAXYI i,mill** ||.;\ I'M;. |.M,. ablell BISBeS tin lil-..i-r ilia.! ih. \ li.ive .vir )"'.. offered i-efnr*.Ile.-e in asnl <.; li()I>K-fURNl8IIINU i.ihiDh-bad better call aud latlsfy th mselves of ih

II. II. IV \ l.l.AC K.BB 1 4<»« ll.I 'rel.

I.OVI". STRATFD, AMI STOLEV.*r.v Iv IN ll", ON THE PARU o'-tO*-**1 Mr. John Mander*.on . ¦¦-' ¦.¦> .. »**¦'«

l-lk. .'.-.ill six lillie, tneri.y, a HVIIK Hell*nH!. wlih ,norl horn*, and shoal iwo year* old.fheowner alli prose property, pay cb.raes, sndio t away._oe3l«It*(9TBAYKD, on the _-j(| instant, finnie******' in v i'i' eornei Lombard) aie: Ki-i>ikiir____,

mar Klcitmoiid Collrge, A s\|u,|. hkI)* i.U Lt f' bin !. al black, tlpiifli Tl li 'tn lirnkeii,ma bulb imi marked. A .-uiiai.i- rewsid a*lH tiel.t. I t if te i d. livery lo tli" OWuai or infor .

.. an.ii? to li " e vrv. Tiie public ar. c ni'l-.i.e.i¦gain si tra<r Ius foi itu- same.QC81-St*_i' s- Af.LEX.^T (>ST, THURSDAY THE UStb, al tho1- fair Hi "un !¦ a **. INK-DI VMi'N!) RINO. Ar* aardof rWFATi r*IVr I DLLA tts-will he a* 1*8

.-. Stall 86. '<:d ^'arki-t. -ci

nm ltKM -

?OR RENT -Y.N'f) POSSESSIONAT i.Mr. Hi* Ijri'e WHO!.RsALl fi

UKI .> UfY HI AND. fora l.-ug niue .-reu -I--1 bj i .

f. Tailor A Vo, 'n Main street -t-¦lr.-ct.* Tenn- low to B | eriuai.ciil |. u*.|.i 'Uni U. So 1 Moid. HDltKRI ll LYRB.o- 3l-to.l4t_j('»I Ksisle A.ent.

Ti'iiH KEXT. OXE OF THE NEAT- *mI rM v.ti vn i*. i ii.mi'*' i a :.* n KaVl.iiiKKM.V* i.NsT III * I Hi HOUSES mi( HUI, All iruprovein. ins. i,vti, ei.rsi-./. Ac.,-ic. ii m ci-jor between Ttrea'r-Bi h andI wi -it-* vii * nek*. Ten... low : t n.o.n». klteb ".

*ckoki: it I' lt. l.v sr.11-81 Rea! Ems - *u<nt.

I^OK RENT, THAT ELK!.AX I' fMA NEW RTAREHOUBR eorsai -ist.---i.iii liaan-l io ace Oreel i..peed*liv .oinet' I for b *a-. >. be-i-n's*.: four Kort**, elevator. Rc. c*<i i«- nmnl fora rea»*B«blsprice. Kuhkhi h. LIMB,oe 31-41_If. v.cnt.

.*roi!A(C) PACTORY Kui: ItKNTA1 AMt Peihsrv-KiN Al uv I. IbeffAC-JHluiiV r..rm. riv noeaptod bf K.4. Christian, r. <|.,

ii strut beta ea M lin sud ( arfatratta.Hint v-ry low. Apply to

ItOllr-!:! li IV (l-4t Beal falsie Aaeot.Ij^Olt RENT, THE RESIDEXI KoFdWr tu. laicJuin-* M. Talbeif. tao,. So. Uti Kinon h Mm li -lr..-!. faCiBC thc i i|iit .1 -.juare. 1 lil*house I* n> iicjuiifui order.bsimg he*.u recenOviiK-re.. aud |is...ted thro.i/iioui. and suppllcij willinew runge Of latest |«lteru. I.r.tiolie ilOV.*, AC.I' .*-. * -iou glin. I 0ili Novrmoi-r.

UKOBOE ll. CeilMH-XTER.(.c.H'COdlt_Beal K>U'e Ageat.

|?Olt RENT, THAT VERY HAND-f*£r HtiMK ANDDK-ilKAKLKOlKH 1 N. * IJhim iii Tenib street (Shater*. building), with Iiaiel-oii.e p'ate-g'as* front and nice satrance. Apply ko

R. ll. (Tl Art-IS no,oc3l-3t No. I nor;.. Ten'h it--?.*_.

G;iiK RES I. THAT VEKY DESIRAi.i . Ultu R DWELLIHO Nc. 'i.h «»i

(irv Mre*S. eoatalBinf Blas rooBi*; d..ui)ie itsrlors,niiirii e i.ijiit.¦!.. .¦.klug-r»i!re; hot and cold w*iertu bat! -room ; jud ali lu nice order. low to ag.oj tenant. Ape) to

lt lt I IIAKHN A 31-31 * Vt. 1 norn) T« nth *treer.

A,liol) I'll'slNK-- I il AM E.-flhKoli BBBT, HALS Of 8TORR \-> (i.i|J

u*. Hio-.l street, corner ot Neseutn. n > ... upi. dili| Ritlrord Ute haller. KlXIUH.s HiK *ALt,lieutlow._OC31-lt^OR REXT, DWELLING So. lags.1/ uoriTi sittli >t-»er. Wis in Ytiin ai <lJR__"franklin -1nets, with ten room* tresldys iel*, anu*r -<"u ; all .¦.>>. leniences,

Alt... DVAKI ITM, at louthwe*! ciuer of (ir»c*-sud foaihoa meei*, with te>t ronni-; mipia ter*vania' ronan, kltch.-n, »l«l.le, tang,. let aud BOMwater, tc.

Alto, DWELLtRB No. 103 w,«t fsry .trTer,i Iv.le i'lJie. six rooms, fa* aud waler, i'o-vcs.iouI ii Volrmtjer.

Vi.-, |.\\ I IT IM. N... 833 north Second »(l**l.--.twireii Clay and l.etr'i street,, teven ftuiui eadkltruen. YV ill be ps lated

Vi- nWTI.ITM. No. Ult- unrili S*veulh street,-ett-u or eifht r.Kisis.g.*, wa'er. Rc.; Imai >«.-lA so, HUH.I.INI, No. 808 north fifth stn Ol.

v. !... \ ii.tu .(ul kl eben: large yard...- i\> i ...l-t

_ Jilli UHs ,*, WILLIAMS^(Hill KENT, THAT DE>lKA»LEg|

DWRLLINQ No. 407 Rle *. eu I h .1 ti «*.*-- BtUti .*..¦-. Mar.l.ll audi lav *.r.«i*. I i« well rune*!for b bi-rd.og-boase or mr iwo Nu Hu*.. I.enl low.Applvto ll. s..|.|M>\ TAYLOR. A..IA