the demon dsu elections guide 2010


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The Official Manifestos Guide for the 2010 DSU Elections


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A bit about me: Reaching the end of my three year English degree, as a student I have faced many challenges regarding life both inside of university

and out. Having commitments other than education has enabled me to prioritise my time accordingly and organise myself to a high standard.

Handling a business and studying at De Montfort University has allowed me to grow as a student as well as a person. Over this three year period I have

learnt that communication is vital and in order to be successful one has to plan and execute efficiently. In my opinion the most important thing is to

enjoy yourself and be fully committed to whatever you do. Obtaining a balance has given me stability and has allowed me to be constructive.

My targets and goals:

Improved assignment deadlines and examination period - As a student the main problem is when you have to hand in assignments and sit exams

back to back over a short period of time. My aim is to make life easier for students by spreading out these dates so the performance of students in

these areas increase.

Campaigning for free parking for students – Finding parking can be a little bit irritating especially when you have lectures and workshops to

attend. Having free parking for students on campus will enable them to be punctual.

Campaigning to extend the Library opening hours over the weekend - My aim is to make the library 24 hours on a Friday and Saturday so

students have the option to work on those particular days if they want to.

Variety of food – As a University we need to be able to accommodate to different people, so having a variety of food i.e. Halal, Vegetarian etc will

accomplish that.

Student fees – The tuition fees and international student fees are always on the rise, my target is to campaign to stop this from rising further and

establish a reasonable fee.



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Introducing myself: I am Tapan Joshi, MBA student of Leicester Business School, DMU, currently am doing my 2nd semester. The environment here has given me the opportunity to get along with people belonging to vivid culture and parts of the world. This made me realise about many issues that is being faced by the students of DMU. This realisation within me, paved way to the decision to compete as the STUDENTS’ UNION PRESIDENT. Success will be treated as a chance for doing something for the benefits of students and for our university. Following are some areas, where I will strive to make some changes in the existing system: Halal Food: Availability of Halal food in the University canteens. Campaign to secure accommodation for international students: Campaign to ensure that every international student is provided with accommodation from the time they arrive to the University Availabil ity of books in the l ibrary: Campaign to increase the number of essential core text books in the library for all required modules. Placement Assistance: Efforts will be made to assist the students for getting part-time jobs and placements after successfully completing their courses. Campaign to increase security: Arrangements will be made to put down the increasing cycle thefts in the University premises. Economic Food Range: Take steps to increase food choices at affordable price range. Arts Events: Organising arts events and competitions to exhibit the artistic talents and creativity within the students. Promote Sports: Will place request to the University to come up with more sports training facilities and inter university sports competitions.


Do You Count? Who? My name is Darren Looby and I am a mature student studying Engineering Design. Before coming to University, I enjoyed around five years of professional employment - you'll find the likes of Operational Management and Web Design in my CV. I am also a Director of a local social enterprise that delivers workshops on creativity and problem solving.

Why? I came to University to make a difference. That may seem a little lame to some people and a little hippy to others - but it's the best way of describing my motivations. In my life so far I've had the opportunity to work with a great many people who have influenced and sometimes directly changed my life. I've been Chair of a Disability Diversity Council, sat on an Environmental Committee, volunteered in schools and helped people with learning disabilities get to grips with coping.

Being part of the Executive Team at DSU would give me the great satisfaction of being able to continue doing what I love the most - making a difference.

What? As President of the De Montfort Students’ Union – my key aim is to ensure you count. Whereas there are lots of bandwagons I could jump on to in an attempt to impress you – what I value most, is for me to promise:

Clar i ty and Accountabi l ity: If the Union says something on your behalf, or makes a decision that affects you – you should be told. This of course is key in a democracy, so I hope to bring extra measures that improve this area of service.

Part ic ipation and Consultat ion: Involving the student body is something that the Union has struggled with over the past few years – an average of between 5 and 10% of students will vote in this election, going on previous years’ data. Asking one or two people to decide for twenty is perhaps not the most effective representation. The current strategy of Get Out And Talk is a step in the right direction – in my term, however, Get Out And Listen and Get Out And Engage will feature more heavily on my agenda.

Social Benef it : Increasingly, there is pressure on organisations to be responsible, not just from the Government, but from intelligent and thoughtful individuals – in this case, the members of our Union. The core method of ensuring your opinions, ideas and attitudes count – is to measure our performance directly on whether or not we match our members ideals, and crucially report back to you.

If you would like to engage with me on any topics I raise, please visit my website at:


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Vote Andy Schooledge #1 for President

The most important thing a Students’ Union should do is be sure that its actions meet the needs of its members. The students of DMU (you!) should feel like your Union is listening to you and working on your behalf. This is my main focus. There will be four main areas that I will work on as President.

1. To place an importance on the need for more space. DSU needs to create more student friendly spaces to allow you to feel like you can approach the different services the Union offers.

2. To help you fund yourselves. The introduction of a physical job shop would allow you to apply for jobs that suit you and help your finances.

3. To introduce a student led campaigning system. DSU should be funding campaigns that you care passionately about. The best people to run those campaigns are students and by offering funds, DSU can make sure that your voice gets heard.

4. To ensure the housing crisis never happens again. DSU still has no details as to why or how the housing crisis happened

and the University have not fully outlined any changes they have made to make sure this never happens again. This needs to be a priority of DSU.

Along with these four key areas, there are many other areas I believe need looking at, these include:

• Arranging a better deal on text books for courses. • Campaigning for a fairer funding system for part-time and international students. • Securing a University wide feedback system including feedback for exams. • Introduce a Student Opinion Survey at the beginning of the academic year to make it clear to the Sabbatical Officers what

areas their members want them to be working on. I have felt privileged to represent DMU students as VP Media & Communications. I now want to take the skills I have learnt and make the differences that you want and deserve. Vote Andy Schooledge #1 for President.


As a candidate I have the experience most suitable to this role. I have been a Student Rep for two years which has given me a lot

of experience representing the interests if students on various academic issues. I now wish to do this and make a bigger impact on

a higher level.

I have experience in promoting and delivering various campaigns and events such as the ‘Leicester Comedy Festival’ and would

like to use such experience in this role.

A good in depth knowledge and understanding of the political climate is essential for the position of Deputy President Education,

given the proposed budget cuts by Lord Mandelson. I feel I have demonstrated such understanding having studied Politics in the

past as well as in my articles as a frequent contributor to the Demon politics section.

I would like to increase the opportunities students have to speak about their course and create a blog page for them to raise any

issues students may have with anonymity, as one of the first of my initiatives.



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I’m a third year student, currently studying Accounting and Finance. Every day I’m trying to keep a healthy balance between my studies and a

social life. I remember reading a phrase once saying “Education: The Next Best Thing to a Record Deal” humorous, yet it holds some truth

about the importance of education. With the development of education over the years, there will always be some changes we find difficult to

adapt to or feel comfortable with. I want to improve the educational experience for students, by tackling real issues that affect us in our academic


Student Representatives: I understand these students play an important role in providing a voice for students. Many issues arise in assessment

and teaching, which students may have problems with. These matters can be taken to members of staff and various committee meetings by the

Student Reps. I want to carry on building a strong relationship between the students and the staff, when it comes to addressing certain matters.

Personal Tutor and student relationships: This proposal is currently underway, but I would like to see it come in to effect promptly. I

believe the relationship between students and their Personal Tutor is vital. Students should be able to discuss any concerns with their personal

tutors, which will provide them with additional support in their studies. Sometimes a small chat with a Personal Tutor can go a long way.

Budget Cuts and Tuition Fees: In the long run this will affect students’ decisions to go to University. If the current debates materialise, the

results could lead to heavy costs e.g. tuition fees rising above the £3000 mark. These fees are already high, so a cap needs to be maintained!

Students are the building blocks of De Montfort University and I want to carry on constructing this elevation of EDUCATION!



About Me: I am reaching the end of my 3rd year studying Arts Management at DMU. During my time at University I have been heavily involved with the Students’ Union, particularly Demon Media and fundraising events. Through my course and my extracurricular activities I have grown to be a highly organised, responsible and hard working team player and most importantly I have become strongly passionate about the student experience. I am an approachable and enthusiastic person and want to be a friendly face for students. I would like every student to receiving the full benefit of their University experience, both academically and socially. I know the great things that you can get from your Union and DMU but also the difficulties students can experience. I hope to represent you as students both locally and nationally to ensure you are getting the most from your time here. My aims:

• Carry on the current work towards anonymous marking, making sure all work is marked objectively to eradicate prejudice and favouritism.

• Improve communication between tutors and students, guaranteeing students are getting the most from their Faculty. • Ensure that students are still getting the most from their University/Students’ Union in the face of tough National Education

budget cuts. • Explore University funding and make sure that it is being fairly and equally distributed between Faculties so students have

the tools they require. • Campaign against lifting the tuition fee cap which could lead to students paying far more than the current £3,225 a year limit. • To carry on the great work from the current “Go Out and Talk” & “Go Out and Listen” initiatives to ensure the Students’ Union

is fully representing your views and needs as a student. If elected, I will pursue my aims and represent YOUR views.


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WHO: I am Azhar Maqsood, an international student pursuing MBA at De Montfort University.

WHAT: I am standing for Deputy President Education, to ensure a flamboyant educational experience.

WHY: Being a student and handling the present International Students’ Officer position, I have not only gained experience in the

union but also understood the challenges a student would face in their study environment. So this platform paved me an

opportunity to put all my experience into practice.


! STUDY BUDDY I intend to campaign for an initiative that brings inclusivity among fellow students to achieve literary and social excellence. Where in students, who are looking to get involved with the Union, will be given a unique opportunity to assist a fellow student; to achieve literary efficiency in every field, be it with English improvisation or mathematical doubts.

! GET TO KNOW This campaign is not going to be an innovative idea to showcase one’s creativity. It will simply be to make students aware of the rights and facilities provided within the University.

! EVERY LITTLE COUNTS This will be a forum where every input will be acknowledged and the achievable ideas will be executed. One can personally supervise these executions along with me to ensure accountability.

! TUITION FEES The issues of fees hike and student loan amendments have been persistently affecting the student community. This has already been taken up by the Students’ Union as a matter of consideration; I shall further ensure it continues in my tenure.

! LIBRARY ALLOWANCE Two issues that students face are in reference to laptop loans and printing. Hence under my guidance I will campaign to introduce a facility for week loans with the laptops. Another issue that students have discussed with me is regarding printing allowances at the Library, which will be taken into account.



I am near finishing my 3rd year, after studying law and human resource management. I have also held two positions of seniority

within a sports team. In this time I have learnt a lot about responsibility, teamwork and time management. I understand the

constraints of completing both your university course and the social aspects of being at university. Due to this I will listen and aim

to resolve any problem a student presents.

I intend to campaign for:

• Anonymous marking This will exclude favouritism and continue with fair and even marking

• Text important information As a last resort if the student feels willing I propose that the department have your mobile number therefore important information i.e. when exam timetables are up or hand in reminders can be text

• More tutorial slots and 1 on 1 tutor t ime Apart from the in my 1st year I have never seen my tutor. I believe if this was a requirement either annually or once a term as a check up not only would it help our grades but would also improve attendance.

• More essay and exam feedback I believe the more feedback we get the better. Therefore as well as receiving a mark, information on how to improve is vital to the development of the student’s grades.

• Individual group marking If a group works perfectly then a group mark is acceptable however on countless times people do not put in an even amount of time or effort than the other group members therefore I suggest a different system to allow an overall group mark but divided into the individual’s workload.

• Closer monitoring booked areas A lot of areas or computers that need to be booked out for usage are not reaching their full potential due to non attendance I aim to improve the monitoring of this.

• Spread out modules deadlines I aim for all course modules work in unison therefore not all coursework is crammed into the same or similar time periods. Allowing students more time to focus on each individual piece of coursework.



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My name is Paul Simpson, I have been a student at DMU for 6 years. I have worked within the Students’ Union that entire time and if you ask me what my three main priorities are for office I'll tell you. Education, Education, Education. My aims:- • Anonymous Marking This needs to be finalised, it is a policy that has dragged on long enough though the University system. • Better Teaching Tutorial workbooks ask plenty of questions but provide no answers; are we supposed to learn blind? If lecturers were to provide answer sheets it would help us see where we went wrong. • Improved Blackboard Blackboard is a wonderful tool that all lecturers should be required to use under simple guidelines which would make information more accessible to students. • Library Reform I will campaign for one username and password for all university sign in systems, Faculty printing credit to be usable in the Library and an overhaul of the current fines system. • Defend the right to Higher Education With savage cuts to Higher Education an inevitability after the general election I believe that our Union should be working in partnership with the NUS and other Unions against any hike in fees or further cuts to University budgets. • Working together for a more perfect education A fractured Executive team with no clear objectives is of no help to anybody; I will help ensure we work together in the best interest of the students. • Rename Student Council the Committee of Public Safety For too long students have not had an effective say in their own Union's affairs. The Committee of Public Safety will be open to all students to ask questions and debate their Union’s actions in an open forum. Cake shall also be provided**


Hi, my name is Jake Tregunno and I’m currently studying Business and Management at our University. Being a part of DMU has benefited me in a variety of ways; I have learnt a considerable amount from lecturers and students alike. After being here for 3 years I have developed my own ideas about what I would like changed regarding not just the academic, but the social side of university. These changes all relate to difficulties that we as students endure.

I hope to make and continue the following changes if elected for Deputy President Education…

Feedback for exams: We get feedback for coursework, so why can’t we get feedback for exams? I believe feedback lets us see where we went wrong and assess what areas we may need to improve in for next time. I intend to campaign to implement this for exams so that students will no longer be in the lurch about what questions they got right or wrong.

SMS messaging: Ever turned up at 9am to a lecture to only find that the lecturer isn’t there? I will work with the University to consider ways we can communicate and update students through SMS ensuring that students are much more informed. We all go to our computer to keep in the know, but we aren’t always next to one to find out what is going on. SMS allows direct communication since we are always with our phones.

Lecture free Wednesday: You shouldn’t have to miss lectures to pursue sports and activities on Wednesdays. I intend to campaign on this issue to allow students to do the activities they love and not miss out on any crucial Uni work. Even if you don’t do any sports, it still provides students with a common time to come together for group meetings and other Uni events. Makes sense!

Tuit ion fees: We pay enough to be here already, why should we pay more? By campaigning to maintain the cap on tuition fees you won’t be financially surprised when you start afresh next year. A University should be an educational facility, not a business.

These are only some of the changes I propose; now I need your support to take them further.


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I have done my Bachelors in Industrial Engineering and right now, I am doing my masters in MSc International Business and

Management. This and my other working experiences have taught me a lot about taking responsibilities and the importance of

group work. Having had the experience of being the Students’ Union’s Diversity Officer has made me feel being part of the

University and its issues. I have the vision of making everything as easy as possible so that everyone can use it.

My main objectives:

• To make everything as simple as possible:

I personally believe that the main problem with the media and communication is its difficulty for some international students to

understand it.

• To get international students more involved:

For achieving my vision, I aim to get more help from international students.

• To consider the cultural differences:

A considerable number of DMU students are the international students with different cultural backgrounds. However, I find most of

the media and communication in a way which does not pay so much attention to these differences.

• Having better and easier ways of communications:

DSU already has many ways of communication but it can still improve its communicational skills and ways.

• To encourage international students take part in and join the communities.

This can be achieved by publishing more about the communities and their activities.



I have been involved in Demon Media for the full 5 years I have been at DMU, developing a strong passion for student media. I

believe we can offer a voice to all students and open opportunities otherwise unavailable. We must be looking to showcase

everything great DMU has to offer!

I have held active roles within the media including Demon FM exec team for 4 years (having heavy involvement in our transition to

a community licence), interim sports editor of The Demon and involvement with Demon TV projects).


• To increase transparency of the Students’ Union: assuring we’re acting in your best interests. As VP Media and

Communications I would assure all DSU Exec maintain a presence online; posting regular blogs, vlogs and updates.

• Proactively seeking student views: communicating with members through many sources and assuring we are not only

getting feedback but acting on it!

• Expanding outside the student community: offering better representation, greater opportunities for members and

opening up additional revenue opportunities.

• Encouraging stronger sports and societies presence: producing press releases online; assuring a stronger

presence on campus and building links within the student community.

• Moving media elections: offering longer handover periods; therefore maintaining a higher quality throughout the media. – Assure we’re offering a hub of information for students, not just an online store.

The Demon – Creating a distribution network on and off campus to ensure a wider presence. Offer members training / feedback

on their contributions, introduction of a creative editor role and reconsidering the editing timescale to assure quality.

Demon FM – Continuing the strong progression the station has made this year and research new funding opportunities; assisting


Demon TV – Support the entirely new Executive team and offering greater exposure through outside promotion, innovative

marketing and regular screenings.




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My experience:

• Recently worked alongside high profile broadcasters (Sky Sports, BBC) and members of the press, on international sporting events including the Twenty/20 Cricket World Cup.

• BSC Media Production student at DMU. • Media Co-ordinator for street stunts team 'Urban Revolution' • DMUFC for two years and manager in my second year.

Personal Statement: I solidly believe that the media structure we have in place at this University is one we can all be proud of. Demon Media is by far one of the top media groups at any educational establishment in the country.

It is my aim to ensure that our media group continues to grow and benefit the student population. Through hard work and dedication, I am certain that the boundaries can be extended and advance not only as a media group, but as a University as a whole. Improvement and expansion are key.

I also believe, the achievements of our sports teams and societies are something that as a University, we should be massively proud of. If elected, I would strive to ensure these achievements are recognised and covered in detail, as well as promoting sports and societies in general.


• To ensure that every student has the opportunity to be represented through student media at DMU and able to get their voice heard.

• All sports and societies, regardless of size, gain the coverage and recognition they deserve. • Increase coverage of news and achievements within DSU Active and for societies in general. • To reach students in a variety of ways and ensure learners are kept aware of issues that may affect them. • Ensure that public relations between the Union and wider media are of a high standard. • To go the extra mile to cover the issues that effect YOU.


My plans for the role are very simple yet productive to the University. Diversity, innovation and increased communication with University students have never been more needed than now. I will not make promises that are impossible to fulfil, but I will promise something that will cater for everyone in our University. When given the responsibility for Demon Media, which includes the radio station and the TV station; I would do my best to keep everyone ENTERTAINED throughout the day, whilst introducing fresh, new, gripping shows that would call your intellectual senses; with a debatable topic of your choice, competing against our rival Universities. The Union cannot run without you and YOUR IDEAS. What could be greater than getting those extra hours in bed, saving you from those cold winter journeys and the long endless hours of waiting? With just the ‘beep’ of a text message, you’ll be notified of when your lecture or tutorial has been cancelled. It is my objective to make student life as flexible and comfortable as possible, keeping you updated all year round! Bringing forward, creative and informative writing in our newspaper, could just be the reviving start you need to your day! I can guarantee you all that DMU events will be broadcasted and promoted throughout the University, never letting your social life go amiss. ‘DEMON FM’ is the voice of the students and it is my drive to make that voice heard throughout Leicester city. My job is to satisfy each and every one of you, with the skills I possess and the resources available to me. I am also a member of the Street Law society, in which I have achieved the golden certificate for volunteering as recognition of my contribution; hence I can guarantee you all that I am fully dedicated and motivated in what I believe in. The expansion and development of Demon Media for all students is my ambition!



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Since my first year I have been involved in various activities and I believe that the skills that I have gained from balancing

my participation within the Union and with my academic course, will enable me to handle the responsibility and demands

of the role of Vice President Media and Communications.

Overall aims:

I want to offer students the best possible experience that they can have at University and ensure that they are made fully

aware of the changes that will be made by the Government this year, and how these will consequently affect them. I want

to give students confidence in themselves, encouraging them to make a difference and get involved with student media.

I want to ensure that Demon Media continues its success and growth, by promoting it to students, explaining the

advantages it offers the students involved and the student population. I also plan to continue to regularly update students

on developments through various media platforms and social networking.

The Demon: • To continue to produce a professional publication, encouraging more contributors to come forward by speaking to

journalism and media students in their lectures. • Running campaigns and events through The Demon to raise awareness of issues affecting students.

Demon FM: • To expand on the brilliant success of the station this year, encouraging the students involved to provide diverse

music and discussion, raising any topical issues with members of the local community.

Demon TV: • To continue to expand on the stations output on a broadcast platform, encouraging students to get involved with

the production of shows, by promoting the channel so that it’s more recognised throughout the student population.

DSU Website: • Make sure that it continues to be regularly updated and promoted throughout the year by Demon media,

encouraging students use the website to their advantage.



I believe that everyone who comes to De Montfort should experience life within the sports teams and societies. Each and every

year we have hundreds of talented individuals come to us who manage to slip through the net or who decide for one reason or

another not to join up. They may be fantastic athletes, talented dancers, brilliant singers or even those with a natural thirst for

adventure or charity work, but for whatever reason they decide against involvement with the Students’ Union. I believe that many

are put off by idea that skill, ability and long term commitment are valued above participation, socialising and making friends.

Increased participation is the key to success.

My aims are –

• To increase information available to all new and old students about the sports teams and societies and what they offer for

individuals of mixed abilities and strengths.

• To raise the profile of smaller clubs to help increase their membership numbers.

• To help committees promote their clubs to new members to ensure the continued success of our established sports teams

and societies

• To help build new societies to ensure that there is something for everyone

• To be proactive in promoting Varsity in order for the hard work put in by teams throughout the year to be recognised

• To continue to campaign to have Wednesday afternoons off timetable in order to participate in activities

I am fortunate to have had a fantastic three years at De Montfort, the people I have met and the friends I have made have gone a

long way in defining who I am. My involvement in the Students’ Union has been critical in this and it is an experience I am aiming to

share with others. I am here to assist YOU!



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Me: Keeping it short, I am currently doing my second year of a Computer Science degree. Experience, limited. In fact, I have never been involved with an organisation of this size before or with potentially such responsibilities before me. However, the challenge to deliver and make an impact is more than tempting. I am completely student focussed and want to enhance my experience, and yours, here at DMU. Objectives:

Encourage greater student involvement in Union activities and societies. - Societies would be nowhere without the students and as good as the take up of societies are it could be better! Many students simply are missing out on a vital part of Uni life with societies being at the heart of the student lifestyle. I hope to encourage a greater participation wherever possible, maximising the Union to its fullest potential giving my full support to Union campaigns.

Assist and provide greater support for the formation of start-up societies. - New and exciting societies being created show the student community is thriving and I hope to put a greater emphasise on helping them establish themselves. I hope to encourage the development of ideas and have the guidance in place to allow them to flourish.

Develop support and involvement with local businesses. - A major perk for most societies is the ability to negotiate and receive discounts and benefits from local facilities to bars and clubs which we all enjoy. I hope to extend these ties and offer increased savings to societies. Every little helps.

Increase availability of transport for societies - Current transport availability is severely limited for the majority of societies, an issue I hope to address. This issue alone is hampering the smaller societies in being able to offer outings to their members, without high additional charges to hire transport.

Expand the current range of events, fixtures to include a greater number of societies. - DMU has a fantastic range of sporting fixtures throughout the year, from sports tours to varsity events. I hope to build upon this, adding more events to the calendar and generate greater support and involvement amongst societies.




WHY? To represent, l isten, support and to work with all student groups to provide the “best student experience” possible.

“If elected I will be there to represent YOU!”

WHAT and HOW? Come and Try (CAT) ! The creation of a dedicated Come and Try Committee ! Expansion of the CAT scheme to include new events and trips based on what the students want to get out of CAT ! CAT Associations, CAT Media Groups, CAT Societies and CAT Sports Group Days run by students for the students

Associations & Sport Groups ! To encourage greater co-operation and partnership between associations, and other student groups, on joint events, e.g.

RAG, Charity Weeks and Sports Days ! To promote more internal competit ions between sports teams from different departments ! To work with the Campaigns and Involvement Officer to ensure that Wednesday afternoons become, and remain, FREE

for all Undergraduate and Post-Graduate students to participate in sport

Past, Present and Future I have been actively involved with the SU for the past few years and this year my involvement in the Students’ Union deepened when I was elected as the Community and Involvement Officer. I ran for this position as I felt that the associations were being underrepresented and there was nobody to stand up on their behalf and voice their opinions. I wanted to be that voice, the voice of the students that the associations represent - YOUR voice.

My passion for the associations has paved the way for me to run for the position of VP Student Activities in the upcoming elections. It’s because I care how the student groups are represented, how they run and how YOU get involved which has inspired me to run. I want the student groups to be able to provide the “best student experience”.

So Please Vote AREEZ RAHMAN... “to put the YOU back in the SU”




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I am currently in my third and last year of study doing a Media Production course. I am enthusiastic, reliable and excited by new


I am running for Vice President Student Activities and if I gain this position then here a few things that I would like to achieve:

• Transport facil it ies, I would try and improve the facilities of transport for sports teams and societies as the minibuses we

have are fairly limited at the moment.

• Wednesdays off University permanently for sports players, this has become a big problem for a lot of sports

players as they either have to miss lectures or sports games because of the clash.

• Involve all sports teams in events, this includes activities such as “Scrappy 7’s” and the Goals 5-a-side football


• Have society meetings, i.e. get them more involved with each other.

• Help out lower profile sports teams, this involves helping them campaign at Freshers’ Fairs and help out with creating

posters and flyers.

• Set early goals for RAG to reach and beat, I would like to continue with the annual events that the Raise and Give

society run plus I would like to create some new ones.

• Continue tradit ion of the sports tour, taking all the sports teams and societies on a tour to Europe, either for a holiday

or a team bonding week.

• Support new sports teams / societies, be it financial or personal advice I would like any new societies / sports teams

carry on and be successful.

• Promote activit ies at aff i l iated col leges, some colleges affiliated with DMU don’t currently know about the societies

and sports teams that are available to them.



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A litt le about myself:

Presently doing MBA. Easy to approach and mingle with everybody. A little encouragement and I am your man Friday!! As

a student I am better suited to understand the needs, issues and expectations of fellow students. I want you to enjoy your

University life at the fullest as I do and make it a memorable experience. I know this brings along challenges as well and I

will strive to give my best shot in this endeavour to solve all the problems.

My aims and objectives:

• Awareness and support for issues: Will make sure all student issues are highlighted and effective measures

are taken to solve them. I would want to regularly interact with fellow students to know their wellbeing and needs.

• Introduce Halal and vegetarian food: this is something I had already in mind and I would want to implement

this as soon as possible, keeping in mind the diversity of students and catering to their food requirements.

Campaign for 1 night’s compl imentary stay for international students: I can very much understand the

pains an international student undergoes when he/she lands in UK and then Leicester. I will try my best to allow a free

1 day complimentary stay at student hostel for all international students.

• Blacklisting of unscrupulous landlords: This has been a big problem where lots of students unknowingly sign

contracts with shady landlords and then these landlords harass the students. I will campaign to ensure these

landlords are blacklisted by the University and that we maintain a database of approved landlords. Also we will

maintain a record of cheap hotels where the students can stay before they finalise the stay.

• Better health facil it ies: Firstly I would like to raise awareness of existing medical facilities and then campaign

to improve the service by reducing the appointment time and to subsidise price of medicines.

• Retain tuit ion fee cap: Tuition fees are already very high and there is talk that the tuition fees may be hiked

further under the proposals by the Government as there will be no mechanism to control the amount charged. I will

liaise with relevant authorities to highlight the plight of students by this unethical practice.



De Montfort University has been my home for the past three years and as I approach the end of my studies on the Arts Management with Dance course, I would really like to give something back. Having been a dedicated and reliable Committee member for a sports team, I understand the importance of friendship and community within the student lifestyle. This experience has given me the passion and drive to ensure current and new students share the amazing experience of University that I have had. My key aims: • To continue to provide a Welfare Pack to be handed out during Freshers’ Week to help new students settle into University life.

It will include information on sports teams, societies, Welfare and Education Centre, enrolment, sexual health advice, drug / alcohol abuse, eating disorders, housing / money problems, environmental issues and hints / tips from current students.

• To promote events highlighting the importance of sexual health awareness and where you can go to get checked. Alongside this to promote good mental and physical health; improving the resources within the Students’ Union.

• To work closely with Student Services to ensure all students feel comfortable and happy as some new students may feel afraid to come forward with problems.

• To work closely and engage with members from all religions and nationalities ensuring their stay at De Montfort is enjoyable. • To ensure that the views of the student body are fully expressed around the Students’ Union. I believe that a Welfare Officer should have an open mind to connect with students from all backgrounds and ensure that every students’ welfare is considered and looked after. I know that I would make an excellent Welfare Officer because I have the desire and motivation to help students and support them through their time at University.



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Since joining the University nearly 4 years ago I can say I have experienced almost all sides to a student life, even more

so being an International student. During the course of my stay so far I have tried to get involved (when it comes to

student representation) on many levels:

- Student Ambassador since 2007

- Student Rep 2008

- International Students’ Officer 2008

- Residence Officer 2009

- Aspiring Vice President Welfare 2010

Whether it was my role when representing international students or my duty mentoring and first year students at Halls of

Residence, I have had a chance to learn and demonstrate the ability to deal with student welfare issues. It’s now time I

put into practice what I have drawn from my experience : and this is where you all come in – During the campaign week I

am looking forward to interact with you all and leave it to your judgment as to how suitable a candidate I am.

On this note I shall say

Consider this a vote for representation rather than a vote for an individual.

I hope with strong endeavor to:

- Facilitate and promote the awareness of support and community mechanisms and opportunities for students

- Carry on the same level of commitment ( or even better ) that the previous representatives have demonstrated

- Act as the main representative on welfare issues to the University.



About me: I am nearing the end of three brilliant years at DMU. Like most students, I have enjoyed the independence and responsibility that being at University offers but I feel it is vital that first class student welfare advice and support is available for those who need it, when they need it.

Being on the Committee of a sports team has helped me to understand the importance of recognising both the individual needs of each student and identifying the wider issues which affect larger groups.


• To continue the hard work already done in the Environmental Sound Impact Award in order to gain the silver level accreditation.

• To promote national student welfare issues such as debt and funding hardship, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual health, housing and safety.

• To promote good sexual health and investigate improved privacy arrangements for STI tests.

• To work with Leicestershire Police and Fire Brigade to promote personal safety and safety in rented accommodation.

• To promote healthy eating, particularly in the period leading up to exams.

• To play an active role in all issues affecting University and private sector accommodation, especially affordability and safety.

• To be proactive in my approach to issues that arise during my year of office by organising publicity and awareness campaigns.

• To hold a ‘co-peer guidance’ event for students who need time to settle in to University life, where they can talk to fellow students who have had similar experiences.

• To ensure that important issues affecting the students are discussed fully by University committees that I will attend.


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About Me:

- Student Council open place member

- part of voluntary youth counselling team

- administrative knowledge from experience in hospital work

- involved member of diverse youth groups, societies and sport clubs

- student mentor

- socially concerned and active

- strong belief in equality

- friendly, but persistent and determined

- open ears for everybody’s concerns

Personal statement: Being part of DSU is something honourable and extremely valuable. As the Chair, I will do my best to make the

Student Council meetings more efficient. Enough time needs to be spend on important issues and, simultaneously, a quick decision-

making process should be ensured. As I have been part of the Council, I am aware of the challenge that this position entails.

Mission: I want to stand in for equal representat ion in the SU, to make our Union as eff ic ient as i t can be and to help make our

decision-making body run smoothly.


- letting as many voices be heard to each topic without delaying the decision unnecessarily

- making sure every member knows what current goals, discussions, issues are about

- leading the meeting efficiently

o being clear of where we are

o explaining the procedures

- taking enough time to get the best decision



I am studying for an undergraduate degree in Psychology with Applied Criminology. I am a keen and avid sports person. Yes I like

football, rugby, tennis, cricket and more. I am religious and outgoing too. I have learnt a lot about the Student Rep system as one of

the Faculty Reps in Health and Life Sciences. I would like to make the system work better and ensure that together (staff and

students) we can make DMU the University of first choice. As Chair of Student Council, I will strive to make Council debate

relevant and ensure the Executive is held accountable. I offer my service to you.

Why vote for me?

I am friendly, approachable and passionate about what I do. I have experience in the business of Council. I am a visionary and like

challenges and responsibility.

What do I stand for?

! Increased active student participation.

! Conspicuous Executive.

! Protection and defence of students’ rights, locally and nationally.

! Enhanced and memorable student experience at DMU.

! Continuous improvement in the quality of learning and teaching.

How do I hope to succeed?


! Creating a new and dynamic relationship between the DSU, DMU and the student population.

! Building a new partnership based on shared vision, leadership, respect, transparency and accountability.

! Most importantly is making your voice head.




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My name is Sara Dixon, I am currently a second year student at De Montfort University. For the last year I have been working alongside the SECS clinic to promote safer sex. During this time I have found that DMU has an alarmingly high Chlamydia rating in the student population. As Women’s Officer I plan to:

• Campaign to promote awareness of sexual health throughout the University, in conjunction with the DSU’s SECS clinic and other local organisations throughout Leicester.

• DMU has one of the highest Chlamydia ratings in the universities across the country and this alarming statistic is one I am determined to change. I aim to do this by working with the DSU SECS clinic and the Chlamydia screening programme where possible to help raise awareness of Chlamydia and the devastating effects it can have on women.

• I will also be working towards the promotion of safer sex, and the facilities that are available locally to help overcome and

deal with these issues that students may face.

• I also want to show the Mums or Mums to be at University that it is possible to still get a degree, by helping with raising awareness of the facilities and help that are available to them through the University and in the local area.



Personal statement

My experience of being on the Student Council over the last few months has been a real eye opener. I have realised what impact an individual

can have on behalf of the students they represent and how impor tant i t is to be confident to speak out. I am committed to supporting

those who need representation and want to know what students really care about so that the Union can fight for these issues. My personal

priority is envi ronmental sustainabil i ty and fair representation of minori ty groups.

About me

I am studying Arts Management with a background in community arts organisations. I am sociable, approachable and always happy to hear

what you think. I have a strong sense of initiative and believe there’s always a new way of approaching old problems.

My personal mission is to raise awareness of environmental issues and encourage community involvement for the SU. I want to encourage

students to get involved in the Union so that it can work for us.

My mission

• Raise awareness of environmental and sustainabil i ty issues within the whole of DMU, as well as the SU, by forming links with

local groups. I want to create a society or focus group that can pull together all that is already happening around the campus and allow

discussion between students and staff.

• Providing a plat form for pol i t ical engagement across DMU, by encouraging political societies and giving a voice to minority


• Raise the profi le o f student socie ties and make it easier to start new societies and find other people with similar interests.

Perhaps this could be done by creating a forum online through the DSU website.