the dalles times-mountaineer. (the dalles, or.). (the ... · bof. l. f. division. ... eaul mouth at...

I I - 1 ... jl'T.4IXGii. Volume XXX CONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY. JULY 22, 1893. NUMBER 50 mm. PRINTED EVERY SATURDAY - " ; - BT John Michell, Editor and Proprietor TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION., nple copy, one year ...2.0 iple copy sii month... ... LOT. arTenna atrictlv in advance. Bntered at the PottoMeeat The Dalkl.Or eamd Claim Matter for tranmueion through the mailt. LIST Of STATE AND COUNTY OFFICIALS. Oorernor S. Pennover Secretary of State G. W. McBride Treasurer r Phulip Metxchan Superintendent of Public Instruction., b. B. McElrov J J. N. Doit-- Senators t J.H.Miu:lKli Conirremwan . fir-- ' district B. Hermann second district K Kilie State Printer Frank Bik.r CO U STY. County Judge Geor eB ake y 8nerm T. A w ra Cleric ...J. R.Crnssen Treasurer ... v.m Hi. bell Commiasionet. ..J--- liarmede Assessor.... ..J w Surveyor ... E. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public School.. .. . Troy bciley Coroner ...M. M. tasiaouu THK I Hl'KC HB. BAPTIST CHl'KCH Bev. o. D.Ttu. FIRST KardraM KTn Sahtisth it 11 A M sndSP M. bahbath school immedisbly aft- r the mora njr rTayei meeting; tverj inursusy evening at 8 P. M f.f E. CHURCH Me. Jko rw.r. jjj . Services every Sunday leoming, and evenitu Sunday School at 12:i0 o'clock P M. A cordial luv -- latlor extended by both pastor and people tu all. CHURCH Rev. W.C. Cuktis CONGREGATIONAL Sunday at 11 A. il. .Ld 8 P.M. Sunday School alter moraine; service. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Brokbokw ST. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. II. Hurl Max at 10:30 A. M. Vespers at 7 P. M PAUL'S CHURCH. Union street, oppueiu ST. Fifth. Rev. K:i U. sutcliSe, Rector. Servicer everv Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:80 P U., Sunday school at 9:80 A. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at 7uw P. M. UHUKOH HSV. J. W. Jtvmi . pas CHHIallAN .i a tvery bnn-l- at.ruuuu at 8 o'citCk n the v.ourt,uuni vhur h Alt .re cur diaily iuvitej ASCU LODOK, NO. 16, A. F at A. M. sleets w Ant and third Monday of each montn at o P. M. DALLES RuTAL ARCH CHAPTER, NO 6. THK Meets iu Masonic Hall the third WeCuead.. if each month at 8 P M. LODGE, NO, 6, I. O. O. F.-- Me to COLUMBIA evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K. of P. Hall, onrner t -- eeo.d and Court street. & brothers are welcome. H . CuiueH, bect. 1.R1E1D8HIP LODGE. NO. 9., K. of P. Meet J? every Monday evening at 8:t0 o'clock. in scnan no's buildimr. corner of Cour- and Second street gejrtnrntng brothers are cordially invited. . D. Vausa, K. K. and H. . F. MK1 El- EE, C C. . VI MIEN'S 4 HKIST1AN TEMPrKANCE UNION W will n eet every Friday alternoon at 8 u'docs at thereaoina room All are invited. ODEKN WOODMEN OF I HE WORLD M Jjl Ro-d- . Camp, bo. 69, meets every lueadst evening of each week at 7:30 ocl ck, iu A. Kellei's hall. All brothers and sojourning- - brothers are invited 40 be present. LODGE. NO. 8. A. O V. eete TEHPLt- Hall every Thursday ; tt 7:30 o'clock. PAIL KhtFT, M. W. W. S. lirai. Financier, A8. ItEbMITH POBT. NO. t O. A. R Meets I eveiv haiurday at 7JK) P. M. iu K of P. tUU. OF L. K. M.ets eve.v Friday afternoon iu B. K. of P. ball. VEKUN HARMoNlK- .- Moot, ever) CtEHANQ evetuoa in Kll r's UaiL L. F. DIVISION. NO. 167 Heel n K. BOF. P. B.ll toe first and .hird Weunesday ol eaUl mouth at 7:30 P. M. ProfeaMionni C rda. 8. B. WALTER. JR. Physician and Surgeon. Dtaeases of OhiMren a speciality. Erakiusville Sheiman Co., Oregon. W. E. RLNEHART, ' JE. Phvsiciau and Surgwin, Pooiu 1, Chapman B ock, over Nielsen's store. Office hours 10 to IS A i ai.d t to 4, 7 to 8 P Residence ou Union btreet corner of &uith. J. B. ooBBoa. J. W. OOBOOB. ,UMHIA CONDON, Attorneys at Law. : ' Office On Court street, opposite the Id Court House, The Dalle. Or B. BENNETT, A. Attorney at Lajv, Office in Scbanno's building, Tbe Dalles - Oregon H. WILSON, w. Attorney at Law," Rooms 62 and 68, New Vogt Block, Ttie Dalles - - Ore on G. KOONTZ, J. Real Ratate, Insurance and J .oan A irent. ' Agents for the Scottish Unisti end Nstinnsl I nrance company of Edin Jurgh, Scotland, Capit 50,000,000. V.ltiable Farms near tbe City to sell on easy Office over Post Office. The Dalles, Or. a. a. surra. nasi HRKir'E. VUFUB MESEFEE, Attorney at Law. Booms 42 .nd 48 Cha man Kok The Ds'lei, Or. ILLLAH BLUM, w ABCHITKCT, TH DA LES. OREGON Plans for holMlnn drafwd, and estimates grven AU letters coming; to me ("rough the postoffice wil ceivt or .atp. it eav i R. E. Saltmarshe 'AT THK East End STOCK YARDS, Willi FA1 THE HighestCash Price for Hay and Grain. DEALER IN LIVE STOCK. Sample : Rooms, sb 58 'RO?iT S'H, (Nearly opposite Umatilla House.) CHARLIE FRANK. PROP. The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. OLUMBIA BREWEhT BEER ON DRAUGHT IMisoellaxtertraa THE OLU ESTABLISH I COLUMBIA BREWERY Second St.. vst End. AUGUST BUCHLER, PROP Has been refitted throughout with the LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY And if now mmufacturinir th Best Keg and Jottled Beer and Poner In BaHtern Oretcon. Mr. Burhier lwayB aimn to adoin the Intent bre itiir H.n Dura. tun and wli rurnmn oi ciision nr i Anna.1 tt trv n markei: wU "WOOL EXCHANGE" DAN BAKER, Pxopr. KtepK hnod tire nest Iriiies, Liquors and Cigars. FREE LUKCH IV RY EVLMirC. Near the O 'I Mint, Second Street, THE DALLES. :: uRF.GON. SKIBBE HOTEL F. vv. L. SKI U BE, Prop rhe Only Brick Hotei IN THK CITY HOLLAR A I'AT Hol'SE in the BET This buil' - k bf ln refitted nlnce th- - 4 tieptemrier xu. and the ruuuw r flrl ci ui every pwrticu ar. lae taiiie is suuinea witn in bca- the mtrket nff ds. 1 be oar ii c with the bote! is supplie ii h the hiifhes'- trrade of W.uim. Liquors anfi Im ported and Domestic Oiifars. sn3U- - A. A. BROWN A FULL ASSORTMENT and provisions. Soeciai Prices to Cash Buyers. i7o seconstbebt. First Hi or east ot Cran lall & Burgett's Fur niture Store. W T. WISEMAN. W. I. H tRDERS. WISEMAN &MARDERS, PKOPRIhTOhS Commercitil Exchange. T&o. 85, Oor Second and Court Streets Old Matringlv Whixky, used for medical purposes. Cigars, Wine and Beer of the best imported brands always for sale. L. P. OSTLUND Contrac tor and Bnildei I will furi.ish draft aod etnirontea rn all bnild.i dwtlliniea anu stores. Mr. t1und Is a practical and the plan limfe-- by him will prove ar istic. cheap and dura ble HENRY L KUCK, . -- Manufacturer of and dealer in . Harness and Saddlery, ' Second St., near MoodVi Warehouse, THE DALLES, - . . OKtGON Witrk WaairaBi'ec)' t. hiiTe tt Mrntts A. McINTOSH, . DEALER IN Meats, Butter aid Eggs, MORO and GRANT, 0REG3N. ; ALWAYS HATB ON 8 ALB -- t the i bt WILL the choicest Bee', vu tnn and P ork the hUbeet market price for Bon r and eges auvis An drew Velarde, HOUSE-MOVER- . The Dalles. A'liireRa; Lock Box 181. ' C. i STEPHENS, ' - DEALER IN Dry Gs jtis, Csnts' ; Furnishings, ' BATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. 184 Second 8treet, next door east of The Dalles National Bank. Havin; tut opened in bnsiness. and hat ng a full ssor nieot of tho I .test goods in my line, 1 desire a are of toe pubie patronage. ' ' 0. F. STEHEMS) CITY BAKERY AND- - m ULY GROCERIES II Beoond and Union Streets. A- - L. NEWMAN. Proprietor Banks. Tk Dalles National Bank. OF DALLES CITY. OR. President,... .Z. F. Mood), CasMsr, M, a. Moody General Banking Bnsiness Transacted. Sight Rxshangeb sjd or NKU YORK, AN PRANC1SCO, PORTLAND, Oh niitrctinni. miuie on favnmnie cermt: H nt f il,,. p in-- i. 8. SCHENC&, H. M. KEALL President. Oaehier. niK FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF X'WE DALLES (Succestor to) SrHENTK & BEAI.L. BANKERS, ft.VNSACTS A REGULAR BANKING BUSINESS BUT AND SELL EXC'HA.NGE. LLECTIONS CAREFUI-l.- MADE AND 0' PROMPTLY ACCOUNTED FO OKAW ON NEW TORE, SAN FP.CISCO AND PORTL.YND. Ulrertoroi D P TnoureoB, Fo M Williams. J 8 SCUIHCK. Oboeor A Libbs. H M URaLb. fel MiacellsvneionB IF YOU WANT GOVERNMENT, STATE OR Dalles Militiry Koao Lied, CALL OS TH0S. A. HUDSON, to Thornbnry & HuJs m), 83 WasMDgton St., THE DALLES, OR. TTI "VfTTT "TO" A MT Information enncern-I- IUU VV a.l ing all O.verument tAuds or ihe law relating thereto, yoa can c him tree of cbarve.- - He ha- mude a ecialty oi th busineHS. ai d has pract red before tbe United atate Lsna omce lor ovdr ten ears He i. agent for the EASTERN ORROON LAD COMPANY, nnd can y.m Orazinir or I nim-- t o eJ Auri'-uitur- Land-- , in anv quan ttv esneu wilt a- nd pamuhietdescribinir these lands apou up. plicition. fie Is agent f r toe sale of ota in Thompson's : Addition rhis addition U laid off into one-acr- I '. and is destined to be the principal res denue par' of the eitv. only twenty ninuteVwal- - frm ihd Court t House, aud ten minutes irotn the Railroad ffeuot. To Settlers Located on Government Lands: If jou want to borrow Honey on long" time, he can acjommoaate vou WRITES FKE, 11FE ;ND AC I EM If yon etnnot call, write, and your letters will be promptly answered. THOMAS. A. HUDSON, - 83 Washington street. T.lE DALLES. OREGON PAUL KKEFT & CO., DEALERS IN Pain Wis, Cla$, AnHJthe Most Compiete and Latest Patterna and Derjijfna in ' W ALL FAPEK Practical Painters and Paper Rangers. None but the best ' rands of the Sherwin-William- s Paint umd i all our work, and none but the skilled workmen employed. All order will be promptlv attended V. Shop adjoining Columbia Packing: Co., TaiBSTRB-T- HB DALLES Cut Flowers '.for Sale. HAVE all styles f wires, inc ndine Odd Fellows I. KiiLrbtsof tythi.4. Mason and Wood mtn de- - in urns hvervtbing in Floral becoradons furnished on snort notice. Prices reasonnhie. Mti.. A. C. 8 TU SLING junl Corner Eighth an t Lib.'ity eta. PQR Pu:e Gmids and Fall Weight, GO TO The A:ct:cCanlyF..ct f B No 238 Second Street. Eat End. apl4-t- f J; F0Lr0, Prop. go JAS. FERGUSON, General Expressman ! Good hauled with the greatest care to all part nf th oitr on ahort notno". WANTED SALESMEH bbbp Local & Traveling To repreaeni our well knowu house. Tn nee I uo cat-i- t J to r pre ent a fiim that warra- ta nurseit stock nrst-ciaa-i a tt true to name. Work all the year. LU0 a month to the right man. Apply, aut-uxj- u . L L. MAY C , Nurserymen, Florists and beoismen, aprl . m P.ul, Minn. ot ARCTIC SODA, VICHY WATER And al. Flavored Drinks at his Andrew : Keller's : Confectionery, Second St., Adjoluiiig The Dalles National Bank. Also Ice Cream. Cream Cake and all other delicate Refections. r my26dy GEORGE T. THOMPSON the General Blacksmiths, Near Mint building, 8eoond St. Borse-oein- and General Jobbing a Specialty. Prices reasonable a id to suit tne umes. Denny, Hice & Co. be Wool & Commission Merchants be 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. FT!Mh wlnniwo made on oonalirnnient. FOR RENT. THK BUILH1NU u.N rKONT STREET, between and,ouurt. For terms, apply to - BQCIUO Maui, A. k. BOnZET of TELEGRAPHIC. Work on the Niearasua Canal. New York Jmy 14 The report i bal t e N cnmuu'i Coal C iustructnm C m- - pitoy lixd 8t'pued all work ou the Nc riguii chquI oo accnuDt ot a la k of fuods was t ffi.:inlly denied 1 hit. m'Toing bv fZ Seoamr Waroer Alillrr, presideDt of the uonip-ov- . 'VVe have not t.toppeiJ wor't eolirelv, said Mill.r, 'nltln uy h, f course we have hd n atnoUDl of work. In limes ol financial sirinet'Cy ever, one nan 'o cut coat aocro nif in nis cioth. Wi rk is now uoii.g on nx I he liriHKvtaifr at the entrance lo G'evlown haibor, and ou the haibor; t t,idi s tha we have a In rye ou.nbr of men Itiokinu after our "Tliinriie marhin-ry- . I is no' true the compmv a tiet uriiies are not IwiOrht Pcrtious have I'eeo I'Uvinif ihi-n- i a I Hlno-- ; aud are (loins; eo vet. As tor the report that there are auy io einn atesetisions in the coniuanv, that is un- - tme We had to stop work ti; a cou-i- d era hie t x'ent a' t':e time o) the r nu'in in Nicar tut Our (mats weie r Z d The hna'B were the tm'y niens of trans poriation up the river. W? tXiiert t hi will soon b sett ed to a isiicory man uer liu ii, whin the money n u .in n oecomes a liit!eeait r we. expect to go ai'ead with the work at tail I. Inst A litt'e mure than $5.0(10.000 h-- 8 aireadv heeo ixorndtd lit the company." Pip anatlun Fnim F an re. Paris, J ul 14-- A cemi flji ial no"ce to be uti'iiisiieri lomor'ow explains the Bangkok incident thus: Ftnocvi learnine that England and other nations were s. nnint; war vrere' to Binykok. notfied tbe Siamese covern-me- Dt Jul 8 of her iniinion to increase the French hbvaI l rce at 'he rD"UTi ot the M inani river, whereon the "uahoai Lutin hfl'.idcd proticnou to ill. Kieuch reitienia. Xu aecotuUriite wi'h atticle lo of the treat) " 1856 Fietich meu-ol-w- a, have the tigt t to tuttr the Meioam rivet aud anchor off Pakatmra, hut musi pi?- -, tile Siatn e tjoverumeni notice tonrrauge tir the anchoraire in case ot i he mieu- - titm t the river to Bangkok. As, iioHevtr, no other thin Bniisli vessels biam hav dj; more liiaii one iiign ve.-ee-l. Fiance, lujn revetvintf her loruiai treaiv r ghls. R-n- r A'lmirui Buiuinu not fo cros the .tr t the Mtitiam river, an I no'iCea ih. Siame-- e governm-nt- ' accordint; y.' The older whs teceiv- d ton 'ate by Unmann ann ine pudim a s atC' nutu to dauu kok." s H.illett ' y th Train. New R. chelle, N T, July 14 Tin 8 o'clock exiri-6- traio Irmu Spriugfieid ou tbe New Haveo rou jhis moruiug struck aud iustaotly killed two rueti ou ir track near Pellmmville. After ptss log Pe bamville the engioeer noticed the to ,neo tit.Driioc oo the track clo-- e to letlier, apparently bglltior. I ha en-li- ter blew a wh 8 I , tiut Diither il 'lietn paid d; heed. When t lie engine whs wi'blo a few ynrd of the meo ihe eng. r reverfed his engine and did (ill ne cou d n riiiii the. irmo, hut io no m rffect . As the loeornotivtt s ruck the o men trtev were cilnuhin; aud entage'i in a decperate etrugij'e. ""'lie I odles wen thruWD ahead ol the locomotive, the en ure trdo pn-sin- overtliem. Btli men io were mingled in a liorritue ruaouer. B in studied ettouglv ol whUkv, and evi 'lentlf while drunk got into a diBpute and were hiving it out when the truio st'ock them. It is "hooght they were employed no Mount V rnon jiUfillc lm provtm-- n s as lalior- - rs. The meo were paid off there last niuht The W.rit Over. New Yosbt, July 15 Tbe banks re potted this morning receipts of large amounts of currency from the country, end a no'iceaoie decrease in the applica- tions for rediscounts aod other eccommo datioo by the country hanks. Oue prom- inent down town natioDal hank, with s very large country conoec did uot have ti 8 og e applicaimo lor rediscount io the mat today Commercial paper was not piessiru very much, but some first c'ass singie-Dam- td lour rnooths :n puper was Dousht at rates running from 10 to 15 pr cei t. Tbe offi-nog- how- ever, are light aod it is argued by bank ers Ironi i his that the merchants nod maoufac'urera who ttimmea their taut to d the wind before the fit social etoim swept over the land are now io fairly good cod clit ion " MOKE O LD FR M EUROPE New York Jul; 14 A cable d'fcpa'ch received at-- a iae hour today said: "There has been taken rtm the Bank of Eng-Ito- d, lor thipment to America, f 175,000 go d. All Duobta Ht at Itrst. be Marion, Km, July 14 If tbirebas been any doubt as to the intentions of the popo ist voveromeot to reorganize the state militia in Ihe interest-o- f the P.ipu an ed'torial in the Record, ate Priuter Snon's paptr, set euch doubts at ret. The Record. Speaking of dialinndiDg the Toptka compaDies and orgaoiz ag a Populist cavalry, fajs: lite We waul Anjutnnt-Oeneara- l Arts to right along as he is going. Dod'i be caught id la t winter's fix; have men did ho will obey oiders aud have do qua m t ndd ing the c tenants o.l those wbo at- -i Dipt to ter down a legally elected gov rtifiieut The ehooting of a tcore of Rei ublican scouodiels last winter would have been a hlet-t'n- to the at ate aod of lovaluaOle service 'o law and order." tab Fell lwn a rihaft. ' Niagara-Falls- , July 14 J hn W wile aod two children, of New Y-.r- city, have been visiting this city since Weinefday. This morning Mr. be aod Mrs F. with the two boys, ihe vooogest 12 years old, drove down o the Battery whirlpiHil rapids eievator aod started to take a ride Down to the bottom the gorge. Ihe joanget-- t child ran ahead of be par( toward the elevator ahatt, and before he could he cheCKed or of parents realized the dangtr he dis- appeared, falling a distance of 210 teet, where bj was cru-be- d in a fearlui man- ner at tbe bo. turn. first er: TUe Case, ar Rev. Rrimi. has Victoria, B C, July 14 The case of Rev. A. R Reams comes op ia tbe supreme ct urt tomorrow, tbe defense He having appealed from tbe judgment of a Justice Drake, ordering hm t xtradited. The deten-- e clnims that the committal of Rams was illegal because it was uot Urn proved that abduction was a crime ac- cording to tbe laws of California. The prosecution will rely upon the extradi- tion act. whicb says that a criminal may extradited tor any ofl'eose which may considered an offense it committed in Canada. Kll'cd by an f'lrvator. Niagara Falls. Jq'v 14 Michael of Delaney, of Newark, N. J., was killed, and ' C'Ifforn - Eddy, of Buffalo, bad bis tne arm aud leg crushed io tbe elevator shall tbe iron observation tower here this morning. Tbe oieo were working near tbe top. of the shaft when the elevator car started up from the grotiad floor, and a huge wmght started down from the top without being noticed by either ot them They were carta ht, oy the weights and Delaney's Deck and thonlders were crushed a jelly. E Idy escaped with a crushed leg and arm, neither ot which will have to be amiiuta;td. Ailis 'D un the aitaation. Minneapolis. Minn., JuU 14 Senator AiIisod o: I a, who is in thu city the guet of Senator Wisliharn, said today that the present financial disarbao'e are due largely to 'he tact that there is a belief tbat if we continue the purchase ot si ver we most Soon read a silver 8tndrd. Added to th'g is an expansion ol credits and adi-tru- -t of the d mocritic iiuli, y on the and tar ff. Tbe 8'iiage of the purchase "f tilver will l really a.d in restoring coofiJence. The Coi.drmned Clioetaws. Caddo, I T.Juy Fi sou, of the interior depart ravnt. has ar rived here to consu t with Governor Jones a'totit the proposed execution ol the cnndtmoi d Cuoctaws, and will trv o him to torego the executions I lie conferenre will take p ace sometime todav, and if Jones ad'ieres to his at eged determination to n rute the condemned, ii.oodelied will uodouotealy result. Cyclone in finnesota. Stillwater, Minn., Jo'y JL4 A terri fie c clone struck Stillwater at 3 10 this alternoon. The raiting shed of the At. W'lim mill was carried awav. on far fo 'otlies have been removed The two k i led are Sain Simonson and Win Amz N rs'inia'e can be given of th damnge S vera! i'hers are known to be iojuied nd others ae missing. Union Sailors Sap'eted. Eureka, Ci , Juiv 14 The c roner my in the case of Robert Russell, male f ih schooner Mnbtl Gray, whose body Was found in the lay Wednesday, with his limbs bound and a esg in bfs month. returned a verdict 'hat Russell met his death at the hands ol persons unknown. He had been threatened by union failors and they are suspected of the deed. K lied the Joda-- e on thr Bench. UlTTOF Mexico, July 14 A sensa tional tragedy occurred in the courtroom t 1 -- lm sco testerday. Ad out aw oumi d an Francisco R driguez was tried and found guilty. The judge had jut fin ished n ading the sentence when the pris Oaer drew a pistol and killed tbe judge. Tta IV recked Nteamer. San Francisco, July 14 The British s'e&mer Bnwnmore, which ran oo the rocks nem P.ntit Gorda ou the 0h i'bs'., arrived from Cioer this morning, iu tow of tbe etamer Emily aod Wvott. llriiw. d i Willapa 111 ver. S tjth Bend, Wasb.. July 15 Mrs. Jostah Crouch, of wile ot the ulster having supervison of tbe Bap tist ot ricihc county, was drowned id the river ner VV'il'aoa this alternoon. She and her husband, with tbeir inlnDt daughter, were proceeding a row boat down the river (mm Wilv npa to make a caM at Wbltcomb ranch. Mr Crouch was rowing and bis wife wanted to take tbe oars ' she banded him the child, and in chacgii g places at the boat hitched and she lell.inlo Ihe of water. Her husband was. thrown ever board od the other Bide. Be could oot swim, box managed to erasp the side of the' boat aod pu I h mself in. Mrs Crou h went down before his eves Hi propelled the boat to tbe shore aDd got help The body ws Ipund three hours alterwards Dear the scene of the accident. The deceased was 21 years of age, aod left one chi d Klearaasaa Kev lt. Washington, July 15 The state de partment received advices from Minister Baker, at Managua, confirming tbe new. tbat a revolution had broken out agaio Nicaragua, aDd the presideot of tbe republic aDd ihe minister of foreign af fairs were held prisoners at Leon. There has been no battle, but the minister re cards tbe situation ss ciiiiol. This is sugreeable news to the navy depart ment, for it will require rhe sicretary to eod a vessel to .Nicaragua at when the climate is oneodurable and s lever prevails at many places The only United Stales war vessel available od the Wot coast is' the Alliance, oow a' CtUao, Peru, aod she will be ordered to proceed io Nicaragua. Meanwhile, tbe of incident will have the rffect to hustto ihe sailing ot the Torkiown and Chnrlu- - ton from New York, lor although it will several months before tbey can reach the Pacific, tbe neces-it- y for streng'beD . ing the naval force there bas been made very apparent. te The Affair in (Slam. of Paris, Jmy 16 Hu maon. io command wben the gunboats Inconslante and Cometo crossed the bar ol Meoam river ai.d proceeded to Bang of kok, ha made a brief report of tbe inci Icg dent to the government. The gunboaia oot tire on the Siamese forts at the river's mouth, he soys, unlit the torts ittiout any previous warning or deoiaod. I bred t o the gunboats. M. Pavie, French minister resident id Baugkok-- , has been instructed to protest against the firing Irom the forts as en indefensible act. constituting a violation ot international aw. inasmuch as friendly relations es ished between France and Siatn by ot 1856 remained onimoairid to tbat time The secretary of the legation in Paris denies, in en an intcrv ew, that tbe S aoiese were aggrea -- o.rK in tbe affair The conflict was due, s its, to the lact that the French com and misunderstood tbe orders of tbeir is government not to cross tbe bar. India-te- Far JInrder. Union, Or., July 15 The grand jury th-- i circuit court, now in session, brought in an indictment tois morning agsi'ist Daniel Ttrier for murder ia toe is degree, for killiLg bis brother Rob ber id Eigle vadey, this county. He was nrmigned today, bot the date of tbe trial that not been named. This will be tbe is most important ca-- e of tins term ot court Judge Clifford today SenK-oce- Charles Obeil io oDe year in the peoiteotiar; was convicted on a charge ol stealing pair ot pao'alooos from tbe B'oro ot Gorbam & Rutbchild, at Norui Powder, aet Dei ember. He will be taaen to Sa as too'gbt. A Kelan f Tcrrer. Helena, Modi., July 16 Tbe closing down ot tbe silver mines at Granite and Pbilipsburg, where tbe GraUte Moun- tain Ing and Bimetallic mines, tbe two great- est the silver producers ia tbe state, are lo for Rated, has resulted io tbe inauguration la a reign of tenor in tbe two camps. Some 5000 meo have been employed in mines and mills there and a large mr.jor 'y of these are of foreign birth When ibb mines first closed. tb miners made a run upon tbe banks. Many ot ity. them were paid their money, hut one of roiiipsourg's banks, thoroughly solvent but without ready cash enough to meet "an immediate settlement, was foiced to close its doors. Having their savings in band, many made co better use of it than to squander it. ' Oue man with nearly $200 placed it temporarily in tbe possession ot a woman at Urani'e for sate keeping. Subsequently calling toi it the woman denied all knowledge of it Exasperated, tbe owner, witn severa compmions, pioctedtd to foice the wo man, using liarhanc methods locomoel restitution. Ber bauds were t ed, her ace a ashed and disfigured, and, a bnal resort, coal oil was do u red on her. aud the threat of burning her alive ws about to be carried out Tntn the worn in weakened and divulged the hiding place ot the money, and its recovery was ef fected. Two days ago an unprotected womtn named Ivy, about midnight. ueara a touu kdi-c- at ine uoor, and ou opening it she was confronted bv two masked men with revolvers, wbo de- manded her money and va cables. One hundred and ninety-fiv- e do ars, h long ing to a man named Mite ell, wh v. a boarding at the hou-- e, bad been left wuh Mrs. Ivy lor safe keeping Ttii money ihey c impelled tbe ww an to hand over, tbrea eniog to shooi . er il she re I used. The Navy and Army. Vallejo,' Ca'., July 15 Itseeois more than probabln that Admiral Farragut's old flagship, the Hartford, is to be re flitted aod ooce more fl tne commission peDoaot troro the mainmast. Tbe com-maod- of the Mare Island navy, yard has received detailed p'ans and Specifi cations fur remodeling, rigging and re. biting of tne vessel. Tne plans and fpeCibcationa have been io turn sub milted io fjomtnauded Giai-s-. in cbarg ot the const ruction department, wi'h in- - aiructions to pre pure and forward esti- - maita of tbe coats of the remodeling rigging aod ttfilting of the Hartford, Commander Glass Das placed tbe fpeciti- - cations iu the hands of the foreman for figures, whilu be will compute tbe time nqu red, rhe amount of material aod the co?t ot recom missioning the od fiaeship. ine board ol suivev will inspect tbe Hartford throughout, aod by tbe time he board his completed its labors Com rounder Glass win have estimates pre pared, aod both reports will be forwarded tu Washington. The mmtnation of the engines and boilers of tbe Hartford shows them to be id excellent cooditiuu. aod wuh repacking 8Dd a few mioor re- pairs could be made ready for service on abort notice Mavis, spars and much of tho net-in- were removed from the Hart ford when 6he Wtnt out of commission Uer spars have been examined aod louod id an excellent state ot perservation, and will be ued when tbe ship is refit ed, leaving her practically the same ship a wben rhe went out ot commission, with the exception of the battery, wbicb will he ot modem guns. Iflew His Head Off. Seattle, Jul; 16 James Conway, a raDcner iwing in tbe woods six miles from Kent, accidentally shot bimselt through the head with a Winchester rifle, wh'le a'one in his canio some time 8t urday. His dead body was found today He was fixing the gun to go bunting when the hammer caught aod discharged tbe load in his lace, blowing off tbe en tire top of his head. A Brutal Nnrderer Hanajed. Baker City. Or., July 17 F. W Gal Iid wa hanged at Canyon City, Friday 2:40. He implored tbe forgiveoessg the whole world, aod fell wbile utter ing a pratei in beruian. I O cod Iso-io- was made on tbe gallows, but ne made statement the day before, confes-in- g the crime. He said tbat Mrs Shaw beat ber husband on tbe head after be bad killed him, and also assiited in d is Dosing of the body. .He etattd that Shaw aod bis witn were quarreling aud be was brought io. of whereupon bhaw drew a revolver and threatened tu kill tbe pair. Tbeo he Lit Shaw on the bead witb a hammer, knliug bim instantly. Gallia was prououoced B. dead in ten minutes and forty seconds after be dropped. R. French and Hlamcar. S Saioon, July 17 Tbe trouble between tbe French aod Siamese on the Me Kong river counues. 1 lie French marines a: P. tacked and captured tbe forts at Dod- - thaoe and Tappam, on the upper Me Kong. Tbe Fr-nc- b lost nx ki led and tvoonded. Tbe Siamese lr&s was heavy. The French merchant shiu Kentey was ized by tbe Slamo-- e at tbe mouth ot he Meoam river aod sunk to biock the channel. Tbe crew were hadiy trened ajd thrown into prison at Btngkok. Bangkok, July 17 Tbe government tjiaw ha C"S' t)'ed to withdraw the troopi in tbe Me Kong valley, provided France also agrees to suspend bostilities. Habld Aaarrhlata at Tacoma. or Tacoma. July 17 A mass meeting of or onem ployed was held this evening. the Addresses were made by Governor Teals, Tacoma. aod P. J. Cowley, of What- com. tbe The meeiing look a decidedly poputistic turn. Sympathy was ex pre-se- d wi;b tbe anarchists, aod Governor tell A'tgeld was commended lor bis pardno the them. A reolu:ioo was adopted ask- - congress to coin all bullion in the to d i treasury aod tsue certificates to tbe ex ing tent of f 500.000,000 and devise some meaos of keeping tbe Dotes io circulation. so demanding the strict enforcement ot be Geary exclusion act for Found a Burled Trraanre. A Philadelphia, Jul t 17 Diereogo Ar- - telli, au I ali an laborer, wbile catting away tbe lawn in froot of the old Mifbn mansion Siturday. struok his nick into The eartbeo crock. Another stroke io brought shining gold to light, aod tbe Italian aod a chum stuffed tbeir pockets dmner pails lull of coios. Tbe pot this said to have contained bnglish stiver boa So eigns and Spanish aounioona vaiueo ai $5000- - Artel ll baa gooo to New York to take a steamer for bis native land. . ot Bluer recline Again Bnsland. Paris, July 17. The press of this city mKt bitter against Great Britaio for life attitude on the Franco S amese dis- pute. Tbe newspapers georrallv init or Frmce deal ibarply with Siaro. It understood Bangkok will only be bom barded as a last resort. the Silver Parch rd. Washington, July 17 The treasury and today purchased 80,000 ounces of silver follows: 50.000 at $0,734. 80.000 at $0.7845. There were offers of 788,000 t ounces. 1 be total amouo ol silver pur- chased to date for July is 943,000 ounces. The Void Brnerve, Washington, July 17 Heavy clear- - -- bouse payments in New York caused gold reserve to fall lower today tban several data past. This evening I' ilies $98 059.480, and the currencv balance $26,117,916. Mr. Fi Bent-- A dwelling bouse i". a desirable local For terms apply at this office. Highest of all in Leavening i ii yr 1 ABSOLUTELY PURE ITFMS IN BRIEF From Saturday's Tally. Dr. Gttcs, of Cascade Locks, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Thoriore Ltebe. of Portland, is visit ing inends in the city. Salmon are plentiful in the river, but wheelmen say tho water is too clear for them to be inveiged iuto traps or nets. The fol'owing Heed was filed for record at ine ciems s omce to day: Jane A, ttrwin to Florenee V. Bitsforrl; lots It) ami 20, block 3, ivin and Watson s first addition to Hood River; $15. The wreck of the once famous whalchack Wetmore, which has been pouudina on the Uregon shore Coos hay for many mouths. has heun sold for SfSO. The curco of coal brought the migoitiuent sum of $5. The strawberry crop has been harvested. and raspberries aud blackberries will be in tne market in a few da(8. It is estimate that the sale of strawberries darinc the present season has sent in circulation about $60,000. Hon. S. A. Clarke, nf Salem, was recta tereii at the Umatilla House He addressed the frnit gtowers of this vicinity at the city ba 1 this afternooD. and the meeting was largely attended. A very iu- - tereatiug session was held. Globe: J. P. La as felt greatly re'ieved the first of the weea by getting a letter trom Adjt. lien. Mitchell stating that thev had accepted Jiis re igoatinn as colonel. Lient.-Col- . Geo. Thompson, ot Tbe Dallea has been placed in com maud until au - tiou la held. Albany Herald: A 7 year-ol- child of Frank Hambnok, living near J B Rome's sawmill, was choked to death whi e eating raw gooseberries trom tna Monday Oue of the berries lodged in the windpipe, causing its death in live miouces. It was buried VI ecnesday. Mrs, A. K. B ii.xey, who liyet ou Thi d street, was robbed Monday of j welrv anil $50 in coin. She does out know who com mitted the theft, but a mm ami hu wife. wbo bad been living tu Ills house for some time and who left oo the boat Tuesday morninu, are Col. Sinnotr, of the Umstilli Hon e, re ceived a letter to day from George Frin cisco Train, inclosing a poem by thai gen- tleman on the deaths of S aniord ami Drexel. It was written in Train's peculiar style, which is difficult ot ituitat ou, aud ia peculiarly unique. He comulains of not hearing Imm Col. Sinnott, aud is fearful that he may have forgotten his old friend. The Skamania Pioneer, ot the 14th, ;av: "Fratik Smith, a boy working on tbe stone shed traveler, had the mis orlUDe to haye his hand crushed in attempting to climb opoo the engn e while in rootiun. Drs. Gates and Candiaoi amputated three of his nngers. Dr. Gates reports him as getting along nicely About two years ago a work-ma- tt io this stone shed lost a finger iu the same manner." Alber' Valeutine, of Wamic, was lodged io the county jol last night for burglary, committed at that town during the week. The particulars could net be learned, but the boy was bound over by Ju.tioe A. J, Switt, and in default of bail was committ d to the couoty j til. He is n y 17 years old. and it is a sorry state of affur when boys of that age are impelltd to tne commission of orime. The city jail corner has become a reodez- - vous for grown boys, a id it would be much better fur themselves, ia the present sod ia the future, if during school vacations they would follow some useful employment aud not loiter away their time. A little play aud recreation may be necessary for boys and girls to give them a proper appreciation lite; but too much I le time weakens ambition aDd destroys tiie mental faculties Frazet lodge, N 16,1 O G. T.was in atituted at Three Mde last evening, by H Hood, state deputy G C T. with tne following officers: C F. Rawson, C T ; Mrs Mary Cook. V T.; Caleb Brooks, C; Mclutosh, R S ; Miss Grace Cock, A. ; Mrs Mary M Rawsnn. F 8 ; W. W. Rawson, T ; Mis- - Nettie Cook, D M ; Alex Fraz-- r, S. ; R. Mcintosh, lodge deputy; Miss Amy Rawson, S J. T. ; R. G. Brooks, C T. Hon. G. W. Johntoo, Hon, W. H. H Dutur, Messrs. T. Hiuinan and R D Palmer, of Dufur, are io the city. Thv report gram prospects encouraging; but har- vest will be late this year on account of the cold spriug. . Some hay bas eeu cut, but grain will not be harvested for ab"Ut two weeks yet. This is a promisiug year fur Dulur, a d if the McKmley bill is uot re- pealed and public confi tence restored, busi- ness will be brisk tnis fall. There may not be moonlight on the liver these nights; but the water is at such a stage that boating is excellent. The water washes over the banks tor quite a distance, and forms a laige surtaoe ov.r which to row sail. The young folks appreciate ibis accessory to amusement, and spend an hour so every evening oo the placid bosom of . Columbia. No accidents have yet hap pened; but and notedly it bas stimulated growth of seutimeot ia mauy boys aud Kirls. Condon Globe: Very fine showers of rain here ou Suud y and Monday, soaking ground to the depth of several inches Toe gram, urass, uardens, etc,, have begun sutfer tor want of rain, and it would be then it to estimate the value these refresh eh wers will be to tbe penp e of this county 1- - would be a safe bet. that it will not fall much short of aq iarter of a million dollars. As the eaou is nearly a month late, this is tbe same as a Juue rain tbe grain. The Oregon boys are always h"ard from Salem ptuer says: Harold B Flake, well known iu Salem, was admitted a cadet ac West pniut id Juue last, atter a severe ex animation in whiuh but 96 applicauts were admitted out ol 287. He is now in service corps he belongs to is to go to Chicago to August. Tbe corps will have severe workwor preparation until that time. W m Ladue frotn Silem is at the bead ot his c'ass year aod is the adjutant of tne batal- - it He is a boe soldiery looklug ooicer. be much fur Oregon boys. Young America is progressive, and can never be satisfied to wait fur coining events, Daring the past two or three day a crowd boya, dressed lo fantastic shape, nave pa of raded the streets tatiog horns, and adver- tising a "show" to be given at a place. Their ambition 'leans towards tha of tbe cirous tent, and tbey are deter- mined iu to bein early Tbey have not time ful patience to wait until the hirsute appen- dages w hich usual y ornament tbe faces of manhood are kissed by tbe zephyrs before carrying out their ambitious dreams; but beeiD wmle young aod tender to practice wiles and tricks of the modern arena. The first families of this country are tat Iszy these days. There has been suff- icient salmon to give them a meal once a week, and the rest of the tune they can spend sunning themselves oo street corners hese are the natural aristocrats, aod lite to them is a pleaaaoter dream than it is to the princely descendants of the house of Hnhen- - llero in uermanv sua aa-trt- a or oi tne P.aU'agtoeu or Tudors in Great Britain, There may be more qoartenngs on tbe shields of the latter, but th scions of Euro pean royalty have not half the enjoyment between sunrise a id sunset, summer or winter, that oar North Americau first fam have. Hood River Glacier: Friday afternoon a about 2.30, Robert, th a n of and Mrs. J. F Armor, fell id the spring Dear their place and was drowned He ha-- ) been gone trom the bouse (or a few minutes wben bis mother became uneasy and started Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 ' t to look for him. Going to the spring she found him lying face downwards to the edge of the water. Dr. Barrett was hastily summoned, every effort to resuscitate him being made io the meanwhile, but without avail. The little body was buried in Idle- - wilde cemetery Saturday, the funeral being attended by a large number of friends of tbe family. The north-boun- Southern Paoifio freight tram was ditched recently about a mile north of Parker's station, at tbe Clay pit aiding, it which point the switch rails spread. A particular bolt, whioh holds the connecting bar, was found on the track near where it had evidently been removed by .some person intent upon wrecking the train. As there was at tnat timo no other engirfo south on this division, a wrecking train was sent from Portland on the cast aide and reached the west side over the Or- egon Pacific track, thence north to the scene of tbe disaster. The passenccrs. mail. etc.. was transferred and reached Corvallis late in tbe eveniDn. Mr. A. N. Varnev received a letter to day from Jay Guy Lewis, superintendent of horticultural exhtnits at tbe world s fair. requesting exhibits of fruit or vegetables, aod says: "I need the assistance ot and co- operation of all the fruit-itrowe- to keep Oregon, in the lead of all the states. This October I trast Wasco onuntv will help me heat the world oo apples, en pea. crimes aod plums. Tbe grapes grown by yoa are the finest here. Simdl boxes of aiivthini; send by express." This portion of the northwest ia peculiarly adnpted to the growth of fruit aod vegetables, and un- doubtedly this county is one of tbe tavored pots ot U egon. Oregon City Enternr'ue: Old Molnlls. as he has been called for a long time, has at last gone to the happv hunting pround. where he cau join the spirits of the departed it. chasing the deer and the buff-l- and in ogling for tin; wily trout and talmnn. Beaver Trapper Siatn, for that was h title. was the o'dest native in Uricun, hiving been born here long be'ore the white mtn was known or had come to drive both the game and the Indian from the land which had been their commjn heritage from the beginning of time. Mr. Mo-s- , who is good authority oo such . slut s old Moialla mast have been 110 yetrsohi at the time ot is deatn. H was buried on Tuesday with civilized rites, Rev. Oilman Parker officiat- ing. Prom Monday's Dally. Mr. H. C. Ronper, of Ridgeway, ia in town Mr. Frederick of Slewart, Grant county, is in the city. Mi. M. Z. Donnell, of Goldendnlc, Wash. spent yesterday in thu city. Mr. Geo. P. Morgan, of the Cascade Locks, spent esterday in the city. the city marsh l wishes those owning. cows not to allow them to run at large, as they will be impounded it found on the streets. Mr. Harry Moran, a former resident of he Dalles, arrived iu the city last night from the Big Bind country, where he has a large band of cattle. Sheriff Leslie, of Sherman county, was a pass ngeren the alternoon tram to Port land. He will be in attendance on the hentTs convention, which wilt be held in the metropolis this week. Iu the reyiew case of John Stcgraao vs. G. C. Blakely, et al, the decision of the county court was set aside by Judge Brad shaw, and tbe decree was bled with tbe county clerk this morning. The scaffold has be- - n erected, says the Gra t Co. New of Thursday, the grave outside the cemetery wall is yawoiog for Its victim, aud the hand ot tate Indicates that Gallic, tbe murderer, will stand before higher tribunal oo the day appointed; Mr. J. B. Magill, of Wamio, brought to the office this morning a Sue sample of blue stem wheat which surpasses anything we have seeu tnis season, rail wheat, Mr, Magill says, is in good condition, aod the late rains bave wooderlully improved spring aown grain. Mr. aud Mrs. C, W. Phelps were pasen gers ou the ea-b- i uud train yesterday alternoon. Mrs. fhelps stopped at V to visit her son, and Mr. Peeips pro- ceeded to Grauts, trom which point he will make a tour ot bh-rm- county to canvass tor the sale of agricultural implements. Mr. and Mrs H M. Bcall and daughters. Misses Diisy an! May, left on tbe after- noon t am tor Portland. Mrs Beall and daughters will go east aod visit the world's lair, and Mr Beall will proceed of of to Albany to take the receivership uf the na tional bank tbat has lately suspended. "Law's a curious toiDg,"eaid the lltrney to county justice, ss he ti.tod the jug "Iu what a7 asked the mayor. "Well, io this way; I tried a man this morula' fer stealiu' a boss, an' jtV as I was about to nne him co and costs, tbe darned hoss turned out to be a mule and knocked the case sky high." A bucket whicb had been used io com- pounding a g mixture oo tne farm ot L. T Reynolds, a few miles north of Salem, wss used in pruning the well, he which resulted io the poisoning of Mr. Rey- nolds and his family. Mr. Reyoo d ill. Tbe other drank less of the water and were only slightly poisoned. Saturday night one "drunk" and one Dobo tound lodgings in the city jail, and dummy there was another "inebriate" to keep them compaoy. The hobo was ad- dicted to morphine, and was a sorry wreck t physical manhood. He would be a good subject for an luebriate asylum. Recorder Dulur interviewed them this morning, aod of the amount ia the city treasury was Tbe amount appropriated by V. L. Ar- lington, county treasurer of Jackson county, Oregon, is reported to be $23, 028 31. Tbe treasurer has resigned aod lbs county court haa adpointed W. A. tJ'rats r tilt the vacancy. His bondsmen will ake good the sbortsge. Arrington pro- fesses to be ignorant as to where the money bas gone, bat it is apparent he has applied day to the payment of bis personal debts, as was much involved when he took the fine office. The Pullman Tribune says: "Mr. R. J. Nortncutt.the man who has gained so much but notoriety on account of-t- he mammoth yield 101 bushels of wheat oo one acre oo his 1 farm near tbis city, has completed tbe tire- some task of counting the grams iu one bushel. He says there are 726,000 grains ity. one bushel, graded wheat. It ia doubt if the gain to the world will be great W. enough to balance the expeoditure of time snd patience required in accomplishing this task." This is what the Gasettt says of mount- ain orchards in the vioiuity of Heppoer: Jobt oy Beeler reports his apple aod plum trees loaded with fruit.fourteen miles above er on Willow cieek. This is fully 1000 feet iu elevation above Heppuer. Wbile hia trees are all alive those farther as dowo are dead from the effects of cold weather last winter. Two year ago he planted oot au orchard of apple trees, and was advised that it was "too high trees wouldn't grow." Now wbile his oeighbors the are without trees and the prospect of s fruit crop, be baa a good orchard with a pretty good cbaoce of an abundance of fruit tbi tall and succeeding years. A runaway team Sttorday evening cre- ated considerable excitement. Tbe animals of ran down Tnird street at a break neck pace, id turned the corner and kept up Union atreet at the inns gait. When near his re-i- oce Mr. J. P. Meloerny attempted to aton them, b t the horse threw bun dowo no aod dragged bim quite a distance. Fortu nately he escaped with some slight abra- - sures oo bis legs. Ha was fearful that they might ran over some children playing in the street, and to avert the danger grabbed the reins aod tned to bold them. The ordi- nances against horses being tied to trees or stsnding in the streets should be strictly enforced, and very many runaways might be stopped. Messrs. El. M. Williams, Fletcher Fanlkoer, Will. Cotson and M. Jameson Saturday evening from a f w Hays' outing at Trout lake. Wash. They report having a good time, and started from th lake with 400 troot carefully packed in ice. Tne camping grounds they report are alt that could be desired, aod there is good water and delightful shade. Among the attractions of this plait) are the ice oaves in the vicinity, aod these will bear investiga tion bv anv who delight in the stndy of natur-- l phenomena. From White Stlmon the lake is twenty-eigh- t miles distant, aad the road is in good condition. There art) seyetal parties now in camp there, and thtrs are constantly arriving. From Tuesdat 't Daily. Ex-Ro- Moody took the afteriioon train to-da-y for Arlington. Miss Maggie Daffron. ot Portland, is in tbe city visiting friends. Hon. A. R. Lvle. . f Crook rnnnlv Is registered at the Uinrtilla House. Mr. I'atrick "agau returned y from short sojourn at his farm near Burnt Ranch, Mr. C. W. Phelps arrived home Yester day evening from his trip in Sherman county. Hon. vV, R. Ellis was a passenger to Heppner y ou the afternoon train from ortiand. Mr. H. H. Riddell was a passenger on ' the boat last evening from a day's outirg down the river. Miss vtary Krazier returned od the boat list evening from Hood River. She was ac- companied by her brother, Jdr. Joseph Fra-zie- r. A package was found ia Union street, near the school house The owner can have tbe same by calling at this office and proving property. Marriage licenses were granted yesterday evening by tbe county clerk to Daniel D. Nelson and Johant-- Stewart aud to John Knox and Elsbeth Partsch Hon. r ol cus toms of Portland, bas been indicted by the grand jury for alleged frauds cm-mitl- ed during bis official career, and has given $201'0 bonds. , Mr, James Wilson, a former resident of this city, but later of Snohomish. Wash., arrived o the boat Saturday evening from San Kraucisco, and went to Dufur, where his wife aad daughter are now residing. A warrant ot arrest was issued this morn ing out of Kecorder Dufur's court for Ed. Gibson, charging him ' with the crime of assault and battery, and tbe complaint was sworn to by D. D. Garrison, tiibson was arrested and placed under $25 bonds to ap- pear afternoon for trial. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Joles and family, Messrs. T. N. Joles, W H. Vanbibher, . Will Normao, Wilbur Teaziiiand Miss Birnie Schooling left tbis morning for an outing at SaDdy Flat, near Hood River. Thev will camp at ibis place, and spend several days burning and fishing. This is how the Roseburg Review grunts at its falem brethren: A state exchaug is predicting a big price for pork this year be- - . cause of the shortage of hogs in England and other countries. This iguorant editor forgets tbat Salem can supply he world and has forced competitors out of the busi- ness. An excursion was given to Husband's landing this morning on tbe H'yuUuor, by Mr . -- herman, wife of ( apt Sherman, for ner niece, diss Mabel Lewis, of Portland, who hns been visiting hor aunt in tbe city for some days pas . The excursionists con- sisted of a merry party wbo spent a very pleasant day in this beautiful resort on the river bank-Oreg- on bad 99 failures amounting to $?;,n00 lor the first s x months of 1893 against 87 failures amounting to $89-1,70- tor the first six months of 1891. The whole of tbe United States had 6iOI fail- ures amounting in all to $'26.1.920.839, against 5503 failures amounting lo 0 for the sa ne six rnooths of last year. How Is this for a cbaoge? Word was brought to town Thursday, says the Ochoco Review, thai Charley Lis- ter and iamily and Mrs. Pratber bad been thrown from a wagon by tbeir team run- ning away near E. o. Opbb place twelve miles from Prineville. At the time of going to press very little could be learned of the accident, except Mr. and Mrs. Ll.-t- er ore badly bruised aod tbeir little boy bas a leg broken. Omaha Ue: There are so many strong and valid objections to r.n issue ot cur rency under slate authority, and the ex perience ot tbe country witn sucn a cur rency was so unfortunate, tbat it seems extraordinary that a proposal to revive that' system should be seriously and widely advocated at 'his lime and bave the favor, as there is good reason lo be- lieve it has, of tbe naiional administra- tion. Albany Herald: While the citizens Oregon may have doubts as tbe isdom alifornia in elongating the world's fair exhibit by holding a mid-wint- show in San Francisco, there can be no question as tbe course Oregonians should pursue if the exhibition is decided upon, which it will undoubtedly be from present indications. Oregon abould enter into the exhibit with generous, hearty good will, and make ri much of it as possible. Coroner Eastwood returned last night from the vicinity where the young man was drowned Sunday afternoon, mention of which was made in thes; columns Tester- - s day. The body had been recover a when . arrived, having been brought to tbe sur- face by means ot grappling books, from papers on bis person his name was ascer- tained to be lohan Heinrich Christian Wetzki. was born in Germany Oct. 26, 1875, and arrived id Quebec, Ontario, about .lay 30, 1893. Medford Mail: ' A Eugene girl recently found a lot of love letters written by her father to her mother many years before they were married." The daughter read them to ber mother pretending they were recent date, and substituted tbat of her own name tor that of per mother's, and the name of a young man well known to both, for her father's. he mother was very much disgusted, and has forbidden her daughter to go with a young man that will write such nonsense aud sickening stuff. Last Saturday Messrs. Fred. Lemke and eorge Munger, accompanied Mr. K. D, Palmer out to Fifteen .vi ile, and spent the fishing in that and Bamsay creeks. When tbey returned they had about ZUU trout which they caught in these streams. They describe the tishing as very good, and grouse were exceedingly plentiful, being the close season tor this kina oi tame they did not attempt to kill any. he trip was delightful, they had all the recreation desired, and expect during the summer to make many visits to that local Prof. Brown, Mestrs. C. E. Hateht, A. Bran ner, I.I. Burget, fid ward French and W. to. Garretson returned last even-i- n? f om n carrming tour at Trout lake. They report having a good time, and of noosing a large numuer ui inim s uo summit ot MU Adams was reached oy rof. Brown and Mr. French, the others who undertook the trip, as we are in- formed, falling bv the wavside. Tbey all look much im Droved bv tbe outing, and tbey stepped on tbe wharf boat ap peared more like a Dana ot xexas cow- boys tban educators, students, business men and city officials. From the EoM Oregrmian we learn that Villard house was burned in that city yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. 'Ihe building was a three-stor- y frame, on the corner of Main and Court streets, and was built in 1880. It was in tbe heart of the city, and it was only through the exertions the firemen that a general conflagration was.avercea. ine tosses were: David Horn, building, $8000; insurance. $5000. Conrad Kohler, furniture, $3000; insurance, $2000. iack McCullough, saloon, $1000: insurance. J. M. f ruitt, $6o0; insur- ance, f600. The chief and one of the tire-- men received slight burns.

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Page 1: The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.). (The ... · BOF. L. F. DIVISION. ... eaUl mouth at 7:30 P. M. ProfeaMionni C rda. JR. 8. B. WALTER. Physician and Surgeon. Dtaeases




1 ...



- ";-BT

John Michell, Editor and Proprietor


nple copy, one year ...2.0iple copy sii month... ... LOT.

arTenna atrictlv in advance.

Bntered at the PottoMeeat The Dalkl.Or eamdClaim Matter for tranmueion through the mailt.


Oorernor S. PennoverSecretary of State G. W. McBrideTreasurer r Phulip MetxchanSuperintendent of Public Instruction., b. B. McElrov

J J. N. Doit--Senators t J.H.Miu:lKliConirremwan . fir-- ' district B. Hermann

second district K KilieState Printer Frank Bik.r

CO U STY.County Judge Geor e B ake y8nerm T. A w raCleric ...J. R.CrnssenTreasurer ... v.m Hi. bellCommiasionet. ..J--- liarmedeAssessor.... ..J wSurveyor ... E. F. SharpSuperintendent of Public School.. .. . Troy bcileyCoroner ...M. M. tasiaouu


BAPTIST CHl'KCH Bev. o. D.Ttu.FIRST KardraM KTn Sahtisth it 11 A M

sndSP M. bahbath school immedisbly aft- r themora njr rTayei meeting; tverj inursusyevening at 8 P. M

f.f E. CHURCH Me. Jko rw.r.jjj . Services every Sunday leoming, and evenituSunday School at 12:i0 o'clock P M. A cordial luv --

latlor extended by both pastor and people tu all.

CHURCH Rev. W.C. CuktisCONGREGATIONAL Sunday at 11 A. il. .Ld

8 P.M. Sunday School alter moraine; service.

PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father BrokbokwST. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. II. HurlMax at 10:30 A. M. Vespers at 7 P. M

PAUL'S CHURCH. Union street, oppueiuST.Fifth. Rev. K:i U. sutcliSe, Rector. Servicereverv Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:80 P U., Sundayschool at 9:80 A. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at7uw P. M.

UHUKOH HSV. J. W. Jtvmi . pasCHHIallAN .i a tvery bnn-l- at.ruuuu at 8o'citCk n the v.ourt,uuni vhur h Alt .re curdiaily iuvitej

ASCU LODOK, NO. 16, A. F at A. M. sleetsw Ant and third Monday of each montn at oP. M.

DALLES RuTAL ARCH CHAPTER, NO 6.THK Meets iu Masonic Hall the third WeCuead..if each month at 8 P M.

LODGE, NO, 6, I. O. O. F.-- Me toCOLUMBIA evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K. of P.

Hall, onrner t -- eeo.d and Court street. &brothers are welcome. H . CuiueH, bect.

1.R1E1D8HIP LODGE. NO. 9., K. of P. MeetJ? every Monday evening at 8:t0 o'clock. in scnanno's buildimr. corner of Cour- and Second streetgejrtnrntng brothers are cordially invited.. D. Vausa, K. K. and H. . F. MK1 El- EE, C C.

. VI MIEN'S 4 HKIST1AN TEMPrKANCE UNIONW will n eet every Friday alternoon at 8 u'docs

at thereaoina room All are invited.


Jjl Ro-d- . Camp, bo. 69, meets every lueadstevening of each week at 7:30 ocl ck, iu A. Kellei'shall. All brothers and sojourning- - brothers areinvited 40 be present.

LODGE. NO. 8. A. O V. eete

TEHPLt- Hall every Thursday ; tt 7:30o'clock. PAIL KhtFT, M. W.

W. S. lirai. Financier,

A8. ItEbMITH POBT. NO. t O. A. R MeetsI eveiv haiurday at 7JK) P. M. iu K of P. tUU.

OF L. K. M.ets eve.v Friday afternoon iuB. K. of P. ball.

VEKUN HARMoNlK- .- Moot, ever)CtEHANQ evetuoa in Kll r's UaiL

L. F. DIVISION. NO. 167 Heel n K.BOF. P. B.ll toe first and .hird Weunesday oleaUl mouth at 7:30 P. M.

ProfeaMionni C rda.

8. B. WALTER.JR.Physician and Surgeon.

Dtaeases of OhiMren a speciality. ErakiusvilleSheiman Co., Oregon.


Phvsiciau and Surgwin,Pooiu 1, Chapman B ock, over Nielsen's store.Office hours 10 to IS A i ai.d t to 4, 7 to 8 P

Residence ou Union btreet corner of &uith.


Attorneys at Law. :'

Office On Court street, opposite the Id CourtHouse, The Dalle. Or

B. BENNETT,A.Attorney at Lajv,

Office in Scbanno's building,Tbe Dalles - Oregon

H. WILSON,w.Attorney at Law,"

Rooms 62 and 68, New Vogt Block,Ttie Dalles - - Ore on

G. KOONTZ,J.Real Ratate,

Insurance andJ .oan A irent. '

Agents for the Scottish Unisti end Nstinnsl Inrance company of Edin Jurgh, Scotland, Capit50,000,000.

V.ltiable Farms near tbe City to sell on easy

Office over Post Office. The Dalles, Or.

a. a. surra. nasi HRKir'E.


Attorney at Law.Booms 42 .nd 48 Cha man Kok The Ds'lei, Or.



Plans for holMlnn drafwd, and estimates grvenAU letters coming; to me ("rough the postoffice wilceivt or .atp. it eav i

R. E. Saltmarshe'AT THK


Willi FA1 THE

HighestCash Price forHay and Grain.


Sample : Rooms, sb

58 'RO?iT S'H,(Nearly opposite Umatilla House.)


The Best Wines,

Liquors and Cigars.





Second St.. vst End.AUGUST BUCHLER, PROP

Has been refitted throughout with the


And if now mmufacturinir th

Best Keg and Jottled Beer

and PonerIn BaHtern Oretcon.

Mr. Burhier lwayB aimn to adoin the Intent breitiir H.n Dura. tun and wli rurnmn oi ciision nr i

Anna.1 tt trv n markei: wU


DAN BAKER, Pxopr.KtepK hnod tire nest

Iriiies, Liquors and Cigars.


Near the O 'I Mint, Second Street,



rhe Only Brick HoteiIN THK CITY

HOLLAR A I'AT Hol'SE in theBET This buil' - k bf ln refitted nlnce th- -

4 tieptemrier xu. and the ruuuw r flrl ciui every pwrticu ar. lae taiiie is suuinea witn inbca- the mtrket nff ds.

1 be oar ii c with the bote! is supplieii h the hiifhes'- trrade of W.uim. Liquors anfi Im

ported and Domestic Oiifars. sn3U- -


and provisions.

Soeciai Prices to Cash Buyers.

i7o seconstbebt.First Hi or east ot Cran lall & Burgett's Fur

niture Store.



Commercitil Exchange.

T&o. 85,Oor Second and Court Streets

Old Matringlv Whixky, used for medicalpurposes. Cigars, Wine and Beer of thebest imported brands always for sale.


Contrac tor and Bnildei

I will furi.ish draft aod etnirontea rn all bnild.idwtlliniea anu stores.

Mr. t1und Is a practical and the planlimfe-- by him will prove ar istic. cheap and durable

HENRY L KUCK,. --Manufacturer of and dealer in .

Harness and Saddlery,' Second St., near MoodVi Warehouse,


Witrk WaairaBi'ec)' t. hiiTe ttMrntts


Meats, Butter aid Eggs,

MORO and GRANT, 0REG3N. ;ALWAYS HATB ON 8 ALB -- t the i btWILL the choicest Bee', vu tnn and P ork

the hUbeet market price for Bon r andeges auvis

An drew Velarde,


The Dalles.A'liireRa; Lock Box 181. '


Dry Gs jtis, Csnts';Furnishings,


184 Second 8treet, next door east of The DallesNational Bank.

Havin; tut opened in bnsiness. and hat ng a fullssor nieot of tho I .test goods in my line, 1 desire a

are of toe pubie patronage.' ' 0. F. STEHEMS)



Beoond and Union Streets.

A- - L. NEWMAN. Proprietor


Tk Dalles National Bank.


President,... .Z. F. Mood),

CasMsr, M, a. Moody

General Banking Bnsiness Transacted.

Sight Rxshangeb sjd or


PORTLAND, Ohniitrctinni. miuie on favnmnie cermt: H nt

f il,,. p in--

i. 8. SCHENC&, H. M. KEALLPresident. Oaehier.


OF X'WE DALLES(Succestor to)





UlrertoroiD P TnoureoB, Fo M Williams.J 8 SCUIHCK. Oboeor A Libbs.

H M URaLb.fel




Dalles Militiry Koao Lied,CALL OS

TH0S. A. HUDSON,to Thornbnry & HuJs m),

83 WasMDgton St., THE DALLES, OR.

TTI "VfTTT "TO" A MT Information enncern-I-

IUU VV a.l ing all O.verumenttAuds or ihe law relating thereto, yoa can chim tree of cbarve.- - He ha- mude a ecialty oi thbusineHS. ai d has pract red before tbe United atateLsna omce lor ovdr ten ears

He i. agent for the EASTERN ORROON LADCOMPANY, nnd can y.m Orazinir or I nim-- t

o eJ Auri'-uitur- Land-- , in anv quan ttv esneuwilt a- nd pamuhietdescribinir these lands apou up.plicition. fie Is agent f r toe sale of ota in

Thompson's : Addition

rhis addition U laid off into one-acr- I '. and isdestined to be the principal res denue par' of theeitv. only twenty ninuteVwal- - frm ihd Court tHouse, aud ten minutes irotn the Railroad ffeuot.

To Settlers Located on Government Lands:

If jou want to borrow Honey on long" time, he canacjommoaate vou


If yon etnnot call, write, and your letters will bepromptly answered.

THOMAS. A. HUDSON, -83 Washington street. T.lE DALLES. OREGON


PainWis, Cla$,AnHJthe Most Compiete and Latest

Patterna and Derjijfna in '

W ALL FAPEKPractical Painters and Paper Rangers. None butthe best ' rands of the Sherwin-William- s Paint umd

i all our work, and none but the skilledworkmen employed. All order will be promptlvattended V.

Shop adjoining Columbia Packing: Co.,


Cut Flowers '.for Sale.

HAVE all styles f wires, inc ndine Odd FellowsI. KiiLrbtsof tythi.4. Mason and Wood mtn de-- inurns hvervtbing in Floral becoradons furnishedon snort notice. Prices reasonnhie.

Mti.. A. C. 8TU SLINGjunl Corner Eighth an t Lib.'ity eta.

PQR Pu:e Gmids and Fall Weight,

GO TO The A:ct:cCanlyF..ct fB

No 238 Second Street. Eat End.

apl4-t- f J; F0Lr0, Prop.go


General Expressman !

Good hauled with the greatest care to allpart nf th oitr on ahort notno".


bbbp Local & Traveling

To repreaeni our well knowu house. Tn nee I uocat-i- t J to r pre ent a fiim that warra- ta nurseitstock nrst-ciaa-i a tt true to name. Work all theyear. LU0 a month to the right man. Apply, aut-uxj- u

. L L. MAY C ,Nurserymen, Florists and beoismen,

aprl . m P.ul, Minn.


And al. Flavored Drinks at hisAndrew : Keller's : Confectionery,

Second St., Adjoluiiig The Dalles National Bank.

Also Ice Cream. Cream Cake and all other delicateRefections. r my26dy


General Blacksmiths,Near Mint building, 8eoond St.

Borse-oein- and General Jobbing a Specialty.Prices reasonable a id to suit tne umes.

Denny, Hice &

Wool & Commission Merchants be

610 Atlantic Ave., Boston.FT!Mh wlnniwo made on oonalirnnient.


and,ouurt. For terms, apply to -

BQCIUO Maui, A. k. BOnZET of


Work on the Niearasua Canal.New York Jmy 14 The report i bal

t e N cnmuu'i Coal C iustructnm C m- -pitoy lixd 8t'pued all work ou the N c

riguii chquI oo accnuDt ot a la k of fuodswas t ffi.:inlly denied 1 hit. m'Toing bv fZSeoamr Waroer Alillrr, presideDt of theuonip-ov- . 'VVe have not t.toppeiJ wor'teolirelv, said Mill.r, 'nltln uy h, f coursewe have h d n atnoUDl of work.In limes ol financial sirinet'Cy ever,one nan 'o cut coat aocro nif in niscioth. Wi rk is now uoii.g on nx I heliriHKvtaifr at the entrance lo G'evlownhaibor, and ou the haibor; t t,idi s thawe have a In rye ou.nbr of men Itiokinuafter our "Tliinriie marhin-ry- . I is no'true the compmv a tiet uriiies are notIwiOrht Pcrtious have I'eeo I'Uvinif ihi-n-i

a I Hlno-- ; aud are (loins; eo vet. As torthe report that there are auy io einnatesetisions in the coniuanv, that is un- -tme We had to stop work ti; a cou-i- d

era hie t x'ent a' t':e time o) the r nu'inin Nicar tut Our (mats weie r Z dThe hna'B were the tm'y niens of transporiation up the river. W? tXiiert t hiwill soon b sett ed to a isiicory manuer liu ii, whin the money n u .in noecomes a liit!eeait r we. expect to goai'ead with the work at tail I. Inst Alitt'e mure than $5.0(10.000 h-- 8 aireadvheeo ixorndtd lit the company."

Pip anatlun Fnim F an re.Paris, J ul 14-- A cemi flji ial no"ce

to be uti'iiisiieri lomor'ow explains theBangkok incident thus:

Ftnocvi learnine that England andother nations were s. nnint; war vrere' toBinykok. notfied tbe Siamese covern-me- Dt

Jul 8 of her iniinion to increasethe French hbvaI l rce at 'he rD"UTi otthe M inani river, whereon the "uahoaiLutin hfl'.idcd proticnou to ill. Kieuchreitienia. Xu aecotuUriite wi'h atticle loof the treat) " 1856 Fietich meu-ol-w- a,

have the tigt t to tuttr the Meioam rivetaud anchor off Pakatmra, hut musi pi?- -,

tile Siatn e tjoverumeni notice tonrraugetir the anchoraire in case ot i he mieu- -titm t the river to Bangkok. As,iioHevtr, no other thin Bniisli vessels

biam hav dj;more liiaii one

iiign ve.-ee-l. Fiance, lujn revetvintfher loruiai treaiv r ghls. R-n- r

A'lmirui Buiuinu not fo cros the .trt the Mtitiam river, an I no'iCea ih.

Siame-- e governm-nt- ' accordint; y.' Theolder whs teceiv- d ton 'ate by Unmannann ine pudim a s atC' nutu to dauukok." s

H.illett ' y th Train.New R. chelle, N T, July 14 Tin

8 o'clock exiri-6- traio Irmu Spriugfieidou tbe New Haveo rou jhis moruiugstruck aud iustaotly killed two rueti ou

ir track near Pellmmville. After ptsslog Pe bamville the engioeer noticed the

to ,neo tit.Driioc oo the track clo-- e toletlier, apparently bglltior. I ha en-li- ter

blew a wh 8 I , tiut Diither il'lietn paid d; heed. When t lie enginewhs wi'blo a few ynrd of the meo iheeng. r reverfed his engine and did (illne cou d n riiiii the. irmo, hut io no m

rffect . As the loeornotivtt s ruck theo men trtev were cilnuhin; aud entage'i

in a decperate etrugij'e. ""'lie I odles wenthruWD ahead ol the locomotive, the enure trdo pn-sin- overtliem. Btli men iowere mingled in a liorritue ruaouer. B instudied ettouglv ol whUkv, and evi'lentlf while drunk got into a diBputeand were hiving it out when the truiost'ock them. It is "hooght they wereemployed no Mount V rnon jiUfillc lmprovtm-- n s as lalior- - rs. The meo werepaid off there last niuht

The W.rit Over.New Yosbt, July 15 Tbe banks re

potted this morning receipts of largeamounts of currency from the country,end a no'iceaoie decrease in the applica-tions for rediscounts aod other eccommodatioo by the country hanks. Oue prom-

inent down town natioDal hank, with svery large country conoec did uothave ti 8 og e applicaimo lor rediscountio the mat today Commercial paperwas not piessiru very much, but somefirst c'ass singie-Dam- td lour rnooths :npuper was Dousht at rates running from10 to 15 pr cei t. Tbe offi-nog- how-ever, are light aod it is argued by bankers Ironi i his that the merchants nodmaoufac'urera who ttimmea their taut to dthe wind before the fit social etoim sweptover the land are now io fairly good codclit ion "


New York Jul; 14 A cable d'fcpa'chreceived at-- a iae hour today said: "Therehas been taken rtm the Bank of Eng-Ito- d,

lor thipment to America, f 175,000go d.

All Duobta Ht at Itrst. beMarion, Km, July 14 If tbirebas

been any doubt as to the intentions ofthe popo ist voveromeot to reorganizethe state militia in Ihe interest-o- f theP.ipu an ed'torial in the Record,

ate Priuter Snon's paptr, set euchdoubts at ret. The Record. Speaking ofdialinndiDg the Toptka compaDies andorgaoiz ag a Populist cavalry, fajs: lite

We waul Anjutnnt-Oeneara- l Arts toright along as he is going. Dod'i be

caught id la t winter's fix; have men didho will obey oiders aud have do qua m

t ndd ing the c tenants o.l those wbo at- -i

Dipt to ter down a legally elected govrtifiieut The ehooting of a tcore of

Rei ublican scouodiels last winter wouldhave been a hlet-t'n- to the at ate aod oflovaluaOle service 'o law and order."

tabFell lwn a rihaft.'

Niagara-Falls- , July 14 J hn W

wile aod two children, of NewY-.r- city, have been visiting this citysince Weinefday. This morning Mr. beaod Mrs F. with the two boys, ihevooogest 12 years old, drove down o theBattery whirlpiHil rapids eievator aodstarted to take a ride Down to the bottom

the gorge. Ihe joanget-- t child ranahead of be par( toward the elevatorahatt, and before he could he cheCKed or of

parents realized the dangtr he dis-

appeared, falling a distance of 210 teet,where bj was cru-be- d in a fearlui man-ner at tbe bo. turn. first


TUe Case, ar Rev. Rrimi. hasVictoria, B C , July 14 The case of

Rev. A. R Reams comes op ia tbesupreme ct urt tomorrow, tbe defense Hehaving appealed from tbe judgment of aJustice Drake, ordering h m t xtradited.The deten-- e clnims that the committal ofRams was illegal because it was uot Urnproved that abduction was a crime ac-

cording to tbe laws of California. Theprosecution will rely upon the extradi-tion act. whicb says that a criminal may

extradited tor any ofl'eose which mayconsidered an offense it committed in


Kll'cd by an f'lrvator.Niagara Falls. Jq'v 14 Michael of

Delaney, of Newark, N. J., was killed,and ' C'Ifforn - Eddy, of Buffalo, bad bis tne

arm aud leg crushed io tbe elevator shalltbe iron observation tower here this

morning. Tbe oieo were working neartbe top. of the shaft when the elevatorcar started up from the grotiad floor, anda huge wmght started down from the topwithout being noticed by either ot themThey were carta ht, oy the weights andDelaney's Deck and thonlders werecrushed a jelly. E Idy escaped witha crushed leg and arm, neither ot whichwill have to be amiiuta;td.

Ailis 'D un the aitaation.Minneapolis. Minn., JuU 14 Senator

AiIisod o: I a, who is in thu city theguet of Senator Wisliharn, said todaythat the present financial disarbao'eare due largely to 'he tact that there is abelief tbat if we continue the purchaseot si ver we most Soon read a silver8tndrd. Added to th'g is an expansionol credits and adi-tru- -t of the d mocriticiiuli, y on the and tar ff. Tbe8'iiage of the purchase "f tilver willl really a.d in restoring coofiJence.

The Coi.drmned Clioetaws.Caddo, I T.Juy Fi

sou, of the interior depart ravnt. has arrived here to consu t with GovernorJones a'totit the proposed execution olthe cnndtmoi d Cuoctaws, and will trv o

him to torego the executionsI lie conferenre will take p ace sometimetodav, and if Jones ad'ieres to his at egeddetermination to n rute the condemned,ii.oodelied will uodouotealy result.

Cyclone in finnesota.Stillwater, Minn., Jo'y JL4 A terri

fie c clone struck Stillwater at 3 10 thisalternoon. The raiting shed of the At.

W'lim mill was carried awav. on far fo'otlies have been removed The twok i led are Sain Simonson and Win AmzN rs'inia'e can be given of th damngeS vera! i'hers are known to be iojuied

nd others ae missing.

Union Sailors Sap'eted.Eureka, Ci , Juiv 14 The c roner

my in the case of Robert Russell, malef ih schooner Mnbtl Gray, whose body

Was found in the lay Wednesday, withhis limbs bound and a esg in bfs month.returned a verdict 'hat Russell met hisdeath at the hands ol persons unknown.He had been threatened by union failorsand they are suspected of the deed.

K lied the Joda-- e on thr Bench.UlTTOF Mexico, July 14 A sensa

tional tragedy occurred in the courtroomt 1 -- lm sco testerday. Ad out aw oumi dan Francisco R driguez was tried and

found guilty. The judge had jut finished n ading the sentence when the prisOaer drew a pistol and killed tbe judge.

Tta IV recked Nteamer.San Francisco, July 14 The British

s'e&mer Bnwnmore, which ran oo therocks nem P.ntit Gorda ou the 0 h i'bs'.,arrived from Cioer this morning, iu towof tbe etamer Emily aod Wvott.

llriiw. d i Willapa 111 ver.S tjth Bend, Wasb.. July 15 Mrs.

Jostah Crouch, of wile ot theulster having supervison of tbe Bap

tist ot ricihc county, wasdrowned id the river ner VV'il'aoa thisalternoon. She and her husband, withtbeir inlnDt daughter, were proceeding

a row boat down the river (mm Wilvnpa to make a caM at Wbltcomb ranch.Mr Crouch was rowing and bis wifewanted to take tbe oars ' she bandedhim the child, and in chacgii g places atthe boat hitched and she lell.inlo Ihe ofwater. Her husband was. thrown everboard od the other Bide. Be could ootswim, box managed to erasp the side ofthe' boat aod pu I h mself in. MrsCrou h went down before his eves Hipropelled the boat to tbe shore aDd gothelp The body ws Ipund three hoursalterwards Dear the scene of the accident.The deceased was 21 years of age, aodleft one chi d

Klearaasaa Kev lt.Washington, July 15 The state de

partment received advices from MinisterBaker, at Managua, confirming tbe new.tbat a revolution had broken out agaio

Nicaragua, aDd the presideot of tberepublic aDd ihe minister of foreign affairs were held prisoners at Leon. Therehas been no battle, but the minister recards tbe situation ss ciiiiol. This is

sugreeable news to the navy department, for it will require rhe sicretary toeod a vessel to .Nicaragua at

when the climate is oneodurable and slever prevails at many places The onlyUnited Stales war vessel available odthe Wot coast is' the Alliance, oow a'CtUao, Peru, aod she will be ordered toproceed io Nicaragua. Meanwhile, tbe ofincident will have the rffect to husttoihe sailing ot the Torkiown and Chnrlu- -

ton from New York, lor although it willseveral months before tbey can reach

the Pacific, tbe neces-it- y for streng' the naval force there bas been made

very apparent. teThe Affair in (Slam. of

Paris, Jmy 16 Humaon. io command wben the gunboatsInconslante and Cometo crossed the bar ol

Meoam river ai.d proceeded to Bang ofkok, ha made a brief report of tbe inci Icgdent to the government. The gunboaiaoot tire on the Siamese forts at the

river's mouth, he soys, unlit the tortsittiout any previous warning or deoiaod.


bred t o the gunboats. M. Pavie, Frenchminister resident id Baugkok-- , has beeninstructed to protest against the firingIrom the forts as en indefensible act.constituting a violation ot internationalaw. inasmuch as friendly relations es

ished between France and Siatn byot 1856 remained onimoairid

to tbat time The secretary of thelegation in Paris denies, in en an

intcrv ew, that tbe S aoiese were aggrea-- o.rK in tbe affair The conflict was due,

s its, to the lact that the French com misunderstood tbe orders of tbeir isgovernment not to cross tbe bar.

India-te- Far JInrder.Union, Or., July 15 The grand jury

th-- i circuit court, now in session,brought in an indictment tois morningagsi'ist Daniel Ttrier for murder ia toe is

degree, for killiLg bis brother Rob berid Eigle vadey, this county. He was

nrmigned today, bot the date of tbe trial thatnot been named. This will be tbe is

most important ca-- e of tins term ot courtJudge Clifford today SenK-oce- Charles

Obeil io oDe year in the peoiteotiar;was convicted on a charge ol stealing

pair ot pao'alooos from tbe B'oro otGorbam & Rutbchild, at Norui Powder,aet Dei ember. He will be taaen to Sa as


A Kelan f Tcrrer.Helena, Modi., July 16 Tbe closing

down ot tbe silver mines at Granite andPbilipsburg, where tbe GraUte Moun-

tain Ingand Bimetallic mines, tbe two great-est thesilver producers ia tbe state, are lo forRated, has resulted io tbe inauguration laa reign of tenor in tbe two camps.Some 5000 meo have been employed in

mines and mills there and a largemr.jor 'y of these are of foreign birthWhen ibb mines first closed. tb minersmade a run upon tbe banks. Many ot ity.

them were paid their money, hut one ofroiiipsourg's banks, thoroughly solventbut without ready cash enough to meet

"an immediate settlement, was foiced toclose its doors. Having their savings inband, many made co better use of itthan to squander it. ' Oue man withnearly $200 placed it temporarily in tbepossession ot a woman at Urani'e forsate keeping. Subsequently calling toiit the woman denied all knowledge of itExasperated, tbe owner, witn severacompmions, pioctedtd to foice the woman, using liarhanc methods locomoelrestitution. Ber bauds were t ed, herace a ashed and disfigured, and, a

bnal resort, coal oil was do u red on her.aud the threat of burning her alive wsabout to be carried out Tntn the worn inweakened and divulged the hiding placeot the money, and its recovery was effected. Two days ago an unprotectedwomtn named Ivy, about midnight.ueara a touu kdi-c- at ine uoor, and ouopening it she was confronted bv twomasked men with revolvers, wbo de-manded her money and va cables. Onehundred and ninety-fiv- e do ars, h longing to a man named Mite ell, wh v. aboarding at the hou-- e, bad been leftwuh Mrs. Ivy lor safe keeping Ttiimoney ihey c impelled tbe w w an tohand over, tbrea eniog to shooi . er ilshe re I used.

The Navy and Army.Vallejo,' Ca'., July 15 Itseeois more

than probabln that Admiral Farragut'sold flagship, the Hartford, is to be reflitted aod ooce more fl tne commissionpeDoaot troro the mainmast. Tbe com-maod-

of the Mare Island navy, yardhas received detailed p'ans and Specifications fur remodeling, rigging and re.biting of tne vessel. Tne plans andfpeCibcationa have been io turn submilted io fjomtnauded Giai-s-. in cbargot the const ruction department, wi'h in- -aiructions to pre pure and forward esti- -maita of tbe coats of the remodelingrigging aod ttfilting of the Hartford,Commander Glass Das placed tbe fpeciti- -

cations iu the hands of the foreman forfigures, whilu be will compute tbe timenqu red, rhe amount of material aod theco?t ot recom missioning the o d fiaeship.ine board ol suivev will inspect tbeHartford throughout, aod by tbe timehe board his completed its labors Com

rounder Glass win have estimates prepared, aod both reports will be forwardedtu Washington. The mmtnation of theengines and boilers of tbe Hartfordshows them to be id excellent cooditiuu.aod wuh repacking 8Dd a few mioor re-

pairs could be made ready for service onabort notice Mavis, spars and much oftho net-in- were removed from the Hartford when 6he Wtnt out of commissionUer spars have been examined aod louodid an excellent state ot perservation, andwill be ued when tbe ship is refit ed,leaving her practically the same ship awben rhe went out ot commission, withthe exception of the battery, wbicb willhe ot modem guns.

Iflew His Head Off.

Seattle, Jul; 16 James Conway, araDcner iwing in tbe woods six milesfrom Kent, accidentally shot bimseltthrough the head with a Winchester rifle,wh'le a'one in his canio some time 8turday. His dead body was found todayHe was fixing the gun to go buntingwhen the hammer caught aod dischargedtbe load in his lace, blowing off tbe entire top of his head.

A Brutal Nnrderer Hanajed.Baker City. Or., July 17 F. W Gal

Iid wa hanged at Canyon City, Friday2:40. He implored tbe forgiveoessgthe whole world, aod fell wbile utter

ing a pratei in beruian. I O cod Iso-io-

was made on tbe gallows, but ne madestatement the day before, confes-in- g thecrime. He said tbat Mrs Shaw beat berhusband on tbe head after be bad killedhim, and also assiited in d is Dosing of thebody. .He etattd that Shaw aod bis witnwere quarreling aud be was brought io. ofwhereupon bhaw drew a revolver andthreatened tu kill tbe pair. Tbeo he LitShaw on the bead witb a hammer, knliugbim instantly. Gallia was prououoced B.dead in ten minutes and forty secondsafter be dropped.

R.French and Hlamcar. S

Saioon, July 17 Tbe trouble betweentbe French aod Siamese on the Me Kongriver counues. 1 lie French marines a: P.

tacked and captured tbe forts at Dod- -thaoe and Tappam, on the upper MeKong. Tbe Fr-nc- b lost nx ki led andtvoonded. Tbe Siamese lr&s was heavy.The French merchant shiu Kentey was

ized by tbe Slamo-- e at tbe mouth othe Meoam river aod sunk to biock the

channel. Tbe crew were hadiy trenedajd thrown into prison at Btngkok.

Bangkok, July 17 Tbe governmenttjiaw ha C"S' t)'ed to withdraw the

troopi in tbe Me Kong valley, providedFrance also agrees to suspend bostilities.

Habld Aaarrhlata at Tacoma. orTacoma. July 17 A mass meeting of

oronem ployed was held this evening. theAddresses were made by Governor Teals,

Tacoma. aod P. J. Cowley, of What-com.

tbeThe meeiing look a decidedly

poputistic turn. Sympathy was expre-se- d wi;b tbe anarchists, aod Governor tellA'tgeld was commended lor bis pardno the

them. A reolu:ioo was adopted ask- -congress to coin all bullion in the to

d itreasury aod tsue certificates to tbe ex

ingtent of f500.000,000 and devise somemeaos of keeping tbe Dotes io circulation.

so demanding the strict enforcement otbe Geary exclusion act


Found a Burled Trraanre. APhiladelphia, Jul t 17 Diereogo Ar- -

telli, au I ali an laborer, wbile cattingaway tbe lawn in froot of the old Mifbnmansion Siturday. struok his nick into The

eartbeo crock. Another stroke iobrought shining gold to light, aod tbeItalian aod a chum stuffed tbeir pockets

dmner pails lull of coios. Tbe pot thissaid to have contained bnglish stiver boa

Soeigns and Spanish aounioona vaiueo ai$5000- - Artel ll baa gooo to New York totake a steamer for bis native land. .

otBluer recline Again Bnsland.

Paris, July 17. The press of this citymKt bitter against Great Britaio for lifeattitude on the Franco S amese dis-

pute. Tbe newspapers georrallv init orFrmce deal ibarply with Siaro. It

understood Bangkok will only be bombarded as a last resort.

theSilver Parch rd.

Washington, July 17 The treasury andtoday purchased 80,000 ounces of silver

follows: 50.000 at $0,734. 80.000 at$0.7845. There were offers of 788,000 tounces. 1 be total amouo ol silver pur-

chased to date for July is 943,000 ounces.

The Void Brnerve,Washington, July 17 Heavy clear- -

-- bouse payments in New York causedgold reserve to fall lower today tbanseveral data past. This evening I' ilies

$98 059.480, and the currencv balance$26,117,916.

Mr.Fi Bent--A dwelling bouse i". a desirable local

For terms apply at this office.

Highest of all in Leavening

i ii yr 1


From Saturday's Tally.

Dr. Gttcs, of Cascade Locks, was in thecity yesterday.

Mr. Thoriore Ltebe. of Portland, is visiting inends in the city.

Salmon are plentiful in the river, butwheelmen say tho water is too clear forthem to be inveiged iuto traps or nets.

The fol'owing Heed was filed for recordat ine ciems s omce to day: Jane A, ttrwinto Florenee V. Bitsforrl; lots It) ami 20,block 3, ivin and Watson s first additionto Hood River; $15.

The wreck of the once famous whalchackWetmore, which has been pouudina on the

Uregon shore Coos hay for many mouths.has heun sold for SfSO. The curco of coalbrought the migoitiuent sum of $5.

The strawberry crop has been harvested.and raspberries aud blackberries will be intne market in a few da(8. It is estimatethat the sale of strawberries darinc thepresent season has sent in circulation about$60,000.

Hon. S. A. Clarke, nf Salem, was rectatereii at the Umatilla House Headdressed the frnit gtowers of this vicinityat the city ba 1 this afternooD. and themeeting was largely attended. A very iu- -

tereatiug session was held.Globe: J. P. La as felt greatly re'ieved

the first of the weea by getting a lettertrom Adjt. lien. Mitchell stating that thevhad accepted Jiis re igoatinn as colonel.Lient.-Col- . Geo. Thompson, ot Tbe Dalleahas been placed in com maud until au -tiou la held.

Albany Herald: A 7 year-ol- child ofFrank Hambnok, living near J B Rome'ssawmill, was choked to death whi e eatingraw gooseberries trom tna MondayOue of the berries lodged in the windpipe,causing its death in live miouces. It wasburied VI ecnesday.

Mrs, A. K. B ii.xey, who liyet ou Thi dstreet, was robbed Monday of j welrv anil$50 in coin. She does out know who committed the theft, but a mm ami hu wife.wbo bad been living tu Ills house for sometime and who left oo the boat Tuesdaymorninu, are

Col. Sinnotr, of the Umstilli Hon e, received a letter to day from George Frincisco Train, inclosing a poem by thai gen-tleman on the deaths of S aniord amiDrexel. It was written in Train's peculiarstyle, which is difficult ot ituitat ou, aud iapeculiarly unique. He comulains of nothearing Imm Col. Sinnott, aud is fearfulthat he may have forgotten his old friend.

The Skamania Pioneer, ot the 14th, ;av:"Fratik Smith, a boy working on tbe stoneshed traveler, had the mis orlUDe to hayehis hand crushed in attempting to climbopoo the engn e while in rootiun. Drs.Gates and Candiaoi amputated three of hisnngers. Dr. Gates reports him as gettingalong nicely About two years ago a work-ma- tt

io this stone shed lost a finger iu thesame manner."

Alber' Valeutine, of Wamic, was lodgedio the county jol last night for burglary,committed at that town during the week.The particulars could net be learned, butthe boy was bound over by Ju.tioe A. J,Switt, and in default of bail was committ dto the couoty j til. He is n y 17 years old.and it is a sorry state of affur when boysof that age are impelltd to tne commissionof orime.

The city jail corner has become a reodez- -

vous for grown boys, a id it would be muchbetter fur themselves, ia the present sod iathe future, if during school vacations theywould follow some useful employment audnot loiter away their time. A little playaud recreation may be necessary for boysand girls to give them a proper appreciation

lite; but too much I le time weakensambition aDd destroys tiie mental faculties

Frazet lodge, N 16,1 O G. T.was inatituted at Three Mde last evening, by H

Hood, state deputy G C T. with tnefollowing officers: C F. Rawson, C T ;Mrs Mary Cook. V T.; Caleb Brooks, C;

Mclutosh, R S ; Miss Grace Cock, A.; Mrs Mary M Rawsnn. F 8 ; W. W.

Rawson, T ; Mis- - Nettie Cook, D M ; AlexFraz-- r, S. ; R. Mcintosh, lodge deputy;Miss Amy Rawson, S J. T. ; R. G. Brooks,

C T.Hon. G. W. Johntoo, Hon, W. H. H

Dutur, Messrs. T. Hiuinan and R DPalmer, of Dufur, are io the city. Thvreport gram prospects encouraging; but har-vest will be late this year on account of thecold spriug. . Some hay bas eeu cut, butgrain will not be harvested for ab"Ut twoweeks yet. This is a promisiug year furDulur, a d if the McKmley bill is uot re-pealed and public confi tence restored, busi-ness will be brisk tnis fall.

There may not be moonlight on the liverthese nights; but the water is at such astage that boating is excellent. The waterwashes over the banks tor quite a distance,and forms a laige surtaoe ov.r which to row

sail. The young folks appreciate ibisaccessory to amusement, and spend an hour

so every evening oo the placid bosom of .

Columbia. No accidents have yet happened; but and notedly it bas stimulated

growth of seutimeot ia mauy boys audKirls.

Condon Globe: Very fine showers of rainhere ou Suud y and Monday, soaking

ground to the depth of several inchesToe gram, urass, uardens, etc,, have begun

sutfer tor want of rain, and it would bethen it to estimate the value these refresh

eh wers will be to tbe penp e ofthis county 1- - would be a safe bet. that itwill not fall much short of a q iarter of amillion dollars. As the eaou is nearly amonth late, this is tbe same as a Juue rain

tbe grain.The Oregon boys are always h"ard fromSalem ptuer says: Harold B Flake, well

known iu Salem, was admitted a cadet acWest pniut id Juue last, atter a severe exanimation in whiuh but 96 applicauts wereadmitted out ol 287. He is now in service

corps he belongs to is to go to Chicago toAugust. Tbe corps will have severe

workwor preparation until that time. W mLadue frotn Silem is at the bead ot his c'ass

year aod is the adjutant of tne batal- - itHe is a boe soldiery looklug ooicer. be

much fur Oregon boys.Young America is progressive, and can

never be satisfied to wait fur coining events,Daring the past two or three day a crowd

boya, dressed lo fantastic shape, nave pa ofraded the streets tatiog horns, and adver-tising a "show" to be given at aplace. Their ambition 'leans towards tha

of tbe cirous tent, and tbey are deter-mined

iuto bein early Tbey have not time ful

patience to wait until the hirsute appen-dages w hich usual y ornament tbe faces ofmanhood are kissed by tbe zephyrs beforecarrying out their ambitious dreams; butbeeiD wmle young aod tender to practice

wiles and tricks of the modern arena.The first families of this country are tat

Iszy these days. There has been suff-icient salmon to give them a meal once aweek, and the rest of the tune they canspend sunning themselves oo street corners

hese are the natural aristocrats, aod lite tothem is a pleaaaoter dream than it is to theprincely descendants of the house of Hnhen- -

llero in uermanv sua aa-trt- a or oi tneP.aU'agtoeu or Tudors in Great Britain,There may be more qoartenngs on tbeshields of the latter, but th scions of European royalty have not half the enjoymentbetween sunrise a id sunset, summer orwinter, that oar North Americau first fam

have.Hood River Glacier: Friday afternoon a

about 2.30, Robert, th a n ofand Mrs. J. F Armor, fell id the spring

Dear their place and was drowned He ha-- )

been gone trom the bouse (or a few minuteswben bis mother became uneasy and started

Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report

1 ' t

to look for him. Going to the spring shefound him lying face downwards to theedge of the water. Dr. Barrett was hastilysummoned, every effort to resuscitate himbeing made io the meanwhile, but withoutavail. The little body was buried in Idle- -wilde cemetery Saturday, the funeral beingattended by a large number of friends oftbe family.

The north-boun- Southern Paoifio freighttram was ditched recently about a milenorth of Parker's station, at tbe Clay pitaiding, it which point the switch railsspread. A particular bolt, whioh holds theconnecting bar, was found on the track nearwhere it had evidently been removed by

.some person intent upon wrecking the train.As there was at tnat timo no otherengirfo south on this division, a wreckingtrain was sent from Portland on the castaide and reached the west side over the Or-egon Pacific track, thence north to the sceneof tbe disaster. The passenccrs. mail. etc..was transferred and reached Corvallis latein tbe eveniDn.

Mr. A. N. Varnev received a letter today from Jay Guy Lewis, superintendent ofhorticultural exhtnits at tbe world s fair.requesting exhibits of fruit or vegetables,aod says: "I need the assistance ot and co-

operation of all the fruit-itrowe- to keepOregon, in the lead of all the states. ThisOctober I trast Wasco onuntv will help meheat the world oo apples, en pea. crimesaod plums. Tbe grapes grown by yoa arethe finest here. Simdl boxes of aiivthini;send by express." This portion of thenorthwest ia peculiarly adnpted to thegrowth of fruit aod vegetables, and un-doubtedly this county is one of tbe tavoredpots ot U egon.

Oregon City Enternr'ue: Old Molnlls. ashe has been called for a long time, has atlast gone to the happv hunting pround.where he cau join the spirits of the departedit. chasing the deer and the buff-l- and in

ogling for tin; wily trout and talmnn.Beaver Trapper Siatn, for that was h title.was the o'dest native in Uricun, hivingbeen born here long be'ore the white mtnwas known or had come to drive both thegame and the Indian from the land whichhad been their commjn heritage from thebeginning of time. Mr. Mo-s- , who is goodauthority oo such . slut s old Moiallamast have been 110 yetrsohi at the time ot

is deatn. H was buried on Tuesday withcivilized rites, Rev. Oilman Parker officiat-ing.

Prom Monday's Dally.

Mr. H. C. Ronper, of Ridgeway, ia intown

Mr. Frederick of Slewart, Grantcounty, is in the city.

Mi. M. Z. Donnell, of Goldendnlc, Wash.spent yesterday in thu city.

Mr. Geo. P. Morgan, of the CascadeLocks, spent esterday in the city.

the city marsh l wishes those owning.cows not to allow them to run at large, asthey will be impounded it found on thestreets.

Mr. Harry Moran, a former resident ofhe Dalles, arrived iu the city last night

from the Big Bind country, where he has alarge band of cattle.

Sheriff Leslie, of Sherman county, was apass ngeren the alternoon tram to Portland. He will be in attendance on thehentTs convention, which wilt be held in

the metropolis this week.Iu the reyiew case of John Stcgraao vs.

G. C. Blakely, et al, the decision of thecounty court was set aside by Judge Bradshaw, and tbe decree was bled with tbecounty clerk this morning.

The scaffold has be- - n erected, says theGra t Co. New of Thursday, the graveoutside the cemetery wall is yawoiog for Itsvictim, aud the hand ot tate Indicates thatGallic, tbe murderer, will stand beforehigher tribunal oo the day appointed;

Mr. J. B. Magill, of Wamio, brought tothe office this morning a Sue sample of bluestem wheat which surpasses anything wehave seeu tnis season, rail wheat, Mr,Magill says, is in good condition, aod thelate rains bave wooderlully improved springaown grain.

Mr. aud Mrs. C, W. Phelps were pasengers ou the ea-b- i uud train yesterdayalternoon. Mrs. fhelps stopped at V

to visit her son, and Mr. Peeips pro-ceeded to Grauts, trom which point he willmake a tour ot bh-rm- county to canvasstor the sale of agricultural implements.

Mr. and Mrs H M. Bcall and daughters.Misses Diisy an! May, left on tbe after-noon t am tor Portland. MrsBeall and daughters will go east aod visitthe world's lair, and Mr Beall will proceed of

ofto Albany to take the receivership uf the national bank tbat has lately suspended.

"Law's a curious toiDg,"eaid the lltrney tocounty justice, ss he ti.tod the jug "Iuwhat a7 asked the mayor. "Well, iothis way; I tried a man this morula' ferstealiu' a boss, an' jtV as I was about tonne him co and costs, tbe darned hossturned out to be a mule and knocked thecase sky high."

A bucket whicb had been used io com-

pounding a g mixture oo tnefarm ot L. T Reynolds, a few miles northof Salem, wss used in pruning the well, hewhich resulted io the poisoning of Mr. Rey-

nolds and his family. Mr. Reyoo dill. Tbe other drank less of

the water and were only slightly poisoned.Saturday night one "drunk" and one

Dobo tound lodgings in the city jail, anddummy there was another "inebriate" tokeep them compaoy. The hobo was ad-dicted to morphine, and was a sorry wreck

t physical manhood. He would be a goodsubject for an luebriate asylum. RecorderDulur interviewed them this morning, aod ofthe amount ia the city treasury was

Tbe amount appropriated by V. L. Ar-

lington, county treasurer of Jacksoncounty, Oregon, is reported to be $23,028 31. Tbe treasurer has resigned aod lbscounty court haa adpointed W. A. tJ'rats r

tilt the vacancy. His bondsmen willake good the sbortsge. Arrington pro-

fesses to be ignorant as to where the moneybas gone, bat it is apparent he has applied day

to the payment of bis personal debts, aswas much involved when he took the fine

office.The Pullman Tribune says: "Mr. R. J.

Nortncutt.the man who has gained so much butnotoriety on account of-t- he mammoth yield

101 bushels of wheat oo one acre oo his 1

farm near tbis city, has completed tbe tire-some task of counting the grams iu onebushel. He says there are 726,000 grains ity.

one bushel, graded wheat. It ia doubtif the gain to the world will be great W.

enough to balance the expeoditure of timesnd patience required in accomplishing thistask."

This is what the Gasettt says of mount-ain orchards in the vioiuity of Heppoer:Jobt oy Beeler reports his apple aod plumtrees loaded with fruit.fourteen miles above

er on Willow cieek. This is fully1000 feet iu elevation above Heppuer.Wbile hia trees are all alive those farther asdowo are dead from the effects of coldweather last winter. Two year ago heplanted oot au orchard of apple trees, andwas advised that it was "too high treeswouldn't grow." Now wbile his oeighbors theare without trees and the prospect of s fruitcrop, be baa a good orchard with a prettygood cbaoce of an abundance of fruit tbitall and succeeding years.

A runaway team Sttorday evening cre-ated considerable excitement. Tbe animals ofran down Tnird street at a break neck pace,

id turned the corner and kept up Unionatreet at the inns gait. When near hisre-i- oce Mr. J. P. Meloerny attempted toaton them, b t the horse threw bun dowo noaod dragged bim quite a distance. Fortunately he escaped with some slight abra- -

sures oo bis legs. Ha was fearful that theymight ran over some children playing in thestreet, and to avert the danger grabbed thereins aod tned to bold them. The ordi-nances against horses being tied to trees orstsnding in the streets should be strictlyenforced, and very many runaways mightbe stopped.

Messrs. El. M. Williams, FletcherFanlkoer, Will. Cotson and M. Jameson

Saturday evening from a f w Hays'outing at Trout lake. Wash. They reporthaving a good time, and started from thlake with 400 troot carefully packed in ice.Tne camping grounds they report are altthat could be desired, aod there is goodwater and delightful shade. Among theattractions of this plait) are the ice oaves inthe vicinity, aod these will bear investigation bv anv who delight in the stndy ofnatur-- l phenomena. From White Stlmonthe lake is twenty-eigh- t miles distant, aadthe road is in good condition. There art)seyetal parties now in camp there, andthtrs are constantly arriving.

From Tuesdat 't Daily.

Ex-Ro- Moody took the afteriioon trainto-da-y for Arlington.

Miss Maggie Daffron. ot Portland, isin tbe city visiting friends.

Hon. A. R. Lvle. . f Crook rnnnlv Isregistered at the Uinrtilla House.

Mr. I'atrick "agau returned y fromshort sojourn at his farm near Burnt

Ranch,Mr. C. W. Phelps arrived home Yester

day evening from his trip in Shermancounty.

Hon. vV, R. Ellis was a passenger toHeppner y ou the afternoon train from

ortiand.Mr. H. H. Riddell was a passenger on '

the boat last evening from a day's outirgdown the river.

Miss vtary Krazier returned od the boatlist evening from Hood River. She was ac-

companied by her brother, Jdr. Joseph Fra-zie- r.

A package was found ia Union street,near the school house The ownercan have tbe same by calling at this officeand proving property.

Marriage licenses were granted yesterdayevening by tbe county clerk to Daniel D.Nelson and Johant-- Stewart aud to JohnKnox and Elsbeth Partsch

Hon. r ol customs of Portland, bas been indicted bythe grand jury for alleged frauds cm-mitl- ed

during bis official career, and hasgiven $201'0 bonds. ,

Mr, James Wilson, a former resident ofthis city, but later of Snohomish. Wash.,arrived o the boat Saturday evening fromSan Kraucisco, and went to Dufur, wherehis wife aad daughter are now residing.

A warrant ot arrest was issued this morning out of Kecorder Dufur's court for Ed.Gibson, charging him ' with the crime ofassault and battery, and tbe complaint wassworn to by D. D. Garrison, tiibson wasarrested and placed under $25 bonds to ap-pear afternoon for trial.

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Joles and family,Messrs. T. N. Joles, W H. Vanbibher, .

Will Normao, Wilbur Teaziiiand MissBirnie Schooling left tbis morning for anouting at SaDdy Flat, near Hood River.Thev will camp at ibis place, and spendseveral days burning and fishing.

This is how the Roseburg Review gruntsat its falem brethren: A state exchaug ispredicting a big price for pork this year be- - .

cause of the shortage of hogs in Englandand other countries. This iguorant editorforgets tbat Salem can supply he worldand has forced competitors out of the busi-ness.

An excursion was given to Husband'slanding this morning on tbe H'yuUuor, byMr . -- herman, wife of ( apt Sherman, forner niece, diss Mabel Lewis, of Portland,who hns been visiting hor aunt in tbe cityfor some days pas . The excursionists con-

sisted of a merry party wbo spent a verypleasant day in this beautiful resort on theriver bank-Oreg-


bad 99 failures amounting to$?;,n00 lor the first s x months of 1893against 87 failures amounting to $89-1,70-

tor the first six months of 1891. Thewhole of tbe United States had 6iOI fail-

ures amounting in all to $'26.1.920.839,against 5503 failures amounting lo 0

for the sa ne six rnooths of lastyear. How Is this for a cbaoge?

Word was brought to town Thursday,says the Ochoco Review, thai Charley Lis-ter and iamily and Mrs. Pratber bad beenthrown from a wagon by tbeir team run-ning away near E. o. Opbb place twelvemiles from Prineville. At the time ofgoing to press very little could be learnedof the accident, except Mr. and Mrs. Ll.-t- er

ore badly bruised aod tbeir little boybas a leg broken.

Omaha Ue: There are so many strongand valid objections to r.n issue ot currency under slate authority, and the experience ot tbe country witn sucn a currency was so unfortunate, tbat it seemsextraordinary that a proposal to revivethat' system should be seriously andwidely advocated at 'his lime and bavethe favor, as there is good reason lo be-

lieve it has, of tbe naiional administra-tion.

Albany Herald: While the citizensOregon may have doubts as tbe isdom

alifornia in elongating the world's fairexhibit by holding a mid-wint- show inSan Francisco, there can be no question as

tbe course Oregonians should pursue ifthe exhibition is decided upon, which it willundoubtedly be from present indications.Oregon abould enter into the exhibit withgenerous, hearty good will, and make ri

much of it as possible.Coroner Eastwood returned last night

from the vicinity where the young man wasdrowned Sunday afternoon, mention ofwhich was made in thes; columns Tester- - sday. The body had been recover a when .

arrived, having been brought to tbe sur-face by means ot grappling books, frompapers on bis person his name was ascer-tained to be lohan Heinrich ChristianWetzki. was born in Germany Oct. 26,1875, and arrived id Quebec, Ontario, about.lay 30, 1893.

Medford Mail: ' A Eugene girl recentlyfound a lot of love letters written by herfather to her mother many years beforethey were married." The daughter readthem to ber mother pretending they were

recent date, and substituted tbat of herown name tor that of per mother's, andthe name of a young man well known toboth, for her father's. he mother wasvery much disgusted, and has forbiddenher daughter to go with a young man thatwill write such nonsense aud sickeningstuff.

Last Saturday Messrs. Fred. Lemke andeorge Munger, accompanied Mr. K. D,

Palmer out to Fifteen .vi ile, and spent thefishing in that and Bamsay creeks.

When tbey returned they had about ZUU

trout which they caught in thesestreams. They describe the tishing as verygood, and grouse were exceedingly plentiful,

being the close season tor this kina oitame they did not attempt to kill any.

he trip was delightful, they had all therecreation desired, and expect during thesummer to make many visits to that local

Prof. Brown, Mestrs. C. E. Hateht, A.Bran ner, I.I. Burget, fid ward French

and W. to. Garretson returned last even-i- n?

f om n carrming tour at Trout lake.They report having a good time, and ofnoosing a large numuer ui inim s uosummit ot MU Adams was reached oy

rof. Brown and Mr. French, the otherswho undertook the trip, as we are in-

formed, falling bv the wavside. Tbey alllook much im Droved bv tbe outing, and

tbey stepped on tbe wharfboat appeared more like a Dana ot xexas cow-boys tban educators, students, businessmen and city officials.

From the EoM Oregrmian we learn thatVillard house was burned in that city

yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. 'Ihebuilding was a three-stor- y frame, on thecorner of Main and Court streets, and wasbuilt in 1880. It was in tbe heart of thecity, and it was only through the exertions

the firemen that a general conflagrationwas.avercea. ine tosses were: DavidHorn, building, $8000; insurance. $5000.Conrad Kohler, furniture, $3000; insurance,$2000. iack McCullough, saloon, $1000:

insurance. J. M. f ruitt, $6o0; insur-ance, f600. The chief and one of the tire--men received slight burns.