the daily phoenix.(columbia, s.c.) 1872-08-30.ppppp rpppp pppppppppp ppppppppp ppppp ppppp ppppp...

THE PHOENIX, 'POLWnZD DAILY &HI> TUI-WEEIII.1. , ftf® GLEANER, iVraï -.VEU.N'EHDAÏ MOEMaO, JULIAN A. SEL3Y, EDITOR ASO PBOPHIKTOH. (j IB ce on Richardson Street, near Taylor irf-oook and Job Printing of every doucrip- tion promptly aud faithfully attended to. dOBSOBIPTIOK. Dilly, aix months,** 00; Tri-Weukly, 'i SC; Weekly, 1 50. AD VERTI 8 EM Ell T8 Iaaerted in the Daily at 75 cents per squave for the first and 60 cents each snbseqneut in¬ sertion. Long advertisements by the week, month or year, at reasonable rates. Gathering ROIM. Ont in tho shaded porch sho stood, Twining tho sweet roso vine, Said I, "There is ono bright rose I seo That I fain would keep as mino." "I'll toss you your choice," she gaily said, The rose leaves flattering o'er her head. "My rose," said I, "is the largest there, And if that one you refuse- The sweetest, brightest, beot of all- None other will I choose." "Come gather Tour roBo yourselt!" said the, Turning ber blushing face from mo Gladly I did her bidding thou; And clasping her hand iu niiuc, Gathered my roao all close to cm: Under the fragrant vine. "ThiB is the one I wantl" cried I; Only a kiss for her reply. Maine husbands como a cruel dodge on their faithful, if too talkative, wives. One tells his wife he is going to Ausa- nanqaatanaogowmongotongo fishing, and in his absence has his friends call at the house and inquire bis whereabouts. When he returns, the poor woman is exhausted, and doesn't speak again for a month. A PiiTjcKT WOMAN.-Mademoiselle Celeste, the tight-rope artist, had her leg broken by the rope giving wuy daring one of her performances ut Shownec- town, Cy. The pbysioian who net tho limb evidently did not kbow bia busi¬ ness, cud instead of joining the bones to¬ gether, he lapped one over the other, consequently the broken limb is about three inches shorter than the other. She is now od her way home, in Rome, N. Y., to have tho family physician break that limb agaiu and reset it. This womau showe more grit than most of her sex. The noble manner in which some men conduct themselves in the hour of danger was illustrated recently in a panic whioh occurred on au East River steamer, caused by an accident to the machinery. One man snatched a life-preserver from the hands of a woman, and encased his own manly chest with it, while uuother provided himself with six life-preservers, and was in the aot of putting them all on, ono over another, when ho was forced to deliver five of them to women. The oldest carp in the world is do id. It had attained thc ripe age of ¿»75 yean», aud belonged to the proprietor of a rich estate iu Chantilly. It would have gone on, like Tennyson's brook, forever «nd forever, bad it not lost its temper aud engaged in a furious fight with a juve¬ nile pike, who ingloriously slow the his¬ torio fish. The Empress Carlotta, unfortunate widow of the ill-fated Maximilian, of Mexico, is reported dying in Germany. Her death will be tho last testimonial of a broken heart to the memory of her husband. Poor Carlottal Hers has been an unhappy life, and death will be thc most joyful event of her later and dark¬ ened years. Too MUCH.-Rector's daughter- "Well, Dennis, how are you getting on? How da you .ike your new master?" Dennis--"Fuilh, Mies, I dunno!" R^o- tor's daughter-"He's a very kind and I excellent mun; you can't do too muck for him I" Deunid-"An'shure, Miss, I don't miine to!" A gentleman who is ashamed of his eut ii cly bald head, explains the absence of his bair by sayiug that h<3 was born poor, and was compelled to scratch his way through life. Fopulnr Mutic Books. NOW select tho Music Books needed during t ho ucxt H ut uinn, mid agreeably occupy your imramtr leisure in examining, playing und singing from them. THE STANDARD. Price $1.50; $13 50 per dozen. Destined to bo the Banner Church. Music Book vf ¡he season. Singer», leaders, teachert-! "Hallv mund" thc hanneil SPARKLING RUBIES. Price 35 cents, For Sdhbath Schools. None better. TU« PILGRIM'S HARP. Price CO cents. For Vestries and Prayer Meetings. Unux- celled. Tait« with yon, i«>r entertainment at HUUI- m.-r resorts, THE MUSICAL TREASURE. 223 pages ot new und popular songs and {.i»u » iorte pieces, or SHOWER OF PEARLS. Fullv.( the Vocal Duets. Or, OPERATIC EA »LS. Full of tho best Opera Songs. Or, PIANIST'S ALBUM. Full of the beet Piano Piece«. Or, PIANO-FORTE GEMS. Full of the be.-: i'ialio PifcCfc*. Each ot ; bo above live booka costs $2.50 in boards, or ?3 tu cloth. Had moro than 20) large paglia tull of popular music, aud either hook is a most entertaining companion to a lover of music. Specimens of tho STAND¬ ARD sent, for the present, poet paid, for $1.25, H nd of the other books for tho retail price. OLIVER DI ISON A CO.. Roston. CHAS. ll. DITS ON & CO., Aug svT New York. A CERTAIN CURE FOR CHILLS AKDFEVEB- Firet take tho Blood and Liver Pills, to work off the hit« and purify tho blood; three or four will hr ßuflicient. Then taka a table¬ spoonful of HEINITSH'S CHILL CURE. It has been tried; we know it. COLUMBIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER ll. THE MONARChTÄND MASTODON COMING ! 750 HEN AND HORSES - 1.050 ANIMALS AND BIRDS. ONLY SIX TENT SHOW IN THE WORLD ! vs u a a a> g u OB ti » <*.> ti O u Ô tn O Ki Ol i f¿ S H P P ? » w M- P ^ P* CL w 3 o S o " S rh P 1 CHAT ZOOLOGICAL AND MME TEÍ1ÍMPH ! Â Stupendous World Exposition on Railroad, at an Expense of $3,400 Daily, which it Pays out in the Cities and Towns where it Exhibits. REQUIRING SEVENTÏ'-SIX CARS ami THREE LARGE ENGINES to transport it. in ita <...!uïir'iuine; magnitude ami olcgmt perfection, largo enough to swallow np half a dozen exhibitions such as usually parade UK ruuntry and inflame thu sensational advertising and deludive pledges. SIX COLOSSAL PAVILIONS, Covering throe solid acroa of ground, aud aggregating nearly ten thousand yards ol canvas. THREE GLORIOUS PERFORMANCES GIVEN EACH DAY : A GRAND MORAL MATINEE AT 10 A, M. A HERD OF ÉLÉPHANTS/ DROVE OF CAMELS! AVALANCHE OF BUFFALOES! TRAM OF HORNED MOOSES! TWENTY-SIX GOLD AND CRIMSON DENS, FILLED WITH THE RAREST SPECIMENS OF WILD ANIMALS AND BIRDS, AND A STARTLING AND EXTRAVAGANT DISPLAY OF WONDERS, NATCH AL, SCIENTIFIC AND INSTRUCTIVE. TWELVE EQUESTRIANS ! TEN LADY RIDERS \ sixry Performers! Two Elaborate Orchestrât-! Time Urans and lie. «5 Rand*! Grand Mu¬ sical Steam Piano, ami mort gorgeous, curtly and o'c-utituly trpjippid STREET PUOCES- ever given, reminding one of the fabled Oriental Paged ut or the o'dell times. I) >ublo Circus Troupo and lu uh e Circus Perform¬ ance given in separate tenta at tho same hour! A pratuitous balun n Aiccution elvin prior to ihi- ¡ :.t¡ i-.\l>il<i:toii every day. REMEMBER ! THIH MONSTER EXHIIlITION-positively the largest and nu st expensive un t-r.r.h-wi'.l visit COLUMBIA aa advertiecd Arrangc-Dients have been made with the principa! railroad lines running into thc city to bring the people at half fan- to witness The Wonders of this World's Fair ! ADMISSION TO THE MONSTER SIX TENTS, to which there arc three separate eutraneca, ls the usual price charged to Shows of one-sixth the GREAT EASTERN'S capacity and kilrae- tiona: Adults,.75 Cents Chiluren,.50 " Three Ticket Wagons are used to avoid all mush and jam. $100,000 that the Great East¬ ern is the Biggest Show on Earth, THE PUBLIOSTO RE JUDGE. Wilmington, N. 0.Saturday, September 7 Marion, 8. O.Monday, September 9 Sumter, 8. 0. Tuosdav, September 10. August 28 12 LOOK OUT FOR THE BRILLIANT PROCESSION, WITH Tin: LI0SS, TIGERS AND PANTHERS LOOSE IX THE STIOETS! Colnmbia, 8. C.Weilnr-sdav, September ll. Augusta, Ga.Thursday, September 12. (.harlceton.Fridav and Saturday, September 13 and 14. XV. W. lit'HA Mi. General Agent. THE PHOENIX Book, Job aud Newspaperi STEAM PRlXTlîiG ESTABLISHMENT PPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP PPPPP PPPPP ppppp rpppp pppppppppp ppppppppp PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPPFP PPP pppp TBE Proprietor of the PHCCNIX hut» titted np and thoroughly furnished hie oflice with latest improved material for execution of all kinda Printing. RPR R R RRRRR RRRRRRRRRR RRRR RRRRR RRRR RRRRR RRRR RR RR RRRRRRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RR R II RRRR RRRR RRRRRR RRRRR RRRRRR RR R RR Tho Type, Border, Bulo, Ornamenta, Cuta,Arc arcot MODERN STYLEaudcartifullyselected iiiiiimiiini iiiiiiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIHIP, IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Thc Presses are jo&SL af tho MOS APPRO VED rVlfä&k, PATTERNS- HOC, Ad am a rj&K&¡w- and Liber¬ ty- includ<¿JpJ¡SK3tj£gJi, iuK l>),l'e»i Red and ^*SäIe Cylinder XXXXXN NNNNÑ NNN N N N NNNNN NNNNNN XXX XXXXXN XXX XXXXXXX XXX* XXN XXN~XNXX XXX NNNNNN XXX XXXXXX XXXXX XXX XXX XXXXX XXXXXX Profcasioual Men, Merchants. Manufaofnrera and Mechanics, eupplitd tsith any style work TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTT A largo stock of Cards,Card Board, Paper, BillUoadH,Ac. on baud. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII I1IIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII nimm IIIIIIIII nimm iiiiimi IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII With tho LARGE AMOUNT OE MATERIAL on hand, tho style, quality and coat i.l work cannot fail to -ive tatiafaetion. NNNNNN XXXXX XXXNXX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX NNNNNNN NXX XXX 'x'X'XXXX XXX XXXXXX XXXXX XX X XXX XXXXX XXXXXX Ordern from abroad will re ceive IMMEDIATE ATTENTION, aud work promptly forwarded. GGGGGGGG GGGGGGGOG GGGGG G (Kl G G GGGG G OG G GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GG GGG GGGG GGGGG GGGGGGGGG G G GGGGGGGG GG rhieia tho only tho interior of two, threo and EBB, CIRCUS can bo put up in plain Black or and examine ppn J. A.SELLY. establishmenl in tho St ato whero four ahcetPOST- BILLS, «tc, Ac, goodatylo,either Colored. *3-Call eimc:>8. Proprietor. CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK or SOUTH CAROLINA Deposits of $1 and Upwards Received, tUf'J EHEST ALLO WED A T TUE HATE ft ¿EVEN FEB CENT. TER ANA UM. ON CEli TIFICA 7 ES OF DEPOSIT, AND SIN PEE CENT. COM- P O UND ED E VEE Y HIN MONTUS ON ACCO U2ÍTS. OFFICERS. Win. Martin, 1'icsideut. Julia b. I'al nj er, Virol' ri: a H! i 1.1. A. G. Brenizer, Cashier. J. II. Sawyer, in gene] al charge. JuhD C. b. bm it h, Assistant Cashier. jL»t'rec£ur*. Wade Hampton, William Martin, A. C. Has.. fcell.F. W.McMaeter,E. H. Ueiuileh, JOI.LB. Palmer, Thomas E. Gregg. Columbia. J. Eli Gregg, Marion. G. T. Scott,Newberry. W. G. Mayos,Newberry. B. H. Rutledge,Charleston. I/auielRavenel, Jr.. Charleston. ilochanicB, Laborers, Clerks, Widowa, Ol« phans and other* may here deposit their say ingB aud draw a liberal rate of int ereet there¬ on. Planters, Professional Men andTrasteet wishing to draw interest on their tunda until they rcquiro them for business or other pur- poses: Parents desiring to set apart small mm« for tlieir children, and Married Women and Minors (whoae deposits can only be with¬ drawn by themsolvce, or, in case of death, by Mu ir logal representatives,) withing to lay ¡is dc- fu nd H for future use. aro here afforded an opportunity of depositing their means trhere they will rapidly accumulate, and,at Uieaame time, bo subject to withdrawalwheu .eedort. Aug 18 CENTRAL NATIONAL BAM OF COLUMBIA. S. C. Present Capital, $150,000. . ? «- AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, 9500.000. THIS Bauk is now open for tho transaction of a general hanking husinesH. CEKTIKICATEB or l)i:rosiT, hearing interest at tho rate of nevell (7) per cent, per annum, will bo iuaued. Notes, Dills of Exchange, and other evi¬ dences of debt discounted, and money loaned on collaterals. Stocks, Ponds, Gold, Silver bought and sold. Mutilated Currency purchased at a Braal) discount. Sight Drofls drawn direct on all the promi¬ nent places in England, Irilc.Jid, Scotland, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Den¬ mark and the Orient. Letters of GVedit issued, f ayahle in auy of thc ahovo places- DraftB on all the prominent cities in the United States bought and eold. Bankiug Houso oppoeite Columbia Hotel. Open h om fl to 3._Feb 28 ly ffSB*v> Portable Fountain Fumps.Eft JUST received a supply of portable foun¬ tain PUMPS and SPRINKLERS, which ia tho most useful and convenient apparatus for watering shrubbery, flowers and plants, and for washing carriages, windows, Ac. Also, a ueeful articlo for extinguishing fircB at tho commencement, sprinkling tide-walks, fcc, Ac. For aalo at low prices bv Junc'27_JOHN AGNEW A SON. Fall Tumip.&eed. "T7-ELLOW STONE, JL Lang's Improved Ruta Baga, Cobson's Improved Ruta Baga, Large White Norfolk, Large White Globe. HOPE A C.YLES. Butter, Cheese, &c. TUBS dioico GOSDEN BUTTER, boxen choice Goshen Cheeee, 1.000 pounds Breakfast Stripe, 10 bárrela Pearl Grist and Big Hominy. AU fresh and tor ealo by July 16 HOPE A GYLES. Columbia Music Store. LyBrand & Son rilAKE pleasure iu calüug tho attention of _L thu public to an examination of their STOCK OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE,con¬ sisting ot Pianos, Church ant! Parlor Organe, Melodcons, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordéons. Brasa and Silver Band 1 instru¬ ment s of all kinda. Also, Sheet Music and Instruction Lou!;« fort-very class of Musical Instrumenta OU hand at all tiinea. Sheet Music Bent bv mail, post paid, on receipt of price; and all kinda ol Musical Goods Bent by Express, when ordered, to any part of the State, marked C. O. D. Good" Second-hand Pianoa aud Organa for sale cheap, for cash. Pianos, Organs and MelodcouB tuned and re¬ paired in a satisfactory manner; and will give especial attention to Packing, Removing and Shipping Piauoa for other parties to any poiu desired, at moderato prices. All orders promptly attended to and satis¬ faction guaranteed to tLneo lavoring us with their patronage. Send for our catalogue of Shcot Music and Musical Merchandise. Tay¬ lor street, Citizens' Savings Bank Building, Columbia. S. C._ Nov 7 M. H. BERRYTs'~ Furniture Ware-room Mainstreet, near Plain. NOW on baud and daily re- Iceiving from tho manufac¬ tories of New York, boston, Cincinnati aud Louisville,tho largest assortment of FUR¬ NITURE ever kept in t his market, conaisting in part of Walnut Parlor, Chamber and Din- ing-Room SuitH; 200 Bedatcadu of different patterns, in Walnut and Imitation; aleo, the celebrated Georgia Pplit-btdtom Chairs. All kinds of MATTRESSES made to order. UPHOLSTERING and REPAIRING done at shortest notice and in the» best manner. Terms c«isli and Goods cheap. Oct 8t" 1 /fi*Ji'~^ Pavilion Hotel, mi't^ftCth CHARLESTON, 8. C. fâii'i^ÂL- G-T- ALFORD A CO., Pro- WA' ttrÙM»9 |»ri,.tm-^. lt. HAMILTON, Sllp't. WHEELER & WILSON'S Sewing Machines. HIGHEST I-KKMII'M V. By Committee of Practical Machinists. np HF. simplicity, durability, e ase- of managc- X mint and gnat rang* of woik of this Machine has hindo it tho universal favorite, and leading fa mil' Sewing Machine for more than twenty yean», and hence it ¡a 1.o experi¬ ment to buy one. For sale on monthly instalments, second door below I'moi:; I fhec,Columbia, S. C., by A. J. PURSLEY, Feb 27 Agent for Fiirsley A ¿Trump. BLOOP. BLOOD, BLOOP, LIVEB, LIVER, LIVEB. TILLS, PILL», PILLS.-Put up in blood-red wrappers, Sold at Ileinitsh'a Familv Drug Store Change of Schedule. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA A ALOUSTA E. It. Co. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, WILMINGTON, ti. (J., July 31.1872. ES TOT E35BtëtKlftÇ AFTER this dato tho sFff-WftW^W»followring echedule will bu ruu by trains on tbis road: OAT EXPRESS THAIN [DAILY.] Lcavo Wilmington [Union Depot | 3.25 A.M. Arrive at Florence. 9.13 A. M. Arrive at Colombia. 1.35 P.M. Leave Columbia. 12 00 M. Arrive at Florene«. 4.10 P. M. Arrivo Wilmington [Union Der't] 1U.25 P. M. _, NIGHT EXPBEB8 TBA1N. Leavo Wilmington [Union Depot] 5.45 P. M. Arrive at Florence. 11.88 P. M. Arrive at Columbia. 8.45 A. M. Leave Colnmbia.10.20 P. M. Arrive at Florence. .... 2.09 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington. 8.00 A.M. No NIGHT TKA1NS leave Wilmington or Columbia Sunday P. M. July 31 JAB. ANDERSON, Gen'l Sup't. Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta R. B SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, COLOMBIA, 8. C., June 9,1872. GS fin yËËÎ&âSfifi ON and aftcr Mondav, WBgglIW"'WJ.Juno ll, the following schedule will bo run over this road: GOING SOUTH. Train No. 1. Train No. 2. Leavo Charlotte.C.CO A.M. 8.20 P. M. Leave Colnmbia.1.54 P. M. 3.40 A.M. Arrive Augueta.7.45f,r. M. 8.20 A. M. GOING NOBTH. Leave Augueta.0.35 A.M. 5 50 P.M. Lcavo Columbia_12 30 P. M. 11.02 P. M. Arrivo Charlotte.7.42 P. M. COO A. M. Standard Timo ten minutée slower than Washington; six minutes ahead Columbia. No. 1 Train daily. No. 2 Train daily, Sun¬ days excepted. Roth traine make cloeo con¬ nection to all points North, South and Weet. Through ticketB eold and baggage checked to all principal points. E. P. ALEXANDER, General Snp. E. R.DoBSEY.Gcn. Freight and Ticket Agent Greenville and Columbia Railroad. PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULE. 9S(xSntxtsal£^3^*excepted, connecting with Night TrainB on South Carolina Railroad up and down; aleo with Trains going North and South on Charlotte, Columbia and Au¬ gueta Railroad, and Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. rp. Leavo Columbia at.7.45 a. m. Lcavo Alston. 9.35 a.m. Leave Newberry.11.15 a. m. Leavo Cokesbury.2.45 p.m. Leave Belton. 4.30 p. m. Arrivo at Greenville. 6.10 p.m. DOWN. Leave Greenville ut. G.SOa. m. Leave Belton. 8.30 a.m. Leavo Cokesbury.10.15 a. m. Leavo Newberry. 1.30 p. m. Leave Alston. 3.20 p. m. Arrive at Columbia. 5.10 p.m. Anderson Branch and Blue Bidge Division. DOWN. UP. Leavo Walhalla. 4.45 a.m. Arrivo 7.50 p. m. Leave Perrjvillo 5.25 a. m. Leavo 7.15 p. m. Leave Pendleton C.10 a. m. Leavo G SO p. ni. Leavo Anderson 7.10 a. m. Leavo 5.30 p.m. Arrive at Belton 8.00 a. m. Leavo 4.30 p. m. Accommodation Trains run on Branch Roads on Mondays, Wednesdays ana FridayB. Aeioecü7e*.Branc/í. Lcavo Cokesbury for Abbeville at. .10.20 a. va. Leave Abbeville for Coke eb ur v.... 1.30 p. m. THOMAS DODAMEÀD, Gen. Sup. M. T. BABTLETT, General Ticket Agent. Richmond and Banville Bailroad. ESmkHM^SKSS CONDENSED TIME- .HE5B^S¡2^5&?TABLE, in efftct on and after Sunday, Juno 2.1872: GOING NORTH. STATIONS. MAIL. EXFBE6S. Leavo Greenaboro._1.15 A. M. 10.00 A. M. Leavo Danville. 3.54 A. M. 12.48 P. M. Leavo Burkville. 9.10 A. M. 5.45 P. M. Leavo Amelia CU_10.02 A. M. C.40 P. M. Arrive at Richmond.. .12.02 P. M. 8.47 P. M. GOING SOUTH. Leave Richmond. 2.35 I'. M. 5.20 A. M. Leave Amelia C. H. 4.50 P.M. 7.20 A.M. Leavo Burkville. 5.45 P. M. 8 28.A. M. Leavo Danville.10 50 F. 31. 12.55 P. M. Arrive at Greeneboro.. 1.10 A. M. 8.50 P. M. Traína leaving Richmond at 2.35 P. M., ard at 5.20 A. M., connect at Greeneboro with trains on North Carolina Division, for all points South, l'aeacngers leaving Richmond at 2.35 P. M., connect at Greeneboro with train for all point« East of Greensboro. Pae- eenger train leaving Raleigh at 7.50 P. M., connecte at Greenbbe>ro with Northern-bound Mail train, arriving in Richmond at 12.02 P. M. JOHN R. MACMURDO, General Freight and Ticket Agent. T. M. R. TALCOT, Eugineer and Gen. Sup't. NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. MAIL. EXPBEFS. Leave Charlotte.8.40 P. M. G.30 A. M. Leavo Salisbury.10.47P.M. 8.47A.M. Leave High Point.12.28 A. M. 10.19 A. M. Arrivo at Greeneboro. 1.09 A.M. 11.00 A.M. Leavo Greensboro_ 1.50 A.M. 11.10 A.M. Leavo Company Shops 3.30 A. M. 12.21 P. M. Leavo Hillsboro.4.38 A. M. Leave Raleigh.7.30 A. M. Arrive at Goidsboro.. .10.10 A. M. GOING SOUTH. Leave Goldebero. 4 00 P. M. Leavo Raleigh. 7.15 P. M. Leavo Hillsboro. 9.31 P. M. .......... 10 P. M. 2.15 P. M. Arrivo at Greensboro. 12.24 A. M. 3.80 P. M. Leave Greensboro_1.10 A.M. 4.00 P. M- Leave High Point.... 1.52 A.M. 4.40 P.M. Leavo Salisbury.3.32 A.M. C.13 P. M. Arrivo at Charlotte... 5.35 A.M. 8 10 A.M. Paeeenger train leaving Raleiphft 7.15 P. M., connects at Greeneboro with Northern bound traiü; making tho quickc-Bt time to all Northern cities. Prico of ticketB eamo as tia other routes. Mail traína e'aily, both ways, over entire length of road. Express daily betwoen Company Shops and Charlotte (Sun¬ days excepted.) All pasee-Dger trains connect at Greensboro with trains to and from Rich¬ mond. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotto and Richmond, without change. S. E. ALLEN, Gen. Ticket Agent. W. Il. GREEN, Master Transportation. Change of Echedule. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COSIPANY, COLUMBIA, S. C., Juno 9, 1872. fT?*" sm mn mßWv»-tl; Chango of Schedule W^ifNcr> to po into effect on aud after Sunday, 24th iiustant: MAIL AND PASSESOER TRAIN. Leave Columbia at.-7 40 am Arrive at Chariot-ton at.3.20 p m Leave Charlestonat.8.10 A m I nive at Columbia at.8.40 p m NIOHT EXPRESS, FREIGUT AND ACCOMMODATION THAIN, [Suudaya excepted.] Leave Columbia at.6.50 p m Arrive at Charleston at.7.C0 a m Lcavo Charleston at.7.10 p m Arrivo at Colnmbia at.C.40 a m Camden Accommodation Train will con. tinnetn run to Columbia as tor merty-Mon¬ days, Wednesdays and Saturdays. A. L. TÏLER, Yice-rreBider.t. S. B. PiCKiNS, General Ticket Agent. Summer Schedule S.& U. R.E., n«fflBB3 DOWN TRAIN. UP TBA1N iPBy-'sag» Arrive. Leave. Arrive. Leave Spartanburg.. 5.30 5.25 BateBville. 6.00 6.00 4.E3 4.53 Pacolet. 6 08 6.13 4.40 4.45» Jonesville. 6.43 6.48 4.05 4.10 Unionville. 7.25 7.50 8.05 8.25 Santnc. 8.20 8.25- 2.30 2.85 Fish Dam. 8.40 8.45 2.10 2.15 Sholton. 9.15 9.20 1.85 1.40 IH'ICB* Ford... 9.40 9.45 1.12 1.17 Strother. 10.05 10.10 12.50 12.55 Aluton.11.00 11.00 May 24 TUOS.B. ETER.President

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Page 1: The Daily Phoenix.(Columbia, S.C.) 1872-08-30.ppppp rpppp pppppppppp ppppppppp PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPPFP PPPpppp TBE Proprietor of the PHCCNIXhut»titted np and thoroughly furnished




(j IBce on Richardson Street, near Taylorirf-oook and Job Printing of every doucrip-tion promptly aud faithfully attended to.

dOBSOBIPTIOK.Dilly, aix months,** 00; Tri-Weukly, 'i SC;

Weekly, 1 50.ADVERTI 8EM Ell T8

Iaaerted in the Daily at 75 cents per squavefor the first and 60 cents each snbseqneut in¬sertion. Long advertisements by the week,month or year, at reasonable rates.

Gathering ROIM.Ont in tho shaded porch sho stood,Twining tho sweet roso vine,

Said I, "There is ono bright rose I seoThat I fain would keep as mino."

"I'll toss you your choice," she gaily said,The rose leaves flattering o'er her head.

"My rose," said I, "is the largest there,And if that one you refuse-

The sweetest, brightest, beot of all-None other will I choose."

"Come gather Tour roBo yourselt!" said the,Turning ber blushing face from mo

Gladly I did her bidding thou;And clasping her hand iu niiuc,

Gathered my roao all close to cm:Under the fragrant vine.

"ThiB is the one I wantl" cried I;Only a kiss for her reply.

Maine husbands como a cruel dodgeon their faithful, if too talkative, wives.One tells his wife he is going to Ausa-nanqaatanaogowmongotongo fishing, andin his absence has his friends call at thehouse and inquire bis whereabouts.When he returns, the poor woman isexhausted, and doesn't speak again for amonth.

A PiiTjcKT WOMAN.-MademoiselleCeleste, the tight-rope artist, had her legbroken by the rope giving wuy daringone of her performances ut Shownec-town, Cy. The pbysioian who net tholimb evidently did not kbow bia busi¬ness, cud instead of joining the bones to¬gether, he lapped one over the other,consequently the broken limb is aboutthree inches shorter than the other. Sheis now od her way home, in Rome, N.Y., to have tho family physician breakthat limb agaiu and reset it. Thiswomau showe more grit than most of hersex.

The noble manner in which some menconduct themselves in the hour of dangerwas illustrated recently in a panic whiohoccurred on au East River steamer,caused by an accident to the machinery.One man snatched a life-preserver fromthe hands of a woman, and encased hisown manly chest with it, while uuotherprovided himself with six life-preservers,and was in the aot of putting them allon, ono over another, when ho wasforced to deliver five of them to women.

The oldest carp in the world is do id.It had attained thc ripe age of ¿»75 yean»,aud belonged to the proprietor of a richestate iu Chantilly. It would have goneon, like Tennyson's brook, forever «ndforever, bad it not lost its temper audengaged in a furious fight with a juve¬nile pike, who ingloriously slow the his¬torio fish.The Empress Carlotta, unfortunate

widow of the ill-fated Maximilian, ofMexico, is reported dying in Germany.Her death will be tho last testimonial ofa broken heart to the memory of herhusband. Poor Carlottal Hers has beenan unhappy life, and death will be thcmost joyful event of her later and dark¬ened years.

Too MUCH.-Rector's daughter-"Well, Dennis, how are you getting on?How da you .ike your new master?"Dennis--"Fuilh, Mies, I dunno!" R^o-tor's daughter-"He's a very kind andI excellent mun; you can't do too muckfor himI" Deunid-"An'shure, Miss, Idon't miine to!"A gentleman who is ashamed of his

eut ii cly bald head, explains the absenceof his bair by sayiug that h<3 was bornpoor, and was compelled to scratch hisway through life.

Fopulnr Mutic Books.NOW select tho Music Books needed during

t ho ucxt H ut uinn, mid agreeably occupyyour imramtr leisure in examining, playingund singing from them.THE STANDARD. Price $1.50; $13 50 perdozen. Destined to bo the Banner Church.

Music Book vf ¡he season. Singer», leaders,teachert-! "Hallv mund" thc hanneilSPARKLING RUBIES. Price 35 cents,

For Sdhbath Schools. None better.TU« PILGRIM'S HARP. Price CO cents.

For Vestries and Prayer Meetings. Unux-celled.

Tait« with yon, i«>r entertainment at HUUI-m.-r resorts, THE MUSICAL TREASURE.223 pages ot new und popular songs and{.i»u » iorte pieces, or SHOWER OF PEARLS.Fullv.( the Vocal Duets. Or, OPERATICI» EA»LS. Full of tho best Opera Songs. Or,PIANIST'S ALBUM. Full of the beet PianoPiece«. Or, PIANO-FORTE GEMS. Full ofthe be.-: i'ialio PifcCfc*.Each ot ; bo above live booka costs $2.50 in

boards, or ?3 tu cloth. Had moro than 20)large paglia tull of popular music, aud eitherhook is a most entertaining companion to alover of music. Specimens of tho STAND¬ARD sent, for the present, poet paid, for$1.25, H nd of the other books for tho retailprice. OLIVER DIISON A CO.. Roston.


Firet take tho Blood and Liver Pills, to workoff the hit« and purify tho blood; three orfour will hr ßuflicient. Then taka a table¬spoonful of HEINITSH'S CHILL CURE. Ithas been tried; we know it.













f¿ SH PP ?

» wM-

P ^

P* CLw 3o So


S rh


1 CHAT ZOOLOGICAL AND MME TEÍ1ÍMPH ! Stupendous World Exposition on Railroad, at an Expense of $3,400 Daily, which it

Pays out in the Cities and Towns where it Exhibits.REQUIRING SEVENTÏ'-SIX CARS ami THREE LARGE ENGINES to transport it. in ita <...!uïir'iuine; magnitude ami olcgmtperfection, largo enough to swallow np half a dozen exhibitions such as usually parade UK ruuntry and inflame thu publics.thsensational advertising and deludive pledges.

SIX COLOSSAL PAVILIONS,Covering throe solid acroa of ground, aud aggregating nearly ten thousand yards ol canvas.





TWELVE EQUESTRIANS ! TEN LADY RIDERS \sixry Performers! Two Elaborate Orchestrât-! Time Urans and lie. «5 Rand*! Grand Mu¬sical Steam Piano, ami mort gorgeous, curtly and o'c-utituly trpjippid STREET PUOCES-ever given, reminding one of the fabled Oriental Pagedut or the o'dell times. I) >ublo Circus Troupo and lu uh e Circus Perform¬ance given in separate tenta at tho same hour! A pratuitous balun n Aiccution elvin prior to ihi- ¡ :.t¡ i-.\l>il<i:toii every day.

REMEMBER !THIH MONSTER EXHIIlITION-positively the largest and nu st expensive un t-r.r.h-wi'.l

visit COLUMBIA aa advertiecd Arrangc-Dients have been made with the principa! railroadlines running into thc city to bring the people at half fan- to witness

The Wonders of this World's Fair !ADMISSION TO THE MONSTER SIX TENTS, to which there arc three separate eutraneca,ls the usual price charged to Shows of one-sixth the GREAT EASTERN'S capacity and kilrae-tiona:

Adults,.75 CentsChiluren,.50 "

Three Ticket Wagons are used to avoid all mush and jam.

$100,000 that the Great East¬

ern is the BiggestShow on Earth,


Wilmington,N. 0.Saturday, September 7Marion, 8. O.Monday, September 9Sumter, 8. 0. Tuosdav, September 10.

August 28 12




LOOSE IX THE STIOETS!Colnmbia, 8. C.Weilnr-sdav, September ll.Augusta, Ga.Thursday, September 12.(.harlceton.Fridav and Saturday, September 13 and 14.XV. W. lit'HA Mi. General Agent.

THE PHOENIXBook, Job aud Newspaperi



TBE Proprietor ofthe PHCCNIX hut» tittednp and thoroughlyfurnished hie oflicewith latest improvedmaterial for executionof all kinda Printing.


Tho Type, Border, Bulo, Ornamenta, Cuta,Arcarcot MODERN STYLEaudcartifullyselected




Thc Presses are jo&SL af tho MOSAPPRO VED rVlfä&k, PATTERNS-HOC, Adam a rj&K&¡w- and Liber¬ty- includ<¿JpJ¡SK3tj£gJi, iuK l>),l'e»iRed and ^*SäIe CylinderXXXXXN NNNNÑNNN NN N NNNNNNNNNNN XXXXXXXXN XXXXXXXXXX XXX*



Profcasioual Men, Merchants. Manufaofnreraand Mechanics, eupplitd tsith any style work




A largo stockof Cards,CardBoard, Paper,BillUoadH,Ac.on baud.




With tho LARGE AMOUNT OE MATERIALon hand, tho style, quality and coat i.lwork cannot fail to -ive tatiafaetion.






Ordern from abroad will re ceive IMMEDIATEATTENTION, aud work promptly forwarded.




rhieia tho onlytho interior oftwo, threo andEBB, CIRCUScan bo put up inplain Black orand examine ppn


establishmenl intho St ato wherofour ahcetPOST-BILLS, «tc, Ac,goodatylo,eitherColored. *3-Calleimc:>8.Proprietor.



OFFICERS.Win. Martin, 1'icsideut.Julia b. I'al nj er, Virol' ri: a H! i 1.1.A. G. Brenizer, Cashier.J. II. Sawyer, in gene] al charge.JuhD C. b. bm it h, Assistant Cashier.

jL»t'rec£ur*.Wade Hampton, William Martin, A. C. Has..

fcell.F. W.McMaeter,E. H. Ueiuileh, JOI.LB.Palmer, Thomas E. Gregg. Columbia.

J. Eli Gregg, Marion.G. T. Scott,Newberry.W. G. Mayos,Newberry.B. H. Rutledge,Charleston.I/auielRavenel, Jr.. Charleston.

ilochanicB, Laborers, Clerks, Widowa, Ol«phans and other* may here deposit their sayingB aud draw a liberal rate of int ereet there¬on. Planters, Professional Men andTrasteetwishing to draw interest on their tunda untilthey rcquiro them for business or other pur-poses: Parents desiring to set apart smallmm« for tlieir children, and Married Womenand Minors (whoae deposits can only be with¬drawn by themsolvce, or, in case of death, byMu ir logal representatives,) withing to lay¡is dc- fu nd H for future use. aro here affordedan opportunity of depositing their meanstrhere they will rapidly accumulate, and,atUieaame time, bo subject to withdrawalwheu.eedort. Aug 18


Present Capital, $150,000.. ? «-


THIS Bauk is now open for tho transactionof a general hanking husinesH.

CEKTIKICATEB or l)i:rosiT, hearing interestat tho rate of nevell (7) per cent, per annum,will bo iuaued.

Notes, Dills of Exchange, and other evi¬dences of debt discounted, and money loanedon collaterals.

Stocks, Ponds, Gold, Silver bought and sold.Mutilated Currency purchased at a Braal)

discount.Sight Drofls drawn direct on all the promi¬

nent places in England, Irilc.Jid, Scotland,France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Den¬mark and the Orient. Letters of GVedit issued,f ayahle in auy of thc ahovo places-DraftB on all the prominent cities in the

United States bought and eold.Bankiug Houso oppoeite Columbia Hotel.

Open h om fl to3._Feb 28 lyffSB*v> Portable Fountain Fumps.EftJUST received a supply of portable foun¬

tain PUMPS and SPRINKLERS, whichia tho most useful and convenient apparatusfor watering shrubbery, flowers and plants,and for washing carriages, windows, Ac.Also, a ueeful articlo for extinguishing fircBat tho commencement, sprinkling tide-walks,fcc, Ac. For aalo at low prices bvJunc'27_JOHN AGNEW A SON.

Fall Tumip.&eed."T7-ELLOW STONE,JL Lang's Improved Ruta Baga,Cobson's Improved Ruta Baga,Large White Norfolk,Large White Globe. HOPE A C.YLES.

Butter, Cheese, &c.

TUBS dioico GOSDEN BUTTER,boxen choice Goshen Cheeee,

1.000 pounds Breakfast Stripe,10 bárrela Pearl Grist and Big Hominy.AU fresh and tor ealo byJuly16 HOPE A GYLES.

ColumbiaMusic Store.LyBrand & Son

rilAKE pleasure iu calüug tho attention of_L thu public to an examination of theirSTOCK OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE,con¬sisting ot Pianos, Church ant! Parlor Organe,Melodcons, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Flutes,Accordéons. Brasa and Silver Band 1 instru¬ment s of all kinda. Also, Sheet Music andInstruction Lou!;« fort-very class of MusicalInstrumenta OU hand at all tiinea. SheetMusic Bent bv mail, post paid, on receipt ofprice; and all kinda ol Musical Goods Bent byExpress, when ordered, to any part of theState, marked C. O. D. Good" Second-handPianoa aud Organa for sale cheap, for cash.Pianos, Organs and MelodcouB tuned and re¬paired in a satisfactory manner; and will giveespecial attention to Packing, Removing andShipping Piauoa for other parties to any poiudesired, at moderato prices.

All orders promptly attended to and satis¬faction guaranteed to tLneo lavoring us withtheir patronage. Send for our catalogue ofShcot Music and Musical Merchandise. Tay¬lor street, Citizens' Savings Bank Building,Columbia. S. C._ Nov 7

M. H. BERRYTs'~Furniture Ware-room

Mainstreet, near Plain.NOW on baud and daily re-

Iceiving from tho manufac¬tories of New York, boston,Cincinnati aud Louisville,tholargest assortment of FUR¬

NITURE ever kept in t his market, conaistingin part of Walnut Parlor, Chamber and Din-ing-Room SuitH; 200 Bedatcadu of differentpatterns, in Walnut and Imitation; aleo, thecelebrated Georgia Pplit-btdtom Chairs.

All kinds of MATTRESSES made to order.UPHOLSTERING and REPAIRING done at

shortest notice and in the» best manner.Terms c«isli and Goods cheap. Oct 8t"

1 /fi*Ji'~^ Pavilion Hotel,mi't^ftCth CHARLESTON, 8. C.fâii'i^ÂL- G-T- ALFORD A CO., Pro-WA' ttrÙM»9 |»ri,.tm-^. lt. HAMILTON, Sllp't.


Sewing Machines.HIGHEST I-KKMII'M


By Committee of Practical Machinists.npHF. simplicity, durability, e ase- of managc-X mint and gnat rang* of woik of thisMachine has hindo it tho universal favorite,and leading fa mil' Sewing Machine for morethan twenty yean», and hence it ¡a 1.o experi¬ment to buy one.For sale on monthly instalments, second

door below I'moi:; I fhec,Columbia, S. C., byA. J. PURSLEY,Feb 27 Agent for Fiirsley A ¿Trump.

BLOOP. BLOOD, BLOOP, LIVEB, LIVER, LIVEB.TILLS, PILL», PILLS.-Put up in blood-redwrappers, Sold at Ileinitsh'a FamilvDrug Store


SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE,WILMINGTON, ti. (J., July 31.1872.ES TOT E35BtëtKlftÇ AFTER this dato thosFff-WftW^W»followring echedule willbu ruu by trains on tbis road:

OAT EXPRESS THAIN [DAILY.]Lcavo Wilmington [Union Depot | 3.25 A.M.Arrive at Florence. 9.13 A. M.Arrive at Colombia. 1.35 P.M.Leave Columbia. 12 00 M.Arrive at Florene«. 4.10 P. M.Arrivo Wilmington [Union Der't] 1U.25 P. M._,

NIGHT EXPBEB8 TBA1N.Leavo Wilmington [Union Depot] 5.45 P. M.Arrive at Florence. 11.88 P. M.Arrive at Columbia. 8.45 A. M.Leave Colnmbia.10.20 P. M.Arrive at Florence. .... 2.09 A. M.Arrive at Wilmington. 8.00 A.M.No NIGHT TKA1NS leave Wilmington orColumbia Sunday P. M.July 31 JAB. ANDERSON, Gen'l Sup't.

Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta R. BSUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE,COLOMBIA, 8. C., June 9,1872.GS fin yËËÎ&âSfifi ON and aftcr Mondav,WBgglIW"'WJ.Juno ll, the followingschedule will bo run over this road:

GOING SOUTH.Train No. 1. Train No. 2.Leavo Charlotte.C.CO A.M. 8.20 P. M.Leave Colnmbia.1.54 P. M. 3.40 A.M.Arrive Augueta.7.45f,r. M. 8.20 A. M.

GOING NOBTH.Leave Augueta.0.35 A.M. 5 50 P.M.Lcavo Columbia_12 30 P. M. 11.02 P. M.Arrivo Charlotte.7.42 P. M. COO A. M.Standard Timo ten minutée slower thanWashington; six minutes ahead Columbia.No. 1 Train daily. No. 2 Train daily, Sun¬

days excepted. Roth traine make cloeo con¬nection to all points North, South and Weet.Through ticketB eold and baggage checked

to all principal points.E. P. ALEXANDER, General Snp.E. R.DoBSEY.Gcn. Freight and Ticket Agent

Greenville and Columbia Railroad.PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULE.

9S(xSntxtsal£^3^*excepted, connectingwith Night TrainB on South Carolina Railroadup and down; aleo with Trains going Northand South on Charlotte, Columbia and Au¬gueta Railroad, and Wilmington, Columbiaand Augusta Railroad.

rp.Leavo Columbia at.7.45 a. m.Lcavo Alston. 9.35 a.m.LeaveNewberry.11.15 a. m.LeavoCokesbury.2.45 p.m.Leave Belton. 4.30 p. m.Arrivo at Greenville. 6.10 p.m.

DOWN.Leave Greenvilleut. G.SOa. m.Leave Belton. 8.30 a.m.Leavo Cokesbury.10.15 a. m.Leavo Newberry. 1.30 p. m.Leave Alston. 3.20 p. m.Arrive at Columbia. 5.10 p.m.Anderson Branch and Blue Bidge Division.

DOWN. UP.Leavo Walhalla. 4.45 a.m. Arrivo 7.50 p. m.Leave Perrjvillo 5.25 a. m. Leavo 7.15 p. m.Leave Pendleton C.10 a. m. Leavo G SO p. ni.Leavo Anderson 7.10 a. m. Leavo 5.30 p.m.Arrive at Belton 8.00 a. m. Leavo 4.30 p. m.Accommodation Trains run on Branch Roadson Mondays, Wednesdays ana FridayB.Aeioecü7e*.Branc/í.Lcavo Cokesbury for Abbeville at. .10.20 a. va.Leave Abbeville for Coke eb urv.... 1.30 p. m.

THOMAS DODAMEÀD, Gen. Sup.M. T. BABTLETT, General Ticket Agent.Richmond and Banville Bailroad.

ESmkHM^SKSS CONDENSED TIME-.HE5B^S¡2^5&?TABLE, in efftct on andafter Sunday, Juno 2.1872:


Leavo Greenaboro._1.15 A. M. 10.00 A. M.Leavo Danville. 3.54 A. M. 12.48 P. M.Leavo Burkville. 9.10 A. M. 5.45 P. M.Leavo Amelia CU_10.02 A. M. C.40 P. M.Arrive at Richmond.. .12.02 P. M. 8.47 P. M.

GOING SOUTH.Leave Richmond. 2.35 I'. M. 5.20 A. M.Leave Amelia C.H. 4.50 P.M. 7.20 A.M.Leavo Burkville. 5.45 P. M. 8 28.A. M.Leavo Danville.10 50 F. 31. 12.55 P. M.Arrive at Greeneboro.. 1.10 A. M. 8.50 P. M.Traína leaving Richmond at 2.35 P. M., ard

at 5.20 A. M., connect at Greeneboro withtrains on North Carolina Division, for allpoints South, l'aeacngers leaving Richmondat 2.35 P. M., connect at Greeneboro withtrain for all point« East of Greensboro. Pae-eenger train leaving Raleigh at 7.50 P. M.,connecte at Greenbbe>ro with Northern-boundMail train, arriving in Richmond at 12.02 P.M. JOHN R. MACMURDO,

General Freight and Ticket Agent.T. M. R. TALCOT, Eugineer and Gen. Sup't.NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION.


Leave Charlotte.8.40 P. M. G.30 A. M.Leavo Salisbury.10.47P.M. 8.47A.M.Leave High Point.12.28 A. M. 10.19 A. M.Arrivo at Greeneboro. 1.09 A.M. 11.00 A.M.Leavo Greensboro_ 1.50 A.M. 11.10 A.M.Leavo Company Shops 3.30 A. M. 12.21 P. M.Leavo Hillsboro.4.38 A. M.Leave Raleigh.7.30 A. M.Arrive at Goidsboro.. .10.10 A. M.

GOING SOUTH.Leave Goldebero. 4 00 P. M.Leavo Raleigh. 7.15 P. M.Leavo Hillsboro. 9.31 P. M. .......... 10 P. M. 2.15 P. M.Arrivo at Greensboro. 12.24 A. M. 3.80 P. M.Leave Greensboro_1.10 A.M. 4.00 P. M-Leave High Point.... 1.52 A.M. 4.40 P.M.Leavo Salisbury.3.32 A.M. C.13 P. M.Arrivo at Charlotte... 5.35 A.M. 8 10 A.M.Paeeenger train leaving Raleiphft 7.15 P.

M., connects at Greeneboro with Northernbound traiü; making tho quickc-Bt time to allNorthern cities. Prico of ticketB eamo as tiaother routes. Mail traína e'aily, both ways,over entire length of road. Express dailybetwoen Company Shops and Charlotte (Sun¬days excepted.) All pasee-Dger trains connectat Greensboro with trains to and from Rich¬mond. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trainsbetween Charlotto and Richmond, withoutchange. S. E. ALLEN, Gen. Ticket Agent.W. Il. GREEN, Master Transportation.


COLUMBIA, S. C., Juno 9, 1872.fT?*"sm mn mßWv»-tl; Chango of ScheduleW^ifNcr> to po into effect onaud after Sunday, 24th iiustant:

MAIL AND PASSESOER TRAIN.Leave Columbia at.-7 40 amArrive at Chariot-ton at.3.20 p mLeaveCharlestonat.8.10 A mI nive at Columbiaat.8.40 p mNIOHT EXPRESS, FREIGUT AND ACCOMMODATION

THAIN, [Suudaya excepted.]Leave Columbiaat.6.50 p mArrive at Charlestonat.7.C0 a mLcavo Charlestonat.7.10 p mArrivo at Colnmbiaat.C.40 a mCamden Accommodation Train will con.

tinnetn run to Columbia as tormerty-Mon¬days, Wednesdays and Saturdays.

A. L. TÏLER, Yice-rreBider.t.S. B. PiCKiNS, General Ticket Agent.Summer Schedule S.& U. R.E.,

n«fflBB3 DOWN TRAIN. UP TBA1NiPBy-'sag» Arrive. Leave. Arrive. LeaveSpartanburg.. 5.30 5.25BateBville. 6.00 6.00 4.E3 4.53Pacolet. 6 08 6.13 4.40 4.45»Jonesville. 6.43 6.48 4.05 4.10Unionville. 7.25 7.50 8.05 8.25Santnc. 8.20 8.25- 2.30 2.85Fish Dam. 8.40 8.45 2.10 2.15Sholton. 9.15 9.20 1.85 1.40IH'ICB* Ford... 9.40 9.45 1.12 1.17Strother. 10.05 10.10 12.50 12.55Aluton.11.00 11.00May 24 TUOS.B. ETER.President