the daily bulletin - university of...

T- - -- .fs'flPifliifftiifl" A ? - ' ,v v f $ yisiwifc;v t3 & "fe r. J. . 40 "i A THE DAILY BULLETIN No. 305. HONOLULU, II. L, "WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1883. CO CENTS SUBSCRIPTION PER MONTH. . t i ( ' I f V ' JH VK i . r h " lr iL- - r rt r te7 i I fcl IP--- ' tf tM- - fit A; uv t t .Wt. THE DAILY BULLETIN WALTER HILL, Proprietor. Is published every morning ntnl clrcu. Inlcd throughout the town liyrni tiers, niid forwarded to the other Islands by every, .opportunity. Subscription, 50 cents por Month. Q. Caiisox KnxvoK, Editor. All business communications to be ml. dicsscd, Milliliter Dnilv Bulletin, l'osl Olllcc Box No. 14. Telephone 2:50. Ofllce, .... (Itircn Mtrrrt, Opposite Wc I Cnritliigo Factory. .T. G. Cr.Evion, Malinger A HINT. if It .would be pleasant to, believe tho edict sniil to bo issued by the King of Coren. to be perfectly authentic. In this proclamation the monarch says: "Being devoid of virtue I hnvo occupied the throne in a manner for 19 years. As I neglected justice, the publio'admi-nistrntio- n has lost. the confidence of the people, who have therefore lie come discontented. I alone am responsible for these scandals." lie proceeds: '' I have frequently debased the stan dards of value, and put to death many innocent people. I confess my wickedness. I have sinned in destroying the temples and neglect- ing to reverence the sages. I have sinned in neglecting the administra- tion.of public affairs. I have sinned in heeding 'the supplications of flat- terers, and wasting money on them. I have sinned in neglecting to employ able Ministers, and transferring my powers to an incompetent, sclfscck-in- g clique. Through my faults the reverence due to the thronc'lias been ,'lost." It would be a very satisfact- - 'ory and encouraging symptom if many other, monarchs could be in- duced to make public confession of their misdeeds, and misgovcrnment' similar to thai made by the King, of Corca. We mean matter-of-fa- ct and detailed confession made to the people they wronged, not mere gen- eralities, uttered in church, or to their confessor, about being "miser- able sinners." Probably the chief point that discriminates His Majesty of Corca from many other sovereigns is not'his faults,-bu- t' bis candid con- fession of them. But thou why should this public confession and .pledge of atonement be exacted only, from kings? Premiers who have wielded and abustid power might' find theirconsciences relieved were they to make a clcan'brcast of their faults 'and their repentance. Melbourne Australasian. 'At'Frccmantle, Australia, on Dec. 2, a young colt, hardly 12 months old, walked sedately1 down High st., until it came opposite a store where tljcro was a brilliant display of new faiiinincr goods in the window of tlc millinery department. After shak- ing its head rather dubiously several times, the animal at last resolutely turned round and boldly walked up the entrance, when, after pausing irresolutely for a moment or two, it stepped forward and. patiently wait- ed "for some one to. attend to him. As, however, none of the assistants put in au,agpcarauce, the colt back- ed out in disgust at tie inattention it received, and pursued its peripa- tetic course down the town. SSf Ex Zealandin, Gents fine Tweed Suits, atChas. J. Fibhcl's, ii i i SgU Gents' Silk Suspenders (home. thng new) will bosold'durlng the lloli. day's nt the Honolulu Clothing Enipori- - urn of A. M. Mem.ib, 104 Fort Street. 371 . flSflOOO yards of Qucclieo all wool flannel, from 25cts, up, nt Dims, J. Fishel's Leading Milluery House. 1ST "Wanted n unite of room, with board, in a privato family, for Judy mid gentleman, in a rcnectablo neighbor-linoi- l. Address J. E. "Wiseman, Heal Estate Bi oker. "80 lw J&QrPlain Sateens all colors, at Chas. J, Fishel's Leading Millinery House. 2U5 . i C3f A lino selection of Ladle' Satin Cornets can bu had at the Honolulu Clothing Emporium of A. M. Mkm.ih, 104 Fort Street. 371. 239Wirite open front shirts, at Chas, J. Fishol's Leading Millinery House. ' i . t3T Tho largest of Ladies' Flchues and Collarettes of tho latest Patterns arc to liu Juid at the Honolulu Clothing Emporium of A. M, Mki.i.ik, J(H Foil Street 371 B. F. EHLEBS & Co., DBY GOODS 1MPOBTEBS, All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Received by. ovcry steamer IT OB jT SUBEE jf. i& - l i. LOOK OUT FOR M I ' -- i A. illl. MELL1S" NEW BREAKING HOUSES IN GKNUfNU STYI.K. WALLACE JACKSON mL the thorough experienc- ed liorsc hi uakcr, wishes the public to know that -- 2 "lie is fully prepared to tako charge of stock, and guarantees to break them thoroughly on his Knnch, nnd attend carefully to feeding and doctoring , horses, lie has now in his charge such celebrated steeds ns Black Thorn and oilier thoroughbreds, and has the, exclusive charge of all of Mr. James Campbell's stock. Orders left at the Pantheon Stables, or at the momniotli stables on Mr. James Campbell's property at Ivapiolani Park, will meet with promptness. 2!K5 ly Merchants & Storekeepers. THE YEAH IS CLOSING I tic AS .sire to snv that all merchants and storekeepers will llnd it to their interest to patronize mc If outside help is re- quired to adjust accounts, arrange bonks, and general business mattcis for the new year. EST Commercial matters of every n attended to. J. E. WISEMAN, General Business Agent, 201 lm 27 Merchant street. To lIcrchniitM, Mechanics, and Others. Tlie services of a live and reliable Collector of Bills has been cngagcil for the expiration of the present quarter and' year. All accounts' cnt licrc for collection will receive prompt attention. Commission moderate. Returns made daily. 285 Cavunaou's AoEtsCY. A. KRAFT, JEWELER,j) OPTICIAN, Dealer m Hawaijan Curiosities. Store in the "Hawaiian Ga.ctte" build-4- 4 lug, opposite tho Bank. Chas. J)..GemscIi, Practical $) Watchmaker. BS?" Hotel Street, opposite tho 123 ;im International Hotel, "a Artesian Ice Works IES3E&B2K MRS. nMjrJrJrJMTiiiMJg ICE DELIVERED amllstihurbs. to all parts of the )rdcrs fioin the other Islands prompt- ly attended to. .Ollleo at V. E- - Fos inn's, Sadtller, Fort stieet. 15U . Telcphonu No. Ill, 2m WjjfsSMmeB ICE MANUFACTORY, HONOLULU to all paitsof the City. Shipping supplied in ijiiautitle.s to suit, Telcphonu, No, C8. Ollleo at "Wlhler & Co.'s. 18 Xho IIiirwuijuiL Temperance Year Book, For 168U, rpiIERE will bo published hero in JL Januarv, 1880, a year book, tin in. tciotlng and useful volunm with the above title. A bandy book of leferenco as well us a valuaUlu book foi tho house. hold. It will be especially devoted to tho temperance cause, and will he of much lhu all the year around. You will bu solicited to Hiihspribo to this book, and can obtain further Information by calling upon I). M. CROWLEY, 280 Honolulu, II, I. ft. .11. HOHKKTSON, Dr.iyniiin best teams ,lll town,- - TvlVl'lwuc Nu, 05, 15 1 't !. i'l ADVERTISEMENT. H S.TREOLOAN, TAILOR, 201 FORT ST. Ttolicrt Lowoi", (! IT. Cnohc, LEWBBS & COOK E , (successors Lowers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds of Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu, I WILDER & Co., Dealers m Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen bi-- ., Honolulu. 1 & ROBINSON, Dealeis in Lumber nnd all kinds of Building Materials, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71 & PHILLIPS, Practical IMumbcis, OasFittcrs and Copper- smiths, No, 71 King St., Honolulu. House and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 fehCHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort bt. and dealer m Gent's, Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. G'.i BROWN ev- - CO., Importers and In Ales, Wines and Spirits, No. ! Merchant St., Honolulu. 12 HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Wsi'!ini .... pMtrhiM,. ,. Nii.riir ....... milk. , Iioil. j. ..0... ..0.. ers, coolers; iion, brass and lend cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. P.iiticulnr attention paid to ship's lilacksmithing. Job woike.c filled at short notice. 1 Wilson Brothers, GENERAL BLACKSMITHS. Horse Shoeing a specialty A lirsUclass man being specially engaged for that woik. Ship and Wagon work faithfully attended to. Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hnppcr's.204 rpiJK Hawaiian Journal, " Ko Ha-- X waii Pak," owned anil edited by Kawainui Bros. ; has a weekly edition of ,1,200 copies, and is tho best advertising medium. Of- fice, No. 0 Merchant at. 1 THE EVILS OF PAINTING And thuir Jti'iut'riy. " It has been said with much truth, too, that house painting might, with study and acquirement of taste, resume its rank as a liberal art." J',iiim' Manual. Believing tho above to be true, A. B KERR has now icorganized Ills system of working the business In Honolulu. In the llrst plaeo ho has seemed the ser. vices of that celebrated uitisi, Mr. Max Koii.v, foiinerlyof San Finncisco, whose work in tho line of plain and decoiatlvo papei'.huuging, fieseoiug, ., Is up to tho present timo iiiisurpasstMl, anil on these Islands lias never been equalled. Forlioiiso painting jobs Jlrst.clash me- chanics only will ho employed. In future pntions cm depend upon my Illl. ing every ouler on the moat scientific basis known to tlio trade. TJiu Sign Painting and Letteilngdc-paitnien- t will bu puiniiinently juesldeil over by Mr. Gko. Stkatmkvkm, (further comment unnecessary.) P.S. Send for designs of frescos for celling and cornices, Something new; and If you want any glass put lu call at "Tigoi'"l'ittiit;StoiH, 317 ly 78KliigBliect, UNION FKBD COMPANY, A. W. .MiiiugeJ- - Seo tulvcrtlse-tui-- nt on otlivr page, 28 "-- n- Commission Merchants. Geo. W. Macfailanc. H. R. Macfarlane. G. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- CHANTS AM) Sugar Factors, Fire-Proo- f Building, 02 Queen street, Honolulu. II. I. aokxts for The "Waiknpu Sugar Plantation, Maui, The Silencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The lleeia Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui, Huelo Sugar Plantation, Muni, Puuloa Slieep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tiainway "Works, Leeds, Minlecs, AVntson & Co's Sugar lachin cry, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. 183 S. Pratt & Co. F. Auctioneer? and General Commission Mcichnnts, Braver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. Special attention given to tho Sale of Real Estate and Pert.onal Pioperty. Advances made on consignments. 210 Clmis bi'recUl. Wm. IS. Irwin. "VT G. Irwin & Company, It Sugar Factor's and Commission Agents, Honolulu. i HHACKFELD & COMPANY, Commission Agents, Queen street, Honolulu. l- - CLEQHORN & CO. AS. Importers and Commission Merchants dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaaliumanu sts., Hono-lul- 78 II. A. I. Cnrlcr. 1'. c. Joncc, Jr. C brewer & Company, Shipping and Commission Merchants, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 rpHEO. H. Davies & Company, X Importers and Commission Merchants; agents for Lloyd's and the Liverpool Undcrwi iters, British nnd Foreign Ins. Company, and Northern Assurance Company. 71 DIAS & OONSALES, No. .77 Hotel Sttcct, Honolulu, Importers and Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embioidcry, 28t) &c &c, &c. JOHN T. WATEimoUSE, Iinpoitcr and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 S. GRINI3AUM & CO., J-'- Importers of Genornl Mer- chandise tiiitl Commission Mel chants. Honolulu. i S. GRINUAUM & CO. , Commission Merchants, 124 California street, Sim Frnneisco, Cnl. "P T. LHNEHAN & G O ., Importers and Commission Mer. chants, Nitnanu st., Honolulu. 1 S. K. e. J. B. Athcrtun, fj A S T L E & OOOKE, Shipping and Commission Mer-chimi- Impoilers and Dealeis in Gen. Mciehandise, No. 80 King street, Honolulu. WING AVO CHAN & Co., and General Dealers In English, American and Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and General Supplies. Also, white and colored eon-tra- ct matting, all qualities and prices. Sfir No. 22 Nuiiaiiii Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. 81 A. O. ELLIS, OTOOK BROKER, will buy or sell k3 Plantation Stock, Bonds, and Other Marketable Securities, Atlhelr market value for cash. 215 Olllcc with E. P. Adams. Auct'r. WILLIAM O. SMITH, STOCK BROKER, NO. 38 Merchant Street, Honolulu, II. Ij' Sugar Plantation, Railroad, Telephone, and other Corporation Stock, Bonds and Similar Securities Bought and Sold on Commission, Money loaned on Stock Securities. Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 1882. 214 JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gas Fitter, &o. Stoves and Banges of iill kinds. Plumbers1 stock anil metals, Hoiibo Furnibliiug Goods, 7? Chautlolicrs, Lumps, &o. A. S, CLEGHOEN & Co, Have received a large assoilment of Boots & Shoes to suit till classes of PUieliuHTS, 181 Professionals. (J B. MANN, B. S., iJ Tkaciiku op Drawing, DltAUtlltTINO AND Tim SciKKCKS, 287 No. 189 Fort street. lm SARAH B. PEIRCE, M. D., and Clilldrcn's Physician. Olllcc and icsidence, No. 5 School etreel, (between Foit and Emma). Olllcc bouts 10:30 to ll:30n. m. Isy0to3:30r). m. 210 Telephone, No. 201 JL Resldenco and consultation roorat at Xo. 2 Kuknl st., comer ol Fort. I Telephone No. 140. G9 2m Dr. G-- . Trousseau, begs to uotlfyhls friends that ho has resumed practice in Honolulu. Rcsl. ilcnee and consulting rooms, No. 73 Punchbowl .st., opposite the inakul gate of the Queen's Hospital. Consulting hours fiom 0 a. m, to 12. Telephone No. 103. sg W AUSTIN WHITING, Attorney nnd Counsellor at Law. Agent to tako acknowledgments of instruments. Kaahiilnanii st., Honolulu. 200 "T M. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW ' AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estate in any pait of the Kingdo bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans negotiated, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), 100 Honolulu, Hawaiian Island SB. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Public, No. 15 Kaaliumanu st, JM. Davidson, H Attorney at Law. i 10 2t Mei chant stieet. JiRANCIS M. HATCH, ', i -J Attorney at Law, , , 15 Kaalumianii 51. JOHN RUSSELL, Attnnipv nt T.n- - ir Odicc, corner of Fort and Merchant si. (up stairs) 11,-- 1 T7"IL.LIAM O. SMITH, ; Attorney at Law, 10 No. 80 Merchant street. RICHARD F. BICKERTON, and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free, holds. Office, No. 31 Merchant st., 1 CECIL BROWN, and Counsellor at Law, Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac- knowledgments of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahuuianu st, Honolulu. '.i,,i r o. berger, I i KAAIIUMANU STIIKKT, General Agent for I'.l The N. Y. Life Insurance Company!' !'-- . Tlie City of London Fire In. Co(limlt'd) Macncalc & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Spiinglleld Gas Machine Gas Fi.tuics of Mitchell, Ynnce &'Co:; 238 pHARLES T. GULICK, NOTARY PUBLIC, ) Agent lo lake AeknolcdginonlR to I Labor Contracts, , 1, AND GENERAL BUSINESS,AGENT. Olllcc, In Makce'hlllock, corner Queen and Kaahuuianu streets, Honolulu. 21' : J. WILLIAMS & Co. 120 Fort Street, - . Honolulu, Portrait and Landscape' , ibo iy AULD, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Con. liacts for Labor for tho District of Kon'u Island of Oahu, at the ofllcc of the Hono. lulu Waterworks, foot of Nuuanu st. 180 tf TO UN A. HAS SINGER, Agent to tako Acknowledgment! to Contiacts for Lab6r. Interior 'fllec, Honolulu. 7 C. AKANA, Chinese and lfawailnii Trans- lator and Interpreter, No. 48 King stieet, Honolulu. Tianslatlous of eltiier of tho above liuiguages made witti accmacy and dis- patch, and on lcasonablc terms. 200 H. BRUNS, Coopcr'and Gaugcr, Water Tanks of any dimi'iiuions, Cooperage, No, 1" Fort street, Hoiinlulu, Oil Casks, Sliooks and Hoop Iron con- - 221 stautly on Jiaud and for sale, ly PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. F. HORN, Practical Confeolionor, Pastry Cook anil linker. No.7niutoUt. Telephone 74. ! i tp4 M 4 -- 1J rJ

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Page 1: THE DAILY BULLETIN - University of · hnvo occupied the throne in a manner for 19 years. As I neglected

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WALTER HILL, Proprietor.

Is published every morning ntnl clrcu.Inlcd throughout the town liyrni tiers,niid forwarded to the other Islands byevery, .opportunity.Subscription, 50 cents por Month.

Q. Caiisox KnxvoK, Editor.All business communications to be ml.

dicsscd, Milliliter Dnilv Bulletin, l'oslOlllcc Box No. 14. Telephone 2:50.

Ofllce, .... (Itircn Mtrrrt,Opposite Wc I Cnritliigo Factory.

.T. G. Cr.Evion, Malinger


if It .would be pleasant to, believe thoedict sniil to bo issued by the Kingof Coren. to be perfectly authentic.In this proclamation the monarchsays: "Being devoid of virtue Ihnvo occupied the throne in a

manner for 19 years. As Ineglected justice, the publio'admi-nistrntio- n

has lost. the confidence ofthe people, who have therefore lie comediscontented. I alone am responsiblefor these scandals." lie proceeds:' ' I have frequently debased the standards of value, and put to deathmany innocent people. I confessmy wickedness. I have sinned indestroying the temples and neglect-

ing to reverence the sages. I havesinned in neglecting the administra-tion.of public affairs. I have sinnedin heeding 'the supplications of flat-

terers, and wasting money on them.I have sinned in neglecting to employable Ministers, and transferring mypowers to an incompetent, sclfscck-in- g

clique. Through my faults thereverence due to the thronc'lias been

,'lost." It would be a very satisfact- -

'ory and encouraging symptom ifmany other, monarchs could be in-

duced to make public confession oftheir misdeeds, and misgovcrnment'similar to thai made by the King, ofCorca. We mean matter-of-fa- ct anddetailed confession made to thepeople they wronged, not mere gen-

eralities, uttered in church, or totheir confessor, about being "miser-able sinners." Probably the chiefpoint that discriminates His Majestyof Corca from many other sovereignsis not'his faults,-bu- t' bis candid con-

fession of them. But thou whyshould this public confession and.pledge of atonement be exacted only,from kings? Premiers who havewielded and abustid power might' findtheirconsciences relieved were theyto make a clcan'brcast of their faults

'and their repentance. MelbourneAustralasian.

'At'Frccmantle, Australia, on Dec.2, a young colt, hardly 12 monthsold, walked sedately1 down High st.,until it came opposite a store wheretljcro was a brilliant display of newfaiiinincr goods in the window of tlcmillinery department. After shak-ing its head rather dubiously severaltimes, the animal at last resolutelyturned round and boldly walked upthe entrance, when, after pausingirresolutely for a moment or two, itstepped forward and. patiently wait-ed "for some one to. attend to him.As, however, none of the assistantsput in au,agpcarauce, the colt back-ed out in disgust at tie inattentionit received, and pursued its peripa-tetic course down the town.

SSf Ex Zealandin, Gents fineTweed Suits, atChas. J. Fibhcl's,

ii i i

SgU Gents' Silk Suspenders (home.thng new) will bosold'durlng the's nt the Honolulu Clothing Enipori- -

urn of A. M. Mem.ib, 104 Fort Street. 371.

flSflOOO yards of Qucclieo all wool

flannel, from 25cts, up, nt Dims, J.Fishel's Leading Milluery House.

1ST "Wanted n unite of room, withboard, in a privato family, for Judy midgentleman, in a rcnectablo neighbor-linoi- l.

Address J. E. "Wiseman, HealEstate Bi oker. "80 lw

J&QrPlain Sateens all colors, atChas. J, Fishel's Leading MillineryHouse. 2U5

. i

C3f A lino selection of Ladle' SatinCornets can bu had at the HonoluluClothing Emporium of A. M. Mkm.ih,104 Fort Street. 371.

239Wirite open front shirts, atChas, J. Fishol's Leading MillineryHouse. ' i


t3T Tho largest of Ladies'Flchues and Collarettes of tho latestPatterns arc to liu Juid at the HonoluluClothing Emporium of A. M, Mki.i.ik,J(H Foil Street 371

B. F. EHLEBS & Co.,

DBY GOODS 1MPOBTEBS,All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Received by. ovcry steamer ITOB jT SUBEE jf.

i&- l i.


A. illl. MELL1S" NEW


WALLACE JACKSONmL the thorough experienc-

ed liorsc hi uakcr, wishesthe public to know that

-- 2 "lie is fully prepared totako charge of stock, and guaranteesto break them thoroughly on his Knnch,nnd attend carefully to feeding anddoctoring , horses, lie has now in hischarge such celebrated steeds ns BlackThorn and oilier thoroughbreds, and hasthe, exclusive charge of all of Mr. JamesCampbell's stock.

Orders left at the Pantheon Stables,or at the momniotli stables on Mr. JamesCampbell's property at Ivapiolani Park,will meet with promptness. 2!K5 ly

Merchants & Storekeepers.THE YEAH IS CLOSING I ticAS .sire to snv that all merchants and

storekeepers will llnd it to their interestto patronize mc If outside help is re-

quired to adjust accounts, arrange bonks,and general business mattcis for the newyear.

EST Commercial matters of every n

attended to.J. E. WISEMAN,

General Business Agent,201 lm 27 Merchant street.

To lIcrchniitM,Mechanics, and Others.

Tlie services of a live and reliableCollector of Bills has been cngagcil forthe expiration of the present quarterand' year. All accounts' cnt licrc forcollection will receive prompt attention.Commission moderate. Returns madedaily.

285 Cavunaou's AoEtsCY.



Dealer m Hawaijan Curiosities.Store in the "Hawaiian Ga.ctte" build-4- 4

lug, opposite tho Bank.

Chas. J)..GemscIi,Practical $) Watchmaker.

BS?" Hotel Street, opposite tho123 ;im International Hotel, "a

Artesian Ice WorksIES3E&B2K MRS.nMjrJrJrJMTiiiMJg

ICE DELIVEREDamllstihurbs.

to all parts of the

)rdcrs fioin the other Islands prompt-ly attended to.

.Ollleo at V. E- - Fos inn's, Sadtller,Fort stieet.15U . Telcphonu No. Ill, 2m


ICE MANUFACTORY,HONOLULU to all paitsof theCity. Shipping supplied in ijiiautitle.sto suit, Telcphonu, No, C8. Ollleo at"Wlhler & Co.'s. 18

Xho IIiirwuijuiLTemperance Year Book,

For 168U,

rpiIERE will bo published hero inJL Januarv, 1880, a year book, tin in.tciotlng and useful volunm with theabove title. A bandy book of leferencoas well us a valuaUlu book foi tho house.hold. It will be especially devoted totho temperance cause, and will he ofmuch lhu all the year around. You willbu solicited to Hiihspribo to this book,and can obtain further Information bycalling upon I). M. CROWLEY,

280 Honolulu, II, I.

ft. .11. HOHKKTSON,Dr.iyniiin best teams

,lll town,-- TvlVl'lwuc Nu, 05, 15


't !. i'l



201 FORT ST.

Ttolicrt Lowoi", (! IT. Cnohc,

LEWBBS & COOK E ,(successors Lowers & Dickson,)

Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds of Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu, I

WILDER & Co., Dealers mPaints, Oils, Nails, Salt

and Building Materials of every kind,cor. Fort and Queen bi-- ., Honolulu. 1

& ROBINSON, Dealeis inLumber nnd all kinds of Building

Materials, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71

& PHILLIPS, PracticalIMumbcis, OasFittcrs and Copper-

smiths, No, 71 King St., Honolulu.House and Ship Job Work promptlyexecuted. 17

fehCHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort bt.and dealer m Gent's,

Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes andslippers. G'.i

BROWN ev- - CO., Importers andIn Ales, Wines and Spirits,

No. ! Merchant St., Honolulu. 12

HONOLULU IRON WORKS,Wsi'!ini.... pMtrhiM,.,.Nii.riir.......milk., Iioil.j. ..0... ..0..

ers, coolers; iion, brass and lend cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. P.iiticulnr attention paidto ship's lilacksmithing. Job woike.cfilled at short notice. 1

Wilson Brothers,

GENERAL BLACKSMITHS.Horse Shoeing a specialty

A lirsUclass man being specially engagedfor that woik.

Ship and Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hnppcr's.204

rpiJK Hawaiian Journal, " Ko Ha-- X

waii Pak," owned aniledited by Kawainui Bros. ; has aweekly edition of ,1,200 copies, andis tho best advertising medium. Of-

fice, No. 0 Merchant at. 1

THE EVILS OF PAINTINGAnd thuir Jti'iut'riy.

" It has been said with much truth,too, that house painting might, withstudy and acquirement of taste, resumeits rank as a liberal art." J',iiim'Manual.

Believing tho above to be true, A. BKERR has now icorganized Ills systemof working the business In Honolulu.In the llrst plaeo ho has seemed the ser.vices of that celebrated uitisi, Mr. MaxKoii.v, foiinerlyof San Finncisco, whosework in tho line of plain and decoiatlvopapei'.huuging, fieseoiug, ., Is up totho present timo iiiisurpasstMl, anil onthese Islands lias never been equalled.Forlioiiso painting jobs Jlrst.clash me-chanics only will ho employed. Infuture pntions cm depend upon my every ouler on the moat scientificbasis known to tlio trade.

TJiu Sign Painting and Letteilngdc-paitnien- t

will bu puiniiinently juesldeilover by Mr. Gko. Stkatmkvkm, (furthercomment unnecessary.)

P.S. Send for designs of frescos forcelling and cornices, Something new;and If you want any glass put lu call at

"Tigoi'"l'ittiit;StoiH,317 ly 78KliigBliect,

UNION FKBD COMPANY, A. W..MiiiugeJ- - Seo tulvcrtlse-tui-- nt

on otlivr page, 28


Commission Merchants.Geo. W. Macfailanc. H. R. Macfarlane.



Sugar Factors,Fire-Proo- f Building, 02 Queen street,

Honolulu. II. I.aokxts for

The "Waiknpu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The Silencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The lleeia Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Muni,Puuloa Slieep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tiainway "Works, Leeds,Minlecs, AVntson & Co's Sugar lachin

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.


S. Pratt & Co.F. Auctioneer? and GeneralCommission Mcichnnts,

Braver Block, Queen St., Honolulu.Special attention given to tho Sale of

Real Estate and Pert.onal Pioperty.Advances made on consignments. 210

Clmis bi'recUl. Wm. IS. Irwin."VT G. Irwin & Company,It Sugar Factor's and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. i

HHACKFELD & COMPANY,Commission Agents,

Queen street, Honolulu. l--

CLEQHORN & CO.AS. Importers and CommissionMerchants dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaaliumanu sts., Hono-lul-


II. A. I. Cnrlcr. 1'. c. Joncc, Jr.

C brewer & Company,Shipping and Commission

Merchants, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

rpHEO. H. Davies & Company,X Importers and Commission

Merchants; agents for Lloyd's and theLiverpool Undcrwi iters, British nndForeign Ins. Company, and NorthernAssurance Company. 71

DIAS & OONSALES,No. .77 Hotel Sttcct, Honolulu,

Importers and Dealers in Dry and FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embioidcry,

28t) &c &c, &c.

JOHN T. WATEimoUSE,Iinpoitcr and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

S. GRINI3AUM & CO.,J-'- Importers of Genornl Mer-chandise tiiitl Commission Mel chants.Honolulu. i

S. GRINUAUM & CO. ,Commission Merchants, 124

California street, Sim Frnneisco,Cnl.

"P T. LHNEHAN & G O .,Importers and Commission Mer.

chants, Nitnanu st., Honolulu. 1

S. K. e. J. B. Athcrtun,

fj A S T L E & OOOKE,Shipping and Commission Mer-chimi-

Impoilers and Dealeis in Mciehandise, No. 80 King street,Honolulu.

WING AVO CHAN & Co.,and General Dealers

In English, American and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored eon-tra- ct

matting, all qualities and prices.Sfir No. 22 Nuiiaiiii Street, opposite

Mr. Afong's. 81

A. O. ELLIS,OTOOK BROKER, will buy or sellk3 Plantation Stock, Bonds, and

Other Marketable Securities,Atlhelr market value for cash.215 Olllcc with E. P. Adams. Auct'r.


NO. 38 Merchant Street,Honolulu, II. Ij'

Sugar Plantation, Railroad,Telephone, and other Corporation Stock,

Bonds and Similar Securities Boughtand Sold on Commission,

Money loaned on Stock Securities.Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 1882. 214

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &o.

Stoves and Bangesof iill kinds.

Plumbers1 stock anil metals,

Hoiibo Furnibliiug Goods,

7? Chautlolicrs, Lumps, &o.

A. S, CLEGHOEN & Co,Have received a large assoilment of

Boots & Shoesto suit till classes of PUieliuHTS, 181

Professionals.(J B. MANN, B. S.,iJ Tkaciiku op Drawing,

DltAUtlltTINO AND Tim SciKKCKS,287 No. 189 Fort street. lm

SARAH B. PEIRCE, M. D.,and Clilldrcn's Physician.

Olllcc and icsidence, No. 5 School etreel,(between Foit and Emma).

Olllcc bouts 10:30 to ll:30n. m.Isy0to3:30r). m.

210 Telephone, No. 201

JL Resldenco and consultation rooratat Xo. 2 Kuknl st., comer ol Fort. I

Telephone No. 140. G9 2m

Dr. G-- . Trousseau,begs to uotlfyhls friends that ho

has resumed practice in Honolulu. Rcsl.ilcnee and consulting rooms, No. 73Punchbowl .st., opposite the inakul gateof the Queen's Hospital. Consultinghours fiom 0 a. m, to 12.

Telephone No. 103. sg

W AUSTIN WHITING,Attorney nnd Counsellor at Law.

Agent to tako acknowledgments ofinstruments.

Kaahiilnanii st., Honolulu. 200



Real Estate in any pait of the Kingdobought, sold and leased, on

commission.Loans negotiated,

Legal Documents Drawn.No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block),100 Honolulu, Hawaiian Island

SB. DOLE,Lawyer and Notary Public,

No. 15 Kaaliumanu st,

JM. Davidson, HAttorney at Law. i

10 2t Mei chant stieet.



Attorney at Law, , ,

15 Kaalumianii 51.

JOHN RUSSELL,Attnnipv nt T.n- - ir

Odicc, corner of Fort and Merchant si.(up stairs) 11,--1

T7"IL.LIAM O. SMITH,; Attorney at Law,

10 No. 80 Merchant street.

RICHARD F. BICKERTON,and Counsellor at Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free,holds. Office, No. 31 Merchant st., 1

CECIL BROWN,and Counsellor at Law,

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac-knowledgments of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahuuianu st,Honolulu. '.i,,i


General Agent for I'.lThe N. Y. Life Insurance Company!'

!'-- .

Tlie City of London Fire In. Co(limlt'd)Macncalc & Urban Safes,The Celebrated Spiinglleld Gas MachineGas Fi.tuics of Mitchell, Ynnce &'Co:;




Agent lo lake AeknolcdginonlR to I

Labor Contracts, , 1,

AND GENERAL BUSINESS,AGENT.Olllcc, In Makce'hlllock, corner Queen

and Kaahuuianu streets, Honolulu. 21':

J. WILLIAMS & Co.120 Fort Street, - . Honolulu,

Portrait and Landscape'

, ibo iy

AULD, Agent totake Acknowledgments to Con.

liacts for Labor for tho District of Kon'uIsland of Oahu, at the ofllcc of the Hono.lulu Waterworks, foot of Nuuanu st.

180 tf

TO UN A. HAS SINGER,Agent to tako Acknowledgment! to

Contiacts for Lab6r. Interior 'fllec,Honolulu. 7

C. AKANA,Chinese and lfawailnii Trans-

lator and Interpreter,No. 48 King stieet, Honolulu.

Tianslatlous of eltiier of tho aboveliuiguages made witti accmacy and dis-patch, and on lcasonablc terms. 200

H. BRUNS, Coopcr'and Gaugcr,Water Tanks of any dimi'iiuions,

Cooperage, No, 1" Fort street,Hoiinlulu,

Oil Casks, Sliooks and Hoop Iron con- -

221 stautly on Jiaud and for sale, ly



F. HORN, Practical Confeolionor,Pastry Cook anil linker.

No.7niutoUt. Telephone 74.






-- 1J


Page 2: THE DAILY BULLETIN - University of · hnvo occupied the throne in a manner for 19 years. As I neglected


t lailjt Ijjjnllcfhk

WKPyiiSDAY, JAN. 21, 1883.


Sale of Furniture nl tho Residenceof J. M Davidson, by K. P. Adams,nt 10 o'clock.


Pigeon Match at Ivalilii at 1

EVENING.Special Meeting of Lodge Lc Pro-

xies, llrst degree, at 7: U0.

Oalm, Kniglils of Pythias, No. 1

at 7:0.Rclhel Prayer meeting, at 7:!10.

Fort St. Church Prayer meeting,nt7:U0.

St. Andrew's Cathedral, usualbcrviccs, at 7 :!10.

The "Suez"Left San Francisco on the 0th, so

'" that lo-da- y she is lo days out. No

passenger list was obtainable in town

tip to the time of going to press, butwe have heard that it included thenames of Mrs. Athcrton and family,

H. Damon and wife, "W. O. Smith,

S. Silig, II. Poor, Mrs. A. "W Bush,nud no doubt many others well-know- n

here.Yesterday it was determined to

send the steamer C. K. Bishop in

search of her, and she was fitted up.She will go out this morning. Capt.

Ilobron sent out the steamer Ki-hiu- ca

Hon last night on lnc sameerrand.


Correspondence is solicited on the ton-

ics of the dny, or wlint may liccomu so.AVc reserve the right to excise purely

personal mutter."Wc do not hold ourselves responsible

for the opinions expressed by our correspondents. Ed.

Editoii Bulixtix : Noticing in

your valuable little paper this morn-

ing that a rumor is going round thatsoldiers intrusted to distribute theinvitation to the Coronation sold

some of them to passengers on thelast mail steamer. I have to say

that no soldiers were intrusted with

invitations to distribute, and that, so

far as wc know, no invitations havemis-carrie- d. The answers that havebeen received arc a sufficient guaran-tee of that : so that the whole storyis untrue. Yours, &c,

Lnvi Isaac.Honolulu, Jan. 23d, 1883.

local & General items.This afternoon there twII bo a

'pigeon-shootin- g match at Kalihi at:onc o'clock.- -

Ykstkkdav morning an express

broke down .with a load of passen

gers from the steamer on Reretaniastreet.

( .On Monday evening the soldiers

drilled in the .presence of Their Ma-jesties, on King street, in front of

tbciPjdaec.. has been n slight change in

the personnel of the oillccrs of theAmerican Legion of Honor, Hawaii-

an Council No. G80. Mr. J. A.

Hassinger is nowand E. 1). Tciiney, Collector.r :

' Dii. Timelier, dentist, returned onSaturday last from a professional

visit to ihc other islands. By adv.

in another place it will be seen thattho Doctor has is old ofllccat 104J- Fort st. (up stairs), where hemay be found as usual.

Thk Band concert on Mondaynight was a genuine treat. TheSquare was crowded with people andthe streets lined with carriages. Theevening was delightful and themusic splendid. It was a treat towalkabout: the Square has been foaltered by trimming and cleaningup, It now looks better than it ever

did at any previous time.

Accoitui.vo to the Captain of theLily Grace things arc in a bad statein Peru. Tho President is still aprisoner in Chill, nothing but guerillawarfare goes on in the interior, inwhich no prisoners are taken on

cither side , tho foreign merchantsarc till heavily taxed, and nothing is

being imported on account of tho

licuvy extra duties. Tho Chilians

have sold 1,000,(JOO tons of guanoto a French Company, who will pro-

bably lose on the trausiwUous.

Shipping Notes.The German steamer Khrcristcln

will leave Bremen on the 10th ofFebruary for this port with immi-

grants.Tho U. S. S. Lackawanna ssllcd

from Callao on December lClh forthis port:

late Foreign News.Gambctta is dead. (!cn. Chintzy

is dead. Both have had public na-

tional funerals. Floods nro on theincrease in Germany, Austria andFrance. The stt timers Kirby Halland City of Brussels collided in a

fog in the channel. Many lives lostand the City of Brussels sank. TheNcwhnll House has been burneddown (by an incendiary) tit Mil-

waukee: over 100 have perished;the sight is fearful. Wholesalearrests of alleged conspirators havebeen made in Dublin. A terror hasseized upon the conspirators. Ar-rests arc made daily of suspects con-cerned in the Plmmix Park murder.

Tho Mexican Reciprocity Treatyis advancing. 50,000 for the useof the U. S. licet on the Pacific hasbeen stolen from the Bailroad Co.'svaults at Panama. An attempt hasbeen made lo assassinate the Sultan.

England has issued a note to thePowers, showing her proposed deal-ings with Egypt. She takes controlunaided. It has been agreed to. Acircus was burned down at Berdits-chef- f,

Russia, on Jan. 1.1th; 100persons were burned to death, withthe horses, &c, of the circus.

death op Judge Allen.Washington, Jan. 2nd. Owing to

the absence of the family of JudgeAllen, late Hawaiian Minister, noarrangements have been made forthe disposition of the i cumins. Thebody is lying at Hamilton under thecharge of the youngest son. Thereis some question as to what courtesyby the diplomatic corps and the olli-cc- rs

of the Government should beshown towards the deceased, hasJudge Allen had the dual capacity ofn citizen of the United States and arepresentative of the Kingdom ofHawaii. S. I' Bulletin, Jan. 10.

The funeral of the Hawaiian Min-ister, Judge Allen, took place atBangor, Me., on Saturday, Jan. 3rd.The attendance was large, notwith-standing the intense cold.

the Sugar interestNew York, Jan. 9th The World,

in a column editorial on the Hawaii-

an Treat', concludes as follows :

The Sandwich Island treaty injuresno one, but benefits everyone on theeastern .slope of the Rocky Moun-

tains, and as it admits certain sug-

ars free of duty to the Pacific Coast,it ought to benefit consumers on thewestern slope. Thnt which robs thePacific Coast of the full benefit offree sugars is the tiling for Califor-nia to deal with, without pesteringthe treaty-makin- g power in Wash-ington. All tliis " fuss" over sugarand Sprcckcls really means at thebottom a combination to aid theBritish Government and Sir CharlesDilkc to impede, and, if possible,thwart the negotiations committed to

Grant of a reciprocalcommercial alliance witii Mexico,which is the country capable of pio-duci-

au indefinite supply of sug-ars. If this negotiation is success-ful, the principle of unhinderedtrade will in the end sweep us intoalliance with not only all the Statesof Central America, but Cuba-an-

Porto Rico also.

The CoronationNow York', Jnn 3rd. The Herald

says, editorially: Tho telegraphbrings us from San Francisco, atsomewhat too frequent intervals oflate, accounts of the splendors of thecoming coronation of King naiauaua.We are surprised that American andother foreign residents of the islandshave not long ago got tired of theseabsurdities and extravagance of thisridiculous King. Those island rul-

ers who wero of pure native blood,retained the character of the chiefsof their people, and this rule was notwithout dignity and for a usefulpurpose. Kalakaua inherits fromIns negro father a Icmluiuu to extra-vagance, the pomp and fuss of whichmakes him not ruler but a tiresomeand costly nuisance. Wc ndvisoAmerican residents on the island totake him in hand before he has limeto ruin the material interests andbring distress on the native popula-tion whom he is misusing, like theshallow demagogue that ho is. Thercsoutces of the Sandwich Islandsare extremely limited, and Kalakauais daily wasting them. Not long-ag-

lie tried lo ruiBQ n public loan ofForlmmluly for t,lic juler.

csts of foreign residents and natives I

alike, he found no one so foolish asto lend this sum. upon the securityof n country which will be bank-rupt if the reciprocity treaty is notcontinued, and whose present debtof a quarter of a million ismorc thanit can repay out of Us in-

come in one hqndrcdyears without oppressive taxation.It is time foreign residents of theislands, and particularly Americans,who make up the greater number,should put an end lo Kalakaua'swastefulness. They have inllucnboand force enough to depose thismiserable half-bree- d from his shamKingship whenever they want to doso. They may think it injudiciouslo go so far as that, but tiny owe itlo their own manhood and to thesecurity and tho future prospects ofthe islands to force him lo stop hiswasteful and ridiculous course, andif he will play at King lo do so withsonic sort of sense and moderation.Matler.s have gone so far on theislands within the last year or twothat they have attracted the atten-tion of our own Government. Wcshould like to know that a powerfulAmerican war ship were ordered tobe constantly in the harbor of Hono-lulu for the protection of our ownpeople on the islands, and not onlyfor that,- - the Captain of the shipought to have orders to give hiscountenance and assistance to 11113'

step which tho misconduct of Kala-kau- u

may cause the foreign residentsto take at any moment for their ownprotection, even if they should goso far as to expel Kalakaua, fromthe palace, and set upa useful, sensible government oftheir own. They will have to dotins before long, and there areAmericans of brains and energyenough in the islands to do this use-ful and necessary work, which isdemanded for the safety of thenative as well n,s of the foreignpopulation.

i? Thacher,DENTIST.

lOl'? Foil street (tip stairs.)Charges lower than any other dentist

in Honolulu, whether tiavcling dentistor otherwise. Satisfaction guaranteed.


Notice.rpiIE undersigned having purchasedJL the

Butchering Businessxv Tim

Metropolitan and City MarketsOn King and Niiuanu streets, Honolulu,"will carry on thu same 011 his own ac-count under tho trade name of


As from the lsl January, 1S83.301 at GiMimiT .louxsox AVat.i.kii.

NrVrmV. Tim nmlnlnni&tv7X . -- ;..t.::.v.,... v. ,. .;""Vvto&. mil is nermann;i5:wil not he responsible forany dents contructc.l iy any

of the olllceis or cicw of said vessel304 lw

Wnntefi,IMMEDIATELY, a neatly furnished

Cottage, in 11

pleasant riqighhoihnnd, for a gentlemanand hih family. YVill pay a good rental.Apply or add ess immediately to .I.E.Wi&nuAX, Gencia' Business Agents.

SIO,--) lw

Wanted,ANYONE having a copy of J. AV.

" Form Hook" to dis-pone of, will Hud a purchaser liy sendingvi mil to:;03tf J. W. Konr.uTOix & Oo.

""'" Wuiitcd,RESPECTABLE TIDY (URL prmiddle aired woman to take caic

of children and art as nurse, and lo tra-vel with the family in foreign hinds.

Comfortahlc home offered with suit-nhl-e

wages.Addrobs.or apply to J E. WISEMAN,

General Business Agent, No. 27 Mer-cha-

Mrccl. ,303 'lw

4 T a meeting of the Directors of ICa-r-

piolani Paik Association held Jan.18th, IBS!),, the following oillccrs weteelected for the ensuing year, viz:

A. S. Cleghorn President.' Dr. J. S. yicGrow. . . . ViccPres.H.-- Macfarlane Secretary.Cecil Brown . . . ; Treasurer,

Signed, II. It. MACFA ItLANE,K03lw Sec. K. P, A.

W. FENNELL,Practical Mechanic.

S.ddi.i:h and ll.itxi:hsof all hinds on hand or

made to order.No millinery or diy goods for sale hero.No steam plows or Gorham silver ware.No wines or spirits for sale. ,No Imported Coronation slocl; here.No IioqIs, bhoes or Peter Funk juwolry;

Hut if vou waiusalislaction in my linoca II on me at liintv M. :"'

Tho Jtcst Turnout in Town.5Rai J' IrM'filllxs'"WKftfcfe.Mirti'' Ftfnrnc:? Oarrlnnns

.V;r.& For H,u(Sober and careful drivers.

Telephone, 'J8II. 303

To the liiidicH !


O1 taken and lessons idvcn In.Clienllle. Silks, and Crewel Km

bioldcry. Work to bu seen everydayfrom 10 a. in, to'J p.m., at. 131 Fort stiect(uv door tu Dr, Uicdlc). S Uui


Reserve this space for announcements of

NEW" Gr'O'OINSof which they have huge

Novelties in all LineB of


,Tiit Ifceoeivecb., .

; A large Consignment of , 1

Kerosene Oil, in faucet moz.lo cans, 150 Fire Test,froni.Eastern Refiners, for sale in quantities to suit,

at vcr1 low prices.(


Reciprocity Relationslklwccn the Hawaiian Islands and tho'Unitcd States, nlid

between the Hawaiian Islands and

jr. 233. wissem.a.jSt,' " '.;Real Estate Broker, Employment Agent sind General,

Business Agent, .

Onicc, 27 Merchant slieet, - Hawaiian Gazelle lilock.The only recognized Heal Estate Broker in the Kingdom. , ;, t

Land and propeity for sale in nil parts of Honolulu and the various Islands.. 'Houses to lcac and rent in Honolulu and suburbs.Booms to rent, en suite or single, throughout Honolulu. "


AITXJSR, TT-II- DATEWc will hold our

Regular Room SaleOn Friday of each week.

F. S. PRATT & Co. Auctioneers.

For Snlo,To arrive per barkentine " Eureka."

200 bales Cnlifornl-- i liny,200 Sacks Oats,200 Sacks Bran,200 Sacks Corn,200 Sacks Ground Barley,

'200 Sacks Barley,200 Sacks Potatoes.

F. S. Pkatt & Co., Auctioneers.

Auction Sales by E.P. Adams

Furniture Sale,At the residence of J. 31. Davidson, Esq.

No. 138 Bcretania street,(opposite residence of T. R.iWalker)

Wednesday) January 24th,At 10 a.m. will be Fold the cnthcHousehold Furniture

Consisting in part as follows:Handsome parlor suit, 7 pieces,Centre table,, line engravingsChandeliers, rugs, window curtains,Cornices, easy chairs, library table,B. AV. chairs," secretary and 'book case,Handsome; b. w. carved marble top

BEDltOOM SET,Consisting of bedstead, bureau, wash,stand, locker, 3 chairs and towel ruck',beautiful b. w. waidrobc, with minorfull length, .hair and spring mattresses,pillows, blankets, coverlets, mosipiitonets, i now sowing machine in perfectorder, chamber bets, single and double;b w. bedsteads.

B. W.' sideboard, oxt. (lining tabic,Dining chairs, glnss fc crockcryware,Cutlery and plated )varc. "Refrigerator, meat safe, '

Kitchen stove, in order;Kitchen furniture, step-ladde-

AVhcelbarrow, bath tub, hat racks,Also" large K011 office table, I. B. AV.

bookcase, ollicu chairs and table.,,. JB, P. Adams, Auctioneer.

Tiimt Lri'ivedBy tho stinr City of New York,


IiiKlies' & Gcntlcmuii'M

SADDLES!Embroidered and plain Feats,

Bridles in Rnsset & Blk leatherRiding Whips and,

Tho II ne t cvor imported into these Is.lands; also,

Solid Leather Portmanteaus,Carpet Bags, Pouches, and

Rusaut Leather Saddle Bags,


.t. 11. LV'oirs800 No. 88 King street,

CEDAR SHINGLES!JubT Rixxivni) jiy

299 AllCII A KvWllHOIl.


invoices lo arrive.

Agricultural Implements,'.' ( i'qnvri(i3

,11 V ,1- - I.

t tn


Rather Reyivifyiiig-- IP

Pni'tiierchlp Notice. '

WILLIAM ;L. GRIEVE this' day rethe firm of Uojieht

GiuuvE & Co.,' which is now composedof Robert Grieve and Alntnu T.'Atkln.son. ROBERT GRIEVE; & ,Co,

Honolulu, Jan. 20th, 1883. 303 at

Notice of DiHsoIntion.rpiIE heretofore cxist-J- L

ing b'ctweeri Bruce Cart wfiglit, AV.S. Luce and A. W.Bush, tinder the firmname or style of tho Union Feed Co,,, isthis day dissolved. ' '" "'

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT'Dated Honolulu, Jnnuary.8,1883. ' '

CARD.THE, partnership; heretofore existing

tho said parties, abovementioned was not dissolved 'oh the 28thday of December, 1882. Tho under-signed luis.not purchased the interest ofW. S, Luce and A. W. Bush, and has notassumed all the liabilities of said firm.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT.Dated Honolulu, Jan. 8, 1883. 21)2 lm

Notice oi'ViMKoIntion.THE Union Feed Company, composed

Bruce Cartwriglit, AV. 8. Luce,and A. W. Bush, was dissolved on tho28th day of December, 1882, Bruce Cart,wright purchasing the cntirc'intcrest ofAV. 8. Luco and A. AV. Bush, who fromthe 28th December, 1882, ccascditobopartners in the said,,Union Feed Comp-any. Bruce Cartwriglit, the piirchnscr,assuming'nll liabilitics'of said Companyprior to date of dissolution thereof.

,s . AV. S. LUCE. .291 ,1m

t A. AV. BUSH.

Dissolution of Partnership.NOTICE is hereby given that the firm

, Co. is this daydissolved by mutual consent. A. Av.Riehaidson retiring.

All claims will be paid by C. Broglloanil J. A. Spear, and all debts, will b'ccollected by them.

The business will contlnia under tholinn name of Brogllo & Spear.

CllAS. BltOOMl!.John A. Spkak." iA. AVVRiciiAliusojf.

Honolulu,, Jan. 13, 1883. 200 lm' ' BST Notice 5a

ALL 'DEBTS due 'to the' undersignedboip'aidon or beforo thcllst

January, ptlierwiso t hoy .will bo placedin the hands of a collector. . . .

291 2v . CAFr, MARCIIANT., ..!.- - m

' 4Notice.AT1 'the Annual Meeting nftlic'Eaftt

Plantation Co., hold at Hono-lulu, January 17th, 1883, tho followingoillccrs "were, elected 'for, tho ensuingyear:Col. AV. F. Allen'. PresidentJ. E. Hoffmann. , ' .Vico PresidentV. C. Jones, Jr .' Scc'y' and TreuAV. F. Alloti Auditor

IHUECTOIW;Messrs. AV. F. Allen, A. G. Ellis, and

P. O. Jones, Jr.300 3w P. O. JONES, Jn., Seo'y.

'.NoliocHaving purchased the good.will of the

Hotel Street Market, wo are now pie-pare- d

to supply old customera and newoneiiwitli.thu best quiilily of Beef, Mut:pin Pork, Veal, Poultry and Eggs atmarket prices.

Shipping supplied with live stock.CAVENAGH & Co.

Honolulu, January 8, 1883. 21)3

-- The Hotel Street MarketIs now hi a position to Mippy,thclr cus.

.meisjwithPrime Mutton, Veal,

and everything in tho meal line.Send in your orders. Prompt delivery,'2U1 Cavunaoii & Co, - ' 'i


. M





Page 3: THE DAILY BULLETIN - University of · hnvo occupied the throne in a manner for 19 years. As I neglected




"-- TELEPHONIC.-"Diniond Hcitd) Jnn; gl, 0:30 n.m

Light N. K. wiiid.Ihuk H AyAlmy, off port.Sclir" KnAillicnotiH 10 miles off.

ARRIVALS.Jnn 23- -

Stmr Australia from San FranciscoEiig Hesperian fm fs.F., 17' days


Rtmr.Kilattca lion for crnisoStnir Lchua for winrtwnul polls.Schr Kliuknl for AVninluii

i Schr Julia for Ollhoit IylitiltlsHtmr Australia for Australia'J'ern Eva for 8uu Jfrnucisco

VESSELS LEAVING THIS DAYHtmr GU Bishop for ciuUo.Sctir Kulmnnnu for OokalaSclir AYainiulu for OiiotnoaSchr Waiolt for PnauliauSchrMnlolo for HakalaiiSchr Wniohu for PauknaSchr Kaluna for KahuluiSchr M E Foster for NawiliwiliSchr Lilioliho for KoloaSchr Marion for KukuihaclcSchr llalcnkala fo." Pcpcckco

PASSENGERS.For windward ports, per Lchua,

Jan 23 Dr Scclyc, F L Leslie, J GJeffreys, W II Fleming, Mrs Nccd-ha-

N Ohland, J' Gray1, Mrs Chill-ingwort-

wife and 3 children, G W.Belli iT Lindsny, G Landman, L.Ascu, T J lluysehlcn,- - Mrs Batch-clo- r.

From San Francisco, per Australia,Dec. 2!) Japanseo Embassy (5)lion J M Kapcna, Hon J L Kuulu-oi- i,

H W Severance, Miss Sever-

ance, C E'AViUains, 13 A Jones, E C

Mutrinan, S Cohen, C AV Hitchcock.Mrs and MibS Toler, Mis AY T Call-ingha-

C F Eabtman, G L Mathews,N'Ohlandt, J B Rooster A WKirkland, W T Reynolds, H SDadece S Knutze, L A Thurston,R T Polk, Mibs M. Walker, Miss FAllnn. ntnl 30 in ntonrixro.

For Australia, per Australia, Jan.23rd Frank Lee, J FcnrlcyK. 14.


VESSELS IN PORT.Haw bark Kalnkaua, stiller

Bgtnc V G Irwin, TurnerBktnc Jane A FalKinbergBk Lilly Grace, Hughe3Bk HermannAm term Eva,Haw brig Nlnlto, CameronAmhip.HopjJ, it. ' "Un

VESSELS EXPECTED.Rig Name From DuoStmr Suez, from S. F. Jnn 17Am bktnc Ella fm S. F. , Jan 20Am bk Emerald fm l't Gamble, J.t SO

Am Icin ME Smith fm l't Gamble, Ja U0

Am bk Amy Tinner from Boston, Jan 2S

Gr bk Canopus fm' Bicmcn, Feb 7

Bk C R Bishop, fiom Bi union, Feb 10

Jubilee fiom Newcastle. Feb 12SFmr Zcnhihdtn fin Sydney, Feb 11Stmr City of N. Yoik fiom S. F. Feb 18Br bhip Ambassador, fm NewcastleBk Janet Couit, fm Liveipool, JIaichBk Abcr Aninn fm GhiPgow, DecBr s s C T Hook fm lIoiiRkoiif;, DueAm tern Datoka, fm Pt Blakelcy, Due

VES3EL8 EXPECTED AJ KAHULUI.Schr Rosario from EurekaSchr Anna ftpin JJurckaBk'F S Tlfonipsnn fiom NnnnimoBglne Ha.aid fiom l't Towiisend

O-.-v WEST,Carriage 'Builder.

Buggies, Carriages, Express "fyVngons

mid every kind of vehicles


Dlacksmithing. horse-shoein- g,

'(, nWffaUklrtdV'of repairing done.

OFFICBS TO'LET,onUhoTWO floor of the building occupiedby J. W. Robertson &. Co 139

C. BREWER & Co.Offer to thotpublic a line of

Vl ff .n

iOA.XMIA.OEISInipoited fiom the East,

and niniuifnetuicd by cclobialed makers.presh)y for this inaiket.

Very.Styliflh Cut-tfnrt- er

Cairyull, made hy Messrs. Kimball &ro., jiusiuu.

BASKET FIUSTONSVery neat and btylish, from Kimball &

'Bios, and AY. P Sargent & Co'b.

1 Beach Wagon, Brownell'h make.Dcmoci.Us Wagon.Bide Spring Tiottiug Buggy.

i All the abovo will bo told low.

Parties puichaso will do well'to call and evamino our htock bcfoiepurclmsiug elscwheie.

0. BREWER & Co- -

Oceanic SteaDhTp Cfornp'y.


Iron Steamer Suez,1)0111), - COMMANDED

Will leave Honolulu ,


For height or parage, having superioraccomodations, apply" (o12 I Wm. 0. Iiiw in & Co,, Agents!.- -

-- TPACIFIU MAIL Slcam-Sfei- s

ship Coinpany.

FOR SAN FKANU1SOO,TliuHplcinlldBtcimohlp

Zealaudia,Webbrr, . Commander,

Will leao Honolulu for Shu Francisco' " Fell". 11.oil or about

FOR SYDNEY via AUCKLAND' ' The Splendid Steamship

City of New York, ,

Cobb, - commander,On or about Feb. 18.

For height or passage apply to theithdcrigned agent?,

We are now prepared to issue ticketsto San Francisco and return for $125,the Hound Trip.

II. IlACKVEt.D & Co.


The ellppcrbglncW. G.-Irw- in,

Turner, .... master,AVill li.u .quick dispatch for tlio nbocport. For freight or p i :mo apply to

Wm. G. Iiiwik & Co., Agents.


C!5v-- j Tin clipper b.ukKalakaua,

Miller, - master.Will have quick dispatch for the abovepoit. For fi eight or pas-ag- e apply to

F. A. Sciivr.Ki'K & Co., Agents.


Jfi$t The clipper bgtne

W. H. Meyerr '

Howe, - Master,Will have quick foithe abovenort. ,For freight or passage apply to

' C. Bnnwim & Co., Agents.

.feff, Steamer Likelike,S)5fflfe King, - Master.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday ati4'p.m., touching at Lahaina, Maa-laea'Baj- ',"

Makena, Mahukona,Laupahoehoe and Hilo.

Returning, will touch at all tinsalove ports, arriving at Honolulueach Sunday a.m. 1

T. R. FOSTER & Co.'s

Line of Steamers

The Iwalani,jiatks, .... Commander,

Runs regularly to Kona and Kau, asper following timetable:

Lkavks Honolulu at i p.m. oxTuesday, Jan !) Tuesday, Feb 20Friday, Jan 10 Friday," March 2Tuesday, Jan 30 Tuesday, Mai eh 13

i'liuay, Feb !) Friday, Mai eh 23

AitnivKs at Honolulu:AVednesday, Ja 17 "Wednesday, Fe 28Satuiday, Ja 27 Satuiday, Ma 10Avcdncsdnv, Fe 7 "Wednesday, Mn 21Saturday, Fe 17 Salmdav, Ma 31

The C. R. Bishop,cAMimox, - - - Commander,

Leaves Honolulu ccry Monthly'at 5 p.m., for Nawiliwili, Kolpa, Llecle,and Wainica, Kauai. Returning, leavesNawiliwili eveiy Fiiday evening.

The James Makee,mcdonalu Cominaiulcr,

Leaves Honolulueveiy Thursday, at 5 p.m. forKapaa findKilauca. Returning leaves Kapaaeyery Tuesday eveniug.

THIS FAST BAU.IKOv Schooner Ehukai

will urn legularlyTO AVAIALUA EyERY MONDAY,

Returning on Thursday, wealherpermitting.

For f i eight or passage apply to thoCaptain on board, or to

181 A. F. Cooki:, Agent.

Sohooner M Sy "V.mrnnAYill leave Honolulu EVERY TUBS-DA-


Returning Bnliiidiiyi.For fi eight or passage, having bitpciiorcabin accommodations, apply to

151 MawaulanUiS Co.

CSf Eveiy l.idv bhould bee the New1'attcins wliich JIiis. JlKM.m has Justleceived dlicct fiom Pails. 2(J


Ofllee, 'corner Nuuaiiunnd Queen Btieets,Honolulu, II. I.,

Agent for the following Packets;AVnilele, jfi-J-

, AVnioli,AValehU, ytp&V AValnialu.Malolo, s&B&lj Kaluna,Manu, JSSSc. Julia,

Kn Moi, and Ehukai.

Eed Flag, with White Ball,lai


Just Opening This Morning

Those Celobrated




In While, Btouc,

Blnuk and Bron.c, mid


' Ladies will do well to call early, andthus secure n perfect fit. ' '



Elegant Drses Suits





All these goods were made expressly

for this Great JEocnt.

M. MertfEliNY.Honolulu, Jan. 13, 1883. 200 lm




AVARE-ROOM- Nos,. 50 and 58




FURNITUREIn tho Kingdom,

which will bo .

Sold at the Lowest Rates.




Jliidu to uidei at bhoit notice.



Telcphuuo No. 72. 207

',. m 'j ah

Colonial CandiesJust Received at

m , x, H, Clvvhvra A cv,



aton &'5



Ladies' and Gent's

Gold and Silver Watches

Just to hand.

Kvcry Watch warranted asrepresented

xVSfiSSJ"irihis isTotifr ihlrtuSTccoKipajiTinjcasa

tMEfciMk.Mout no ZL:

Fac-simil- e of Silver Case1



Actual welghtt.of Gold:

Gross WotO

J -- 4?,feS-i-

XTSlfiiSlflSw Iff s.,'lr ""'J'";;?"r


Boots, Shoes, Slippers, ' Sandals, Ties',c"


-ALsO -

THE FINEST SELECTION OF GENTS' SCARFS,One in a Lov, all ofwhich aic , - tpf

Eminently Suitable for the Present Season,277 A. W. 1UOIIARDSON & CO. .




ooM. Mcliicniy,

Aijtnt for this Kingdom.N. B. Beware of imita-

tions, as I haveseveral silver watches bear-ing the name of WalthamWatches," arc ofManufactuic, and are sold asgenuine Waltham watches.

(316) Fac-himil- e ot Uold Cases



-- AT


uud Jlciclmnt Sliecls,To-D- ay -- To-JDay

Honolulu Association.GEO. F. WELLS, Manager EDWARD LYCAN, Funeral Director. '

Telephone and Night Alarm, No. '1'Jl Olllce in rear of AVclls' Muslc'Store!

WE would lcspcctfully c.ill your intention to our SUPERIOR FACILITIES; . for doing even tiling in ourjine.

t t

An Elegant and Expensive HearseHas been imported direct from New Yoik. Our Embalming and Cine of the Deadis in the hands of ictiied lfhysujiitn Of laigc experience, who will givo'hls'bflsteffortb to this Scientillo bi.incli of the business. EeryUiing that money conldbuy; eveij thing thai practical and fecientiflo Knowledge could suggest, hns beemcarefully cousideicd. 'I

Wo aro Now Hoady, and our Ohai'gcs Avill bo moderated

Trimiiiin-H- , IJlt'!s,, ISobps, Slii'oucls,.And eveiytlilng nppcit-ilnln- to Ihf Irtisiuess constantly on hand.

From 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Telephone, 179. Night Alaini 204.


f j




'Hiibei'axl itlicoiui.: to tlic tiTixIe.

OL7X-1E- 1 C3-iaAJ- OlaSTVIlVO- -

w Tin:


To-D- ay J To-D- ay t








"which Swiss

t l- --







"Willi an Entlic New Stock of

Gouts', Youth's and Boy's Clothing',And a geneial ii8oitment of Furnishing Guodi., just icceived cxhteamer Zculundia,

40 more cuhu arrive per 8o. ami ity of (Svdnoy. . 1

Rememberr the pi lee is plainjy nuulced on each article, fiom which there lbno deviation, To pmchascrs to the amount of $.", or over, a per '

cent discount. (No book accounts kept.) ,,

Htoro open from O a.m. to 8 i,m. Matuicluy uvuuIukn tlll'o".S, W, LEDERER, Mnagor.


CJ03) J, L. R06ENBERQ,




Page 4: THE DAILY BULLETIN - University of · hnvo occupied the throne in a manner for 19 years. As I neglected



4 Mm




THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 185S.

Haiit "Bros., : : Piopriclois.

MEALSServed up In first-clas- s style nt nil hours

Open from 2 a, m. to 10 p. m.s Always on luuul

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&u., &e. Also,

Iced Drinks!GO TO

The Beavor SaloonFOlt

Christmas GiftsFor Smokers. Look nt this list :

Tobacco and Cigars finest ItronsdTobacco pouches and bocsMulch boxesG. 1). D. hilar loot pipesMeerschaum pipes,Cigar nnd Clgaicttc HoldersPipe stems fioin 2 to 24 Inches longAmbor inouth.plcccsWood cigar nnd clgaicttc holders

All thcc arc quite new and of (lie Illicitliramls.278 II. J. NOLTE.

If yo want to scc.lhe

Largest Stock of LeatherIn the Kingdom,

o to 4 (Jtiicen Street.

If you want to sec

The Best Quality of LeatherIn the Kingdom,

Uo to 4si (uccii (Street.

If you' want to

Buy Leather at the LowestTrices in the Kingdom,

l.'o to lit lnccn Htrcct

If you want to Buy the

Best Quality of GroceriesIn the Kingdom,

tin to 12 luecn Htrcet.

If you want

More for your Moneythan you can buy elsewhere in

the Kingdom,

G--q to 42 Queen St.M.W.McCHESNEY&SON.

2;!0 tf

CHAMPAGNE CIDER!Made from the purest material-- ,

Is the bestdrink on tho Islands !

" It will thoioughly icfic-- h Ihu jadedf miiHlnnd,icnricd body."

.1. FiHlior. t "J liilihn Street.EST Town hn1.-- - may be left nt Mi- -.

' ' Weik'.-- , Kingstieet. 233

GKORGE LUCAS, &J4and Bnlldcr.-egJgl-

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills,Honolulu.

Manufactme- - all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Fumes, Blind-- ,

Sashes. Dooi.- -, and all kinds of AVood-wor- k

llnl-- h. Turning, Scioll and BandSawing. All kind- - of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing .md Tenanting.

Oidci-piompt- lv attended to and woikguai.iiitccd. Orders from tho other Is-

lands solicited 21


OHIA and LEHUAcipf woonK am m w m r

At $13 per Corel.

Apply to

A. F. Cooke,215 Jim Foot of Nuuauu street.


A.t Market IfcatesApply to


137 P.M.S.S.Whnif.

LET a Cottage, containiBift'' 7 rooms, with stabling andevery convenience, sltuatul on

tho Plains, one mile fioni town. Aite-sla- n

T.ell water. For paitlculais applyto A. l''KHAiNUJS;fS1200 lm at E. O. Hall & SonV.

(corse Cnvciiugli,ACCOUNTANT. IndicateEXPERT accounts adjusted.

Illuminated writing,Engrossing, ice, &c,

done to order. AVlll piepaio Deeds,LeascH, and Moitgagcs, )n legal foi in.

iJook-kccpln- g in ovciy foim,B)l Collvctul. Sinking up lncchnnics'

accouuts ami hooku a xpeoiulty.23" Agency, 68 King st,, UouOlulw.


A Largo Assortmentor tih:


Fine Wall PapersAND

BORDERS!Just leeched, and fur e.ilu l)y


Bgk. Call nndjexiunino. 117


WALL PAPERS,Coiling Decorations,




A splendid nnd vailed nssoilucnt




Helvetia Laces,Tuck Packing,

Sugar Cooleis,Cloiifleis,

Fire Clay,Hemp Packing, with or without India.

Rubbci,Babbit Motal,

B.ubcd Fence Witc,Mining Steels,

Hoes, ',Fickacs,Cane Knives, w 1th or without hooks,

Hand and Smltli Hamnicis,Shovels, Acs,

Jaeksciews, Vices,' Steam-pip- e Brushes,

Patent Steam.pipc Covering,Lubricating Oil,

Cement, Steel Rails,Sugar nnd Coal Bags, .

Twine, &c, &c.

For sale bj

II. IIACKFELD & Co.Ou. 19th

q q q a


AtiATJS 1VAHE!Chandeliers,


Pendants, andStand Lamps,

A splendid and varied nssoitmuntJust Opened I

SAMUEL NOTT,Tort Stix-ot- . "0

b b230 ly

ATTENTIONwho nic In possession of

huge quantities of

and wishtodlspo-oo- f them, mo icspect'fully requested to communicate, eitherpciconally or by letter, to

F. HORN.Pioneer Steam Candy Factoi v t Bakei v288 Hotel Street, Honolulu. li'n

FOR SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds ft inn 5 to 10 totm per day.

Also, pulloyn, belts, etc., all in goodouter) can bo inn by nleam or hoi-- o

powur, just tho nrtlclo for a plantation.ALSO,

HAY, OATS, CORN,Win-lit- , Hrnn, Hniloy, AVliolo nnil

Grotmcl, Mixed Feed, etc.


Water Notice. 4

Olllco Sup't Water AVoiks,Honolulu, July il, 1882.

ALL persons having AVnlei Privilegesuotillcd that their Water Rates

aio payable semi-annuall- iu advance,at tho olllco of tho Supeiintcndcnt ofWater Works, foot of Nuuauu bticet,upon tho lht day of Jauuai v and July ofeachyiiar. OllAB. B. WlLSON,

blip t atcr yoiks.S. K. Kaai, MiuWter oi lutulur. 204

(T vm'V T ,

Just Received, thoso Desirable

H E L M ET HATSThe most suitable hats for this

climate. For sale by

275 A. S. Clejsliorn & Co,:

LOUIS ABLER,13 Nnuanu street,


IltiH .TtiNL XCcocivcdE Mmr " Sue,"

A huge invoice of all the latest styles of

BOOTS fe SHOESIncluding a line fiom the

veil known manufacturers, Buck- -

Ingham & llcckct, who have noequal on tho l'aclllc Coast.

GHENTS FINE CALFCongirss, Button and Buckle Shoes.

Ladles' Sandals, Ties, &c.

Boy's and Youth's Boots and Shoes,

Gent's Splendid Call Boots.

Al-- o, a fine assortment of

ZRiiIler CJ-oocI- h

which will be offered nt a bargain.277 3m


7 rJC0Q ciai ilfTfa'a?" Bet ttflJA v.

Foot-wea- r of all kinds,and to Buit every purse.

F. GERTZHas just opened and Is now selling a

Splendid Stotftof Hoots and Shoes

of the bct w;oikmanshlp nnd neateststyles.

Embroidered Christmas Slippers

Gentlemen's Fine AA'car inEnglish Walking Shoes,

Congie-- s Gaitcis-- , &c , &c.

The Stronghold" English Walking Gaitars

that never lip.

Ficnch Calf-ki-n I)ics Boot,Riding Boots, Plantation Boots,

Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes

in the latest fashions.I2?"A large stock of Ficnch Hicssing.


111 TPavt Strqct-- ,,

201 ly Opposite Pantheon Slalilcs

ADDITIONS to ourfoimcraREAT c Sue, Kalakaua, and Cityof Sydney, of

Ship Chandlery & Ship Stores:Cordage hemp Manila, cotton duck,Fl.i canvas, lla sail twine, beeswax,Blocks, oais 8 to 21 ft; shackles,Bales of oakum, hooks and thimbles,Club blocks, cmitch blocks, iow-lock-

lion stiap blocks, mast bead- -, shiove-- ,Metaliuu and patent bushings,Stockholm tar, pitch, coal tai, tar oil,Blight and black aini-he- s, wiieiiggingMaiilnc, bciing houscline, iiitlin,Spunyarn, naulking irons,coppcr tacks,lion tacks, connecting links,Miiilln spike-- , caulking mallets,Mast hoops, hand spikes, pitch mops,Tar biu-he- s, &c.Paints and Paint Oil, a full assoilmcnt

of all kinds and color.- -j

Pacilio Rubber Faint, a. 'new lot, includ- -

'all tho vaiious coloi.-;-"Brushes Paint, varnish, pencil, white

wash, paste, aitist, shoe, scmb, andsash a goodtnssortinent of each;

Acs and hatchets, wood and bhingllng;Ship lanterns and side-light- s the Regu-

lation aiticlc.Groceries and Provisions.A .full nsM)itmcnt of fine gioccilcs,

sonfo choice vaiie'ties ofcanned goods:

Table plo fiuits, joins jiml jellies, n newnitlcle, jnit up by a new llrm, andwe can highly lecommeud them asbeing something lenlly nieo;

A new lot of Teas, including boine supc-- i

lor Japan varieties;Sugai Rellncd and law;Hams, bacon, laid, smoked beef, in this,

new aitlelo;Cm lied fowl, curt led oyste'is,Plum nudding, kits salmon bullies.

A Kitsiuackciul, kits tongiioa and sounds,Codllsh, chee-- e. 0.foid samagu, In tins;Raisins, iu Jf, and ', bocs;Riisins, iu tins; cuiiants iu ! & 71b tinsPieklus, iu 1 gal i gal., ,lthl ,fc n gal kgsCom staich, tajiloca, veimlcclli,Macaroni, diicd ajiples, piunes, plums,

pcnchcjnud peais,FLOUR AND BREAD.

Golden Goto etia family, Eldoiado,Golden City, Graham, oat and coin mealMedium bicad, ciackcis,Ginger biuiiis, tally, saloon pilot hi cad,Soda biscuits, ilco and codec,Whalo and sperm oil,Spcim candles, 4s ami Gs.

All of the (Wove will lie sold at the' Best Market Mates,' ' '

Buyers aio most icsinctfully Invited tocall and examine our stock,

w ' " 'bolces i co.


J. M. OAT, Jr., & CO.Stationers and. IVews Dealers,

Hnvo Just Received, ex Sue?,



Base Balls, and Bats- -


--DiariesNow Is tho time to subscribe for Newspapers nnd Periodicals for 1888.

C3TAU orders w ill be llllcd promptly. JglGazette Block, No. 5 Street,

fSilver. Silver. Silver.In consequence of

34 of Holiday Goods 34Have beef, leeched by

Clias. J. of the Millinery Store,Corner Fort nnd Hotel streets, consisting of

24 pes of fine Ultciidan S. P. Castors,24 pes of silver plated enko baskets,24 pes of silver plated butterdishes,20 pes of silver piclkc dishes,!)0 pes of silver goblets,!I0 pes of silver spoon holders,24 pes of silver card receivers,30 pes of silver oses,48 pes of silver cups,43uozcn napkin lings,60 do?c!i dessert spoons and folks,



Assoitmenl of glove and handk'f boxes,Writing desks,hoik iioxc,Ladies' toilet sets, iffAlbums,Tin vol ingLeather caid cases,SteelChromos. (

Plctuio frames,&C, &.C., &.C. t

can be expected as I am determined to sell thesewhat they bring on account of wont of room.

CIIA.S. .T. Store.

Established 18S0.




FISIIEL, Leading



BgyBargains goods-Br- ing

XISJIIEJL., LcndhiK 3HlIliuer.v

J. W. ROBERTSON & CO.,(successohs to ir. m. whitney.)

Importing and Manufacturing Stationers.PUBLISIIEKS, 'v.

Printers and Book-Binder-s,

Nos. 19 and 21 Merchant street, '"

The Oldest, Largest,-an-d CheapestStntionciy Establishment in the Kingdom.

Keep constantly on hand a large assortment ofBlank Books, of all descriptions;

Foolscap, Legal and Bill Cap,Journal and Trial Balance Papers,

Linen Paper and Envelopes, all sizes;

Writing and Copying Inks, in quarts, pints and conesMucilage in all sizes, especially adapted to this climate; , . ti.

Drawing Paper nnd Pencils,Tracing Paper and Cloth,

Transit Books, Field and Level Books, adapted for tho useof Surveyors and Engineers;

Memorandum nnd Pass Books, ,

Silver and Perforated Cud Boaid,Shipping Tags, Shipping Receipt Books and Pads,

T JNote, Droit, and Kcccipt Books,

Aiul numerous other articles in our line to befound in a well kept stock

MUSBC! MUSIC!We have made such ariangcmcnt,- - with our Music Agents, ns will enable us

hoieafter'to keep on hand a full assortment, nnd ulso to lccclve the lntcst pieces nsthey nrc published. Any special order will lccclve our best and prompt atten-tion. 182

MAX ECKART,Watchmaker and Manufactur-

ing Jeweler,Nos113 and 115 Fort Street, j : Honolulu.

Splendid New Stock of Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry,

Eleyant Gold and Silver Watches, -

Sllvci.Platcd Ware, &c, &c. 188


Subscription Department"flSfE nro prepared to iccclvo fuiher oideis for nny Paper or Magazine publishTi cd iu California, the Eastern States, Canada, and Euiopc.

At tho pit-sen- t time wo rccehc by cvciyinnil over ono hundred and fiftydill'cicnt Papeis and Magazines, published in the English, French, German, nndScandinavian Languages, ,

As our subscription list is huge, wo aio enabled to furnish the Papers nndMagazines at a low rato of Subsciiptloii, 183


Union Feed Company .


Largest and Best Stock


u.SA, W. UUS1I, Vvvt St.,

HAY, GRAIN AND FEEDOf All description, and koop a full supply

i ' cnnstuutlv on liunrl.

52 JdTSvud wacr!,

-- OY-

to HouqIuIu,

gunimitees to


iS. X" 54 4

