the crucible research project b2

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Post on 09-Jul-2015




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Block 2

The Crucible Research Project__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Overview: Over the next couple of class periods, you will work in a group to research a topic that will help us understand Arthur Millers The Crucible. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ There are two parts to this assignment: 1. As an individual, you will be responsible for finding and evaluating sources and creating an annotated bibliography. 2. As a group, you will be responsible for presenting the information from your collective research in a short digital media presentation (Powerpoint, film, Prezi, etc.)

Research Project TimelineResearch Stage 1. Define the task. Figure out what your research topic is and identify the requirements for successful completion of project. 2. Locate sources on the internet. Evaluate sources for credibility and usefulness. 3. Pull information from your sources. Create at least 4 source cards and an annotated bibliography. 4. Share information with group members. Organize research to address research questions. 5. Create digital media presentation. A digital media presentation is any presentation that includes technology and visuals. 6. As a group, share your research presentation with the class. Turn in your individual Annotated Bibliography Estimated Date (these are subject to change) Thursday 9/14

Monday 9/19 Monday 9/19 Wednesday 9/21 Monday 9/19 Wednesday 9/21 Monday 9/19 Wednesday 9/21 Friday 9/23

This project is worth 100 total points: Individual:


Annotated Bibliography (individual): 30 points Lab Behavior (being on-task, treating lab with respect, etc.): 10 points Source Cards (at least 4 cards, accurately labeled with MLA format and annotations): 10 points


Research Plan: 5 points Final Digital Media Presentation: 40 points Group Collaboration (sharing responsibilities equally, respecting group members): 5 points