the count of the monte cristo


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Page 1: The count of the monte cristo
Page 2: The count of the monte cristo

On 24th February 1815, the Pharaon returned to Marseilles after a three-month voyage that

had claimed the life of its captain and seen first mate Edmond Dantès take the helm.

During the Pharaon’s absence, France had undergone a radical political

change: Emperor Napoléon had been deposed and was in hiding, but was already plotting his return to power.

Those who supported him were being hunted down and jailed or executed by the

king’s agents. And so it was a troubled world to which Dantès and his crew returned.

Page 3: The count of the monte cristo

It was a silly quarrel, and I bear him no ill will. I am proud to work with any man of your


You are a good judge of character. Captain Leclère was a good man, and the

crew looked up to him.

Take the next three months to deliver the letter

and to spend time with those you love. When the Pharaon next sets sail, she

will have a new captain: Edmond Dantès!

It seems he has chosen

the perfect successor!

All but Danglars. He seems to distrust

me, sir.

Danglars? That’s no surprise! He’s a fine sailor, but a surly and

difficult man when he wants to be.

But enough of that. How have you

found captaining the ship? Have the men accepted you

as their leader?

You must take great care of that letter, Edmond! It

would be a terrible thing for it to fall into

the wrong hands.

What happened to him?

He succumbed to a fever, sir. Before he died, he left me

instructions to collect this letter from an old friend of his on the Island of

Elba, and deliver it to an associate in Paris.

Ah, is that you, Edmond? What’s the matter and why is

there such an air of sadness aboard?

A great misfortune occurred, Monsieur Morrel. Poor Captain

Leclère is dead!

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So, Captain Dantès, will you dine with me tonight? You have served Morrel &

Son well. I would like to repay you in any

way I can.Your kindness is payment enough,

Monsieur Morrel, but I must decline your

invitation. I am anxious to see my dear old father

and my darling Mercédès.

Indeed! You must go to them,

Edmond, and celebrate your


Captain… congratulations, Edmond… I’m sure you will

do well.

Sure... sure I will.

Oh thank you, Danglars. Monsieur

Morrel is so very kind, but I look forward to your guidance. Hope

you will help me better my skills.

So Morrel thinks that excitable

child will make a better captain than

I? We shall see about that!

Enjoy while it lasts, Edmond. The higher you rise, the

further you will have to fall, and I know just how

to trip you up!

But Danglars could not bring himself to smile or to celebrate with his young rival.

Dantès could hardly believe his luck! With three months’ wages in his pocket, the captaincy of the ship on the horizon, and the love of a

beautiful woman, he was on top of the world.

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Edmond! Oh, praise the Lord,

it is you!

In the family home, Old Dantès was tending to his nasturtiums, as he had done every day since his beloved son set sail…

He could barely afford to eat, nor could he sleep for worrying over Edmond’s

safe return. Too often, ships were lost at sea and their crew forgotten.

…sitting by the window in the hope that he might see the

face of his only child approach.

Every sound on the stair set the old man’s heart racing, such was the love shared by father and son.

For three long months, he waited and prayed, until the day…

…his prayers were answered.


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Ah, Edmond, how nice it is to see you…

…and your gold!

Here, take my wages and pay off your


I cannot believe he has let you

suffer like this in my absence!

There is no wine… and not much in the way of food. I have been struck down by

poverty, Edmond. I owe a great deal of money

to our neighbour, Caderousse.

Father, where is the

wine… where is all your food?

No, Edmond, wait!

At that moment, Caderousse appeared

at the door.

Edmond quickly related the events of the voyage to his overjoyed father, who could not quite believe his son’s good fortune.

Let us have some wine to


And I am to be made Captain

of the Pharaon!


Page 7: The count of the monte cristo

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When Edmond Dantès is imprisoned for a crime he did not commit, he vows to escape and destroy those who betrayed him.

With his former life a distant memory, revenge drives him forward. Using the fortune left to him by Abbé Faria, he transforms himself into the powerful and enigmatic Count of Monte Cristo and systematically hunts down the men who put him behind bars.

Acting as destiny’s agent, Dantès must face not only his enemies, but also the moral dilemmas raised by his ruthless quest for justice. With skill and ruthlessness, he manipulates those around him to do his bidding, leaving a trail of social carnage in his wake.

Can the man, who once had so much to live for, complete his mission and fi nd peace, or will fate thwart his plan at the very end?