the constrained e ssmmctp/sciprgpgs/events/2008/lhc2008/king-cems… · 07/01/2008 steve king, lhc...

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP The Constrained E The Constrained E 6 6 SSM SSM and its signatures at the LHC and its signatures at the LHC Work with Moretti and Nevzorov; Howl; Athron, Miller, Moretti, Nevzorov Related work: Demir, Kane, T.Wang; Langacker, Nelson; Morrissey, Wells; Bourjaily; Cvetic, Demir, Espinosa, Everett, Langacker; J.Wang; Keith, Ma; Daikoku, Suematsu; Demir, Everett; Hewett, Rizzo; Barger, Langacker, Lee, Shaughnessy, many others (apologies)

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Page 1: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

The Constrained EThe Constrained E66SSMSSMand its signatures at the LHCand its signatures at the LHC

Work with Moretti and Nevzorov; Howl; Athron, Miller, Moretti, Nevzorov

Related work:

Demir, Kane, T.Wang; Langacker, Nelson; Morrissey, Wells; Bourjaily; Cvetic, Demir, Espinosa, Everett, Langacker; J.Wang; Keith, Ma; Daikoku, Suematsu; Demir, Everett; Hewett, Rizzo; Barger, Langacker, Lee, Shaughnessy, many others (apologies)

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Page 2: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

�MSSM solves �technical hierarchy problem� (loops)

�But no reason why Higgs/Higgsino mass » msoft the � problem�.

�In the NMSSM =0 but singlet allows SHuHd <S> Hu Hd where <S>»

�S3 term required to avoid a massless axion due to global U(1) PQ symmetry

�S3 breaks PQ to Z3 resulting in cosmo domain walls (or tadpoles if broken)

The The problemproblem

�One solution is to forbid S3 and gauge U(1) PQ symmetry so that the dangerous axion is eaten to form a massive Z� gauge boson U(1)� model

�Anomaly cancellation in low energy gauged U(1)� models implies either extra low energy exotic matter or family-nonuniversal U(1)� charges

�For example can have an E6 model with three complete 27�s at the TeV scale to cancel anomalies with a U(1)� broken by singlets which solve the problem

�This is an example of a model where Higgs triplets are not split from doublets

Page 3: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

Minimal EMinimal E66SSM: Unification at MSSM: Unification at MPPHowl, SFK

(10) (4) (2) (2)PS L RSO SU SU SU6 (10) (1)E SO U


TeV U(1)X broken, Z� and triplets get mass, term generated


Quarks, leptons

Triplets and Higgs


MW SU(2)L£ U(1)Y broken

E6! SU(4)PS£ SU(2)L £ SU(2)R

SU(4)PS£ SU(2)L £ SU(2)R £ U(1)! SM £ U(1)X

(4,2,1) (4,1,2) (6,1,1) (1,2,2) (1,1,1) 27

Three families of 27�s survive to low energy (minus the RH �s)

£ U(1)

Extra U(1)X survives to TeV scale

RH masses




E6 broken via Pati-Salam chain

Page 4: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

Unification at MUnification at MPP in Minimal Ein Minimal E66SSMSSM

Low energy (below MGUT) three complete families of 27�s of E6

High energy (above MGUT» 1016 GeV) this is embedded into a left-right symmetric Pati-Salam model and additional heavy Higgs are added.

Howl, SFK

MPlanck MPlanck

Page 5: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

EE66SSM: Unification at MSSM: Unification at MGUTGUTSFK, Moretti, Nevzorov

15 14 4(1) (1) (1) NU U U

(10) (5) (1)SO SU U 6 (10) (1)E SO U

E6 ! SU(5)£U(1)N MGUT

TeV U(1)N broken, Z� and triplets get mass, term generated


To achieve GUT scale unification

we add non-Higgs

Quarks, leptons

Triplets and Higgs

Singletsand RH s


MW SU(2)L£ U(1)Y broken

Right handed neutrinos are neutral under:

! SM £ U(1)N

RH masses




E6 broken via SU(5) chain

Page 6: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

Unification at MUnification at MGUTGUT in Ein E66SSMSSM




250 GeV

1.5 TeV

Blow-up of GUT region2 loop, 3(MZ)=0.118

SFK, Moretti, Nevzorov

162 10XM


Page 7: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

Low energy matter content of ELow energy matter content of E66SSMSSM��s s

Exotic D,D-bar

Three families of Higgs Singlets Right-handed neutrinos

Quarks and Leptons

27i . .

Optional non-Higgs from incomplete reps 27�+27�-bar � and doublet-triplet problems (absent in minimal E6SSM)


Page 8: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

EE66SSM couplingsSSM couplings


, ,

, , , , ,

i i

c c c ci i i i i i






u di i



Singlet-Higgs-Higgs couplings includes effective term

Singlet-D-D couplings includes effective D mass terms

Yukawa couplings but extra Higgs give FCNCs

DQQ, DQL allows D decay but also proton decay

Page 9: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

Two potential problems: rapid proton decay + Two potential problems: rapid proton decay + FCNCsFCNCs

� FCNC problem may be tamed by introducing a Z2 under which third family Higgs and singlet are even all else odd only allows Yukawa couplings involving third family Higgs and singlet Hu , Hd , S

� Z2 also forbids all DFF and hence forbids D decay (and p decay) Z2 cannot be an exact symmetry!How do we reconcile D decay with p decay? Two strategies: extra exact discrete symmetries or small D Yukawas

� In E6SSM can have extra discrete symmetries, two possibilities:

I. Z2L under which L are odd forbids DQL, allows DQQ exotic D are diquarks

II. Z2B with L & D odd forbids DQQ, allows DQL exotic D are leptoquarks

� Small DFF couplings <10-8 will suppress p decay sufficiently but couplings >10-12 will allow D decay with lifetime <0.1 s (nucleosynth) N.B. D / g2, p / g4 (this is the only possibility in the minimal E6SSM)

Henceforth assume problems solved by one of these approachesHenceforth assume problems solved by one of these approaches

Page 10: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

The Constrained EThe Constrained E66SSMSSM, ,

, ,

i u i d i i i i

j u d u d

t u b d d


f S H H h S H H

h QH t h QH b h LH

Assume universal soft masses m0, A, M1/2 at MGUT

In practice, input SUSY and exotic threshold scale S then select tan andsinglet VEV <S>=s and run up third family Yukawas from S to MGUT

Then choose m0, A, M1/2 at MGUT and run down gauge couplings, Yukawas and soft masses to low energy and minimise Higgs potential for the 3 Higgs fields S, Hu, Hd (even under Z2)

EWSB is not guaranteed, but remarkably there is always a solution for sufficiently large to drive mS

2 <0 (c.f. large ht to drive mH2<0 )

Athron, SFK, Miller, Moretti, Nevzorov

Hu, Hd, S without indices are third family Higgs and singlet, Hu,, Hd,, S are non-Higgs

The Z2 allowed couplings

Page 11: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

Athron, SFK, Miller, Moretti, Nevzorov




tan 3, 6 , 0.7s TeV

Consider a particular EWSB solution P1 with = -0.5

Page 12: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

Spectrum for P1 Spectrum for P1

12 0700 , 1.6 , 1M GeV m TeV A TeV




03,4 2,

02, ,H h A

0 05,6 3, ,h Z

tan 3, 6 , 0.7, 0.5s TeV


02 1, g





Athron, SFK, Miller, Moretti, Nevzorov




1.4TeV 1t

2, , ,Q t b L 1.8TeV1.7TeV




Page 13: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

Athron, SFK, Miller, Moretti, Nevzorov

P2 P2Expt excluded

Theor excluded

tan 10, 6 , 0.7s TeV

Consider a particular EWSB solution P2 with = -0.3

Page 14: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

Spectrum for P2 Spectrum for P2

12 0420 , 2 , 20M GeV m TeV A GeV

tan 10, 6 , 0.7, 0.3s TeV

Athron, SFK, Miller, Moretti, Nevzorov




03,4 2,

02, ,H h A

0 05,6 3, ,h Z


02 1,







1.5TeV 1t

2, , ,Q t b L 2.0TeV






Page 15: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

Athron, SFK, Miller, Moretti, Nevzorov

tan 10, 20 , 1.8s TeV

P3 P3

Consider a particular EWSB solution P3 with = -0.6

Page 16: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

Spectrum for P3 Spectrum for P3

12 01 , 5.5 , 4.6M TeV m TeV A TeV

tan 10, 20 , 1.8, 0.6s TeV

Athron, SFK, Miller, Moretti, Nevzorov




03,4 2,

02, ,H h A

0 05,6 3, ,h Z

0 01 1,h

02 1,





4TeV 1t

2, , ,Q t b L 5.5TeV

3 3,D D17TeV





Page 17: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

Note the characteristic spectrumNote the characteristic spectrumFor a given low energy M1, M2, M3 need a larger M1/2 than in the MSSM

Lightest states are h10 and gauginos:

Generally m0>M1/2 heavy squarks,sleptons with

2Remaining gauginos, Higgs and Z� are much heavier(ignoring non-Higgs and non-Higgsinos)

Page 18: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

Consider the lightest Consider the lightest gauginogaugino statesstates

01 1N

02 2 1 1,N C

g123 0.7M M

122 0.25M M

121 0.15M M


400 1000M GeV

» Wino

» Bino


Page 19: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

CharginoChargino and and neutralinoneutralino production and decayproduction and decay



l l




N.B. Wino production only is allowed (no Bino production via W,Z)

Expect N2N2 , N2C1 , C1C1 pair production (not involving the N1» Bino )

However the decays must involve N1

Page 20: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

e.g. Ne.g. N22NN22 production and decay production and decay



( )l p

( )l p Three body decays M < MZ

22llm p p

2 1max ll N Nm M M M

End point gives mass differenceFor absolute masses see Choi, Kim talks

Y=N2, N=N1

2 2missTN N l l l l E

2 2pp N N V

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07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP










,Y g


pp gg V

GluinosGluinos are light < 1 are light < 1 TeVTeV and easily producedand easily produced

missTgg qqqq E

For gluino mass see Choi, Kim talks

Page 22: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

'1 ZM g S


ZZ�� < 5 < 5 TeVTeV can be discovered can be discovered

Page 23: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

Exotic DExotic D--quarks in Equarks in E66SSMSSM

300Dm GeV

Inv. mass distribution


Total cross section


Usual case is of scalar leptoquarks, here we have novel case of D being fermonic leptoquarks or diquarks

Page 24: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

Novel signatures of D quarksNovel signatures of D quarksIn E6SSM it is possible that the D fermions decay rapidly as leptoquarksor diquarks giving missing energy in the final state (Brent Nelson�s talk)

However it is also possible that DFF couplings are highly suppressed giving rise to long lived D quarks giving jets containing heavy long lived D-hadron

D-hadrons resemble protons or neutrons but with mass >300 GeV:

p p

Clean events with two D-jets containing a pair of stable D-hadrons

Dp or Dn

Dp or Dn

,p nD Du D Dd

Page 25: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP


E6 SSM�s are well motivated from string theory

Generally lead to lower fine tuning

Unification at GUT scale or Planck scale (ME6SSM)

ME6SSM solves problem without doublet-triplet splitting

CE6SSM has successful EWSB and leads to a characteristic SUSY spectrum with light gauginos, and heavy Z�

D quarks can either decay promptly as fermionic leptoquarksor diquarks, or can be long lived spectacular LHC signals

Page 26: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

Some details about ESome details about E66SSMSSM��ss

Extra U(1)Nsurviving to TeV scale


Most general E6 allowed couplings from 273:

Allows p and D decay

FCNC�sfrom extra Higgs

SHH terms SDD terms

Yukawas of quarks, leptons

DFF terms (F=Q,L)

RH chargeless Optional non-Higgs

Page 27: The Constrained E SSMmctp/SciPrgPgs/events/2008/LHC2008/King-cems… · 07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP Minimal E6SSM: Unification at MP Howl, SFK

07/01/2008 Steve King, LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop, MCTP

EWSB minimisation conditions

With , , s , v1 , v2 fixed these fix m1 , m2 and ms which are given by

Leading to quadratic equations for m0 , M1/2 , A with two solutions