the la vasija agrietada...

November 8, 2015 Connection 4308 W. Davis Street Conroe, Texas 77304-4284 936.756.3395 Facebook FUMCConroe Twitter @FUMCConroe The Advent Workshop Sunday, November 15 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. in the Gym Advent Workshop projects are designed to be keepsake crafts that can be used to decorate your home year after year. They also make great gifts for grandparents or other family members. Please check out the table in the narthex for samples of the projects along with the sign up sheets. Return your sheet with the payment to the church office. Today is the last day to sign up for the projects. Everyone is invited to come. So come join us for an afternoon of crafts, wassell, cookies and fellowship. It is time to finish packing your boxes this week so you can be part of this great mission for children. This is the final Sunday to pick up a shoe box in the narthex or by Faith Chapel. When you pack the shoe box, please put the gender tag on the top of the lid and tape it; place a rubber band around the box to keep it from popping open; and put a check inside the box made out to Samaritan's Purse (no cash please). The check is to cover shipping and handling. Next Sunday, please have your completed boxes with you to bring forward during the worship service you attend. We will then need volunteers to help put shoe boxes in cartons and move them to the garage after the last service. Since we act as a collection organization for other churches and organizations in the area from November 16 - 23, we can use volunteers November 16 - 20 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., November 21 - 21 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and November 23 from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Volunteer sign-up sheets are at the Operation Christmas Child table in the narthex. SPECIAL OFFERING 11/01/15 Communion Offering $ 2,319.00 benefits “Christmas for Others - Food Baskets” GUEST REPORT First Time Guests 11/01/15 23 Repeat Guests 11/01/15 75 ——————————————— Informal Worship 8:30 a.m. - Sanctuary Hannah Person Inspiration Choir Special Music CrossCurrent ——————————————— Contemporary Worship 9:45 a.m. - Faith Chapel Rev. Mike Lindstrom FUMC Praise Team ——————————————— Traditional Worship 11:00 a.m. - Sanctuary Rev. Bert Bagley Chancel Choir Special Music CrossCurrent ——————————————— Culto de Adoración 11:00 a.m. - Capilla de Fe Rev. Emigdio Rosales Website

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Page 1: The la vasija agrietada estaba muy avergonzada de su propia imperfección y se sentía mal porque solo podía

November 8, 2015

Connection 4308 W. Davis Street Conroe, Texas 77304-4284 936.756.3395 Facebook FUMCConroe Twitter @FUMCConroe


Advent Workshop

Sunday, November 15

2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. in the Gym

Advent Workshop projects are designed to be keepsake crafts that can

be used to decorate your home year after year. They also make great

gifts for grandparents or other family members. Please check out the

table in the narthex for samples of the projects along with the sign up

sheets. Return your sheet with the payment to the church office.

Today is the last day to sign up for the projects. Everyone is invited

to come. So come join us for an afternoon of crafts, wassell, cookies

and fellowship.

It is time to finish packing your boxes this week so you can be part of this

great mission for children. This is the final Sunday to pick up a shoe box in

the narthex or by Faith Chapel.

When you pack the shoe box, please put the gender tag on the top of the lid

and tape it; place a rubber band around the box to keep it from popping

open; and put a check inside the box made out to Samaritan's Purse (no cash

please). The check is to cover shipping and handling.

Next Sunday, please have your completed boxes with you to bring forward

during the worship service you attend. We will then need volunteers to help

put shoe boxes in cartons and move them to the garage after the last service.

Since we act as a collection organization for other churches and

organizations in the area from November 16 - 23, we can use volunteers

November 16 - 20 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., November 21 - 21 from

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and November 23 from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Volunteer sign-up sheets are at the Operation Christmas Child table in the



11/01/15 Communion Offering $ 2,319.00 benefits

“Christmas for Others - Food Baskets”


First Time Guests 11/01/15 23 Repeat Guests 11/01/15 75


Informal Worship

8:30 a.m. - Sanctuary

Hannah Person

Inspiration Choir

Special Music CrossCurrent


Contemporary Worship

9:45 a.m. - Faith Chapel

Rev. Mike Lindstrom

FUMC Praise Team


Traditional Worship

11:00 a.m. - Sanctuary

Rev. Bert Bagley

Chancel Choir

Special Music CrossCurrent


Culto de Adoración

11:00 a.m. - Capilla de Fe

Rev. Emigdio Rosales


Page 2: The la vasija agrietada estaba muy avergonzada de su propia imperfección y se sentía mal porque solo podía

plain thoughts

caring ministry


We need to accept the fact we are not self-sufficient beings, we are not

able to create or generate all we need to function properly as

individuals. We certainly know that in reference with our body, we

know we have to take care of our body if we want it healthy, we know

the body can’t produce by itself all the vitamins, minerals,

carbohydrates and proteins that it needs to function well so we eat and

take vitamins supplements to provide it with all of this, because we

want strong and healthy bodies. At the same time we have, or should have, a relations network

that brings emotional support to our souls, we have been created by God as social beings who

needs healthy and significant relationships with other people—no toy nor pet, can replace

people in order to keep our souls healthy. For some reason sometimes we think that we can,

somehow, become spiritually self-sufficient. We try without success to replace God in our life

with other things but it doesn’t work like that. God has created us is such a way that only He

can fulfill the spiritual need within ourselves. Only through a significant relationship with

Him, our creator, we can be satiated. The Bible says in John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the

branches . . . apart from me you can do nothing”. May God hold us and keep us, now and

forever, Amen.

Can you believe that the Christmas season is almost here!? This is a joyous time for most of us, but this season can be very difficult and lonely for the homebound and those that are grieving for a loved one. Many of them long for the times when they spent the holidays with family and friends. If they don’t have their family as they used to know it, the church becomes their new family.

Here is our plan: We have about 75 homebound members and those that have lost someone this year at FUMC. The Caring Ministry would like to have volunteers take a Christmas gift to them during the first week in December. Volunteers can be individuals, families, or a group of friends. These gift-bearers will be nicknamed “Santa’s Little Helpers.”

The gift bags will already be put together and ready for you to pick up and deliver. There will be no cost to those delivering. All we ask is that you spend 15 minutes with the homebound member that you are matched with.

This is the perfect way for our congregation to bring the spirit of Christ to our grieving and homebound members during this special season. Please consider becoming a “Santa’s Little Helper.” Let’s put huge smiles on the faces of these precious members.

If you or your family would like to participate, call the church office at 936-756-3395 and tell Janet Cable that you want to be a “Santa’s Little Helper.”

We stay in touch with most of our homebound members through Home Communion, visitations, and Hometouch. If you know any member who may not be on our list, please call or e-mail their name to Janet Cable at 936-756-3395 or [email protected]. We don’t want anyone to feel left out during this Christmas season.

~ The Care Ministry ~

Page 3: The la vasija agrietada estaba muy avergonzada de su propia imperfección y se sentía mal porque solo podía

youth ministry

lifespan ministry


Have you seen the latest

Devozine devotional book for

teens? You can find it on the

wall outside the Youth office.


Saturday Night Live November 14

5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. / Bring your own dinner 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. planned activities

18 months - 4th grade Sign up now in the church office.

20 children max $10.00 per child with $25.00 max per family

Advent Workshop Sunday, November 15, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Come make gifts or decorations while you enjoy an afternoon of fellowship with old and new friends.

Pick up a form on the table in the narthex and turn it into the church office.

Deadline is today

UPWARD Basketball

Register online at

or pick up a brochure on the ledge outside the

church office. Mandatory evaluations are this week,

November 9, 10 & 12.

Kids Lock-In

November 20 - 21 For kids 2nd through 5th grades

Sign up on the ledge outside the church office.


Wednesday “42” Games begin at 9:00 a.m. in M-2.

Come join the group!


2nd Sunday Lunch TODAY at 12:15 p.m.

East Buffet 2104 N. Frazier St., Suite 160

Bring your friends!!

Movie and a Meal

Saturday, November 21

5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Room 115

$4.00 for movie and meal

Sunday, November 15

Our Youth will be leading

all three worship services. We still need youth to serve as Ushers and

Greeters! Sign up on the bulletin board in the hallway downstairs.

Jr. High


Sr. High

Sunday, November 22, 9:45 a.m.

We will have a challenge to see who has learned the most over these last eight weeks.

Winner gets first dibs on Holy Sundaes!!

Daily Devotionals can be

found on the Youth Devo

page of the church website

Holiday Pie Sale We need Youth and Sixers to help sell tickets before and after all

worship services on Nov. 8 and Nov. 22. This is a great

opportunity to earn money that will help pay for your summer

activities. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board downstairs.

Ticket packets are also available.

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music / worship ministries

hispanic ministry


Thanks for another lovely anthem highlighting our All Saints remembrance last Sunday. Thanks, Gil, for

helping us with the set up. We continue our work towards Advent/Christmas. We have also begun

rehearsal on our major work for New Orleans. Your “parts” cd is your best friend at the moment. Please

keep Alma’s dad in your prayers.

Our Cherub Choir and Sounds of Grace will be a part of the 11:00 a.m. worship next Sunday.

Heartwarmer for the week: “A 19th-century country preacher was once asked to explain the doctrine

of election. He said: “Well, brethren, it is this way: The Lord He is always voting for a man, and

the devil he is always voting against him; then the man himself votes, and that breaks the

tie.” (Arthur Tonne)

Friendly Reminders

Please recycle in the church office: cell phones, iPads & tablets, inkjet cartridges,

Apple iPods, Smart watches & Fitness Bands; gold, silver & platinum jewelry

Use your Kroger Card #82528 / Randall’s Card #2293

Hermano y hermana que llevas poco tiempo en esta iglesia; todos aquí y especialmente el pastor estamos muy contentos con tu presencia; es por eso que el domingo 15 de noviembre a las 9:30am en la biblioteca, el pastor estará compartiendo un desayuno con todo el que quiera saber más de la iglesia y conocerle mejor a él, este será un tiempo para conversar, reir y conocernos; es gratis, solo tienes que inscribirte. Por favor contacta directamente al pastor al finalizar el culto o través de su celular: 832-305-1533, también puedes hacerlo por correo electrónico a: [email protected]

Hermano y hermana todavía tienes la oportunidad de bendecir a un niño o niña en un país del tercer mundo y hacer de esta una navidad más bonita para ellos; recoge una caja plástica por el precio de 1 dólar y sigue las instrucciones que están en el volante dentro de la caja.

Este año queremos hacer de la navidad un tiempo especial. Si usted está interesada(o) en que su hijo o hija participen en el culto de navidad que tendremos el día 22 de diciembre, por favor comuníquese con Sucel lo antes posible.

Un cargador de agua en la India tenía dos grandes vasijas que colgaban a los extremos de un palo que el llevaba encima de los hombros. Una de las vasijas tenía una grieta, mientras que la otra era perfecta y entregaba el agua completa al final camino desde el arroyo hasta la casa de su patrón. Cuando llegaba, la vasija rota solo contenía a la mitad del agua. Por dos años completos esto fue así diariamente. Desde luego la vasija perfecta estaba muy orgullosa de sus logros, perfecta para los fines para los que fue creada. Pero la vasija agrietada estaba muy avergonzada de su propia imperfección y se sentía mal porque solo podía conseguir la mitad de lo que se suponía debía hacer. Después de dos años le habló al aguador diciéndole: "Estoy avergonzada de mi misma y me quiero disculpar contigo"... ¿por qué? le preguntó el aguador. Porque debido a mis grietas, solo puedo entregar la mitad de mi carga y solo obtienes la mitad del valor de lo que deberías. El aguador se sintió muy mal por la vasija y con compasión le dijo: "cuando regresemos a la casa del patrón quiero que notes las bellísimas flores que crecen a lo largo del camino. Así lo hizo y en efecto vio muchas flores hermosas a lo largo, pero de todos modos se sintió muy apenada porque al final solo llevaba la mitad de su carga. El aguador le dijo: ¿Te diste cuenta de que las flores solo crecen en tu lado del camino? Siempre he sabido de tus grietas y quise obtener ventaja de ello, sembré semillas de flores a todo lo largo del camino por donde tú vas y todos los días tú las has regado. Por dos años yo he usado estas flores; sin ser exactamente como eres, eso sería imposible. Cada uno de nosotros tiene sus propias grietas. Todos somos vasijas agrietadas, pero si le permitimos a Dios utilizar nuestras grietas estas pueden ser útiles para sus propósitos eternos.

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missions and community outreach ministries


Discipleship is the practice of being a Christ-follower through worship, prayer, study and acts of compassion and justice found in

witness and service. We become disciples as we practice living out our lives through knowing, loving and serving God in the world.

Gospel Reading Plan

As a congregation we have a unique opportunity to join together to read the Gospels over the next six months. “Six months,” you may say, “that is such a long time to read the

same thing!” Yes, it is! But, it is not just any readings—we are reading the Gospels of our

Lord Jesus Christ, not alone, but as a community of faith.

Each week we have the opportunity to read the Gospels in chronological order from three

perspectives—the perspectives of Matthew, Mark and Luke and then added throughout is

the perspective of the Gospel writer of John.

You are invited to pick up a book, available in the office, which contains all the readings,

or go to to see the readings each week. Reflect on the readings then join with others to discuss what the Holy Spirit has revealed to you, to hear

what others have discovered and to allow these scriptures to soak into your soul. I look

forward to hearing about what you discover!


Sign Up Today To Serve Our Guests

November 22 - 29 Stop by the table outside the church office or go

to to find one way to

make families feel at home that week.

At you can find the details and registration information for the following events:

Thursday, 11/12 - Poverty Simulation 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Saturday, 11/14 - Awareness Walk 9:00 a.m.

Wednesday, 11/18 - Empty Bowls Lunch 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Thursday, 11/19 - Montgomery County Homeless Coalition Meeting 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Opportunities to learn about the challenges of poverty and homelessness.

Mark Your Calendar

Sunday, December 6

You can select the project that

you would like to help with.

Saturday and Sunday

December 12 & 13

Food Baskets Assembly &


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The Gospel Reading Plan…

is coming soon

On November 29, the first Sunday in

Advent, the congregation is invited to

begin a Gospel Reading Plan that

allows participants to join together

and read all four Gospels in

chronological order and in parallel

between Advent and Pentecost.

Small groups, Sunday school classes

and individuals may participate by

reading their Bibles according to the

reading plan or picking up a regular

print or large print Gospel Plan Book

containing the scripture texts divided

into weekly readings. The cost of

each book is $10.00. Books may be

picked up in the church office

beginning November 8.

If you do not have a Sunday school

class or small group, or if your class

is not participating in the Gospel

Reading Plan small groups will be

offered on Sunday morning for those

who wish to fully participate in small

group discussions and the video.

These groups will be offered at 9:45

a.m. in the Library and at 11:00 a.m.

in the Asbury Room.

The Gospel Reading Plan concludes

on Pentecost Sunday, May 15, 2016,

with one-worship at 11:00 a.m.,

celebrating our 6th grade

Confirmation and the reading of the

Gospel Reading Plan and concluding

with a church-wide lunch on the


Board of Stewards Meeting

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

6:30 p.m. in the Faith Chapel

Come join us and see what’s

happening in the life of the

Church! Guest Speaker, Rev. Jeff Olive, will discuss

the possibilities of a Second

Church Campus that Rev.

Bagley shared his thoughts on

at the various Cottage


Church Conference

Thursday, November 19, 2015

You are invited to come celebrate with

us at our Church Conference,

Thursday, November, 19, 2015, at

7:00 p.m. in the Asbury Room as we

set about the yearly business of the

church, celebrate the successes of

2015, and look forward to what God

has in store for FUMC-Conroe in



Have you heard about Upward Basketball but never really understood what it is or how it is different from other basketball leagues?

Upward is intended to be a Christian-based, positive sports experience for every child. It provides:

A friendly sports environment where children have fun

A league where fundamentals are taught A unique drafting system that creates

balanced teams A unique substitution system that

produces equal playing time Trained coaches and referees who

encourage each child Life lessons shared at each practice

This year there are two options for registering:

Register online at Payment can be made online with a credit card, or bring a check at the time of evaluations.

OR Pick up a registration form at the church office between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Payment can be made at the time of evaluations or may be dropped off with the registration form at the church office.

The early registration cost per child is $65. There is a $10 discount for each additional child in a family during early registration (now through November 12). After November 12, the cost is $75.

Evaluation Dates: Every player must attend one basketball evaluation in the gym at First United Methodist Church, as follows:

1st and 2nd Grade Boys/Girls Monday, November 9 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

3rd and 4th Grade Boys/Girl Tuesday, November 10 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

5th and 6th Grade Boys/Girls Thursday, November 12 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

The deadline for late registrations is December 1, with late registration evaluations being held December 1 in the gym between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Contact Julie Medved at the church office for more details.

Grief Support Ministry Tomorrow

Monday, November 9 5:30 p.m.

Susanna Room

For more information,

call Chris Gritzmacher


Cancer Support Group

Wednesday, November 11 12:00 Noon – 1:15 p.m.

In the Asbury Room

This month our speaker will be Dr. Stacey Rodgers, who is a Chiropractor. She will talk to us about how to take care of our spines and joints. Everyone is welcome. Please come and join the group. Lunch served. Call Janet Cable at 936-756-3395 if you have any questions.

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E-mail to: [email protected] - or call (936) 756-3395 - or visit our website at



Mary Margaret Vick

If you or someone you love has been in the hospital for 24 hours and you haven’t heard from the church, we don’t know you're there. Please call and let us know. Call Janet Cable at 936.756.3395.

Conroe Regional Medical Center Eve Hoffman, Robert “Bob” Reed, Don Sorgenfrei, Theda Rae Wiles

Can You Bake a Cake, Pie, or Cookies for the

Military Ministry Bake Sale?

Bake Sale planned for Sunday, November 15. If you can make a baked good, call Jim Payne at 936-756-6947.

Park Manor - Conroe Jay Blume, Sr.

Holiday Pie Sale Youth Fundraiser

Our Youth will be selling pie tickets from Montgomery Bakehouse on November 1 - 22. The cost for each ticket is $15 for an 8” pie of your choice. Tickets can be purchased before and after worship, in the church office during the week or by one of our youth. The proceeds from this sale will help our youth participate in upcoming events. Thank you for supporting our Youth and the Youth Ministry!

This week’s featured book from our own church library:

Chuck Swindoll

speaks to all busy,

joy-drained people

in Laugh Again.

While no one’s life

is perfect, joy and

humor can be


Coffee with a Pastor

Are you a guest to the church who is interested in knowing more about the church and its ministries? Please join one of our pastors for coffee and donuts in the Church Library across from the office at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday, November 22. We look forward to getting to know you better! For more information or to RSVP, please contact Rev. Janet Stilwell at 936-756-3395.

Service of Remembrance Sunday, November 29

6:00 p.m. Faith Chapel

Each year we begin Advent with a special service dedicated to addressing any loss we may have experienced throughout the year. Whether it be the loss of a loved one, a job, or a relationship, the holidays are always more difficult when we have to face them with significant change. The pastoral staff encourages each of you to attend this powerful service of hope. As is true with all of our worship services, all are welcome to attend. Please consider inviting anyone you think might benefit from this hope-filled service.

We celebrate the November 1,

2015 baptism of Cody Charles

Thomas, son of Mary Evalyn

and David Thomas.

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Sunday, November 8

7:00 am—Sunday Morning Men’s Coffee Fellowship/Library (101) 8:30 am—Gospel Reading Plan Review/113 8:30, 9:45 & 11:00 am—Worship Services/ Sanctuary & Faith Chapel 9:30 am—Small Groups for Youth/Upper Room 9:30 am—Especial Bible Class in Spanish/ Library (101) 9:45 am—Small Groups for All Ages/All Classrooms 11:00 am—Children’s Sunday School (Bilingual)/102 11:00 am—Gospel Reading Plan Review/113 11:00 am—Small Groups for Adults/Asbury Room, Susanna Room (100) & 109 12:15 pm—Single Adult Lunch/East Buffet 4:00 pm—Inspiration Choir/M-1 & M-2 4:00 pm—New Hope Handbells/Sanctuary 5:00 pm—Children’s Choirs/Junior Choir/M-1, M-2 & Sanctuary 5:00 pm—Y.O.U.T.H. Group/Gym, Upper Room & Sports Field

Monday, November 9

9:00 am—Day School/Children’s Area & Gym 9:30 am—Financial Peace University/Asbury Room 10:00 am—Ladies’ Bridge/Wesley Room 5:30 pm—Grief Support Group/Susanna Room (100) 6:00 pm—UPWARD Evaluation/Gym 6:00 pm—Outreach Planning Meal/111 6:30 pm—Communications Team Meeting/115 6:30 pm—Hispanic Ministry Team Meeting/ Library (101) 6:30 pm—Disciple I Bible Study/113 7:00 pm—Boy Scout Troop 143/Wesley Room & 131 7:00 pm—Montgomery County Choral Society/ M-1 & M-2

Tuesday, November 10

6:20 am—Morning Devotional for Montgomery Jr. High and Sr. High/Whataburger 7:00 am—Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study/ Wesley Room 8:15 am—Day School Teacher Meeting/123 9:00 am—Identification Recovery Team/MCEA 9:00 am—Day School/Children’s Area & Gym 9:15 am—Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study/111 10:00 am—Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood/113 6:00 pm—UPWARD Evaluation/Gym 6:30 pm—Board of Stewards/Faith Chapel 6:30 pm—Financial Peace University/Asbury Room 7:00 pm—Basic ESL Classes/111

Wednesday, November 11

6:20 am—Morning Devotional for Willis ISD Chick-fil-A 9:00 am—Morning “42” Gang/M-2 9:00 am—Day School/Children’s Area & Gym 9:30 am—Disciple I Bible Study Fast Track/ 113 10:00 am—Rose Hunt’s Bridge Group/131

Wednesday, November 11 (continued)

12:00 pm—Cancer Support Ministry/Asbury Room 6:00 pm—Chancel Bells/Sanctuary 6:00 pm—Singles’ Bible Study/Library (101) 6:00 pm—Y.O.U.T.H. Group/Gym, Upper Room & Sports Field 7:00 pm—Chancel Choir/M-1 7:00 pm—Estudio Biblico/111

Thursday, November 12

6:20 am—Morning Devotional for Conroe Sr. High/Chick fil-A 9:00 am—Identification Recovery Team/ MCEA 9:00 am—Day School/Children’s Area & Gym 9:30 am—Disciple III Bible Study/Asbury Room & A-1 10:00 am—“The Gathering Place” Memory Care Ministry/Wesley Room 10:30 am—Connecting Team Meeting/111 11:00 am—United Methodist Women Book and Bread Circle/Susanna Room (100)/Library (101) 1:00 pm—Deacon Covenant Group/113 3:00 pm—Family Promise Board Meeting/ Library (101) 6:00 pm—Outreach Planning Session/113 6:00 pm—UPWARD Evaluation/Gym 6:30 pm—Finance Ministry Team/Susanna Room (100) 6:30 pm—Thursday Night Group/Lindstrom’s 7:00 pm—Worship Ministry Team/Library (101) 7:00 pm—Basic ESL Classes/111

Friday, November 13

12:00 pm—Church Office Closes

Saturday, November 14

FUMC Serving Lunch/Salvation Army 12:00 pm—Church Office Closes 5:00 pm—Saturday Night Live/Off Site

week at a glance

Flowers in the Sanctuary

In honor of John W. Wiesner on his birthday,

by Cindy, Jon & Regan Wiesner

In memory of Elva Wilson on her 86th birthday,

by her loving husband, Homer, and family

We are a

Stephen Ministry


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24th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, November 8, 2015 8:30 a.m. Hearing devices are available upon request. *Please stand as you are able.

Gathering Music

Welcome / Announcements

Opening Voluntary “Everything to Me”, arr. Nix

Recognition of Veterans

*Hymns of Praise “God of the Ages”, No. 698, Verses 1 & 4 “America the Beautiful”, No. 696, Verses 1 & 2

Prayer Hymn “America”, No. 697, Verse 4

Pastoral Prayer Rev. Mary Tumulty

The Lord’s Prayer No. 895 Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Time for our Children Rev. Mary Tumulty

Morning Offering “O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus”, arr. Raney

*Doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” No. 95

*Reading / Holy Scripture Matthew 21:1-11

Message “Sometimes a Parade”, Rev. Bert Bagley

*Invitation to Christian Discipleship “This Is My Song”, No. 437

Receiving New Members

*Benediction “God Bless America”, Berlin

*Postlude “Postlude on Ein feste Burg”, Callahan

Worship leadership for this morning’s service: Rev. Bert Bagley, Senior Pastor Rev. Mary Tumulty, Associate Pastor

Inspiration Choir Kathy Daniel, Flute Donna Trice-Drummond, Lay Reader

Flowers in the Sanctuary

In honor of John W. Wiesner on his birthday, by Cindy, Jon & Regan Wiesner

In memory of Elva Wilson on her 86th birthday, by her loving husband, Homer, and family

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Contemporary Worship

24th Sunday of Pentecost Sunday, November 8, 2015 9:45 a.m.

Opening Song “My Beloved”

Welcome & Greeting We would be grateful if you let us know you’re here by filling out the next blank form in the red books in the pews.

Recognition of our Veterans

Greeting Time

Praise/Worship Song “I Am”

Praise/Worship Song “Breathe”



Message “Ambassadors of Peace” Rev. Mike Lindstrom 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

Closing Song “All the People Said Amen”

Blessing for the days ahead

Welcome to the Contemporary Worship service at FUMC-Conroe. This is a time established for people of faith to join together and give thanks and praise to God, to learn from God’s Holy Word, and to be reminded of our connection to one another. We’re glad you’re here and hope that you experience the fullness of God’s love and grace during your time with us. If you are new to First United Methodist, please be sure to stop by after the service and speak with the pastor. It’s a great way for us to connect with new friends and to answer any questions you might have.

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First United Methodist Church

4308 W. Davis Street - Conroe, Texas 77304-4284

(936) 756-3395

November 8, 2015

24th Sunday after Pentecost

11:00 a.m.






*OPENING SONG No. 696 “America the Beautiful” MATERNA

(Verses 1 & 2)

OPENING VOLUNTARY “Everything to Me” arr. Nix

Chancel Choir; Kathy Daniel, Flute

*CALL TO WORSHIP Andrew Hamons

Leader: Jesus is coming! There is a parade!

People: From the mountainside, from the seaside, from the homes of the rich

and the company of the poor, from the bedside of those who are sick,

Leader: Jesus is coming!

People: Along dusty roads, with us a ragged band of travelers,

Leader: Jesus comes to Jerusalem! Jesus comes to worship!

People: We will greet him with Hosannas.

All: Glory to God! Amen

*HYMN No. 698 “God of the Ages” NATIONAL HYMN

(Verses 1, 2 & 4)

TIME FOR OUR CHILDREN No. 277 Rev. Mary Tumulty

“Tell Me the Stories of Jesus” STORIES OF JESUS

(Verse 1)



(Verse 4)

PASTORAL PRAYER Rev. Mike Lindstrom

THE LORD’S PRAYER No. 895 Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

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*HYMN No. 451 “Be Thou My Vision” SLANE


*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH No. 889 “Affirmation from 1 Timothy”

*GLORIA PATRI “Glory Be to the Father” MEINEKE

MORNING OFFERING “O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus” arr. Raney

*DOXOLOGY No. 95 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” OLD 100th

*SCRIPTURE Matthew 21:1-11

MESSAGE “Sometimes a Parade” Rev. Bert Bagley


*INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP (You are invited to give your life to Christ or indicate your desire to become a member of this church by coming to the altar.

For information about this church and membership, visit the Welcome Center in the Lobby.)

*HYMN No. 437 “This Is My Song” FINLANDIA




*CHORAL BENEDICTION “God Bless America” Berlin

*POSTLUDE “Postlude on Ein feste Burg” Callahan

(*Those who are comfortable to stand, please do so.)

**** If you are visiting First United Methodist Church-Conroe for the first time, we are glad you are here! We hope

you will register the gift of your presence on our attendance pads which the ushers will collect during the singing of the

second hymn.

ACOLYTES: Eric Comstock, Avery Franklin

Flowers in the Sanctuary

In honor of John W. Wiesner on his birthday, by Cindy, Jon & Regan Wiesner

In memory of Elva Wilson on her 86th birthday, by her loving husband, Homer, and family