the columbia herald. (columbia, tenn.) 1892-04-15 [p ]....ruttle's milliii-'r-eiuportum. api's:lt...

TOWN AND COUNTY. Friday. April 15, 1892.: : ' . . a 1 ir.rinn nn hairs in Aovance - ouJHoriberi in County. 81.00 Subscribers out of county. 81.26 PEOPLE'M COLUMN. i tkl TOVI WAHT8 IHOWR IN Till OOV QMX. IT WILL BUBBLY PAT TOO. flVt 3CH-T- FEB UMUVA ISSSr.TlOH. COUNTY MAILS. Frlerson, t,lpcomh. Hampshire, lKm' H tore and Ketlle Mills arrive every day except Hunday at 9:30 A. x.; depart at 1 o'clock p. sc. Mail for Iaorna' Store and .Kettle Mills roe from Hainpfhi-- e nnd back three time week MondavH. Wed nemlayit, and Friday. Tlmniona, Mowd. Santa Ke, Water Valley Jones' V alley, and Fly. dally except Sun-da- y; to Hanta Fe three times a week, ;to Mowd from Tliniiioim, and three times week to Fly, Water Val'ey and Jones' Val- ley from Santa Fe; arrive 9:30 A. depart i f. M. Bigbyvllle, Broadview, and Routhport dal-I- v except Sunday; arrive at 11 o'clock A. M., depart 3 o'clock, p. M. B-n- , sawdust Valley, Willlamsport and Duck Kiver, dally except Sunday; arrive at 11 o'clock, A. M, and depart at 12:30 P. M. Andrews, Lasea, Mallard, Kedron and Itrlt-to- n, Mondays, Wednemlay and Fridays; arrive at 12 o'clock, M, depart 12:30 P. if. ANNOUSCEJIENTS FOR COUJiTT OFFICES. FOR 8HEKIFF. are authorised to announce P. H. WE HAOHDAl.E, of the lsth district, as a eaudidnt for Hneriffof Maury County, at the euauiDK August election. Democratic nominee. FOR TAX ASSESSOR, are HOthorlsed to announce W. R. H V MATTHEWH as a candidate for thi office of Tax A.seHsor of Maury County at the ensuing Autcust election. Democratic nominee. FOR TRUSTEE. 'K are authorized to announce WTTM KOK KITH N ax a candidate for re election u tlie office ol Trustee of Maury County mi t lie ensuing; AUtfUal election. Mm ocratic nominee. nitlCK WORKS. Kilns on COLUMBIA street. Office, Ninth and tiarden. at, the rarulinre Factory, lele phone HO. F. II. Mxith, Proprietor. 2t0,0 Hrick now ready for delivery. inarll 5ra i.e. foomiim. K.M. KoWLKR VOORUIES j- - FOWLER, Attoni' ys--at Law, CQMUIA TENNESSEE. Will practice In the courts of Maury and .neighboring counties; also In the Federal .court. Office on North Main Street, in sec ond storv of the Neloott llou-- a building; the rooms formerly used by the Y. M. C. A. Jan 2v ly. yr. P. WOLDHIDflE. R. O. IRVINE, JR. JOSEPH TOWLER. -- DRUG :- -: STOREr Purc and Fresh Drugs. ftnk. Brisk. Perfumes. Soaps, etc. Vf iadow-'Ias- s, Paints. Oils of Every kind. Agent for Lucas' :. Tinted Gta ;. Faints TELEPHONE 18. R6L6RI8GF, .KYIJE k TOWLER. feb 1 ly TITCOMB'S jrrjo store HERE WE AfiE AT THE "OLD KELIA- - On the corner of Boutt Xtla Street a ud Pnt-ll- c NUr, with au eiilirtlr utw and fresh stock of Drugs, riirmiralx. Druggists Sundries, Etc. And will do our bent t wait on fcll our cus- tomers promptly and faithfully. Prescriptions filled Willi care at all hours, day or night. J. A. TITCOM B. TI. II. TlTfosn will be found here here- after by ull bis old friends and former custo- mers, .febltfly Jr. .r. I. N TH TIT, DENTIST. Office In the building with Dr. J no. A. W lib -- erspoon, on Garden Street. Office hours from 8 to 12:30; after- noon 1 :30 to 6. prl 3m P. H. Bouthall, Jr. J. A. Sralser. SOOTH ALL & SMISER, ATTORN EYS-AT-LA- W, OLUMBIA - TENNEH8EE Prompt attention given to all business. Attorneys for the couiif y. Office No. 30 West th street, Whtttbortie Block. uprl ly HO BT. BERG WATCHMAKER and JSfELEB And Dealer In filches. Clocks and Jewplry. tVluM tratoh and Jewelry repairing a speclal- - Batbeii Block. Columbia. Tenn. naayt7 Ir 'TTelepliono IS o. i0 PROPRIETOR OF tle Digby Mills.-:- - Orhatn Flour, Ruhr Meal, Cow-fee- d. Jan 15 m JUDD, PHOTOGRAPHER. COLUMBIA, TENN. fol7ly DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The Arm of Ilelk A Cathey has this day dis- solved by mutual consent, J. D. Cathey re- tiring. Mr. J. H. Redd, Jr., bavin purchased bis Interest. The business will hereafter be conducted by lelk A Redd. All parties In- debted to the late Arm will please call and eltle with Delk A Redd, who are authorized to collect same. Dklk A Catm ir. In withdrawing from the above firm I take this method of thanking my friends and the public generally for their kind patronage and bespeak for the new firm a coullnuauco of the same. Respectfully, aprS at J. D. Cathit, JVresh Virginia Land Plaster. tpr8 2t W. F. Embbt, Agent. 4; UT FLOWERS AND PLANTS FOR SALE AT COLUMBIA UREEN HOUSE. M. Met! Roses...' 10 to I.S cents iCallas 10 to V;i cents Flaral baskets. Bouquets, Funeral deslgus, .etc.. built to order In latest styles. Plauts d all kinds at lowest prices. Roses )iir specialty. Vt-?hbag- e and tomato 5lauts for sale. mar tf ' KEEP COOL Jly buying a refrigerator or water-cool- er from IKibtdns A Kwlug. Their stock Is com- - filete 111 all Ices. mari t . w E BUY Oiassware direct from the factories and can ell you beautiful new and finished glass- ware, tor less money, than you pay for year before last patterns at other houses. inarit 1kkbins A Ewing. - DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The copartnership heretofore existing en J. J. Underwood aud W. P. Fitzger- ald In standing live ftia-k- . Is dissolved. All monies due to said firm must he paid to ald Underwood or his ageut at Williams port. This March !tn, Istrz. J. J. UN DERWOOn. aprill 4t W. P. FiizuKKALU. SOMETHING NEW. The man that said "there is nothing new Huder tlie sun," never examined our stock 01 tlassWare. We are daily receiving new low prices. UHrtzSt Ikihkins A EwiNO. OUR SPRINO STOCK Of baby buggies has Just arrived. Call and ee them before buying. mani5 8t Isibbini A Ewino. SEED CORN. White, Yellow and Wabash, at aprK it W. F. Embhy. Agent. JAPANESE BLEND, llest Tea In the city. Try It! aprl tf A. O. HcKiknor. FOR MALE Eggs from the nest strains of Brown Leg-bo- as In the United states. One dollar per Ittlng. E. Yoest. Columbia Tenu. prio-I- t UUEENHWARE. Oar stock of dinner, tea, and toilet setts la large, and we are prepared to give some bar-ga- in to reduce stock. st Doaaivs EwIho. THE MAURY BANK COLUMBIA, BOARI? OF J. W. HOWARD. J. P. mTRBKT. W. M. t'HKAlKS. K. W. A M LOYD CKCIl.. J. W. S. RI K. j. AKMiTKO.VH. K. A. WILKi'X A. Ii. HARLAN. O. T. H I'.I.K. DLKY. 'JtJllf.S. gTEF" Account of Farmers Afernhantn, J. W. 8. RIHLKY, J. W. nov6 1y President. Huccess-.- r to T. R. Kaiim A Son, D'upensing Clirmist & .Yw.lesa.t h av tf Surgical Instruments, Trusses, supporters, Shoulder brace-- . Ftue'ioilet Woods, Wedding and lirtbday pies t , F ishing Tackle, (iartlen Seeds, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass. TELEPHONE NO, 61. an24 ly aprll dally 3m ICE CREAM FREEZERS. We are still asrents for the celebrated Oem and American Ice Cr-ai- n Freezers. Uuaran-tee- d to take less ice, freeze Quicker, and last loniter tliuii any frezer made. llinUlH UOBBIMf U.WINO. JOHN -:- - WEST, Alod. aler In all kinds of Metal lc. Cloth and Wood Caskets and Cases, Burial Kobes, etc. Bodies embalmed nnd prepared for sliip- - ment. Orders in town or coun'y promptly klteutteu 10 hi mi Honrs, uay or nigut. ELEGANT HFARSE And oirefiil drivers. Orders respectfully solicited, t'hnres moderate. Office and sample-roo- m corner Sixth and Main Streets. Telephone 3H. maris :iin. Opening day ut M. Itutile's Millinery Em- porium. The latest novelties in nrn mil linery. apriix:?t. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership tiert tonne exi-'.i;- i J. P. Mreei, J. M .Mayes and V. K. Embry, iind-- the firm style of Street. Km-br- y Co., is this day dissolved, J. M. Vayes and W. F. Enitiry retirii:g. The btisliirKS will he conducted by J. P. Street under the firm name of .1. P Street A Co., who assumes ii'l liabilities of th-o- ld firm, anil to whom must be paid .ill debts owing to Srtld Arm. uprl It Ch'dee line Fancy Candy at aprl tf A. o Mrk'ESXON's. The Old Reliable is thi fair, square blue-fo- r millinery lu Columbia. No misrepresen- tation if tfoods. Alw:tVH the best aud cheap- est riblHins. tl.tiinees s and boiiMels, cor-set- s, gloves, sliks and trial nings, etn., at M. Ruttle's Milliii-'r- Eiuportum. api'S:lt Frs'i (iiirm i'i inilie. .i-- 1 It in irht'i s. 1. uprS'Jt V. F Em ku y, Aent. Come with tlie c isn h:i. your hats a;d bonnets tor the lciti'-- s ami lifie ones, old and young. I hvo got them at your own prices. Coin ami see me. No tro ible to show goods. Cash is my motto, at M. Rut-tie- 's Millinerv Kmporiuai, West Seventh Street, Columbia, Tenn. aprstft WHITE-AS- H sniNtlLES. Fifty thousand at $2 !0 per thousand. aprStf W. V. Ciikkky, Agt. Headiinfters for tniliinery, notions and fancy goods at M. Ruttle's Millinery Kni aprSi'.t. Coifliiiliia : T. B. KELLY, A. M.( Principal 1POTI BOYS Course of studf n.lapted ti the neoda of Im.vs wtio wish ti enter college or buMiies life. For further particulars apply to febl22n T. B. K K LY, Columbia Ten n. To Merrluitlls. OM Virtrif.ia Mierfx tn, Dukp'n Ci- - Karetteu Heil I I tent. koIiI to the t rs'i at fneiory prif-e- ly tli It E. W. fiAMIM.K IlKCt'KKV Co. Wiinletl Twf nty Man'. I want tworty w-l- ! irel pafitte and Irolt tint ni.'irfu to lartn. Atldresn, W. C. JoueK, Coluruhia. Tenu. tf. lee Cream! Ice Cream! We are now ready to deliver Ice cream in any quantity. 1'rice per gallon 91.0. Price per ?al in 10 gallon lota 1 Leave orders at Ccok fe )oe. Caffey & Moore. Columbia Jersev Farm. inariVtf. How to Save Freight. Merchants, don't forget that the El V. Humble Orocerv Co., is selling Fresh Crackers at Nashville prices Try uu and nave the freiht. It. lee Crenni! Ice Cream! We are now rely to deliver ice cream in any quantity. Price per gallon, 11.25. Price per val in 10 gallon lota $1. Ieave orderB at Cook & Moore. Caffey & Moore. Colombia Jersey Farm. mar2o-tf- . Town Lots For Sale. 34 Lots in Helm Addition to Co- lumbia. Eany pujuifis. It. E. W. Gamble. Wanted Twenty iMarcs. I want twenty well bred pacing and trottiug mares to farm. Addrees, W. C. Jones, Columbia, Ttnn. tf. Flour! Flour! Flour! We are headquarters for the beet flour in the city cheap for cash. aprM-2- t. JLazarus & boxs. JD I'riiitlnic. The people and biiHlnePB men of Co lumbia and vicinity, have no need to tend their Job Printing to Nashville or anywhere elne. as the H era ld Job tiooma have two new prepseB and ali the latest atyle Job Lype, and compe- tent priuters to do the work. Price a low m Nashville SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. In Cltr of Columbia and Manrr Countr. ' As Trustee of Columbia Hanking Co., I have for sale the following valuable and de-drab- property : The Hanking House, Vault and Fixtures, which ix newly and handsomely tilted up for banking purpoHcx nut now occupied by the Maury Hank and Trust Co. ; a handt-otn- brick residence on High street, known as the Kye place, conveniently located in an excellent part or the'eity ; also a ft tu of some 300 acres. lying liv- - mites f..ttu Columbia, between Mt. Plear-mi-t and Hampshire Pikes, one of the moft desirable farms in M:ury County ; al- so some unimproved lots in the city of Edgefield, which are becoming very valuable. I also tt'or a lot it standing walnut trees in Western North Carolina in the sale of which I will give a bargain. I invite cor- respondence and proposals from par ties desiring any of the above de- scribed property, and will give more minute description and terms of sule. Robert C. Church, Trustee, febl!) tf lSJii "The Magnolia" now open and dispensing pure fruit juice Soda Water. It. E. W. Oamiu.k Orocery Co. Set for Trial. The case of Willie Hrown, by next friend, against Anderson Cheatham and others, has been set for trial in the Chancery Court of April 21. Sweet Potato Seed. We have just received a Dice lot of northern need sweet potatoeB. aprs-2t- . Lazakls A Sons. Business 3Iana?r. W. O. Witherspoon has been elect- ed ltusiuess Manager of the Current. liiicou! Uacou! IJacon! For bacou, flour, collVe aud sugar go to Lazarus fc Sous. Cheaper than any house in the city for cash. aprS 2t. To Youngs LaJIes. Young ladies, we have the finest lot of Candy in town. uprl5-2- t. Delk & IIedd. H TRUST COMPANY TENNES3EE. - - - - $100,000 JDIRECTOPwS O. W. STOCK A RD. W. W. JOYCK. V. B. KAIM. .1 AM ris a N I M! KW8. lOli-- S It. ASilTON. and other are nnlic!t(l. HOWARD C. A. PA UK KR, Cashier. V EKSONAL I N'T ELLKiKN ClC. R. J. Walker of Lynnville, is in the ci; v. C. A. Koop, of Louisville, is in town to-da- y. . J. II. Ash bough, of Newjort, Ky. its in the chy. II. C. IJodd, of New Albany, Ind is in the citv. Thomas Adams, of I'ulaski, came in this morning. If. C. Walrfh. of Chicago, is at the Bethel 1 House. W. M. Powell, of Nashville, ia in the citv to-da- v. W. P. Mills, of Louisville, is at the Bethell House. Connor Easley has recovered from a short sickness. Edgar James returned this morning to 1' lorence. Ala. Miss Sallie Morgan has returned from a visit to Nashville. A. C. (Jreen. of !Sr. Ijouis, is regis tered at the lieuicll House. Mrs. A. 1). Frierson and daughter Miss Linda, are 111 Nashville. Mrs. Matcie Cooke and Leslie Davis, spL'nt vesterdav in Nashville. A. N. Dale han leiunied from Chi- - eniro. Brown Harwood, of Pulaski, ia in iho ciiv. Mr. E. B. Carrick, of Chicago, ia in ihe citv. M s. J. B. Tanner, of Culleoka. is vi-iti- n ' hi the citv. Mia Bessie Hendley has returned from her trio to Louisville. Mr. It. W. AmirewM, of Binning ham is in I lie citv on busine. Mr. L A. McCo.mack, of Louisville is resriwtered t the House. Mr. W. 1. Irvine and wife are in the citv sloDDinir at the Bethell House. ilr. Wilson, of Cleburne Texs, is in the city visiting relatives Mr Ueortre Hodge, of Birmingham Ala . is visiring his mother, of this idace. Duncan Sinclair, formerly with the the Democrat, has accepted a position Oil tllK D.VlIiY llKKALl). Mrs. Koberis and Miss lioborts, of Now York, are gnoses of Major and Mrs. Isaac Arnold at the Arsenal. Mrs. J. W. Howard, of South Co- lumbia, is spending several weeks in the country for the benefit of her health. Rev. Jerome Duncan, of Guthrie, Ky., and Mr. Starkey Duncan spent Monday with their father, liev. i. J. Duncan. Miss Maria A. Armstrong, who has been spending the wilder with W. M. Eii wards' family, Dallas, Texas, ha - returned home. Dr. John Witherspoon returned this morning from Knoxville, where he has been attending the State Medical Association meeting. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Irvine, Capt. S. C. Orr and W. W. Walker, of Lewis- - burg, attended the Confederate Vet eran's Reunion at New Orleans. Baxter McLean ia with the Her- - ali). He has joined the army of re ttorters. Hail him and give him tbe news whenever you see him passu g. It. M. Williams, the ellicient secre- tary of the Msttiry County Farmers' ami Hr e! rs' Asociai ion. is sick at tin. resuleice t.f his MMer, Mta Morgan. Col. James Hamilton, who has been visaing his daugh'.cr, Mrs. J. I Jones, li:iH returned home. ile was ac coinpaiiied by Misses Emma and llau:e Jones, who w ill visit in Leba nou. Mrs. Harman, of South Columbia is recovering after a serious illness. Mir-- s Auuie Hennett is visiting her dster Mrs. J. H. Zuccarella, ol Pu laski. Mrs. Heurv Martin, of Midway, Ky., is visiting her parents near Ash wo d. Miss Henrietta Lazarus will spend the Easier holidays with Nashville friends. J. W. Sykes, manager of tlie Fair at Lawrenceburg, is inlhe city visiting relatives. Miss Fannie Herrick, of Pula-ki- , visited friends here lrom Friday uu- - til Monday. Miss Mai ia Stacker, who was the guest ot M iss Kate Jones, has returned lo Clarksville. Mrs. T. N. Jones has returned from Dresden, West Tennessee, where she was visiting relatives. Miss (ieorgie (Jrider, who was visi-tii.- g Miss Minnie Holding, has re- turned to Bowling Green. Mrs. George Wilkes, t.f Nashville, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Arm- strong 011 West Seventh street. Misses Helen Moore and Josie Al- ly:), of the Institute, are visiting Miss Florence Williams, at Mt. Pleasant. Rev. F. B. Webb has returned from Lewisburg, where he has been attending the spring session of Pres bytery. Frank Davis, one of the clerks at the Maxwell House, Nashville, and formerly of the Bethell House, was here yesterday. Mr. aud Mrs. Hill and son Eddie, of South Columbia, left for Iudiaua last Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Hill's sister. Deputy Clerk J. T. L. Cochran is at his post again, afte a few days ab- sence in attendance at Presbytery, l eld last week in Lewisburg. Mrs. Alice McCord and Mrs. Prew-et- t are at the bedside of their sister, Mrs. F. J. Moore, who ts dangerously ill at her home in Culleoka. Arch Lipscomb, son of Treasurer T. E. Lipscomb, has accepted a position in Nashville with Patterson Bros., Southern Agent for the Diabold Safe & Lock Co. AKOOD TOWX. The ladies of the 1st C. P. Church will give another dinner, on the first Monday in May. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Church are housekeeping in the McCord residence on (th street. The weather should have had bet- ter manners than to rain on our na- tal day. New Maple Syrup, Buck Wheat Flour, Oatmeal, Cracked Wtieat, Rolled Avena, Table Mackerel, Cream Codfish, Edam and Pine Apple Cheese aud other seasonable goods just in. It. E. W. Gamai.e Grocery Co. Home Made Peach Blackberry and Damson Preserves at tf. E. W. Gamble Grocery Co. Mr. Win. Watson is preparing to build a two-stor- brick store house ou North High street near Eighth. Tbete will be a called meeting of Columbia Lodge No 31 F. and A. M., Thursday and Friday eveuirg at 7:30, for work in the E. A. aud F. C. De- grees.. See the souvenir spoon at aprl5 2t James Bros. What has become of that base ball club we heard talk about. O-i- r grasshopper reporter tells us that if anybody iuquires his name to say it is Mud ; that he lives down by the river, and that whenever his friends pass by he hopes they will drop in. If there is not as much local news in these columns as you would like, it is because it don't happen. We don't make news; we only re- port it. Go off and hang yourself aud we will do the balance. Chancery Court is now in session, with sjiecial Judge Ewing presiding. Circut Court will meet the first Monday in May. Luther Frierson is with Delk, FarisACo. The frosts during the past week have not been severe enough to do any damage. Lazarus & Sons have begun the' erection of a two-stor- y brick business house on South Main Street Jim Mays, colored, who escaped frolTO tllA tail uboiir. two unlra un Bridges by Love Webb. RELIGIOUS I5TELLIECE. The L. U. P. M. will meet at the Presbyterian Session room next Fri- day at 3 p. m. Subject for Bible study : "Tlie Law of the Lord;" leader, Mrs. Mattie Robtr.s. There will be services at the Bap- tist Church next Sunday as usual. Rev. J. D. Gold will occupy the pulpit at the night service, in the absence of the pastor. Rev. R. B. Mahoney. Mrs. W. A. Ruttle will lead the children of the First MethodM Church in an Easter entertnl tmei t at ".SO p m. Sunday night. One ol the features of the occasion will be a mis-bHia- ry collection taken by the children. The church will be beauti- ful! decorated. II. P. Figures addressed the Mi-siona- Society of Z on Church labtSuuday afternoon. His subject was the progress of mission work Recitations aud readings by Misses Mattie Williams and Lizzie Bowell, aud a vocal solo by Miss Efile Ken- nedy, added much to the pleasure of the evening. This is Holy Week. Next Sun- day will be Easter. The Episcopal and Methodist Churches will be decorated with flowers for the occa-- t u, and the choirs will furnish their finest music. were no services at the Firtt Presbyterian Church yesterday. The pastor, Rv. F. B. Webb, being in attendance upon the Presbytery at Lewisburg. A Sensational Sermon. Rev. T. J. Duncau preached in the First Methodist Church Sunday morning to a large audience; an audi- ence somewhat larger than com- mon, there being no service at the Presbyterian Church and a goodly ortion of that congre- gation, being preseut. The dis- course towards its close took some what of a sensational turn when the preacher began to discuss the du'ies of christians towards fallen women He referred to a portion of Columbia where a number of these creatures live, in their poverty, their misery and their immorality, and suggested that was a field for christian work. Wayward though they were, they were si-te- rs 01 Christ aud purchased by His blood. Wicked though they were they were not alone In their sin. Some man had been a partner to tL guilt of each one of them, but while the woman is an outcast from society and thought to be too vile to be awoken to and too unclean to be ex tended a friendly hand, her betrayer, iilaeker-hearte- d and more wicked than she, is oftiuies the leader ol ocietv. These women must quit their way of living, but for the pat- - ronage ol men, and these men, saki he, are admitted to our parlors aud petted for their coming and given our daughters in marriage. There would come a time however, when the man would be judged by a Just Judge. Society might condone his offense because of the abundance of his possessions, or because he bore some honored name. .But when God udgd him he would be condemued to a hell so iar below tne woman be bad ruined that the heat would not reach high enough to burn his victim; deep down into a hell so low, he would be sent, that its sulphuric (lames would waste their heat before they reached the prison cpJI of ti e wretched woman he had debauched on earth. Inasmuch, continued the speaker, as christian men and women neglect to help the poor, to clothe the naked, to rescue the fallen, even so do they neglect their Christ. God help us all to da our duty, is my prayer. For Young Men Only. If you wish to "stand head" get a box of Blank Bros.' Candv from Delk St Redd, and send it to your best girl, apr!5-2- t. Stockholders Meeting. The stockholders of the Columbia Cotton M ii Is Co., held their annual meeting 'I neday Rud declared a per cent, dividend. The report of the Secretary showed the finances and business of the Company to be in fine condition. The stockholders elected the followiug directors: J. P. Street. M. Mayes, A. li. Rains. t T. Joues, Joseph Towler.J W. P. Wold- - ridge and W. C. Joues. The Direc tors elected J. P. Street, Presideut, J. M. Maves, Vice President, C. T. Jones, Secretary, W. C. Joues, Gen'l. Manager. To Our Patrons and tlie Public. .Ve have bought an interest in the store of R. T. Faris and will hereafter run two stores. By this means we will be able to buy goods in larger quantities and at lower prices. Con- sequently we will be able to sell a shade closer. Thanking 3Tou for past favors and asking a continuance of your custom, e are Most Respectfully, aprlo-l- t. Delk & Redd. SOUTH COLUMBIA. -- Aline, the little 4 year old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Powell, met with a bad accident last Sunday by having her left arm brokeu. The arm was set by Dr. Robt. Pillow. Mr. John Blakely, fireman or the switch-engl- - e, has returned lrom Indiana, where be has been several days. -- Mr. and Mrs. Hill and their little n. Eddie, went to Iudiana last Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Hill's sister. Mrs. Harman 1b improving. The Ladies' Aid Society of the South Columbia Methodist Episcop Church gave a very enjoyable enter- tainment at the residence of Mrs. Thompson last Tuesday. They will also give an ice crea n supper at the residence or Mr. 1. M. 1'oweii tne first of May for the purpose of getting up more aud better lights as annual Conference will be held herein July. All should come to these entertain ments and help the church. Mrs. Moouey has recovered lrom protracted spell ol sickness. Mrs. Castiene, of Arkansas, has opened up a boadiug bouse ou Tenth street. Smoke Century Club Cigars. The best ou the market. Dei.k & Bedo, aprl5-2- t Sole Agents. OYER THE COUNTY. Mrs. D. P. Osteen, nee Miss Irene Cowdeu, our ''Verna Villiers," is visi- ting her parents at Culleoka. Our correspondent from there promises he HkkaIiD a letter from Verna. Our readers will watch with interest for its comiug. Ilev. 11. O. Moore, or Denison, Texas, is visiting in Culleoka, where ie was formerly located. Sneak thieves entered tbe state- - house of Mr. A. J. Pugh at Hamp shire and stole various articles. J O. Hill, an old citizen, died near Hampshire a few days siu.-e- . J. B P. gue, who has beeu sick with typhoid fever at Hampshire, is recovering. Wheat and oat crops over the county are looking well. Corn is oeing planted. Col. Albert Odil, or Mallard, is sick and not expected to recover. See the souvenir spoons at aprl5-2- t James Bros. A flouring mill, to be kuowu as the Alliance Mills, will soou be start ed at Godwin. Miss Ada Frierson, who was vis King in Nahviile, has returned to her home in the Ziou neighborhood. Dr. Joe Davidson, of California, is visiting his parents. Dr. and Mrs. Davidson, of this county. Mr. Lioyd Cecil returned Monday fr m New Orleans where be attended 9 Confederate Veteran's Reunion. Richland Presbytery will con vene at Spring Hill April 22. S. M Mosely, of Kim wood, has re turned from Texas. Atlmluistratur's Notice. Having duly qualified as adminis trator of the estate of W. B. Gates, deceased, I hereby notify all patties holding claims against same to pre sent them duly authenticated for pay ment. All parties indebted to estate must come forward and settle at once. A. P. Roberts. aprl-4- t. i - .v J- - nif iir All GENTLEMEN In your leisure moments it is worth while to remember that we can bhow you as complete a stoctt of CLOTHING, HATS, SH0E3 AND FURNISHING GOODS as ever gratified the eye or appealed to the pocket-boo- k. A god article is better worth the price you pay for It, than a bad one a mere fraction of what it cost you. Give us your custom and we will earn your confidence. You cau't do better than to buy your spring outfit from up, for Ave will promise to give you tlie very best value possible for the money. Mayes, fatter & Frienea. Appointed Special ( Itancellor. Hon. Z.W. Ewing, of Pulaski, arrived this morning and will preside'over the Chancery Court durinjr Judge Abernathy's illness, having been ap- pointed Special Chancellor by Gov. Buchanan. Lost a AVattlt. An open face gold watch, Elgin B. W. Raymond movement. The watch is numbered 9,5o4.C27. The finder will leave it at Berg's Jewelry store and get reward. Geo. Starr. aprilS If Oilier Towns Do, Why Not Columbia! Mr. Robert K. Nichols, writing i'ro:n Ilopkinsville to subscribe for our daily, says that Columbia is better lighted, h;s belter water works, ami is tiliead of Ilopkinsville in almost everyi'iin. ex- cept sprinkling ihe streets, lie they have a splendid system t lit-re- it only taxes the merchant. ." cents a moiit.i for the dry season, pc-ii.i- s it would be well for the Ilig Three ! write to Ilopkinsville and get some points. Mr. Nichols hu : a racke t store and we are glad to learn is doing well in business. nil fay 9 We sbo Id say so, when they were all gone except a few remnants by one o'clock, and it Mas a bad day too. Cood silks at 1'9 per yard are not picked up every day. On Xrxt Monday, April IStli, It will be ribbons. Oue lot at h" and one ht at 0 per yard, spot cash ; about 00 yards in all "good colors aud ali silk. These ribbons cost, wholesale, from 7? to 3b1' per yard. We have too many and must get rid of them. If you have b-- en reading fashion 'iteratute you will know that ribbons will be used in profusion this season. This is a great time in our DRESS GOODS 1 F. PA 1 1 I'M KNT, At first we had a creat many looker", but now tlie n'issors come into rtoui-sitin- n in cutting oil" dress lengths of beaniiriil fab les. Trin initigs lo match in the new laces, gimps, chifl'ius, etc. Black dress goods is a hobby with us. Mighty few customers ask us for black dress goods where a sale is not elt'-cte-d. Bar in mind the fact that we are headquarters for fdioes, slippers, etc. Think of us al-- o when thinking of a new carpet. W- - will not only save you money, but wiil show you few- est patterns aud colorings. Yours, anxious to please, Meaiioii Bros. & Anler i UU1A Death of an Estimable Lady. Mrs. Leonard Bird, who hits been quite ill for several weeks, died last Saturday afternoon at '1 o'clock. The funeral ser- vices were held last Sunday evening at 3 o'clock at tlie Advent Chanel !! South Main Street, the liev. K. K. Met-ca- lf oiticiating. Mrs. llird was one of the most popular ladies in South Co- lumbia, and was loved and respected by all who knew her. T. 0. Bctls & Cc.'s Grand Opening. As previously anuounced in these columns, Messrs. T. O. Bi-tt- s ix Co. bad a grand opening of their magn nt millinery and dress goods last Monday and Tuesday, April 11th and and 12th. Although the weather last Monday was not all that could be de- sired or anticipated, still their mam- moth stcre was visited by hun- dreds of ladies desiring to take a peep at the beautiful d'splay before any inroads had been made upon it. Tuesday was a typical spring day, however, and their house was literal- ly packed with an eager crowd oi ladies from all parts of the country. A Herald reporter, who has an eye for the beautiful, as well as an appre- ciation of Ihe good, visited this estab- lishment in his regular rounds, ami was amazed at thr; artistic t of everything around him. The head of the firm, Mr. Belts, gave him a cordial welcome, but was too busy to show him through himself, so he turned him over to Miss Myers,of the millinery department, who executed this task in her own chaimiog man- ner. She led him first iuto the mil- linery department, where thete is the most beautiful disp'ay of artificial llowers ever brought to this city. There were aslors, violets, Milieu of the valley, roses of all colors from the rich red to the golden of the popular Marechal Neil, aud some were a deli- cate pink, bordet ingou a salmon tint, j'here were Rhododendrons, chrysan-thetuuin-- ", primroses an i uastur-tiui- n, and indeed every other kind in the greatest profusion, until you could almost imagine yourself on the banks of some crystal stream, inhal- ing the sweet fragrance arising from the great banks of llowers at your feet, so natural were they. But the rich blue of the German corn llower, by the way the favorite of the late E"mporer 'Frederick, w as an exquisite tint, and so ierfect, that if pinned to the lapel of the coat would be taken for the natural. There were pattern hats, direct from Paris, and one could not help imbibing the enthusiasm of Miss Myers, as she displayed the "Qui Vive," "Wild Rose," Donna El-viar- a" and the "Mikado," as well as a great variety of combination hats, each one of which is a jierlect gem of artistic workmanship. In the dress goods department were shown some rare shades of silks, ar- ranged in such a charming manner that one cannot pass without a look. There were Florentines, Chinas, In-dia- s, CreKons, and Chiffons of ex- quisite shade and quality. 1 n iaces, were snown a variety oi kinds, the "Point DTsland, Point D'Espaniard antl Chentilio lace be- ing the most beautiful. A great variety ol rrencn uwns, as well as "Creions," of all shades, were pointed out; and gloves of light color outlined in black, in fact all shades to suit the dress, were so leau-tlfull- y arranged, that no matter which way one turns, tnere is a cnarnimg surprise in store. Bat the grea'.es: surprise of all, is the cheapness, com- pared to the excellent quality of everything shown in this fcsolid ami jxmular house. To Miss Myers and the other lady clerks are due the thanks of the II i::;-al- d for courtesies shown in our trip through this beautifully arranged e ablishment. Jl HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. What's the mstter with the weath- er, Mr. Editor? Just, about the time we think we are going to have a pleasant time, here comes another rainy day, and we have to stsy in- doors all reces?. We will not have holiday tr-da- y, as we are too busy to spare the day. The teachers had oue of their wonderful meetings again, last Tues- day, aud decided tbjit we must craw the map or Columbia, ?. r which P.o '. Charles has r ft'erd a go 1 iiudfj, i. here at .h; bu: d;r jr. The work ! !" b:' (! ti nxi Sm-- u day week, th -- 3rd, and t.u tc. a i.un ber will ntt-- he :.i:.te-t- . 1,.MS Mit'-i.el- : h .d t o absent on Wednesday, owing f the illness of tier httie son. Her hall misses her very much indeed. Sovetal pupils who were abreut on 'xauiinauou aro taking questions this week. Tlie teachers make out tu entire new set of questions when a pupil is absent. From tbe wr.y we are all working we hope to give you a splendid enter- tainment in June aud we hope every one who comes will appreciate it enough to keep good order. Several of Miss Henderson's classes ire quite near the close of the year's course. This is quite an advantage, is it will give them time to review-thoroughl- for ihe firia! t xtiminaiiou. Miva Eita Adki-so- n taught during Mrs. Mitchell's abs t ce on Wednes- day. The Ninth Grade are in the midst of a tornado ihat, is they are wrest- ling with rotary rK.tvi of storms, e to., f:.d exj hiiniiu' to every- body that Comes within ieach. I . Is TO!'. 3 . t'C Mi.r.A N', Eighth Grade, Editor.' For Sale. Cook & Moore have I "30,00,1 White Ash Shiuglcs to sell at mill prices. Tliey will be delivered to any part of the city. uprlo-lt- . Anions the Lodges. The Odd Fellows held a very inter esting meeting last night. One de gree was conferred, and several new applications for membership was re- ceived and referred to nroner com mittees. This lodge has a good library in tlie lodge-roo- for the members use. Athletic Kxliihitioii. The Nashville Athletic Club, which gave an exhibition to a crowded Itoiise at the Theatre endome, Nasti-'il!- e, on Thursday evening, March M, will gve an exhibition iu thu !"! In. use in this city s.ine time litx: wfl;, Hi" exact day lint bavi- n,-: ye b en def ernt i n'd upon. Itep-!.- '- u; atives of Uie club were in 'u vtv yesterday making preliminary arrangements. (:!; Hilda I leadiiuar: ;: for (riii;s, vege; aides. raid fresh inea'.s. Sliced ham o:i the nii'i'ket every oay. Conniry produce wanicd. iloodvV: Billiard, corner South Main and i'tli eet. aprH-l- . Improving. Alliene, the little daughter of Mr. Jesse Powell, who broke her arm last Sunday, is rapidly improving under the skiliful treatment I' lr. Bobert Pillow. - Cases Si t for Trial. The following cases have been set for trial ia t he ( "lancery 'oun : Tuesday, ?dcNei!iy v-- . Napier; Wed- nesday, Kit'kmaii vs. Ma.ves cL :;i; Thursday, Willie Brown, by next friend, vs. Ander.-oi- : Cheatham et a!. SHE WAS CONJUIIEI). iJotia Vi Jiite aii;l Kate Mar;i:i, C.;l- - ored, Have a War of Words. ttosa Whit", colored, whs arrested yesterday at the instance of Kate Mar- tin, coloi ed, on the chartro of idnisive and insulting language and threatened assault. I ti It er evidencff in tho cuso Kate's f liims were s w rmialit up by tneiii-or- v ot tho insults l:enped upon her by cor "cull ud friend" that she broke henipleteiy down attd shed a larsie number of tPars. .She claimed that liosa hid come to hr house and, with- out provocation, called her various and divers names too bad to appnr in print and had threatened to t hasti.-- e her with a el ti 1. Kosa ent"red a plea o( jnstilial le language on t he irround that Kat'' had used as b;td or worse words in address- ing her, and also accused hr (It wniof conjuring her shoes so that they hurt Iter feet. She stoutly denied heinu a Voodoo woman, and the evidence on that point bein? rather weak, Judg Krwiti dismissed th" caso with a v.arn-- l Hush j'.ot to monkey with Kate's shoes any more. Sale ( ouiiriiied. The Chancery Court yesterday con- firmed the sale of the Masonic Temple to W. J. Whitthorne. The L. A. N. and other Boa-.l- s Heply to the Charges of Hist riitiina'.ioii Against Columbia. Eight answers have been filed to the uit brought about one month sgo by the city of Columbia, through Attorney Sout hall A Smiser and G. W. Hays, against thirty Soutlreru railroads and transportation compa- nies to prevent iurther discrimina- tion iu lreigbt rates against Colum- bia, and also to recover excessive rates ht retofot e charged. The companies thus far filing answers are the Bouisviile tt Nash- ville, jNashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis; Kansas City, Fort Scott & Mempius ; Norfolk it Western, Illi- nois Cent i ai, Capu Fear St Yadkin Valley, Seaboard Air Bine, aud the Baltimore S ani Packet Company. iS'l'he & Nashville, which, ol' course is the company most .y interested, aUvinpts to justify, in its answer, the discrimination against Columbia ami in favor of Nashville and other points, by steam- boat and steamship and other rail- road competition. The answers of the other roads are substantially the same, The next step in the case will be the prot urieg of an order from the Interstate C mmerce Commission to take t roof in the case, and the ap- pointment of a commissioner for that purpose. Counse i will then argue the case by brief. Counsel will uiso ask that judgment be given agaiust thost-road- s not answ i ring. Potato Harrels lor Saie. We want to sell you your barrel materials ; or will sell you your bar- rels. We guarantee to sell you bet-le- r barrels and for as little or less mouey than anybody. Will make ( contracts from 1,.CU0 barrel- - up. C. W. Rich Co., per lu Ii. Fr er on, Mt. Ple.saut Tenn. pr& K E.VJ EKTAIXM K.M a. TliUi-pda-y niuht at the Cenlurv CluJ ihe German was danced, the following named ladies and gentle- - men being present: Miss Maria stacker, J. M. Towli r. Miss Louise Hentllcy, V. K. li onblc. Miss Mry Kvatis. 11. 1 '. ira nlit-- n y. Miss Kat-Join- s, J no. T. W ootn. Miss Kti.abflli, K. W. .Miss Mary Willies, .1. S. flciM. Miss Kate Widtcs, J. I.. Ki'person. Miss Minnie Hi.l.iiii, Kr;ii!.k M ks Kinrna liuahes, . W. Killelircw J. Hill Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. i. jr. Jones, Mr. ami Mis. A. IS. Mains. Will Kecover. Dr. Pillow last Thursday performed tlie operation of laparotomy upon Edna Farris, the daughter of John Ft.rris. It was doubtful at first whether she would recover, but she is improving to-da- y, aud her physician now thinks her recovery probable. The young Ladies Card Ciub was entertained yesterday afternoon by Mis Mary E vans. Kntertaiiiment by SU l't-t?-r Church AM Society. The children who take part in the "Goddess of Farii" are requested to 1 meet at the Opera House Monday j afterno iu at 3 o'clock. There will be J a general rehearsal of all the per-- , formers ana ine crcuesira Tuesday afte zi at 3 o'clock. tmtltmyiitammni H3!:-.J5- S, AND CATTLE. Quotations. These quota tiona are corrected weekly by J. W. Howard A Co. Must be cuoice and fat, i r.m . lo i years oia, lu good tlosli. 14 i t'- hands high 105 to 115 1 Co Uii hands high li'O to 130 Iii to ltj hands high l3o to 10 Wauled Tiveiif 3Iares. i want twenty well bred pacing an i trottuig mares to tarm. Address, W. C. Jones. Columbia. Tenn ir. lil!:.()AV.IlK STOCK FiKM STAL- LIONS, 1S02. Biy Pilot (;7. Record 2 2.U By Red Pilot 2:21). Dam by Gran-oeiy- 's Slasher. Service fee $25 to h'isuro Setl Hal, Standard Pacer. By Brown Hal 2:12j. Dam by Red Piiot 2:29. Service lee $23 ;to in- sure. Starplex, Standard Pacer. By Duplex 2:17,. Dam by Red Pilot 2:29. Service fee $!5 to lusure. The above horses will stand at my farm 3 miles on Pulaski pike. Ad-dreu- s, E. M. Shelgoo. mai25-3t- . . Work on the track or the Colum- bia Drivinsr Park Association is pro- gressing as rapidly as the weather will permit. Nogotiations are now in progress to have the world beaters here in August. Black Bess, yroperty of S. J. Ca-perto- n, dropped a fine Brown Mark filly coif last Thursday night. Mr. W. R. Crabh, of Bowling Green Ky., bought a handsome harness horse from Dr. John A. Witherspoon. Mr. Crabh shipped three horses last Saturday to his home in Bowling 11 recn. Mr. Ed J. Binder, of Cincinnati, representing U. S. F.111S & Son, man ufacturers of trotting horse goods, is in the city. He has a beautilul liue of goods to show prospective buyers, STOCK 1ARL) SHIPMENTS TO DAY. J. K. Farrill snipped 3 horses to-da- y lo A. "II. Robinson, Nashville fen ti VV. C. Nichols shipped one pony to Jj. V: jNeil, Petersburg. 1 enn Fits & Son, of Birmingham, A!a., sdiipped three horses from the yards to that city Howard A Boyd shipped a band- - some saddle horse to VV. D. Kelly, rsasnville, lenu. M. E. Alleu shipped a car of mixed stock to Louisville, Ky. Mr. Thos. C. Foster, Register of the National Standard Pacing Associa- tion, showed his confidence in the Hal stock. He bought eight at the Leueave, Shelton & McGaw sale, and shipped them yesterday toCincinnati, Ohio. .Jake Barker shipped Shannon Wilkes, by Fergueson, to Cincinnati, yesterday. Jake' Barker and A. B. Ruins bought a handsome Red Pilot colt, out oi a Tom Hal mare, at the stock sale. lie has been named Pilot Hal and already shows grf-a- t promise. li. B. Metcalf, of Cincinnati, bought of W. W. Douuell, of Leba- non, Tenn., the chestnut filly Prefer- ence, 3 years old, by Nutwood, dam Preface, by Paucoast, sec nd fiam Attthem (sister to Chanter, 2:204") by Cuyler, for $1,000. She will be' bred to Artillery, 2:21 V. R S. Stramler, of Cincinnati, has j 'ist bought from Charles Moore, of Kentucky, the yearling filly Ota t.'lav, by ('lav, 2:2-3- , dam Oriole (darn of Folly, 2:21 ', ) by Strader's C. M Clay, Jr., for $l,(;uo. Cincinnati's aunual horse show began at Gratz Park yesterday, with over a million dollars worth of hcrses on exhibition. due hundred and eighty-tw- o stallions that are ten years of ago, or younger, at t he close of last season have sired standard performers (tro-rer- s, 2:;!0 or better; pacers 2:20 or bet er). Messrs. John Perry and Joe Powers, of Lebanon, Tenn., brought :tti Almont horse to place iu training at tbe Columbia Driving Park Asso- ciation. J. W. fc J. L. Jones, Jr , sold to-d- ny cue of their Hue Jennets, "telie of Tennessee,'' to J. L. Joues & J. C. D uiavon, of St. Louis, Mo. Barring the rain, the oullook at Memphis for the running niecMng is good, live hundred bangtails are wait ing for the word. Messrs. John L. Jones and J. C. Milam, both from St. Louis, Mo., are in the city. These gentlemen are here looking for tine Jacks. W. 1". Taylor, owner of Vitello, has challenged Mascot for a race at the Buffalo meeting. To which ('barks Upton, owner of Mascot t, replies that his horse is in the stud and has en- gagements until July, antl conld not get in condition by August for a hard race, but that if Mr. Taylor will meet him the at Columbia meeting iu the fall, he will put up the stulfaud give him a driye. W. Iu Derrington, of Memphis, was here last week, and purchased some t.ood lioi'scs. Of this number i wo were j rchased from John 1'. McGaw. Chas. Skillman, Esq., of Eufaula, Ala., is here buying tine horses. He lias pui'cbased lour Horses lrom . A Howard. Stock Note hy Trockwootl. There are more fine stallions stand ing to-d- ay in Maury County than have ever stood in the history of the of the county. Maury has not always been partial to the totter, but he is rapidly gaining in public estimation Ami as lor our pacers they are simply out of sight! Now is the time of the year when the blue grass shoots up the tender spear of its juicy blades to meet the easrer mouth of the frolicsome yearling, or laugh with a wavy smile at the stagirering locomotion of the new-bor- n colt with his awkward, angling, knock-knee- d gait his thin ribbed, cathainmed, bowed-u- p form, and the calloused, unsteady and tin certain instinct, that has yet to decide whether it will trot or pace. And every pike around Columbia has its hundreds. The additional improvement son the kite track are progressing as rapidly as the weather will permit. When fin- ished it will be tho best anil fastest track in the world. By the way, it is laready pretty generally believed in horse circles that Direct antl Hal Pointer w ill come together again next fall, and as (jeers reports "your Uncle Pointer" to have wintered "in fine shape and a better horse than ever before," it is not at till probable that 'ft nuesseans will hang their heads when tl.ese two cracks meet again. Owners of brood mares may not be too careful si bout their marcs just be- fore antl just sifter foaling. Do not .'change the mare too suddenly from a i:.. i... -- ...i. ...:n 1; ra ! II to u riass. tiiet, i tue eoit in be liable to scours. It is a safe plan, if tin- - mare is runningon grass, to con-iin- ue to feed some grain to her night and morning. 'I'll ere is little nutri- ment at present in the grass and un- less the mare has some grain she will fall otf rapidly under the jiorsistent draining of her milk by the colt, and she colt will not fatten and grow so well either. The entries of The Maury County Farmers' and Breeders' Association have all tilled well, antl judging from ihe list published there is plenty of material in the stakes to make a royal battle. in every race. Our county fair is very popular, and races, if not as fast as at larger associations, are none the less exciting and interesting. A goo 1 number of colts are being dropped to Adfield, Brown Mark, Bal-mo- nt Wilkes, Tennessee Wilkes, Nut-hi- ll and other trotters that stood in the county last year. The Pilots ure also fast coming to the front as pacing sires, and as for the Hals well, 1 should smile. Mr. Lang, of Pennsylvania, who is training a string of his own antl other horses at the Columbia Driving Park, lias among his number a most beauti- ful and blood-lik- e two-ye- ar old by Sunolo. brother to Sunol. If all the Electioneers look like this little miss. rliey will do to keep for ornaments as well as useful purposes. Seeing is believing, and it only tal;s a small look at sucn a nuy as uus w snow that the thoroughbred blood, amootha v r-- . r '. READ EAERY WORD OF THIS Carpets. Furnishing Goods. Dress Trimmiugs. Clothing. Shoes. Hats. Fine Cutaway suits. Neckwear till you cau't rest. Bedford Cords in ail shades. The best liue of dress shirt. Beautiful Lace Curtains. Oxford Ties iu all styles. Rosenthal's 3 shoe is out of slirht. Our f 2 ladies shoe best on earth. Light color square cut sack suits. Big liue round cut sack suits. Finest line straw hats. Boys' and children's clothing. Best line odd pants in Columbia. All the latest styles iu slippers. Elegant line of mattings. Iruuks, valises aud traveling bags. J. ROSENTHAL off and rounds up the trotter if it does not do any thing else. The horses in training about Colum- bia are in splendid fix and fettle, and with their drivers aro only waiting till the bad weather ceases, to begin their daily work in the muscle-hardenin- g and foot-reachi- business. Columbia will have such racing next fall as she has never seen before. W. S. Williams and Jno. Carjienter, of the Breeder fe Turfman, Nashville, are Columbia boys, and their friends areiustly proud of the high stand they ,ro taking as editor and manager of a big horse paper. It is not alt "roses .ml daffodils" running a good horse pajier, but there is a larger amount of horse sense and mule energy required in such an enterprise than is general- ly thought requisite. May they keep on rouud the circle! C0LU3IBIA STOCK SALE. The Tennessee Sale Agency's Annual Combination Sale. Kifchty-Scve- n Animals Solil for 91 8,1 87. 50 An Average of 1S14 0.0S. I'lio annual sale of Bcnoavo. Shelton tt Met iaw, propictors of the Tennessee Salt) Agency, occurred at tne t air trronnils on last Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The bad weatiier ol" the first day caused small attendance anil the stile did not commence until '1 p. m- - lii'teen head beinif put under the hammer before tlie close of the day, brinirinir very fair prices. tin ana Saturday tlio weather was nearly all tliat could be desired ; the ittctidaiice w as good, ami the iiorses sold during those two days brought on an nv-are- very good prices. Mr. S. II. Hill. of Bowling tireen, Ky., was the auction eer, and showed himself thoroughly con versant Mini an me goou jHiinis ot a horse and capable of impressing them on tne iiiuoers. Ibirimr the three davs 87 imiin ils wore Hold lor a total of if an average of l Mis. I lie liorse bringing the highest price during the sale was (iuv Bene, a line ((joking bay colt '1 years old, by tiny liarrcli out oi lienu, and hrcd and o.vncii iy llamptoii liros-Cow- an, Tciiii. ile was knocked down to Win. Cox, Knoxville, for "),. The ladies of the Presbyterian Church set adc liirhtfiil dinner at the fair irrounds tin Friday and Saturday and realized a neat sum lor the church. Follow ing: is a list of the horses scllitur for lt;il or over: I iarnet, cli. in., 11, by Muiiibrino Forrest-- Country (iirl, property of B. S. Wood, Ilopkinsville, K v, sold lo J- - p. Mc iaw, .1 r. 'olumbia, ilr. Billiard Boy, r. s., ;. owned hv Jas. Ragau, Columbia, sold to (. K. itagan, ( 'olumbia, f'Stih Chambers' Locomotive, b. s.. owned by James Chambers, spring Hill, Mold to Jas. Foster, Thompson's Station, for $l(n. Hal Implex, ull. s. ;, owned by James Chambers, Spring Hill, Tenn.,' sold to James Foster for l. Bady Duplex , b. f. 2, owned by B. A. Satlerlield, Columbia, sold to J. ft, rau-berr- y, Alt. Pleasant, $lc . Charlie, b. g., ti. property of A. X. Akin, Columbia, sold to W. C. Akin, Colum- bia, $11., Bettie Almont, ch.niowuctl by Hamil- ton Bros., Cowan, Tonn., sold to W. 11. Ijong, Mt. Pleasant, $(.10. Reputation, b. f., .', owned by same, sold lo W. B. Farris, Columbia, "$'js.. Laura 11. eh. in., owned by same, sold to F. Barrett, Bicli I 'reek, $ Jixt. Cuy Bene, h. c, 2, owned bv same, sold to W. K. Cox, Tracy I 'ity, $Tit."l. Virena, b. in., s owned by same, sold to S. B. Harlan, Columbia, $:6iT. Uueon Diamond, hr. iiu, !, owned bv same, W. B. Cox, Tracy City, $ltl. Wheeler, b. g., 4, ow ned by same, sold to T. H. Hastings, Hillsboro, N. C. $J 1. Willie, b. in., 4, owned by J. S. Foster, Thompson's Station, sold "to J. H. Akin, lliompson Station, $1 K). Annie Booncy, b. in., 4, owned hy same, to same, f im. Allele, blk. f., 2 owned hv same, to W, II. Ixuig, Mt. Pleasant, 1:C, Shandon Wilkes, b, g 5, owned by B. M. W illiams, Columbia, sold to Banks, Biilingcr tV Co Cleveland, Ohio, $170. Uohj ii Hood, hr. g, 7, property of ,1. P. Mciiaw, Jr, to Fit s tt Son, Birming- ham, Al., l2t. Count Pilot, ch. gM 7, owned hy same, sold to J. R. Btickuer, Thompson's Sta- tion. $120. May m Vineyard, ch. f, 2, ow ned by Jnhii'H. CariHjiiter, Nashville sold to J. M. Bilker, Selma, Ala., $l.iu. Vaiigtin , b. a., 4., W. It. Blakeuiore, Martin, Thiiu., sold to Aris Bains, Co- lumbia, $2tiU. Bessie Hardee, h. in., owned by Dr. Win. Lynch, Buford's Station, Teun., Dr. J. (i. Williamson, CulleoUa; $100. Jerry Almont, b. g., 4, owned by B. U. Marshall, Culleoka, Teun., sold to Pete Crab, Bowling tireen, Ky.; $J(.". Startle, blk. g., 4, owned by same, sold to. A. K. Orr, Mt. Pleasant; fl.'So. Minnie, b. in., ft, property of W. A. Bailey, Kagleville, to li. M. Williams, Columbia; $115. Ku-li- , b. g., (i, property of same, sold to A. W. McClure, Nashville; $110. Charley and Kd, b. gs., owned by same, to u. W. Hayes, Columbia, lenu.; $275. Bay gelding, 0, W. A. Bailey, Kagle- ville, Term., sold to U. T. Hughes, Co- lumbia; $1:J0. Black uelding, 7, property of same, sold to II. O. McCarver, Nashville; $140. Brown gelding, 4, property of same, sold to J. C. Williams; $l.'iu. One b. g., 5, owned by W. K. Italian-fa- n t, Columbia, was sold to J. C. Tay- lor; $i. Tom Slasher, b. h., S, owned by J. 15. Uranberry, Mt. Pleasant, was sold to J. A. Bird, Clarksville; $J'25. John II ull, b. g., ti, owued by K. M. Sheegog, Columbia, sold to H. Abraham, Montgomery, AIa.;$i:io. Maskman, br. c, owued by Sbeetrog it Pillow, Columbia, sold to J. F. i, Columbia; $140. Kale Scott, b. m., , owned by S. W. Scott, sold to J. T. Akin, Columbia; $220. Oue, r. g., 4. owned by W. C. Junes, Columbia, Tenn., sold to K. U. Oraut, Columbia; $100. Comet, blk.. g , 3, owned by Withers & Co., Clarksville, sold to J. VV. Thom- as, Columbia; $120. Sowell, d. b. m- - 2, proiertv of . ...... . I.... . W. II : I. re ill nun rii, j.j mcoiii if. i I'llfl.. Im,i, Maud Cecil, ch. f .', bred ami property of J no. C. Sowell, Lipscomb, Tenn, $210. I olunibus, 1. a o, bred and property of J. C. Sowell, LiiK.coinb, Tenn.; $l;o. Mambriiia, d. b. m, 7, property of John C. Sowell, Lipscomb, Tenil.; $liO. Jjiue l on i, g. g, h, property ol I'. Bur nett, Rich Creek, Tenn.; $11.". Anna W , d. b. m, 7, nroiiertv of Tom Jones, Jr, Franklin, Tenn.; $l."i0. Dave, b. jr., -- , proiHTtv ol Ieneave A. Shelton, Columbia, 1'eniu; $21(1. Mack, t. r, o, proiK-rt- ot Is'neavo iK Shelton, Col tuoLf.i, 1'etin.; $ifc". harlcs, h..fa-orert- of Lt neave A: Shelton, ColUUtT;faTenii.; $I2U. May Ilinl, b.-ti- t, property of T. C. Hut- - ton, Lewisburg, Teniu;$12(i Maud, b. m.,i, property of J.C. Button, Lewisburg, Tenn.; $21.. ' ' Kitseau, It. c 2, bred and owjied ,b,v K. H. Black well, Columbia, Term.; $21o. Hcrta. cti... property of li.i, Smith, Artesia. Mi 0. , ' Annie. B. ... ui, 5, property 'of K. (. Smith, Artesia, Miss,; $150. 'w'-- - l'riiice l'ulaski, .Ir, d. cti,, proiicrty of W, I Cook, Crawford, Miss. ;i-li- s Don, b. g, ft, property of Jim Urlmes, Oluinbiii, Tenn.; $t2.ri. Jim. K ir, tl, property of W. 1. Burnett, Columbia, Tenu.; $175. Susan, L g. in, 4, property of CoL II. A. Brown, Columbia, Teun. $100, Amalcur Slinsttds. The entertainment given on Friday night last, by the Minstrel Club at Fleming's stcre in the Ziou uelghbr-hoo- d, was a decided success. The young men had the satisfaction ami stimulus of playing to a crowded house. Messrs. James and Dave Fleming in their impersonations of negroes are far beyoud the averapo "End Men." Being excedent mimics they accomplished the very difl'.pult feat of imitating in tits various tf e voices and ac'.ioiis of as many different and well known negroes of the neighborhood When fe'ant I'hompsoii, Arthur Frierson of some other negro would give expression to ins peculiar views of people ami things, the audience would greet these amaiueis with uproarous laughter and applause The b lemiue brothers are good siDgers and have voices of great stength aud compass. Mr. Bledsof Brown also possesses a well tralnef aud modulated voice: his rendition of the pathetic song "A Picture that is turned Toward the Wall." elicited the hearty aprobation of the audieuce. wneu it comes to dancing. Robert Fleming is the equal of any minstrel that ever faced the foot-light- s. In re- - ponce to an encore he introduced steps never seeu ou a slage before. A lack of space prevents a more ex tended notice. It ia sufficient to state that each oue who participated ex- hibited a talent and proficiency hardly to be expected of amateurs, especially as this was;their liist effort. The fol- lowing are the members of the club: Messrs. Julius, Robert, James and Dave Fleming, M. G. Armstrong, Mitchell A riustrot g, Wilsou Hiepheu- - son, I heo. Sleiilifiisoti. ItledMoo Brown, Ed. Russed. Gad Armstrong aud Win. Cecil. A Broken Arm. Yesterday nfternnon little A Una Powell, aged about !t years, the daugh- ter of Jesse Powell, fell from n t,oili ill South Columbia and 1 miloi hot It bones of her left arm. Dr. Pillow at- tended her and she is doing well to- day. Potato Barrels For Sale. We want to sell you your barrel materials; or will sell you y ur bar- rels. We guarautee to sell you bet- ter barrels aud for as little or lews money than anybody. Will make contracts from 1,500 barre's up. C. W. Ru n Co., per L, L. Frierson, Mt, Pltasatit, Term. aprM 4t UEDIUMl HELL'S. Mr. H. Burton Latid and Miss Janfe-Kin- wiil be united iu marriage next Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. The bride is tbe daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. M. D. King, and the ceremony will take place at their residence near Columbia, on the Santa Fe pike. Miss Dora l'rewett, whose frequent visits to Columbia as the guest of Miss Ida Bello McCord made her well known in Columbia's social cir cles, was married on March .'10, ia Jacksonville, I hu, to Mr. J. C. Mc Donald. Yon ure Invited To come and pee our new spring Mil linery. We are also special agents for Madame (Jtlswold's celebrated corset. Mips Tknnik Gartnkr A Co. aprir- - f Next dar to postolllce. Ban Away From Home. Eugene Whitson, William How- - land and Jno. Surber, three boys aged from 11 to l.'l years, came iu from Franklin on a freight train last even ing. They are from Gallatin, and had stolen rides on a passenger train to Nashville, walking thence to Frauklin, where a brakemsn gave them a lift to this place. They claim to be c ro? lo Selma, Ala., where oue of them has a brother. They were given a night's lodging at the lock up last night, and given breakfast this morning. They are now anxious to gut back to Gallatin. Columbia JKarkct. Headquarters for Fruits, Vegetables, ami Fresh Meats. Sliced llamnnthe market every day. Country produce wanted. Hoii: Bri.bAim. uplo-l- t Corner S. Main St 1 St. North Columbia l.iitnl ami Immigration ('OlllptllljM Geo. W. Hays, Geo. P. Frierson, II. A. Brown, II. 'P. Figuers ami A. C. Floyd met in the olliee of Figuers A Padgett late Monthly evening to ir-fe- et 'the organization of the alsive company. They elected G. V. Hays, President, G. P. Frierson, Vice-Preside- ami Col. II. A. Brown, See-- i re:ary and Treasurer. The above olllcers with Messrs. H. P. Figuers and A. C. Floyd, const U tute the directory and ( barter mem- bers. It is hoped they will succeed in building up the north part of tho city, hy inducing those seeking dc sirable building lols lo locale ami lm- - prove. Death of W. V. Sims, Mr. Wiilisui Frank Sims died Iu Mlll-ki- n, Ark, a few days since, of heart dis-eiis- e. Mr. Sims wiis wt II known in this county, where lie was born, near Mt, Pleasant, in 1W. During H' late war he did valiant service in the Ninth Bat- talion, Tennessee Cavalry, anil after le-iu- g mustered out, went West ami locat- ed near Ijockburg, Ark. A New Bklinr iiJ In Ihe Field. Dei.k, Fakiw & Co., Koutb-ea- at corner public square, having Isiught the entire stock of groceries formerly owned by Nichols & Faris at greatly reduced prices, we will proceed at once, at their old stand, (o sell theeu tire stock regardless of cost, until May loth, to make room for the Urge stock of new goods now on the road. Hindi bargains in groceries will not be olIVr edyou agaiu kooh. Come now! (Jo me quick! We mean business aud It shall cost you nothing to get our prices. A call will surely Interest you, and trust will prove mutually beneficial. F.vrything will be sold for cish. yours. ap!5 w 4t dlt Delk, Fam: Co. There Vt us a Siring to It. It wasn't a dog fight, nor a runa way, nor soma one stepping' on a banana peel that caused all that ex citement and laughter on the square this morning. Buck 1 ioward thought he had found a big fat pocket-boo- k on the side-wal- k, end he made a dive for It, but there was a string tied to it, ami as it eluded his d tigers aud disappeared in the door-wa- y, be looked around at the crowd, antl then remembered tt at he had pressing business at Ihe court bouse. Small 111.1c. The fire company was called out about 12 o'clock last night by a small blaze in a house in South Columbia, occupied by Mrs. Miller and owned by W. O. Jones. The bleae was ex- tinguished before much damage was done. It originated from a pan of ashes placed ou the buck porch. The Order Wan Filled. One of our carrier boy went to the telephone yesterday and delivered the following message to Fleming St ilea. ''Grand Ma says send her ten centsjworth of coarse salt and a bale of hay in time for supper." Change ef Location. The Hecond National Bank baa leased for a term of ten years the old Hank of Columbia stand, and will commence at ouce having the re- pairs made. It will perhaps be a mouth before tbe Second National will move to its new quarters. Building Permit. Mrs. Jane Burnett stable, to cost. I 40; H. Laz.arus, 2 story brick Htore house, to cost WW W. II. Watson, frame dwelling, to cost 300; Al Akission, addition to frame dwelling, to cost v. "r,j N. M. Joni's,traimscottiitre,tocoKt. 125, W. II. Watson, 2 story brick store bouse, to cost Boa Moore, repairs on dwelling,' lo cost ' W; J. H. Bugger, repairs on dw elling to cost 7(1; Tho above Is a correct report of prop erty since I reriortod tbwm to the "Week ly Herald" of the city of Columbia, T. E. Lirst OMu, Inspector.

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  • TOWN AND COUNTY.Friday. April 15, 1892.:

    : ' . . a 1ir.rinn nn hairs in Aovance- ouJHoriberi in County. 81.00Subscribers out of county. 81.26



    COUNTY MAILS.Frlerson, t,lpcomh. Hampshire, lKm'

    H tore and Ketlle Mills arrive every dayexcept Hunday at 9:30 A. x.; depart at 1o'clock p. sc.

    Mail for Iaorna' Store and .Kettle Mills roefrom Hainpfhi-- e nnd back three timeweek MondavH. Wed nemlayit, and Friday.

    Tlmniona, Mowd. Santa Ke, Water ValleyJones' V alley, and Fly. dally except Sun-da- y;

    to Hanta Fe three times a week, ;toMowd from Tliniiioim, and three timesweek to Fly, Water Val'ey and Jones' Val-ley from Santa Fe; arrive 9:30 A. departi f. M.Bigbyvllle, Broadview, and Routhport dal-I- v

    except Sunday; arrive at 11 o'clock A.M., depart 3 o'clock, p. M.

    B-n- , sawdust Valley, Willlamsport andDuck Kiver, dally except Sunday; arriveat 11 o'clock, A. M, and depart at 12:30 P. M.

    Andrews, Lasea, Mallard, Kedron and Itrlt-to- n,Mondays, Wednemlay and Fridays;

    arrive at 12 o'clock, M, depart 12:30 P. if.


    FOR 8HEKIFF.are authorised to announce P. H.WEHAOHDAl.E, of the lsth district, as a

    eaudidnt for Hneriffof Maury County, atthe euauiDK August election. Democraticnominee.

    FOR TAX ASSESSOR,are HOthorlsed to announce W. R. H

    V MATTHEWH as a candidate for thioffice of Tax A.seHsor of Maury County atthe ensuing Autcust election. Democraticnominee.

    FOR TRUSTEE.'K are authorized to announce WTTM

    KOK KITH N ax a candidate for reelection u tlie office ol Trustee of MauryCounty mi t lie ensuing; AUtfUal election. Mmocratic nominee.

    nitlCK WORKS. Kilns onCOLUMBIA street. Office, Ninth andtiarden. at, the rarulinre Factory, lelephone HO. F. II. Mxith, Proprietor.

    2t0,0 Hrick now ready for delivery.inarll 5ra

    i.e. foomiim. K.M. KoWLKRVOORUIES j-- FOWLER,

    Attoni' ys--at Law,CQMUIA TENNESSEE.

    Will practice In the courts of Maury and.neighboring counties; also In the Federal.court. Office on North Main Street, in second storv of the Neloott llou-- a building; therooms formerly used by the Y. M. C. A.

    Jan 2v ly.


    --DRUG :- -: STOREr

    Purc and Fresh Drugs.

    ftnk. Brisk. Perfumes. Soaps, etc.

    Vf iadow-'Ias- s, Paints. Oils of Every kind.

    Agent for

    Lucas' :. Tinted Gta ;. FaintsTELEPHONE 18.

    R6L6RI8GF, .KYIJE k TOWLER.feb 1 ly


    On the corner of Boutt Xtla Street a ud Pnt-ll- cNUr, with au eiilirtlr utw and freshstock ofDrugs, riirmiralx. Druggists Sundries, Etc.And will do our bent t wait on fcll our cus-tomers promptly and faithfully.

    Prescriptions filled Willi care at all hours,day or night.

    J. A. TITCOM B.TI. II. TlTfosn will be found here here-

    after by ull bis old friends and former custo-mers, .febltfly

    Jr. .r. I. N TH TIT,DENTIST.

    Office In the buildingwith Dr. J no. A. W lib --erspoon, on GardenStreet. Office hoursfrom 8 to 12:30; after-noon 1 :30 to 6.

    prl 3mP. H. Bouthall, Jr. J. A. Sralser.


    OLUMBIA - TENNEH8EEPrompt attention given to all business.Attorneys for the couiif y. Office No. 30 West

    th street, Whtttbortie Block. uprl ly


    And Dealer In

    filches. Clocks and Jewplry.tVluM tratoh and Jewelry repairing a speclal- -

    Batbeii Block. Columbia. Tenn.naayt7 Ir

    'TTelepliono IS o. i0


    tle Digby Mills.-:- -Orhatn Flour, Ruhr Meal, Cow-fee- d.

    Jan 15 m


    COLUMBIA, TENN.fol7ly

    DISSOLUTION NOTICE.The Arm of Ilelk A Cathey has this day dis-

    solved by mutual consent, J. D. Cathey re-tiring. Mr. J. H. Redd, Jr., bavin purchasedbis Interest. The business will hereafter beconducted by lelk A Redd. All parties In-debted to the late Arm will please call andeltle with Delk A Redd, who are authorized

    to collect same. Dklk A Catm ir.In withdrawing from the above firm I take

    this method of thanking my friends and thepublic generally for their kind patronageand bespeak for the new firm a coullnuaucoof the same. Respectfully,

    aprS at J. D. Cathit,JVresh Virginia Land Plaster.tpr8 2t W. F. Embbt, Agent.


    M. Met! Roses...' 10 to I.S centsiCallas 10 to V;i cents

    Flaral baskets. Bouquets, Funeral deslgus,.etc.. built to order In latest styles.

    Plauts d all kinds at lowest prices. Roses)iir specialty. Vt-?hbag- e and tomato

    5lauts for sale. mar tf'

    KEEP COOLJly buying a refrigerator or water-cool- erfrom IKibtdns A Kwlug. Their stock Is com- -filete 111 all Ices. mari t

    . w E BUYOiassware direct from the factories and can

    ell you beautiful new and finished glass-ware, tor less money, than you pay for yearbefore last patterns at other houses.inarit 1kkbins A Ewing.

    - DISSOLUTION NOTICE.The copartnership heretofore existing en

    J. J. Underwood aud W. P. Fitzger-ald In standing live ftia-k- . Is dissolved. Allmonies due to said firm must he paid toald Underwood or his ageut at Williamsport. This March !tn, Istrz.

    J. J. UN DERWOOn.aprill 4t W. P. FiizuKKALU.

    SOMETHING NEW.The man that said "there is nothing new

    Huder tlie sun," never examined our stock 01tlassWare. We are daily receiving newlow prices.

    UHrtzSt Ikihkins A EwiNO.OUR SPRINO STOCK

    Of baby buggies has Just arrived. Call andee them before buying.mani5 8t Isibbini A Ewino.

    SEED CORN.White, Yellow and Wabash, ataprK it W. F. Embhy. Agent.

    JAPANESE BLEND,llest Tea In the city. Try It!aprl tf A. O. HcKiknor.

    FOR MALEEggs from the nest strains of Brown Leg-bo- as

    In the United states. One dollar perIttlng. E. Yoest. Columbia Tenu.

    prio-I- tUUEENHWARE.

    Oar stock of dinner, tea, and toilet setts lalarge, and we are prepared to give some bar-ga- in

    to reduce Doaaivs EwIho.





    'JtJllf.S.gTEF" Account of Farmers Afernhantn,

    J. W. 8. RIHLKY, J. W.nov6 1y President.

    Huccess-.- r to T. R. Kaiim A Son,

    D'upensing Clirmist & .Yw.lesa.t h av tfSurgical Instruments,

    Trusses, supporters,Shoulder brace-- .

    Ftue'ioilet Woods,Wedding and lirtbday pies t ,

    F ishing Tackle,(iartlen Seeds,

    Paints, Oils, Varnishes,Window Glass.

    TELEPHONE NO, 61. an24 lyaprll dally 3m

    ICE CREAM FREEZERS.We are still asrents for the celebrated Oem

    and American Ice Cr-ai- n Freezers. Uuaran-tee- dto take less ice, freeze Quicker, and last

    loniter tliuii any frezer made.llinUlH UOBBIMf U.WINO.

    JOHN -:- - WEST,Alod. aler In all kinds of Metal lc. Cloth andWood Caskets and Cases, Burial Kobes, etc.Bodies embalmed nnd prepared for sliip- -ment. Orders in town or coun'y promptlyklteutteu 10 hi mi Honrs, uay or nigut.

    ELEGANT HFARSEAnd oirefiil drivers. Orders respectfullysolicited, t'hnres moderate.

    Office and sample-roo- m corner Sixth andMain Streets. Telephone 3H. maris :iin.

    Opening day ut M. Itutile's Millinery Em-porium. The latest novelties in nrn millinery. apriix:?t.

    DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.The partnership tiert tonne exi-'.i;- i

    J. P. Mreei, J. M .Mayes and V. K.Embry, iind-- the firm style of Street. Km-br- y

    Co., is this day dissolved, J. M. Vayesand W. F. Enitiry retirii:g.

    The btisliirKS will he conducted by J. P.Street under the firm name of .1. P StreetA Co., who assumes ii'l liabilities of th-o- ld

    firm, anil to whom must be paid .ill debtsowing to Srtld Arm. uprl It

    Ch'dee line Fancy Candy ataprl tf A. o Mrk'ESXON's.The Old Reliable is thi fair, square blue-fo- rmillinery lu Columbia. No misrepresen-

    tation if tfoods. Alw:tVH the best aud cheap-est riblHins. tl.tiinees s and boiiMels, cor-set- s,

    gloves, sliks and trial nings, etn., at M.Ruttle's Milliii-'r- Eiuportum. api'S:lt

    Frs'i (iiirm i'i inilie. .i-- 1 It in irht'i s. 1.uprS'Jt V. F Em ku y, Aent.Come with tlie c isn h:i. your hats a;d

    bonnets tor the lciti'-- s ami lifie ones, oldand young. I hvo got them at your ownprices. Coin ami see me. No tro ible toshow goods. Cash is my motto, at M. Rut-tie- 's

    Millinerv Kmporiuai, West SeventhStreet, Columbia, Tenn. aprstft

    WHITE-AS- H sniNtlLES.Fifty thousand at $2 !0 per thousand.aprStf W. V. Ciikkky, Agt.

    Headiinfters for tniliinery, notions andfancy goods at M. Ruttle's Millinery Kni


    Coifliiiliia :

    T. B. KELLY, A. M.( Principal

    1POTI BOYSCourse of studf n.lapted ti the neoda of

    Im.vs wtio wish ti enter college or buMiieslife.

    For further particulars apply tofebl22n T. B. K K LY, Columbia Ten n.

    To Merrluitlls.OM Virtrif.ia Mierfx tn, Dukp'n Ci- -

    Karetteu Heil I I tent. koIiI tothe t rs'i at fneiory prif-e- ly tli

    It E. W. fiAMIM.K IlKCt'KKV Co.

    Wiinletl Twf nty Man'.I want tworty w-l- ! irel pafitte

    and Irolt tint ni.'irfu to lartn. Atldresn,W. C. JoueK, Coluruhia. Tenu. tf.

    lee Cream! Ice Cream!We are now ready to deliver Ice

    cream in any quantity.1'rice per gallon 91.0.Price per ?al in 10 gallon lota 1Leave orders at Ccok fe )oe.

    Caffey & Moore.Columbia Jersev Farm.inariVtf.

    How to Save Freight.Merchants, don't forget that the El

    V. Humble Orocerv Co., is sellingFresh Crackers at Nashville pricesTry uu and nave the freiht. It.

    lee Crenni! Ice Cream!We are now rely to deliver ice

    cream in any quantity.Price per gallon, 11.25.Price per val in 10 gallon lota $1.Ieave orderB at Cook & Moore.Caffey & Moore.Colombia Jersey Farm.mar2o-tf- .

    Town Lots For Sale.34 Lots in Helm Addition to Co-

    lumbia. Eany pujuifis.It. E. W. Gamble.

    Wanted Twenty iMarcs.I want twenty well bred pacing

    and trottiug mares to farm. Addrees,W. C. Jones, Columbia, Ttnn. tf.

    Flour! Flour! Flour!We are headquarters for the beet

    flour in the city cheap for cash.aprM-2- t. JLazarus & boxs.

    JD I'riiitlnic.The people and biiHlnePB men of Co

    lumbia and vicinity, have no need totend their Job Printing to Nashvilleor anywhere elne. as the H era ld Jobtiooma have two new prepseB and alithe latest atyle Job Lype, and compe-tent priuters to do the work. Price alow m Nashville


    In Cltr of Columbia and Manrr Countr.' As Trustee of Columbia HankingCo., I have for sale the followingvaluable and de-drab- property : TheHanking House, Vault and Fixtures,which ix newly and handsomely tiltedup for banking purpoHcx nut nowoccupied by the Maury Hank andTrust Co. ; a handt-otn- brick residenceon High street, known as the Kyeplace, conveniently located in anexcellent part or the'eity ; also a ft tuof some 300 acres. lying liv-- mites f..ttuColumbia, between Mt. Plear-mi-t andHampshire Pikes, one of the moftdesirable farms in M:ury County ; al-so some unimproved lots in the cityof Edgefield, which are becomingvery valuable. I also tt'or a lot itstanding walnut trees in WesternNorth Carolina in the sale of whichI will give a bargain. I invite cor-respondence and proposals from parties desiring any of the above de-scribed property, and will give moreminute description and terms of sule.

    Robert C. Church, Trustee,febl!) tf

    lSJii "The Magnolia"now open and dispensing pure fruitjuice Soda Water.

    It. E. W. Oamiu.k Orocery Co.Set for Trial.

    The case of Willie Hrown, by nextfriend, against Anderson Cheathamand others, has been set for trial inthe Chancery Court of April 21.

    Sweet Potato Seed.We have just received a Dice lot of

    northern need sweet potatoeB.aprs-2t- . Lazakls A Sons.

    Business 3Iana?r.W. O. Witherspoon has been elect-

    ed ltusiuess Manager of the Current.liiicou! Uacou! IJacon!

    For bacou, flour, collVe aud sugargo to Lazarus fc Sous. Cheaper thanany house in the city for cash.

    aprS 2t.To Youngs LaJIes.

    Young ladies, we have the finest lotof Candy in town.

    uprl5-2- t. Delk & IIedd.


    - - - - $100,000JDIRECTOPwS


    .1 A M ris a N I M! KW8.lOli-- S It. ASilTON.

    and other are nnlic!t(l.HOWARD C. A. PA UK KR,



    R. J. Walker of Lynnville, is in theci; v.

    C. A. Koop, of Louisville, is in townto-da- y.

    . J. II. Ash bough, of Newjort, Ky.its in the chy.

    II. C. IJodd, of New Albany, Indis in the citv.

    Thomas Adams, of I'ulaski, came inthis morning.

    If. C. Walrfh. of Chicago, is at theBethel 1 House.

    W. M. Powell, of Nashville, ia inthe citv to-da- v.

    W. P. Mills, of Louisville, is at theBethell House.

    Connor Easley has recovered froma short sickness.

    Edgar James returned this morningto 1' lorence. Ala.

    Miss Sallie Morgan has returnedfrom a visit to Nashville.

    A. C. (Jreen. of !Sr. Ijouis, is registered at the lieuicll House.

    Mrs. A. 1). Frierson and daughterMiss Linda, are 111 Nashville.

    Mrs. Matcie Cooke and Leslie Davis,spL'nt vesterdav in Nashville.

    A. N. Dale han leiunied from Chi- -eniro.

    Brown Harwood, of Pulaski, ia iniho ciiv.

    Mr. E. B. Carrick, of Chicago, ia inihe citv.

    M s. J. B. Tanner, of Culleoka. isvi-iti- n ' hi the citv.

    Mia Bessie Hendley has returnedfrom her trio to Louisville.

    Mr. It. W. AmirewM, of Binningham is in I lie citv on busine.

    Mr. L A. McCo.mack, of Louisvilleis resriwtered t the House.

    Mr. W. 1. Irvine and wife are in thecitv sloDDinir at the Bethell House.

    ilr. Wilson, of CleburneTexs, is in the city visiting relatives

    Mr Ueortre Hodge, of BirminghamAla . is visiring his mother, of thisidace.

    Duncan Sinclair, formerly with thethe Democrat, has accepted a positionOil tllK D.VlIiY llKKALl).

    Mrs. Koberis and Miss lioborts, ofNow York, are gnoses of Major andMrs. Isaac Arnold at the Arsenal.

    Mrs. J. W. Howard, of South Co-lumbia, is spending several weeks inthe country for the benefit of herhealth.

    Rev. Jerome Duncan, of Guthrie,Ky., and Mr. Starkey Duncan spentMonday with their father, liev. i. J.Duncan.

    Miss Maria A. Armstrong, who hasbeen spending the wilder with W.M. Eii wards' family, Dallas, Texas,ha - returned home.

    Dr. John Witherspoon returned thismorning from Knoxville, where hehas been attending the State MedicalAssociation meeting.

    Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Irvine, Capt. S.C. Orr and W. W. Walker, of Lewis--burg, attended the Confederate Veteran's Reunion at New Orleans.

    Baxter McLean ia with the Her--ali). He has joined the army of rettorters. Hail him and give him tbenews whenever you see him passu g.

    It. M. Williams, the ellicient secre-tary of the Msttiry County Farmers'ami Hr e! rs' Asociai ion. is sick attin. resuleice t.f his MMer, MtaMorgan.

    Col. James Hamilton, who has beenvisaing his daugh'.cr, Mrs. J. I Jones,li:iH returned home. ile was accoinpaiiied by Misses Emma andllau:e Jones, who w ill visit in Lebanou.

    Mrs. Harman, of South Columbiais recovering after a serious illness.

    Mir-- s Auuie Hennett is visiting herdster Mrs. J. H. Zuccarella, ol Pulaski.

    Mrs. Heurv Martin, of Midway,Ky., is visiting her parents near Ashwo d.

    Miss Henrietta Lazarus will spendthe Easier holidays with Nashvillefriends.

    J. W. Sykes, manager of tlie Fair atLawrenceburg, is inlhe city visitingrelatives.

    Miss Fannie Herrick, of Pula-ki- ,visited friends here lrom Friday uu- -til Monday.

    Miss Mai ia Stacker, who was theguest ot M iss Kate Jones, has returnedlo Clarksville.

    Mrs. T. N. Jones has returned fromDresden, West Tennessee, where shewas visiting relatives.

    Miss (ieorgie (Jrider, who was visi-tii.- gMiss Minnie Holding, has re-

    turned to Bowling Green.Mrs. George Wilkes, t.f Nashville,

    Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Arm-strong 011 West Seventh street.

    Misses Helen Moore and Josie Al-ly:), of the Institute, are visiting MissFlorence Williams, at Mt. Pleasant.

    Rev. F. B. Webb has returnedfrom Lewisburg, where he has beenattending the spring session of Presbytery.

    Frank Davis, one of the clerks atthe Maxwell House, Nashville, andformerly of the Bethell House, washere yesterday.

    Mr. aud Mrs. Hill and son Eddie,of South Columbia, left for Iudiaualast Saturday to attend the funeral ofMrs. Hill's sister.

    Deputy Clerk J. T. L. Cochran isat his post again, afte a few days ab-sence in attendance at Presbytery,l eld last week in Lewisburg.

    Mrs. Alice McCord and Mrs. Prew-et- tare at the bedside of their sister,

    Mrs. F. J. Moore, who ts dangerouslyill at her home in Culleoka.

    Arch Lipscomb, son of Treasurer T.E. Lipscomb, has accepted a positionin Nashville with Patterson Bros.,Southern Agent for the Diabold Safe& Lock Co.


    The ladies of the 1st C. P. Churchwill give another dinner, on the firstMonday in May.

    Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Church arehousekeeping in the McCord residenceon (th street.

    The weather should have had bet-ter manners than to rain on our na-tal day.

    New Maple Syrup, Buck WheatFlour, Oatmeal, Cracked Wtieat,Rolled Avena, Table Mackerel,Cream Codfish, Edam and Pine AppleCheese aud other seasonable goodsjust in.

    It. E. W. Gamai.e Grocery Co.Home Made Peach Blackberry

    and Damson Preserves attf. E. W. Gamble Grocery Co.

    Mr. Win. Watson is preparing tobuild a two-stor- brick store house ouNorth High street near Eighth.

    Tbete will be a called meeting ofColumbia Lodge No 31 F. and A. M.,Thursday and Friday eveuirg at 7:30,for work in the E. A. aud F. C. De-grees..

    See the souvenir spoon ataprl5 2t James Bros.

    What has become of that baseball club we heard talk about.

    O-i- r grasshopper reporter tellsus that if anybody iuquires his nameto say it is Mud ; that he lives downby the river, and that whenever hisfriends pass by he hopes they willdrop in.

    If there is not as much localnews in these columns as you wouldlike, it is because it don't happen.We don't make news; we only re-port it. Go off and hang yourself audwe will do the balance.

    Chancery Court is now in session,with sjiecial Judge Ewing presiding.

    Circut Court will meet the firstMonday in May.

    Luther Frierson is with Delk,FarisACo.

    The frosts during the past weekhave not been severe enough to doany damage.

    Lazarus & Sons have begun the'erection of a two-stor- y brick businesshouse on South Main Street

    Jim Mays, colored, who escapedfrolTO tllA tail uboiir. two unlra un

    Bridges byLove Webb.

    RELIGIOUS I5TELLIECE.The L. U. P. M. will meet at thePresbyterian Session room next Fri-day at 3 p. m. Subject for Bible study :

    "Tlie Law of the Lord;" leader, Mrs.Mattie Robtr.s.

    There will be services at the Bap-tist Church next Sunday as usual.Rev. J. D. Gold will occupy the pulpitat the night service, in the absence ofthe pastor. Rev. R. B. Mahoney.

    Mrs. W. A. Ruttle will lead thechildren of the First MethodMChurch in an Easter entertnl tmei tat ".SO p m. Sunday night. One olthe features of the occasion will be amis-bHia- ry collection taken by thechildren. The church will be beauti-ful! decorated.

    II. P. Figures addressed theMi-siona- Society of Z on ChurchlabtSuuday afternoon. His subjectwas the progress of mission workRecitations aud readings by MissesMattie Williams and Lizzie Bowell,aud a vocal solo by Miss Efile Ken-nedy, added much to the pleasure ofthe evening.

    This is Holy Week. Next Sun-day will be Easter. The Episcopaland Methodist Churches will bedecorated with flowers for the occa--t

    u, and the choirs will furnish theirfinest music.

    were no services at theFirtt Presbyterian Church yesterday.The pastor, Rv. F. B. Webb, beingin attendance upon the Presbytery atLewisburg.

    A Sensational Sermon.Rev. T. J. Duncau preached in the

    First Methodist Church Sundaymorning to a large audience; an audi-ence somewhat larger than com-mon, there being no service atthe Presbyterian Church and agoodly ortion of that congre-gation, being preseut. The dis-course towards its close took somewhat of a sensational turn when thepreacher began to discuss the du'iesof christians towards fallen womenHe referred to a portion of Columbiawhere a number of these creatureslive, in their poverty, their miseryand their immorality, and suggestedthat was a field for christian work.Wayward though they were, theywere si-te- rs 01 Christ aud purchasedby His blood. Wicked though theywere they were not alone In their sin.Some man had been a partner to tLguilt of each one of them, but whilethe woman is an outcast from societyand thought to be too vile to beawoken to and too unclean to be extended a friendly hand, her betrayer,iilaeker-hearte- d and more wickedthan she, is oftiuies the leader olocietv. These women must quit

    their way of living, but for the pat--ronage ol men, and these men, sakihe, are admitted to our parlors audpetted for their coming and given ourdaughters in marriage. There wouldcome a time however, when the manwould be judged by a Just Judge.Society might condone his offensebecause of the abundance of hispossessions, or because he bore somehonored name. .But when God udgdhim he would be condemued to a hellso iar below tne woman be badruined that the heat would not reachhigh enough to burn his victim;deep down into a hell so low, hewould be sent, that its sulphuric(lames would waste their heat beforethey reached the prison cpJI of ti ewretched woman he had debauchedon earth. Inasmuch, continued thespeaker, as christian men and womenneglect to help the poor, to clothethe naked, to rescue the fallen, evenso do they neglect their Christ. Godhelp us all to da our duty, is myprayer.

    For Young Men Only.If you wish to "stand head" get a

    box of Blank Bros.' Candv from DelkSt Redd, and send it to your bestgirl, apr!5-2- t.

    Stockholders Meeting.The stockholders of the Columbia

    Cotton M ii Is Co., held their annualmeeting 'I neday Rud declared aper cent, dividend. The report of theSecretary showed the finances andbusiness of the Company to be in finecondition. The stockholders electedthe followiug directors: J. P. Street.

    M. Mayes, A. li. Rains. t T.Joues, Joseph Towler.J W. P. Wold- -ridge and W. C. Joues. The Directors elected J. P. Street, Presideut, J.M. Maves, Vice President, C. T.Jones, Secretary, W. C. Joues, Gen'l.Manager.

    To Our Patrons and tlie Public..Ve have bought an interest in the

    store of R. T. Faris and will hereafterrun two stores. By this means wewill be able to buy goods in largerquantities and at lower prices. Con-sequently we will be able to sell ashade closer.

    Thanking 3Tou for past favors andasking a continuance of your custom,

    e are Most Respectfully,aprlo-l- t. Delk & Redd.


    -- Aline, the little 4 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Powell,met with a bad accident last Sundayby having her left arm brokeu. Thearm was set by Dr. Robt. Pillow.

    Mr. John Blakely, fireman or theswitch-engl- - e, has returned lromIndiana, where be has been severaldays.

    --Mr. and Mrs. Hill and their littlen. Eddie, went to Iudiana last

    Saturday to attend the funeral ofMrs. Hill's sister.

    Mrs. Harman 1b improving.The Ladies' Aid Society of the

    South Columbia Methodist EpiscopChurch gave a very enjoyable enter-tainment at the residence of Mrs.Thompson last Tuesday. They willalso give an ice crea n supper at theresidence or Mr. 1. M. 1'oweii tnefirst of May for the purpose of gettingup more aud better lights as annualConference will be held herein July.All should come to these entertainments and help the church.

    Mrs. Moouey has recovered lromprotracted spell ol sickness.

    Mrs. Castiene, of Arkansas, hasopened up a boadiug bouse ou Tenthstreet.

    Smoke Century Club Cigars.The best ou the market.

    Dei.k & Bedo,aprl5-2- t Sole Agents.


    Mrs. D. P. Osteen, nee Miss IreneCowdeu, our ''Verna Villiers," is visi-ting her parents at Culleoka. Ourcorrespondent from there promises

    he HkkaIiD a letter from Verna.Our readers will watch with interestfor its comiug.

    Ilev. 11. O. Moore, or Denison,Texas, is visiting in Culleoka, whereie was formerly located.

    Sneak thieves entered tbe state- -house of Mr. A. J. Pugh at Hampshire and stole various articles.

    J O. Hill, an old citizen, diednear Hampshire a few days siu.-e- .

    J. B P. gue, who has beeu sickwith typhoid fever at Hampshire, isrecovering.

    Wheat and oat crops over thecounty are looking well. Corn isoeing planted.

    Col. Albert Odil, or Mallard, issick and not expected to recover.

    See the souvenir spoons ataprl5-2- t James Bros.

    A flouring mill, to be kuowu asthe Alliance Mills, will soou be started at Godwin.

    Miss Ada Frierson, who was visKing in Nahviile, has returned toher home in the Ziou neighborhood.

    Dr. Joe Davidson, of California,is visiting his parents. Dr. and Mrs.Davidson, of this county.

    Mr. Lioyd Cecil returned Mondayfr m New Orleans where be attended

    9 Confederate Veteran's Reunion.Richland Presbytery will con

    vene at Spring Hill April 22.S. M Mosely, of Kim wood, has re

    turned from Texas.

    Atlmluistratur's Notice.Having duly qualified as adminis

    trator of the estate of W. B. Gates,deceased, I hereby notify all pattiesholding claims against same to present them duly authenticated for payment. All parties indebted toestate must come forward and settleat once. A. P. Roberts. aprl-4- t.

    i- .v


    nif iirAll


    In your leisure moments it is worthwhile to remember that we can bhowyou as complete a stoctt of



    as ever gratified the eye or appealedto the pocket-boo- k.

    A god article is better worth theprice you pay for It, than a bad one

    a mere fraction of what it costyou.

    Give us your custom and we willearn your confidence.

    You cau't do better than to buyyour spring outfit from up, for Avewill promise to give you tlie very bestvalue possible for the money.

    Mayes, fatter & Frienea.

    Appointed Special ( Itancellor.Hon. Z.W. Ewing, of Pulaski, arrived

    this morning and will preside'overthe Chancery Court durinjr JudgeAbernathy's illness, having been ap-pointed Special Chancellor by Gov.Buchanan.

    Lost a AVattlt.An open face gold watch, Elgin B.

    W. Raymond movement. The watchis numbered 9,5o4.C27. The finderwill leave it at Berg's Jewelry storeand get reward. Geo. Starr.

    aprilS If

    Oilier Towns Do, Why Not Columbia!Mr. Robert K. Nichols, writing i'ro:n

    Ilopkinsville to subscribe for our daily,says that Columbia is better lighted, h;sbelter water works, ami is tiliead ofIlopkinsville in almost everyi'iin. ex-cept sprinkling ihe streets, liethey have a splendid system t lit-re-it only taxes the merchant. ." cents amoiit.i for the dry season, pc-ii.i- s itwould be well for the Ilig Three !write to Ilopkinsville and get somepoints. Mr. Nichols hu : a racke t storeand we are glad to learn is doing well inbusiness.

    nil fay 9

    We sbo Id say so, when they were allgone except a few remnants by oneo'clock, and it Mas a bad day too.Cood silks at 1'9 per yard are notpicked up every day.

    On Xrxt Monday, April IStli,

    It will be ribbons. Oue lot at h" andone ht at 0 per yard, spot cash ; about00 yards in all "good colors aud ali

    silk. These ribbons cost, wholesale,from 7? to 3b1' per yard. We have toomany and must get rid of them.

    If you have b-- en reading fashion'iteratute you will know that ribbonswill be used in profusion this season.

    This is a great time in our

    DRESS GOODS 1 F. PA 1 1 I'M KNT,

    At first we had a creat many looker",but now tlie n'issors come into rtoui-sitin- n

    in cutting oil" dress lengths ofbeaniiriil fab les.

    Trin initigs lo match in the newlaces, gimps, chifl'ius, etc.

    Black dress goods is a hobby withus. Mighty few customers ask us forblack dress goods where a sale is notelt'-cte-d.

    Bar in mind the fact that we areheadquarters for fdioes, slippers, etc.Think of us al-- o when thinking of anew carpet. W- - will not only saveyou money, but wiil show you few-est patterns aud colorings.

    Yours, anxious to please,

    Meaiioii Bros. & Anleri UU1A

    Death of an Estimable Lady.Mrs. Leonard Bird, who hits been quite

    ill for several weeks, died last Saturdayafternoon at '1 o'clock. The funeral ser-vices were held last Sunday evening at3 o'clock at tlie Advent Chanel !!South Main Street, the liev. K. K. Met-ca- lf

    oiticiating. Mrs. llird was one ofthe most popular ladies in South Co-lumbia, and was loved and respected byall who knew her.

    T. 0. Bctls & Cc.'s Grand Opening.As previously anuounced in these

    columns, Messrs. T. O. Bi-tt- s ix Co.bad a grand opening of their magn nt

    millinery and dress goods lastMonday and Tuesday, April 11th andand 12th. Although the weather lastMonday was not all that could be de-sired or anticipated, still their mam-moth stcre was visited by hun-dreds of ladies desiring to takea peep at the beautiful d'splay beforeany inroads had been made upon it.Tuesday was a typical spring day,however, and their house was literal-ly packed with an eager crowd oiladies from all parts of the country.A Herald reporter, who has an eyefor the beautiful, as well as an appre-ciation of Ihe good, visited this estab-lishment in his regular rounds, amiwas amazed at thr; artistic t

    of everything around him. Thehead of the firm, Mr. Belts, gave hima cordial welcome, but was too busyto show him through himself, so heturned him over to Miss Myers,of themillinery department, who executedthis task in her own chaimiog man-ner. She led him first iuto the mil-linery department, where thete is themost beautiful disp'ay of artificialllowers ever brought to this city.There were aslors, violets, Milieu of thevalley, roses of all colors from therich red to the golden of the popularMarechal Neil, aud some were a deli-cate pink, bordet ingou a salmon tint,j'here were Rhododendrons, chrysan-thetuuin-- ",

    primroses an i uastur-tiui- n,and indeed every other kind in

    the greatest profusion, until youcould almost imagine yourself on thebanks of some crystal stream, inhal-ing the sweet fragrance arising fromthe great banks of llowers at yourfeet, so natural were they. But therich blue of the German corn llower,by the way the favorite of the lateE"mporer 'Frederick, w as an exquisitetint, and so ierfect, that if pinned tothe lapel of the coat would be takenfor the natural. There were patternhats, direct from Paris, and one couldnot help imbibing the enthusiasm ofMiss Myers, as she displayed the"Qui Vive," "Wild Rose," Donna El-viar- a"

    and the "Mikado," as well as agreat variety of combination hats,each one of which is a jierlect gem ofartistic workmanship.

    In the dress goods department wereshown some rare shades of silks, ar-ranged in such a charming mannerthat one cannot pass without a look.There were Florentines, Chinas, In-dia- s,

    CreKons, and Chiffons of ex-quisite shade and quality.

    1 n iaces, were snown a variety oikinds, the "Point DTsland, PointD'Espaniard antl Chentilio lace be-ing the most beautiful.

    A great variety ol rrencn uwns,as well as "Creions," of all shades,were pointed out; and gloves of lightcolor outlined in black, in fact allshades to suit the dress, were so leau-tlfull- y

    arranged, that no matter whichway one turns, tnere is a cnarnimgsurprise in store. Bat the grea'.es:surprise of all, is the cheapness, com-pared to the excellent quality ofeverything shown in this fcsolid amijxmular house.

    To Miss Myers and the other ladyclerks are due the thanks of the II i::;-al- d

    for courtesies shown in our tripthrough this beautifully arranged eablishment.



    What's the mstter with the weath-er, Mr. Editor? Just, about the timewe think we are going to have apleasant time, here comes anotherrainy day, and we have to stsy in-doors all reces?.

    We will not have holiday tr-da- y,as we are too busy to spare the day.

    The teachers had oue of theirwonderful meetings again, last Tues-day, aud decided tbjit we must crawthe map or Columbia, ?. r which P.o '.Charles has r ft'erd a go 1 iiudfj, at .h; bu: d;r jr. The work !!" b:' (! ti nxi Sm-- u day week, th--3rd, and t.u tc. a i.un ber will

    ntt-- he :.i:.te-t- .1,.MS Mit'-i.el- : h .d t o absent onWednesday, owing f the illness oftier httie son. Her hall misses hervery much indeed.

    Sovetal pupils who were abreut on'xauiinauou aro taking questionsthis week. Tlie teachers make outtu entire new set of questions whena pupil is absent.

    From tbe wr.y we are all workingwe hope to give you a splendid enter-tainment in June aud we hope everyone who comes will appreciate itenough to keep good order.

    Several of Miss Henderson's classesire quite near the close of the year'scourse. This is quite an advantage,is it will give them time to review-thoroughl-

    for ihe firia! t xtiminaiiou.Miva Eita Adki-so- n taught during

    Mrs. Mitchell's abs t ce on Wednes-day.

    The Ninth Grade are in the midstof a tornado ihat, is they are wrest-ling with rotary rK.tvi ofstorms, e to., f:.d exj hiiniiu' to every-body that Comes within ieach.

    I . Is TO!'. 3 . t'C Mi.r.A N',Eighth Grade, Editor.'

    For Sale.Cook & Moore have I "30,00,1 White

    Ash Shiuglcs to sell at mill prices.Tliey will be delivered to any part ofthe city. uprlo-lt- .

    Anions the Lodges.The Odd Fellows held a very inter

    esting meeting last night. One degree was conferred, and several newapplications for membership was re-ceived and referred to nroner committees. This lodge has a goodlibrary in tlie lodge-roo- for themembers use.

    Athletic Kxliihitioii.The Nashville Athletic Club, which

    gave an exhibition to a crowdedItoiise at the Theatre endome, Nasti-'il!- e,

    on Thursday evening, MarchM, will gve an exhibition iu thu!"! In. use in this city s.ine time

    litx: wfl;, Hi" exact day lint bavi-n,-: ye b en def ernt i n'd upon. Itep-!.- '-

    u; atives of Uie club were in 'uvtv yesterday making preliminaryarrangements.

    (:!; HildaI leadiiuar: ;: for (riii;s, vege; aides.

    raid fresh inea'.s. Sliced ham o:i thenii'i'ket every oay. Conniry producewanicd. iloodvV: Billiard, corner SouthMain and i'tli eet. aprH-l- .

    Improving.Alliene, the little daughter of Mr.

    Jesse Powell, who broke her arm lastSunday, is rapidly improving underthe skiliful treatment I' lr. BobertPillow. -

    Cases Si t for Trial.The following cases have been set

    for trial ia t he ( "lancery 'oun :Tuesday, ?dcNei!iy v-- . Napier; Wed-

    nesday, Kit'kmaii vs. Ma.ves cL :;i;Thursday, Willie Brown, by nextfriend, vs. Ander.-oi- : Cheatham et a!.


    iJotia Vi Jiite aii;l Kate Mar;i:i, C.;l- -ored, Have a War of Words.

    ttosa Whit", colored, whs arrestedyesterday at the instance of Kate Mar-tin, coloi ed, on the chartro of idnisiveand insulting language and threatenedassault.

    I ti It er evidencff in tho cuso Kate'sf liims were s w rmialit up by tneiii-or- v

    ot tho insults l:enped upon her bycor "cull ud friend" that she brokehenipleteiy down attd shed a larsienumber of tPars. .She claimed thatliosa hid come to hr house and, with-out provocation, called her various anddivers names too bad to appnr in printand had threatened to t hasti.--e herwith a el ti 1.

    Kosa ent"red a plea o( jnstilial lelanguage on t he irround that Kat'' hadused as b;td or worse words in address-ing her, and also accused hr (It wniofconjuring her shoes so that they hurtIter feet. She stoutly denied heinu aVoodoo woman, and the evidence onthat point bein? rather weak, JudgKrwiti dismissed th" caso with a v.arn-- l

    Hush j'.ot to monkey with Kate'sshoes any more.

    Sale ( ouiiriiied.The Chancery Court yesterday con-

    firmed the sale of the MasonicTemple to W. J. Whitthorne.

    The L. A. N. and other Boa-.l- s Heply tothe Charges of Hist riitiina'.ioii

    Against Columbia.Eight answers have been filed to

    the uit brought about one monthsgo by the city of Columbia, throughAttorney Sout hall A Smiser and G.W. Hays, against thirty Soutlrerurailroads and transportation compa-nies to prevent iurther discrimina-tion iu lreigbt rates against Colum-bia, and also to recover excessiverates ht retofot e charged.

    The companies thus far filinganswers are the Bouisviile tt Nash-ville, jNashville, Chattanooga & St.Louis; Kansas City, Fort Scott &Mempius ; Norfolk it Western, Illi-nois Cent i ai, Capu Fear St YadkinValley, Seaboard Air Bine, aud theBaltimore S ani Packet Company.iS'l'he & Nashville, which,ol' course is the company most .y

    interested, aUvinpts to justify,in its answer, the discriminationagainst Columbia ami in favor ofNashville and other points, by steam-boat and steamship and other rail-road competition. The answers ofthe other roads are substantially thesame,

    The next step in the case will bethe prot urieg of an order from theInterstate C mmerce Commission totake t roof in the case, and the ap-pointment of a commissioner for thatpurpose. Counse i will then argue thecase by brief. Counsel will uiso askthat judgment be given agaiust thost-road- s

    not answ i ring.

    Potato Harrels lor Saie.We want to sell you your barrel

    materials ; or will sell you your bar-rels. We guarantee to sell you bet-le- r

    barrels and for as little or lessmouey than anybody. Will make (contracts from 1,.CU0 barrel- - up. C.W. Rich Co., per lu Ii. Fr er on, Mt.Ple.saut Tenn. pr& K


    TliUi-pda-y niuht at the CenlurvCluJ ihe German was danced, thefollowing named ladies and gentle- -men being present:Miss Maria stacker, J. M. Towli r.Miss Louise Hentllcy, V. K. li onblc.Miss Mry Kvatis. 11. 1 '. ira nlit--n y.Miss Kat-Join- s, J no. T. W ootn.Miss Kti.abflli, K. W. Mary Willies, .1. S. flciM.Miss Kate Widtcs, J. I.. Ki'person.Miss Minnie Hi.l.iiii, Kr;ii!.kM ks Kinrna liuahes, . W. Killelircw

    J. Hill Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. i. jr.Jones, Mr. ami Mis. A. IS. Mains.Will Kecover.

    Dr. Pillow last Thursday performedtlie operation of laparotomy uponEdna Farris, the daughter of JohnFt.rris. It was doubtful at firstwhether she would recover, but she isimproving to-da- y, aud her physiciannow thinks her recovery probable.

    The young Ladies Card Ciub wasentertained yesterday afternoon byMis Mary E vans.

    Kntertaiiiment by SU l't-t?-r Church AMSociety.

    The children who take part in the"Goddess of Farii" are requested to 1meet at the Opera House Monday jafterno iu at 3 o'clock. There will be Ja general rehearsal of all the per-- ,formers ana ine crcuesira Tuesdayafte zi at 3 o'clock.


    H3!:-.J5- S, AND CATTLE.

    Quotations. These quotationa are corrected weekly by J. W.Howard A Co. Must be cuoice and fat,i r.m . lo i years oia, lu good tlosli.14 i t'- hands high 105 to 1151 Co Uii hands high li'O to 130Iii to ltj hands high l3o to 10

    Wauled Tiveiif 3Iares.i want twenty well bred pacing

    an i trottuig mares to tarm. Address,W. C. Jones. Columbia. Tenn ir.lil!:.()AV.IlK STOCK FiKM STAL-

    LIONS, 1S02.Biy Pilot (;7. Record 2 2.UBy Red Pilot 2:21). Dam by Gran-oeiy- 's

    Slasher. Service fee $25 toh'isuro

    Setl Hal, Standard Pacer.By Brown Hal 2:12j. Dam by

    Red Piiot 2:29. Service lee $23 ;to in-sure.

    Starplex, Standard Pacer.By Duplex 2:17,. Dam by Red

    Pilot 2:29. Service fee $!5 to lusure.The above horses will stand at myfarm 3 miles on Pulaski pike. Ad-dreu- s,

    E. M. Shelgoo.mai25-3t- .

    . Work on the track or the Colum-bia Drivinsr Park Association is pro-gressing as rapidly as the weatherwill permit. Nogotiations are nowin progress to have the world beatershere in August.

    Black Bess, yroperty of S. J. Ca-perto- n,dropped a fine Brown Markfilly coif last Thursday night.Mr. W. R. Crabh, of Bowling Green

    Ky., bought a handsome harnesshorse from Dr. John A. Witherspoon.Mr. Crabh shipped three horses lastSaturday to his home in Bowling1 1 recn.

    Mr. Ed J. Binder, of Cincinnati,representing U. S. F.111S & Son, manufacturers of trotting horse goods, isin the city. He has a beautilul liueof goods to show prospective buyers,

    STOCK 1ARL) SHIPMENTS TODAY. J. K. Farrill snipped 3 horsesto-da- y lo A. "II. Robinson, Nashvillefen ti

    VV. C. Nichols shipped one ponyto Jj. V: jNeil, Petersburg. 1 enn

    Fits & Son, of Birmingham,A!a., sdiipped three horses from theyards to that city

    Howard A Boyd shipped a band- -some saddle horse to VV. D. Kelly,rsasnville, lenu.

    M. E. Alleu shipped a car ofmixed stock to Louisville, Ky.

    Mr. Thos. C. Foster, Register of theNational Standard Pacing Associa-tion, showed his confidence in theHal stock. He bought eight at theLeueave, Shelton & McGaw sale, andshipped them yesterday toCincinnati,Ohio.

    .Jake Barker shipped ShannonWilkes, by Fergueson, to Cincinnati,yesterday.

    Jake' Barker and A. B. Ruinsbought a handsome Red Pilot colt, outoi a Tom Hal mare, at the stock sale.lie has been named Pilot Hal andalready shows grf-a- t promise.

    li. B. Metcalf, of Cincinnati,bought of W. W. Douuell, of Leba-non, Tenn., the chestnut filly Prefer-ence, 3 years old, by Nutwood, damPreface, by Paucoast, sec nd fiamAttthem (sister to Chanter, 2:204") byCuyler, for $1,000. She will be' bredto Artillery, 2:21 V.

    R S. Stramler, of Cincinnati, hasj 'ist bought from Charles Moore, ofKentucky, the yearling filly Otat.'lav, by ('lav, 2:2-3- , dam Oriole (darnof Folly, 2:21 ', ) by Strader's C. MClay, Jr., for $l,(;uo.

    Cincinnati's aunual horse showbegan at Gratz Park yesterday, withover a million dollars worth of hcrseson exhibition.

    due hundred and eighty-tw- ostallions that are ten years of ago, oryounger, at t he close of last seasonhave sired standard performers (tro-rer- s,

    2:;!0 or better; pacers 2:20 orbet er).

    Messrs. John Perry and JoePowers, of Lebanon, Tenn., brought:tti Almont horse to place iu trainingat tbe Columbia Driving Park Asso-ciation.

    J. W. fc J. L. Jones, Jr , sold to-d- nycue of their Hue Jennets, "telie

    of Tennessee,'' to J. L. Joues & J. C.D uiavon, of St. Louis, Mo.

    Barring the rain, the oullook atMemphis for the running niecMng isgood, live hundred bangtails are waiting for the word.

    Messrs. John L. Jones and J. C.Milam, both from St. Louis, Mo., arein the city. These gentlemen arehere looking for tine Jacks.

    W. 1". Taylor, owner of Vitello, haschallenged Mascot for a race at theBuffalo meeting. To which ('barksUpton, owner of Mascot t, replies thathis horse is in the stud and has en-gagements until July, antl conld notget in condition by August for a hardrace, but that if Mr. Taylor will meethim the at Columbia meeting iu thefall, he will put up the stulfaud givehim a driye.

    W. Iu Derrington, of Memphis,was here last week, and purchasedsome t.ood lioi'scs. Of this number

    i wo were j rchased from John 1'.McGaw.

    Chas. Skillman, Esq., of Eufaula,Ala., is here buying tine horses. Helias pui'cbased lour Horses lrom . AHoward.

    Stock Note hy Trockwootl.

    There are more fine stallions standing to-d- ay in Maury County thanhave ever stood in the history of theof the county. Maury has not alwaysbeen partial to the totter, but he israpidly gaining in public estimationAmi as lor our pacers they aresimply out of sight!

    Now is the time of the year whenthe blue grass shoots up the tenderspear of its juicy blades to meetthe easrer mouth of the frolicsomeyearling, or laugh with a wavy smileat the stagirering locomotion of thenew-bor- n colt with his awkward,angling, knock-knee- d gait his thinribbed, cathainmed, bowed-u- p form,and the calloused, unsteady and tincertain instinct, that has yet to decidewhether it will trot or pace. Andevery pike around Columbia has itshundreds.

    The additional improvement son thekite track are progressing as rapidlyas the weather will permit. When fin-ished it will be tho best anil fastesttrack in the world. By the way, it islaready pretty generally believed inhorse circles that Direct antl HalPointer w ill come together again nextfall, and as (jeers reports "your UnclePointer" to have wintered "in fineshape and a better horse than everbefore," it is not at till probable that'ft nuesseans will hang their headswhen tl.ese two cracks meet again.

    Owners of brood mares may not betoo careful si bout their marcs just be-fore antl just sifter foaling. Do not

    .'change the mare too suddenly from ai:.. i... --...i. ...:n1; ra ! II to u riass. tiiet, i tue eoit in

    be liable to scours. It is a safe plan,if tin- - mare is runningon grass, to con-iin- ue

    to feed some grain to her nightand morning. 'I'll ere is little nutri-ment at present in the grass and un-less the mare has some grain she willfall otf rapidly under the jiorsistentdraining of her milk by the colt, andshe colt will not fatten and grow sowell either.

    The entries of The Maury CountyFarmers' and Breeders' Associationhave all tilled well, antl judging fromihe list published there is plenty ofmaterial in the stakes to make a royalbattle. in every race. Our county fairis very popular, and races, if not asfast as at larger associations, are nonethe less exciting and interesting.

    A goo 1 number of colts are beingdropped to Adfield, Brown Mark, Bal-mo- nt

    Wilkes, Tennessee Wilkes, Nut-hi- lland other trotters that stood in

    the county last year. The Pilots urealso fast coming to the front as pacingsires, and as for the Hals well, 1should smile.

    Mr. Lang, of Pennsylvania, who istraining a string of his own antl otherhorses at the Columbia Driving Park,lias among his number a most beauti-ful and blood-lik- e two-ye- ar old bySunolo. brother to Sunol. If all theElectioneers look like this little miss.rliey will do to keep for ornaments aswell as useful purposes. Seeing isbelieving, and it only tal;s a smalllook at sucn a nuy as uus w snowthat the thoroughbred blood, amootha

    vr-- .



    Carpets.Furnishing Goods.Dress Trimmiugs.


    Fine Cutaway suits.Neckwear till you cau't rest.Bedford Cords in ail shades.

    The best liue of dress shirt.Beautiful Lace Curtains.Oxford Ties iu all styles.

    Rosenthal's 3 shoe is out of slirht.Our f 2 ladies shoe best on earth.

    Light color square cut sacksuits.Big liue round cut sack suits.

    Finest line straw hats.Boys' and children's clothing.Best line odd pants in Columbia.

    All the latest styles iu slippers.Elegant line of mattings.Iruuks, valises aud travelingbags.


    off and rounds up the trotter if it doesnot do any thing else.The horses in training about Colum-

    bia are in splendid fix and fettle, andwith their drivers aro only waitingtill the bad weather ceases, to begintheir daily work in the muscle-hardenin- g

    and foot-reachi- business.Columbia will have such racing nextfall as she has never seen before.

    W. S. Williams and Jno. Carjienter,of the Breeder fe Turfman, Nashville,are Columbia boys, and their friendsareiustly proud of the high stand they,ro taking as editor and manager of a

    big horse paper. It is not alt " daffodils" running a good horsepajier, but there is a larger amount ofhorse sense and mule energy requiredin such an enterprise than is general-ly thought requisite. May they keepon rouud the circle!


    The Tennessee Sale Agency's AnnualCombination Sale.

    Kifchty-Scve- n Animals Solil for 91 8,1 87. 50An Average of 1S14 0.0S.

    I'lio annual sale of Bcnoavo. Shelton ttMet iaw, propictors of the Tennessee Salt)Agency, occurred at tne t air trronnils onlast Thursday, Friday and Saturday.The bad weatiier ol" the first day causedsmall attendance anil the stile did notcommence until '1 p. m- - lii'teen headbeinif put under the hammer before tlieclose of the day, brinirinir very fairprices.

    tin ana Saturday tlio weatherwas nearly all tliat could be desired ; theittctidaiice w as good, ami the iiorses soldduring those two days brought on an nv-are-

    very good prices. Mr. S. II. Hill.of Bowling tireen, Ky., was the auctioneer, and showed himself thoroughly conversant Mini an me goou jHiinis ot ahorse and capable of impressing them ontne iiiuoers.

    Ibirimr the three davs 87 imiin ils woreHold lor a total of if an average of

    l Mis.I lie liorse bringing the highest price

    during the sale was (iuv Bene, a line((joking bay colt '1 years old, by tinyliarrcli out oi lienu, and hrcd ando.vncii iy llamptoii liros-Cow- an, Tciiii.ile was knocked down to Win. Cox,Knoxville, for "),.

    The ladies of the Presbyterian Churchset adc liirhtfiil dinner at the fair irroundstin Friday and Saturday and realized aneat sum lor the church.

    Follow ing: is a list of the horses sclliturfor lt;il or over:

    I iarnet, cli. in., 11, by Muiiibrino Forrest--Country (iirl, property of B. S.Wood, Ilopkinsville, K v, sold lo J- - p.Mc iaw, .1 r. 'olumbia, ilr.

    Billiard Boy, r. s., ;. owned hv Jas.Ragau, Columbia, sold to (. K. itagan,( 'olumbia, f'Stih

    Chambers' Locomotive, b. s.. owned byJames Chambers, spring Hill, Mold toJas. Foster, Thompson's Station, for $l(n.

    Hal Implex, ull. s. ;, owned by JamesChambers, Spring Hill, Tenn.,' sold toJames Foster for l.

    Bady Duplex , b. f. 2, owned by B. A.Satlerlield, Columbia, sold to J. ft, rau-berr- y,

    Alt. Pleasant, $lc .Charlie, b. g., ti. property of A. X. Akin,

    Columbia, sold to W. C. Akin, Colum-bia, $11.,

    Bettie Almont, ch.niowuctl by Hamil-ton Bros., Cowan, Tonn., sold to W. 11.Ijong, Mt. Pleasant, $(.10.

    Reputation, b. f., .', owned by same,sold lo W. B. Farris, Columbia, "$'js..

    Laura 11. eh. in., owned by same, soldto F. Barrett, Bicli I 'reek, $ Jixt.

    Cuy Bene, h. c, 2, owned bv same, soldto W. K. Cox, Tracy I 'ity, $Tit."l.

    Virena, b. in., s owned by same, sold toS. B. Harlan, Columbia, $:6iT.

    Uueon Diamond, hr. iiu, !, owned bvsame, W. B. Cox, Tracy City, $ltl.

    Wheeler, b. g., 4, ow ned by same, soldto T. H. Hastings, Hillsboro, N. C. $J 1.

    Willie, b. in., 4, owned by J. S. Foster,Thompson's Station, sold "to J. H. Akin,lliompson Station, $1 K).

    Annie Booncy, b. in., 4, owned hy same,to same, f im.

    Allele, blk. f., 2 owned hv same, to W,II. Ixuig, Mt. Pleasant, 1:C,

    Shandon Wilkes, b, g 5, owned by B.M. W illiams, Columbia, sold to Banks,Biilingcr tV Co Cleveland, Ohio, $170.

    Uohj ii Hood, hr. g, 7, property of ,1. P.Mciiaw, Jr, to Fit s tt Son, Birming-ham, Al., l2t.

    Count Pilot, ch. gM 7, owned hy same,sold to J. R. Btickuer, Thompson's Sta-tion. $120.

    May m Vineyard, ch. f, 2, ow ned byJnhii'H. CariHjiiter, Nashville sold to J.M. Bilker, Selma, Ala., $l.iu.

    Vaiigtin , b. a., 4., W. It. Blakeuiore,Martin, Thiiu., sold to Aris Bains, Co-lumbia, $2tiU.

    Bessie Hardee, h. in., owned by Dr.Win. Lynch, Buford's Station, Teun.,Dr. J. (i. Williamson, CulleoUa; $100.

    Jerry Almont, b. g., 4, owned by B. U.Marshall, Culleoka, Teun., sold to PeteCrab, Bowling tireen, Ky.; $J(.".

    Startle, blk. g., 4, owned by same,sold to. A. K. Orr, Mt. Pleasant; fl.'So.

    Minnie, b. in., ft, property of W. A.Bailey, Kagleville, to li. M. Williams,Columbia; $115.

    Ku-li- , b. g., (i, property of same, soldto A. W. McClure, Nashville; $110.

    Charley and Kd, b. gs., owned bysame, to u. W. Hayes, Columbia, lenu.;$275.

    Bay gelding, 0, W. A. Bailey, Kagle-ville, Term., sold to U. T. Hughes, Co-lumbia; $1:J0.

    Black uelding, 7, property of same,sold to II. O. McCarver, Nashville; $140.

    Brown gelding, 4, property of same,sold to J. C. Williams; $l.'iu.

    One b. g., 5, owned by W. K. Italian-fa- nt, Columbia, was sold to J. C. Tay-

    lor; $i.Tom Slasher, b. h., S, owned by J. 15.Uranberry, Mt. Pleasant, was sold to J.A. Bird, Clarksville; $J'25.

    John II ull, b. g., ti, owued by K. M.Sheegog, Columbia, sold to H. Abraham,Montgomery, AIa.;$i:io.

    Maskman, br. c, owued by Sbeetrogit Pillow, Columbia, sold to J. F. i,

    Columbia; $140.Kale Scott, b. m., , owned by S. W.

    Scott, sold to J. T. Akin, Columbia; $220.Oue, r. g., 4. owned by W. C. Junes,

    Columbia, Tenn., sold to K. U. Oraut,Columbia; $100.

    Comet, blk.. g , 3, owned by Withers& Co., Clarksville, sold to J. VV. Thom-as, Columbia; $120. Sowell, d. b. m-- 2, proiertv of. ...... .I.... . W. II : I. reill nun rii, j.j mcoiii if. i I'llfl.. Im,i,Maud Cecil, ch. f .', bred ami property

    of J no. C. Sowell, Lipscomb, Tenn, $210.I olunibus, 1. a o, bred and property of

    J. C. Sowell, LiiK.coinb, Tenn.; $l;o.Mambriiia, d. b. m, 7, property of John

    C. Sowell, Lipscomb, Tenil.; $liO.Jjiue l on i, g. g, h, property ol I'. Bur

    nett, Rich Creek, Tenn.; $11.".Anna W , d. b. m, 7, nroiiertv of Tom

    Jones, Jr, Franklin, Tenn.; $l."i0.Dave, b. jr., -- , proiHTtv ol Ieneave A.

    Shelton, Columbia, 1'eniu; $21(1.Mack, t. r, o, proiK-rt- ot Is'neavo iK

    Shelton, Col tuoLf.i, 1'etin.; $ifc".harlcs, h..fa-orert- of Lt neave A:

    Shelton, ColUUtT;faTenii.; $I2U.May Ilinl, b.-ti- t, property of T. C. Hut--

    ton, Lewisburg, Teniu;$12(iMaud, b. m.,i, property of J.C. Button,

    Lewisburg, Tenn.; $21.. ' 'Kitseau, It. c 2, bred and owjied ,b,v K.H. Black well, Columbia, Term.; $21o.Hcrta. cti... property of li.i, Smith,

    Artesia. Mi 0. , 'Annie. B. ... ui, 5, property 'of K. (.

    Smith, Artesia, Miss,; $150. 'w'-- -l'riiice l'ulaski, .Ir, d. cti,, proiicrty of

    W, I Cook, Crawford, Miss. ;i-li- sDon, b. g, ft, property of Jim Urlmes,

    Oluinbiii, Tenn.; $t2.ri.Jim. K ir, tl, property of W. 1. Burnett,

    Columbia, Tenu.; $175.Susan, L g. in, 4, property of CoL II. A.

    Brown, Columbia, Teun. $100,

    Amalcur Slinsttds.The entertainment given on Fridaynight last, by the Minstrel Club atFleming's stcre in the Ziou uelghbr-hoo- d,

    was a decided success. Theyoung men had the satisfaction amistimulus of playing to a crowdedhouse. Messrs. James and DaveFleming in their impersonations ofnegroes are far beyoud the averapo"End Men." Being excedent mimicsthey accomplished the very difl'.pultfeat of imitating in tits varioustf e voices and ac'.ioiis of as manydifferent and well known negroes ofthe neighborhood When fe'antI'hompsoii, Arthur Frierson of some

    other negro would give expression toins peculiar views of people amithings, the audience would greet theseamaiueis with uproarous laughter andapplause The b lemiue brothers aregood siDgers and have voices of greatstength aud compass. Mr. BledsofBrown also possesses a well tralnefaud modulated voice: his renditionof the pathetic song "A Picture thatis turned Toward the Wall." elicitedthe hearty aprobation of the audieuce.wneu it comes to dancing. RobertFleming is the equal of any minstrelthat ever faced the foot-light- s. In re--ponce to an encore he introduced

    steps never seeu ou a slage before.A lack of space prevents a more extended notice. It ia sufficient to statethat each oue who participated ex-hibited a talent and proficiency hardlyto be expected of amateurs, especiallyas this was;their liist effort. The fol-lowing are the members of the club:Messrs. Julius, Robert, James andDave Fleming, M. G. Armstrong,Mitchell A riustrot g, Wilsou Hiepheu- -son, I heo. Sleiilifiisoti. ItledMooBrown, Ed. Russed. Gad Armstrongaud Win. Cecil.

    A Broken Arm.Yesterday nfternnon little A Una

    Powell, aged about !t years, the daugh-ter of Jesse Powell, fell from n t,oiliill South Columbia and 1 miloi hot Itbones of her left arm. Dr. Pillow at-tended her and she is doing well to-day.

    Potato Barrels For Sale.We want to sell you your barrel

    materials; or will sell you y ur bar-rels. We guarautee to sell you bet-ter barrels aud for as little or lewsmoney than anybody. Will makecontracts from 1,500 barre's up. C.W. Ru n Co., per L, L. Frierson, Mt,Pltasatit, Term. aprM 4t

    UEDIUMl HELL'S.Mr. H. Burton Latid and Miss Janfe-Kin-

    wiil be united iu marriage nextThursday morning at 9 o'clock. Thebride is tbe daughter of Mr. ami Mrs.M. D. King, and the ceremony willtake place at their residence nearColumbia, on the Santa Fe pike.

    Miss Dora l'rewett, whose frequentvisits to Columbia as the guest ofMiss Ida Bello McCord made herwell known in Columbia's social circles, was married on March .'10, iaJacksonville, I hu, to Mr. J. C. McDonald.

    Yon ure InvitedTo come and pee our new spring Millinery. We are also special agentsfor Madame (Jtlswold's celebratedcorset. Mips Tknnik Gartnkr A Co.

    aprir- - f Next dar to postolllce.Ban Away From Home.

    Eugene Whitson, William How- -land and Jno. Surber, three boys agedfrom 11 to l.'l years, came iu fromFranklin on a freight train last evening. They are from Gallatin, andhad stolen rides on a passenger trainto Nashville, walking thence toFrauklin, where a brakemsn gavethem a lift to this place. Theyclaim to be c ro? lo Selma, Ala.,where oue of them has a brother.They were given a night's lodging atthe lock up last night, and givenbreakfast this morning. They arenow anxious to gut back to Gallatin.

    Columbia JKarkct.Headquarters for Fruits, Vegetables,

    ami Fresh Meats. Sliced llamnnthemarket every day. Country producewanted. Hoii: Bri.bAim.

    uplo-l- t Corner S. Main St 1 St.

    North Columbia l.iitnl ami Immigration('OlllptllljM

    Geo. W. Hays, Geo. P. Frierson, II.A. Brown, II. 'P. Figuers ami A. C.Floyd met in the olliee of Figuers APadgett late Monthly evening to ir-fe- et

    'the organization of the alsivecompany. They elected G. V. Hays,President, G. P. Frierson, Vice-Preside-

    ami Col. II. A. Brown, See-- ire:ary and Treasurer.

    The above olllcers with Messrs. H.P. Figuers and A. C. Floyd, const Utute the directory and ( barter mem-bers. It is hoped they will succeedin building up the north part of thocity, hy inducing those seeking dcsirable building lols lo locale ami lm- -prove.

    Death of W. V. Sims,Mr. Wiilisui Frank Sims died Iu Mlll-ki- n,

    Ark, a few days since, of heart dis-eiis- e.Mr. Sims wiis w t II known in this

    county, where lie was born, near Mt,Pleasant, in 1W. During H' late warhe did valiant service in the Ninth Bat-talion, Tennessee Cavalry, anil after le-iu-g

    mustered out, went West ami locat-ed near Ijockburg, Ark.

    A New Bklinr iiJ In Ihe Field.Dei.k, Fakiw & Co., Koutb-ea- at

    corner public square, having Isiughtthe entire stock of groceries formerlyowned by Nichols & Faris at greatlyreduced prices, we will proceed atonce, at their old stand, (o sell theeutire stock regardless of cost, until Mayloth, to make room for the Urge stockof new goods now on the road. Hindibargains in groceries will not be olIVredyou agaiu kooh. Come now! (Jo mequick! We mean business aud Itshall cost you nothing to get ourprices. A call will surely Interestyou, and trust will prove mutuallybeneficial. F.vrything will be soldfor cish. yours.ap!5 w 4t dlt Delk, Fam: Co.

    There Vt us a Siring to It.It wasn't a dog fight, nor a runa

    way, nor soma one stepping' on abanana peel that caused all that excitement and laughter on the squarethis morning. Buck 1 ioward thoughthe had found a big fat pocket-boo- k onthe side-wal- k, end he made a divefor It, but there was a string tied toit, ami as it eluded his d tigers auddisappeared in the door-wa- y, belooked around at the crowd, antl thenremembered tt at he had pressingbusiness at Ihe court bouse.

    Small 111.1c.The fire company was called out

    about 12 o'clock last night by a smallblaze in a house in South Columbia,occupied by Mrs. Miller and ownedby W. O. Jones. The bleae was ex-tinguished before much damage wasdone. It originated from a pan ofashes placed ou the buck porch.

    The Order Wan Filled.One of our carrier boy went to the

    telephone yesterday and deliveredthe following message to Fleming Stilea. ''Grand Ma says send her tencentsjworth of coarse salt and a bale ofhay in time for supper."

    Change ef Location.The Hecond National Bank baa

    leased for a term of ten years theold Hank of Columbia stand, and willcommence at ouce having the re-pairs made. It will perhaps be amouth before tbe Second Nationalwill move to its new quarters.

    Building Permit.Mrs. Jane Burnett stable, to cost. I 40;H. Laz.arus, 2 story brick Htore

    house, to cost WWW. II. Watson, frame dwelling, to

    cost 300;Al Akission, addition to frame

    dwelling, to cost v. "r,jN. M. Joni's,traimscottiitre,tocoKt. 125,W. II. Watson, 2 story brick store

    bouse, to costBoa Moore, repairs on dwelling,'

    lo cost ' W;J. H. Bugger, repairs on dw elling

    to cost 7(1;Tho above Is a correct report of prop

    erty since I reriortod tbwm to the "Weekly Herald" of the city of Columbia,

    T. E. Lirst OMu, Inspector.