the collected works lincoln vol 7

The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln In 1953, the Abraham Lincoln Association published The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, a multi-volume set of Lincoln's correspondence, speeches, and other writings. Roy P. Basler and his editorial staff, with the continued support of the association, spent five years transcribing and annotating Lincoln's papers. The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln represented the first major scholarly effort to collect and publish the complete writings of Abraham Lincoln, and the edition has remained an invaluable resource to Lincoln scholars. Through the efforts of the Abraham Lincoln Association, the edition is now available in electronic

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The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln

In 1953, the Abraham Lincoln Association published The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, a multi-volume set of Lincoln's correspondence, speeches, and other writings. Roy P. Basler and his editorial staff, with the continued support of the association, spent five years transcribing and annotating Lincoln's papers. The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln represented the first major scholarly effort to collect and publish the complete writings of Abraham Lincoln, and the edition has remained an invaluable resource to Lincoln scholars. Through the efforts of the Abraham Lincoln Association, the edition is now available in electronic

Author: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. Title: Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 7. Publication Info: Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Digital Library Production Services 2001 Availability: Individuals may freely copy these texts for personal use, research, and teaching (including distribution to classes) as long as this statement of availability is included in the text. Creators of Internet editions of all kinds, including for-profit works, may link to this resource. Publishers, libraries, and other information providers interested in providing this text in a commercial or non-profit product or from an information server must contact the Abraham Lincoln Association for licensing and cost information. Scholars interested in changing or adding to these texts by, for example, creating a new edition of the text (electronically or in print) with substantive editorial changes, may do so only with the permission of the Abraham Lincoln Association. Authors of such an edition must secure permission whether the new publication will be made available at a cost or free of charge. Print source: Collected works. The Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, Illinois. Roy P. Basler, editor; Marion Dolores Pratt and Lloyd A. Dunlap, assistant editors. Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers University Press, 1953. URL:

Conditions of UseIndividuals may freely copy these texts for personal use, research, and teaching (including distribution to classes) as long as this statement of availability is included in the text. Creators of Internet editions of all kinds, including for-profit works, may link to this resource. Publishers, libraries, and other information providers interested in providing this text in a commercial or non-profit product or from an information server must contact the Abraham Lincoln Association for licensing and cost information. Scholars interested in changing or adding to these texts by, for example, creating a new edition of the text (electronically or in print) with substantive editorial changes, may do so only with the permission of the Abraham Lincoln Association. Authors of such an edition must secure permission whether the new publication will be made available at a cost or free of charge.

To Nathaniel P. Banks Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Isaac R. Diller Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To William B. Astor and Robert B. Roosevelt Document Annotation To Samuel C. Pomeroy Document Annotation To John J. Astor, Jr., and Others Document Annotation To Ambrose E. Burnside Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Flanders Document Annotation To Stephen T. Logan Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To John E. Mulford Document Annotation Order Concerning Export of Tobacco Document Annotation To John M. Schofield

Document Annotation To Hiram Barney Document Annotation To Montgomery Blair Document Annotation To John Milderborger Document Annotation To John M. Schofield Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To John D. Defrees Document Annotation To Richard C. Vaughan or Officer in Command at Lexington, Missouri Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To E. H. E. Jameson Document Annotation Reply to John Conness upon Presentation of a Cane Document Annotation To William S. Rosecrans Document Annotation To Ambrose E. Burnside Document Annotation Memorandum Concerning Edward L. Hale Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document

Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of Philo P. Judson Document Annotation Order Concerning Union Pacific Railroad Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation Remarks to Citizens of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Document Annotation Address Delivered at the Dedication of the Cemetery at Gettysburg FIRST DRAFT Annotation To Henry B. Blood Document Annotation To Zachariah Chandler Document Annotation To Edward Everett Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of Richard S. Hayes Document Annotation To Robert C. Schenck Document Annotation To Robert C. Schenck Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document

Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To E. P. Evans Document Annotation To William H. Seward Document Annotation To Green C. Smith Document Annotation To Seth Eastman Document Annotation To William H. Seward Document Annotation Authorization for Peter H. Watson Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation Memorandum on Construction of Loyal State Governments Document Annotation To George Opdyke and Others Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document

Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To Lincoln Document Annotation To Stephen C. Massett Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Mary Lincoln Document Annotation To Mary Lincoln Document Annotation Announcement of Union Success in Tennessee Document Annotation To Mary Lincoln Document Annotation To Mary Lincoln Document Annotation Annual Message to Congress Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To the Senate and House of Representatives Document Annotation

To Andrew G. Curtin Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of Ferdinand Brewster Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To Andrew Johnson Document Annotation To Officer in Command at Covington, Kentucky Document Annotation To the Senate and House of Representatives Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation To Henry H. Lockwood Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To John M. Schofield Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To John M. Schofield Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation

Agreement Signed by Samuel L. Casey Document Annotation Order Concerning Samuel L. Casey Document Annotation Amnesty to Emily T. Helm Document Annotation Oath of Emily T. Helm Document Annotation To Whom It May Concern Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation Memorandum and Endorsement Concerning James B. Rodgers Document Annotation Recommendation for John Alexander Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Thomas Cottman Document Annotation To William P. Fessenden Document Annotation To Mother Mary Gonyeag Document Annotation To Ogden Hoffman Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation

To the Senate Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To The Senate Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation Memorandum Concerning Louisiana Affairs Document Annotation Pardon of Alfred Rubery Document Annotation Proclamation Concerning Discriminating Duties Document Annotation To Worthington G. Snethen Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To James H. Hoes Document Annotation To Stephen A. Hurlbut Document Annotation Memorandum: Removal of James L. Ridgely Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To the Senate and House of Representatives

Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton and James B. Fry Document Annotation To Thurlow Weed Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of William M. Albin Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Elihu B. Washburne Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Gideon Welles Document Annotation To Henry C. Wright Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To Lafayette S. Foster and James Dixon Document Annotation To Francis H. Peirpoint

Document Annotation Permit to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Craig Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Oliver D. Filley Document Annotation Endorsement on Petition Concerning Samuel B. McPheeters Document Annotation To Gilman Marston Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Gideon Welles Document Annotation To the Senate and House of Representatives Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Whom It May Concern Document Annotation To Nathaniel P. Banks Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation Endorsement

Document Annotation To Gilman Marston Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To John D. Stiles Document Annotation To Bayard Taylor Document Annotation To Ambrose E. Burnside Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Usher F. Linder Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of Benjamin F. Hoffman Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Nathaniel P. Banks Document Annotation To Ambrose E. Burnside Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation Memorandum Concerning Joseph J. Stewart

Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Jeremiah T. Boyle Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation Additional Instructions to Direct Tax Commissioners Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Thomas T. Eckert Document Annotation To James S. Wadsworth Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Jeremiah C. Sullivan Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document

Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Francis H. Peirpoint Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Stephen A. Hurlbut Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation Recommendation Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Henry T. Blow Document Annotation To Jeremiah T. Boyle Document Annotation To Mary Lincoln Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To the Senate and House of Representatives Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton and Henry W. Halleck Document Annotation To Frederick Steele Document Annotation

To Jeremiah T. Boyle Document Annotation To Thomas E. Bramlette Document Annotation To Luiz I Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of David D. Johnson Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Christian IX Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning Henry Andrews Document Annotation To Chauncey G. Hawley Document Annotation To Mary Lincoln Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To the Senate and House of Representatives Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Crafts J. Wright and Charles K. Hawkes Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation

To Mrs. Esther Stockton Document Annotation To Simon Cameron Document Annotation To John A. Dahlgren Document Annotation Order for Observance of Mourning for Caleb B. Smith Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Ethan A. Hitchcock Document Annotation To Timothy P. Andrews Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation To James W. Grimes Document Annotation To Robert Todd Lincoln Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of Henry P. Wade Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant or George H. Thomas Document Annotation To Oliver P. Morton Document Annotation Order Fixing Western Base of Union Pacific Railroad

Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Edward and Henry T. Anthony Document Annotation To Nathaniel P. Banks Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To Simeon Draper Document Annotation To Quincy A. Gillmore Document Annotation To Theodore T. S. Laidley Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To Charles P. McIlvaine Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation Memorandum Concerning Edward Haggard Document Annotation Recommendation for Miss Weirman Document

Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To John Brough Document Annotation To Andrew Johnson Document Annotation Memorandum Concerning John Racey Document Annotation To Lorenzo Thomas Document Annotation To William Crosby and Henry P. Nichols Document Annotation To George G. Meade or John Sedgwick Document Annotation To Edwin D. Morgan Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Jeremiah C. Sullivan Document Annotation To Thomas E. Bramlette Document Annotation To Thomas B. Bryan Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning A. Z. Boyer Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning Charles T. Hagan Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation

To Whom It May Concern Document Annotation To John Clark Document Annotation To Robert T. Lincoln Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton and Henry W. Halleck Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning Charles M. Shelton Document Annotation Memorandum Hoskins: Appointment of John D.C. Hoskins Document Annotation Memorandum Concerning Thomas J. Kellinger Document Annotation Order Concerning W. D. Walker Document Annotation To John Sedgwick Document Annotation To John Sedgwick Document Annotation To the Senate and House of Representatives Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Frederick Steele Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation

To James W. Grimes Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of Alexander D. B. Smead Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Commander at Fort Independence Document Annotation Endorsement Document Annotation Remarks to Arkansas Delegation Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Alpheus Lewis Document Annotation Permit to Christopher F. Field and Christopher F. Clay Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Cadwallader C. Washburn Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation Endorsement Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation

To Andrew Johnson Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation Recommendation for Henry R. Green Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation Memorandum Document Annotation Order Approving Trade Regulations Document Annotation To John Sedgwick Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To John G. Foster Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of Edward L. Wooden Document Annotation To Frederick Steele Document Annotation To George L. Andrews Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation

To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation To Commanding Officer at Fort Mifflin Document Annotation To John W. Forney Document Annotation To Henry W. Halleck Document Annotation To Edward Stanly Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To George S. Boutwell Document Annotation To Henry W. Halleck Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of Henry O. Ryerson Document Annotation To John Sedgwick Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Daniel E. Sickles Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Frederick Steele Document Annotation To Nathaniel P. Banks Document Annotation

To Thomas E. Bramlette Document Annotation To John A. Dix Document Annotation To Caleb Lyon Document Annotation Order for Draft of 500,000 Men Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Kamehameha V Document Annotation Order Approving Regulations of Trade Document Annotation To William H. Seward Document Annotation To Charles A. Dana Document Annotation Endorsement Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To William H. Seward Document Annotation To Richard Yates Document Annotation To Edward Everett Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Green Adams

Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Nathaniel P. Banks Document Annotation To Henry D. Terry Document Annotation Endorsement: Release of A. H. Gray Document Annotation Endorsement: Request of C. T. Benton Document Annotation To George L. Andrews Document Annotation To John D. Defrees Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Isaac Murphy Document Annotation To John Sedgwick Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To John Brough Document

Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Daniel Sickles Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Lyman Trumbull Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning Pennsylvania Militia Document Annotation To John Sedgwick Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To John B. Steele Document Annotation To John P. Usher Document Annotation To Stephen Cabot Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation

To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation To John A. Dix Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation Endorsement to John Hogan Document Annotation To Horace Maynard Document Annotation Pass for Mrs. Samuel P. Hamilton Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation To Daniel E. Sickles Document Annotation To John M. Thayer Document Annotation To Nathaniel P. Banks Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning W. Marshall Swayne Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning William Yocum Document Annotation To the House of Representatives Document Annotation To the Senate and House of Representatives Document Annotation To William H. Seward Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton

Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To William M. Fishback Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Frederick Steele Document Annotation To John A. Andrew Document Annotation Memorandum Concerning John A. Andrew Document Annotation Proclamation Concerning Blockade Document Annotation To A. Robinson Document Annotation To George S. Blake Document Annotation To Roscoe Conkling Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Warren Jordan Document Annotation To George S. Boutwell Document

Annotation To John Brough Document Annotation To William P. Dole Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Loan Document Annotation Remarks at Opening of Patent Office Fair Document Annotation To William S. Rosecrans Document Annotation To the Senate and House of Representatives Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Frederick Steele Document Annotation To Gideon Welles Document Annotation To Montgomery Blair Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation To Ozias M. Hatch Document Annotation To Willie Smith Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning John Dickson Document Annotation

Pass for Simon Cameron Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Joseph K. Barnes Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Frederick Steele Document Annotation To Telegraph Office Document Annotation To Henry D. Terry Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation Endorsements Concerning Robert T. Van Horn Document Annotation To William Jayne Document Annotation Memorandum Concerning Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation Order Commuting Sentence of Deserters Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton

Document Annotation To John W. Davidson Document Annotation To Edward H. East Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of George W. Pyle Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To George H. Thomas Document Annotation To Lorenzo Thomas Document Annotation To George Bancroft Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation To John A. Dix Document Annotation Draft of Order Concerning Samuel L. Casey Document Annotation To the House of Representatives Document Annotation To Frederick F. Low Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Cadwallader C. Washburn Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To James G. Benton Document

Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of Henry P. Torsey Document Annotation Memorandum Concerning Charles Garretson Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Lorenzo Thomas Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Daniel Breck Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To the New England Kitchen Document Annotation To Davis Tillson Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Frederick Steele Document Annotation To Joseph K. Barnes Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation

To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation Memorandum about Churches Document Annotation To William S. Rosecrans Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To John P. Usher Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To John A. J. Creswell Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To William A. Merriwether Document Annotation Order Designating Starting Point of Union Pacific Railroad Document Annotation Order in Regard to Export of Tobacco Document Annotation To George D. Ramsay Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton

Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Queen Victoria Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of William F. Allen Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation Speech to Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation List of Candidates for West Point Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of Beverly Allen Document Annotation Order Assigning Ulysses S. Grant to Command of the Armies of the U.S. Document Annotation To George D. Ramsay Document Annotation To William S. Rosecrans

Document Annotation To William H. Seward Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To W. F. M. Arny Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To William M. Fishback Document Annotation General Orders No. 98 Document Annotation To Isaac Murphy Document Annotation Pass for Mrs. J. R. Reid Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Lewis Wallace Document Annotation To Gideon Welles Document Annotation To Meredith P. Gentry Document Annotation To Michael Hahn Document Annotation To Carl Schurz Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document

Annotation Draft Order for 200,000 Men Document Annotation Endorsement Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment Thornton A. Jenkins, Jr. Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To the Senate and House of Representatives Document Annotation To the Senate and House of Representatives Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning Churches in New Orleans Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Michael Hahn Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Whom It May Concern Document Annotation To Isaac Murphy Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document

Annotation To John A. J. Creswell Document Annotation Order for Discharge of Christopher C. Callan and Daniel R. Payne Document Annotation To William S. Rosecrans Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning Benjamin A. Watson Document Annotation To Isaac Murphy Document Annotation Remarks at Closing of Sanitary Fair, Washington, D. C. Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation Order for Discharge of George B. Ackerman Document Annotation To Montgomery Blair Document Annotation To Clara and Julia Brown Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning George W. Lane Document Annotation To Henry H. Lockwood Document Annotation Reply to New York Workingmen's Democratic Republican Association Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation

To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation On Slavery Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To Robert C. Schenck Document Annotation To Carl Schurz Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To James R. Doolittle Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To John P. Usher Document Annotation To Benjamin B. French Document Annotation To James H. Lane

Document Annotation To Thurlow Weed Document Annotation Proclamation About Amnesty Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Andrew Johnson Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation Order for Discharge of Prisoners Document Annotation To the Senate and House of Representatives Document Annotation To Richard M. Corwine Document Annotation Order for Pardon of Henry F. Luckett Document Annotation To Lewis Wallace Document Annotation To William Windom Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document

Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation Memorandum Concerning Thomas Worthington Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Thomas Worthington Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning Edward Avery Document Annotation To Frederick A. Farley Document Annotation To Ward H. Lamon Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of F. Augustus Schermerhorn Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation Order Prohibiting Export of Salted Provisions Document Annotation To Joseph H. Barrett Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation Endorsement

Document Annotation To Albert G. Hodges Document Annotation To Isabel II Document Annotation To William S. Rosecrans Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Ambrose W. Thompson Document Annotation To Nathaniel P. Banks Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning John F. Botts Document Annotation To Mrs. Horace Mann Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Charles Sumner Document Annotation To Robert B. Van Valkenburgh Document Annotation To John Catron Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To Simon Cameron Document

Annotation To the House of Representatives Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation Form Order for Release of Prisoners Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Gideon Welles Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Charles Sumner Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning John Ehler Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation Order for Discharge of Prisoners Document Annotation To William H. Seward Document Annotation

To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Miss Steele Document Annotation To John C. Underwood Document Annotation To Whom It May Concern Document Annotation To Alexander II Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To John A. Dix Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To James B. Fry Document Annotation To Henry W. Halleck Document Annotation To John P. Usher Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation Address at Sanitary Fair, Baltimore, Maryland

Document Annotation Draft of Address for Sanitary Fair at Baltimore Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Paul Frank Document Annotation To Stephen Cabot Document Annotation Endorsement Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning John Oberteuffer Document Annotation Pass for Miss E. Sharp Document Annotation Note Document Annotation To Stephen Cabot Document Annotation To John A. Dix Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document

Annotation To Mason Brayman Document Annotation To Albert G. Hodges Document Annotation Order for Release of John Connor Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To Gustavus V. Fox Document Annotation To William S. Rosecrans Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To the Senate and House of Representatives Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To John P. Gray Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation Order for Discharge of F. P. Beidler Document Annotation

To Gideon Welles Document Annotation To John Williams Document Annotation To John R. Woods Document Annotation To George H. Thomas Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning Herman Huidekoper Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation Memorandum Concerning Joseph L. Savage Document Annotation To Isaac Murphy Document Annotation Endorsement Document Annotation To the House of Representatives Document Annotation To Mary Todd Lincoln Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To the Senate and House of Representatives Document Annotation To Whom It May Concern Document Annotation To Mason Brayman Document Annotation To Joseph Holt

Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation Endorsements Concerning Julius Silversmith Document Annotation To James R. Fry Document Annotation Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Nathan Kimball Document Annotation Order for Exchange of H. H. Brogden Document Annotation Order for Pardon of Sioux Indians Document Annotation To Francis W. Kellogg Document Annotation To the California Delegation in Congress Document Annotation To the House of Representatives Document Annotation To Stephen A. Hurlbut Document Annotation Order Concerning Alonzo Sheffield Document Annotation To Cabinet Members Document Annotation Order Concerning William W. White Document Annotation To William H. Seward Document

Annotation To William T. Sherman Document Annotation To Mrs. Abner Bartlett Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase and Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To John A. J. Creswell Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation Remarks at Marine Band Concert Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Hiram Barney Document Annotation To the Friends of Union and Liberty Document Annotation To Mrs. Sarah B. Meconkey Document Annotation Response to Serenade Document Annotation To William H. Seward Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Lewis Wallace Document Annotation

To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Christian IX Document Annotation To William S. Rosecrans Document Annotation To John Birely Document Annotation To F. B. Loomis Document Annotation To Samuel C. Pomeroy Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning a Church at Memphis, Tennessee Document Annotation To Lewis Wallace Document Annotation To Thomas Carney Document Annotation To Joseph Roberts Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning Allison C. Poorman Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning William F. Shriver Document Annotation To Orville H. Browning Document Annotation To L. J. Cist Document Annotation To Thomas Ewing

Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation Order for Draft of 300,000 Men Document Annotation To Joseph Roberts Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation To John A. Dix Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Thomas H. Hicks Document Annotation Response to Methodists Document Annotation To Richard Yates Document Annotation To Andrew Johnson Document Annotation Proclamation Revoking Recognition of Charles Hunt Document

Annotation Endorsement Concerning William B. Slack Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Alfred Mackay Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of Josiah W. Morris Document Annotation Order Concerning Trade Document Annotation To Felix Schmedding Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning Miss Gilbert Document Annotation To Gustavus V. Fox Document Annotation To Oliver P. Morton Document Annotation To Christiana A. Sack Document Annotation To William H. Seward Document Annotation To---Stansbury Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document

Annotation To Joseph Roberts Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Timothy P. Andrews Document Annotation To John Brough Document Annotation To the House of Representatives Document Annotation To Joseph Roberts Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Isaac N. Arnold Document Annotation To George G. Meade Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Whom It May Concern Document Annotation

To Isaac N. Arnold Document Annotation To Richard W. Thompson Document Annotation Reply to Delegation of Baptists Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Cornelius A. Walborn Document Annotation To Gideon Welles Document Annotation To John H. Bryant Document Annotation To Arthur H. Dutton Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning A. Barton Holcomb Document Annotation To Thomas H. Hicks Document Annotation To George B. Ide, James R. Doolittle, and A. Hubbell Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning a Purported Forgery Document Annotation To Mrs. Field Document Annotation To James B. Fry Document Annotation To Stephen A. Hurlbut Document Annotation To the Senate

Document Annotation To William H. Seward Document Annotation List of Applicants for Montana Appointments Document Annotation Memorandum of Appointments Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Jose M. Medina Document Annotation Order for Parole of Charles H. Jonas Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Frederick A. Conkling and Others Document Annotation To John A. Dix Document Annotation Endorsement Appointing Green C. Goodloe Document Annotation To William H. Seward Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning Discharge of Volunteers Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning Leonard Swett and Joseph Holt Document Annotation

To George G. Meade Document Annotation To Henry W. Slocum Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To William S. Rosecrans Document Annotation To William S. Rosecrans Document Annotation To the Senate and House of Representatives Document Annotation Reply to Committee Notifying Lincoln of His Renomination Document Annotation Reply to Elisha H. Allen Document Annotation Reply to Delegation from the National Union League Document Annotation Response to a Serenade by the Ohio Delegation Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation To Joseph Henry Document Annotation To James G. McAdam Document Annotation Order to John Hay Document Annotation To William S. Rosecrans Document Annotation To Julian M. Sturtevant Document Annotation Endorsement

Document Annotation Remarks to One Hundred Thirtieth Ohio Regiment Document Annotation To John Rogers Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Lorenzo Thomas Document Annotation To Thomas Webster Document Annotation To Gideon Welles Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Stephen G. Burbridge Document Annotation To Samuel P. Heintzelman Document Annotation To Robert Todd Lincoln Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation Order for Arrest of John S. Carlisle Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document

Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation Speech at Great Central Sanitary Fair, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Document Annotation Speech Accepting Medal Presented by Ladies of the Fair Document Annotation Speech at Union League Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Document Annotation Speech to Crowd before Union League Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Document Annotation Speech at Hotel Continental, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Document Annotation To Lyman Trumbull Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning Journal Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning Siege of Petersburg, Virginia Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Cornelius A. Walborn Document Annotation To Gideon Welles Document Annotation To Mary Todd Lincoln Document Annotation To John Brough and Samuel P. Heintzelman Document Annotation Memorandum of Interview with Cornelius A. Walborn Document Annotation

To Edwin D. Morgan Document Annotation To William H. Seward Document Annotation To Morton S. Wilkinson Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning Appointment of Delos Lake Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Mary Todd Lincoln Document Annotation Pass for Mrs. M. Davis Parks Document Annotation To William S. Rosecrans Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To William H. Seward Document Annotation To Timothy P. Andrews Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Gustavus M. Bascom Document Annotation To William C. Bryant Document Annotation To William Dennison and Others Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase

Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation To Ward H. Lamon Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To George F. Shepley Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning Cyrus Hamlin Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Mary Todd Lincoln Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Frederick Steele Document Annotation Authorization for George Harrington Document Annotation To Salmon P. Chase Document Annotation Endorsement Document Annotation Pass for Edward C. Carrington and Mother Document Annotation Pass for Annie P. Shepherd Document

Annotation To David Tod Document Annotation Memorandum: Louisiana Appointments Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation Order for Release of Political Prisoner Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To David Davis Document Annotation To William P. Fessenden Document Annotation To the Senate Document Annotation To Samuel H. Treat Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning an Escort Document Annotation Memorandum of Interview with William P. Fessenden Document Annotation To John L. Scripps Document Annotation To John W. Garrett Document Annotation Proclamation Suspending Writ of Habeas Corpus Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Cadwallader C. Washburn Document Annotation

To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Montgomery Blair Document Annotation To Joseph Casey Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation Pass for James R. Gilmore and James F. Jaquess Document Annotation To Whom It May Concern Document Annotation To William H. Seward Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Timothy P. Andrews Document Annotation Parole for Frank L. Wolford Document Annotation Proclamation of a Day of Prayer Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation Proclamation Concerning Reconstruction Document Annotation To John W. Garrett Document Annotation To Horace Greeley Document Annotation To Joseph Holt

Document Annotation To William S. Rosecrans Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Thomas Swann and Others Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation Memorandum Read to Cabinet Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Horace Greeley Document Annotation To Horace Greeley Document Annotation Order for John Hay Document Annotation To L. J. Leberman Document Annotation Endorsement Document Annotation To John Hay Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document

Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Andrew G. Curtin Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To David Hunter Document Annotation To Franklin G. Martindale Document Annotation Parole and Discharge for Frank L. Wolford Document Annotation To James Speed Document Annotation To Frank L. Wolford Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation Proclamation Calling for 500,000 Volunteers Document Annotation To William T. Sherman Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Whom It May Concern Document Annotation

Appointment of Government Directors for Union Pacific Railroad Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation Statement of Philadelphia Citizens Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To John L. Scripps Document Annotation To Jacob T. Wright Document Annotation To William P. Fessenden Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of Anning R. Peck Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Orlando B. Ficklin Document Annotation To Gideon Welles Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To David Hunter Document Annotation To John P. Usher Document Annotation To Edward R. S. Canby Document Annotation To Andrew G. Curtin

Document Annotation To the Loyal Ladies of Trenton, New Jersey Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of William C. Collier Document Annotation Memorandum on Clement C. Clay Document Annotation To William O. Snider Document Annotation To Robert F. Taylor Document Annotation To Abram Wakeman Document Annotation To James C. Welling Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To William T. Sherman Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation Appointment of Richard W. Thompson as Commissioner to Examine Union Pacific Railroads Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To David Hunter Document Annotation To Andrew Johnson Document Annotation

To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Richard Delafield Document Annotation To John W. Forney Document Annotation To John W. Forney Document Annotation To James B. Fry Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation Memorandum: Appointment of James H. Jackson Document Annotation To William H. Seward Document Annotation To Mrs. Anne Williamson Document Annotation Appointment of George Harrington Document Annotation Approval of Treasury Regulations Document Annotation To John A. Bingham Document Annotation To David Hunter Document Annotation

To John A. McClernand Document Annotation To Moses F. Odell Document Annotation Reply to Joseph Bertinatti Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin D. Morgan Document Annotation To Mrs. William A. Hammond Document Annotation To Charles XV Document Annotation To Francis Joseph I Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Leopold Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To William I Document Annotation To Charles A. Dana Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Gideon Welles Document Annotation To Frank L. Wolford

Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Morton McMichael Document Annotation To Francis H. Peirpoint Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Samuel M. Bowman Document Annotation To Horace Greeley Document Annotation To John McMahon Document Annotation To Anson S. Miller Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Isaac N. Arnold Document Annotation To Stephen G. Burbridge Document Annotation To Horace Greeley Document Annotation To the Shakers Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Nathaniel P. Banks Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document

Annotation To Edward R. S. Canby Document Annotation To William P. Fessenden Document Annotation To Horace Greeley Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation Order Concerning Alice Maria Waring Document Annotation To Thaddeus Stevens Document Annotation To Gideon Welles Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation Pass for John Eaton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Atanasio Cruz Aguirre Document Annotation To Henry J. Raymond Document Annotation

Recommendation Document Annotation Recommendation for Discharge Document Annotation To William T. Sherman Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To John P. Usher Document Annotation To Joseph K. Barnes Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation To William P. Fessenden Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Ward Hunt Document Annotation Appointment of William Helmick Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Charles D. Robinson Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Ethan A. Hitchcock Document Annotation To Andrew Johnson Document Annotation Order Confirming Dismissal of William A. Hammond

Document Annotation Proclamation Concerning Commercial Regulations Document Annotation Speech to the One Hundred Sixty-Fourth Ohio Regiment Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation Interview with Alexander W. Randall and Joseph T. Mills Document Annotation To Benjamin F. Butler Document Annotation To John F. Miller Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation Order for Testing Wrought Iron Cannon Document Annotation To Norton P. Chipman Document Annotation To Edward Bates Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning James H. Jackson Document Annotation To Montgomery C. Meigs Document Annotation Speech to One Hundred Sixty-sixth Ohio Regiment Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document

Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Gideon Welles Document Annotation Memorandum Concerning His Probable Failure of Re-election Document Annotation Order for Sale of Land in Winnebago Indian Reservation Document Annotation To Mrs. Mary M. Baldwin Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Joseph J. Lewis Document Annotation To Henry J. Raymond Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation Memorandum Concerning Thomas J. Turner and Rufus K. Williams Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Samuel Cony Document Annotation To Andrew Johnson Document Annotation Order for Harvey M. Colby Document Annotation Endorsement Concerning Robert M. Taylor Document Annotation

To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To John P. Usher Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Lewis Wallace Document Annotation To Gideon Welles Document Annotation To James B. Fry Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Benjamin H. Brewster Document Annotation Order for Discharge of Louis Kinney Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Charles M. Alexander Document Annotation To Joseph K. Barnes Document Annotation To Mary Todd Lincoln Document Annotation To Edwin D. Morgan, Thurlow Weed, and Henry J. Raymond Document Annotation Order Concerning Transportation of Cotton

Document Annotation Portion of an Order Concerning Cotton Shipments Document Annotation Speech to One Hundred Forty-eighth Ohio Regiment Document Annotation To Alfred B. Justice Document Annotation To Montgomery Blair Document Annotation To Samuel R. Curtis Document Annotation Order to Henry S. Huidekoper Document Annotation Pass Document Annotation To Lewis Wallace Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Montgomery Blair Document Annotation Order for Celebration of Victories at Atlanta, Georgia, and Mobile, Alabama Document Annotation Order of Thanks to David G. Farragut and Others Document Annotation Order of Thanks to William T. Sherman and Others Document Annotation Proclamation of Thanksgiving and Prayer Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Gideon Welles Document

Annotation To Stephen G. Burbridge Document Annotation To Eliza P. Gurney Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation Reply to Blas Bruzual Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To John B. Steele Document Annotation To Ethan A. Hitchcock Document Annotation To John J. Meier Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation To Ethan A. Hitchcock Document Annotation To Andrew Johnson Document Annotation To Andrew Johnson Document Annotation Order for Discharge of Charles D. Stewart Document Annotation Reply to Loyal Colored People of Baltimore upon Presentation of a Bible Document Annotation To Simeon Draper Document Annotation

To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Mary Todd Lincoln Document Annotation Pass for Mrs. Adams Document Annotation To William Pickering Document Annotation To John P. Slough Document Annotation To James Y. Smith Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation To Isaac M. Schermerhorn Document Annotation To Edwin M. Stanton Document Annotation To Joseph Holt Document Annotation Order of Thanks to One Hundred Day Troops from Ohio Document Annotation To Mary Todd Lincoln Document Annotation Endorsement Document Annotation To Ulysses S. Grant Document Annotation Memorandum Concerning Ward H. Lamon and the Antietam Episode

Document Annotation To Napoleon III Document Annotation



To Nathaniel P. Banks [1]Executive Mansion, Major General Banks Washington, Nov. 5. 1863. Three months ago to-day I wrote you about Louisiana affairs, stating, on the word of Gov. Shepley, as I understood him, that Mr. Durant was taking a registry of citizens, preparatory to the election of a constitutional convention for that State. I sent a copy of the letter to Mr. Durant; and I now have his letter, written two months after, acknowledging receipt, and saying he is not taking such registry; and he does not let me know that he personally is expecting to do so. Mr. Flanders, to whom I also sent a copy, is now here, and he says nothing has yet been done. This disappoints me bitterly; yet I do not throw blame on you or on them. I do however, urge both you and them, to lose no more time. Gov. Shepley has special instructions from the War Department. I wish him---these gentlemen and others cooperating---without waiting for more territory, to go to work and give me a tangible nucleus which the remainder of the State may rally around as fast as it can, and which I can at once recognize and sustain as the true State government. And in that work I wish you, and all under your command, to give them a hearty sympathy and support. The instruction to Gov. Shepley bases the movement (and rightfully too) upon the loyal element. Time is important. There is danger, even now, that the adverse element seeks insidiously to pre-occupy the ground. If a few professedly loyal men shall draw the disloyal about them, and colorably set up a State government, repudiating the emancipation proclamation, and reestablishing slavery, I can not recognize or sustain their work. I should fall powerless in the attempt. This government, in such an attitude, would be a house divided against itself. I have said, and say again, that if a new State government, acting in harmony with this government, and consistently with general freedom, shall think best to adopt a reasonable temporary arrangement, in relation to the landless and homeless freed people, I do not object; but my word is out to be for andPage 2 not against them on the question of their permanent freedom. I do not insist upon such temporary arrangement, but only say such would not be objectionable to me. Yours very truly A. LINCOLN.

Annotation[1] ALS, CSmH. See Lincoln to Banks, August 5, supra. On October 1 Thomas J. Durant wrote Lincoln that, ``By your letter to General Banks, you appear to think that a Registration of voters is going on under my superintendence, with the view of bringing on the election of delegates to a Constitutional Convention; but such is not the case. The means of communicating with a large portion of the state, are not in our power, and before the commencement of a Registration we ought to have undisturbed control of a considerable territory, at least the two congressional districts proclaimed as not being in rebellion. . . .'' (Enclosed with Durant to Stanton, October 5, 1863, DLC-RTL).

On December 11 Benjamin F. Flanders wrote: ``I have shown the copy, which you permitted me to take, of your letter to General Banks, to Mr. Durant Mr. Hahn, Judge Whitaker and a few others of our prominent union men, and it gives to all of them great encouragement and satisfaction. ``The letter has had the desired effect upon the Military leaders; they are stimulated to action by it. ``There is now, and I believe there will continue to be a commendable zeal and entire unity of action among the friends of the Government and its officers civil & military in the movement to form a State, a free State government for Louisiana. The measures taken for this great object will I think be stamped with prudence, and we hope their result will meet your expectations.'' (DLC-RTL).

To Joseph Holt [1]Execution suspended till further orders. Nov. 5. 1863 A. LINCOLN

Annotation[1] AES, DNA WR RG 153, Judge Advocate General, MM 1061. Lincoln's endorsement is written on a telegram from Andrew G. Curtin, November 5, 1863, asking respite for Samuel Wellers. See Lincoln to Meade, November 3, infra.

To George G. Meade [1]Major-General Meade, Executive Mansion, Army of Potomac: Washington, D.C., November 5, 1863. Please suspend the execution of Samuel Wellers, Forty-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, until further orders. A. LINCOLN.

Annotation[1] Tarbell (Appendix), p. 398. See Lincoln to Holt, supra.

To Edwin M. Stanton [1]Let private Noble be discharged. A. LINCOLN. Nov. 6. 1863.

Annotation[1] AES, owned by Carl Tollefsen, Brooklyn, New York. Private Noble has not been identified. Page 3

To Edwin M. Stanton [2]If Gen. Whipple is entitled to have an Assistant Adjutant General appointed, let the appointment be

made as within requested. Nov. 6. 1863 A. LINCOLN

Annotation[1] AES-IHi. Lincoln's endorsement appears on a letter of Brigadier General William D. Whipple, Pottsville, Pennsylvania, October 2, 1863, to Adjutant General Lorenzo Thomas, requesting that Second Lieutenant Robert H. Ramsey, Forty-fifth Pennsylvania Militia, be appointed assistant adjutant general of Volunteers with the rank of captain. Ramsey was appointed on December 5, 1863, and was confirmed by the Senate on February 29, 1864.

To Isaac R. Diller [1]Capt. Isaac R. Diller Executive Mansion, Dear Sir: Washington, Nov. 7, 1863. I must decline to take charge of Dr. Wetherell's interests. If he presents a claim to congress, or the court of Claims, I shall be ready to testify the whole truth, so far as within my knowledge. As to my ordering him back to the Agricultural Department, and fixing his Salary as you and he may think right, it is wholly inadmissable. The law does not authorize me to do any of these things Yours truly A. LINCOLN

Annotation[1] ADfS, DLC-RTL. See note to Lincoln's memorandum of November 2, supra. On November 4 Diller wrote Lincoln from Willard's Hotel: ``I find that my health is suffering by remaining here, and I beg you to accept this as my excuse for troubling you with this letter. ``It is important that I should be placed in possession of the views of Your Excellency with regard to this powder matter, at your earliest convenience, in order that many expenses, such as the rent of the building at Westville, N.J. the services of a watchman, &c &c. may be stopped. There is plenty of powder already made to test its merits . . . and with your permission will join my family in Illinois and there await the result. . . .'' Diller continued with an expression of hope that Dr. Charles M. Wetherill would not ``suffer in consequence'' of his services on the powder project: ``Should it be the pleasure of Your Excellency to remand him to the Department from which he was detailed, and he is now in this City awaiting that pleasure, I beg that the Commissioner of Agriculture may be informed of your wishes in regard to his future position. . . . The Commissioner should issue to Dr. Wetherill, a salary upon which he can live respectably with his family in Washington. . . .'' (DLC-RTL). Concerning Wetherill's dismissal from his post as chief chemist of the Department of Agriculture, Representative-elect Godlove S. Orth of Lafayette, Indiana, wrote Lincoln on October 16, 1863: ``I regret to learn that a constituent of mine, Dr. C. M. Wetherill `Chemist of the Dept. of Agriculture,' has received from the Agricultural Comr. under date of Oct. 1, a rather summary dismissal from that Department. ``Dr. W. was specially detailed by your order, of date April 4, '63, for 30 days to make certain experiments in Gunpowder, which detail was afterwards on the 2nd. day of May extended by the Comr. `until notified to the contrary.' ``Under this state of facts Dr. W. and his friends regard the action of the

Page 4Commissioner as harsh and arbitrary and look with confidence to your kind sense of Justice to see that Dr. W. is not thus summarily dealt with. . . .'' (DLC-RTL). Apparently Lincoln took some sort of action, for a contemporary copy of Isaac Newton's letter to Wetherill, dated ``Novr. 1863'' reads as follows: ``Your salary as Chemist of the Department of Agriculture will be fixed at the rate of $2500 per annum, to commence from November 1st. of the current year. ``I will grant you a furlough of two weeks from the date of your remand to this Department for the purpose of bringing your family from the West.'' (DLC-RTL).

To Edwin M. Stanton [1]November 7, 1863 Please have an enquiry made at once, whether Dr. E. Z. Baird may not be allowed to return to his home in Mississippi.

Annotation[1] Copy, DNA WR RG 107, Secretary of War, Letters Received, P 203, Register notation. The copy of Lincoln's note preserved in the register indicates referral to General Robert C. Schenck.

To William B. Astor and Robert B. Roosevelt [1]William B. Astor & Robt. B. Rosevelt Washington City, New-York Nov. 8 1863 I shall be happy to give the interview to the committee as you request. A. LINCOLN.

Annotation[1] ALS, RPB. Astor and Roosevelt telegraphed on November 7 that ``a committee of Merchants & citizens of New York ask an interview with the President on Monday morning . . . on important business.'' (DLC-RTL). See Lincoln to Astor and Roosevelt, November 9, infra.

To Samuel C. Pomeroy [1]Private. Executive Department Hon. S. C. Pomeroy Washington City My dear Sir: Nov. 8th. 1863 I have examined Killingworths evidence in Capt. Levy's case, and I must say it makes too bad a record to admit of my interference---in fact, it could not be worse. In the nature of the case, K. alone, of all competent witnesses, can know whether Capt. L's hypothesis is true or false; and he most fully disproves it. He fully proves also that Capt. L. sought to have him testify falsely. To interfere, under the circumstances, would blacken my own character. Yours truly A. LINCOLN

Annotation[1] ALS-P, ISLA. No correspondence with Pomeroy in regard to this case has been located, and

Killingworth has not been identified. Captain Cheme M. LevyPage 5 of New York, assistant quartermaster of Volunteers, convicted of signing a false certificate relating to pay of men under his command, was cashiered on October 9, 1863 (AGO, General Orders No. 332).

To John J. Astor, Jr., and Others [1]Private, except to Gen. Dix Executive Mansion Washington DC. Nov. 9. 1863 Gentlemen Upon the subject of your letter I have to say that it is beyond my province to interfere with New-York City politics; that I am very grateful to Gen. Dix for the zealous and able Military, and quasi civil support he has given the government during the war; and that if the people of New-York should tender him the Mayoralty, and he accept it, nothing on that subject could be more satisfactory to me. In this I must not be understood as saying ought against any one, or as attempting the least degree of dictation in the matter. To state it in another way, if Gen. Dix' present relation to the general government lays any restraint upon him in this matter, I wish to remove that restraint. Yours truly Messrs. J. J. Astor, Jr. A. LINCOLN R. B. Rosevelt Nathl Sands.

Annotation[1] ADfS, DLC-RTL. A petition bearing twenty-one signatures, including those of the men addressed, November 7, 1863, reads as follows: ``The undersigned representing in the City of New York both political parties have offered Gen Dix the nomination for Mayor and finding some hesitation on his part arising from his official position ask President Lincoln in view of the great national importance of the matter to request Gen. Dix to accept the nomination.'' (DLC-RTL). John A. Dix wrote Lincoln on November 10: ``Your letter in regard to the Mayoralty of this City reached me after I had declined the nomination. There were many insurmountable objections of a personal character to my acceptance; but I was also of the opinion that I could be more useful to your administration where I am, and many of your most discreet friends coincide with me. I did not understand your letter as expressing any opinion or wish on the subject, but merely as an intimation that, so far as depended on you, obstacles would be removed, should I deem an acceptance advisable. If I could have a few minutes' conversation with you, I know you would be satisfied that my decision is right. I am only anxious to be where you think I can be most useful to the country. . . .'' (Ibid.).

To Ambrose E. Burnside [1]Major Gen. Burnside Washington, D.C., Knoxville, Tenn. Nov. 9. 1863. Have seen despatch from Gen. Grant about your loss at Rogersville. [2]Per-contra, about the same time Averell & Duffie got considerable advantage of the enemy at and about Lewisburg Va; [3] and on Page 6Saturday, the 7th. Meade drove the enemy from Rappahannockstation, and Kellys-ford, capturing 8 battle-flags, four guns, and over eighteen hundred prisoners, with very little loss to himself. Let me hear from you. A. LINCOLN

Annotation[1] ALS, RPB. Burnside replied at 1 A.M. on November 12: ``Your dispatch received. The Telegraph lines have been down since Saturday night, so that we could not communicate with Genl Grant. Our loss at Rogersville was about five hundred (500) old troops and one hundred & fifty (150) new troops. Four (4) pieces of artillery and thirty six (36) wagons with all the baggage & ammunition of two (2) Regts & a battery the principal loss was in the Second Tennessee mounted Infantry. The Seventh Ohio Cavalry lost about one hundred (100) men & Phillips Illinois Battery about forty (40). The force at that point consisted of these two (2) Regts & the Phillips Battery with some recruits for a new Tennessee Regt. The rebel attacking force amounted to thirty five hundred (3500) mounted men under Gen Sam Jones. They captured about six hundred horses & equipment & as many stand of small arms. An investigation is being made as to the cause of defeat. I at first thought it was the result of carelessness on the part of the Comdg Officer Col Garrard & want of steadiness on the part of the men but as the Investigation progresses I am becoming satisfied that it is result of the necessity for holding so long a line between two formidable forces of the Enemy. It seems to be impossible to be sufficiently watchful to prevent trouble when so many points are assailable. We were holding the line from Washn. on the Tenn. River to the Watauga. The troops of this command have behaved so well that I shall be glad to find that no one was censurable for the defeat. I send you a cipher dispatch. We were all rejoiced to hear of the Successes in Western Virginia & in the Army of the Potomac.'' (DLC-RTL). [2] This sentence was revised by Lincoln. He originally wrote: ``Have just seen your despatch to Mrs. B. about your loss at Rogersville. Had before seen substantially the same in a despatch from Gen. Grant.'' The despatch to ``Mrs. B.'' has not been found, but Grant's despatch to Halleck of 1:30 P.M., November 7, is printed in the Official Records (I, XXXI, III, 74). [3] William W. Averell and Alfred N. Duffie.

To Benjamin F. Flanders [1]Hon. B. F. Flanders Executive Mansion My dear Sir: Washington, D.C. Nov. 9. 1863 In a conversation with Gen. Butler he made a suggestion which impressed me a good deal at the time. It was that, as a preliminary step, a vote be taken, yea or nay, whether there shall be a State convention to repeal the Ordinance of secession, and remodel the State constitution. I send it merely as a suggestion for your consideration, not having considered it maturely myself. The point which impressed me was, not so much the questions to be voted on, as the effect of chrystallizing, so to speak, in taking such popular vote on any proper question. In fact, I have always thought the act of secession is legally nothing, and needs no repealing. Turn the thought over in your mind, and see if in your own judgment, you can make any thing of it. Yours very truly A. LINCOLN Page 7

Annotation[1] ADfS, DLC-RTL. No specific reply from Flanders has been discovered, but see the note to Lincoln's letter to Banks, November 5, supra, for the text of Flanders' letter of December 11, 1863.

To Stephen T. Logan [1]Executive Mansion,

Dear Judge Washington, Nov. 9, 1863. Col. Lamon had made his calculation, as he tells me, to go to Illinois and bring Mrs. L. home this month, when he was called on to act as Marshal on the occasion of dedicating the Cemetery at Gettysburg Pa on the 19th. He came to me, and I told him I thought that in view of his relation to the government and to me, he could not well decline. Now, why would it not be pleasant for you to come on with Mrs. L. at that time? It will be an interesting ceremony, and I shall be very glad to see you. I know not whether you would care to remain to the meeting of congress, but that event, as you know, will be very near at hand. Your friend as ever A. LINCOLN.

Annotation[1] ALS, owned by Mrs. Logan Hay, Springfield, Illinois. No reply has been found. Stephen T. Logan was Ward H. Lamon's father-in-law.

To George G. Meade [1]Washington, Major-General Meade: November 9, 1863---7.30 p.m. I have seen your dispatches about operations on the Rappahannock on Saturday, and I wish to say, ``Well done.'' Do the 1,500 prisoners reported by General Sedgwick include the 400 taken by General French, or do the whole amount to 1,900? A. LINCOLN.

Annotation[1] OR, I, XXIX, II, 443. No reply has been located. Meade's telegram to Halleck of 8 P.M., November 8 stated that ``Major-General Sedgwick reports officially the capture of . . . over 1,500 prisoners. Major-General French took over 400 prisoners . . .'' (Ibid., p. 435). Official figures for Confederate losses to Sedgwick at Rappahannock Station on November 7 were 1674 lost, captured and missing; at Kelly's Ford, Confederate losses to French were 359 captured and missing.

To John E. Mulford [1]Major Mulford Washington, D.C., Fort Monroe Nov. 9th 1863 Let Mrs. Clark go with Mrs. Todd A. LINCOLN

Annotation[1] ALS, RPB. ``9th'' and ``Fort Monroe'' are not in Lincoln's handwriting. See Lincoln to Todd, October 15, supra. ``Mrs. Clark'' was probably Mrs. AbrahamPage 8 Lincoln, who is known to have used the name ``Mrs. Clarke'' in later years when she wished to travel incognito (see Carl Sandburg and Paul M. Angle, Mary Lincoln, Wife and Widow, pp. 263, 275).

Order Concerning Export of Tobacco [1]Executive Mansion, Nov. 10, 1863. In consideration of peculiar circumstances, and pursuant to the comity deemed to be due to friendly Powers, any tobacco in the United States, belonging to the Government either of France, Austria, or any other State with which this country is at peace, and which tobacco was purchased and paid for by such Government prior to the 4th day of March, 1861, may be exported from any port of the United States, under the supervision and upon the responsibility of naval officers of such Governments, and in conformity to such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of State of the United States, and not otherwise. ABRAHAM LINCOLN.

Annotation[1] DS, DLC-Samuel $$$ New York Times, January 20, 1864. No official copy or original document has been located for this order.

To John M. Schofield [1]Gen. Schofield Washington, D.C., St. Louis, Mo. Nov. 10. 1863 I see a despatch here from St. Louis which is a little difficult for me to understand. It says ``Gen. Schofield has refused leave of absence to members in Military service to attend the Legislature. All such are radical and Administration men. The election of two Senators from this place on Thursday will probably turn upon this thing'' What does this mean? Of course members of the Legislature must be allowed to attend it's sessions. But how is there a session before the recent election returns are in? And how is it to be at ``this place''---that is---St Louis? Please inform me. A. LINCOLN

Annotation[1] ALS, RPB. General Schofield replied the same day, ``The legislature meets at Jefferson City today. The recent election was not for members of the Legislature except perhaps to fill vacancies. I have not authority to grant leaves of absence to officers except in case of sickness. The orders of the War Dept. expressly forbid it. I have informed members of the Legislature who are in the Military service that I will accept their resignations to enable them to attend the session of the Legislature. There are but few of them & they are about equally divided between radicalls & conservatives. If authorized to do so I will grant the leaves of absence long enough to elect senators but I would not think it proper for them to be absent all winter and still retain their commissions in the army.'' (DLC-RTL). See Lincoln to Schofield, November 11, infra. Page 9

To Hiram Barney [1]Hon. Hiram Barney Executive Mansion

New-York. Washington, D.C. Nov. 11. 1863 I would like an interview with you. Can you not come? A. LINCOLN

Annotation[1] ALS, RPB. Charles P. Clinch, assistant collector of customs, replied at 1:30 P.M., ``Mr Barney had left for Washington before the receipt of your message'' (DLC-RTL).

To Montgomery Blair [1]Hon. M. Blair Executive Mansion Washington D.C. My dear Sir Nov. 11. 1863 Mr. Crisfield's letter which you inclose, is received. Let Mr. S. [2] procure the sworn statement of the election judges at any voting place, as to what may be deemed the misconduct of any military officer, and present it to me, and I will call any such officer to account who shall by such statement appear to have violated, or transcended his orders. Yours truly A LINCOLN

Annotation[1] ADfS, DLC-RTL. The letter from defeated congressman John M. Crisfield, November 8, 1863, enclosed by Blair with a note dated November 11, is as follows: ``Order No 53 of Gen. Schenck is already known to you. In obedience to that order, large bodies of troops were moved into this Congressional District on Monday last; and between that and Wednesday morning, the day of the election, they were distributed to all the voting places, where they remained during the day, watching and interfering with the election. ``In my own County, (Somerset), some two or three hundred cavalry, fully armed, with carbines, swords, & pistols, and well mounted, were marched through various parts of the County on Tuesday; and at the hour of opening the polls on Wednesday morning, they were found at each voting place, in squads, numbering from 5 to 30 each. They at once took control of the election, and had it all their own way. . . . in the Union districts, where I was supposed to be strong, their control was exercised in the most absolute way. In one Election District, (Tangier), the officer pulled from his pocket a yellow, or Cresswell [John A. J. Creswell] ticket, and said that no other was to be voted there . . . and every man approaching the polls, with any other ticket, was turned back by an armed force. . . . In . . . other districts . . . the same thing was done . . . many persons who offered to take the oath prescribed by Order No. 53, and were legally qualified voters, were turned down. . . . In . . . Hungary Neck, the officer in command at the opening of the Polls, ordered every ticket to be examined, before it was put into the box; and if it had my name on it, the voter was required to take the oath before the ballot could go in. . . . The consequence was, not over 50 pr. ct. of the vote of the District was cast. . . . In this election District (Princess Anne) the polls were surrounded by the cavalry dismounted, and armed as stated; and each voter was obliged to come up, one at a time, through files of soldiers, to the box, where stood the commanding officer, (Capt [Charles C.] Moore 3rd Md. Cavalry) challenging each as he came up, and requiring oath to be administered to him, before the vote was received. One vote was so received; when the next camePage 10 up, who happened to be my son, the Captain challenged him, and before the oath was put to him, commenced a series of questions as to his loyalty, and political

opinions, the means of suppressing the rebellion, his willingness to give up all his property to put down the rebellion, &c. and when he had got through, he turned to the judges, and ordered the oath to be administered. At this point the judges said, `we do not approve of this mode of conducting the election---, we must adhere to the laws of the state; and if we are not permitted to do so, we submit to arrest.' (The Capt had previously told them that unless they obeyed his orders, he would arrest them), and thereupon he did arrest them, and sent them off, under guard, to Gen. Schenck's Head-Quarters, and the election was broken up. The judges were on the bench just 12 minutes, and had taken but one vote. They proceeded to Salisbury, under guard, to take the train for Baltimore, and while waiting for that purpose, were put into the Guard House. After remaining there awhile, by the interference of Gen Lockwood, as was understood, they were released and reached home at one o'clock, on the following morning. . . . Capt. Moore said he had orders for his act but he did not exhibit them, as far as I know. I was an eye witness to this scene. . . . ``Proceedings of the same general nature, occurred in . . . every County. . . . In regard to this county authentic statements, verified by the most respectable witnesses, have been prepared; the originals of which have been sent to the Governor, and copies will be published in the County paper, a copy of which will be sent to you. ``It is not for me to suggest what can, or ought to, be done, but . . . public indignation is very highly aroused and will not be appeased, unless the proceedings of these military officers be disavowed and rebuked, and some assurance be given, that the outrage is not to be repeated. . . .'' (DLC-RTL). See Lincoln to Schenck, November 20, infra. [2] The initial ``S'' may be in error. Crisfield would be the person meant, and he did in fact procure affidavits.

To John Milderborger [1]John Milderborger Executive Mansion Peru, Indiana. Washington D.C. Nov. 11. 1863 I can-not comprehend the object of your despatch. I do not often decline seeing people who call upon me; and probably will see you if you call. A. LINCOLN.

Annotation[1] ALS, RPB. John Milderborger telegraphed on November 11, ``Can I speak with you if I come. Answer quick.'' (DLC-RTL). No further reference has been found.

To John M. Schofield [1]Gen. Schofield Washington, D.C., St. Louis, Mo Nov. 11 1863 I believe the Secretary of War has telegraphed you about members of the Legislature. At all events, allow those in the service to attend the session; and we can afterwards decide, whether they can stay through the entire session. A. LINCOLN

Annotation[1] ALS, RPB. See Lincoln to Schofield, November 10, supra. No telegram from Stanton to Schofield

about members of the legislature has been located. Page 11

To Edwin M. Stanton [1]Hon. Secretary of War. Executive Mansion, My dear Sir: Washington, Nov. 11, 1863. What is there about Major, or Capt. Beckwith? Signs appear that an unusual commotion is to occur somehow in this connection. Yours truly A. LINCOLN

Annotation[1] ALS, NHi; ADfS, DLC-RTL. An undated note from First Assistant Postmaster General Alexander W. Randall to Montgomery Blair is as follows: ``Col. Beckwith of the Commissary Bureau here has been ordered by the Secy. of War, to the West. No cause of complaint against him. I am intimately acquainted with him and he is of service to the President's friends here . . . Can you not speak to the President on the subject. He has means of getting hold of a good deal of information that our friends will need.'' (DLC-RTL). Blair endorsed Randall's note, ``The within is from Govr. Randall & explains itself. . . . I believe that it is intended to get some one here in other interests. I know Beckwith well & I suspect others will agree with me that he is a good officer. Burn this.'' No reply from Stanton or further reference has been located. Colonel (not Major) Amos Beckwith was certainly the officer referred to. He was transferred to St. Louis, Missouri (New York Tribune, November 12, 1863), and later ordered to Nashville, Tennessee, becoming after March, 1864, chief commissary of subsistence for the Military Division of the Mississippi.

To Edwin M. Stanton [2]Hon. Secretary of War. Executive Mansion, My dear Sir: Washington, Nov. 11, 1863. I personally wish Jacob R. Freese, of New-Jersey to be appointed a Colonel for a colored regiment--and this regardless of whether he can tell the exact shade of Julius Caesar's hair. Yours truly A. LINCOLN

Annotation[1] ALS, IHi. Jacob R. Freese, formerly a doctor of medicine in Bloomington, Illinois, was appointed captain and assistant adjutant general of Volunteers on August 24, 1861. He resigned on December 31, 1863, and there is no record of his further appointment, but see Lincoln to Stanton, February 24, 1864, and to Ten Eyck, September 19, 1864, infra.

To Edwin M. Stanton [1]Please let Gen. Harrow withdraw his resignation, & return to the service. A. LINCOLN Nov. 11. 1863.

Annotation[1] AES-IHi. Lincoln's endorsement appears on a letter from James Hughes, November 5, 1863, asking that the resignation of Brigadier General William Harrow of Indiana, late of the Army of the Potomac, be revoked: ``Gen. Harrow was compelled to resign by domestic affairs which required his presence in Indiana, but which will now permit him to return to the public service. He left thePage 12 army with regret, and is, I believe a valuable and efficient officer.'' Succeeding endorsements indicate that Harrow's resignation was cancelled. See Lincoln to Stanton, January 7, 1864, infra.

To John D. Defrees [1]Mr. Defrees---Please see this girl who works in your office, and find out about her brother, and come and tell me. November 12, 1863. A. LINCOLN

Annotation[1] Charles B. Boynton, History of the Great Western Sanitary Fair (1864), p. 183. The source also prints a letter from Defrees, December 15, transmitting Lincoln's note as an autograph to be sold at the Fair, which reads in part as follows: ``A poor girl in the employment of the Government printing-office had a brother impressed into the rebel service, and was taken prisoner by our forces. He desired to take the oath of allegiance, and to be liberated. She sought an interview with the President, who wrote the note, asking me to inquire into the facts, which I did, and the young man was liberated on the President's order.'' The girl has not been identified.

To Richard C. Vaughan or Officer in Command at Lexington, Missouri [1]Gen. Vaughan, or Executive Mansion, Officer in Command Washington, Lexington, Mo. Nov. 12. 1863. Let execution of William H. Ogden be suspended until further order from me. A. LINCOLN

Annotation[1] ALS, RPB. No reply has been found, and William H. Ogden has not been identified. Colonel James McFerran was in command of the Department of the Missouri with headquarters at Warrensburg. Presumably Captain Horace B. Johnson of Company L, First Missouri State Militia Cavalry was in command at Lexington.

To Edward Bates [1]Hon. Edward Bates Executive Mansion, My dear Sir. Washington, Nov. 13, 1863. Herewith I return the papers of the Western Sanitary Commission. You see an indorsement thereon, made by the Secretary of War, which expresses his view. While I approve heartily the object of the

commission, I wish to do nothing unsatisfactory to the War Department, in a matter pertaining to it's business. Yours truly A. LINCOLN

Annotation[1] ALS-IHi. The papers referred to in this letter have not been located, and no further reference has been found. Page 13

To E. H. E. Jameson [1]E. H. & E. Jameson Washington, D.C., Jefferson City, My [sic] Nov. 13. 1863 Yours saying Brown and Henderson are elected Senators, is received. I understand, this is one and one. If so, it is knocking heads together to some purpose. A. LINCOLN

Annotation[1] ALS, RPB. Lincoln's telegram is addressed to ``E. H. & E. Jameson,'' because the following telegram received from Jameson on November 13 was incorrectly transmitted: ``The radicals of Missouri have elected B. Gratz Brown & John B. Henderson U.S. Senators.'' (DLC-RTL). E. H. E. Jameson was a member of the state legislature from St. Louis.

Reply to John Conness upon Presentation of a Cane [1]November 13, 1863 The President then accepted the cane, and, with much emotion, replied that he never personally knew the Senator's friend, Mr. Broderick, but he had always heard him spoken of as one sincerely devoted to the cause of human rights. Testimony to this point of his character had been borne by those whom he had not intimately known, as also by those with whom he was personally and intimately acquainted, and, with all of them, the testimony had been uniform. The memento which was presented him by Senator Conness was of that class of things, the highest honor that could be conferred upon him. If, in the position he had been placed, he had done anything that entitled him to the honor the Senator had assigned him, it was a proud reflection that his acts were of such a character as to merit the affiliation of the friends of a man like David C. Broderick. Whether remaining in this world or looking down upon the earth from the spirit land, to be remembered by such a man as David C. Broderick was a fact he would remember through all the years of his life. The proudest ambition he could desire was to do something for the elevation of the condition of his fellow-man. In conclusion, he returned his sincere thanks for the part the Senator bore in this presentation, and to the memory of his great friend.

Annotation[1] Cincinnati Gazette, November 17, 1863. Senator John Con