the charleston daily news.(charleston, s.c.) 1869-03-10.€¦ · thedailynews. a»- largest...

THE DAILY NEWS. a»- LARGEST CIRCULATION.-THE DAILY MEWS CEING THE NEWSPAPER 0IF1CIALE» RECOGNIZED AS HAVING THE LAROKST CIR- OULA!ION |N THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, PUBLISHES THE LIST OF LETTERS REMAIN INO IN THE POSTOEFI0E AT THK END OE EACH WEEK. ACCORDING TO IHE PROVIS- (ONS OF THE NEW POsiTOFFICE LAW. THE DAILY NEWS will bo served to subscri¬ bers in tbe cit; at six DOTXIRS » year in advance, or at FiFTKEN CENTS a weet', payable to thc canters. LOCAL MATTERS. A UCTION SALES THIS DA Y. WILLIAM MCKAY will sell at'10 o'clock, at his salesroom. Meeting-street, furniture, crockery, Ac. JEFFORDS & Co. will sell at ll o'clock, at tho northwest corner of Lamons and Wharf streets, con¬ tents ot a crocery store. O. MCBRIDE SMITH will sell at 10 o'clock, at bis salesroom, ^road-street, carriage, horses, ko. MILES DRAKE «ill n il at 10 o'clock, in bis store, corner King and Lil city streets, dry goods, clothing and hats. N. HUNT b EON will eell at 10 o'clock, at their salesroom, Meeting-street, boots, chooa, brogans,Atc. B. M. MARSHALL k BROTHES will sell at half-past IC o'clock, in front ot their ornee, Broad-street, horses, mules, bc. HOLMES & MACBETH wiB sell at ll o'clock, In front of their office, Broad-street, two Une horcos. MEETINGS THIS DAY. Home Loan and Building Association, at 7 P. M. Fellowship Society, at 19 M. South Carolina Lodge, at 7 P. M. Fran 1dm Lodge, at 7 P M. Gorman Fire Company, at 7 P. M. THANKS.-Wo have received from General Superintendent Bawortb, by the courtesy of General Superintendent Peake, of the South Caroltca Bail- road, a compl'inontary pass over the Vicksburg and Meridian Railroad. THE fi AN LONS.-There was a good house last evening to witness the performance of this excel¬ lent troupe. A 1 though the bill of ihe previous even¬ ing was i oproduoed almost in toto, lt did not fail to interest tho audience, who frequently applauded. MORTALITY REPORT.-Tho report of the City Registrar for the week ending th- 0th Inst., chows a total of nineteen deatba, or which six aro white and thirteen colored. A s many as seven were under one yeer of age, and four more between one year and five years of apo. No white man died in this city last week, and only one white woman. LADIES' MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION.-The monthly report of the receipts and expenditures ol this Association lor February, 18C9, is as follows: To balance from January $97 92; to aatosroom account $130 26; to subiorlptiona 818 75; to donation SMI- total, $296 92. By cash paid, $205; balanceen band February 28th. $91 02;-total, $298 92. Amount of ordered work during tho month, tSJ 75. A CATHOLIC CHOROH WANTED AT ANDERSON COURTHOUSE.-Captain Magratu aud Mr. Konnedj are duly autho:ized by Rev. Fatbor McMahon, ol Greenville, and Bev. Er. Bermingham, Vi?ar Gene ral of this diocese, lo collect funds to old iu building a Catholic Church at Anderson Courthouse. Thor« has never yet been a Catholic Church at Anderson and one is much needed by tho Calli '-¡a of that sec Hon. Tho mission cf Captain MagratU and**Mr Kennedy is, therefore, commended to the kind anc favorable consideration of the generous Catholics o Charleston. *.> OUR NEW YORK STEAMERS.-The steam ves sela now l.\ljg from this port to New York are al first-class sh pa, aro well commanded, and mak< their trips with great régulaiity. The Blcam«hij Champion, Captain ». W. Lockwood, reached hen yesterday fore ooo, having left th it city Saturday P M. She biings evaluable freight and good pas«engei hst. We are under obligations to purser J. P. Gar- ness for New York papers of Satur lay forenoon, w lob, in consequence of tha failure of tho mail, were quite a convenience The Champion leave j loi New York asain on Saturday. THE STATE COURT-HON. R. B. CABPENTEI PRESIDING.-TUESDAY, MARCH 9 -IN TH Î GENERAL BE Sloss.-The Grand Jury found a true, bill again u W. H. Mishaw for abuse of power and making tile gal arrests, and were then discharged from furthe attendance upon the rourt. In the Cjtnmon Pleas.- 1 he court was occupied U] to the hour of adjournment in hearing the case o L. F. Koester ti», the Phoenix Insurance Compon; and others, »lev ra, Simons and Siegling for thi plaintiffs; Messrs. Simonlon & Darker and Mern minger for tho defendants. THE UNITED STATES COURT, MABOH 9.- HON. GEORGE S. BRYAN, PRESIDING Tho repor of Registrar dawson, ia the matter of Jan. D. Kirby, to sustain assignment ol property to bankrupt, as excepto i from the operation of the bankrupt law was confirmed, and property set off acordtngly The report of tie same Registrar on the petition o Jas. B. Jeter r.nd others, to establish lien, was con Armed. It was further ordered that the araignée sell the real anc* personal property of the said bank rapt, B. Bentley, to a sufficient amount to pay Un costs, Ac, and after satisfying all prior Kens, pay t< .James B. Jeter $2218 81, provided ibit the genera costs do not interfere with the right of any Ben, enc to Tho i. B. Jeter $179 79, to James T. Douglass and wife, $2312 22, with interest on aU the above sum* from August 20, 1868. The assignees shall abo pa3 $1062 20, costs of prosecution, and Registrar Olaw- son abai 1 advertise for claims and call m liens within three weeks. CLUBS AND STABS.-The number of cases bc- fore the Mtyor are becoming beautifully less, as wfl bo seen by yesterday'» docket: Richard Pickling, colored, arrested for steaUnf .cotton from Mensis. Goldsmith A Son, Vendu« Bange, waa turned over to a magistrate, v Nellie Cook, Ann Hoy ward and sallie Washington, aU colored, who made a rumpus at the corner ol Ohurcti-itrect and Et Michael's alley, were sent up for five days Celia McDermott, white, found lying do wn drunk 'in Bull-street, was fined 810. There was a severo tight yesterday on East Boy In a boarding house, between two white men named Herron and McCaffrey; ono of them wai considerably bruised. Jamos Morris, colored, who stilo a turkey from Mr. Carrihgtou's premise*, No. 30 Corni ig-stroet, on tbe 7th instant, was arrested yesterday by the de- ? toctives. Ihe colored man who Jkoops the Houso of Corre> tion is requested to provo ht» complaint. THE MAYORALTY CONTEST.-Tho following .paper was sei Ved on thé Acting Major und Aldermen yesterday, and will be prOporly considered ia goud To George W. Clark. J. D. Ocdllngs. L. T. Potter, , Alex. Lindstrom, Walter C. dj, H. B. Olnoy Wm G. Whildon, chalks Voigt, A. S. Mursball, H. J*. Meore. R. E. Derocf, J. H. Honour and W. Wes¬ ton. Ac lng Mayor und Aldormen of tho City of Charleston, and to evoiy ono of them, ureeUnff : We, tho undersigned, havlug beeu dOOlar d by you 10 have received, on the lOih dav of November, ?'S",»1808, ,Lo '»»geat numbc of votes for the seve¬ ral offices of Mayor nod Aldermen ot the City or Charleston, now, by vlrtuoof said declaration, and ia; pursuance ol second section of an act entitled «An act to c mfirm and declaro valid tho recent e ec *M*MM ^rd A-1,,?rmcn ,of tu" WW Charles¬ ton, apprbvèd March 1. A. D. 1809, do demand of you that W fortbwiUa do tarn over to us aU the property, booka and rapers pertaining to your seve¬ ral and respective offices, and that j ou do vacate and surronder to ns our sevor .1 and respective ofll- caa. We are duly qualin jd to oxero se our resoec Uve office*. ^ PTLI«BUBY, Mayor. .TAMK* W. GEBENS, Aide ta m Ward No. 1. .- ?', Aid'rman Wara No. I.' " «-1-. Alderman Ward No. 2. P. W. M. MACKEY, Alderman Ward No. 2. DAVZD BARROW, Alderman Ward Nw 3. T. J. Mf KEV, Alderman Ward NO. 3. Ronr HOWARD, Al 'ermon Ward No. 8. O. I. CUNNINGHAM, Aldi ronan Ward No. 4. RICHARD HOLLOWAY. Alderman Ward No. 4. -, Alderman Wald No. 4. -"..."T-».. Alderman Ward Ho. 4. . W. R. H. HAMPTON, Alneiman Ward No. 4. L. F. WALL, alderman Ward No. 0. P. M. THORN«, Alderman Ward Na 5. M. H. COLLINS. Alderman Ward No. A. M. Fmowv, Aldermen Wa d Ka A K. P. WALL, Alderman Ward flo. 7. THO« K £MALL. Alderman Ward No. 8. Oliy Of Charleston, 8. 0., March 8,18«9. REAI, EBTATB SALES.-Tho following eales of real estate wore effected yosterday. The market is ?till tomowhat i-mo ti vt: By A. O. MoGilHvray, under decree in equity for Sheriff Mackey-Lo» No. 170 King-st root, 29 by 99 feet, $1500; ouc-third cash, balam o in one, two and three years. By Leitch & Ptuna-Lot 110 by IBO f««>t with private re-ideuoo tberoon, corner ol Tradd and Orange-streets. $8700; one-quarter cash, balance in one. two and three yoars. Also, lot 10 by 140 foot, with twoand ahalf wooden- building tbercon, south side Bcid-strcet $1150; ono-tblrj caab, balacee in ono year. By K. M. Man-ball ir Bro.-A tract of laud In furn- morville, touih Carolina, botween Saw Mill Branch and Main-street, containing ton aero?, ISOoMh. #liO, lot 183 by 200 teet, noithcast corner Ashley and Doughty-streets, with buildings thereon, $H,CO0; one-third cai-1», balance in one and two yoars. REPOBTEBS' CBUMBS.-Mr. "W. J. England, a popular cx-employce ol the South Carolina Railroad, has been reappointed to bia old posit lim of general travelling agent ot tho road and ot the Atlantic sea¬ board steamships. St. Mark's Church baa of late boen robbed several times of cushions. Quicksilvering over keya, rings and pencil-cases is all the ra KO here now. It is claimed to be a new dis¬ covery, but is as old aa Methnae ah. The wild rumor afloat last evenir g that the Pills- buryitea meditated an attack on the City Hall was unfounded. The Bioid-strect and East Tay merchant» were disappointed yesterday by not seeing the lelcoipedo in that vicinity. To day the Acting Board of Aldermen will muk ' a return to the demand made on them yesterday for a surrender of effioe. The resolution unanimously adopted in Council last night, loo oking to an election to fill vacancies in the Board of Al dat men, does not look like "caving in." It is stated, on good authoiity, that tbe High School will be self-sustaining this year. On S linday morning laajfcaho car i-hod of tho South Carolina natl road Company at 4ugUBta took fire frome spark from a passing locomotive, but tho flames were ex'ingulshed hy Mr. 3. W. Meredith and a negro, before much damage was done. HOTEL A KUI VAL H. MAJ; CH 9-Charleston Ho¬ tel.-a P Davis aid wife, Georgia; George T Jackson and two sons, Augusta; Jahn Barría, Georgia; M J O'Brien, Augusta; C B Mott, Cc lumbla; A J Long¬ shore, Sou h Carolina; O M Poe, Washington, D C; W D Love, TL James, wife and son, New York ; Joseph Findley, Brooklyn; J E Jenkins and wife, J C At water and wife, E Spencer, J 8 Brice, J T Whit-' ney and w'.fe, John WTomklns, P Lynch and son, John S BarneB, P Boat'ey, Mrs Bo tty, Mra 8 D Harris son, Sew York; A H Yass, Montreal; J JG Smith, P hilado phi a ; J M Decker, H Winchester, New York; A rs P Blanchard, Wra Wristey, WB Blanchard, Washington, D C; J P Bowe, DW Bo ween, A B Whit marth, Mrs Bingham, T B Buick- iugion, l< ev Mr Thurston, B.Burket. New York; J oseph Tiff, H J Tiff, Montreal; J A Manning, B D Hasoll, Charles Reirison, New York; J H Bowler, Maine; J M Merrill, California; W C Muldon, Ala¬ bama; W M Howell, Alphar.. tti; John Hagalj, Geor- . ii; JO Courtney, South Carolina; J B Brantley, Georgia; A C Brick waller, B F Owen, E f cull, Penn¬ sylvania; A D Brcdeii'-k, E J Brederick. WB '1 rector, south Carolina. ii) Pavilion Hotel.-O Way, Blackville; JT pendarvis, Suuumorville; N G Allman, Frankhn, N C; W B Elmore, Wbitmire; J A Garrett, Spartauburg; Benry Heins, Fairfield ; A J Horger, M V Watiz, A Smoke, Ordngeb urg; J E fcott. Williamsburg; J Keith and wife, lirum'onsville; W G TJteey, George's; Geo E Pengrie, Darlington ; Geo H Griffin, Now York; W F Smith, J Leland, New Orleans; Joe March, Gaylord's Troupe. Cm CoUKOTL.-The regular meeting of Council wis held lest ev< ning in the Chamber, City Hall. Presen t-The Mayor, Aldermen Potter, Whll. den. Olney, i'cr. cf. Geddings, Honour, Cade, Lind¬ strom, Voigt, Moore and Mar-hall. Tho petition of tax-payers, calling attention to the condition of Coming-?treet, from 'Spring to Line street«, and tbe condition of St Philip-street, was referred to the Committee on Streets. X he petition ot G. Logeriran, for relief from tax¬ es, waa referred to the Committee on Assessments. The return of the City Sheriff or February, show¬ ing $597 6 09 paid into the treasury, was received as information. A communication from the Commissioners of the Market, In relation to paving and cisterns, was re¬ ferred to the Committee on Streets. A communication from L. J. Bax bot, Esq., request¬ ing a reconsideration of the action of Council at the 1 ast meeting in reference to his office, was laid over for further consideration. The application of Elizabeth O'Gorman, for junk shop license, wa? roierred to the Committee on Li¬ censes. Sundry accounts were referred to appropiiate com¬ mittees. A communication frem Di. George S. Pelzer, in reference to certain lola filled with scavenger matter, and a co mmunication from sundry citizens in rela¬ tion to planking Line-street, were referred to the Committee on streets. A communication from the Commissioner* of the Alms House, lu rotation to the removal of the in¬ mates of the Old Folk's Home to the Alms House, and stating that the building cannot accommodate them, and making suggestions m reference to their location at another point where tbey oan be self- sustaln'ng, was referred to the Committee on Hos¬ pitals, with power to act. The resignations of Aldermen Bobert Howard and O. I. Cunningham were ao-epted. A me merni of Wm. Lebby and others in relation to the property of West Point M ill and the building of a street to ti e rol l, «as referred to the Committee on Streets. A ©omrr.TUîioation from the City Auditor calllog attenUo J to fojtiou ilxty-nine ol the «ot of the Leg- lslature providing for an assessment of taxes and tho appointment of a Board of Equalization, was re¬ ferred to the Committee of, Ways and Means with pow« to act. A communication from Captain Peed, stating that another thousand feet of the shell road ta complete J, was re,- el ved fis informât lo i. 'The Committee on streets reported favorably on putting a drain In liberty-street Adopted. The favoi able report of the Committee on license«, on sundry petitions for auctioneers, tavern«, and removal of cerain junk shop licenses, was adopted. Thc Committee on account* reported favorably on sundry bills an.omiting to ï 5232 CC. Adopted. Th'i bill to amend an ordinance eu tl tod an ordi¬ nance to reorganize .ne Board of Health came up for a second reading, and the bill was Indefinitely post¬ poned. It was moved by Aïdoiman WhfIden,and seconded by Alderman Voigt that L. J. Barbot, Esq., he al¬ lowed to make anv<xplanction offals official conduct ho may desire. Carried. It wac moved by AldermaD Whllden, and seconded by Alderman-Honour, that tho Mayor bo requested to take into consideration the propriety of ordering a now ol- cüíJfí to fill vacancies t xis ting in Council. Unanimously carried. Thc ordlnutcci to coriv. rt city six portent, slock into cou;on.bonds was rallfied. BUSINESS NOTICES. To THE PLANTEBS OF SOUTH CABOLWA ANT> GEORGIA. -Believing "WRAITH'S" BAW BOMB bu- PERT-HOSl-BATX OV IlUE to bo fltllv equal to the best Fertilizers in market, and superb: to many, and being désirons of having it thoroughly tooted, we have concluded to offer the following Premiums; lat. Förtha largest yield of Coton ft oil an acre of land, a si i vor Pitcher worth $100. 2d. For the sec- end largest yield of Cotton from an acre of land, a Silver Pitcher worth $60. 83. For the largest yield ot Corn from an cere of land, a bllvei Goblet worth $M. The above premiums will be awarded whets "WHAWKS",?. BAW BOSE SUPKHPHOSPHATE a'one ls used on the acre producing the yield. Those applying for the premiums will be required to fm n sh sauafaoto y evidence of the amount prov ouced on the acre, and a statement of the manner in which they applied the manure A limited amount only ot this I hose-bate will be distributed during Uta season. Prices, delivered on (ht Carn at Charleston, ÎC5 per ton, rash; or £70 for approved t Hy accept ancos, payable lat Novern i er. CLA&HORN, HEHR$r$G * CO., Accommodation Wharf. Charleston, S. C.. - - i?0 *°- 7 Block, Augusta. Ga. Fobrusry23 * ' lmo FASHIONABLE TAILORING.-A tt eut iou is callotj to the advert moment nf Mr. John R ughchiior, who has just returned froan the North and openei a narr stock of fa: hionablo. (jocds at hts est ab! Isl mont, Nc. 141 King-street; where hois j reparón to cut, flt and make gentlemen's and youths' clothiig lu tho latest styles. -c- FREEDMEN'S SAVINGS BANK.-Special atten¬ tion ls called to the notice of tho Cashier of the Na¬ tional Frccdnitu's FavUige and Trust Company, which appears m another column. MULE BOOTS.-The attention of p'antera is called to th- advertisement of F. F. Chapeau, Meet¬ ing-street, next lo Mills Home, which states that mule hoots, BO neccB:ary in ploughing rice flolds, aro marufictureJ by bim. THE PROPRIETORS OF "Whann's Raw Bone Supeiphosphate ot Lime cordially invite farmers, dealers aad b hers interested ia procuring a first- class manure, to call and examine their works, soe process of manufactuie, and insp ct the materials used. T.hey have no secrets, Rivo full value, and guarantee their Phosphate to come up to the t ton- dard analysis. Cla/boni, Herring & Co. ere tho agents for the salo of lt in Aua usia and Charleston. February 23 Imo JHarriciL 6CBIPMAN-WEBB.-On Thursday morning. Febiuary ll. 1869. hy tho Kev. J. T. WIGHTMAN, HERMAN sell 1 I'M AN, of St. Stephen's, to ALYDA E. W., youngest daughter of Wu. lt. Wann, ol Charleston, !.. C. * /uncial lloticcs. 49-Tnc lt datives ama KrlcnH» of Mr. and Mrs. JOHN MAHONT. Jr., aro respectfully invites! to attend the Funeral of Mr. JOHN MAHONY, Jr., at the Et John's Lutheran Church. THIS AFTER NOON, at half-past 1 bree o'clock. The Masonic fraternity are respectfully iavited tc attend. _1*_March 10 #W Hibernian Society.- Tin* Member* of the Hibernian Society are respectfully invited t< attend the Furn ral of their late Brother Member Mr. JOHN MAHONY, Jav, irotu his lato residence No. 64 Tradd-Btrcet, THIS AFTERNOON, March 10, a Tbroo o'clock. "W. AIKEN KELLY, March 10 1 Secretary. 3fl?nol Helices. KW NOTICE". NATIONAL FREED MEN'i 8AVINÖS A>D TROST COMPANY, < HARLESlOl BKANCH, No. 74 BBOAD-i»TREET. - Mcney de posited Ot or bo ore the FIFTKENTH DAT OF MARCH will bo entitled to interest from MASCH Finer, O fivo per cent, per annum. Interest payable MAUCH JULY and NOVKVUMI. Interest of lour pt r cont per. annum paid fron dato of deposit on sums of $50 or more remalnia¡ on deposit thirty days or moro. * r' NATHAN BITTER, March 10 6_Cashier. OW NOTICE.-CONSIGNE ICS PER BARI HARRTET IT. BUS. EY, from Liverpool, are horeb notified that shs Inn been entered under tho Ftv Day Act, and alt gcods not permitted at the expire tion of that time »1.1 be scut to public stores. March 10 wm2 RWENEL fcjgP- KW HOW HOSTE LTER'S BITTEßÖ'.OUR] DYSPEPsI\.-TH':. WHOLE STORY IN* A.NÜ3 SH I LL.-The office cf thc stomach is to convert tb food into a cream-like semi fluid, called CHTMI This is effected par. ly by tho action of a solvent, cal ed thc gastric juico, which exudes from the con in of tho stomach, and partly by a mechanical mov meut of that oivan, which churns, as it were, tb dissolving ali ' en'. Th-j CHYME passes from tl stomach Into tho duodenum, or entrance to tb bowels, where it is sub,): chid to the action of tb bile, and the nut ri t ions portion of it converted inl a fluid called Chyle, which eventually becomt blood. Now, it is evident that if the great solvent, tt gastaftrjnice, is not produced in sufficient quaint; or if the mechanical a tiouof the etomich 1B nt sufficiently brisk, tho first process of digest on wi be bat imperfectly performed. It is also clear thu if the liver, which playa such an important part i changing the nourishing portion ol the CHYME inl the material of the blood, is congested, or In any ut natural cot di.ion, the second process will not t thoroughly accomplishel. Hie result of the ta failures lsdyaptpsii, complicated with i UlouBneas. The mode in which HOS i LITER'S BITTED operate in such c sc$ is this: They ii-vigora te tl cellular membrane of the ttomach,, which evolvi the gastric juice, thereby insuring an ample eufi ciency of th 3 fl aid to co m pict "ly dissolve the foo» They also act upoa the nerve of the et mich, eau lng an acceleration of the me:haaioal movemei necessary to rcduoe the food to a homogenem m'B9. They also act specifically upon tho live strengthening lt, and so enabling it to produce a ample and reculai supply of bile, for the purpose converting the nutritious particles of tho Chyme in Chyle, and prom te the passage through the bowe of the useless debris. lu this way HOSTET TER'S BIETERS eurady pepsla aud livor complaint. The explanation plain, simple, philosophical and true. March 8_PAP a * 6 *j®-TO CON3U MPIIVES.-THE ADVEI TISEB, having been rc stored to health in a fe weeks by a very simple remedy, after having Buffere several years, with a severo lung affection, (nd tbi dread disease Coarumniion, is anxious to mas known to hi> feliow-suffíi era the means of cure. To all who desire it, ho will send a copy of the pr: scriptloa u-cd (Loo.ol"nhargo), with the direction for prepaiing and vising "the same, which they wi find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Broach tas, kc. The object of the advert! er in sending tb prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread ii formation which ho conceives to bc invaluable | an he hopes every Bufferer will try bis remedy, as it wi cost tbem nothing : nd may prove a blessing. Parties wlsh'ng the prescription will please at drees Rev. 1DWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. February 3 _ gmoi *aT-THE EXTENT TO WHICH THE ADÜI TER ATI ON of Liquor* ia carried on in this com try makes it the duiy of tho pureba sor to invest gate the merits of the article offered for sole. It is well known fact that many of the Brandies, Winei Ac, ore manufactured from r'roneh Extracts, Essex tial Oils and Alcohol, which is poisonous, thoreb causing many injurious effects. The public ia justly suspicions of nearly every thing put up for sale under the name of Liquors, an the trade has been brought Into disrepute and ii order to insurs to those who doalre a Pure Article, I is only necessary for us to say that we Import Du-ec alt Brandlea, Wines and Oins, and warrant teem pei feely pure as or ie In al ly imported. All Bottled Liquors bearing; the labels elf W. f COBW1N & CO., can be relied oponas being pure. ..^Purchasers' should no ice that the Paper Ca, over the cork is not broken. We p íy for Bottles tha have our labels on, One Dollar per dozen, when rc tun ed. OWJ. S. MARlLN (LA IE GRUBEft ¿ M Ut UN s, will be ploaoed to soe bis friends and eui ?oroersBtWM S. CORWIN A CO., No. 275 King street, between Woolworth and Beauf.Un. tar AU7\RÏICLES SOLD FROM THI establishment of WM S. COB WI H *? CO , No. 278 King-street, between Wentworth and Beauftun, an of the FIRST QUAU TY. Ï hey sell no goori fi but who can be warrante 1 as PUBL AND GENUINE. Tblali an established fact._ MW ERRORS OF YOUTH.-A GENTLE MAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility Premature Beoay, and all the effect« of you hf il in- discretion,, will, for the. cake of suffering humanity .end free to all who need il, th 3 receipt and direc lions for making tho simple remedy by which he wai cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertís er's experience, can do so by addressing. In per iee confidence, JOHN B. OGDI N. No. 42 Cedar-street» "Kaw Yoi«. February 8_Brnos MW BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.-THI6 splendid Hair Dye ls the beat tn the world; thc only true and perleot Dye; härmtest, reliable, n«tintaneons; no disappointment; no rtdlouloui tints; remedies the fil effect* ot bad dyes; Invlgo rates and leaves the bair soft and beautiful slack oi brown. Koki by all Druggists and Perfumers; sad property applied at Batchelor's Wig Factory, Ila Bond-street New York, lyt January 3 ß\mtW m. MIJLE MUQTèM MULE BOOTS! MULE BOOIS *OR PiOUGHING IN RICE Ian 's manufacture'.! on nu improved style, and Bold low by F F. CHAPEAU, No. 68 Me< ting-street, Mnroh 10 0 Next to Mills Bouse. QHKIBUH LINE TO R116NU11A. THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RESPECTFULLY announce to t bo citizens ot Charleston that on and siter timi s ay, tho 11th inst., he wll establish a LINE OF OMNIBUSES, undor t> o superintendence of Mr. H. GATES, to run fiom the corner ot Meet¬ ing and Ltno-s.rcets, to Magnolia Avenue and the T lu ce Mlle HouBe. 'thoo OMNIBUSES will cave each terminus every hilf-hour lrom OA. M to 12 M., and every quat tor-hour from 2 to 6 P. M., and wtU run eve y day. Fare-10 cents A stiict adherence to Schedule guaranteed. Arrangements can bo mide for Pic-ntc Parties from samo date, ut s luge CfUcc, omer Uno and Meet ng-strects. 5 ItOBERT GRAH AM. J^TTEMTION, ABVEKTISERlä, TO Idt MONTGOMERY MAIL. TBIS 13 ONE OF THE MOST PROSPEROUS PA¬ PERS in the South, ls published daily lu Montgomery, the Capital of Alabama; has an ext nelvo circulation throughout tho State, and, offers advantages and in¬ ducements to advert! soi s which lew other journals can equal. A regular Ale of the paper may be seen at the PUBLIO READING BOOM, No. 3 BROAD-STREET, And contraots for advertising may be made with tho Agents in Charleston, WALKER, EVANS it COGSWELL. G. H. GIBSON dc CO., March 9 Proprietor*", Montgomery, Ala. T O BUSINESS MEN. THE SUMTER NEWS, PUBLISHED AT í-UMTER, S. C., t* OSE OF THE BEST PA PEES IN THE UP¬ COUNTRY; has a large circuation, and affords su¬ perior advantages as an advertising medium. Terms low. Addres DARR & 0>TEEN, February 22_Proprie! ors. LONDOIS AND PAillS EXPOSITIONS. F^IÖSB MEDALS 1 THE GEORGE A. CLARK'S O. 1ST. T. SIX COKU, SOtT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. r s- This favorite Thread being Six Cord to No. 80, purely Soft Finish, is recommended for its great superiority for Hand and Machine Sew¬ ing. FOR SALE BY THE Principal Wholesale, aiid Retail Dry Goods and Notion Dealers. February 27 3mo V KO AI 1 TO 30O horse power, inc'.nding the celebrated Corliss Out-off Engines, Slide Valve Sta¬ tionary Engines, Portable Engines, Ac. Also, Circu¬ lar Mnlay and Oang Saw Mills, Sugar Cane Mila, s hailing. Pulleys, Ac, Lath »nd Shingle Mills. Wheat and Com Mills, Circular saws. Belting, kc. Send for descriptive Circular and Price List. WOOD A MANN STEAM ENGINE CO.. 1 'ebruary 18 6mos_Utica New York. M. L. WILLEY'S Celebrated Cooking Stoves, " PHILANTHROPIST" AND *'CTV1XIAN,'' Manufactured at Troy, N. Y., and for sale by D, L. FÜLLE B TON, AUGUSTA, GA. THESE STOVES STAND UNBIViLLED FOB capacity, durability, convenience* and the gen¬ eral purpose* lo which Cookfh'y Stoves ore used. The PHILANTHROPIST is eatrahcavji plited, and has Ash Drawer; can bo mad" into a six boiler hole stove; bas oatt iron Witcr Tank galvanized, or enamel lined. A strictly first-class stove. The CIVILIAN lu ol u neat design, and ha« a fine large Oven. This steve ca i bi had with the extension Dack, sixho'o.', and ro-rrvoir when desired For furtlier iv t.ruction apply to D. L. FULLERTON, January 30 imos Ausuata, Ga JíijriíúKurul. >Xt;i2.^ïîiî{, ? TON SEED. 1 ¡HIE O EN DINE I XCKLMOTi ¿EA I-LAND ?EED, L the Colton o: wh ob s >ld ip this market af One Dollar and Forty Couts nor pound (j>l 4ti), tor sale lu lots io suit pureba o s, by WAL GUKNEY, Maroh 1 Imo No. 102 East Bay. HO-WE ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVING from the Moyune Districts of China tho «colees! chops of OREEN AND BLACK TEAS ot now reasons, which uro unrivalled fdr their"sVrength and delicacy flavor.' We, warrant our TEAS to ba pure ami uñ¬ ad .crated, abd to giro «on aral satisfaction. Aa we arc constantly I j receipt of largo cargoes of Teas, we are enabled to offer to tbo public the finest chops at a price that many dealers offer inferior Tea at. A trial and comparison will at once prove th's asser¬ tion, sud it bely remaius for the public to Judge of themselves. WM. S. CORWIN k CO., Mo. 27Ö King-street aar THE CELEBR ATED W. B. O. CLUB BOUSE GIN, pure, «oft and unequalled-W. 8. COR¬ WIN A OO,, Sole Agents. Medien? men of the high¬ est etaudlng acknowledge that Oin, in i's pure stale, ha« great medlo»! properties. We therefore place tha CLUB MOUSE OIN before the publie with tbs greatest confidence, and mora particularly to those who nae tt medicinally, as an article that only re quires to be known to be properly appreciated. mW »1M per bot* le. 81» per case. _ 49-ESSAYS FOR YOUNG MEN.-ON TBE Errors and abuses incident to Youth and Early Man¬ hood, w¿«a the humans view Of treatment and cure, cent by audi ttm ol charge. Add rena HOWABD j ASSOCIATION, to* P, Philadelphia, Pa. January SO Gmos Shirts ano /urni»l)infl QBooöa. THE Proprietor ot tho Gentlemen's Furnishing Good.-* Emporium, Mcotiug-street, near Market, desirous Jf brir.giiiR tli fanions STAR Shirts into general uso, aud bolioviug that it is ouly necessary for gen* lomon to wear these SHIRTS ?nee to be wei) pleased with them, will horoaftor of- (or them to his customers AND tho public generally ut cost price3. His stock ol Nock lies, lb caris and COLLARS will al*o bo sold at such prices as tn defy compéti¬ tion, and if sa'isfac'ion is not GIVEN he will ïe'.urn tho money. His chartres arc eo rea¬ sonable as ol i ost to make buyer* believe the articles are Riven AWAY. Jsuuary 1 Jpnints, (g)il5f ?tr. HcA^ERON, CO., NORTHEAST CORNER Meeting and Cumberland Streets. STEAM ENGINES GRIST MILLS CIRCULAR BAW MILLS, and MACHINERY. January 1 _6mo_ OILS! OILS ! OILS! 1000 GALLONS PURE WINTÉR LARD OIL 700 GALLONS PURE WINTER No. 1 LARD OIL 500 GALLONS PURE WINTER 8 PE RM OIL 500 GALLONS PURE MASON'S SPERM OIL 500 GALLONS PURE MACHINERY OIL 1000 GALLONS WHITE OAK LUBRICATING OIL 300 GALLONS REFINED NEATSFOOT OIL 300 GALLONS TANNER'S (STRAITS) OIL. CAMERON, DARKIiEV CO., Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland streets. January 1_6mo BELTING j_BELTING ! 5000 FEET OAK-TANNED LEATHER BELT¬ ING 5000 FEET GUM BELTING, 2, 3, 4, and 5 PLY 250 SIDES PATENT DRESSED LACE LEATHER 300 DOZEN METALLIC-TIPPED BELT LACING 100 BOXES BLAKE'S PATENT BELT STUDS 150 DOZEN TOLLMAN'S BELT HOOKS 750 YARDS GUM PACKING, 1-16 INCH TO 1 INCH THICK TUCK'S PACKING, i INCH TO li INCH DI¬ AMETER SOAPSTONE PACKING, i INCH TO 14 INCH DIAMETER WHITE AND BROWN JUTE PACKING ITALIAN HEMP PACKING RUBBER AND LEATHER HOSE MANHOLE AND HANDHOLE GASKETS OF ALL SIZES. CABUCHON, BARKLEY & CU., Northeast Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets. January 1 Hmo ROOFING TIX 500 BOXES IO 14x20 ROOFING TiN 800 BOXES IX 11x20 ROOFING TIN 100 BOXES IC 28x20 ROOFING TIN 50 BOXES IX 42x20 ROOFING TIN 25 BOXES IX 12x12 25 BOXES IX 14x20 20 BO&ÉS IX 10x20 20 BOXES IXX 14x20 20 BOXES LXXX 14x20 20 BOXES TXXXX 14x20 BLOCK TIN," T1NSMAN*S SOLDER, SPEL TER, Aro., &c, IN STOWS ANÍ) TO AltBl VB. CAMEKOV, B&UKLET öl CO., Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland airéete. January 1 arno BRASSJVÓRE STEAM GUAGES, GONGS, GUAGE COCKS STEAM BIBBS AND STOP COCKS, STEAM WHISTLES GLOBE AND CHECK VALVES, OIL CUPS WATER GUAGES, GLASS GUAGE TUBES MERCURY GUAGES, LOW WATER DETEC¬ TORS COPPER AND BRASS WIRE. CAMERON, BAB KLEY A COM Northeast Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets. January 1 Gmo BAR IRON, SHEET IRON ANS STEEL, WROUGHT AND CAST IRON PIPING, STEAM AND MALLEABLE CAST IRON FITTINGS, tor eteam and water. CAMEKOÄ, BARKLEY & CO.. Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland stree ta January 1 6mo WHITE LEAD, ZI3STO, J? -¿V-13STT 0, COLORS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac. RAW AND BOILED LINSEED OILS. t'AMKKO.V, BARKLEY ¿( CO., Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland streets. January 1- . 6mo OKFICM No. »75 KINO, OPPOSITE BASAL-STREET. January frr_ arno j- MPO UTE ii» OF TEAS, WINES. BRANDIES, ¿fcc. And Dealers in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. WM. ». CORWIN * OO. JWrO^eeUTered to all parts of tho City. Ruction Snlca. ¡lories BY HOL HES é¿ MACBETH, Auctioneers. Will be Bold THIS DAY. 10th Marth, nt ll oV!ot le¬ in front ol our office. No 30 i>ri ad-street, A floe GRAY HORSE, well broken to sin; lo and double harness, aud pleasant uuder tho saddle. ALSO. A Ano SADDLE HORSE. Torms cash. Merell 10 Boots, Shoe», Broyant, Balmorals, (Jailers, «Jr. BY N, H UFT & SON. TniS DAY, tho 10th instant, at 10 o'clock, In our salesroom, No. 112 Meotlng-streot, wo will sellfjr cash. 100 oaso.« as=ortod. ult fro^h and desirable, HOOTS SllOES, Brouaus, Balmorals. Gaiter*, Ac. ko., our usual fine assortment, to which we invite th^ at¬ tention of buyers. March 10 One Family Carriage, Plantation Cart, Horses. Also, Furniture, Crockery and Sundries, at Auction. BY G. MCBRIDE SMITH. ÏI1IS DAY, at IO o'clock, at his Salesroom No. 31 Broad-itreet, March lo Under Foreclosure of Mortgage-Contents q/| Grocery Store * orthwest Corner Laurens and Wharf streets. BY JEFFORDS & CO. Will bo sold 'I HIS DAY, the 10! h instant, at ll o'clock, at the above placo. The CONTENTS of said .-turo, consisting ot a wolJ selected etock ot tlroceries, Liquors. &c. 'lhe Loaso of ^toro to run to .vngust. 1871 Tho above staud is ono of the bc:-t iu the city, and worthy tho attention or those iu want of thc narnu, March 10 THE ST ATM ItV SOUTH CA KOLI NA - O REEN VILLE COUNT. Y.-IN CHANCERY. Wyman, Byrd $ Co., vs. (Jrudy Jj- Hawthorn. Bill to Foreclose Mortgage, ¿c. By virtne of tho decretal order of bis Honor. Judge James L. ''rr, nude in tho above caso, I will sell to the highest bidder at Oreen ville Courthouse, on MONDAY, tho 5th of April next. The PREMISES described in the pleadings, viz: All that PIECK, PARCEL AND TRACT OF LAND, situated in the County of Oreenvi le. 'seven miles from tho Couthouse and six from the Greenville Railroad Depot, lying on both sides of Reedy River, containing four hundred and ninety-nine acres, more or les?, in a high state of cultivation Upon the place ia locate ! tue well known Cotton and Wool Factory of the defendants. The Cotton Factory ls in tull operation, with some nine hundred and fifty spindles and twent> -four looms; the Wool Factory with one hundred and twee ty mule spindles, is also in. good order and successful opo-ation. On the premises are a good Flouring, Grist and Saw Mills, rth blacksmith «hop-two oom orta ble dwelling houses and several email framed houses for the operatives, with a nice brick church. The water power at all seasons ls sufficient to drfvo three times the amount of machinery now in operation. The country is remarkably healthy, with a climate un¬ surpassed in the United States, with a sober, indus¬ trious and onergotic population. Wooded lands ad¬ jacent, well timbered, can be purchased at reasona¬ ble prices. Tida in the best opportunity tor an in¬ vestment to capitalists that ha's beon offered in the up-country since tho war. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. W. A. MCDANIEL, C. C. C. Clerk's Office, February ad, 1869. March 6 sw8 Prunn, Chemicals,JJEtc. TO BAKERS. JUST RECEIVED AND FOB SALE WEOLESALE AND BETAIL : CABONNE OF AMMONIA PRIME HOPS CREAM OF TARTAB. H. BAER, Druggist, No. 131 MEETING-STREET. March 4 DRUGS MO IIIEDIMS. THE UNDERSIGNED CALLS THE ATTENTION of both city and country purchasers to his large stock of DhUGH, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUM¬ ERY, FANCYGOOD*, &c, kc, all of which he of¬ fers at the lowest market rates. H. BAER, No. 131 MEETING-STREET, NEAR MAR¬ KET-STREET. March 4 AY ER'S CH EBBY PECTORAL, j I For Diseases of tl»« Throat and Lnngg, snell, us Coughs, S Mm .Colds, Whooping Cough, JBL^BLL^/ Bronchitis, Asthmu. and Consumption. PROBABLY NEVER BEFORE TN THE WHOLE history of medicine has anything won so widely and BO deeply upon the confidence of mankind ai thia excellont remedy for pulmón>ry complai*-'- Through a long aeries of years, and am^- r;1* the races of men, it has risin l^ucr Mdhl«her £ their estimation, as i'. u«8 become better known. Iti uniiorm cuL-CtCr ¿lu ^wer to cure the various at fectlons of tbe lungs and throat, have £?&de it knowi aa a reliable protector against them. Whde aciap'et to milder forms of disease and to young children, i ls at the aime time the most effectual remedy thai oan be given for incipient consumption, and the dan gerous affections of the throat and lunga. As à pro vision against sudden attacks of Croup, it should be kept on hand in every family, and indoed, as ah are someone* subject to colds and coughs, all should be provided wi£b this au. i^î0 for fhna' Although settle 1 CONSUMPTION is thought incura¬ ble, still great numbers of cases where the disease seemod settled have been completely cured, and the patient restored to sound health by the CuEimx PECTOBAL. bo completéis its mastery over tbe dis¬ orders of the Lunns and. Throat, that the most ob¬ stinate of them yield to it. When nothing else could reach tbem, under the CHEBBX PKCTOBAL they sub¬ side and disappear. f-iNOEua ABD PUBLIC SPEAZBBS find great protec¬ tion from it. ASTHMA ls always relieved a&d often wholly cured by it ' BHOKCITTTTS ls generally cured by taking the CHKE- PECTORAL in small and frequent doses. 80 generally are its virtues known that we need not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the public that ita qualities are fully maintained. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC. Are so composed that disease within the ran^e ot their action can rarely with .-(and or evade them. Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ- irm, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. Aa a consequtnee of these pro¬ perties, the invalid whola bowed down with pain or pbypicjl debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-rlay complaints of everybody, bat abo many formidable and danger¬ ous diseases. Übe agent below named ls j leased to furbish-"gratis my Amer eau A m .nae, containing certificates of their eurea and directions lot their use in the fol lo wu-g complaints : costiveness, Heartburn, Headacne arising from disorder of Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe¬ tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, aris¬ ing from a low state of tho- body or obs mellon ot ita functions, 'they aro an excellent alterative tor the renovation of the blood and the restoration ot tone and strength 10 the rystem debilitated by dis¬ ease, .PBKPABEO BT Dr. J. C. A Y KU & CO.,* Lowell, Mats. Sold at wholesale, by DOWIE k MOISE, charleston, S. C, aud by Retail Druggists every¬ where, fm a.'linos Dan Deeer-boj. 35 S A AC Ö IC fi'S SURE O 4M FOE DESTROYING Rats, Mice, fee., kc, v Ith ou the unpleasant effects arisnig from their dymg in their holes. A PHOSPHORIC PASTE, hermetic ill v st aloe, and warranted to keep fresh for all limes. The greatest diaoovoty of ita kind in the age wa live in. NO person need be tioubhd wita Rats Mice, Bed Bugs or Roach ea, lor. Mr. Jaaacien'e des¬ tructive remedy is wit In the teach of all, prepared only by himself, from rate and valuable oompoun is it* cheapness U c.« wonderful aa its efficacy-hnn- drcdsot testimonials have been rpwimi frcT ¿1! parta oj the Un J tod Mates as to ita value and satisfac¬ tory oporative power, from which, for want of apaoe, wo simply seloct the following. WILLARD'S HOI EL, W ABHINOTON, 1>. C., I ... ¿ October lat, lie«. ) MB. ISAACS**-Dear Hir¡ It gi . es me great pleas¬ ure to testily to the gratifying result obtained ot this Hotel thro ign usina your Phosphoric Paste; it ls now two years a nea I flrat heard of your rom'dy.and determined to give it s <*<r trial; that trial proved so ?ucoasetul that not a trace ot Bata cr Roaches have slnee been discovered, although previous to that time we w*re completely overrun, wishing you evety success In tbe useful censer you have ohoaeu, Hernani, jours respectful:y. JOHN WOLFE, Kugrnoar. Tot Md* by DOWIK & MOWK. Wholesale Druggists, No. 140 Msatlng atrssat oaraer Basel. Charleston,,!*, a., January 13 «fm48 Agents for Southern states. = - _¿Uction Salts. Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, <Jr. Bi MILI S DRAKE. 1I1I8 MOKN1Î.G, nt 10 o'clock. I will null at ray store, corner of King aud liberty t-'.reets, An Invoice of DRY GOOUS, CON8I8T1NO OF: Pieces PRINTS. ENGLISH and AMERICAN DAM¬ ASKS, I'rilliantt", Whito Gooda, l inen, Sati:iot, Cas- siinore. Printed linen, Whito Flannel, &o , dozen» Ladies', GontH' and MÍBBCB' Gloves, Ladlos' and GentB' assorted Hosiery, Linen Cambric and H. 8. Handkerchiefs, (rocho. Braid, Corset Hones. Pocket Books, Towels. Table Cloths, Ladlos' aud Gents' Under VeMe, Plain and Beaded Hair Nets, Needles, Blbbons, Knives aud F >ras. Shears, Pocket Külve», Shirt Buttons, Hoon Murts, Sowing silk, &e. 250 pairs Cassimcre and Satinet PANTS r>; suits Pants and Couts 80 dozen Men's and Boys' Black, Brown, Paarl and Nutria, Alpine, Young A merica and Jockoy Hats. ALSO, 1 erato of assorted CBOCKKBY. March 10 One Horse, Two Mule*. Handsome Secretaries, Ofôce and Household Furniture, at Auc¬ tion. RY R. M. MARSHALL & BRO. THIS DAY, ?>,! half pac* 10 o'clock, at No. 33 Broad- street. Match 10 ~WM. McKAY, No. 130 Meeting-street, Will soil THIS DAY. Wednesday. 10th instant, at 10 o'clock, at No. 136 Meetiug-Htrcet, DUH! EADS, Bureaus, Hair and Mo-» Mattrcssos. Chairs, Tables, Engravings, suponor Crockery and Glassware, Notious. Also, Writing Paper, Ink, and two ch. Kt-i of '1 ea, bundrlos, tuc. March 10_ Latest Styles Ladies' Straw Hats, Men's Straw Hats, Ribbons and Dry Goods. Bi JOHN G. MILNOR & CO. TO MORROW, 11th instant, at 10 o'clock, we will hell at our Auction Salosroom, No. 135 Moeting- stroet, A very desirable invoice of STRAW GOOD3, RIB¬ BONS, Atc, received per Champion. CONSISTING IN I'A TU' OW. LADIES' PEARL CORAL HATS, Pearl Vernon, Pedal t-hados, Pedal Pekin aod Sensation Hats. Cor¬ rugated Canton Shades, Pedal Alliance, Lark Alliance, Infants' Coberg Derby and Pearl Derby Hats, Men's White Cantan and Leghorn Hats. Men's and Boys' Brown Hats. Assorted Hats and Cipa. 25 cartoons Assorted Colored Ribbons, from No 2 to 60. Lodleá* Whito Gauntlets, Swiss and Orosi-bar Mus¬ lin, Brilliants, Brown Linen Drills. Colored Cassl- morcs, Black Satinets. Fancy Cottonades, with a gen¬ eral assortment of desirable Goods. Conditions oash._March 10 Valuable Plantation at Auction. BY J. FRÀSKR MATH EWES, Auctioneer. By virtue of an order of salo to m* directod by tho Hon. George S. Bryao, Judge of the Ü. S. District Court for the District ol South Carolina, I will offiT for sale at public auction, at the Old Poat- ifflce, foot of Broad-street, Charleston, 8. C., on WEDNESDAY, March 24th. 1869, at ll o'clock, A M AU that valuablo PLANTATION OR TRACT OF LAND, in 6t. Luke's Parish, in the County of Beau¬ fort and State of South Carolina, commonly knowu . Bellefair," and containing eight hundred ani fcixty-lour acres, more or less. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay far paper* and Btampe. LOUI* McLAIN. Assigne of E. H. Barnwell, Bankrupt. March « ths2mwfô &ud\OMXB^fütät Sel», Desirable Dwelling in ^es(ern pcrt 0y City Belonging r> £etaté 0f L% A, Shecut. RY WILBUR & SDN. At Private Sale- That two and a half story RESIDENCE, situ ito oa the weat side of Pitt-etreot, tbird door southwest from Calhoun-street, and known by tho No. 27. House contama six (6) upright rooms well finished pantries, dressing rooms, gas throughout, cistern, well ol water, kitchen and outbuildings. Lot mea» tures in iront en litt-street 60 teet, by 191 feet ia deptb, bo the same moro or less. Terms-One-third Cish; balance in one and two years. Purchaser to pay for papers and statnpa. Prcmi.-es eau be examined on application to Marchs fmwt No. 6'J BKO.\D STREET. Real Estate. ¡ BY G. McRRIDE SMITH, No 31 Broad-street, South aide, near State-street. At Private Pale- FIRST CLASS SEA. ISLAND COTTON PLANTA¬ TIONS Valuable Bice Plantations Valuable Upland Plantations and Farms Extensive and Valuable Manufactories, Mill Sitos and Delightful mummer Residences in voriour parts ur ino a oath. ALSO, HOUSES AND BUILDING LOTS of all sizes, prio and descriptions in every part of the city. January 25 mwl3mo <£&¡tj «tr. MKJffiTIrV- -~~~~~~.~v^-£ -«*-STKlCli.T *FOUAI>flY. THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW FURNISHING THE IMPROVED MCCARTHY COTTON am, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, of various sizes on hand IMPROVED VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL CORN MILLS, 8UGAB MlL.L9f SUGAR BOILERS. AND *AN8, of all sises HORSE POWERS AND GIN GEARING, from 6 td 16 feet in diameter IMPROVED LEVEE COTrON PRESSES for Hand- power. Saw and Bice Mills MACHINERY AND CASTINGS of all descriptions made to order Particular attention paid to HOUSE FRONTS AND CASTINGS FOB MILD- INGS, GRATINGS; CISTERN C0TER3, SASH WEIGHTS, dc, dc, WILLIAM 8. HENEREY, & MACHINIST AND,. FOUNDER * No. 314 MEETING-STREET, OBABXXSXOV, 8. CY August 8_ , mw PHOENIX IRON WORKS. JOHN F. TA Y LOB.& CO., SUCCESSOR H TO V A M K R U N Si CO.. Engineers, Boilermakers, <&c. Not. 4, 6 mid 8 PRITCHARD-STRÉE2, (NEAR TUE Day DOOK), Charleston, S. O'. ¿nt M u ii.: ???: ?'< * STEA H E N GIN ES AND BOILERS-MARINE, STATIONERY AND PORTABLE* RICE THRESHERS AND MILLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. SHAFTING, PULLEYS AND GEARING, IRON FRONTS FOR BUILDINGS, CASTINGS OF EVERY KIND IN IRON OR BRASS. We guarantee to furnish ENGINE 3 and BOILERS of aa good quality and power, and *t ag lo ir iaies aa can be had in New York. Baltimoreör Philadelphia.^ AO EN ra ros Ashcroft'* Lowr-wilier Detector, THE ONLY PERFECT SECURITY AGAINST" DAMAGE FRO .VI LOW WATER IN TUE BODGER. REPAIES PROMPTLY ATTENDED YO, ' February 1 IMO ' taW

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Page 1: The Charleston daily news.(Charleston, S.C.) 1869-03-10.€¦ · thedailynews. a»- largest circulation.-the daily mews ceing the newspaper 0if1ciale» recognized as having the larokst


THE DAILY NEWS will bo served to subscri¬bers in tbe cit; at six DOTXIRS » year in advance, or

at FiFTKEN CENTS a weet', payable to thc canters.


WILLIAM MCKAY will sell at'10 o'clock, at hissalesroom. Meeting-street, furniture, crockery, Ac.JEFFORDS & Co. will sell at ll o'clock, at tho

northwest corner of Lamons and Wharf streets, con¬tents ot a crocery store.O. MCBRIDE SMITH will sell at 10 o'clock, at bis

salesroom, ^road-street, carriage, horses, ko.MILES DRAKE «ill n il at 10 o'clock, in bis store,

corner King and Lil city streets, dry goods, clothingand hats.N. HUNT b EON will eell at 10 o'clock, at their

salesroom, Meeting-street, boots, chooa, brogans,Atc.B. M. MARSHALL k BROTHES will sell at half-past

IC o'clock, in front ot their ornee, Broad-street,horses, mules, bc.HOLMES & MACBETH wiB sell at ll o'clock, In

front of their office, Broad-street, two Une horcos.

MEETINGS THIS DAY.Home Loan and Building Association, at 7

P. M.Fellowship Society, at 19 M.South Carolina Lodge, at 7 P. M.Fran1dm Lodge, at 7 P M.Gorman Fire Company, at 7 P. M.

THANKS.-Wo have received from GeneralSuperintendent Bawortb, by the courtesy of GeneralSuperintendent Peake, of the South Caroltca Bail-road, a compl'inontary pass over the Vicksburg andMeridian Railroad.

THE fiANLONS.-There was a good house lastevening to witness the performance of this excel¬lent troupe. A 1 though the bill of ihe previous even¬

ing was i oproduoed almost in toto, lt did not fail tointerest tho audience, who frequently applauded.

MORTALITY REPORT.-Tho report of the CityRegistrar for the week ending th- 0th Inst., chows a

total of nineteen deatba, or which six aro white andthirteen colored. A s many as seven were under one

yeer of age, and four more between one year andfive years of apo. No white man died in this citylast week, and only one white woman.

LADIES' MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION.-Themonthly report of the receipts and expenditures olthis Association lor February, 18C9, is as follows: Tobalance from January $97 92; to aatosroom account$130 26; to subiorlptiona 818 75; to donation SMI-total, $296 92. By cash paid, $205; balanceen bandFebruary 28th. $91 02;-total, $298 92. Amount ofordered work during tho month, tSJ 75.

A CATHOLIC CHOROH WANTED AT ANDERSONCOURTHOUSE.-Captain Magratu aud Mr. Konnedjare duly autho:ized by Rev. Fatbor McMahon, olGreenville, and Bev. Er. Bermingham, Vi?ar General of this diocese, lo collect funds to old iu buildinga Catholic Church at Anderson Courthouse. Thor«has never yet been a Catholic Church at Andersonand one is much needed by tho Calli '-¡a of that secHon. Tho mission cf Captain MagratU and**MrKennedy is, therefore, commended to the kind anc

favorable consideration of the generous Catholics oCharleston. *.>

OUR NEW YORK STEAMERS.-The steam vessela now l.\ljg from this port to New York are alfirst-class sh pa, aro well commanded, and mak<their trips with great régulaiity. The Blcam«hijChampion, Captain ». W. Lockwood, reached henyesterday fore ooo, having left th it city Saturday PM. She biings evaluable freight and good pas«engeihst. We are under obligations to purser J. P. Gar-ness for New York papers of Satur lay forenoon,w lob, in consequence of tha failure of tho mail,were quite a convenience The Champion leave j loiNew York asain on Saturday.

THE STATE COURT-HON. R. B. CABPENTEIPRESIDING.-TUESDAY, MARCH 9 -IN TH Î GENERALBE Sloss.-The Grand Jury found a true, bill again uW. H. Mishaw for abuse of power and making tilegal arrests, and were then discharged from furtheattendance upon the rourt.In the Cjtnmon Pleas.- 1 he court was occupied U]

to the hour of adjournment in hearing the case oL. F. Koester ti», the Phoenix Insurance Compon;and others, »lev ra, Simons and Siegling for thiplaintiffs; Messrs. Simonlon & Darker and Mernminger for tho defendants.

THE UNITED STATES COURT, MABOH 9.-HON. GEORGE S. BRYAN, PRESIDING Tho reporof Registrar dawson, ia the matter of Jan. D. Kirby,to sustain assignment ol property to bankrupt, asexcepto i from the operation of the bankrupt lawwas confirmed, and property set off acordtnglyThe report of tie same Registrar on the petition oJas. B. Jeter r.nd others, to establish lien, was conArmed. It was further ordered that the araignéesell the real anc* personal property of the said bankrapt, B. Bentley, to a sufficient amount to pay Uncosts, Ac, and after satisfying all prior Kens, pay t<.James B. Jeter $2218 81, provided ibit the generacosts do not interfere with the right of any Ben, encto Tho i. B. Jeter $179 79, to James T. Douglass andwife, $2312 22, with interest on aU the above sum*from August 20, 1868. The assignees shall abo pa3$1062 20, costs of prosecution, and Registrar Olaw-son abai 1 advertise for claims and call m liens withinthree weeks.

CLUBS AND STABS.-The number of cases bc-fore the Mtyor are becoming beautifully less, as wflbo seen by yesterday'» docket:Richard Pickling, colored, arrested for steaUnf

.cotton from Mensis. Goldsmith A Son, Vendu«Bange, waa turned over to a magistrate, v

Nellie Cook, Ann Hoyward and sallie Washington,aU colored, who made a rumpus at the corner olOhurcti-itrect and Et Michael's alley, were sent upfor five days

Celia McDermott, white, found lying do wn drunk'in Bull-street, was fined 810.

There was a severo tight yesterday on East Boy Ina boarding house, between two white men namedHerron and McCaffrey; ono of them wai considerablybruised.Jamos Morris, colored, who stilo a turkey from

Mr. Carrihgtou's premise*, No. 30 Corni ig-stroet, ontbe 7th instant, was arrested yesterday by the de-

? toctives.Ihe colored man who Jkoops the Houso of Corre>

tion is requested to provo ht» complaint.

THE MAYORALTY CONTEST.-Tho following.paper was seiVed on thé Acting Major und Aldermenyesterday, and will be prOporly considered ia goudTo George W. Clark. J. D. Ocdllngs. L. T. Potter,,

Alex. Lindstrom, Walter C. dj, H. B. Olnoy WmG. Whildon, chalks Voigt, A. S. Mursball, H. J*.Meore. R. E. Derocf, J. H. Honour and W. Wes¬ton. Ac lng Mayor und Aldormen of tho City ofCharleston, and to evoiy ono of them, ureeUnff :We, tho undersigned, havlug beeu dOOlar d byyou 10 have received, on the lOih dav of November,?'S",»1808, ,Lo '»»geatnumbc of votes for the seve¬ral offices of Mayor nod Aldermen ot the City orCharleston, now, by vlrtuoof said declaration, andia; pursuance ol second section of an act entitled«An act to c mfirm and declaro valid tho recent e ec*M*MM ^rd A-1,,?rmcn ,of tu" WW oí Charles¬ton, apprbvèd March 1. A. D. 1809, do demand ofyou thatW fortbwiUa do tarn over to us aU theproperty, booka and rapers pertaining to your seve¬ral and respective offices, and that j ou do vacateand surronder to ns our sevor .1 and respective ofll-caa. We are duly qualin jd to oxero se our resoecUve office*. ^ PTLI«BUBY, Mayor..TAMK* W. GEBENS, Aide tam Ward No. 1..- ?', Aid'rman Wara No. I.' "

«-1-. Alderman Ward No. 2.P. W. M. MACKEY, Alderman Ward No. 2.DAVZD BARROW, Alderman Ward Nw 3.T. J. Mf KEV, Alderman Ward NO. 3.Ronr HOWARD, Al 'ermon Ward No. 8.O. I. CUNNINGHAM, Aldi ronan Ward No. 4.RICHARD HOLLOWAY. Alderman Ward No. 4.

-, Alderman Wald No. 4.-"..."T-».. Alderman Ward Ho. 4. .

W. R. H. HAMPTON, Alneiman Ward No. 4.L. F. WALL, alderman Ward No. 0.P. M. THORN«, Alderman Ward Na 5.M. H. COLLINS. Alderman Ward No. A.M. Fmowv, Aldermen Wa d Ka AK. P. WALL, Alderman Ward flo. 7.THO« K £MALL. Alderman Ward No. 8.

Oliy Of Charleston, 8. 0., March 8,18«9.

REAI, EBTATB SALES.-Tho following eales ofreal estate wore effected yosterday. The market is?till tomowhat i-mo ti vt:By A. O. MoGilHvray, under decree in equity for

Sheriff Mackey-Lo» No. 170 King-st root, 29 by 99feet, $1500; ouc-third cash, balam o in one, two andthree years.By Leitch & Ptuna-Lot 110 by IBO f««>t with

private re-ideuoo tberoon, corner ol Tradd andOrange-streets. $8700; one-quarter cash, balance inone. two and three yoars. Also, lot 10 by 140 foot,with twoand ahalf wooden- building tbercon, southside Bcid-strcet $1150; ono-tblrj caab, balacee inono year.By K. M. Man-ball ir Bro.-A tract of laud In furn-

morville, touih Carolina, botween Saw Mill Branchand Main-street, containing ton aero?, ISOoMh. #liO,lot 183 by 200 teet, noithcast corner oí Ashley and

Doughty-streets, with buildings thereon, $H,CO0;one-third cai-1», balance in one and two yoars.

REPOBTEBS' CBUMBS.-Mr. "W. J. England, a

popular cx-employce ol the South Carolina Railroad,has been reappointed to bia old posit lim of generaltravelling agent ot tho road and ot the Atlantic sea¬board steamships.

St. Mark's Church baa of late boen robbed severaltimes of cushions.Quicksilvering over keya, rings and pencil-cases is

all the ra KO here now. It is claimed to be a new dis¬covery, but is as old aa Methnae ah.The wild rumor afloat last evenir g that the Pills-

buryitea meditated an attack on the City Hall was

unfounded.The Bioid-strect and East Tay merchant» were

disappointed yesterday by not seeing the lelcoipedoin that vicinity.To day the Acting Board of Aldermen will muk ' a

return to the demand made on them yesterday for asurrender of effioe.The resolution unanimously adopted in Council

last night, loo oking to an election to fill vacancies inthe Board of Al datmen, does not look like "cavingin."

It is stated, on good authoiity, that tbe HighSchool will be self-sustaining this year.On S linday morning laajfcaho car i-hod of tho South

Carolina natl road Company at 4ugUBta took firefrome spark from a passing locomotive, but thoflames were ex'ingulshed hy Mr. 3. W. Meredithand a negro, before much damage was done.

HOTEL AKUIVAL H. MAJ;CH 9-Charleston Ho¬tel.-a P Davis aid wife, Georgia; George T Jacksonand two sons, Augusta; Jahn Barría, Georgia; M JO'Brien, Augusta; C B Mott, Cclumbla; A J Long¬shore, Sou h Carolina; O M Poe, Washington, D C;W D Love, T L James, wife and son, New York ;Joseph Findley, Brooklyn; J E Jenkins and wife, JC Atwater and wife, E Spencer, J 8 Brice, J T Whit-'ney and w'.fe, John WTomklns, P Lynch and son,John S BarneB, P Boat'ey, Mrs Bo tty, Mra 8 DHarrisson, Sew York; A H Yass, Montreal; J JGSmith, Philado phi a ; J M Decker, H Winchester,New York; A rs P Blanchard, Wra Wristey, WBBlanchard, Washington, D C; J P Bowe, DWBoween, A B Whitmarth, Mrs Bingham, T B Buick-iugion, l< ev Mr Thurston, B.Burket. New York;J oseph Tiff, H J Tiff, Montreal; J A Manning, B DHasoll, Charles Reirison, New York; J H Bowler,Maine; J M Merrill, California; W C Muldon, Ala¬bama; W M Howell, Alphar.. tti; John Hagalj, Geor-. ii; JO Courtney, South Carolina; J B Brantley,Georgia; A C Brick waller, B F Owen, E f cull, Penn¬sylvania; A D Brcdeii'-k, E J Brederick. WB '1 rector,south Carolina. ii)Pavilion Hotel.-O Way, Blackville; JT pendarvis,

Suuumorville; N G Allman, Frankhn, N C; W BElmore, Wbitmire; J A Garrett, Spartauburg; BenryHeins, Fairfield ; A J Horger, M V Watiz, A Smoke,Ordngeb urg; J E fcott. Williamsburg; J Keith andwife, lirum'onsville; W G TJteey, George's; Geo EPengrie, Darlington ; Geo H Griffin, Now York; W FSmith, J Leland, New Orleans; Joe March, Gaylord'sTroupe.

Cm CoUKOTL.-The regular meeting ofCouncil wis held lest ev< ning in the Chamber, CityHall. Presen t-The Mayor, Aldermen Potter, Whll.den. Olney, i'cr. cf. Geddings, Honour, Cade, Lind¬strom, Voigt, Moore and Mar-hall.Tho petition of tax-payers, calling attention to the

condition of Coming-?treet, from 'Spring to Linestreet«, and tbe condition of St Philip-street, wasreferred to the Committee on Streets.Xhe petition ot G. Logeriran, for relief from tax¬

es, waa referred to the Committee on Assessments.The return of the City Sheriff or February, show¬

ing $597 6 09 paid into the treasury, was received asinformation.A communication from the Commissioners of the

Market, In relation to paving and cisterns, was re¬ferred to the Committee on Streets.A communication from L. J. Baxbot, Esq., request¬

ing a reconsideration of the action of Council at the1 ast meeting in reference to his office, was laid overfor further consideration.The application of Elizabeth O'Gorman, for junk

shop license, wa? roierred to the Committee on Li¬censes.

Sundry accounts were referred to appropiiate com¬mittees.A communication frem Di. George S. Pelzer, in

reference to certain lola filled with scavenger matter,and a co mmunication from sundry citizens in rela¬tion to planking Line-street, were referred to theCommittee on streets.A communication from the Commissioner* of the

Alms House, lu rotation to the removal of the in¬mates of the Old Folk's Home to the Alms House,and stating that the building cannot accommodatethem, and making suggestions m reference to theirlocation at another point where tbey oan be self-sustaln'ng, was referred to the Committee on Hos¬pitals, with power to act.The resignations of Aldermen Bobert Howard and

O. I. Cunningham were ao-epted.A memerni of Wm. Lebby and others in relation

to the property of West Point M ill and the buildingof a street to ti e rol l, «as referred to the Committeeon Streets.A ©omrr.TUîioation from the City Auditor calllog

attenUo J to fojtiou ilxty-nine ol the «ot of the Leg-lslature providing for an assessment of taxes andtho appointment of a Board of Equalization, was re¬ferred to the Committee of, Ways and Means withpow« to act.A communication from Captain Peed, stating that

another thousand feet of the shell road ta complete J,was re,- elved fis informât lo i.'The Committee on streets reported favorably on

putting a drain In liberty-street Adopted.The favoi able report of the Committeeon license«,

on sundry petitions for auctioneers, tavern«, andremoval of cerain junk shop licenses, was adopted.Thc Committee on account* reported favorably on

sundry bills an.omiting to ï 5232 CC. Adopted.Th'i bill to amend an ordinance eu tl tod an ordi¬

nance to reorganize .ne Board of Health came up fora second reading, and the bill was Indefinitely post¬poned.

It was moved by Aïdoiman WhfIden,and secondedby Alderman Voigt that L. J. Barbot, Esq., he al¬lowed to make anv<xplanction offals official conductho may desire. Carried.

It wac moved by AldermaD Whllden, and secondedby Alderman-Honour, that tho Mayor bo requestedto take into consideration the propriety of orderinga now ol- cüíJfí to fill vacancies t xisting in Council.Unanimously carried.Thc ordlnutcci to coriv. rt city six portent, slock

into cou;on.bonds was rallfied.


GEORGIA. -Believing "WRAITH'S" BAW BOMB bu-PERT-HOSl-BATX OV IlUE to bo fltllv equal to thebest Fertilizers in market, and superb: to many,and being désirons of having it thoroughly tooted,we have concluded to offer the following Premiums;lat. Förtha largest yield of Coton ft oil an acre ofland, a si i vor Pitcher worth $100. 2d. For the sec-end largest yield of Cotton from an acre of land, aSilver Pitcher worth $60. 83. For the largest yieldot Corn from an cere of land, a bllvei Goblet worth$M.The above premiums will be awarded whets

"WHAWKS",?. BAW BOSE SUPKHPHOSPHATE a'one lsused on the acre producing the yield.Those applying for the premiums will be required

to fm n sh sauafaoto y evidence of the amount provouced on the acre, and a statement of the manner inwhich they applied the manure A limited amountonly ot this I hose-bate will be distributed during Utaseason. Prices, delivered on (ht Carn at Charleston,ÎC5 per ton, rash; or £70 for approved t Hy acceptancos, payable lat Novern i er.

CLA&HORN, HEHR$r$G * CO.,Accommodation Wharf. Charleston, S. C..- - i?0 *°- 7 Block, Augusta. Ga.Fobrusry23 * '


FASHIONABLE TAILORING.-A tteutiou is callotjto the advert moment nf Mr. John R ughchiior, whohas just returned froan the North and openei a narrstock of fa: hionablo. (jocds at hts estab! Isl mont, Nc.141 King-street; where hois j reparón to cut, flt andmake gentlemen's and youths' clothiig lu tho lateststyles.

-c-FREEDMEN'S SAVINGS BANK.-Special atten¬

tion ls called to the notice of tho Cashier of the Na¬tional Frccdnitu's FavUige and Trust Company,which appears m another column.

MULE BOOTS.-The attention of p'antera iscalled to th- advertisement of F. F. Chapeau, Meet¬ing-street, next lo Mills Home, which states thatmule hoots, BO neccB:ary in ploughing rice flolds, aro

marufictureJ by bim.

THE PROPRIETORS OF "Whann's Raw BoneSupeiphosphate ot Lime cordially invite farmers,dealers aad b hers interested ia procuring a first-class manure, to call and examine their works, soe

process of manufactuie, and insp ct the materialsused. T.hey have no secrets, Rivo full value, andguarantee their Phosphate to come up to the t ton-dard analysis. Cla/boni, Herring & Co. ere thoagents for the salo of lt in Auausia and Charleston.February 23 Imo

JHarriciL6CBIPMAN-WEBB.-On Thursday morning.

Febiuary ll. 1869. hy tho Kev. J. T. WIGHTMAN,HERMAN sell 1 I'M AN, of St. Stephen's, to ALYDAE. W., youngest daughter of Wu. lt. Wann, olCharleston, !.. C. *

/uncial lloticcs.49-Tnc lt datives ama KrlcnH» of Mr.

and Mrs. JOHN MAHONT. Jr., aro respectfully invites!to attend the Funeral of Mr. JOHN MAHONY, Jr.,at the Et John's Lutheran Church. THIS AFTERNOON, at half-past 1 bree o'clock.The Masonic fraternity are respectfully iavited tc

attend. _1*_March 10

#W Hibernian Society.-Tin* Member*of the Hibernian Society are respectfully invited t<attend the Furn ral of their late Brother MemberMr. JOHN MAHONY, Jav, irotu his lato residenceNo. 64 Tradd-Btrcet, THIS AFTERNOON, March 10, a

Tbroo o'clock. "W. AIKEN KELLY,March 101 Secretary.


8AVINÖS A>D TROST COMPANY, < HARLESlOlBKANCH, No. 74 BBOAD-i»TREET. - Mcney deposited Ot or bo ore the FIFTKENTH DAT OF MARCHwill bo entitled to interest from MASCH Finer, O

fivo per cent, per annum. Interest payable MAUCHJULY and NOVKVUMI.

Interest of lour pt r cont per. annum paid frondato of deposit on sums of $50 or more remalnia¡on deposit thirty days or moro.


HARRTET IT. BUS. EY, from Liverpool, are horebnotified that shs Inn been entered under tho FtvDay Act, and alt gcods not permitted at the expiretion of that time »1.1 be scut to public stores.March 10 wm2 RWENEL fcjgP-KW HOW HOSTE LTER'S BITTEßÖ'.OUR]

DYSPEPsI\.-TH':. WHOLE STORY IN* A.NÜ3SH I LL.-The office cf thc stomach is to convert tbfood into a cream-like semi fluid, called CHTMIThis is effected par. ly by tho action of a solvent, caled thc gastric juico, which exudes from the con inof tho stomach, and partly by a mechanical movmeut of that oivan, which churns, as it were, tbdissolving ali ' en'. Th-j CHYME passes from tlstomach Into tho duodenum, or entrance to tbbowels, where it is sub,): chid to the action of tbbile, and the nut ri t ions portion of it converted inla fluid called Chyle, which eventually becomtblood.Now, it is evident that if the great solvent, tt

gastaftrjnice, is not produced in sufficient quaint;or if the mechanical a tiouof the etomich 1B ntsufficiently brisk, tho first process of digest on wibe bat imperfectly performed. It is also clear thuifthe liver, which playa such an important part ichanging the nourishing portion ol the CHYME inlthe material of the blood, is congested, or In any utnatural cot di.ion, the second process will not tthoroughly accomplishel. Hie result of the tafailures lsdyaptpsii, complicated with i UlouBneas.The mode in which HOS i LITER'S BITTED

operate in such c sc$ is this: They ii-vigora te tlcellular membrane of the ttomach,, which evolvithe gastric juice, thereby insuring an ample euficiency of th 3 fl aid to com pict"ly dissolve the foo»They also act upoa the nerve of the et mich, eaulng an acceleration of the me:haaioal movemeinecessary to rcduoe the food to a homogenemm'B9. They also act specifically upon tho livestrengthening lt, and so enabling it to produce aample and reculai supply of bile, for the purposeconverting the nutritious particles oftho Chyme inChyle, and prom te the passage through the boweof the useless this way HOSTET TER'S BIETERS eurady

pepsla aud livor complaint. The explanationplain, simple, philosophical and true.March8_PAP a



TISEB, having been rc stored to health in a feweeks by a very simple remedy, after having Buffereseveral years, with a severo lung affection, (nd tbidread disease Coarumniion, is anxious to masknown to hi> feliow-suffíi era the means of cure.To all who desire it, ho will send a copy of the pr:

scriptloa u-cd (Loo.ol"nhargo), with the directionfor prepaiing and vising "the same, which they wifind a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Broachtas, kc. The object of the advert! er in sending tbprescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread iiformation which ho conceives to bc invaluable | anhe hopes every Bufferer will try bis remedy, as it wicost tbem nothing : nd may prove a blessing.

Parties wlsh'ng the prescription will please atdrees Rev. 1DWARD A. WILSON,

Williamsburg, Kings County, New York.February 3_ gmoi

*aT-THE EXTENT TO WHICH THE ADÜITERATION of Liquor* ia carried on in this comtry makes it the duiy of tho pureba sor to investgate the merits of the article offered for sole. It iswell known fact that many of the Brandies, WineiAc, ore manufactured from r'roneh Extracts, Essextial Oils and Alcohol, which is poisonous, thorebcausing many injurious effects.The public ia justly suspicions of nearly every

thing put up for saleunder the name of Liquors, anthe trade has been brought Into disrepute and iiorder to insurs to those who doalre a Pure Article, Iis only necessary for us to say that we Import Du-ecalt Brandlea, Wines and Oins, and warrant teem peifeely pure as or ie In al ly imported.

All Bottled Liquors bearing; the labels elf W. fCOBW1N & CO., can be relied oponas being pure...^Purchasers' should no ice that the Paper Ca,

over the cork is not broken. We p íy for Bottles thahave our labels on, One Dollar per dozen, when rctun ed.

OWJ. S. MARlLN (LA IE GRUBEft ¿M Ut UN s, will be ploaoed to soe bis friends and eui?oroersBtWM S. CORWIN A CO., No. 275 Kingstreet, between Woolworth and Beauf.Un.

tar AU7\RÏICLES SOLD FROM THIestablishment of WM S. COBWIH *? CO , No. 278King-street, between Wentworth and Beauftun, anof the FIRSTQUAUTY. Ï hey sell no goori fi but whocan be warrante 1 as PUBL AND GENUINE. Tblalian established fact._MW ERRORS OF YOUTH.-A GENTLE

MAN who suffered for years from Nervous DebilityPremature Beoay, and all the effect« of you hf il in-discretion,, will, for the. cake of suffering humanity.end free to all who need il, th 3 receipt and direclions for making tho simple remedy by which he waicured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertíser's experience, can do so by addressing. In perieeconfidence, JOHN B. OGDI N.

No. 42 Cedar-street» "Kaw Yoi«.February 8_BrnosMW BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.-THI6

splendid Hair Dye ls the beat tn the world; thconly true and perleot Dye; härmtest, reliable,n«tintaneons; no disappointment; no rtdloulouitints; remedies the fil effect* ot bad dyes; Invlgorates and leaves the bair soft and beautiful slack oibrown. Koki by all Druggists and Perfumers; sadproperty applied at Batchelor's Wig Factory, IlaBond-street New York, lyt January 3

ß\mtW m.


MULE BOOIS *OR PiOUGHING IN RICEIan 's manufacture'.! on nu improved style,

and Bold low by F F. CHAPEAU,No. 68 Me< ting-street,

Mnroh 10 0 Next to Mills Bouse.


THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RESPECTFULLYannounce to t bo citizens ot Charleston that on andsiter timi s ay, tho 11th inst., he wll establish aLINE OF OMNIBUSES, undor t> o superintendenceof Mr. H. GATES, to run fiom the corner ot Meet¬ing and Ltno-s.rcets, to Magnolia Avenue and theT lu ce Mlle HouBe.'thoo OMNIBUSES will cave each terminus

every hilf-hour lrom OA. M to 12 M., and everyquat tor-hour from 2 to 6 P. M., and wtU run eve yday.Fare-10 centsA stiict adherence to Schedule guaranteed.Arrangements can bo mide for Pic-ntc Parties

from samo date, ut s luge CfUcc, omer Uno andMeet ng-strects. 5 ItOBERT GRAH AM.


TO Idt



PERS in the South, ls published daily lu Montgomery,the Capital of Alabama; has an ext nelvo circulation

throughout tho State, and, offers advantages and in¬

ducements to advert! soi s which lew other journalscan equal.A regular Ale of the paper may be seen at the


And contraots for advertising may be made with tho

Agents in Charleston,


G. H. GIBSON dc CO.,

March 9 Proprietor*", Montgomery, Ala.



t* OSE OF THE BEST PAPEES IN THE UP¬COUNTRY; has a large circuation, and affords su¬perior advantages as an advertising medium. Termslow. Addres DARR & 0>TEEN,February22_Proprie! ors.






This favorite Thread being Six Cord to No.

80, purely Soft Finish, is recommended for its

great superiority for Hand and Machine Sew¬


Principal Wholesale, aiid RetailDry Goods and Notion Dealers.February 27 3mo

V KO AI 1 TO 30Ohorse power, inc'.nding thecelebrated Corliss Out-offEngines, Slide Valve Sta¬tionary Engines, PortableEngines, Ac. Also, Circu¬lar Mnlay and Oang SawMills, Sugar Cane Mila,shailing. Pulleys, Ac, Lath»nd Shingle Mills. Wheatand Com Mills, Circularsaws. Belting, kc. Sendfor descriptive Circular andPrice List.

WOOD A MANN STEAM ENGINE CO..1 'ebruary 18 6mos_Utica New York.

M. L. WILLEY'SCelebrated Cooking Stoves,

" PHILANTHROPIST" AND *'CTV1XIAN,''Manufactured at Troy, N. Y., and for sale by


THESE STOVES STAND UNBIViLLED FOBcapacity, durability, convenience* and the gen¬eral purpose* lo which Cookfh'y Stoves ore used. ThePHILANTHROPIST is eatrahcavji plited, and has

Ash Drawer; can bo mad" into a six boiler holestove; bas oatt iron Witcr Tank galvanized, orenamel lined. A strictly first-class stove. TheCIVILIAN lu ol u neat design, and ha« a fine largeOven. This steve ca i bi had with the extensionDack, sixho'o.', and ro-rrvoir when desiredFor furtlier iv t.ruction apply to

D. L. FULLERTON,January 30 imos Ausuata, Ga

JíijriíúKurul.>Xt;i2.^ïîiî{, ? TON SEED.

1 ¡HIE OENDINE I XCKLMOTi ¿EA I-LAND ?EED,L the Colton o: wh ob s >ld ip this market af OneDollar and Forty Couts nor pound (j>l 4ti), tor sale lulots io suit pureba o s, by WAL GUKNEY,Maroh 1 Imo No. 102 East Bay.HO-WE ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVING

from the Moyune Districts of China tho «colees!chops ofOREEN AND BLACK TEAS ot now reasons,which uro unrivalled fdr their"sVrength and delicacy

flavor.' We, warrant our TEAS to ba pure ami uñ¬ad .crated, abd to giro «on aral satisfaction. Aa wearc constantly I j receipt of largo cargoes of Teas, weare enabled to offer to tbo public the finest chops ata price that many dealers offer inferior Tea at. Atrial and comparison will at once prove th's asser¬tion, sud it bely remaius for the public to Judge ofthemselves. WM. S. CORWIN k CO.,

Mo. 27Ö King-street

aar THE CELEBR ATED W. B. O. CLUBBOUSE GIN, pure, «oft and unequalled-W. 8. COR¬WIN A OO,, Sole Agents. Medien? men of the high¬est etaudlng acknowledge that Oin, in i's pure stale,ha« great medlo»! properties. We therefore placetha CLUB MOUSE OIN before the publie with tbsgreatest confidence, and mora particularly to thosewho nae tt medicinally, as an article that only requires to be known to be properly appreciated.mW »1M per bot* le. 81» per case.


49-ESSAYS FOR YOUNG MEN.-ON TBEErrors and abuses incident to Youth and Early Man¬hood, w¿«a the humans view Of treatment and cure,cent by audi ttm ol charge. Addrena HOWABD

j ASSOCIATION, to* P, Philadelphia, Pa.January SO Gmos

Shirts ano /urni»l)infl QBooöa.THE

Proprietor ot tho Gentlemen's Furnishing Good.-*Emporium, Mcotiug-street, near Market, desirousJf brir.giiiR tli fanions

STARShirts into general uso, aud bolioviug that it is oulynecessary for gen* lomon to wear these

SHIRTS?nee to be wei) pleased with them, will horoaftor of-(or them to his customers

ANDtho public generally ut cost price3. His stock olNock lies, lb caris and

COLLARSwill al*o bo sold at such prices as tn defy compéti¬tion, and if sa'isfac'ion is not

GIVENhe will ïe'.urn tho money. His chartres arc eo rea¬sonable as ol i ost to make buyer* believe the articlesare Riven

AWAY.Jsuuary 1

Jpnints, (g)il5f ?tr.HcA^ERON, CO.,


Meeting and Cumberland Streets.STEAM ENGINES






CAMERON, DARKIiEV Aï CO.,Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland streets.January 1_6moBELTINGj_BELTING !5000 FEET OAK-TANNED LEATHER BELT¬

ING5000 FEET GUM BELTING, 2, 3, 4, and 5









Northeast Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets.January 1 Hmo




Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland airéete.January 1 arno




CAMERON, BABKLEY A COMNortheast Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets.January 1 Gmo


FITTINGS, tor eteam and water.CAMEKOÄ, BARKLEY & CO..

Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland stree taJanuary 1 6mo


t'AMKKO.V, BARKLEY ¿( CO.,Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland streets.January 1- . 6mo


January frr_ arno

j- M PO UTE ii» OF

TEAS, WINES. BRANDIES, ¿fcc.And Dealers in


WM. ». CORWIN * OO.JWrO^eeUTered to all parts of tho City.

Ruction Snlca.¡lories

BY HOLHES é¿ MACBETH,Auctioneers.

Will be Bold THIS DAY. 10th Marth, nt ll oV!ot le¬in front ol our office. No 30 i>ri ad-street,

A floe GRAY HORSE, well broken to sin; lo anddouble harness, aud pleasant uuder tho saddle.


Torms cash. Merell 10

Boots, Shoe», Broyant, Balmorals, (Jailers, «Jr.BY N, HUFT & SON.

TniS DAY, tho 10th instant, at 10 o'clock, In oursalesroom, No. 112 Meotlng-streot, wo will sellfjrcash.100 oaso.« as=ortod. ult fro^h and desirable, HOOTS

SllOES, Brouaus, Balmorals. Gaiter*, Ac. ko.,our usual fine assortment, to which we invite th^ at¬tention of buyers. March 10

One Family Carriage, Plantation Cart,Horses. Also, Furniture, Crockery andSundries, at Auction.BY G. MCBRIDE SMITH.

ÏI1IS DAY, at IO o'clock, at his Salesroom No. 31Broad-itreet, March lo

Under Foreclosure of Mortgage-Contents q/|Grocery Store * orthwest Corner Laurensand Wharf streets.

BY JEFFORDS & CO.Will bo sold 'I HIS DAY, the 10! h instant, at ll

o'clock, at the above placo.The CONTENTS of said .-turo, consisting ot a wolJ

selected etock ot tlroceries, Liquors. &c.'lhe Loaso of ^toro to run to .vngust. 1871Tho above staud is ono of the bc:-t iu the city, and

worthy tho attention or those iu want of thc narnu,March 10


Wyman, Byrd $ Co., vs. (Jrudy Jj- Hawthorn.Bill to Foreclose Mortgage, ¿c.

By virtne of tho decretal order of bis Honor. JudgeJames L. ''rr, nude in tho above caso, I will sellto the highest bidder at Oreenville Courthouse, onMONDAY, tho 5th of April next.The PREMISES described in the pleadings, viz:All that PIECK, PARCEL AND TRACT OF LAND,

situated in the County of Oreenvi le. 'seven milesfrom tho Couthouse and six from the GreenvilleRailroad Depot, lying on both sides of Reedy River,containing four hundred and ninety-nine acres,more or les?, in a high state of cultivation Uponthe place ia locate ! tue well known Cotton and WoolFactory of the defendants. The Cotton Factory ls intull operation, with some nine hundred and fiftyspindles and twent> -four looms; the Wool Factorywith one hundred and twee ty mule spindles, is alsoin. good order and successful opo-ation. On thepremises are a good Flouring, Grist and Saw Mills,rth blacksmith «hop-two oom ortable dwellinghouses and several email framed houses for theoperatives, with a nice brick church. The waterpower at all seasons ls sufficient to drfvo three timesthe amount of machinery now in operation. Thecountry is remarkably healthy, with a climate un¬surpassed in the United States, with a sober, indus¬trious and onergotic population. Wooded lands ad¬jacent, well timbered, can be purchased at reasona¬ble prices. Tida in the best opportunity tor an in¬vestment to capitalists that ha's beon offered in theup-country since tho war.Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and

stamps. W. A. MCDANIEL, C. C. C.Clerk's Office, February ad, 1869.March 6 sw8

Prunn, Chemicals,JJEtc.TO BAKERS.




No. 131 MEETING-STREET.March 4


of both city and country purchasers to his largestock of DhUGH, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUM¬ERY, FANCYGOOD*, &c, kc, all of which he of¬fers at the lowest market rates.



AYER'S CHEBBY PECTORAL,j I For Diseases of tl»« Throat

and Lnngg, snell, us Coughs,S Mm .Colds, Whooping Cough,JBL^BLL^/ Bronchitis, Asthmu. andConsumption.

PROBABLY NEVER BEFORE TN THE WHOLEhistory of medicine has anything won so widely andBO deeply upon the confidence of mankind aithia excellont remedy for pulmón>ry complai*-'-Through a long aeries of years, and am^- r;1*the races of men, it has risin l^ucr Mdhl«her £their estimation, as i'. u«8 become better known. Itiuniiorm cuL-CtCr ¿lu ^wer to cure the various atfectlons of tbe lungs and throat, have £?&de it knowiaa a reliable protector against them. Whde aciap'etto milder forms of disease and to young children, ils at the aime time the most effectual remedy thaioan be given for incipient consumption, and the dangerous affections of the throat and lunga. As à provision against sudden attacks of Croup, it should bekept on hand in every family, and indoed, as ah aresomeone* subject to colds and coughs, all shouldbe provided wi£b this au.i^î0 for fhna'Although settle 1 CONSUMPTION is thought incura¬

ble, still great numbers of cases where the diseaseseemod settled have been completely cured, andthe patient restored to sound health by the CuEimxPECTOBAL. bo completéis its mastery over tbe dis¬orders of the Lunns and. Throat, that the most ob¬stinate of them yield to it. When nothing else couldreach tbem, under the CHEBBX PKCTOBAL they sub¬side and disappear.

f-iNOEua ABD PUBLIC SPEAZBBS find great protec¬tion from it.ASTHMA ls always relieved a&d often wholly curedby it '

BHOKCITTTTS ls generally cured by taking the CHKE-BÏ PECTORAL in small and frequent doses.80 generally are its virtues known that we neednot publish the certificates of them here, or do morethan assure the public that ita qualities are fullymaintained.

Ayer's Cathartic Pills,FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILYPHYSIC.Are so composed that disease within the ran^e ottheir action can rarely with .-(and or evade them.Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse,and invigorate every portion of the human organ-irm, correcting its diseased action, and restoring itshealthy vitalities. Aa a consequtnee of these pro¬perties, the invalid whola bowed down with pain orpbypicjl debility is astonished to find his health orenergy restored by a remedy at once so simple andinviting.Not only do they cure the every-rlay complaintsof everybody, bat abo many formidable and danger¬ous diseases. Übe agent below named ls j leased tofurbish-"gratis my Amer eau A m .nae, containingcertificates of their eurea and directions lot their

use in the fol lowu-g complaints : costiveness,Heartburn, Headacne arising from disorder ofStomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in and MorbidInaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe¬tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, aris¬ing from a low state of tho- body or obs mellon otita functions, 'they aro an excellent alterative torthe renovation of the blood and the restoration ottone and strength 10 the rystem debilitated by dis¬ease,


Lowell, Mats.Sold at wholesale, by DOWIE k MOISE,charleston, S. C, aud by Retail Druggists every¬where, fm a.'linos Dan Deeer-boj. 35S A AC Ö IC fi'S SURE i» O 4M

FOE DESTROYINGRats, Mice, fee., kc,v Ithou the unpleasanteffects arisnig fromtheir dymg in theirholes.A PHOSPHORICPASTE, hermetic ill vst aloe, and warrantedto keep fresh for all

limes. The greatest diaoovoty of ita kind in the agewa live in. NO person need be tioubhd wita RatsMice, Bed Bugs or Roach ea, lor. Mr. Jaaacien'e des¬tructive remedy is wit In the teach of all, preparedonly by himself, from rate and valuable oompoun isit* cheapness U c.« wonderful aa its efficacy-hnn-drcdsot testimonials have been rpwimi frcT ¿1!parta oj the UnJtod Mates as to ita value and satisfac¬tory oporative power, from which, for want of apaoe,wo simply seloct the following.

WILLARD'S HOI EL, W ABHINOTON, 1>. C., I...¿ October lat, lie«. )MB. ISAACS**-Dear Hir¡ It gi . es me great pleas¬ure to testily to the gratifying result obtained ot thisHotel thro ign usina your Phosphoric Paste; it ls

now two years a nea I flrat heard of your rom'dy.anddetermined to give it s <*<r trial; that trial proved so?ucoasetul that not a trace ot Bata cr Roaches haveslnee been discovered, although previous to thattime we w*re completely overrun, wishing you evetysuccess In tbe useful censer you have ohoaeu,Hernani, jours respectful:y.JOHN WOLFE, Kugrnoar.Tot Md* by DOWIK & MOWK.Wholesale Druggists,

No. 140 Msatlng atrssat oaraer Basel.Charleston,,!*, a.,

January 13 «fm48 Agents for Southern states.

= -

_¿Uction Salts.Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, <Jr.Bi MILI S DRAKE.

1I1I8 MOKN1Î.G, nt 10 o'clock. I will null at raystore, corner of King aud liberty t-'.reets,An Invoice of DRY GOOUS,CON8I8T1NO OF:

Pieces PRINTS. ENGLISH and AMERICAN DAM¬ASKS, I'rilliantt", Whito Gooda, l inen, Sati:iot, Cas-siinore. Printed linen, Whito Flannel, &o , dozen»Ladies', GontH' and MÍBBCB' Gloves, Ladlos' andGentB' assorted Hosiery, Linen Cambric and H. 8.Handkerchiefs, (rocho. Braid, Corset Hones. PocketBooks, Towels. Table Cloths, Ladlos' aud Gents'Under VeMe, Plain and Beaded Hair Nets, Needles,Blbbons, Knives aud F >ras. Shears, Pocket Külve»,Shirt Buttons, Hoon Murts, Sowing silk, &e.250 pairs Cassimcre and Satinet PANTSr>; suits Pants and Couts80 dozen Men's and Boys' Black, Brown, Paarl and

Nutria, Alpine, Young A merica and Jockoy Hats.ALSO,

1 erato of assorted CBOCKKBY. March 10

One Horse, Two Mule*. Handsome Secretaries,Ofôce and Household Furniture, at Auc¬tion.

RY R. M. MARSHALL & BRO.THIS DAY, ?>,! half pac* 10 o'clock, at No. 33 Broad-

street.Match 10

~WM. McKAY,No. 130 Meeting-street,

Will soil THIS DAY. Wednesday. 10th instant, at10 o'clock, at No. 136 Meetiug-Htrcet,

DUH! EADS, Bureaus, Hair and Mo-» Mattrcssos.Chairs, Tables, Engravings, suponor Crockery andGlassware, Notious. Also, Writing Paper, Ink, andtwo ch. Kt-i of '1 ea, bundrlos, tuc.March 10_

Latest Styles Ladies' Straw Hats, Men's StrawHats, Ribbons and Dry Goods.

Bi JOHN G. MILNOR & CO.TO MORROW, 11th instant, at 10 o'clock, we will

hell at our Auction Salosroom, No. 135 Moeting-stroet,

A very desirable invoice of STRAW GOOD3, RIB¬BONS, Atc, received per Champion.


Pedal t-hados, Pedal Pekin aod Sensation Hats. Cor¬rugated Canton Shades, Pedal Alliance, Lark Alliance,Infants' Coberg Derby and Pearl Derby Hats, Men'sWhite Cantan and Leghorn Hats. Men's and Boys'Brown Hats. Assorted Hats and Cipa.

25 cartoons Assorted Colored Ribbons, from No 2to 60.

Lodleá* Whito Gauntlets, Swiss and Orosi-bar Mus¬lin, Brilliants, Brown Linen Drills. Colored Cassl-morcs, Black Satinets. Fancy Cottonades, with a gen¬eral assortment of desirable Goods.

Conditions oash._March 10

Valuable Plantation at Auction.BY J. FRÀSKR MATHEWES,

Auctioneer.By virtue of an order of salo to m* directod by thoHon. George S. Bryao, Judge of the Ü. S. DistrictCourt for the District ol South Carolina, I willoffiT for sale at public auction, at the Old Poat-ifflce, foot of Broad-street, Charleston, 8. C., onWEDNESDAY, March 24th. 1869, at ll o'clock,A MAU that valuablo PLANTATION OR TRACT OF

LAND, in 6t. Luke's Parish, in the County of Beau¬fort and State of South Carolina, commonly knowu

. Bellefair," and containing eight hundred anifcixty-lour acres, more or less.Terms cash. Purchaser to pay far paper* and

Btampe. LOUI* McLAIN.Assigne of E. H. Barnwell, Bankrupt.

March « ths2mwfô

&ud\OMXB^fütät Sel»,Desirable Dwelling in ^es(ern pcrt 0y CityBelonging r> £etaté 0f L% A, Shecut.

RY WILBUR & SDN.At Private Sale-That two and a half story RESIDENCE, situ ito oathe weat side of Pitt-etreot, tbird door southwestfrom Calhoun-street, and known by tho No. 27.House contama six (6) upright rooms well finished

pantries, dressing rooms, gas throughout, cistern,well ol water, kitchen and outbuildings. Lot mea»tures in iront en litt-street 60 teet, by 191 feet iadeptb, bo the same moro or less.Terms-One-third Cish; balance in one and two

years. Purchaser to pay for papers and statnpa.Prcmi.-es eau be examined on application toMarchs fmwt No. 6'J BKO.\D STREET.

Real Estate. ¡BY G. McRRIDE SMITH,

No 31 Broad-street, South aide, nearState-street.


TIONSValuable Bice PlantationsValuable Upland Plantations and FarmsExtensive and Valuable Manufactories, Mill Sitos

and Delightful mummer Residences in voriourparts ur ino aoath.

ALSO,HOUSES AND BUILDING LOTS of all sizes, prioand descriptions in every part of the city.January 25 mwl3mo

<£&¡tj «tr.MKJffiTIrV- -~~~~~~.~v^-£

-«*-STKlCli.T *FOUAI>flY.






power. Saw and Bice MillsMACHINERY AND CASTINGS of all descriptions

made to orderParticular attention paid to






V A M K R U N Si CO..

Engineers, Boilermakers, <&c.Not. 4, 6 mid 8 PRITCHARD-STRÉE2,


Charleston, S. O'.

¿nt M u ii.: ???: ?'< * 4»STEAHENGINES AND BOILERS-MARINE,





We guarantee to furnish ENGINE 3 and BOILERSof aa good quality and power, and *t ag lo ir iaies aacan be had in New York. Baltimoreör Philadelphia.^

AOEN ra ros

Ashcroft'* Lowr-wilier Detector,THE ONLY PERFECT SECURITY AGAINST"



February 1 IMO'
