the causes and effects of alzheimer’s disease: the silent disease


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Page 1: The Causes and Effects of Alzheimer’s Disease: The Silent Disease












March 17, 2008

Page 2: The Causes and Effects of Alzheimer’s Disease: The Silent Disease

Title i

Table of Contents ii

Acknowledgement iii

Abstract iv


I- The Problem and its Background


Statement of the problem

Significance of the study

Definition of terms

II - Related literature and studies

Foreign Literature

Local Literature

Related Studies

III- Research Methodology

Research Design

Locale and Population

Description of the Respondents

IV- Presentation, analysis and Interpretation of Data

V- Summary, conclusion and recommendation




Page 3: The Causes and Effects of Alzheimer’s Disease: The Silent Disease


We, Niña S. Cañares and Janaille M. Provido would like to acknowledge or thank with

gratitude to the following persons, without their help and support, this study would not be


First, we would like to give thanks our Lord God Almighty, who gave us courage,

strength, knowledge and wisdom in order to attain our goal and making all things possible.

Next, we want to thank also to our parents, brother, sister and relatives who encouraged

us to finish this research study and gave us both moral and financial support. For the people who

guided and helped us, thank you so much.

Thanks to Mr. Felix Del Rosario as our subject teacher in Research who gave us advices,

suggestions and guidance for making this thesis. Moreover, thanks to Mr. Angelo Autea who

gave us permission to conduct a survey.

To our friends, who cheered us up to finish this thesis.

Thank you very much and we love you all.

Finally, we would like to thank all the people, especially all the authors who have

contributed to the study and library staffs; without their help and contribution, this study would

not be possible.

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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common type of neurodegenerative disorder in the

aging population, with dementia as a common consequence. AD is defined pathologically by the

appearance of extracellular senile plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles, as described

by Alois Alzheimer about a century ago. The causes for AD include genetic predisposition in a

small population, aging and environmental stresses in majority cases. The underlying pathogenic

cascades, increases in expression of amyloid precursor protein and reactive oxidant activity and

inflammation, have accumulation of A the features of both adaptive, at least initially, and

harmful when becoming excessive.

Dementia, on the other hand, is a clinical diagnosis and is defined as globally,

persistently impaired cognitive skills including memory. Alzheimer dementia refers to clinical

dementia in patients who also have Alzheimer neuropathology. Alzheimer dementia is what

brings the patients to seek medical treatments. An extraordinary inability to form new memory,

especially of those episodic type, and executive dysfunction are among the earliest symptoms in

AD patients. In end-stage AD, cognitive degeneration extends far beyond memory loss. The

underlying causes include decreases in impaired brain metabolism, which results in impaired

synaptic functions and capacities, thus impaired information processing, and eventually leads to

neuronal injury and death. Early-stage is the early part of Alzheimer’s disease when problems

with memory, thinking and concentration may begin to appear in a doctor’s interview or medical

tests. Individuals in the early-stage typically need minimal assistance with simple daily routines.

At the time of a diagnosis, an individual is not necessarily in the early stage of the disease; he or

she may have progressed beyond the early stage. The term early-onset refers to Alzheimer's that

occurs in a person under age 65. Early-onset individuals may be employed or have children still

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living at home. Issues facing families include ensuring financial security; obtaining benefits and

helping children cope with the disease. People who have early-onset dementia may be in any

stage of dementia – early, middle or late. Experts estimate that some 500,000 people in their 30s,

40s and 50s have Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia.

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Chapter 1

The Problem and its Background


Dementia is a brain disorder that seriously affects a person’s ability to carry out daily

activities. The most common form of dementia among older people is Alzheimer’s disease (AD),

which initially involves the parts of the brain that control thought, memory, and language.

Although scientists are learning more every day, right now, they still do not know what causes

AD, and there is no cure. Scientists think that as many as 4.5 million Americans suffer from AD.

The disease usually begins after age 60, and risk goes up with age. While younger people also

may get AD, it is much less common. About 5 percent of men and women ages 65 to 74 have

AD, and nearly half of those age 85 and older may have the disease. It is important to note,

however, that AD is not a normal part of aging.

AD is named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German doctor. In 1906, Dr. Alzheimer

noticed changes in the brain tissue of a woman who had died of an unusual mental illness. He

found abnormal clumps (now called amyloid plaques) and tangled bundles of fibers (now called

neurofibrillary tangles). Today, these plaques and tangles in the brain are considered signs of

AD. Scientists also have found other brain changes in people with AD. Nerve cells die in areas

of the brain that are vital to memory and other mental abilities, and connections between nerve

cells are disrupted. There also are lower levels of some of the chemicals in the brain that carry

messages back and forth between nerve cells. AD may impair thinking and memory by

disrupting these messages.

One theory is that they block nerve cells’ ability to communicate with each other, making

it difficult for the cells to survive. Autopsies have shown that most people develop some plaques

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and tangles as they age, but people with Alzheimer’s develop far more than those who do not

develop the disease. Scientists still don’t know why some people develop so many compared to

others. However, several risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease have been uncovered. Advancing

age is the number one risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s disease. One out of eight people

over the age of 65 has Alzheimer’s disease and almost one out of every two people over the age

of 85 has Alzheimer’s. The probability of being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s nearly doubles

every five years after age 65. People who have a parent or sibling that developed Alzheimer’s

disease are two to three times more likely to develop the disease than those with no family

history of Alzheimer’s. If more than one close relative has been affected, the risk increases even


Scientists have identified two kinds of genes that are associated with this familial risk

factor. The first thought to be a “risk gene,” APOE-e4, which increases the likelihood of

developing Alzheimer’s, but does not guarantee it. In addition to APOE-e4, scientists think there

could be up to a dozen more risk genes yet to be discovered. The second kind of gene is a

“deterministic gene” and is much rarer hand risk genes. Deterministic genes are only found in a

few hundred extended families around the world. If a deterministic gene is inherited, the person

will undoubtedly develop Alzheimer’s, probably at a much earlier age. Although age and family

history are out of our control, scientists have also identified several lifestyle factors that can

influence a person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. A connection has been found

between serious head injury and future development of Alzheimer’s, so those who practice safety

measures such as wearing seat belts and not engaging in activities where there is a high risk of

falling are at an advantage.

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Evidence is also mounting for the promotion of exercise and a healthy diet to reduce

Alzheimer’s risk. Avoiding tobacco, limiting alcohol consumption, staying socially active, and

engaging in intellectually stimulating activities have also been shown to have a protective effect

against Alzheimer’s disease. Finally, there is a strong link between heart health and brain health.

Those who are free of heart disease or related conditions are at a lower risk of developing

Alzheimer’s or another kind of dementia than those who have cardiovascular problems.

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Statement of the Problem

This research aimed to determine the Cause and Effect of Alzheimer’s Disease. AD

develops slowly and is difficult to diagnose. Cognitive deficits vary between patients, and

correlate to the amount of education and social interaction the patient has experienced in his or

her lifetime. Poor performance on an IQ test, for example, may reflect a lower level of education,

and not Alzheimer's disease. Thus, it is necessary to have a well-documented patient history

(mental as well as physical) and this is not always available. It is difficult to obtain accurate

histochemical information, which would require observation of brain samples during different

phases of the disease. However, neurological biopsies are ethically questionable, and brain

dissection can only be performed post-mortem.

The goal of AD research is ultimately to identify the most effective strategies for

preventing and treating AD in diverse populations. Recent research findings have provided an

unprecedented base of knowledge upon which to design these strategies. Research on AD

genetics, on the basic cellular biology of AD-related pathways, the changes taking place in the

brains of persons with mild cognitive impairment and early. AD, animal models, and hints of

possible risk and protective factors from epidemiology studies, have all contributed to

identification of new clinical opportunities. These diverse and productive research approaches

will continue to drive the design of innovative pilot studies and full scale clinical trials that are

most likely to yield effective strategies for preventing and treating AD.

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Significance of the Study

We made this research to inform the people what Alzheimer’s disease is, and what causes

the Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is conditions that cause memory loss. I want to

help the people to know about this disorder all about. Alzheimer’s disease is a brain condition in

which it affects the brain and memory. The people who will be reading with my thesis will

understand better on what I am saying about this topic. There are a number of terms that are

crucial to be understanding of Alzheimer’s disease This thesis includes the symptoms, the ability

to remember things and recall them at the right time, and the treatment. In general, Alzheimer

disease more frequently involves deficits in new learning or recent memory. Alzheimer's disease

(AD) is the most common form of dementia among older people. Dementia is a brain disorder

that seriously affects a person's ability to carry out daily activities. The researchers will inform

people that in having an Alzheimer’s disease, age does not matter.

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Scope and Limitations

This study focused on the cause and effect of Alzheimer’s disease among elders and

young people. Alzheimer’s disease eventually affects all aspects of a person's life: how he or she

thinks and acts. Since individuals are affected differently, it is difficult to predict the symptoms

each person will have, the order in which they will appear, or the speed of the disease's


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Definition of Terms

Plaques – deposits of the protein beta-amyloid that accumulate in the spaces between

nerve cells

Tangles – deposits of the protein tau that accumulate inside of nerve Cells

Insulin- is an animal hormone whose presence informs the body's cells that the animal is

well fed, causing liver and muscle cells to take in glucose and store it in the form of

glycogen, and causing fat cells to take in blood lipids and turn them into triglycerides. In

addition, it has several other anabolic effects throughout the body.

Diabetes mellitus -is a syndrome characterized by disordered metabolism and

inappropriately high blood sugar (hyperglycemia)resulting from either low levels of the

hormone insulin or from abnormal resistance to insulin's effects coupled with inadequate

levels of insulin secretion to compensate abnormal clumps (now called amyloid plaques)

and tangled bundles of fibers (now called neurofibrillarytangles)

Head injury -is any trauma that leads to injury of the scalp, skull, or brain. The injuries

can range from a minor bump on the skull to serious brain injury.

Alzheimer's disease-A progressive, degenerative disease of the brain that leads to

dementia. Many think that Alzheimer's disease and dementia is the same thing, but

Alzheimer's is actually the most common cause of dementia. While everyone who has

Alzheimer's develops dementia, not everyone who develops dementia has Alzheimer's


AD- is an abbreviation of “Alzheimer's Disease”.

Dementia-A general term that describes a brain syndrome characterized by problems with

memory, judgment, language, orientation, and executive functioning. Alzheimer's disease

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is the most common cause of dementia, but strokes, Parkinson’s disease, head injury, or a

host of other conditions-very few of which are reversible can also cause dementia.

ADDL - the protein, known to attack memory-forming synapses, is called an ADDL for

“amyloid ß-derived diffusible ligand.”)

ADDLS - are small, soluble aggregated proteins.

The Alzheimer’s Disease Association of the Philippines (ADAP)-founded in March 2000

and a member of the Alzheimer’s Disease International in 2002, is an organization

composed of persons with dementia and their family caregivers, dedicated doctors with

special interest in dementia, allied –medical professionals and others involved in the care

of patients. It is the mission of ADAP to assist families through educational programs and

support services to optimize quality of life for afflicted individuals and their families; to

raise awareness about dementia; to promote advocacy for elderly quality care; and to

support research in dementia

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Review of Related Literature

Foreign Literature

All too frequently, people are discovering that a grandparent, parent, elderly relative, or

friend can no longer remember names or faces, recognize common objects, or talk in coherent

sentences. This person may be suffering from Alzheimer's disease (AD). Alzheimer's disease is a

growing medical and social concern. Zaven Khachaturian and Teresa Radebaugh, in their 1996

book Alzheimer's disease: Cause(s), Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care, state that AD strikes more

than 4 million people in the United States alone and affects millions more who suffer from

watching a loved one afflicted with the disease. In the last 30 years, AD has become a hot topic

in both the medical and non-medical communities.

Khachaturian and Radebaugh describe AD as a "degenerative disorder that attacks the

brain and leads to dementia." The brain's cognitive centers are affected, causing memory loss and

the inability to understand situations or even questions or statements. As the disease progresses,

social interactions diminish, and the afflicted person loses the ability to care for him or herself.

The duration of AD, from onset to death, ranges from two to 20 years. Symptoms of AD

will often become noticeable between the ages of 65 and 85, becoming more prevalent as the

person grows older and the disease progresses. Although rare, AD can manifest as early as age

45, and is termed "early onset" Alzheimer's disease when it occurs before 65. Scientists do not

yet fully understand what causes AD. There probably is not one single cause, but several factors

that affect each person differently. Age is the most important known risk factor for AD. The

number of people with the disease doubles every 5 years beyond age 65. Family history is

another risk factor. Scientists believe that genetics may play a role in many AD cases. For

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example, early-onset familial AD, a rare form of AD that usually occurs between the ages of 30

and 60, is inherited. The more common form of AD is known as late-onset. It occurs later in life,

and no obvious inheritance pattern is seen in most families. However, several risk factor genes

may interact with each other and with non-genetic factors to cause the disease. The only risk

factor gene identified so far for late-onset AD is a gene that makes one form of a protein called

apolipoprotein E (ApoE). Everyone has ApoE, which helps carry cholesterol in the blood. Only

about 15 percent of people have the form that increases the risk of AD. It is likely that other gene

also may increase the risk of AD or protect against AD, but they remain to be discovered.

Scientists still need to learn a lot more about what causes AD. In addition to genetics and ApoE,

they are studying education, diet, and environment to learn what role they might play in the

development of this disease. Scientists are finding increasing evidence that some of the risk


AD begins slowly. At first, the only symptom may be mild forgetfulness, which can be

confused with age-related memory change. Most people with mild forgetfulness do not have AD.

In the early stage of AD, people may have trouble remembering recent events, activities, or the

names of familiar people or things. They may not be able to solve simple math problems. Such

difficulties may be a bother, but usually they are not serious enough to cause alarm. However, as

the disease goes on, symptoms are more easily noticed and become serious enough to cause

people with AD or their family members to seek medical help. Forgetfulness begins to interfere

with daily activities. People in the middle stages of AD may forget how to do simple tasks like

brushing their teeth or combing their hair. They can no longer think clearly. They can fail to

recognize familiar people and places. They begin to have problems speaking, understanding,

reading, or writing. Later on, people with AD may become anxious or aggressive, or wander

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away from home. Eventually, patients need total care. An early, accurate diagnosis of AD helps

patients and their families plan for the future. It gives them time to discuss care while the patient

can still take part in making decisions. Early diagnosis will also offer the best chance to treat the

symptoms of the disease. Today, the only definite way to diagnose AD is to find out whether

there are plaques and tangles in brain tissue. To look at brain tissue, however, doctors usually

must wait until they do an autopsy, which is an examination of the body done after a person dies.

Therefore, doctors can only make a diagnosis of “possible” or “probable” AD while the person is

still alive. At specialized centers, doctors can diagnose AD correctly up to 90 percent of the time.

Doctors use several tools to diagnose “probable” AD, including:* questions about the person’s

general health, past medical problems, and ability to carry out daily activities, * tests of memory,

problem solving, attention, counting, and language,* medical tests—such as tests of blood, urine,

or spinal fluid, and* brain scans. Sometimes these test results help the doctor find other possible

causes of the person’s symptoms. For example, thyroid problems, drug reactions, depression,

brain tumors, and blood vessel disease in the brain can cause AD-like symptoms. Some of these

other conditions can be treated successfully. The National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the

National Institutes of Health (NIH), is the lead Federal agency for AD research. NIA-supported

scientists are testing a number of drugs to see if they prevent AD, slow the disease, or help

reduce symptoms. Researchers undertake clinical trials to learn whether treatments that appear

promising in observational and animal studies actually are safe and effective in people. Some

ideas that seem promising turn out to have little or no benefit when they are carefully studied in a

clinical trial. Scientists are finding that damage to parts of the brain involved in memory, such as

the hippocampus, can sometimes be seen on brain scans before symptoms of the disease occur.

An NIA public-private partnership—the AD Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI)—is a large study

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that will determine whether magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission

tomography (PET) scans, or other imaging or biological markers, can see early AD changes or

measure disease progression. The project is designed to help speed clinical trials and find new

ways to determine the effectiveness of treatments.

Cholesterol is widely blamed for causing Alzheimer's disease. Yet little is known about

the relationship between cholesterol and Alzheimer's, and one hypothesis, described below, is

that cholesterol protects the brain from Alzheimer's. It is unsurprising that, when one of the most

booming industries is the sale of cholesterol-lowering drugs, just about every disease under the

sun would be pinned to cholesterol. The more diseases blamed on cholesterol, the more profits

generated by the sale of cholesterol-lowering drugs. However, is it true that cholesterol causes

Alzheimer's disease? On the other hand, you could actually harm your brain by reducing its

cholesterol content through drugs or a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet? Moreover, if cholesterol is

not to blame, what does cause Alzheimer's, and what is the best way to protect ourselves from it?

Headlines blaming cholesterol for Alzheimer's disease abound. A Google search for "cholesterol

and the brain" turns up such titles as "Cholesterol central to brain disease," and "Cholesterol bad

for brain, too." One study bragged that by using stains, cholesterol-lowering drugs, medical

researchers could reduce the amount of cholesterol in the brains of Alzheimer's patients with

normal cholesterol levels by an average of 21.4 percent. Without studying whether this drop in

cholesterol resulted in improved memory or other cognitive effects, the study celebrated the

ability to reduce normal levels of brain cholesterol based on the dubious notion that cholesterol is

"involved" in the formation of amyloidal plaques, a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. Since the

brain, being only 2% of the body's weight, yet containing a full 25% of its cholesterol, relies on

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cholesterol as so necessary and central to its function, it is not very surprising that cholesterol

would be "involved" in any brain disorder.

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Local Literature

A terrifying disease indeed, Alzheimer's has to this date-caused confusion and much

speculation in the medical world. What is Alzheimer's? How does it occur? How is it detected?

Who is most susceptible to contract it? All of these are common questions doctors and medical

researchers ponder on; questions that are investigate the fundamental roots of Alzheimer's (as

well as other diseases). With these questions being unanswered, it can be only known that

Alzheimer's exists and takes over the lives of approximately 4% of Philippines‘s elderly

population every year with the number on the rise. Alzheimer's is a terrible disease that is

growing in numbers every single year. People over the age of 65 are the ones that need to worry

most about getting it, yet some people that are younger can still get it. This disease is a terrible

disease and can be scary and frustrating. Doctors have a very difficult time diagnosing it because

there are so many things that are similar to this disease. This disease not only destroys the lives

of the victims, but also can ruin the lives of the people that take care of them. At this time, there

is not a cure, but many scientists are working very hard to find a cure for this terrible disease.

Today almost 2 million Filipinos suffer from Alzheimer's disease. It is estimated that this disease

will claim 14 million victims by the year 2050. Experts believe this because of greater life

expectancy. Meanwhile, almost 4 percent of Filipinos between the ages of 65 to 74 will get this

disease. For the people between the ages of 75 through 84 it is expected to strike ten percent, and

people over the age of 85 have a 17 percent chance of contracting this horrifying disease. It can

also strike the lives of people in their forties or fifties, although this is not that common.

Undeniably, Alzheimer's is an extremely terrible disease to get because one loses memory, self-

pride, and independence to care for one's self. Because so little information is known about this

disease by the public and even medical experts, it is described as a "silent disease".

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In 1906, a German psychiatrist and neuropathologist by the name of Dr. Alois Alzheimer

discovered and named this disease. He had a female patient that was experiencing memory loss,

confusion, depression, and hallucinations. She died in a nursing home at the age of 55. Dr.

Alzheimer wanted to conduct an autopsy to see if he could figure out exactly what had caused

her mysterious death. He discovered "two startling abnormalities, inside and outside the brain

cells." Tissue lying inside the cell bodies or nuclei of neurons exhibited an abnormally high

number of fine nerve fibers or filaments, twisted around each other. He called these twisted

fibers neurofibrillary tangles. He also saw unusually high numbers of fibrous plaques located

between brain cells, composed of degenerating terminal dendrites or burned out nerve endings

that surrounded fibrous amyloid protein. These abnormalities were known as senile or neuritic

plaques. Today there are many different theories of what causes Alzheimer's. Some experts

believe that the intake of too much aluminum may play an important role in what causes

Alzheimer's, although there is no evidence yet .Others believe that there are "three genes that are

somehow part of the problem". Yet other scientists suspect that it could be some sort of viral

defect). Some scientists even believe that head trauma may be the cause of this horrifying

disease. Some studies showed that people who have had head injuries in the past get this disease

more than people who have not had any head injuries. It may also be possible that Alzheimer's

disease is hereditary and passed on through the genes. Some scientists believe that the amount of

mitochondria in the cells may play an important role in what causes Alzheimer's disease. They

have found that 8.3 percent of Alzheimer's patients had a "mitochondrial DNA mutation." This

can possibly leave the brain cells "starved of energy," and in turn cause them to die. Alzheimer's

is a terrible disease that leaves its victims confused, disoriented, and dependent on others. It is

hard for the victims to realize that they have the disease in the early stages. Relatives or close

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friends of the victim may not even realize what is happening because it is so gradual. They may

think that the victim is acting the way they are due to old age. The first stage of Alzheimer's can

last anywhere from two to four years. The first thing that starts to happen is usually memory loss;

victims may forget events or names. They may also have a hard time concentrating on something

or learning new things .Then they may become confused and disoriented. Victims might get lost

and forget the day, month, and year easily. The person may have a difficult time completing

sentences when talking. He or she may be unable to follow directions. Victims can also have a

difficult time completing familiar tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and performing their job. The

victim's mood changes and this leads to depression. Last of all, they may neglect their personal

hygiene, such as brushing their teeth or taking a bath. In the early stages of Alzheimer’s, there is

a gradual loss of mental and physical abilities. The victims seem to suffer physical damage to

some parts of their brain. This damage to the brain is in the form of lesions, "abnormal changes

in the brain cells themselves." Lesions can only be observed clearly during an autopsy of the

brain. These lesions are usually found in the limbic system or other parts of the brain that help in

the controlling of memory and learning. The presences of lesions somehow disturb brain cells,

and in turn cause one to lose one's memory. As previously stated, Alzheimer's is an extremely

difficult disease to recognize or diagnose in the early stages. Other illnesses are similar in the

way that they affect the brain and some mental disorders are similar. Mental confusion, irrational

behavior, and loss of memory is classified under dementia. For a doctor to find out if a patient

has Alzheimer's he must find a way to rule out possibilities of the patient having some other

"dementing illness." The doctor asks various questions about the person's general health and

present condition to help in ruling out other "dementing illnesses”. The second stage of

Alzheimer's leaves the victims helpless. Their behavior can become extremely unpredictable in

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some people. This stage can last from two to ten years. The victims have continued and

progressive memory loss, which can make it impossible for them to remember past and even

current events .The victims, may become severely disoriented and confused. He or she may lose

the ability to recognize loved ones and even their own reflection. The victims might wander

away and get lost. The victims become unable to express themselves and to complete sentences.

They go through mood swings and personality changes, which are usually short, lived. The

victim may wander around at night or repeat movements repeatedly. They suffer from behavior

problems and can hallucinate. Sometimes they hide things and then wreck things when they are

trying to find the thing they hid in the first place. Their motor activity becomes impaired and

they may have a tough time buttoning their shirt or tying their shoelace. They may experience

muscle twitching. They may also tend to lose their sense of balance. Scientists have tried a

variety of drugs to cure Alzheimer's disease, but they have not been successful yet. There have

been hundreds of drugs tested on Alzheimer's patients, but none has been very successful. Most

of them were found either ineffective or caused some serious side effects. Lecithin was one type

of drug that was tried but it was found to be ineffective. However, a drug by the name of tacrine

has shown to help a few people with Alzheimer's disease, but then more in-depth studies showed

that these benefits could not be confirmed. Various medications may be prescribed to help with

any behavior problems that the patient might have. Medications such as antidepressants or

antipsychotic are sometimes given in small doses to patients in order to control their behavior

problems. It is rather disappointing that scientists have not found a cure for this disease yet, but

they believe that there is still hope that one day they will find a cure. This disease can be

extremely hard to live with if one does not have any close friends or relatives. Here is a story of a

man named Andrew who had to go through this disease with no one to help him. Andrew's wife

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died when he was 65. He retired from his job and moved to a trailer park. He did not have any

children, and he did not have any relatives that lived close by. He also had no friends. No one

knew him that well, so when he started to show some early signs of Alzheimer's disease no one

even noticed. Some of his cousins were surprised that they didn't hear from him over the

holidays, but soon forgot about it because they were so busy with their own lives. His neighbors

started to notice that he did not dress neatly anymore, and that he didn't take care of his yard

anymore. His neighbors all thought that someone else should check on Andrew to see if he

needed any help. After about two years he started to wander around outside. One morning he was

found sleeping under a tree a few blocks from his house. He was very confused and could not tell

anyone where he lived. The family that found him called the police, realizing that Andrew was

ill. They took him to the emergency room at the nearby hospital. Finally, a nurse got him to tell

her his name. No relatives or close friends could be found, so he was admitted to the hospital. He

was diagnosed with having Alzheimer's disease, but the hospital could not find anyone to take

care of him. A social worker also tried, but had no luck. He was sent to the state mental hospital

because he had some financial problems and could not afford to stay at a nursing home. He had

no choice in deciding this. Andrew soon realized where he was and wanted to get out. He could

not afford it, so he had to stay where he was. Soon a guardian was found for him, and took care

of him until he died five years later. It is extremely difficult to have Alzheimer's. It can be even

more devastating if the victim is not financially secure. This can make it hard to find a place to

stay. In Andrew's case, he also had no friends or relatives to help him through it. The victims of

this disease are often felt sorry for, but people usually do not think of the people that take care of

the Alzheimer's victim. It can be very rough on the caretaker in many different ways. There is a

chance that the person taking care of the victim may feel angry or frustrated. He may be angry

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that he has to deal about this problem, angry that other family members fail to do their share. He

might be angry with the Alzheimer's victim for his unusual behavior. The caregiver may feel

embarrassed about the way that the Alzheimer's victim acts around others that do not understand

exactly what is wrong with the victim. The caretaker may feel guilty about the way that he is

acting around the victim or for using harsh words at the victim when he loses his temper. The

caregiver might be hopeful that there will be some cure for Alzheimer's sometime soon in the

future, but yet discouraged that there is not a cure right now and the possibility that there may

not be a cure for a long time. Taking care of a loved one with Alzheimer's can be extremely

tiring and even frustrating. It can totally change the way that a person lives his life. A group

called the "Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association (ADRDA)", made up of

mostly families of Alzheimer's victims, helps people to get through the difficulties of being a

guardian or caretaker. This group has meetings at which members can express their personal

feelings and experiences with Alzheimer's victims. They can also share what they do to deal with

the problems that they have encountered. It also does research to help find the causes of

Alzheimer's and a cure for this disease. This group has recently changed its name to Alzheimer's

Association”. Alzheimer's is a terrible disease that destroys the lives of many people and will

probably destroy many more as life expectancy increases. The victims know that the disease will

slowly eat away at the life that they have left inside of them. They also know that there is no

known cure at this time to help them overcome this terrible disease, so they can live their life like

a normal person.

Alzheimer's Disease Association of the Philippines (ADAP) ... Facing the Challenge of

Alzheimer’s Disease: Dementia on the Rise, No Time to Lose. 900 – 1000.


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We the prime movers in the care of Alzheimer's Disease and Relate

Disorders envision:

The Filipino people optimally addressing issues associated with Alzheimer's Disease and

related disorders, being one with the world in continuously striving for a life that is dignified,

productive, and full of hope for patients and their families.


To be in the forefront of increasing the level of awareness for Alzheimer's Disease and

related disorders, creating optimal support services for patients, their families and caregivers, and

providing all available support to healthcare professionals, individuals, and institutions for the

advancement of research.


Passion for excellence

We demand of ourselves the highest standards in every endeavor we will


Social Responsibility

We take an active role in advocating solutions that address the needs of

AD patients, their families, and their healthcare professionals involving:

o Legislation

o Disease Management Guidelines

o Public Fora and Advocacy Programs

We are continuously in-touch with the realities in the Philippine setting as

it affects the management of AD and related disorders.

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We work in collaboration with other sectors and organizations in

addressing issues related to AD and related disorders.


We willingly share precious time, expertise, and resources for the

continuous growth of ADAP and realization of its vision.


We continuously explore viable new and alternative approaches in

attaining the ADAP Vision.

We maintain a critical yet an open mind in every undertaking that would

lead to the attainment of the ADAP Vision.


We work within the boundaries of acceptable norms and standards and we

constantly seek for enlightenment on issues on preservation of the dignity of human life.

Scientific Advancement

We consciously share, organize, and analyze data for the advancement of

the management of AD and related disorders.

We value the scientific process, identifying and prioritizing research for

the attainment of the ADAP Vision.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, which is the loss of

intellectual and social abilities severe enough to interfere with daily functioning. Dementia

occurs in people with Alzheimer's disease because healthy brain tissue degenerates, causing a

steady decline in memory and mental abilities.

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Related Studies

Alzheimer's disease was named after Alois Alzheimer, who was a psychiatrist with a

specialty in neuropathology, and was the first to show what was going on physically in the brain

of someone with what we now call Alzheimer's. In 1907, he presented his findings from the

autopsy of his patient, Auguste D., who had been admitted to an asylum for "delirium and

frenzied jealousy of her husband." Alois Alzheimer noted two things about the condition of

Auguste's brain, to which he attributed her mental degeneration: "miliary bodies," which we now

call "amyloid plaques," and "dense bundles of fibrils," which we now call "neurofibrillary

tangles." This was a bold claim at a time when the connection between the physical and the

mental was being explored but not yet fully accepted, and in 1910, Alzheimer's mentor, Emil

Kraepelin, named the disease after him. The amyloid plaques are made up of a peptide (a peptide

is a fragment of a protein) called "beta-amyloid," which is formed by the cleavage of amyloid

precursor protein (APP) by an enzyme called "gamma-secretase." The tangles, on the other hand,

are primarily composed of a protein called "tau," which forms tangles when it is hyper-

phosphorylated. The plaques exist on the outside of cells, while the tangles exist on the inside of


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Chapter III

Research Methodology

Research Design

Being the researcher, we used the descriptive method. This is designed for the

investigator to gather information about present existing conditions. The goal of Alzheimer’s

disease research is ultimately to identify the most effective strategies for preventing and treating

Alzheimer’s disease in diverse populations. Recent research findings have provided an

unprecedented base of knowledge upon which to design these strategies. Research on

Alzheimer’s disease genetics, on the basic cellular biology of Alzheimer’s disease -related

pathways, the changes taking place in the brains of persons with mild cognitive impairment and

early Alzheimer’s disease, animal models, and hints of possible risk and protective factors from

epidemiology studies, have all contributed to identification of new clinical opportunities. A

diverse and productive research approaches will continue to drive the design of innovative pilot

studies and full scale clinical trials that are most likely to yield effective strategies for preventing

and treating Alzheimer’s disease. It is difficult to predict the pace of science or to know with

certainty what the future will bring. However, the progress we have already made will help us

speed the pace of discovery, unravel the mysteries of Alzheimer’s disease’s pathology, and

develop safe, effective preventions and treatments, to the benefit of older Americans.

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Locale and Population

The study was conducted at Sta. Elena High School, Marikina City. The respondents

were the second year and fourth year high school students from SEHS.

Description of the Respondents

We chose sixty (60) respondents studying in SEHS. They are aged 13 years old to 17

years old, male and female, from all walks of life. We considered the students of SEHS who

were able or unable to answer our survey questionnaire for more valid reason.

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Chapter IV

Presentation, analysis and Interpretation of data

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the gathered data. We based the

interpretation from the responses of the high school students of SEHS. The answers were

tabulated, by giving each answer its corresponding percentage. To obtain the correct tabulation, I

included the total number of respondents and made sure that the total percentage would be equal.

The interpretation of the researcher would be found at the bottom of every tables. The

respondents’ answers to the question were analyzed and studied carefully and interpreted


Page 31: The Causes and Effects of Alzheimer’s Disease: The Silent Disease

Table 1

Age of the respondents

Age Number Percent










Total 60 100%

The table shows the distribution of the population by age. 23 out of 60 respondents or

38% belongs to 12-13 age bracket, 24 or 40% belongs to 14-15 years old; students belonging to

16-17 years old constituted 22% of the total population.

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Table 2

Gender of the respondents

Gender Number Percent







Total 60 100%

The table shows the gender of the respondents 22 of them or 37% are males and 38

students or 63% are females.

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Table 3

Answering the Survey Questionnaire & Overall Respondents

Questions Number Percent Number Percent

Yes No

1. Do you know what Alzheimer’s disease is? If yes, how? If no, why?

51 85% 9 15%

2. Do you know the effect of Alzheimer’s disease to a person?

42 70% 18 30%

3. Are you familiar with the causes of Alzheimer’s disease?

31 52% 29 48%

4. Where did you get the information about the said topic?

Number Percent

Peers 11 18%

Internet 10 17%

Books 17 28%

Others: Relatives, Family members, chart, ads, TV

22 37%

5. What was your reaction upon learning about the disease that one of the members of the family and or one of the members of the family of your friends had/ has an Alzheimer’s disease?

The table shows that majority of the respondents knows what Alzheimer’s disease is,

consisting of 51 students or 85% and 9 students or 15%, they do not know what Alzheimer’s

disease is. 42 students or 70% knows the effects of Alzheimer’s disease and 18 or 30% who does

not know the effects of Alzheimer’s disease. 31 or 52% who are familiar with the causes of

Alzheimer’s disease. Majority of the students get the information about Alzheimer’s disease in

their relatives, family members, charts, ads, and TV.

Page 34: The Causes and Effects of Alzheimer’s Disease: The Silent Disease

Their reaction upon learning about the disease that one of the members of their family

and or one of the members of their family of their friends had/ has an Alzheimer’s disease is that

they will help them with everyday lives. They are scared to have that kind of disease and some

says that they feel pity because they will forget the happiest moment of their lives. This signifies

that only few of their members of their family and or one of the members of their family of their

friends had/ has an Alzheimer’s disease.

Chapter V

Conclusions and Recommendations

Page 35: The Causes and Effects of Alzheimer’s Disease: The Silent Disease


In light of the findings of the study, the following conclusions are made:

1. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia among older people.

Dementia is a brain disorder that seriously affects a person's ability to carry out daily activities.

2. People with AD may have trouble remembering things that happened recently or names of

people they know.

3. People may not recognize family members or have trouble speaking, reading or writing. They

may forget how to brush their teeth or comb their hair.

4. Later on, they may become anxious or aggressive, or wander away from home. Eventually,

they need total care. This can cause great stress for family members who must care for them.

5. AD usually begins after age 60. The risk goes up as you get older. Your risk is also higher if a

family member has had the disease.

6. No treatment can stop the disease. However, some drugs may help keep symptoms from

getting worse for a limited time.

7. Primary care physicians have an important role to play in acknowledging and supporting the

care giving provided by family and friends to individuals with dementia.


One thesis recommends adopting a "brain-healthy diet" by "reducing your intake of foods

high in fat and cholesterol."