the catarrh of summer, whiteifflrstilil lab($ only...

THE CATARRH OF SUMMER, IRer. Chas. Leander, San "franasco. Cala. "Rev. Chas. Leander, pastor First Spir- Itual Society ot San Francisco. writ-is from 311 Turk Street, San Francisco, Cala., as tollaws: *. 5t is with pleasure that 1 give my en- dorsement oT Peruna. My experience has been very satisfactory from its use. and I do firmly believe that it is the best known remedy for catarrh in all its different forms." Mrs. B. Gibson a recent letter, lor live years *-rf Waxahachie. Tex., in says: "I was troubled h a chronic disease. I Ufc-l e-v^ryUttng I; heard of. ^u-^nothrrig.*; dlSvme any f-ood. ;:*_->me dftctore said _ny- .trouble was "catarrh of tho bowels and .soine «dd t-onsumption of -the bowels.,,: :One doctor said he could cure-me; I took his medicine /.two months, but it did me no good. -.AjTriend of. mine advised" me to Iry Peruna. and' I did so After. I had teken t«o bottles ! found it was helpWig mc, so I took six bottles,-and it cured me sound ..and well. lf any one wants to know What Peruna has done for tm,ii they will write to me I will answer prcmplly. Emma Mankin, Mont Eagle, Tenn., In a recent letter, says: "I have euffercd with catarrh of the stomach and bowels. for. three years. I tried three doctors and several different medicines recom- me-nded for troubles similar- to mine. Your medicino was recomrnended to me. and .--fter the use of thirteen bottles I was eiuirciy cured." Tiie exceedingly hot weather of the present summer is producing an alarm- ing fatality from diarrhocu, cholera in- fanlum, cholera morbus and dysentery. Every family and person ought to be provided with an effectlve preventive and cure for these discases. Peruna never falls when used in time. to cure the most severe cases of them. Thousands of lives are saved by this unfailing rem¬ edy in all acute diseases of the tstomach and bowels. If you axe not aiready ac- qualnted with tlie wonderful virtues of Peruna In summer cornplaints, send for a free book written by Dr. Kartman, Columbus, Ohio, on diseases peculiar to summer. which contains a description of the causes, symptoms and ciire of these dangerous and prevalent diseases. This book sent free to any address by Tlie Peruna Medicine Co,. Columbus. Ohio. sessions begun: (Continued from Sixth Page.) also bo asked to aid in this worthy enter¬ prise. R1CHSV10ND CHGWDED. Thcusat-.tls of Oild-Fellows Here from AM Over tho Cotihtry. Broad Street last night prescnted a pretty scene with its decorauons and hundreds of visiting Odd-Fellows from. all over the countrj*. Until late at night the visitors streamed into the city and fllled up the boarding-houses and the hotels, and it was .with diffieulty that good accommodation cou)d bc obtained. "Most of the delegates came from. Xew England last n_ght, and over the Chesa¬ peake ard Ohio a large crowd, embracing the Bunker Hill Eneampment, of Charies- town; the Mount Washington, of South "Boston; the Everett and Fifty-ninth Re- hekahs, of Boston. ln the delegation were Capt. Charles Carter, and Mrs. Clara. E. Ciark, of Louis- vi'le. president, and Mrs. Esther II. French, past president, of tiie Rebekahs. This delegation put up aL Ford's and Murphy's. Early in the day a large delegation from various places in Xew England arrived, and were quartered at the Lexington. Jefferson Hotel is practically filled, and ¦with the crow-ds expected to-day, the ac- commodations of the city wiil be taxed to the utmosi. There are now not many short of 5.000 -visitors in the city. They will be aug- anented by several thousand more for the parade to-morrow and the ball Thursday nighi. There are a large number of unique badges. The Kentucky badges are beauti- tTul roiniatures of "Mary Anderson. and the (Maryland badges have small metal crabs; the lowa badges represent full ears of corn; those from Connecticut, an imita- tlon nutmeg; the Minnesota badge is a barrel of flour Maine has its coat of arms; "Mississippi a ba'.e of cotion; Michigan a thermometer. and many others are beau¬ tiful silver badges with appropriate in- soriptions. RECEP HON AT THE JEFFERSON. Four Thousand O.Id-i'ellcnvs Honored at the Fuuct ion. The iirst public function in connection with the seveniy-sixth annual session of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd-Fel¬ lows was :i:t reception last night at the Jeffers-.'!!. The afiair was attended by "at least 4.<X>,1 Odd-Fellows, to say nothlng of the Rebekahs and the ladies and seiitle- jnen of Richmond in attendance who are not members of the order. Besides the officers and members of the Sovereign Grand Lodge and ths Grand Eneamp¬ ment there were Odd-Fellows representing the subordinate lodges from nearly every State and Territory in the Union, and a great many Virginians were present who, while not counted with the fraternity. were glad to be ab'.e lo add to the pleas- nres of the oecasion. The ladies on ihe Reception Committee, who acteu with the Grand Sire. the other Grand oflicers and the chairmen of the locai committees, were: Mrs. A. C. Cabie, of Ohio; Mrs. C. M. Busbee, of Xorth Carolina; Mrs. C. B. Casswell, of Massachusetts; Mrs. John B. Goodwyn. of Georgia; Mrs. J. Taylor Ellyson. of Virginia; Mrs. Allen E. ¦Wright, of Allentown, Pa.; Miss Daisy Winston. of Richmoiiu; Mrs. M. J. Dur- ham. of Kentucky; Mrs. A. J. Montague, of Virginia; Mrs. Aifred Guthr'e, of Xew York; Mrs. Aifred Gray, of Richmond. One of the most important things done by the Sovereign Grand Lodge yesterday was to appropriate J1..?"K> to a-neliorate the suffertngs of the Odd-Fellows of Galves¬ ton and to call upon all subordinate lodges to give such assistance to this cause as possible. A ea'i was issued last evening summon- Ing the Grand Lodge of Odd-Fellows of Virginia to meet ;n the Masonic Temple of this city to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock, when business connected with the ses¬ sion of .:he Sovereign Grand .Lodge wiil be considered. Patt-iurclis Militant. . The Grand Sire and Commander-in- Chief his appointed Major-General John C. "U'iiitaker to the command of all Pa- trlarch Militant organizations at Rich¬ mond and he will command the First Di¬ vision of the parade on Wednesday, Sep¬ tember 1<). Major-Gcneral B. C. Deans is al*o detailed to confer the grand decora- tlon of chivalry during this session Chairman Mason, of Uie Rituatistt'c Committee, announces that the exempli- Kidney Sr._fl.tii CiBease. Jauodice. Pains in Sideor Ear jpc-tx-d Sigit. Aching Bone*. Sn-clled Fcrt, V uary XM-ordera and -iallow Coroplcxion, & by Weak, Unhealthy Kidney: THE CURE IS FOUND IN OHf.SOr.-S ,-_SS.R«DNEY farrimySt-iit-jrfKaX F*HLL_-*T Tb__ P<"r;-l-*r-; rl'^ed ret___y *-. Koae so Good aud iVctes so Ch&e: _¦_¦ lt _r_____ _T1 _m___. ._->-__._-»¦ .«,._¦_._..,_,-_._.. P ijf _0«U f"T fl--e _<_ot _____.>!.. , Mnde fn«)B-_-5 u-ua..r« .,t. t?iubi_-tt« ALUtEAD.NG DRUGGISTS- wt,nmmotS5m co., oi.trt-utio, _*.._* fication of degree work will be held as follows: The Subordinate Lodge degrees will be worked in Masonic Hall this evening by Federal Cliy Lodge Xo. _Cv of Wa*shing- ton, D. C, and Newport News Lodge, of ICcwyort News. Va. The work will commence at <":.<" P. M.. and no one will bo allowed to enter or depart during the worKins" of the degree. The Rchekah degree will'bc given ty the Degree Staff of Olive Branch Lodge, No. 10, cf Indianapolis, Ind., at Masonic Hall, corner -Adams and Eroad Streets, Thursday evening at S:30 o'clock. Projrramine To-Day. Business session at 10 A. M. at Jefferson Hotel. Frobable election of oflicers. 5 P. M.. Dress Parade of the Third Reg¬ iment Patriarchs Militant, of Massachu¬ setts, at Capltol Square. Revicw by Gov¬ ernor Tyler. 8:30 P. M., Annuai Reunion of the Past Grand Representatives Union at Jeff.rson Hotel. Chairman James B. Elanks, of Petersburg, will make welcoming remarks. Banquet, with Hon. C. M. Busbee. Past Grand Sire, toastmaster. Resnonses by prominent Odd-Fellows of America. PERSONAL AND GENERAL Iuterrsrinj* Facts About T-ichint-iid's Citizens an<l Othor Waller.Q. Senator Carter Glass, of Lynchburg, is tn the city. The Masonic Home Auxiliary will meet at the Temple to-day at 11 o'clock. Dr. J. T. Trevilian and family have re¬ turned from an extended northern trip. Dr. B. L. Taliaferro has returned to the city after an absence of two weeks. Carrier C. AV. Woodwar-J. of Station B, left last night for northern cities, where he will spend his vacation. Willie Johnson was. arrested by Of¬ ficer Walion yesterday. on the charge of trying to shoot Hester Brown. Miss Annie Slpp has left for an extended trip to Newarlc, X. J.. Nyack, X. Y., Scrantcn, Pa., Buffalo, X. "Y, and Nlagara Falls. Mrs. Clay Drewry, who bas.been at her home, in Albemarle,, Mountain View, dur¬ ing the summer, returned to Richmond Fnuay. Invitations have been sent out for the on Sept. Mth, of Mr. Albert B. Gentry and Miss Susan Lydia Abeli, at Rox. Ya. Mrs. L. G. Lamkin, wife of Poiiceman Lamkin. Xo. 3017 East Broad Street, was taken quite i:l Saturday evening, but is sllglitl;,- better. Mr. Wirt E. Taylor and familv, who naye been-spendlrig some weeks at the Bel Air Hotel, New Castle. Va., have returned to the city. Sportnvn are taking advantage or tbe unusually fine weather for sora and'it ls understood that nearly two c__t_oa___nf them left yesterday for the marshes Col James K Brady, wno has been spending some time. at Old Point will probably return to his home in Peter-bur- to-day. His health is conslaSrably' im¬ proved. -...'".ee^ Wer!^ and Schief arrested Y.d!:e Washington alias Willie Shot. a r.otnous negro, who is wanted in Balti¬ more. He has served two terms in the penitentiary here. Miss Sadie' Yeatman Lynn is now with .her parenrs at No. 332 South Pine Street. after a visit of several months to her aunts, the .Alisses A. and E. Yeatman, in A\ ashington, D. C. Mr. Mark Thompson, Jr., wife and daughter, _vl:ss Virginia, formerlv of this city, but now residents of Cleveland, O., are visiting their father, M. T. Thomp¬ son, on Cary Street Road. Mrs. Joseph Lovenstein, pf Savannah, Ga., accompanied by her little daughter, Katherine, are spending a few days in Richmond, the guests of Mrs. I. Loven¬ stein, No. 409 East Clay Street. Mr. Gera'd F. Higgins, of ths car-service department of the Chesapeake and Ohio, is again as work, having been discharged from the hospital at Clifton Forge, where he had been under treatment. Announcement is made of the engage- ment of Miss Constance Evans to Mr. R. B. Easley, to be married October 3d. The affair will be very quiet Only the iin- modiate family\will be present. The suit of Rev. D. N. B.' Campbell against the National Colored Baptist Con¬ vention for $1,200 has been amicabiy ad- justed through the efforts of Giles B. Jackson, attorney for the convention. During Saturday night sometime, a residence on East Broad Street was en¬ tered by a sneek thief and a lot of* ladies clothing was carried off. Detectives Gibson and Wren recovered the property. There wili be a regular monthly meet¬ ing of Richmond Chapter, U. D C at Lee Camp Hall. at 5:30 o'clock. A full attendance is hoped- for. as there will be only one more meeting before the State Convention. Mr. John Broaddus Allen -a._<j _.-s two brothers, Fred. and Wilton, who have ~ot- ten their initial education in shipbuilding in the Trigg ship yards. in this city, have gone to the Sparrow's Point, Md., sh'p yard. I-ichmnnders ln New Yorlt. (S'pecl-l Dispatch to The Times.) NEW YORK, Sept. 17.Richmonders in New York: J. B. Morgan. Broadway Central: A. W. Waddell, Gllsey; J. BakeV and "-wife, Grand Union: A.' S.' Berford, Manhattan: H. A. Gillls, Imperial; R. b! Flerf Sl. !"-nI<' 1. Aug. Ven0<irn-;'Dr.. G. Bar"."<__ls., *,YP5'n.!n.«t.r. T-io l*l»._rnn luui'Hases. (By A-Soclate. Press.) GLASGOW*. September 17,.Five ___d;- looal cases of bubonic plague have be.n .itorCed bere. __ WHITE LAB($ ONLY IfflRSTilil bommittee. Takes a-Stand and Sets Rrecedent. HEHABILITATION.OF THE LINES- Street Committee Postpones-Action on Plans . City May Kun an Elect ric.P 1 an t. Other News ; The Committee on First Market last evening adopted a resolution provlding that hereaftor only white labor shall Lo employed at this market. At the meeting of the Committee on Cemeteries, a resolution offered by Coun- ei-man McCarthy, providing for the in¬ crease of the pay of the hands employed at Oakwood, River View and Shockoe cemeteries from S1.50 to $1.75 per day, after the first-of next Aprii, was unonimousiy adopted. The matter of the accounts of former Superintendent French, of River View cemetery, was passed by until the next meeting. as Mr. French was absent. Ex- pert Aecountant McCarthy was present, and was prepared to mako his report. It is understood that the report shows that Mr. French was a little slow in turning in money to the City Treasury. STREET COMI.MITTEE MEETS. The Street Committee met yesterday evening. After the transaction of con- siderable routine business. the amended plan for rehabililating tne lines of the Richmond Passenger and Power Company was taken up, and was referred to a spec¬ ial committee, composed of the City Engineer, the City Attorney, and one member of the Street Committee from each ward, with instructions to report at the next meeting. The Chair appointed the following committee: Messrs. Gibson, Glenn. Pollock, Mills. Peters and Wobdy. Before the plan of the company was taken Up Colonel Cutshaw explainrd that he had notitied tho Richmond Passenger and Power Company that they were expected to use cross-overs in thsir construction of new traoks. and to pave the streets from curb to curb. w-here the parvciment was in bad condition as a result of the company's work. Captain Pizzini, on behalf of the company, explained that he had ordered two cross-overs from the faciory, upon receipt of Colonel Cutshaw's letter, and he read a letter from the manufaeturers, saying that on, account of a rush of bus¬ iness they could not be filled at once. Colcnel Cutshaw then suggested that in t i mean time the company use tempor.iry cross-overs. made out of old raiis, which Captain Pizzini agreed to do. As to the paving proposition. Mr. M. M. Martin said the company was wllling to go ahcad with it, and take the risk of be¬ ing paid by the city for that part, which (he company was not bound to construct, and Colonel Cutshaw asked that the City Attorney render an opinion as to how much this company shouid do on its own account. Captain Pizzini explained that on account of putting in some now ma¬ chinery, the company had been forced to reriuce the number of cars temporarily on some of its suburban lines, but promised soon to resume the old sehedule. On motion of Captain "Woody, the company was induiged in the matter for ten days ¦r. 1 The Peters Jim Crow Car ordinance was. on motion' of Captain Mills, referred to the City Attorney. A petition from the Bankers' Assoeiation was prescnted and granted, ailowing the weleome arch to stand until after their meeting luire on October 1th. COMMITTEE OX LTGHT. The Committee on Light also met, and the Armitage Company's bid for a ten years' contract for all salt, made from amcniacal liquors at 40c. per 100 pounds, was favorably recommended to the Coun¬ cil. The Superintendent of the Gas-YVorks was instructed to send circtilars to the Newby Light Company and the "Wcllsbach Company for bids lor lighting 175 street lamps. The proposition to ascertain the cost of the city erecting and maintaining an electric light and power plant was re¬ ferred to a spec'al committee, composed of Messns Tanner, Winston and Wood. The committee recommended an appro- priation of $150, or so much thereof as may be necessary.- to defray Superintendent Knowles' erpenses to the Xational Con¬ vention Of Gas Officers. lt was agreed to light the torches on the weleome arch tliree nights during the Fireman's Carnival. The proposition to secure cheaper gas to the Richmond public was postponed until October. ON RF.LTEF OF POOU. The Committee on Relief of the Poor held its regular' monthly" session at the Almt-house last night. The superintend- eiu's report for the month of August showed tha number of ptuic-nts July 31, 226; received during August. Sl; discharged, ?9; died S; number remaining August 31, .ill; increase over last year, 11. In the hospital on July 31 there were 7G patients, 59 were received during Aug¬ ust, 57 discharged, 4 died, leaving 74 there¬ in on August 31, an increase of 5 over last year. The Almslkmse pay roll and sundry bills were approyed and ordered to be paid. A contract for suuDlying the department with fresh butter was awarded to S. F. Are more than a disfigurement of ... skin; they are a handicap to a young man, alike in love and business. The pimply face looks dissipated and both n*ercliaut and maiden look askance at the unfortttnate fellow whose face is his tnisfortune. An al¬ most certain cure tor pimples and similar disfiguring eruptions is found in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It pur- ifies the blood of tiie corrupting cause of ordinary eruptive diseases,' cleauses the skin and builds up the body with -sound wholesome flesh. " Discovery " coh- tains neither alco- bol nor narcotics. "I am well pleased with your medicines," writes John A. Ca.Ho- way, Esq., of No. 218 26tn St., Coiumbus, Ga. "ln 189j I was workins at night and I broke out in lumps all over, and when these left the skin peeied off. 1 took sis bottles of 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and two of Doctor Fiercc's Pellets, and I do believe that 1 aa sound and well. I have a good eppetite, but before I conunenced treatment 1 had no appetite at all. My eyes were sunken. and my face was pale. I had pimples and brown spots ou my face. Now these are ail -gone. I have used maay kiudsof medidnes-but received no bene¬ fit. **,a3t year 1 weighed one hundred and thirtv-four pouada, ana now I wesgb-one hun¬ dred ac-J furty-fivc. Plesi-c accep: 313? t'ie.:iks. I nni »o glad 1 found the right kind o? tntdlwno.*' Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser sent free on receiot of stamps to pay expense of mailing ~only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for book in paper covers, or 31.stamps.for «loth- to Dr. E.iV.; Rircei Buffifio, .N. Y. A gorgeous cosiume flaslied beneath the brilliant lights of a ball'room. The queen of society is radiant to-night. The nervous hands of a vreak woman have toiled day and night, the weary form and aching head have known no rest. for the dress must be finished in time. To that queen of society and her dressmaker we would say a word. One through hothouse culture. luxury and social excitement, and the other through the toil of necessity, may some day find their ailments a common cause. jtfervous prostration, exciiability, fainting spells, dizzi- ness, sleeolessness, loss of appetite and strength, all indicate serio'us trouble, which has been promoted by an over-taxed system. For the society queen and the dressmaker alike, there is nothing so reliable as I_ydia E. Pii-Miam's Vegetable Componii-i to restore strength, vigor, and happiness. Mrs. Lizzie Anderson, 49 Union St. LSaiem, N. J., writes : grateful ovaricsr^-ili-i'? of the worob, and. leucorrhcsa. At times could not hold a. nf-edle"to sew. The first dose of your Vegetable Comnound helped mc so much that'I k'ept cn using it. I have now taken six bottles and am well and able to do mv work. I aiso ride a wheel and feel no bad eifects from it.' I am tha__k_£"il to the Giver of all good for giving- you the wisdom of curing suifering women. I recommend your med¬ icine to evcxy woman troubled with aay cf these diseases." Mrs. 5ara__ Swoder, 103 West Si,9 La Porte, Ind., writes: "Deak Mrs. P__i_o____i:.It gives mo great pleasure to tell you how much good Lydsa E. Pickharn's Vegetable Coi_-po_*-_d has done for me. "I had been a sufferer for years with female trouble. I could not sew but a few minutes at a time without suiiering terribly with my head. lly back and kidneys also troubled me all the time. 1 was adviscd by a friend to take your med¬ icine. I had no faith in it, but decided to try it. After taking one bottle I felt so much better that I continued its use, and by the time I had taken six bottles I was cured. There is no other medicine for me. I recommend it to all my friends." Owing to the fact that some skcptical S people have from time to time questioned « th_ geauinenessof the testimonial letters 9 we are constantly publishinir, we have § depositcd with the National City Bank, of Lynn^Mass., §5,000, | which will be paid to any person who will show that the above g testimonials are not f-enuine, or were published before obtaining jj the writerB' special perrai-sion..Lvdia E. Pisxllam Msdicinhi Co. % ¦ -___; |__a_8_________g_______an a _a__ ______ Padgett & Co. A communication was re¬ ceived fro.n Doctor Edward McCarthy stating that he had been requested to take charge- of the emergeney service on the oecasion of the parades which oeeur on the 27th and 2Stli of the month under the ausptees of the Virginia State Firemen's Assoeiation, and requesting the use of one of the city ambuiances for said parades. A motion to grant the re¬ quest with the proviso that the ambulance shall go in the parade in charge of one of the resident physictans of the Almshouse was ado'ned. A similar request for one cf the ambu¬ iances for the Odd-Fellows' pa.acle was granted on the same condition. Owing to Uie Firemen's Convention oc- curring on the 2Cta. tho day set for an inspection of the charitable institutions. it was decided to pcsipor.e the tour until some time in October. The superintend¬ ent was directed to repair the ambulance, and Messrs. Curtis and Thomason were appointed a sub-committee, with power to act to have repairs of white ambulance BIcKinley to Relunt.J (By Associntod I'ress.) CANTON, OHIO, Sept. 17..President McKinley will start for Washington to re¬ main for several days, and will return here the latter part of the week. It is said that some matters bearing on the Chinese question require early attention. Delejjiite* to Staunton. The dedegates from Pickett Camp to the Grand Camp at Staunton, October 10th. ,re Messrs. R. F. Morris, M. W. Hazie- wood, James A. McLaughlin, G. M. He'.ms, W. B. "Whitlock, P. S. Buford and Lucien Jackson. l>r. MacLc-aii lUsck. "Dr. S. H. MacLean has returned to the city after an absence of two weeks, spent visiting friends and relatives in -the Xew Engiand States. _ Free Fijrht W-is On. A general fist fight occurred last night at the Morning Glory Saloon on Se'ven- teeiuh Street near Broad, in which col¬ ored men and women figured prominent- lv. Buck Spotswood received a cut on the head and one of the women had a finger badly bitten. AVilliam Bradley, william Henderson and two of the women are now in the First Station, and wili tell their troubles to Justice John this morning. _¦- Mm-e Examii-ations. An examination will be held at the postofflce in this city on Xovember 21; ItHXi, under the rules oi the Cnited States Civil Service Commission, for the pesi- tions of clerk and earrler in the classi- fied postofflce service. Persons wishing application blanks" should apply to H. F- Archer, secretary Board of Examiners, registry division, postofflce. Coniiiiittee to Meet. The Executive Committee of the "Vir¬ ginia State Sunday-school Assoeiation nae been called to meet-this atternoon at U..A- o'clock at the ofnee of Prof. W. F. tos, superintendent -vpubltc schools, in .-..e City Hall. At 'Friaco the llo~rd of Supervisors has psssed an ordinance rsducing. the hours that laundries may be in operation each day, which ia designed to reduce the hours of labor of the overworked emp'oyes. of these concerns from fUteen. to. twelve. boura. _, ... J^:^^^^^^.kM^:M^}^M^M t&j Prevent ail unpleasantness of J|g pi bad teeth, foul breath, sore tM |?3§ gums, by using ... $g i fvliLLER'S No. 4 &.0UTH WASH, £ P:__?fc@. .Sci _S^__.H_v«_. * T. A. MILLER, 519 E. Broad, Branch Under Jefferson Hotel. ^1^- jA t"'*^'? ->,_-. -.:<.¦ -?Ji.-I.-_3 G!_ Dominion leamship Co. Daily Line for New York, the North and East FROF-i RICHMOND. PASSENGi-KS cau leave DAILY, ex¬ cept Sunday, ac U A -_L. and 3:40 P. Al. via. C. und O. Ry., or U A. M. and 3:15 p M. via N. aud W. Ky., conneeting at Nortolk with direct steamers sailing saroe day, 7:30 P. M. shiP at Nortolk. FREIGHT tor all northern, eastern end foreign ports received and forwarded daily. excent Sundav. FhGM f_EW YORK. PASS1__suj_._-_). can leave JL>AI.LY, ex¬ cept Sunday irom Cuinpany's pier, No "\i Xm-rh Kiver. at 3 P. Al.. ?or iiiw c" _-¦_...__ ._,. __-CIin_Gn> and .toi-vvaraed da'iv except S_un_ay. 1Jf Tickets otisale at Richmond. Tran -f«P Company, 903 East Main Street Jeffer .on Hotel, C. and O. and ii. an_ _r. deoots Richmond. Baggage checked through tn all noints. .11 noints. For further Information. app.v to JOHN F. aiAyjER. Agen "'chmond, W-est Street. New York N._Y JFI '* _»_>x__» _.-. _-_--______.. Agent 1212 East Main Street, Richmond Va Gene_ral Ojttlces: Sl Beach Screet, 'corne '-*. J. BROWN H B. WALKER. Gen. Pass. AgBht, Traffic Manager. '...'<X NEW JAMES RIVER LINE. The handsome Steamer Dumoat lea«e3 Its wharf Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sat¬ urdays. at " A. M. for Norfolk, Newpor' News. and James River Landings, mak'n- connection in Norfolk for all points North! To avoid early rising. first-class state- rooms can be secured on board .he even-" ing before. First-class meals -served on board. Fare to Norfoik, ?l straight;- Ji.50 round trip." F. V. ARCHER. Gen'l "Vrg'r. f"*l LVDE BlT-AMSHl? CO.'S «j_frjjg_L _MlI_ADELPH?A_"R T C H M O -7_??j!?_f U1H& Appointed sailing days: Every TUE-"- DAV. FRIDAY and SUNDAY at day- frrelght received daily till 5 P. M. For further Information apply to J. "-*¦ McCARRICK. J__ og. 3outh«n, **Jm*tfSSg*gffi&- KAlXKOAUa* ~ SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE APRIL 2. 100*. TRAIXS LEAVE KICHMOND. VA., 11:00 P.M., Xo. 11, Southern Express. dally for Atlanta. Augusta, JacK- sonville and points Souih. Sleepe'" for Danviiie. Greensboro, balisburj. and Charlotte, open at Richmond 3:30 P. M. Stops tor passengers at iocal stations. Connects at Danville and Charlotte with New York aud Fiorida Express (Xo. 33), ^carryitig through sieepers between New YorK and Tampa, with connections for all Fiorida points. Also, connects at Danviiie and Charlotte with "Washington and Southwestern Lim¬ ited (No. 37), carrying through sleeoers between New York ana Nashville. New York and Menaphls. New York and New Orieans; also, 'Pullman Tourist sleeper Mondays, -Wednesdays and Fridays Washing¬ ton to San Francisco without change, with connections for all points in Texas, Mexico and Call- foniia. 12:01 P. M.. No. 7, solid train daily for Charlotte, N. C, connects at Mose- ley with Farmville and Powhatan Railroad. At Keysville for Clarks- ville. Oxford, Henderson and Dur- ham, and at Greensboro for Dur- lmm. Raleigh and Winston-Salem; at Danviiie with No. 35, United States fast mail, solid train, daily for 'Xew Orieans and points South. which carries sleeners Xew l"ork to New Orieans and New York to Jacksonville. connecting for Nassau and Havana. Throughout sleeper Salisbury to Memphis. Buffet-Far- lor Car between Richmond and Danville. 6:00 P. M. No. 17, Iocal. dally except Sunday. for Keysville and interme¬ diate points. v TRAIXS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND. G::*5 P. M. ) From Atlanta. Augusta and v Asheville and all points 6:00 A. M. j South. S:40 A. M. From Keysville and Iocal stations. LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIXS*. Xos. 01 and 02. between Manchester and Neapolis. YORK RIVER LINL via WEST POINT, THE FAVORAE ROUTE NORTH. LEAVES RICHMOND. 4:30 P. M., No. lti. Baltimore Limited, daily except Sundays, for West Point and intermediate stations, making close connection at West Point with steamer for Baltimore. 2:30 P. M., No. 10, iocal express. dally except Sundays. for West Point and intermediate stations. Connects with stage at Lester Manor for Walkerton and Tappahannock; also. at West Point with steamer for Baltimore. Stops at all stations." 5:00 A. M., No. 7-1, Iocal mixed. Leaves daily except Sunday from Virglnia- Street Station for West Point and intermediate stations, connecting with stage at Lester Manor for Walkerton and Tappahannock. TRAINS ARRIVE IN RICHMOND. 9:15 A. M., daily from West Point, with connection from Baltimore, except Mondays. 10:45 A. M., except Sundays and Mon¬ days. 5*15 1'. M., daily, except Sunday, from West Point and intermediate sta¬ tions. Steamers leave West Point daily, except Sundavs. 5:50 P. M., arriv¬ ing Baltimore S:00 A. M.: returning, leave Baltimore at 5 P. M." daily except Sundays, arriving Richmond 0:15 A. M. Steamers call at Gloucester Point and Almonds Wharf Tuesdays, Thursday s and Saturdays; York- town and Ciay Bank Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. C. W. WESTBL'RY. Traveling Passenger Agent. .No. 020 East Main Street, Richmond. Va. J. M. CUI.P. W: A. TL'RK. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent. F. S.GAN'NON. Third Vice-President and "General Man¬ ager. Washington. D. C. Chesapsaks ^fSpr1 aOhioRyJ SCHEDULE IN EFFECT AUG. 11. 100O. FROM KiGHMOND. LEAVE BKOAD-STxtEKX STATION. 7:00 A. M.. except sunuay, Locai for Newport News, Old Point and Nor¬ folk. . rr, . , 9:00 A. M., Daily *vbast Train, for Newport News, Old Point, Norfoik and Portsmouth. Parlor car. This train stops only at Wiiliamsburg. 3-40 P. AL. Daily Locai, for Xewport Xews, Oiu Point and Xorfolk. Pull¬ man to Old Point. '. 7:00 A. M., except Sunday, Locai Tratn to Clifton Forge. p-'-Ol noon, except Sunday, "Mountain Special." wtth Parlor cars tor Vir¬ ginia Hot Springs and White Sul¬ phur; also, Dining car west of Gor- donsville, meuls a la carte. Con¬ nects for Madison. Orange, Cul- peper, Calyerton, Manassas and Washington. , °*45 P. M.. Daily Limited. to Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louig. Pullman Sleeping cars. Connects tor Vir¬ ginia Hot Springs. 5:30 P- M., *Gdrdonsvllle Accommoda¬ tion, except Sunday 10-45 P M., Daily, F. F. V., to Cincin¬ nati anu Louisville. Pullman Steop- ing car. CONNECTS FOR VIP- G1N1A HOT ctPRlNGS. LEAVE EIGHTH-STRIUET STATION. 10-30 A. M., Daily, for i_ynchburg, Lex¬ ington and Clitton Forge. Parlor car. Connects, except Sunday, with Buckingham and Albertne branches ar.d tiaily lor New Castie. 6-00 P. M.. except Saturday and Sunday, to Warreti; on Saturday wiil leave at 3:30 P- M. and run to Giadstoue. TRAINS ARRIVE BROAD-STREET STATIo.n. 8:30 A. MV, and 3:30 P- M., Dally, from Cincinnati and Louisville. C:10 P. M., except Sunday, from Hinton and mountain resorts 11:35 A. M. Daily, 0:50 P. M. except Sun¬ day, and 10:15 P. H.. Daiiy irom Norfolk and Old Point. 8:15 P. M., except Sunday, from Clifton Forsc. TRAIXS ARRIVE EIGHTH-STREET J-X""i **- STATION. 8:40 A. M., except Sunday. from Warren and Alrercne, and o*i Mondays only frern Gladstone. 6-"0 P- M., Daily. from Lynchburg and CUfton Forge. Except Sunday. Trom New Castie, Lexington and Rosney. For detail information, connections. etc apply at Richmond Transfer office. \'o" 903 East Main Street; Chesapeake and Ohio Passenger Office. Xo. 809 East Main Street; Station T'^ket Offices. or address JOHN D. POTTS. Asflstant GenerM Pa«*enarpr Agent- LEAVE RICHMOND (DAILY), BYRD- STREET STATIOX. . 9:00 A. M., XORFOLK LIMITED. Arrive at NortolK 11:20 A. M. Stops only at Petersburg. Waverly and suf¬ folk. Second-class tickets not ac¬ cepted on this train. 9:05 A. AL. THE CHICAGO EXPRESS. for Lynchburg. Roanoke, Coiumbus and CMcago. Buffet Parlor Car Petersburg to Roanoke. Pullman Sleeper Roanoke to Coiumbus; also, for Bristol, Knoxyille and Chatta¬ nooga. Pullman Sleeper Roanoke to Knoxvllle. 3:15 P. M.. OCEAN SHORE LIMITED. Arrive Norfolk 5:35 P. M. btops only at Petersburg, Waverly, buf- folk. Second-class tickets not good on this train. 6:50 P. M.. for Suffolk. Norfolk and In¬ termediate stations. Arrives at Norfolk at 10:40 P. M. 9:10 P. M.. ior Lvnchburg and Roanoke. Connects at Lynchburg with Wash¬ ington and Chattanooga Limited. Pullman Sieepers Lynchburg to Memphis and New Orieans. Cafe. Parlor and Observatlon Car Kad- ford to Attalla. Ala. Pullman Sleeper between Richmond anu Lynchburg. Berths ready for occu- pancy at 8:30 P. M- Also. Pullman -Sleeper Petersburg and Roanoke. Trains arrive Richmond from_ Lynci-p 1-m.rg and Uie West dally at .;<Jo A. M. and 8:50 P. At.. rrorn Npr-o k and tha 11:10 A. M., Ut« A. iL ono 0..-C Pbjn'ce: No. 838 ^Q^%-ACyKR, City- Pass. and Ticket^ Agent. District Passenger Agent. W*. B. BEVILX. , Genaral Fauasgar Agent. K<ftIHO«D9 Atlantic Goasf Line __tJJ_i__J>iJ.-__. -_-?--'ECTlVi. AUG. 15. -_K». TRAINS I_EAV_3 RlCW&OSI>-B*E&- _n"_"___l_T STATION. 9:0O A. M., NORFOLK L-A-JTED,. Dalty. Arrlves Petersburs Mi»A _»_.. -Noc- tolk HiXl A. ___. Stops only at Petersnurg. "Waverly and Su_.ol--r ,*-. Va. 3:05 A. M.. Daily. Arrives Petersburg D-30 A- ___., Weldon 11:5** A. M-. Fayettevuie 4._.¦_. Jr*. M., Charlesto-- -¦>:__. P. it. Savannai- __-¦«*- A. AL. JacKsonvtl-e 7:30 A. ___.. Port Tam¬ pa 6__u p. jix. Connects at Wilson with No. 47, arriving Goldsboro 3:25 P. M., Wilmington 6:00 P. AL PuU- _nan Slesper New York to Jackson- vllle. 11:55 A. M. Daily, except Sunday. Artiv* . Petersburg 12:30 P. ___. Stops Man¬ chester. Drewry's Bluff. C_r_"-¦_!__. and Chester on signal. 3:15 P. M.. OCEAN SHORE ______ITED, Daily. Ar'-ives Petersburg' 3:45 P. AL, NorioiK 5:35 P. M- Stops only at Petersburg, Waverly and Su__o___ 6:00 P. M., Dauy. LocaL Arrive3 Fe.e»- burg G.Oo r. 2,1. Makes ali stops. 5:00 P. M. Daiiy, except Sunday. Arrives Petersburg. 5:-*o Jr. _____ Weldon ""..__* P. At.. anu Rocky Mount fi.oo P. AL Makes. all intermediate stops. 6:50 P. _»_., K__ORIDA ANu WEST IN¬ DIA LIAUTED.' Daiiy. Arrives Pe¬ tersburg .:__> P. M. Connects with Nortolic and Western for NorfoU. und intermediate points; Emporia. _»:lu (connects wita- A. and D. for stations between Emporia and Lawrenceville). Weldon S:5_. P. M.. Fayetteville l_>:_i> A. M-. Charles¬ ton 5:U_ A. AL, Savannah _:U_ A. M., Jacksonville ll:oO A- M., Port Tampa a:45 P. M. NEW LINE TO AEIDDLE GEOR¬ GIA POINTS..Arriving Augusta 7:55 A_ M.. Macon 11:15 A. M.. At¬ lanta 12:35 P. M. Pullman Sleepers New Yorit to Wilmington, Charles¬ ton. Jacksonville. Port Tampa, Au¬ gusta and Macon. 9:10 P. M., Daily. Arriving Petersburg 9:55 P. AL. connect at Petersourg with Nortoik and Western Railway, arriving Lynchburg ,:30 A. AL, Roanoke 5 A. M., Brisrol 10:40 A. M. Pullman Sleeper Richmond to Lynchburg. U:00 P. M., Daily. Arrives Petersburg 11:45 P. M. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 3:33 A. M.. Daily. Irom Jacksonville. Sa¬ vannah. Charleston, Atlanta. ila- con. Augusta anu ail points South. 7:35 A. M., Daiiy. from Petersburg. Lynchburg a,nd the \Vest. 8:45 A. M.. Daiiy. except Sunday, Pe¬ tersburg IccaL UtlO A. M.. Daiiy, except Sunday. from Goldsboro and inter-nedia.e sta¬ tions, Norfolk an-l Suf_o!l_. 11:05 A. M., Sunday o: ly, irom Norfolk, Suffolk and Petersburg. U:42 A. M.. Daily from Norfoik. Suffolk and Petersburg. 2:10 P. M.. Daily, except Sunday. from Petersburg. 6:50 P. AL. Daily. from Norfolk, SufTolk and Petersburg. 7:25 P. M., Daily, from Miami. Port Tampa. Jacksonville. Savannah, Charleston. Wilmington, Goldsboro and all points South. S:5C P. M.. Daily, from Petersburg, Lynchburg and West. T. At EMERSON. J. R. KENLEY. Traffic Manager. General Manager. H. St EMERSON, General Passenger Agent _ C. S. C.YMPSELL. Division Papsenger Agent 333 ______ Main Street. Riciirnond, Frederioksoorg and Potomae Railroad. Schedule in effect JULY 1. 1000 LEAVE BYRD-STREET STATION. 3:33 A. M. Daily ior Washington and polats North. Stops at Milfuru. FredericKsburg ar.d Q_aiu:c_. Sleepers to Washinglon and New York. 8:20 A. M. Sunaay only. tor Washing¬ ton and points North. sstoys at Elba, Glen Allen. Ashland, Tay- lorsviile, Dosweil, ltuih_r Glen. Penola, Milrord, Woodslane. Gui- nea. Sumaii_ Fredericksburg; Brooke, Wiuewate- and Quantico. Buffet Parlor Car. 9:01 A. M. Daily except Sunday for Washington and yointa North. Stops at Elba, Glen Allen. Ash¬ land. Doswell, Mtiroru. Fred .ricks- bufg and Quantico. Buff.t Parlor Car. 12:00 M. Daily. except Sunday. for Wash¬ ington and points North. Stops at Elba. Glen Allen. Ashland. Dos¬ well Milford, Fredericksburg and Quantlco. Buffet Parior Car. Cott nects with Congressionai i-imu-d at Washington. 7:45 I*. M. Daily, for Washington ar.d points North. Stops at Elba, Ash¬ land. Doswell, Millord. Fredericks¬ burg, Brooke. Widewater and Quantlco. Stops other stations Sundays. Sieeper Richmond to New York. Sleeper Washington to Philadelphia. __, __^___ ARRIVE BYRD-STREET STATION. 8:40 A. AL Daily. Stops at Widewater. Brooke, Fredericksburg. Mmord. Doswell. A_.il_.ud and £_____. Sto.-S other stations Sundays. Sleeper New York to Richmond. 3-05 P M. Daily. except Sunday. Stops ai Fredericksburg. Milford. Do.- -well Ashland, Glen Allen and Elba. BulT-t Parlor Car. G30 P M. Daiiv. Stous at Fredericks¬ burg Doswell. Ashland and Elba. Pullman cars from New York and AVashington. S-40 P M Daily. Stops at Widewater. Brooke Fredericksburg, Summit, Gu^'iea, Woodslane. Alilford. Penoia, Putlier Glen. Doswell, Taylorsville. Ashland. Glen Allen and Elba. Brffet Parlor Car. AC('OMMODATION TRAINS. (Daily. except Sunday.) ... « Ar Leaves ELBA for Quantlco. t-00 P M Leaves BYRD-STREET Sta- tion "for Fredericksburg. fi-30 pa Leaves ELBA for Ashland. e!_b A. M. Arrives ELBA from As"".- qo-, !vaRdM Arrtves BYRD-STREET Station from Fredericksburg. 0:05 P M. Arrives ELBA from Ash- S*A La THROUGH TRAINS VIA S. A. L. JUNCTION AND.R.. F. AND LEAVE BROAD-STPli-ET STATION. S-"0 A. M. Daily. for Washington and points North. Stops at Fred-tfc_-»- burg and Quantico. Sleepers to New York. Dining car. 6:00 P. M.>-. for^Va.hingon and ° points North. Stops at ©JJJg* Fredericksburg and Quantico. Sleeper to N"*»mJ,.* ,-,-m- ARRIVE BROAD-STREET STATIO o.<w\ t> "\f Daiiv. S:ons only at Fred- 2-S° l^UUbES. Doswell and Ashland. Sleeper from New -orfc. 10._0 v m. Daily. Stops only at Fretf- 10-° ericksburg. Doswell and Ash and Sleepers from New York. Dining V T prMTF_S VT. P. TAYLOR. ^Prelitlpnt Traffic Manager. # y\m !___». SEABOARD AIR LINE. THE FAVORiTE[BOUTE SOtTTH. -. HFDULE IN EFFECT J-NE X 19«>. ".Tm.p^C & O. BROAD-STREET __j_AVJ_"> staTION. ,,-.._. M. Daily. except Sunday. for 4 -M "S"»tersburg. Henderson, Durham. rtaleigh. Atlanta and all points South and Southwest. . .. P M "Florida Mail and Express." -¦.*' paily for Petersburg, Henderson, Raleigh. Cheruw. Camden. Colum- bia Savannan, Jacksonville. Tam- pa.' Fernandina and all Florida noints. 10-40 P. AL "FLORIDA LIMITED." 1V Datly for Petersburg. Henderson, Raleigh. T.V Umlngton. Charlotte, Chester, Athens, Atlanta, Mont¬ gomery. Mobile, New Oileans, points South and Southwest: Che- raw, Camden. Cotumbia, Savan¬ nah, Jacksonville. Tampa, Fernan- dlna and all Florida points. Trains arrive from South ac C. a Bro. d-Street Station. 5:1.- A. M. and 5;40 °. M. Oalty. Also, 2:00 P. M. Daiiy, ..x- cept S-ndey. For tlclteta. chsckteg baggage, slceping-. car rescrvatlon, etc. apply to the Sh.,_ board Air Line Rallway Office. ¦£_*_ Euat Maln SM_eet: Richmond Transfer Com- nany. 903 East Maln Street: Je.fersoa __cotet and to Depot Ticket Agent. Z. V. SAnTH. Dlst. Pa.-s. Ajeent, .36 East Alala Street,

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Page 1: THE CATARRH OF SUMMER, WHITEIfflRSTilil LAB($ ONLY · THE CATARRH OF SUMMER, IRer. Chas. Leander, San "franasco. Cala. "Rev


IRer. Chas. Leander, San "franasco. Cala.

"Rev. Chas. Leander, pastor First Spir-Itual Society ot San Francisco. writ-isfrom 311 Turk Street, San Francisco,Cala., as tollaws:

*. 5t is with pleasure that 1 give my en-dorsement oT Peruna. My experience hasbeen very satisfactory from its use. and Ido firmly believe that it is the best knownremedy for catarrh in all its differentforms."Mrs. B. Gibson

a recent letter,lor live years *-rf

Waxahachie. Tex., insays: "I was troubledh a chronic disease. I

Ufc-l e-v^ryUttng I; heard of. ^u-^nothrrig.*;dlSvme any f-ood. ;:*_->me dftctore said _ny-.trouble was "catarrh of tho bowels and.soine «dd t-onsumption of -the bowels.,,::One doctor said he could cure-me; I tookhis medicine /.two months, but it did meno good.

-.AjTriend of. mine advised" me to IryPeruna. and' I did so After. I had tekent«o bottles ! found it was helpWig mc,so I took six bottles,-and it cured mesound ..and well. lf any one wants toknow What Peruna has done for tm,iithey will write to me I will answerprcmplly.Emma Mankin, Mont Eagle, Tenn., In

a recent letter, says: "I have euffercdwith catarrh of the stomach and bowels.for. three years. I tried three doctorsand several different medicines recom-me-nded for troubles similar- to mine.Your medicino was recomrnended to me.and .--fter the use of thirteen bottles Iwas eiuirciy cured."Tiie exceedingly hot weather of the

present summer is producing an alarm-ing fatality from diarrhocu, cholera in-fanlum, cholera morbus and dysentery.Every family and person ought to be

provided with an effectlve preventive andcure for these discases. Peruna neverfalls when used in time. to cure themost severe cases of them. Thousandsof lives are saved by this unfailing rem¬

edy in all acute diseases of the tstomachand bowels. If you axe not aiready ac-

qualnted with tlie wonderful virtues ofPeruna In summer cornplaints, send fora free book written by Dr. Kartman,Columbus, Ohio, on diseases peculiar tosummer. which contains a description ofthe causes, symptoms and ciire of thesedangerous and prevalent diseases. Thisbook sent free to any address by TliePeruna Medicine Co,. Columbus. Ohio.

sessions begun:(Continued from Sixth Page.)

also bo asked to aid in this worthy enter¬prise.

R1CHSV10ND CHGWDED.Thcusat-.tls of Oild-Fellows Here from

AM Over tho Cotihtry.Broad Street last night prescnted a pretty

scene with its decorauons and hundreds ofvisiting Odd-Fellows from. all over thecountrj*. Until late at night the visitorsstreamed into the city and fllled up theboarding-houses and the hotels, and it was.with diffieulty that good accommodationcou)d bc obtained.

"Most of the delegates came from. XewEngland last n_ght, and over the Chesa¬peake ard Ohio a large crowd, embracingthe Bunker Hill Eneampment, of Charies-town; the Mount Washington, of South"Boston; the Everett and Fifty-ninth Re-hekahs, of Boston.ln the delegation were Capt. Charles

Carter, and Mrs. Clara. E. Ciark, of Louis-vi'le. president, and Mrs. Esther II.French, past president, of tiie Rebekahs.This delegation put up aL Ford's and

Murphy's.Early in the day a large delegation from

various places in Xew England arrived,and were quartered at the Lexington.Jefferson Hotel is practically filled, and¦with the crow-ds expected to-day, the ac-

commodations of the city wiil be taxed tothe utmosi.There are now not many short of 5.000

-visitors in the city. They will be aug-anented by several thousand more for theparade to-morrow and the ball Thursdaynighi.There are a large number of unique

badges. The Kentucky badges are beauti-tTul roiniatures of "Mary Anderson. and the(Maryland badges have small metal crabs;the lowa badges represent full ears ofcorn; those from Connecticut, an imita-tlon nutmeg; the Minnesota badge is abarrel of flour Maine has its coat of arms;"Mississippi a ba'.e of cotion; Michigan athermometer. and many others are beau¬tiful silver badges with appropriate in-soriptions.

RECEP HON AT THE JEFFERSON.FourThousand O.Id-i'ellcnvs Honored

at the Fuuct ion.The iirst public function in connection

with the seveniy-sixth annual session ofthe Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd-Fel¬lows was :i:t reception last night at theJeffers-.'!!. The afiair was attended by "atleast 4.<X>,1 Odd-Fellows, to say nothlng ofthe Rebekahs and the ladies and seiitle-jnen of Richmond in attendance who arenot members of the order. Besides theofficers and members of the SovereignGrand Lodge and ths Grand Eneamp¬ment there were Odd-Fellows representingthe subordinate lodges from nearly everyState and Territory in the Union, and agreat many Virginians were present who,while not counted with the fraternity.were glad to be ab'.e lo add to the pleas-nres of the oecasion.The ladies on ihe Reception Committee,

who acteu with the Grand Sire. the otherGrand oflicers and the chairmen of thelocai committees, were:Mrs. A. C. Cabie, of Ohio; Mrs. C. M.

Busbee, of Xorth Carolina; Mrs. C. B.Casswell, of Massachusetts; Mrs. JohnB. Goodwyn. of Georgia; Mrs. J. TaylorEllyson. of Virginia; Mrs. Allen E.¦Wright, of Allentown, Pa.; Miss DaisyWinston. of Richmoiiu; Mrs. M. J. Dur-ham. of Kentucky; Mrs. A. J. Montague,of Virginia; Mrs. Aifred Guthr'e, of XewYork; Mrs. Aifred Gray, of Richmond.One of the most important things done

by the Sovereign Grand Lodge yesterdaywas to appropriate J1..?"K> to a-neliorate thesuffertngs of the Odd-Fellows of Galves¬ton and to call upon all subordinatelodges to give such assistance to thiscause as possible.A ea'i was issued last evening summon-

Ing the Grand Lodge of Odd-Fellows ofVirginia to meet ;n the Masonic Temple ofthis city to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock,when business connected with the ses¬sion of .:he Sovereign Grand .Lodge wiilbe considered.

Patt-iurclis Militant. .

The Grand Sire and Commander-in-Chief his appointed Major-General JohnC. "U'iiitaker to the command of all Pa-trlarch Militant organizations at Rich¬mond and he will command the First Di¬vision of the parade on Wednesday, Sep¬tember 1<). Major-Gcneral B. C. Deans isal*o detailed to confer the grand decora-tlon of chivalry during this sessionChairman Mason, of Uie Rituatistt'c

Committee, announces that the exempli-

Kidney Troubl.eeSr._fl.tii CiBease. Jauodice. Pains in Sideor Earjpc-tx-d Sigit. Aching Bone*. Sn-clled Fcrt, Vuary XM-ordera and -iallow Coroplcxion, &


Weak, Unhealthy Kidney:THE CURE IS FOUND INOHf.SOr.-S,-_SS.R«DNEYfarrimySt-iit-jrfKaX F*HLL_-*T

Tb__ P<"r;-l-*r-; rl'^ed ret___y *-.Koae so Good aud iVctes so Ch&e:_¦_¦ lt _r_____ _T1 _m___. ._->-__._-»¦ .«,._¦_._..,_,-_._..

Pijf _0«U f"T fl--e _<_ot _____.>!.. , Mnde

fn«)B-_-5 u-ua..r« .,t. t?iubi_-tt«ALUtEAD.NG DRUGGISTS-

wt,nmmotS5m co., oi.trt-utio, _*.._*

fication of degree work will be held asfollows:The Subordinate Lodge degrees will be

worked in Masonic Hall this evening byFederal Cliy Lodge Xo. _Cv of Wa*shing-ton, D. C, and Newport News Lodge,of ICcwyort News. Va. The work willcommence at <":.<" P. M.. and no one willbo allowed to enter or depart during theworKins" of the degree.The Rchekah degree will'bc given ty

the Degree Staff of Olive Branch Lodge,No. 10, cf Indianapolis, Ind., at MasonicHall, corner -Adams and Eroad Streets,Thursday evening at S:30 o'clock.

Projrramine To-Day.Business session at 10 A. M. at Jefferson

Hotel. Frobable election of oflicers.5 P. M.. Dress Parade of the Third Reg¬

iment Patriarchs Militant, of Massachu¬setts, at Capltol Square. Revicw by Gov¬ernor Tyler.8:30 P. M., Annuai Reunion of the Past

Grand Representatives Union at Jeff.rsonHotel. Chairman James B. Elanks, ofPetersburg, will make welcoming remarks.Banquet, with Hon. C. M. Busbee. PastGrand Sire, toastmaster. Resnonses byprominent Odd-Fellows of America.

PERSONAL AND GENERALIuterrsrinj* Facts About T-ichint-iid's

Citizens an<l Othor Waller.Q.Senator Carter Glass, of Lynchburg, is

tn the city.The Masonic Home Auxiliary will meet

at the Temple to-day at 11 o'clock.Dr. J. T. Trevilian and family have re¬

turned from an extended northern trip.Dr. B. L. Taliaferro has returned to

the city after an absence of two weeks.Carrier C. AV. Woodwar-J. of Station B,

left last night for northern cities, wherehe will spend his vacation.Willie Johnson was. arrested by Of¬

ficer Walion yesterday. on the charge oftrying to shoot Hester Brown.Miss Annie Slpp has left for an extended

trip to Newarlc, X. J.. Nyack, X. Y.,Scrantcn, Pa., Buffalo, X. "Y, and NlagaraFalls.Mrs. Clay Drewry, who bas.been at her

home, in Albemarle,, Mountain View, dur¬ing the summer, returned to RichmondFnuay.Invitations have been sent out for the on Sept. Mth, of Mr. Albert B.Gentry and Miss Susan Lydia Abeli, atRox. Ya.Mrs. L. G. Lamkin, wife of Poiiceman

Lamkin. Xo. 3017 East Broad Street, wastaken quite i:l Saturday evening, but issllglitl;,- better.Mr. Wirt E. Taylor and familv, who

naye been-spendlrig some weeks at theBel Air Hotel, New Castle. Va., havereturned to the city.Sportnvn are taking advantage or tbeunusually fine weather for sora and'it lsunderstood that nearly two c__t_oa___nfthem left yesterday for the marshesCol James K Brady, wno has beenspending some time. at Old Point willprobably return to his home in Peter-bur-to-day. His health is conslaSrably' im¬proved.

-...'".ee^ Wer!^ and Schief arrestedY.d!:e Washington alias Willie Shot. ar.otnous negro, who is wanted in Balti¬more. He has served two terms in thepenitentiary here.Miss Sadie' Yeatman Lynn is now with

.her parenrs at No. 332 South Pine Street.after a visit of several months to heraunts, the .Alisses A. and E. Yeatman,in A\ ashington, D. C.Mr. Mark Thompson, Jr., wife and

daughter, _vl:ss Virginia, formerlv of thiscity, but now residents of Cleveland, O.,are visiting their father, M. T. Thomp¬son, on Cary Street Road.Mrs. Joseph Lovenstein, pf Savannah,

Ga., accompanied by her little daughter,Katherine, are spending a few days inRichmond, the guests of Mrs. I. Loven¬stein, No. 409 East Clay Street.Mr. Gera'd F. Higgins, of ths car-service

department of the Chesapeake and Ohio,is again as work, having been dischargedfrom the hospital at Clifton Forge, wherehe had been under treatment.Announcement is made of the engage-

ment of Miss Constance Evans to Mr. R.B. Easley, to be married October 3d. Theaffair will be very quiet Only the iin-modiate family\will be present.The suit of Rev. D. N. B.' Campbell

against the National Colored Baptist Con¬vention for $1,200 has been amicabiy ad-justed through the efforts of Giles B.Jackson, attorney for the convention.During Saturday night sometime, a

residence on East Broad Street was en¬tered by a sneek thief and a lot of* ladiesclothing was carried off. DetectivesGibson and Wren recovered the property.There wili be a regular monthly meet¬

ing of Richmond Chapter, U. D Cat Lee Camp Hall. at 5:30 o'clock. A fullattendance is hoped- for. as there will beonly one more meeting before the StateConvention.Mr. John Broaddus Allen -a._<j _.-s two

brothers, Fred. and Wilton, who have ~ot-ten their initial education in shipbuildingin the Trigg ship yards. in this city, havegone to the Sparrow's Point, Md., sh'pyard.

I-ichmnnders ln New Yorlt.(S'pecl-l Dispatch to The Times.)

NEW YORK, Sept. 17.Richmondersin New York: J. B. Morgan. BroadwayCentral: A. W. Waddell, Gllsey; J. BakeVand "-wife, Grand Union: A.' S.' Berford,Manhattan: H. A. Gillls, Imperial; R. b!Flerf Sl. !"-nI<' 1. Aug. Ven0<irn-;'Dr..G. Bar"."<__ls., *,YP5'n.!n.«t.r.

T-io l*l»._rnn luui'Hases.(By A-Soclate. Press.)

GLASGOW*. September 17,.Five ___d;-looal cases of bubonic plague have be.n.itorCed bere. __

WHITE LAB($ ONLYIfflRSTililbommittee. Takes a-Stand and Sets



Street Committee Postpones-Action on

Plans . City May Kun an

Electric.P 1 an t.

Other News ;

The Committee on First Market last

evening adopted a resolution provldingthat hereaftor only white labor shall Loemployed at this market.At the meeting of the Committee on

Cemeteries, a resolution offered by Coun-ei-man McCarthy, providing for the in¬crease of the pay of the hands employedat Oakwood, River View and Shockoecemeteries from S1.50 to $1.75 per day, afterthe first-of next Aprii, was unonimousiyadopted.The matter of the accounts of former

Superintendent French, of River Viewcemetery, was passed by until the nextmeeting. as Mr. French was absent. Ex-pert Aecountant McCarthy was present,and was prepared to mako his report. Itis understood that the report shows thatMr. French was a little slow in turningin money to the City Treasury.

STREET COMI.MITTEE MEETS.The Street Committee met yesterday

evening. After the transaction of con-siderable routine business. the amendedplan for rehabililating tne lines of theRichmond Passenger and Power Companywas taken up, and was referred to a spec¬ial committee, composed of the CityEngineer, the City Attorney, and onemember of the Street Committee fromeach ward, with instructions to report atthe next meeting. The Chair appointedthe following committee: Messrs. Gibson,Glenn. Pollock, Mills. Peters and Wobdy.Before the plan of the company was takenUp Colonel Cutshaw explainrd that hehad notitied tho Richmond Passenger andPower Company that they were expectedto use cross-overs in thsir construction ofnew traoks. and to pave the streets fromcurb to curb. w-here the parvciment was inbad condition as a result of the company'swork. Captain Pizzini, on behalf of thecompany, explained that he had orderedtwo cross-overs from the faciory, uponreceipt of Colonel Cutshaw's letter, andhe read a letter from the manufaeturers,saying that on, account of a rush of bus¬iness they could not be filled at once.Colcnel Cutshaw then suggested that int i mean time the company use tempor.irycross-overs. made out of old raiis, whichCaptain Pizzini agreed to do.As to the paving proposition. Mr. M. M.

Martin said the company was wllling togo ahcad with it, and take the risk of be¬ing paid by the city for that part, which(he company was not bound to construct,and Colonel Cutshaw asked that the CityAttorney render an opinion as to howmuch this company shouid do on its ownaccount. Captain Pizzini explained thaton account of putting in some now ma¬

chinery, the company had been forced toreriuce the number of cars temporarily onsome of its suburban lines, but promisedsoon to resume the old sehedule. Onmotion of Captain "Woody, the companywas induiged in the matter for ten days

¦r. 1The Peters Jim Crow Car ordinance

was. on motion' of Captain Mills, referredto the City Attorney. A petition from theBankers' Assoeiation was prescnted andgranted, ailowing the weleome arch tostand until after their meeting luire onOctober 1th.

COMMITTEE OX LTGHT.The Committee on Light also met, and

the Armitage Company's bid for a tenyears' contract for all salt, made fromamcniacal liquors at 40c. per 100 pounds,was favorably recommended to the Coun¬cil. The Superintendent of the Gas-YVorkswas instructed to send circtilars to theNewby Light Company and the "WcllsbachCompany for bids lor lighting 175 streetlamps. The proposition to ascertain thecost of the city erecting and maintainingan electric light and power plant was re¬

ferred to a spec'al committee, composedof Messns Tanner, Winston and Wood.The committee recommended an appro-priation of $150, or so much thereof as maybe necessary.- to defray SuperintendentKnowles' erpenses to the Xational Con¬vention Of Gas was agreed to light the torches on

the weleome arch tliree nights during theFireman's Carnival.The proposition to secure cheaper gas to

the Richmond public was postponed untilOctober.

ON RF.LTEF OF POOU.The Committee on Relief of the Poor

held its regular' monthly" session at theAlmt-house last night. The superintend-eiu's report for the month of Augustshowed tha number of ptuic-nts July 31,226; received during August. Sl; discharged,?9; died S; number remaining August 31,.ill; increase over last year, 11.In the hospital on July 31 there were

7G patients, 59 were received during Aug¬ust, 57 discharged, 4 died, leaving 74 there¬in on August 31, an increase of 5 over lastyear.The Almslkmse pay roll and sundry

bills were approyed and ordered to be paid.A contract for suuDlying the department

with fresh butter was awarded to S. F.

Are more than a disfigurement of ...

skin; they are a handicap to a youngman, alike in love and business. Thepimply face looks dissipated and bothn*ercliaut and maiden look askance atthe unfortttnate fellow whose face is histnisfortune. An al¬most certain curetor pimples andsimilar disfiguringeruptions is foundin Dr. Pierce'sGolden MedicalDiscovery. It pur-ifies the blood oftiie corruptingcause of ordinaryeruptive diseases,'cleauses the skinand builds up thebody with -soundwholesome flesh." Discovery " coh-tains neither alco-bol nor narcotics."I am well pleasedwith your medicines,"

writes John A. Ca.Ho-way, Esq., of No. 21826tn St., Coiumbus,Ga. "ln 189j I was

workins at night andI broke out in lumpsall over, and whenthese left the skinpeeied off. 1 took sisbottles of 'GoldenMedical Discovery,'and two of DoctorFiercc's Pellets, andI do believe that 1aa sound and well. I have a good eppetite, butbefore I conunenced treatment 1 had no appetiteat all. My eyes were sunken. and my face waspale. I had pimples and brown spots ou myface. Now these are ail -gone. I have usedmaay kiudsof medidnes-but received no bene¬fit. **,a3t year 1 weighed one hundred andthirtv-four pouada, ana now I wesgb-one hun¬dred ac-J furty-fivc. Plesi-c accep: 313? t'ie.:iks.I nni »o glad 1 found the right kind o? tntdlwno.*'

Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser sent freeon receiot of stamps to pay expense ofmailing ~only. Send 21 one-cent stampsfor book in paper covers, or 31.stamps.for«loth- to Dr. E.iV.; Rircei Buffifio, .N. Y.

A gorgeous cosiume flaslied beneath the brilliant lightsof a ball'room. The queen of society is radiant to-night.

The nervous hands of a vreak woman have toiled dayand night, the weary form and aching head have known no

rest. for the dress must be finished in time.To that queen of society and her dressmaker we would

say a word. One through hothouse culture. luxury andsocial excitement, and the other through the toil of necessity,may some day find their ailments a common cause.

jtfervous prostration, exciiability, fainting spells, dizzi-ness, sleeolessness, loss of appetite and strength, all indicateserio'us trouble, which has been promoted by an over-taxedsystem.

For the society queen and the dressmaker alike, there isnothing so reliable as I_ydia E. Pii-Miam's VegetableComponii-i to restore strength, vigor, and happiness.

Mrs. Lizzie Anderson, 49 Union St. LSaiem, N. J., writes :

gratefulovaricsr^-ili-i'? of the worob, and. leucorrhcsa. At times could not hold a.

nf-edle"to sew. The first dose of your Vegetable Comnound helped mc so

much that'I k'ept cn using it. I have now taken six bottles and am welland able to do mv work. I aiso ride a wheel and feel no bad eifects fromit.' I am tha__k_£"il to the Giver of all good for giving- you the wisdom of

curing suifering women. I recommend your med¬icine to evcxy woman troubled with aay cf thesediseases."

Mrs. 5ara__ Swoder, 103 West Si,9La Porte, Ind., writes:

"Deak Mrs. P__i_o____i:.It gives mo greatpleasure to tell you how much good Lydsa E.Pickharn's Vegetable Coi_-po_*-_d has done for me.

"I had been a sufferer for years with femaletrouble. I could not sew but a few minutes at a

time without suiiering terribly with my head.lly back and kidneys also troubled me all thetime. 1 was adviscd by a friend to take your med¬icine. I had no faith in it, but decided to try it.After taking one bottle I felt so much better thatI continued its use, and by the time I had takensix bottles I was cured. There is no othermedicinefor me. I recommend it to all my friends."

Owing to the fact that some skcptical Speople have from time to time questioned «th_ geauinenessof the testimonial letters 9we are constantly publishinir, we have §

depositcd with the National City Bank, of Lynn^Mass., §5,000, |which will be paid to any person who will show that the above gtestimonials are not f-enuine, or were published before obtaining jjthe writerB' special perrai-sion..Lvdia E. Pisxllam Msdicinhi Co. %

¦ -___; |__a_8_________g_______an a _a__ ______

Padgett & Co. A communication was re¬

ceived fro.n Doctor Edward McCarthystating that he had been requested to takecharge- of the emergeney serviceon the oecasion of the parades whichoeeur on the 27th and 2Stli of the monthunder the ausptees of the Virginia StateFiremen's Assoeiation, and requesting theuse of one of the city ambuiances forsaid parades. A motion to grant the re¬

quest with the proviso that the ambulanceshall go in the parade in charge of one ofthe resident physictans of the Almshousewas ado'ned.A similar request for one cf the ambu¬

iances for the Odd-Fellows' pa.acle was

granted on the same condition.Owing to Uie Firemen's Convention oc-

curring on the 2Cta. tho day set for an

inspection of the charitable was decided to pcsipor.e the tour untilsome time in October. The superintend¬ent was directed to repair the ambulance,and Messrs. Curtis and Thomason were

appointed a sub-committee, with power toact to have repairs of white ambulance

BIcKinley to Relunt.J(By Associntod I'ress.)

CANTON, OHIO, Sept. 17..PresidentMcKinley will start for Washington to re¬

main for several days, and will returnhere the latter part of the week. It issaid that some matters bearing on theChinese question require early attention.

Delejjiite* to Staunton.The dedegates from Pickett Camp to the

Grand Camp at Staunton, October 10th.,re Messrs. R. F. Morris, M. W. Hazie-wood, James A. McLaughlin, G. M. He'.ms,W. B. "Whitlock, P. S. Buford and LucienJackson.

l>r. MacLc-aii lUsck."Dr. S. H. MacLean has returned to the

city after an absence of two weeks, spentvisiting friends and relatives in -the XewEngiand States._

Free Fijrht W-is On.A general fist fight occurred last night

at the Morning Glory Saloon on Se'ven-teeiuh Street near Broad, in which col¬ored men and women figured prominent-lv. Buck Spotswood received a cut onthe head and one of the women had a

finger badly bitten.AVilliam Bradley, william Henderson

and two of the women are now in theFirst Station, and wili tell their troublesto Justice John this morning._¦-

Mm-e Examii-ations.An examination will be held at the

postofflce in this city on Xovember 21;ItHXi, under the rules oi the Cnited StatesCivil Service Commission, for the pesi-tions of clerk and earrler in the classi-fied postofflce service.Persons wishing application blanks"

should apply to H. F- Archer, secretaryBoard of Examiners, registry division,postofflce.

Coniiiiittee to Meet.The Executive Committee of the "Vir¬

ginia State Sunday-school Assoeiationnae been called to meet-this atternoon atU..A- o'clock at the ofnee of Prof. W. F.tos, superintendent -vpubltc schools, in.-..e City Hall.

At 'Friaco the llo~rd of Supervisors haspsssed an ordinance rsducing. the hoursthat laundries may be in operation eachday, which ia designed to reduce the hoursof labor of the overworked emp'oyes. ofthese concerns from fUteen. to. twelve.boura. _,



t&j Prevent ail unpleasantness of J|gpi bad teeth, foul breath, sore tM|?3§ gums, by using ...$gi fvliLLER'S No. 4 &.0UTH WASH, £

P:__?fc@. .Sci_S^__.H_v«_. *

T. A. MILLER, 519 E. Broad,Branch Under Jefferson Hotel.

^1^- jA t"'*^'? ->,_-. -.:<.¦ -?Ji.-I.-_3

G!_ Dominionleamship Co.

Daily Line for New York, the Northand East


cept Sunday, ac U A -_L. and 3:40 P. Al.via. C. und O. Ry., or U A. M. and 3:15p M. via N. aud W. Ky., conneeting atNortolk with direct steamers sailingsaroe day, 7:30 P. M.

shiP at Nortolk.FREIGHT tor all northern, eastern

end foreign ports received and forwardeddaily. excent Sundav.

FhGM f_EW YORK.PASS1__suj_._-_). can leave JL>AI.LY, ex¬

cept Sunday irom Cuinpany's pier, No "\iXm-rh Kiver. at 3 P. Al.. ?or iiiw c"

_-¦_...__ ._,. __-CIin_Gn>and .toi-vvaraed da'ivexcept S_un_ay. 1Jf

Tickets otisale at Richmond. Tran -f«PCompany, 903 East Main Street Jeffer .onHotel, C. and O. and ii. an_ _r. deootsRichmond. Baggage checked through tnall noints..11 noints.For further Information. app.v toJOHN F. aiAyjER. Agen"'chmond,

W-est Street. New York N._Y JFI '*

_»_>x__» _.-. _-_--______.. Agent1212 East Main Street, Richmond VaGene_ral Ojttlces: Sl Beach Screet, 'corne

'-*. J. BROWNH B. WALKER. Gen. Pass. AgBht,

Traffic Manager. '...'<XNEW JAMES RIVER LINE.

The handsome Steamer Dumoat lea«e3Its wharf Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sat¬urdays. at

" A. M. for Norfolk, Newpor'News. and James River Landings, mak'n-connection in Norfolk for all points North!To avoid early rising. first-class state-rooms can be secured on board .he even-"ing before. First-class meals -served onboard. Fare to Norfoik, ?l straight;- Ji.50round trip."

F. V. ARCHER. Gen'l "Vrg'r.

f"*l LVDE BlT-AMSHl? CO.'S «j_frjjg_L_MlI_ADELPH?A_"R T C H M O -7_??j!?_fU1H&

Appointed sailing days: Every TUE-"-DAV. FRIDAY and SUNDAY at day-frrelght received daily till 5 P. M.For further Information apply to

J. "-*¦ McCARRICK.J__og. 3outh«n, **Jm*tfSSg*gffi&-




11:00 P.M., Xo. 11, Southern Express.dally for Atlanta. Augusta, JacK-sonville and points Souih. Sleepe'"for Danviiie. Greensboro, balisburj.and Charlotte, open at Richmond3:30 P. M. Stops tor passengers atiocal stations. Connects at Danvilleand Charlotte with New York audFiorida Express (Xo. 33), ^carryitigthrough sieepers between New YorKand Tampa, with connections forall Fiorida points. Also, connectsat Danviiie and Charlotte with"Washington and Southwestern Lim¬ited (No. 37), carrying throughsleeoers between New York anaNashville. New York and Menaphls.New York and New Orieans; also,'Pullman Tourist sleeper Mondays,-Wednesdays and Fridays Washing¬ton to San Francisco withoutchange, with connections for allpoints in Texas, Mexico and Call-foniia.

12:01 P. M.. No. 7, solid train daily forCharlotte, N. C, connects at Mose-ley with Farmville and PowhatanRailroad. At Keysville for Clarks-ville. Oxford, Henderson and Dur-ham, and at Greensboro for Dur-lmm. Raleigh and Winston-Salem;at Danviiie with No. 35, UnitedStates fast mail, solid train, dailyfor 'Xew Orieans and points South.which carries sleeners Xew l"orkto New Orieans and New York toJacksonville. connecting for Nassauand Havana. Throughout sleeperSalisbury to Memphis. Buffet-Far-lor Car between Richmond andDanville.

6:00 P. M. No. 17, Iocal. dally exceptSunday. for Keysville and interme¬diate points. v

TRAIXS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND.G::*5 P. M. ) From Atlanta. Augusta and

v Asheville and all points6:00 A. M. j South.S:40 A. M. From Keysville and Iocal

stations.LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIXS*.Xos. 01 and 02. between Manchesterand Neapolis.


LEAVES RICHMOND.4:30 P. M., No. lti. Baltimore Limited,

daily except Sundays, for WestPoint and intermediate stations,making close connection at WestPoint with steamer for Baltimore.

2:30 P. M., No. 10, iocal express. dallyexcept Sundays. for West Point andintermediate stations. Connectswith stage at Lester Manor forWalkerton and Tappahannock; West Point with steamer forBaltimore. Stops at all stations."

5:00 A. M., No. 7-1, Iocal mixed. Leavesdaily except Sunday from Virglnia-Street Station for West Point andintermediate stations, connectingwith stage at Lester Manor forWalkerton and Tappahannock.

TRAINS ARRIVE IN RICHMOND.9:15 A. M., daily from West Point, with

connection from Baltimore, exceptMondays.

10:45 A. M., except Sundays and Mon¬days.

5*15 1'. M., daily, except Sunday, fromWest Point and intermediate sta¬tions.Steamers leave West Point daily,

except Sundavs. 5:50 P. M., arriv¬ing Baltimore S:00 A. M.: returning,leave Baltimore at 5 P. M." dailyexcept Sundays, arriving Richmond0:15 A. M.Steamers call at Gloucester Point

and Almonds Wharf Tuesdays,Thursday s and Saturdays; York-town and Ciay Bank Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays.

C. W. WESTBL'RY.Traveling Passenger Agent.

.No. 020 East Main Street,Richmond. Va.

J. M. CUI.P. W: A. TL'RK.Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent.

F. S.GAN'NON.Third Vice-President and "General Man¬ager. Washington. D. C.

Chesapsaks^fSpr1 aOhioRyJSCHEDULE IN EFFECT AUG. 11. 100O.

FROM KiGHMOND.LEAVE BKOAD-STxtEKX STATION.7:00 A. M.. except sunuay, Locai for

Newport News, Old Point and Nor¬folk. . rr, . ,

9:00 A. M., Daily *vbast Train, forNewport News, Old Point, Norfoikand Portsmouth. Parlor car. Thistrain stops only at Wiiliamsburg.

3-40 P. AL. Daily Locai, for XewportXews, Oiu Point and Xorfolk. Pull¬man to Old Point. '.

7:00 A. M., except Sunday, Locai Tratnto Clifton Forge.

p-'-Ol noon, except Sunday, "MountainSpecial." wtth Parlor cars tor Vir¬ginia Hot Springs and White Sul¬phur; also, Dining car west of Gor-donsville, meuls a la carte. Con¬nects for Madison. Orange, Cul-peper, Calyerton, Manassas andWashington. ,

°*45 P. M.. Daily Limited. to Cincinnati,Louisville and St. Louig. PullmanSleeping cars. Connects tor Vir¬ginia Hot Springs.

5:30 P- M., *Gdrdonsvllle Accommoda¬tion, except Sunday

10-45 P M., Daily, F. F. V., to Cincin¬nati anu Louisville. Pullman Steop-ing car. CONNECTS FOR VIP-G1N1A HOT ctPRlNGS.

LEAVE EIGHTH-STRIUET STATION.10-30 A. M., Daily, for i_ynchburg, Lex¬

ington and Clitton Forge. Parlorcar. Connects, except Sunday, withBuckingham and Albertne branchesar.d tiaily lor New Castie.

6-00 P. M.. except Saturday and Sunday,to Warreti; on Saturday wiil leaveat 3:30 P- M. and run to Giadstoue.


8:30 A. MV, and 3:30 P- M., Dally, fromCincinnati and Louisville.

C:10 P. M., except Sunday, from Hintonand mountain resorts

11:35 A. M. Daily, 0:50 P. M. except Sun¬day, and 10:15 P. H.. Daiiy iromNorfolk and Old Point.

8:15 P. M., except Sunday, from CliftonForsc.


8:40 A. M., except Sunday. from Warrenand Alrercne, and o*i Mondays onlyfrern Gladstone.

6-"0 P- M., Daily. from Lynchburg andCUfton Forge. Except Sunday.Trom New Castie, Lexington andRosney.

For detail information, connections.etc apply at Richmond Transfer office.\'o" 903 East Main Street; Chesapeakeand Ohio Passenger Office. Xo. 809 EastMain Street; Station T'^ket Offices. oraddress JOHN D. POTTS.

Asflstant GenerM Pa«*enarpr Agent-


9:00 A. M., XORFOLK LIMITED. Arriveat NortolK 11:20 A. M. Stops onlyat Petersburg. Waverly and suf¬folk. Second-class tickets not ac¬

cepted on this train.9:05 A. AL. THE CHICAGO EXPRESS.

for Lynchburg. Roanoke, Coiumbusand CMcago. Buffet Parlor CarPetersburg to Roanoke. PullmanSleeper Roanoke to Coiumbus; also,for Bristol, Knoxyille and Chatta¬nooga. Pullman Sleeper Roanoke toKnoxvllle.

3:15 P. M.. OCEAN SHORE LIMITED.Arrive Norfolk 5:35 P. M. btopsonly at Petersburg, Waverly, buf-folk. Second-class tickets not goodon this train.

6:50 P. M.. for Suffolk. Norfolk and In¬termediate stations. Arrives atNorfolk at 10:40 P. M.

9:10 P. M.. ior Lvnchburg and Roanoke.Connects at Lynchburg with Wash¬ington and Chattanooga Limited.Pullman Sieepers Lynchburg to

Memphis and New Orieans. Cafe.Parlor and Observatlon Car Kad-ford to Attalla. Ala. PullmanSleeper between Richmond anu

Lynchburg. Berths ready for occu-

pancy at 8:30 P. M- Also. Pullman-Sleeper Petersburg and Roanoke.

Trains arrive Richmond from_ Lynci-p1-m.rg and Uie West dally at .;<Jo A. M.and 8:50 P. At.. rrorn Npr-o k and 11:10 A. M., Ut« A. iL ono 0..-C

Pbjn'ce: No. 838 ^Q^%-ACyKR,City- Pass. and Ticket^ Agent.

District Passenger Agent.W*. B. BEVILX. ,

Genaral Fauasgar Agent.


Atlantic Goasf Line__tJJ_i__J>iJ.-__. -_-?--'ECTlVi. AUG. 15. -_K».


9:0O A. M., NORFOLK L-A-JTED,. Dalty.Arrlves Petersburs Mi»A _»_.. -Noc-tolk HiXl A. ___. Stops only atPetersnurg. "Waverly and Su_.ol--r

,*-. Va.3:05 A. M.. Daily. Arrives Petersburg

D-30 A- ___., Weldon 11:5** A. M-.Fayettevuie 4._.¦_. Jr*. M., Charlesto---¦>:__. P. it. Savannai- __-¦«*- A. AL.JacKsonvtl-e 7:30 A. ___.. Port Tam¬pa 6__u p. jix. Connects at Wilsonwith No. 47, arriving Goldsboro 3:25P. M., Wilmington 6:00 P. AL PuU-_nan Slesper New York to Jackson-vllle.

11:55 A. M. Daily, except Sunday. Artiv* .

Petersburg 12:30 P. ___. Stops Man¬chester. Drewry's Bluff. C_r_"-¦_!__.and Chester on signal.

3:15 P. M.. OCEAN SHORE ______ITED,Daily. Ar'-ives Petersburg' 3:45 P.AL, NorioiK 5:35 P. M- Stops onlyat Petersburg, Waverly and Su__o___

6:00 P. M., Dauy. LocaL Arrive3 Fe.e»-burg G.Oo r. 2,1. Makes ali stops.

5:00 P. M. Daiiy, except Sunday. ArrivesPetersburg. 5:-*o Jr. _____ Weldon ""..__*P. At.. anu Rocky Mount fi.oo P. ALMakes. all intermediate stops.

6:50 P. _»_., K__ORIDA ANu WEST IN¬DIA LIAUTED.' Daiiy. Arrives Pe¬tersburg .:__> P. M. Connects withNortolic and Western for NorfoU.und intermediate points; Emporia._»:lu (connects wita- A. and D. forstations between Emporia andLawrenceville). Weldon S:5_. P. M..Fayetteville l_>:_i> A. M-. Charles¬ton 5:U_ A. AL, Savannah _:U_ A.M., Jacksonville ll:oO A- M., PortTampa a:45 P. M.NEW LINE TO AEIDDLE GEOR¬

GIA POINTS..Arriving Augusta7:55 A_ M.. Macon 11:15 A. M.. At¬lanta 12:35 P. M. Pullman SleepersNew Yorit to Wilmington, Charles¬ton. Jacksonville. Port Tampa, Au¬gusta and Macon.

9:10 P. M., Daily. Arriving Petersburg9:55 P. AL. connect at Petersourgwith Nortoik and Western Railway,arriving Lynchburg ,:30 A. AL,Roanoke 5 A. M., Brisrol 10:40 A.M. Pullman Sleeper Richmond toLynchburg.

U:00 P. M., Daily. Arrives Petersburg11:45 P. M.

TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND.3:33 A. M.. Daily. Irom Jacksonville. Sa¬

vannah. Charleston, Atlanta. ila-con. Augusta anu ail points South.

7:35 A. M., Daiiy. from Petersburg.Lynchburg a,nd the \Vest.

8:45 A. M.. Daiiy. except Sunday, Pe¬tersburg IccaL

UtlO A. M.. Daiiy, except Sunday. fromGoldsboro and inter-nedia.e sta¬tions, Norfolk an-l Suf_o!l_.

11:05 A. M., Sunday o: ly, irom Norfolk,Suffolk and Petersburg.U:42 A. M.. Daily from Norfoik. Suffolk

and Petersburg.2:10 P. M.. Daily, except Sunday. from

Petersburg.6:50 P. AL. Daily. from Norfolk, SufTolk

and Petersburg.7:25 P. M., Daily, from Miami. Port

Tampa. Jacksonville. Savannah,Charleston. Wilmington, Goldsboroand all points South.

S:5C P. M.. Daily, from Petersburg,Lynchburg and West.T. At EMERSON.J. R. KENLEY. Traffic Manager.General Manager.

H. St EMERSON,General Passenger Agent

_C. S. C.YMPSELL.Division Papsenger Agent333 ______ Main Street.

Riciirnond, Frederioksoorg andPotomae Railroad.

Schedule in effect JULY 1. 1000LEAVE BYRD-STREET STATION.

3:33 A. M. Daily ior Washington andpolats North. Stops at Milfuru.FredericKsburg ar.d Q_aiu:c_.Sleepers to Washinglon and NewYork.

8:20 A. M. Sunaay only. tor Washing¬ton and points North. sstoys atElba, Glen Allen. Ashland, Tay-lorsviile, Dosweil, ltuih_r Glen.Penola, Milrord, Woodslane. Gui-nea. Sumaii_ Fredericksburg;Brooke, Wiuewate- and Quantico.Buffet Parlor Car.

9:01 A. M. Daily except Sunday forWashington and yointa North.Stops at Elba, Glen Allen. Ash¬land. Doswell, Mtiroru. Fred .ricks-bufg and Quantico. Buff.t ParlorCar.

12:00 M. Daily. except Sunday. for Wash¬ington and points North. Stops atElba. Glen Allen. Ashland. Dos¬well Milford, Fredericksburg andQuantlco. Buffet Parior Car. Cottnects with Congressionai i-imu-dat Washington.

7:45 I*. M. Daily, for Washington ar.dpoints North. Stops at Elba, Ash¬land. Doswell, Millord. Fredericks¬burg, Brooke. Widewater andQuantlco. Stops other stationsSundays. Sieeper Richmond toNew York. Sleeper Washington to

Philadelphia. __, __^___

ARRIVE BYRD-STREET STATION.8:40 A. AL Daily. Stops at Widewater.

Brooke, Fredericksburg. Mmord.Doswell. A_.il_.ud and £_____. -¦ Sto.-Sother stations Sundays. SleeperNew York to Richmond.

3-05 P M. Daily. except Sunday. Stopsai Fredericksburg. Milford. Do.--well Ashland, Glen Allen andElba. BulT-t Parlor Car.

G30 P M. Daiiv. Stous at Fredericks¬burg Doswell. Ashland and Elba.Pullman cars from New York andAVashington.

S-40 P M Daily. Stops at Widewater.Brooke Fredericksburg, Summit,Gu^'iea, Woodslane. Alilford. Penoia,Putlier Glen. Doswell, Taylorsville.Ashland. Glen Allen and Elba.Brffet Parlor Car.AC('OMMODATION TRAINS.

(Daily. except Sunday.)... « Ar Leaves ELBA for Quantlco.t-00 P M Leaves BYRD-STREET Sta-

tion "for pa Leaves ELBA for Ashland.e!_b A. M. Arrives ELBA from As"".-

qo-, !vaRdM Arrtves BYRD-STREETStation from Fredericksburg.

0:05 P M. Arrives ELBA from Ash-



S-"0 A. M. Daily. for Washington andpoints North. Stops at Fred-tfc_-»-burg and Quantico. Sleepers to

New York. Dining car.

6:00 P. M.>-. for^Va.hingon and°

points North. Stops at ©JJJg*Fredericksburg and Quantico.Sleeper to N"*»mJ,.* ,-,-m-


o.<w\ t> "\f Daiiv. S:ons only at Fred-2-S° l^UUbES. Doswell and Ashland.Sleeper from New -orfc.

10._0 v m. Daily. Stops only at Fretf-10-°ericksburg. Doswell and Ash andSleepers from New York. Dining

V T prMTF_S VT. P. TAYLOR.^Prelitlpnt Traffic Manager.

# y\m !___».SEABOARD AIR LINE.


-. HFDULE IN EFFECT J-NE X 19«>.".Tm.p^C & O. BROAD-STREET__j_AVJ_"> staTION.,,-.._. M. Daily. except Sunday. for4 -M "S"»tersburg. Henderson, Durham.

rtaleigh. Atlanta and all pointsSouth and Southwest.

. .. P M "Florida Mail and Express."-¦.*' paily for Petersburg, Henderson,Raleigh. Cheruw. Camden. Colum-bia Savannan, Jacksonville. Tam-pa.' Fernandina and all Floridanoints.

10-40 P. AL "FLORIDA LIMITED."1V Datly for Petersburg. Henderson,Raleigh. T.V Umlngton. Charlotte,Chester, Athens, Atlanta, Mont¬gomery. Mobile, New Oileans,points South and Southwest: Che-raw, Camden. Cotumbia, Savan¬nah, Jacksonville. Tampa, Fernan-dlna and all Florida points.

Trains arrive from South ac C. aBro. d-Street Station. 5:1.- A. M. and 5;40°. M. Oalty. Also, 2:00 P. M. Daiiy, ..x-cept S-ndey.For tlclteta. chsckteg baggage, slceping-.

car rescrvatlon, etc. apply to the Sh.,_board Air Line Rallway Office. ¦£_*_ EuatMaln SM_eet: Richmond Transfer Com-nany. 903 East Maln Street: Je.fersoa__cotet and to Depot Ticket Agent.

Z. V. SAnTH.Dlst. Pa.-s. Ajeent,

.36 East Alala Street,